When is the annunciation in the year what date. Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos

During the strict period of Great Lent, believers were given one day of rest and joy, giving strength and helping to pass the test of fasting to the end. We are talking about the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. On this day, it is allowed to slightly weaken the ban on entertainment and diversify the meager lean diet.

The first mentions of the Annunciation date back to the 3rd century, and the first celebrations - to the 7th century. Today it is perhaps the most important twelve-year holiday, which carries a deep meaning and is of tremendous importance for believers in different countries. The meaning of the great holiday is concentrated in its very name. Humanity in the person of the Virgin Mary received the "good news" from the archangel Gabriel about the virgin's immaculate conception and the subsequent birth of the savior. Mary agreed to submit to the will of the Lord, showing the power of faith and free will. This is the deep meaning of the holiday, which annually rejoices every person: in the unity of the power of the Lord and the will of man!

Annunciation in 2016: how many Orthodox and Catholics celebrate

The holiday of hope and joy of all mankind comes to us every year at different times. And what date should we expect the Annunciation in 2016? Orthodox - April 7, Catholics - March 25. That is, exactly 9 months before the birth of Christ.

The main attributes of the holiday are still considered:

  • a ray of light through which the Holy Spirit descended
  • spinning wheel, which Mary was engaged in at the moment of the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel
  • the branch of the palm tree with which Gabriel came to the virgin
  • lily, personifying purity, purity, sublimation of feelings and thoughts

Annunciation 2016: what not to do

Having learned what date the Annunciation is in 2016, it is also worth remembering the ancient signs and symbolic rites. Many Christians still do not know: is it possible to wash your hair on the Annunciation or not, is it allowed to do housework, cook food, clean the house?

According to legends, on such a day it is strictly forbidden to do anything with the hair. Otherwise, you can unintentionally confuse your fate and the good intentions of the angels. Also, you cannot do any work on the day of the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God. Thus, it is easy to lure trouble into your home. But you can rest, guess, perform rituals and observe the signs.

Signs for a bright church holiday

  1. There are no swallows - expect a cold summer.
  2. Rain on the Annunciation - for a good harvest of rye. Thunderstorm - to an abundance of nuts.
  3. Fog, frost or wind on a holiday is a good harvest in season.
  4. As you spend the Annunciation, the year will fly by. If you swear, it will pass in the litter.

If you do good, it will pass in peace and prosperity.

The rituals performed on the day of the Holy Annunciation have a special magic. Some of them are aimed at good health for the whole family, while others are aimed at well-being and a lush harvest. But they are all interesting and peculiar in their own way:

  • On this day, there was a lot of noise and rumbling. Thus, evil spirits and wild cattle were driven away for a whole year.
  • The women tried to stock up on the maximum amount of prosphora. It was ground and eaten at dinner by all family members, the crumbs were left to livestock.
  • Previously, on the day of the Annunciation, pigeons were released into the sky. The birds were supposed to convey the message of the good deeds of man to the angels and ask for a reward.
  • On the night before the holiday, they "warmed" the spring and invited her to come as soon as possible, kindling big fires, where they threw straw, garbage, old rags.

One of the most important and touching Christian holidays - Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos- in 2016, as in most cases, it falls on the time of Great Lent, more precisely on its fourth week.

When the Annunciation is celebrated in 2016

In Orthodoxy, the Annunciation belongs to the twelve non-passing holidays (that is, it belongs to the 12 most important Christian holidays and is always celebrated on the same day). Jerusalem, Russian, Georgian and Serbian Orthodox Churches, as well as the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (in Ukraine), Old Believers and some other Christian denominations celebrate the Annunciation on March 25 according to the Julian calendar, which corresponds to 7 april according to the Gregorian chronology.

Catholics and Protestants who celebrate Gregorian holidays celebrate the Annunciation March 25.

Thus, in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the Annunciation is always celebrated 7 april.

Annunciation: the history of the holiday

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated in honor of the famous gospel event - the announcement by the archangel Gabriel good news to the virgin mary that the Son of God will be born to her Jesus.

In the Gospel of Luke it is said that on the sixth month after the conception of the righteous Elizabeth saint John the Baptist archangel Gabriel was sent by the Lord to Nazareth, to the Virgin Mary, to announce to her that she would have a child who would become the Savior and that he would be named Jesus. In Christianity, the Annunciation is associated with the first stage of atonement for the original sin committed by Eve, who ate the forbidden fruit contrary to God's prohibition and tempted Adam. In the Christian tradition, it is believed that the Virgin Mary, by showing obedience to God's will, partially atoned for the sin of disobedience committed by Eve.

In Christianity, the symbol of the Annunciation is considered to be a white lily - a flower symbolizing the purity and purity of the Virgin Mary. These flowers were often depicted in icons and paintings dedicated to the Annunciation.

The fourth week of Great Lent and the Annunciation - 2016: what you can eat

But as far as food is concerned, festive indulgences are allowed in the Annunciation by the church. Here is a food calendar for fourth week of Great Lent - 2016 in its strictest, monastic version (laymen are not required to be so strict).

Fourth week:

  • Monday, April 4 - dry food (bread, vegetables, fruits).
  • Tuesday, April 5 - dry food (bread, vegetables, fruits).
  • Wednesday, April 6 - dry food (bread, vegetables, fruits).
  • Thursday, April 7, Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos- fish and some wine are allowed.
  • Friday, April 8 - dry food (bread, vegetables, fruits).
  • Saturday, April 9th ​​- hot lean food with vegetable oil.
  • Sunday, April 10 - hot lean food with vegetable oil.

As you can see, indulgences are allowed only on the holiday itself; on all other days, all Lenten restrictions are preserved in full.

Annunciation - 2016: folk traditions, signs and beliefs

The Christian holiday of the Annunciation has very ancient roots, reflected in the national calendar: according to the old style, this holiday almost coincided with the day of the vernal equinox, which was considered the boundary between winter and spring. From the Annunciation in Russia, they began to prepare for sowing, so most of the signs on this day are associated with nature, weather and views of the future harvest.

Signs about the weather:

  • If it is snowing and frosty on the Annunciation, then the spring will be late and uncomfortable, and the cold can last until May.
  • If the night is warm on the eve of the Annunciation, the spring will be early and friendly.
  • If the morning of the Annunciation is clear and sunny, it means that the year will be successful and fruitful.
  • If it is rainy on the Annunciation, the summer will be dry.
  • If the swallows have not yet returned to the Annunciation (which is, in general, normal for middle latitudes), the spring will be cold.

The Annunciation: Do's and Don'ts

The Annunciation in Russia was considered the last day of rest before the start of preparations for the spring sowing, so it was customary to rest on this holiday, but work, especially around the house, was prohibited. Also, the girls on this day were not forbidden to go about with debauchery. There was even a special Annunciation proverb: "On the Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, a girl does not weave braids." So this year, on Thursday, April 7, you can safely refuse to do housework.

Also, on the Annunciation, no fire was lit in the huts: for some reason it was believed that such a violation of the ban would necessarily end in fire.

Prosphora, Annunciation salt and larks

Even on the Annunciation, special lean buns were baked in Russia - prosphora and prepared a special "medical" Annunciation salt... It was a whole family ritual: each family member took a pinch of salt and put it in a bag. Then the hostess poured this salt into a frying pan or brazier, ignited it over the fire and poured it back into the bag. The family was treated with this salt all year for all diseases: both adding it to food, and applying it to sore spots. Without denying the possibilities of traditional medicine, we still recommend combining such "treatment" with the prescriptions of official medicine.

As for prosphora, they were also used for medicinal purposes.

Annunciation: the custom of releasing birds

The custom of releasing birds for the Annunciation is also very ancient, it is associated with the vernal equinox, with the return of birds and with the cult of the sun. Later, this custom received a Christian content - the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, etc. On the Annunciation, birds are also released in churches, including the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.

“In a foreign land, I sacredly observe the native custom of antiquity: I release the bird into the wild during the bright holiday of spring,” wrote Pushkin about this rite. In Russia, for this day, children and simply poor people specially caught birds and brought them to the market, where they were bought to be released immediately. "Give ransom for the birds - the birds will pray to God!" - said the birders.

However, in the modern world, such rituals are more likely a savagery and a relic: it is no secret to anyone that birds caught before the Annunciation die en masse from poor maintenance and stress. Therefore, the priests do not bless the laity to fulfill this custom, especially since in the temples in the rite of releasing birds they use only specially trained tame pigeons that know the way home.

Annunciation in 2018, as always, falls on April 7, but this year it immediately precedes Easter. This is one of the most important holidays for Christians, both Orthodox and Catholics. In this material, we will tell you about how the Annunciation is celebrated in Russia, what symbols and customs are associated with it, what to do on the holiday, what to put on the table.

Annunciation in 2018: the history of the holiday

According to legend, the Archangel Gabriel on this day told the Virgin Mary that she would become the mother of the Savior, the Son of God. Mary was a godly virgin, brought up in strong faith in God and accepted the message with humility. At the age of 16, Maria married a relative - a pious and decent man, the family knew that it was predetermined to the Virgin Mary, therefore, even in marriage, she remained innocent.

In all churches and temples, the Annunciation is celebrated with a solemn divine service - an all-night vigil, which begins with Great Compline, and the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. the clothes of the clergy on this day are sky blue - this particular shade is the symbol of the Mother of God. After the liturgy, according to the canon, the ceremony of breaking bread takes place - parishioners are given bread and wine.

When, on what date do we celebrate the Annunciation in 2018?

In the 4th century there was a revision of the calendar of the Gospel holidays, during which it was decided to associate the Annunciation with the moment of the Immaculate Conception. Since then, the Annunciation has been celebrated 9 months before Christmas.

What can and cannot be done for the Annunciation in 2018?

Like most Christian holidays, this day has its own rules and customs that should be sacredly honored and observed. An indispensable attribute of the holiday is prayer, therefore believers must come to temples and churches or pray at home. The prayers read by the priests on this day tell about the sacrament of the birth of Jesus Christ, describing his divine origin. A certain number of rules and traditions are also observed:

  • Before the festive dinner, believers read legends about the Blessed Virgin Mary, remember her, talk about her piety and faithful service to God.
  • For those who have long dreamed of a child, it is high time to pray to the Virgin Mary and ask her blessing for future motherhood.
  • At the Annunciation, you should definitely pray for children born and in the womb, as well as for people whose activities are related to birth - obstetricians, doctors, pediatricians.
  • Before going to the temple, people bake prosvira, which is then consecrated in the church. The Orthodox keep this small piece of unleavened bread all year round next to the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is believed that if you give such bread to a sick person, then he will certainly recover.
  • On this day, you need to stop quarrels and enmity. The holiday is celebrated with the family; it is not customary to visit on this day.
  • For those who withhold evil on another person, the church recommends to repent and forgive him.
  • On the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, it is considered a great sin to perform any, even not heavy work.
  • If the holiday falls on the time of Great Lent (and in 2018 this is the case), believers are given some indulgences in strict restrictions. In particular, on a holiday, you can taste fish and drink a glass of red wine.
  • “The bird does not nest, the maiden does not weave braids,” - the saying is about the Annunciation. Even going on the road to work was considered a sin. Instead, the day should have been devoted to good deeds - for example, there was a custom to treat those in need on a holiday.

Annunciation 2018: signs

The signs of the holiday are varied:

  • On this day, you cannot put on new clothes - it will quickly tear.
  • Also, you can not lend and borrow.
  • According to the weather, they judge the coming summer - the sun promises an imminent onset of heat, rain - a cool summer and mushroom autumn, and not melted snow means that spring is delayed and will come only in a few weeks.
  • Believers bake prosphora at home - small unleavened bread - and then illuminate them in the church during the liturgy. Prosphores are made for each family member, and they must be eaten on an empty stomach. In the old days, crumbs from consecrated breads were also added to livestock feed and mixed with grain - it was believed that for a better harvest.

Why are pigeons released for the Annunciation 2018

The main tradition for the Annunciation is the release of birds as a sign of memory of the freedom of every creation of God. In Russia, from time immemorial, pigeons were considered a bird that personifies good and brings good news. The tradition of releasing white doves on the Annunciation has long gone. Poor people specially caught a large number of birds in order to sell them later on the market, telling the buyers that the bird would pray to the Lord for them. The snow-white wings of a dove symbolize the integrity of the Blessed Virgin, and the bird itself symbolizes the blessed action of the Holy Spirit.

On this day, it is customary for the people to hold ceremonies for a rich harvest - to sprinkle holy water on the grain prepared for the spring sowing, they lead round dances, thank nature for the spring and generosity.

What can you eat Annunciation 2018?

The Annunciation falls on the time of Great Lent. As usual, in 2018 it will be celebrated on April 7, between Shrovetide and Easter, which will be celebrated on April 8. At this time, believers pass the main test of the year, which does not allow eating fast food. But in honor of the great feast of the Annunciation, the church allows the fast to be weakened.

On the festive table there may be dishes from:

  • croup;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • a fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned vegetables;
  • sweets.

It is not recommended to arrange lavish feasts and invite strangers who are not part of the family to the table. Do not cook too much and pay too much attention to the variety of foods. You can cook only modest dishes without any special frills and table decorations. As in other especially significant Orthodox holidays, in the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is allowed to drink a small amount of dry or church wine, for example, Cahors wine.

To determine the Annunciation in 2018, what date, you need to know what kind of holiday it is and what it is associated with. This event, which is one of the 12 most important Christian holidays throughout the year, tells how the Virgin Mary learned from the Archangel Gabriel that she was destined to give birth to the Son of God. Moreover, in the foreseeable future - exactly in 9 months.

It turns out that Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7, which means that they will have the Annunciation on April 7 every year. As for the Catholics, and after them the Protestants, who celebrate Christmas on December 25, they celebrate the Annunciation every year on March 25.

From the history of a great holiday

The Virgin Mary, as the legend tells us, the first part of her life before marriage lived in a monastery. She prayed to God a lot and loved him so much that she promised to keep her body. The servants of the monastery, when Mary turned the required number of years, found her distant relative Joseph. She gave the girl to Joseph, but he promised that he would keep her innocent.

Mary and Joseph lived together and respected each other. Four months after the wedding, when Mary was sitting, embroidering and thinking about faith, the archangel Gabriel appeared to her. He told the girl that she was destined to give birth to the Son of God in 9 months. It is difficult to convey in words how excited Mary was, because she was ready to be the servant of the woman who would give birth to the Messiah. But she was destined to become his mother.

It turns out that the Catholic Annunciation in 2018, what date will be - March 25, and the Orthodox - April 7. It so happened that this holiday for many believers who fast is closely related to the period of restrictions and is woven into it. Often the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos falls on the time of fasting, but this is a holiday, a great holiday and, according to the church charter, it must be celebrated accordingly.

How to behave on a holiday

The period of Easter Lent is a period of spiritual and physical limitations. But even during this period there are important church holidays, which believers are obliged to pay due attention to. In particular, it is always Palm Sunday. There is also the Feast of the Annunciation, which is associated with Christmas, but often falls on the period of fasting before Easter. The Orthodox Annunciation is celebrated on April 7 every year. You can prepare a festive one.

On the day of this holiday, you can eat fish. But, just not in 2018. And here's why: the festive Saturday falls on Holy Week. Holy Week is one of the most severe days of Great Lent, and you need to eat very limitedly during this week. Therefore, even on the Annunciation, you cannot afford fish this year. On any other days of Great Lent, the Annunciation is a holiday when even clergymen can eat fish. This year, in honor of the holiday, you can pamper yourself with lean dishes with the addition of vegetable oil.

About signs and traditions

The main sign in the Annunciation in 2018 (which date we already know for certain) is to go to church and pray. You also need to set a festive table. Usually fish can be served on the table, even in spite of Lent.

As with any other church holiday, you should try to refrain from housework on this day. Of course, you will have to go to work: a modern person cannot get away from this. It is also important not to do any handicrafts on the Annunciation, not to make beauty, go to salons and hairdressers on this day is not advised, even to wear clean clothes.

There is an interesting sign that warns against lending money on this holiday. People say that together with money, you can give your happiness and prosperity to another person.

In 2018, the Annunciation fell among the Orthodox believers during the period of Passion Week of Easter Lent. This means that you need to give up fish, and you should also limit yourself as much as possible in entertainment. There are only a few days left.

One of the most important and touching Christian holidays - Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos- in 2016, as in most cases, it falls on the time of Great Lent, more precisely on its fourth week.

When the Annunciation is celebrated in 2016

In Orthodoxy, the Annunciation belongs to the twelve non-passing holidays (that is, it belongs to the 12 most important Christian holidays and is always celebrated on the same day). Jerusalem, Russian, Georgian and Serbian Orthodox Churches, as well as the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (in Ukraine), Old Believers and some other Christian denominations celebrate the Annunciation on March 25 according to the Julian calendar, which corresponds to 7 april according to the Gregorian chronology.

Catholics and Protestants who celebrate Gregorian holidays celebrate the Annunciation March 25.

Thus, in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the Annunciation is always celebrated 7 april.

Annunciation: the history of the holiday

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated in honor of the famous gospel event - the announcement by the archangel Gabriel good news to the virgin mary that the Son of God will be born to her Jesus.

In the Gospel of Luke it is said that on the sixth month after the conception of the righteous Elizabeth saint John the Baptist archangel Gabriel was sent by the Lord to Nazareth, to the Virgin Mary, to announce to her that she would have a child who would become the Savior and that he would be named Jesus. In Christianity, the Annunciation is associated with the first stage of atonement for the original sin committed by Eve, who ate the forbidden fruit contrary to God's prohibition and tempted Adam. In the Christian tradition, it is believed that the Virgin Mary, by showing obedience to God's will, partially atoned for the sin of disobedience committed by Eve.

In Christianity, the symbol of the Annunciation is considered to be a white lily - a flower symbolizing the purity and purity of the Virgin Mary. These flowers were often depicted in icons and paintings dedicated to the Annunciation.

The fourth week of Great Lent and the Annunciation - 2016: what you can eat

Since the Annunciation usually falls during Lent, most of the restrictions prescribed on Lent days apply on this day. That is, various amusements, secular amusements and amusements are prohibited, and sex life is also prohibited for church-going spouses at this time.

But as far as food is concerned, festive indulgences are allowed in the Annunciation by the church. Here is a food calendar for fourth week of Great Lent - 2016 in its strictest, monastic version (laymen are not required to be so strict).

Fourth week:

  • Monday, April 4 - dry food (bread, vegetables, fruits).
  • Tuesday, April 5 - dry food (bread, vegetables, fruits).
  • Wednesday, April 6 - dry food (bread, vegetables, fruits).
  • Thursday, April 7, Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos- fish and some wine are allowed.
  • Friday, April 8 - dry food (bread, vegetables, fruits).
  • Saturday, April 9th ​​- hot lean food with vegetable oil.
  • Sunday, April 10 - hot lean food with vegetable oil.

As you can see, indulgences are allowed only on the holiday itself; on all other days, all Lenten restrictions are preserved in full.

Annunciation - 2016: folk traditions, signs and beliefs

The Christian holiday of the Annunciation has very ancient roots, reflected in the national calendar: according to the old style, this holiday almost coincided with the day of the vernal equinox, which was considered the boundary between winter and spring. From the Annunciation in Russia, they began to prepare for sowing, so most of the signs on this day are associated with nature, weather and views of the future harvest.

Signs about the weather:

  • If it is snowing and frosty on the Annunciation, then the spring will be late and uncomfortable, and the cold can last until May.
  • If the night is warm on the eve of the Annunciation, the spring will be early and friendly.
  • If the morning of the Annunciation is clear and sunny, it means that the year will be successful and fruitful.
  • If it is rainy on the Annunciation, the summer will be dry.
  • If the swallows have not yet returned to the Annunciation (which is, in general, normal for middle latitudes), the spring will be cold.

The Annunciation: Do's and Don'ts

The Annunciation in Russia was considered the last day of rest before the start of preparations for the spring sowing, so it was customary to rest on this holiday, but work, especially around the house, was prohibited. Also, the girls on this day were not forbidden to go about with debauchery. There was even a special Annunciation proverb: "On the Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, a girl does not weave braids." So this year, on Thursday, April 7, you can safely refuse to do housework.

Also, on the Annunciation, no fire was lit in the huts: for some reason it was believed that such a violation of the ban would necessarily end in fire.

Prosphora, Annunciation salt and larks

Even on the Annunciation, special lean buns were baked in Russia - prosphora and prepared a special "medical" Annunciation salt... It was a whole family ritual: each family member took a pinch of salt and put it in a bag. Then the hostess poured this salt into a frying pan or brazier, ignited it over the fire and poured it back into the bag. The family was treated with this salt all year for all diseases: both adding it to food, and applying it to sore spots. Without denying the possibilities of traditional medicine, we still recommend combining such "treatment" with the prescriptions of official medicine.

As for prosphora, they were also used for medicinal purposes.

Also on the Annunciation it was accepted call out the spring and bake a special lean bird-shaped cookie called larks, or waders.

Annunciation: the custom of releasing birds

The custom of releasing birds for the Annunciation is also very ancient, it is associated with the vernal equinox, with the return of birds and with the cult of the sun. Later, this custom received a Christian content - the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, etc. On the Annunciation, birds are also released in churches, including the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.

“In a foreign land, I sacredly observe the native custom of antiquity: I release the bird into the wild during the bright holiday of spring,” wrote Pushkin about this rite. In Russia, for this day, children and simply poor people specially caught birds and brought them to the market, where they were bought to be released immediately. "Give ransom for the birds - the birds will pray to God!" - said the birders.

However, in the modern world, such rituals are more likely a savagery and a relic: it is no secret to anyone that birds caught before the Annunciation die en masse from poor maintenance and stress. Therefore, the priests do not bless the laity to fulfill this custom, especially since in the temples in the rite of releasing birds they use only specially trained tame pigeons that know the way home.