Croton leaves sank down. Croton winter care

Hello Valentine!

Croton (codiaum) is very capricious in room culture; he loves very good lighting (it is shaded only from hot sunlight), warmth and correct watering(in autumn and winter - moderate), cleanliness of leaves, spraying, wet air... Croton sheds leaves in case of mistakes in care and a draft.

The leaves of the plants drop and become soft when the earthen coma dries out, but in such a situation, they cannot be watered heavily at once (the roots will rot). Lightly water the surface of the soil, sprinkle the croton leaves with water with the addition of Epin and after the leaves have dried, place the plant in a mini-greenhouse. The next day, the soil can be watered a little more, the leaves can be sprinkled and, if necessary, put back in the greenhouse until the leaves are restored to their normal state. The next watering of croton is done after slightly drying out the soil.

Croton should be watered, sprayed and the leaves should be washed at least once a week. For the spring-autumn period, when the plant receives a sufficient amount of sunlight, Croton needs care with especially abundant wet "injections" - abundant watering (every day or every other day). Make sure the soil dries up a little between watering. The plant does not like sudden changes in temperature, drafts and very cold water... Watering can be replaced with abundant spraying (they can be alternated). Depending on the season, Croton needs different care... In winter, choose a location with adequate lighting for the plant. Watering must be reduced (once every two to three days).

At good care Croton can bloom regularly, but the inflorescences are small and the flowers are inconspicuous.

It is advisable to transplant in the spring. It is recommended not to break the earthen ball with the root system, but to replant the roots "as is". Do not under any circumstances start transplanting if the plant is weakened. Since this procedure is very painful for Croton. It is also advisable to feed the plant only in the spring-autumn period.

One of the main enemies of croton is the spider mite. These arachnids can also participate in harvesting your pet's leaves. Signs of the appearance of a spider mite on croton - the leaves lose their color, fade, a white fluffy bloom forms on the back of the leaf along the central vein.

The botanical name of the plant is codiaeum (codiaeum). Croton appeared in Europe in the nineteenth century. Currently, many varieties of plants are grown, differing mainly in the shape of the leaves.

How does croton reproduce?- Croton propagates by cuttings, which are cut at the end of winter and rooted in water or wet sand.

What caused the croton to have brown or brownish tips and edges of the leaves?- This could be due to too dry air, cold drafts or insufficient watering.

Why did croton leaves start to cover brown spots? - If there is such a problem, adjust the watering, as your plant does not have enough of it!

A cobweb appeared on the croton leaves, is it a tick? How to deal with it?- Your plant was chosen by a spider mite. And dry air in your room contributed to its spread. To destroy the pest, spray Croton with Fitoverm or Aktellik. Also, increase the humidity of the air.

What happened to the codiaum (croton), its leaves become curled and soft with brown edges?- The reason is too low temperature, it may be warm during the day, and at night the temperature drops below normal. Optimum temperature for him 16-18 ° C.

How to choose the right croton when buying in a store?- When buying a crown, pay attention to the leaves - they should look healthy, not drooping, dry. Their color should be bright green and the veins should be thick and golden. All leaves must be in place! The fact that the leaf is not in place is evidenced by the trace it left on the stem.

What is the reason for the change in the color of the leaves, did the codiaum get sick?- Your pet is healthy. And the leaves lose their variegated color from a lack of light. What kind of lighting is needed for codiaum, see

Why did codiaum have light dry spots on the leaves?- Such spots can appear under too intense lighting or due to sunburn, which are possible in spring from an unusually bright sun or in summer during the hottest hours in the sun.

When and what can you feed Croton?- At what time of the year it is recommended to feed Croton, you can find out by going .

Why did croton leaves go down?- Croton leaves bent down indicate that it needs water treatments. In general, Croton needs to be watered abundantly, sprayed and the leaves should be washed once a week.

When is Croton transplanted?- It is recommended to transplant Croton in the spring, and you cannot break the roots - it is better to leave and transplant it as it is. Codiaum painfully tolerates transplantation, so transplanting can only be done healthy plants... A frail Croton will not tolerate a transplant.

Is it possible to take Croton to Fresh air, for example, to the garden?- Croton does not like drafts, and therefore it is not recommended to take him out of the room.

What can be done to stop croton leaves from falling off?- If lower leaves croton fall off, in order to slow down this process, start spraying the plant - croton loves humid air very much.

Decorative croton leaves, striking both connoisseurs and beginners in floriculture with a variety of shapes and colors, this is the main distinctive feature indoor plant. When croton's leaves dry and fall, and the exotic handsome man who recently decorated the room loses much of its attractiveness, its owner has many reasons to worry.

On the one hand, the fall of leaves from the lower tiers of the stem is a natural process, necessarily accompanied by the appearance of new foliage at the top. The Croton owner needs to sound the alarm if:

  • shoots are rapidly becoming naked;
  • even young foliage dries and dies;
  • the tips of the leaves dry on croton;
  • yellowing and wilting appears as spots in the center of the leaf plate or along its edges;
  • the gain does not have time to compensate for the losses.

Why do croton leaves dry? What are the mistakes made by the florist, and how to fix the situation?

In most cases, the reason should be sought in violation of plant care, changes in conditions of detention, for example, when changing the season or moving croton to another room. Sometimes indoor culture is affected by insects that negatively affect the state of the foliage and depress the whole plant.

Watering errors: Croton leaves dry and fall off

Most often, flower growers who observe that their variegated croton, unlike any other plant, has dropped its leaves, and the foliage that has lost its turgor gradually withers, do not water their pet enough.

The earth ball in the pot must be constantly moist. To a greater extent in summer, and to a lesser extent in winter, but it is impossible to allow the soil to completely dry out. If croton is often, but only the surface layer is moistened, the growth points of the roots will find themselves in conditions of moisture deficiency, which will immediately affect the well-being of the culture, and the foliage, in the first place.

Croton's foliage is its "signal flag", following which one can understand what the health of the indoor beauty is, whether the care is correct, and whether the care is sufficient.

Dry soil under croton is a sign of impending disaster. But an excess of moisture is also not the best factor for the development of culture. Excess water is especially dangerous during the cold season.

It is possible that the answer to the question: "Why do Croton's leaves fall?" will become precisely excessive watering in the autumn-winter period. From constant stay in a wet substrate, foci of rot develop on the roots, and dead areas appear. As a result, the plant ceases to receive sufficient nutrition, and the croton leaves dry and fall off.

It is not difficult to prevent the problem. If, half an hour after watering, water is in the glass pan, it must be drained, and when croton is planted, a thick layer of drainage is provided at the bottom of the pot. In addition, do not forget that when the temperature drops, the watering content is reduced.

Croton leaves fall from dry air

Among the reasons why Croton leaves dry, there is often such a florist's mistake as excessive dryness of the air in the room, for example, in the winter months, when the heating is on.

And at this time, and in summer, the plant needs to be pampered with a warm shower, for which they take settled soft water. A useful hygienic procedure for an exotic guest will be wiping the sheet plates with a damp cloth. And to humidify the air, it is convenient to use specialized household appliances or put the pot in a tray with damp moss or expanded clay.

If the room where the plant is located is constantly maintained high humidity air, the florist is unlikely to notice that the tips of the leaves of Croton dry up, or the foliage falls prematurely early. In this case, greens live much longer than in normal indoor conditions.

Staying in dry air weakens the plant and provokes attacks on Croton by such dangerous pest indoor crops like a spider mite. This is another reason why croton leaves dry and fall off.

Why do croton leaves dry when conditions change?

Sometimes flower growers forget that the change in weather and season outside the window affects indoor plants.

Asking the question: "What to do if Croton leaves fall off?", The florist should pay attention to the temperature conditions of the plant:

  1. When the room is colder than +14 ° C, growth and other life processes are inhibited to such an extent that the tips of the croton leaves dry out, and then the plant completely discards the foliage.
  2. At temperatures above +24 ° C and low air humidity, you can see how the croton leaves have sank.

Croton lowers leaves in direct sunlight. When this impact is short-term, nothing bad will happen. It is worth returning to the partial shade, beloved by the plant, and the leaves will return to their original elasticity and beauty. But long sunbathing under the scorching rays, they lead to the oppression of the flower. As a result, leaves fall off the croton.

If you do not return the flower to comfortable conditions, the situation will worsen until the death of the home plant.

It is possible that croton is losing foliage, lacking nutrition. Descending leaves, even under normal conditions and with sufficient watering, indicate the need for a transplant or a large indoor culture.

Video about the problems of croton care

Even experienced gardeners sometimes they meet with such phenomena as wilting, Croton leaves turn yellow and fall off. Sometimes the tips of the leaves dry out or they themselves change color, turn yellow.

Let's talk about why croton leaves dry and fall? What other diseases and treatment may Croton have, and also we will figure out what problems may arise when growing and.

The tips of the leaves dry up

Why do the tips of the leaves dry on Croton?

The most common reason for this is too low temperature air.

What temperature conditions are suitable for codiaum?

Normal temperature
for growing this plant + 14 ... + 20 degrees.

In order for Croton to grow and develop well, it is necessary to provide him balance of moisture and heat, because insufficient watering can also be the reason why croton leaves dry.

Change of color of the plant

Why do croton leaves turn yellow? If the flower has changed color, this may indicate O insufficient quantity lighting.

Croton demands quite a lot of light, but still in direct sunlight better not to bet, since due to burning of the leaves, the plant also loses its former color and begins to turn unnaturally yellow.

How to determine that the codiaum has an excess of light? On the leaves of the flowerpot will begin to appear brown spots.

If the plant does not turn yellow, but simply grows dull, which means most likely it lacks trace elements in the soil, especially nitrogen.

Why does croton have green leaves? This may be due to the fact that the plant is young.

In this case, you should provide croton good feeding .

Red spider mite

These are the manifestations of anthracnose - fungal disease which may appear due to excess moisture, it may be excessive abundant watering or high humidity.

For treatment it is necessary 3-4 times treat the plant with fugnicide.

You need to do this with a break. in ten to twelve days.

Moreover, processing should be done not only for the leaves, but also for the soil.

Leaves fall

Why does croton shed its leaves? What to do?

If the trunk of the codiaum is exposed below, this is quite natural process the withering away of old leaves.

Why do Croton leaves fall in autumn? This is quite normal, a regularity, in the same way, at this time of the year, the leaves of birches or, for example, maples, fall.

Why do Croton's leaves fall? What to do? But if the upper leaves also begin to fall off, the reason for this is most likely either abrupt change temperature regime or too low temperature, in which the codiaum has been for a long time.

First of all, to eliminate such a phenomenon as leaf fall, you need to take care of the conditions for keeping croton. Also, it will not be superfluous use top dressing to restore plant health.

When croton sheds its leaves, the reason may be stagnant moisture, as a result of which rotting root system ... If you find that the reason lies precisely in this, cut off the apical stalk and try to root it in order to re-grow the flower in the event of the death of the existing one. That is why the leaves of the croton began to fall.


Why did croton's leaves drop? What to do?

In most cases, the reason for the wilting of croton leaves lies in lack of lighting.

Also the leaves are dropping when overdrying the soil.

To cure a plant, start it water, but gradually.

In no case do not immediately fill the soil with water since after that the root system will begin to rot.

For a start, it would be nice to water the plant. warm water where you need to add Elina fertilizer.

After the soil is dry little by little increase the amount of watering. You can also sprinkle a little water on the croton leaves.

Caring for croton at home is a painstaking and laborious process, and if all the requirements are not met, the leaves begin to fall off the plant.
Beautiful plant With large leaves interesting colors will give any room a completely different look.

Many gardeners are interested in why croton leaves dry and fall off, and what to do about it. Not in every case you need to sound the alarm, because falling from the lower tier is a natural process. And we will talk about other reasons in this publication.

The exotic exotic owner should be wary if:

  • Croton is rapidly losing foliage;
  • even young leaves turn yellow and dry;
  • the tips of the leaves dry;
  • leaves turn yellow and wither in the center of the leaf plate;
  • the flower sheds more leaves than it forms.

The reason must be sought in the conditions of detention. The crop can be attacked by pests. Perhaps the irrigation regime is disrupted or the plant is under stress (for example, due to transfer to another room). All these points of care must be taken into account so that the exotic always feels good.

Irrigation regime is violated

If your croton has lowered its beautiful leaves, then you are watering it incorrectly. The soil in the flowerpot should always be moist, especially during the summer months. It is impossible to allow the earthen coma to dry completely even in winter. The point is not to often water the codiaum, as croton growers often call it, but to soak the soil to the very bottom with water. Croton leaves dry if moisture does not reach the rhizome.

The leaf is a kind of "signal flag". Observing the standing of the main decoration of the plant, you can understand whether you are giving enough care to your green pet.

Despite the fact that the earth should not be allowed to dry out, excess moisture is also dangerous for codiaum, especially in winter. If the roots stay in a wet substrate for a long time, they begin to rot. As a result, the trunk receives insufficient nutrition, which immediately affects the state of the foliage.

Drastic changes

It should be remembered that when the weather conditions change outside the window, then the house plants react to them. Asking why Croton's leaves are falling, the owners indoor plants should, first of all, pay attention to temperature drops during the maintenance of the flower.
If the thermometer in the room shows +14 ° C, then all processes in the plant's body are inhibited, and the tips of the leaf plates dry up, later the plant may even "become bare". And at a temperature of +24 ° C, the leaves can fall. Croton can also lower the leaves by placing the flower pot in direct sunlight.

Moreover, sheet plates can receive sunburn... If it was not for long, then by returning the plant to the shade, you can quickly revive it. But if the plant stays in direct sunlight for a long time, then the leaves begin to fall off.

It is possible that the flower lacks nutrition. Dropped leaves are a sign that a crop needs fertilization or needs replanting. In addition, Croton does not tolerate drafts, which can cause him to throw off the leaves.
If the plant has lethargic leaves, then hypothermia of the roots is possible and therefore the flower cannot receive moisture. It should be urgently moved to a warm place, stop fertilizing, reduce watering so that the earthen lump dries well. Spray the leaves all the time, and put on the bag, creating a greenhouse environment.

Well, if the lower leaves die, then you should not worry, since this is a natural process.

Sometimes the leaves begin to turn black. In this case, the flower does not have enough potassium, it needs fertilization.

Diseases and pests

Why else leaves at home codiaum fall, read on.

If you notice that the leaves dry up and die off, then you should carefully examine the plant for visits by pests. The cobwebs on the plant indicate that the flower is affected by the red spider mite. If a spider mite is found, you should clean the plant from the pest with a cotton swab, having previously moistened it with alcohol.
At the end of the process of dealing with uninvited guest(with a tick) treat the flower with systemic insecticides. You can make a garlic solution from minced garlic and soap and use it to process the leaves. After an hour, the solution is washed off.
Most often spider mites appear when the plant is irregularly watered, not washed or sprayed, since under normal conditions, croton secretes a poisonous juice that protects it from pests. Therefore, if you follow the rules of care, you will avoid visiting harmful insects.

The scabbard rarely infects the plant, but if it does, then it is removed by hand.

If the air is dry, then the plant can infect the tick. His presence can be judged by white bloom on the bottom of the sheet. Treatment is as follows: normalize care, move the plant to a warm place with good lighting, provide good ventilation and have a warm shower. Treatment with acaricide "Neoron" will help in the treatment of the disease (treat the plant 4 times with an interval of 10 days).

Video "Croton dropped the leaves"

A video on how to reanimate a croton that has shed its leaves.

Prevention measures

Preventive measures are to follow the rules of flower care. Watch out for humidity, place in a warm and well-lit place, avoid direct impact ultraviolet radiation. Provide good ventilation for the plant, but avoid drafts. Water the flower (without flooding), make sure that the substrate in the pot is always moist. Avoid sudden changes in temperature.
By observing all of these conditions, you will be able to avoid the troubles associated with pest attacks. And if the leaves suddenly begin to wither, with the normalization of care they will be like new.