A beautiful farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal. Congratulations on important events verse leaving work

I want to say a big and sincere "thank you" to my dear and wonderful colleagues. Dear, you have always been my support and support, you have become true friends and loyal comrades for me. Thanks for the teamwork, hard work and help in the right hour, thank you for the warm and friendly atmosphere in the team, for the excellent mood and optimistic attitude. I wish you all continued success, great victories and great plans.

Colleagues, my dear, thank you very much for our close-knit, friendly team. Thank you for the fact that even in the most difficult, stressful situations you keep your optimism. It is comfortable and easy to work with you, which is quite important and necessary for effective work. You know, each of you is a special, amazing person who contributes to our common cause. Thanks to our abilities, we have created a unique team that is not only hardworking, but also very funny! Thank you, my wonderful ones, for the fact that our weekdays are not an ordinary, depressing routine, but are distinguished by their brightness and originality.

Dear colleagues, today I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the years of joint work, for friendship and pleasant communication, for understanding and support, for bright moments and brilliant ideas, for unanimity and collective strength. I want to wish everyone all the very best and best, but, most importantly, health, confidence, strength, perseverance, great opportunities, good luck, love and prosperity. Thank you friends.

Many thanks to you, my wonderful colleagues. Thank you for the cheerful and fruitful cooperation, for the wonderful and effective work, for the common interest and mutual assistance. I wish you great success and good luck, rapid personal growth in activities and a stable income in life.

Dear colleagues, I would like to thank you for your honest work! Our team is becoming more friendly, more experienced and more successful every day! We would not have achieved such results if not for your hard work, competence and creative ideas! Thank you for every working day! I really appreciate you!

My wonderful colleagues, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind cooperation, for excellent and cheerful work, for friendship and support, for help and understanding, for correct advice and wonderful ideas. I sincerely want to wish everyone never to lose confidence in themselves and always achieve everything that the heart dreams of.

I want to say a huge thank you to you, my colleagues. Thank you for your support and support in difficult situations, thank you for your willingness to help when you really need it, thank you for the fun and joy that you gave me, and simply, thank you for being there. I also thank fate that brought us together.

My dear colleagues, I want to say “thank you” for everything. It has always been fun and interesting to work with you, thanks to your support, I have always been able to overcome all obstacles on the way to my goal. I want to wish all of you health, demand and recognition in your work, prosperity and happiness in life. Thank you, friends, stay the same kind, sincere, funny, good people.

Dear colleagues, dear friends and comrades, we have traveled many roads together and overcome many obstacles on the way to success. Thank you for your words of support, for help in business, for respect and understanding, for a kind and pleasant atmosphere in our team. As a token of gratitude, I would like to wish you all prosperity in life, love, happiness, good luck, great opportunities and small worries.

Today I want to thank you, my dear colleagues, and sincerely wish you great luck on any path, incredible strength and wonderful health. It is easy to work with you, you will support in a moment of sadness and help when it is difficult. Thank you for your friendship, sincerity, responsiveness, friends. All the best to you.

Thank you for the cozy and cheerful atmosphere that brightened everyday life, helped to cope with problems and blues, inspired to work and grow! Dear colleagues, I have an exciting day today, I am leaving you. And I am a little sad from parting with you. Your friendly team has given me a lot. Your patience and partner support helped me to get on my feet. I express my deep gratitude to everyone and take with me the most pleasant memories. I wish your team continued prosperity and well-being to each of you! Words of gratitude to colleagues upon dismissal - cool verses I lived in a team for a long time - I am leaving on the positive! If I have arms and legs - So there will be something to eat! And I saved up money, I spent a lot of energy here, So tired that there is no urine, I am leaving ! Hello to all of you! I am leaving you, guys, Farewell, beloved team, We have survived more than one test and more than one corporate party.

Congratulations on quitting work in prose

Congratulations on leaving work. May a streak of luck and good luck await you, may new opportunities and prospects appear on the horizon, may all your ideas and aspirations be justified, may not a single day of yours be wasted, may there be happiness and pleasure in every moment of your life. Congratulations on leaving work. May neither sadness nor salty arise in the soul, may life be calm and happy. I wish you only really interesting work, I wish you to find your advantages in everything, I wish you great luck in life and successfully implemented plans.

Congratulations on leaving work, we wish you new ideas and achievement of plans, may the set goals become achievable, and the changes will be extremely positive.

Wishes dismissal

We wish you success in all your endeavors and Caucasian longevity! Colleague! Today you are leaving our team. This means that unexplored horizons and, possibly, acquaintance with new bosses and new colleagues await you. May these changes be positive! Parting words a colleague upon dismissal It is difficult to part with you.
Indeed, today a mentor and a friend, an experienced worker and just a good person are leaving the team. But, your desire is the law, and to meet halfway better life no one can prohibit. Know that we are always glad to see you. And the fact that you are leaving the team does not mean that you are leaving the life of each of us. Good luck in your endeavors, success ahead. That is how, and not otherwise, Happy journey! In life, sometimes you have to make difficult fateful decisions and changing jobs is one of them.

Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job in prose and verse

Thanks to colleagues from the quitting employee - comic prose Glorious representatives of my now former team! I quit tomorrow! Do you think I'm worried? Not at all ... Happy as a new penny! Can you imagine - freedom is waiting for your colleague! And also laziness, sleep and TV! Hooray! Today I say goodbye to you, my dear colleagues. I want to thank you for good jokes, hundreds of cups of coffee drunk together, funny "smoke breaks", useful tips and "compromising evidence" in the form of photos and videos from our joint holidays. I wish you to stay happily, remember me only with a smile, do not hold any grudge and resentment.
I love and respect you all and will miss you very much. Colleagues, it was easy and pleasant to work with you - I am one hundred percent satisfied! But, as you know, a fish is looking for where they feed, and a person - where they pay more, and as a human being you can understand my leaving.

Wishes to a colleague

I always want to express my gratitude for the help in a special way, so that the person is pleased and he remembers these words for a long time. Words of gratitude for help can be expressed in your own words from the heart. But it will be more effective to write them and creatively arrange them in the form of a letter.


Tip: Order from creative person a beautiful image related to the case in which you received help. You can put a photo in a frame and write words of gratitude, for example, for the fact that this person helped the child to recover and become the same as everyone else. V thank you letter, besides your own words from the heart, you can write the following words: Words of gratitude for help and kindness Words of gratitude for the help provided Beautiful words of gratitude for help Often teachers do not know how to express gratitude to active parents who participate in life kindergarten or school.

Words of gratitude to the head, colleagues in verse, prose, SMS

Where does a person spend most of their time? No, not at home! Of course, he has to spend a third of the day at work. Basically, a work shift lasts 8 hours, but sometimes it reaches up to 12 and even up to 20 hours. Naturally, work colleagues automatically become best friends and faithful companions.

Unfortunately, the team often breaks up. What, then, can you wish your work colleague? How to please a person with whom you have been in the same office for many years, with whom you shared your experience and discussed problems? Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job should be sincere and positive. If a colleague was able to stand out and moved up the career ladder, then it is worthwhile to come up with a promotion congratulation for him. It can be stated both in poetry and in prose.

Parting words to the boss upon dismissal in prose

Today we will see you off on a good journey, We are here alone now to plow, But you don’t forget us! Come visit more often - For tea and just like that! We wish you to find More new benefits! Wishes to a colleague upon dismissal in prose It is always a pity to part, and especially with good people. You leave, but we stay. You leave not because it is bad here, but because there, ahead, it will be even better. May you only meet in life good people who will help, appreciate, teach.
Let your ambitions help you move forward, and daring dreams turn into reality, giving way to new desires. Good luck in all your endeavors. Well, now it's time to raise the sails and embark on a new voyage! It may not be easy to leave everything you are used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but changes are always for the better, you have to believe in it. Fate will definitely respond and present a surprise that I could not even dream of.

Now your leisure is interesting, It is dedicated to the composition of songs, And maybe new dacha... You undoubtedly became richer, When you left work boldly, Now you open your own business, You yourself will become a master Among the chiefs, one. I congratulate you, friend, With the fact that I regained my leisure time Leaving the wrong job.

Alive and king, do not know worries! Congratulations on leaving work. Let there be no sadness or salty in the soul, let life be calm and happy. I wish to do only really interesting work, I wish to find my advantages in everything, I wish you great luck in life and successfully implemented plans. There is no more such care In the early morning to get up And to hurry quickly from work, To have a rest.

Kind words to a quitting colleague in prose

We know that a new door in life is opening for you, now you will have new job, new responsibilities, new team... But we sincerely believe that, despite this, you will not forget us! During this time, you have become a part of us all! " Wishes in verse Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job can be presented in the form of a small verse. May there be many clear days in life, A time of long-term success will begin, And good health, which is more important, Than the search for meaningless tasks, So that you can boast of constancy, And let life always give what you call joyfully happiness, And from what your soul is so Okay! Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job can be presented in the form of short wishes: Huge salary, Pleasant work, More clients, Understanding bosses, Cheerful team, Successful projects, Interesting business trips.


Congratulations on your dismissal, I mean, on an indefinite leave! Changes will be in favor For health, that's for sure! From colleagues and bosses And neither bonuses nor benefits They could not keep you - you quit your job, You preferred to be free. We understand that the house and family were chosen as a valuable frame, What is more important, undoubtedly, For those who live in love! Poems on leaving work So you left work, Congratulations! You are a hero! And problems and worries, All were left behind. Away from everyday routine, Running and bustle, Gray labor picture, You are free again.

Thank you, my colleagues, for everything you do. After all, if they had not covered it aptly, Then I would not have blown my head off. For your kindness, openness, honesty, I thank you at this hour. You are all pros, let them know, I love and appreciate all of you.

We went through a lot of checks, You were always with me. For an impulse of light, kindness. For the fact that they are ready to help out, Cover, correct, replace.

Kind words to a quitting colleague in prose, sincere

I wish you new victories and not give up in front of a new difficult task. " “I wish you wholeheartedly love your work, so that you always help people. You perform it flawlessly that you want to shout "Bravo". Let work be only a joy, and let the path of life lead you to success. " “Everything turned out great, you know how to do your job perfectly.

You have done your best, for which you and praise. May fate be favorable to you, and bring only joy and success. " “I would like to bow deeply before you for being such a professional in your field. You as an employee are invaluable, not lazy and skillful. We will tell the whole world about you, so that orders go by the river. Simple Russian thanks per high quality work and for a wonderful result. " You also need to thank the teachers for their invaluable work in raising children.

It is better to write words in big beautiful postcard so that it can be handed to the teacher as a keepsake.

Words of thanks to a resigning colleague in prose

But the most important thing that happened was your tact, respect for my mistakes, which we corrected by uniting in a friendly team of allies. Your lessons won't be in vain! This I promise you for sure! Dear colleagues, it's time to leave. I am happy and sad. New work, impressions and experience are ahead.

Here I leave a piece of my soul. Thank you for everything: for being there in difficult times, helping, supporting in word and deed. I wish you to remain the same friendly team, a close-knit team and good friends... I will always remember with warmth our joint work.

Colleagues, we spent a lot of time together, and our relationship became almost kinship. And although it is so natural to change jobs, for some reason a bitter feeling of loss appeared in my soul. Of course, we will continue to communicate, but everything will be different.

We will miss you
We were glad to work with you!

Since this happens
So so be it.
Who suddenly leaves work -
Don't go to work.
You can lie around in the morning
On the bed and then
Do not rush, do not scatter -
Low start and sharp at seven.
It's all in the past
Congratulations on this.
It will be difficult at first
After all, habit is higher than us.
You will find yourself in another
Business important to people.
Yes, and you will come to visit us,
Let's drink tea without any fuss.
Congratulations on your decision
Our age is complex, not simple.
You were in a hurry to find yourself,
Well, we are for you - a mountain!
Let's sum it up,
Sending congratulations!

We accompany you
And we wish, loving:
At work, so good luck
And solve problems in the family!
Save a lot of money
And live in love, contentment!
To plow with might and main for a whole year,
To have a rest at sea!
And earthly love for you,
Warm, tender and dear!
Collective under the brandy,
Gives warm congratulations!

Leaving work - a joy or a misfortune?
It's not for us to judge about everything ...
And I just wish you happiness
Always remember one thing:
That there are family, friends, colleagues.
We will never forget
Our career successes,
We will remember you forever!

The hour of parting has come
We sat down at the table together,
It will be sad without you
The family is falling apart!
You were a friend - what you need,
We are not happy to part,
We want to wish you good luck
Kiss you hot!
So that you are not sad without us,
So that you live even cooler!
To drink brandy
Goodbye - congratulations!

Congratulations on your relief!
Your worries went out the door
Let's celebrate joyfully
Your leaving this job!
Do not be sad and do not be sad -
The stage already passed
Get ready with courage,
To work "to your liking"!

So the work is over,
The rumble of a worker ceased somewhere ...
But why should we be sad?
After all, she is not a wolf at all.
Will wait in another place for us
Will not run away anywhere
In the meantime, we grunt two hundred
For a free life!

Congratulations on leaving your job!
Now - new life ahead.
You are now just a pilot
An airplane named "life".
Now let it be true, successful
The new route chosen today.
Let any problems, tasks
It will be resolved easily, without muddiness!

You slammed the door from work and left
And walking proudly
The boss then averted your gaze
Man's tears erasing.
He could not hold you
And now it bites my elbows
And be angry with yourself
After all, the genius is gone, he understands ...
A genius after a couple of days
After resting and taking a hot bath,
In any will come out of the door,
To prove everything again - by deeds.

You are now a free guy
You are a free man.
We sincerely wish
Relax for a whole century!
Get creative,
Look for new thoughts
To make a new one at work
I could shine with ideas!
Let you do not know loans
Let there be more time
So that in a new team
Grow to the prize!

Many new impressions

The beginning of new experiences
And do not be sad about the past,
We congratulate you,
Happy new day
And congratulations to you, our congratulations
At the end of his.

You gave the work of strength,
We honestly deserve to rest,
Therefore, leaving work
Better than a holiday, Saturday.
Relax well,
Take a walk with a soul,
Break away again,
Don't get up to work.

Few people note this.
Leaving work is a dubious happiness.
But you should still celebrate.
You changed your life overnight.
Now everything will be from scratch
New horizons will open up.
Take a rest, because you are so tired.
Your happiness lies in changing jobs.

You worked side by side with us
For several years and winters,
And now - you have already enjoyed
And now I am pleased with the other.
You aim to go higher
So keep our congratulations:
Let the poet write about you
A couple of important and significant lines.

There is no such concern anymore
Rise early in the morning
And hurry up from work,
To have a rest.
Congratulations on your dismissal,
I mean, with an unlimited vacation!
Change will be in favor
For health, that's for sure!

We will miss you
We were glad to work with you!
After all, honestly, only by loving,
We were glad to overwhelm with work!
But then a farewell breeze blew
And you, spinning like an autumn leaf,
After reading this farewell congratulation
You leave, having served so much with us.

"Seven feet under the keel! Fair wind! "
And I am unemployed now.
So that I don't come back, my former director
Locked the door behind me.
What to wish for myself, I just don't know!
Should I go and drink some wine?
I love wine. Although, no! I wish
So that the wife does not wash it down!

Today is such a beautiful day
And seeing your clear, clear gaze
Speech can be lost
But we have come not to be silent!
We wish you, honey
Always win the fight
The same bright, kind to be,
And don't go with the flow!
We wish you a lot of ideas
A family, a home, a crowd of children,
(or - "Love, raise your children")
And so that you, a good person,
She did not forget us - her colleagues!

Colleagues, you are already ready,
Say a goodbye word !?
Because deep down I know
That you are not happy to part!
I wish you happy stay
And I promise to remember you!

Days go by, years go by.
You stay young.
You don't get old a gram
You don't feel gray.
And that's why you stayed young
That my heart and soul did not give up,
You have not stopped believing in yourself
I have not forgotten my friends, and the doors,
That you open to them
Always friendly, hospitable,
Just like you, you are the best in the world!
And you know it better than anyone
That anything can happen in life
Dreams do not come true right away
Problems hit the hard
But only friends, whom you will not forget with your heart and soul,
They will understand you, they will always support you, because these are the same people,
Who will not leave in trouble, just like you,
They are without asking, they will always support and help,
Will show you the right path
They will serve as a strong support.
Your hour will come and you will reach
What I was striving for,
And in the days of dawn and success
Your affairs will go well!

May luck always be with you
It is a pity for all of us to part with you!
But we know that you will be happy
And you will work with soul!
We wish you in a new place
Be successful, grow in your career!
And we hope you don’t forget
Our close-knit, large team!

You leave work -
This was your choice.
And new worries -
So be ready for them
... We need a change -
It's so boring to live without them.
I wish you luck
And do not be sad at all!

We will miss you
We were glad to work with you!
After all, honestly, only by loving,
We were glad to overwhelm with work!
But then a farewell breeze blew
And you, spinning like an autumn leaf,
After reading this farewell greeting
You leave, having served with us so much

And no bonuses, no benefits
They couldn't keep you -
You quit your job
They chose to be free.
We understand that the frame is valuable
Home and family were chosen,
What's more important is undoubtedly
For those who live in love!

Achievements await you ahead,
Many new impressions
Leaving work, starting a new path,
The beginning of new experiences
And do not be sad about the past,
We congratulate you,
Happy new day
And congratulations to you, our congratulations
At the end of his.

If you were fired in a crisis,
Time to test yourself!
Give up, you will lose everything!
Luck will forget you!
Cope, then you are the best.
There will be something to tell everyone.
Maybe later the memoirs
You will write about it!

V Lately it has become a tradition to write a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal. It is customary to express gratitude for cooperation and leave warm wishes to the team. If your organization does not have such a custom, or if the employee wants to say farewell words to colleagues upon dismissal from work personally, then a suitable poem or prose can be selected below. The words you like can be included in the farewell letter if you settled on a written message. Farewell to colleagues upon dismissal in verse Leaving the team, I want to say to you: "Thank you for your support, for your participation - there was a lot of happiness with you, there were many disputes and serious conversations with you. I will sadly remember our team and ... miss you!" I am leaving the team, I will say, colleagues, thank you for your help, for your support in deed, for correcting mistakes.

Farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal.

  • Farewell letter - good opportunity maintain relationships with colleagues and leave new contacts for business communication;
  • an honest and respectful letter to your boss will help smooth out the conflict, understand the situation that led to the dismissal, and, possibly, express interesting ideas on the organization of work, which in the future will have a positive effect on the reputation in professional circles;
  • Finally, thinking about parting words is effective psychological remedy against stress: you can analyze your previous activities, noting its pros and cons, relationships with colleagues, your own behavior at the place of work, find the reasons for past failures in order to start work more successfully in a new place.

How to say goodbye to colleagues correctly If the company is small and the team is small, farewell words can be said orally one-on-one or at the last meeting.

Farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

Interesting cases in practice personnel service There was one case when the girl Lena was slandered by envious employees. The case went public and reached the management. On the same day, a decree was written to dismiss her from her post. Lena was bitter because her innocent person was being deprived of the only thing she had — her beloved job.


Since Lena was a true professional, following corporate etiquette, she wrote a farewell letter to her employees and manager. In it, she explained the current situation, did not ask for forgiveness, did not beg to return her to work, but simply wanted to explain herself and keep her good name. Coincidentally, her boss read a farewell letter from a corporate mailing list, which he had never done before.

The story of the unjustly dismissed employee touched him to the quick.

How to write a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

I say goodbye to my colleagues and drag home. Do not forget the joint workdays you have lived through. You will be immortal in my history. You will be recognized in the future as my friends. I hope for reciprocity Poet Seryozha Stakh. With a negative connotation Frankly speaking, it is not recommended to send a message that throws lightning bolts even on paper.
But in any case, if it is already boiling and you want to pour out bitterness, you can write a farewell letter of the following type upon dismissal: Colleagues! I quit my job as an accountant due to unacceptable working conditions for me. The main reason is the absence of additional payments for processing. By the decision of the management, a trainee, a correspondence student was appointed to my position.


I will be working in a similar position in the Zima organization. If you have any business questions, I'm ready to help. You are a very friendly team, there are many professionals among you.

Hope to do business.

Examples of farewell letters to colleagues upon dismissal

A farewell letter should not contain boasting, schadenfreude, or an expression of superiority.

  • Lack of criticism or presentation of it as a proposed development opportunity for the company. This underlines the competence and decency of the almost former employee of the company.
  • Ban on calling for dismissal of other employees and advertising the future place of work.

Structure of the letter A letter to employees upon dismissal is not a strict document, but it has a mandatory structure:

  • Indicating the name and position of the sender at the beginning of the letter. As a rule, not all employees of a large company are aware of your decision; for many, this news may come as a surprise.
  • A notice of resignation with an indication of the circumstances of the resignation.
    The reason is explained in essence, without hints that give rise to intrigue and investigation.

Farewell letter of dismissal to colleagues: an example

Formal Dear colleagues! On June 1, I will be leaving my position as Head of Public Relations, which I have held for the past five years. This personnel decision was made by senior management and is related to my promotion to CFO. Petrov V.V. will be my successor as the head of the public relations department.

His contact details: 077 - 555 -55 -55, I am grateful to the public relations team for their contribution to our common cause. Under my leadership, we achieved high results, which allowed me to achieve promotion.

Thank you for the responsible implementation of your job duties... I count on your competence for further fruitful work. From SW. Viktor Tikhonov.

Cool farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

For many ordinary citizens in our country, especially those who have worked for many years at one large manufacturing enterprise, writing goodbye words to your colleagues when changing jobs may seem rather strange and unnecessary. During our common Soviet past, we in our country are accustomed to communicate dryly and to the point, with a small number of people, without expressing our emotions and feelings. Remember, no one can force you to deviate from your life rules, a letter to former colleagues is not an obligatory document.

In any case, they will make a calculation and give you personal documents ( work book). If the opinion of your former colleagues, the support of friendly and business relations, is important to you, especially if you are not sure that you will not need help and recommendations in the future, then it is better to spend a little time, think over the text and write a letter.

Beautiful farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal

Why write a letter? Almost all of us have changed jobs at least once. Firing an employee, as a rule, is accompanied by certain farewell rituals provided by the corporate ethics of companies to create a positive atmosphere in the team, even at such a sad moment. One of the necessary rituals is writing a letter of resignation.

This is an important ritual. Writing a letter will not only allow you to say goodbye to colleagues, but also help a person answer the questions of himself why he wants to leave, what he has achieved in this place and what he is striving for. Many people find it psychologically difficult to come up with the text of the last letter to colleagues when they leave. The reason lies in the fear of change that is common to all people.
When specifying a new work phone number, the new position is also indicated. The written letter should not be too emotional. You have no right to pour out emotional statements on your former colleagues. It will make you look bad, showing your lack of self-confidence and low level professionalism.
Farewell letter to the head When asked whether it is worth writing a letter to the head before leaving, the answer is unequivocally positive:

  • This characterizes you as a polite and well-mannered person.
  • This gives you the chance to say goodbye beautifully while leaving a positive impression of yourself. If in your area further work accepted to take business recommendations, then a good relationship with the former bosses will not hurt you.
  • This is a convenient moment to declare your professionalism, if you have not had this opportunity before.

Beautiful farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal examples

I wish you all success, good luck, peace and warmth in the team under new leadership, happiness in your personal and family life... I look forward to continuing business cooperation. I promise to provide support and assistance to each of you when contacting me in the future. Respectfully yours, full name, deputy director of the retail chain "...".
E-mail:…. Telephone:…". Friendly version The letter of resignation can be written in a friendly, joking tone: “My dear, beloved colleagues, I am addressing you, a shop worker finished products factory of children's toys "Your best doll" Petrova Dasha. I was happy to work with you for many years, months and days! Now in my life begins new stage, which I have been waiting for more than anything else. I finally got married and am about to go on maternity leave! I'm not leaving you forever! Remove tears from your eyes, as you do not need to cry and sob.

A person should be able to thank beautifully for kindness, for love, for services rendered. After all, it helps to make our life positive.

The workplace leader plays a large role in the lives of his subordinates. It helps you achieve your goals, celebrate success, and learn great interactions between colleagues.

Before expressing gratitude to the leader, you need to think carefully. You have to pick up correct speech and intonation to express gratitude for the help and create a friendly atmosphere in the team. One must speak from the heart, speech must flow from the heart.

Tip: Order a commendation book from a creative specialist. It is possible to highlight the dignity of the director in a beautiful poetic form.

Kind words of gratitude to the leader in verse and prose are an expression of gratitude that can be timed to coincide with any holiday, for example, professional or birthday.

Words of gratitude do not have to be spoken in verse. This can be done in prose or in your own words:

“You know how to treat your subordinates correctly - we appreciate that. We always know that your wise advice they help us in our work. You listen carefully to everyone, and we respect you for that. We consider you to be the best director. On your holiday, we want to say many words of gratitude. May luck always accompany you through life, and fortune smiles. "

“I would like to express my gratitude for your excellent attitude towards your subordinates. Let only good people meet on your way, and let only good news surprise you. "

“We are in a hurry to work, as if it were a holiday. You always greet us with a smile. We deeply respectfully express our gratitude and congratulate you on your birthday. Bring a lot of benefits to our company, and we will always help you with this. We wish you good patience, professional endurance and great willpower in your leadership. "

“There are few good leaders in the world like our company. We are ready to devote songs and poems to our boss. You will always listen and help to solve any problem. A person spends most of his time in his life at work, so he wants to feel comfortable here. You are helping us with this, and we want to say thank you for that. We wish you that your cherished dream will come true and good luck will always accompany you through life. "

The school principal can be grateful to the teachers who work with him. This can be done with such beautiful words:

Each person spends a lot of time with colleagues. All people who work together try to help and support each other. For this I would like to say "Thank you" to your colleague, especially if he has a birthday or a professional holiday.

Beautiful words of gratitude to colleagues help to tune a person to a positive and add a good mood to the atmosphere of the holiday. Psychologists say that in a team in which colleagues are grateful to each other for communication and work, there are fewer conflicts. So feel free to speak good words.

Expressing gratitude to colleagues at work, it can be noted that it is comfortable to work with these people, and each of them is a special and amazing personality. You can also say the following words:

“Thanks to you, we were able to create a friendly team, where people are hardworking, kind and cheerful. Thank you for the fact that even in the most difficult stressful situations, you do not lose heart and remain optimistic and self-confident. All this is necessary for effective work. Thank you for the fact that everyday life is not a routine and routine, and every new morning is a bright and original working time. "

“Dear colleagues, I am happy that you work with me in the same company. For each of you I have words of gratitude, someone for kind words, smiles, others for comments, help and support. All of this helps me to work hard and improve. We are one team and one whole. Thank you for making me feel comfortable next to you. "

There are times when you need to say nice words of gratitude to a colleague who quits due to on their own or for health reasons:

“You helped run our business. We have trusted you with professional secrets and personal secrets. It is safe to call you a life partner. Therefore, let everyone respect you as well as in our company, and be happy also in any other team. Thank you!"

“I would like to say“ thank you ”to you, dear colleague, on behalf of the entire team. You always found kind words for us, you could always listen and understand. May life love you, and fate will be wonderful, so that you never feel sad and always smile. Let the good that you do to people multiply and return to you like a boomerang. "

“It’s not enough to just say“ thank you, ”I want to know what a good person you are. Thank you for the kindness that has constantly emanated from you. May the sun shine on you and illuminate your road, and people give you their smiles billions of times. "

Help can be different: charitable, help in matters at work, at home, in treatment, study, and so on. I always want to express my gratitude for the help in a special way, so that the person is pleased and he remembers these words for a long time.

Words of gratitude for help can be expressed in your own words from the heart. But it will be more effective to write them and creatively arrange them in the form of a letter.

Tip: Order a beautiful image from a creative person related to the case in which you received help. You can put a photo in a frame and write words of gratitude, for example, for the fact that this person helped the child to recover and become the same as everyone else.

In a letter of thanks, in addition to your own words from the heart, you can write the following words:

Often, educators do not know how to express gratitude to active parents who are involved in the life of a kindergarten or school. This can be done using words like this:

Sometimes people are thanked simply for their kindness, because it is also considered help in Hard time when problems arise.

Words of gratitude for help, expressed from the heart, will cause a reaction that is touching to tears. Grace and inspiration, the desire to be better and kinder to the world - all this will be felt by the people around them, who will hear words of gratitude for their help.

“Thank you, dear person, for your help. Thank you for being there, because you can make many people who need your help happy. Responsive, empathetic, understanding and kind - all the words of our Russian language are not enough to tell about your good qualities... Thank you for helping us in difficult times. May good luck accompany you in life. "

Tip: If you express gratitude to a certain person, don't just say the word "Thank you." Say "Thank you", as this very word carries a certain energy and delivers completely different sensations.

Tip: Do not give thanks out of a sense of duty - it will immediately be noticeable. Speak grateful words from the bottom of your heart, and your heart will tell you what and how to say.

In the life of every person, there may be times when you need to say "thank you" to a person who did a certain job. Gratitude for work can be expressed in poetry or prose.

“Thank you for your efforts and work. I want to wish you inspiration - you deserve gratitude! May your life be happy. I wish you new victories and not give up in front of a new difficult task. "

“I wish you wholeheartedly love your work, so that you always help people. You perform it flawlessly that you want to shout "Bravo". Let work be only a joy, and let the path of life lead you to success. "

“Everything turned out great, you know how to do your job perfectly. You have done your best, for which you and praise. May fate be favorable to you, and bring only joy and success. "

“I would like to bow deeply before you for being such a professional in your field. You as an employee are invaluable, not lazy and skillful. We will tell the whole world about you, so that orders go by the river. A simple Russian thank you for the high quality of the work and for the wonderful result. "

You also need to thank the teachers for their invaluable work in raising children. It is better to write the words on a large beautiful postcard so that it can be handed to the teacher as a keepsake.

Thanks in SMS

Thanks in SMS

Words of gratitude can be expressed not only orally or in the form of a letter, but also in SMS. Gratitude in SMS should be expressed in the form of a quatrain or a few words:

I "thank you" to you,

And I will repeat it in a dream.

Let everyone know about it

You best person in the world!

For a kind gesture I want to say "thank you"

You spared no expense to help you hurried

You are kind - people told me about it,

I want to wish you happiness, joy and many smiles.

Thank people for good deeds, for any help. After all, gratitude has great value in our life. Let's learn to say “thank you” correctly, because this is a step towards goodness and peace.

Video: Perhaps the most touching gratitude to parents