How to properly prepare bone and seeds to sow. Stratification of fruit seeds

I.V. Michurin wrote "... in the body of each seed, located in the state of rest, that is, in a dry form, the process of life does not stop, constant, although slow, metabolism, supporting the life of the germinal cell. Moreover the right flow Such an exchange is entirely dependent on the conditions of the environment in which the seed is up to the moment of germination of the plants. The exchange process can be performed faster or slowed down ... ".

Most gardeners are confident that the harvesting of the bones and seeds is made according to the principle:

ripped, ate, spat .

Elite varietal seeds are collected by the expeditionary method in the taiga from under the age-old trees.

The collected fruits are taken out of the taiga and in the boxes set a certain time until the moment of rotting the pulp.

Manually, on sints and screens, bones are freed from the flesh

and it is thoroughly washed with clean, flowing cold water.

After a short dry drying, the bone falls half an hour in a red warranny solution for disinfection,

and then rinsed thoroughly warm flowing water and fall for 20 minutes in a two-percent solution boric acid And again is rinsed thoroughly. Wet seeds are mixed with dry sand and over 20-30 minutes are disappeared (scarification),

then the seeds laid out in small sint dry out within 2-3 weeks outdoors in the place protected from the sun.

On this, the process of the workpiece of seeds to storage ends. When stored, the seeds do not receive food from the outside, but use a finished stock nutrientsaccumulated parent plant and intended to feed the future of the new plant.

The main task when storing seeds is to protect them from the loss of the reserve of nutrients, that is, to preserve the germination of seeds.

When stored, an important role is played by such factors such as air oxygen and water, while the seed is intensively breathing, highlighting carbon dioxide. The containers in which the seeds are saved, should not be sealed.

The vital activity of seeds is preserved only at a certain temperature. It is necessary to know that at a temperature of + 55-65 degrees, proteins are coagulated and cells die off. Optimal temperature For storage of seeds of bone and seed rocks, the temperature was from 0 to +5 degrees.

Seeds of farm crops are stored at a temperature of +3 to +8 degrees. It is advisable to store only in the calcined, disgraced sand, and not in the peat, foam, foam and other achievements of civilization. With prolonged incorrect storage, due to evaporation of moisture seeds, their weight decreases.

Seeds different species plants even in ideal storage conditions hold their viability of unequal for a long time. For example, in the fruits of flashes and nuts - during the year, in legumes - 7-10 years old, in the bone - up to 5 years. Freshly collected seeds have the greatest germination.

An important role in storing seed has humidity. For high humidity The mold and the smell of alcohol appears, such seeds dramatically lose their germination and dying through three to four months of this storage. The relative humidity of the air in the repository (in the basement) should be maintained in the range of 50-70%. For example, apricot seeds with a dense shell for 120 days of storage at initial humidity of 12% and air humidity 75%, absorbed only 1.5% water, and at 87% of relative humidity - almost 5%. If the air temperature is in the storage location drops from -2 to -10 degrees, and even in an open container, with a humidity of 65% of the seeds practically die.

To speed up germination of seeds and get friendly shoots need to be subjected to pre-sowing. Seeds are soaked in water or moisturized in the sand until they stick.

In case of detection, the fungus, seeds should be prohibited. The bone is soaked in water with a temperature of + 30 + 35 degrees for 2-2.5 days, it is desirable to expose the constant barbethation, that is, passing the air through living water in which the bones are soaked. At the same time, most of the seeds fall at the bottom of the vessel, only after that they are laid out with layers in wet crystal sand, and when seeds appear - planted.

Landing stratified seeds is produced in well-moistened soil to 3 cm. Very large bone (peach, nectarine, plum) are subject to scarification - mechanical exposure, in which the shell is erased or scratched, after which the air access to the germin is facilitated.

Thus, all seeds must pass peace (forced and deep). Deep seeds are undergoing under stratification, i.e. Long withstanding them at low temperatures.

Various plants have different times Stratification. For example, Apricot and Leschin need a temperature of + 1-4.5 degrees for 3-4 months. Manychuric nuts are stratified in a wet crystal sand to sowing at a temperature of 0 + 5 degrees. No stratification is sown late, for one or two weeks before frost.

Seeds of bone rocks can be sown in autumn, without prior stratification, or to be fixed after pre-training: For Siberia - in early January, for Primorye - from January 20.

Stratification duration for separate species Kostoykov Next:

  • Apricot ordinary - 80-90 days.
  • Apricot Manchurian - 55-60- days.
  • Alycha and prunes - 120-150 days
  • Cherry - 100-120 days
  • Turn - 150-170 days.
  • Cherry felt - 160-170 days.
  • Cherry Steppe - 120-160 days.

The cherry steppe estate immediately after the collection of seeds must be sung in the fall. The thick shell of the endocarpius serves mechanical obstacles during seed germination. The best temperature for germination + 18 + 27 degrees. At low temperature, the landing is desirable to climb the wet sheet and cover with Loutrasil. Watering warm water Performed through Loutrasil.

Accelerated stratification methods of 15-20 days do not provide high seed germination. Seeds of wild manchuric apricot spare over four years, this is a protective adaptation of the view to survival.

Seed seeds (apple trees wild, Chinese, Siberian and Pear Amur) preferably stratify in a sifted peat. From the cold premises in the winter seeds are made in three or four days in a warm room with a temperature of + 18 + 20 degrees. Purge into burlap, mixed, increasing air access to seeds. This technique enhances germination energy. Then seeds are kept at a temperature of + 3 + 5 degrees with subsequent deadlines:

  • apple tree is Chinese - 70 days,
  • apple tree Siberian - 30 days,
  • genturian pears - 90 days,
  • ussuri pear - 60 days.

With stratification, the seeds should not disperse and not hesitate.

Sadders who discharged seeds safely laid them on the stratification by all skil, without taking into account the deadlines of the stratification. The timing of stratification in all types of bone and seeds are different.

According to the figurative expression I.V. Michurina - "Dressing - the foundation of the dere". The important role of the conviction is expressed in the effect of them for winter hardiness, growth sieve, durability and productivity of trees (Table).

Influence of catching apple tree

Type of stock Trees height, m Landing density, pcs / 100 m 2 Maximum yield with 1 tree, kg Winter hardiness roots Anchor of trees Permissible level groundwater, M.
Seed 3-4,5 2-4 100-150 Good Good 3-4
Vegetative-breeding (clone) 2-2,5 10-20 40-70 Satisfactory Satisfactory 1-2

The seedlings of wild forest apple trees are suitable for seeds of wild forest apple trees (apple trees cream), as well as antonovka ordinary varieties, Moscow, Anis, Borovinka. For bringing pears, you can use seeds of forest pear and cultural and semi cultural varieties. Such cultures like a hawthorn, IIVA Japanese, Ryabina Red, Irga, Aria, are also suitable for bringing pears and the plants grafted on them are sympathetic, winter hardiness and shortness, although such unusual vaccinations are short-lived. Seeds after the release of fruits should be washed and dried up to 6-9% of moisture content.

Seeds of cultural varieties Vladimirskaya, Lomskaya, shubbnik, as well as antips (Cherries of Magealebskaya) and Cherry (hybrid between Cherry and Cherrykh) are suitable for cherry trips. Drain can be vaccinated on the seedlings of cultural and semi-cultural varieties (red, Tula black, renodelod collective farm), Alyci, cherries felt, tern and terry. Distributed from the fruits of the bone is undesirable, as they quickly lose their germination.

Seeds of listed cultures need pre-sowing preparation called stratification. It lies in the fact that the seeds are kept in a wet state at a reduced temperature (first 4-5 ° C, at the end of the stratification period -0-1 ° C) for from 3-4 weeks to several months (depending on the breed - Table .).

Deadlines for the stratification of the seeds of fruit and berry cultures

Typically, seeds of seed and bone rocks are recommended before booking in a cold room (for example, in the refrigerator) rinse in water for 3-4 days with a daily change of water.

This contributes to the swelling of seeds and the extraction of substances that slow down germination. The seeds are then mixed with any wet and loose substrate (sawdust, peat, coarse sand, etc. in the ratio of 1: 2) and placed in polyethylene bags. You can do without substrates, but keep wet seeds in bags; Periodically checking and stirring. When first sprouts, the stratification temperature is reduced to 0 ° C, placing seeds into a snowy bourge. The temperature decline period can also be determined by testing seeds.

Seeds of bone crops quickly lose their germination during drying, so they are pretty stratified, and when the soil temperature drops to 6 ° C, sowed into the soil (with protection against winter freezing and mice). It is also better to hang out from the autumn the seeds of hawthorn and viburnum, which have a long term of stratification and often ride only for the second year.

Description of the procedure Stratification of seeds. Stratification, then germination. Stratification of seeds will allow you to achieve high level Spier of seedlings. Many wonder how the seed stratification of lemongrass, black raspberry, japanese quince, apple trees, apricots, etc.
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Stratification of seeds

Features of seed stratification

All fruit crops have one feature: seeds that are obtained from the harsh fruit, and then sowned in the fall - normally shoot in the spring; And with the spring crop do not spare, and if they eat it very badly.

The period of stratification in various cultures are different. For example, for apple seeds, quince, pears are necessary up to 3 months; Cherries, peach cherries, Alyci, Terry and Tern to 5.5 months. This requires moisture to 60%, at a temperature of +1 - +6 and oxygen access.

Under the conditions of the regions Russian Federationwhere the snow often falls on the surmix to 1.5-2 meters of Earth, seeds of such thermo-loving crops, like Alycha, Peach, Iiva Japanese and ordinary, sowned in the fall, or completely not at the spring, or give 5% of gear.

If in the refrigerator or in the cellar seeds of pears, quince, peach, apricot, alchi, cherries passed stratification - just for 2 months, - that expected at the end of April in open sad, they give shoots 80%.

How to stratify the seeds of fruit crops

Before the stratification procedure, bone seeds: peach, apricot, plums, etc. - need to soak in water room temperature for 3-4 days. Pear seeds, apple trees in water for 20-30 minutes. All not drowned seeds - thrown out (they are unbelievable); To prevent the seeds, it is necessary to change water in a day.

Note: Seeds are desirable to soak in rain or snowy water. Upon completion of soaking water to merge, seeds mix sand. Sand pre-rolling on fire.

The seeds of the bone mixed with sawdust treated on the eve of a solution of potassium mangartage in a ratio of 1: 10, and poured into old categorous stockings. Then the bags with seeds are put into the sandbox and still be satisfied with the sand so that the seeds are covered with a layer of 6-8 cm.

Labels denoting varieties - metal numbers - placed in the bag. They are small, and the seeds will not harm. The magazine put numbers and record. For example: No. 6 - Apricot and the start date of the ripening.

The timing of laying seeds for stratification begins in February. 1-2 times / month The seeds are stirred enriched with air, and if the sand is dry, moisturized. Plugging or molding in the crystal sand is usually not observed, since the seeds are in a sterile medium.

Those who have no cellab, it is possible to stratify seeds in the refrigerator. In this case, dishes ( wooden drawer) It is necessary to reduce to a minimum, and therefore, more often to replenish the sand. Do not forget the boxes to put in a cellophane bag so that moisture remains longer.

It is necessary to observe such a rule: the temperature in the bottom chamber must be + 1-6 °.

By the way, if we talk about the stratification of an apple tree, it is recommended to choose a grade suitable for your garden, read. And if about plums, then you may be interested.

Features of stratification of seeds of berry crops

With stratification of bone and seed, everything is clear, but what about small seeds of the berries? These seeds also need to ripen.

They can be "pebble", as in the first case. But it will be difficult to choose from the sand. Therefore, they sow them, like carrots or parsley, that is, they make grooves in the box (these cultures are grown by a seedler) and along with sand, which even helps to stand in the grooves seeds, seed into the box, the value of which depends on the number of seeds: the more seeds , the more box.

Then they watered well and put in the cellar before the onset of warm days.

During the winter browsing; If the moisture is little, watered moderately, so that the Earth does not scat, otherwise the seeds will die. Summary seeds in the box should be so that it is over time to ripening - no more than 2 months. True, it is possible and more, it will not be worse. But the minimum term is at least a month. On optimal humidity and temperature in the basement, cellar, refrigerator - has already been said.

It is time for disembarking, and read.

Overview of fruiting apricots that have grown out of the bone. Apricot seedlings Full competitors to varietal apricots.

And here is a revolutionary technology that can be useful ... In principle, even if there is no garden or cottage, it is possible and in the city there is a wasteland or some inconvenience and sow seeds ... and not throw them away ...

How to grow apricot from the bone
In the previous article, information on agrotechnics, food and drug use apricot were presented.
In this article, let's talk about the method of reproduction of apricot seeds, which is the most common way to multiply apricot in Kazakhstan.
Apricot - one of fruit cropswhich mainly maintains its hereditary qualities with seed reproduction.
The first question that occurs: where to get bones?
So …
Where to get bones?
It is best to sow bones of local apricots.
1. Drive overwhelmed apricot fruits. Usually apricots ripen from late June until the end of August. Two or three weeks later they lie on the grass again.
2. Separate bones from fruits.
3. Produce the first selection on quality: make a buoyancy check. The pop-up bones are dead, they are thrown out.
4. The remaining bones are dried after washing, lay in the bank under the lid and stored before landing or starting stratification in the refrigerator.
If apricots do not grow in your area, it is better to take seeds at the farmers of Siberia and the Far East. Sigor climatic conditions have formed the most viable apricot population. Consequently, the offspring from them will be the best.
Store them also in the refrigerator in a jar under the lid.
What time to plant?
There are two ways to plant seeds: autumn (codes) and spring. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.
First Options - somimnia Sowing. Sowing bones in autumn and leave wintering in the cold.
Dry bones from the refrigerator sow as possible as possible - not before mid-October, before the first frosts. For winter, seeds are stratified and natural selection. After a favorable winter, 40-50% of the seed survives (very rarely 70-90%). If winter worse is 10% or even less.
This is the real layout. Not just strong roots, but a source of increased winter hardiness for grafted varieties.
Advantage autumn sowing: By natural selection, you get the most zhelniy seedlings.
Disadvantage: Low percentage of seeds from seeds.
An amateur, even more the death, it is better to sow a lot and under the winter. Perezimovka in the ground is the ability to select the most winter-harden seedlings in breeding purposes, take not by quantity, but quality.
The second embodiment is spring sowing.
If you seize dry bones in the spring, then half, and even a quarter - depending on which summer it was and what germination energy is laid in the seeds. May not take this spring at all.
What should we do in order to get almost 100% seeds from seeds? How to make the seeds to go together in a spring crop?
We must provide seeds with the conditions for the passage of the rest period, to carry out artificial seed stratification. This operation is sometimes called sanding.
The stratification of seeds implies their maintenance in a wet state at low temperatures for a certain period (depending on the culture).
What should be the deadlines for the stratification?
Each type of seeds or bones has its own stratification.
Suppose it will be 120-150 days for plum. For apricot 80-100 days
What does this mean? This means that if we launch seeds today, put them in a cold place, then in 80 days they will start slamming, grow out. We must lay the apricot seeds for stratification 80 days earlier than the moment when we suck them.
If we plant at the end of April - early May, then the seed stratification should be laid in late January - early February.
Stratification of bones apricot
1. In late January - early February, we get dry seeds and soak in the snowy water to three days. We change water daily. At the same time, the seeds swell.
2. Seeds are mixed with loose wet washed sand. Sand ratio with seeds should be 1: 3 (for one part of the seeds are taken three parts of the sand). It is possible to use moss sfagnum instead of sand, sawdust. It is recommended by washing river sand. It should not be organic impurities.
3. The mixture is placed in the label equipped polyethylene bag. To access air in the package, it is necessary to make holes using an acute subject in several places.
4. Now the seeds are ready to effectively expose low temperatures. Bag must be put in the refrigerator, placing as close as possible to the freezer, where the most low temperature (But not negative). The mixture should now be temperatures + 2-3 ° C and free air access.
5. Weekly, the bag shake and turn over: it warns the seal of the mixture and improves air exchange in it.
6. Be sure to monitor the moisture of the mixture. If necessary, add water, mix.
7. If the seeds began to be sick too early, put into conditions with a lower temperature: from 0 ° to 1 ° C.
8. Be sure to write down when and which seeds were laid on stratification, so as not to forget.
Stratification in apricot lasts 80-100 days - depending on the type, variety, the degree of ripening of seeds.
At the end of the specified period, the bone cracks, the seed starts to grow out. In this state, sowing is made, it must be timed to the end of April - the beginning of May.
The advantage of stratification I. spring sowing - You retain the maximum of seeds and get the maximum of seedlings.
Disadvantage: The seedlings received do not pass natural selection.
What depth to put the bones?
Experience showed: Bloomed landing is one of the reasons for "bad germination". Literature gives different numbers of sowing depth: 3, 5, 7, even 10 cm. Even 3 cm - a lot! The reason is too plated root neck. She can not be underground at all: later a tree Inevitably strains.

For the bone, it is better to raise the beds above the level of soil. The bone is quite slightly pressed into loose soil and sprinkle with a thin layer. It happens, the bones wash the rains. But they board the maximum, and then they are not dying.
That's all. We reviewed issues related to the reproduction of apricot seeds. The reproduction of the seeds of plums, apple trees, pears and other fruit crops is carried out in the same way, only the deadlines for the stratification for each culture will be their own.
Next article: "How to get your seedlings from seedlings."