Petunia seedlings sprouted what next. Planting time for seedlings

Picking is the process of transplanting young seedlings from small to large containers. In this case, the soil mixture for transplantation must be taken a new one. True, some gardeners believe that picking is undesirable, since this event can be stressful for plants, because of which they will begin to grow more slowly. So is it or not? Let's figure it out.

Seedlings of petunias in cups

Most often, seeds are planted in small pots or cups. As seedlings develop, the root system becomes larger and lacks space. Also, the soil runs out of nutrients that seedlings urgently need. As a result, seedlings stop growing and can get sick. To prevent such negative consequences of growing in a small container, it is advisable to dive the seedlings - by increasing the area of ​​​​the planting box, you will contribute to the development of a powerful root system.

Of course, you can immediately plant the seeds in a large pot, but in this case, the seedlings will grow quite slowly. The reason is simple - excess moisture in the soil, which will make it difficult for oxygen to reach the roots of the plant. Also, picking will achieve the following results:

  • Good development of the root system due to the formation of powerful lateral roots, which will make the plant more resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions.
  • During the pick, you can choose the most powerful seedlings.
  • If the seedlings began to outgrow, it becomes lethargic, with the help of a transplant, you can stop the growth of green mass for a while, allowing the root system to develop.
  • If the seedlings are sick, you can try to save healthy seedlings by transplanting them into new soil.

When can a pickup be done? Just pay attention to the seedlings - after the appearance of the first two true leaves, you can begin to work.

In the past few years, peat tablets have become one of the most popular materials for peppers, petunias and other plants. Tablets are compressed peat, which increases in size when in contact with moisture. In such a substrate, it is much more convenient to plant granulated or coated seeds. The optimal tablet size is 4 cm in diameter.

Seedlings of petunias in peat pots

With this sowing option, traditional picking is, in principle, not needed, however, after the first 2-3 true leaves appear (usually a month after sowing the seeds), the plant still needs to be transplanted.

How to carry out work? First, prepare disposable cups or small pots, fill them with loose and nutritious soil, which will allow root seedlings to develop and take root quickly. After that, in the center of the pot, make a recess a little larger than the size of the tablet. Moisten itself, place in the ground and sprinkle with earth to completely hide the substrate. At the end, water the seedlings well and place the pots in a sunny place.

If you have sown petunia seeds in seedlings, picking is usually carried out after the second pair of leaves appears on the seedlings. You need to do the following:

  1. Prepare a separate cup or pot for each seedling.
  2. Fill the containers with loose and nutritious soil.
  3. Make a small indentation in the top layer using a pencil.

After you moisten the prepared soil mixture, you can pick seedlings. To reduce the risk of damage to the root system, it is worth using tweezers, especially if the seedlings are too dense.

Picking seedlings of petunias

We “raise” the moist soil a little, using a wooden spatula, pick up the seedling with tweezers and carefully transfer it to a new pot. We place the seedlings in a recess, sprinkle with earth, compact the soil around the stem and water the earth. We repeat these manipulations with each seedling. Picking seedlings is very simple, you just need to act carefully, because the slightest sudden movement can lead to injuries to the roots of petunias.

Useful tips for the right pick:

  • You can not plant seedlings in the soil above the growing point, which can stop the development of petunias.
  • We told you when to pick - do not put off work, because the older the shoot, the more difficult it is for it to take root in a new place.
  • Before transplanting, treat the plant roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (only 1 g per 1 liter of water). This event will help seedlings cope with bacteria and make them more resistant to diseases.

After the transplant, it is necessary to provide seedlings with competent care. It consists of a number of simple activities:

  • Watering. Petunia seedlings need regular watering, especially during the hot season. But to carry out work too often is still not worth it - this can lead to decay of the root system.
  • Every two weeks it is worth feeding seedlings with mineral fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out after the appearance of the first 4 true leaves. You can use fertilizers containing potassium and nitrogen.
  • Providing warm temperature - at the level of + 20–22 ° C. Petunias also need good lighting, so pots with seedlings should be placed on the windowsill.
  • hardening. After picking after 3-4 days, it is advisable to start hardening the plants, first opening the window, and then taking the seedlings to the balcony.

If the temperature outside has dropped, it is advisable to remove the seedlings from the balcony. Petunia is a thermophilic plant, and temperatures below +16 ° C can kill seedlings. But you also need to remember that too high temperatures can adversely affect the seedlings - it will take root very slowly.

Petunia is a rather unpretentious plant, but it requires a certain amount of care. Petunia seedling care consists of timely watering, fertilizing and picking. In this article, we will tell you how to properly care for petunia seedlings. And at the end of the article you can watch a selection of educational videos.

Planting petunias for seedlings.

Any small and shallow container is suitable for planting petunia seedlings. As a container, you can use peat pots that are sold in a gardening store, cut bottles and other similar things. In our case, this is an ordinary cropped plastic bottle.

Before planting, holes must be made in the containers so that excess moisture leaves. At the bottom you need to pour a small layer of pebbles or eggshells to provide additional drainage.

Preparing the soil for petunia seedlings is very simple. We take ordinary soddy soil from the garden and add peat-based nutrient soil (you can buy it in the store) to it in a ratio of 1: 1, then you should add a little wood ash and river sand. For 10 liters of soil, add 0.5 cups of ash and 3-4 cups of river sand.

Before sowing, it is necessary to moisten the soil well with a spray gun. The water must be warm. It is best to use melted water.

Pour the seeds onto a piece of paper and fold it in half. All seeds will be concentrated on the fold and, when tilted, they will roll down one by one. Planting a petunia at a great distance from each other will not work. In any case, then you will need to dive.

From above, the seeds can not fall asleep at all. They are very small and may simply not germinate through a layer of soil.

At the end of planting, we cover our crops with a film or a plastic bag. This will keep moisture inside the container until the seedlings themselves. .

Let's talk about caring for petunia seedlings immediately after germination. The first shoots of petunias appear 7-14 days after planting. As soon as the plants have risen, it is immediately necessary to remove the polyethylene and put it in a bright place. Seedlings must be provided with 10 hours of daylight.

When all the plants sprout, they need to be watered. This should be done very carefully so as not to wash off the plants. A spray bottle is great for watering. Use only settled warm water at room temperature. If the water is too cold, there is a high risk of various diseases.

After 2-2.5 weeks after germination, you can make the first top dressing. As soon as 4 true leaves appear, the seedlings must be transplanted into separate containers. Read more about picking and top dressing below.

Watering petunia seedlings.

Petunia seedlings should be watered at the same frequency as most plants, that is, as the soil dries out.

Petunia can withstand some drought, but this should not be abused. If you often forget about watering, then the seedlings may turn yellow and it will look very unpresentable. Such plants can be prone to various unpleasant diseases. Since irregular watering leads to a weakening of the plants.

Too frequent watering also has a bad effect on seedlings. Plant immunity is weakened and they will be more susceptible to fungal and infectious diseases.

On average, the frequency of watering petunia seedlings is 3-4 times a week. .

Feeding petunia seedlings.

The first feeding of petunia seedlings is carried out when 3-4 true leaves appear on the plants. At this time, the petunia dive. Top dressing is done immediately after this process - a little universal fertilizer is poured right under the spine. Such fertilizers are sold in specialized stores.

The second feeding of petunia seedlings is carried out 1-2 weeks after the first. This time, urea is suitable as a fertilizer. Top dressing should be foliar. To prepare a foliar fertilizer, pour a bucket of water and stir 1 tablespoon of urea in it. Then pour into a bottle and spray over the leaves of plants with a spray bottle.

The composition of urea contains a very large amount of nitrogen, which is necessary in the initial stages of growth. Foliar spraying will help top dressing absorb faster. .

Picking seedlings of petunias.

When picking a petunia, you need to be extremely careful. The plants are very small and can easily be damaged. In order to easily extract the plant, the soil must be very well watered. In this case, it is better to use some oblong object, such as the back of a spoon or a knife.

In one disposable cup, you can plant several plants (from 2 to 5 pieces).

Caring for petunia seedlings after picking is a very important matter. It is necessary to provide all the conditions for seedlings so that it takes root as soon as possible. With the advent of 4-5 leaves, seedlings need to be fed. Thus, the second feeding is carried out. You need to fertilize the root method during watering. Then feeding is done every 10 days.

After picking, petunia seedlings are grown at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. 2-3 days after picking, the petunia begins to harden. To do this, open the windows and ventilate the room. However, you should be careful, as at very low temperatures, seedlings can freeze. You need to start small - open the window for 1-1.5 minutes.

Petunias - luxurious annual flowers with which you can decorate flower beds, flowerpots and balcony boxes. The variety of varieties of petunia is amazing, new items are released every year. The popularity of petunia among flower growers has earned for the long abundant flowering all summer and the ability to grow in containers, flowerpots, boxes, which allows you to decorate terraces, courtyards, verandas and even house walls with flowers.

The secrets of the lush flowering of petunias are revealed in this article.. Petunia is grown through seedlings, with early sowing in February or March, about

Petunia seedlings are planted in late May - early June, when the threat of frost has passed. In order for the petunia to bloom profusely all summer, plant seedlings and further care for the plants according to the following rules:

1. Space for the roots. Petunias have thin, branched roots, in adult plants a rather voluminous root system is formed, therefore, when planting seedlings of flowers in flowerpots, balcony boxes, please note that at least 3 liters of soil should be covered per plant, preferably 5 liters. Thus, 2 or 3 plants can be planted in a 10 liter balcony box, no more.

Many flower growers, when planting petunia seedlings, do not believe that these small plants will soon turn into lush bushes, so they thicken the flower plantings. Of course, with frequent planting, the petunia will quickly close and bloom, but soon the plants will begin to oppress each other and flowering will weaken.

For planting large cascading or ampel varieties of petunia, land with a volume of at least 10 liters is required so that the plants show the full strength of their flowering.

2. Quality land - the key to rapid and healthy development of the root system. Petunias need a loose, breathable substrate that won't compact after frequent watering, and that can both let through excess water and retain moisture. To achieve such properties, garden soil is mixed with peat and humus in a ratio of 3: 2: 1. It is useful to add a little wood ash to the ground for planting petunias.

3. Petunias need regular watering. , this flower does not tolerate the drying of the earth, and with a lack of moisture, flowering and the growth of new shoots weaken. Petunia, growing in flowerpots and balcony boxes under a canopy, is watered abundantly every day or every other day in hot weather. If the soil has dried out in the container after morning watering, then you can repeat watering in the evening. In a flower bed, petunia is watered according to the state of the earth and depending on the weather.

Petunia does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water in the ground, so make sure that the flowerpots and balcony boxes have drainage holes in the bottom and expanded clay is covered with the first layer to drain excess water after watering.

Water the petunia under the root so that water does not fall on the flowers, as they will immediately deteriorate, the sprinkling method is not suitable for these flowers. Water for irrigation should be settled, the same temperature as the air temperature.

4. Regular feeding of petunias is essential to keep them blooming all summer long. . Only with good nutrition will the plants be strewn with bright large flowers. To feed petunias, complex fertilizers for flowering plants are used, in which phosphorus and potassium predominate, but there is also a small dose of nitrogen.

Petunias also need trace elements, especially iron, with a deficiency of which petunias begin chlorosis or yellowing of foliage. For the season 3-4 times it is recommended to feed the petunia with iron chelate or Ferovit liquid fertilizer.».

Petunia loves foliar feeding or spraying on the leaves with a weak solution of complex fertilizer. The flowering of petunias is enhanced after spraying with potassium monophosphate.

It is useful to spray petunias once a month with any stimulating drug ("Epin Extra"), to keep plants in good shape, reduce the impact on them of adverse conditions - heat or drought.

Start feeding the petunia regularly with the blooming of the first flowers. Fertilizer is diluted according to the instructions and watered on wet soil, top dressing is done every week. Petunias are "gluttonous" flowers; they need constant feeding, especially when grown in boxes or flowerpots, where the amount of land is limited and frequent watering is carried out, washing out nutrients.

5. Formation of plants . Petunias, depending on the variety in the process of growth, take a different form - bush, cascade or ampelous. Ampelous and cascading petunias grow long stems. To make the ampelous flowers look beautiful, they are grown at a height in balcony boxes, hanging flowerpots, they perfectly decorate the walls. These varieties do not form, too long stems are pinched so that they begin to give side shoots.

Bush petunias pinch at the beginning of growth so that they form as many branches as possible. Pinching during a period of abundant flowering can reduce the number of buds. Sometimes spray petunias lose their decorative shape by the end of July, fall apart, their flowering becomes weak. In this case, a haircut will help restore an attractive appearance to the plants. Just cut the stems in half, and then water and fertilize the plants well, in 1-2 weeks fresh greens will appear, new buds and flowering will begin with renewed vigor.

6. Prolong flowering and keep a neat appearance flowers will help the constant removal of wilted flowers. Do not let the plants form seed pods and their forces will be directed only to the formation of new buds, besides, hybrid varieties still do not set seeds.

The beauty and number of colors of the various varieties of petunias cannot be described. There are no indifferent to this plant. If you do not like upright flowers, there are ampelous varieties for you, if you want something more elegant - dwarf ones, you need tall multi-colored plants for a ridge or mixborder - there are such among the petunia family. Everything about petunias is great. But the variety of varieties can do a disservice to the grower. I would like to have the whole range on the site. But this is unreal! Perhaps if you grow petunia seedlings yourself.

In the matter of growing seedlings, this flower is not the easiest. In addition, there is no alternative - in a seedless way, by sowing directly on a flower bed, it is also impossible to grow a plant, the beautiful petunia has very small seeds and a capricious character. She needs special soils, special conditions. The main and first of them is the observance of the terms of sowing seeds for seedlings.

  1. When to sow petunia seeds for seedlings?
  2. In what containers to grow seedlings of petunias?
  3. What kind of soil is suitable for sowing seeds.
  4. What are the optimal conditions for germination?
  5. How to care for seedlings so that they turn into full-fledged healthy seedlings?
  6. When and how to plant petunia seedlings in the ground?

The percentage of death of petunia seedlings is higher than that of all other flower plants grown in seedlings. In order not to be upset later and not to shed tears for failed flowers, it is better to get answers to the main questions immediately before sowing (and even before buying seeds).

Sowing dates

The time of sowing seeds depends on when you plan to receive ready-made seedlings for planting. If the seedlings will be planted in open ground in a flower bed, this should be done no earlier than the beginning of June (the petunia is thermophilic and does not tolerate lower temperatures, especially in a flowering state).

If you plan to grow petunias as a balcony plant in boxes, you can plant ready-made seedlings in them as early as early May. It is always hotter on the balcony than on the open ground.

Ampel varieties of petunias for hanging planters or stationary vases can also be planted in permanent containers in May.


If you purchased seeds of different varieties and species, plant ampelous petunias first on seedlings - they need a little more time (about two weeks) to build up the cascade volume. And small-flowered dwarf varieties need to be sown, on the contrary, two weeks later.

Based on this information, it is possible to calculate the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings.

Video - time and technology of sowing petunia seeds for seedlings

Petunia seeds germinate quickly, but the further growth of seedlings after germination is slow. While solid seedlings with ready-to-bloom buds emerge from tiny seeds, at least 2.5 - 3 months will pass (depending on the variety). Therefore, for planting in open flower beds, petunia seeds for seedlings should be sown in March. For planting seedlings in balcony boxes or hanging planters, sowing can be done in February.

Seeding rules

Sowing petunia seeds has a lot of features and differences from other flower crops. The first of these are microscopic seeds. In some varieties, they are 0.2 mm in diameter, but there are varieties with “large” seeds - up to 0.5 mm in diameter. It is clear that it is not easy to work with such seed material.


To facilitate the process of sowing petunia seeds, you can purchase specially coated seeds in a shell at the store. They are good because the shell consists of nutrients that help the seeds germinate, and increases their size, making them more visible and easy to work with.

Petunias require special containers and soil. Also, for seedlings, it is necessary to organize immediately after germination. And finally, plants need increased feeding.

Soil and pots

Petunias require light, very loose and fine-grained medium-nutrient soil. How to make it. Mix the following ingredients in equal parts:

  • sod land;
  • humus;
  • sand.

Then add double the amount of peat to the mixture. Sand should be river, washed, dried. To the mixture, add a half-liter jar of sifted wood ash, a handful of perlite and a spoonful of potash fertilizer (for example, potassium sulfate or Kemira Lux). All components are mixed dry and as crushed as possible. Since petunias have small seeds, even a small pebble can interfere with the emergence and germination of seedlings.

It is convenient to grow petunia in plastic cassettes. But before the first pick, seeds can be sown in small shallow boxes, always with drainage holes and a layer of agloporite at the bottom.

Before sowing for a day, the soil in a large container is spilled with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or heated in a microwave (oven), filled with water. This is necessary to protect the seedlings from the fatal black leg to which the petunia is susceptible. Then drain the water, the pre-planting soil should be moderately moist.

The boxes are filled with soil, not reaching the edge of 2 cm.

Petunia seedlings are very susceptible to death from the "black leg"

Seed subtleties

There are several ways to conveniently sow petunia seeds. Two of them are used most often:

  1. mixing seeds with snow;
  2. mixing seeds with sand.

The first - more preferable - the snow will go into the ground, taking the seeds with it, but not deep, but just to the right depth. In addition, when it melts, it will provide the seeds with the moisture necessary for the start of growth.

If there is no snow at hand, fine sand will do. Why do seeds need to be mixed with something? It is very inconvenient to sow them in their pure form, and there is a risk of thickening the crops too much, making them uneven. In the future, such seedlings will not be possible to dive.


You can sow petunia in peat tablets. They have optimal hydration, do not grow moldy, do not cake. Of these, you do not need to take out seedlings when picking. 4-5 seeds can be sown in one tablet.

Crops cannot be watered. Even spraying from a spray bottle is impossible. The soil must be pre-moistened. The seeds are not sprinkled with anything. The boxes are covered with foil or glass lids.

For the emergence of seedlings, petunia seeds need a temperature of + 25 ° C. Exactly as much, night and day, no more, no less, until tiny shoots appear. In the process of germination, it is not necessary to additionally illuminate the boxes.

Seedling Care

Sprouted seeds immediately move to the light and into a room with a temperature of + 18 ... 20 ° C. Their regular spraying begins. Every other time you need to spray with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to protect the seedlings from the black leg. Before the appearance of the first true leaf, the film / glass is removed only for spraying and airing the seedlings.

Lighting, especially in February, is required. Plus 2-3 hours to daylight in the morning or evening hours. By the way, read about how to make backlighting on our portal -.

The first feeding is in a month. Then - every two weeks until planting in a flower garden or on a balcony with fertilizers for seedlings of decorative flowering plants or special dressings for petunias.

It is better to water the seedlings through the pan - this way you can minimize the risk of its decay.

In the phase of three sheets, a pick should be carried out. Only from wet soil to wet soil. Seedlings are very tender, care must be taken. The growth point cannot be buried, it remains on the surface.


Transferring seedlings to a flower bed or balcony is best done overcast, in the early morning or late afternoon. In the sun, procedures for planting petunias are contraindicated. Before removing the seedlings from the containers, they must be well watered. Even adult petunia seedlings have very fragile roots.

The distance at which the petunia is planted in the flower garden is 25 cm for upright large-flowered varieties and 15 cm for small-flowered varieties. In balcony boxes and pots, plants can be planted at a distance of 12-15 cm.

After planting, the seedlings are watered, the soil is mulched with peat. The first top dressing after transplantation is two weeks later.

Throughout the growing season, the plant needs abundant watering without stagnant water. Dried flowers should be removed and long shoots should be pinched so that the plant bushes.

Video - time for planting petunias for seedlings

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