How to grow from the cyclamen tuber. The appearance on the flower of malicious organisms is noted in violation of agrotechnics of growing

Cyclamen is a wonderful plant of a family of colorful, who pleases us with its bloom in the most severe season - in winter. Persian cyclamen (this is the most beautiful view For cultivation at home) - the plant of a short light day, it does not need any additional backlit. All you need is a windowsill (preferably cool) and watering. Cyclamen loves light, but can grow and successfully blossom on the windows of any orientation, with shading from the midday sun. Cyclamen is far from such a tender, as you imagine, in nature, it grows in a fairly harsh climate, on stony high mountain slopes in Israel, Greece, Turkey, etc. Cyclamen is much more resistant to diseases and pests than, for example, violet.

You can have a cyclaman in two ways: buy a ready-made plant in the store or grow it from seeds. I will tell you about the adaptation of shopping plants another time, here I want to show you how to grow cyclamen from seeds. You can also buy a baby cyclame for home cultivation, but people who implement such children, units.

Grow cyclamen from seeds is not more difficult than tomatoes. All you need is patient for the first six months. This is the most difficult stage for lovers of such plants, since the first six months seedlings spare and grow very slowly.

The cyclamen grown out of seeds is unpretentious, it is initially adapted to the conditions of your home, which cannot be said about the shopping plants that are grown in greenhouses using a fair amount of fertilizers and hormones, as well as often sold with pest impedits. The chances of the shopping cyclameman survive at home - 50 \\ 50.

This is how ripe cyclames with ridden seeds looks like - seeds shake out of the box, dried several days and you can sow! The germination of the "home" seed is 100%, and they grow much faster and friendly of their "shopping" fellow. But it should be noted that often the germination and shopping seed is 80 and even 100%. Rarely come across small-sided - 30% of seeds. I caught the nonsense seeds only once - and I raised them no longer one hundred.

Sew Seeds:

Seeds before sowing soaked for 1 day in warm water, for example, in a cotton disk. Capacity for sowing must necessarily have drainage holes For water drain, it is also necessary to make drainage (foam plastic, clay) at the bottom, 1.5-2 cm. We embarrass the land for sowing the land (I use "Terra Vita"), the Earth should be about 6-7 cm, the soil is a bit We water and lay out the seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. From above sprinkle with a layer of Earth 1.5-2 cm.

It is better to place the seeds into a cool place, from +10 to +20 - in the coolness seeds ride faster. Many people write that the seeds require darkness - it is not necessary, but the low temperature is desirable. At a temperature of +10 +20, the seeds germinate after four weeks, if the temperature is above +20 - after 8 weeks and longer. On average, time from sowing to seedlings ranges from 1 to 3 months. Make sure that the seeds do not swap, but also to "pour" should not, the soil must be moderately wet. If you still closed the storage capacity - ventilate it periodically.

1 month as they went, 2 months from the day of sown:

About a month or two after sowing, the first pink-purple seedlocks will appear. The seed cyclameman grows so: first comes out the root with a tiny tuber - it is rooted in the soil, then unfolds a shell shooting with a sheet. At this stage frequent problem Amateurs are an inconsistent robe seed on the only leaves of the seedlings. Usually, if the humidity is high enough, the seedlings will gradually remove the "cap", but it happens that it remains long enough - in fact, it is not scary, because New leaves will go from the Nuberka located in the ground. Many lovers remove the stubborn seedlings of the "caps" on their own - equipped with tweezers or manicure scissors, you first need to spray the peel in 40 minutes so that it soften, or put a piece of wet wool on it.

If your hands are not shaking with a hangover - you can try this way. His minus is that you can tear off the only leaflet of the seedlings along with this peel. But this is not fatal - I repeat, new leaves will go from the Neller. Nevertheless, if you are not sure of your ability to make such jewelry operations - refrain and just wait until the seedlings ourselves get rid of the residues of seeds. You can slightly spray them during this period. But make sure that the crops are not overwhelmed, the soil must be wet, but not wet.

Also at this time, if the seedlings were planted deeply, you need to free up the top of the straw from the ground, the cyclamen's tube must be 1/3 exempt from the soil so that the growth point did not start. This also applies to adult plants, adults are allowed ½ above the level of soil.

4 months from the day of sowing:

The first 3 months of the seedlings of the cyclameman practically do not grow - at first glance. At this time, they are actively growing a tuber and root system, new leaves practically does not appear, the first 3 months of a sighane can stand with 1 leaves. Sometimes the second sheet appears a month after germination, sometimes longer - after 3 months. At this time, you need to follow the kids do not swam, in general, in the first year of life cyclamen love constantly wet soil. This is the guarantee of confident plant growth. Contain plants can be at temperatures from +5 (verified) and above.

4 months from the day of sowing:

When the seedlings appeared the second / third sheet, they can be seeded (dive). Usually, the dive accounts for 3-4 months from sowing. You need to dive carefully, with a lore of the earth, you can use for further growing seedlings or small pots \\ cups, not forgetting about drainage. Seedlings picking are transported well and significantly add in growth after it.

Seedlings 6 months from the day of sown:

So the seedlings look at 6 months from the day of sowing. The most difficult stage behind! Now everything will go faster and more fun! The first six months of cyclamen seedlings are better not to feed at all, then a weak solution of mineral fertilizer for blooming can be used. You can do without it.

9 months from the day of sown:

So the seedlings look at 9 months from the day of sowing. They are already pleasing to the eyes. Flower kidneys appear on many. By the year, seedlings usually bloom or bloom in a year with a little.

This seedlings are 1 year old, he is already with buds, this is about to bloom. I want to pay attention that he is on the unheated loggia, where the temperature drops to 0-5 C. In the cooling of cyclamen form a very compact rosette of the leaves, but at higher temperatures these plants feel fine (on my windowsill it rises to +30) - Just the socket will be more loose. Also, cyclamen are not afraid of drafts - none of my cyclamen is not a member when I ventilated the room in winter in -30.

An important point - watering, I always water from above on the edge of the pot, irrigated into the tray never used. The only thing you need to pay attention to when watering are: I do not leave the water on the tuber and the plant growth point. Can bend. Pour the soil along the edge of the pot.

Until the year, cyclamen love soil to be wet, after a year, adult individuals during the summer months need moderate watering - once a few days, a small amount of water.

These plants slightly more than a yearIn nature, summer is a period of rest for Persian cyclamen, but modern Persian cyclamen has lost a clear line between the rest period and a period of active growth and flowering. Therefore, often "Persians" bloom and in the summer. My cyclamen "Fantasy" blooms continuously from late November 2009 to this day (August 2010). But if in summer, your plant dropped a part of the foliage - it means that cyclamen goes on peace, watering should be reduced, but in no case stop watering at all. A pot with a plant can be removed in the shadow, you can leave in your own place. The transplant in fresh soil is usually done at the end of August, before the start of the active growth of cyclamen.

Information based on my personal experience and knowledge learned from different sources. Good luck to you, dear fans of cyclamen !!!

Cyclamen belongs to the family of colorful and includes about 20 kinds of colors, of which only European, Neapolitan and Persian gained popularity for growing at home. Today we will tell you how to care for cyclamen at home.

It is quite difficult to grow such a blooming instance. To admire hybrids having snow-white, pink, burgundy and purple colors, It is necessary to comply with the principles of their content.

After purchasing a finished plant or his tuber should be selected in the room a place without drafts, but without air. First important condition - Choose a place with good lighting, that is, on the eastern or western windowsill. If the indoor flower will grow on the southern window, it must be protected from direct sunlight.

It is recommended to highlight the culture place in a regularly ventilated room. Especially relevant good illumination for such a handsome during the bookmark of the buds and when flowering occurs. Then the culture will fond, after which resting, and at this time the lighting does not play a significant role.

Video "Secrets of Cyclamen Care"

Florist Nelli Murashkin will open three secrets that will help maintain cyclamen in a state of flowering round yearAnd also tell about how to rejuvenate the plant.


Also, the care carried out by cyclamen at home, implies control of the temperature regime in the room. Normally, your favorite needs + 12-15 ° C. It is undesirable to increase the indicator to +20 ° C or its decrease to +10 ° C. Also for culture is harmful neighborhood with a radiator or battery, especially in winter.

Flower needs to create artificial temperature mode, since natural way To achieve an indicator at the level of +15 ° C in the room is not easy. Wintering is usually carried out with indicators + 12-14 ° C, in the summer it is recommended to achieve indicators + 18-25 ° C. With coming warm season Capacity can be taken out in a shaded place and shop.


Still of the handsome cyclamen includes checking the level of humidity of air and land. Achieve high humidity Soils in a pot can be, if you install it on a pallet with a wet clay or shallow pebbles, and also put a number of tanks with water. The soil in which the bulb lives, should consist of peat, turf, large sand, hardening, clay and vermiculite.

It is impossible to spray from the sprayer, especially when flowers appear. The minimum allowable irrigation gap can coincide with the intensive growth of the leaflets. The air drying signal will be the yellowing of the foliage surface. To enhance the humidity indicator, it is possible to create a location of the windowsill water fog.


Talking about how to care for the cyclamen, it is impossible to go around the attention and its correct watering. The peculiarity of the procedure is that it should be carried out often, but the amount of moisture should be moderate. When appear beautiful flowersWatering is carried out with soft and dilated water, not allowing neither overhangship, nor the convergence of the earth coma.

Watering the culture must be careful not to soak tubers and buds. Optimal decision for home care It will turn through the pallet. It is impossible that the moisture fell on the core, otherwise the peeling is possible.

For irrigation, it is customary to use water with a temperature indicator by 2-4 ° C below the room, precompanied, filtered or rain.

After a couple of hours after the excess procedure, the excess water is necessarily drained. By the time the culture is going to blow away and fall into the hibernation, watering gradually reduce. At the beginning of summer, when foliage will yellow and dried, the tubers will become naked, watering their pet is very rare.

Depending on the variety, the blooming culture is capable of from the second half of October until the end of March. When the flowers begin to wake up, at the end of the summer - in the fall, they are returned from the garden or balcony to a light cool place in the room, gradually increasing watering.


When growing cyclamen, adding to the ground feeding. It is necessary to fertilize with the active growth of culture, the inclusion frequency is 1 time in 2 weeks. Good choice Common mineral fertilizers are considered for room colors. They are usually acquired ready in a specialized store. If you have acquired a culture recently, it will be necessary to feed it only in 2-4 months. How many feeding to make, tell you instructions for each drug.


At the end of the summer, when the heart-shaped leaves appear, the cyclamen will be raised in the room. The transplant procedure is carried out into a wide container where the mixture of loose fresh soil, leaf land, humus, peat and sand are placed in proportion 2: 3: 1: 1: 1. It is permissible to use a substrate from 2 parts of the sheet, 1 part of the decomposed grounding ground, as well as 0.5 parts of the sand. The level of acidity of such a mixture should not exceed 6 pH.

Conducting a transplant, it is necessary to carefully handle roots, and the discovered parts must be trimmed. Also should not fully shuffle tubers, then everything will pass, as they say, super. Therefore, it should be planted so that approximately half the surface. You can take about 0.4 g of ammonia nitrate, 1 g of superphosphate and up to 4 g of phosphate flour per 1 kg of substrate.

At the bottom of the tank, high-quality drainage is placed. To obtain new Rostock Such a culture, it is possible with the help of seeds or tuber division.

Fighting diseases and viruses

In order for your flowers to look great and were healthy, competently care for them follows more than one year. But even if you observe all the conditions, it is not always possible to keep a pet from diseases. The most common inconsishes include fuzarious wilt, wet and gray Gnil, root rot, anthracnose and a sage fungus.

It is possible to determine that your plants have such as fusarious wilt, you can yellow the tops of the leaves, followed by a complete change in their color and fading. The fungus penetrates the structure through the young roots and strikes the tubers. To combat it, watering "Fundazole", as well as spraying the above-ground part with Topcin-M preparation.

Dangerous bacterial infection is wet Gnil. It is characterized by the beginning of the fading of culture, the sorcement of foliage and flowers, the putrid smell of tubers. The source of the disease is water or diseased plants. The treatment is not carried out, the affected copy is destroyed.

With damage to cyclamen, the gray rotting of the fungus provokes the appearance on the surface of the stem and sheets of mold, causing a darkening and dying of the parts of the culture. The foliage turns yellow, which leads to her death. For treatment, it is necessary to remove the diseased parts, cutting irrigated, producing the room, but not allowing the presence of drafts. Flowers are treated with systemic fungicide.

Infection of root rotches is possible when landing into ordinary garden land, which was not previously disappeared. Infection pathogens are fungi, provoking the appearance of dark sections on the roots and causing pallor sheets. For the treatment of land shed by systemic fungicide.

The development of anthrax occurs in warm and wet conditions. The affected flowers stop in the development and become distorted, the disease further causes drying and dieting foliage. Pruning the affected parts and culture treatment of fungicides will help.

The sage fungus attacks the plants, arising on the sweet discharges left by the colonies of the Tly. The disease not only amazes the foliage, which will soon dry out, but also violates the growth of the entire culture. A characteristic raid from the surface is well removed with a solution of green soap. Then plants advise to treat copper-soap and flush with warm water. Treatment can be carried out with modern fungicide.

For home dilution The most diverse and who came to us from overseas edges. In particular, Koski, one description of which is already becoming to think about its breeding at home. Let us get a closer look at this awesome representative of the flora and will deal with its basic requirements for cultivation.

Botanical description


Despite the fact that the Koski cyclamen is a fairly light-insulated plant, hitting its leaves of direct sunlight threatens burns on them.

Therefore, the windowsills with the Western or East side of the house are best for its placement. In case of extreme need, you can place pots with a plant and on southern windows, only in this case will have to obscure them.

Temperature characteristics and air humidity

Growing Cyclamen Kosk in his home, it is important to ensure it is optimal temperature mode. IN winter It is allowed to reduce the temperature to + 11 ... + 14 ° C, but in the summer it will be better if the temperature indicators will hold on at + 18 ... + 25 ° C. The most comfortable values \u200b\u200bfor sufficient growth and flowering plants are + 11 ... + 14 ° C.

Up to the very formation of cyclamen buds, it is necessary to regularly spray, but as soon as they appear, this procedure is stopped, otherwise it is possible to rot. Water can also be added to the pallet, but only if it is filled, clayjit or pebbles.

Substrate for growing

The composition of the soil mixture also plays the last role in successful growing Flower. Therefore, to obtain timely and abundant flowering It is so important to prepare the right substrate.

The ideal option will be a mixture of sheet and turf (in equal proportions) with the addition of crushed, lime crushed stone or old plaster. Also, it is also impossible to forget about, since plants often suffer even from a small excess of moisture.

Landing at home

Landing cyclamen at home can be performed in two ways: seeds and through the division of the tuber. Both processes cannot be called too complicated, but to obtain the most optimal result, competently approach preparation planting material and remember some nuances of the landing.


The entire seed material must have a holistic structure, and it is not necessary to buy, because if you have a blooming cycleman, then you can collect seeds from it.

Important! The shelf life of both the purchase and home planting material is very limited and is no more than 2 years. If the package you choose is different with erased inscriptions or slightly wet, this indicates incorrect storage conditions.

Taking a decision self-cultivation Seeds, be prepared for artificial cross-pollination. To do this, with the help of brushes, pollen should be transferred from one flower to another, which in principle is easy, since its structure allows you to easily perform the specified procedure.

When a polished plant forms a box through time (it matures about 4 months), it remains to extract seeds from it and land them into a prepared substrate. The main thing - the capacity should not be too deep and no need to pour a lot of soil mixture.

The grooves under the seeds are also done small - long no more than 1 cm. Between individual seeds, they leave a gap of 3 cm. The seed material will fall asleep with a small amount of land, and it is very important to control the level of soil moisture. The first shoots will appear in a month.

Important! Do not be afraid if the sink seeds do not immediately manifest itself, - the first time the flower grows quite slowly and it is recommended only, without making any. As the first (not earlier than a month after the landing) can be used.

Bloom young Plant, planted by a seed method, is observed no earlier than in a year, and sometimes after three.

Delivery of the tuber

The reproduction of the Koski cyclame with tubers is possible, but at home is undesirable. This procedure is performed during the rest of the plant and will require some special knowledge from you.

Before splitting the bulb, it is removed from the soil and carefully dry, after which they are cut into several parts (it is better for the beginning to start two). It is very important that each piece obtained contains the kidney.

All seized parts are processed pushed and dried again. Further, the whole process passes according to the standard scenario: each process is planted into a separate pot, deepening a few centimeters.

If you decide to purchase ready-made parts of the tuber, be sure to pay attention to the kidneys: they must be safe and without damage. Such a tuber is treated with growth accelerator and leave for a time in a bright place.

The young plant needs to periodically water, but do not pour, otherwise it is possible to start posting.

The breeding of the cyclame of the division of the tuber is a rather problematic process, especially for beginner flower products, but there is still a chance. As an alternative version, children are also suitable for the role of landing material (they are coming up much faster).

Did you know? IN The XVIII century cyclamen was called "pork bread," because it turned out that the pigs are specifically tearing the land in search of tubers and the roots of the plant.

Features of Cyclamen Cyclamen

Watering, feeding, trimming and transplanting plants into a new substrate playing a far from its cultivation. Correct care Always ensures the harmonious development of any flower, so it is so important to know about all possible nuances.

How to water the flower

Cyclamen Koski, like many of its hybrids, requires regular, but dosed irrigation, especially in. Fluid introduction is usually performed by immersion, and when watering is irrigated from above, it is important to control this process so that the water does not hit the leaves and tubers.

It will correctly pour liquid through the edge of the pot. During the rest of the plant, the amount of moisture is reduced, but should not allow the dryness of the Earth.


In the process of active flowering and plant growth, it must be fed 1 time in 2 weeks, using a complex (usually the desired dosage is specified on the package). After seeding a plant (when growing from seeds) in the first 6 months along with mineral composition need to be made and.

Pruning plants

Pruning Cyclamen Koski is practically not required, but for normal growth and development it is necessary to delete the shockless flowers and faded leaves in a timely manner, and the baseball bases, prone to loading, should also be deleted.

Proper transplant

Cyclamen's transplant (not only Kosk) must be performed regularly: every year at the same time, before the start of the bootonization. Typically, this time falls on the middle of the summer, when new leaves are gradually started into growth.

It is not necessary to underestimate the importance of this procedure, since in 12 months the soil in the pot is much dramatized, which worsens its structure. When transplanting from you, you need to fully replace the old soil mixture to a new one, with the required removal of the discharged and dead roots.

Important! If your plant is not more than 1.5 years, then the pot of about 8 cm is perfect for it, while for a three-year plant the ideal option will be 15 cm.

If you want your cyclaman to live for a long time and please you with your color, it is important to prepare the right soil mixture, which is most often created from the leaf, sand and peat.

Sheet land will need a little more than the remaining ingredients that are taken in equal proportions. If you do not have a desire to independently do the preparation of the substrate, then it can be purchased in finished video In any specialized store.

Having understood with the new soil and selecting the appropriate container for further development Your cyclameman, on the bottom of the pot, make small holes and launch drainage in the form of ordinary pebbles or clay, which will save the plant from the convergence.

Pouring a new soil in a pot, you do not need to ram it, and to improve the health of the cyclame, before placing it in a new container, simply remove (unscrew) several old leaves. The transplant procedure itself requires a neat seizure of the plant from the old pot and its neat transfer to the new one.

IN winter time The year, when hurricanes are raging outside the window, snow hills whites, it's nice to start a colorful corner of flowering plants at home. Such bright representatives of decorative room colors applies.

In nature, cyclamen grows in the Mediterranean part of Europe and Iran. They relate to perennials who please their colorful colors from the end of the autumn before the beginning of the spring. Flowers grown them at home, receiving not only a wonderful oasis in the middle of winter, but also a valuable medicine.

, or alpine violet is easy to learn from the flowers located on long stems having a painting from pink to purple. Similar on the hearts of the leaves are cast from above silver, and below painted in a dark red tone. Looking at the plant, it seems that this beautiful Spaniards in proud to be wounded in front of the audience. Her silver lush skirt emphasizes a slim mill with a bright headdress.

The European view of the flower has small inflorescences, but for Persian is characterized by large, similar to the wings of butterflies, petals with white, pink shades. They extend a pleasant smell far. The root of the plant is a tuber of both oval and flat shape.

The cyclamen began to bloom from the middle of the autumn, and finishes at the end of the winter season.

Each flower lives to ten days, giving way to his fellows. Seeds of plants are similar to buckwheat grain, gather in a miniature box. In the spring flower flows into the hibernation, since the tuber lives and breathes over the ground, and leaves and stems die for a while. Methods of breeding cyclamen - tubers and seeds. The second method is most often used. Seeds of plants acquire in a specialized store or collect themselves with room flower.

Basic rules of preparation:

  • The seed material shake out of dry boxes and soaked before sowing in water, into which epin-extra or zircon is added to stimulate growth. Dilsert the drug like this: four drops of half a glass of liquid. In twelve hours you can decompose the seeds on moistened cotton pad, closing the wet bandage. A day later, the seeds swell and will be ready for sowing.
  • Soil for indoor flower should be loose, nutritious, well-driving air and water. It can be a purchase substrate specifically for decorative flower growing. Prepare the soil independently does not represent difficulties. Need to mix garden earth with peat, adding a little river sand. Steaming is necessarily. It is spilled boiling water or withstand a few minutes in the oven. Disinfection produce two weeks before seed sitting.
  • For tank under the landing, choose either small flower potsor plastic containers. They need to make holes to remove excess moisture. The drainage layer is placed on the bottom, assembled from pieces of foam, small clay, clay shards.

Many try to germinate seeds first, then to plant them into the pots. For this, the moistened marvel is placed on the moistened marvel, with top view of their fabric layer. Then, after a day, seeds are planted in a container at a distance of three centimeters, sprinkled with a little soil. Containers exhibit in a dark place, constantly moisturizing the earth.

As soon as shoots appear, the pots are placed on light window sills. After three months, you can transplanted the bitten flowers, each in a separate container. Little gentle-purple sprouts require a sensitive attitude towards themselves.

Landing: Terms and Rules

So, the pots with seeds visited the dark and coolness, they quickly sprout, during the month, at a temperature not lower than ten degrees and not exceeding twenty. Too hot room is not for sprouts, otherwise they will appear much later.

The time of sowing plays an important role at the beginning of the flowering of alpine violet.

Hutting them at the end of June, you can be confident in the flowering of the plant in the fall. Landing in August will lead to later than the appearance of colors. Copp the top of the landing is optional. If this measure is taken, you will have to regret them daily. The main requirements of the departure at this time are soil moisturizing. It is better to do with a pipette, delivering moisture under the root of the plant.

You can then flower when three or four leaves appeared. Perform the procedure neatly, trying not to damage the tubers. We must not forget that the root system should be over the soil. Strong blowout can destroy the plant. If this happened, then clean upper layer Soil, exposing tubers. After the aboveground part of the Alpine violet is actively developing. Six months after the sowing of cyclamen, they acquire a real adult.

And then the time of feeding indoor plant. Effective will be or universal complexes for decorative flowers. Right watering It is also important for the formation of a socket of leaves and inflorescences. It is important that the fluid does not get on the tuber, otherwise it will take. If the plant has gained strength a year after sowing, this suggests that the cultivation procedure has passed successfully.

Cyclamen care rules simple:

  1. A comfortable place for a flower will be where the sun's rays are not so bright. He prefers scattered light, half. The room should be well ventilated, but without drafts that are contraindicated with cyclamen.
  2. Being a cooling plant, the flower does not like heat. It blooms well at temperatures of fourteen and sixteen degrees above zero.
  3. During rest, the pot with a plant can be transferred to the basement, but with sufficient lighting.
  4. High humidity Air and soil are ideal conditions for the flower. But when watering needs accuracy. It is better to water through the pallet, in which the pot is placed. Water changes in it daily. Drops of fluid should not get to the stem, tubers, flowers, otherwise they will drop them. Water for watering take only room temperature With pre-guarding.
  5. During the irrigation procedure, it is recommended to contribute specially selected for flowering plants. To get involved in nitrogenous feeders should not be - foliage will increase, and flowering will stop.
  6. During the recreation period, cyclames are breaking dry leaves, flowers. Sturdy pieces cut closer to roots. Watering reduce, a little moisturizing soil.
  7. In the summer, the Alpine violet is transplanted in a pot of larger, leaving a third of the tubers above the ground. Watering begin ten days after the procedure.

The main ailments of cyclamen include fungal diseases caused by improper departure:

  • Abundant irrigated, the convergence causes the appearance of gray rot on the tubers. When the pathology is detected, the plant is neatly digging, the contaminated sections of the root are cut, flushing them in the solution of manganese. Drying tubers, cyclamen planted in new pot with pre-stolen soil.
  • The root rot is falling in the flower if infected with fungal pathogens living in the ground. This ailment is striking when planting seeds into an unpainted soil. You can get rid of the disease with the help of glocladin type fungicides by treating them plants. And the tubers need to be thoroughly rinsed in a disinfectant solution and dry.
  • Sent fungi clocked the dust and ducts of the leaves, their grip. Fungal flask On the plates it is necessary to flush with a solution of green soap, then rinse with warm water. A spraying of bordeaux liquid will help.
  • Flowerines can also be damaged by fungi. From this they will be deformed, falling down. Damaged flowers are removed, and cyclamen spray.

Indoor flower pests:

Health of a houseplant in the hands of his host.

More information can be found from the video:

Cyclamen is a peacekeeper. At least, they are attributed to such properties. This is a grassy perennial, whose feature is winter blossom. He is beautiful for some proud beauty, and good care Not one year happy his owners. Flower leaves have green marble color and heart-shaped or rounded shape. Flowers on high stems can be the most diverse colors, and look like butterflies who sat down on the leaves.

Features of growing cyclamen

The main feature of this room plant is the active winter period - the time of growth and flowering. This period begins in the fall and ends towards the end of the spring. Then 2-3 months the plant is resting.

Cyclamen care is needed painstaking, because the plant is quite capricious. He does not like bright light and dry air. There are features of watering and transplanting plants.

Cyclamen is very sensitive to pests and various diseases, so the soil is better sterilized for it.

Cyclamen's dilution at home is not always successful, so it is most often bought in the store. But with good care, the flower lives long.

A feature of the planting of cyclamen is the method of its placement in the pot. The rolling-shaped tuber is not fully placed in the ground, but only half or two thirds.

There are two ways to plant cyclamen.

  • Tubers.In order to plant the tuber, it is cut in a clean knife, separating parts with "eyes", similar to potato. Moreover, the pieces of the tuber do not cheat, but put on the ground and leave open. For germination, a dark place is needed, or a dark film that needs to hide a tray with a seedler.

Important!The reproduction of the plant with a tuber is possible only if there are several growth points (eyes).

  • Seeds. Seeds are obtained from the fetus of the cyclameman, which is formed after flowering.

The best landing time is the end of summer when the plant leaves the hibernation and the first leaves appear on its tubers.

Soil for the plant

Cyclamen does not like too loose soil. He prefers as an organic leafy land. If you buy the soil in the store (there is a special for cyclamen), it is necessary to be treated with a solution of manganese (standard brightly pink for all home plants), pre-registering. Then add to this soil perlite and sand in the proportion 2: 1, respectively. Cyclamen loves the weakness of the soil.

Features of the care are caused by the sensitivity of this flower, both to the inappropriate conditions of content and exposure to disease.

Light for the plant is needed bright, but dissipated. If you have it on the windows, it is only not on the south side. The place should be such that it does not affect the excessive heat from the batteries. central heating. Cyclamen does not endure any smoke, so it is undesirable to put it in the kitchen or where they smoke. The room where the cyclamen grows should be well ventilated.

Cyclamen requires high humidity. Sufficient moisture is achieved by placing a pot with a flower on a pallet with a wet pebble or clay. You can simply spray the water to the water, thereby creating an increased humidity.

Temperature mode

Cyclamen badly tolerates heat in the room. Optimal temperature For him during flowering, about +18 degrees. But the inhabitants of the apartment hardly want to freeze in winter, even for such beautiful flower. Therefore, you need to find such a windowsill where the most low temperature, and more often to air the room. In the period of rest from May to August, the flower is comfortable at +15, and from August to November, when he gains strength, growth and color is better to contain it at +20 - +18 degrees.


Watering cyclamen is required unusual. In no case can no water fall into leaves or tuber. This leads to fungal diseases. Water flower as follows. The pallet is filled with water, and the plant takes exactly as much as he needs. If after a while (10-15 minutes) the water in the pallet still remained, it must be merged. Some flower products believe that the upper irrigation is allowed until the plant threw the flowers. Between irrigation of the soil must be satisfied.

During flowering, the plant requires more waterBut not surplus, otherwise it begins to rot the root. As soon as the cyclamen stops flowering and begins to reset the leaves, watering should be reduced, but the soil must still be wet. During the period, watering is practically stopped and followed only that the tuber does not breathe.

Important! Watering water should be several degrees of cooler room temperature.

Fertilizer is entered only during flowering. For feeding used conventional mixtures of complex mineral fertilizer For room colors. Preferably increased potassium content. The feeding is made 1 time in 14 days along with the next irrigation. It should be stopped in March and not fertilize until August. Then, after planting a tuber, resume. The oversupply of fertilizer can cause a rapid growth of the leaf mass and the deterioration of flowering.

Important! Do not apply a high nitrogen fertilizer, it reduces the stability of the cyclamene to infections.


Cyclamen pruning does not produce. During the flowering period, and after it carefully remove the yellowed leaves and faded flowers. Moreover, the patterns should not be cut, but unscrew from their base so that the parts remaining in the club did not lead to shockting.

Cyclamen reproduction

Cyclamen spread in order to get a new flower. There are only two ways - tuber and seeds. Both methods are not very effective at home, although, subject to all requirements, you can get a healthy flowering plant. Most cyclamen varieties breed seeds.

Methods of breeding

Cyclamp cultivation of seeds

They can be bought or grow themselves. To independently receive seeds, you must first overstate those flowers from which you plan to get a seed box. You can make it a soft tassel. When the flowers are covered, it is not necessary to clean them. Wait for the seed box will start opening, and remove seeds from it. They must be soaked in warm water for 24 hours. Seed seeds are necessary far from each other, sprinkled on top of a vermiculite about 5 millimeters.

He stimulates the growth of plants well and gives them decorativeness. Shoots should be expected from one to two months. This time drawers with a seadade must be kept in a dark place at a temperature not higher than +20 degrees. When 2-3 sheets appear on seedlings, they can be searched on separate pots and put on light. Blossom will begin in 12 - 18 months. Interesting fact: Plants grown by their "their" seeds are much easier to adapt to the microclimate of the apartment than those grew from the purchased.


The tuber must have several eyes. You need to dry the tuber and separate a slice with an eye with a sharp knife. The location of the cut is dried and sprinkled with charcoal (you can use activated carbon). A piece with a kidney is planted in a pot, as usual. Despite the observance of all landing rules, the tubers often begin to rot

Important! The tuber's reproduction should be done only during rest.

Cyclamen blooms very beautiful and long. To maintain the duration of flowering, you just need to perform several conditions:

  • Remove the first bloomrs (very carefully, without damaging the tuber)
  • Cut flowers when they start weaker. It will give the plant more forces for the formation of new flowers.
  • Spread the leaves to the edges of the pot, freeing the middle of the plant.

When flowers (flowering period) Plant, flower shape

Most of the cyclamen varieties blooms in autumn and winter. The exception is European cyclamen, whose active period falls on the spring and summer, although it can bloom almost all year round if it is created the right conditions.

Flowers have the very following different colors And shades - from pink to red and purple. At the base of petals The color is more saturated. The number of petals -5, bent form. Cyclamen exudes a thin unobtrusive fragrance. European European Cyclamp is stronger.

Plant care after flowering

The sworded cyclamen begins to lose leaves. This means that he is preparing for rest. It is necessary to cut off the remaining flowers, remove (cut or screwed) yellowed leaves and stop watering it. Best turn the pot on the side and leave in cool place. Now until the end of the summer, you should simply support the tuber in a wet state.

Cyclamen is susceptible to diseases and pests, so you need to carefully follow its condition, especially during flowering.


  • Flowers fond quickly. This means that the plant is missing mineral subcorde And too hot
  • Start grew leaves and flowers. Abundant watering, you need to dry a little strawberry
  • Deformation of leaves and flowers. Most likely, pests appeared.


  • Rota tubers not infectious origin. The sign is the yellowing and fading of the leaves, the places were rotted on the tubers. Plant do not save. To avoid rot, you should choose the soil of optimal acidity (weak), do not squeeze the tuber too deep and avoid its excessive moisture.
  • Bronze virus leaves. Sign - Plant deformation. The virus is distributed by trips. Patient plant does not save. If the cyclaman is planted in a greenhouse or in the ground (in the summer - European), to place a sticky tape for tryps in this place. The same applies to the virus of the ring mosaic. Sign - a characteristic ring pattern and cracking of the leaves.
  • Anthracnose. Sign - cessation of growth and flowering plants, weakened young sprouts and empty middle of a flower. At the first sign of the disease to treat fungicides. Prevention is a timely struggle with gray rot.
  • Gray rot. Sign - lethargy and wint of leaves, the appearance of a grayish plaque. Remove the affected parts of the plant, reduce humidity. Treatment with antifungal agents is secondary compared to the hygiene plant content.


Flower TRIPS, cobed tick, Tly. They are struggling with drugs - insecticides. Highly affected plants destroy. The main signs of the lesion of the flower pests are the deformation and foaming of the leaves, the appearance of spots on the petals of flowers.

How to buy cyclamen?

Unfortunately, it often happens that the cyclamen brought from the store is dying even with the most thorough care. To this not happen, when buying (if you make it in the fall) you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Leaves should be juicy and green
  • There must be many buds (look under the leaves)
  • The tuber on a third or half over the soil (from the European cyclameman it should be completely loose)
  • From the earth, the remains of the leaves will not stick, and the substrate does not smell mold

Do not get upset that the leaves fall out and the flower does not want to bloom if you purchased it in the spring. Cyclamen is preparing for the rest period and this is a natural process. It is necessary to reduce watering and put the pot with a plant in a dark place.

Cyclamen transplant after purchase

Cyclamen transplant after purchase only if it was planted into the transportation soil (peat). It is necessary to remove the plant from the pot and gently, but thoroughly rinse the root with warm water in order to remove the peat on it. Try not to damage the bulb at the point of growth. Washing the root, process it with rhoin.

Method of transplant

Cyclamen does not need a spacious pot. Drainage is placed on the bottom, then the ground. The tuber is laid out on the ground. Ideally, the distance from the tuber to the walls of the pot must be no more than 3 cm. Then the remaining free space fill in the substrate, leaving on the surface 13 part of the tuber.

Types and Stort

European cyclamen (purple)

The most popular view in the Soviet Union. It differs from the remaining types of flowering period and the almost absent period of rest. In summer, it blooms well on garden beds. Requires the same care as other cyclamen varieties. Replaced less often - once every two or three years. It is called purple due to the lower part of the leaf of a reddish shade.

Cyclamen Persian

In nature, it is found in the Mediterranean area, has a more pronounced fragrance. The flower can grow to 30 centimeters. Color petals white, red and pink. Winter flowering, rest period - May - July. It has many varieties. It is multiplied only by seeds.

Cyclamen Caucasian (Kosk)

Flowers are small - up to one and a half centimeters, painting - white, red and lilac-pink, with a pronounced color intensity at the base. All the plant with a height of about 10 cm. Flowers from February to April, the period of rest is long - to deep autumn.

Plude cyclamen

Named so because of the form of leaves resembling ivy. Flowering period September - October. It has a feature - first begins to bloom, then releases leaves. Small pink flowers (no more than one and a half centimeters). Plushelistic cyclamen must be replant less often, it does not tolerate this procedure.

Cyclamen Victoria

It is a type of Persian and very beautifully blooms. Flowers have a motley color from white to raspberry color. It is characterized by uncharacteristic for persian cyclamen flowering period. With good care, it can bloom from spring and until the middle of autumn.

Cyclamen Mix

Cyclamen mix is \u200b\u200bnot separate view. It is distinguished by the color of petals, as if turning smoothly from one color to another.

Cyclamen Patio Mix

Patio is a miniature version of the cyclameman. Flowers - from white to carmine

Difficulties of growing plants

Some flower products believe that there are no difficulties in growing and care for cyclamen. In fact, it is so simple this care should be thorough and painstaking.

Here are some tips that can be useful to fans of cyclamen:

  • War down a little soil before planting seeds. So there will be less illness
  • European or magenta cyclamen almost does not "leave" during the rest, and requires feeding all year round (slightly reduce it in the winter months).
  • SANE European cyclamen in a low wide pot, this is due to a somewhat flattened form of his tuber

Answers to readers

Life expectancy Plant

The plant is a long-lived if the rules for its content are observed. Can live and blossom to 40 years old.

Is it possible to keep this plant at home?

It is possible and necessary, it is believed that he brings peace and peace to the house, soothes the children and attracts friends.

Does this flower poow?

The bulbs of the cyclameman of poisonous, preferably a change in gloves. May cause severe skin inflammation.

Why is cyclamen not color?

The reasons can be much - from pest to improper cultivation conditions. If this is not pests, it means it is just hot. It is necessary to reduce the temperature, participating ventilation and moisturizing.

Why yellow (wither, dry) leaves?

This may be a consequence of drying out or on the contrary, the convergence of the plant. Adjust watering mode. And also pay attention, is the flower is not sick.

Why is cyclames twist the leaves?

The leaves are folded if the flower is sick or amazed by pest. This is described in the appropriate chapter.

How does the wintering plant occur?

For the cycl model, winter is a period of activity, it bloomers and requires increased attention.