Fitoverm for indoor plants: instructions for use. Protecting garden and flower crops with fitoverm

All farmers in their practice are faced with a large number of pests, insects that destroy not only plants, but also crops. We invite you to get acquainted with a biologically active agent that exterminates insects that adversely affect the development of the garden.

From what "Fitoverm" helps to escape best of all, it is from whiteflies, thrips, leafworms, moths and aphids.

Did you know? This biological product is not new to the insecticide market. For the first time "Fitoverm" was released back in 1993.

"Fitoverm": description

Biopreparation "Fitoverm" according to the instructions for use - it is a specific smelling concentrated emulsion. The biological product is packaged in ampoules with a capacity of two, four and five milliliters, vials from 10 to 400 ml and five-liter flasks.

"Fitoverm", as described in the instructions for use, is used for biosecurity indoor plants, fruit and berry trees, bushes, vegetables.

For full-fledged adhesion of the biological agent to the surface of plants, specialized adhesives must be used. It is necessary to spend the biological agent immediately after dilution with water. The biological product works effectively in hot weather.

The influence of the retortion substance of the insecticide is amenable to:

  • Colorado beetles;
  • whiteflies;
  • thrips;
  • codling moths;
  • herbivorous mites;
  • moths;
  • leaflets;
  • scale insects;
  • mealybugs.

Important! The insecticide has no effect on the larvae and pupae of pests, since they do not feed.

Mechanism of action and active substance

Since "Fitoverm" is a biological agent, its active substance is made from the metaplasm of fungi that live in the soil. Mushrooms belong to the genus Streptomyces. A substance is released from the metaplasm called aversectin C, which is the basis of the biological product.

When animals devour leaves and shoots of a plant irrigated with a biological agent, aversectin C enters the gastrointestinal tract of pests and, penetrating through it into cell tissues, begins to act after 12 hours. A paralyzed pest cannot move and, accordingly, cannot eat. As a result of exhaustion, the insect dies 72 hours after the start of the remedy.

The treatment of indoor and other plants from sucking insects and acarids with Fitoverm has a somewhat slower effect, so the pests die no earlier than after 5-7 days.

Due to the fact that the effect of the agent occurs through the stomach, the larvae do not die. For the complete destruction of all insects, at least three to four treatments will be required.

Did you know? The decomposition of the insecticide that got into the soil occurs within a day, in open space it falls apart after two days. The decay time of other funds is about a month.

"Fitoverm": instructions for use (how to prepare a working solution)

"Fitoverm" has some application features. Due to the rapid decomposition of the agent under the influence of light, it is necessary to spray the plants at dusk. The number of treatments depends on environmental conditions and the type of insect.
The fruitfulness of the biological agent decreases with a decrease in temperature or precipitation. When irrigating, observe the thoroughness of the coating of the plant surface with the preparation. The container in which the insecticide is dissolved should not be used for cooking.

The consumption rate of "Fitoverma" for each type of plant has its own. Next, we will try to figure out how to properly breed Fitoverm for indoor plants, shrubs, trees, vegetables, as well as how to breed Fitoverm for seedlings. Spray the affected plants with a spray bottle.

"Fitoverm": instructions for use

  • Houseplants process from aphids, mites and thrips up to 4 times per season. 2 ml "Fitoverma" is dissolved in half a liter of water. Indoor cultures are gently wiped with a cloth or washcloth, making sure that every millimeter of the plant is smeared. The interval between treatments is at least a week.
  • Fruit and berry and deciduous trees, shrubs sprayed from a spray bottle when moths, leafworms, caterpillars, spider and fruit mites appear. Spray bushes and crowns of trees at least twice a season. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 ml of "Fitoverma" per 1 liter of water.
  • Vegetables (cucumber, pepper, cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes) irrigate from a spray bottle so that they are covered with a solution on all sides. To combat aphids, thrips and spider mites, a solution is prepared: for 1 liter of water, 2 ml of the drug. For the destruction of whites, scoops and caterpillars, the working solution is as follows: 0.5 ml of insecticide per liter of water.
  • Seedling. Spray seedlings before planting in the ground. Spraying is carried out at regular intervals. Seeds for seedlings are sown in the soil watered with Fitoverma solution. Dissolve 2 ml of insecticide in five liters of water.

Compatibility "Fitoverma" with other drugs

The drug "Fitoverm" according to the instructions for use is prohibited to combine with pesticides of chemical origin, and substances that have alkaline environment. Fungicide "Fitoverm" is allowed to be used in combination with growth biostimulants ("Epin Extra", "Zircon", "Cytovit"). Fungicides, pyrethroids, fertilizers and organophosphate insecticides can also be added to the solution.

Important! If, after mixing the preparations, a precipitate fell out, they were incompatible.

Safety precautions and first aid when using the drug

"Fitoverm" poses a danger to humans, since it has been assigned the third hazard class. It is necessary to spray plants in special clothing, a respirator, gloves and goggles. After finishing work with the insecticide, you need to thoroughly wash the skin that is not protected by clothing with soap and water, and rinse your mouth.

While working with Fitoverm, it is strictly forbidden to smoke, eat or drink. After using the biological product, the packaging should be thrown into the trash, after wrapping it in a plastic bag.

The insecticide is also dangerous for bees, therefore, during budding, they are not recommended to spray plants. Avoid getting the substance into water resources. Once in the ground, the insecticide breaks down into components and does not harm the environment.

Organic insecticide Fitoverm has gained its popularity among summer residents and private gardeners due to its relative harmlessness to humans and a short waiting period from the moment the site is treated to the permitted harvest. Only 2 days are enough for the Fitoverm preparation to almost completely disintegrate in culture and fruits, which can be safely eaten after a couple of days.

Package: 4 ml ampoule in a bag, 10 ml vial, 50 ml vial.

Best before date: 2 years.

Using elementary means ind. protection, spray Fitoverm against aphids, spider mite and other garden pests can be up to 4 times per season with an interval of 7-20 days, avoiding a period of intensive flowering of the crop. The active substance is aversectin C, which has good acaricidal (anti-mite) properties. Gardeners everywhere practice Fitoverm processing:

  • Indoor flowers and street front gardens from spider mites, aphids and thrips;
  • Potato fields from stem nematodes, colorado potato beetle, cows;
  • On cabbage, onions, turnips, etc. from melon aphids, cabbage and turnip whites, moths and psyllids;
  • On plums and apple trees, currants, raspberries, gooseberries from codling moths, leafworms, moths and more. others

How the drug works

How to use Fitoverm

Water-soluble concentrate (available in ampoules and bottles of various volumes at an emulsion concentration of 2 g/L) is adjusted to the desired working volume by dilution in water. Home flowers are sprayed with a concentration of the drug 2 ml. per glass of water, while garden dilutions of the remedy vary in values ​​​​of 2-10 ml. drug for 1-4 liters. water (for details on how to breed Fitoverm for a particular crop and pest, see the emulsion instruction table).

The substance is not dangerous, it is used even for indoor plants without the need to take potted crops into the air for the duration of the poison. But neglect the means of ind. protection when working with the drug is impossible. Spraying the Fitoverm solution is more often done in the morning (the danger of night rain is excluded), or in the evening (in settled dry weather), choosing calm days.

culturePestThe rate of use of the drugMethod, time, application featuresMultiplicity of treatments (waiting time in days)
CurrantTicks2 ml / 1 l of water2(3)

leaf rollers

1.5 ml / 1 l of waterSpraying during the growing season. Consumption of working liquid: 1 l/bush.2(3)
Apple treespider mite

Red fruit mite

Schlechtendael tick

leaf rollers


1.5 ml / 1 l of water2(3)
codling moth


2 ml / 1 l of waterSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption: from 2 to 5 l/tree (depending on the age and type of tree).1(3)
Cabbagecabbage whites

Turnip whites

cabbage scoop

cabbage moth

4 ml / 1 l waterSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption: 1 l/25 m22(3)
PotatoColorado beetle4 ml / 4 l waterSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption: up to 4 l/100 m23(1)


spider mite10 ml / 1l water
peach aphid

melon aphid

8 ml / 1 l waterSpraying during the growing season with an interval of 15 days.
Working fluid consumption: 1 l/10 m².
Tobacco thrips

Western flower thrips

10 ml / 1l waterSpraying during the growing season with an interval of 20 days.
Working fluid consumption: 1 l/10 m².
Protected ground flower cropsspider mite2 ml / 1 l waterSpraying during the growing season with an interval of 20 days.
Working fluid consumption: 1 l/10 m².
green rose aphid4 ml / 1 l waterSpraying of vegetative plants with an interval of 14-16 days. Working fluid consumption: 1 l/10 m².3(-)
Western flower thrips8 ml / 1 l waterSpraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption: 1 l/10 m²3(-)
Houseplantsspider mite2 ml / 1 l of water
Aphid2 ml/0.25 l waterSpraying plants as pests appear. The interval between treatments is 7-10 days.
Working fluid consumption: 0.1 l/m²
2 ml/0.2 l water
Spraying plants as pests appear. The interval between treatments is 7-10 days.
Working fluid consumption: 0.1 l/m²
Flower crops in open groundspider mite2 ml/1l waterSpraying plants as pests appear. The interval between treatments is 7-10 days.
Working fluid consumption: 0.1 l/m²
Aphid8 ml / 1 l waterSpraying plants as pests appear. The interval between treatments is 7-10 days.
Working fluid consumption: 0.1 l/m²
thrips10 ml / 1l waterSpraying plants as pests appear. The interval between treatments is 7-10 days.
Working fluid consumption: 0.1 l/m²

In pursuit of a harvest, gardeners have to face many problems, and harmful insects are far from the last place on the list. Even carefully carried out prevention cannot insure against the appearance of aphids, caterpillars and other pests that encroach on plants. To combat unwanted insects, special preparations are used - insecticides.

Fitoverm is widely used in the country - a product that has been a leader in the insecticide market for more than 20 years. However, before testing a particular substance on plants, one should thoroughly study its features and methods of application.

Description of the drug

Fitoverm refers to insecticides of biological origin. The main active ingredient of the drug is Aversectin C. The use of Fitoverm helps to get rid of a number of harmful insects. The drug has proven itself in the fight against the following types of pests:

  • Colorado beetle;
  • Leaf rollers;
  • Sawflies;
  • Herbivorous mites.

Fitoverm - against plant mites.

In addition, the following orders of insects are subject to the action of Fitoverm: Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera. Properly using the drug, the gardener can protect plantings from most pests. Fitoverm is used to kill insects on a variety of crops, from indoor plants to fruit trees.

According to the instructions for the use of Fitoverm, the drug belongs to the substances of the intestinal-contact action. In other words, it begins to act when an insect enters the body along with food. The active components of the drug have a paralyzing effect and disable the nervous system, causing the death of the pest.

Advantages of Fitoverm

The popularity of the drug is due not only to its effectiveness, but also to other characteristic features. So, for example, Fitoverm can be safely applied at any time, regardless of the phase of plant development. In addition, the drug is not able to overcome plant membranes. In other words, it does not penetrate into the plant itself and accumulates in it. Due to this feature, Fitoverm treatment can be carried out even during the fruiting period - it will not penetrate the human body through the fruits.

At chemicals efficiency decreases with increasing temperature. In turn, the properties of Fitoverm are not only not lost, but even enhanced in hot weather. Insecticides, for the most part, have a pronounced odor. Fitoverm has a weak smell, and after 4 hours after application it becomes imperceptible.

Features of the processing

For achievement maximum effect plants should be treated under certain weather conditions. It is advisable to wait for a dry and sunny day without wind. Before processing, it is recommended to study the weather forecast so that no precipitation is expected 8-10 hours after the procedure. Even light rain or heavy dew can reduce the effect of the drug.

The optimum temperature for processing is +25 degrees. It is under such conditions that the action of Fitoverm manifests itself as fully as possible. In cool weather, if the temperature drops to +15-17 degrees, the drug loses its toxic properties.

When processing, you can use any device that provides a fine spray. The solution is evenly applied to the leaves of the plant. The speed of action depends on the type of pests. Gnawing insects stop eating 6-8 hours after the procedure, and sucking insects stop eating after 12-16. Insects die 2-3 days after treatment, the greatest effect is achieved after 5-7 days. Depending on weather conditions, the effect of the drug varies within 7-20 days.

Solution preparation

Fitoverm is produced in a concentrated form, so before use it is diluted twice: first with 1-2 liters of water, and then gradually increase the volume to that indicated in the instructions. The solution must be used on the day of preparation.

The dosage of the drug depends on the plant and the type of pest. Detailed information can be found in the instructions for use of Fitoverm


The main enemy of potatoes from the world of insects is rightfully considered the Colorado potato beetle. To combat the pest, a mixture of Fitoverm and water is used in a ratio of 1: 1000. The average consumption is about 5 liters per 0.01 ha. Processing should be carried out at intervals of 20 days.


When fighting ticks, Fitoverm should be diluted in a ratio of 2:1000. For leafworms or moths, 1.5 ml per 1 liter of water will be enough. In both cases, one liter is enough to process one bush.


For cabbage the most dangerous pests- this is a cabbage scoop and whitefish, as well as turnip whitefish. The concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 4:1000. Consumption for cabbage - 4 liters per 0.01 ha.

Apple tree

Another enemy is the codling moth.

For spraying apple trees against the apple stalk and scoop, an insecticide and water solution of 2: 1000 is prepared. For various varieties of mites, leafworms and moths, 1.5 ml per 1 liter of water is enough. Consumption depends on the characteristics of the tree: its age and variety. On average, 1 tree accounts for 2.5 liters of solution.

Cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes

If crops are planted in protected ground, they are treated with the following solutions:

  • Spider mite: concentrate diluted with water in a ratio of 1:000.
  • Aphid peach and melons: a solution of 4-6 ml of insecticide per 1 liter of water;
  • Thrips Californian and tobacco: a solution of concentrate and water in a ratio of 1:100.

It takes about 10 liters of solution to process 0.01 ha. When fighting aphids, the interval between procedures is 15 days, when destroying ticks and thrips, the period can increase up to 20 days.

flower crops

If the flowers grow outdoors, they are processed at intervals of 7-10 days. To get rid of thrips or aphids, a solution is used in a ratio of 2 ml of concentrate to 0.25 liters of water. If the plants are affected by spider mites, the solution is prepared in a ratio of 2:1000.

Aphids are the scourge of many cultivated plants.

Flower crops planted in protected ground are treated with solutions in the following ratios:

  • Spider mite - 2: 1000. Processing interval - 20 days;
  • Aphids - 4: 1000. Interval - 14-16 days;
  • Thrips Californian - 8:1000. The interval is 7 days.

The consumption of funds in these cases is the same - 10 liters per 0.01 ha.


When using Fitoverm in conjunction with other drugs, caution should be exercised. The insecticide is sometimes used together with hormonal substances that interrupt the development of pests. It is strictly not recommended to combine Fitoverm with drugs that have an alkaline reaction.

You can check the compatibility of Fitoverm with another substance in the following way: mix both drugs and see if a precipitate has formed. The presence of sediment indicates that it is better not to use drugs together. Experienced agronomists advise using Fitoverm without additional substances - this is how it works more efficiently.

Fitoverm safety

Each drug is assigned a hazard class, depending on the degree of negative impact on environment. Fitoverma class - 3. In other words, the insecticide is a moderately hazardous substance.

Fitoverm is not recommended for use during flowering, as it can harm bees pollinating plants. Also, do not allow the substance to enter water bodies. Fitoverm quickly decomposes in water and soil, without harming nature.

The instructions for use of Fitoverm indicate that all manipulations with the drug should be carried out with precautions. When working with an insecticide, means must be used personal protection. To prevent the drug from entering the body, it is forbidden to smoke or eat. The container from Fitoverm cannot be used for other purposes - it should be disposed of.

Fitoverm received positive feedback from both ordinary gardeners and professional agronomists. Confirmation of this is more than 20 years of use of the drug in agriculture.

Video: Protection of plants from insect pests

Insectoacaricide of intestinal-contact action, effective against various kinds ticks and other pests of flowers (flower beetles, thrips, all types of aphids) and garden plants(Colorado potato beetle, cabbage whitefish, cabbage scoop, spider mite, codling moth). Active ingredient: aversectin C Aversectin C, at a concentration of 2 g/l.

Producer: OOO NBC Pharmbiomed. Available in ampoules of 4 ml, 2 ml, 5 ml, and 20 ml vials. Hazard class - 3 (moderately dangerous).

Features of the drug

  • The effect of phytoverm is intestinal and contact: penetrating into the body of the pest through the outer covers when spraying or after eating processed leaves, the substance acts on the nervous system of the insect, causing its paralysis and then death.
  • Tested by the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection. The effectiveness of phytoverm against ticks on apple and blackcurrant has been proven, it was 96-100%;
  • Fitoverm does not pollute the environment, quickly decomposing in water and soil;
  • Effective even in hot weather;
  • Exposure time - 6-8 hours after treatment in protected ground (and in the room), 8-16 hours in open ground;
  • Protects plants indoors from 7-20 days after treatment, outdoors depends on the weather, according to the experience of gardeners from 5 to 15 days;
  • Not phytotoxic. Do not mix with other drugs!


Fitoverm is one of the most popular insecticides for the treatment of indoor plants. In spite of good feedback manufacturer, in practice, the drug does not always live up to expectations. In particular, the effectiveness against ticks often leaves much to be desired - pests quickly get used to, repeated attacks of ticks are not uncommon.

The effectiveness of the drug based on aversectin C (phytoverm) largely depends on the air temperature. With its decrease from 24 to 17°C, the toxicity of the drug for the common spider mite decreased by 7.6 times, and when it was increased to 32°C, it increased by 4.8 times. In the leaves of plants, aversectin C is not detected already 2-3 days after treatment, and in the fruits of vegetables on the second day. When applied to the soil, the substance does not enter the roots of plants. book info" Chemical protection plants: means, technology and environmental Safety", author Zinchenko V.A.

When using phytoverm on fruit and berry crops in the garden, the waiting period from spraying to picking berries and fruits is 3 days. This is both good (other drugs remain in fruits for an average of 20-30 days) and bad - the protective effect ends quickly and re-treatment is required. Therefore, in horticulture, it makes sense to spray fitoverm during the most critical periods, for example, immediately after flowering during the formation of ovaries (if the temperature contributes to the frantic rate of pest reproduction).

How to breed fitoverm

How to dilute phytoverm for treatments in the garden: pour 1-2 liters of water into a bucket, open the ampoule or measure out a certain amount of the drug with a dispenser and pour it into a bucket of water and mix thoroughly, then bring the working solution to the required volume of 10 liters and mix again. Consumption rates are 1.5 liters per bush of currants, gooseberries, 2-3 liters per cherry, plum, up to 5 liters per apple and pear.

How to breed fitoverm for treatments in the apartment: against spider mites: 2 ml per 0.5 liter of water; against aphids: 5 ml per 0.6 liters of water; against thrips: 5 ml per 0.5 liter of water. Repeat the treatments twice (but no more) with an interval of 7-10 days. If the tick has shown itself again, change the drug.

Consumption rates

consumption rates for different crops are different, for flowers:

  • on garden flowers from thrips 8 ml per 1 liter of water, spraying during the growing season and flowering
  • on garden flowers from aphids 4 ml per 1 liter of water, spraying during the growing season and flowering
  • on indoor flowers plants from thrips 2 ml per 200 ml of water, spraying when pests appear
  • on indoor flowers plants from aphids 2 ml per 250 ml of water, spraying when pests appear
  • on indoor flowers, plants from ticks 10 ml 1 l of water (the dosages indicated in the instructions of 2 ml / l are ineffective)

Spray against thrips and aphids up to four times, against ticks no more than 2 times, then change the drug.

For fruit trees and shrubs

  • on apple, pear and currant from ticks, leafworms, moths 1.5 ml per 1 liter of water, spraying twice during the growing season
  • on an apple tree, pear from codling moth and scoop 2 ml per 1 liter of water, spraying once during the growing season
  • on currants from a tick 2 ml per 1 liter of water, spraying during the growing season

On vegetables:

  • on cucumbers, peppers and eggplants, tomatoes from ticks and thrips 10 ml per 1 liter of water, spraying twice during the growing season
  • on cucumbers, peppers and eggplants from aphids 8 ml per 1 liter of water, spraying twice during the growing season
  • on cabbage from cabbage and turnip whites, cabbage scoops, cabbage moths - 4 ml of phytoverm per 1 liter of water, spraying twice during the growing season
  • on potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle 1 ml per 1 liter of water, spraying during the growing season up to 3 times


Fitoverm belongs to the class of avermectins. Despite the fact that hazard class 4 may be written on the packaging, this is not so! Preparations based on aversectin C belong to the third hazard class for humans and the second and third hazard classes for bees! The information that it is not phytotoxic is correct. The half-life of aversectin C in water is 3 days, and in soil - 25-30 hours.

Security measures. Processing is carried out using personal protective equipment. Do not smoke, drink or eat while working. After work, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth. Store the drug in a cool, dry place at a temperature of -15C to +30C, away from food and drugs, out of the reach of children and pets! Storage of the working solution is not allowed. When used in private farms, mixing with other drugs is prohibited.

First aid for poisoning: in case of contact with the skin, wash off with soap and water; in case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of running water; if it enters the digestive tract, drink 3-4 glasses of water, induce vomiting, take several tablets of activated charcoal, seek medical help.

Fitoverm is a product that combines insecticidal, acaricidal and nematicidal effects and is used to protect industrial, vegetable, berry-fruit and ornamental crops, both open and protected ground. The main active ingredient of the drug is aversectin C - a substance of natural origin, a mixture of avermectins B1a, A1a, A2a and B2a.

The main advantage of aversectin C is that products based on it do not cause addiction in pests and can be used for several years in a row. In addition, the substance is not phytotoxic and does not tend to accumulate in the leaves and fruits of plants.

The drug is produced in various forms- from ampoules with a volume of 2 ml to five-liter canisters. There are two varieties of it: "Fitoverm, KE" and "Fitoverm, P".

Operating principle

The insecticide Fitoverm has a wide spectrum of action and is very effective against:

After processing plants, the drug enters the body of pests through the skin and gastrointestinal tract, causing disturbances in the work nervous system and paralysis. After 8 hours after contact with the substance, insects stop feeding, and after 3-6 days they completely die.

The exceptions are ticks and sucking varieties, on which the effect of Fitoverm appears later: paralysis occurs after 12 hours, and death occurs no earlier than a week later.

You should know that the drug has practically no effect on non-feeding forms of pests (pupae, larvae), therefore, in enclosed spaces it is recommended to raise the temperature to speed up the vital processes of insects or use Fitoverm in combination with hormonal drugs. When used together, the biological activity of insecticides increases, and the waiting time for action is reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any pest control agent has a number of advantages and disadvantages, including Fitoverm. The use of this insecticide has several advantages.:

  • The main active ingredient of the drug completely decomposes on the surface of leaves and fruits in 2-3 days, and in the soil - after 25-30 hours.
  • Convenient release forms allow you to purchase the required amount of insecticide for each specific case.
  • Fitoverm has a completely natural composition, which makes it safe for the environment.
  • The agent is allowed to be used during fruiting and combined with other drugs (except for pesticides of chemical origin), including growth stimulants.

However, there are also disadvantages to using Fitoverm.:

  • The effect of the application is rarely achieved the first time - in most cases, 3-4 treatments are required.
  • The solution does not stay well on the leaves of plants, so it is recommended to use additional funds that improve its stickiness - for example, soap or shampoo.
  • The drug is toxic to bees, as a result of which it is forbidden to use it for agricultural crops during their flowering period.
  • Abundant dew, light rainfall and a decrease in air temperature significantly reduce the effectiveness of the insecticide.
  • The tool is quite expensive and has a specific unpleasant odor.

Preparation of working solution

The Fitoverm instructions indicate that the dosage of the drug and its consumption rates vary depending on the variety of the crop and the pest attacking it:

  • For deciduous and fruit trees, dilute 1 ml of the drug in a liter of liquid. Use a solution to combat moths, caterpillars, various mites and leafworms. The treatment is repeated twice with an interval of a week, if necessary, additional spraying is carried out.
  • Indoor and outdoor ornamental plants, on which aphids, thrips or spider mites were seen, are treated with a solution of 2 ml of Fitoverm diluted in 0.5 l of water. The only exceptions are orchids - for them, the concentration of the insecticide should be half as much so as not to harm the leaves, bulbs and root system. According to the instructions for use of Fitoverm, for indoor plants, at least four treatments should be carried out every 7-10 days.
  • White and cauliflower get rid of scoops, whites and their caterpillars by diluting 0.5 ml of insecticide with a liter of water. The procedure must be repeated twice, repeated spraying is carried out 2-3 weeks after the first.
  • for irrigation vegetable crops apply a solution of 2 ml of the drug, diluted with two liters of water. The complete destruction of thrips, aphids and spider mites occurs after three treatments with a seven-day interval.
  • Seedlings are treated with a weak solution of Fitoverm (2 ml per 5 liters of liquid) before planting in open ground, in order to protect against various harmful insects.

In all cases, spraying is carried out using a fine spray gun, carefully making sure that the solution is evenly distributed over the leaves. It is desirable to treat plants in the evening, because in the dark avermectin B1 decomposes more slowly, due to which the insecticidal-acaricidal effect of Fitoverm is prolonged. Spraying is not carried out during the period of precipitation, as well as at temperatures below +17 ° C - otherwise the effect of the drug will be close to zero.

Work Safety Measures

Despite the completely natural composition, Fitoverm is a rather toxic agent that has been assigned the third hazard class for humans, so certain precautions must be observed when working with it:

  • All manipulations with the drug are carried out in protective gloves, goggles and a respirator. Clothing should fit snugly to the body, covering all its parts.
  • For the preparation of the working solution, only special containers are used. It is unacceptable to dilute the insecticide in dishes that can accidentally mix with kitchen utensils.
  • During processing it is forbidden to drink, smoke and eat food.
  • Spraying should not be carried out near animals and small children, as well as in the immediate vicinity of water bodies and aquariums.
  • If the drug gets into the eyes, they are washed with a large amount running water. The solution that appears on the skin is thoroughly washed off with soap and water. If Fitoverm is accidentally swallowed, it is necessary to immediately induce vomiting, and then take several tablets of activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight).
  • At the end of the event, you should wash all the containers that were used during processing and put them away from small children and animals. Be sure to wash the clothes you sprayed on and take a shower.
  • The product must be stored in a specially designated place strictly according to the instructions. The solution of the drug is not subject to storage, and should be used immediately after preparation. Do not apply insecticide after the expiration date.

Fitoverm - quite popular biological preparation, proven with positive side . Its effectiveness in pest control is difficult to challenge, despite the presence of some disadvantages.