How and how to glue the foam to various surfaces. What is the most reliable way to glue polystyrene to wood How to glue polystyrene to wood with glue

The thermal insulation of modern materials is based on the creation of volumes with a stationary gaseous medium. To increase the already high performance of materials for insulation allows gluing foam to the wall. For this, adhesive compositions are used, both in the form of semi-finished products and ready-to-use. Before you decide how to glue the foam, you need to understand at least a little the specifics of the use of adhesives.

Before gluing the foam to the wall, select the adhesive composition that is optimally suited to the wall material and the insulation itself.

The use of expanded polystyrene foam imposes certain restrictions on the substances that make up the adhesive used. When purchasing it, you must carefully study the ingredients and if it contains:

  • esters (methyl acetate, butyl acetate);
  • alcohols;
  • derivatives of natural gas (propane, hexane and others);
  • amines (aniline, etc.);
  • hydrocarbon processing products (gasoline, kerosene, white spirit, etc.)
  • ketones (acetone, etc.);
  • compounds containing chlorine (dichloroethane, chloroform);
  • nitrogen compounds (nitrobenzene, nitromethane);

then you do not need to buy such glue. The compounds included in it have a destructive effect on the structure of expanded polystyrene either immediately or over time.

To obtain a high-quality result when gluing polystyrene foam on walls, it is recommended to use the following materials:

  • formulations based on dry mixes;
  • "liquid nails";
  • mounting foam;
  • polyurethane foam.

In some cases, it is possible to combine the indicated adhesive compositions.

Before gluing the foam, its surface can be treated with a needle roller to improve adhesion with adhesive mixtures.

We use semi-finished products

Dry adhesive compositions allow you to glue the foam to the brick wall efficiently and quickly enough. Their use has several advantages:

  • low cost;
  • availability;
  • low consumption of glue per unit area.
  • place of sale (it is desirable to purchase bags located and stored indoors);
  • the integrity of the package (the surface of the bag must be without through gusts);
  • production date (it is not recommended to buy a mixture made 12 months before purchase);
  • absence on the bag of traces of liquid ingress or wetting of the surface;
  • the mobility of the contents when carrying (there should not be a feeling of having a large stone in the bag).

  • the need for water to prepare the solution;
  • the time spent on its preparation;
  • relatively long final fixation on the surface (about 3 days);
  • the impossibility of attaching polystyrene foam to concrete and metal surfaces.

The finished mixture can be applied both to the foam and to the wall. Plate stickers are made from the bottom up.

Help an old friend

Of particular difficulty and confusion is the question: “What kind of glue to glue the insulation to the metal?” The answer is simple.

Sticking foam on a metal surface is carried out using PVA building glue.

Being an affordable and inexpensive material, it does an excellent job with the task assigned to it. The burlap impregnated with glue is fixed on the metal. After the glue dries, the foam is glued to the wall. Plates are abundantly lubricated with PVA.

Expect an increase in the density of the glue (during this time, you can spread the next plate). Press the plate for a short time. As a result, a good fastening strength result is obtained.

Fast but expensive

Many compositions require holding for some time (sometimes long) the glued board. How can I quickly glue the thermal insulator, thereby reducing downtime?

"Liquid nails" are used when it is necessary to insulate a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall from any material. Before gluing the foam to concrete or other material, clean it of foreign deposits and cover with a primer layer.

The main advantages of this composition are:

  1. versatility of application;
  2. fast installation (long-term holding of the sheet is not required).

A rather high cost should be attributed to the disadvantage, but you have to pay for convenience. "Liquid nails" are sold in tubes of 300 ml. Squeezed out of the tube with a sealant gun.

And here you are, my old lady

Polystyrene foam can be glued to concrete, brick, stone with mounting foam. To do this, just apply it around the perimeter and cross through the center. Attach the plate to the installation site. After installing several rows, fill the gaps between the slabs with foam.

Advantages of using polyurethane foam:

  • reliable fastening of plates on stone building materials;
  • ease of application.

There are still many more cons:

  • increased degree of expansion after application (due to uneven expansion, voids and surface irregularities may form);
  • high consumption of foam per square meter;
  • the need for long-term fixation of the plate due to the long setting;
  • destruction of the structure of the thermal insulator under the influence of foam components is possible.

If you can reduce the consumption by using a foam gun, then nothing can be done about other shortcomings. Therefore, it remains only to accept or choose another adhesive composition, which will be used to glue polystyrene foam.

Young, but strong, he is devoid of flaws

If you ask: “What is the best way to glue foam insulation?”, Then you will hear in response: “Polyurethane foam adhesive-foam”. It is specially designed for fastening polystyrene foam to vertical surfaces of various materials.

Before sticking the foam to concrete or other material, clean the surface of foreign deposits, dust and dirt. Prime the wall. Using a gun, apply foam to the surface of the slab around the perimeter and in the center of the sheet. Attach the adhesive sheet to the wall. Hold for 5 seconds. You can move on to gluing the next one.

The use of polyurethane foam adhesive as a means of fastening has huge advantages:

  • excellent adhesion of the foam surface with any others;
  • low consumption of foam;
  • convenience of work;
  • speed of installation;
  • high moisture resistance.

In earlier periods of construction, clay was used to insulate the walls. Before sticking the polystyrene foam, it is not necessary to remove the clay layer. It is enough to cover the surface of the clay with any acrylic primer. Now you can glue the insulation.

In the process of application and operation of the glue-foam, no minuses were found.

You need to know how to properly glue the foam. Pay attention to the absence of voids between the boards to be glued, maintaining the strict vertical and horizontal position of the sheets.

When insulating the walls of the house, you can only do with the mechanical method of fixing the foam. But the use of glue creates additional closed air spaces under the slabs, thereby reducing heat loss from heated rooms.

An interesting experiment with styrofoam gluing:

It is no longer possible to know who first came up with the idea of ​​using polystyrene foam as a building material for building insulation - initially its scope was limited to the transportation of furniture and equipment, where it acted as a sealant. In this article, we will figure out how to properly glue foam to metal and concrete.

Expanded polystyrene - what's what and why?

The correct technical name for the well-known polystyrene is expanded polystyrene. Looking closely at this material from a short distance, you will find that it consists of many small balls that hold onto each other - these are polystyrene granules that have been foamed under high pressure and temperature and compressed in a press.

Because of this technology, there are many microcells in the structure of the foam that are invisible to the eye, in which there is air. Due to this, the material acquires an airy lightness and the properties of a very good insulation. Consumers fell in love with it for its extremely low cost - in fact, it is the cheapest heat insulator, and builders appreciated its technical characteristics. We will dwell on this in more detail, because along with the popularity of the material, like mushrooms after rain, numerous myths about its shortcomings also grew.

Styrofoam is very durable - polystyrene retains its shape for at least 25 years in outdoor conditionsand not less than half a century when used inside. You will probably be surprised, because many people talk about its fragility. Indeed, ultraviolet exposure and constant exposure to moisture can shorten the service life. But these same factors can shorten the life of almost any building material, including various kinds of heaters.

Expanded polystyrene is not afraid of mold and fungi - thanks to this, it can also be used in a humid environment, for example, in a basement. Polystyrene granules practically do not absorb moisture. However, they say that all kinds of rodents easily make holes in the foam. Again, this is only partially true - if rodents have something to eat, they will make holes even in concrete. Deprive them of food or exterminate them with poison, and you do not have to think about their relationship with the foam.

Styrofoam does not support combustion - no matter what they say, but this material is many times safer than the same wood. In order for it to catch fire, the temperature is twice as high as in the case of wood, and when burned, it releases much less heat. The material is safe for human health and the environment - among the common myths, there is also a myth about the alleged harm of the material to human health. But dozens of studies have disproved this myth a long time ago. Look around you, there is a huge amount of much more harmful materials around you.

Among the disadvantages of polystyrene, low strength should be mentioned - it breaks easily, and even a small blow can leave a dent on its surface. For this reason, it must be protected from mechanical damage - traditionally used for this. They also protect the material from ultraviolet radiation.

Preparatory stage - what is important to do before gluing?

Styrofoam can be glued to almost any material. Bonding of concrete, wood, plastic and polystyrene will take place without any special incidents - almost any glue or putty mixture will do. But with metal, things are a little more complicated. It is attempts to glue these materials that lead builders to numerous mistakes.

The most common mistake is choosing an adhesive that includes acetone, gasoline or another solvent. Gluing foam boards with such adhesive bases leads to the destruction of the boards themselves. The second type of error is an insufficient amount of adhesive. It is necessary to apply it on the reverse side of the foam boards in at least five places - in the corners and in the middle. In order to save money, many builders apply glue only at three points, which is fundamentally wrong and violates the entire technology.

It does not matter which adhesive base you choose - before gluing the foam to the metal, be sure to prepare the surface. To begin with, the metal surface should be thoroughly cleaned of rust, dirt and paint. For this, any one is best suited - tape or vibration. After cleaning, the surface should be degreased with any means convenient for this.

Bonding foam boards is not a very quick process and it is often necessary to ensure the stability of the material before the adhesive has set a little. At first, the foam can slide under its own weight, so it is supported from below with a sheet of plywood or a board of a convenient size.

How to glue polystyrene to concrete and metal - ways for all budgets

To begin with, consider methods that do not require large material investments. The most budget option is PVA glue. Surely, during the repair process, it was repeatedly used as an additive to various plaster compositions - you should not specifically purchase it, use only leftovers. The secret of the correct application of glue is in a layer of burlap, which is impregnated with PVA, glued to the metal, and only then the foam plates are pressed. The bond will be strong enough to withstand the upcoming layers of plaster.

However, if PVA was not at hand, and you will go to the store one way or another, you can purchase another adhesive - polyurethane foam.

Yes, yes, it is her - in addition to the main use as a sealant and insulation, polyurethane foam has excellent adhesive qualities and is the best suited for gluing polystyrene in places where heavy-duty adhesion is not required. Foam is available in convenient cans, and you don’t need much of it. But you will have to work very quickly, since the material hardens almost instantly. So if for the first time you are faced with the need to stick foam to metal, this option will not be the most convenient for you.

Polyurethane adhesive is the most optimal way to bond polystyrene foam boards to metal. It is also available in convenient cylinders, but you will need a mounting gun to work with it. For a single case, buy the cheapest tool, for permanent work, look at quality products. If you chose this particular method, study the sequence of actions:

  • Polyurethane adhesive can be applied to the surface of the foam in strips or dots. The distance between the points is up to 7 cm.
  • Wait a few minutes - let the dots dry slightly.
  • Press the plate gently against the metal surface.
  • Support the foam board with board or plywood.
  • After 15-20 minutes, you can remove the support.

Liquid nails - this method differs from the previous one in the speed of work. The fact is that the composition almost instantly fastens the plates to the metal. True, the adhesion strength is somewhat less than in the case of polyurethane adhesive. The combination of polyurethane adhesive and liquid nails is the best option for using adhesives.

The polyurethane adhesive gives the bond strength and the liquid nails provide the speed of work. And you can do without a backup! What else can be used to glue foam? If the amount of work is small, and you have double-sided tape on hand, you can quite easily get by with this tool. But in large areas, the method becomes too expensive - it is cheaper to purchase polyurethane foam.

Such a lightweight versatile material as polystyrene has recently become popular as a room heater. As it turned out, it can be used both as a design element and for the manufacture of small decorative items. Both the masters who insulate their home and the “home-made” ones may be faced with the question of how to glue the foam to the foam.

To be warm and not only

Many citizens in the post-Soviet space have to live in Khrushchev or Brezhnev apartments. What is good in the houses built in those distant times, besides what they are, the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartments and their dense population? That's right - wonderful sound permeability of the walls! Unfortunately, not everyone likes to get the latest neighborhood news that comes through the walls at night. These citizens are trying to separate from the house team by insulating their premises by any means.

The method of insulation with foam sheets has a sufficient number of advantages. Among them are the following facts:

  • light, almost weightless material;
  • has a small thickness;
  • has excellent sound and heat insulation properties;
  • quite easy to install;
  • can be used both inside rooms and on the facade of houses.

Only one thing can cause disputes and doubts. This is a question about how to glue the foam to the wall.

For concrete, brick and wood

You can attach polystyrene foam panels to almost any base. Not always use only adhesive compositions. Most often, both adhesives and mechanical fasteners are used. It depends on which side of the room the work will be carried out. If the sheets are mounted on the facade, then double fasteners are used: an adhesive mixture and "umbrella" dowels.

How can foam be glued to a brick or concrete base from the outside of the house? The mixture must be resistant to wind and precipitation. In addition, the composition should not contain gasoline, acetone and other solvents that simply “eat” the foam panel to the holes.

How to glue styrofoam to styrofoam? It is not recommended to use mounting foam for these works. Swelling and expanding during the solidification process, it can deform the plates.

When working with wood, plywood or drywall, use the same mixtures as in other cases. What can be used to glue the styrofoam? Usually masters use the following tools:

  • liquid foam;
  • liquid nails (especially for this material);
  • concrete-contact anhydrous mixtures;
  • silicone sealants;
  • compositions for tiles;
  • special glue-foam.

How to properly glue the foam to the ceiling or wall

When working, glue is applied only to polystyrene foam tiles. The surface of the ceiling or wall must be dry and clean. The composition is placed on the sheet in strips (for air outlet), if the area to be trimmed has an uneven texture. With an ideal main surface or foam, it is carried out along the perimeter of the tile with a slight indent from the edge. A small amount of the mixture is applied to the center of the panel. When fixing large-sized sheet foam with glue, the perimeter is lubricated in a spiral, gradually approaching the center of the sheet. On the sides, the glue is applied in a zigzag thin layer.

After applying the composition, the panel should be set aside for a few minutes. After a short exposure, the slab or panel is applied to the desired location on the wall or ceiling and carefully pressed against the base and adjacent tiles, fixing for a while. If work is carried out on the ceiling, it is convenient to use a regular rolling pin for dough. Excess adhesive composition is immediately removed with a spatula or other device.

When insulating the outer surface of the house, additional fastening of the panels is carried out using dowels-fungi. The seams between the tiles must be carefully filled with the same composition that glued the panels.

How to prepare the main surface

In order for the result to be of high quality, there is little knowledge about how to glue the foam to the foam. If the wall is crooked or dusty, all the work may go to waste.

First, it is necessary to remove or close up all the pits and bulges.

Secondly, the surface is cleaned from paint residues, various peelings and residues of glue or plaster.

Thirdly, close up large and small cracks.

Only after thorough cleaning of any deposits, dust and dirt, you can start the main work.

In the manufacture of various designer pieces? The same compositions as when repairing your home.

Low cost and excellent thermal insulation properties make foam boards an increasingly popular building material. The durability of operation directly depends on the means of fixation, so it is reasonable to have a problem with how to glue the foam so that it performs its functions longer.

The main characteristics of the foam

Before gluing to a wooden, concrete or brick surface, as well as deciding how to glue the foam together, you need to learn about the properties and characteristics of this material. Styrofoam, or, as it is otherwise called, polystyrene foam, is formed as a result of foaming polymers. 98% of the material is a gas located in the smallest cells with very thin walls.

Typically, foam boards are used as insulation for the walls of building facades and for finishing ceilings, walls, slopes indoors, in basements, on balconies and loggias. Expanded polystyrene can be glued to a concrete, wood, metal, brick, plasterboard and gas silicate base.

The main characteristics of the foam:

  • with a small mass, excellent rigidity;
  • long service life;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • expanded polystyrene with flame retardants does not burn;
  • does not pollute the environment during disposal after operation;
  • protects from wind if applied outside the building;
  • does not emit substances harmful to the human body, it is possible to work with this material without protective equipment;
  • does not dry out and does not shrink during prolonged use, resistant to temperature changes;
  • it is easy to work with foam plastic - it is easy to cut it, installation can be carried out using improvised means;
  • molds do not develop on it;
  • inexpensive.

Using expanded polystyrene as an insulation material instead of wood, brick, concrete or mineral wool saves time, money and indoor space.

The foam has disadvantages:

  • breaks easily;
  • has very poor breathability;
  • is destroyed under the action of mixtures, which include nitrolac;
  • deformed when hit on the surface of the solvent and ultraviolet rays.

Gluing methods and types of adhesive compositions

You can attach the foam boards to the surface with glue, dowels, or both at the same time. Foam plastic is usually fastened with adhesive compositions indoors, with dowels and glue - when working on the facade. Fixation only by means of dowels is used in extremely rare cases, this is due to the fact that the required level of reliability cannot be achieved in this way. If the roof is insulated, then polystyrene foam is simply embedded in the crate.

Foam gluing is carried out using dry formulations and ready-made adhesive mixtures.

Advantages of powder products:

  • excellent adhesion (adhesion) with brick, plaster, concrete, cement;
  • immunity to temperature extremes and precipitation;
  • elimination of small irregularities on surfaces;
  • relatively low cost.

Disadvantages of dry mixes:

  • the adhesive composition must be prepared, it will take time, in addition, you need to know how to properly combine the powder with water in order to achieve a uniform consistency;
  • you will need a mixing container and a construction mixer;
  • dust is released during cooking.

Ready-made adhesives will allow quick and high-quality gluing of foam plastic to foam plastic, concrete, brick and wood surfaces, OSB panels or cellular blocks. The most commonly used aerosols in spray cans based on polyurethane foam. Such materials are very convenient, while one cylinder is enough to glue approximately 10 m 2 of foam boards inside or outside the building. The glue is resistant to temperature changes and high humidity, hardens in about half an hour and securely attaches the foam to the base.

Never use mixtures containing toluene, alcohol or acetone for gluing foam, as they destroy the structure of the material.
The disadvantage of ready-made adhesives is the high cost. Popular ready-made adhesive mixtures:

  • Ceresit ST 84 Express;
  • "Titan Styro 753";
  • Penosil.

When deciding how to glue foam, you should not write off other ready-made adhesives, for example:

  • silicone sealant is used if it is necessary to fasten small fragments of thin foam with a leveled base;
  • "liquid nails" - a universal adhesive composition made on the basis of polymers. For example, "Installation Moment", Dragon, which will perfectly connect the metal base with the foam. It is convenient for them to stick polystyrene foam to the ceiling.

Before gluing, clean the metal surface from rust, grease and paint.

Stages and nuances

Gluing foam is carried out in several stages:

  1. Unplug electrical wiring.
  2. Clean the base from paint, whitewash, remnants of finishing materials and dirt.
  3. Remove irregularities deeper than 1 cm, that is, level the surface. If this is not done, then the foam plates will break during installation.
  4. Treat the surface with a primer, which includes antiseptics. This will improve adhesion and prevent the appearance of mold fungi.
  5. Wait for the primer to dry.
  6. Foam boards are usually glued from a corner or lamp. In the process of work, the desired configuration is given with the help of a mounting knife.
  7. If aerosol glue is used, insert the can into the gun and cut off the tip. Apply the composition on the wrong side of the foam board in strips along the edges (retreat 2-4 cm from the very edge) and diagonally. It is also permissible to squeeze out the glue with dots - in the center and in the corners.
  8. Dilute the dry mixture with water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and spread the plate with a small notched trowel, a uniform thin layer should be obtained. Another option is to apply glue pointwise around the perimeter and in the middle, evenly distributing it over the surface.
  9. Press the foam to the base and hold for a few seconds. Remove excess adhesive with a damp cloth or even spatula.
  10. In the same way, glue the next plate end-to-end to the previous one. If a gap of more than 2 mm wide has formed between them, blow it with mounting foam or putty.

It is necessary to press the foam to the surface with the rule, and level it with the help of the building level.

When using additional fasteners (dowels), wait for the adhesive to dry completely and only then drill holes and drive in dowels-umbrellas.

How and with what to stick to concrete, wood and brick surfaces

If it is required to mount expanded polystyrene to a concrete base during external thermal insulation work, then it is better to use dry compositions in the form of a powder. This is due to the fact that they have a cement component, polymers and sand, which provide reliable adhesion.

The best tools are:

  • "T-Avangard-K";
  • Ceresit CT 83;
  • Armierungs-Gewebekleber.

The composition of "T-Avangard-K" is suitable for fixing foam plates not only to concrete, but also to brick bases, gypsum and cement plasters. The dry mix is ​​available in 25 kg bags. One package is diluted with 5-6 liters of water. The powder is valid for 6 months from the date of issue. Available in summer and winter versions. The first one is recommended to be used at temperatures from +5 to +35 ° C, the second - from -10 to +5 ° C. The cost of one bag is, on average, 275 rubles.

Ceresit CT 83("Ceresit ST 83") is a high-quality, fast-hardening compound that is perfect for any mineral substrates. Available in bags of 25 kg, the finished mixture should be used within two hours. The price per bag varies from 413 to 539 rubles.

Ready-made adhesive mixture (glue-foam) Ceresit ST 84 Express should be used at temperatures from -10 to +40 ° C and in conditions of high humidity. It is perfect for concrete, brick surfaces, as well as cellular blocks and OSB boards. Adhesive foam Ceresit ST 84 Express consists of butane, propane and polyurethane. One bottle with a capacity of 750 ml costs 600 rubles.

For interior decoration and thermal insulation, rolled foam is most often used. For him, it is better to use powder mixtures based on gypsum.

plaster Perlfix issued by the company Knauf. Packed in bags of 30 kg. The glue will do an excellent job of gluing polystyrene foam to foam concrete, plaster, ceramic brick bases. It is not necessary to level the surface before using the composition. To improve the adhesive properties, the foam blocks are pre-treated with concrete contact. It is not recommended to work with glue if the air temperature in the room is below +5°C. One package Perlfix weighing 30 kg costs, on average, 280 rubles.

Styrofoam is a high-quality and at the same time inexpensive building material that is successfully and often used as a heater in almost any room. For its gluing, dry mixes, ready-made adhesive compositions in the form of aerosols and "liquid nails" are used. When deciding which adhesive is better to glue the foam, it must be borne in mind that the composition in the form of a powder will be cheaper, but the finished mixture is much more convenient to use. When carrying out work outside the building, on the facade, be sure to use dowels for additional fixing.

Styrofoam is a cheap and warm insulation that is sold at any hardware store and has different densities. In addition to density, this material can have any thickness. Considering the question of how to glue the foam, you need to decide on the base and select the necessary glue. If the foam must be glued to the tree, then concrete contact, liquid nails on the foam or liquid foam will be required. You can use other fixing material that will hold the foam perfectly. The most reliable fastener for wood will be a self-tapping screw with washers. If the building freezes in winter, the walls are covered with frost, then the entire room will have to be insulated.

Considering the question of how to insulate walls with foam, you should contact specialists who will provide all the information indicating the insulation of houses. Wooden buildings are easily insulated both from the inside and outside of the room. This will require acrylic-based liquid nails, because this glue is water-based and does not dissolve the foam. Having dealt with the glue, you should consider how to fix the foam. This will require pre-agreed wood screws and metal washers. But it is worth considering the whole course of work in more detail. It is more expedient to perform wall insulation from the side of the facade. By choosing this approach, you can avoid garbage in the room and reduce the living space.

Next, priming is carried out with concrete contact and left for two hours to dry completely. After that, each sheet of foam is smeared with acrylic liquid nails and glued to the surface. The glue is applied in a zigzag pattern along the edges of the sheet and dotted in the middle, after which it is attached to the wall and attracted with self-tapping screws. Having considered this course of work, you can understand the question related to how to make foam plastic with your own hands. Having dealt with glue and fasteners, you should perform finishing work, which will indicate that the insulation of the building is completely finished.

This will again require liquid nails or liquid foam. At the moment, you will need to glue the ends of the foam together and thereby seal all the seams. Liquid nails are squeezed out with a gun, after which a rubber spatula is used, thanks to which mashing is performed. When considering how to glue foam, it should be understood that liquid foam does this job perfectly. This glue is more like foam, which is squeezed out by pressing the sprayer. The essence of the work is quite simple, you should blow out all the seams with foam and give time to dry. In a short period of time, complete freezing will occur. Next, you need to remove all excess foam with a clerical knife.