Rose Transplant: Process and Suitable Time. Is it possible to transplanted a rose in summer

Each gardener knows that there is nothing permanent in the garden, so there can often be changed in the plants of the plant at the request of the owner. At the same time, it is necessary to plant and replant with not only young and newly purchased seedlings, but also adult plants, such as rose bushes. And in order to correctly transplant a rose, you need to know several subtleties of this process.

When to transplant a rose?

The best time for transplanting adult roses is the early spring or late autumn. In the regions where frosts occur earlier, it is worth paying preference in the spring, then no problems should occur with wintering bushes. If it does not work in the spring, it is better to do this at the end of August - mid-September.

Is it worth transplanting roses in summer?

In most cases, it happens that the redevelopment of the garden is a spontaneous solution made against the background of already blooming "beginners" in the midst of the summer, when no one thinks about winter. Summer is not the most best time To transplant roses, but if there is no other way out, then this option is possible. Then the gardener will require additional troubles to help put on the plant in a new place: you have to sacrifice flowering and make a "strong" trimming.

A large bush is clipped to 40-50 cm, and some of its shoots can be completely removed to save roses in the future. It may also be a chance to give the chisthing form. If the bush is still small, it will be enough to trim the unbearable shoots and remove the existing buds and flowers.

Transplanted in summer rose in the first month will need abundant irrigation. Earth around her should not dry. Good decision It will take a plant for a while and spend the daily spraying of the leaves with simple water. Naturally, the transplant itself must occur on a cloudy day when there is no scorching sunlight.

Adult Rose Transfer

At the very beginning, it is necessary to make sure that the conditions for growth and flowering in a new place will not be very different from the previous ones. It is better to try to provide a rose the usual amount of light and wind protection at least in the first 2 weeks after the transplant.

After choosing a place is preparing a landing pit, from which all the roots of weeding plants are removed. The bottom is filled with a compost mixed with a horn chips, which should provide a bush with nutrients, and most importantly - nitrogen. Compost can be replaced with overworked manure. Jama is desirable to give to settle so that the earth and fertilizers are downtown, after which you can start digging roses.

It is best to dig a plant about the projection of his crown, but this possibility is not always there, so it will be enough to try to dig a bush with the most as much as a large earthy room. In rosarians, equipped with all the rules, it is quite difficult, because the earth is usually light and loose. Therefore, it is necessary to pour a rose well so that the soil keeps around her roots. Who should be such a sizes so that the plant can be transferred without damage to the new place.

First, it is better to beat the bush around, and then gradually blow the resulting trench, trying to get to the base of the bush. In order not to damage the earthen com and roots, you can wrap the ground from the bush with a cloth or polyethylene film. Long roots that interfere with the extraction of the bush can be chopped. With further proper care, the rose can quickly restore its root system.

If difficulties arose in order to pull the bush, then you can use the lever, the role is best for a simple scrap. A shovel and a wooden stick is hardly suitable for the role of the lever, since I can break. After you managed to get a bush, it should be immediately transported to a new place. If a long-lasting move is required to achieve a new place, it is better to wrap the earthen com and sticking the roots with a damp cloth from drying out.

After that, the earth is embanked (or a mixture of compost, reworked manure and horny chips) to half the pit and is abundant. Then the ground is shoved to the required level and watering again. When the water was absorbed into the ground, there is still an earth around the bush and is well tumped up so that there are no large air emptiness around the roots.

If, during digging, it was not possible to maintain an earthen com, then you need to carefully examine the root system and get rid of patients and damaged roots. Sections of sections can be treated with liquid clay. Then the bush is put into the landing pit and gradually buried so as not to damage the roots.

There are cases when plants do not notice the changes that occurred. However, in most cases, the Rose Summer Transplantation has long been sitting before starting active growth again. But do not forget that roses are quite a barrel to transfer the manipulation described above.

Over time, each color plane faces the need to transplant roses to another place. Moreover, it may be not only young seedlings, but also adults formed bushes. But before proceeding, it is necessary to explore the rules for conducting the procedure and take into account the requirements of culture, since their ignoring can lead to a long-lasting adaptation of roses, and sometimes to the destruction of the bush. It is important to spend preliminary training plot and familiarize yourself with the features further careSo that the plant is quickly recovered and went into growth.

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    Optimal deadlines

    You can transfer roses in early spring And in the fall. But depending on the region, this period can be shifted.

    In the conditions of the middle strip and the Moscow region, it is best to transplant roses in the fall, starting from the beginning of September and before October. The duration of this period depends on the air temperature than it is higher, the later should be transplant. But so that the onset of frosts was at least 2-3 weeks. This time is necessary that the seedlings can fully root up to the arrival of winter. Autumnal transplant It makes it possible to get full-fledged rose bushes to the spring, which will bloom the next season.

    With the premature onset of frosts, the procedure must be postponed until spring, as the bushes, not having to be rooted, will be wound in winter.

    In Siberia and in the Urals, this procedure should be carried out early in spring, when the air temperature will warm up to 10-12 degrees, and at night it will not go below 5 degrees. In the case of an earlier landing, roses may suffer from returnable frosts, as they will not be able to fully root.

    For late landing Plants will be adapted for a long time in a new place, as the increased air temperature stimulates active vegetation. And this means that the bushes need to spend forces not only to rooted, but also on the development of new shoots and leaves. Sometimes it can cause the destruction of the bush.

    Features of the transplant

    Before proceeding with roses, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of procedure. This will help the flower to avoid mistakes that will negatively affect further development bushes.

    Do not ignore even minor recommendations, so with the transplant all they are of great importance.

    Choosing a place

    Roses prefer to grow on solar open areas, especially in the first half of the day, when the moisture is intensively evaporated from the leaves. This will help reduce the risk of the development of fungal diseases in the future.

    Do not place bushes near splashing trees and shrubs, as they will not only take it all nutrients From the soil, but also create shading. In this case, roses will not be able to fully develop, blossom, and will also be susceptible to black spottedness and mildew.

    The optimal place for the rosary is the southeast or south-west side of the garden.

    Preparation of the site

    Roses are undemanding to the composition of the soil, but prefer loam with neutral acids in the range of 6.5-7.0 pH. When landing B. clay soil With an intense mineralization process, a weakly acidic medium is allowed at 7.5 pH. Sand soil is also suitable for growing a rosary, but it should be understood that in the winter it quickly freezes, and in summer it is strongly overheated, in addition, nutrients quickly wash out of it. Therefore, in advance it is necessary to make a humus and peat so that the bushes are able to fully develop.

    Local groundwater It should not be closer to 1-1.2 m to the soil surface, since the root system at the grafted bushes reaches 1 m in depth.

    Do not put roses in places where moisture is stared, since such land is unable to warm up and limits air access to roots.

    The preparation of the new place must be spent 2-3 weeks before the procedure, or from autumn at a spring transplant. Plot should be swapped to the depth of shovel and carefully remove the roots perennial weeds. Split surface to eliminate any depressions and elevations.

    The correct preparation of the site will give the opportunity to settle in a timely manner and will help to avoid excessive rehabilitation of the root cervix.

    Features of landing pit

    Basins for transplant should also dig in advance. Their depth and width should be a little more root seedlock. Often, they are digging 30-40 cm in diameter and 50-70 cm deep into the depth. When transplanting tea-hybrid, polyanth grades and Floribund landing pits need to be made at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. Stumbling, curly and plenty species are recommended to be placed at a distance of 1 meter, and miniature and curb - 20 cm.

    Deections for bushes should be filled with more than half a special nutrient mixture, which will help to provide a plant with the necessary power at the initial stage. For its preparation, it will be necessary to mix the components in such a proportion:

    • 30% - garden land;
    • 30% - peat;
    • 20% - humus;
    • 20% - sand;
    • 20 g - superphosphate;
    • 10 g - potassium sulfate.

    The selection of the mixture should be filled with 2/3 of the total volume of at least 10 days before the transplant. This will allow the nutritional layer to settle and condense to the required date.

    Preparation of bushes for transplant

    One or two days before the transplantation of bushes to a new place should be poured. This will help avoid excessive root damage.

    Preparation of rose bush to transplant: trimming shoots and roots

    The shoots of bushes need to shorten up to 20 cm in height, and the roots should be trimmed on the basis of the type of roses:

    • krukes for 20 cm length;
    • curly I. plenty varieties - half length;
    • stambling - 1/3 length.

    It should be known that the grafted varieties form a rod root that goes deep, and roses on their own roots form a surface root system. Therefore, when digging bushes, this feature should be taken into account.

    In the future, the procedure for extracting adult bushes is carried out as follows:

    • shovel to designate a circle around the plant, taking into account the location of the root system;
    • sink a bush from all sides, gradually deepening in the soil;
    • having achieved the necessary depth, put under the root of therapy, which will play the role of the lever when irradiation;
    • a bush with a lump of land to put on the fabric and transfer to a new place.

    Main ways of transplant

    There are two main ways to transplant roses in open soil: Classic and wet.

    The first option is applied if it was not possible to save an earthen com. In this case, it is necessary to initially inspect the roots and trim all damaged and broken sectors. It is recommended to put seedlings for 2 hours into water to activate biological processes.

    Classic way to transplant roses

    After that, it should be started to land classic way:

    • make a hill in the center of the landing pit, on which evenly distribute all the roots;
    • the vaccination location should be located 3-5 cm below the soil level;
    • richly pouring a bush and fall asleep the earth half a depression;
    • compact the intermediate layer;
    • re-pour the seedling and wait until the moisture is fully absorbed;
    • fall asleep the earth completely;
    • turn the soil to exclude voids.

    Wet method of rose transplant

    The second option is simpler and convenient. For wet fashion It is necessary to preserve the excavation com on the roots. In the future, the transplant is carried out in this order:

    • pour water bucket into landing deepening;
    • without waiting for absorption, put in the middle of the bush so that the root neck will be 5 cm below the soil level;
    • adding to the top of another half-water;
    • make the possibility of moisture to fully absorb, dissolving the earth and deepen the roots of roses;
    • fall asleep to the hole of the earth and well the surface.

    After a transplanting bushes of roses, it is not recommended to disturb at least 4 years, since they need time for full adaptation in a new place. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately take into account all the features of culture and comply with the rules for conducting the procedure.

    Room transplantation

    Room rose must be replant annually in the spring at the end of February - in early March. It is best to rely on the favorable periods of the growing moon, indicated in lunar calendar. This will help reduce the period adaptation of the plant after a transplantation.

    For a flower, you should pick up a pot for 2-3 cm more than the previous one with availability drainage holes. Soil for roses can be purchased in the store or prepare in such a ratio: 2 parts of the turf, 1 part of the sand and 1 part of the peat or humus.

    Transplant room Rose It should be carried out in such a sequence:

    1. 1. Half the pre-plant.
    2. 2. Trim shoots on 1/3 length.
    3. 3. Pour B. new pot 1 cm drainage layer and top of a layer of soil 2 cm.


Each gardener has to spend a lot of time in the garden. To redo something, replant plants. This contributes to the search best conditions For them, various aesthetic tasks. All this gives a lot of trouble. In addition to only purchased, the transplant is also subject to perennial adult bushes, such as roses. But for this operation, certain techniques are also required.

Terms of transplant rose

The best time to transplant roses is the beginning of the spring and the end of summer, until mid-September.

Sometimes it happens that the transplanted rose does not have time to get involved, and already beaten frost. Gardeners often spend discussions on the topic, why not transplant roses in summer, like many other flowers.

The fact is that roses are not very complaining not only by summer transplants, but do not like when they are transplanted at all. And therefore it is better to do it infrequently. But if there is no other way out, they say that it is sometimes possible. But at the same time, beauties will be capricious, and blooms in the future season can hardly wait.

At the beginning of the transplantation, the bush is advised to trim to the maximum - then all the forces in the new location of the roots will throw on themselves, they will grow and fit. If the bush is high, then shoots leave no more than half a meter. At the same time, the young, green processes are cut off, as well as buds and flowers. If the bush is small, then it is necessary to trim still, but thin roots try not to damage.

After the summer transplant, water roses need often. Wet soil helps roots to take nutrients.

But the straight rays of the sun are undesirable. Therefore, plants are better to lend. Roses adore spraying, cool shower, and the transplant itself is better to do on a cloudy day.

Rose Transplant Stages:

  1. First you need to dig a pit for planting. Remove from it and near the weeds and their roots. It is desirable that the pit stood for several days, and the earth is slightly ass.
  2. Roses advise not so much to transplanted how much to pass. This is the process of digging the roots along with the land of land. Thus, the rhizomet does not have to take long, and the roses will not be sick. But transshipment of roses is not easy. The land around the roots loose and immediately crept. Therefore, the plant is completely watered at first, and then dig. Wet land will be well held.
  3. So that prickly branches do not interfere, they are associated.
  4. If the rose rose bush, then the roots together with a lore of the land one person to transfer to another place will be very difficult, so it is better to have an assistant.
  5. A narrow ditch is digging around the flower, but it is necessary that it is quite deep. This is formed by an earthen com. It is tied with cloth or polyethylene, and dug up under the root. Too long rhizomes can be chopping. With proper care, the rose does not bring much harm.
  6. Under the base of the bush insert a durable tool, for example. The shovel in this case may break. Raising crowning, a bush pull out and put on a piece of fabric. It is very convenient to transfer it to a new place. If the plant is prepared for transportation, then they wrapping the cloth and watch it always be wet.
  7. Rose with a lore land is put in the finished landing pit. At the same time, the level of land should remain the same as in the last place. If necessary, the pit needs to dig or vice versa, shove land.
  8. After installing the rose, the pit is covered with earth up to half, and the strapping is removed. After that, the process stops, as the rose must be ridiculed with water. Wait a while until the water is absorbed. Then the land can already be gluable to the top. Rose is watered again, and at the base of the plant form a tubercle from the ground. Then it is compacted so that no emptiness remains near the roots.

Roses, despite the beauty and grace, strong enough. At least the transplants are flowers and do not like, but without them can not do because of the depletion of the soil.

There may be a lot of reasons for rose transplanting, for example, you want to change the design of the site, create a rosary, or on the contrary to sear the bushes throughout the defense, as they, raging, create a unwanted shadow, and complicate the care of them.

Whatever circumstances, because of which pink bushes change their residence, you need to remember some small secrets of the transplant process:

  • Need to pick up appropriate place For the queen garden. It is necessary to consider that the rose does not tolerate the neighborhood with many plants, it does not like the shadow, and the plots where the moisture is stared, they just destroy the beloved bush.
  • It is also important and the choice of suitable time to transplant roses. The early spring or autumn is suitable.
  • You should prepare a bush to a transplant. The first thing to do is trim shoots. The approximate height of the bush during transplant can be from 40, up to 50 cm.
  • The pit is digging with a margin in order to lay out drainage to her bottom, on top of which the nutritional land and compost falls. All this is advisable to do in advance.

Give the pit is lazy, not forgetting about watering. For a minimum for 2-3 weeks the necessary pit is preparing. So the land is rambling, and nutrients are saturated with the soil.

  • Dig a root along with an earthen room. It is necessary to take into account that the roots of the pink bush grow approximately the same diameter as Krona. Therefore, it is worth taking care that the roots damage as little as possible as with the extraction of them from the ground and during the transportation of the plant to a new place.
  • Watering. It is necessary to moisten the landing site and planted plant itself. Even if you have to transplant roses in the fall.

So you can protect your favorite roses from the scorching sun, pests and improve your care.

There are several ways to transplant, 2 of them are more popular:

  • Classical;
  • Wet.

And each of them is worthy to use them.

How to transplant roses in a classic way

Replant roses in this way best, if it did not work out to save the earthen com. Then, it is worth carefully inspecting the roots, evaluate damage, and if the bush is still sufficiently young, then trim small and damaged. After that, it is worth the roots to soak in a solution of humate, the root-forming growth stimulator, for 2 hours.

At the bottom of the pre-prepared pit, the hill is made, according to which evenly rose roots will be distributed. At the same time, it is important that the place of vaccination is below the soil level by 3-5 cm. Water is poured into the pit, then the soil layer is poured approximately half of the recess, it is good. After that, it will be necessary to pour again. Now the pit is already buried completely, after the water has absorbed. The earth is fine again to compact so that the air remains between the roots.

After landing, you need to follow, so that there is a moderate, but constant watering, so the earth does not dry up, but not overcooked.

Wet method of rose transplant

This method is very simple and convenient. Water poured into the pit (bucket, but more and more), and, while it has not yet absorbed, humate or heteroacexin tablet is added. And immediately, the roots of the pink bush are placed in the water along with an earthy room. Another water fills. Now you need to wait when water is absorbed, gradually dissolving the earth and deepening along with the roots of the plant. Then the pit is buried and is well tumped. It would be good to use a mulch so that the earth does not drive

When better to transplant roses

There are advantages in both autumn and winter transplant. Therefore, when you can transplant roses to solve everyone, depending on the conditions and capabilities.

For example, if this work is in the spring, when there are no threats to frosts, then you can not take care of the shelter. True, the bushes are now risking to be on the scorching sun, and suffer from the silence of the soil, if it does not work in time. But they quickly go into growth under favorable conditions, easily rooted and develop. And that the sun does not burn a rose, it is recommended to cover it with a snack. Particularly relevant landings in the spring in cold climatic conditions.

But, mostly gardeners prefer to transplant roses in autumn. It helps the plant to take root and temper.

The main advantage of disembarking bushes in the fall, and this is from mid-September, until the 20s of October, there is something that roses are less susceptible to diseases during acclimatization.

Since the air temperature is still quite high, pink bushes have time to root before the onset of frosts. When the cold starts only approach, and at night the temperature can fall sharply, it gentle plant It is worth covering.

Video: how to transplant roses

Transplanting roses in autumn to another place can be both a forced event and planned. The plant is moved due to unsuccessful conditions selected previously in which culture cannot be properly developed, rarely and scarcely blooms. The planned transplant in the fall is carried out when the site is reorganized, for example, when erecting the utility room, gazebo or barbecue area. Old rumped bushes, exhausted primer for many years, also require a new place.

Is it possible to transplant roses in the fall

Early warm autumn - the best time to transplant roses. This period is especially favorable for the southern regions. The soil remains warm in the fall, which allows the bustle to increase the powerful root system before the arrival of frosts.

When it is better to transplant roses: in autumn or spring

For regions with harsh climatic conditions, where rainy and windy weather are not uncommon, as well as for the terrain with heavy soils, experts recommend to postpone the transplant of roses to spring.

You can spend this procedure and in the summer, if there is no other output. For a smaller stress caused by a transplant, choose cloudy cool weather. High bushes are cut to 40-50 cm, old branches are completely removed. With a summer transplant, young roses are cut by unbearable shoots.

Benefits autumn planting roses:

  • more active growth of seedlings in the spring period;
  • increased soil humidity stimulates the root formation;
  • in the fall, the temperature of the soil is more stable;
  • choice planting material richer and high quality.


  • early landing leads to the fact that the bush is in growth;
  • later, the transplantation of roses in the fall is threatened with extinction;
  • a poor-quality shelter for the winter can provoke the development of fungal diseases.

When to transplant roses in the fall

Dates of the transplantation of roses in autumn will differ depending on the climatic zone:

  1. For the south of Russia, the peak works falls in November, 2 weeks before the first serious frosts.
  2. IN Middle lane And the Moscow region roses are transplanted in October.
  3. In the Urals and in Siberia, the transplant is not recommended in the fall, however, under the extreme necessity it is carried out in August-September. If you put the bushes later, the probability of the death of plants at the first negative temperatures is great.

How to transplant roses in the fall to another place

Transplantation - an unpleasant procedure for any plant, and roses are no exception. Adaptation takes a lot of strength, so this procedure needs to be approached.

Selection of landing site

Rosa loves sunlight, place for planting is chosen well lit. It is desirable that it is open to the east side, the morning dew is evaporated so faster, which prevents the emergence of many fungal diseases. In the shady space, the rose will not be abundantly blooming, with a lack of light, there is a possibility of progression of diseases, which will lead to the death of the plant.

An important factor is the humidity of the soil. Roses do not tolerate the root of the root system, close to groundwater and moisture stagnation with the spring melting of snow. The transplantable place should be on the elevation, but without drafts. Ideally will place bushes near the south side of the house where there are no strong gusts of the wind.

Preparation of land

The soil for a rose bush should be loose, fertile, with neutral or weakly acidic pH indicators, best - weakly acidic loams rich in humus.

Ideal parameters for successful cultivation roses:

  1. Soil acidity - 5.5-6.5 pH.
  2. The depth of groundwater is from 1.5 m.
  3. The thickness of the nutrient layer is at least 70 cm.

If acidity indicators are below 5.5 pH, the land before the transplant must be liming. If there is no soil meter at hand or a lactium paper, you should pay attention to weed plants that prevail on the site. Lime consumption with varying degrees of acidity will be different:

The plot selected for transplant should "rest" from other cultures at least a year. If this condition can not be done, they prepare a special soil. It is not recommended to plant roses on the site of Irgi, Cherries, quince, Phackles and other roses.

2-3 weeks before the transference digs a hole, slightly large in size than the earthen com with the root system. Typically, the size of the well is 50 * 50 cm, for large bushes it is necessary to dug a recess 70-100 cm deep. Drainage layer on the bottom:

  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • bugged brick.

The pit is filled with nutritional soil:

  • garden land (2 parts);
  • sand (2 parts);
  • overwhelmed manure or compost (3 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • wood ash (0.5-1 kg per 1m²);
  • superphosphate (100 g per 1m²).

Simple Square:

  • ferry land (10 l);
  • peat (10 l);
  • bone flour (3 handstone).

After 15-20 days, the soil will fall a little, then you can start a transplant.

Preparation of roses

When the transplant is in the fall, it is necessary to prepare not only the place and soil, but also the plants themselves. Old branches must be removed, the remaining cut, retaining the columns with a height of 10 cm.

Many do not cut a bush before transfer, leaving all shoots and green mass. This makes sense, because the rose when adapting will take strength from the ground part. Trimming warm waters in the fall is fraught with awakening sleeping kidney. The plant will spend the forces on the development of new shoots that will not have time to wait and shake in winter, while the root system will be exhausted.

Rose is removed from the soil with a large lump of land, proportionate to the crown. So that the soil does not face, it is pre-abundantly watered with water. Branches for convenience neatly bind to the twine. First dig a groove around the bush, gradually dumping the base. Very long roots are cut into the edges of the shovel, poured with crowded coal when the earthen comes will be removed on the prepared substrate by the lever method.

Important! When digging, you need to know what kind of rose is growing on the plot: grafted or kinsevochny, since they differ in the location of the root system.

In the grafted plants, the rhizome is placed, and the surface is located at the surface. If the rose has a long journey to another area, or the transplant will not occur immediately, the earthen command must be covered with a moistened burlap so that the roots do not dry.

Rules of transplant

To transfer roses by autumn goes smoothly and most painlessly, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules:

  1. 2-3 weeks before the planned landing date, roses stop fertilize.
  2. The seedlock should be located in the well so that the place of vaccination (root cake) was below the ground level by 5 cm.
  3. Corresponding crops are installed at the same level as in the old place.
  4. After installing the seedling around it, the nutritional soil is packed up to half, after which they are abundantly shed warm stretched water, give it to fully absorbed.
  5. The soil is slightly tamped to prevent the appearance of air pockets in which the roots will inevitably die.
  6. Then they shine the soil to the ground level, water again.

Depending on the root state, 2 methods of transplant are distinguished:

  • with a closed root system;
  • with bare roots.

Each of them has their own nuances, to neglect which it is impossible.

With a lore land

Transplanting roses with a closed root system causes less stress. For this, it is quite careful and put on the desired depth of the earth com, fall asleep emptiness, shed water.

It is the opinion that seedlings in peat pots can be planted directly in the container, so as not to disturb the root system, however, with this method of the root, they will not be able to adapt for a long time, will deform and climb up.

Without soil

Algorithm for transplanting roses with a bare root system:

  1. Saplings need to be examined on the subject of rot or pests, remove old dry roots.
  2. The plant is soaked for 24 hours in the solution of drugs stimulating the root formation ("corneser", "epin-extra", "zircon").
  3. The underground part of the seedling is dipped into the bolt, diluted to the consistency of sour cream. To do this, blend clay with a cow in a 2: 1 ratio.
  4. In the well, soil the slide, the seedlock is placed, paint the roots so that they are sent to the book.
  5. Having deepening the root neck of the rose to 3-5 cm, the soil gradually sweep up, the rambling it.
  6. The bush is watered and plunged with a layer of soil 20-25 cm.

Video about transplanting roses in autumn to another place:

Care after autumn transplant

In the first 3-4 weeks after a rose transplant, it must be regularly, but not too abundantly water. If the autumn was groaned, the branches from direct sunlight should be contacted. Specialists do not recommend disturbing roses for 3-5 years, giving the opportunity to adapt to new conditions.

A warning! In the fall, after a transplantation under rose, fertilizers are not made, especially organic.

Undercasses containing a large amount of nitrogen, pushed the rose to build the ground part, and not to active rooting.

In the fall, for successful wintering, the bushes need to be emphasized, hide with a sweetheart, spruce sawdresses or a special material.


Transplanting roses in autumn to another place - a rather time consuming. But if you observe all the nuances, in the next season, the roses bushes will delight with abundant blossoms.