How to transplant crocuses from a pot to the ground. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

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Autumn delicate flowers crocuses - growing according to the rules

The soil in which the flowers grow should always be slightly moist. Young shoots released by corms are constantly watered as needed. The topsoil must dry out before each watering. Some growers at this time dig up corms in the country, while others leave them in the ground. After all, crocuses are perennial flowers that can grow at home in one place for several years. Digging out the root part is also done for preventive purposes, in order to select unhealthy and damaged planting material... Selected corms are then planted in a new area in the open field. Of course, if you have crocuses growing right on your lawn, you don't need to dig them out.

Do you need to dig up crocuses after flowering?

If you want crocus to delight you with flowering in winter time For example, on New Year's holidays, the bulbs must be planted in the soil around mid-September. When doing this, make sure that they do not touch each other in the pot. It is advisable to plant bulbs of the same size in one pot so that they all bloom together. If crocuses are planted in open soil, spring-flowering plants are planted in September, and autumn-flowering plants in early to mid-July.

The best conditions for crocuses

Many gardeners, and lovers of home flowers, deservedly like crocuses, also known as saffron. This plant pleases with its beautiful flowers not only in spring, but also in autumn. Despite the fact that crocuses are perennial plants and tolerate frost well, caring for them and timely replanting are the key to the fact that your flower garden will inspire you for many years.

The bulbs should be planted in late autumn and kept in a cool place. A month before you want to have flowers - a flowerpot with bulbs must be put on the windowsill and watered for several days.

If the transplantation of plants in the country for the next 3-4 years is not planned, then they are planted side by side, 3 cm apart.

How to plant fall and spring crocuses?

These flowers are very fond of the fertile land. Therefore, feeding plants at home, planted in the nutrient soil during the flowering process, is not carried out. If the plants grow in the same place at home for several years in a row, they must be fed. Fertilizers are applied to the soil. For crocuses, phosphate-potassium supplements are used. Phosphorus ensures the mass formation of flower buds and prolongs their flowering period. Potassium keeps the bulbs healthy. Fertilizers are applied three times during the whole season.

When planting crocuses at home, you should adhere to some care rules:

Crocuses grow and bloom well in well-lit areas, so it is important to plant them in open, unshaded areas. On average, the time from planting to flowering at home takes 3.5 months.

Some gardeners recommend replanting crocuses about once every five years, especially when it comes to gardening. But often these flowers are grown by housewives and in pots at home, and here it is important to create conditions that are as close as possible to the natural habitat of the plant. Crocus is a bulbous plant, while babies bud every year from a large bulb, which must be planted in a timely manner, otherwise they begin to interfere with each other.

No need to transplant anywhere ... this street plant will only grow further on the street. After flowering, remove the bulbs from the pot or you can leave there and leave them outside until spring planting. And they will fade in a few days ... and they have nothing more to do at home in a pot.

Yes, in principle ... no way !! ! In autumn (if spring bloom) ... planted .... bloom in spring !! In the spring they planted (if autumn bloom) .... it blooms in autumn! ! Care is normal, like for bulbous plants !!

Forcing crocuses

Crocus is a low-growing corm perennial with narrow leaves collected in root rosettes. The height of the plants, depending on the species, is from 3 to 20 cm. Crocus blooms in March-April, just a few days later than the snowdrop, and its flowers reach a significant size and are white, blue, purple and yellow. Flowers in some species reach 8 cm in diameter, in the majority of flowers the diameter of flowers is 1.5-5 cm Crocus can withstand a drop in temperature to -6 ° C, continuing to bloom The life of a flower is short-lived, only a couple of weeks.

Crocus reproduction

Even ordinary land diluted with a significant amount of sand is suitable for planting them. Corms are planted in groups of 5 to 20 pieces and placed in pots or bowls. It should be noted that spring-flowering crocuses are used for forcing.

Propagating autumn crocuses, just like spring crocuses, at home is a simple process. Usually, immediately after the end of the flowering period, the main corm dies off, and small baby bulbs form in its place. They are separated and seated separately. A year after planting, young crocuses should bloom. As soon as it becomes cramped for them, the flowering of crocuses becomes less abundant, and the flowers are small. To prevent this, the plants are transplanted. Usually, crocuses are transplanted in the country every 4 years.

Caring for corms at home begins in the middle of summer. Just by this time, the plants will completely bloom and the leaves will wither. If plant transplantation is not planned, the corms are left in the same place without digging out. In this case, the leaves and dried flowers are trimmed.

When to plant crocuses in the ground, and when in a home pot

The first feeding is carried out at the stage of sprout formation, the second - during the formation of flower buds, and the third - after the plants have completely faded.

These flowers are very fond of light, loose and nutritious soil. Excess moisture can have a bad effect on the general condition of the plant. Therefore, if the house is planted in loamy soil, then a small part of sand and fertilizers should be added to it. Compost, peat or manure are used as nutrients for the soil.

When for home cultivation plant bulbs from open soil are used, it is necessary to withstand a certain temperature cycle of storage and planting. To do this, during the first seven days after digging, the bulbs are kept at temperatures up to + 30 ° C, then for two weeks at + 20 ° C. After that, the temperature drops to + 15 ° C, and after a few more days, the bulbs are placed in the refrigerator. Further planting in the soil depends on what time you want to see a blooming crocus in your window. It takes about 3.5 months from planting to flowering.

Do not be alarmed if suddenly you find that at the height of summer, when other plants delight with greenery and color, crocuses suddenly begin to wither. Like every bulbous species, they have a dormant period. In crocus, it begins around the middle of summer. In this state, the bulbs can be dug up, inspected, and damaged. After that, the bulbs are cleaned, dried for 5-7 days and stored in a dry and cool place.

Watering - as the soil dries out. I don't think there is a need to replant. When it fades, you can transplant, and then - to the country.

From experience I will say that these are not the most whimsical bulbous ones. It is better to plant them in a heap and around a different color, it turns out very nicely, like a wreath, and most importantly, they grow in one place for a long time. I have not dug for 3-4 years already. This year I will plant. And more and more of them are being done every year. I leave it for the winter, they winter well in our harsh Siberian conditions.

  • Crocuses prefer lighted places, do not tolerate the introduction of fresh manure, excessive watering. The crocus flower appears on a small peduncle before the leaves have time to develop, as soon as the soil has warmed up with the first rays of the sun. Leaves are formed after flowering in 6-15 pieces. in a bunch and die off in early summer. There comes a period of rest. Immediately after flowering, the crocus should be dug up, shaken off and stored in the shade until autumn, and planted in open ground in September. After planting, you can sprinkle mineral fertilizers around (superphosphate is good for this purpose). No need to water.
  • Crocus care is simple, and there is no need to hassle with them "
  • Before blooming at an unusual time for themselves, they go through a cooling period lasting about 2.5 months, and the forcing process itself, which lasts about 2-3 weeks at temperatures of 15-17 degrees. Based on this, you can also calculate when crocuses should be planted in order to delight your eyes with them. delicate flowers at one time or another.
Seeds can also be used to get new plants at home, but most often they lose varietal characteristics. And it is difficult to carry out hybridization - you need to have special skills. It is best to buy crocus bulbs from specialized stores.

How to care for crocuses? tell


In southern regions with a warm climate, corms quite successfully survive wintering. In harsh climatic conditions, flower beds with plants need shelter with opal foliage or small branches.

At the first fertilization, the dose of potassium should be twice that of phosphorus. During the second and third feedings, both substances must be taken in equal proportions.

Since crocuses are light-loving flowers, they are planted at home in areas well-lit by the sun. The abundance of flowering and the size of the flowers directly depend on this. The more light the plants receive, the larger the flowers will be. Planting crocuses at home and in the country in a shaded place is not excluded, just in this case, the flower buds will be small.

When, after a long cold, primroses appear from under the melting snow, we cannot get enough of them. One of the first are crocuses, spring corms that bloom in March, following the snowdrops. The flowering period is about a week.

It is important to properly prepare the soil before planting. For good growth and flowering, it is necessary to plant the bulbs in loose and fertile soil. Rotted manure is well suited for fertilization, but by no means fresh!

More than 70 plant species belong to crocuses. Among them there are indoor ones, for example, yellow crocus. Indoor crocuses bloom in winter and spring and must be observed for them temperature regime, and in the open field, depending on the variety - spring-summer-autumn. Houseplants need regular watering and the potted soil is covered with moss. The babies had to be separated after their formation and stored in a cool dry place before planting so that they would not germinate.

I don’t look after. Planted and they bloom every spring.

Crocuses are hardy plants. The planting depth depends on the size of the corms, but should not exceed 8 cm. It can be cultivated without transplanting in one place for 3-4 years. Crocuses reproduce by corms, which form daughter ones annually, and by seeds. Crocus seeds are sown in September. Flowering occurs in 3-4 years.

Once a friend gave me a crocus in a pot. A little time passed, it faded, its leaves turned yellow and wilted, but I thought, why not plant it on the street. Let it please not only me with its flowering next year. And so she did. She took a bulb out of the pot (by the way, it turned out to be quite dense and not rotting), dried it well and planted it on the garden bed.
Although the exact date can be mistaken. In this regard, such points as:

Oksana Sedakova

Autumn or spring crocuses are flowers that are very often used for decoration alpine slides, flower beds, borders and reservoirs. These plants go well with spines, primroses and other corms.


In case it is planned to transplant crocuses to a new place, the corms should be dug up in the middle of summer - late June, early July. The planting material must be carefully sorted out and only healthy and large bulbs must be selected for planting. In order for the planting material to be well preserved, it is placed in a well-ventilated room with a temperature of 20-22 degrees.


To date, quite a few varieties of crocuses have been bred, among which there are autumn and spring varieties... Autumn flowers are planted in June. Spring crocuses are planted in September-October.

Elena Sinelnikova

Crocuses are willingly planted in flower beds, combining with other flowers, for example - tulips, daffodils, hazel grouses, which will ensure continuous flowering of a living composition throughout the spring. Some plants, blooming, will replace others.

Lyudmila *******

After a while, behind the faded buds, the leaves fade and turn yellow. At this moment, the crocuses enter a dormant period. There are also crocuses that complete the flowering season and delight with delicate buds in October-November. Be sure to get crocuses on the site, planting and caring for which do not require any special knowledge or costs - and every spring you will get real pleasure from the first, such long-awaited bright flowers.

Andrey Lyutaev

It is equally important to pay attention to drainage; for this, coarse sand or fine gravel can be added to the soil.


Crocuses are cute and very complex, I could not agree with them, I bought twice, tried in different ways .... useless.

When, after prolonged frosts, the first flowers begin to appear from under the melting snow cover, we are all delighted with them. Crocuses are usually the first to appear. These are spring, bulbous flowers that begin to flower in early March, immediately after the flowering of snowdrops. These gorgeous flowers have a blooming time of about a week. After some time, after the buds have faded, the leaves begin to dry out and turn yellow. It is during this period that the resting time begins for crocuses. In addition, there are crocuses that completely end their flowering period at the end of October, in November. Drop off on your personal plot these flowers of unique beauty. Their planting and further care will not require much work and skills from you. And with the onset of spring, you will begin to admire the beautiful, first flowers.

Do you need to dig up crocuses after the flowering phase

Many growers in this period of time begin to dig up corms on their summer cottage... Others, on the contrary, leave them in the ground. It should be noted that crocuses are perennial flowers that can grow even at home and in one place for several years. It is also necessary to dig out the root system of these flowers for preventive purposes, in order to be able to remove the diseased and damaged planting material. After carrying out this procedure, the selected crocus corms must be planted in a new place in open soil. Of course, if your crocus grows in the lawn itself, then you should not dig them up. In this article, we will talk about when to dig up crocuses after flowering and find out other details of how to grow them.

The best conditions for crocuses

Many people like crocus flowers. However, in order to achieve beautiful flowers, planting and maintenance in the open field must be done correctly. At the time of planting crocuses at home, you must adhere to the following care rules:
These flowers prefer loose and light soil. Excessive moisture in the soil can lead to poor condition of these plants. Based on this, in the event that you plant crocuses at home in loamy soil, then it is imperative to add a small amount of sand and fertilizer to it. These nutrients the soil can be manure or peat.

Since crocuses are light-loving plants, they should be planted at home in well-lit areas. The size of the peduncles and the abundance of their flowering will depend on this. The more light these flowers can receive, the larger their buds will be. Planting crocuses at home or on a personal plot in a slightly darkened place is possible, but in this case the flowers will be small.

Crocuses can be planted in flower beds, flower beds, combining them with other plants, for example, daffodils, tulips, hazel grouses, etc. This will keep your lawn in bloom throughout the spring.

The soil in which crocuses bloom should always be moist. Young shoots that have been salted from the corms need to be watered regularly. The topsoil must dry out before each irrigation of flowers.

Crocuses prefer fertile soil. For this reason, feeding of these flowers, planted at home in the nutrient soil, is not done at the time of flowering. If flowers grow in one place at home for many years in a row, they must be fed without fail. Nutrients need to be applied to the soil itself. As a rule, crocuses are used potash-phosphorus fertilizers... Phosphorus is able to ensure the mass formation of flower stalks of plants, and extend the period of their flowering. Potassium is able to keep the plant bulbs healthy. Fertilizers must be applied three times throughout the season. The very first feeding of crocuses is carried out at the time of the formation of its shoots. The second should be done at the time of bud formation. Third, it must be done after the crocuses have completely faded. When applying fertilizers for the very first time, the amount of potassium must necessarily be 2 times more than phosphorus. During the period of the 2nd and 3rd feeding, these two substances must be taken in equal proportions.

How to plant autumn and spring crocuses

Currently, breeders have been able to breed a large number of crocus varieties. Among them there are both spring and autumn varieties. The last plants are planted in early June. Spring crocuses are planted in the ground at the end of September. Planting larger corms at home is carried out to a depth of -10-12 cm. medium-sized bulbs are deepened into the soil by about 6-7 cm. The distance between the planted plants must be at least five centimeters. If the transplantation of crocuses at the summer cottage is not planned in the next 2-4 years, then they should be planted close to each other (at a distance of 3 cm).

It is necessary to start caring for corms at home in the middle of summer. And it is by this time that the crocuses will be able to fully bloom. In the event that you have not planned a flower transplant, then their corms must be left in the same place. In such a situation, you need to prune wilted flowers and leaves. In the southern regions of our country, with a warm and mild climate there, crocus corms can safely endure the winter. As for the harsh climatic zones, flower beds with plants must be covered with small twigs or fallen leaves. If you have planned to transplant crocuses to a new place, then the corms must be dug out in the middle of summer (at the end of June, the first decade of July). And the planting material in this case should be carefully sorted out and only large and healthy bulbs should be selected for planting. To be able to save the planting material, it must be placed in a ventilated room, in which a constant temperature of 21-22 degrees will be maintained.

Forcing crocuses

There is a practice of growing crocuses at home. Flowers can grow well both on the windowsill and indoors. Therefore, it is worth learning about what the forcing of crocuses is. In this case, caring for indoor plants will be slightly different. It is necessary to plant the bulbs of the plant at the end of the autumn period. Store them in a cool place. One month, before you want to have flowers, a pot with corms must be placed on the windowsill and watered for several days in a row.

Crocus reproduction

If you are interested in how crocuses should be reproduced, now we will tell you more about this process. Reproduction of autumn crocuses is carried out in the same way as spring crocuses. In a room environment, this procedure will be simple. As a rule, after the crocus flowering period ends, the corm dies off completely. And in its place, small baby bulbs begin to form. They should be separated and seated separately. One year after planting, young crocuses should bloom for the first time. After it becomes very cramped for them, the flowering of crocuses will not be abundant, and the flower stalks will turn out to be small. To avoid this, the plant should be transplanted. As a rule, a flower transplant at a summer cottage should be carried out every four years. You can also get new plants by seed at home. But as a rule, they lose their personal varietal characteristics. But as for the hybridization process, it is rather difficult to carry out, since it is necessary to have some experience. The best option is to purchase crocus bulbs in a specialty store. Spring or autumn crocuses are plants that are often used to decorate flower beds, alpine slides, ponds or curbs. These flowers can be perfectly combined with primroses, spines and other types of corms.

When should crocuses be planted - in autumn or spring?

Crocuses are one of the very first spring flowers. They begin to bloom earlier than others in the country. In order for the first crocus buds to appear at the right time, you need to know exactly when to plant them in spring or autumn. This question is especially important for beginner flower growers, since crocus bulbs can be purchased at any time of the year.

Spring and autumn crocuses

This is how these beautiful and delicate flowers belonging to the iris family should be classified. Resistant and rather unpretentious to the harsh Russian winter, crocuses can actively grow throughout the year and bloom in early spring and autumn. About what is autumn views of these plants, few people know. This creates some confusion about when crocuses should be planted. In the autumn period, this procedure is best carried out.

The period of growth and development of corms in spring crocus species, as a rule, begins with the onset of early autumn. Further, the deciduous mass begins to grow, the buds bloom, and then the plant enters its dormant phase, thus accumulating strength in the bulb. Then children begin to form in it. It is these types of crocuses that can be found in specialized flower shops and in crowded markets.

It is very difficult to find autumn crocus species. As a rule, their vital activity begins in the autumn. Further, leaves begin to grow. And under the snow cover, the flower often begins to leave with open buds. The planting period for these plant species is late July - early August. If you are a little late with this, then the plant simply will not have time to fully form and will not please you with matured children.

Planting spring crocuses

If you want to know if crocuses are planted in spring, then know that this can be done not only in spring, but also in autumn. For those people who do not know how to plant crocuses in the autumn, you should first determine the type of your plant. Spring crocuses should be planted at the very beginning of September, at a time when the plant bulb is in its dormant phase. Having accumulated enough strength for winter period, the flower begins to open its first buds in early April.

Prepare the soil in advance: dig it up 10-15 days before planting, add humus to the soil. But you do not need to be zealous with the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers. With the onset of next year, after the crocuses have completely faded, it is necessary to wait until the leaves of this plant are completely dry. Only then can the flower bulbs be dug up and stored until September. The tulips are also taken care of. Weather conditions can determine the period when crocuses and tulips should be planted. Cool and dry weather is more favorable for this procedure. But you need to be in time before the first frost.

Planting autumn species

Autumn crocus species should be planted in late summer. Too much late boarding plants can lead to the fact that its corm will begin to form incorrectly, releasing only leaves, but without giving peduncles. Based on this, the next question immediately arises - when is it necessary to plant crocuses. In the autumn (autumn) - this is the period of planting of spring-flowering plant species. In the summer - (end of July), it is necessary to plant autumn flowering species. Not all growers plant crocuses annually, leaving them in the same place for 3-5 years. It should be noted that with this approach to business, the flowers of crocuses become smaller, foliage begins to grow, and the children of the plant become very cramped. Based on this, in order to ensure the best flowering of crocuses, and to obtain good planting material, it is necessary to dig them up and divide them every year. In the event that a sandy loam and light soil is present in your chosen place, there is no stagnation of water, and the site is well lit, then the flowers will bloom much faster.

Crocuses planting and care, reproduction, flowering, transplanting, wintering, diseases, photo and video

Saffron or crocus is one of the most beautiful primroses in appearance. A group of these flowers will become a real decoration for your summer cottage. Typically, most crocuses begin to bloom in the spring. But there are some types of these plants that bloom with the onset of autumn. This must be taken into account when choosing corms.

Homeland and appearance of crocuses.

In this article, we will talk in detail about when to dig up crocuses and how to store them until planting in the fall. However, first of all, it is worth giving other very useful information about these plants. A large number of crocuses grow in the Crimea, in the territory of Central Europe, and also in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Turkey, Iran and the Black Sea region. Many crocuses are listed in the Red Book. Saffron is a short flower - up to 14-15 cm. It has no stem, with a corm. The color of its flowers is very diverse: yellow, white, two-tone, purple. The flowering time of crocuses is from 2 to 3 weeks. The leaves of the plant are flat and narrow. They begin to appear along with the inflorescences, or a little later. Basically, crocuses are pretty unpretentious flowers. It is better to purchase planting material in late August or early September. Autumn crocus species, as a rule, are planted in the last decade of August. And the spring ones are in September. For planting flowers, it is necessary to choose corms without sprouts and sprouted roots.

Watering mode.

Crocuses should be well-watered as soon as the first shoots appear. They should be watered throughout their growth. Before starting watering, you need to loosen the soil a little, so that moisture and air can penetrate the root system of the plant.

Lighting mode.

Crocuses need bright light more so that large inflorescences can form. If the flowers are grown in partial shade, then their buds will be small.

Fertilizing and feeding.

In the event that, before planting the plants, the soil is well fed, then during the period of active growth of flowers in the first year, they can not be fertilized. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the future, crocuses will need additional nutrition. It is imperative to add top dressing with a high content of potassium and phosphorus to the soil. The very first feeding is done after the first shoots appear. The second feeding of the plant should be carried out at the time of cutting the buds. The third - after the complete end of the flowering phase. At the time of the first feeding of crocuses, the potassium content must be 2 times more than phosphorus. Next, you should mix potassium and phosphorus in equal proportions.

Choosing a place for landing and transfer

Learn from this article about whether to dig up crocuses after flowering? Also, check out other information. A very important point when planting crocuses is choosing a well-lit and drained area. For these plants, you must definitely try to organize a constant outflow of moisture. Otherwise, the corms of flowers will hurt and simply die. The best choice is light and sandy loam soil. An area with too dense soil can be thinned with sand, which should be scattered over its surface. Further, the area for planting crocuses must be dug up. In addition, the soil should be fed before the flowers are planted. Compost or mineral fertilizers with a huge content of potassium and phosphorus act as top dressing. It is not recommended to feed crocuses with fertilizers containing a lot of nitrogen, since this substance is harmful to these plants. In case of insufficient lighting, crocuses may stop flowering and wither completely. For this reason, you should choose an area that is well lit by the sun. But it must be protected from strong gusts of wind and drafts. From this, the delicate flowers of the plant begin to tilt and lose petals.

Crocus planting technology

In order for the crocuses to be beautiful, proper planting and good care, which you will carry out at home. Given the fact that crocus corms grow small in size, they are planted close to each other. In addition, a group of flowers planted close to each other will look very beautiful and attractive. But nevertheless, it is imperative to provide for free space for future children who will begin to appear on the corm in the future. A suitable distance between these flowers is 3 to 5 cm. As for the planting depth, it will usually depend on the size of the corms themselves. Very small ones need to be planted to a depth of five centimeters, and larger ones to a depth of 10-12 cm. It should also be taken into account that after the crocus flowering phase ends, the strong root system of these flowers begins to draw the corm deep into the soil. In the event that you want to get material for forcing crocuses, then the corms must be planted as deep as possible. And for faster reproduction, you should choose a shallow planting.

Planting crocuses in pots

Forcing crocuses will take at least 3-4 months. In order for the crocuses to bloom by the New Year, they should be planted in early September. To be able to present these beautiful plants for Valentine's Day, they need to be planted in early October. To get beautiful flowers by March 8, crocuses should be planted in mid-November.

Before planting crocus corms, they must be kept under the following conditions:

  • 1-1.5 weeks at summer temperatures.
  • 2.5-3 weeks at a temperature not higher than 19-20 degrees.
  • At a temperature not +10 degrees in August.

Before the planting period, the corms must be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 8-9 degrees.

Then you need to plant the crocuses in a container with a layer good drainage... Ordinary sand can be used as a substrate.

Crocus reproduction

In this post you can find everything about crocuses. Here you will find their varieties, as well as information on how the planting should be done. Here you can also learn how to care and reproduce.
There are three main ways to breed crocuses:

  1. Children.
  2. Seeds.
  3. Corms.

In each method described above, the plant is planted in early September. This is done so that by the beginning of winter the crocus can get stronger and take root well. In this case, it is necessary to dig up the corms of the plant in June, after the end of the flowering phase. Then the planting material must be well dried, ventilated and stored in a cool place until disembarking.

Some growers dig up and plant crocuses only once every 5-6 years. But still, many experts advise to carry out this procedure much more often in order to avoid crushing the peduncles. The most optimal crocus planting frequency should be once every 3 years. You can also propagate crocuses in an accelerated way. To do this, you need to dig up the plants every year after the end of their flowering. Each flowering crocus bulb can produce up to 4 bulbs and up to 9-10 babies.

Blooming crocuses

All types of crocuses are divided into 2 main types:

  1. Spring flowering period.
  2. Autumn flowering period.

The flowering period of these flowers will depend on the following main factors: plant variety and weather conditions. The crocus flower stalk resembles the shape of a glass. Crocus flowers come in different shades: yellow, white, purple, blue, cream, orange. There are also varieties that have two-colored inflorescences, spotted and even checkered. The diameter of flowers can vary from 2 to 5 cm. Crocuses look more original and beautiful in the garden in 8-10 pieces. As a rule, they are used as independent plants. Can also be combined in a group with other plants that bloom in spring. Crocuses look more attractive among rich green grass.

Wintering crocuses

Now you know when to dig up crocus bulbs after flowering. Remember that proper wintering of crocus corms is an important part of caring for these plants. During the wintering period, crocus bulbs begin to take root and gain strength, which will be required for the further development and flowering of this flower. After severe frosts set in, crocuses can be covered. But still, in the warm regions of our country, crocuses winter well without any insulation. Lapnik and branches in addition to protection from severe frosts used as a barrier against many rodents, which, in turn, prefer to feast on the corms of crocuses. In the spring, this insulation must be removed from the plant and all debris removed. It will be possible to loosen the soil for the first time near the crocuses only after the first shoots appear. Otherwise, the roots of the plant can be easily damaged.

What to do after crocus bloom

After the end of the flowering phase, around mid-June, you will need to trim the dry leaves and inflorescences of the plant, and dig in the corms. It is recommended to store the dug planting material with a uniform decrease in temperature. Within one week after digging the bulbs, they are dried and ventilated. Further, they can be placed in a basement or cellar, where it is rather dark and cool. After 2-3 weeks, all planting material should be transferred to vegetable boxes in the refrigerator. Corms should be stored until they are planted. Crocuses are planted in the second decade of September or in the first half of October.

Why crocuses don't bloom

The absence of peduncles in crocuses indicates improper care.

Main reasons:
1. The corms of the plant were dug out before the onset of the resting phase. Based on this, the flowering period of the crocus is completely disrupted. This usually results in the absence of flowers on the plant.
2. In addition, it is not recommended to prune the leaves of the plant before the required time, since next year the flower may not have buds at all. You can carry out this procedure after their complete wilting.
3. In order to stimulate long and abundant flowering of the crocus, after digging out the corms must be stored at low temperatures.
4. Crocuses can stop growing completely if they grow in the same place for a long time and do not rejuvenate. In order to rejuvenate crocuses, you need to dig up corms every 4-5 years. Then sit down. But still, many growers advise to carry out this procedure every year.
5. In addition to all of the above, very often at the time of storage of corms in winter, they are damaged by rodents. As a result, with the onset of spring, no buds appear on the crocuses.

Why don't crocuses bloom in spring?

Most flower growers, purchasing crocus corms, do not pay any attention to the phase of their flowering. Many people believe that all crocuses, without exception, begin to bloom in the spring. But still, this is far from the case. There are varieties of crocuses that bloom with the onset of autumn. The two types of crocuses differ in their developmental cycles. It follows that they require different personal care.

Crocus diseases and pests

Very often, crocuses are harmed by aphids at the time of their active growth. In addition, aphids can also be seen in places where corms are stored. Aphids can not only cause serious harm to flowers, but they can also carry all kinds of viral diseases. To combat these insects, a solution of malofos is used in a low concentration. If the plant lacks nitrogen-containing fertilizers, then they begin to develop various diseases that are caused by the fungus. In this case, before planting, the corms should be treated with copper-based products. Diseases that are viral in nature adversely affect the shape of the plant's flowers and their color. Basically, it is not possible to completely cure a plant in the event of a viral disease. In this situation, it is imperative to monitor the plants and remove damaged flowers in time.

Crocus Care Videos

The very first flowers after a long winter in the country begin to bloom crocuses. These are very bright, delicate flowers. Despite its small size, crocus is grown with great pleasure by a large number of gardeners, since it is this flower that is easy to care for and is not picky about itself. In addition, crocus can be easily propagated. For this, it does not need to be dug out during the winter. As a rule, this flower is planted in groups, so that with the onset of spring one can admire the beautiful and abundant flowering.

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Spring and autumn crocuses

If you dig up in the spring, damage the root system,

Super gardeners, it seems, do not even know that the crocus corm dies off during the development of the ground part, and a replacement is formed in its place. In order for the replacement corm to mature for further normal existence, it is necessary for the crocus to bloom and the leaves to withered. But the transplantation of flowering crocuses is a big delay in development. New replacement bulbs did not have time to fully form.


Planting spring crocuses

All types of crocuses are divided into two types:

Before planting, the corms are kept under the following conditions:

Planting autumn species

If the soil is well fed before planting, crocuses may not be fertilized during active growth in the first year. However, in the future, the plant needs additional nutrition. It is necessary to use top dressing with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.

Blue Wangart is one of the Dutch varieties that has an interesting bluish-purple bud with bright yellow stamens. Refers to the number of early flowering large-flowered, such a plant will be the best decoration of the room.

Indoor crocus: home care and growing secrets

Several cultivation features used by experienced florists:

For storage and subsequent planting, it is necessary to choose the densest bulbs with a large mass. All their shells must be intact; there must be no softened areas on the bulb, indicating the beginning of rotting. They are transplanted into the soil about three months before the desired flowering time. For example, if you need to get flowers for the New Year, the bulbs are planted in the ground around mid-September.

The height of the crocus stem can reach 25 cm, several scales are located at the root, which make the plant somewhat similar to a tulip during the flowering period. The flower is goblet, it has six petals, which can have very different colors.

Crocuses are one of the first spring flowers to bloom before anyone else in the garden. In order for delicate buds to appear at the right time, you need to know exactly when to plant crocuses - in autumn or spring. The question is especially relevant for novice florists, since the bulbs of this plant can be bought almost at any time of the year.

Which is not restored,

  • What has managed to grow (bulbs) can be pulled out of the pot - "take root back", that is, they will no longer be able to take root on a new one. And then there are only TWO options. This is to drop them off early on the street. In a couple of years, they may bloom (well, not next spring, that's for sure!). The second is to throw it away. They are no longer needed at home. Simply, no matter how hard you try, not to grow, let alone bloom, they will no longer be. These are not houseplants. Purely street, which forcibly make houses bloom by creating certain conditions for this. But for this, only large, strong corms are taken and planted in the fall (the process is called forcing).
  • The corms were dug out before the dormant period. Thus, the flower's development cycle is disrupted, which entails the absence of flowers on the plant;
  • Spring flowering period;
  • One week at normal summer temperatures;

The first feeding is applied after the appearance of the first sprout, the second time crocuses are fertilized during the budding period, and the third time you can feed the flowers at the end of the flowering period.

Remembrance is a large-flowered variety with goblet, dark purple buds. The plant has a very early abundant flowering: it begins to bloom in March or April. It has a strong, erect stem, can be grown both in the garden and in the room.

It is necessary to choose the right crocus variety. There are more than a hundred of them in total: there are early and late varieties that you need to consider if you want to get beautiful buds by a certain time. In addition, there are large-flowered and small-flowered varieties: it is better to give preference to the first of them. Small-flowered crocuses do not look so impressive.

  • The bulbs can be stored only after two weeks of airing, this will prevent the development of rotting.
  • Any crocus variety has yellow or orange stamens, this is one of the distinguishing features of the plant.
  • This is how it is customary to classify these delicate flowers from the iris family. Unpretentious and resistant to the Russian winter, crocuses grow actively throughout the year and can bloom in early spring and early autumn. Few people know that there are autumn species. Because of this, there is often confusion about when to plant crocuses. It's best to do this in autumn.
  • Disrupt the process and loosen the onion.
  • Crocuses bloom only once a year - even on the street, even at the forcing at home.
  • Also, you cannot cut off the crocus leaves ahead of time, since the plant may not form buds next year. You can trim the leaves only after they are completely dry;

Autumn flowering period.

Several weeks at a temperature not higher than +20 degrees;

In the first feeding, the amount of potassium should be twice as much as phosphorus, then it is necessary to mix phosphorus and potassium in equal amounts.

  • "Zhanna D'Arc" is a crocus variety with large snow-white petals and bright yellow stamens. Great for growing on a windowsill, it can be a good decoration for a flower bed.
  • Crocuses of several varieties cannot be planted in one common container: they will have different stem heights, in addition, due to different terms flowering, it is impossible to accurately observe the conditions of forcing. As a result, the pot will be exposed to the sun when late varieties the root system is not yet sufficiently formed. As a result, plants will not be able to produce large buds.
  • Planting and transplanting crocus:
  • Flowers can be either one-color or two-color: white-blue, bluish-lilac, etc.
  • The cycle of growth and development of a corm in a spring crocus begins in early spring, when the plant first grows leaves, blooms, and then enters a dormant phase, accumulating strength in the bulb and forming children. It is these crocuses that are most commonly found in flower shops and mass markets.
  • The bulb will have to survive on its own nutrients.
  • It's just that your crocuses have decided to rest until next season. This is normal, since these bulbous plants do not tolerate heat and quickly fade in an apartment. Plant them in the garden and wait for flowering next spring

To stimulate abundant and long flowering after digging out the corms, it is necessary to store at a fairly low temperature;

The duration of flowering depends on several factors: weather conditions, plant variety.

Until mid-August at a temperature of +10 degrees;

Planting crocuses in the soil

  • Each crocus variety is unique in its own way: you can choose plants with yellow, blue, purple, white and other buds. Several crocus pots of various varieties will allow you to create the most interesting decorative composition at home. This is an excellent option for home floriculture, and if the technology is followed, the bulbous plant will delight the owner with abundant and long flowering.
  • It is advisable to plant bulbs of about the same size in a container. Small bulbs bloom later, so it will not be possible to achieve uniform, friendly flowering.
  • For planting, choose shallow and wide pots, and if several bulbs are planted in one container, they should not come into contact with each other, as well as with the walls of the pots.
  • Blooming crocuses can be a real holiday: bright buds decorate any room, and you can guess the flowering period by a certain date: for example, you can make the bud fully bloom by March 8 or by Christmas.
  • Fall species are much more difficult to meet. Their vital activity begins with flowering in early autumn, then leaves grow, under the snow the plant often leaves with open buds. Planting dates for such species are mid-July-early August. If you are a little late, then the flower will not have time to form and please with matured children.

The result may be sad - or it will hurt for a year or two, it will take a long time to recover,

Crocuses live in the open field, and like a postcard, they bring spring greetings to our house for a short time. But you damaged the roots in the midst of the growing season, this, of course, is not very scary, now do not touch, stop watering. After a month, shake it out of the ground, dry it until autumn, there - in the garden, and in the spring it will bloom. Look in the search for "crocuses at home".

Crocuses stop blooming if they grow in one place for a long time and do not rejuvenate. To rejuvenate the plant, it is necessary to dig up the corms once every three to four years, divide them and plant them. However, some growers recommend this procedure be carried out annually.

The inflorescence has the shape of a glass and is of the most varied colors: white, purple, yellow, blue, orange, cream. There are varieties with bicolor inflorescences, spotted and even checkered patterns. The diameter of the inflorescence varies from two to five centimeters.

Until the moment of planting, the corms are kept in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher than +8 degrees.

It is important to choose a well-drained and well-lit crocus area. For flowers, it is necessary to organize a good and constant outflow of water, otherwise the corms will begin to hurt and die.

More information can be found in the video.

  • Exposure of plants in the first period after planting in the ground should be carried out in a cold room. An attic, a cellar will do; in an apartment, bulbs can be placed on a loggia if you create an artificial darkening.
  • Often, first a thick sandy layer is placed in the pots, and a layer of soil on top. This will provide both root nutrition and good drainage.
  • Crocuses have a short growing season, like many other types of bulbous plants.

For those who do not know when to plant crocuses in the fall, you should first determine the type of your plant. Spring must be planted in early September, when the bulb is in the resting phase. Having accumulated strength over the winter, the plant will release its first flowers in early April. First you need to prepare the soil: dig it up two weeks before planting, add humus, but you should not be zealous with complex mineral fertilizers.

Or lose it altogether.

Crocuses planting and care, reproduction, flowering, transplanting, wintering, diseases, photo and video

It was not worth injuring the plant ... dry it and plant it in an open root .. I think that it is not necessary to wait for autumn .. you can plant them in spring)

In addition, quite often during storage in winter, corms are damaged by rodents, as a result, in spring, buds do not form on crocuses.

Homeland and appearance of crocuses

Crocuses look best in the garden, planted in 7-10 pieces, while they are used as independent plants, as well as in a group with other spring-flowering plants. Crocuses look the most attractive and tender among green grass and undersized bushes.

Then the crocuses are planted in a container with a good drainage layer, and sand is used as a substrate.

The optimal choice is light sandy loam soil. An area with dense soil can be thinned with sand scattered on the surface. Then the landing site needs to be dug up.

Crocus or Saffron belongs to the most beautiful primroses. Crocus groups are a real decoration of the garden. The vast majority of crocuses bloom in spring, but some species bloom in autumn, this should be taken into account when choosing corms.

Watering mode

Before bringing crocuses into the light, you need to feel the emerging sprout: it should be as dense to the touch, this indicates that the plant is already ready for distillation. If the sprout seems loose, the time for the light phase has not yet come.

Lighting mode

The tip of the bulb is sometimes left on the surface, but more often it is completely buried in the ground.

Fertilization and feeding

In the spring they begin to grow actively, and by the middle of summer the leaves completely dry up and fall off. The aerial part of the plant should completely die off, the bulb then goes into a dormant phase, it should recuperate for the next flowering period. To provide crocuses with rapid growth, they need to create conditions that will be as close to natural as possible.

The next year, when the crocuses have faded, you need to wait until all the leaves are dry. Only after that, the bulbs are dug up and stored until September, by analogy, tulips are taken care of. Weather conditions will help you decide when to plant crocuses and tulips. Dry cool weather is most favorable for this, but you need to catch it before the first frost.

Hello Bella!

Planting and transplanting crocuses

It was necessary to wait for the flowers to fade. Try to plant it in the ground.

Choosing a place for landing and transfer

Many growers, buying corms, do not pay attention to the flowering period. It is generally accepted that all crocuses bloom in the spring, however, this is not the case. There are varieties that bloom in the fall. The two types of crocuses differ in developmental cycles, therefore, require slightly different care.

Crocuses under the snow

There are three breeding methods for crocuses:

In addition, it is important to feed the soil before planting. For this purpose, compost or mineral fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium are used.

The name Crocus means "thread" in Greek.

Crocus planting technology

Crocus pots should also be kept in a cool place during flowering, such as near a window or balcony frame.

After planting, the pots of bulbs are placed in a dark room for about 2 months.

Basic principles of growing at home:

Planting crocuses in pots

Autumn crocuses are planted in late summer. Late planting will cause the corm to form improperly, releasing leaves but not budding. Therefore, the question arises - when to plant crocuses. Autumn (September) is the planting time for spring-flowering species, in summer (end of July) autumn-flowering specimens should be planted. Not all growers carry out an annual planting, leaving the plant in one place for 4-5 years.

Nai the best option for all these bulbs, it will be right now to plant them in the place where they will bloom. I planted on Sunday.

  • The day before yesterday I bought 4 blooming crocus with bulbs at the exhibition. All were without a substrate, just a bulb with roots, a bunch of leaves and an arrow with a flower. Arriving home, I did not immediately plant it in the ground, the sun was too hot. I planted it in the ground in the late afternoon, watered it very abundantly. Not a single plant withered or drooped flower heads. Everyone is cheerful, today the flowers have opened even wider. So the problem of your crocuses is most likely in the high air temperature in the apartment. Well, the roots are traumatized, of course, too. And in conditions of hot and dry air in an apartment, this has a very strong effect. Plant as soon as possible, in open ground, water well. When planting, cut off the peduncles if they have already grown pepper. Plants must go through the entire growing season, so do not touch the leaves. They will die off on their own around mid-June. Next year you will be able to admire the spring blooming of crocuses, if you now take a number of urgent measures: 1. Landing in the ground. 2. Up to the beginning of June, apply phosphorus-potassium dressings for plants (phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions), in total - 2 dressings. 3. After the leaves wither and dry, dig up the bulbs, shake them off and keep in a dry and dark place until September-October. 4. One week after digging, remove the old roots from the bulbs. 5. In September-October (depending on when your temperature starts to drop below 10 degrees. C, because at this temperature the bulbs form roots), plant them in the ground to a depth equal to the height of three bulbs.
  • Quite often crocuses are damaged by aphids during the period of active growth. In addition, aphids can be found in storage facilities where corms are stored. Aphids are not only capable of causing serious harm to a plant, but also a carrier of viral diseases. To combat insects, use a solution of karbofos of the minimum concentration.
  • Proper wintering of corms is an important component of crocus care. During wintering, crocus corms take root and gain strength for growth, development and flowering.
  • Corms;

You cannot feed crocuses with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, since nitrogen is harmful to flowers.

Crocus reproduction

Most crocuses grow in Central Europe and the Crimea, as well as in Central Asia, the Caucasus, Turkey, the Black Sea region and Iran. Many types of crocuses are listed in the Red Book.

  • Experienced flower growers know another secret to prolong flowering: during this period, plants need to be removed in the cold at night: if the night temperature is only about 3 degrees, the duration of flowering can be significantly increased. Overheating the plant has the opposite effect: if the temperature is above 20 degrees, the crocus can fade in a few hours.
  • During this period, the bulbs give roots, they should take root well. After that, the first green shoots will appear.
  • These are light-loving plants that prefer well-lit places. When choosing a place for crocuses, you should prefer the south side of the house: this will provide the plants with sunlight. If they grow in the shade, the buds will not fully open.

It is noticed that with this approach, the flowers become smaller, the greenery grows, the children become cramped. Therefore, for better flowering, obtaining excellent planting material and preserving the bulbs from garden pests, it is recommended to dig up and divide crocuses every year. If in the chosen place there is light sandy loam soil, there is no stagnation of moisture, and the site is sufficiently illuminated, then the flowers will not keep you waiting long and will soon delight you with bright buds.

All the best to you!

No way. They need to be planted around late October - early November. (I'm talking about my area). In general, they need to be planted about two weeks before frost (do not water) so that they have time to take root, but do not develop further. They need to be planted immediately in a permanent place, since during wintering, a flower bud begins to form in them. A spring transplant will disrupt its development, and the flower, at best, will not bloom, at worst, it will disappear altogether.

Blooming crocuses

With an excess of nitrogen-containing fertilizers, diseases caused by fungi develop on plants. In this case, before planting, the corms are treated with copper-based preparations.

  • Before the onset of frost, the plant can be covered, however, in warm regions, crocuses easily winter without additional insulation. Branches and spruce branches, in addition to protection from cold weather, are used as a barrier against rodents, which like to feast on crocus corms.
  • Children;

With insufficient lighting, crocuses can wilt and stop blooming, so you need to choose a well-lit area, but always protected from drafts. From the strong wind, delicate crocus flowers bend over and lose their petals.

Saffron is a low plant - up to 15 cm, without a stem with a corm. The color of the inflorescences is very diverse: white, yellow, purple, two-colored. The flowering period of crocuses lasts from two to three weeks.

Crocuses reproduce most often by daughter bulbs, planting material for purchase is chosen at the very end of summer or early autumn. Each onion produces several babies each year, which can be used for subsequent distillation.

Wintering crocuses

When their height is 3-5 cm, the plants are brought out into the light, they should grow at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees.

Second important condition- must be drained soil. If moisture stagnates in the soil, the bulb will begin to rot very soon. As a drainage, you can use a large river sand, gravel will also work.

Crocus is a delicate primrose that has attracted flower lovers for centuries with the beauty of its buds. It is this flower that is one of the first to welcome the coming spring, and it is quite possible to grow it on the windowsill. If you plant a crocus, home care does not require much effort, and very soon it will delight the owners with magnificent flowering. This is one of the simplest and at the same time charming indoor plants.​

Summer cottage in Moscow region. On Sunday I planted bulbous. Now is the time to land. Plant immediately in place. Spring transplant is a waste of money.

Note to the florist

They are dug in June-May after flowering in 2-3 weeks, but you can still dig it up and transplant it to another place, but in the spring it is not advisable to transplant them by that time, and these actions will damage them and they can hurt and badly blossom.

What to do after crocus bloom?

Diseases of a viral nature negatively affect the shape of the inflorescences and their color. As a rule, it is impossible to cure a plant in the event of a viral disease. In this situation, it is important to monitor the plants, remove damaged ones in a timely manner and take care of healthy crocuses.

Why don't crocuses bloom?

With the onset of spring, the insulation is removed, garbage is removed. The first time to loosen the ground around the crocuses is possible only after the first shoots appear, otherwise the root system of the plant can be damaged.


  • Given that the corms grow small, they are planted close to each other. Moreover, a group of closely planted crocuses looks very bright and attractive. However, it is important to provide a place for children who will appear on the corms with age. The optimal distance between crocuses is 3 to 5 centimeters.
  • Leaves are narrow, flat, appear together with inflorescences or a little later.
  • In some cases, seed propagation is used, but it is rarely used.
  • It is important that the temperature is not higher: in this case, the crocuses will grow very quickly, and they will fade in the shortest possible time.

Watering should be moderate but regular. During the entire dormant period, the bulb should be in a dry environment, it does not need to be sprayed.

Why don't crocuses bloom in spring?

Crocus has been cultivated for many hundreds of years, it is widely distributed in natural conditions in the Mediterranean countries, in Eastern Europe, it is also found in Central Asia. It is known that this flower was highly valued by the Egyptian pharaohs.

Crocus diseases and pests

Bulbous can be planted later, in mid-October. Then the flower beds will certainly not have flowering annuals. and the bulbous ones will have time to take root.

Feel free to plant in open ground deeper into the ground (right now) and in the Spring it is inappropriate to replant

Crocuses are the first to bloom in the garden after a long winter - gentle, bright harbingers of spring. Despite its modest size, this flower is grown with great pleasure by many growers, because the crocus is completely undemanding and easy to care for. In addition, it is very easy to propagate, it does not need to be dug out for the winter. Most often crocuses are planted in groups in order to admire the abundant flowering of this stemless corm plant in spring.

Crocus Care Videos

"Crocuses - Soldiers of Spring"

In each of the three methods, planting is carried out in September in order for the plant to take root and grow stronger by winter. At the same time, you need to dig out the corms in mid-June, when the flowering period ends. After the planting material is dried, ventilated and stored in a cool room until planting.

As for the planting depth, it depends on the size of the corms. The smallest ones are planted to a depth of 5 cm, and for the largest crocuses you will need a hole 12 cm deep.

question for super gardeners) decided to transplant crocuses ...

ღ M @ rin @ ღ

In general, crocuses are quite unpretentious. It is best to buy planting material in August or September. Autumn blooming crocuses are planted in late August, and spring blooming crocuses in early September. For planting, you need to choose heavy corms, without sprouts and sprouted roots.
Most often, seeds are used for breeding work: such reproduction will allow you to get buds of unusual colors, which can decorate both a window sill and flower beds. However, if you use exactly the seeds, you can get the first flowering no earlier than after 3 years.
If the plant lacks light, it will not be able to produce a large bud.

Irina K

Indoor crocuses do not like acidic soil; it is best to choose loams that will not retain moisture. Depleted soils are diluted with rotted manure mixed with lime; leafy soil can also be used.

Tatiana Kovalenko

Crocus is a perennial bulbous plant, it belongs to the botanical family of iris, which has several dozen genera.


What you listed is planted-transplanted in September-October, the spring transplant is a lot of stress for them, it is simply destructive

British Queen

I recently read about transplanting tulips in the newspaper


Hyacinths, tulips, crocuses - how do they tolerate a transplant?

Lucy Lucyao

At the end of the flowering period, approximately in mid-June, it is necessary to cut off the dry inflorescences and leaves, and also dig up the corms. Planting material should be stored with a gradual decrease in temperature. For a week after digging, the corms are dried and ventilated. Then they can be folded into a cellar or basement, where it is cool and dark enough. After a few weeks, the planting material is transferred to a vegetable box in the refrigerator and stored there until planting. Crocus planting is carried out in the second half of September or early October.

Dasha Radko

Many growers dig up and plant crocuses once every five or six years, however, experts recommend doing this procedure more often to avoid crushing the inflorescences. The optimal crocus planting frequency is once every three years.

Alexander Petryakov

It is important to take into account that at the end of the flowering period, the strong roots of the plant pull the corms deeper into the ground. If you want to get material for forcing crocuses, the corms should be planted deeper, and for quick reproduction, choose a shallower planting.
Crocuses need good watering from the moment they sprout and throughout their growth. Before watering, it is necessary to slightly loosen the soil so that moisture and air can better penetrate to the root system.

Jeanne S

Most often, large-flowered Dutch hybrids are chosen for home cultivation, which are distinguished by their hardiness and very beautiful flowering. Such varieties are propagated by bulbous babies; they can be purchased at any specialized store.
It is necessary to water the bulbs in moderation: crocuses are classified as drought-resistant bulbous plants, so they can calmly tolerate the drying out of the topsoil. Watering continues until the leaves of the plant completely fall off. Watering regularly after flowering will allow the bulb to absorb enough moisture and nutrients for the rest of the bulb.
When replanting, it is necessary to use only fresh soil, it can consist of sod and leafy soil, as well as clean sand. When transplanting, you can add a small amount mineral feeding, which contains potassium and phosphates.
In total, there are more than 100 species of crocus, and some of them do not bloom in spring, but in autumn. If you plant two types of crocuses in a room, they will be the first to greet spring and become the last symbol of the outgoing summer. They are grown both in the garden and at home.
If it is not possible to plant now, then plant later in autumn. In spring tulips, daffodils, hyacinths cannot be transplanted - they may die. And crocuses generally bloom very early, like snowdrops.
Bulbous plants take root in autumn.
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Marina Turilina

The absence of inflorescences, as a rule, indicates improper care of the plant.
It is possible to propagate crocuses using the accelerated method. To do this, you need to dig up the flowers annually at the end of the flowering period. Each flowering bulb is capable of producing from two to four bulbs and up to ten babies.
For distillation, the plant will need at least three and a half months. In order for crocuses to bloom for the New Year, they are planted in September. To present blooming crocuses for Valentine's Day, they are planted in early October. Crocuses are planted as a gift for International Women's Day in mid-November Viola transplant How to properly trim raspberries in spring

Crocus (or saffron (, forms a genus of herbaceous bulbous plants of the Iris family. In nature, crocus saffron grows in the steppes, forests and meadows of the Mediterranean, Central, Southern and Northern Europe, Minor and Central Asia and the Middle East. Scientists have described about 80 species and 300 varieties of crocus Crocus is interesting for modern flower growers because it is one of the earliest and most beautiful primroses, but there are crocuses that bloom in autumn.

Crocus plant is short, reaching a height of about 10 cm. Flattened or rounded crocus bulbs reach a diameter of 3 cm, they are dressed in scales and have a bunch of fibrous roots. Crocus does not develop a stem. Narrow, linear, basal leaves that appear during or after flowering are collected in a bunch and covered with scales. Single goblet crocus flowers with a diameter of 2 to 5 cm, white, cream, blue, lilac, purple, yellow or orange, blooming on a short leafless peduncle, surrounded by membranous scales. There are varieties of crocuses with spotted or two-colored coloration. The mass bloom of crocuses lasts from two to three weeks.

Crocuses planting in open ground

When to plant crocuses

Spring crocuses are planted in the ground in autumn, and autumn-flowering in summer, the site is chosen sunny, although crocuses grow well in partial shade and even in the shade. The soil for growing crocuses is preferable to be light, dry, loose and nutritious. When preparing a plot for crocuses, it is advisable to place fine gravel or coarse river sand in the soil for drainage. As an organic additive, compost, rotted manure or peat with lime are added to the soil for digging, since crocuses do not like acidic soils. Ash is introduced into clay soil. For those species that do not tolerate wet soils, suit high beds with crushed stone or gravel as a drainage layer. The planting material must be free of defects and damage.

Planting crocuses in autumn

To see the blooming of crocuses in spring, their bulbs are planted in open ground in September. Planting crocuses in loose soil involves planting the bulb to a depth of twice its size. If the soil is heavy, one size deep will suffice. The average distance between the bulbs is from 7 to 10 cm. After planting, the area is watered. Do not thicken the planting, because crocuses grow in one place from 3 to 5 years, and during this time one bulb grows over a whole colony of children, and the area with crocuses turns into a solid carpet of flowers. After the five-year period, crocuses need to be planted.

Planting crocuses for forcing

Many flower growers yearn without their favorite garden flowers in winter, so even in winter they grow them in their apartment. The easiest way to grow a bouquet is from bulbs, including crocuses. Large-flowered Dutch varieties are most suitable for forcing. Crocus bulbs of about the same size are planted from five to ten pieces in shallow wide pots in order to get a whole bunch of primroses by the appointed time. The soil for crocuses planted for forcing should be neutral, loose, air and water permeable. The procedure and conditions for forcing crocuses are described in THIS article.

Crocus bulbs are not thrown away after flowering, they continue to be watered and even fed with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants. When the leaves begin to turn yellow, watering is gradually reduced until it stops completely. After the leaves have completely dried out, the bulbs are removed from the pot, cleaned of soil, wrapped in a napkin, put in cardboard box and stored in a dark, dry place until planting in open ground in the fall.

Crocus care outdoors

How to care for crocuses in the garden

Crocus care is simple. They need to be watered only if the winter was snowless and the spring was without rains. The height of the crocuses depends on the amount of moisture received, but in general they are quite drought-resistant. The soil on the site must be loosened and freed from weeds. During active growth, crocuses need additional feeding, and the use of fresh organic matter is unacceptable. But crocuses love mineral fertilizers, however, in to a greater extent they need phosphorus and potassium, but the excess nitrogen fertilizers in wet weather can provoke fungal diseases... For the first time, complex mineral fertilizers at the rate of 30-40 g per m² are applied in early spring in the snow, the second top dressing, with a reduced dose of nitrogen, is carried out during flowering.

After the foliage on spring-blooming crocuses turns yellow, you can forget about them until autumn, unless, of course, the time has come to dig their bulbs out of the ground. Autumn flowering varieties will remind you of themselves when their flowers open in September.

Crocus transplant

It is not necessary to dig up crocus bulbs every year for the winter, but once every three to four years in the middle of summer, when the crocuses have a dormant period, it is necessary to do this, since over such a long time the mother corm increases greatly due to the many daughter bulbs, which annually, in depending on the species and variety, it grows from one to ten. The bulbs begin to interfere with each other, and from this the crocus flowers become smaller.

When to dig up crocuses

The bulbs are planted once every three to five years, but if you need planting material, you can dig, divide and transplant crocus bulbs more often. Bulbs of autumn-flowering crocuses, again depending on the species and variety, are dug up from June to August, bulbs of spring-flowering ones - from July to September. The bulbs extracted from the ground are dried, defective scales, dead roots are removed from them, diseased bulbs are discarded, and mechanical damage is treated with crushed coal or ash. Before landing in the ground, they are stored in a cool and dry place.

The annual cycle of spring-blooming crocus begins with the regrowth of leaves in late winter or early spring. Their dormant period begins closer to mid-June. In autumn, crocuses become active again, begin to grow roots and accumulate food. At the same time, the formation of the renewal bud is completed. That is why it is very important to keep the crocus leaves intact during the dormant period. The digging of spring flowering plants, as well as their planting, is carried out during the dormant period, that is, from mid-June to the end of summer.

The cycle of an autumn-flowering crocus usually begins in August with flowering, during which leaves grow and a replacement corm is formed. And their dormant period begins a month earlier than that of spring-flowering ones. So dig up the bulbs blooming in autumn crocuses, if the need is ripe, you need from early June to mid-August.

Crocus care after flowering

When the flowers fade, the stalks can be cut off, but the green crocus bushes will decorate your garden for a long time until the leaves turn yellow and fade. Once the leaves have dried naturally, the spring-flowering bulbs can be dug up and dried to be planted again in September. However, as already mentioned, it is not necessary to dig up crocus bulbs every year. If you planted them no earlier than three years ago, and soil is still visible between the crocus bushes, just cover the area with crocuses for the winter with a thick layer of peat or dry leaves.

Crocuses reproduction

The propagation of crocuses by daughter bulbs, or babies, which are separated from the mother bulb during transplantation, we have just described. Planting crocuses in the ground after dividing the bulb is carried out according to the rules described in the corresponding section. Depending on the variety or species, the separated and planted baby will bloom in the third or fourth year. Spring crocuses also reproduce by seeds, but crocuses bloom from seeds only in the fourth or fifth year, so seed propagation is not as popular as vegetative propagation. The seeds of autumn-flowering crocuses do not have time to ripen in our conditions.

Crocuses storage of bulbs

After being removed from the soil, crocus bulbs are dried in the shade, cleaned of soil, dead roots and scales, laid out in one layer in a box or box. The smallest onions can be arranged in candy boxes. Until August, the storage temperature should be at least 22 ºC, because more low temperature will prevent the laying of flower buds. In August, the temperature is lowered to 20 ºC, and a week later to 15 ºC. But these are ideal storage conditions, which are created only in specialized farms. At home, crocus bulbs are stored in a dark, dry place with room temperature and good ventilation before planting.

Crocuses diseases and pests

Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, crocuses are almost not affected by diseases or pests from the world of insects. The worst enemy of crocuses is rodents, field mice, which gladly eat the bulbs of flowers, so do not leave the planting material laid out to dry unattended. It is very convenient to keep them in egg cartons, laid out in the cells.

Sometimes in the bulbs of crocuses, holes are found made by a wireworm - the larva of a click beetle. She yellow color and tough to the touch. If there are a lot of pests on crocuses, at the end of April or the beginning of May, spread bunches of last year's unripe grass, hay or straw over the site, moisten them and cover them with boards - wireworms will gladly get over these traps, after which the traps with larvae are burned at the stake. If necessary, this unpleasant procedure must be repeated. Sometimes crocuses are harmed by slugs, which have to be collected by hand.

Self-seeding of crocuses and their germination in the most unexpected places can become a problem, as a result of which the culture is reborn into a weed.

Sometimes you can find in a flowerbed with crocuses a specimen with flattened flowers in gray spots on the petals that do not fully open. This is a sign of a viral disease, which can be carried by mice, thrips and aphids. Diseased plants should be immediately dug up and destroyed before the disease spreads to other plants. The soil where the flowers affected by the virus grew is disinfected with a strong hot solution of potassium permanganate.

With improper or insufficient care, the crocus in the garden can be affected by fungal diseases of gray, penicillous or sclerocial rot, as well as fusarium. Warm and damp weather increases the risk of illness. To avoid this problem, carefully examine the planting material when buying, try not to damage the bulbs when digging up, and if you do accidentally scratch or cut the bulb, sprinkle the wound with ash and dry it at room temperature. Before planting, etch the planting material in a fungicide solution.

Crocus species and varieties

All crocus varieties are classified into 15 groups. The first group includes autumn-flowering crocuses, and the remaining 14 groups represent spring-flowering species and varieties of crocuses. Spring crocus was the basis for many varieties and hybrids, most of which belong to the authorship of Dutch breeders. The most popular commercial varieties are classified as Dutch hybrids. Another popular group of commercial varieties in culture is Chrysanthus, which was formed by hybrids between golden crocuses, two-flowered crocuses and its hybrids. We offer you a quick introduction to these groups and their best varieties.

Spring blooming crocuses

CROCUS SPRING(Crocus vernus) grows up to 17 cm high. The corm is flattened, covered with mesh scales, the leaves are narrow, linear, dark green with a longitudinal silvery-white stripe. Purple or white flowers with a long tube, bell-funnel-shaped, in the amount of one or two, develop from one corm and bloom in spring for about three weeks.

CROCUS TWO-FLORAL(Crocus biflorus) occurs naturally from Italy to Iran, as well as in the Caucasus and Crimea. It has a variety of natural forms: with white flowers, lilac-blue with brown spots on the outside of the petals, white with violet-brown stripes, white on the inside and violet-brown on the outside. The pharynx of flowers is white or yellow.

CROCUS GOLDEN(Crocus chrysanthus) grows on the rocky slopes of the Balkans and Asia Minor. It reaches a height of 20 cm, its corms are spherical, but flattened, the leaves are very narrow, the flowers are golden yellow in color with bending back, shiny with outside perianths. Some forms have brown streaks or tan marks on the outside of the petals. Anthers are orange, columns are reddish. Blooms in April for three weeks. In culture since 1841. The following varieties are common in floriculture:
Blue Bonnet- flowers up to 3 cm long with a pale blue perianth and yellow fauces.
Nanette- a variety with large yellow-cream flowers with purple stripes on the outside.
I. Gee. Bowels- crocus with very large bright yellow flowers on the inside and gray-brownish on the outside.

CROCUS TOMAZINI(Crocus tommasinianus) naturally grows in deciduous forests and on the hillsides of Hungary and the countries of the former Yugoslavia. It has pink-lilac perianth leaves, sometimes with a white border around the edge. The open flowers are in the shape of a star with a white throat. The flower tube is white. From one corm develops up to three flowers up to 6 cm high.This species blooms in April for three weeks. Crocus Tomasini, one of the most popular species, has been cultivated since 1847. The most famous varieties:
Laylek Beauty- wide-open, almost flat flowers up to 3 cm in diameter with yellow anthers and narrow oval-shaped narrow lobes of lilac color on the outside and a lighter shade on the inside.
Whitwell Purple- large, wide-open, almost flat purple-violet flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with narrow elongated lobes. White tube up to 3.5 cm long.

In addition to those described, such spring-flowering crocuses are known in the culture: narrow-leaved, reticulated, Crimean, Korolkova, Imperate, Sieber, yellow, Geufel, Ankyrian, Alataevsky, Adam, Corsican, Dalmatian, Etruscan, Fleischer, Malia and the smallest.

Autumn blooming crocuses

CROCUS BEAUTIFUL(Crocus speciosus) grows on the edges of forests in the mountainous regions of Crimea, the Balkans and Asia Minor. Its leaves reach a length of 30 cm, lilac-purple flowers with longitudinal purple veins up to 7 cm in diameter bloom in early autumn. In culture since 1800. Garden forms of this species are known with dark blue, white, blue, lilac and light purple flowers. The best varieties:
Albus- white-flowered variation with a cream-colored tube.
Artabir- flowers of sky-blue color with bracts covered with dark veins.
Oksinan- The flowers are violet-blue with a dark perianth and sharp leaves.

CROCUS GOOD(Crocus pulchellus) - very beautiful plant with light purple flowers in a dark strip, the diameter of which is from 6 to 8 cm, and the height is from 7 to 10 cm. On each plant in September or October, 5-10 flowers open. The cute crocus is not afraid of light frosts.

CROCUS BANATIAN(Crocus banaticus) grows in the Carpathians, Romania and the Balkans. The name was given in honor of the historical region of Banat, located in Romania. It has linear silvery-gray leaves up to 15 cm long. Graceful light lilac flowers with yellow anthers rise 12-14 cm above the ground surface. The outer tepals are up to 4.5 cm long, the inner ones are narrower and twice as short. It has been cultivated since 1629.

In culture, autumn-flowering crocuses are also grown beautiful, Pallas, Holmovoy, Sharoyana, Gulimi, holo-flowered, Kardukhor, medium, Cartwright, Kochi, trellised, medium, yellow-white and late.

Dutch hybrids, or large-flowered crocuses, are unpretentious and fertile spring-flowering plants, the flowers of which are on average twice as large as those of the original species. The first varieties of Dutch hybrids appeared in 1897. Now there are more than 50 of them, and they are divided into groups according to the color of the flowers. The first group includes varieties with pure white flowers or white with a spot of a different color at the base of each lobe of the bracts. The second group combines varieties with purple, lilac and lilac colors. The third represents varieties with a net or striped color of flowers with or without a spot at the base of the lobes. Hybrids bloom during May, flowering lasts from 10 to 17 days. We recommend you several varieties that grow well in our climate:
Albion- white goblet flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with rounded lobes, with a tube up to 5 cm long with a rare lilac streak.
Vanguard- cupped, open bluish-lilac flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with elongated oval lobes with small spots of a darker color at the base, with a bluish-lilac tube up to 4.5 cm long.
Jubilee- goblet blue flowers with a barely noticeable purple-violet tinge and with a clear light purple spot at the base of the lobes, as well as a narrow light border along the edge. The tube is light purple, up to 5.5 cm long.
Sniper Banner- goblet flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with oval lobes of mesh color - a light grayish-lilac shade on the outside and with a densely lilac mesh on the inside. The lobes of the inner circle are lighter in color than the lobes of the outer one. At the base of the lobes there is a small but very clear dark lilac speck. The tube up to 4 cm long is dark lilac.
Kathleen Parlow- cupped white flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with a short lilac streak at the base of the inner lobes and with a white tube up to 5 cm long.

CHRIZANTHUS- spring-flowering hybrids, in the formation of which golden crocuses participated, natural forms of two-flowered crocus and their hybrids. The flowers of this group are not as large as the flowers of the "Dutch", but among the chrysanthus there are many varieties with yellow and bluish flowers. The most famous varieties:
Gypsy Girl- cupped, wide-open flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter, light yellow inside with a dark yellow throat, and yellowish cream outside. There is a small brown speck on the inside of the lobes. The tube up to 3 cm long is cream-colored with dusty lilac streaks.
Marietta- wide-open, almost flat flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter with oval narrow dark cream lobes with a yellow throat, outside at the base of the lobes of the outer circle, covered with dense dark purple stripes, a greenish-brown spot. A tube up to 3 cm long in a light gray-green shade.
Lady Keeler- cupped, almost flat flowers up to 3 cm in diameter with elongated oval lobes of white color from the inside, the lobes of the inner circle are white outside, and the outer ones are dark purple with a white border and a small dark-gray spot at the base. Purple bud, tube up to 3 cm long, dark purple-violet hue.
Saturnus- wide-open, flat flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter with slightly elongated tops of the lobes of the outer circle. The color is yellowish cream with a bright yellow throat. Outside, at the base there is a greenish-brown spot, the lobes of the outer circle are streaked with thick lilac strokes. The tube is grayish-green, up to 2.5 cm long.

Where to buy crocus bulbs

The Scientific and Production Association "Sady Rossii" has been introducing the latest achievements in the selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops into the wide practice of amateur gardening for 30 years. In the work of the association, the most modern technologies, a unique laboratory for micro-propagation of plants was created. The main tasks of NPO Sady Rossii is to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material of popular varieties of various garden plants and novelties of the world selection. Delivery of planting material (seeds, onions, seedlings) is carried out by Russian post. We are waiting for you for shopping:

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- Banat crocus (Crocus banaticus) comes from the Balkans.

It is recommended to plant crocuses in random places of 3 - 5 bulbs, for this, use a shovel to make a depression of 8-10 cm, after planting the bulbs, the soil is watered abundantly, so as not to forget the place, mark it as convenient for you. Crocus lawn care is simple - making organic fertilizers, careful processing of the lawn. Note that in this way tulips and daffodils are planted on the lawn, but they do not decorate the lawn as luxuriously as crocuses.

Growing and caring for crocuses

Scottish, two-flowered crocus - there are also autumn-flowering varieties, the color is white, the petals are purple on the underside.


It is necessary to store crocus bulbs in the house, that is, away from rodents. These are the main enemies of the plant.

Planting crocuses at home has another important recommendation. If these plants are not hardy enough, they must be mulched.

Planting crocuses in the ground in autumn is characterized by the following features:

This plant belongs to the Iris family. About 80 of its species and more than 300 varieties are known. Crocuses are divided into two huge groups:

After preparing the beds for planting, you need to figure out when to plant crocuses in the fall or earlier? Summer months are suitable for planting late flowering varieties. And for early spring crocuses, the optimal time will be in the second half of September. It will be too late in October because the plants will be weak.

You need to dig up the tubers depending on the flowering time. If these are autumn flowers, then the whole summer is suitable, and July-August is reserved for spring ones. It is important that about 3 months should pass before planting the tubers.

Crocus is a plant that can be called a "snowdrop". This is due to the fact that it blooms when the snow melts, but has not yet completely melted.

These crocuses have blue-violet flowers with longitudinal veins. Their bulbs can be found in stores at the end of summer, along with other small-bulbous autumn plantings.

Crocus, a flower that does not need special care, the bulbs have enough nutrients from the soil without unnecessary fertilizing, unless of course the soil is quite fertile. Crocus bulbs are attractive to rodents such as squirrels and mice. How to protect bulbs from rodents? There are several ways to do this:

Crocus Tomasini is a popular type of early crocuses, ranging in color from pink to lilac, recommended for growing on lawns.


  • Also, to get good nests of corms, gardeners recommend planting them every year. This will give the kids more room to grow.
  • To extend the flowering time of this plant, gardeners go for a little trick: they plant crocus bulbs in separate holes at different depths. This will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the crocus flowers for at least a week longer.
  • The leaves of the plant wither and turn yellow;

Planting crocuses in the garden

Those that bloom in spring;

  1. The most optimal time for planting small-bulbous flowers, which include crocus flowers, is the end of August - beginning of September.
  2. Until this time, they must be dried. Remove all affected tubers. Sprinkle mechanical damage on them with ash. Then they are supposed to be stored in a cool room.

However, there are also varieties that bloom towards the end of summer. They require very careful care, as they are extremely whimsical. This explains the fact that such crocuses are not widespread.

  • The following species are much less common in gardening:
  • Blood meal and chili peppers around the plant will keep small rodents from approaching
  • Gold Crocus - Various colors are available, including pure white, yellow orange, blue, pale yellow.

When to plant crocuses?

These plants are widely used for the following purposes:

It is forcing that helps to achieve very early flowering in crocuses. Only the healthiest bulbs are suitable for this purpose. Somewhere in September, gardeners recommend planting them in pots. The soil in the container should be slightly damp. The pots should be covered with a foil, first make several holes in it for ventilation.

After planting, the land where the plants are planted is watered a little and slightly covered with coniferous litter. This will keep the moisture longer, as well as protect the plants from severe frosts in the event of a snowless winter.

Growing crocuses at home

They die off over time;

Those that bloom in summer.

Planting crocuses at this time, the bulbs overwinter well and bloom in early spring.

Among the problems of cultivation are the following:

These bright flowers are used to decorate the alpine slides. And if crocuses are planted very tightly, then they will be a spectacular decoration of the flower beds in the garden.

- Valley crocus (Crocus vallicola) with white flowers;

Pet toilet waste will also scare away intruders.

When to transplant crocuses?

Autumn crocus species:

To create a beautiful landscape design of the site;

Planting crocuses in the ground in the fall. Crocus planting dates

This container with planting material is placed in the basement or in any dark and cool place. The first shoots appear in early January. After that, the pot is removed to a room with an air temperature of up to 15 degrees Celsius, where it is shaded with paper bags. It is also important not to forget to water the plant.

Crocuses: a short description of the plant

These plants reproduce by their "children" - these are daughter corms. They are formed from the buds that sit in the sinus of the scales. When the old corm dies off, new babies begin to grow on their own, forming a kind of "nest". It turns out a group of related bulbs. The above method is the most effective method for propagating plants such as crocus flowers. Planting and care in this case are done very carefully so as not to damage the bulbous material.

  • The bulb remains weak, but alive.
  • Their flowering period is very short - no more than 10 days.

For forcing crocuses at home to end with flowering, you need to repeat the entire cycle of changes in nature. First, dry the bulbs in June and bake them at about 34 ° C for a week. Then it should be lowered to room values. Every two weeks, the temperature drops slightly and is brought to a value of 17 degrees. This should be done by mid-August.

Aphid infestation in dry summer;

  • If planting is carried out in open ground, then you need to choose a suitable place. Crocuses in the country and in the garden prefer an open sunny space. But in the spring, when they bloom, under deciduous trees also light. After all, there are no leaves on them, which means that the sun will penetrate enough to them.
  • - Sharoyan's crocus (Crocus scharojanii) with bright orange flowers.
  • Most rodents avoid daffodils, snowdrops and onions, you can take advantage of this by planting them around crocuses.

Sowing saffron - it is from this type of crocus that the saffron seasoning is obtained. The color of the petals is from blue to purple, the pistils are red.

Crocuses: planting in autumn. Landing dates

As gift flowers in pots for the holidays (Valentine's Day, March 8);

  • A week later, gardeners are advised to remove the film from the pot. It is necessary to bring them into a warm room when the first buds already appear. The blooming of crocuses depends on the temperature in the room: the lower it is, the longer they bloom.
  • The corm grows every year and becomes larger. As a result of this, many so-called babies are formed. When it becomes cramped for them, and they are already beginning to interfere with each other, they must be seated.

In the first spring after the above planting, crocuses may not bloom at all.

The main features of the above flower:

Now comes the hardening of crocuses. They should be placed in a cool room. At a temperature of about 6 ° C, the bulbs should be stored for about a month.

  • Decay of bulbs from excess moisture;
  • Crocuses are excellent companions for peonies and ivy, as well as other short perennials.
  • These types of crocuses are quite difficult to grow.

One more important point in the cultivation of crocuses - do not remove the fallen leaves from the bush, they must rot and nourish the plant with microelements for the formation of flowers in the next season. Every 2-3 years crocuses should be dug up and divided, transplanted to a new place.

Locations and soil for flowers

Narrow-leaved crocus - orange-yellow flowers, brown stripes on the lower side of the petals.

As a seasoning in cooking;

Expelled crocuses in the fall can be safely planted in open ground.

If conditions permit, it is important to plant children of one bulb of a particular species in groups. This planting material blooms approximately 4 years after planting.

This plant needs a well-prepared soil. It is fertilized with compost and manure, in addition, it is well loosened. Excessive moisture and stagnant water are not good for a flower. Therefore, if crocuses are planted in autumn, a little sand should be added to the soil, especially clayey.

Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground

Resistance to unforeseen atmospheric phenomena;

Then comes the rooting period of the plant. To do this, you need to plant it in a pot. If planting is carried out in September, then flowering will begin by January. When it is necessary to delay the emergence of flowers, the rooting period is extended.

Uncontrolled spread due to self-seeding of seeds and forgotten tubers.

Second important point: satisfactory drainage of the soil. If it is such that moisture stagnates in the soil, then the crocus bulbs will rot.

Everything: that blooms in autumn, we divide in summer

There may be several reasons for this. If you live in the south, take care of timely watering, often crocuses do not bloom, if there is not enough nutrition in the soil, in this case organic feeding will help. Crocuses need sunshine, so make sure the flowers grow in a bright spot.

Beautiful crocus - very beautiful pale purple large flowers with dark stripes along the petals.

Crocus propagation by seeds

As a food coloring.

Gardeners celebrate the spectacular flowering and growth of these flowers close to the following plants:

The second method of reproduction of crocuses is by seeds. But this method is only suitable for spring flowering plants. Crocuses, which bloom in the fall, bear irregularly because early severe frosts prevent them from setting seeds.

The best soil for this plant is, of course, light sandy loam soil. The area must be well drained, as stagnant water leads to rotting of the plant.

Tendency to reproduce rapidly;

Crocus care

If the plants are to be used as indoor plants, then crocuses should be planted using nutritious soil. It is supposed to stick the bulbs into it at a shallow depth. You just need to leave a small distance between the adjacent crocuses and the walls of the pot.

  • Since these plants are small, the planting scheme looks like this:
  • The question of its composition is also a requirement for the soil. Sandy loam soil is best suited for crocuses. If the cottage is located in an area where the soil is too dense, then coarse sand will save. Sprinkle it on the flower bed and dig it up well.
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Sometimes the buds of crocuses are eaten by rodents, the fight against them is described above. Do not forget to transplant crocuses, perhaps the bulbs have become cramped, usually this happens in abandoned areas, when crocuses have been growing in one place for more than five years.

  • Autumn crocuses are often confused with a poisonous crocus, and therefore it is recommended to purchase autumn varieties in specialized stores.
  • Also, this plant is widely used in alternative medicine. On the basis of crocus, special eye drops and fortifying tinctures are made, since saffron has antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties.


Forcing crocuses

Sow this planting material in small pots or boxes. This will allow small shoots not to get lost among the large ones, and they will also be better protected from weeds. The pot must be covered with black foil and made sure that they do not dry out. If the leaves of the seedlings die off completely, they can be slightly sprayed with Roundup. But care is important here so as not to make the soil too wet, as this can provoke rotting of the seedlings. Seedlings bloom for about 5 years.

Unpretentious care.

The crocus pots should again be removed to a cool place. And now they need to be given a time of at least two months. Then put it on the windowsill. They will bloom in two weeks.

The best partners for crocuses

Depth from 4 to 12 cm, depending on the size of the tuber, small ones closer to the surface, and large ones deeper into the ground;

  • Before planting crocuses, the soil must be enriched with nutrients. Compost is great and can be replaced. mineral fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.
  • Bloom - we'll see
  • Late crocus (Crocus serotinus)
  • Crocuses prefer a sunny area, if you live in the south, partial shade is recommended, as there is a risk of damage to the leaves and drying out of the bulbs from the hot sun. Crocuses love fertile, slightly acidic soil, but are generally tolerant of other types of soil.
  • Planting crocuses in the ground in autumn provides an opportunity to enjoy the flowering of this plant in early spring. But so that these flowers do not disappoint you and grow really beautiful and spectacular, it is important to follow some simple recommendations for planting them.
  • Boxwood;
  • Plants such as crocus flowers do not require special complex observation. Planting and leaving has only a few rules:
  • So that the flowers are not small, it is important for them to find a place that is well lit. It is important that the plants do not shade the trees. Although this plant grows well in partial shade.
  • In one place, these flowers can grow for 5 years.

Application of crocuses

While the crocus is growing, home care is not a big deal. They need to be watered like other plants to keep the soil from drying out. If you want to prolong flowering, then they need to create a cool temperature. And at night it is better to expose them in the cold, you can even in the frost down to -3 ° C.

  • It is optimal to leave the distance between adjacent bulbs within 5 cm.
  • Crocus care is as simple as possible. They only require weeding and loosening the soil. Crocuses do not need watering. Because in spring there is enough moisture in the garden from the melted snow. The exception is when there was too little snow in winter. Then the soil in the flowerbed will need to be slightly moistened.
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  • Autumn blooming. Native to central and northern Portugal and northern and southwestern Spain, this species has many garden forms... Subspecies of late saffron (C. serotinus) Clusia (subsp. Clusii), Salzmann (subsp. Saltzmannii) and a variation of the latter "Erectophyllus" bloom in November. The flowers are all dark, lavender-blue in color.

Planting of spring crocus is carried out in autumn from September to October or in early spring (with spring planting, crocuses will bloom in a year), the bulbs are planted at a depth of 5 - 7 cm. The distance between the bulbs is 5 cm, up to 10 bulbs can be planted in one hole.

People have been growing crocuses for several thousand years and not only for decorative purposes, crocuses are used in medicine, for the production of dyes and the most valuable spice in the world - saffron. To get 1 kg of spice, you will need 170,000 autumn crocus flowers. Among the famous garden perennials, crocuses do not take the last place, this bulbous plant will decorate the garden not only in spring, but also in autumn, crocuses are perfectly combined with the delicate green of the lawn. The variety of species, delicate colors of cupped flowers and relative unpretentiousness make crocuses an irreplaceable decoration of the garden plot.

Crocuses - types, planting and care

  1. Once every few years they must be thinned out, since in favorable conditions each corm produces up to 10 children annually and becomes larger and larger;

Autumn and spring crocuses, varieties

Soil fertilization also needs to be taken seriously. It is important to remember: nitrogen is a great danger for crocuses. Therefore, the best option for him is fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium. After all, the first trace element is necessary for the formation of crocus buds and the extension of the flowering period. The second trace element is important precisely for the bulbs of the plant.

The planting of these plants depends on their species. Crocus planting dates are as follows:

  • When flowering is over, crocuses can be planted in the garden to form new bulbs.
  • Options for creating and planting flower beds and crocus compositions:
  • Planting and caring for crocuses in the open field also means feeding them. Spring occurs when they are actively growing. For her, it is supposed to use a complex fertilizer, which must be sprinkled directly on the snow.
  • Autumn-flowering crocuses should be transplanted at the beginning of summer, in the spring they grow leaves that look like lily of the valley leaves, only larger, then they dry up, then you can dig up the bulbs, dry them, and plant them in place in mid-August, the soil is nutritious, loose. Their smell is very pleasant.


  • After planting, the soil is covered with a layer of mulch or bark. Crocus bulbs are resistant to frost up to 20 ° C, if the winters are colder, you can cover the plants for the winter with bark, dry grass, cardboard, in winter it is important that the snow must cover the plants.
  • Why crocus does not bloom
  • Thuja;

The process of digging out of spring-flowering plants is carried out in the summer after their leaves turn yellow;

Crocus planting in fall or spring

It is imperative to plant or transplant these plants without flowers. If, nevertheless, flowering specimens are planted, then they will gain strength only after about two years.

Late spring or early summer (autumn flowering);

If the plants are domesticated, then every year. The same recommendations exist for garden crocuses. So, it will be possible to keep track of them and prevent them from spreading through the flower bed, becoming a weed crop.

Single landing;

Planting crocuses on the lawn

With the beginning of flowering, fertilizing with urea is carried out. 2-3 weeks after the beginning of flowering, the third fertilization is carried out. Now you can use phosphate or potassium.

People! do not mislead each other! In the photo and in the answers of Dmitry and Natalia - a crocus! This is a completely different plant!

There are several varieties of autumn crocuses.


Another way to protect against frost is to dig in May and store the bulbs at a temperature of about 20 ° C in a dry place until the autumn planting of crocuses in open ground. Planting autumn crocuses is similar to spring species, they differ only in the timing of planting. Autumn crocuses are planted in August, and the tubers are dug up two weeks after flowering.

  • Spring crocuses are primroses and begin to bloom in March, crocuses look great in rock gardens and lawns, suitable for growing on balconies and shaded areas. Autumn crocuses give a bright sparkle to the garden plot, blooming in October, when most of the other plants have completed their flowering period.
  • Galanthus;
  • The bulbs are dried and stored in the shade.

Crocus planting before winter is carried out by the following method: the bulb is lowered to a depth of 10 cm.The distance between these plants must be observed and be at least 4 cm.

Why crocus does not bloom

October-November (spring flowering).

In addition, transplanting bulbs allows for their reproduction. Different varieties give their own number of children. Usually this number does not exceed 10. In addition, crocuses can also be grown by seeds. Only in this case they will bloom only after a few years.