Fox holes. How to build "fox holes" Waterproofing in garden houses

Have you been dreaming about your home for a long time? Or maybe there is enough space on your plot for a small extension, in which you would be happy to do your favorite hobby or just relax alone from the daily hustle and bustle? It is not at all necessary to take out loans or save every ruble from your salary; there are many people who built their dream home without significant funds. As you know, the main thing is desire!

1. House of the hobbit

Simon Dale from the UK has always dreamed of having his own home. But with modern real estate prices, he couldn't afford it. He did not take out a mortgage, but built a summer residence for his wife and two children with his own hands on a small plot of land in Wales.

Prior to that, Simon had no experience in construction. Relatives and friends helped him, the whole process took 4 months. It was decided to build the house on a hillside. For this, a foundation pit was dug on the spot; the soil and stone extracted from it were used for the foundation and retaining walls.

Both waste wood and wood from the nearest forest were used. The roof, floor and walls were covered with thatch, which provided thermal insulation, after which the walls were covered lime plaster allowing the house to "breathe".

Insulation was also placed on the roof, sod and grass on top. Original design a roof hatch at the top provided natural daylight.

The house is heated by a fireplace, the chimney passes through the stone, which retains heat for a long time.

The frame was made of oak; during construction were used the simplest tools. As Simon himself says, they found some materials (for example, windows, plumbing, sockets, wires) in landfills. The house uses solar energy , instead of a refrigerator - a cellar.

Such a house is not only simple, cheap and environmentally friendly - it is a reflection of individuality, the ability to live in harmony with nature, freedom from the clichés of the modern construction industry.

Simon claims that he did not build the dwelling specifically to look like a "hobbit house." The family uses it as a summer residence, and Simon has since received many orders for similar buildings. Here, for example, is another house he built:

2. Ecohouse from the ground

Yes, you heard right! From the most ordinary land, which, as you know, is free. Or, more precisely - from bags of earth.

According to experts, it is better to use clay-containing soil - it will harden after molding, which will give the structure additional strength. The foundation for such a house is not needed, it can be built right on the ground, it is only necessary to level the platform.

The geometry of the building can be arbitrary - from small house with a dome in a fabulous style to a full-fledged large building of any, even the most bizarre shape.

Bags of earth are stacked on top of each other; for molding, it is convenient to use a plate that is placed under the bag: the soil in the bag is rammed, and then the plate is removed. For additional bundling, wire, mesh or boards are laid through the rows of bags.

Dome structures eliminate the need to make overlaps. Ordinary foil can be used as insulation.

An interesting element is the bags themselves. They are very cheap; they can be found in landfills or in stores, where they remain after packaging. If the construction site is planned to be large, it is convenient to use rolls of sackcloth - this will allow you to build a house solid ring.

The material of the bags is strong enough, it allows the formation of more stable blocks: lime mortar is poured into the bags, after which they are placed in molds, obtaining ready-made building elements. You can also mold blocks from clay and straw.

The walls laid out from bags are plastered, whitewashed and painted.

3. Bottles for home

When building walls, bottles are also used - it can be both plastic and glass containers. Thermal resistance single layer walls glass bottles equals brick wall 0.55 m thick! Moreover, she 2.5-3.5 lighter and thinner.

For one square meter such a wall will require about 200 bottles and about 150 liters of mortar (depending on the width of the joint).

Such a structure will not only be cheap, warm and durable, but also environmentally friendly- collecting bottles in the area will help clean up the area and help the environment.

The house is also easy to build, but patience will be needed: each bottle will need to be filled with sand or earth.

After the bottles are laid in a cement-sand mortar, the walls are reinforced with a netting (you can simply wrap the necks with a rope), and then plaster. Outwardly, the finished structure is practically no different from a house built from familiar materials:

The bottles can also be used to create a houseboat. And the very first building in the world made of such material was erected in 1902 and looked like this:

Well, what to do if all of the above for some reason does not suit you, and you are limited in funds? ..

Well, it's time to remember the classics. Let me introduce ...

4. Her Majesty the Dugout

This type of housing has been known since the Neolithic era; it is one of the oldest and is widespread throughout the world. If you are planning a large construction site, the dugout will serve you not only as the first temporary structure on the site, but also as a cellar or additional utility room in the future.

However, one should not belittle her merits and in the role main housing or additional residential building! The main advantages of the dugout are optimum temperature inside; ease of construction (it can be built very quickly and even alone) and low cost. And also - invisibility: as soon as grass sprouts on the roof, your house will cease to stand out against the background of the surrounding landscape.

To some, such a project will not seem very attractive - the stereotype of the dugout as a relic of history remains in the minds. In extreme cases, it is perceived as a cellar for storing blanks. But modern dugouts look no less dignified than the usual houses. Cozy, lined with boards inside and outside, with small round windows - they pleasing to the eye and gaining popularity throughout Europe... It is as if time itself is intertwined in them - the past and the present, nature and man ...

Their newfound popularity sometimes does not make it clear what it is: a dugout or deepened into the ground modern cottage?

If you find the idea appealing, check out the post as well. Focus on interior and exterior details, with the help of which you will change the idea of ​​acquaintances about the dugout as a dull cellar. Fancy windows, a decorative fence at the entrance - and now you are Snow White in your quiet forest shelter ...

It is also worth remembering about bunded house(it is also called fox hole). Such a house can be slightly buried, be completely above ground, or a combination of above ground and bunded parts.

Such a structure is suitable for any terrain and any relief, adjusting to it, repeating its outline. Such houses perfectly interact with the environment, and the earth seems to cover them with a blanket, protecting from cold and wind.

Unlike a dugout, a bunded house should rather be called an earthen hill (it can even be attached to a hill, which will serve as a natural fence). Actually, and the "hobbit house" is logical to consider a variation on this theme.

The bunded house does not take up much space, and the land nearby and on it can be used for planting strawberries, raspberries and flowers, turning your home into a real one blooming flower bed.

Perhaps, with a dugout or a "fox hole" you will not be afraid of an increase in average annual temperatures - in such a house you can forget about the heat and the need to install an air conditioner... It will maintain a positive temperature, which will reduce heating costs in winter time... The walls of such a house are always breathing; from year to year it becomes stronger and stronger due to the fact that the earth is compacted, and its upper layer is held together by the roots and rhizomes of grasses. If you do the ventilation correctly, you can also forget about dampness.

Actually, ideas on how to build cheaply and quickly small house, - hundreds! You just need time and a desire to figure it out, to choose suitable way... And then call friends and acquaintances - and start construction. After all, if you think about it, people used to build their houses without construction companies, loans and catalogs.

The terrain itself suggests what is better to build on the site: contaminated area - go ahead for the bottles; hilly relief - "hobbit house" or "fox hole"; lot clay soil- a house from the ground ... And in the forest, Like-minded people can be easily found on the Web; helping each other to build, you gain experience and make new interesting friends. And do not forget: you can always transform a planned or even an already under construction house with the help of original ideas. It is not at all necessary to spend millions on construction - sometimes just a few details from the projects you like (for example, unusual shape windows and doors) can inspire creativity, bring something new that will change the appearance of the structure.

Many people were enthusiastic about the hobbits' dwellings in The Lord of the Ring after watching the famous film. And most of us would not refuse to live in such, even if not all the time, then at least sometimes come.

Why not make the fairy tale a reality? thought one family from Wells. And now the house can be seen not only in the movies, but also in life!

“It was built by me and my father, of course, not without the help of friends and acquaintances. Now we live here and it's great! Not only we think so, but everyone who helped us or just comes to visit, ”says the youngest“ hobbit ”.

It took 3 months to build it, and it all cost $ 5,825, which is not a lot, because this is the most real home from a real fairy tale!

Who would refuse to work for 3 months as a hobbit, so that later, at least sometimes, come to such a house and feel like a part of the surrounding nature? Perhaps in the neighboring forest, over time, a family of elves will settle ...

The idea of ​​the Fox hole as a family estate

The idea of ​​a family estate. Who is it targeting? People with different abilities, but united by one goal: "I can no longer be unhappy." Those who consider themselves happy already in this world may not finish reading. Many people are now ready to live simply in harmony with the surrounding world and nature. Others would like to combine the natural with the familiar in their family estate, i.e. the benefits of civilization. For these two fundamentally different categories of people who want to embody the idea of ​​a family estate, we offer two fundamentally different approaches to designing houses such as "fox hole". We do not provide projects of luxurious houses (although such are possible, and we already have), because in this case, the very idea of ​​the family estate is lost: the merging of man with nature, with himself.

Garden houses "Fox hole"

Is it possible to build a house inexpensively? Yes, if you build a small garden house. Garden houses are small houses that are built quickly and at the same time with high quality. If you are planning to build country house inexpensively, spending a minimum of time, then read this article. In it we will talk about a very interesting version of garden houses, about houses built on the principle of a fox hole. After reading the article, you will find out what these houses are and how to properly build a garden house "fox hole".

What is the fox hole garden house? Most of you have probably watched the movie "The Lord of the Rings", and so, remember the dwellings of magical hobbits. They just lived in the "fox hole" houses. The fox hole house is very similar in principle to ordinary dugouts. It should be noted that the dugouts are very good hiding place from any bad weather, be it wind, heavy rain or cold. And if you are thinking about how to build a house cheaply, then the fox hole house option is just for you.

House fox hole - all pros and cons ...

What are the advantages of garden houses like a fox hole?


  • build speed. Garden house fox hole can be built independently with full finishing in 2 weeks
  • if you want to build a country house inexpensively, then this version of a garden house is for you.
  • garden houses "fox hole" require minimal repair, since the entire roof is covered with earth, the facade of the house is reduced to a minimum
  • favorable climate inside the garden house. It is pleasantly cool in summer, and in winter, the houses keep warm for a long time.
  • energy saving when heating the room. Garden houses on the principle of a fox hole retain heat for a long time; they can be heated even at -30 only once a day

Inexpensive garden houses- this is real, but in any construction, in addition to advantages, there are disadvantages.

The disadvantages of such inexpensive garden houses can be attributed only to psychological factors. The desire to feel the sunlight in the daytime, the desire to hit from above, on the ground, and not underground, desires can be enumerated more and more, each person can experience their own special needs. Therefore, before construction, cock all the plus, minuses and only after that make a decision.

Waterproofing in garden houses

The humidity inside the garden house will depend on the depth. groundwater and on the quality of the soil. For waterproofing, a bikrost or roofing material is placed under the lower trim. Over time, a violation of waterproofing in places of damage to roofing material is possible. Also, poor waterproofing is often found in houses with a cellar attached.

During construction garden house It is very important to use logs that are as thick as possible, even and with a minimum number of knots. Since over time from the load, the logs can break. Most often, logs break in places where there are knots.

How to build a house cheaply

Let's write down the stages of building a house fox hole:

1. a hole is dug around the perimeter by 1 meter more than the planned garden house
2.the roofing material is laid on the bottom
3. on top, leveling the level, lay four logs. These logs will serve as the lowest harness for the house. Can logs bottom strapping put on bricks
4. logs are placed in the corners of the lower harness
5.Pillars are placed in the middle of sides A and C, securing them with corner brackets
6.attach the beams and ridge
7.install the rafters

8.Intermediate pillars are cut in on each side
9.the resulting walls of the garden house are sheathed with roofing material or boards of 25 mm
10.Additionally insulate facade walls garden house
11.the sheathing is nailed onto the rafters and the roof is covered with roofing felt
12. make windows as desired
13.further they are engaged in the interior decoration of the garden house
14. at the end, you can start decorative exterior decoration garden house

Garden houses can be built by applying different technologies construction. In this article, we have shown you how to build a house cheaply. Good luck with your construction!

Traditional house and Fox hole

What is a traditional house made of?

A solid solid foundation is the foundation of any house that is built to last. Then the basement, walls, ceilings, roof. A few auxiliary little things, such as: trays for water drainage, branch pipes, gables, hemming, light and ventilation windows, blind area, platbands on windows, etc. - which, by the way, requires far from small costs, money and time, periodic repairs. In regions with a large snow cover, in the spring, the problem of avalanches coming down from roofs or pushing them from the heavier snow is added. And the roof itself is an expensive pleasure. Good, made of galvanized iron or glazed tiles, not everyone can afford it.

And what do we have in the fox hole?

Just walls and ceilings, which themselves also serve as a roof. Note that the walls are much thinner, since they serve only as a deterrent against crumbling of the earth (with a embankment thickness of one and a half meters, there is no need to care about the heat capacity: up to the seventieth parallel, they can practically withstand any frosts). Roof waterproofing can be made of ordinary roofing material in 2 layers (the most cheap stuff), but you can do without it if you have a good clay castle (made of well-mixed clay) 15-20 cm thick or birch bark, which does not rot in the ground for hundreds of years and is not afraid of fires, while keeping heat well (yes, yes, this is not typo: there are such old technology). A layer of earth on the roof, one meter thick, a year after laying, is not able to wet not a single downpour. Snow waters drain more evenly, and the ground under the snow is always slightly frozen, which perfectly restrains the penetration of water into the depths. The bottom ice crusts are not formed, which means there is no likelihood of an avalanche (and there is practically nowhere to go). All you need is good drainage ditches around the entire building with a slope to one side, sown with good grass (instead of concrete, iron or other trays), for example, grass grass, wheatgrass, etc. Foundations are also not needed or are needed purely symbolically for supports, since there is nothing to freeze through, and therefore, there is no heaving of soils. And if this house is made of red fired brick with walls half a brick thick, concrete, reinforced with mesh, branches, etc. 5-7 cm thick, from boards with load-bearing beams arched structure, then it is able to withstand colossal loads (examples of this are bridges).

Interior decoration like ordinary house, although there are many ways to save money and time, not counting durability. For example, floors that can be left earthen covered with mats (natural rugs). Either lay it out of a tile, laying it on a screed made of light and warm concrete (there are some) or made of wood, laying it on small spacers, or the same concrete according to the principle of "floating parquet". In any case, this does not require floor slabs or massive timber transfers.

Next, we will consider the main reasons for mistrust in the structure of the "Fox hole":
- unusual appearance
- fear of flooding
- fear of dampness in the room
- penetration of rodents and insects
- illumination
- collapse of the structure

Unusual appearance- the argument is certainly weighty, but let's look around and ask ourselves what is more pleasant to see: a house with lopsided walls or broken plaster, covered with "wonderful" inscriptions, a dilapidated roof, etc. or a flower bed, or a neat lawn, or a dwarf garden with a pergola or gazebo entwined with grapes, hops, etc.

Of course, a beautifully executed facade of a house with fashionable architecture is also a pleasant sight, but for how long? After all, the fashion for architectural styles it changes so quickly, some 20-30 years, and the style is becoming obsolete. Try to change the facade of a stone or wooden building ... Besides, time brings its own destruction, and with them worries about restoration. Another thing alpine slide, or a flower garden, or a lawn. You can change it at your discretion even every year, and small trees or shrubs with a creeping root system (juniper, lilac, jasmine, herringbone, etc.) against the background of the hill will create a stable landscape.

Fear of flooding- a very serious thing, but nowhere is it said that this structure should be built in a swamp, or in a river floodplain, or a foundation pit. Even if your site is relatively damp, it is possible to build drainage ditches. A thick layer of earth embankment of the house and an elevation of 50-60 cm from the general level of the ground of the entrance to the premises will save from the penetration of spring upper waters.
The deepening of the house itself depends on the level of groundwater and the desire of the owner (at least bury yourself under the ceiling, at least don't bury yourself at all).

Dampness indoors occurs mainly due to poor ventilation, or low heat capacity of the walls, or an incorrectly located heating system. The heat capacity of the walls with a 1.5 meter embankment will not raise doubts, but the ventilation and heating system is in your hands. Probably, many had to observe moldy walls, falling off wallpaper and plaster in quite good externally multi-storey buildings, planned and built by professionals in their field.

When asked aboutpenetration of rodents, moles and other unwanted neighbors, you can only add a few words. Our high-rise buildings are swarming with mice and rats no less, despite the fact that they are made of brick and concrete, a material that is supposedly inaccessible to rodents. Had to meet rats and mice on the 14th floor. Ants and cockroaches have become, as it were, an integral part of our everyday life (whoever does not have, they can see an abundance of chemicals protection from data of cohabitants). Moles do not dig their passages to such a depth, as they hunt for worms that feed on the remnants of vegetation and are in a fertile top layer 30-50 cm. And he prefers to bypass walls rather than break open. For the ants, make moves in the one and a half meter wall, which is for us to dig a three-kilometer tunnel under the ground to the bread store located opposite your house. All these neighbors need a home and food. Moreover, they equip the house only next to the food supply. There is no food and they do not need a home. So keep your food supplies in special premises and live peacefully without all these worries.

Fear of collapsing roofs is also not justified. Dugouts covered with earth can even withstand bombing. We, I think, is not threatened. And a layer of earth 1-1.5 m thick can withstand even 15 cm thick logs protected from moisture, but even better arched structure from any materials on a sandy cushion (there is no need to talk about floor slabs). In a year or two, the roots of the plants will hold everything together so that the soils will hold themselves.

The question of lighting remains... We will cover this issue more broadly, since it has many options.

Let's start with traditional windows in the walls at the usual level for us 80-90 cm from the floor level. It is quite possible, only it is necessary to provide for small "loggias" around the window when laying the walls, since there is an earthen rampart on the sides and on top of the window. The earthen shaft can reach almost the level of the window from below, but this is not scary. It can be overlaid with tiles, bricks, wood and whatever, or you can just plant flowers or arrange a mini-greenhouse for fresh greenery. Heat leaks will serve the cause of "prosperity" (green in our case). If you do not like the land with a flower bed at the window level, we will resolve this issue. It is enough to insulate the space under the window with outside thickened walls or glass wool, cattail, straw, etc.

Traditional windows with a loggia with earthen filling. It is possible to glaze outside and receive a mini-placard.

It is advisable to make one window per room, albeit a large one, and to preserve heat, insert triple double-glazed windows (albeit expensive) or glaze them outside like a regular loggia or greenhouse. If you introduce heating there, then you will get a mini-greenhouse or " winter Garden"(Depending on the wishes of the owners). And in order to get an impression of this type of windows in advance, look at the world from the window of an apartment in which there is a loggia. And you must admit that you do not see what is on the sides of the loggia: an earthen rampart or a neighbor's loggia, as well as above it: a neighbor's loggia or a growing tree.

The next type of windows is anti-aircraft windows.

They can be located in the walls at the level of the ceiling or in the ceiling itself and have different shape(see fig. 2, 3, 4). This is where there is room for imagination. Can you imagine a living room or dining room where you, sitting in your favorite rocking chair by the fireplace or aquarium with fish, can simultaneously admire starry sky, or the views of clouds at sunset, or the flight of butterflies over flowers or hanging bunches of grapes, while in a cozy bedroom. Or "a dream under your own star."

All this is possible in the presence of a zenith window of the "dome" type. Technically, the implementation of these windows is not difficult. The fear of snow blockages is also not justified. After all, the window is located above an earthen hill, and even a child is able to remove snow with the help of a broom or a brush at the end of the snowfall. The second and third glazing can be provided from the room at the ceiling level (even with stained-glass windows). Or put a mini-greenhouse outside, where, again, heat leaks will serve the cause of prosperity. Or you can just put the attic double-glazed windows.

Also among the pluses of "Fox hole" can be noted that such a house cannot be "carried away", disassembled for parts, burned, painted, etc. But it also has two significant drawbacks: the first is unusual, the second is that this house is not intended for workaholics: it will not have to be repaired every year and there is too little maintenance work.

Design of houses like "fox hole".

Approach one combines: simplicity, functionality, practicality, maximum fusion with the surrounding space with minimum material costs and time for building maintenance.

Approach two combines the principles of the former with modern amenities and appliances, architecture and landscape design... In this case, you yourself choose the degree of merging with nature - the most acceptable for you at a given time, up to the complete transfer of all the amenities of the city to the settlement.

Now, using the first approach, we will describe one of the simplest and most affordable fox hole houses (see Fig. 1). (Note: the pictures show house designs that are closest to modern ones, which of course is not at all necessary. The houses themselves look quite large and look like cottages. This is not so: simply due to the embankment, the house seems larger than it actually is. Its living area is the same as that of an ordinary house).

It should be noted right away that interior layout any house of the "fox hole" type has no connection at all with the external form and design of your house. Also distinctive feature is that you do not have to place the rooms close at all, you can remove them from each other at any distance by connecting corridors.

This gives unlimited possibilities when planning a house, reducing heat loss between rooms (it is hot in the kitchen: they are preparing dinner, in the next room it is cool) and high noise insulation, which is very important for large families, at minimal material costs. And also the ability to increase additional areas in the event of an increase in the family without losing the external design, the so-called "growing" house.

In the second approach, we will consider the two types of houses that are most significant for the “settlers”. These are complex houses, or gallery houses. The first type is a horseshoe house, the second is a closed house - a gallery. Consider the first

The peculiarity of the horseshoe-shaped house is that its front part ( patio) are modern, and the front - completely merges with nature. The house has two main entrances from opposite sides. At the front entrance, you invite business partners at work, city relatives who do not accept anything but modern conveniences, important guests. And to the backyard - your real friends, like-minded people. Here you are in the "city" (being in the front yard), have worked, have taken a few steps and you are in a virgin forest, or your garden, or a vegetable garden, etc. And no one even may know that you have a house here - an ordinary "hill". They think you have a normal house or even a cottage. And you spend your time so modestly looking at blooming garden which, by the way, very few rich people can afford. After all, the garden was grown by you. This is your success, dear, that is why you are so happy. And they have it planted by professionals: beautiful, but dead. That is why rich people change their dachas so quickly. After all, this is not their success, it is the success of the designer. And he does not bring them joy ... That is the secret.

The second house, along with all the advantages of the first, has its own distinctive features. If you want to live in modern house, but at the same time its appearance should not spoil the natural landscape - it is for you (see fig. 7). It can be a house - a gallery of any shape (circle, oval, square, triangle, hexagon, etc.) with a patio. Convenient in that it is possible to approach all rooms both from the inside of the house and through the courtyard along the shortest path. In the general landscape of the site, it does not visually bulge and does not absorb the surrounding space.
For those who find it difficult to move from "civilized" architecture to nature and simplicity, the patio is a real find. In it you can organize a pool, or a fountain, or all together. Concrete paths or gasoline. You can even glaze the entire upper space of the courtyard.
The walls overlooking the courtyard can be made "classic", i.e. leave open, of those building materials, from which the house is built, revet with tiles, wild stone, marble, clapboard, etc. In a word, whatever you want. Or you can also embank, turf, turn it into a lawn or a flower bed and equip a mini-garden with grapes, cherries, Christmas trees inside the courtyard ... Organize a decorative reservoir without fear that water and tree roots will get into the house (do not forget about drainage ditches or gutters). People around you will not think that everything is like this there! The external embankment can be simple.

At the top of such a house-complex, you can put a gazebo with a circular view, or a summer unheated room. Summer kitchen, but you can place it inside the yard. You can put up hives, and if the hives are decks, then you can build them into a fabulous ensemble. You can even put up greenhouses (they won't block out a lot of light) or just organize a mini-garden. Your possibilities are endless!
As you can see, all these houses are characterized by one thing - a combination of opposites: civilized and natural. Moreover, you can freely choose the ratio of living and dying elements in your home! In addition to everything, we can say that this project can be completely autonomous: water supply, sewerage, etc.

Build a fox hole.

1 - description of the fox hole

There is hardly any other place where there can be a feeling of such security as in a bunded building.

The secret is simple - the energy and spirit of the earth literally permeate the structure under the sod dome. Natural grounding of the building relieves stress, removes electromagnetic fields caused by stray currents, which is typical for multi-storey reinforced concrete structures.

Outages of heating plants and power outages are not scary here, since an elementary wood-burning hearth is enough to maintain a comfortable temperature.

As usual, dacha settlements flicker monotonously outside the window of the electric train. Booths, huts, houses, houses, houses ...

And behind all this pile of structures, the main thing is not visible - the beauty of the cultivated land. And the houses themselves (or rather, the cases) are empty for most of the year. In cold weather it is problematic to warm them up for the night (+15 ... + 16 ° С): while the walls are warming up, it's time to get ready for the city.

In a bunded house, water in pipes or in a kettle will never freeze, and at a minimum cost, it is easy to create comfortable conditions residence. The lack of natural light can be compensated for by installing transparent roof elements (skylights), the efficiency of which is much higher than traditional windows.

Modern bunded structures can be very for different purposes: these are premises for livestock, garages for agricultural machinery, etc. Houses built using the simplest materials ( expanded clay concrete blocks, sandbags, logs, soil blocks) can help solve the acute housing problem of many categories of the population - refugees, displaced persons, etc.

This type of bunded houses has received the code name "Fox hole".

2 - production of works
At the first stage, a common pit is torn off with a depth of 0.5-0.8 m and dimensions by 0.5 m larger than the dimensions of the future building. The soil is folded along the perimeter of the embankment.

At the bottom of the pit they make strip foundation 400 mm thick and 250 mm deep from concrete M300, reinforced with mesh from ZF6A-1. A preparation with a thickness of 150 mm from a sand and gravel mixture is laid under the strip foundation. On the top of the foundation - waterproofing from two layers of roofing material on bitumen.

The walls of the house are erected from red brick M100 on cement-sand mortar M50: up to 0.00 - 380 mm thick, above - 250 mm thick. Walls can be made from other materials, for example, from concrete blocks, or made from monolithic expanded clay concrete. The outer surfaces of the walls in contact with the ground must be insulated with hot bitumen coating (two to three times) or roofing material.

The overlap is made of void reinforced concrete slabs type PK63-15-8, on top of which a leveling screed is made. The overlap is insulated polystyrene foam plates 50-70 mm thick, which are laid on cold bitumen mastic. A layer of insulation is covered with two or three layers of roofing material (waterproofing) on bituminous mastic with waterproofing of joints with walls.
On top of the structure - a clay castle with a layer of 10-15 cm, followed by embankment with soil removed from the pit. Subsequently, this place can be sown ornamental grass, arrange a flower garden, etc.

1 - veranda (14.0 m2);
2 - kitchen (12.0 m2);
3 - room (20.0 m2);
4 - vegetable store (18.0 m2);
5 - greenhouse (18.0 m2);
6 - storage room (1.3 m2);
7 - locker bench;
8 - water absorber pit

3 - what is needed and what is obtained

1 - three layers of roofing material on bituminous mastic (40 mm);
2 - reinforced concrete slabs;
3 - expanded polystyrene (50mm thick plates);
4 - clay (100 mm);
5 - loose soil with tingling;
6 - galvanized iron;
7 - reinforced concrete lintel;
8 - metal carcass greenhouses;
9 - drainage system along the perimeter;
10 - foundation blocks FBS-3;
11 - linoleum on a heat-insulating basis;
12 - waterproofing;
13 - cement-sand screed (20 mm);
14 - expanded clay M75 (50 mm);
15 - compacted soil;
16 - brick М100.


1. When we turn on the oven, the air from the room begins to take in and be thrown out (I think everyone understands this, I will not explain). It turns out active ventilation when a person is present.

2. At first we thought so, if the furnace tube is at the bottom, then let the air flow through it into the room and do not make a "suction" pipe. Well, after this "experiment" they flooded the stove and lay down on the floor. Yes, it was not there. It became somehow uncomfortable to sleep, we were sweating, there was not enough air ... that's when I talked about the suction-suction.
In general, in the end, the conclusion is this: it is imperative to have two pipes for passive ventilation (suction-suction).

When you light the stove, you get one pipe for the inflow works (suction) and two for suction (suction + oven)

When you leave, you get two pipes for the inflow (suction + oven) and one for suction

3. On the "suction" pipe- put a damper to regulate the supply of incoming air. If you thought that I was sitting there all day at these two pipes and controlling their suction-suction, then you shouldn't have thought so. Because they are all always completely open, and sometimes I close the damper when it's cool in the room (for example, just arrived and have not yet lit the stove)

4. An interesting effect began to be observed: at night a decent amount of water flowed from our ventilation pipes. Well, let's look at this case too:

We hung decorative "condensate collectors" (among the common people, salad bowls) and this water now flowed not past the basin, but to the "right place". Well, of course, every three days you need to drain the water ...

The whole project "Fox Nora" can be called "Living House" and, as is customary in nature, many problems (from our heads) are solved there automatically.

Look: I left Minka, The stove is not heated, the person is not breathing ...
Damn and condensation stopped forming ... Stranooo Yes?
And condensation is not a fool to form everywhere. After all, he is also a "man" and he must be respected. So condensation forms only when the stove is flooded in the room (it is very warm inside), and at night it is relatively cold outside, so all water vapor (breath, fresh frame, etc.) began to go out into the chimney, but outside it is cold, here he and his own condensate flowed back inside. And we immediately collected it (in pots, basins, jars, salad bowls, etc.). all that remains is to do it all beautifully. And that was done.
Even more so on the basis of it came unique idea Gekovu, on the basis of these properties, to receive water for the estate. He offered me such a contraption, which I am still afraid to talk about here. But there goes up to 200 liters. you can get water a day ...

5. Checking the performance of such a system: well then so. I painted the floors with varnish, closed the mink hermetically (my windows are good and the doors are good too, and the walls are already filled up on the outside) and left for the city.
Arriving in the city, I was sick for half a day from this painting - I exhaled directly with paint ... Well, in general, I painted it mentally. ”Arriving in the mink a day later, I found that not only did the entire painted floor dry out, there was not even a smell left, yes there was no longer that I even slept on the floor (then there was still no furniture.) Since then, I have observed this repeatedly (painted the crib, windows, doors, etc.) and constantly such garbage

In order to maintain normal temperature and humidity, a good supply and exhaust ventilation... For this, it is better to install two pipes, in different places buildings. The inlet of the chimney is located under the ceiling, and the inlet is at a height of 0.5-0.6 m from the floor. The movement of air through the pipes occurs as a result of the temperature difference in the lower and upper parts of the room. The thrust increases with the height of the chimney, which is led out above the ridge of the roof.

The cross-section of the ventilation pipes is selected taking into account the area. So, with an area of ​​6 -8 m2, the section is taken equal to 120X120 mm. If only one is done ventilation pipe, its cross-section must be at least 150X150 mm. Pipes located within the attic must be insulated.

Pipes can be made from well-fitted boards with a thickness of 30-40 mm. Although it is possible and plastic. They are equipped with valves to regulate air exchange.

Rice. Draft control valve device:
1 - ventilation pipe; 2 - gate valve (valve)

V small spaces it is possible to install one ventilation pipe, divided into two channels. One channel (exhaust) starts above, the other (supply) - below.

With regard to heating and power supply, today in Russia there are enough developed electrical installations of wind and other types. It is especially worth noting the YUSMAR unit developed and already manufactured in Russia, which is capable of heating, supplying hot water and even electricity for individual houses. Its efficiency is 150% (forgive us physicists, but this is so, there are no errors and any contradictions to science).

The design and construction of buried dwellings is currently developing at a rapid pace, as it is one of the ways to reduce the dependence of residential buildings on a continuous supply of fuel. Previously, it was believed that the mention of the possibility of building underground or buried dwellings could, due to a negative psychological reaction, cause a negative attitude towards any other similar ideas.

Indeed, humans have always looked to the earth to protect themselves from adverse and extreme climatic conditions. Only the historically short era of affordable and cheap fuel has allowed us to build houses that do not depend on climatic conditions, and to supply these houses with the energy that we need to create comfortable conditions. Now that fossil fuels are shrinking and prices are rising rapidly, it’s time to rethink the opportunities that land has to offer.

We collect information on the site about the construction of fox holes, dugouts.

  • Basements and cellars: how to build

    Outside the city, one cannot do without a cellar and basement. Especially if you have your own vegetable garden and garden (and it is almost always on the site). I would like to save vegetables, pickles, and apples for the winter ... A good basement (cellar) is very important, and therefore you need to approach its construction wisely.

    Everyone who is faced with the problem of long-term storage of large quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables needs to build a cellar.

    Methods for storing fruits and vegetables outside the home: in earthen pits, piles, ice storages, in cellars different types, etc.

  • Bunded house

    The exceptionally hot summer of 2010 caused a lot of trouble for the Russians. There was simply nowhere to go from the heat. Personally, I fled to the basement of my own house, where the temperature was quite comfortable, which allowed me to sleep normally in a pleasant coolness. True, you won't live in a semi-basement. Thoughts involuntarily came - but how to combine this comfortable temperature regime a semi-basement, which is cool in summer and warm in winter, with the usual convenience of natural light in an ordinary house. Here, by the way, I remembered the project of the bunded house Lisya nora by B. Novoselova (House No. 10 1999). The most significant disadvantages of this project are the lack of natural light and the need to ensure high-quality waterproofing Houses. Both are quite difficult to do with the proposed methods. By slightly changing the indicated construction and applying modern materials, managed to solve these problems.

    Note that this is just a project, but I also used my own personal experience when choosing some constructive solutions.

    Comments: 3

  • Photo of the house and interior of the fox hole

    The photo was sent by Dmitry Dorogov.

    Comments: 1, Catalog: 9

  • Two solutions to the fox hole

    We will illustrate the design solutions of bunded buildings with two examples. These buildings are simple and economical. They can be compared to well-executed, carefully insulated ordinary buildings, although they cannot be considered perfect. The given examples of solutions should not be considered as optimal. Attention is drawn to the main features of the projects, which consider: first, architectural and planning solutions; secondly, issues of energy conservation; thirdly, the economic characteristics according to the data of local designers. Capital and operating cost issues are of paramount importance for the construction of recessed dwellings.

There is hardly any other place where there can be a feeling of such security as in a bunded building. The secret is simple and I learned this secret on the pages of the site - the energy and spirit of the earth literally permeate the structure under the sod dome. Natural grounding of a building relieves stress, removes electromagnetic fields caused by stray currents, which is typical for multi-storey reinforced concrete structures.

Outages of heating plants and power outages are not scary here, since an elementary wood-burning hearth is enough to maintain a comfortable temperature. As usual, dacha settlements flicker monotonously outside the window of the electric train. Booths, huts, houses, houses, huts ... And behind all this heap of construction, the main thing is not visible - the beauty of the cultivated land. And the houses themselves (or rather, the cases) are empty for most of the year. In cold weather it is problematic to warm them up for the night (15-16 ° C): while the walls are warming up, it's time to get ready for the city.

In a bunded house, water in pipes or in a kettle will never freeze, and at a minimum cost, it is easy to create comfortable living conditions. The lack of natural light can be compensated for by installing transparent roof elements (skylights), the efficiency of which is much higher than traditional windows.

Fig.1 Plan of a house of the "Fox hole" type for a small plot:
1 - veranda (14.0 m2);
2 -kitchen (12.0 m2);
3 - room (20.0 m2);
4 - vegetable store (18.0 m2);
5 - greenhouse (18.0 m2);
6 - storage room (1.3 m2);
7 - locker bench;
8 - water absorber pit

Modern bunded structures can be of very different purposes: these are premises for livestock, garages for agricultural machinery, etc. Houses built using the simplest materials (expanded clay concrete blocks, sandbags, logs, soil blocks) can help solve an acute housing problem in many categories population - refugees, migrants, etc.

This type of bunded houses has received the code name "Fox hole". Our architectural studio is ready to help develop projects like small buildings and entire public complexes (sports, cultural, etc.). Let's see how for the little one garden plot you can build a small house bounded with earth.

Manufacturing jobs. At the first stage, a common pit is torn off with a depth of 0.5-0.8 m and dimensions by 0.5 m larger than the dimensions of the future building. The soil is folded along the perimeter of the embankment. A strip foundation 400 mm thick and 250 mm deep is made of concrete M300 reinforced with a mesh from ZF6A-1 along the bottom of the pit. A preparation with a thickness of 150 mm from a sand and gravel mixture is laid under the strip foundation. On the top of the foundation - waterproofing from two layers of roofing material on bitumen.

The walls of the house are being erected from red brick Ml00 on cement-sand mortar M50: up to 0.00 - 380 mm thick, above - 250 mm thick. Walls can be made from other materials, for example, from concrete blocks, or made from monolithic expanded clay concrete. The outer surfaces of the walls in contact with the ground must be insulated with hot bitumen coating (two to three times) or roofing material.

The overlap is made of hollow reinforced concrete slabs of the PK63-15-8 type, on top of which a leveling screed is made. The overlap is insulated with polystyrene foam plates 50-70 mm thick, which are laid on cold bitumen mastic. A layer of insulation is covered with two or three layers of roofing material (waterproofing) on ​​bitumen mastic with waterproofing of the joints with the walls.

On top of the structure- clay castle with a layer of 10-15 cm with subsequent embankment with soil removed from the pit. Subsequently, at this place, you can sow ornamental grass, arrange a flower garden, etc.

House "Fox hole" is an earthen hill, inside of which there is housing. Such houses should not be confused with dugouts, since "fox holes" can be built with or without deepening.

Dugouts, or underground houses, are also quite comfortable dwellings, but during prolonged rains they can be flooded. There are many known cases when dugouts were flooded with water, and at the same time neither the natural slopes nor the holes specially dug nearby for drainage were saved.

The Fox Nora house is devoid of such a disadvantage without deepening, and it has quite a lot of advantages over traditional housing: it is warmer in winter and colder in summer. If the housing is covered from above with a layer of earth one and a half meters, then the heating costs in winter will be scanty - the main losses will come only from windows and doors.

To avoid dampness inside, waterproofing is made from a double layer of roofing material and a clay castle. And in a few years, even a meter and a half layer of earth itself will not be wetted by a single rain. If the ventilation is done with high quality, then there simply cannot be dampness in such a house.

When the ground tilts around the walls at 45 degrees, the fox hole will not create shadows - you can plant anything on the slopes: from flowers to strawberries and tomatoes. The roots of grasses and bushes will hold the earth together even more, and after a while the earth will hold on by itself, without creating stress on the ceiling and walls.

When it comes to natural lighting inside the home, there are several ways you can use it. You can make ordinary windows overlooking small loggias-pits, lined with brick, and decorated with flowers and climbing plants... You can make one side completely open, or arrange the exit of all windows to the patio. You can also make skylights.

To make the fox hole house stand for a very long time, you need to use durable modern materials. One of the currently used construction options: a strip foundation is made in such a way that the floor is about half a meter higher than the general ground level on the site. The ground is poured inside and outside to the top of the foundation, and roofing material is laid in two layers. Roofing material should extend a meter beyond the perimeter of the future dwelling - the earth will be poured around the walls, and from below it should not pull dampness.

After that, they put the walls, and on top they do concrete floor... All this is insulated with expanded polystyrene, covered with roofing material in two layers, and a clay castle with a thickness of at least 10-15 centimeters is made on top from clay well mashed in water. All this is covered with earth from above with a layer of one and a half meters thick.

It turns out a powerful, reliable, durable bunker, protected from external noise, heat, cold, moisture, electromagnetic waves, other negative external influences... As well as, houses "" are quite interesting idea for private construction.

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