We create crafts from plastic bottles with our own hands. DIY crafts from plastic bottles

At first glance, plastic bottles are absolutely ordinary containers, which are enough in every yard. But do not underestimate these products - in fact, they can bring a lot of benefits to your dacha. Flowerbeds, paths, irrigation structures, decorative installations - all this can be done from the usual plastic bottles with your own hands. Next, we will share original ideas fakes for the garden, we will tell you how to make them yourself and show in the photo how amazingly they can transform the site.

flower beds

Of course, the main decoration of any suburban area - flower beds. But in order for them to give the maximum aesthetic effect, it is not enough just to plant the plants you like - they need a "cut" that will put the structure in order. An interesting and at the same time affordable solution for implementation is a flower bed made of plastic containers.

Classic variant plastic flower bed- "fence" of bottles. To make it, prepare a container of approximately the same size. Any color can be. Next, cut all the bottles at the same height from the bottom. And then, in turn, dig them into the ground upside down, constructing a "fence" of the desired shape.

Flower garden from plastic bottles

More difficult decision- a flower bed. The scheme of its manufacture is as follows:

  • cut all containers in half;
  • take the tops of the bottles and cut out the "petals" from the neck - use a knife or scissors for this;
  • gently bend the "petals";
  • dig the parts into the ground with the neck down.

Advice. To make the finished flower beds even more spectacular, paint them. Use oil formulations designed specifically for outdoor use - they tolerate precipitation better. Flowers can be planted immediately after the paint has dried.

garden paths

Construction of garden paths suburban area- it is not an easy task, because it is necessary to fix the soil, buy material and lay it correctly. Agree, the costs and efforts are rather big. But on the other hand, there is no desire to walk through the mud. What to do in this case? Perfect solution problems - garden paths from bottles. Naturally, this is a temporary solution, but cheap and non-trivial.

Any bottles are suitable for tracks

Arrangement garden paths from plastic containers will not cause difficulties:

  1. Dig a trench 1.5 bayonet deep and mount the wooden formwork.
  2. Fill the trench with crushed stone and a 3 cm layer of sand, and then tamp.
  3. Prepare the bottles and fill them with sand.
  4. Lay the container horizontally in the prepared trench - the necks should be directed to the edges of the garden path.
  5. Prepare a small amount cement mortar and fill the gaps between the containers with a thin layer.
  6. When cement mixture grab, remove the formwork.

Advice. To level the plastic bottles, before pouring cement, place a board on them and walk on it - this will compact the structure.

Do not forget about the lids - they can close the gaps between the bottles.

Decorative installations

A very popular trend in garden decor is volumetric installations made of plastic containers. But here you need to have considerable patience and skill, because it is not very easy to cut out the figures. The best decision for those who will be making such decorations for the first time - installations in the form of animal figurines, as they are within the power of an inexperienced gardener.

The most common decor is a plastic pig. Take: an eggplant with a volume of 5 liters - for the body, four necks from a half-liter container - for the legs, a neck of a 1.5-liter convex bottle cut in half - for the ears. Fill the container for the body with sand so that it is not blown away by the wind. Make cuts for the legs and ears and insert the appropriate elements, securing them with glue or tape. Eyes can be made from beads. Then dig the product and paint to taste.

Plastic bottle figurine

One more affordable optionplastic hare. Here you will need an oblong eggplant for the body and two 1.5 liter bottles for the ears. Connect the elements and draw paws and a muzzle on the resulting design. Then fill the eggplant with sand and dig it into the ground.

Tanks for growing and watering plants

Plastic bottles can be used not only to decorate the site, but also for specific practical purposes - for growing and watering plants. Cut the container into two parts, take the bottom one, pour earth into it and plant plants - here you have the finished “pot”. Be sure to drill small holes for drainage in the bottom of the newly made container for growing flowers. Do you want to decorate the "pot"? There are a lot of options: stick corks to it and get a cheerful little man, paint with oil paints - get a bright garden art object.

One more original versionvertical gardening: hang the "pots" on the wall of the house, securing them with a regular fishing line.

Plastic containers will serve well in watering plants. Everything is simple here: pierce 4-8 neat holes in the bottom of the bottle and attach it to the hose with its upper part - this way you will get a rather peculiar, but effective water sprayer.

Watering plants with a plastic bottle

Also, bottles can be used for subsoil watering garden crops:

  • take a container with a capacity of 2 liters and cut off its bottom;
  • in the bottle cap, make 2-4 holes with a diameter of not more than 2 mm;
  • under the selected plant, at a distance of at least 10-15 cm from the stem, dig a container 10 cm deep;
  • insert a plastic bottle with the neck down at an angle of 30-45 degrees into the resulting hole and dig a little;
  • fill the container with water - through small holes it will slowly and evenly flow to the roots of the plant.

As you can see, there are several interesting ways use at first glance unnecessary plastic bottles with the maximum benefit for your summer cottage. If you want - make decorative figurines, if you want - equip flowerbeds and paths, or if you want - design tools for watering. The main thing is that all the proposed fakes can be easily made with your own hands, so you have no restrictions.

Crafts from plastic bottles: video

Crafts for the garden and cottage: photo

Let's make new crafts from plastic bottles for our garden - placers of ideas are offered by lovers of this type of creativity.

Glade of daisies

Small neat flowers can be obtained from non-corrugated bottoms of plastic bottles. Often milk or yogurt is sold in such bottles. You may not even need to paint them - if there are no inscriptions on the bottom of the bottle. If they are still there, we will use acrylic or oil paint. The middle can be made traditionally - from the cork of an ordinary plastic bottle, painted in yellow. Perhaps someone will be able to attach a small toy to the flower ladybug. The clearing on which such "grow" will look spectacular.

Lilies of the valley from plastic cups

The simple manufacture of such bells does not require much time. Disposable plastic cups may be white or translucent. We hang them on a wire to flexible rods, the ends of which we stick into the ground.

Bells from halves of bottles

We make these large bells from halves of plastic bottles (from the side of the neck). They will make a luxurious bush, similar to a real garden plant - nettle bell. These plants are really large - they reach a height of 70-100 cm. By the way, the official name of the bell is campanula. Sounds good, looks good too. Fastening flower heads is simple - on the bolt. To wooden lath we screw the bottle caps with bolts, after which we screw the painted bells made from bottle halves into them. We stick the rail into the ground - a campanula appeared in our garden!

Chrysanthemums from plastic bottles

Very graceful flowers with a mass of thin petals. Nothing complicated - lower part bottles (about a third) are cut into strips, with a knife we ​​wrap the resulting petals up or down. To have more petals, you can insert 2-3 such blanks into one another. Chrysanthemums are best made from colored bottles - if you cut the painted ones, the paint may crack. And it is difficult to paint such thin petals separately. Although you can adapt - dip the flower heads completely in the paint.

Dandelions from plastic straws

We use straws for a cocktail. We cut one end of the tube, tousle the ends for fluffiness. With the second end we fasten the tube into some kind of ball - for example, wound from wire. To keep the tubes more secure, we additionally fix the tubes by wrapping the ball with insulating tape.

Ladybug from the bottom of the bottle

Orchid from plastic spoons

The hardest part of making this garden craft was attaching disposable plastic spoons to the flower head. It will be more convenient to burn holes in the spoons with a hot nail in order to thread the wire through them. You can also glue spoons to the base (some small circle made of wood or plywood).

Summary: DIY crafts from plastic bottles for children. Crafts from plastic bottles to give. Crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten, photo. Flowers from plastic bottles. Craft ideas from plastic bottles.

What can be made from plastic bottles? In this article we will tell you what crafts from plastic bottles you can do with your children with your own hands. Plastic bottles - universal material for making crafts. We will tell you how to do:

Vases from plastic bottles

Crafts for giving from plastic bottles
- crafts for the garden from plastic bottles

1. Crafts from plastic bottles. Plastic bottle toys

Catamaran from plastic bottles

By connecting two plastic bottles together with electrical tape, you can make a toy catamaran for dolls.

Craft from a plastic bottle for children - a fountain

On a hot summer day, you can’t think of a better entertainment for children than playing with water on fresh air. From an ordinary plastic bottle, you can make an educational toy for experiments and games with water in the country or on the beach.

Make several holes in the bottle with a sharp object. In the photo below, the holes are made in the center of the bottle, but, in fact, it is better to place them at the bottom of the bottle. In this case, the maximum volume of water from the bottle will be used. Plug the holes with your palm and fill the bottle to the top with water. Screw on the lid. Remove your hand from the holes. Surprisingly, water does not pour out of the bottle through the holes.

Now slightly unscrew the cap and you will see how the water begins to pour out of the holes from the bottle. It is the air entering through the neck of the plastic bottle that displaces the water from the bottle.

This toy can be used as a washstand in the country.

Crafts from plastic bottles for children using papier mache technique.

Can be made from plastic bottles interesting crafts for children in papier mache technique. Boys will surely be interested in a homemade plane from a plastic bottle, and girls will be able to make a whole home zoo.

The principle of making toys from plastic bottles using the papier mache technique is as follows. First, the frame of the future craft is made from cut and whole bottles. Everything is held together with tape. Additional parts are cut out of cardboard and also attached with tape or tape.

After that, you need to tear or cut into small pieces of paper. It can be either ordinary paper for printers or special corrugated paper for children's crafts. Dilute PVA glue with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Then, dipping each piece in diluted glue, attach it to the bottle frame. Thus, cover your craft with 4-6 layers of paper.

Once the glue is dry, color and decorate your plastic bottle craft.

How to make a plane out of plastic bottles >>>>

From plastic bottles with their own hands. Cow >>>>

Children's crafts from plastic bottles. Tropical fish >>>>

Children's crafts from plastic bottles. Crocodile >>>>

And a few more links to master classes on making crafts from plastic bottles for children:

2. DIY plastic bottles. Vases from plastic bottles

The easiest way to make a vase out of a plastic bottle is to simply cut off the top and decorate it. In this case, it is desirable to round off with the help of an iron homemade vase the edges. So it will be more beautiful and safer.

To round the edges of a plastic bottle vase, place a sheet of paper on top of it and hold a hot iron (the paper is needed so that the plastic does not stick to the soleplate of the iron). Sharp edges of the bottle high temperature round off. Be careful - bring the iron for a short time and constantly check what is being done under the piece of paper. Link >>>>

We would like to invite you to creative craft vase. To make it, you will need several plastic bottles. You can use one big bottle(1.5 liters) and 4 small bottles (0.5 liters). To make a vase from plastic bottles, you will need plastic glue or glue gun. For instructions on making a vase from bottles, see the link >>>>

You can make a cute felt case for a plastic bottle. Insert the bottle inside the case - a vase from a plastic bottle is ready!

A beautiful, "airy" vase from a plastic bottle can be made if you first hold the cut bottle over the fire to give it shape. Then make numerous holes in it with a soldering iron. Only food products in it is still better not to store!

And one more idea how to quickly and easily make a vase from a plastic bottle.

3. Crafts from plastic bottles photo. Flowers from plastic bottles

Making flowers from the most various materials Today it is one of the most popular types of crafts and needlework. From ordinary plastic bottles, you can make original artificial flowers with your own hands.

detailed wizard class for making flowers from plastic bottles, see the link >>>> To make this craft from plastic bottles, you, in addition to plastic bottles different colors You will also need a candle and a glue gun. However, instead of a glue gun, you can just use glue. Attention! Be extremely careful when working with fire!

A separate instruction on how to make stems for flowers from plastic bottles can be found at the link >>>> To do this, you need to cut a plastic bottle in a spiral to get a narrow strip of plastic. Then twist it over the fire.

4. From plastic bottles with your own hands. Boxes and boxes made of plastic bottles

Take two bottoms from plastic bottles and glue a zipper between them with a glue gun or plastic glue. The coin purse is ready!

The zipper can also be sewn to the bottles.

Decorate the box with a flower, also made from a plastic bottle. How to make flowers from plastic bottles, we told above.

From a plastic bottle, you can make a beautiful packaging box for a small gift for a loved one.

Moms or grandmothers who know how to crochet can make convenient and practical boxes from plastic bottles to store children's books.

Detailed instructions for the manufacture of this craft from plastic bottles, see the link >>>>
Link-2 >>>>

5. Crafts from plastic bottles master class. Decorations from plastic bottles

Who would have thought that you can make stylish decorations from plastic bottles! Bright, fashionable bracelets or delicate, airy necklaces.

Plastic bottle bracelets

Cut out a plastic ring of the thickness you need from the bottle. Wrap it with colored yarn or elastic fabric, glue it with lace or sew it with threads. stylish, summer decoration ready!

You can also buy inexpensive beads and wind them to a plastic ring with colored yarn.

For a detailed master class on making this craft from a plastic bottle, see the link >>>>

Above, we talked about how to make flower stems from a plastic bottle. These beautiful spirals can also be used to make jewelry from plastic bottles.

From a plastic bottle, following the same principle as flowers, you can make a beautiful necklace. Cut out the bottle various shapes petals and leaves. Hold them for a short time over the fire so that they take shape. Put them on the line.

And from the bottoms of plastic bottles you can make a stand for jewelry.

To make this craft from plastic bottles with your own hands, you will need, in addition to the bottles themselves, a threaded metal rod, as well as nuts and washers.

6. Plastic bottles crafts for giving. Crafts from plastic bottles to give

From bottom plastic bottles, beautiful decorative apples and pumpkins will turn out. To do this, cut off the bottoms of two bottles and paint them acrylic paint and then fasten them together. You can do without paint by putting corrugated paper cut into strips inside crafts from plastic bottles. Link >>>>

For next craft from plastic bottles to give you will need a very large number of bottles.

To make curtains from plastic bottles for country house, you need to cut off the bottoms of the bottles and fasten them together with fishing line or silk thread. The bottoms of the bottles must be cut along the edge so that such flower-shaped blanks are obtained. The edges of such blanks can be earned a little sandpaper or singe over the fire so that there are no hooks on the cut.

With an awl heated over a fire, we pierce holes for threading fishing line or thread. We fix the position of the blanks on the thread with knots so that they do not bunch up. The work is painstaking and delicate, but such a curtain does not require financial costs.

Here's another one useful application plastic bottle in the household.

Useful craft from plastic bottles for giving - a homemade broom. Broom from plastic bottles - necessary thing in the private sector, especially during leaf fall.

7. Crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

Other publications on the topic of this article:

Many homeowners create all sorts of plastic bottle crafts to decorate their place of residence. You can create real works of art by spending a minimum of money.

Not only decor items are made of plastic, but even furniture. All you need is a knife, an awl and a little imagination.

In this article, we will analyze in detail how to make crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands.

We decorate the site

What only homemade products you won't see on household plots. There are flowers, animals, and trees. You can create beautiful sculptural compositions that will not only decorate the garden, but will also give a great mood.

Let's take a look at a couple of instructions for beginners that make it easy to create crafts from plastic bottles. It will be a palm tree and a pig.

bottle palm tree

To make a palm tree, you need to create a frame. Its length should be equal to the height of the tree.

Bottles of the same size are taken, the bottom is cut off from them and placed on top of each other. Then the leaves are cut out. They are attached to the top of the created structure. When everything is ready, the palm tree is painted green.

Funny pig from bottles

The piglet will look great anywhere in the garden. For its manufacture you will need:

  • 5 l bottle;
  • four bottle necks for making legs;
  • one top of the bottle, which is cut in two to make the ears;
  • tail wire;
  • two beads for the eyes;
  • glue;
  • pink paint.

The parts are connected and fixed with glue. Ready product need to be painted. You can take oil or spray paint. To prevent the pig from being blown away by the wind, you need to pour sand into it.

In addition to the decorative function, the design can serve as a flower bed. To do this, the top is cut off, filled with earth and flowers are planted.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden can serve as flower beds, borders or paths. To make a path, bottles are inserted into the ground with a neck.

Both whole and cut plastic are used. It is important to fill the bottles with earth so that they do not deform when they are walked on.

The use of bottles in the household

Bottles are used for more than just decoration. From them you can make a scoop, a washbasin or a trap for a pest.

Undoubtedly, everyone will need a container for storing any items. To make it, just cut off the neck.

The washbasin is also very easy to do with your own hands. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, and holes are made through which the rope is threaded. The structure is hung in the right place and water is poured. To wash, just unscrew the cork a little.

To make a trap, you need to cut the container in half. To catch insects, some kind of bait is placed at the bottom. For example, suitable for this sugar syrup with yeast.

It will take hot water in which sugar and yeast dissolve. The cooled liquid must be poured into the trap. Not only flies and wasps, but also mosquitoes will flock to this delicacy.


Even a child can make a scoop. First you need to outline its shape, and then cut it out.

Can be made from plastic flower pots, greenhouses or containers for seedlings. Descriptions of such crafts from plastic bottles can be found on the Internet in large numbers, but in order to create something unique, you need to show your imagination.

It is fashionable to build an automatic watering tool from plastic containers. To do this, cut the bottle, make holes on the sides and put the hose into the neck. With the help of such a device, the plants will be perfectly moistened.

For plants that do not like surface watering, the following device is made. The bottom of the plastic container is not completely cut off. A trench is torn to the side of the plant, where stones are laid. The bottle is instilled upside down.

Then poured right amount water for irrigation. You can place bottles upside down, but in this case you will need to make holes in the container.

use plastic container and for plant heating. To do this, the bottles are filled warm water and put them around the plant.


For inspiration, see various photos crafts from plastic bottles. It doesn't take much effort to make original decoration or a useful little thing for your garden that will last for many years.

Photo of crafts from plastic bottles


AT Everyday life there are many things that can be excellent materials for creativity. If you have accumulated unused plastic bottles, do not rush to throw them away. With their help, you can create amazingly beautiful things that will become a wonderful element of home decor, decoration of a summer house or yard. Crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands will help you have a fun time, especially young children will like this activity. See below for master classes with photos that will step by step show the creation of such original things.

Step by step instructions for making crafts from plastic bottles

It's amazing how many products can be created using ordinary plastic bottles. Together with your child, you can make fairytale heroes- Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Princess Frog. Figures of birds look original - storks, capercaillie, pigeons, swans. Crafts of domestic animals and wild animals look great, such as a cat, dog, parrot, penguin, donkey, squirrel, piglet.

You can place these things in the kitchen or in the nursery, decorate the yard on the street. For home decoration, not only decorative, but also functional crafts can be used. For example, a beautiful plastic vase will be useful for storing bouquets - dry or live, and indoor plants can be planted in an original pot. For a summer cottage, you can make figurines of animals and plants, cars, rockets, and a bottle lake will surprise guests at home and become a true work of art. How to make crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands, read on.

Original palm tree for a summer residence

Plastic bottles are unusual and a budget option, which will help gardeners decorate their plots. The original exterior will definitely be appreciated by relatives who come to visit, and neighbors. A stylish tall palm tree looks beautiful, for which you will need the usual containers of brown and green. What materials are needed to make a southern tree:

  • bottles (brown, green);
  • a metal sheet;
  • cable (take high-voltage, 12-14 mm);
  • scissors;
  • rods (not less than 25 cm), tubes (2 cm in diameter) and bushings (metal).

How to do:

  1. Remove labels from bottles. Take the green ones, start making leaves: to do this, cut them in half with scissors. Cut thin strips along the surface (up to the narrowing of the container). Thread the finished leaves onto the cable. For one tree, seven such elements are needed.
  2. For the trunk, take brown bottles, cut them lengthwise into six pieces to make wide stripes. Also string on the cable.
  3. How to make a base: weld rods under a sheet of metal different angles. Put tubes on them. Attach the bushings to the end of the rod so that you can pass green containers through them.
  4. Assemble the trunk on the rod: to do this, put the brown blanks on top of each other, lowering the neck down. Pull the cable through the bushings, securing the leaves on top.
  5. After assembly, bury the structure in the ground, but no more than half a meter.

How to make an original palm tree, see the video:

Beautiful baby elephant made of plastic bottles for kindergarten

The child who walks Kindergarten, enjoys the environment: beautiful places to play, new toys. Crafts made with plastic bottles can be a wonderful decoration for the interior of a garden or street. If you want to surprise the little ones, make a beautiful baby elephant. What materials will be needed to create an interesting decoration:

  • two bottles (six-liter);
  • two-liter containers (six pieces);
  • half-meter corrugated pipe (with a small diameter);
  • acrylic paints of gray (or blue), white, black, red shades;
  • thick wire fifty-five cm;
  • sand;
  • glue for plastic;
  • scissors.

How to do:

  1. Cut the two-liter bottles in half, the lower parts will be the legs of the elephant.
  2. From a six-liter material, make ears. Cut holes in the second large container to secure them.
  3. Bend the wire - this will be the shape of the trunk. Put a pipe on it.
  4. Color all elements gray or blue. Connect by gluing the legs to the body (before that, pouring a little sand there), the hose - to the hole of a large bottle that serves as the body of an elephant. Insert your ears into the holes.
  5. Paint the eyes with black and white paint, and the mouth with red acrylic.

How to make a swan to decorate a playground

A beautiful swan will be a wonderful decoration for a playground for games or your own summer cottage. This bird, for the manufacture of which plastic bottles are used, looks beautiful and original. Children will definitely like such a figurine serving decorative element. What materials will be needed to create a beautiful white swan:

  • one bottle of five liters;
  • hose on a rigid wire;
  • milk bottles;
  • marker;
  • candle;
  • wire;
  • scissors;
  • dye.

How to do:

  1. Mark cut lines on the large bottle. Carefully remove the top, but leave the neck - this is the body of the bird.
  2. Insert a hose with wire through the throat - this is the neck of a swan.
  3. Cut off the bottoms and necks of the milk plastic elements. Cut out the feathers. Decorate their edges with a fringe. Light a candle a little. Collect two feathers with wire. Glue to the body.
  4. Cut off the bottom of small bottles, put on a hose, forming a neck. The head of a swan will turn out from the top of the white container. Make holes in it and the hose on both sides, fasten with wire material. Close the lid.
  5. Take the cap off chemicals. Cut in half. Insert the cap into the lid. Glue to the head.
  6. Color the beak, draw the eyes.

Master class on making a Christmas tree for the new year

Christmas tree- This is a tree that is traditionally bought before a big holiday. But if there are a lot of green plastic bottles left at home, it’s not difficult to make a budget and original version yourself. In addition, such a tree does not fall off the needles and it can stand for a long time. What materials will be needed for the manufacture of wood:

  • six bottles (two-liter);
  • scissors;
  • wooden base (half a meter);
  • paint, brush;
  • plasticine;
  • pot.

How to make:

  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottles. Cut the top lengthwise into eight strips, forming them with scissors sharp corners. Do it carefully.
  2. Run the scissors over the petal to curl it up.
  3. Fix the base in a pot on plasticine. Put bottle blanks on it. Use scissors to cut off excess plastic from the top petals to shape the tree.
  4. Paint the tree green.

Cache-pot cat from a plastic bottle for indoor plants

A beautiful cat vase will be an excellent decoration for your room interior. You can use this element to store various small items or plant beautiful plants. Cacti, ivy, succulents look good in such a flowerpot. Small children will like to make an original cat. What tools are needed to create an interesting decoration:

  • a bottle of one and a half or half a liter;
  • acrylic White paint;
  • markers;
  • scissors.

How to make:

  1. Cut off the bottom third of the container. Form ears, removing excess.
  2. Outside and inside paint over with acrylic paint.
  3. Draw the cat's eyes, ears, mouth using the template.
  4. Plant in a pot favorite plant. If you want, make a hanging planter by cutting symmetrical holes on four sides.

How to make a peacock with your own hands

A beautiful peacock is a bird that symbolizes happiness, fulfillment of desires and nobility. Such a figurine, placed on a summer cottage, will bring good luck to its owner. A peacock requires painstaking and serious work, so it will take a lot of free time to make it. What materials are used to create a wonderful bird:

  • a lot of plastic bottles of different colors and sizes;
  • stand;
  • synthetic foam;
  • glue gun;
  • abrasive mesh;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors.

How to create a craft:

  1. Remove the necks, the bottom from the bottles. Cut a lot of feathers from the main part of the containers different size- from small to huge. Trim the edges with a fringe.
  2. Sort blanks by size.
  3. Make a bird figurine using foam. Attach to stand.
  4. Cut out the beak (use the red bottle).
  5. colorful plastic parts small size decorate the bird's chest. Gradually cover the foam as you approach the tail, using larger feathers.
  6. Alternate colors to make the peacock come out bright.
  7. For the tuft, make a few plastic strips with a fringe at the end.
  8. To shape the bird's head, take oval, round pieces of plastic of a small size. Make eyes from a brown bottle.
  9. Cut out the abrasive mesh in the shape of wings. Attach feathers to it - move from small to large.
  10. Make the tail also using the grid.
  11. Complete the ends of the feathers with paper details: cut out circles of different colors and sizes. First stick a large oval, a smaller one on it, and place a very small element inside.
  12. Connect all parts with glue.

See the video for more details:

Children absolutely love the creation beautiful crafts- butterflies. An easy master class will help create an original figure even for the smallest. The craft can serve as an element of interior design or part of the picture. You can make many butterflies different shapes to decorate the nursery with them. What materials will be needed for this workshop:

  • paints;
  • marker;
  • plastic bottle;
  • scissors.

How to make a craft:

  1. Cut out a cylinder from the flat part of the bottle. Cut in half.
  2. On the resulting convex plate, draw a butterfly.
  3. Cut it out.
  4. Bend the wings so that they take on a natural shape.
  5. Color as desired.

For more details on creating crafts, see the video:

Decorative flowers

Decorative flowers will be a wonderful decoration for your home. You can create sunflowers, daisies, roses, other plants. An easy master class with photos will help you easily make an original decoration. Decorate them with boxes, baskets, shelves or make an unusual picture. What elements are needed for the manufacture original crafts:

  • bottle;
  • lighter;
  • scissors;
  • marker.

How to create a craft:

  1. On the surface of the plastic container, draw flowers with a marker. Cut out.
  2. Bend the petals so that they look in one direction. Burn them to get beautiful shape.
  3. Make a few things. Connect them, putting on top of each other, glue, wire, heat. Decorate the middle with beads or a plastic flower.

Bright flower beds for the garden

A flower bed, for which plastic containers are used, is created simply. This material will help you make a budget and beautiful decoration for garden plants by separating them from the lawn. The craft will not take much time, and the result will please with its originality and beauty. What materials are needed to make a simple flower bed for garden plants.