When to open young trees in spring after winter. Dosage of organic and mineral fertilizers for the garden

hope dies last

In the spring, novice gardeners often make the mistake of removing plants that do not show signs of life for a long time. Sometimes roses, honeysuckle, astilba, budley, tree-like hydrangeas, holly mahonia, phloxes, chrysanthemums and even grapes are uprooted.

Out of annoyance, they simply tear bushes from the ground, and then they lament when they see living buds below.

It is usually believed that the plants are frozen, although more often the cause of death is that they propped up. In any case, the task is one - to help them recover.

Most plants are very hardy. They have many dormant buds that are not developed and are not visible at first glance. Over time, with proper care, they awaken, and the plants quickly recover due to the powerful root system, which is much less damaged in the ground.

To help plants, you need to follow the following rules. Remove all obviously dead, black and dry branches. The vine should not be cut too short. Sometimes the buds wake up very late, but then the grapes quickly gain strength.

Water regularly, but moderately, avoiding moisture stagnation. Feed with nitrogen fertilizers. The dose is small - an incomplete tablespoon in a bucket of water. Spray with growth stimulants: epin, zircon or Mival-agro. It is useful to use humic preparations. In hot weather, all spraying should be done only in the evening. Feed, without fail, after preliminary watering with water and only with aqueous solutions.

In addition to the aerial part, the root system also suffers in winter. We do not see damage to the roots, but they need to be remembered . Keep the soil clean, weeding the weeds. It is convenient to do this with a Fokin flat cutter with simultaneous loosening. The presence of air in the soil is very important for weakened roots. In order for the roots to come to life and “earn”, you need water the plant with Kornevin, Heterauxin. These preparations cause the growth of small suction roots that revitalize the affected plants. Remember that you must strictly adhere to the dose indicated in the instructions. An overdose can cause the opposite effect.

If you are sad to see an empty space where your frozen plants have not yet come to their senses, then plant seedlings of annual flowers nearby . It is useful to plant plants with phytoncidal properties: calendula, marigold or nasturtium. Perhaps in the middle of summer you will notice signs of life in frozen plants. In this case, one-year-olds can be removed or transplanted.

The main thing is not to lose hope. Remember that plants are very tenacious creatures, so take your time to "bury" them. Give them a chance to fight for their lives and help them a little.

Sometimes on the stems of roses, the bark cracked and partially peeled off. Such wounds can be treated with growth stimulants or treated with sorrel juice, as is done on apple trees damaged by rodents. The wound is rubbed with green sorrel leaves or a cloth bandage moistened with juice from the rubbed leaves is applied.

After pruning, affected roses and other shrubs need protect from the drying rays of the sun. To do this, cover them with a box, flower pot or a bucket. Such a shelter can be stored for 3-4 weeks - it is more humid under it, which is useful for weakened plants. Check their condition: with the appearance of sprouts, remove the shelter so that they do not stretch out without light (open them only in the evening or in cloudy weather).

Plants that have young shoots growing need support with food. No need to get carried away with manure and nitrogen. It is better to give complex fertilizers with trace elements. In early August, transfer plants to a phosphorus-potassium diet.

Irises that look bad after winter must be dug up and inspected. Cut all darkened and soft places on the rhizome to a healthy part and treat with Maxim. Sprinkle the wound with crushed coal and cover with moss, then sprinkle with earth. Moss-sphagnum has bactericidal properties and prevents the spread of infections on the affected rhizome.

M.P. Zaitsev, Moscow

Immediately after tree planting the trunk circle is loosened. This helps retain moisture in the soil and prevents weeds from growing. For support in inclement weather plants tied to supports. At the same time, they regularly check that the garter material does not crash into the bark, and also prevent friction against the support, since damage to the bark can lead to the death of the plant. To protect against tissue drying out in spring, in dry windy weather stems are wrapped with a damp cloth or moss. In case of a pronounced imbalance between the volume of the root system and the aerial part of the plant, post-plant pruning. Usually the shoots are shortened by a quarter.

Fresh leaves of young plants are a delicacy for leaf-eating caterpillars and green aphids. Pest collection is carried out manually. If this fails, biological or chemicals protection.

top dressing

In the 1st year of growth the root system of the plant develops within the planting hole, using fertilizers applied during planting. Fertilizers are not applied during this period, however, if the top dressing was not fully applied and the seedlings do not grow intensively, 10 kg of rotted manure, 120 g of superphosphate, 40 g of potassium chloride, 60 g of ammonium nitrate are added to the trunk circle.

For the 2nd year(if the plants gave insufficient growth in the 1st year), the same amount of fertilizer should be applied to the near-stem circle, which should be expanded in diameter by 50 cm. Since young trees in spring feel the need for nitrogen fertilizers, you can increase the dose of ammonium nitrate to 80-90 g, and also add urea.

If soils are poor, fertilizers can be applied in parts, superficially, and then sealed with a rake, watered and mulched with peat or compost.


Fertilizer is recommended to be combined with irrigation, which must be carried out throughout the planting year. Otherwise, the top of the aerial part of the seedling will gradually die off until normal moisture and nutrient medium are restored in the root layer.

Average for fruit crops on loamy and clay soils 3 waterings are enough: immediately after planting, in the 2nd half of May and in July - at least 3-4 buckets under a tree. During a hot dry summer or belated spring planting you need at least 4-5 waterings: 2 spring and 2-3 summer. On light sandy soils, at least 5-6 waterings are required.

Suspend watering in August and early September, allowing young growths of plants to lignify well and prepare for future frosts. In late September - October, abundant watering (double rate) promotes root growth even under snow. Podzimnye watering strengthen the winter hardiness of the seedling.


Mulching contributes to the accumulation and preservation of moisture in the soil - coating trunk circles humus, compost, straw manure, peat, mulching paper, plastic wrap, chopped straw and weeds . It is not recommended to use sawdust for mulching, especially softwood.

Mulch is laid out a layer of 3-5 cm around the entire near-trunk circle, with the exception of small area around the trunk in a radius of about 10-15 cm. This work must be carried out immediately after the first loosening. Late mulching, especially with dry peat, when the ground has already dried up, does not give a positive result, and in dry years it can even reduce the yield. During the summer, as the soil is compacted, the soil under the mulch is loosened by moving the mulch material to the side. After loosening, it is again distributed along the trunk circle. In autumn, the mulch is embedded in the soil for fertilizer.

Autumn digging

Proper tillage not only improves the nutritional conditions of plants, but also contributes to the accumulation and further preservation of moisture in the soil, which increases the overall immunity of trees. Basic tillage with fertilizer application produced in late autumn, when fruit trees finish growing and leaf fall ends. The soil is dug up with shovels with the turnover of the layer, without crushing the soil clods. When digging the soil in the trunk circles, care must be taken: the shovel should not be too deep to avoid damaging the roots. In this case, the shovel should be facing the stem with an edge. Near the young trunk, it is desirable to use rippers or cultivators to a depth of no more than 6-7 cm, further from the trunk, you can work deeper, by 14-15 cm.

At digging with seam turnover they turn out onto the day surface and pests wintering in the upper soil layers die. In addition, the lumpy surface of the soil retains moisture better. Please note that before digging the soil, you need to remove weeds and burn fallen leaves.

Spring tillage

In the spring, loosening is carried out without turning the layer and leveling the soil surface. First loosening trunk circles in order to maintain a supply of moisture, they carry out how the snow melts and the soil dries out a little. In the future, during the spring, summer, autumn, the tree trunks are loosened at least 3-4 times, while carefully removing weeds.

The need for loosening is determined by the degree of compaction, clogging of the soil, crusting after rains. The size of the near-stem circles depends on the age and development of the plants. They should be slightly larger than the width of the crown. In the first two years after planting at an apple tree, cherry, pear, sea buckthorn, it is enough to process a circle 1-1.5 m wide.


For the 2nd year of growth carry out cutting. This makes it possible to bring the rapidly developing aerial part of the plant into line with the root system and lay the foundations for crown formation. Usually, fruit trees on vigorous rootstocks are formed according to a sparse-tiered scheme, in which the tree has 5-7 skeletal branches of the 1st tier and 4-5 of the 2nd. To do this, in the 2nd year, the side branches are cut by a third with a shoot length of 70 cm and by half with a shoot 100 cm long. If the intended future skeletal branches are the same in development, then the lower shoots are cut weaker than the upper ones. To obtain the 2nd tier of the crown, the central conductor is also shortened, leaving it 45-50 cm long. Please note that proper care behind the soil should ensure the growth of shoots in one season by 60-70 cm for pome crops and 80-100 cm for stone fruits.

First wintering

To avoid damage to plants by snow, sprigs of future crowns at the end of autumn are pulled together with soft material. This operation is carried out together on frost-free days in order to avoid breakdowns. In addition, in late February - early March, when there is no stable temperature, sunburn damage to plants is possible. Whitewashing used as a means of protection is not always effective for young trees. Gives the best result tying the bole with special fabrics which simultaneously protects it from rodents. Please note that it is recommended to release the tree from the fabric strapping on cloudy, preferably rainy days, in the late afternoon.

Every garden owner wants to harvest a rich harvest every year. This is quite expected: spending a lot of time and effort on caring for bushes and trees, no one wants to be left without tasty and healthy fruits in the fall. However, in order to get a good harvest from every plant in the garden, you have to take garden care very seriously. And it’s worth starting from the very beginning of spring. It is also advisable to do and process also ordinary, and not just apple trees in the garden.

The beginning of spring in the country

Of course, in March, even young and strong trees are more like dead wood: there are no buds or leaves on them. The trees have not yet awakened after the winter, and only after a month and a half (depending on the region, weather and plant variety) will the first swollen buds appear on the branches. But experts recommend starting to care for the garden in March.

Some gardeners thin out the crown already in March, removing dried and dead branches. However, not everyone can determine which branches have dried up and which simply have not departed from hibernation. Therefore, it is better not to rush, so as not to destroy strong young branches. But in March, it's time to process the trunk itself and the skeletal branches (the main and thickest ones, on which the entire crown rests) with a twenty percent solution of lime. This will protect the tree from mice and other small pests.

some types of small pests

Pay attention to whether melt water accumulates around your trees? If the roots are in a hollow, then small drainage channels should be built to divert water to the side. Otherwise, stagnant water may well lead to rotting of the roots or even the trunk of a tree.

Also inspect the trees for dried fruits and berries that have endured all winter. They should be collected and sent to the compost heap.

From autumn to spring, various bacteria often develop in these fruits, which can cause serious damage to the entire garden.

If the birds did not eat them in a hungry winter, you should get rid of them yourself.

The work takes very little time, and after that, for a while, you can forget about the need to care for the garden.

Getting rid of extra branches

After waiting until the buds swell, so that you can easily distinguish dry branches from healthy ones, you can proceed to further work. Dry branches should be removed immediately.

To remove thin ones, use pruners, but old ones are best removed with a hacksaw. Breaking branches by hand is highly discouraged. Indeed, in this case, not only there is a risk of serious injury, but also damage to young branches that can bring a crop, if not this year, then next.

At the same time, shoots that grow parallel to the trunk can be removed. They rarely bear fruit, but they cause a lot of problems. Collecting a few fruits from their tops is quite difficult. And when strong wind tall branches often break and damage the entire crown of the tree. They also shade the rest of the shoots going away from the trunk, which is why their fruitfulness is sharply reduced.

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Generally, experienced gardeners they consider the ideal crown, which has the shape of a kind of bowl, - on the outside the branches form a thick partition, and inside the crown has a small void.

Tree pruning scheme

At the same time, harvesting from a tree is as convenient as possible, and the sun's rays reach all the main fruit-bearing branches, guaranteeing an abundance of fruits in the fall.

If you need to saw off thick branches (about 3 centimeters in diameter and thickness), you should cut with an assistant who will hold the base of the branch. Otherwise, the branch, falling, can damage the bark, along which the juice moves especially actively at this time of the year. Do you work alone? Then first make a shallow cut (about 0.5 cm deep) from below, and only then saw from above. In this case, the branch will not be able to harm the tree.

Of course, the cuts of all living branches should be immediately treated with pitch, lime or other suitable remedy, excluding the danger of any infection that can destroy the tree or weaken it. You should not feel sorry for the branches, even if they are young and promise a rich harvest.

Remember a simple truth - the fewer branches, the more nutrients each one will receive. This means that even a small number of branches may well bring you a really rich harvest. Collect the same large fruits or small berry much easier and more convenient with branches that are located outside the crown, and not in depth.

Feeding the garden before summer

If the garden was laid out several years ago, then the soil has probably already lost some of the minerals and needs to be replenished. And here you will come to the aid of various natural and chemical fertilizers. It is necessary to choose the right ones that are really important for your garden in the spring.

Young trees that are not yet fruiting or fruiting very sparingly do not need to be fertilized. Unless you can add a small amount of humus (at the same time, make sure that the humus has reached “condition” and will not burn root system and stem).

garden of young trees

Mature trees (from 5 years old) should be fertilized primarily with nitrogen fertilizers. They stimulate the growth of the crown, as well as the formation of a large number large leaves, and in fact they are necessary for a quick set of nutrients and a rich harvest. It is best to apply fertilizer during the first autumn loosening, around April.

Read the instructions very carefully. It is not uncommon for gardeners, guided by the principle "the more the better", in the fall to receive fruits with dangerous high level nitrogen content. Such fruits are quite easy to poison. important potassium and phosphate fertilizers it is better to apply in the fall.

Of course, do not forget about organic fertilizers: they are the most complex complex of all substances necessary for successful growth and a rich crop of plants. Humus, as well as slurry, bird and cow droppings can act as organic fertilizers.

rotted cow dung

With droppings (especially chicken!) You should be very, very careful: a huge concentration of saltpeter can kill a tree. Therefore, before being introduced into the soil, the litter is diluted warm water, a part of cow droppings accounts for 5-6 parts of water, and bird droppings - at least 10-12 parts of water.

Fruit garden in spring

Garden care in the spring is not only about caring for fruit trees and other plants on the site. It is also necessary to pay attention to the lawn, soil, buildings and structures.

Spring inspection of the garden: what to look for

Even if there is still snow outside the window, already in the first weeks of March it is worth starting to take care of the garden and prepare for the new season. Many works need to be done before the start of active sap flow and the awakening of the kidneys.

Inspection of the orchard

Every gardener should know where pests and plant diseases winter. Many of them descend from the trees in autumn and easily endure the cold under fallen leaves. These include weevils, bark beetles and some types of caterpillars. Raspberry beetles and moths go to hibernate in the soil to a depth of 6-8 cm. Therefore, it is advisable to dig up the ground when it has already thawed enough, but not to wait for warming.

Last year's leaves remaining on the trees indicate the presence of spider mites in the garden. Codling moth and aphids hibernate on the surface of the bark and in its cracks; their eggs can be seen on the trunk and branches. Inspect the garden for ants, these insects can cause a lot of inconvenience and destroy the crop.

In last year's fallen leaves, pathogens of diseases such as scab, black rot, spotting and many others also tolerate cold well. On the bark of trees and lawn grass, fungus and lichens can often be seen.

Problems on the site after winter

With the advent of spring, problems can arise not only with plants, but also with the site itself. Most often they are associated with the rapid melting of snow and stagnant water.

  • spring flood: flooded area and soil washout;
  • poor soil drainage: water has nowhere to go;
  • waterlogging of the soil due to uplift ground water;
  • spring frosts.

These are just the main and most common problems that can be faced with the arrival of spring. Each of them requires surgical intervention. Garden care in March and April is the most crucial period, which determines what the next season will be like.

Typical spring problems in the garden and how to fix them

After inspecting the trees, you must immediately begin to care for them. Prepare the tools and tools for processing in advance.

Bark cracks and frost holes after winter, frozen branches

Carry out sanitary and restorative pruning: remove dead, frozen and affected branches during the winter, treat cracks in the bark. When the snow on the site begins to melt, you need to remove the ice crust in the stem circle.

Sunburns of the bark

It is necessary to whitewash tree trunks and thick branches to protect them from the bright spring sun. Do not delay with the removal winter shelter from ornamental crops, as they can rot and die.

Hollow in a tree

If a hollow is found, the cavity should be cleaned, disinfected and sealed cement mortar to prevent breakage.

Large amount of snow

When the snow begins to melt quickly, there is a possibility of floods. In such cases, it is recommended to take measures to retain melt water: trample snow around the perimeter of the site, creating artificial barriers to streams (while there is still snow, do not forget to prepare melt water for watering seedlings).

swampy terrain

If your garden has water every spring, or the soil is washed out due to uneven terrain, you should organize the drainage of the site: clean and repair drainage ditches and drainage well, dig out new ones if necessary.

spring frosts

Equipment should be prepared to create artificial fog, or special smoke bombs should be used to protect a flowering garden from spring return frosts. You can also use the cheapest way - to burn weeds and spruce forest, which was used to shelter perennials for the winter.

These are just the basic measures to protect the garden in the spring, which will help make it easier to care for it in the future.

Disease and pest control, prevention measures

Plants wake up quite quickly after winter, which is why it is necessary to have time to protect them from insects and diseases. Before bud break and the first leaves appear, many pests and pathogens are still sleeping. Some of them hibernate in the soil, others - right on the plants.

plant protection

It is worth remembering that the leaves remaining on the branches are a breeding ground for diseases, such branches must be cut and burned. The bark of trees is carefully cleaned of fungi and lichens, and treated with lime mortar or a special paste. It will also help to burn out the eggs of insects located on and under the bark.

Further care behind the garden in the spring is to spray the plants with insecticides. These drugs are able to fight diseases such as: black cancer, scab, moniliosis, and pests: codling moth, caterpillar, spider mite, soil insects. It is necessary to carry out such spraying before flowering, so as not to damage the buds.

Already blooming garden processed only for the purpose of increasing protective functions plants. There are preparations with which they treat the soil with insects sleeping in it. All further sprayings are preventive, since aggressive preparations can harm the color, leaves and fruits.

Ants in the garden

Ants in the garden can destroy all berry crops, especially raspberries and strawberries. You can fight them folk remedies, so as not to disturb the ecological balance, or more aggressive, but fast-acting chemical solutions.

Lawn protection from diseases

Lawn grass exposed to diseases as often as trees and shrubs. With the advent of spring, you may encounter lawn rotting and grass being replaced by various weeds and moss. Such problems are solvable, but in the future it is necessary to apply preventive measures so that the diseases do not return, and the green lawn always has a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Having found mold and rotted spots on the lawn, you must carefully cut them out. It is advisable to burn the turf so that the disease does not spread to cultivated plants. After that, the earth is treated with a 3% solution of iodine and left for a day. Before proceeding, carefully inspect the sod section for mold or mildew. If it remains or has grown, it is necessary to cut a larger piece of lawn cover.

The resulting pit should be sprinkled with a mixture of sand and black soil, and then sow fresh grass. The soil may settle a little and it will need to be added again in a couple of days, but not tamped, which is why the seeds are left almost on the surface, deepening them by only 0.5 cm.

Fertilizing horticultural crops in spring

After winter, the plants in the garden are exhausted and need good nutrition. It is recommended to monitor the condition of the soil and select fertilizers individually for each crop and tree, based on its age, variety and condition.

soil top dressing

Organic fertilizers such as: manure, compost, bird droppings or green manure infusion are applied to the near-stem circle of trees and dug up along with the ground. Mineral additives (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements) are used in the same way.

foliar top dressing

foliar top dressing gardening is carried out by spraying the crowns of trees with nutrients. Apples, pears and stone fruits are treated with a solution of urea of ​​different dosages.

Pruning fruit crops and shrubs

Garden care also includes proper pruning of trees in the spring. Each culture has its own characteristics of development, so the approach should be individual. First of all, restoration pruning of the garden is carried out in the spring.

  • The apple tree is the main fruit crop in any country house, so every gardener should be able to take care of both young and adult trees.
  • The fast-growing plum tree also needs spring pruning to restore trees and thin out thick branches. The health of the trees and their fruiting depend on the correctness of the procedure.
  • Apricot needs special care and individual formation of branches, since access to a large amount of light is necessary for the ripening of fruits.


Garden care in the spring includes not only pruning, fertilizing and controlling pathogens, but also measures to protect the soil from leaching and waterlogging, while retaining moisture for plant development. It is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection and cleaning of the site, process the plants and prune. All efforts will eventually be rewarded with a bountiful and healthy harvest.

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Typically, such processing of fruit trees stretches over several years, approximately one or two years. If, nevertheless, this is not done, then the pruned tree with a high degree of probability may begin to release a large amount of gum (resin), which will adversely affect its development. If a little new branches have grown over the past year, then it is more correct to prune the tree only to the side branches. Useful video:

Rodents - pests of sleeping plants


Garden care in spring: spring work

By following these rules for the care of fruit trees, you can ensure a long-term supply of vitamins for the winter, as well as a healthy and beautiful garden on the site.​

tree pruning

During the first 4 - 5 years, fertilizers are applied to the near-stem circle (its diameter should be expanded as trees or shrubs grow). If the trees are planted in rows, then over time, you need to fertilize the entire planting strip to the aisle. If the trees are planted separately, then top dressing is carried out according to the projection of the crown (the length of the shadow from the crown at noon will show the approximate arial of the root system. Another option is relevant for all fruit and berry crops: 2/3 doses nitrogen fertilizers add when you are digging near-trunk circles.

250 grams of copper sulfate.

Protects the tree trunk from insect pests.

After the snow melts and stable warm weather is established, the fallen leaves are removed and burned.

​Garden care in early spring includes many works. One of the important activities is the grafting of fruit crops, which is performed before the buds swell.

Frost crackles outside. The ground is covered with snow. It seems that the trees and shrubs do not need to be taken care of. But that's not the case at all. At any time of the year, plants require attention. Garden care in early spring involves a lot of very important works. Their implementation affects the future harvest and the full development of horticultural crops. But before that, the plants should overwinter. At this time, there are many moments that should not be missed.​

Experienced gardeners strongly advise against cutting a lot of branches from cherries.

tree grafting

How to take care of a garden
The basis of fertilizing fruit trees is organic fertilizers. As a rule, well-packed or composted manure is used; in autumn it is introduced into the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm or over the entire area of ​​cultivation under the trees, sometimes along the diameter of the crowns under each tree. Lighter soils are fertilized annually or every other year, heavy soils are fertilized every 3-4 years. Large doses of fertilizers are applied under weakly growing trees. Instead of manure applied in autumn, often in spring, compost can be used. Dry bird droppings are also used (100-200 g per 1 m2).


Feeding fruit trees in autumn is the most best option. The soil before fertilizing should be carefully loosened, without digging into the depths. Organics are applied to a depth of 15 - 20 cm along with phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

Be attentive to the process of fertilizing: fruit-bearing trees will be negatively affected by both a lack and an excess of minerals. For example, the irregularity of such a useful element as nitrogen can affect frost resistance and overall plant growth.

Planting trees and shrubs

Leave for 2 hours Whiten young trees with a mixture based on chalk, under such a solution the bark will breathe freely.

Preventive actions

Choose which solution to apply. acrylic paint rains are not terrible - this whitewash is the most resistant. You can use special store-bought solutions and self-prepared ones, with the addition of any adhesive.

A detailed account of the main gardening work required in spring period. Tips for pruning, top dressing, planting fruit and berry trees and others necessary work at this time of the year.​

There are several such ways. Among them, grafting with cuttings into a split or behind the bark is popular and often used. They are prepared at the beginning winter period, before the onset severe frosts. Shoots of annual growths are suitable for grafting. The cuttings used for this event have three or four buds. As a rule, stone fruits will be the first, and then pome crops. For young trees, the grafting zone is no more than two meters above the soil surface, and for shoots - one and a half meters from the trunk. Branch cut diameter:​

In early December, attention is paid to young trees and shrubs.

Pruning dry branches in spring

​At the same time as organic fertilizers mineral and chemical fertilizers should also be applied to the soil. If green manure plants are also grown under the trees, the dose of manure or compost can be reduced by half.​

Before the onset of spring, the trunks of fruit trees are rubbed milk of lime. In addition, the white color reflects the sun's rays, which helps to avoid overheating during intense sunlight and a sharp drop in temperature at night, especially below zero.​


Garden care in spring: basic steps, techniques, videos, photos

Nitrogen fertilizers are best applied in parts in spring and in the first half of summer. Their introduction in the second half of summer can cause a second wave of shoot growth or delay the growth of the latter and the maturation of wood. Such trees will not have time to prepare for winter, and even with slight frosts, the unripe shoots of trees will freeze slightly, which can cause the death of trees.

​More accurate fertilizer application data is shown in the table.​

Garden care in the spring is a mandatory prevention of pests and disease control.

First work in the garden

2.5 kg of lime is diluted per bucket of water;

Spring work in the garden - prevention of plant diseases and a guarantee of a good harvest

- for stone fruits - 3 cm;

In order for them to winter well, it is necessary to follow the warming of the near-stem circles of plants. As a heater, you can use snow, which is distributed under the trees, around the bush and compacted. It will protect against frost and rodents. Throughout the winter, the hilling of plants with snow continues.

In the first days of April, the entire strapping is removed from the boles of trees. After they are carefully whitened with lime. For this purpose, it can be used as a water-dispersion or water-based paint, and mortar. The main thing is that the trunk and the beginning of the branches turn out white, the coating does not wash off for a long time and allows the bark to “breathe” freely. To do this, substances such as PVA or casein glue are added to the main component of the mixture, so that the whitewashing of fruit trees in the spring is more durable. You can also use green or laundry soap, milk or clay. All these tools ensure reliable adhesion of the solution to the base.​

Whitewashing - protection of horticultural crops

How to whitewash trees

​Fruit Trees Post Series:​

One tree at the age of 2-3 years requires 12-15 kg of fertilizer; every year the dose of fertilizers increases, i.e. for an eight-year-old tree, it requires 40-50 kg, and older trees with a crown diameter of 6 m consume 120-160 kg of fertilizer.​

The moisture-proof bowl around the tree is covered in spring with dry soil, compost, peat or plant residues, this prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture.

  1. Doses of fertilizers depend on the fertility and composition of the soil in your area.
  2. Caring for fruit trees in the fall is the key to a long and comfortable life of fruit plants for many years to come. Therefore, garden care should begin from the very beginning of its laying and throughout the life of the plants.

Process fruit and berry crops with special preparations at least 3 times:

How to whitewash fruit trees

  • Half a liter of copper sulfate;
  • A healthy, blooming garden that brings a rich harvest largely depends on proper, high-quality care, especially in the spring. The time of awakening of all living things is important and troublesome for gardeners. Perform all work depending on weather conditions and climate zone.​
  • - for pome crops- 5-6 cm

Garden care in winter and spring provides for various activities. And each of them has its own deadlines. In winter, attention is paid to protecting trees from rodents. Mice and hares can damage the bark of trees. Annual and biennial crops are especially affected. The tree trunk is protected in autumn. He is wrapped around various materials. At the end of winter, drugs are used that will scare away rodents. They are placed around trees.

  • In spring, trees need “medical” help more than ever.
  • Part 1 - Sea buckthorn
  • Mineral fertilizers are used taking into account the reaction of the soil, the age and fruitfulness of the tree. In autumn, when plowing the soil, phosphorus and potash fertilizers so that these substances are already absorbed during the growing season. With the onset of spring, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied. You can also use combined fertilizers in autumn and spring, which gives a tangible effect. During the growing season, nitrogenous fertilizers are applied additionally, and they are applied shallowly into the soil.

During the growing season, especially during dry periods, fruit trees are carefully and plentifully watered. Watering often, but little by little, is useless. Moisture does not reach the roots, lingering in the surface layer of the earth, on which a crust then forms. To retain moisture around the tree, even before it begins to bloom, it is useful to lay peat, straw manure or grass in a layer of 5-10 cm.

  • In the first year after planting, the trees are watered 4-5 times per season at the rate of 20-30 liters per tree with each watering. In subsequent years, watering can be less frequent, as needed, and the amount of water can be increased by 10 - 20 liters per each year of the tree's life.
  • ​Content:​
  • Before vegetation (swelling of the kidneys);
  • Joiner's glue is added - 200 grams, so that the solution on the tree lasts longer.

Work in the garden begins with the release of planting branches from melted snow, if there was an abundance of precipitation at the end of winter. From the spring sun, the snow becomes loose and heavy, it can easily break thin branches. To avoid this, shake it off. If the branches have already sagged and fallen, build supports to support them.​

Spraying trees and shrubs in the garden

All operations are performed on the day of vaccination. The junctions of the cutting with the tree branch are wrapped with insulating tape, which can be removed three or four weeks after the operation or left until next spring.

When to Treat Trees

With the onset of March, a hot time for gardeners begins. This is a responsible period. With the beginning of snow melting and with the first streams, work on home gardens or summer cottages. How to organize garden care in spring? What to do in the first days of March? During this period, the snow becomes loose. It gradually melts, and accelerate this process not necessary. The exception is snowdrifts, which completely cover the bushes. So that the snow does not damage the branches when melting, it is raked, freeing the plants.

  • After cold weather, wounds often appear on their bark due to the destructive effects of rodents, cold winds and frosts. And these wounds need to be treated in time. To this end, they are rubbed down to healthy wood with commercial garden putty based on nigrol (gear oil). Then disinfection is carried out using copper sulphate at the rate of 300 g of the main component per 10 liters of water. Next, another layer is applied - garden pitch. If it is required to repair the hollows that have appeared in the trees, then they should be well cleaned of dust, filled with gravel and poured with a cement-based mortar. Effective spring care for fruit trees involves this procedure.
  • ​Part 2 - Tree Pruning​

How to spray fruit trees

In the year when the soil is fertilized with a full volume of compost or manure, the dose mineral fertilizers is reduced by half. If the trees grow too vigorously, and the shoots do not mature well, the amount of nitrogen fertilizers applied is reduced, and more phosphorus and sulfur fertilizers are added. If previous crops are grown under the trees, the amount of fertilizer applied should be increased according to their needs.​

  1. Crown care during the period when productive and lean years alternate and the growth of annual shoots decreases. Moderate rejuvenation: a) pruning branches that bend in a semicircle; 6) pruning thick branches
  2. The first spring watering is carried out before the tree blooms, during flowering or immediately after it.
  3. ​1.5 More on the topic:​

7-10 days after flowering.

tree nutrition

Whitewash based on manure and lime:

Timing of fertilizer application

The following advice is relevant for sloped areas. So that the melt water lingers, and the flood does not erode the soil, build shafts of snow across the slope.

Garden care in early spring is not only about ensuring the beautiful growth of planted plants. At this time, young trees and shrubs can be planted. This event is carried out before bud break. Planted in spring planting material crops with insufficient winter hardiness. After planting, they provide constant soil moisture.

Dosage of organic and mineral fertilizers for the garden

The main condition for this event is the air temperature. Do not work if it is cold outside. In the event that the thermometer recorded readings below minus ten degrees Celsius, trees should not be cut. Features of climatic zones make their own adjustments to the care of the garden in the spring.

Effective protection of trees is not complete without such a procedure as spraying from various kinds of pests. It should be planned for early spring, but carried out at an outdoor temperature of at least + 5 ° C. The first time after winter, plum, apple and pear trees are sprayed in mid-March, before buds appear on the branches.


Caring for fruit trees in the fall.

To feed weakly growing trees, it is allowed to use liquid fertilizers during the growing season. Useful, for example, fermented bird or rabbit droppings, diluted in 10 parts of water. You can also use a solution of complete fertilizers that dissolve well in water. These liquid fertilizers are poured into grooves 10-15 cm deep around the circumference of the crown. After the liquid is absorbed into the soil, the grooves are leveled.

  • If a tree does not bloom in the spring, it must be dug out of the ground, shortened the roots and for several days (best in the cellar) lower the roots into the water or cover them with moist earth. Only after it turns green can it be planted again in the ground.

young garden care

The second - before the June fall of the ovaries,


By starting to properly care for a young garden, you can provide your trees and shrubs with optimal conditions for growth and fruiting, and provide yourself with a cozy cellar with an abundance of vitamins for the winter. The main work on caring for fruit trees is done in the fall, however, some attention should be paid to fruit plants during the summer season.

  • Early spraying of trees with Bordeaux mixture or blue vitriol, urea, (urea) will save plants from many problems. There are other means of processing: chemical, combined, but the above are effective and one of the most budgetary. Which drug to choose, the gardener decides.
  • 1 kg of lime and manure;

When to prune fruit plants

Stock up on melt water - it is rich in useful trace elements. To do this, the containers need to be filled with snow and added as it melts.

Fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs

One of the important agricultural practices is the control of pests and diseases. Garden care in early spring is the most right time years for this. Chemical treatment of plants will require practical skills and knowledge from gardeners. Without plant protection, it is impossible to grow a healthy and high-grade crop.​

  • Competent pruning is carried out before the buds swell. It is performed on sunny days at zero air temperature.

Spraying fruit trees


Lime is applied to the soil in accordance with its reaction. It is especially necessary for stone fruits; berry crops are less demanding in this respect. It should not be overlooked that calcium fertilizers and manure, as well as superphosphate and chemical nitrogenous fertilizers, cannot be introduced at the same time.​

During the growing season, especially after rain (before the formation of a dried earth crust), the soil around the tree must be finely loosened several times. It is necessary to loosen in May-July, when shoots and fruits are mainly formed. In August and September, the soil is not disturbed, which ensures better ripening and coloring of the fruit.


Third, if the summer was dry and watering is necessary - 2 to 3 weeks before the fruits of summer varieties of apples and pears ripen.

  1. The main function of pruning fruit trees is the formation of the future crown, its shape and location of skeletal branches. In this case, certain conditions must be observed.​
  2. ​Start the first treatment when the temperature has reached 5 °C. During this period, spraying will destroy successfully overwintered pests.
  3. 200 grams of copper sulfate;

With the advent of spring, not only vegetation wakes up - rodents and pests are ready to become more active. Inspect existing bait poisons, prepare new ones if necessary.​

Protection of fruit trees from pests and diseases

Spraying fruit and berry crops can be divided into three stages:

  1. Fruit-bearing trees are cut first, the flower buds of which are ahead of leaf awakening. This action includes the removal of:
  2. ​Part 22 - For garden fertilizer - Urea

In case of an acute lack of nutrients, when their intake from the soil is somehow limited (waterlogged soil, damaged roots), spraying the leaves with a nutrient solution can be recommended. 400 g of ammonium nitrate with limestone or 500-600 g of urea, 500-600 g of potassium bisulfate and an extract of 3-4 kg of superphosphate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The most favorable for such spraying is the period after flowering. With a clear lack of nutrients, spraying is repeated one or two more times in 10-14 days. As necessary, such spraying is combined with spraying against diseases and pests of trees.


Caring for fruit trees throughout the year

In autumn, the earth is dug up around the tree to a depth of no more than 10 cm, and between rows - up to 15 cm. Digging around the tree is carried out only with a shovel pitchfork, which does not damage the roots so much. Even better than loosening, a shallow trench. In summer, loosening the ground is generally not recommended. After the soil dries up in the spring, it is treated with the reverse side of the rake (also in order to reduce moisture loss from evaporation).

The terms of watering fruit trees fall in September - for the autumn growth of roots, and later, winter, for charging the soil with moisture.

The main - skeletal branches should depart from the trunk at an angle of 45 - 60 degrees. So correct pruning fruit trees involves the removal of extra branches that do not meet this condition.​

The use of special preparations before flowering will help protect the buds, cope with pest larvae and fungal diseases.

Mix the indicated components in 8 liters of water, leave for about 2 hours.

The snow has melted - start cleaning the garden. Collect old leaves and other debris, get rid of weeds if they appear.​

Before the swelling of the kidneys;

- damaged, frozen shoots;

This is due to the fact that it is here that most often various animals hide during the winter. harmful organisms. It is useful for a gardener who has not yet gained experience to know how the trees are properly sprayed, in the sense of what kind of work needs to be done and how to apply the solution to the surface of the trunk.

​Part 23 - Caring for fruit trees throughout the year​

Protection from diseases and pests

​Deep rejuvenation of the crowns of old trees a) cut angle at the apple tree; 6) in a pear; c) apple tree after pruning. 1 - a branch going to the side at the end of a shortened branch; 2 - a small, horizontally running fruit-bearing branch on the upper branch; 3 - a thinner branch, obliquely going towards the lower branch

Protecting the garden from pests and diseases must be carried out regularly by all existing ways- agrotechnical, biological and chemical.​

In each tier of the crown, skeletal branches should be evenly spaced around the trunk. If there are two branches, the divergence angle between them is 180 degrees, and if there are three branches, then it is 120.​

The following treatment is needed to destroy insects and fruit rot that have appeared.

Clay-based whitewash solution:

Even before the snow has completely melted and the trees “wake up”, choose a dry day and whitewash.

before flowering;

- branches growing inside the crown;

When spraying fruit trees, special attention is paid to places on the trunk where cracks are visible.

Planting seedlings, grafting, etc.

The best protection is prevention. If fruit plants create good conditions and take care of them accordingly, they will not cause much trouble to the gardener.

To enrich the soil with humus, various plants can be grown under fruit trees. Field peas, fodder vetch, white mustard, buckwheat, phacelia, white clover, multi-flowered chaff, annual ryegrass, etc. are most suitable for this purpose, and lupine on sandy soils.

Set up pest traps

If you planted a seedling in early spring, then pruning fruit trees in the fall will greatly facilitate the further formation of the crown of plants. Autumn seedlings can be cut in the same autumn in a year. Optimal conditions for cutting fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs - the period of sleep, that is, when the plant has not yet awakened in early spring or has already reduced its vital activity late autumn. At this time, the plant tolerates pruning injuries more easily.
Remember that it is not recommended to spray trees during flowering.

Mix 1 kg of oily clay in 10 liters of water;

Before work, prepare trees with damage: clean the trunk with a brush, remove dead bark, at the same time pests that have overwintered and survived in it will be destroyed. Growths, lichens are also cleaned off. Cover all open cracks with garden pitch. Whitewash after the treated areas have completely dried.
A week after flowering.

- branches that interfere with the development of the crown.
First of all, with the onset of spring, it is necessary to ensure proper spring care for fruit trees. To do this, cleaning their trunk with a brush will help. Only then can lime mortar be used. By the way, it must be fresh, which means that you need to cook it on the same day. Otherwise, it will not act on insects as it should, and will not harm them, and burns may remain on the tree itself. To treat the garden from pests, you can also use Bordeaux mixture, iron sulfate, as well as preparations such as Hom and Topaz.
Pruning features include fruit trees in the spring, a few of them should be highlighted. So, in a newly planted pear, it is always necessary during this period to remove branches that, being too close to the trunk, create sharp corner. This must be done in order to ensure the growth of seedlings, which is possible only under obtuse angle from the trunk. When cutting branches, it is important to evenly distribute them around the entire circumference.
And if you also provide for everything in order to attract birds as your helpers, then worries will be completely reduced. To do this, it is enough to install bird feeders in the garden for the winter, replenish the feeders with food, and put titmouses and birdhouses for some useful birds so that the birds take the chicks directly to the site. Birds will repay their owners with kindness - they will do useful work: the destruction of pests.
Sowing material is applied from early July to early August in moist soil. Plants are planted only in spring. In winter, this planting material protects the soil from severe freezing and helps to better retain snow. It is not recommended to grow green manure plants in areas with rainfall below 500 mm, as well as in young fruit plantations.​
Spray with vitriol before flowering and a month before fruit ripening.

Spring care for fruit trees: photo and video

  1. Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers begins from the second - third year after planting, if the necessary doses of nutrients were initially added to the planting pit

    Spring pruning of trees and crown formation

    Garden maintenance includes spring top dressing trees, contributing to the nutrition and improvement of soil quality. Everything necessary elements for growth, plants are obtained through mineral fertilizers, so do not forget about them every year. Organic: compost, peat, manure is enough to use once every 2-3 years. Usually, in the spring, the soil is fed with nitrogen, and in the fall, manure, phosphorus, and potassium are used.