Henna painting: a new men's trend this season. Henna tattoos Henna designs for men lion

Henna designs for men are a great alternative to tattoos. Such patterns are harmless to the skin and allow you to decide whether you want a permanent pattern on the body or not. Men's tattoos made with henna are called "mena". About what patterns you can choose to decorate your body and what meaning they will carry, you will learn from this article.

History of patterns

Henna has been used to create body patterns since ancient times. Men painted leather as early as the Bronze Age. Moreover, such underwear paintings were characteristic of almost all nationalities.

Residents of Muslim countries and various African nations used such drawings believing that they carry a special magical meaning. Certain henna tattoos were applied before fights, while others were simply for self-confidence or good luck.

In Asian countries, henna was also used because this quality product of natural origin restored the skin and made it better.

Now the patterns do not carry a special mysterious meaning and are used simply to decorate the body.

What style to choose?

While girls prefer to decorate their bodies with flower-shaped paintings, men choose something more interesting and complex. Another interesting trend is that sketches for guys and men are usually more voluminous.

Scale drawings can decorate a man's back, shoulders or neck. It looks interesting and versatile.

As for the style, mehendi is performed in several main directions. Let's take a look at their features.

Indian style drawing, as a rule, is preferred by girls. It is characterized by a fairly large area of ​​the pattern. The pattern consists of teardrop-shaped ornaments, mandalas and all kinds of religious symbols.

Concerning asian style, it differs in that the palms are painted up to the fingertips. A similar approach is taken by masters working in the Moroccan style. But here all the lines and patterns are arranged along the lines on the palm and in the shape of the body.

Arabic style very symbolic. The painting consists of many elements and it is pleasant to look at it not only from afar, but also to look at all the details up close. The Arabic style is characterized by the use of symbols that bring good luck to life.

Symbols and their meaning

Henna patterns on the male body are now very popular. Let's see what temporary tattoos are offered to men by modern masters and what you should pay attention to when choosing the pattern that suits you.


The easiest, though not original, way to decorate your body is an inscription made with henna. Such a pattern is usually made using Latin words, Chinese characters or other unfamiliar languages. However, there is a catch in this. If you are inattentive and do not translate the meaning of a word or phrase, you risk getting into an awkward situation.


Birds in general are very popular with both men and women. The image of an owl among representatives of Indian peoples has always been considered a symbol of eternal life. They are also called wise birds, so they are often chosen to decorate their forearms.

a lion

A strong and proud animal is a symbol of nobility. Such a pattern on their body, as a rule, is applied by self-confident men who want to once again emphasize their masculinity.

The Dragon

Dragons also represent masculine strength and energy. They can be located on the neck, chest, or wrap their tail around their arm. In the paws or teeth of the dragon, there may additionally be an image of a cross or a dagger. It all depends on what meaning you put into the image.

Dream catchers

Like the decoration itself, its image on the body is designed to protect a person from negative energy and even damage. Dreamcatchers are also often complemented by religious symbols located inside the circle.


Like the dragon, this animal is considered noble. Snakes are the wisest animals, which symbolize knowledge and tranquility. Snakes often adorn the arms or ankles. It looks attractive and quite simple. So this symbol can be called universal.


To protect against dark forces and damage, images of stars were often used in the past. Now they are also considered something like a talisman. As a rule, the body is decorated not with one star, but with several.

Religious symbols

If you are a believer or are interested in various occult traditions, then the body can be decorated with appropriate symbols. For example, draw a classic or Celtic cross or a pentagram. The main thing is that it should not be upside down, because a completely different meaning is put into such a symbol. But the classic pentagram brings prosperity to life, and peace to the family.

In general, a temporary tattoo is a great way to express yourself, which suits both young guys and older men. This is not something you will regret after a few years, because the color pattern will disappear from the skin before you have time to get bored.

Another important advantage of such patterns is that you can make them both from a master who paints on his own, and on his own.

It is not necessary to be a professional artist to create a beautiful drawing. In addition, you may well use a stencil. Express yourself with beautiful body painting and attention is guaranteed.

This video contains examples of drawings for men:

Reading 4 min. Published on 01/22/2018

Do you know what is the beauty of henna tattoos (aka mehndi, aka mehendi)? You can draw anything you want, and after a certain period of time everything will come down on its own. No, of course, the process can be accelerated, but not even doing anything for a maximum of three weeks and everything will do.

Can you imagine the possibilities for experimentation? It didn’t work out, no need to bother where to go, where to mix. Isn't it great. To begin with, let's learn how to make mehendi on the hand and then, as your skill grows, master more complex patterns and experiment on friends and acquaintances.

What is mehendi?

In short, without excursions into history and geography, henna drawing on the body. It differs from a tattoo (applied with ink) in that it is a temporary decoration of the body (maximum three weeks). But compared to other methods, the (shine) tattoo, for example, lasts longer.

Henna itself does not cause allergies, but some manufacturers add chemical ingredients to get black (“black henna”), which in some cases can cause a rash, redness, and swelling of the skin.

The meaning of mehendi tattoo

The hand is a relatively small area of ​​the body, you can’t apply an epic canvas on it. When choosing, we will build on this.

Inscriptions - choose a font that is easy to read, no need to abuse decorations, curlicues. The font is medium in size, small due to the thickness of the line will be difficult to apply. If - in order not to get into a stupid position - before applying, find out the meaning.

Short symbol notation:

  1. Bracelet - fits perfectly on the arm, symbolizes success in love affairs.
  2. The disk - in men, symbolizes courage, women - chastity.
  3. Stability, honesty - symbolizes the square.
  4. Umbrella - protection from problems.
  5. The circle symbolizes the life cycle.
  6. The swan is a symbol of success.
  7. Success in endeavors, perseverance - a liana.
  8. A happy marriage is a bow and arrow.
  9. Passion, desire, love - a peacock.
  10. The rose symbolizes virginity.
  11. Fish is the desire for love.
  12. Flowers are not longevity, new life.
  13. Lotus - it has many interpretations, let's give a generalized symbol. femininity, prosperity and fertility, the absolute victory of beauty.
  14. Feather - free-thinking and lightness.
  15. Dream catcher - protection from the evil eye, bad thoughts, sleep problems.
  16. The sun symbolizes life and energy.

These drawings are most often applied to the hands, there is a white mehendi that looks pretty not only with a wedding dress

For lovers of complex patterns, there are various styles.

Arabic - mainly consists of flower arrangements,

African - the basis of geometric shapes and flowers, without a specific sequence

Indian - the main direction of the line, ornaments, teardrop-shaped icons, signs of fertility, are difficult to apply and take up a lot of space

And finally - Asian is a mixture of all styles, a characteristic feature, the fingertips are completely painted over

Step by step drawing on hand

Drawing made in stages:

  1. We carry out an allergic reaction to the paste, with a negative one (redness, burning), we change the henna, this happens when buying a ready-made solution. Manufacturers for coloring add "chemistry"
  2. On the area of ​​​​the skin where the drawing will be, we do peeling (remove hair), remove dead skin cells with a washcloth and soap, the skin will be clean, ready for tattooing
  3. Before applying, wipe the skin with eucalyptus oil, the color will be brighter, the paint will lie more evenly and last longer
  4. If you are not sure that you can handle the sketch, apply it on the body with a cosmetic pencil, and then paste or use a stencil
  5. Start applying a tattoo from a distant area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, so you will not damage the already applied drawings

How long does mehendi last and how to remove it?

  1. When taking a shower, to protect the pattern, lubricate with oil (vegetable).
  2. Refrain from visiting baths and saunas.
  3. Do not rub with a washcloth, refrain from pilling.
  4. When washing dishes, tidying up - use gloves, do not contact with an aggressive environment
  5. Do not rub, do not scratch - mechanical action removes the layer of dead cells, and with it your tattoo.

By following these rules, you can extend the life of your tattoo, up to three weeks.

Henna penetrates the top layer of the skin and cannot be removed immediately, you can speed up the process, let's see how this can be done from improvised means:

  1. Lemon and soda (food of course) - mix 2 tablespoons of soda with lemon juice, stir until a thick mass is formed, add soda or lemon if necessary.
  2. We apply the resulting mixture on the tattoo that we want to remove, wait NOT more than 10 minutes, wash it off with a sponge or washcloth in a circular motion, you can walk again with a hand scrub.
  3. For this purpose, vegetable oil may be suitable, heat the oil to the tolerance threshold, lubricate the tattoo, wait 5-10 minutes and remove it. Be very careful to avoid burns.
  4. Lotion (cosmetic) based on alcohol, we wear it on a napkin and wipe it.
  5. You can use hydrogen peroxide, vodka, 10% ammonia solution, but not to remove from the face.
  1. Petrol
  2. Acetone
  3. Wiper
  4. washing powder
  5. Means for washing surfaces and dishes

Today, there are a lot of beauty salons in cities that provide henna tattooing services. But few people know that such pictures can be applied without leaving home, since this does not require any special equipment, and the application technique is quite simple.

You need to start by choosing a henna powder or paste. It is better to buy the raw materials that are intended for the tattoo. Henna, which is used for hair coloring, is not suitable for you.

Before applying a tattoo, it is recommended to exclude the risk of an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little henna on the inside of the elbow and leave for several hours. If no uncomfortable reactions occur, you can safely proceed to applying henna tattoos at home.

Skin preparation

To make the tattoo look aesthetically pleasing and last a long time, prepare the skin for applying henna by doing the following procedures:

  • Wash the area of ​​skin with soap and scrub,
  • Wipe the skin with a dry towel;
  • Remove all hair from the area where the tattoo will be applied.

Now you can choose the method of drawing the picture and get down to business.

Applying a henna tattoo

The easiest way to apply a henna picture is to use a special stencil along with a regular brush. These stencils can be made by yourself or purchased online. If you have artistic talent, apply henna paste in any way convenient for you. A thin brush, a toothpick or a needle - you choose.

When the drawing is ready, it's time to fix the tattoo. The place of tattooing should be covered with eucalyptus oil or mehendi oil. All this can be bought online. After applying a henna tattoo at home, you will feel the tightness of dry skin. To eliminate dryness, apply lemon juice to the tattoo site. By the way, it also improves the elasticity of the skin.

If you are doing a henna tattoo at home, follow the recommendations below in order to avoid typical mistakes and omissions:

A couple more words

As you can see, henna tattoos at home are not a myth. You can really experiment with your own body at minimal cost. In the end, a henna tattoo, even if it is unsuccessfully applied, will be erased in a maximum of two weeks. So you have everything for bold experiments with this alternative direction in the world of body painting.

Bio tattoo - temporary tattoo

If you want to get a tattoo cheap and not forever then temporary bio tattoo fit perfectly. Only this technology allows you to get a durable image that simply disappears from the skin over time. And there will be no marks, scars or burns on the body. The drawing is done with henna and lasts about three weeks.

The art of painting the body with henna, mehendi, originated in ancient Egypt. Patterns originally had a magical, ritual meaning, had a special energy and, of course, decorated. In addition, henna is a natural antiseptic with many useful properties, and therefore bio tattoos are absolutely safe.

Compared to a traditional tattoo, a bio tattoo has its advantages and disadvantages:

Henna does not penetrate deep into the skin, but saturates only its upper layers. Gradually, the drawing comes off by itself;

The cost of such a tattoo is much lower, and the result is reversible;

By adding mineral dyes to natural henna, craftsmen get a rich palette of colors;

However, a bio tattoo does not allow you to transfer halftones, shades, shadows. The drawing is done with clear contours;

Henna has a smell


The art of painting with henna mehendi, which originated in ancient Egypt, rather personifies a “temporary tattoo” - such a pattern lasts only a few weeks.

There are 4 traditional styles of mehendi. In the Middle East, floral motifs are used, similar in style to Arabic painting. Here, a specific application scheme is rarely adhered to.

In North Africa, preference is given to geometric shapes interspersed with floral motifs. The drawing exactly corresponds to the shape of the arms and legs of the "client".

Indian mehendi affects not only the palms and feet - here the pattern braids the hands and wrists, beautifully frames the legs, forming a "stocking". The ornaments are dominated by lines, patterns, drop-shaped elements.

In South Asia and Indonesia, styles are mixed, borrowing motifs from Indian and Middle Eastern mehendi.

Do you strive for originality and want to make beautiful temporary henna tattoo? Welcome to PRO TATTOO tattoo parlor! Here you can pick up a sketch and make a stylish, but painless and very inexpensive tattoo.

Many of us are not averse to decorating our body with a beautiful pattern, but not everyone can decide on a permanent tattoo. It is for lovers of temporary patterns on the body that there is a henna tattoo, which is applied to the skin without pain and disappears after a week or two. Such a drawn image is called a mehendi tattoo, and it came to us from Ancient Egypt, although many mistakenly consider India to be its homeland.

Mehendi is a henna painting on the body with predominantly brown and black paints (sometimes white), and the peculiarity of such a pattern is that it does not spread and is not imprinted on clothes.

In addition, if you wish, you can easily make mehendi at home. How to draw henna on the skin? How to properly dilute the plant composition? How long does mehendi last? We will consider these and other questions in the article.

If you want to make mehendi at home, then you first need to prepare a paste for which you will need henna powder, two tablespoons of granulated sugar, half a lemon and 130 ml of tea leaves. How to breed henna and how to make mehendi paste at home? Here is the simplest and most accessible recipe for everyone:

It is important to note that ready-made henna for mehendi cannot be stored for a long time - no more than two days in the refrigerator, after this period, it is no longer desirable to use such a coloring agent.

Therefore, if you have not exactly decided on the time for drawing on the body, you should not prepare the paste in advance - it is better immediately before application.

How to apply a henna tattoo

After you have chosen an image for a tattoo, you can start drawing henna at home. To make a temporary tattoo stand, it is important to apply henna correctly. How to make mehendi? Follow this step by step guide:

Useful advice: do not touch the skin cone with the tip, keep it on weight. And if there are very thin lines in the image, then they can be easily applied with a toothpick. Just dip it in paint and immediately transfer it to the drawing.

How to make a stencil for a tattoo

If you want to get an original image, then you can make stencils for henna tattoos yourself. To do this, use adhesive film - just cut out the ornament you need in it, stick the resulting sketch firmly on the body and draw your exclusive pattern on the skin, which you will definitely not find on anyone else.

If the role of the artist is not for you, then just get ready-made pictures with henna tattoos at home. Using them is easy: fix the template on the skin with tape and apply paint on top, making sure that all the slots are filled.

Then carefully remove the stencil, rinse it with water, but do not throw it away, it can be used more than once.

What color can be achieved

Henna drawings on the body can turn out in different shades - it depends on three nuances: the time the paste is held, the reaction of the skin to the dye, and the place where the image is applied.

Immediately after removing the paint, the ornament will turn out to be a pale orange color, after 4-5 hours it will darken and become bright orange, and then after 2-3 days its shade will gradually turn into a red-beige color.

Depending on the type of skin, the end result of mehendi at home can turn out to be both rich red and dark brown. The brightest images come out on dense areas of the body (arms and legs).

How long does a henna tattoo last? It also depends on the reaction of the skin and the place where you decide to draw the pattern. If we talk about the average period of time, then a henna tattoo on the stomach, on the back and under the chest lasts from three to seven days, and on the arms and legs - from one to two weeks. Then the paint gradually fades and disappears without traces on the skin.

What are the possible complications

Natural henna cannot cause any harm to healthy skin, since it is a vegetable raw material.

But in some cases (here we are talking about purchased paint), side effects may appear.

Complications arise if foreign dyes are added to the natural product, and then this can be fraught with allergic reactions. To avoid this, before using the purchased paste, you must carefully study the composition.

Also, complications can make themselves felt if you paint mehendi on skin affected by psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea and other identical diseases.

In addition, side effects in the form of redness, peeling and even inflammation will sooner or later appear if you often apply a temporary henna tattoo to the same place - this is absolutely impossible, the skin should rest.

Painting mehendi on the hand

Temporary henna tattoos on the arm are popular mainly among the weaker sex, since henna painting on the arms looks very gentle and feminine. Also, often the beautiful half of humanity prefers to draw henna tattoos on the palm and make mehendi on the wrist.

Moreover, special attention is paid to the value of the applied image. What henna tattoos on the arm are popular today? Let's highlight 4 of them.

  • patterns. They mean luck on the personal front, love or romantic relationships.
  • Lotus. The flower of this beautiful plant is applied by those who need good luck in business.
  • Owl. A symbol of wisdom, it indicates the mental qualities of its owner.
  • Dreamcatcher. It is believed that it protects from evil spirits and protects from damage and the evil eye.

White henna mehendi looks especially stylish; such ornaments often attract girls and young ladies. Today it is very fashionable for girls to make white henna drawings on their hands, it symbolizes purity, so brides often use such patterns.

Painting mehendi on the leg

Henna tattoos on the leg are done not only by women, but also by men. Moreover, despite the fact that such drawings are often hidden under clothing, special attention is also paid to the significance of the applied ornaments.

In this case, not even the pattern itself is important, but the area of ​​​​the leg on which it is applied, since this carries a certain meaning.

What do these places mean?

  • Left leg. The ornament on the left leg indicates that a person is looking for his place in life.
  • Right leg. The drawing on the right leg indicates confidence and determination.
  • Left foot. The pattern in this place indicates that the person lacks attention.
  • Right foot. The image on this site means selfish inclinations.

Painting mehendi on the body

You can draw mehendi not only on the arms and legs, henna inscriptions look beautiful on other parts of the body. For example, a henna tattoo on the neck looks very elegant, especially if these are not certain patterns, but simple and at the same time stylish patterns.

Girls often choose small tattoos in the Arabic or Indian style, where the emphasis is on floral motifs and flowing patterns. Sometimes white henna for mehendi is used for these purposes, but mainly for special occasions.

The back, stomach and chest area are also often painted, which looks very elegant. On the network you can find a large number of photos and videos with all kinds of sketches for temporary tattoos.

Mehendi painting for men

Representatives of the stronger sex are also not averse to decorating their bodies with original patterns and making mehendi at home. And if for boys it is not difficult to choose a pattern, then for a guy it is not so easy to choose a suitable ornament.

Men's henna drawings should not be flowery-sentimental - these are feminine options. For example, if you need to draw a sleeve with henna, then the choice is best made in favor of an abstract composition with clear lines.

It is the hands that men most often choose to make a henna tattoo. Less often - legs, back, shoulders and forearms. Also, the stronger sex prefers to avoid small patterns, rightly believing that a male tattoo should be large.

We have considered how to make mehendi, but in order for the drawing to remain clear and bright longer, it is necessary to properly care for it. And in order to prolong the life of a temporary tattoo, it is important to follow certain rules.

Our advice will help you with this.

And finally: If you don’t want to prepare a temporary tattoo paste with your own hands or for some reason you couldn’t buy dry henna powder, just order ready-made paint on the Internet. One tube is enough for several patterns.

Video - Henna tattoo - Master class