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Do you dream that your balcony will attract the eyes of passers-by? Do you want to fill summer evenings with a pleasant scent of flowers? Then ampelous flowers for the balcony are your right choice! With minimal cost, you will have an amazing result!

How to choose ampelous flowers

Choosing ampelous plants for landscaping a balcony, its location should be taken into account:

The petals of a stunning deep black appear velvety and form a flower with a diameter of 8-9 cm.

Openwork leaves need regular spraying. The leaves can be up to 80 cm wide.

Prefers acidic soil.

(Begonia Limminga): hanging shoots of the plant reach 30-50 cm. Leaves are light green with a yellowish tinge.

The color of the flowers ranges from light red to coral.

Where to hang ampelous flowers on the balcony

Before planting greenery on a balcony or loggia, you should make the most of the free space. Along the balcony railing, narrow shelves are reinforced to create a multi-tiered composition.

  1. Plants that require a lot of sunlight are placed on the upper shelves.
  2. On the lower ones there are shade-loving cultures.
  3. Use the balcony ceiling - attach hanging pots, wicker baskets or flowerpots to it.

These containers can also be placed on brackets attached to the façade walls or dividing walls between two adjacent balconies.

The active use of all levels of the balcony gives space to create a green oasis in the middle of the stone jungle.

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Do you like creativity? Then place ampel flowers, fixing them in an old boat or unnecessary bicycle.

Remember that the arrangement of plants should not interfere with movement on the balcony, because you should be able to enjoy the result of your labors!

Planting and leaving

  • Flowers are brought to the balcony in May, when the danger of late frosts has passed.
  • To retain moisture in the soil for as long as possible, a hydrogel is added to the soil when transplanting in a ratio of 5 to 1. To avoid stagnant water, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil. Flooding of plants leads to diseases such as chlorosis, blackleg and powdery mildew.
  • Some flowers (petunias) need spraying. This procedure is performed in the early morning or after sunset. This will avoid sunburn on the leaves of ampelous plants.
  • The distance between plants in one container should be 10-15 cm.
  • Dead plants are removed from containers entirely and replaced with others. With this care, the fresh and attractive look of your balcony will remain until the onset of autumn.
  • Ampel flowers need daily watering. During a particularly hot period, water them twice a day.
  • Top dressing is applied once every 7-10 days. Use a fertilizer with enough potassium. This element is essential for flowering plants. The fertilizer can be mixed with stimulants that will improve the appearance of the plants.
  • Ampel plants must be pinched. This procedure stimulates the formation of lateral shoots and promotes the formation of a large number of buds.

Attention! Do not plant in the same pots plants that require the opposite care: shade-loving with the sun, hardy species, drought-resistant and needing abundant watering!

Do not be afraid to experiment, and then your landscaped balcony will become objects of rave glances and the envy of your neighbors!

Decorating a balcony with flowers is a useful hobby that fills the world around us with bright colors and cheers up the florist himself and passers-by. The beginning of the creative process is accompanied by many questions: what flowers are best to grow on the balcony, how to place the plants correctly and what containers are optimal for these purposes. The information provided will help you avoid mistakes and enjoy the results of your work.

Planning phase

Before planting flowers on the balcony, they assess the state of the surrounding space and, as a rule, come to the conclusion that repairs are necessary. The amount of work depends on the degree of deterioration of the surfaces and is often done with cosmetic procedures. Painting the railings, renovating or replacing the flooring, renewing the space around the balcony door - most often these activities are enough.

At the next stage, they allocate free space and plan how to decorate the balcony with flowers. The form of landscaping directly depends on the area and finish of the balcony. It's one thing to plant flowers on a loggia or a glassed-in balcony; an open space is decorated in a completely different way. A railing with a railing can be in the form of a lattice or solid, this also matters when drawing up a plan. Some people prefer to create a beautiful picture from the inside, while others are interested in the aesthetics of the external composition.

When planning landscaping from the position of a free area, they are guided by the following recommendations:

  1. Spacious balcony. Flowers can be planted in various ways, it is appropriate to combine all the gardening options here. Climbing plants or ampelous plants in hanging pots will help to decorate the wall, the space behind the railing is filled with boxes. The free area of ​​the balcony allows you to install floor pots with large single flowers.
  2. Some restrictions are present when decorating a medium-sized balcony space. It is better to refuse flowers on the floor here. It is better to plant plants in boxes that will fit behind the railing. There is a place for vertical and ceiling gardening.
  3. Owners of small balconies should not despair. If you show your imagination, there is also a place to plant flowers here. The space behind the balcony does not in any way affect the reduction of free space, so containers with flowers are safely installed behind the fence. Along the railing, you can plant small flowers in compact pots or apply ceiling landscaping around the perimeter of the balcony. There is room for climbing plants on the trellises along the wall.

When planning where to plant flowers, be sure to think over the convenience of watering and subsequent care. Each container should be easily accessible.

Important! Before planting flowers, you should familiarize yourself and study the technical characteristics of the balcony.

Will the structure be able to withstand the additional load? This is especially true for older housing stock. On dilapidated balconies, it is better to do with single pots of small sizes, abandoning heavy tubs or roomy containers, even if the free space allows.

Choosing flowers for landscaping

Thinking about landscaping a space, it is impossible not to raise the question of what flowers to plant on the balcony. The choice depends on many factors, including location relative to the sides of the horizon.

Improvement of the sunny side

On the site facing the southern side of the horizon, it is optimal to plant flowers that perceive the direct rays of the sun well and do not suffer from a lack of moisture. Gardeners offer the following color options:

  • Succulents. Plants are able to do without watering for a long time and do not die in the heat from the scorching sun. From this series, aloe, echeveria, haworthia are suitable.
  • Geranium. If you want to plant flowers that will delight the whole warm period with flowering, you should pay attention to geranium. Pelargonium does not get sunburn, but only enhances flowering. On the balcony, you can plant ampelous and zonal varieties of an unpretentious plant.
  • Purslane. The dense leaves of the flower accumulate moisture, therefore, in the absence of moisture, it will not die. Purslane will paint the space with bright colors from July to the end of summer.
  • Zinnia. Refers to annuals, when watering they try not to fall on the leaves. If you plant zinnia on the balcony, the flower will decorate the space with velvety petals until the first frost.

What flowers to plant on a balcony overlooking the sunny side are shown by the photo:

We decorate the north balcony

Shade tolerance is the main property of flowers, which are best planted on the site from the north side. These include:

  • Balsam. The place of this vegetation in the garden is under the trees, the limited amount of sunlight is not a hindrance for them. Excessive moisture is capable of provoking diseases, so they approach the issue of watering carefully.
  • Ivy. If the plan contains vertical or overhead landscaping, it is recommended to plant ivy. Unpretentious shoots do not require private watering, the only maintenance condition is regular spraying.
  • Cyclamen. You can plant and grow cyclamen in a fairly cool climate, he does not like temperatures above +17 o C. It attracts gardeners with flowers and an original pattern on the leaves.
  • Calceolaria. The bright color and unusual shape of the flower are the main reasons to plant calceolaria on the balcony. Partial shade and temperature within +16 o C are optimal conditions for growing. Watering is carried out after the soil has dried.

Photos will give an idea of ​​the sophistication of flowers.

East and west side

Moderate lighting on the west and east balconies creates an acceptable environment to plant most of the region-specific colors.

Possible solutions for what to plant in an open space:

  • Verbena. It is famous not only for its high decorative effect, but also for its medicinal properties. Long bloom - from June to mid-autumn.
  • Marigold. Unpretentious flowers are not afraid of heat and windy weather. If you plant marigolds, bright numerous buds will delight the eye for almost the entire warm season.
  • Daisies. They open the flowering season in May, preferring shaded areas.
  • Petunia. It is unpretentious in care, the formation of buds and flowering continues until frost. It is represented by zonal and ampelous species. Over-watering can be the reason for the lack of flowers. When choosing which variety to plant, take into account the climate prevailing in the open area.

The popularity of petunias and markagirtok in the improvement of the balcony is evidenced by the photo:

Other variations

Vertical gardening is impossible without climbing plants. The choice is wide enough and depends on the climatic conditions where it is planned to plant the decorative culture. We present popular options for decorating a balcony:

  • Bougainvillea. Normal humidity, temperature ... + 23 ... + 27 о С, good lighting - a suitable place for a plant with purple flowering.
  • Morning glory. For full growth, it is advisable to stretch the mesh, plant it better in a place where direct sunlight will not hit the foliage.
  • Calistegia. Delicate pink small flowers will be a worthy decoration of the balcony.
  • Clematis. It is recommended to plant frost-resistant varieties, avoid areas facing north. In general, the vine is unpretentious in care, loves the sun and moderate watering.

From ampelous flowers, fuchsia, lobelia, spurge are suitable.

Characteristics of containers for flowers on the balcony

After deciding on the form of landscaping and a suitable set of crops, they decide on the containers where to plant the plants. All containers are conditionally divided according to the following criteria:

  • Manufacturing material. Due to their practicality, plastic boxes are preferred. If there are few flowers, and the construction of the balcony is reliable, you can purchase ceramic containers. Metal and stone products are rarely installed due to their heavy weight.
  • Installation method. Most often, hinged containers with brackets are required. Depending on the form of landscaping, the balcony is decorated with wall and floor instances.
  • Dimensions. It depends entirely on the number and size of the selected flowers that you want to plant on the balcony. Compact pots for single specimens are rarely chosen, usually hanging planters for ampel varieties. Maximum demand for containers that are attached behind the balcony railing. The optimal length for a height of up to 20 cm should not exceed 1 m. A larger size will create a significant load on the balcony fasteners. The height is chosen depending on the characteristics of the root system of flowers that are planned to be planted. Usually they stop at 20-25 cm, the main thing is that about 2 cm remains free between the roots and the bottom.

Comment! The decorative design of the container is also important. Light containers are installed on brightly lit balconies. If there is a lack of sunlight, it is better to plant flowers in dark containers that attract the rays.

The presence of drainage holes with a diameter of about 1 cm is only welcome, but in this case it is worth taking extra care of pallets with sides of about 5 cm so that excess moisture does not pollute the neighboring balconies.

If it is decided to plant flowers in a clay container, they are placed in water for a couple of hours before filling the soil. This measure helps to increase the strength of the clay container. A balcony with flowers looks spectacular, where all the pots and containers are made in the same style. An example of how to plant flowers on a balcony is shown in the photo:

Balcony decoration options with flowers

The varieties of flowers have been selected, the containers are ready, it remains to acquire a soil suitable for ornamental crops. If there is no desire to spend money on a purchase, you can plant the plants in a soil mixture prepared by yourself. The usual set, which is suitable for most species, consists of equal volumes of peat, coarse sand and turf. The bottom of the container is covered with a sponge or other material that can absorb moisture and gradually release it. The sand layer will act as drainage, peat is distributed from above, the sod land without roots and weed seeds completes the filling.

It is better to plant flowers on the balcony in boxes if the following recommendations are followed:

  • Square containers are suitable for planting one large flower. Usually they are distributed in the corners of the balcony.
  • The oblong containers are suitable for a group of plants. Flowers should be planted nearby with approximately the same period of development. Avoid the neighborhood of fast and slow growing ornamental crops.
  • The filling of a box with a length of about 1 m does not exceed 10 bushes.

Attention! Plants should be planted taking into account their height and future color palette.

A multi-tiered flower arrangement looks extremely impressive. Closer to the railing on the outside of the fence, higher specimens are planted, but they should not obscure the general view and interfere with the care of the next tier. In the second row, undersized or ampelous species are planted. On the balcony, where the wind is constantly present, it is better to refuse the composition with hanging plants.

A harmonious color palette is an equally important aspect of the question of which flowers are best to plant on the balcony. One of the important conditions is that the oasis should not merge with the facade of the building. The grayness of the same type of high-rise buildings will brighten up decorative cultures with bright flowers, if the wall is made of red brick, it is better to plant specimens with white flowering. Naturally, against the background of curly greenery, the blooming flora looks even more spectacular.

It is better to plant such flowers in which the flowering period does not completely coincide. That is, the bright colors of some specimens in May will complement other species from June. In July, new cultures will complement the symphony of colors. By the time the first ones have already faded, late flowering plants will be included in the composition.

Before planting decorative crops on the balcony, you should make sure that there is no allergy. It will be difficult to part with the labor expended, but you should not endure the deterioration of health.

Landscaping a balcony is a fascinating activity that will delight the author of a voluminous composition and passers-by. The main thing is to successfully combine plants in terms of size, growth conditions and flowering period. They take into account the degree of illumination of the site, the presence of drafts and the requirements of colors for the level of humidity.

A balcony beautifully decorated with flowers in our cities is still, unfortunately, an exception, not a rule. You can refer to the climatic features of most regions of the country. Or to argue that the culture of flower decoration of balconies is unusual for us and that it is more customary for us to grow green onions and other garden greens on balconies. That in the Soviet era, every citizen had to participate in the construction of a "garden city", and not engage in petty-bourgeois cultivation of flowers on a private balcony, and even for incomprehensible purposes. And we turned this page in the history of the country only a quarter of a century ago. But how pleasant it is to look up from the street with your head up and admire the flower oases on the balconies of typical buildings! And be glad that there, upstairs, someone did not easily decorate the balcony for themselves, but also gives this beauty to everyone around.

Where to begin?

As in any business, floriculture has its own professional secrets. What flowers to choose for a flower garden? What composition to make for the winter garden? What colors should you choose for your south-facing balcony?

Start with the improvement of the "balcony area". This can be a cosmetic repair, which is limited only to painting the railings and replacing the floor covering. You won't be able to paint the walls, so we advise you to choose flowers of such shades that will not merge with the color of the walls.

Then we advise you to decide what area on the balcony you will allocate for flowers. Do you give everything for a flower garden or do you leave part of the area for household needs or a recreation area? We do not take into account the boxes fixed on the outside of the balcony railing - they do not take up space. Do you want to plant flowers only for yourself or will you try to decorate the balcony so that all passers-by can admire your success?

Very important! Do not exceed the permissible load on the balcony slab. You need to be especially careful when decorating flower beds on old balconies. Therefore, do not chase after the number of pots and boxes with flowers, especially since, placing them in a large number, you will not be able to make a beautiful flower arrangement.

When you answer yourself to these questions, it is the turn of geometry. Not a subject from a high school curriculum, but the geometry of the arrangement of flower boxes, containers, pots and planters. When decorating a balcony with flowers, we advise you to follow the well-known rules:

  • On large balconies, you can safely combine all types of landscaping: horizontal, vertical and ceiling. Compositions in which large single flowers (lilies, camellias, peonies) are involved look great. Decorate your flower garden with a lawn, pebble flooring, a decorative fountain or pond, an alpine slide, evergreen shrubs or special varieties of fruit trees. In short, create! On a large balcony, it is advisable to use all its elements: walls, fencing, floor.

  • On small balconies, horizontal landscaping is usually used. For this, light plastic containers are suspended from the outside of the balcony railing, heavier pots and boxes are placed along the walls and railings. Marigolds and Chinese carnations are perfect for this type of flower beds. The height of low-growing varieties of marigolds is about 20 cm, they stop blooming only with the arrival of frost. Chinese carnation feels good in flower beds on balconies. Chinese carnation usually grows up to 30 cm in height, blooms all summer. This requires pruning at the end of July. Frequent feeding is not required. Poorly tolerates excess water in containers. Often, horizontal gardening is combined with ceiling gardening, in which the planters are suspended from the balcony ceiling. Do not forget to provide easy access to flowers for watering and caring for them.

  • On small balconies, the emphasis is on vertical flower beds. The containers are installed against the wall, the ropes are stretched to the ceiling, the "ladder" is mounted from the rails or net trellises are installed. Climbing them, climbing plants will quickly turn your balcony into a piece of paradise. Take kobei, sweet peas, beans for planting in a vertical flower garden. From climbing plants, girlish grapes look great.

For planting flowers, use all the possibilities: boxes, pots, pots. The containers are chosen so that the flowers have enough space and soil.

Lightweight, but strong, plastic boxes are best used for placement on the outside of the balcony railing. It is recommended not to plant flowers in one long box - when watering, the weight of the structure will increase and the fastening may not be able to cope. In such cases, several relatively small boxes up to one meter long are used.

It is believed that plants "live" more comfortably in clay boxes, flowers can "breathe" in them, and moisture stays longer. But such boxes have a significant weight, and it is better to use them for floor placement.

Advice. Place new clay boxes in water for two hours before using. This is an old way of displacing air bubbles from the clay, which is done to give the box more strength.

Buy only crates with small holes in the bottom. So excess moisture will not accumulate in them.

The best option is to use pallet boxes. "Excess" water will leave the box, accumulate on the pallet and create a greenhouse effect in the sun. And it will not flow down. It’s unpleasant, after all, instead of words of admiration, to hear from passers-by, on whom water is dripping from your boxes, something offensive: “They hung it up here!”.

Perfect for flower beds pots. They must be fixed to the ceiling or from the inside of the balcony. Externally mounted planters can be damaged by gusts of wind.

Feel free to buy durable boxes and pots in the most inexpressive colors. They must have the main quality - durability. You can decorate them with your own hands in any style you like.

It is very important to choose the right soil for flowers. The soil can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. For this, coarse sand, sod layer of earth and humus (peat) are used in equal proportions. A layer made from an elastic cloth for washing dishes or a piece of rug is placed in the flower box, which can accumulate water, and then gradually release it into the ground. Then we pour a layer of sand - this is a layer of peat and sod soil is poured on top, from which weeds are removed.

The soil level should be a couple of centimeters below the edge of the box. If you poured too much soil, the water will wash away when watering.

Important! Every year, before planting flowers, the top layer should be removed and a fresh one should be laid instead. Fertilizers are applied only after replacing the topsoil. Try to use long-lasting fertilizers. Check the sequence of fertilization with seed sellers.

Choosing flowers

The most crucial part of preparing for the creation of a flower garden. Pay attention immediately to the height of the plants - it is indicated on the packages. Otherwise, tall and powerful plants will "strangle" the weaker ones. It can't be helped, struggle for survival.

Do not try to put many seeds in one box in the soil. They will grow up, but frail and weak. In a 1-meter box, it is optimal to plant up to 10 flowers in two rows. True, you must take into account what kind of flowers you are planting. You can combine and plant one row of falling, and for the second, choose taller plants.

Considering the height of the flowers, we must not forget about the color combination. Excessive diversity of the flower garden will not decorate your balcony. Check out these possible combinations:

Choose the color combinations that you like, not losing sight of the difference in flowering time of plants. With time and experience, you will learn how to make flower arrangements that will change during the season, for example, tulips with crocuses and daffodils,

which are being replaced by begonias.

After planting flowers in boxes and pots, do not rush to send them to the balcony in direct sunlight. Most flowers do not like to take sunbaths, in addition, they must first be given time to get stronger. And for this purpose, let them stand a little in the shade. And flowers should be watered early in the morning or after sunset when the heat subsides.

Flowers for the balcony facing the sunny side

For a flower garden on a sunny balcony, sun-loving daisies are perfect,


They love the sun purslane, morning glory, mignonette, heliotrope (the name speaks for itself!), Sweet peas, ornamental beans.

Plant Viola (Pansies) in early May

and daisies, and your flower garden on the balcony will delight you with early flowering.

African agapanthus

and Indian canna, planted in large beautiful pots, will decorate your flower garden on a sunny balcony.

Flowers for a shaded balcony

For a flower garden on a shaded balcony, choose fuchsia,




For flower beds on the balconies located on the upper floors, and where the wind is stronger, opt for begonia, ageratum, marigolds, stonecrop.

On small balconies, mainly with vertical gardening, we plant petunias,


ampere varieties of lobelia,

winged tumbergia.

Plant an evergreen box tree, and plant a cineraria or violets on it in the spring. Believe me, your composition will be original and very beautiful.

If you enjoy this experience, try a more complex composition next year:

Success will undoubtedly inspire you, and you will want to develop it immediately. Then comes the stage of the "wise gardener" who knows a sense of proportion and can restrain his impulses. First of all, for the benefit of flowers and the whole flower garden. You have a small, but still a corner of wildlife on your balcony. And in nature everything is very intelligently arranged, even if we often do not understand this and consider the existing rules by which the strongest survive are cruel. Therefore, be guided by a sense of proportion and do not rush to plant flowers on the entire balcony at once. And do not be afraid of failures, they are inevitable in such a complex matter as growing flowers. Failures will be forgotten, and the reward in the form of constant communication with flowers, your joy from this communication and the joy of your loved ones, will always be with you. And it may well be that an absent-minded passer-by accidentally lifts his head, stops rooted to the spot, seeing your balcony, and says: “What a beauty!”.

Unfortunately, not all plants are suitable for the sunny side: so it is worth choosing the right flowers for your balcony There is one simple hint lying on the surface - on the sunny side you need to grow flowers that are not afraid of the aggressive sun. Namely, those that grow in southern cities, in flower beds, without any protection from the external environment.

Sunny side: what flowers to plant

If you have been to the resorts, you probably noticed the lush blooms of simple, but such bright, beautiful flowers. They also create a special atmosphere of the southern city. These are the plants that need to be grown on a sunny balcony. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the brightest representatives of this group.

Petunia is called the "queen of balconies": therefore, it is perfect for the sunny side

Flowers for the sunny side:

  1. Nasturtium... Easily tolerates the sun, it will bloom until frost. One of the most common drought-resistant plants. You can plant a low-growing species of nasturtium, but some people also like the tall representatives of this plant, reaching several meters in length.
  2. Geranium... There are representatives of this species that tolerate heat well. This is a zonal or ivy geranium. True, the latter does not like the wind.
  3. Petunia... Take the kind of petunia that is characterized by small-leaved forms, if you like ampelous petunias, they do not like the wind. Typhoon is the best for balconies and loggias.
  4. Purslane... Suitable ground cover plant, very easy to care for. It will bloom from July to the end of September. This flower grows on light sandy soil, loves the sun so much that after it sets it simply closes.
  5. Snapdragon. A non-capricious flower that easily tolerates heat. It is distinguished by its amazing colors, interesting shape. It will bloom from the end of May until the coldest days.

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One of the main disadvantages of zoned geranium is an unpleasant odor

These are, of course, not all flowers. This list can include begonia, phlox, gailardia, stonecrop, cymbalaria, etc.

What flowers to plant on the balcony (video)

Indoor plants for the south balcony

Among this list of colors, and it will be large, you can highlight those that require minimal maintenance.

Kalanchoe grows in the tropics and subtropics: that is why it is not affected by the sun's rays

Such plants will perfectly take root on the southern balcony.:

  • Abutilon;
  • Echeveria;
  • Passionflower;
  • Myrtle;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • Cacti;
  • Equivalent bell;
  • Clivia;
  • Bougainvillea, etc.

On the southern balcony, the water from the containers evaporates quickly, and even if you know that the plant is completely unpretentious, keep a spray bottle with water in place to give the flowers nutritious moisture.

Flowers for the balcony east side: what to choose

The peculiarity of the eastern side is that it receives its sun in the morning (and the western, for comparison, in the evening). The gentle sun is a very good bonus for an amateur grower, and especially for a beginner who does not yet know all the nuances of growing flowers.

Geranium prevents weeds and other harmful plants from growing

Most popular plants for the east side:

  • Tuberous begonia;
  • Marigold;
  • Balsam;
  • Ageratum;
  • Geranium;
  • Petunias.

Dahlias, viola, asters, sweet peas, matiolla, lobelia, verbena will also feel great on the eastern balcony.

The higher the balcony, the lower the flowers should be so that the wind does not break their stems. A flower garden of low-growing varieties sometimes looks more impressive than a rich "multi-storey" flower garden.

Northern part: what to grow on this side

The north side has natural shading, so you shouldn't expect lush flower beds there. Do not try to plant a purslane on the north side - to no avail. But begonia and fuchsia will quite take root on such a balcony.

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Oleander has a mild and sweet scent

In order to somehow brighten up a not very active flowering, you need to choose plants with a variegated color.

Also suitable for the northern balcony:

  • Cissus;
  • Zebrina;
  • Oleander;
  • Aspedistra;
  • Tradescantia.

To somehow revive the background of the northern balcony, choose flowers with a bright color, for example, the vertical walls of ampelopsis or ivy.

Climbing plants for the balcony: what to choose

If the balcony is not glazed, you better stay on unpretentious, hardy plants. In order for the plants to look good, choose them according to the contrast principle - they should not merge with the wall.

It is best to combine various flowers on the balcony: this one will create a special, romantic interior

You can take ivy on the shaded balcony, it can easily endure even strong winds, but there is no frost resistance at all. But girlish grapes are good for everyone, so they will feel great on the northern balcony.

The southern balcony will be decorated with wisteria and climbing roses, but rather, they are good for the southern regions.

For a sunny, always well-lit balcony, you can choose: Chinese lemongrass, ornamental beans, morning glory, honeysuckle, actinidia.

Ampel plants for the balcony: what will give the balcony a zest

If we are talking about ampelous plants, then they can create a special atmosphere on the balcony. True, for this you need to be able to collect beautiful flower arrangements.


Balcony plants perform not only a decorative function, but also protect from city noise, save from the summer heat. With their help, you can create a unique cozy atmosphere. How beautiful the decorated balcony will be will depend on the correct choice of plants and compliance with the agrotechnical rules for caring for flowering plantations.

Features of balcony flowers

When bringing indoor flowers to the balcony, you need to know that not all of them do well in direct sunlight on the south side. Therefore, in order to avoid burning the foliage of home flowers, it is recommended to grow outdoor flowers that are suitable for the sunny side under the scorching sun.

When growing on a balcony, it is important to inspect the plants for pest infestation, because aphids can fly from the street.

Attention! Flowers require frequent watering as they absorb moisture quickly. For good growth and flowering, plants need to be fed.

The choice of varieties is very huge, so among such a variety it will not be difficult to choose what you need. However, when choosing, you need to build on such an important nuance as the location of the balcony or loggia.

For the south side, it is necessary to choose plants that are not afraid of the heat. These include lobelia, verbena, godetia.

If the loggia is on the north side, it is important to choose plants that can bloom without bright diffused lighting. It is preferable to pay attention to indoor plants: spathiphyllum, saintpaulia, fuchsia.

The balcony can be decorated only with climbing plants or ampelous flowers can be planted for the balcony, the photos and names of which can be found below.

Flowers for the balcony blooming all summer: photos and names

How beautiful it is to look at the balcony when it is buried in fragrant flowers all summer long. The territory can be decorated with petunias, surfinias, calendula can be grown in combination with ornamental herbs. Marigolds, lobelia, morning glory look beautiful.

Balcony plants blooming all summer include the following:

Petunia, surfiniya

Petunia, surfiniya are the most popular flowers for decorating balcony space. The hearts of flower growers were conquered by long flowering, huge sizes of simple and double flowers, varied colors, beautiful form of ampelous flowers, bush petunias.


What types are suitable for planting in containers and boxes:

  1. Ampel petunias should be planted in hanging pots or large flowerpots. Sowing for seedlings is carried out in the second decade of February.
  2. Multi-flowered bush petunias are suitable for horizontal design.
  3. Plants with one stem are not suitable for decorating loggias and balconies. A single stem with several flowers from the very top will look very ugly. To avoid the nuance, you need to pinch the top in time for the plant to start branching.

When planting petunias, it is important to adhere to the optimal plant placement scheme. In one pot, petunias should be 15x15 cm. Depending on the size of the container, flowers can be planted in one or two rows.

Balcony varieties: Pikoti, Hit Parade, Highlight, Hulahoop, Snow White, Storm.

Petunia varieties for the balcony


A beautiful plant that blooms all summer long. They bloom successfully on the sunny side and in partial shade. To prolong flowering, you need to remove faded inflorescences. A low-growing variety Gitana Fiesta, which does not exceed 30 cm, is suitable for growing on the balcony.

Calendula Gitana Fiesta

When creating compositions, bright pansies, wide bells of tulips, bulbous are suitable for calendula.

Calendula and pansies


A potted plant for the summer can be taken out on the balcony. An unpretentious plant quickly builds up its vegetative mass, some varieties thin out a pleasant aroma.


What flowers can be planted with pelargonium:

  • kufeyu;
  • red and white geranium;
  • petunia;
  • immortelle.

Abundant flowering of pelargonium is achieved with proper care and optimal conditions for keeping.

Flowers for the sunny side

The owners of the loggia from the southern part of the house are faced with the question: what flowers to choose for the balcony, because the sunny side is very hot. In this case, you need to pay attention to such varieties, the flowers and foliage of which would not suffer from the scorching rays of the sun.


The flower is suitable for growing on the sunny side. On the southern balcony, flowering begins in July and lasts until September. Sowing is carried out immediately to a permanent place. Seed germination - 100%.

Among the different varieties of nasturtium, one can find curly species, long vines that drape the walls, ampelous flowers.

Nasturtium on the loggia

Balcony flowers for the north side, photos and names

The north side is limited by sunlight, so choose your plants wisely. Saintpaulias, cyclamens, spathiphyllum and fuchsias are suitable for decorating the balcony. Indoor plants will look as good as annuals.


Violets are miniature, standard and ampelous (trailers). Thanks to the variety of varieties from Saintpaulias, you can create an incredible composition. In hanging pots, ampelous saintpaulias will look beautiful. Pots of miniature plants can be placed on a vertical rack fixed to the wall.

Photo: balcony violets


The fuchsia bush has flexible branches from which beautiful butterfly flowers fall on long peduncles. It is characterized by abundant and long flowering that can last all summer.

From the varieties bred as a result of breeding work with red, cream, snow-white, lilac and purple flowers, you can create a bright corner for relaxation. Flowers are good because each variety has a lower skirt that differs in color from the upper one.

The most unpretentious flowers for the loggia, photos and names

Everyone wants to make their balcony a cozy corner, because they really want to sit in silence and take a break from a hard day. Consider the most unpretentious balcony flowers: photos and names of which will be discussed below.


Yellow, orange, red marigold pompons are an essential feature of garden pots, summer containers and balcony boxes. Flowering begins in June and lasts until late autumn.

Marigolds can grow in full sun and partial shade. For growing on the balcony, you need to buy low-growing varieties that reach a height of no more than 15-20 cm.

Photo: Marigolds on the balcony

Curly balcony flowers, photos and names

The beauty of climbing plants is that one plant can decorate the space of a standard balcony.

A delicate plant with red flowers is planted on the balcony in early June. The flowers are like butterflies. Scourges of plants are characterized by rapid growth, quickly braiding the space provided to them. Red moths flutter beautifully in the breeze over the smooth foliage.

Photo: Decorative beans on the balcony

Sweet pea

Even the most skilled designers are delighted with the exquisite simplicity of sweet pea flowers, with delicate petals that thin the magical delicate scent. For decoration, it is better to take 3 varieties to play on the interweaving of different shades of foliage and flowers. Seeds can be sown in April, young plants are resistant to temperature extremes.

Photo: Sweet peas on the loggia

People call it a loach. It differs from its counterparts in the huge size of the flowers. Some varieties bloom flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. At the same time, you can plant different varieties: combine white morning glory with purple, red with white, yellow with green, and blue with purple. Flowering begins in July and lasts until late autumn.

Photo: Morning glory on the loggia

On a note!

The disadvantage of the plant is its instability to a drop in temperature.

How to place on the balcony

When decorating a balcony, you need to rationally use all the space. In creating a design, the geometry of the arrangement of pots and containers with flowers plays an important role.

  • On balconies with a small area, it is recommended to install vertical flower stands. In this case, stands with containers are installed near the walls, into which ready-made seedlings of balcony flowers are subsequently planted. During the creation of the composition, curly varieties are combined with ground cover. The result is a beautiful green carpet effect.

  • On medium-sized balconies, it is recommended to place flowers in a horizontal direction. Light containers with flowers are also hung from the railing. When decorating, it is important to remember that you should not fill the entire space, otherwise it will turn out too colorful.

  • On large balconies, it is possible to make all your dreams come true. The combined compositions look beautiful, where flowering plants coquettishly flaunt against the background of large-sized plants. A large area allows you to create a small lawn or alpine slide. The final touch to the completion of the composition will be the installation of a fountain, which will not only decorate the balcony and become pride.

When decorating a balcony, it is important to adhere to the advice of designers, but you should not give up your preferences either, because by making every effort, you can create a piece of paradise immersed in the greenery of flowers.