Dream interpretation to cut onions and not cry. Interpretation of the dream book: why see onions in a dream

You will make a discovery, possibly a cash reward.

If you eat onions, this is a family quarrel.

You throw away the onion - a family discord is possible.

Buying a bow is an early reward.

Different gypsies give different interpretations such dreams, usually a bow, are associated with fate, good or evil.

There is a bow, according to some gypsies, which means that the stolen property will be returned to you.

Many gypsies believe that there is a bow - to a confusing dispute, perhaps with their own family.

Throwing out onions - to rupture relations with a spouse or loved one.

If you buy a bow, you will receive an unexpected reward.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

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Dream interpretation - Bow

Onions dream of anger and envy that you will incur with your success.

If in a dream you ate onions, then the enemies will retreat in front of you.

You saw how it grows, you will be surrounded by rivals, the fight against which will give a taste for life.

Fried onions - in front of a serene existence and a small profit in business.

Cut the onion and cry - be defeated in the fight against your rivals.

If in a dream you peeled an onion and tears were flowing at the same time, in reality you will go to have fun.

They ate boiled onions - to health.

Ate fried onions - you make an enemy.

We planted flower bulbs in a dream - wait for the purchase.

Admiring the blooming bulbs in pots - will have to fork out.

Interpretation of dreams from

You will make a discovery, possibly a cash reward.

If you eat onions, this is a family quarrel.

You throw away the onion - a family discord is possible.

Buying a bow is an early reward.

Different gypsies give different interpretations of such dreams, usually the bow is associated with fate, good or evil.

There is a bow, according to some gypsies, which means that the stolen property will be returned to you.

Many gypsies believe that there is a bow - to a confusing dispute, perhaps with their own family.

Throwing out onions - to rupture relations with a spouse or loved one.

If you buy a bow, you will receive an unexpected reward.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

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Dream interpretation - Bow

Onions dream of anger and envy that you will incur with your success.

If in a dream you ate onions, then the enemies will retreat in front of you.

You saw how it grows, you will be surrounded by rivals, the fight against which will give a taste for life.

Fried onions - in front of a serene existence and a small profit in business.

Cut the onion and cry - be defeated in the fight against your rivals.

If in a dream you peeled an onion and tears were flowing at the same time, in reality you will go to have fun.

They ate boiled onions - to health.

Ate fried onions - you make an enemy.

We planted flower bulbs in a dream - wait for the purchase.

Admiring the blooming bulbs in pots - will have to fork out.

Interpretation of dreams from

V various dream books you can find a literal understanding of a dream on an onion theme, which consists in the fact that in the future a person will have tears.

But, firstly, there are other versions that would be interesting to get acquainted with. And secondly, some clarifications can completely change the meaning of the interpretation. Your attention is offered several answers to the question of what is dreaming about onion.

Basic meaning

There are several interpretations of a dream:

  • As the dream book testifies, onions dream of tears, all kinds of experiences and disappointments.
  • Seeing a growing onion - rivals will appear in your life, and fighting with them will enrich your life, make it richer and more interesting. Growing garlic promises well-being.
  • A dream in which you happened to see many bulbs has a similar meaning: you will achieve great success in life, but at the same time there will be envious people who will be filled with anger and a desire to interfere with your business.
  • See this vegetable, by Gypsy dream book, - to a confusing dispute that may happen between relatives. A dream can mean making a discovery or receiving money, according to the gypsies.
  • Hasse claims that seeing this vegetable in your dream is a surprise.

Let's figure out what onions are dreaming of. Dreaming of a bow in their heads - the dreamer's successes will cause envy and anger. Do you dream of bulbs, and there are several of them? Remember the approximate number of heads, this number will indicate the number of enemies you will have to deal with in the future.

It is interesting to know what the dream is about green onions... A dream portends shame or tears. According to the dream book, green onions dream of quarrels between heirs over the division of inheritance.

Let's try to figure out why the rotten onion is dreaming. A rotten vegetable portends a deterioration in well-being. Sometimes rotten onions in a dream indicate a person's problems in the sexual sphere. If a woman dreamed of a rotten onion, the dream speaks of possible problems in a relationship with a loved one.


Different dream books offer their own interpretation of a dream in which you happened to eat this vegetable.

Sweep away the husk in a dream - all problems will be solved. To paint Easter eggs, if onion peels are used, ill-wishers will appear in your fate, whom you inadvertently trust. To see how the husk flies at you - expect concessions from your leadership.

Kitchen affairs

Now let's find out why the onion is dreaming that you are going to put into action.

Buying bulbs is a positive sign that heralds getting rid of your friend's serious illness. Buying garlic means your expectations will be deceived.

Cutting onions in a dream and at the same time pouring, according to the Women's Dream Book, will lead to defeat in a fight or dispute with your enemies. Another source indicates that cutting the onions leads to a deterioration in well-being, which can take a long time. The esoteric dream book warns that cutting this vegetable is a pleasure, but be careful, it can end badly.

To peel off the husk and at the same time - a quarrel with your friends or relatives is possible. Another source indicates that peeling the bulbs is a successful ending to the case. There is also a version that cleaning it is deceiving. To peel off the husk - a dream means possible betrayal on the part of people you know or envy of colleagues.

Why is onion dreaming in the kitchen? any dish with onions - calm time ahead... Frying it, according to Miller, means that a serene life and an amendment to your financial situation for the better await you.

Let's clarify what the onion is dreaming of. Planting it in the garden means victory over sworn enemies. According to another version, planting this vegetable in the ground means that soon you will take on a large number of responsibilities and worries. Planting - turbulent times await you ahead. Collecting onions is a good reward that will come as a surprise.

Some dreams portend us pleasant moments in life. But, there are dreams that promise only problems and troubles.

Why is the onion dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?

Why is the onion dreaming - the main interpretation

If you dreamed about a bow, you should think about whether you have a rival. This is a very unfavorable dream, which dream books interpret in different ways. It is important to remember some of the details of the dream:

Did the onion grow on its own, or did you grow it in a dream;

Where exactly the onion grew;

Have you ripped it off;

Have you eaten onions in a dream;

Have you wept from the bow;

Who else figured in your dream.

By treating the dream in its entirety, you will be able to identify all of its most insignificant clues. So, if you dream that you are tying a bow in a bundle, such a dream means that you will try to neutralize your enemy. You will try to calculate his intrigues in advance and not let him harm you.

Why dream of an onion that you tear in your hands - such a dream foreshadows a difficult financial situation for you. You yourself will not understand where problems arise in your life, where they come from, and why you cannot get rid of them for so long. Such a dream may be dreamed before an important decision, as a harbinger of the fact that you should not rush to make it.

If in a dream you are greatly bothered by the smell of onions, someone is spreading gossip about you. You have become an object of attention for a stranger. He is not aware of your life, but he is trying in every possible way to prevent you from being happy.

Seeing in a dream how your house is overgrown with green onions - you will plunge into everyday problems and troubles. You will want to change your life for the better, but you will not be able to find the strength to change the current situation.

If you dream about how someone threw a bow under the door for you - such a dream means that ill-wishers are preparing a surprise for you. Chances are, your reputation has already been tarnished. You will suddenly find out about the intrigues of enemies and will be shocked.

You should not, however, panic after such a dream. It is important to be prepared for a surprise attack from enemies. The dream book advises not to get involved in conflicts and quarrels. Try to maintain your inner balance and not succumb to provocation. Otherwise, you can lose a lot.

If in a dream you see an onion growing on a windowsill - such a dream means that the prospects that you hoped for will become pipe dreams. All the fault will be your inability to negotiate with the people around you. You will stand your ground, not realizing that flexibility and loyalty are very important now. After such a dream, try to get everything you need - through agreements and mutual benefit.

Preserving onions in a dream - preserving and storing grievances. Someone has hurt you very much. You were morally unprepared for such a turn of events. It is worth rethinking everything that was done by you in recent times... Perhaps you paid a lot of attention to yourself and forgot about the interests of the people around you. The dream book advises you not to be angry or offended. Try to look at the situation from the outside. Wise and balanced.

If you eat onions in a dream, and it seems tasty to you, even sweet, such a dream means that you will triumph over your problems, your fears. If you eat onions in a dream and continue to cry, you will be offended for a long time loved one.

If in a dream you came to the market and choose an onion, want to buy it, you yourself will create a lot of unpleasant situations for the surrounding situations. The dream interpretation indicates your complex character, which even you cannot cope with. Do not expect understanding from loved ones in the near future. Try to get closer to them yourself.

Frying onions in a dream - to profit and to alleviate the situation. If until recently you were worried about how your life with a specific person will turn out, now there will come a period of your life when you will be happy to meet every day.

If in a dream it seems to you that one of the neighbors is frying onions, you smell it - in reality you will become envious of the success of others. You will be offended and annoyed that your merits went unnoticed, but someone's deeds are exalted. Try to keep track of your thoughts and actions. Build your life and do not envy others' successes.

If you dream that you are preparing a salad with onions - such a dream means that you may get confused in taking important decision... Try to prioritize your chosen business from the beginning. Do not deviate from the intended goal.

If you baked an onion pie in a dream, such a dream means that you will have more troubles and troubles associated with your family. It will be very difficult for you to experience all the upcoming events. The dream book advises you to be patient and not count on an early completion of the case.

Why do you dream of a bow according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that the bow is dreamed of as a symbol of upset feelings, disappointment in personal life. If a lonely woman dreams that she is picking an onion from the garden, she carries a grudge against men inside herself. Her previous experience of unsuccessful relationships prevents her from building new healthy relationships.

A dream in which a man brings you a bow means that a period of decline will begin in your relationship with him. You will remember all the past troubles, all the past grievances and sorrows. They will not allow you to objectively assess the existing relationship. Try to find mutual language with his other half. Don't focus on the past. Try to move joyfully and actively into the future.

A dream in which you see your man cutting an onion means that you can make peace with him if you recently had a quarrel. You can also negotiate further development relationship. If in your dream your man is mowing an onion field, you will be able to restore peace and harmony in a relationship for a long time. Your partner is focused on developing relationships, so that they reach a new level.

What is the dream of a bow according to the Esoteric dream book

V Esoteric dream book it is said that the bow is a dream of quarrels and disappointments. You will be whirled by the whirlpool of life, and you will lose your goals in life if you have a dream in which you are crushing a bow in your hand.

If in a dream you salt onions - you will collect troubles, you will attract them to you. A dream in which you put onions in a bucket speaks of big financial troubles. You have accumulated debts that you have not repaid for a long time. It is worth addressing these issues in advance. Otherwise, financial bondage will prevent you from building your life further.

Why dream of an onion if you dig it up - you yourself will enter into conflicts and provoke quarrels. The dream book advises to reconsider your attitude towards others. Do not provoke negative emotions in other people. You will have to ask them for help more than once.

Why do you dream of a bow according to other dream books

V Women's dream book it is said that the bow that appeared to you in a dream promises you hatred and anger. The more onions you see in a dream, the more negative emotions accumulate in you. Try not to spoil your reputation.

If in a dream you eat onions, you will defeat an old enemy. All enemy intrigues will soon come to naught. Do not worry about their intrigues in the future. The main thing is not to retreat at the last moment from the intended goal.

If you cut an onion in a dream and shed tears at the same time, your rivals will beat you. At the same time, they will be able to spoil your reputation to the extent that you will restore it for a very long time. If you see how onions grow in your yard, you will have a new rival in an important matter. Also, such a dream may indicate the appearance of a rival in his personal life.

The dream book advises you to take a closer look at other details of sleep. They can tell you how to deal with the situation. Miller's dream book says that a lot of bows are dreamed of to the hatred and anger of the people around you.

They will unfairly accuse you of almost all mortal sins. The dream book advises you to draw conclusions from this situation and no longer let people unverified by time into your life.

If in a dream you see how the onion grows, you will acquire a huge number of rivals who will closely monitor your life and try to harm you. Try not to divulge your important plans to others. Try to pay more attention to the financial side of your life. Otherwise, you will suffer huge financial losses.

Whatever the dream, it is important to remember that in reality you can always find a way out and turn the situation in your favor. If you see the same dream several times, it means that you do not draw conclusions and do not use hints.

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Unfortunately, any bow dreams of tears. Only a few dream books interpret such a dream as positive, while the rest unanimously speak of the negative meaning of such dreams. But since tears can be from anything, the interpretation of sleep will help to predict what to fear, so as not to worry in the future and not shed tears in vain. In this article, we will talk specifically about the onion and its meaning in the works of various interpreters of dreams.

So why can onions dream?

As mentioned above, onions do not bode well and promise unpleasant events that will cause tears. It can be anything - theft, loss of a loved one, or health problems. The dreamer himself must feel and understand what kind of troubles can happen to him.

Interpretation of a dream about onions from the point of view of various dream books

One of the most popular Miller's Dream Interpretations reports that if you dream of onions, this is a warning of anger and envy of the dreamer's successes. In addition, he says: the more bulbs a person sees in his dream, the more enemies and envious people he will have.

By Chinese dream book, any onion, including onions, portends a fight.

According to Assyrian dream book , to see this vegetable in a dream - to hard work, which will be crowned with success and profit. There is him in a dream - to negative emotions and quarrels with loved ones.

Vanga's dream book promises the owner of such a dream a turning point, an event in his life.

Dream interpretation of noblewoman Grishina interprets several versions of such a dream. Just seeing an onion in a dream is an unexpected, unpleasant meeting, peeling it is a deception. Eating this vegetable in food promises trouble at work.

Feng Shui dream book is one of the few that gives a positive interpretation of a dream with onions... So, if the sleeping person sees him in a dream, then prosperity, luck and success await him, if he sells, prosperity awaits in all matters. However, a dream in which a person cooks onions marks the illness of a loved one.

Also, Tsvetkov's dream book interprets the dreamed onion positively. According to him, peeling the bulb in a dream promises success in a difficult matter that the dreamer is or will be doing. The culinary dream book says that boiled onions symbolize an improvement in the immune system of a sleeping person, tears while peeling an onion - for entertainment. However, in the same book, fried onions promise the appearance of envious people and gossips around the dreamer.

There is a rather interesting opinion, according to which the appearance of onions in a dream indicates a lack of this vegetable in the human diet.