Alpine - bright foliage and magnificent inflorescences. Favorable days of the lunar calendar for planting vegetables and flowers landing days for onions in June

Weeds are bad. They interfere with growing cultural plants. Some wild herbs and shrubs are poisonous or can cause allergies. At the same time, many weeds are able to bring tremendous benefits. They are used and how medicinal herbs, and as an excellent mulch or a component of green fertilizer, and as a means that scares harmful insects and rodents. But in order to fight correctly or use for the benefit of this or that plant, it must be identified.

Once upon a time, being visiting, I saw and fell in love immediately and forever into this shrub. Of course, for this I needed to see him in all its glory, namely - at the time of flowering. So now, when I write this article, outside the window inspires me a pink color Massive bush - Weigla. He is named after the German scientist of 18-19 centuries. In those distant timesThe scientist, as a rule, was a specialist at once in many areas - both in the botanic, and in chemistry, and in pharmaceuticals.

Optimal option The formation of a grape bush is considered to form it on the strain. This form allows you to give the greatest load on the plant, and therefore take the greatest harvest. It provides better vine warming, good ventilation, thanks to which the bushes are less ill, and besides, it is considered the most convenient in care. However, it is suitable only for areas where the temperature does not exist below minus 17 ° C, and for individual varieties - minus 28 ° C.

Among the room shrubs are not so many plants that would be famous for their bloom more than the beauty of shoots. Lanthan Kamara is exactly from such exotic beauties. A strikingly easily changing form of growth, Lanthan surprises not so much unpretentiousness as the beauty of extraordinary inflorescences. Soft color transitions give the rainbow effect with dense panels. And from the blooming, feminine, bright and so multicolored lantana is difficult to take a look.

Most of the owners of the household plots would like to see in its garden an aquatic area - at least small, but still his personal "lake". In response to this request on sale appeared finished structures For the device of express reservoirs from polymeric materials. The task of those who want to have a reservoir comes down to dig a suitable pit and install the plastic bowl of the selected configuration into it. But how to choose the right tank for the pond?

Zucchini contains vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and others useful material. Its dietary fibers are adsorbed toxins, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. This vegetable is considered an indispensable dietary product. Thanks to a gentle pulp, easily digestible by the body, it is recommended as the first lure for children. At the same time, the zucchini is not so difficult and growing. But there are tricks that will help get a truly rich harvest from each bush.

Juicy pork schnitzel with a garnish from a mexican mixture of frozen vegetables - a quick dinner or a delicious lunch on Sunday day. It will take less than half an hour to prepare this dish, the food will turn out to be satisfied, you can deliciously and quickly feed the family. Special secrets in cooking is not, however, a strong frying pan with non-stick coating And the thick bottom will not be too much. It will also be needed a hammer to repel meat, or a heavy metal object that will replace it.

Buying any orchids, in the description of the characteristics of which there is a mark about fragrance, it is worth clarifying exactly how they smell and how strong the aroma is. Like other fragrant plants, orchids with an average pronounced and strong aroma should be selected individually and in their taste, because the perception of smells is very personally and is not always amenable to logic. Orchids S. strong smell Let us also require the right choice of the place: they cannot be placed in small rooms, bedrooms.

Lush biscuit for a cake that never pops. Biscuit on this recipe is not only lush, it is also very gentle, a little wet, and all because olive oil is added to the dough. There are a pair of devices that will be needed for a good result - a good parchment for baking (you do not need to take the cheapest paper), a connector form with a diameter of 20 to 22 cm. In the recipe, the weight of eggs without a shell is specified, depending on the size they may need 4-5 pieces

Cultivation of crops with a long period of vegetation through seedlings is a painstaking process that occupies more than one month. And, agree, incredibly disappointing when the results of our works are dying in a matter of days. Seedlings grown on the windowsill, it is very difficult to rebuild and get used to the new place of habitat, although the conditions of open soil are much more natural for plants. Our task is to do everything possible that their survival level is approaching 100%.

When there is a desire to plant and grow a small care garden, in which, if you work, then not "before you drop", then you have to look for suitable decorative plants. Naturally, these plants should be not demanding of soils, watering, resistant to diseases and pests. But, moreover, we need them to be decorative! And if it were also beautifully blooming ... And what do you think? There are such plants. About one of them today and talk - Magonia Padoliste.

Beef roll with chicken fillet and sweet pepper - juicy, tasty and useful. This dish is suitable for the dietary and low-calorie menu. Several thin slices of a juicy meat roll with a salad from fresh vegetables - What is not breakfast before working afternoon. We'll have to tinker with the formation of the product itself, and then a couple of hours to observe the preparation - the rolls can be prepared for a pair in packages for baking or cook in a large saucepan at a temperature of about 80 ° C.

Pasternak ordinary, or Pasternak field, or Pasternak Sowing (Pastinaca Sativa) in a wild form is widespread in the regions with temperate climates (medium strip Russia, North Caucasus, Crimea, Ural, Altai, etc.), but so far it is rarely found in garden sites. True, today the popularity of Pasternak is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping, it is used as a feed plant and honey, and in cooking - as a delicious and useful vegetable.

Among the plants, one type of which seems to transfer us to the rainforest filled with aroma, Kviscvais is one of the most "atmospheric". It is a rare and valuable room and greenhouse liana. And although the plant has long been retrained to the genus of combolds, not recognizable it is very difficult. This topwick is unusual. Favorite features of the Kviscoles are inflorescences in which elegant flowers From the snow-white rather repainted in raspberry-red.

Fast and very delicious salad From cabbage and pork. A similar salad prepares Koreans, apparently our hostesses they have spied this delicious recipe. Indeed, it is very fast in the preparation of the dish, and even without having special culinary experience, it is easy to cook it. Pork choose a non-fat, the shoulder blade is suitable, a fuel part. Salo is better to cut. You can simply cut an early cabbage, and the winter I advise mutumning finely, sprinkle with salt and grind your hands.

Universal favorite from the number of decorative-hardening perennials of the host conquers not only the beauty of the leaves. She is durable and relatively undemanding, in the right place grows for many years, but it is difficult to call quickly growing. The host is multiplied easily, although to obtain spectacular high-decorative bushes and have to be patient. For an independent increase in the collection of the host, first of all, you need to remember the peculiarities of this culture.

Changing the phases of the moon affects the growth and development of plants. Choose a favorable time for sowing in June 2017 and get a good harvest you will help the lunar sowing calendar.

All plants have their own energy field. Their health and endurance directly depend on the time of landing and the effect of lunar energy. To get a rich harvest, it is necessary to plant seeds in a favorable time: then the lunar energy contributes to fast development sprouts.

Favorable and unfavorable days for sowing in June

June 1-2.In the first June days, the moon grows and is located in the constellation of the Virgin. This period is favorable for soaking seeds, sowing in open sad and seating of young sprouts.

June 3-5. Growing moon in scales. This time is best suited for landing any tuber plant. The soil looser will help the sponsors to develop faster, and moderate watering will help strengthen.

June 6-7. Moon in Scorpio. This period is extremely favorable for sowing: the seeds will develop quickly, and the growing plants grew out of them will give a plentiful harvest.

June 8-10. These three days are especially favorable for sowing vegetable crops and spicy herbal. Full moon on June 9 will fill the seeds by force, but for this they need to give time to the adoption of lunar energy. The 10th of the moon begins to decrease: it is better not to disturb the plants on this day.

June 11-12. The moon goes to the constellation of Capricorn. This period is well suited for sowing "capricious" plants and transplants of Rostkov. The energy of a decreasing moon can slightly weaken the seeds and slow down their development, but with proper care you will get the necessary result.

June 13-15.A decreasing moon in the constellation Aquarius does not affect the development of seeds too well. At this time, it is better not to disturb future plants, but to devote free time to clean up the tradition of Feng Shui.

June 16-17.The moon continues to pass the decrease phase and goes to the constellation of fish. This sign is very fertile, therefore, from seeds sitting at this time, strong and healthy plants will grow.

June 18-19. Descending Moon in Aries. This period is not suitable for sowing, since the fiery energy of the Aries does not contribute to the development of plants.

June 20-21. The moon interacts with the constellation of the Taurus. This two-day period is favorable for seating of sprouts, soaking seeds and landing. decorative shrubs.

June 24-25. New Moon in Cancer Constellation. This period is favorable for sowing and disembarking germinated seeds into open ground. The growth energy of the moon contributes to the rapid development of plants and the high yield of vegetable crops.

June 26-27. The moon passes in the constellation of the lion. This period is not too favored for sowing sensitive plants: they may not withstand the powerful fiery of the lion. It is better to recover the seeds and germs to recover, and to devote your free time to rest and other affairs.

June 28-29.Growing Moon in Virgo. This period is favorable for sowing, soaking seeds and disembarking sprouts into greenhouses and open soil. Watering and fertilizer of the Earth contributes to high yield and rapid growth Plants.

30 June.On the last day of the month, the moon is in the growth phase and interacts with the constellation of weights. This day is favorable for seed landing curly plants, thinning and loosening soil, as well as for moderate irrigation.

Plant important events On the first summer month and to attract good luck and the lucky calendar for June 2017 will help you. We wish you beautiful garden and abundant harvest. Be happy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

30.05.2017 06:06

IN summer period houseplants Actively develop and delight flowerflowers with bright inflorescences. Caring for them ...

The lunar sowing calendar of work in the garden and garden for June 2018 recommends starting active work on planting various garden crops. As a rule, at this time work is actively working with long-day plants.

What to plant at the beginning of the month in the lunar calendar for June 2018

According to the Soviets of Lunny sowing calendarIn early June, planting corn, swables, beans, peas and carrots are underway. You can keep sowing pea, turnips, celery, seedlings of tomato are planted.

The gardening table allows landing peppers and eggplants in the first half of June. You can keep cauliflower and winter radish. If there is no danger of frosts, you can put the landing of melons, zucchini, pumpkins and watermelons. June is a month for the collection of turnips, radish, Luke. After harvesting, you can re-plant cultures, changing them in places.

Until the middle of the month, the lunar sowing calendar for June 2018 recommends the planting seedlings of cabbage, potatoes, pumpkins and radish. Cauliflower, lettuce, radish and kolrabi are re-maintained.

Landing in the middle of the month

Favorable work in the middle of the month is the landing of tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers. You can begin to plant peppers into greenhouses or just on the ridge.

Ural and Volga region can land in open ground decorative plants:

  • coleus (Coleus);
  • amaranth (Amaranth);
  • begonia (Begonia);
  • balsamina (Impatiencs Balsamina).

On greenhouse beds, you can land forget-me-notes, hespers and daisies. In mid-June, the day of planting trees should be highlighted, as well as sow late seedlings of cucumbers and tomatoes. At the same time, Daikon sowed.

Weighting work in June on the lunar calendar for 2018

Throughout Russia, from Siberia to the Moscow region, at the end of June you can search for Fennel seeds. The rendered plant of a short day is growing well at this time. Together with him, leafy salad and radish are met.

You can sow peas. The lunar sowing calendar for 2018 recommends sowing it at the end of June, then the pea will not be worm.

The lunar sowing calendar for 2018 says that at the end of the month it is worth putting sparky beans. The varieties are chosen by the rapid, capable of cutting over 50 days from the appearance of germs. When landing at the end of June, beans turns out juicy, as its ripening falls at the end of summer, when a lot of precipitation.

Landing rules in June

When carrying out landings in June, some rules should be followed. Gardening calendar recommends landing basil near tomatoes, onions or cucumbers. Dill can live with everyone, but forbidden neighbors - Salad and Basil.

Fennel is not able to get along with bush beans. Cress Salad does not tolerate the neighborhood of the coarse, but will become a wonderful companion radish, radish and carrots.

The cucumber prefers when there is a large number of vegetables: cabbage, beans, coarse. However, landing it next to onions, Salat and Repoka should not. Peas should not be planted with bush beans. And on fennel, radishes and sunflower it will be beneficial influence.

Broccoli can be attached next to the white cabbage, carrots, dill, spinach. By autumn, an additional culture can be removed to clear the place for the already growing cabbage. Next to Fennel and Cress Salad, a vegetable is not planted.

Having studied the gardener's calendar and the rules of the neighborhood of cultures relative to each other, it is possible to plant a large number of plants even on a small area. For example, you can plant onions, a salad between it, next to Cucumber and in the corrosion of corn.

It will be convenient to take a gardener calendar and gardener for 2018 and looking at what days and what is recommended to plant, make a scheme on a piece of paper.

Important! At the beginning of the month, frost can still happen, therefore it is necessary to take measures to prevent cold weather or protection against them.

Seasonal landing in June (video)

Lunar sowing calendar for gardener and gardener for June 2018: favorable and unfavorable days


Moon in the sign of the zodiac. Phase Moon

Moon in Capricorn sign

Conducting and transplanting plants that have been sown in cancer signs, scorpion and fish

Extension and rooting fruit crops, Sewing Bakhchyev, Greens, Strawberries or Strawberries

Moon in Capricorn sign

Conducting the eyepiece, which is due to the reduced survival and viability of the roots

Moon in Aquarius

Performing cutting of cuttings, making fertilizers, watering with subsequent loosening

You can not put bone cultures and spray plants with chemicals

Moon in Aquarius

Locking of any dormitory colors, as well as decorative shrubs and pink bushes

Conducting the rejuvenating trimming, crown formation or crops

Moon in Aquarius

Sewing and planting plants for the purpose of long-term storage of crop and collecting seed

Crimping for the purpose of rejuvenation, the formation of the crown and the cap

Moon in the sign of the fish

Sewing seeds and planting spicy and medicinal herbs, flower and curly decorative crops

Resetting, root division, as well as other methods for breeding bulbous and tuber-bulbous plants

Moon in the sign of the fish

Sowing seeds and plant seedlings of plants to obtain a crop of long-term storage and receipt of seeds

Conducting severe trimming, as well as digging potatoes with a storage bookmark

Moon in the sign of Aries

Sewing and landing of any fast-growing medicinal crops, as well as rooting cuttings fruit-berry plants

Carrying out strong trimming, making fertilizers under garden crops

Moon in the sign of Aries

Pumping and loosening work, planting and thinning of shoots, as well as the removal of steps of tomatoes and mustache strawberries

It is impossible to carry out any trimming, which is due to the increased level of sensitivity of the crown to damage

Moon in the sign Taurus

Locking troves with a view to further work on rewrite, transplantation plants with a weak root system

Looking for seedlings of garden crops, removal of steps, trimming and pit

Moon in the sign Taurus

Preventive measures against diseases and pests, conducting root and extra -orn subcortex

Works related to the root system of plants, including soil loosening

Moon in Gemini sign

Harvesting grain, harvesting of medicinal plant raw materials

Any work using gardening inventory

Moon in Gemini sign

Works on the formation of the crown, the rationing of the crop, the removal of steps, cutting of the mustache strawberries, the seafront

Moon in Cancer Sign

Providing sequinching; Conducting prophylactic spraying, seed collection

Overflowing and feeding are able to provoke diseases of the root system

Moon in Cancer Sign

Locking any seedlings, planting seed potatoes, sowing flower cultures, watering and loosening

Moon in the lion sign

Making mineral I. organic fertilizers in a low dosage

Moon in the lion sign

Preparation of vegetable drug raw materials, composting

Excessive irrigation events and crossing garden plants

Moon in Virgin

Chilly plowing, gardening garden, loosening and dipping, replacement of the soil substrate in flower pots

Performing events related to pickup seedlings or a piece of garden crops

Moon in Virgin

Performing Sleshors, Demits weeds and strawberry mustache, sanitary trimming

Sowing and plant planting for long-term storage crop

Moon in Virgin

Works on soaking and germination of seeds, seed crops and seedling sites,

It is impossible to perform loosening in the root zone, as well as replant plants

Moon in scale sign

Digging of bulbous crops, harvesting for long-term storage, winter blanks and canning

It is impossible to perform a sepure and dive, as well as perform work with gardening inventory.

Moon in scale sign

Sowing, landing Melon seedlings and curly crops, strawberries and strawberries, beans and peas

Undesirable to plant or transplant any herbate plants

Moon in Scorpio sign

Landing and sawing decorative ampel plants having hanging, peeling or creeping stems

It is impossible to cut and harbor trees, collecting medicinal herbs, dig food crops

Moon in Scorpio sign

Presense preparation, including soaking seeds, as well as sowing and landing of seedlings of any annual

Transplantation of fruit and berry, curly and ampel, ornamental wood crops

Moon in Sagittarius

Bookmark composted Kuchi.,

collection of medicinal raw materials, harvesting of collected vegetable products for the winter

Planting and sowing work in the garden and in room flower growing, as well as dipping and loosening

Moon in Sagittarius

Competent trimming of all extra or injured shoots in order to increase productivity and form the crown

It is impossible to water the plants uncontrollably, as well as bring unnecessary feeding

Moon in Sagittarius

Cleaning the crop of potatoes and other rooted roots for long-term storage, spraying bulbs of flower crops

Sanitary, rejuvenating and forming trimming, as well as eyepage

Moon in Capricorn sign

Picking of grown seedlings and transplantation of garden plants and flower crops

Moon in Capricorn sign

Root division during transplantation blooming perennials, as well as reproduction with tanks

It is impossible to transplant and cropping fruit plants and shrub crops

Moon in Aquarius

Cleaning plants for seeds and long-term storage, harvesting of vegetable raw materials

Any trimming and picking of plants, performing vaccination and prophylactic spraying

Reviews and comments

(2 estimates, average: 3,25 out of 5)

Marie28 25.07.2017

I will be glad if my experience will be useful for you.

Marie28 25.07.2017

I also lead my magazine. Very comfortably. I hope you do not need my recommendations. Apple trees will delight healthy harvest!

Marie28 25.07.2017

Galina, I described the most frequently meeting diseases. You most likely rust, the location of the stains is different. At the edges or over the entire surface of the sheet. First of all, if juniper grows in the neighborhood with an apple tree, it will have to get rid of it. He plays the role of causative agent and distributor. Remove all affected branches and leaves. Cut before a healthy part of the branches. After spraying with burglar liquid (1%), 3 times every 2 weeks. You can use any other meld-containing solution. Do not delay treatment until autumn. It is necessary to treat the leaves before dropping.

Add a comment

Days for planting seedlings in June 2017 in the lunar calendar, seed landing table will help gardeners and gardens grow a healthy and rich harvest. What days it is best to plant seedlings and engage in horticultural works next.

Lunar calendar will tell dacnis on a favorable and unfavorable days For sowing seedlings of various cultures. In order to grow healthy and ripe fruits you need to know the phases of the leaving and young moon. With a decreasing moon, it is worth putting plants that germinate down, and on the young phase you need to do overhead deciduous cultures. This is due to the fact that at a decreasing moon is strengthened root system, and deciduous cultures develop weakly. With a growing moon, on the contrary, plants grow faster than rootfields.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017: Lunar sowing calendar, seed planting table.

The lunar calendar with favorable days will help you more competently plan your work schedule in the garden or in the country.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017: Lunar sowing calendar, seed planting table.

Tips for gardeners and gardeners:

1. To postpone all the work with cultures on the ground in the new moon and the full moon.

2. No need to plant seeds and seedlings when the moon is positioned in the constellation of a lion and aquarius.

3. When lunar or sunny Eclipse Work should be avoided in the garden.

4. When changing the signs of the zodiac does not need to engage in sowing work.

5. The moon in the first and second quarter (growing phase) generous to plants, fruiting over the ground.

6. The decreasing luminaries in the third, fourth quarter nap the roof of the root.

7. New Moon, full moon, sunny and lunar eclipses Not the best time for gardening.

9. For application mineral fertilizer The best period is considered a growing moon.

10. To introduce mineral fertilizers, the growing moon is considered the best period.

11. The clumsy seed is considered planted, since moisture launches the process of awakening the plant.

12. Stay of the Moon in Capricorn, Fishes, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio favorably affect all garden work: Sowing, feeding plants, landing or transplantation. These signs relate to fertile.

13. Stay shone in fish, cancer, scorpion contributes to the absorption of moisture by the plant. This time is especially favorable for watering.

14. If during the sowing of the moon is in Virgin, Sagittarius or Aries, the germination of seeds can disappear. The listed signs refer to the signs of medium fertility.

15. Luna Guests at twins, Aquarius, Lion or Scales - cancel crops and landings, transplants. These signs relate to fruitless. But these days are good for weeding. Softly at a decreasing moon especially efficiently!

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017: Lunar sowing calendar, seed planting table.

Useful advice

The long-awaited summer came! Finally, you can spend all weekends in nature, outside the city, while not forgetting take care of plants. However, trying to try now the whole month, as June is a pretty loaded month for gardeners and gardeners.

At this time, Mights continue planting vegetables, greenery and colors, you must carefully follow pests and weeds to get rid of them on time, harvesting and home canning, etc. begin to get rid of them.

In the first week of June, in some areas can felt night frostsTherefore, it is worth adopting security measures.

IN home garden Also enough work. If in the spring you did not have time to transplant plants, now - now it's time for landing and transplants room colors.

But in this June it is better to transplant plants at the very end of the month. You can transfer plants to balconies and open terraces on the summer season.

Lunar Calendar Ogorodnik 2017 Landing Days in June:

Heat-loving decorative cultures (seedlings): Begonias, Balzamins, Koleus, Amaranth and others - 3, June 4, 2017;

Two-room plants (seeding): Daisy, turkish cloves, hexeris, violla, forget-me-not - 3, June 4, 2017;

Cold-resistant seeds (seeding): calendula, linak, left, cosme 3, June 4, 2017;

Vegetable crops (early seedlings for film): tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers - June 8, 2017;

Vegetable crops (seeding) - cauliflower, pumpkin, turnip, cucumbers, early zucchini - June 26-28, 2017.;

At the end of the article, look for useful with the listing of basic works in the garden and garden in June and successful for them this month.

Other useful articles Categories Lunar Calendar for June 2017:

The most beautiful flowers of June for the cottage:


♍ 1 June, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day at 11:40.VIRGO

I quarter, second phase moon from 15:43

This day is not suitable for planting or plants transfers, since the moon changes the phase. It is better to use it for mulching or loosening. Remember that the sun is now accuming more and more, so some plants are especially required to mulch, so that the roots are not damaged and so that moisture remained in the ground.

Also in early June in some areas there may be frostSo we advise you to always have preparation materials for the shelter of the plant: film, paper, etc.


♍ 2 June, Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:53.VIRGO

Unsuccessful day for any landing. We also do not recommend today to make any twists for the winter, as it increases the risk of formation in mold banks.

Houseplants : Although the moon in the sign of the Virgin, today should not be engaged in landings. You can replace the upper layers of soil in pots. Check the soil regularly so that it does not swap hard, since the summer plants require frequent watering.

♍♎ 3 June, Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 14:04.VIRGO , LIBRA from 03:04.

Moon without a course from 00:48 to 03:03

Can be multiplied by dividing bushes perennial plants : lovers, onions, rhubarb other. Also this is a good day for landing different flowersas well as sowing moorish lawn. This is a type of lawn on which you can see not just grass, but a variety of meadow flowers. Care such a lawn practically does not require, and bright paints of small colors will always delight the eyes.

Today and tomorrow - good time For collecting flowers medicinal plants . Now you can take a collection of colors hawthorn red, blue cornflower, heart-shaped linden, coltsfoot, chamomile fragrant, ordinary cherry (If they have already blocked in your area). Collect flowers better during the daytime on a sunny day (then the flowers will be well open) and immediately send them to drying.

Houseplants : It is better not to water the plants. Wait for the moon days in the water sign. In the summer season, many plants better send to open terraces or balconies so that they breathe fresh air. Do not forget to carefully examine them, because in the open air they are more often infected pests. But watch the weather and in the case of cold nights, cover the plants or put back to the house.

♎ 4 June, Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day at 15:14.LIBRA

Today it's good to plant colors. For example, you can plant acent tube dahlias The soil for which should be prepared in the fall. Before landing, the pit should be hid well and fed purge and fertilizers. The better the place is prepared for future colors, the more magnificent they grow and the beautiful flowers They will give.

Houseplants : It is better not to water the plants. Wait for the moon days in the water sign. After plants transfer to balconies and terraces, you cannot immediately set them under bright rays. Keep them at the beginning in a half sense to get used to the changed conditions.

5 June, Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 16:22.LIBRA , SCORPIO from 13:46.

Moon without a course from 11:57 to 13:45

In the afternoon, closer to the evening, you can paint. At this time it is important to observe polishing rules. For example, if the plants are closed, it is necessary to water when the soil under mulch is dry. Also, it is not worthwhile to water sown roots. Watering can be increased when the roots started.

In the afternoon it's good to do collection of leaves medicinal plants, for example, now collect adonis Spring, Birch Leaves and Kidneys, Forest Strawberries Leaves, Nuts' Nuts, Coltsfoot, Dandelion Medicinal, Pasternak Sowing, Pasteland, Bag, Kidneys, and Siberian and Pine Fir Fishing, Field Hail, Timeline and many others. Also collecting leaves, kidneys, needles and herbs will well do in the next 2 daysJune 6 and 7.

Houseplants : Watering plants you need in the afternoon - after 14:00, but it is better in the evening after sunset. You can arrange shower plants.

0 June 6, Tuesday. 12th, 13th lunar day at 17:29.SCORPIO

Today it is good to plant various greens (dill, Basil, Cress Salad, Parsley, Sheet Salad other). You can also collect yields Greens for quick use or drying. For example, today to send well to dry mint leaves.

Can be wrapped. In the greenhouses standing with caution tomatoes Before the appearance of fruits. If they water them too abundantly to fruiting, greens will grow well, but will be formed less flowers and fruits.

Houseplants : Watering day. A good day for planting greenery on the windowsill. You can read more about these works in the article. Green growing at home

June 7, Wednesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:35.SCORPIO

Moon without a course with 03:35

A few days before the full moon, the legumes are well beans, Gorok.. Plants will have many colors and many fruits. This day is suitable as it is impossible. Also now you can complete landing white or Red Cabbage.

Good time for watering plants. Watering is not only garden crops or flowers, but also fruit trees and shrubs. If you are not so often visiting the garden, it is worth providing him drip irrigation. After watering the trees, the soil beneath them is advised to pour out the layer of the Earth or to be meditated. Then the moisture will not evaporate too fast.

Houseplants : Watering day.

Lunar calendar of room plants

June 8, Thursday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 19:39.SCORPIO , SAGITTARIUS from 02:00

Moon without a course until 01:59

When severe heat starts, the plants should cover from scoring sun rays. Today is a good day to collect a ripe crop that you will use immediately. For example, cucumbers This month it is worth collecting as often as possible, but do not miss this day. Then there will be more new bandy.

Today you can also do reproduction cherries, sea buckthorn or plum. Also reproduction may require garden strawberry When she appears "mustache".

Houseplants : Protect plants from the Sun, which in the days of the moon in fiery signs can be particularly ruthless.


♐ 9 June, Friday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 20:38.SAGITTARIUS

Full moon at 16:08.

Today it is better to give up landing or transfers, any trim. You can do sliding bushes tomatovIf they have already achieved sufficient height.

Today you can start seriously fighting pests. For example, you can spray trees with special preparations based on natural ingredients. Also, some drugs are able to increase the immunity of trees, prevent stress, improve their metabolism. All this makes them resistant in the face of pests and diseases.

Also this is not bad time for putting fertilizers For vegetable crops.

Houseplants : It is better not to do today by plants.

10 June, Saturday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:32.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 14:36.

Moon without a course from 09:20 to 14:35

In the morning, good harvests greenery, strawberries, vegetableswho have time to mature by this time. You can also make twist for the winter. In the afternoon it's good to fight weeds or porn Poroslia In trees or shrubs. Remove the pigs follows before she managed to turn into strong shoots. The pigle is worth removing, as it takes away from the main plant strength. It begins worse fruit and slower growing.

In the morning you can do fruit harvest medicinal plants. For example, it has already time to mature hawthorn red, cherry ordinary, blueberries, strawberry forest.

Houseplants : Today is good to do soils. You can prepare the soil for future landing or replace the upper soil layers.

♑ 11 June, Sunday, 17th, 18th lunar day at 22:19.CAPRICORN

Today, a good day for fighting weeds In the garden and garden. For example, you can simply braid and switch the soil next to the beds, remove weeds and their roots manually. Helps against the growth of weeds also mulching or soil shelter with dark material. There are other ways. Although perfect way There is no existence for the destruction of weeds forever, their number can be significantly reduced.

Houseplants : Today it is also good to make up cleaning, removing dry branches, flowers and leaves. Timely removal of dead stems and leaves will stimulate plants to grow.

♑ 12 June, Monday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:59.CAPRICORN

Moon without a course from 21:45

Today you can continue to delete weeds and Porosl In trees and shrubs. The pigle is worth removing completely with the help of a secaterator, excavating the soil to the root of the main plant. If you leave small hemps, it will contribute to the emergence of new and new shoots.

Today you can also hold sanitary trim Branches of trees or bushes. Crop the frozen branches over the winter to live fabric. The wounds after cutting the dead branches should be treated with a garden boiler so as not to be infected. Well also to make up cleaning on the site.

Houseplants : Apparent recommendations of the previous two days. You can also feed the plants, especially bully. Choose fertilizers intended for indoor plants and follow the instructions, as at large fertilizer concentrations are dangerous for the roots.

♑♒ 13 June, Tuesday, 19th, 20th lunar day at 23:33.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 02:45.

Moon without a course to 02:44

Today you can fertilize perennial flowers, among which lily, Flox, Astilb, Lily, Dolphinium other. Good use fertilizer from chicken litter or Korovyak's solutionother. Abundant watering of plants today are not welcome. It is better to wait for the days of the moon in the watermark.

Houseplants : Watering is prohibited. Make fertilizers for beautiful plants.

♒ 14 June, Wednesday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.AQUARIUS

Houseplants : Watering is prohibited. You can fertilize the plants in this time. Today it is better to use dry fertilizers.

Moon Sowing Calendar of Gardener and Gardener

♒♓ 15 June, Thursday, 21st lunar day from 00:09.AQUARIUS , FISH from 13:18.

Moon without a course from 08:40 to 13:17

In the afternoon there is good to water the plants. If you have greenhouses, then they should also carefully follow the earth. It is impossible to allow strong soil drying. You can combine watering with fantastic plants, this is especially true for plants that grow in sandy or other poor soil.

Houseplants : Watering is allowed after 13:30. But it is better to pour plants in the evening after sunset.

♓ 16 June, Friday, 22nd lunar day from 00:26.FISH

This day can be used for repeated landings. potatoes. Landing rules are almost the same as in the spring. Sizza sprouted tubers in the ground, but immediately mulch the landing place to strong solar rays did not damage young sprouts and shoots.

Today you can make lawns. Although the grass on them will grow slower, it will be juicy and bright. Height lawn grass should not be higher 5-6 cm. So that the grass grew well, it should be fed and water.

Houseplants : Watering day. Together with watering, you can make liquid fertilizers. If you transplanted plants quite recently, it is better not to feed it for about a month.

♓♈ 17 June, Saturday, 23rd lunar day from 00:48.FISH , ARIES from 20:55.

Queen Quarter, fourth moon phase from 14:31

Moon without a course from 14:33 to 20:54

You can make feeding on the basis of nitrogen before the formation of fruits on trees after the end of flowering. Also today you can make fertilizers together with watering. Berry bushes can be fertilized. null Zizhiaor infusion from bird litter.

Houseplants : It is better not to do today by plants. Watering is allowed. Remember that many plants Wanted different methods Watering I. miscellaneous number water. For example, orchids They often lower in the water along with the pot so that the roots become green (usually takes about 1 hour), then all excess water poured. SENPOLIA Also watered into the pallets, so as not to be reloaded the roots. Today, you can also make fertilizers, especially for plants with beautiful lush leaves.

♈ 18 June, Sunday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 01:09.ARIES

This day is suitable for landing korneflodovbut better to play landings after 13:00. At this time sow root parsleywhich will give crops in the spring of next year. In addition, you can sow leek Spend and Pasternak.

Now it's good to collect yields cucumbers, Patchsonov, Tomatoes, Zabachkov, Artichoke, Sweet Pepper and other crops that can split for the winter. Finish cleaning also winter garlic . Already can contemplate carrots, beets, potatoes Summer varieties.

On days Moon in the Sign of Aries Good collect fruits of medicinal plants. Also on this day it is good to collect well june mushrooms. Although this is not the richest mushroom month, some mushrooms are still already appearing.

It is worth taking care of root plans that may now require sleeping. The thinning of the roots will help speed up their maturation. If two real sheets were formed on the shootings - it's time first time Comer sow.

Houseplants : Today you can harvest cuttings and plants leafy for their further reproduction.

♈ 19 June, Monday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 01:30.ARIES

Moon without a course from 22:42

Good time for putting fertilizers For vegetable crops. For example, cucumbers You can feed natural fertilizers: ash, herbal tea, hoods from a cow. Tomatoes It is necessary to feed tea from nettle or hood out wood ash.

Today is quite good time for pipping cucumber plants . Cucumbers should be adjusted to increase yields. On the main stem, which will be pinched, mostly formed men's flowers - empty acetches, they will not give a crop. If you remove the escape from above, the side stems will go into growth - prolific.

Also worth do measking Tomatov. Steying - shoots that appear right above the main shoots (see photo). They should be removed so that the bushes are formed correctly, and therefore, the quality and volume of crop have imprisoned.

Houseplants : Some plants are required pinching so that they go better. Today is an excellent day for such works.

♈♉ 20 June, Tuesday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 01:53.ARIES , CALF from 00:53.

Moon without a course until 00:52

Good day for landing roots - carrots, beets, radish. Also today you can deal with garden pests, especially those who live under the ground and spoil the roots of the plants. On this day, it is good to make a flower bed fertilizer. You can go shopping you need to care for the garden.

See also:10 amazing predatory plants

Today you can do homemade spins And the workpiece: they promise to stand for a long time. You can collect roots of medicinal plants (late in the evening or at night) - dyagil medicinal, big, dandelion dandelion, fern of male, peony evading, ugly ordinary And others.

Houseplants : You can buy everything necessary for breeding indoor plants, as well as room plants themselves. You can also prepare soils for future transfers.

Lunar landing calendar of the garden and gardener

♉ 21 June, Wednesday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 02:20.CALF

Moon without a course from 07:26

Now good time for fight pests And for making various drugs as prevention against the formation of rot, and other problems. But it is better that day not to start anything new, since there will be no result. Today, it is good to continue those cases that you started in the past.

Houseplants : Make fertilizers for beautiful plants. It is better not to go shopping, since all day the moon will be without a course.

♉♊ 22 June, Thursday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 02:52.CALF , TWINS from 01:45.

Moon without a course until 01:44

Good time to combat various pests and diseases. Dangerous diseases like phytofluorosis, black leg, pass, puffy dew (at the cucumbers) bright spot of tomatoes, keel other. To prevent these diseases advise to observe all rules landing, polishes and care. Some pests are easily removed by spraying, others need to be deleted manually: for example, colorado Zhukov And their larvae with potatoes leaves.

Also to help gardeners can come birdswho are well involved in the garden in winterWhen food is not enough. Birds stay to live on the site and in spring and summer And destroy malicious insects.

Houseplants : Watering is prohibited. You can go shopping.

♊ 23 June, Friday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 03:33.TWINS

Moon without a course from 21:45

Unsuccessful day for complex work: The moon is suitable for new moon, energy is too small. Today is better nothing to plant: Plants will not grow well, they will have little effort to give a high-quality harvest. Ded to rest this day. You can continue fighting pests. Watering plants is better not worth it.

Houseplants : It is better not to do today by plants.

♊♋ 24 June, Saturday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 04:26, 1st lunar day from 05:31.

TWINS , CANCER from 01:07

Moon without a course until 01:06

New Moon at 05:31

On this day, postpone serious work, because this is the day of the new moon when the energies are not enough. You can do watering plants. For example, if berry bushes have already begun to be fruit, they should be poured, not forgetting also about mulching bushes after irrigations.

Houseplants : landing and transplants do it too early. Watering plants, spraying and shower. This is a good day to plan affairs for the next month.