Beds of constant flowering from perennials. Beds of continuous flowering of perennials

Any owner of a summer cottage sooner or later thinks about how to decorate his territory. The easiest way is to create a flower bed of perennials. For novice gardeners, creating a continuous flowering flower bed will not be so difficult. At the same time, it will become the main pearl of the site and its decoration. To do this, you just need to know some of the nuances of planting.

Creation of a flower garden and selection of plants

Before choosing perennial flowers for a flower bed, you need to decide where such a garden will be located. Everything here will depend on the size of the suburban area or front garden, as well as on how the territory is built up. For example, if the house is in the background, and there is a large free area in front of it, you can make the flower bed oval, round or curly, located in the center of the yard or framing the driveway.

To create such a flower bed, you can combine hyacinths, tulips and imperial hazel grouses. And so that such a creation will delight the owners and guests with its decorativeness not only in the warm season, the composition can be supplemented with hosts, different types of steep sap, ornamental yarrow and other cold-resistant plants.

For a small summer cottage, a flower garden, which will be located near the house, will become a real salvation. When choosing this option, it will be possible to plant low-growing plants in the background:

  • Clematis.
  • Delphiniums.
  • Lupins and other vines.

Hosts can be planted in the center of the composition, which retain their decorative effect until the first frost. The foreground can be filled with ground cover plants: subulate phlox, as well as others.

The selection rules are very simple: you only need to select plant species that are similar in terms of the same requirements for soil composition, degree of illumination, abundance and frequency of watering.

Classification by the degree of difficulty of care

To avoid difficulties in caring for the selected plants, you need to focus on your experience as a gardener. In order for flower beds from perennials to please with bright flowering with their own hands, the plants must receive proper nutrition and care. According to the level of their exactingness, the plants used to create flower beds can be divided into several groups:

Bright color accents

So that the front garden is always pleasing to the eye, and did not give the impression of a flower chaos, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of shades of plants you need for a flower bed of continuous flowering of perennials. In this case, it is recommended to draw the planting scheme with colored pencils, coloring the schematic image of the future flower garden and assessing the compatibility of tones. After that, you can take into account the generalized scheme of shades of the main decorative deciduous perennials:

Of course, this is not the whole list of perennials that are suitable for creating a flower bed of constant flowering. Such a garden can be supplemented at your discretion, focusing on the classification of flowers according to the degree of their unpretentiousness. As a result, you will receive flower beds from perennials in their beauty, which will not be inferior to compositions, created by the best landscape designers.

Creating a flower bed scheme

When you have decided on the choice of plants, you need to draw a diagram of the future flower garden. So it will be much easier to determine the shape, size, location relative to the main building. In order to be able to quickly and easily transfer the finished project to the land plot in the future, it must be divided into separate squares. The same procedure will have to be done for the entire site, choosing the appropriate scale. This will make it much easier to determine the specific location of the flowers. Areas on the ground can be marked with pegs connected by with each other with ropes, or lime powder.

Features of multi-tiered landings

A multi-level flower bed allows others to admire its beauty from absolutely any angle. At the same time, the plants themselves receive maximum sunlight. To get a round or oval flower bed of perennials, tall plants, such as delphiniums or mallow, must be placed in the center. You can surround these flowers with asters, hosts, as well as other flowers that differ in average height. You can complete the picture with cover low plants.

For rectangular flower beds or plantings that border various buildings, tall flowers should be placed in the background. Some of them can be placed on the sides as an original accent.

It must be borne in mind that the plants will grow gradually. That is why it is necessary to leave a vital space for them, temporarily filling in such gaps with bright annual flowers: nasturtiums, marigolds, zinnias.

Garden for different seasons

You can also make continuous flowering flower beds for different seasons. Here it is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the requirements for plant care that will be used to create a flower garden:

If you need a simple, but at the same time spectacular flower bed of continuous flowering or a bed of perennials, schemes prepared by specialists will help you completely transform your summer cottage.

The easiest option

Pink astilba and paniculate phlox will add pink-purple blotches to the composition. Paniculate phlox should be planted in mid-March or early September. For this, well-drained soil is used. Pink astilba is planted with the onset of spring, and to maintain long-term flowering, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and apply top dressing.

The daylily will bring purple notes to the garden. Plants are planted in early spring. For planting, loam enriched with organic matter and a drainage layer is used.

The lavender-silver geyher will add originality to the flower bed. To maintain the decorative effect of this plant, it is necessary to plant it in light soil. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the drainage.

Purple gorgeous geraniums, which are distinguished by their lush bloom, can complete the picture of an ideal flower bed of continuous flowering.

For a brightly lit area

To arrange a beautiful flower bed for a brightly lit area, you need to pick up some open place, by no means along the fence. The catchment area will be the first to bloom on such a flower bed, which can please the eye with its original bells already in April. These plants are followed by fragrant hybrid tea roses. Fiery notes can betray Gaillardia and daylilies to a flower bed. These flowers will decorate the flower garden in early May, until the end of August.

With the arrival of June, the sunflower blooms, and in July the scarlet lavater, which grows up to one and a half meters in height, will delight the eye. Only the background plant, miscanthus chinese, can rival its beauty. Undersized thyme and sage can act as a border.

Creating complex compositions

Complex flower beds represent whole multi-level compositions, for the creation of which you will need multi-tall, multi-flowering, including ever-flowering, shrubs and flowers.

Plants in regular beds must be planted in a strictly defined order based on a well-defined geometric shape. At the same time, it is necessary to observe symmetry and correctly distribute cultures into several groups. All flowers should bloom at the same time, creating some kind of complex pattern. Such flower beds for a summer cottage are not a very good choice, since at the end of flowering, the flower bed will have to be updated.

The arrangement of alpine slides requires certain skills and a lot of time. To decorate it, stones of various sizes, pebbles, coarse gravel and sand are used. The flowers are surrounded by decorative moss, which is the main component of the slide. For the device of a slide in the country, it is necessary to use dwarf trees and shrubs.

Another complex type of flower bed is cascading flower beds. At the same time, flowers are planted in open stands made of stone, plastic and pipes of various diameters and other materials. Such stands should be placed near the walls of a building or on a terrace in the shade.

The formation of carpet beds is considered another difficult option for arranging a summer cottage. This type of flower garden needs a large space, so it will not work for a small area. Besides, a gardener must have a lot of experience to correctly design a pattern and pick up plants. Quite often, dwarf cultures are used to create patterns, and the more there are, the more colorful the drawing will turn out. Let it be a teapot, a heart, or geometric shapes, for example.

In order to correctly form flower beds from annuals or perennials, it is necessary to prepare the layout of the future flower garden in advance. It is also necessary to constantly take into account the similar needs of the plant that will be used in creating such a composition.

It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage without a bright flower garden. You don't have to be an experienced landscape designer to enjoy the riot of colors throughout the warm season.

Principles of flower garden formation

Before proceeding with the improvement of the territory of the dacha, you need to familiarize yourself with the fundamental principles of flower bed design.

The shape and location of the flower bed in the country affects the choice of plant height. A strict and narrow bed-bed is often filled with plants with the same height within 15-40 cm. For a round flower bed, a flower bed scheme with tall plants in the center is suitable, then medium-sized specimens are planted, the outer circle is formed by undersized species. A mixborder near a fence or a building wall is also equipped with plants of various heights, but according to a different principle: in the background there are flower beds - tall flowers or neat shrubs with a gradual transition to medium-sized, and then stunted species.

For beginners, in order to arrange a harmonious flower garden in the country with their own hands, they should first draw up or select a suitable scheme indicating the landing zone for each species. This will facilitate the calculation of the need for planting material and the entire process of improving the flower garden.

Flowering Period Information

Beds of continuous flowering transform the cottage, making the site attractive all season. A key condition in drawing up schemes for such a flower bed is the regular presence of at least one flowering species. For the correct configuration of the scheme, you need to familiarize yourself with the timing of the flowering of plants:

Types of flower beds and choice of location

The place for the flower garden is determined based on its shape. A flower bed in the country can take on various shapes, the following types are most common:

With the correct drawing up of a flower garden scheme, even primitive plantings can look spectacular and attract admiring glances. When choosing a flower bed scheme, it is preferable for beginners to stop at irregular flower beds, such as a mixborder or an alpine slide. The accumulated experience will allow in the future to start decorating regular flower beds at the dacha, where a strict geometric pattern is achieved by selecting plants with the same flowering time and observing a certain interval between planting.

A variant of a mixborder made from thuja, David's buddlea, zinnia, goldenrod and purple echinacea will help to attract butterflies.

The optimal place for a flower garden is a plot that is well visible from all sides of the summer cottage. Multi-level plantings are usually arranged near walls or a fence, an arabesque flower bed will become an original decoration of the lawn, for beginners it is better to practice on an alpine slide.

Comment! Shaded and well-lit places are marked on it when forming a flower bed scheme for a certain area in summer cottages. This will help to properly complement the flower garden, providing the plants with optimal conditions for development.

Flower bed preparation

To calculate the required number of seedlings, the flower garden scheme is divided into squares with a conditional side of 1 m.After that, the area occupied by each species is calculated. The resulting value is divided by the average planting rate per 1 m 2:

  • large stands with a height of 1.0-1.2 m - 2-3 pcs.;
  • medium-sized flowers from 40 to 90 cm in height, 4-6 pieces are enough;
  • with a plant height of 20-40 cm, 7-9 specimens are planted in a flower garden per 1 m 2;
  • for dwarf flowers from 5 to 20 cm, the norm is 16-20 pcs.

To transfer the flower bed scheme to the dacha site, the contours of the planting are marked with sawdust, sand or chalk. Before that, the earth is dug to a depth of 0.4 m, all weed roots and the top layer of sod are removed. Specially prepared soil is poured on top for the flower garden.

An example of a successful decoration of the entrance to the dacha is presented in the following diagram, where roses, petunias, thuja, delphinium, lilies, asters and a cuff are used in the design of the flower beds:

Before planting in a flower garden, seedlings need preliminary watering in 2-3 hours. The optimal landing time in the country is the absence of a bright sun, that is, in the early morning or at the end of the day. Better yet, choose a period before the rain. A round flower garden is filled from the center to the edges, a flower bed located near the fence of a summer cottage or building is started to be decorated from the background according to the chosen scheme.

The roots of the seedlings are straightened, after deepening the soil near the neck of the plant is compacted. Upon completion of the work, the flower garden is abundantly watered, tall weak seedlings are propped up with a stick. If a flower does not take root, it can be replaced at any time with a new copy from the pot. Do not expect the perfect appearance of a perennial flower garden in the country in the first year of the breakdown.

Advice! The unattractive voids of the flower beds are temporarily filled with annual flowers, suitable for the conditions of detention with the entire scheme.

A fragrant flower garden made of hibiscus, kufea, penstemon, vatnik and petunia looks interesting, the diagram of which is given below:

Do not be afraid to make adjustments to the existing flower bed scheme. Replacing one type with another, similar in content, changing the outline or area is only welcome.

In addition to the flowering period, when forming a flower garden scheme for a summer cottage, the requirements of plants for soil acidity, lighting conditions, as well as their height are taken into account.

The group of low-growing plants contains unpretentious bulbous specimens: hyacinths, snowdrops, crocuses and muscari. For beginners, as perennials for a flower bed scheme, you can advise felt chickweed, subulate phlox and primrose. The dacha will also be decorated with bright biennials in the form of daisies, forget-me-nots and pansies. Annual representatives of the flora in the form of undersized marigolds, petunias, purslane are able to organically complement the flower garden scheme.

Flowers of medium height are the basic basis of a garden cottage, therefore, for the scheme, it is preferable to choose specimens with a special decorative effect. These conditions are met by such perennials:

  • daylilies;
  • peonies;
  • chamomile;
  • lilies;
  • irises;
  • bells;
  • phlox;
  • hosts.

Annual species will help to fill the voids in a new flower bed in the country: marigolds, asters, lavatera and salvia. In the background or in the center of the flower bed, a place for tall plants is assigned in the scheme. For these purposes, aconite, ornamental sunflower, clary sage, delphinium, lupine are suitable.

The shaded areas of the summer cottage will be decorated with flower beds with Japanese anemones, stonecrop, hosts of all kinds of colors of flowers and leaves, ferns, common primrose and dark geranium. A summer cottage with acidic soil is a great place to decorate a flower garden with hydrangea, rhododendron, fern. The flower bed scheme can also include herbal cloves, heather, dogwood, broom or bergamot.

Examples of harmonious flower beds

In conclusion, I would like to give a few more examples of flower beds for summer cottages of various levels of complexity.

The scheme of the simplest flower bed for teapots will decorate the dacha with a warm palette of pink, orange and red flowers, diluted with a purple tone. Arboreal heliotrope is planted in the background (1). Terry marigolds and Sander's tobacco form the middle tier (in the diagram, they are marked with numbers 3 and 2, respectively). The parterre of the flower garden is occupied by the undersized New Guinea balsam at number 4.

For an extensive mixborder flower garden you will need:

  1. Giant Pleniflora mallow.
  2. Ten-petal sunflower.
  3. Icelandic poppy.
  4. St. John's wort
  5. Lobelia cardinal.
  6. Fassen's Catman.
  7. Bell.
  8. Catananche "Blue Cupid"
  9. Avens
  10. Sedum Matrona.
  11. Heichera Miracle.

The scheme of a flower garden, resembling a piece of cake in shape, must be prepared:

  1. The corner of the flower bed is filled with a daylily in the amount of 3 bushes.
  2. Under the number 2 are silvery wormwood leaves, 2 copies on each side.
  3. A dark red bark is planted in the center, 6 pieces are enough.
  4. The edges of the flower garden are decorated with 3 heuchera bushes with burgundy leaves.
  5. On the front of the flower bed, there are 5 specimens of silvery leaves of the chisel.

The absence of a reservoir at the dacha can partially replace a flower bed, the scheme of which contains flowers of blue and blue shades. The stream bed is imitated by large blue colored pebbles. Glass balls will add transparency and dynamism. The flower garden is decorated with the following plantings:

  1. Bamboo leaf grate.
  2. Iris bearded.
  3. Lubelia.
  4. Creeping tenacious.
  5. Bell.
  6. Aubriet hybrid.
  7. Brunera large-leaved.
  8. The bryozoan is styloid.
  9. Creeping tenacious.

The proposed schemes are not an immutable postulate. Based on them, in the country you can create your own unique flower garden, pleasing to the eye throughout the warm season.

Most flowering plants do not please us with their festive appearance for so long. And the dream, probably, of every grower is to make the flower beds bright and elegant from the first days of spring until late autumn, so that the time of flowering in the garden does not stop the whole season. The creation of flower beds of continuous flowering.

Non-obvious nuances

Such a flower bed has a number of significant features that must be taken into account when planning. And the first of the unobvious nuances: the bed of continuous flowering should be extensive... Why?
  • In order for the plants to bloom constantly, replacing each other, their assortment must be quite wide: a small number of species that fit on a small flower bed will not be able to solve the problem.
  • Large color spots give expressiveness to the flower bed; planting plants one by one, you will not achieve the integrity of the composition - it will turn out to be fragmented, the abundance of small accents will distract attention, irritate the eye.

If the site does not allow planning a vast area, it is better to achieve the effect of continuous flowering at the expense of several small seasonal ones, having thought over their mutual arrangement so that the overall picture of the garden always remains attractive.

The second non-obvious nuance: plants with similar flowering times are best grouped instead of spreading flower beds over the entire area. The reason is the same: scattered color spots will crush the composition. As a rule, the plan of a flower bed of continuous flowering includes several seasonal groups, smoothly replacing each other: such a flower garden is always thoughtfully changeable.

Hence follows the third feature: the irregular nature of the flower bed, free planning... It is important to remember this in order not to disturb the general one: for example, if straight lines and strict geometry prevail in the landscape, it is probably still better to break the plantings of several seasonal flower beds, and not try to squeeze a flower bed of continuous flowering into a rigid framework.

General rules for creating a flower bed of continuous flowering

It is worth starting, perhaps, with the "flowering calendar": we select plants, noting the time during which each of them is the most attractive and decorative. At this stage, it is important to decide on the assortment, taking into account, of course, the standard ones:
  • we combine only those plants that are similar or the same requirements to, nutrition, illumination;
  • take into account sizes of each plant, as well as the rate of its growth; do not forget that aggressive, rapidly growing cultures will have to be contained, limited;
  • we select and arrange plants taking into account their colors, combining - depending on your design - complementary or contrasting colors.

Then we start drawing scheme or plan of the future flower bed... It is necessary to very clearly imagine how your flower garden will look like at each of the seasonal time periods - literally by months. At the same time, do not forget: some plants (mostly spring ones, but not only) lose their attractiveness after flowering; so that the flowerbed does not look unkempt, when their foliage begins to wither, it should be covered by other - grown by that time - plants or flowers, possibly annuals.

Flowerbed with decorative deciduous plants, photo from the Internet

Be sure to estimate possible viewpoints: whether your flower bed will be accessible to viewers from all sides or are you planning it to be one-sided. It depends on where and how plants of different heights will be placed so that they do not block each other.

Caring for plants is a difficult issue for a large flower bed, therefore, on a large area, it is worthwhile to provide for special areas or narrow paths mulched (that is, abundantly sprinkled) with decorative materials: along them you can get to any flower in order to cut, water or tie it up, if would need.

Selection of plants

For a flower bed of continuous flowering, you can use both perennial, and annual, and biennial plants. And the most rational thing is perennial flower bed, which is complemented every year by colorful and long-flowering annuals. And of course, one should not forget about decorative deciduous crops and: they are stably decorative, and depending on the season they can play a variety of roles in your composition.

Spring flowering plants

These are, first of all, a variety of bulbous. Here, preference should be given to crops that do not require annual excavation (we will postpone for other flower beds): they will do , .

From rhizome and tuberous perennials in early spring bloom , liverwort, corydalis,... Of biennials, it is worth noting, or pansies, and: they are attractive not only for the early onset of flowering, but also for its long duration.

Spring-flowering perennials bloom after small-bulbous ones, replacing them. Yellow and doronicums, spring-flowering and, various, phlox subulate- a worthy flower bed decoration.

Spring flowers. Photo

I deliberately do not indicate the specific flowering time - they depend on the region and partly on the conditions created for the plants: how well the flowerbed warms up and illuminates, what kind of soil is on it, and so on. When in the south the primroses are already withering, snow may still lie in the Middle Lane, but the general sequence of flowering remains, regardless of the climatic zone.

It is also reasonable to consider that many plants, along with early ones, have late species and varieties, combining which, you can significantly prolong flowering. So, in the conditions of the Middle zone, they can bloom, replacing each other, from the second half of June to the end of August; - from the end of June to the first frost; garden- from mid-May to September. Some cultures (for example, , badan and others) are capable of blooming again with good care in late summer - early autumn.

You will find a large assortment of perennials for creating continuous flowering beds in our catalog, which combines the offers of various online stores of seeds and planting material. ...

Aquilegia F1 Russian Size® yellow 55 rbl
Russian vegetable garden

Viola Vittroca Bolero Paradise F 43 rbl
Russian vegetable garden

Primula ordinary F1 Gloriosa, mix 43 rbl
Russian vegetable garden

Viola Jonise Jumping 15 rbl
Russian vegetable garden

Small-toothed primrose, mixture of colors 22 rbl
Russian vegetable garden

Pelargonium ivy ampelous Rich Out F1 Pink 179 rbl
Russian vegetable garden

Summer flowering plants

Their list is extremely extensive, it would be difficult to bring it completely, therefore, we will note only a part of the crops that will come in handy in a flower bed of continuous flowering.

From perennials to the already mentioned astilbe, phlox, garden geraniums, delphiniums and lupins, it is worth adding , ... Of course, one cannot ignore the various species and (both biennial and perennial). Fans of ground cover plants will appreciate the flowering time of which also occurs in the summer.

And, of course, what a summer flower bed without bright annuals! Will almost always be appropriate , ... Lush flowering will delight

Almost all dacha owners are thinking about how to create garden beds in their favorite place. And these beautiful flower beds, in their view, should be distinguished by a wonderful view, fragrant and delight with their splendor for as long as possible.

Such plans are quite feasible if you arrange them at your dacha.

How to make a continuous flowering flower garden

Completing this task requires certain skills and knowledge, as well as perseverance and patience. Although the originally conceived work may seem pretty straightforward.

However, it is important to consider here that each planting needs its own care, a different level of watering, light, soil conditions, etc. Therefore, it is better to make a selection of those varieties to which similar care criteria apply.

Scheme development

Very often, a flower garden is created on a large-scale open summer cottage. The following scheme applies here:

The highest grades are based in the center of the whole composition. Closer to the edge -.

Choosing different shades, they do not violate their certain compatibility. Bright spots that attract attention are also taken into account. They even try to create something original and bright from an ordinary flower bed.

If the flower garden is located near the fence or fence, then high plantings are placed at a close distance to it. And their height decreases as this flower bed spreads to the site.

In fact, there are various designs and schemes of flower beds. And, as a rule, the most spectacular works are obtained as a result of independent efforts.

The following are seven of the most original solutions in this area with a description of colors. It is not necessary to repeat these options exactly. They can be used as a starting point or base for your own flower bed.

Embodiment of an illusion

Not everyone can afford fountains, streams and other decor on their sites. Their illusion can be fulfilled with blooms. First, the channel is laid out. For this, an elongated pebble of different parameters is used. She, for better persuasiveness, is dyed blue.

The following flower garden scheme is suitable for planting flowers:

  1. Leaf grate-bamboo or. Both of them do not bloom, but here they have an important role to play - giving the stream a natural look.
  2. Bearded irises are planted near this plant at the mouth of the pseudo-source.
  3. Opposite such irises, they arrange lobelia and creeping tenaciousness.
  4. Leave some room for pebbles. After them, on the right, you can land the Poskharsky bell.
  5. Hybrid species - Aubriets are concentrated at such bells. In a similar way, a soft transition of shades is carried out.
  6. On the left, along the edge opposite these hybrids, you can plant a large-leaved Brunner. It is characterized by vibrant colors and lush greenery. The fact is that brunner grows like a spreading bush, with a thick and long rhizome with several stems. The bush reaches a height of 30 to 40 centimeters.
  7. .On the shore, opposite the Brunners necessarily breed the subulate bryozoan. Its greenery is quite soft and will add the necessary shade and naturalness to the composition. The people also call the bryozoan Irish moss. And for good reason. The advantages of a bryozoan are that it does not require care, of course we are talking about mowing. The maximum sprout length is only 8 centimeters. You can even run over such plants periodically, without fear of injuring the overall picture. On the contrary, this even improves the uniformity, because the plants are compacted, creating an even denser and more uniform layer.
  8. At the end of the work, another non-blooming species is arranged - a red creeping tenacious.

Speed ​​option

It is optimal for those who wish to find out the results of their labors as soon as possible. In working with perennials, this is difficult to achieve, but possible. The main thing here is to choose a side with good lighting. The plantings must be provided with constant heat. The optimal place for such a composition is obtained near fences, walls or coniferous plantations. In work, it is important to adhere to the following scheme:

Background decoration is carried out with various types of stock roses. Mix of various shades is allowed.

A decorative sunflower is arranged near the stock-roses. Icelandic poppies can also be planted there. They will add significant brightness to the composition.

Gaillardia are concentrated at a small distance from the poppies.

An important element here will be the cardinal lobelia. It will stretch over a large part of the flower bed, provide it with an elegant accent.

This composition needs to be given depth. Blue shades will help with this. This refers to the planting of flowers such as:

  • catnip;
  • the bell of Poskharsky;
  • blue katananche (nestled on the edge).

For the formation of red spots, gravilat is suitable.

Stonecrop and geyher will perfectly complement the composition. The first blooms until autumn, the second - until frost.

This option will perfectly hide a dilapidated wall or some gloomy structure.

About the blue katananche in more detail. It is a perennial plant that lives in temperate climates. Growth period is no more than two years. It is customary to plant Katanche near carpet plants that bloom at the same time as them.

Work with a wicket

If your dacha has a gate, and an arch is formed above it, then this structure can be originally covered with flowers. And throughout the warm season, the appearance of the building will be beautiful.

Here, the entire garden has certain levels:

  1. Lowest... It allows you to create curtains that will creep over the soil. Perfect for this task are: Pozharsky's bell, cushion aster, foxtail pinnate, oakgrass, two stonecrops - rocky and squeaky.
  2. Average... Its bases are yellow yarrow. They are arranged opposite each other, and always symmetrically. On the left side, in the center, flowers of a longer length should be laid out. For example: and liatris spikelet.

On the right side in the center are the positions of chamomile flowers. For example: brilliant rudbeckia, New Belgian asters and cushion asters.

  1. Rear... It is formed by giant plants to rise above the fence and hide it (if it is small). Sunflower will be a wonderful bright decoration for a flower bed. The rose stem will add soft burgundy tones. And the grandiose view on the right will be provided by glossy rudbeckia and David's budley.

It is better to take two flowers to cover the arch. The optimal concept here is: climbing rose (covering on one side) and Jacqueman's clematis (on the other).

This is a versatile option. A flower bed for beginners, the scheme of which perfectly decorates various types of fences.

Carpet execution

To create a living carpet in your country house, you will need to apply. They embody the illusion of a three-dimensional colorful picture. It is necessary to work with single-cultivated plants. This will prevent any stains, uneven areas, etc. on the carpet. You should also choose a dense bloom. This is the only way to form an illusory dense pattern.

Often they create a carpet - a flower. To achieve the desired task, apply:

  1. Phlox. They have graceful beanies. And those during their flowering can cover both the ground and foliage. It is better to use phloxes in white, purple and pink.

Phlox winters well in the garden, and the shades are quite an interesting feature - perennial flowers have different colors, and the height of the bushes planted at the same time can be different.

  1. Aquilegia yellow. Creates mesmerizing shades on the carpet. In general, this perennial is quite elegant in appearance, thanks to its high stems. Interestingly, no special care for aquilegia is required, because the plant has a deep root system. Due to it, wintering proceeds well even in open ground.

Figured execution

To accomplish this task, flowers are used, determined by height, as low or medium. For example, you can make a flower bed in the shape of a heart.

The contours of such a figure are quite simple to form. Their pink and burgundy types alternate. Inside the figure, they usually arrange roses of light red in the following shades: dark, pale and bright.

Island flower beds

Such flower beds can be created in one color and multi-color. The second solution is smarter and more natural. In order to preserve the charm, you need to use plants of different heights in them.

A flower island can be created according to the following scheme:

Figures "a" are formed from rose bushes of soapwort or other low bright perennials of continuous flowering.

"B" is the position of the gentian. "B" - daylily bushes. "G" - stock-rose. "D" - bright decorative sunflower. "E" - rose bushes.

Curb flower beds

This is a great solution to revitalize different paths and fences on your site. Here you can embody the following ideas:

  1. Cloudy sky. The area near the fence is filled in two rows. First formed Carpathian bell and gentian... The second is white phlox.
  2. Pink grace. They land randomly at the fence obriety and soap.
  3. The royal version. The paths are planted along the contour, alternating, yellow roses and carpathian bell... About the latter in more detail.

This is a perennial plant, reaching a height of no more than 30 cm. And the diameter of the bush is similar to the height - the same 30 cm. The leaves of the bell sometimes resemble an ovoid-rounded shape. There are a lot of colors: white, blue, blue or purple. And the most important thing for flower beds is flowering from June to September.

In fact, creating flower beds is a huge creative space. And, perhaps, every gardener can offer his own interesting solution, given all the planned plants and time.

Video consultation

15 basic patterns for a flower garden will help you make a beautiful flower bed with your own hands - always use any, even the smallest, place in the garden to plant your favorite flowers.

Flower garden at the gazebo:

Chubushnik. ... Holly. Mirabilis. Sage. Coreopsis.

Before starting the breakdown of the flower garden, we will count on paper how many plants we need. We divide the flower garden scheme on a scale into squares with a side of 1 m, mark the contours of the planting of each type of flower, and calculate the area for each.

Ceremonial flower garden at the entrance "Welcome":

The Rose. Petunia. Thuja. Delphinium. Lilies. Perennial aster. Cuff.

We divide the calculated planting area for each type of flowers by the average planting rate per 1 sq. m: for large 100-120 cm - 2-3 pieces, medium 40-90 cm - 4-6 pieces, low 20-40 cm - 7-9 pieces. and dwarf plants 5-20 cm - 16-20 pcs.

Flower garden at the entrance to the house:

Virginia The Rose. Sedum. Balsam. Woolly chisel. Miscanthus Chinese.

We transfer the flower garden scheme to the garden plot. The contours of the flower garden can be marked with sand, chalk, sawdust.

Flower garden "Path to the garden":

Juniper. Highlander. Sage. Bloodroot. Gelenium. Formium.

We prepare the ground - we dig it to a depth of 40 cm and select the roots, or remove the top layer of turf and fill in specially prepared soil. We mark out the contours of the planting for each type of flowers.

A fragrant flower garden for a sunny place:

Hibiscus. Kufeya. Penstemon. Cotton wool. Petunia.

Water the flowers 2-3 hours before planting. The best time to plant flowers is early in the morning, evening or in the rain.

Flower garden next to the bench:

Malvaviscus. Fern. Mouse hyacinth. Sunflower. Mountain girl. Lemon verbena.

We start planting from the center of the flower bed to the edges. When planting from pots at the seedling, we straighten the roots, tamp the soil at the neck of each plant.

Flower garden at the pergola:

Heicher. Lilac. Space. Baptisia. Hellebore. Derain blooming.

After planting, water the flower garden abundantly, if necessary, prop the seedlings with a stick. We cover from the hot sun during the day.

Flower garden "Magic Waltz" to attract butterflies:

Thuja. Buddley of David. Zinnia. Goldenrod. Echinacea purpurea.

Do not worry if some plant does not take off, using seedlings with closed roots - from pots, you can plant a new plant at any time.

Flower garden next to the recreation area:

Tagetis. Sedum. Chamomile Rod-shaped millet. Budleya. Sage.

Take your time to expect instant results from planting your new flower garden. In the first year, the flower garden may seem empty (free areas can be temporarily filled with annuals), but after a year or two, the flower garden will show itself in all its splendor - just wait until perennials grow on the flower bed.

Flower garden near the gate:

Blooming apple tree. Kalina. Clematis. Action. Bell. Veronica.

Flower garden by the path:

Plantarium. Coreopsis. Petunia. Creeping tenacious.