How to create a constantly blooming flower bed. A flowerbed of continuous flowering or how to make your garden bloom all season? flower bed blooming in summer

All flower lovers try to create a constantly blooming garden, but if the land is not very large, then a chic flower bed is quite enough. For her, you can pick up decorative crops that bloom alternately during the warm period, from early spring to late autumn. The choice can be stopped both on annual and perennial crops, as well as textured conifers or unusual cereal plants.

Flowers for a bed of continuous flowering

The flower bed will be full of flowers already in early spring, if primroses are planted on it: blueberry, chionodox, muscari, fragrant hyacinths and a variety of crocuses, as well as bright hellebore. These first flowers will be very welcome after the winter and will decorate the first days of spring with their colors.

Primroses will be replaced by anemones, primroses and blue periwinkle.

As well as beautiful, diverse and very spectacular petunias and violas.

Not a single flower bed can do without daffodils and tulips, the choice of which is so great that it will satisfy the tastes of even the most picky grower.


Recently, more and more free corners of the garden are decorated with miniature botanical tulips. The most popular varieties are Urumi, Heger "Little Princess", Tarda. It should be noted that the tulip is excellent, which produces 3 flowers of bright red color with pointed petals from one stem.

Be sure to provide a place for a bush of fragrant peony, root or tree. Both representatives are famous for their huge double flowers.

At the same time, imperial hazel grouse and bearded irises begin to show off.

lilies of the valley bearded irises

Closer to hot summer days, poppies, snapdragons and dicentra with its broken heart-flowers will bloom.

poppies Snapdragon

Neat islets of the Gargan bell, which can be planted at the very foot, near stones, a border or other fence of a flower oasis, will also look good on a flowering flower bed. For the same purposes, you can use all kinds of stonecrops, shaving, rocky alissum and awl-shaped phlox.

The flowering mats of these ground cover plants make a great backdrop for any large plant, giving the soil a fabulous look.

And, of course, you can not ignore the queen of flower beds - a rose. Decorating a limited plot of land, you can opt for standard representatives or spectacular climbing roses.


You can use a not so common shriveled rose, better known as a variety of large-fruited wild rose. Its flowers, up to 8 cm in diameter, are not only beautiful, but also have a wonderful aroma.

And in the fall, this bush will also please with huge fruits, up to 3 cm, very noticeable against the background of fading crimson foliage.

Lilies are no less original. Currently, breeders can please both complex specimens with huge fragrant flowers up to 20 cm in diameter, and completely unpretentious oriental or Asian hybrids.


The flower garden will not fade if phloxes, mattiola, are planted on it. Their rich colors and pleasant smells fill the air until autumn.

Fragrant tobacco

On cooler days, asters, autumn marigolds, dahlias and chrysanthemums, which bloom until the first frost, will begin to delight.


Having planted several unusual plants in the flower garden, such as cylindrical emperor, Chinese miscanthus, evergreen oatmeal or sedge, in combination with juniper or western thuja, you can admire the flower bed in winter, when the first snow or frost decorates these plants.

Perennial spring flowers for flower beds

Snowdrop (Galanthus)

This flower is popular with flower growers due to flowering when there is still snow around. The plant is distinguished by a small height of 12-15 centimeters with two leaves. The wild species blooms early in April, as soon as the snow melts and even against the backdrop of snow. There are also garden species that can be successfully grown. The plant loves areas that do not receive direct sunlight.

It is not whimsical to soils, but does not like excessively moistened places. Since garden snowdrop species originated from wild plants, they are very hardy plants.

Reproduction occurs in two ways:

  • Seeds that are sown in the summer without pre-treatment after they are collected from plants. But this path is long, due to the fact that the first shoots will appear only in the spring of next year. After strengthening the young plants, they are transplanted to a permanent place.
  • Bulbs: they are dug up in the second half of summer, the baby is separated, dried and planted in a permanent place in early autumn. The distance when planting for large bulbs is 7-10 centimeters from each other, and small bulbs are planted at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from each other.

Scylla (blue snowdrop)

A plant of the lily family, for earlier flowering and blue flowers and got its name. The plant has bright green and wide leaves, which are arranged in rosettes of 3-4 pieces and several beautiful blue flowers.


Flowers prefer loose and semi-dark soils. They tolerate winter well, multiply like a snowdrop (by seeds and bulbs). When sowing seeds, seedlings appear only in the 3-5th year. Excellent for forcing for early flowering in the middle of winter.

Muscari (Mouse Hyacinth)

A beautiful plant from the lily family. Flowers of different colors: blue, white, lilac-blue. Frost-resistant, grows in one place for 4-5 years. It propagates like all bulbous plants by a baby, less often by seeds, since seedlings appear only after a few years.


Bulbs are planted at the end of summer, flowers appear on plants the next year. Widely used in distillation.


It is one of the most common early flowering plants. There are crocuses that bloom in early spring, and there are those that bloom late in autumn. Plants are small up to 14 centimeters, flowers have a different color (from white to yellow).


A rare feature of the plant is the leaves that grow only after flowering has ended. For propagation, corms, baby and seeds are used. It lends itself very well to distillation and blooms profusely in winter.

To obtain fresh and beautiful flowers in winter, late autumn into a prepared mixture consisting of two parts of soddy land and one part of leaf humus and river sand. After about two months, the crocus blooms.


Widespread among flower lovers for early flowering and beautiful, pleasantly smelling flowers. For these flowers, a richly fertilized and well-loosened soil is prepared. Bulbs should be planted in autumn (September-October) at a shallow depth (about 10 cm) and mulched with humus. Bulbs overwinter and bloom profusely in spring.


It mainly reproduces by baby (small bulbs), they are selected from large ones at the end of summer, dried and planted in September. Also, like crocuses, they are suitable for winter forcing, it is important not to forget to constantly keep the ground moist.


Bulbous plant of the lily family. Currently, more than 120 wild flower species have been studied and several thousand varieties and hybrids have been bred as garden flowers. Tulips are divided into 4 groups: early-blooming, medium-blooming, late-blooming and wild-growing.

Propagated by seeds or vegetatively. But in practice, they use reproduction by bulbs and baby, for this, at the end of summer, when the leaves of the plant are already dry, they dig out the bulbs. They are well dried and separated small from large.

Bulbs larger than 2 centimeters in diameter can already be used for flowering, smaller ones require one or two years of growing.

Tulips love loose, well-fertilized soils with normal light. These flowers do not like dimly lit places and acidic soils, on which plants will develop poorly and often get sick.

Tulips are the best indoor forcing flowers. At the end of September, the best bulbs are taken and planted in pots, one bulb each. A soil mixture is prepared from soddy soil mixed with humus and sand.

The earth in pots is watered abundantly, and sprinkled with sawdust to preserve moisture. Then put for 1.5-2 months in a room with a temperature of no more than 3-7 degrees. After that, the pots are placed on a warm windowsill, and after 25-30 days the plants bloom. Cut flowers of tulips are stored in fresh cold water for a long time, for which they are especially popular in the flower industry.

These flowers for a flower bed are unpretentious both to the soil and to care, so even a novice amateur grower can handle their cultivation.

Iris perennial for flower beds

This flower has a special grace. It is impossible to look away from his regal beauty and amazingly refined form. Translated from Greek, "iris" means rainbow. According to legend, the goddess Irida descended to earth to people precisely by the rainbow. These flowers received this name back in the 4th century BC.

Iris perennial for flower beds

There is a very interesting legend about how the flower spread throughout the earth. Initially, irises grew only in ancient Asia, but the birds that inhabited the forests and gardens there spread the seeds of this plant all over the world.

The well-known city of Florence got its name only because all its borders were planted with blooming irises.

Today there are more than 250 types of irises. They grow on all continents. Only in the latitudes of modern Russia can be counted about 60 species of this flower. Iris distant, and more ancient relative of gladiolus.

Among the variety of irises, the most popular are: Siberian, bearded and Japanese species. Also very popular marsh species of iris bright yellow.

The bearded iris is a very interesting flower. Along the edge of its petal are delicate, colored hairs, which in their appearance are very reminiscent of a beard.

A feature of Siberian irises is their special resistance to low temperatures and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Japanese longest retain their decorative appearance and flowering. You can separate them once every seven years, in early autumn or spring.

Swamp iris is a wild plant, but it is very attractive to people with its bright yellow color. The swamp iris propagates by seeds, which, falling into the water, are easily localized in new places of growth.

Peony perennial for flower beds

This amazingly beautiful flower can rightfully be called the king among plants. In addition to its bright color, peony has a special, very delicate aroma. It cannot be confused with other colors.

Peony perennial

Few people know that the peony is endowed with a deep philosophical meaning. According to the oldest records of Chinese scientists, peonies symbolize the fundamental positions of any person - love and family.

These light, seemingly weightless plants attract with their bright and large flowers. Some types of poppy have different color buds. Shades range from pure white to rich tones of magenta and violet.


Feature poppy - quickly falling flower petals. Also, a poppy box produces the largest number of very small seeds. Their number can reach more than 300 thousand pieces in one flower.

Poppy is widely used both for medicinal purposes and in cooking. Therefore, poppies can often be seen in home gardens, gardens, orchards. Due to their unique beauty, poppies are planted in flowerbeds with a purely decorative function.

Poppies make wonderful compositions with other flowers. Flower arrangements of poppies of various color shades look interesting.

Poppy has become widespread not only due to its decorative, medicinal and practical properties. Poppies are very unpretentious in care. It can be planted in any soil, it will delight you with bright flowers for more than one year.

This perennial, herbaceous plant is not often found in flower beds or in the garden. However, with their colors they are able to decorate any area. Anemones look especially impressive against the background of stones in combination with other plants.

The anemone belongs to the buttercup family and has more than 120 different species. As a rule, this heat-loving plant grows well in the southern temperature zone.

The ancient Greeks called anemones the "daughter of the winds". They believed that the wind helps the flower bud open or close. But, of course, it is not. In fact, anemone flowers are so delicate that under the influence of the wind, large, but rather fragile petals fold.

Anemones are rather long plants. Thin stems reach up to 50 cm in height. Depending on the type of flower, the color of the petals and sepals of the plant changes.

Anemones gained popularity due to their long flowering. All summer and autumn they will delight with their color. Anemones make beautiful compositions with shrubs and trees.

Approaching creatively, with love and knowledge of the matter, you can turn any piece of land into a piece of paradise that will delight with its unfading beauty, color change and lively texture. The main thing to remember is that you should not plant everything, choose only what is closer in spirit and mood.

Read about here.

Photo gallery of flowers for flower beds

A flowerbed of continuous flowering of perennials is a beauty that does not require serious sacrifices and is ready to delight with itself every year during the warm period. Perennial beds have advantages over flower arrangements with plants that bloom only one season.

If you create a bright spot in the landscape with perennial flora, you can not worry about the design for several years. The flowering process will be renewed annually. It is only necessary to provide the plants with proper care in order to preserve the beauty of the flower bed.

All flowers suitable for creating compositions can be divided into three categories. The first is undersized. Their height usually does not exceed thirty centimeters, and they are suitable for the formation of multi-colored carpets, as well as for "drawing" on the ground. A list of beautiful undersized perennials is in front of you:

  • dwarf aster;
  • shaving;
  • phlox;
  • aquilegia;
  • gentian;
  • soapwort;
  • Carpathian bell.

Before planting undersized flowers, you need to take into account a small set of rules:

  1. Do not place undersized flowers in shady areas. If you ignore the condition, you can not expect gorgeous flowering.
  2. Use not nitrogen, but flower fertilizers. The first category of dressings has a positive effect on the increase in green mass, and not on the quantity and quality of flowers.
  3. Plant low-growing perennials tightly. Large gaps are acceptable only when planting tall and medium-sized plants, and in this case they will not make the overall picture unaesthetic.
  4. Remove weeds promptly. They will not only introduce unattractive notes into the floral canvas, but will have an extremely negative effect on undersized flowers.

The second category is medium. The approximate height of plants is from thirty to eighty centimeters. Such flowers will be useful for those who want to diversify a boring landscape with tiered island or mono-compositions. Here are some options for medium-sized flowering perennials:

  • day-lily;
  • peony;
  • rose flower;
  • radiola pink;
  • yarrow.

The third category should include tall plants. Their height exceeds eighty centimeters. A chic island flower bed will not do without them. Here are a few plants that fall into this category:

  • mallow;
  • stock-rose;
  • window sill;
  • basilisk;
  • winding sunflower.

Basic principles for creating any continuous flowering flower bed

A perennial flower bed is not just a collection of flowers planted in a chaotic manner. You need to think over the scheme, take into account all the recommendations and, of course, provide the flowers with proper care. Check out the list of tips:

  1. Tall flowers should be in the middle, and undersized - along the contour. This applies to island compositions. This principle of placement will allow small flowers not to remain in the shade of long plants.
  2. When creating a multi-colored flower bed, it is better to combine bright tall and pale undersized flowers. Expressive spots will look great on a faded background.
  3. Near the curbs you need to plant tall plants, and then short ones. A row of long flowers will favorably decorate the border, and the subsequent strip of undersized perennials will complete the composition, giving it neatness.
  4. Give each component of the flower bed the required care. If each flower needs a specific watering regimen, you need to either arrange plants that are similar in requirements, or prefer varieties that need to be cared for in the same way.
  5. If you decide to use seasonal flowers, i.e. irises, tulips, etc., do not plant them in the foreground. After withering, they will spoil the "face" of the flower bed. It is advisable to separate a site for them near the lush and bright flowers, so that they obscure the withered buds.

Schemes for creating carpet beds from perennials

In order to form a living carpet on the landscape, you need a scheme and undersized flowers. They will create the illusion of a three-dimensional colorful pattern. It is advisable to look for plants of the same variety so that there are no prominent areas on the flower carpet in terms of height and other parameters. Another important condition is that the flowering must be thick, otherwise the effect of a dense picture will not work.

One of the most simple carpet patterns is a flower. It will take only four components to get the coveted three-dimensional image. One of the most suitable flowers is phlox. Their lush flowering hats will cover the ground and foliage. The number 1 in the scheme means white phloxes, the number 2 - purple, and the number 3 - pink. But, in place of the number 4, you can plant a yellow aquilegia.

Schemes for creating figured flower beds from perennials

To create this type of flower bed, it is best to use either undersized or medium-sized flowers. Due to the length of the tall flowering plants, the splendor of the image can only be seen from above. Simple in execution, but attractive and versatile picture of flowers - a heart.

The contours of the heart are easy to form with peonies. Such lush and luxurious borders will be worthy of attention. To fill the space of the figure, the queens of flowers - roses - are perfect. As for tones, you can give preference to a single tint range, for example, pink. Arrange majestic pink peonies along the contours, alternating them with burgundy ones, and plant deep pink, pale pink and bright pink roses inside the composition.

Schemes for creating island flower beds from perennials

Island compositions do not require clarity, time-consuming and special care for them. Given that the flower bed will be created from perennials, you can forget about planting seeds and collecting them.

Flowerbeds-islands can be either one-color or multi-colored. The second option looks more attractive and natural. It seems as if nature itself decided to create a small corner of paradise.

In such a composition, flowers of different heights must be present, otherwise it will lose its charm. The image below is an example of a flower island layout.

The smallest figures inside the left side are undersized bright perennials. Their role can be played by pink soapwort bushes. Instead of small figures on the right side of the image, it is recommended to place gentian on the site. Two medium-sized identical figures on the right would be nice to replace with daylily bushes, and instead of what is between them, several rose bushes should be planted. The two similar images on the left are great places to plant stock roses. The area of ​​the large remaining image can be filled with a bright decorative sunflower.

Schemes for creating curb beds

Are there many paths and fences on the territory of your dacha that you just want to revive with beautiful flowering? Your attention is presented with a plate with variations of living bright contours from perennial plants.

Name of the flower bedFlowers
Living border "Sky in the clouds"The area near the fence - a combination of Carpathian bellflower and gentian, the second row - white phlox
Flower fence "The charm of pink"The combination of shaving and soapwort (both flowers should be planted hardly in a chaotic manner)
Contour of flowers "Royal"Combination of yellow roses and Carpathian bluebell
Floral border "Extraordinary"A row near the artificial fence - purple aquilegia, the second row - lilac phlox
Living fence "Brightness and tenderness"The first and third row - yarrow, the second - daylily

Video - Continuous flowering flower garden

Every grower dreams of a permanent ornamental garden. And the way to solve the problem is simple - creating a flower garden from perennials of continuous flowering. Such flower beds can please the eye until late autumn, and caring for perennial plantings is limited to spring cleaning and summer watering. But in practice, everything turns out to be much more complicated, and instead of decorating the garden, inexperienced gardeners get a piece of land with stunted bushes of some plants.

Rules for creating flowering flower beds

Making a flower bed with your own hands so that it blooms from early spring to frost, remaining decorative even in the winter season, is very difficult. It is necessary to take into account a lot of little things that turn out to be important, and in the case of a perennial flower garden - decisive. One of these nuances includes the size of the area allotted for planting ornamental plants.

The fact is that none of the garden plants can be beautiful throughout the summer season. To create a perennial flower bed of continuous flowering, you have to select many types and varieties of shrubs, flowers and herbs. Replacing each other, they imitate a picturesque picture of a flowering meadow or mountainous area in the country.

But in a small area it is impossible to place a sufficient number of plants.

The number of their varieties should be quite large; expressiveness of landings can be achieved only with the help of large spots of different colors. You should not plant a single copy of spring, summer and autumn flowers - this way you can only achieve the effect of a chaotic cluster of plants. Such a flower garden of perennials will not have a decorative effect.

So, the basic rules for beginners to create flowerbeds of perennials in the country with their own hands should be:

  1. An assortment of plants that allows them to change each other during the season.
  2. A large number of bushes of the same variety and species.
  3. Plants that are close in flowering time should be planted nearby, and not scattered over the area of ​​​​the flower garden. This is due to the requirements for creating accents: a large flowering group, shaded by the foliage of other plants, looks better than single specimens lost among the greenery.
  4. A constantly blooming flower bed should be irregular. To achieve the effect of continuous flowering, you have to create several successive groups. During the summer, it will turn pink, then multi-colored, then yellow.

Video "What is a garden of constant flowering"

Demonstrative video with useful information and plants.

In order to fulfill all these requirements, a fairly large area needs to be taken under the flower garden. If this is not possible, it is better to limit yourself to planting several small flower beds in different parts of the garden, which will replace each other and create color accents here and there. With this technique, you can turn the entire summer cottage into one constantly blooming garden.

Where to begin?

The device of a flower bed of perennials in the country should begin with the selection of plants according to the timing of flowering. This stage consists in compiling a list of spring, summer and autumn types of flowers. It should be borne in mind that some garden plants are divided into varieties that have a slightly different flowering period from the average. Based on this, it is possible to pick up such flowers in a group of identical representatives of the species that will lengthen the decorative time for some section of the flower bed. For example, plant white phloxes of early, middle and late flowering nearby.

After that, you need to explore the place where the perennial flower bed will be located. Research should include an analysis of the soil, the illumination of individual parts of the flower garden, the presence of a slope in some direction. All this will be required in order to properly seat the plants, taking into account their requirements for moisture, light and soil conditions.

If the future flower garden is not very large, and the conditions for the plants will be approximately the same, you can make another list for selecting species that suit all these sites.

Before you make a flower garden, you will have to draw a diagram of it. To do this, you need to have a good idea of ​​what shades it is desirable to place in separate parts of a flower garden of continuous flowering from perennials. Another important point when creating a perennial flower garden scheme is the selection of herbs and shrubs in height. There are several possible options:

  • on a flower bed (round, oval) overlooked from all sides, tall plants should be planted in the center of the composition, and undersized closer to the border;
  • in a wall or fence, tall elements can grow in the background, while medium and ground cover elements can grow closer to the viewer;
  • in you can allow more free placement of large specimens in the middle ground or so that they cover part of the composition, making it possible to see it differently from another point.

When the area is quite large, you can experiment with placing an ornamental bush or tree as a solo element on the ground cover grass carpet.

Such plantings look very beautiful in combination with medium and low flowers or bushes with colored foliage.

Important rules for breeding a flower garden

Another rule that will have to be observed is limiting the growth of some aggressive species. Many ornamental flowers and herbs are able to grow within a few years so that they occupy the entire flower garden. For them, you should pick up fences made of plastic or metal, which will need to be deepened into the soil around the landing site.

Along with flowering plants, breeds with decorative leaves should also be planted. A variety of bred garden forms of conifers, shrubs and small trees, herbs and grasses are able to decorate a flower garden of continuous flowering with unusually colored or variegated leaves throughout the season. They can set off the brightness of perennials or serve as an independent color accent.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that some herbaceous plants, fading, become unattractive or die off.

So that bald spots of dried stems do not form on the flower bed, next to the ephemera it is necessary to provide for the planting of summer species with large leaves or with the formation of a dense bush (hostas, peonies). They will help to hide the spring flowers that have lost their decorative effect.

Examples of flower garden schemes

To simplify the work, you can use ready-made schemes of flower beds. For example, the corner flower garden option proposed below for the entire warm season. The drawings show how the general appearance of the flower bed changes from season to season and the emphasis on the high back of the composition shifts from a bush in the corner to delphinium candles in summer, and tall cereals (miscanthus) and sunflowers in autumn.


Gradually, the color scheme of the composition also changes. If desired, you can change it by including varieties of delphinium, bluebells and phlox with a different color for the summer season in the scheme. By picking up daffodils, hellebore, irises of a different color, adding small-bulbous ones (muscari, hyacinths, etc.) to the fore, you can also change the spring appearance of the flower bed.

Some plants can be replaced with suitable flowering dates if the growing conditions are not optimal for the data in the drawing. In particular, in the northern regions, where forsythia can freeze in winter, it can be replaced with a male willow. A tall bush can be additionally lined with more compact spireas that can support flowering in this corner until May.

Using the same scheme as a support for fantasy, you can supplement it by making the flower corner decorative even in winter. To do this, it is enough to replace the forsythia bush with an ornamental apple tree breed (berry, Pallas, plum-leaved). The tree will have to be pruned, holding back growth, but every spring it will delight with lush flowering and delicate aroma for 10-14 days. In the summer season, delphiniums and sunflowers can still bloom, and by autumn the focus will again shift to an apple tree strewn with scarlet tassels of small fruits. Apples remain on the branches until spring.

In winter, the left ears of miscanthus can also decorate this corner. They can not be cut during autumn cleaning. If we allocate a little space for annuals, which are preserved in the form of dried flowers (helichrysums of different colors, for example), then the restrained and harsh winter beauty will be preserved until January.

Conifers in flower beds

Recently, the use of coniferous trees in the design of continuous flowering flower beds has become very popular. This happened as a result of the appearance on the market of breeding forms with unusual colors and crown outlines. Golden and blue, dwarf, creeping conifers create delicate accents in parts of the composition, attracting attention and shading the bright colors of flowers. In winter, when the snow cover is still shallow, they remain the only ornamental plants in the empty flower beds.

The diagram shows an example of a combination of several conifers at once with perennial flowers and ground cover grasses. In the background there are 2 specimens of juniper with a pyramidal crown, giving the composition a tendency to rise. They are the main point around which the rest of the details of the flower garden are placed.

In the middle ground, compact bushes of juniper with golden needles (Old Gold) and mountain pine are planted. They will give density to the composition in the spring, when deciduous shrubs have not yet blossomed, and favorably set off primroses (primroses, small-bulbs). In summer and autumn, their significance is small, they serve only as green islands in a variety of colors of flowering plants. Closer to winter, when most of the flowers disappear, their shades will again play the leading role of accents against the background of dark and yellow leaves of shrubs.

The juniper in the foreground has a creeping crown. Its main purpose is to serve as a groundcover when grasses have not yet grown. In winter, he and the rest of the conifers will remain the only green islands among the snow-covered bushes of lilac, mock orange and buddley.

Compact arrangement of perennial flowers

Another diagram shows how to make a beautiful perennial flower bed if there is very little space on the site. The basis and background of the composition is clematis, winding along the lattice on the wall of the house. 2 varieties of this vine were used - early and late (flower color can be chosen to your taste). A flower garden made according to this scheme makes it possible to admire it from the beginning of July to the end of August, with a change in shade as some flowers fade and other flowers bloom.

In the middle plan on the right, paniculate phlox bushes are planted nearby, selected according to the same principle. An early variety blooms white from early July, gradually being replaced by a later pink. These shades can also be varied. A bright colored spot in this area will persist until the end of August. If it is possible to increase the planting area, then September bushes can be planted next to the phlox.

The left part of the middle plan is formed by pions and . The first ones begin flowering at the end of May, finishing it by mid-June. Then the baton passes to the astilbe and the pink daylily next to it (in the left corner, closer to the foreground). Decorative hosta leaves help shade the flowering, a golden daylily complements the foreground on the right.

To get beautiful flower beds in early spring, you can supplement the scheme with small-bulbs and primroses. Dying off by mid-May, they will be hidden by overgrown foliage of hostas and daylilies. To imagine what a perennial flower garden will look like, the photos and names of some of the plants used in these schemes will help.

What plants can be planted in a flower garden?

In early spring, small-bulbous ones begin to bloom. This group of plants for a perennial flower garden includes: daffodils, chionodoxes, muscari, poultry, crocuses. They do not need to be dug up annually for storage, like tulips or gladioli.

Bulbs are planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other in large quantities. This is necessary in order to form a beautiful island of the same colors, since most small-bulbous plants are undersized (up to 20 cm). Their leaves are narrow and long, and decorativeness is achieved solely through inflorescences, like muscari or hyacinth. Single specimens of such colors will be hardly noticeable.

A little later, familiar daisies and primroses, and sleep-grass, begin to bloom. These are also quite small and inconspicuous primroses one by one. To create a flower garden of continuous flowering, you will need a lot of planting material of primroses of any kind. But the decorativeness of an island of earth barely emerging from under the snow is worth the cost of money and labor.

Flowers for summer and autumn

Perennials that bloom in warm weather are rich both in color and in the number of species. Beginning in May, peonies and irises of various shades bloom. Later they are joined by daylilies and garden lilies, creating bright patches of yellow, orange and red. Panicles of astilba harmoniously echo high cereals: pampas grass, reed grass, pike. By placing high delphinium candles in the background of the composition, you can support them with lupins of different heights and colors in the middle and foreground.

Ground cover plants like periwinkle, thyme, tenacious and others also bloom. Despite the inconspicuousness of individual flowers, their clusters among the grasses create picturesque spots of different colors. You can also supplement compositions with wild herbs - yarrow and tansy with large inflorescences, yasnotka, greenfinch, sage. These herbs are able to bloom all season, filling the gaps between individual varieties and types of garden flowers.

At the end of summer, more and more yellow shades appear: rudbeckia, grassy sunflower, yellow and chrysanthemums. These colors can be harmoniously diluted by choosing varieties of red chrysanthemums and late dark pink phlox. Violet-blue range of September and cushion asters will help to form flower beds in the appropriate shades. By removing old flower stalks on astilbes and delphiniums, these plants can also be forced to bloom again.

Careful care of a perennial flower garden will help you enjoy the change of seasons and colors for several years in a row without annual work. Planted once, ornamental shrubs and flowers will delight the owners for a long time.

Many modern summer residents, trying to decorate their plots in an original way, choose annual and perennial undersized flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer or most of it. If you are one of these people and want to create your own inimitable masterpiece flower garden, check out the descriptions and photos of the most interesting, popular types of low plants. Understand for yourself the criteria for their selection, planting methods, view design options for impressively beautiful flower beds.

Flowerbed of permanent flowering

Types and varieties of undersized plants that bloom all summer

Plants with a stem height of up to 30 cm are considered undersized. Lovely flower beds are made up of both one variety of such flowers, and using several species. Multi-tiered compositions bordered by miniature flowering specimens and borders with a border of compact bushes look great in summer. Many varieties of perennials are long-flowering, even more among annuals.

Blooming border is gorgeous

Annuals or perennials - selection criteria

Many gardeners consider annual low flowers for flower beds to be the best option for decorating their plots, which:

  1. Quickly (during the landing season) they allow you to ennoble the territory by compiling an excellent composition.
  2. They have an incredible number of varieties, which makes it possible to pick up specimens for any zones on the site: sunny and shady, arid and waterlogged, with fertile soil and poor.
  3. They do not need special care, top dressing, frequent watering in the summer.
  4. They give space to creative natures for exciting experiments with the annual update of garden design.
  5. Allow correction of oversights in the selection of varieties, colors in the next season.
  6. Suitable for growing by novice gardeners, as they are mostly unpretentious.

Bright flowerbed of annuals

Fans of perennials refer to the unjustified loss of time, money, and effort in the annual selection of plants for a flower bed, the hassle of seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground. Of course, perennial undersized flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer, make it possible to avoid these worries for several years. But gradually they lose their decorative effect, and once every 5-7 years they have to be updated, while spending more effort than planting annuals.

Perennials allow you to create flower beds with a special charm, but they do not please with such brightness and variety as annuals. It is also disputable that weeds cannot develop under the mats of perennial plantations. Yes, under thick curtains the germination of weed seeds, the development of emerging weeds is suppressed. But if they have already managed to make their way to the sun, it is much more difficult to destroy them than in the plantings of annuals.

perennial shaving

It is your choice to give preference to annual or perennial flowers, and perhaps a combination of both. In any case, it would be useful to get to know some of their species better.

The most popular unpretentious annuals

Purslane- one of the most beautiful annual undersized flowers for a flower bed is known to many simply as a "mat". In fact, its creeping succulent shoots with peculiar leaves that look like fleshy needles form a continuous carpet, covering the ground. Numerous flowers of various tones can be simple and double, depending on the variety. The most popular are terry species that open buds in early summer and are decorative until autumn frosts:

  • Pun;
  • Cream;
  • Mango;
  • Flamenco.

Motley purslane rug

Purslane is unpretentious, easily takes root on sandy, stony soil, does not need top dressing, frequent watering. But he needs the sun: in the shade, the shoots stretch out, become thinner, the flower loses its attractiveness. Moreover, the buds of most varieties of purslane open only in bright light, which is why it, even planted in a sunny place, is not so picturesque on a rainy day. However, there are varieties with flowers that do not close even in cloudy weather:

  • Sundance;
  • cloud beater.

Charming Flamenco

And if you are planning to use annual low-growing white flowers to decorate a flower bed, it is difficult to find anything more suitable than a purslane variety with the speaking name White-flowered.

This purslane should be called Snow White

Tagetes (marigolds)- an exceptionally unpretentious undersized flower, which even a child can grow. Marigolds do not require specific soil, regular watering. But for all their non-capriciousness, they demonstrate excellent decorative qualities, which is rare. From the first days of summer to autumn frosts, they delight with bright flowers of various colors in warm tones, which makes the flower bed “sunny” even in bad weather.

Compact bushes are distinguished by two types of marigolds: rejected and thin-leaved. Both groups are incredibly cute and attractive.

Undersized tagetes in the design of the border
Marigolds rejected
Marigolds thin-leaved

Examples of other long flowering annuals

Petunia- a rather capricious favorite of landscape designers and gardeners in growing, there are many varieties that differ in various shapes and colors. It is possible to distinguish luxurious large-flowered and modestly, but abundantly flowering types of petunias. It is worth noting that the latter suffer less from rains that are detrimental to terry specimens. But you can also find terry petunias that are not afraid of rain (Butterfly F1, for example), which will become garden favorites.

Butterfly F1 - tenderness itself

Lobelia- these purple, white, and more often blue undersized flowers are quite suitable for a flower bed that comes to life in early summer and fades only by October. Spherical miniature (10-20 cm) lobelia bushes love sunny places with loose, but not very fertile loam-type soil. Timely watering is important in care, especially in hot weather; the ground under the lobelia should be constantly wet.

Lobelia, grade Blue

Calceolaria- an unusual undersized plant that will decorate a flower bed in a shady place. Calceolaria is not just shade-tolerant - direct sunlight is generally contraindicated for it. This exotic loves high soil moisture, but it should be watered with caution: when water gets on velvety leaves, they significantly lose their decorative effect.

exotic calceolaria

Iberis grows equally well in the sun and in a shady place, the soil loves light, breathable. It has small fragrant often snow-white inflorescences, but there are varieties with pink, carmine, lilac color. Flowering lasts two months, starting in May. Perfectly combined in combined flower beds. For example, the neighborhood of white iberis and small red carnation flowers for a flower bed is a very advantageous option.

Delightful snow-white iberis

carnation annual(Chinese). A charming neighbor of Iberis can please not only with red, but also with pink, white, purple flowers that have a pleasant aroma. Loves the sun, resistant to frost. Being a perennial by nature, it can sometimes overwinter.

Chinese Carnation Scarlett

Beautiful perennials - charming constancy

If one day you successfully pick up perennial species of low-growing, long-flowering flowers for a flower bed, you can get rid of spring troubles for its improvement for a number of years and enjoy the beauty on your site from the first days of summer. Various carnations, hardy asters, saxifrage and other beautiful representatives of the flora are popular. It is worth paying attention to at least a few favorites among them.

Beautiful flower beds - the visiting card of the site

Astra alpine- a herbaceous plant 10-30 cm high. The best place for it is openwork penumbra, well-drained soil. Flowering can last up to three months, it is the longest in Rosea.

Aster Alpine Rosea

carnation grass- an unpretentious undersized perennial, the dark green of which is completely covered with purple or pink small flowers during the summer month and a half. Along with perennial arabis, pyrethrum, primroses, it can act as beautiful border flowers for edging flower beds or paths.

Carnation grass as a border

Everblooming begonia is rightfully the leader among the flowers for flower beds that bloom all summer. Plantings of begonias blaze with a variety of elegant inflorescences from May-June until late autumn. It can bloom almost all year round if transferred to a warm room for the winter. Exceptionally decorative are not only flowers, but also begonia leaves, pleasing to the eye in shape and color.

Terry Everblooming Begonia

By the color of the leaves, green-leaved, bronze-leaved hybrids are distinguished. The height of undersized bushes, as a rule, is in the range of 15-30 cm. Begonia is not indifferent to growing conditions. The soil for the flower bed should be rich in humus, slightly acidic, moisture-intensive, but not waterlogged - excess moisture in summer causes root rot.

About 600 hybrids of ever-flowering begonia are known. Among them are medium-sized (up to 25 cm) series of varieties:

  • Ambassador;
  • Bada bing, bada boom;
  • Senator.

Everblooming begonias in a flower bed

Dwarf varieties:

  • Queen;
  • Cocktail;
  • Luchik.

Ground covers

Ground cover contenders for a place in the flower garden

Among the undersized perennials, there are many ground cover or carpet flowers for flower beds of continuous flowering. It is useful to get acquainted with several representatives of this group.

Phlox subulate. It is extremely unpretentious, forms curtains up to 10 cm high. It loves the sun and dry land, it is afraid of stagnant water. Already from the beginning of May, for two months it is covered with inflorescences of red, white, pink, lilac shades. The second wave of flowering occurs in September.

Phlox subulate

sedum(sedum). Among half a thousand varieties, you can pick up sun-loving (most of them) and shade-loving specimens. Stonecrop does not need watering, top dressing, hibernates without shelter - isn't it a godsend for summer residents with limited time? Moreover, there are so many varieties of sedum that only one of them can make a motley colorful flower bed.

Sedum prominent

Dyusheneya. A fast-growing ground cover, sun-loving, great on any soil. But in order for the Duchenea rug to be dense, the ground under the bushes must be constantly kept moist. The original leaves and fruits of duchenea are very decorative in summer. However, it is worth remembering that berries, somewhat reminiscent of strawberries, are inedible.

Duchenea Indian

aubrieta. Bright representative of carpet, ideal for rock gardens. It can be used as a frame for flower beds and in independent plantings. It blooms for a month and a half from May, and after pruning it can repeat this process. Winters with leaves that look attractive in early spring. It must be borne in mind that shaving grows aggressively, like duchenea - both of these species can suppress, even survive neighbors.

Aubrieta Light Blue
Aubrieta Lucas

Small garden - undersized bushes in a flower bed

In garden design, not only herbaceous plants are often used, but also beautiful trees and shrubs. If you have the idea to use them in landscaping the site, then perennial undersized bushes that bloom all summer are suitable for a flower bed in the form of a miniature garden. And creeping and dwarf conifers will bring an elegant green note to a motley composition. Among them are the following types.

Mini-garden of begonias and conifers

Heather. Evergreen shrub with low growth rate. Needs well-drained moist soil, thrives well in full sun or partial shade. For the winter, it is recommended to mulch and cover it.


Gualteria recumbent. A creeping evergreen ground cover shrub that blooms beautifully in summer, including September. Dark green leaves are very decorative, by winter they become bronze-red. Gualteria prefers partial shade, fertile acidic soil with good moisture capacity, does not tolerate drought.

Gualteria recumbent

creeping willow. Attractive dwarf slow growing shrub with thin, elastic shoots. In early May, before the foliage blooms, it is covered with silvery, and in summer with yellow, earrings. Light and moisture-loving, loves fertile sandy soils, does not tolerate heat and dry air.

creeping willow

Cotoneaster Dummer. Dense spreading undersized shrub. In mid-May it is covered with numerous white flowers. Later, the decorativeness of the bush is supported by multiple light red fruits. He loves the sun, partial shade, undemanding to the soil, drought-resistant.

Cotoneaster Dummer

Japanese spirea. Compact creeping shrub. Numerous pinkish inflorescences formed in the middle of summer adorn the bushes for a month and a half. Original golden yellow leaves. Spirea is undemanding to conditions, winter-hardy, sun-loving.

Japanese spirea

Juniper horizontal. For a flower bed, dwarf forms are good, for example, the Blue Chip variety. This is a slow-growing conifer with a bluish coloration of dense, prickly needles. Photophilous, undemanding to the soil, frost-resistant.

Juniper horizontal

Planting low-growing flowers that bloom all summer

If you are going to create a colorful, constantly pleasing corner on the site, you should understand how to properly arrange a flower bed so that they bloom all summer and even part of autumn.

imitation stream

The principles of arranging flower beds

For a competent approach to the arrangement and filling of the future garden masterpiece, it is important not to miss such moments:

  1. Before running to the store for seeds of low-growing flowers for a flower bed, you should clearly determine the place of its possible location, study what the illumination-shade is there, the characteristics of the soil, and its moisture content. This is necessary for the correct choice of plants that will be comfortable in this place.
  2. Beginners should limit themselves to two or three types of plantings - this is enough to design a beautiful flower bed. For your first flower bed, it is better to choose unpretentious varieties of flowers that do not need special care.
  3. It is important to choose species for one flower garden with similar requirements for growing conditions.
  4. It is advisable to use group plantings of the same type of undersized plants in order to avoid indiscriminate mixing of different species.
  5. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of color combinations for flowering plantations. Excessive brightness, variegation are inappropriate, may indicate poor taste. Combinations of various bright and white colors look organic.
  6. In order for the flower arrangement to look spectacular all summer, you need to choose plants with different flowering periods for it.
  7. When arranging flowers, you need to consider the viewing angle. If the flower bed is viewed from all sides, higher specimens should be placed in the center. If its view is possible from one side, the background should become a place for tall specimens.
  8. To achieve a decent result, a preliminary layout of the flower garden is required with the help of a landscape designer or on your own.

Combinations of bright and white tones are spectacular

Schemes of continuously flowering flower beds

For self-planning of the flower bed since the winter, you will have to arm yourself with colored pencils and draw its plan in detail on paper. The sketch should show:

  • the contours and dimensions of the flower garden on a scale;
  • location of dominant and complementary plants;
  • the distance between them;
  • color scheme (adjust if necessary).

Important! It must be borne in mind that undersized perennials, growing, will eventually take up more space - on the plan, and subsequently, when planting, leave free space between them, temporarily filling it with annuals.

Perennial flower garden

By deciding to do the layout of the flower bed yourself, you will save a substantial amount on the services of a landscape designer. However, for this you need to have a certain artistic taste and flair.

For a beginner in design matters, the task may seem daunting, but at first, you can use ready-made diagrams and plans found in gardening books, or offered below. Here, for example, is a scheme for filling a flower bed only with perennials.

Below is a simple flower bed for beginner gardeners, where blue delphinium (1) and red phlox paniculata (2) act as dominant undersized plants. When making a flower bed, they are planted first. In front of them is placed a garden geranium (3) of purple color. Frame the flower garden with a ground cover, a yellow cuff (4).

Scheme for beginners

When deciding how to choose perennials and annuals that bloom all summer for your flower bed, you can use the information about them presented above, as well as study the range of plants presented in the diagrams and choose samples to your liking. The most flexible filling option is the joint planting of bulbous, annuals and perennials. Below you can get acquainted with a few more simple schemes.

Scheme of a mixed flower bed of continuous flowering
Landings in pink
Flowerbed of annuals

Ready-made projects are not a dogma; it is not necessary to implement them with the utmost accuracy. You should not give up on your plan if you could not buy the planting material of any plant shown in the diagram. Replace it with another with similar characteristics, coloring and bring the selected scheme to the ideal. And for creative inspiration, watch short videos.

Shaded flower garden plan

Video: Examples of designing flower beds with undersized flowers

Video: Decoration of flower beds with marigolds

Low-growing flowers, both annuals and perennials, are a wonderful choice for your yard. Do not be afraid to experiment, show imagination, creativity, enthusiasm and create an interesting, original, exemplary composition that you can be proud of all summer.

The appearance of the flower garden largely depends on the selected plants. As a rule, the basis of the entire composition consists of various shrubs and perennials. They should be chosen, paying attention to the size of the flower bed, location on the territory, type of soil. If you are going to decorate a large flower garden, be sure to opt for shrubs.

  • In the spring, bulbous types of flowers planted before the winter season begin to wake up. Among them, the most famous are daffodils. You can also combine corylopsis, crocus and forsythia bushes with each other.
  • Closer to summer, perennials bloom. If you want to make your flower garden brighter, choose forget-me-nots and pansies. The main role is best assigned to long-flowering varieties or plant species that re-bloom in the fall: navel, catnip, yarrow, fragrant geranium, soul mate.
  • In autumn, we will be pleased with coreopsis, warm asters, rudbeckia, geleniums, which are distinguished by incredibly rich colors. You can also frame the composition with ornamental grasses, including miscanthus and switchgrass.

A competent combination of these plants will allow you to enjoy a flowering and lush flower bed all season long.

Flower bed of continuous flowering - planting scheme

Before you start creating a flower garden, draw a future sketch on paper with notes on the location of the plants and an indication of their flowering period. At the same time, the schemes of continuous flowering flower beds can be different, the most important thing is to plant flowers and plants evenly. For example, if you want to get a flower garden in white and yellow colors, you need to use varieties such as chamomile, coreopsis, chrysanthemums, lilies. It is important to choose plants of only the appropriate color.

For the foreground of the flower garden, you can choose coreopsis or lily of the valley. Plants of this species either alternate or are planted in small groups. After that, chrysanthemums are lower in height, then daisies with an average “growth” need to be planted. The highest flowers of our composition - lilies, must be placed in the very last row. Thus, lilies of the valley will bloom the very first, daisies will delight from May to June, coreopsis blooms until August, lilies bloom from mid-summer to October, and the chrysanthemum season ends.

Examples of continuous flowering flower beds can be different, even a novice gardener can handle their creation. The most important thing is to choose the right plants according to the time of their development and shade, so that the principle of harmony is observed.

It is also important to consider the location of the flower bed. Any gardener knows that plants "follow" the sun's rays. If the flower garden opens to us from the dark side, then part of the day the plants will be turned away from us. It is best to plant more on such a flower garden: marigolds, liatris, lupins, zinnias, delphiniums. When planting seedlings and bulbs, leave enough space between them. And do not worry that the flower bed will be somewhat empty until the summer, but in the future you will not have to constantly weed it, making room for a normal neighborhood between flowers.

When planning a structure, familiarize yourself with the height of the plants and observe the distance between flowers of the same variety. If the sown seeds have sprouted often enough, carefully dig them out and transfer them to another bed. True, here you need to monitor how some varieties tolerate planting, so as not to harm them. Already in the summer or early autumn, start thinking about how your flower garden will look next year: pick up plants, find a place on the site. This will allow you to get a bright flower bed at the beginning of spring.