Lippia! Sweet plant to be eaten! Can be bred. Echinacea white swan

One of the main activities for obtaining high yields potatoes in the early stages, is the high-quality preparation and germination of seed tubers. Most effective ways Potato germination is combined (22 days in the light and 8 days in wet sawdust) and in the light.

Potato sprouting

The terms of germination of tubers vary from 20 to 45 days and depend on the storage temperature and germination conditions (temperature, light, air humidity, etc.). The optimal air temperature is over 10-15 degrees during the day, at least 5 degrees at night, and air humidity is 80-90%. An increase in temperature to 20 degrees and above leads to unproductive consumption of nutrients by the tubers for respiration and to excessive loss of moisture. It is very important that an elevated temperature is allowed only at the very beginning of laying tubers for germination: this allows you to quickly stimulate the transition of reserve substances into those suitable for growth and development of sprouts.

A very effective technique is sprouting with sprinkling of tubers with sawdust moistened with infusion of ash. Such germination accelerates tuberization and increases the yield of early-ripening varieties by 45-50%, and of mid-ripening varieties by 110-130%.

You can germinate tubers in boxes installed in stacks with gaps, in plastic bags with holes and in any other container. Potatoes should be laid in a layer of 2-3 tubers. With proper regulation of light, temperature and air humidity, after about a month, green, strong, short sprouts are formed on the tubers with nodules at the base and rudiments of roots.

Germination of potatoes in the light is carried out in lighted rooms, greenhouses, under canopies made of polyethylene film, as well as in open areas in boxes. Early spring sunlight largely eliminates surface infection in tubers, increasing field germination and reducing plant damage by diseases during the growing season. Studies have shown that the germination of potatoes in sunlight reduced the damage to sprouts by rhizoctoniosis (black scab) by 19.4%, by common scab - by 15.8%.

planting potatoes

Planting must be carried out with tubers weighing at least 25-40 g without signs of disease. To get over early harvest it is better to use medium and large tubers with a mass of 50-70 and 70-100 g, respectively. Planting should begin when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 7-8 degrees, germinated tubers are planted at a soil temperature of 5 degrees. It should be borne in mind that it is at this soil temperature that leaves begin to appear on birch trees or the first dandelion flowers, which is a signal for planting potatoes.

The depth of tuber embedding depends on the method of planting: in ridges or on a flat surface with subsequent ridge extension. Pre-cutting the ridges 5-8 days before planting ensures good drying and warming of the soil, provokes the germination of weeds, which are easy to destroy during planting. The tubers should be embedded in the ridges to a depth of 6-8 cm. When planted smoothly, the tubers are sprinkled with a layer of soil of 2-3 cm. This ensures better heating of the soil and tubers, while the shoots will be earlier and more friendly.

Potato and care

Caring for planting early potatoes comes down to loosening the row spacing in order to kill weeds, retain moisture and keep the soil loose. The first inter-row cultivation is usually carried out 5-6 days after planting, the rest - depending on the condition of the soil, the presence of weeds and weather conditions.

To protect against frost, seedlings are covered with soil by 3-4 cm. After frost, it is imperative to loosen the row spacing with harrowing. If the plants are still damaged by frost, you need to fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers. To protect potato plants from frost and get an earlier harvest, you can use polyethylene film or spunbond. However, it must be taken into account that a favorable microclimate is created under the shelter not only for the development of potato plants, but also for weeds.

Simple and accessible way to obtain an earlier harvest is to mulch the soil with peat chips with a layer of 3-4 cm.


Harvesting of early potatoes for food purposes begins when the tops are still green, the bulk of the tubers has reached a size of at least 5 cm in largest diameter and the yield of marketable tubers is 10-12 kg / 10 sq. m. Young potato tubers have a very thin and delicate skin, so it is best to transport them in rigid containers - baskets or boxes. In addition, every day you need to clean as many potatoes as will be sold on the same day.

Need a deep "dugout"

When caring for potatoes, you need to keep in mind one of them. biological feature: the higher the layer of soil above the tuber, the greater the number of stolons the plant forms. Therefore, one of the first and permanent methods of care is the creation of a high fertile layer above the tuber.

Help potatoes from weeds

Immediately upon the appearance of the first shoots, they must be sprinkled with a layer of soil of 5-6 cm. Potato shoots have a powerful growth force and quickly break through the poured layer. With this technique, we solve two more problems: we protect seedlings from possible frosts and sprinkle weed seedlings with earth. In the future, it is necessary to regularly hill potato plants with fertile and preferably moist soil, while leaving young and active leaves in sunlight. With an ordinary placement of tubers, the height of the ridge should reach 20-30 cm, with a mound planting method - 30-40 cm.

The first danger that potato seedlings are exposed to is frost. They can cross out all our efforts that we spent preparing the tubers for planting. If the plants freeze, then we will get the first harvest much later than planned.

To protect the bushes, in addition to sprinkling seedlings with dry soil, shelters with film and paper caps are possible. Paradoxically, weeds will also save seedlings from low temperatures. There were cases when potato plants were badly damaged in well-weeded beds during frosts, and yielded a crop two weeks later. But the less weeded ranks remained unscathed.

If the potatoes are still frozen, you must immediately water the plants. cold water. The resulting ice crystals will melt and will not cause tissue rupture.

Water and fertilizer for potatoes

Irrigation of potatoes gives a tangible increase in yield. Potato plants experience the highest demand for moisture during the period of intensive crop growth - in the budding and flowering phases. Therefore, in periods with a lack of precipitation, potatoes should be irrigated.

In the recommendations for the cultivation of early potatoes, they often write about top dressing. But in fact, this technique can even have a harmful effect on the crop and, especially, on its quality. The thing is that this culture has a very short growing season. Nitrogen added to top dressing will cause an increased content of nitrates in tubers. Potassium and especially phosphorus move poorly in the soil and do not have time to reach the root system of plants. So supplements will be useless. But when preparing the soil, it is necessary to make right amount mineral fertilizers.

Why do potato tubers turn black

Often boiled potatoes darken. Most often this is due to unbalanced use of fertilizers.

If darkening is observed from the side of the umbilical end (this is the place of attachment of the tuber to the stolon), then the plants were overfed with potassium. As a result, the concentration of chlorogenic and citric acid, which, oxidized in air, give a dark color to the pulp. The situation is corrected by the introduction of carbamide at a dose of 1 kg per hundred square meters.

If the entire surface of the tuber darkens, waterlogging of the soil and high nitrogen content are to blame. Phenolic compounds are formed in the tubers, which are also oxidized by air. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the measure when making nitrogen fertilizers- their dose should not be higher than 2 kg per hundred square meters.

Proper preparation of potato tubers

To get a rich potato crop, you need to protect plants from pests and protect against diseases. This is best done when preparing the tubers for planting and when the first shoots appear.

Wireworm fight

Among the enemies of potatoes, the most common in recent years are the larvae of click beetles, or the so-called wireworms. They can, with an average number of 6-8 pieces per 1 sq. m damage up to 65% of tubers. This usually manifests itself in the form of moves made in the tubers and yellow worms present there. The harmfulness of the larvae manifests itself mainly in the second half of summer with the beginning of the formation of tubers.

Established by scientific research. that the most effective technique in the fight against this pest is dressing the tubers before planting. Studies at the Institute of Plant Protection of Belarus showed that as a result of the treatment of tubers with protectants, their damage by wireworm decreased by 60-87%, and the yield increased by 25-50%.

For use in summer cottages and household plots, the Kruizer preparation is recommended. It is used at a dose of 20 ml per 1 liter of water. For 100 kg of tubers, 1 liter of the prepared solution is required.

"Trojan horse" for the Colorado potato beetle

In addition, potato plants, especially early ones, are the most delicious prey for colorado potato beetle. There are now quite a few effective means protection of potatoes from this pest. An example of this is the drug "Troy" and its analogue "Prestige Chameleon". These are drugs of complex action. They act against wireworms, all kinds of mites and caterpillars, and also have a preventive and curative effect against late blight and other fungal diseases. They can be used to treat tubers before planting, which allows you to reliably protect potato plants from pests and diseases for the entire period of growth. In addition, plants can be sprayed with solutions of these drugs in the future.

The drug "Prestige Chameleon" is used as follows: 10 g of the product must be dissolved in 600-800 ml of water and treated with 25-30 kg planting material using a sprayer. When processing with a working solution, the tubers are thoroughly mixed.

Prevent late blight on potatoes

Of the diseases, late blight is the most dangerous. Early potatoes are especially susceptible to it. For prevention, it is very important to process potato plantings as early as possible - when full shoots appear. In more detail, the conditions for the use of drugs are indicated on the packages of drugs, we will confine ourselves here to general information.

The treatment is best done with contact preparations mixed with systemic fungicides (doses are given in g or ml of the preparation per 10 liters of water and per 1 hundred square meters):

  • "Acrobat MC" -2;
  • Ridomil Gold MC - 2.5;
  • "Ordan" -2.5.

All subsequent treatments are carried out only with contact fungicides:

  • "Abiga Peak" - 30;
  • "Azofos, p.s." - 40-60;
  • Azofos, k.s. - 60-70;
  • "Pennkotzeb (tridex)" -16;
  • "Kuproksat" - 50;
  • "Polyazophos (PKS-2)", "Polyazophos-1 (PKS-2 + K)" -40-70;
  • "HOM-k" -30.

The second treatment is carried out after 8-10 days. The average number of treatments is 3-4.

New products have appeared in the trading network that are effective on potatoes: the Marshal complex preparation (2 g per 10 liters of water), biological preparation"Fitosporin M" (5 g per 10 liters of water).

colored potatoes

I have been growing for several years. different varieties potatoes, and Lately among them there were specimens with colored pulp - purple, blue and even red.

Started with Linzer Blau with a purple and pink-fleshed variety. Now my assortment has increased a little: I have purchased and tested several new colored varieties, which I want to briefly talk about.

"Foreigners" varieties of potatoes with colored pulp

Cranberry Red(red cranberry) - medium early variety, an oval tuber with a smooth red skin and pink-red flesh. It has a good, pleasant taste, does not discolour during cooking.

All Red(all red) - a mid-season variety with a delicate red color of the peel and pulp. His feature is drought tolerance. The tubers have a pleasant nutty flavor.

Explosion(explosion) - a new early ripe high-yielding variety. The tubers have blue flesh. Resistant to disease.

All Blue(all blue) - medium-late variety. Tubers of medium size, showy of blue color with purple pulp, well stored, high taste. The structure of the pulp allows it to be subjected to all types of cooking. To preserve the color, it is important that the potatoes do not boil soft.

Boro- mid-season variety. The tubers have blue flesh and a skin with a bronze sheen. Used raw in salads.

Domestic varieties of potatoes with colored pulp

At present, many breeding institutions are working on the creation of varieties of potatoes with colored pulp. In Russia, at the Institute. A.G. Lorkha, which is located in the Moscow region, was created and is already widely distributed mid-season variety with purple pulp Lilac. The tuber is round-oval, weighing 70-80 g. The yield is average, the lying-bone is good.

Among the latest innovations of Russian breeders is the Raspberry variety with red pulp, which does not lose its color during cooking and has a good taste.

Results of the experiment

I did not create special conditions during the testing of colored potato varieties, I did everything as usual. When planting in the holes, I apply a mineral complex fertilizer, during the season I spend weeding, hilling and watering.

The soil in my area is black soil with light loam. On it, colored varieties did not show good yields, there were an average of 7-8 tubers per bush, and small size. Only Explosion produced good large potatoes, which, by the way, looked more like red beet roots.

At the same time, colored varieties are considered to show good yields on fertile and more breathable soils with a light structure. Plants develop poorly high temperatures and lack of moisture.

What is the use

Why do we need potatoes with such pulp? Of course, purple or red puree is exotic, but is it necessary to engage in the most difficult selection work for the sake of such an effect?

The main value is the high content of antioxidants, which is associated with the pigment substances of anthocyanins. In our body, they are not synthesized, they come only with food. Anthocyanins bind free radicals, increase immunity and prevent premature aging of human cells.

In order not to lose the color of the pulp, potatoes of colored varieties should be boiled in their skins in salted water.


The potato is young, but very early

Someone just takes out potatoes for planting from the basement, while others are already laying out young crumbly potatoes on plates. Some are planting hectares, while others are planting pots. The only pity is that it cannot be cooked directly in the pan.

I have been planting early potatoes since 1970. She was forced by need, she became a widow very early, and she had three children in her arms. My husband and I lived for a long time in the Stavropol Territory, and when she was left alone with her children, she moved to her homeland - to the Smolensk region. There I was given 14 acres of land, so to speak, lifting. I developed them and began to plant potatoes, the seeds were first given by relatives, and then my own appeared. My salary at that time was 90 rubles (for comparison: an engineer received 210 rubles). And the children had to be fed, clothed, and that's when in the spring I decided to sell potatoes in the market. On the weekend, I went to the market early in the morning, and by 12 o’clock I had already sorted out all my potatoes! So all my life potatoes feed me.

I plant very early, in March I take it out of the basement. 2-3 buckets of potatoes, washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and laid out to dry in fruit boxes with ventilation holes. From time to time I sprinkle with water and sprinkle with ashes. On April 26, I already plant potatoes in the furrows, and they sprout three weeks earlier than the others. The first time I dig potatoes on June 18, the second time on June 22 and I bring a bucket to my relatives, on this day my daughter has a birthday, for the holiday there are always fresh young potatoes on the table. And the third time I dig for my birthday, July 1, but I dig constantly all summer.

I plant potatoes in the spring in the ground without manure. In the autumn, immediately after harvesting, I plant mustard on a potato bed, I don’t mow it before winter, but I dig up this bed with laid down mustard in the spring, make holes for potatoes and put a pinch of fertilizer for potatoes in each hole, then a little earth, potatoes on top and on it a handful of onion peel. Then I cover it with earth. If the soil is dry, then water after planting. I spud twice a season.

After planting, I sprinkle rows of potatoes with ash to scare away Colorado beetles. And during the summer I sprinkle ash two more times, maybe that's why last year Colorado didn't attack my potatoes at all. I never throw away the onion peel, I collect it all winter, and in the spring it goes to the potato ridge.

Last year, I planted potatoes record-breakingly early, on the third day after Easter, that is, on April 23. On June 18, I dug for the first time. Onion peel potatoes are clean and even. When I brought it to my relatives, my grandson said to me: “Grandma, no one has potatoes yet, you probably grow them on the balcony!” And I answer him: “You know, granddaughter, whoever gets up early, God always gives him, and water does not flow under a lying stone. Learn to get up early and work, then you will always have potatoes early!”


Directly in pots and buckets

I plant early potatoes in buckets, pots - and the result is always satisfactory. I use Red Scarlett. But in the bags, the potatoes let us down, the experiment ended in failure. This is for the lazy ones. Greasy green tops have grown, but there are no ovaries. But here's what I'm wondering: have our Russian sellers completely lost their conscience? After all, they sell seed potatoes for big money. Last spring it cost 30 rubles per 1 kg. They assured me that the variety was very good, I bought it, and as a result, there wasn’t even a single sprout, so I threw it all into the trash. 1500 rubles went down the drain. But for us, pensioners, this is a lot of money! In general, everything happens: both good and bad.

N.Romandina Kursk region

What prevents planting potatoes early? It is obvious. The fact that the soil has not yet warmed up properly. Eat folk way. Scatter coal dust directly on the snow. The sun will heat the black grains - and the snow will melt earlier.

The earliest potato

Now eating early potatoes in June is not a problem, all supermarkets are filled with it.

But its taste leaves much to be desired. So we thought: can we ourselves grow a crop of “second bread” so that it hits the table at the beginning of summer? How to do it? I would like an agronomist, preferably from a nearby area, to answer my question.

Vera Andreevna SHILOVA, Udmurtia, Glazov

Selection of planting material

To obtain an early potato harvest - in the second half of June - it is necessary to select a variety with a growing season from germination to the formation of full-fledged tubers in 50-65 days. Of course, such an early variety should be adapted to the region. You can learn this from reference literature or consult local gardeners in the market, who are the first to start selling potatoes. So, the well-known early variety Borodyansky pink gives stable yields regardless of weather conditions, has excellent taste, but is prone to diseases.

Always try to place 3-4 varieties, because the weather of the coming season is impossible to predict. And it happens that last year the variety proved to be high-yielding, and the next year it can fail.

One of the novelties that has proven itself well in our area is the early variety Colette. It stands out for its good yield and, most importantly, excellent taste. The high-yielding German variety Bellarosa with large tubers showed itself well. Although it is early, its tubers are perfectly stored. Not inferior to the German and our Siberian variety Alyona. It has beautiful, slightly elongated tubers with red skin and white flesh.

The Meteor variety, created by scientists from the Lorch Institute from the Moscow region, justifies its name: it is ultra-fast in maturation and at the same time gives a good yield. The tubers are large, the skin and flesh are yellow.

The leader in taste among foreign varieties remains El Mun-do. Its tubers after cooking have such a taste, as if they had added butter. But the most fruitful with large tubers and big amount under the bush you can recognize the Impala variety. For three seasons, we are also pleased with the German variety with the Russian name Natasha. This early potato is characterized by good yield, disease resistance, excellent taste and attractive taste. appearance tubers.

Hussar on horseback

New variety Gusar breeders from Belogorka ( Leningrad region) was bred with six different types of wild potatoes, famous for their "indifference" to various diseases. The hussar is resistant to cancer, nematode, viral diseases, alternariosis, rhizoctoniosis, scab, however, in relation to late blight, it has average indicators. The variety also tolerates drought well, does not attract the Colorado potato beetle, and is even able to resist weeds to some extent. The tubers are attractive, short-oval, yellow, the flesh is light cream. The taste is good. Tubers have a long dormant period; at a temperature of 3-5 degrees Celsius, they can be stored without germinating for up to 7 months.

Preplant preparation of early potatoes

After choosing a variety, you need to prepare the tubers, and it is better to start in the second half of March - early April. They should be on average weighing from 60 to 120 g - no larger chicken egg. Large potatoes are not suitable for planting, and I do not use cut ones as planting material at all. Extra wounds on the tuber always carry an additional risk of infection with viruses, bacteria, fungi, even with careful processing of sections. Planting material should be carefully examined, while all tubers with noticeable various sores are immediately removed.

After that, it is desirable to treat the potatoes with drugs for the prevention of diseases. Currently, there are a lot of different means intended for this purpose, including such well-known ones as Maxim and Prestige, which I used until, quite by accident, I made a discovery for myself: it turns out that we have developed an excellent drug in Russia "TMTD-plus". It is effective in the treatment of tubers from various bacterial, viral and fungal diseases of potatoes. “Additive” plus means that an immunomodulator and other substances have been introduced into the composition of the preparation, which significantly affect the increase in germination energy, and, consequently, accelerate germination, increase productivity and drought resistance. It is a pity that it is sometimes not easy to purchase this product, it is not available in all stores, but imported fungicides are present in almost every point of sale for gardeners.

The second drug that I really liked is Mival-Agro. It is a complex biological plant growth regulator based on living silicon. After one treatment of planting material, success is guaranteed for the whole season. The drug is packaged in a capsule

ly, you need to dilute one in 0.5 liters, and this amount is enough to spray 50 kg of seed potatoes. The same preparation is used to treat seedlings in the phase of 3-5 true leaves or during the period of plant budding. The solution for these purposes is prepared in the same way as for processing tubers before planting. The drug significantly increases germination and germination energy, stimulates root formation, increases resistance to adverse conditions cultivation: sudden temperature changes, spring return frosts, heat and drought. It also restores the development of plants after damage (hail, low temperatures), increases productivity up to 25-30%, improves product quality.


After the tubers are processed, we put them in boxes in one layer, we lay wet sawdust or peat on the bottom, however, you can use napkins or paper. The box must be placed on a bright window. The tubers will stay here for more than a month, during which time powerful, plump short light sprouts and a decent root lobe are formed. It is necessary to ensure that the sawdust is slightly damp. To do this, they need to be sprayed with water from a spray bottle from time to time. In mid-April, the boxes can be taken to the greenhouse, where it is no longer so cold, and the tubers will continue to develop until planting in the ground.

During the appearance of sprouts, pay attention to their shape: if they are not characteristic of the normal type (elongated, thin), then the tuber is affected by viruses and should be removed immediately.


In late April - early May, favorable weather usually sets in, the soil warms up well and prepared tubers of early potatoes can already be planted in open ground. It is better to prepare the soil for it in the fall, and in the spring - just loosen it slightly and start planting. I plant tubers according to the scheme 70 × 25 cm, I put a little humus and ash into the grooves. I carefully lay out the tubers and fall asleep with earth as soon as possible so that the tender sprouts and roots are not damaged by the sun. Planted tubers quickly begin to sprout, and if you do not have the opportunity to hide them from those who often visit our area in May spring frosts, For example, nonwoven fabric, then it is necessary to spud the shoots in the evening so that the shoots are completely underground.

In the future, carried out routine care: weeding, hilling, watering if necessary. The first nodules of fresh potatoes can be dug up in mid-June, and by the end of the month, you can safely harvest a full-fledged crop.

With the help of such simple tricks - the choice of an early variety, preliminary preparation seed tubers, competent germination - already at the beginning of summer you can enjoy delicious tubers of crumbly potatoes grown on your own plot.

The agronomist Alexander Vasilyevich LUKSHIN answered the reader's question, Mordovia, p. Elniki


In preparing the article, the advice of potato growers was used:

  • Alexander Vasilyevich LUKSHIN, Mordovia, p. Elniki
  • Nikolai Petrovich BORISENOK, agronomist, Brest
  • : Growing potatoes using the technology of natural, ...
  • : Soil for growing early potatoes...

GROWING STREPTOCACTUS - FLOWERING HOUSE PLANTS Save so as not to lose! In addition to the beloved violet in the Gesneriaceae family, there is another very popular indoor plant - streptocarpus. In beauty, the flowers of streptocarpus are not only not inferior to violets (saintpaulia), but can also compete with them. And it is streptocarpus that has a real yellow color of flowers, which Saintpaulias do not have. Unlike violets, up to 10 peduncles appear from the axils of one streptocarpus leaf, each of which has 1-2 flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, with a long tube. Streptocarpus are quite unpretentious, therefore, for successful maintenance and reproduction, a few very simple rules should be followed. Temperature Streptocarpus are more heat-loving houseplants than violets. Optimum temperature content - 25-27 degrees. Just like saintpaulias, streptocarpus are afraid of direct sunlight, and if you have plant pots on the south side of the window, you should shade the plants. Light Streptocarpus grows well, develops and blooms both in natural light and in artificial light. When grown on a windowsill in autumn and winter, plants require additional lighting if you want them to bloom year-round. When growing streptocarpus on racks with artificial lighting, the length of daylight hours for successful year-round flowering should be at least 14 hours. Humidity Streptocarpus are very fond of spraying, and it is better to do this at night with settled boiled or distilled water. Humidity should be in the range of 50-70%. Watering In summer, watering a houseplant is plentiful, in winter - moderate. IN winter time for streptocarpus, a low temperature (12-14 degrees) is preferable. Plants should be watered from above with well-settled soft water, since streptocarpus are very sensitive to hard water. Streptocarpus tolerate overdrying well, and excessive watering leads to root rot. Therefore, after overdrying the earthy coma, the houseplant should be watered gradually, in small doses without spraying. Reproduction of streptocarpus: Vegetative propagation of streptocarpus Streptocarpus reproduce very easily vegetatively: a fragment of a leaf 3-5 cm long, slightly pointed lower part, place in a pot with a light earthen mixture. Put sphagnum moss on top. The method of propagation of streptocarpus with a "toaster" is widely known. To do this, remove the central vein from a 4-5 cm long leaf plate and place both halves of the leaf in the soil, which is very similar to two pieces of bread in a toaster. Soon, "babies" appear along the cut, which should be planted from the mother liquor. After 2-3 months, the young plant will be ready to bloom. Propagation of streptocarpus by seeds You can propagate streptocarpus from seeds using Jiffi-7 peat humus tablets sold in stores. It is enough to put the tablet in a glass of water, as it swells, it turns into miniature pot for planting young rosettes, any seeds, etc. Thanks to the unique set of nutrients contained in this relatively small pot, we have the possibility of almost 100% rooting of leaf cuttings and seed germination. At the same time, the period of germination and rooting is significantly reduced, the plants are stronger and begin to bloom much earlier and more abundantly.

My experience will be useful to those gardeners who have heavy land for growing potatoes. Having tested various varieties on loamy soil, I selected the most delicious, healthy and productive ones. I want to focus on the top five of the 150 varieties tested in 2014 and 2015.

Potatoes are my love, my hobby. It is interesting for me to observe varieties created more than a hundred years ago and completely new, foreign and domestic.

The soil will show

An old variety from America, Russet Burbank, which is over a hundred years old, grows with me next to the Russian novelty Zhukov's Anniversary. They kind of compete among themselves, whose potatoes are better. It happens that the old variety outdoes the novelty and will give a rich harvest of large, beautiful tubers. But newcomers are not inferior to their predecessors.

At the same time, my long-term experience has shown that varieties of domestic selection are still inferior to foreign ones. For two recent years several foreign varieties exceeded all my expectations. I want to tell you a little about them. Again, we take into account the characteristics of the soil of my site, but the land is problematic for most gardeners in the country.

News that didn't disappoint

After reading about the El Mundo variety, that it has a truly royal taste, of course, it caught fire to purchase it. Cherished nodules came to me by mail in the spring of 2014. Also purchased some new excellent characteristics. I grew all my 150 varieties according to the same scheme.

Variety El Mundo, according to the descriptions, is a gardener's dream. It is valuable because it is suitable for all types of soil. And the high resistance to late blight and scab only adds points to it. I made my first harvest of El Mundo on the 45th day after full emergence. The tubers were oval, with yellow skin and light yellow flesh. The average weight is 110-140 g. And the taste of El Mundo did not deceive.

bafana- mid-late variety, also suitable for growing on all types of soil. Tubers quickly gain mass and form a strong peel. Tuber with small eyes. The skin is yellow, the flesh is white. Weight 100-150 g.

Colombes- ultra-early, the first digging can be done on the 45th day after germination. Tubers with small eyes. The skin and flesh are yellow. Tuber weight up to 130 g.

Bettina- mid-early variety, oval tuber with small eyes. The peel is yellow, the flesh is light yellow. The mass of tubers is on average 90-140 g.

panther- productive, oval tuber with small eyes. The peel is yellow, the flesh is light yellow. Weight 90-120 g.

When digging under each bush of these varieties, on average, there were from 18 to 25 tubers.

Health and storage

I haven't noticed any diseases on these varieties for two years. According to the authors-breeders, they are resistant to the causative agent of potato cancer and the nematode, moderately resistant to late blight.

I store all the potatoes in a rustic cellar with little ventilation, in wooden boxes. In the winter of 2014-2015, I did not notice any losses on these varieties. At the same time, in other varieties, tubers affected by late blight were rejected.

Taste Report

The most important thing is the taste. And here the potato can argue with the proverb "There are no comrades for the taste and color." Boiled, crumbly, it will appeal to most people.

Potato varieties El Mundo boiled in the "uniform". I was very surprised: it was as if butter had been added to it. The pulp is starchy, crumbly. In ten years of testing various varieties of potatoes with such a taste, I have not yet had. No wonder it is called a variety with royal taste.

Variety Bettina does not crumble during cooking and has a whole appearance, with dense pulp and good taste.

Bafana is probably the most crumbly of these varieties and very tasty.

Colomba and Panter were medium-boiled when cooked and also had a tasty, slightly dense texture. The starch content in these varieties is from 11 to 16%.

By the way, potato care is normal. Just before planting, I treat the tubers with a disinfectant. When planting, I apply complex fertilizer to the wells.

Potatoes on the scales

  • For ten years of experiments, more than 400 varieties of potatoes have passed through my site. Tried Dutch, American, domestic varieties. The advantages of foreign selection is that it offers a huge number of new varieties with excellent qualities. In Russia, unfortunately, there are few institutions that create good varieties.
  • Nevertheless, I have been growing the Charodey variety for five years now, and I am very satisfied. The bush is powerful, the tubers are large, the tops are green until late autumn and supply the tubers. nutrients. From two bushes of the Wizard, I collect almost a bucket of potatoes. I want to highlight the mid-season varieties Yubilei Zhukova, Velikan, Golubyzna, the early variety Zhukovsky.
  • The sensational Tuleevsky variety in my area showed a meager yield - only 3-4 tubers from a bush, and the nearby growing Sorcerer had 20-25 tubers. Also, gardeners talked a lot about the Restored Lorch variety. I liked the taste of it, but it keeps very average. Perhaps because of the soil.
  • At the same time, among the minuses of many imported varieties, I note slyness - in the third year of the crop they almost do not give.

Alexander Lukshin, With. Elniki,

I became interested in Tladianta many years ago, dreaming of acquiring this rare unusual plant with useful features.

Tladianta dubious(Thladiantha dubia) - the only winter-hardy perennial species among other heat-loving representatives of the genus Tladianta, belonging to the pumpkin family.
Tladianta doubtful is a powerful herbaceous vine with edible fruits. In nature, it grows in Russian Far East and in Northeast China.

In the works of I.V. Michurin, I read that Ivan Vladimirovich wanted to use Tladianta in breeding. He planned to create perennial pumpkin crops with her participation. For example, perennial cucumber and perennial watermelon, it's nice to have such plants on your site.

I began to look for planting material tlandianta. In one of the magazines, I came across an article by a vegetable grower from Lipetsk with the title "You won't forget Tladianta." After correspondence with the author, I managed to get a few nodules of this plant, grow and propagate Tladianta.

At first, I also became interested in this culture for breeding purposes, to create perennial pumpkin crops -, and. But my experiments did not give any results.

Tladianta dubious has been growing on my site for over 20 years. The main thing that I can say about this liana is, yes, you really won’t forget the tladianta ...

Disadvantages and advantages of dubious tladianta

At first, knowing little about this liana, I took for tladianta the best place on his site, where he planted her nodules. But in the end, after a few years, this plant became malignant with me.
The fact is that tladianta has tuberous roots - it forms tubers in the soil, like in. This creeper has yellow-skinned, oval-shaped tubers. For the garden season from each mother plant tladianth dubiously sprout roots in different sides, as a result, daughter tubers are formed within a radius of up to 2 meters. And you need to be careful when digging up these tubers: if even a tiny part of it remains in the soil, it will again grow into a powerful vine and give a large offspring of new tubers.

I had such a case. The dug-out tubers of dubious tladianta lay in a bucket for almost the whole summer, drying in the sun. But as soon as they were poured out on moist soil in the fall, green shoots soon appeared.

Yes, this climbing plant can be very weedy in the area. The disadvantage of tladianta is the rapid growth of tuberous roots in the soil over long distances. But it is worth planting Tladianta tubers in some kind of container, thus limiting their distribution, and then the plant will not “run away” anywhere. It is possible to isolate the area with planted tladianta tubers by digging sheets of iron or slate along its edges (to a depth of 50-60 cm).

The leaves of the tladianta are heart-shaped; they have pubescence. Therefore, when touched, the leaves stick to clothing and even just to open skin. However, there is no harm from this - tladianta leaves are not poisonous and do not burn, but simply stick like Velcro.

But dubious tladianta has not only disadvantages, but also advantages. Tladiantu was called the "red cucumber", and the planting material of this plant was in great demand.
Powerful shoots of dubious tladianta, reaching 5 meters in length under favorable conditions, grow very quickly (several centimeters per day), forming a large green mass. Tladianta, thanks to its violent growth and rough shoots with antennae, actively rises in height and curls any support. In just a month, an overgrown vine can completely cover a vast space with greenery - cover everything that is next to it. Therefore, the tladianta is used as a way to create green arches and verticals in the garden and vegetable garden with its help, as well as to cover the unsightly corners of the garden with greenery. Liana blooms from July to September.

I use the tladianta as a one, which, with its long shoots with powerful growth, is able to quickly decorate the wall of the house, the fence, the gazebo, the arch, the figured supports of various configurations.
Just imagine how this powerful vine with shoots up to 5 m looks, hung with bright ripened fruits - “red cucumbers”. And, besides, in our region this plant winters without problems, has no pests and diseases.
One could say that the dubious tladianta is just a treasure for the gardener and gardener. But not everything is so great here.

The ripened fruits of the tladianta are red, small (from 2 to 5 cm), similar to miniature cucumbers. But on top of its fruits are pubescent, and not everyone will like them. After ripening, the tladianta fruits become sweeter, their taste is something unusual - it resembles a mixture of pumpkin and exotic plants, like baked pumpkin with notes of and.
You can use green unripe fruits tladiantes just like regular cucumbers.

But even with the fruiting of this vine, not everything is so successful, due to the fact that the tladianta is a dioecious plant. And in our region, local insects refuse to visit the yellow medium-sized (2.5 cm) Tladianta flowers. Therefore, in order to obtain fruits, it will be necessary to carry out artificial pollination of flowers in the summer: you need to manually transfer pollen from male flowers to female ones. Broad-bell-shaped male flowers dubious tladianths with recurved petals are placed in racemose inflorescences, and flat female flowers are located singly.
Often, fruits can be tied to tladianta without pollination, but there will be only a few of them on the shoots. In the ripened fruits small full-fledged seeds are formed.

In the photo: blooming tladianta; Liana tladianta decorates the wall

Tladianta in medicine

Tladianta refers to medicinal plants.

Ripe tladianta fruits - red "cucumbers" - normalize blood pressure.
From the flowers, tladianths brew a healing one and drink it for a cold.

Tladianta tubers are also used for medicinal purposes. When boiled, their taste resembles potatoes with peas, only with bitterness. Tladianta tubers are used as a lactogonal (enhancing milk production in lactating women), as well as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

Reproduction and cultivation of tladianta

Tladianta propagates quickly and easily - both by seeds and tubers.
Seeds are sown for seedlings in April, then the seedlings are planted in cups.

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In the countryside household plot is an integral part of every family's life. So, from childhood, from spring to autumn, I was engaged in garden work: beginning with spring training soil, planting and sowing - and before weeding with irrigation and, of course, before harvesting.

In rural areas, it is impossible to imagine a farm without its own garden.

Plants have become my passion. I was educated as an agronomist, but with the collapse of the USSR, collective farms and state farms collapsed in the village, and my profession became unclaimed. Therefore, he began to grow plants on his home acres.

At first, everything was grown for their own needs and to decorate the site. ornamental plants. Subsequently, the whole family began to engage in reproduction and the sale of planting material.

Potato varieties Irbitsky

Now we are professionally engaged in the cultivation of high-quality planting material of seed potatoes. Every year we test various novelties of high-quality potatoes. We plant more than 120 varieties, we select the best ones in terms of yield, taste and disease resistance and offer them to customers.

Potato varieties Galaxy

For example, in the 2016 season, potato varieties Irbitsky, Lux, Mayak, Natasha, Sarovsky, Charodey, Alena, Fritella, Yubilei Zhukova have proven themselves well on our site.

Potato varieties Zhukovsky early

We were among the first to propagate and offer customers dietary varieties of potatoes with red and purple flesh: these are the varieties Cranberry, Explosion, Purple Majesty, Russian Blue, Boro.

Sarovsky potato variety

In addition, we are interested in rare and unusual vegetable crops. For example, the amazing baby melon Vietnamese is small, on average, about the size of a goose egg, but beautiful, fragrant and tasty. Or the Golden Vilent cucumber, which strikes with unusual fruits. They are long and white, with a length of 10 cm they have a thickness of no more than 1 cm and have a rare sweetish taste, which children will undoubtedly appreciate.

Dug-out potato bush of the Charodey variety

Another popular crop is the onion. We grow shallots or, as many people call it, family shallots. From different corners Russia collected different kinds of this onion: according to the shape of the bulb - from round to long, according to the color of the husk - from white to dark red.

Varietal pea pods

We deal not only with vegetables, but also fruit crops. We offer amazing varieties of currant - black with berries without seeds or with berries of emerald green color.

Many varieties amaze with the properties, size and weight of berries. For example, the fruits of the red currant of the Marmeladnitsa variety hang on a bush until frost, without losing their qualities.

There are amazing varieties of strawberries: for example, the Dutch variety Panberry with white berries will decorate any table. And the zemklunika Kupchikha is distinguished by a peculiar large berry of a flattened shape with the aroma of strawberries and a unique taste of wild strawberries. About these varieties, you can say: "When the Dutchman turns pale, the Merchant turns red."

Kalina Buldenezh

To decorate the site, we grow various ornamental shrubs. For example, the amazing Clematis is burning - unpretentious, winter-hardy, originally from Siberia. The rhizome winters in the soil, and in the spring powerful shoots-lianas up to 3 meters in height quickly grow. In the middle of summer, the entire bush is covered with small, no more than 2 cm in diameter, white fragrant flowers. They are so densely packed that the whole bush looks like one solid white cloud.

blooming clematis stinging

stands out early flowering Forsythia. In the spring, when there are still few colors on the shoots that have not come to life from hibernation, yellow flowers- there are so many of them that the whole bush seems to be decorated with yellow paint.

In the middle of summer, the time comes for the flowering of the mock orange bush, in our area it is called street jasmine. And indeed, during flowering, a wonderful smell of jasmine emanates from it for several meters around. In our garden, there are several varieties of mock orange - with ordinary and double flowers, and in the Suzdal variety, the leaves from spring to late autumn have a yellow-whitish color, which gives them a high decorative effect.

The warm summer is quickly flying by in our area, and winter is coming. On long cold days we miss our green pets so much! And so they took up indoor gardening. We are currently growing indoor lemons different varieties: from the most common (Pavlovsky, Meyer, Panderose) - to little-known varieties (Florentina, Kammune, Variegated).

Meyer indoor lemon

Next to lemons, tangerines, oranges and pomelo, pomegranate, figs, muraya and rosemary coexist well. Green pets delight us both in the garden, in the garden, and in the house, warm the soul and give their fruits.

We offer potato planting material, seedlings and seeds of which you can purchase directly on this website. We have been distributing planting material by Russian Post for over 15 years. We have accumulated a lot of experience in packaging, so all plants reach every corner of Russia in excellent condition - from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin.

Alexander Vasilyevich Lukshin, agronomist

We invite everyone to get acquainted with the collection varieties of the Elnikovsky Garden farm.