How to get rid of moths in the house forever folk remedies. How to get rid of moths in the apartment: Effective ways to fight and prevent mole in the house How to get rid of folk remedies

Hard moth have a great taste taste: in any season, it prefers to dear cashmere, natural silk, clean wool, feathers, fuses and cotton. Food prai requests are simpler: everything will be satisfied with everything that is available in the kitchen. If you are expensive your wardrobe, you should take measures to protect it without waiting for the first holes. And if the mole has already made to sing in your kitchen cabinet, it means that time has come for decisive action.

How to get rid of wrapping moth

Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarRen /

1. Arrange general cleaning

Mol loves to hide in secluded warm corners, so I first endure everything from the bulletiner, spending each shelf and drawer, and then wipe all the inner surfaces with a cloth moistened in any detergent.

Also prophes the carpets and hard-to-reach places where dust usually accumulates: for furniture, in the corners of the drawers of the chest, behind the radiators. Finally, reversate all the clothes, as well as curtains, bedspreads, blankets and furniture covers.

2. Freeze clothes

In winter, you can make clothes on the balcony, and the rest of the time you use the freezer. Moth's larvae die at a minus temperature, so spread out clothes on packages and shove everything in the freezer, everything that will fit.

3. Remove the clothes in the sun

Bright sunlight act on moth larvae just as frost. So that insects died, hold clothes in the sun for a couple of hours.

4. Erase clothes more often

Mol adores particles of dried sweat, so do not put in the newly disinfected wardrobe what should be filtered, especially if it is knitted things.

5. Keep woolen things in covers

With the onset of heat, fold your favorite winter sweaters, dresses and scarves in covers or packs with clashes and put in each remedy for moths. The fact that best scares mole, Lifehacker will tell a little lower.

6. Quarantine for old

Vintage wardrobe items that have come from the great-grandmother or bought in the flea market must first and only sweat into the closet. Even if, at first glance, things do not cause suspicions, in the seams it can easily live larvae of moths.

7. Buy cedar hangers

Mole does not endure the smell of cedar, so the shoulders from this tree will reliably protect your clothes from voracious pests.

8. Do not lose vigilance

From time to time review clothes, as well as regularly ventive rooms and cabinets. Do not store things that you do not wear: either throw them away or give. Mol is most often started on the clothes that long did not get from the closet, and almost never on what they wear.

9. To scare mole, use natural repellents

The most effective natural remedy for moths is a lavender. Also, the carnation is not bad (not a flower, and seasoning), but it has a rather strong smell that inevitably absorbed into clothes, and he likes not everyone.

10. Use aerosols to destroy moths

If you are configured to erase the moth with the help of chemicals, the most radical and effective way will be the processing of infectious things and storage places with aerosols with powerful insecticides. In addition to the usual dichlorophos, a means based on permethrin, pyregorins and pyrethroids are produced.

However, do not forget that many of them are very toxic, and therefore applies not in all situations and can cause a strong allergic reaction. Before spraying an aerosol, carefully read the instructions on the package, especially part of the precautionary measures.

How to get rid of food moth

1. Throw all infected products

Check all banks and packages with crops, animal feeds, dried fruits, seeds, tea and other bulk products. This concerns and unrelated packages. In the infected products, moth eggs can be found, similar to the adhesive semolina, larvae and characteristic cobwebs. If you see something from this, throw out the entire pack.

Mole can live not only inside the kitchen cabinets, but also on them, as well as for them. Sometimes it is detected even behind the edges of the wallpaper, under the base of the chandelier or behind the ceiling plinth.

Swap and rinse cabinets and other moth habitats. When washing, it is recommended to add an economic soap to the water, and then wipe the surface with vinegar solution. Do not forget to give the cabinets to dry before pressing the supplies in them again.

The containers in which the products were kept, should also be thoroughly rinsed and dry, as well as to hold the day in the freezer.

3. Process the remaining products

Crupes can be pulled out and hold 4-5 days in the freezer or rolling in the oven at least half an hour at a temperature of 60 degrees. Then perepace the croup into containers with dense lids.

4. Use pheromone traps for the division of males moth

By themselves, the males are harmless, since they even do not even have a mouth. However, they fertilize females that lay eggs.

5. Use the bay leaf and lavender

You can decompose the branches of lavender, dried carnation and laurel leaves on the cabinet shelves - it will scare mole. Some mistresses put a bay leaf directly into containers with croups, but this method is suitable only to those who have nothing against the weak fragrance of this spice in porridge and side dishes.

6. Wake yourself without reserves

Try not to buy the cereals of the future and their longer a couple of months. And if we decided to make reserves, then hold the purchased products for several days in the cold.

7. Do not forget to ventilate

This applies not only to the kitchen itself, but also kitchen cabinets. Mole does not like fresh air.

Do you know the proven tool from moth? Tell us about it in the comments.

Prices for clothing are now rather big, especially on elite of fur. But, unfortunately, to keep the proper condition of things interferes with mole. She is the main enemy of all coats, and every person who values \u200b\u200bhis clothes, thinks about how to protect his wardrobe from these pests and bring mole from the apartment.

if you have a moth at home, hurry to get rid of it

There are two types of moths. Representatives of individuals of the first species are called - by payers, such a mole is most common in everyday life, it is usually started in the closet and spoils things.

The second type of moth is food, it starts in the apartment not as often as a wrame, but harm brings no less, as it usually spoils food. Before starting to fight insect, it is necessary to determine what kind of it represents, because for everyone there are separate ways of struggle.

In today's article, we will consider the basic methods of combating paying moth.

Methods of getting rid of wrapping moth

Methods for making moths. So, the main ways to protect your clothes from the winged pests.

  1. Natural, natural way to get rid of moths is to affect it with air temperature. These butterflies do not tolerate the temperature below the minus five and above forty-five degrees Celsius. In winter, you can leave for some time the windows open, which will allow to destroy the mole and its larvae. There are also special devices that are capable of maintaining the desired temperature.
  2. The second, and the most efficient, method for the destruction of moths is chemicals. Most often, they are in the form of aerosols, but there are devices operating from the mains, as well as in the form of plates impregnated with special substances.
  3. Also assistance in confrontation with moth will be popular methods. There are a huge amount of them, since during the years of the existence of moths people tried to use many different methods for the struggle.

Aerosols against moth

Aerosol is an excellent way to get rid of insects. It is good for preventing the appearance of these pests. The use of spray aerosols has the greatest popularity among other methods.

This is explained by the fact that it is easy to use aerosols, and they quickly destroy mole. Previously, such substances had a sharp, unpleasant smell, now most of the manufacturers are added special flavors in aerosols, which made their smell pleasant.

But no matter how nice are neither an aerosol, you should clearly follow the instructions that attached to it. In all modern means there are substances that can cause allergies or even light poisoning in humans.

Below is a list of the most effective aerosols:

  • Moskitol
  • "Raptor"
  • "Arch"

the best aerosols from moths


Well help in the fight against the pests-pests fumigators. There are pyrotechnic variants of the device (in this case, the fumigator is represented as a spiral, when the ignition is allocated to smoke). And also there are electrical (in such an apparatus there are special plates, which are separated from heating with electricity, a special substance is distinguished)

To achieve a better effect, you need to put a fumigator in a closed wardrobe. In the case of an electricity operating apparatus, an extension can be used. After processing with an electric fumigator, a plate should be swapped.

List of most effective and harmless to human fumigators:

  • Moskitol
  • "Raptor"
  • "Raid"

the best fumigators from moths

Sections for scaring moths

Sections - the easiest way to use the way to remove mole. It is enough to ravine special plates in places that may be subject to moth attack, and insects will fly through this place to the party.

The choice of such sections in the store is quite large. They are presented in different forms and with various flavors. Here are the most popular of them:

  • Moskitol
  • "Raptor"
  • "Raid"

the most effective sections from moths in clothing

People's Methods for Moth

As already mentioned, the folk methods of combating moths. Such methods are available to everyone and do not require large financial costs. But no matter how sad, folk remedies from moths serve only as supplements to professional substances, and hope that such ways will completely remove mole, not worth it. Basically, all these funds simply kick mole from habitats, but do not destroy it.

Here is a list of the most popular folk agents from moth:

  • it is necessary to place the leaves of lavender in the places of clothing storage (cabinets, suitcases). You can use lavender in bags or lavender oil, which are freely sold in pharmacies.
  • put next to the places where mole started, a pot with fragrant geranium, its smell will scare pests;
  • moisten cotton wool orange butter and decompose the pieces of this wool in the closet;
  • place orange peels in the wardrobe, household soap, geranium leaves;
  • just wrap things in the newspaper and hide into hard-to-reach places.


As much as many methods exist to destroy moth. But it is best that they do not need. And for this you need to regularly make the prevention of the appearance of these malicious butterflies. It is enough to keep an apartment clean and regularly ventilated.

Photo Getty Images / iStockphoto

Moles are different: grain, furniture, woolen, carpet (the latter is also called the wilderness, because it is not averse to to be enjoyed with leather products), even rye and cabbage - only about 30 species.

In addition, mole is not only butterflies, but also caterpillars, and eggs. It turns out that chasing the flying at home by Motillas - the occupation is useless, because, killing them, we are just incoming males who are harmless to things and products. And at this time, females are postponed in the closet, all new silver-white testicles, of which the voracious caterpillars will soon appear. We will get rid of them from them.

How to get rid of food moth

Photo Maskot / Maskot

The grain (edible) mole is attempted to our edible supplies: from its larvae most often suffer from cereals, flour and dried fruits. This mole loves heat, increased humidity and lack of ventilation.

    Prevention:all Grocery must be stored in tightly closed banks or, in the extreme case, tied polyethylene packages.

    How to get rid of: Highly affected products will have to be thrown away, and those in which there are few insects, you can go through and dry in the oven, the opening of its door, at a temperature of 60-70 ° C for 15-20 minutes. You can use for the same purpose microwave. The cabinet where the products were kept and dwell mole should be washed out from the inside with a warm soap solution, and then clean water, grooves and cracks with a brush with a table vinegar. Keep the cabinet open until you dry.

How to get rid of moths in the closet

Stock Photo StockbyTe / \u200b\u200bGetty Images

Woolen (it is - felt, fur coat, koshmovaya) Mole will be frozen all year round. And at the same time eats wool, felt, feathers, natural velvet, fur, books of books and much more, on the way to food Blooming synthetic fabrics and plastic bags. Caterpillars calmly withstand a decrease in temperature to 0 ° C and 30 days can do without food. Considering that he lives for a long time - for about two years, - you can imagine how much things it will have time to reversal during this time.

    Prevention: The larvae do not bring bright sunlight and fresh air. That is why things, which often in the go, mole is not terrible. And about winter clothes sent for the summer in the closet, you need to take care in advance. Moli's caterpillars begin their meal with dirty and sweatpoint spots, completely overlooked fabric together with mud. Therefore, the fight against the mole should be started with washing and cleaning clothes before storing. After cleaning, fur and woolen things are placed in plastic bags, and fur coats are in thick paper covers with an antimole preparation. Before the packaging, shake things well: the eggs moth are not too firmly attached to the fibers of the fabric or fur, so they will fly off.

    Get rid of The affected things are treated with dichlorophos-based preparations. A more radical means of destroying caterpillars of moth does not exist. In addition, dichlofos is the only faithful means against the leather.

Antimol drugs

Photo Jeffrey Coolidge / The Image Bank

Means to get rid of moth are produced in the form of plates, sections, sprays and classical tablets.

The cheapest option is pills and briquettesrepresenting naphthalene and camphor alloy. Tablets by tradition are placed in the top of the cabinets. Heavy pairs of naphthalene and camphors are lowered down, not allowing butterflies moths to postpone eggs on clothes. Everyone would be good with these ancient means, but for human health, they are not safe, especially at great concentrations.

Advanced plates From moths are devoid of unpleasant odor. According to manufacturers, they destroy moles and larvae, scare the carpet bugs and leisers. On the combat readiness of the plates can be calculated within 6 months.

Sections from molia- The most civilized form of antimole preparations. They can be with the aroma of lavender, mandarin and chamomile. Special sections are produced for delicate protection of children's things. It is necessary to remove the protective tape and place the section at the top of the cabinet. The antimoles of one section applies to 0.5 cubic meters. m. Replace it to the new one will have 4-6 months. However, cautions on the package that in the room is up to 15 square meters. You can use no more than two sections, but to store the remedy selected from food in places inaccessible to children, they clearly talk about the toxicity of these repellents. Is it possible to replace them with something more natural?

Mole can settle anywhere. Clothing, things, food, furniture, carpets - favorite places where all the conditions for the safe continuation of the genus are provided. In words it is easy to advise how to bring mole.

In fact, this is a time-consuming long process that requires patience from the hostess. The most popular and efficient methods of combating scales will consider in more detail.

In the apartment and private house you can meet 3. Homemade pests lead to disrete food and spoil clothes. The damage caused by insects is huge if timely take measures to destroy.

One territory with a person is divided by the following types of butterflies:

  • Handling;
  • Furniture.

The life cycle and the peculiarities of the reproduction are not different, and methods of combating all types of pest are the same. The difference lies in the preparatory stage of disinsection.

Harding butterfly

Handling butterfly is a representative of scrapers living in products from wool and natural fabrics. You can meet an adult person at night, it is one of the peculiarities of the worn moth to fly out of the usual location of the settlement in the dark time of the day.

Find eggs with a naked eye difficult, but finding larvae - real.

Infectious things are subject to immediate processing, today mole enjoyed the mittens, tomorrow -.

Food (kitchen butterfly)

An interesting fact that an adult person does not eat anything, but actively engaged in the continuation of the kind. Disturbing larvae. For the "conscious" life, the female postpones from 300 to 400 eggs.

It is impossible to use infectious foods in food, the risk of getting poisoning or stomach disorder is likely.

The destruction procedure consists in manual proceeding of products. Quite complex and routine work, especially in the presence of annual stocks.

Woodwood hostesses resort to radical measures, recycling infectious cereals and dried fruits, practical - carefully move and "save" reserves.

Furniture butterfly

Wool shoes - nutritional medium. Improper storage of felted shoes and dampness lead to settlement in felt moths.

Before removing shoes for storage, boots should be dried, clean (you can't wash it, wool will give shrinkage) and pack. Inside the shoes are put repellent.

Cleaning is carried out after drying. To save shoes from dust enough to go through the surface of the brush.

Preparation for the event

Before destroying the larvae and adult individuals at home, carry out the preparatory stages that simplify disinsection.

Food mooles begins with revision:

  • Space on the table infected cereals, seeds;
  • Manually separate the larvae from the cereals (the larvae resemble the slipping grains, pearl-yellow lumps);
  • Severed product Personalize on a baking sheet and send to the oven;
  • Warm the crouse at a temperature of 60 * c;
  • After 2 hours, remove the baking sheet and leave up to cooling;
  • Pure cereals Place in sealed cans, container.

Shelves where food reserves are stored rinse, and decompose repellents.

Events on getting rid of the butterfly, also start with the preparation of the wardrobe. Before bringing mole in an apartment or house:

  • Remove all things from the closet;
  • Review clothes, separated infected;
  • On the street every thing shake;
  • Leave for the purpose of venting and warming up for the day.

The furniture butterfly comes in the same way. The sofa or the palace is well knocked out outdoors. Leave for heating. If possible, erased by economic soap.

Methods of destruction

To combat scales, resort to different methods and methods. Sometimes it is enough to decompose the dischargers, so that the insects left the apartment forever.

In the case of a high degree of infection, they turn to the use of insecticides or call to the desertion.

Remove butterflies:

  • Folk methods;
  • Chemical insecticides and repellents;
  • In thermal way.

Each is effective in its own way. Consider popular destruction measures.

To withdraw folk remedies is really and no less efficient than to apply insecticides.

Benefits of ways:

  • Lack of action of toxic compounds on the human body;
  • Safety in relation to pets;
  • Simplicity and accessibility;
  • Economical consumption.


  • A sharp smell of plant repellents, unnecessary man;
  • The probability of the development of allergic reactions to grass;
  • After the volatile smell, the action of the repellent stops.

Despite the presence of shortcomings, a person takes into account the pros - safety and efficiency. By prefering with natural substances, be prepared for the fact that the repellent is updated regularly.


Mol appeared in the house - get geranium. The odorless flower will not only clean the air indoors, but also ensure reliable protection against crawling and flying insects.

In order to scare the moths in the dressing room, place the sprig of the plant on the shelf.

Geranium saves from cockroaches, ants, midges and moths. The discharge properties of the plant are associated with a specific smell that pests are afraid.


The most effective plant saving from flying insects. Most repellents and insecticides are manufactured based on lavender extract.

What to do with a plant? The dried flowers and freshly collaps are equally suitable as scaring. The fragrant mixture is laid out on pockets of clothing, kitchen cabinet shelves.

Take advantage of the hostesses: Sew a small shatter bag, place the plant there and hang out in the cabinets. Thus, you protect the apartment from voracious pests and facilitate cleaning. Just the damned twig will constantly turn into a bag, and in the bag, the mixture will not split around the cabinet and clothing.

Essential oil

Effective in the pests fragrant oils of plants. Purchase an ether product in a pharmacy, oils designed to leaving the heater in the bath less concentrated.

Ways to use concentrate:

  • In its pure form: Moisten the cotton ball in the oil and place on the shelf;
  • Open the bottle with the fragrant product and place in the closet;
  • Prepare a spatium solution: a few drops of means dilute in water and spray in the apartment;
  • Spend cleaning, with the addition of oil concentrate. Several drops of fragrant oil refresh the house and protect against insects.

Oil is not used from moths in the closet, where products made of natural fur are stored.

The fur coat, the fur vest absorb the smell, no perfumes will not be able to drown out the aroma from the concentrate.

Pahoe herbs

Do not know how to get rid of moths? Narvit the herbs growing in any terrain and place in your clothes pockets.

Mol is afraid:

  • Wormwood;
  • Pijmas;
  • Melissa;
  • Chamomile;
  • Nettle;
  • Lovely.

Efficiency will increase if collecting a whole bouquet and different plants.

The method is effective and in the fight against the kitchen pest. The herbs are laid out in cabinets, where all products are reliably packed.


Tobacco leaves or a bounted mixture of a cigarette saves from larvae and adult individuals. Usually this method is used when removing things for summer storage. In the pocket of clothing, there are a little tobacco, thereby protecting the thing from flying insects.

So that the entire wardrobe is not to the tobacco aroma, place the mixture in the pussy, the sutscent handkerchief. Tie and hang up in the closet.

Orange and lemon crusts

The tool works, but with a regular change of citrus cleaning. The smell quickly disappears, the activity of the repeller is lost.

In the fight against the pest, the crusts are suitable:

  • Orange;
  • Lemon;
  • Mandarin;
  • Grapefruit.

Corks are laid out in cabinets and pockets of outerwear. You can put between layers of folded linen.

Laundry soap

Ways to bring mole from home our grandmothers knew. Mole flies around the apartment - urgently decompose the cubes of the household soap. In order to enhance the smell, pieces are wetted in water and put on polyethylene covers.

The method works and in the fight against the kitchen, and to scare the wrapping pest. Soap can be gratened on a large grater or put a whole piece on the shelf.

Rinse the inner surface of the cabinet with soap solution, the smell will continue for a long time, the pest will not have a single chance to further stay in the former place of residence.

Garlic, pepper and spices

Black ground pepper and garlic slices are advisable to apply in relation to the kitchen scraper.

You are unlikely to wish to put on a fur coat, a gloomy flavor.

Spread the purified garlic slices in the cabinets and forget about insects.

Packing with pepper is enough to leave in an open form so that the butterfly leave the kitchen set.

To this end, use any seasoning. The result works the carnation used in conservation. Several sticks placed in a pocket and a clothing will provide clothing protection until the next season.

Measurement effect

Thermal impact on mole is an economical and environmentally friendly method.

Apply the combination and heating. Adults of individuals and larvae die at temperatures above 55 * C, and below 10 * C.

The method works in any season. In winter, it is enough to make infect-free products and clothes on the frost, in the summer - in the sun.

Treatment of steam and washing at high temperatures - exit from the position when the mole started in the curtains, bedspreads, clothing. The option is not suitable when the destruction of the pest is required in the upper fur clothing.


Chemical preparations sold in specialized or shopping stores are used to get rid of flying insects.

Depending on the mechanism of action, insecticides are distinguished - aimed at the destruction of individuals and larvae, and repellents are repellent.

Insecticidal aerosols are characterized by speed and high efficiency. The means is easy to apply.

In the fight against the kitchen moth aerosols rarely are used. If the poisoning substance is hit on food, high risk to poison homemade.

Most aerosols do not smell. The tool is applied to textile and fur products. Quite a single processing, the effect of the insecticide lasts up to 6 months.

Repellents - insect repellers. Apply sections, cassettes, tablets and plates.

Repellents do not kill insects, and make the previous place of residence are forced. If the mole started in the products, tightly sealed, any disinsection will not bring the result.

Conveniently apply sections. As a scaping substance, the manufacturer applies citrus or lavender extract. Place the section in the closet and forget about the scales until the next season.

Naftalin is a popular tool from flying pests. Spread on the pockets of clothes - he defended the clothes from the voracious moths.

The tool really works, but not safe for humans. Carcinogenic properties on the body are proven by scientists.

We are tired of fighting the pest on our own - trust the work of professional disinsectors encountered insects daily by duty.

Challenge Professional Service

Detiewy will help to drive out the moths from the apartment. The disinsectors are resorted to the call when the scale of infection is so great that it is impossible to cope with the problem.

Qualified workers quickly clean the visits to insects, larvae and eggs. Faced daily with various pests, disinsectors know the places of masonry eggs and habitat adults.

In the destruction, concentrated oil solutions and potent poisoning substances are used. Application is made using a fog generator.

Special equipment, with high performance allows you to spray the poisoning substance into each slot indoor. Do not forget before calling a disabler to carry out preparatory activities and hide foods.

Protection against pests

Protect property and caustic food from insects only by preventive measures.

  1. Brought from the store products Always spend in banks and immediately view on the subject of larvae;
  2. Things made for storage are subject to regular revision. Conspect the fur coats, turn wool sweaters, shake the bedspreads and curtains;
  3. In the summer season, dry things outdoors;
  4. Before placing clothes in the wardrobe, wipe the shelves from dust and spread the repellents.

Preventive measures conducted regularly help prevent the reproduction of flying individuals in the apartment.

Try not to buy product reserves. Enough weekly stock.

Otherwise, in the case of infection to sort out bulk products will have long and mutually.

Do not be lazy to rush in the summer of fragrant herbs and decompose into the pockets of clothes. Whoever struggles and prevents the settlement of pests, will surely receive the result in a short time.

Ecology of life. Lifehak: mole in the kitchen is not only flying moths, but also their dolls, larvae and eggs. So, in order to bring the pest forever, it is necessary to fight with them comprehensively - to find and eliminate the hearth, clean the furniture / ceiling, throw away everything that has been infected and process potentially infected products.

Mole in the kitchen is not only flying moths, but also their dolls, larvae and eggs.

So, in order to bring the pest forever, it is necessary to fight with them comprehensively - to find and eliminate the hearth, clean the furniture / ceiling, throw away everything that has been infected and process potentially infected products.

Food moles are of different species.Most often in the kitchen in the urban apartment you can meet: a flour fire, a little less often - a cocoa fire (very similar to a wrapal mole) and a southern barn fire (the fight against it is harder than with others). How do they take even in the cleanest kitchen cabinets?

Tiny, almost invisible eggs fall into the kitchen in the packs of croup, cereals, gallets, dried fruits, flour, spices and other groceries. Then during the week, the larvae of food moths are hatched, which are subsequently pounded and turn into moths.

In this material you will find step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of food moths, what prevention measures to accept to avoid its re-appearance and how to save products, if they are sorry to throw out.

Step 1. We are looking for foci and infected products

Moli's eggs look like small white swelling grains, similar to the semolina. The larvae first have the kind of small whitish worms, and then they grow up to 1.27 cm and have black or brown heads. Another obvious sign of contamination of food - Cellites as in the photo below.

Oatmeal infected with mole

To get rid of food moths first need to be held:

1. Inspection of kitchen cabinets and products. Inspect all the supplies that are stored in the kitchen cabinets - you need to find not only the source, but also already infected with larvae and eggs.

    Do not forget to check and non-unpacked grocery, because mole easily eats cardboard, foil and polyethylene.

    Special attention is paid to the edges of the cans of cans - there may be a web moth.

    Remember that not only grocery can be infected, but also animal feed, seeds for birds, bait for fishing, that is, almost everything is stored in the refrigerator.

2. Inspection of the ceiling. Ceiling, ceiling plinths, edges of wallpaper and the base of the chandelier. Mol loves to hide in dark clips and corners.

3. Inspection of the top of the cabinets. Here you can also see cocoons moths.

By the way, if you doubt whether there is a mole or, say, it turned out whether it turned out after stripping, then inspect the room at night - adult individuals will gather around a burning chandelier.

Step 2. We carry out a total sweep

1. Eliminate the source and products with explicit signs of infection. As soon as you find, what product has become a source of insect distribution, tightly wrap it into a plastic bag and immediately throw away, and bless it is better.

2. Spend thorough cleaning. Empty kitchen cabinets and remove the shelves, and then spending them and the inner walls of the cabinet, paying special attention to the corners and slots.

The vacuum cleaner (without the nozzle or with a small nozzle) will drag out the dying mole and will not give to poor eggs to stay in the closet. This method is very effective, so if you do not have a vacuum cleaner, it should be asked for friends. The main thing after the procedure throw out the bag or freeze it in the freezer for 3-4 days.

3. Wash all containers and banks. It can be done with acetic solution or economic soap. Tara in which infected products were located, it is necessary to freeze for 3-4 days or warm in the microwave for 5 minutes.

4. Let the ceiling. If you discovered moth settlements on the ceiling, ceiling plinths, the tops of the cabinets, near the chandelier, as well as under the edges of the woven wallpaper, then let's spend these places.

Step 3. Kill adult individuals and open traps

How to catch adult individuals who have already scattered in the corners of cabinets and kitchens? Male (by the way, innocuous, but fertilizing females) can be caught using a glue trap (photo below). The principle of its action is simple - a trap attracts males and "catches" the trap and "catches", and without male individuals, the moles multiply multiply, of course, will not be able. Thus, pheromon traps will help prevent the insect reap.

Adhesive trap

The females will have to kill traditional methods - a fly swatter or a rolled newspaper, as they fly badly and slowly, then it is not so difficult to do it.

Step 4. Processing potentially infected products

So, you have thrown a source product and products with explicit signs of infection, and what to do with the rest of the supplies that seem clean or were infected with little?

It is easier to throw them in the same way, but if you wish, potentially infected foods you can save the following two ways:

    Previously asking and passing the corpse, flour or other product, hold it in the freezer or on the balcony (in winter) at least 3-4 days.

    Holding out the product on the baking sheet, warm it in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees for at least 40 minutes. Before heating it, of course, you need to be cleared.

Keep in mind that the first method of processing, albeit longer, but retains all vitamins and nutritional food properties.

Step 5. We carry out prevention and protect products

1. New or treated with cold / warm products (including animal feed) need to be suspended in glass, thick plastic or metal containers / cans with tightly closing covers. This will protect the supplies from the penetration of moth and prevents its escape outside the container. Recall that cardboard, paper, foil and cellophage packets are easily eaten by it.

How to store grocery products

2. In the fight against the mole in the kitchen, the people's recipe is useful - storage of products with natural repellents:

    With a pair of layers of laurel sheet;

    With husk peeled, but not cut garlic (there will be enough pairs of heads);

    With orange crusts.

Bay leaf to protect flour from moth

3. On the shelves, you can also decompose something from the listed, or: Lavender twigs, birch leaves, geranium, wormwood, rosemary, economic soap or strong essential oils. For example, fir oil is suitable, which can be mixed with a cotton disk and leave it in the closet.

Remember that these folk remedies will scare adult mole, without giving her to postpone eggs in the products and on the shelves, but they do not work on the larvae. Moreover, if you suddenly put the packaging of infected cereals, then the larvae moths will not die in it, and butterfly, which will appear later, will no longer be afraid of the smell of lavender. That is why it is necessary to struggle with home pests.

And a little more about the prevention

The following tips will help you avoid re-appearing moth:

    Try so that the products are not fired more than 2-4 months and, of course, do not store the supplies whose shelf life has come out.

    Products that you rarely use, store in the refrigerator.

    Buy dry foods in small quantities in order to have time to eat them during a couple of months.

    Buy Groceries only from well-known manufacturers and, if possible, check the quality of goods in the store. For loyalty, freshly cereals, cereals, flour, nuts, dried fruits and other products freeze for 3-4 days (in dry).

    Animal feed, for example, seeds for birds or, let's say, bait for fishing, keep not in the kitchen. Published

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