Which paving slab is better to choose. What paving slabs are better to put in the yard

You can make the local area comfortable and beautiful with the help of paving slabs. The choice of this material has its own subtleties that will help to acquire high-quality products. Lay down paving slabs You can do it yourself, without the help of specialists.

Currently, paving slabs are mainly produced by small private enterprises. Therefore, a homeowner who wants to improve his site with this material needs to know the criteria for choosing it. The first thing you need to ask the seller of paving slabs is how these products are made. There are two main methods: vibrocasting and vibrocompression. The first one is more preferable, since it does not involve in-line production, but is actually manual. Therefore, tiles made using the vibrocasting method have a gloss and have no equal in terms of quality of the pattern. But the shape geometry is not ideal. If the aesthetic appeal of paving stones is of primary importance for the homeowner, it is recommended to choose these products. The tile obtained as a result of vibrocompression is outwardly less beautiful than the previous one. But each product has a clear shape, resistant to mechanical stress, high-strength. Such paving stones can withstand heavy weight loads, so it can be laid in places with heavy traffic. If cars, including trucks, often drive into the local area, it is better to buy paving stones made in this way. When choosing paving slabs, you need to pay attention to its color. You should know that too bright and saturated is not an advantage, but a disadvantage. He reports that the technology was violated during the production of products: an excess amount of pigment was laid. Such paving stones will quickly crack and begin to crumble. To make sure the quality of paving slabs, you need to take two of them and knock them against each other. If the sound emitted is deaf, it means that the drying technology of the products has been violated. If it is sonorous enough, the paving stone contains a minimum of water, therefore, it has the proper quality. If the pavement has correct forms and all products are the same size, it will be easier to stack. If the edge of the tiles is carved, you need to make sure that there are no chips on the products. It is important to find out from the seller how many freeze-thaw cycles the selected paving stone can withstand. A quality product should be designed for at least 150 cycles.

If the adjacent territory is planned to be used as a parking lot, you need to choose products with a thickness of at least 6 cm. If the truck is 7-8 cm. In other cases, it is enough to lay paving stones 2.5-4 cm thick in the courtyard of the house. concrete base it will last much longer.


What tiles are suitable for laying in the yard of the house


How to choose paving slabs for the yard

Rubric: Landscape › Decorations › Basics, preparation, general recommendationsEvery owner of a private house wants his habitat to be beautiful and easy to maintain. Great solution to achieve this goal will be paving slabs. At the same time, I want the product to last as long as possible and become a real decoration for the yard. To do this, you need to choose and buy paving slabs correctly.

Quality is the main indicator of the choice of paving slabs

by the most important parameter when choosing a material is its quality. Moreover, it can not be assessed by smoothness and brilliance. These indicators are affected by the amount of water and plasticizers used. At the same time, solutions saturated with moisture during adhesion do not allow achieving high strength characteristics.

The simplest and effective method Quality control of vibrocast tiles is the impact of one product on another. The ringing bell will inform you that you have a durable product that can effectively withstand high operational loads. If the sound is deaf, then you should not buy such a tile - it does not have high wear resistance and the ability to tolerate negative temperatures. After one or two winters flooring will have to be reinstalled.

What else to consider when buying tiles

To get a truly durable material, it is necessary to accurately withstand the technology of its manufacture. There are also high requirements for the raw materials used. It should be noted right away that good paving slabs simply cannot be very cheap. Of course, the price of the material is not an indicator of quality. However, if it is too low, this is the first signal for doubt when buying coverage.

Another alarm signal is the excessive color saturation of paving slabs. In this case, the chance of getting scammed increases. When making material High Quality expensive coloring pigments are used, due to which the product acquires a natural color with normal saturation.

However, a number of manufacturers, in order to make their products affordable, replace high-quality dyes with cheap analogues, the share of which is much higher. Such a decision can lead to the fact that soon the pigment will quickly wash out and fade, and pores will form in the material itself. Moisture will penetrate into them, which, when frozen and thawed, will destroy paving slabs.

Before purchasing the material, it is necessary to carefully inspect each device from all sides. Sometimes on back side yellowish spots may be noticeable. If you find this, know that the production of paving slabs was carried out with violations of technology.

They will report that the material was made with the addition of clay sand. This reduces the life of the products.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to determine the quality of paving slabs. With a serious approach, it is not at all difficult to identify materials of low strength. Such tiles can serve for many years at the highest operational loads.

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Paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house: choice and design

Each owner wants to have a clean, well-groomed yard, in which you don’t have to knead the dirt with your feet, drag it into the house, and dirty the wheels of vehicles. And most optimal solution this problem - paving slabs in the yard of a private house.

Coating Benefits

This coating has many advantages. At right choice and proper installation, it contributes to:

  • Insulation ground cover, dirt;
  • Improvement of landscape design of the territory;
  • Surface leveling;
  • Facilitate the annual disposal of weeds.

You can lay the tiles with your own hands, but before that, it is very important to choose the right one according to the varieties, manufacturing technologies and load characteristics. After all, it only seems that any material is suitable here, many private courtyards mean not only walking, but also the arrival of vehicles, including those with high operational loads - trucks.

How is it made

Paving slabs can be created by several methods - vibropressing, vibrocasting, hyperpressing from concrete grades B22.5; B25; B30; B35.

  • With the help of vibrocasting, you can make tiles with your own hands, since equipment for this process quite affordable in terms of home production.

The technology lies in concrete mix poured into a plastic container and placed on a vibrating table. From a continuous vibration load, it is compacted until a liquid appears on the surface of the mixture. Then the mold is put on a flat shelf and packed in a film or placed in a room with high humidity and temperature regime from 20 to 60 degrees Celsius. A day later, the tile is stripped and it can be laid, however, concrete will gain final strength only a month after manufacture.

This tile is suitable for paving paths in parks, squares, and it can also be laid out in a yard area without the arrival of vehicles, in general, on surfaces with low pedestrian traffic.

Manufacturing technology also implies the possibility of adding any color dye.

  • Vibrocompression - when a concrete-based solution is placed in a special mold mounted on a vibration bed. A vibrating punch presses on top of the mold for compaction. At the end of the specified cycle, a paving product ready for laying will be obtained, which can be laid in places of increased load operation.

At this product narrow color spectrum, however, it is very wear-resistant.

  • Hyper-pressing is the process of producing tiles under very high hydraulic press without the use of vibration technology.

Of course, vibrocast tiles for laying in the yard of a private house look much more attractive - they are glossy, have a wide colors, however, from a practical point of view, vibropressed is much stronger and more durable, moreover, vehicles can freely pass through it without the risk of destruction of the coating.

Size range of tiles

When choosing a coating, it is very important to focus on its dimensions, since tiles can only be laid in its entirety, without trimming.

The most popular sizes are:

  • 50 × 50 cm for paving the blind area around the perimeter of the house, as well as laying backyard paths. This is a very convenient product when it is required to make a passage for one person, but it requires a very high-quality preparation of a capital foundation for itself, otherwise it will begin to collapse under heavy loads;
  • 40×40 cm - perfect option for double row garden paths. The most popular types of tiles of these sizes imitate textures - "Parquet", "Plates", "Antique" and so on;
  • 30 × 30 cm - due to the ideal ratio of weight and dimension line, it is able to withstand significant pressure and serious loads;
  • 10×10 cm - the so-called paving stones for yards.

Properly laid tiled carpet withstands certain loads according to its thickness:

  • 4 cm - for pedestrians, in particular suitable for courtyards of private houses;
  • 6 cm - for cyclists and other small vehicles;
  • 8 cm - withstands cars, you can put tiles before entering the private garage;
  • 10 cm - able to hold even trucks without deformation changes.

Vibropressed or vibrocast

In order to choose the optimal coverage in your opinion, you should consider comparative analysis different criteria two types of tiles for manufacturing:

  • Cost - vibropressed tiles are cheaper, as they are manufactured on an industrial scale, cast tiles are more often more expensive, produced mainly using manual labor;
  • Calibration - pressed tiles are strictly identical in terms of the geometric dimension line, while vibrocast tiles may differ slightly in height;
  • Frost resistance - vibropressed is higher due to the absence of capillary pores in the structure and the semi-dry manufacturing method;
  • Strength is lower for vibrocasting, since it is characterized by inhomogeneous compaction due to the fact that it is manufactured only by vibration without pressing;
  • Quality - the nature of pressed production implies more stringent quality control;
  • Sliding - the cast surface is glossy, which provides lower adhesion of shoes to the surface in the presence of a small icy crust than a rough vibropressed one;
  • Color and shape - vibrocasting has a much more extensive choice.

These criteria, although they testify in favor of a vibrocompressed product, do not mean at all that you need to choose it, you can lay any tile in the yard if it meets your needs and operational loads.

Additional selection criteria

When buying a very bright, colorful tile, the consumer takes a risk, since a large amount of coloring pigment reduces strength characteristics.

It often happens that a person seems to be buying an ordinary, good tiles but soon after laying it begins to crack. This means that it has not been stored properly and is oversaturated with moisture. To avoid this, you need to take 2 tiles from the package and tap lightly against each other. A booming sound will mean a low degree of drying, a sonorous sound will mean a high one.

Designations on it are applied alphanumeric:

  • The first digit is the standard size;
  • Letter - form;
  • The next digital character is the thickness.

For example, 4K7, means that products are presented in 4 standard sizes, square in shape and 7 cm thick.

After selection required type products, you need to carefully read the step-by-step instructions for its installation. You can lay out a tiled carpet or path in different ways, but basically the least labor-intensive and simple technology.

Materials and tools

So, in order to lay out the coating with your own hands, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Paving slabs with a margin of 5-6%;
  • Cement;
  • Sand of coarse or fine fraction;
  • curbstones;
  • "Non-woven fabric" - geotextile.

And tools:

  • rubber mallet;
  • Rule;
  • Roulette;
  • Spirit long level;
  • Strong thread;
  • Pegs for thread;
  • Rule;
  • Ramming machine;
  • Hose with divider;
  • Step-by-step instructions for laying paving slabs.

After everything is ready, it is time to learn how to lay the tile itself.

  1. First you need to calculate the tiled field and determine in which direction to make a slope of 5 degrees so that water does not collect on the surface. Please note that the tile must lie in one piece with an increase in the seam and the width of the acquired curb stone. The tiled field along the perimeter is surrounded by a marking thread, which is fixed with the help of installed pegs. It is also necessary to prepare the surface by removing upper layer soil by 15-20 cm;
  2. Further, along the perimeter, on both sides you need to dig ditches for curbs. Curbstones in them are planted on a mixed 1/4 cement-sand mortar, in total to a depth of approximately 60% of the height of the products;
  3. After planting them, you need to keep them in complete rest for at least 24 hours;
  4. Geotextiles will help prevent weeds from sprouting, as well as mixing soil with sand. It is laid on a base previously treated from anthills and weeds;
  5. Then you need to create sand cushion, moisten, level with the help of the rule and tamp with a rammer;
  6. After the pillow has dried, a dry mixture of cement and sand is poured on top, with a layer of 4-5 cm. As a result, such a base is obtained, in which the laid, but not rammed tile would rise above the curb, somewhere by 0.5 cm;
  7. 5. The tile is laid from the curbs. It must be carefully pressed to the base and slightly knocked out with a rubber mallet. Try to strictly observe the seam in the subsequent installation. They move along the “field”, stepping into the center of the tiles, not on their edges, and even more so, not on the cement-sand base;
  8. From the very beginning, laying tiles must be accompanied by constant level control;
  9. To cut holes around communication pipes, a crown is used, with a diameter slightly larger than that of the pipe itself. Then the tile is cut in half with a tile cutter so that both sides of the hole hug the round product on both sides;
  10. When the tile is completely laid, it is completely on the surface of the entire field, and not partially, its seams are sprinkled with sand. Excess should be immediately swept away with a whisk;
  11. Then you need to take a hose with a divider and spill the entire surface of the field with water.

10. After drying, the procedure is repeated again to fully fill the seams.

11. At the last stage, the laid tiled "carpet" must be tamped vibrating machine.

Thus, you can quickly, most importantly, easily lay tiles in your own yard with your own hands.


Paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house: photo of laying options

We can say that paving slabs have been used for a very long time. It was used for the construction of roads, bridges and squares. Today, its popularity is only growing. In addition to the construction of large objects, paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house can also be used, photos with examples can be found in this article. Pick up suitable option today it will not be difficult, because there are a huge number of variations.

Walkway from paving slabs

Features of paving slabs

With the help of this product, you can make paths along which it will be convenient to move. They will become an undoubted decoration of any personal plot. This type material characterizes whole line positive qualities:

  • wear resistance;
  • long service life;
  • relatively low cost;
  • easy installation method.

Paving slabs in a private courtyard

You can use paving slabs in the yard of any private house, as shown in the photo. There are no restrictions for this. Such a coating for tracks is able to withstand even sudden changes in temperature. For its production, only environmentally friendly materials that do not contain toxic substances are used.

Product advantages - strength, frost resistance, environmentally friendly materials

Helpful information! Unlike asphalt pavement, tiles do not melt when high temperatures oh and under the sun.

There are relatively few disadvantages. It is worth noting only the fact that paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house, the photo of which below shows this shortcoming, may be covered with an ice crust when negative temperatures and high humidity air. It can also shrink, but this drawback can be prevented by observing the installation technology.

Ice formation on the surface

The main types of paving slabs

After reviewing the photo, paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house can be laid on their own, but for this you should familiarize yourself with the main varieties. The division into groups occurs depending on what material is used and the production technology.

Sand-cement group - can be used to cover paths and playgrounds. Produced in different shapes and colors. To give the desired color during the preparation of a solution of cement, inputs and crushed stone, color is added. Such products can be used many times after dismantling. Even after a long time, it retains its original appearance.

Cement-sand option

The clinker variety is made from special grades of clay. After shaping, the product is fired in special ovens at very high temperatures. It is not specially dyed, because it has a huge number of natural shades. The advantage is that it does not slip into winter time and after precipitation.

Assortment of clinker paving stones

The tile rubber to be made from rubber weight, polyurethane and a special filler. All components are mixed at very high temperatures. As a result, the necessary uniformity is achieved. Ultimately, it turns out very durable and durable material. Its advantage is softness, it is very often covered with children's, and sports grounds which prevents injuries from falling.

Rubber options

Polymer-sand tiles are a relatively new solution. For its production, a special polymer, sand and coloring pigment are used. Thanks to this composition ready product turns out to be extremely practical - the surface is not erased, chips and cracks are not formed, it is preserved saturated color. Today, there are a huge number of colors on sale.

Polymer sand options

For production granite tiles stone chips are used. Appearance looks luxurious and rich. In addition, these products are highly durable and long lasting.

Granite paving slabs

Laying a walkway in a private yard

Paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house, the photo of which is presented below, can be laid independently. You should first study some technical points and properties of the tile itself. It is important to consider all points:

  • what is the track for?
  • how much is needed;
  • what materials will be required at the preparatory stage.

Properly laid out paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house in the photo and in reality will look attractive, withstand all loads and retain their integrity over a long service life.

Paving slabs - a material used to cover paths, courtyards, can also be tiled. The main task of this material is to give an attractive appearance to the site.

Consider factors such as:

  • The right choice of shape and color to realize your design ideas.
  • Convenience and ease of installation. When choosing a material, remember that the tile must be mounted using a simple technology using simple tools, thanks to which one person will be able to cope with this work.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material. Recall that in warm time years, the tile will get very hot, and if it contains toxic or harmful substances, this will lead to their release, which can harm your health.
  • The durability of the material is one of the most important factors. The pavement you choose must withstand mechanical damage, exposure to high temperatures, humidity, precipitation.

Tip - it's best to purchase more material than you planned. First of all, during laying, some part of the tile may be damaged. Secondly, over time, chips and cracks may appear on the material, which will require their replacement.

How to choose paving slabs according to all the rules?

If you figure out which tile would suit you best, you should proceed directly to the purchase, the main thing is that the material meets all the stated requirements. To create a mirror surface, material manufacturers use several methods: they add special additives to the mixture or introduce a large amount of liquid into the solution. The second method, of course, is much more economical, but it leads to a decrease in the strength of the tile.

To determine which method the manufacturers used, it is possible by lightly hitting the tiles together. If any additives were introduced, then the sound will be sonorous, if water was used, the sound will be deaf. Naturally, you need to pay attention to the color of the material. In the event that the material has a too bright color, this indicates the presence of dyes in the composition, which also leads to rapid wear of the material.

Undoubtedly, the cost quality material will not be low, which is easily explained: in order to make a truly practical and beautiful tile, you need to use the most modern and therefore expensive additives. That is why it is better not to pay attention to cheap products, the main requirement is compliance with existing GOSTs. To verify this, examine the tile - the company must notify its customers about this without fail.

If you have doubts about the quality of the material, in any case, ask the sellers for certificates and licenses for goods, which will allow you to verify its practicality and longevity.

To know how to choose paving slabs, you need to learn how to independently determine its quality when buying. First of all, visually inspect the coating. If the tile finish is shiny, remember that this indicates the addition of a large amount of water or additives. As we have said, this will negatively affect the quality of the material, making the tile brittle.

Tap the products against each other, listening to the sounds. If the sound is deaf, then the tile, most likely, was poorly dried, which will also adversely affect its longevity. Knowing which paving slabs to choose, you will provide yourself with a reliable paving surface for the longest possible time. Saving money in this case will lead to a quick deterioration in the appearance of the material and the need to re-repair.

When buying a plot for cottage development, the owner immediately has a question about buying high-quality paving slabs. After all, it is this building material in the best way suitable for creating a parking lot, a platform for a car, garden paths and even building a porch for country house. For most buyers, one of the most important properties of paving slabs, first of all, is durability. Only secondarily do they look at the shape and color. In this article we will tell you how to choose durable paving slabs.

What factors affect the durability of tiles?

Modern paving slabs are made of concrete. Accordingly, its durability is influenced by those factors from which concrete can collapse. Of these, the following can be distinguished:

  • inconsistency of the load with the thickness and dimensions of the selected paving slabs;
  • absence winter care behind the tiles;
  • poor quality of the concrete from which the tile was made;
  • inconsistency of tile properties with climatic conditions.

At the time of purchase building material our choices can affect most of these factors. Below we will consider the main ones.

The difference between paving slabs in terms of physical properties

When choosing a building material, you should find out if it can withstand the climatic conditions of your region of residence. By production of paving slabs concrete of different frost resistance can be used. For Russia, concrete with frost resistance below F200 cannot be used. It cannot withstand temperatures below minus 15 degrees Celsius. If in your area the temperature drops below 45 degrees in winter, then you need to use tiles made of concrete with frost resistance F300.

Also, the technology of manufacturing paving slabs affects the durability. In this regard, vibropressing is better than vibrocasting. Pressing makes it possible to obtain concrete products with a smaller number of micropores, into which water can penetrate and, when frozen, destroy the concrete. Most often, after the winter, vibrocast paving slabs of poor quality begin to crumble. Of course, you cannot determine the quality of concrete by eye. In this regard, you should trust product quality certificates, which, however, do not guarantee that your batch of tiles fully complies with GOST or SNIP, as well as customer reviews who have been using this building material for at least a year.

Selection of paving slabs by thickness

In order for your playground or garden path made of paving slabs to last as long as possible, you need to choose the right thickness of the building material. On the market, you can observe the choice of paving slabs with a thickness of 20 to 80 or more millimeters. It is designed for different loads.

For garden paths and small sidewalks, paving slabs 30 mm thick will suffice. If you are paving a parking lot or an area in the yard for parking a car, then it is better to use paving slabs 60 mm thick. Roads for motor vehicles and trucks are best made from tiles with a thickness of 80 mm or more.

We hope our tips will help you choose durable paving slabs.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

No less important than interior design. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a quality material for finishing. The topic of today's publication: paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house. Photo interesting options help you make a choice. The HomeMeHome editors will consider the main types of decor, their sizes, as well as processing technologies with all the details.

PHOTO: keramokub.ru

In the manufacture of durable paving slabs, they always try to use high-quality building materials. These include sand, sometimes a dye (when making a decorative version).

Usually professional factories are engaged in this production. Sometimes, even at home, a similar design system can be organized. For these purposes, special machines are used, with the help of which it is possible to obtain various models and collections of paving slabs.

The main types of paving slabs with photo samples

Depending on the method of creating this building material for, are used various technologies. Some are considered budget, others are rated quite high. However, the latter, as a rule, are distinguished by increased quality and durability. Let's take a closer look at existing types.

Vibrocast paving slabs

It is made using the method of the same name - vibrocasting. This finished design is more suitable for yard paths. The essence of the production method is as follows: the solution is poured into a special form.

PHOTO: istimpax.ru

Under vibration, it gradually collapses and dries up, after which the form is replenished. When the copy is ready, it is placed in the drying chamber.

Related article:

Vibropressed paving slabs

With the help of vibrocompression, it is possible to obtain a truly solid structure. This will withstand not only a person, but also a mass of massive vehicle. This option is characterized by a long service life and frost resistance. Usually the surface of the material is rough. May have different pigments.

PHOTO: lesoprodukt12.ru

However, this tile has some disadvantages. Among them, the limited size and shape, as well as the high cost.

Polymer sand and rubber paving slabs

One of the unusual ways of forming landscape material. The technology consists in careful screening and calcination of sand. Subsequently, polyethylene is added to it. This mixture can be heated up to a limit of 250ºС. After that, the collection is sent to the press directly in the forms.

PHOTO: wasteinfo.ru

This model is resistant to sudden changes in temperature, capable of for a long time is in the cold, does not absorb moisture at all. Therefore, the service life of such material is quite sufficient.

As for rubber options street decoration territory, then the basis for their creation are recycled car tires. The latter are converted into crumb rubber and then mixed with the required amount adhesive composition. This solution is placed in a press, and subsequently the prepared plates are dried.

PHOTO: yandex.uz

Poor-quality rubber-based material usually gives itself out by quickly melting in the sun.

Natural stone tiles

Such a model is obtained by crushing real natural material. This will give you the right size pieces.

PHOTO: orenstone.ru

Granite, shungite, slate are used as the basis for manufacturing. The disadvantage of such a product is that at the time of laying and paving, too wide seams are obtained.

What are the sizes of modern paving slabs

As a rule, they try to produce tile street material in strictly designated formats, which are described below.

  1. Paving slabs 300×300×30 mm. It is a square, which can have a different structure and pattern. Mostly present on sale in gray and red shades.
  2. Paving slabs with dimensions 500×500×50 mm. Such models are convenient not only for wide courtyard paths and porches. They can be used to organize a high-quality and durable blind area.
  3. Tiles 400×400 mm². Designed solely to ennoble paths to cottages and other oversized parts of yard areas.
  4. Material with dimensions of 100 × 200 mm or 100 × 100 mm² is an excellent option for laying narrow sidewalks under the fence near the house. You can also use this option instead of asphalt when organizing entrances or parking lots.

As for the height, this parameter varies. Minimum size 3-5 cm.

PHOTO: stellard.ru

Paving the yard with paving slabs

Not everyone knows how to properly lay paving slabs in the yard. However, regardless of the shape or pattern of the raw material, it is possible to apply various options paving. For the private sectors, several of the following types are provided.

Christmas tree and braid

These technologies create unusual patterns, which cannot be repeated to friends and acquaintances without knowing some secrets. For example, the herringbone paving model.

PHOTO: stellard.ru

This is a simple design. It is created by laying tile material at an angle of 45º or 90º. This option will be available subject to the use of narrow rectangular tiles.

PHOTO: yandex.ua

Braided paving slabs are one of the most interesting and designer. More cheap option- come up with weaving from two colors of the material yourself. If you do not want to work on this process, there is always the opportunity to purchase raw materials with a ready-made pattern.

On a note! If there are bumps and holes in the yard, which is lined with paving slabs, they must be removed: cut off or add soil.

Randomness and chess

Chaotic drawing is considered one of the simplest. It does not require a special approach. Even if you make a mistake when laying colored tiles, against a general gray background, it will not be noticeable. However, this decor option is suitable for long wide paths. Unfortunately, not everyone in the yard has such.

PHOTO: ukladka-plitki61.ru

PHOTO: youtube.com

Volumetric compositions and circular order

If you need to create a visual volume in a certain area of ​​​​the adjacent area, you should use different technologies paving and play of shades of tiles. Even changing the size of the raw material itself is welcome.

PHOTO: masonrydepotny.com

PHOTO: alsspb.ru

To accurately implement this pattern, you need a preliminary marking of the territory. The dimensions and diameter of the future circumference of the sidewalk must be determined.

Paving slabs for paths in the country: an overview of models and prices

Among the wide range of tiled products, it is very easy to get confused during the choice. Therefore, our editors recommend paying attention to several successful collections in the next section.


Clinker option or paving stones. It has a yellow-sand tint, all the details of the collection are similar in tone, they are not contrasting. This option is suitable for decorating courtyards in suburban areas.

PHOTO: 01dom.ru

The advantages include:

  • high strength;
  • elementary installation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the possibility of laying on solid ground.

The option is suitable for installation using several different technologies.


Paving slabs (paving stones) Abc

German model of high quality. Available exclusively in gray or brown. Withstands heavy loads, frost and moisture resistant.

PHOTO: klinker-nw.ru

The main advantages include:

  • high grade of strength;
  • attractive appearance;
  • safe surface.

The standard size of one such tile is 200×100×40 mm.

Paving slabs paving stones Abc

Rubber tiles 500×500 mm²

The model is available for sale in several different shades. The thickness of this material is 30 mm. Suitable for arranging children's playgrounds in the yard.

PHOTO: gcdemetra.ru

The advantages include:

  • increased moisture resistance;
  • warranty period 10 years;
  • the presence of a hard base for laying.

Withstands temperature fluctuations ranging from +60ºС to -45ºС.

How much paving slabs will cost depends on the material processing technology.

Rubber tiles 500×500 mm

Which paving slabs to choose: the opinion of the editors of HomeMyHome

After weighing all the advantages and price categories of the declared models, our experts noted that the most durable is the Abc model, which is produced in Germany. It will be an excellent decoration of the yard and will last for many years. As for rubber options, it is advisable to mount them only in areas where children play.

PHOTO: lenplit-spb.ru

PHOTO: brick-barnaul.rf

PHOTO: zaggo.ru

Do-it-yourself molds for making paving slabs: video

If create tile material decided by oneself, then without special forms not enough. Most detailed information can be found in the video review below.

Sometimes skilled craftsmen and lovers of fantasy manage with improvised means.

Technology of laying paving slabs

If the question arose of how to lay paving slabs with your own hands, you must act according to a special principle. When all requirements are met, the surface of the site is perfectly smooth and attractive.

PHOTO: ysbkuban.ru

PHOTO: lanshaft.com


Paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house are the most common landscaping option. Although there are many other materials, tiles are in steady demand due to high operational qualities and ease of installation. By following simple requirements, it is possible to achieve the formation of a high-quality coating that can withstand difficult operating conditions. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the methods of laying tiles in order to understand which one is better to use for decorating the local area.

The yard should be comfortable

Laying method

The laying technology for paving slabs placed in the courtyard of a private house is different. Installation is carried out in several ways. Depending on the maximum load, paving slabs can be laid on the following grounds:

  • Sand pillow. In this case, the tile is laid directly on the pre-compacted and moistened sand. This base is used in the design of paths in the garden, where the operational load is relatively small. The advantage of the method is the timely removal of moisture through the seams between the street tiles;
  • Cement-sand mixture. In this case, five parts of cement are added to one part of sand, which is evenly distributed over the surface. This option provides a relatively strong and reliable base, which makes it possible to quickly repair the coating by replacing one element with another;
  • Cement-sand mortar. A standard concrete solution is preliminarily prepared, which is then evenly distributed over the base. Tiles are laid in accordance with the selected layout. A mallet is used to give each element the required spatial arrangement. With it, each element is gently pressed into the solution. A trowel is used to apply the solution.

Such a base is durable and suitable for arranging the territory of an individual house. However, in this case, it is important to follow certain installation rules, ensuring drainage. Otherwise, moisture will begin to accumulate on the surface, causing damage to individual elements. Considering that the paving stones are fixed by the concrete solution, replace individual element hard. Such a coating becomes practically unrepairable.

Foundation preparation

Laying schemes

Depending on the configuration of the treated surface and its area, the site owners prefer a universal laying scheme or create their own.

Possible Solution

Standard laying patterns:

  • Herringbone or wicker. The most common solution for laying paving slabs gray color with the formation of the original pattern. Elements are placed either at an angle of 45 degrees or at a right angle. Braid is a complicated version of the Christmas tree. A special alternation of the direction of the connection of the tiles gives a beautiful pattern.
  • Chaotic masonry adds originality to the track. To implement this scheme, elements are used different size and colors. The chaotic arrangement of stones gives an interesting design solution.
  • Chess order. To create a scheme, you will need a two-color curly or square tile, which is laid out in a given sequence. Chess styling is also performed using rectangular tiles. In this case, one cell is obtained by combining two elements, and the second by placing the second pair perpendicular to the first.
  • Circular pattern. A difficult option that allows you to form a beautiful multi-colored area in a private house. By alternating circular patterns, you can get a beautifully designed path.
  • Alternating tiles or lawn. Usually the tiles are laid in such a way as to prevent the germination of grass. However, if you wish, you can abandon the standard solution, and make the lawn part of the formed coverage. If we are talking about the design of a relatively spacious area, you can turn the lawn into a flower bed that harmoniously fits into the surrounding space. If this option is not suitable, use a special tile with holes. By alternating tiles and lawn, you can add attractiveness to any site, but only if timely care is provided. Otherwise, the site will turn out to be sloppy. overgrown.

original solution

Getting ready for installation

The preparatory stage is very important, as you will have to decide which paving slabs should be laid, and how to lay out the elements in order to get a reliable and neat coating. Attention should be paid not only to the design solution, but also to the strength characteristics of a particular model. Looks good a natural stone but buying granite is a costly undertaking. In this case, you should pay attention to concrete and clinker products. Differing in much lower cost, they are able to withstand even a significant operational load.

In addition to tiles, you will need:

  • Borders. Their shapes and sizes correspond with the dimensions of the tiles;
  • Rubble. Special attention give fractional composition. It must be greater than 20 but less than 50;
  • Sand. Be sure to specify where it was mined. If there is a choice, it is worth ordering a river one, it has fewer impurities;
  • Cement. The strength characteristics of the material affect the service life of the coating. It is worth choosing cement M400 and above;
  • Geotextile. Laying this woven fabric will effectively deal with unwanted plants. If any solution is chosen for the laying scheme, except for a combination of tiles and lawn, such a layer is required.

The purchased tiles should be enough to complete the paving. To do this, pre-calculate the right amount material: the area of ​​​​the courtyard is divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone element. The resulting value is rounded up, a certain percentage is added in accordance with the selected scheme.

The foundation was unstable

Attention! For straight masonry, add 10 - 20%. With a diagonal arrangement of rows, the resulting value should be increased by a third.

If the calculation is initially performed incorrectly, in the future you will have to purchase the missing quantity. This will lengthen the laying time and may increase the cost due to increased tile prices.

Curb stone is sold by the piece. To determine the required amount, the double value of the length of the track is divided by the length of one curb stone. The resulting value is rounded up. The curb stone is purchased with a margin, adding at least 1 product to the value obtained.

Ensuring the right position

From the tool you will need:

  • Bulgarian and a disk that is designed specifically for tiles;
  • Shovel, with which a trench is prepared under the base;
  • Rammer or special equipment for compacting layers;
  • Trowel for applying the solution;
  • A mallet to give the required position to each tile;
  • Level. Its length should be related to the dimensions of the site or track;
  • Broom for removing sand residues;
  • Pegs and cord for marking the local area.

Attention! It is worth preparing funds personal protection so as not to harm health during installation.

Laying technology

Laying out the elements should be done according to a previously prepared scheme. When placing paving slabs in the yard, it is important to take care of effective drainage. If this is not done, the life of the tile will be reduced due to the constant stagnation of water and the subsequent destruction of the coating. Builders recommend providing for a slope: 5 mm for each running meter coatings.

Web seal

The laying of new paving slabs, produced in the courtyard of a private house, is standard. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • The soil is removed to a depth of 20 cm. All vegetation elements are removed. Herbicide treatment is carried out;
  • Marking is in progress: with the help of pegs and twine, the adjacent territory is zoned. Marking is done in increments of 1 - 1.5 m. In this case, you will definitely get a good surface;
  • A slope is formed towards the street;
  • The site is being levelled. The soil is rammed;
  • A layer of crushed stone is poured and evenly distributed;
  • Now you can lay nonwoven fabric, which will prevent subsidence of the base;
  • A layer of sand is poured and rammed. It is spread over the surface with a rake;
  • Formed thin screed. To do this, cement is poured onto a layer of sand;
  • Paving slabs are being installed. All elements should be carefully examined to make sure that there is no damage to the front surface.

The result will please

Knowing how to properly lay paving slabs, you can cope with the installation on your own. To do this, you need to decide on the type of material used, prepare the tools. As a result, the laid out surface will last a long time without any additional intervention.