Red currant jam recipe for the winter. How to make porechka (red currant) jam

There are few people who do not like the delicate sweet and sour red currant jam. There are many recipes for its preparation - cold and hot, with the addition of water, raspberries, cherries, spices. It is difficult to choose the best recipe until you try several dishes prepared in different ways.

Culinary properties and calorie content

All this determines the positive effect of berries on immunity, gastrointestinal tract organs, cardiovascular system. However, such effects will appear only if the red currant jam is prepared very quickly, in other words, the “correct” recipe should involve minimal heat treatment.

It is also important to remember that "ascorbic acid" is quickly oxidized in air, therefore, after short-term cooking, the jam should be immediately laid out in the jars and sealed.

There are many acids of organic origin in currants, which determines the sour taste of the jam. In some cases, you have to add sugar, focusing on your taste. At the same time, we must not forget that granulated sugar acts as a natural preservative, therefore, a significant decrease in it (compared to the amount required in the recipe) can lead to damage to the workpieces.

At the same time, overusing sugar can negate the benefits of jam. There is a misconception that when cooking classic jam, the ratio of berries to sweetener should be 1: 1 or even 1: 1.5. However, similar proportions are true for jam recipes where the berries must remain intact. This can only be achieved by using a sweet concentrated syrup.

There is no need to keep berries in jam, which means that the amount of sugar should be less. It does not perform the function of preserving the structure of the berries, but only provides the sweetness of the taste and the effect of preservation.

By the way, the presence of pectin in berries is convenient not only from a culinary point of view, in the body it plays the role of a "broom", freeing it from toxins and toxins.

The calorie content of a dish depends on the amount of sweetener and cooking technology., but the average is 244 kcal per 100 grams. If we talk about "raw" jam, then this figure is slightly higher, since more sugar is usually added to it.

The best recipes

Before starting a conversation about how to make jam, you should familiarize yourself with the technology for preparing berries. First of all, they need to be sorted out, removing rotten and cracked ones. Despite the fact that jam involves grinding raw materials, it is better not to use currants with damaged skin. It is susceptible to putrefactive processes and fermentation, and the violation of the integrity of the skin is the gateway for pathogenic bacteria.

Suitable berries are washed, removing brushes, dirt, leaves. After that, the berries are thrown into a colander, and then laid out on a paper towel in one layer so that they dry out.

To check if the jam is ready, a simple test will help. You need to drip a small amount of it onto a plate. If the jam does not spread while cooling down, the liquid does not run out from under it, the dish is ready.

Classic jam

This recipe for harvesting for the winter is one of the most affordable and popular, it allows you to preserve almost all the healing components of the berry. The jam turns out to be tender, the structure is similar to the consistency of a soufflé.

You will need:

  • 2 kg of red currants;
  • 2 kg (slightly less - 1700 grams) of sugar;
  • glass of water.

Bring the water to a boil and add the berries. Wait until they begin to burst, releasing juice. You can speed up the process by pressing them down with a wooden spatula. Do not soak the currants in boiling water for too long, 2-3 minutes is enough.

Jam from grated currant

The value of this dish is that it is prepared without boiling, and therefore all the healing properties of the berry are fully preserved in it. Jam is made from grated raw currants, so it should be stored only in the refrigerator, on the top shelf (the temperature should be at least 1 degree), and then no more than 3-4 months.


  • one and a half kilograms of berries;
  • 1.8 kilograms of granulated sugar.

Prepare the berries and then mince them (fine wire rack). It is recommended to add sugar at the same time, since its presence will enhance juice formation.

After that, the composition should be placed in a cool place and left for 3-5 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved.

If you do not do this and immediately remove the jam into jars, the composition is likely to ferment.

After the specified time, the jam must be mixed again and distributed in previously sterilized jars. Then you need to cover the neck of the container with parchment, and put a nylon lid on top of it.

Quick jam

This recipe will appeal to those who do not like to spend a lot of time at the stove. The whole process will take no more than 20-30 minutes, provided that the jars are sterilized simultaneously with the cooking of the dessert. This can be done by placing them in a cold oven and bringing them to a temperature of 200 degrees. This just takes about 20 minutes.

The secret to quick cooking with equal amounts of red currant and sugar, therefore, it takes less time to dissolve the latter. So, you should take 1 or 1.5 kg of currants and sweetener.

Wash, dry and beat the berries with a blender until puree. Put on fire and add granulated sugar. Boil until thickened for 20-25 minutes, then put in jars and roll up.

Jam on the water

Using water when cooking jam will reduce the concentration of acids in the berries, so this dish is suitable even for those who suffer from ulcers or gastritis. Of course, if you do not use it when exacerbating these ailments. Do not worry about vitamins and minerals, their amount will remain the same.


  • 2 kg of red currants;
  • 800 ml of water;
  • 3 kg of granulated sugar.

Puree the berries prepared in advance using kitchen equipment (meat grinder, blender) or manually (using a crush). Put the water on the fire, and as soon as it boils, put the berry puree. After 5 minutes add sugar and cook until tender.

Red currant and raspberry jam

As mentioned, red currants go well with raspberries. You can use both the usual red berries and blackberries.

The total number of berries and the ratio should remain 1: 1, however, the proportions of the berry component may be different.


  • 1 kg of berries (together - currants and raspberries);
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Puree the berries, put on fire and add a sweetener. Cook for 15-20 minutes until thickened. Divide into banks.

Jam sauce

Berry and fruit sauces are perfect for meat dishes, not only emphasizing their taste, but also helping them to better digest them.

Red currant jam is perfect as a sauce - it has the desired consistency and sweet and sour taste combined with meat.

However, a small spike will not hurt here.

She will also set off the taste of currants, if the jam is still used as a dessert and spread on toast or baguette. In a word, jam based on red currant with the addition of blackberries and chili peppers will surprise you with its unusual taste and versatility.

You will need:

  • 2 kg of red currants and blackberries;
  • 1.5 kilograms of powdered sugar;
  • 1 pod of red and green chili;
  • 20 g pectin (sold as a packaged powder);
  • a pinch of salt.

Squeeze the juice from the berries by passing them through a juicer. Mix pectin with 200 g of powder and add to the resulting juice with constant stirring of the latter.

Chili needs to be freed from seeds and crushed. Add to the juice and put the latter on fire for a minute. Then add the remaining sugar and return the dish to the fire. Cook until tender, stirring constantly.

As soon as this happens, remove the jam from the stove, continuing to stir for a couple of minutes. Then the foam is removed and laid out in the jars.

Jam in a slow cooker

The use of this "helper" somewhat simplifies the cooking process, since the unit controls the set temperature.


  • 2 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Put the prepared berries in a bowl, add water and simmer until soft. The used mode is "Extinguishing". The currants should begin to burst and let the juice flow - do not hold it any longer, remove it immediately.

The berries need to be thrown back onto cheesecloth folded 2-3 times and squeezed out. Pour it back into the bowl, add sugar and cook for an hour in the same program. You do not need to close the lid, because the dish must be interfered with in the multicooker.

The jam according to this recipe turns out to be tender, pitted, but rather dense, resembling thick confiture in consistency.

Experienced housewives always have a few secrets that allow you to get special red currant jams.

  • Slightly unripe berries are more suitable for this dish, since they contain more pectin. It is good if they are collected as soon as they turn red.
  • Do not soak the berries in water or direct a powerful jet at them while washing. The skin of the berries is thin and can be damaged.
  • Due to the high acid content, currant jam should only be cooked in enamel-coated dishes. Upon contact with metal, berries may oxidize, which will negatively affect the taste of the jam. All metal shovels, spoons and pushers should be replaced with wooden ones.
  • Jam must be mixed during the cooking process, and the foam formed during the cooking process must be removed.

  • Due to the rather bright, rich taste of red currants, it interrupts the taste of other berries in assorted jams. This phenomenon can be prevented by adding other berries at least 30-40% of the total mass. Red currants go well with cherries, gooseberries, raspberries.
  • You can avoid burning sugar when it is introduced into water or berry mass if you do it in portions. After adding a small amount of sweetener, you need to let it dissolve a little, and then add a new one.
  • Vitamin C is better preserved when combined with calcium. The addition of citrus fruits, strawberries, gooseberries, as well as sesame, almonds, and poppy seeds ground into flour, will increase the content of the latter and, accordingly, the level of ascorbic acid in the jam.

  • It should be noted that red currant jam will get a pleasant aftertaste when combined with berries with all kinds of nuts. This addition will also enrich the dish with magnesium.
  • You can put spices and aromatic medicinal herbs in jam - mint, thyme, currant leaves, cloves, cinnamon, rosemary. The use of mint, vanillin and fresh berries gives the jam a refreshing, “summer” flavor. If you put cloves, cinnamon, ginger to it, then the dish will turn out to be more tart, rich, "wintery".
  • You can add a spicy and rich taste to the dish by adding a pinch of salt at the end of cooking. It will not be felt in the finished jam, but will enhance the flavor of the berries and sweetener.
  • The consistency of the jam does not allow for turning the jars after the end of preservation. In addition, oxidation can occur if sour food comes into contact with the metal surface of the lids.
  • Due to the large temperature difference between the jars, they can explode after storage. To ensure even and slow cooling of hot, poured into jars of jam, you can wrap them in an old blanket. They are left in this form until the workpiece has cooled down, after which they are removed to the main storage location.

For information on how to make red currant jam in 20 minutes, see the next video.

So red currants bloomed in my garden, I collected all kinds of blanks for the winter from it for many decades. And not just because I like the berry, it is very healthy, and some goodies are obtained only from it. What a fragrant compote, a can is drunk by a family in one evening. And the jelly is unimaginably iridescent in the sun, not from any other berry this will not work.

Some argue which of the currants is healthier, black or red. Yes, they are all good in their own way, their composition is different and the effect on the body too. But both are useful.

Red currant has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, which is very necessary for diabetics. She is also a good diaphoretic and diuretic. It can remove toxins and toxins from the body. Well, and, of course, vitamins, which are transferred to all products made with soul and love for a long winter.

  • 1 Red currant for the winter, recipes
    • 1.1 Red currant jelly
    • 1.2 "Live" red currant jam without cooking
    • 1.3 Red currant jam
    • 1.4 Red currant jam
    • 1.5 Red currant jam
    • 1.6 Red currant juice
    • 1.7 Red currant compote
    • 1.8 Red currant jam with apples
    • 1.9 Frozen red currants

Red currant for the winter, recipes

Personally, I know a lot of red currant recipes. I have a fairly large area for bushes. But I try to use recipes with little or no heat treatment. The taste is tasteful, but I want to keep more vitamins, which we need so much in winter.

There are many recipes for which the berry needs to be chopped. With modern kitchen helpers, this is not a problem, but I still prefer to wipe through a sieve or squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, somehow it turns out better.

Red currant jelly

Yes, it is with this recipe that you need to start, because it is from red currants that jelly is best obtained. The berry is perfectly gelatinous without any additives.

We will need:

  • Kilo berries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • Half a liter of water

How to make red currant jelly:

We wash the berries thoroughly and select the branches, remove the tails. We fall asleep in a container and pour water there, turn on the average temperature and bring it to a boil, just until the moment when the water starts to bubble up. We remove from the stove and place the colander on another saucepan, where we will drain the liquid and wipe the juice. Use a fine sieve and a wooden spoon to achieve pure juice without pits and skins. A berry that has already been in boiling water is very easy to wipe. We rub the juice into the water where it was cooked.

Separately, prepare a cheesecake folded in four to squeeze the cake well. In our saucepan, we will get pure juice, into which you need to pour all the sugar at once and put on the fire, first we set the average temperature, then, after boiling, we reduce it and cook for half an hour.

When time has passed, the jelly can be poured into jars, take small ones, no more than half a liter. On top of the jelly, you can sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar or put parchment. When cooling, the jars do not need to be turned over.

"Live" red currant jam without cooking

Such jam is stored only in the refrigerator, so you can't make much of it. But what is the use of one jar, open in winter, how many vitamins !!!

What will be needed:

  • Kilo berries
  • Two kilos of sugar

How to prepare live vitamins:

As always, we need to sort out the whole berry at the beginning. Here it is impossible to allow the ingress of unripe fruits or already overripe berries, just as carefully remove all the tails. Then you need to let the water drain well and dry the berry.

We will sterilize all the items that we will use to make this jam, you can simply scald it with boiling water.

Scroll the berries in a meat grinder, it's easier for me to grind with a blender. Then we carefully rub it through a sieve to remove all the bones. Pour sugar into the resulting juice. Yes, you still need to squeeze out the cake, there is a lot of juice left. Stir the sugar with a wooden spatula or spoon until it is completely dissolved. Then we put the jam in sterile dry jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Red currant jam

If jelly can be added as a filling to cakes and shortcrust pastries, then red currant jam is simply great in a homemade holiday cake.

To prepare it, we will take:

  • Kilo of currant
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • Half a liter of water

How to make jam:

Jam to cook, although it takes longer than jelly, is somewhat easier. We also thoroughly rinse the picked berries and leave them in a colander. Boil some water in a saucepan and put the berries in the same colander for a couple of minutes for blanching. Then we pour it into the container where the jam will be cooked until tender, and trample it with a wooden pestle, or you can knead it with a wooden spoon.

Pour water into the berry mass and add sugar all at once. We begin to cook, the process will be long, you need to boil more than twice. Then you need to check that the drop does not spread. Then it will be ready. It remains to arrange in jars. You can just store it at home.

Red currant jam

We will need:

  • Kilo berries
  • Kilo of sugar

How to make red currant jam:

We sort out the berries and rinse them under the tap in a colander, leave them for a while so that the water is glass. But do not leave this way for more than half an hour, the lower berries will begin to choke.

Pour the berries into a stainless steel container and add the whole amount of sugar at once. let it stand for a couple of hours, it is no longer necessary, the currant gives off juice very quickly.

We transfer the container to the stove and, while stirring, bring it to a boil, boil for just a couple of minutes, this is enough for red currants. We immediately pour everything into jars and can be stored under nylon lids, if they are tight.

Red currant jam

Jam is made in almost the same way as jelly, only the mass is thicker, due to prolonged boiling. The jam is very convenient to store, a refrigerator is not required, and homemade cakes are very tasty with it.

What you need for jam:

  • Kilo of red currant
  • Kilo of sugar

How to cook red currant jam:

For jam, you can take overripe, mashed berries. we sort it out, wash it and remove the water, you can sprinkle it on a towel in one layer to dry it. Then we crush the berry with a wooden pestle. If you don't like the bones in the jam, you can also rub it through a sieve.

Mix the berry mass with sugar immediately in the cooking container and start cooking. At first, you can set the temperature to medium until everything boils. But then you definitely need to reduce and cook at the very minimum, you will have to cook for a long time until you achieve the desired consistency. The jam is usually ready when it begins to flake off the sides of the pot. Jam, like jam, can be stored in a regular cabinet in the kitchen.

Red currant juice

Natural and aromatic, everyone, without exception, likes it. Prepares quickly and stores well.

What you need:

  • Three kilos of berries
  • Half a kilo of sugar
  • One and a half liters of water

How to make juice:

We sort out the berries, but the branches can be left, it will be more fragrant, and they do not interfere. Pour water in a saucepan and cook for about 10 minutes. Then you need to drain the berries and rub through a sieve, you can squeeze through cheesecloth, it turns out better. Pour sugar into the resulting juice and let it simmer over low heat for five minutes. Pack in jars.

Red currant compote

I always close a lot of red currant compote, because we start drinking it without waiting for winter, but as soon as the jars cool down.

What we need:

  • Berry
  • Sugar

How to cook:

My berries are pretty good. I don't cut the tails for the compote, on the contrary, I try to pick more with bunches, they look so beautiful. I make compote only in three-liter cans. I fill it with berries by a third, maybe a little more. I measure the amount of water, I just pour a cold one into a jar of berries and then pour it into a saucepan.

For each three-liter jar I add one and a half cups of sugar, cook the syrup, it should cook for about five minutes, until it becomes transparent. and immediately pour the boiling one into the berries, to the very neck, so that there is no air left in the jars. I roll it up, turn it over on the lids and wrap it in a warm blanket.

Whatever you say, it is very convenient to make jam like that. Some generally cook all the jam only in a slow cooker.

What you need:

  • Two kilos of berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar

How we will cook:

You need to rinse the berry, remove all debris and let it dry. Then put the sugar in the bowl and let it stand until the juice starts to appear and the sugar melts. Stir with a wooden spoon and cook on stewing mode for 20 minutes with the lid closed. We immediately put it in jars.

Red currant jam with apples

For cooking we will need:

  • Kilo berries
  • Half a kilo of apples
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • Lemons half a teaspoon

How to cook:

The berries need to be washed, remove all debris and spread out to dry in one layer. The apples need to be freed from the core and peel, cut into small cubes and, so as not to darken, hold for half an hour in water with citric acid. Then, too, drain the water from them and let them dry if possible.

You need to pour sugar into the water and boil the syrup, then pour the dried apple pieces into it and cook for ten minutes. Then pour the berries there and just bring to a boil. Allow to cool, at the end put it again on the stove and cook until it is ready. Pack in jars.

Frozen red currant

Of the ingredients, you will only need a clean berry without garbage, preferably dried and well ripe.

How to cook:

Sort the berry itself, wash it and spread it on a towel in one layer. Wait until dry. Then put it in containers or bags and immediately place it in the refrigerator, in the freezer. You can store such a berry until next season, if you do not defrost it. You can cook compotes from it in winter, just eat it with sugar, add to fillings.

Do you like different berry jams? Then you should definitely try the ones that we have prepared for you today. Here you will find not one, not two or even three recipes. Choose the one that you like the most, try and surprise your receptors with something unusual.

Making a few jars of jam will take very little of your time. Maximum one hour and fifteen minutes. Is it a lot to get such a dessert in your pantry? Moreover, not in a single copy! Get started soon with us.

General cooking principles

To make jam, you just have to know how to choose a currant. It is not difficult at all, you just need to be attentive and demanding. Do you, like the rest, do not want to throw money “down the drain” for an unsuitable product?

We advise you to buy berries from those who have definitely grown them real and natural. Most often they are elderly people. Their goods can not only be viewed, but also sniffed, as they say, and touched. The berries should smell good and taste sour. Choose dense, whole and fresh currants, and you will definitely succeed!

Winter jam of red currant berries

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

The classic version of everyone's favorite red currant jam is right in front of you. We will help you prepare it in just a few minutes. It's very simple and delicious.

How to cook:

Tip: instead of blankets, you can use towels, sweaters, sweaters - any warm and voluminous things.

Winter sweetness with added gelatin

If you prefer thick and jelly red currant jam, use this recipe. Here we use gelatin to achieve the very desired consistency of currant jam.

How much time - 6 hours and 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 191 calories.

How to cook:

  1. First sort the berries, removing all the twigs and leaves;
  2. When only whole and dense remains, rinse them with running water;
  3. Next, you need to interrupt into a homogeneous mass in a blender or through a meat grinder;
  4. Mix gelatin with sugar and add the crushed mass there;
  5. Stir and refrigerate for two hours;
  6. When time has passed, take out the mass, mix and return to the refrigerator for another four hours;
  7. After the time has elapsed, transfer the mass to the stove and turn on low heat;
  8. Bring to a boil, but in no case boil, otherwise the gelatin will stop working. If the sugar did not have time to disperse during this time, allow the mass to cool, then heat it again in the same way;
  9. Arrange the hot jam in jars, twist and remove "under a fur coat."

Tip: gelatin can be replaced with agar-agar, pectin and even a little baking soda.

Berry bomb in cans

Here we will combine two types of berries at once - gooseberries and, of course, red currants. Did you know that when sweet and sour are combined, something incredibly delicious always comes out?

How much time is 55 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 189 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the gooseberries to keep only fresh and whole berries;
  2. Dry them by placing them on dry napkins or a clean towel;
  3. Pour the gooseberries into a blender bowl or bowl, punch them into the puree with an immersion blender;
  4. Pour the mass into a saucepan, pour in water and add sugar;
  5. Place on fire, bring to a boil, not forgetting to stir;
  6. Cook for fifteen minutes;
  7. During this time, sort out the currants, remove the twigs and get rid of bad berries;
  8. When the gooseberry is already cooking for a quarter of an hour, add currants to it;
  9. Cook the mass for the same amount of time, not forgetting to stir;
  10. Add citric acid, stir and pour into jars.

Tip: You can use honey instead of sugar. You will get a jam that is more useful and unusual in taste and aroma.

An easy way to make berry treats

If you are at work all the time, are busy all the time and you do not have enough time for anything, but you still want red currant jam, we suggest you cook it in a slow cooker.

What is the calorie content - 162 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Sort out the currants, getting rid of bad berries;
  2. Remove the twigs, rinse the berries and pour them into the multicooker bowl;
  3. Pour in water and cook covered for twenty minutes at 100 degrees;
  4. After that, pour the contents of the bowl into a bowl, cool;
  5. Kill the mass in a blender and then pass through a sieve;
  6. Add sugar to the resulting puree, return to the multicooker;
  7. Set for twenty minutes in jam mode, then immediately pour it into the jars.

Berry delight with cherries

You probably think that if you mix red currants and cherries, you get not jam, but some incredibly sour mass. You are a little mistaken, because we use sugar just in order to get real jam from cherries and red berries.

Cherry 1.2KG
sugar 1.4 kg
currant 0.8KG

How much time - 1 hour and 10 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 193 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cherries, dry the berries a little;
  2. Then sort them out, leaving only whole fruits;
  3. Disassemble them into halves, remove the bones;
  4. Fold the halves of the berries in a saucepan;
  5. Sort out the currants, throwing out bad berries and twigs with leaves;
  6. Pour into a saucepan with cherries;
  7. Pour in half a glass of water, put on fire and cook, stirring occasionally, for fifteen minutes;
  8. During this time, the berries will become soft, they need to be cooled;
  9. Rub the cooled mass through a sieve to get a homogeneous puree;
  10. Add sugar to it, mix and place on the stove;
  11. Bring to a boil and, stirring occasionally, cook for ten minutes;
  12. Pour into jars immediately, roll up and turn under blankets.

Tip: the jars must be turned over so that the lids are not ripped off by the hot air that forms in the layer between the jam and the lid.

Delicate jam as a dessert

In this recipe, we will make pitted red currant jam. A real berry pleasure in which nothing prevents you from feeling the real taste!

berries 2 Kg
sugar 1.6KG

How much time - 1 hour and 5 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 201 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Sort out the berries, throw away all the bad ones, leave only whole and dense ones;
  2. Throw away the twigs and leaves, pour the currants into a bowl;
  3. Rinse it with running water and pour into a blender;
  4. Grind until smooth;
  5. Pass the resulting mass through a sieve with a spoon or spatula;
  6. In the puree that turned out to be on the back of the sieve, add sugar;
  7. Put on low heat and cook for seven minutes, stirring occasionally;
  8. After that, cool the jam, then bring to a boil again;
  9. Cook for the second time for ten minutes, cool again;
  10. Cook for the third time for fifteen minutes and immediately pour into small containers.

Tip: If you want a thicker jam, add some gelatin or pectin.

If you are going to roll the jam into small jars, we advise you to place them on small plates that you can pick up without getting burned. In addition, everything that drips by will also not be on the plate.

For a more unusual taste of jam, add the most common spices to it. These can be vanilla pods, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, nutmeg, cardamom, and so on.

If jam gets on the neck of the jar, it must be wiped off so that the lid is evenly light and does not allow air to pass through. Otherwise, your jam will go bad very quickly.

To determine what consistency the future jam will have, you need to drip a little onto a plate. Because it is cold, the jam will immediately return to its normal shape. This is suitable for those who, for example, like thick jams and do not know whether to add more gelatin or if there is already enough. In order for the experiment to be as accurate as possible, you can freeze the plate so that it was even colder.

You can add honey instead of sugar to the jam. The taste will not be the same as usual, but you should know that this particular taste can be considered natural, as well as the aroma. But this is only on condition that the honey is natural.

This jam is also suitable as a filling for pies, pastries, cakes, dumplings and other flour products. They can be filled with pancakes or served with pancakes. Can be added to tea or eaten with a spoon during colds. Red currant jam is a versatile, tasty and healthy product.

Ecology of consumption: Food and recipes: Red currant is another berry that can be seen in almost every garden and vegetable garden in our country. From it, like from black currant, you can prepare tasty and healthy jam for the winter, as well as jelly, jam and other desserts, which we will talk about in this article.

Red currant is another year that can be seen in almost every garden and vegetable garden in our country. From it, like from black currant, you can prepare tasty and healthy jam for the winter, as well as jelly, jam and other desserts, which we will talk about in this article.

Many gardeners have not only black currants growing on their plots, but also red ones - berry table is useful, but with slightly different taste properties. This type of currant is much more acidic than black, therefore, in most cases, it is grown specifically for harvesting for the winter. And because of its greater ability to gelling in comparison with black currant, this berry is often used to prepare not only jam, but also jelly, jam.

Interestingly, in Germany, red currants are most often used as a filling for cakes in combination with meringues or custard, and in the Scandinavian countries, as a component of puddings and fruit soups.

Both this berry itself and any blanks from it are very useful: red currants contain organic acids, fructose, vitamins C and R. In folk medicine, it has been used for a long time as a hemostatic, diaphoretic, antifebrile, diuretic, it also improves metabolism in diabetes and gout.

From here we conclude- various preparations from this berry will become an excellent natural medicine that will heal during colds and flu, relieve symptoms of the disease and improve general condition, and they can also be eaten during the off-season in order to increase immunity.


If you have never made jam from this berry, but it grows on your site, we strongly recommend trying it! This is no more difficult than with other berries, and in general, making any jam is not such a troublesome task.

A distinctive feature of red currant jam is that when cooking, the berries are most often rubbed through a sieve to remove the skin and bones, which not everyone likes if they are present in the final product.

Let's look at recipes for red currant blanks, a wide variety of ways to harvest this berry for the winter in the form of desserts.


You will need: 2kg sugar, 1kg red currant.

How to prepare cold currant jam: Sort the berries, rinse, dry, twist in a meat grinder, or grind with a blender, rub through a sieve, add sugar to the puree. Stir the mixture with sugar using a wooden spoon until it is completely dissolved. Put the berry puree in sterilized jars, close with sterile plastic lids, store such jam in the refrigerator.


You will need: 1 kg of sugar and red currant berries, 1 glass of water.

How to cook red currant jelly: Prepare the berries, pour into an enamel container for cooking jam, pour in water, turn on the fire, bring to a boil, cook for 1-2 minutes, then immediately rub through a sieve. Pour sugar in mashed potatoes, boil over medium heat for half an hour after boiling. Pour the jelly hot into sterile jars, roll up.

Of course, there are interesting recipes for jam in relation to red currants - jam from this berry can be made with the addition of vanillin, apples, honey, nuts and even bananas.


You will need: 1kg of honey, 500g each of sugar, apples, red and black currants, apples, 1.5 cups of walnuts.

How to cook currant jam in honey: Prepare the berries, cover them with water and put them on the stove, when they soften, rub through a sieve. Boil the syrup from liquid honey and sugar, put apples, nuts cut into thin slices (they must first be chopped), bring to a boil, add mashed berries, boil for an hour over moderate heat, stirring occasionally. Spread the hot jam in sterile jars, roll up.


You will need: 1 liter of red currant juice, 600 g of sugar, 5 bananas.

How to make banana and currant jam. Pour juice of berries into an enamel container for cooking jam, add sugar and mashed bananas, bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat and cook for another 40 minutes. Hot jam is laid out in banks, rolled up.

As you can see - nothing complicated, but how unusual such a jam turns out to be! It can be served to guests for tea, and on a festive table - for any occasion. However, we promised to focus not only on different recipes for red currant jam, but also on recipes for jams and marmalades from this wonderful berry.


You will need: 1.5 kg red currant puree, 500 g pitted cherries, 1 kg sugar.

How to make red currant jam. Dip the berries in boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, then rub through a sieve. The resulting puree should be 1.5 kg, add sugar to it, put on medium heat and cook until thickened, then put the cherries, boil the jam until the berries are ready, stirring occasionally, put in sterile jars and roll up.

It will be interesting for you:


You will need: 1 kg of red currant and sugar.

How to cook: Prepare the berries, rinse, dry, crush with a wooden crush, then rub through a sieve, add sugar in mashed potatoes, mix, cook the jam over medium heat until thickened, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Put the thickened jam in jars, after sterilizing them, roll up.

Currant jam is an excellent preparation for the winter, because this berry contains more vitamin C than lemons, so health support in the cold season is guaranteed to you. This jam is good for baking - pies, bagels, puffs, and no one will refuse to just drink tea with jam. Children will certainly appreciate this delicacy, because they are real sweet tooth. Therefore, we suggest that you make currant jam from red or black currants for the winter, and the recipes will be shared by "Popularly about health".

Choose the right dish to make healthy black and red currant jam. An aluminum pan is not suitable - it oxidizes, since the berries contain a lot of acid. If you have an enamelled container at home or one made of stainless steel, take it.

Another recommendation concerns the ratio of berries and sugar. Since both varieties of currants are quite sour, more sugar will be needed than for cooking a sweet treat from other fruits - strawberries, raspberries or gooseberries. The optimal ratio of sugar and berries will be as follows - 1: 1.5. That is, they put more sugar than currants. If you are not against sourness, then use the standard proportions - 1: 1.

If you like a homogeneous, transparent jam, then after chopping the fruits, rub them thoroughly through a sieve. All the seeds, the remnants of the skin will settle on top, and you will cook the jam from the tender pulp of the berries.

Jam recipes

Black currant jam

Ingredients: black currant - 1 kg; sugar - 1.5 kg.

The berries should be thoroughly rinsed, along the way choosing the spoiled ones. Then place them on a clean towel to dry. Do you have a blender? Then you will not spend a lot of time processing the fruit. Simply mash them at high RPM. You can also use a meat grinder. But in the first case, the consistency of the finished product will become more tender.

Pour the mass into a saucepan. Then add sugar. Mix well. Now you can turn on the fire, only its intensity should be below average, otherwise the berry mass from below will burn. Stir the future jam constantly, and when the boiling process begins, remove the foam. Cook the jam for exactly 5 minutes, then turn off the stove. When the mixture has cooled, bring it to a boil again. We continue cooking for 5 minutes. After cooling down, repeat the process. That is, we cook currant jam three times for 5 minutes. Prepare jars and lids - sterilize them. Cork the hot jam.

Black currant jam with pectin

Ingredients: bag of pectin - 20 g; black currant - 1 kg; sugar - 1.3 kg.

After washing the fruit, be sure to let it dry. Then put the raw materials in a saucepan, combine with a third of granulated sugar. Using an ordinary hand blender, turn the berries into a puree, transfer the gruel to a saucepan, turn on the heat. After boiling, remove the foam and add the remaining sugar. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add pectin and leave the hotplate on for another 5 minutes. Pour the treat into previously sterilized containers and roll up.

Jam for the winter from red currant

Recipe 1

Red currant - 1 kg; sugar - 1.5 kg.

After washing the fruits and sorting them out, pass through a meat grinder. Now we need a medium sieve. Grind the mass to get rid of seeds and remnants of the skin of the berries. Mix the resulting tender mass with sugar, send to the stove. Turn on a small fire. Stirring constantly will help prevent underside scorching. Remove foam while boiling. Simmer the red currant jam for 10 minutes. Let it cool completely. The next day, repeat the ten-minute boil again. The treat is ready if its drop keeps its shape. Pour the hot mass into jars, roll up.

Recipe 2

Ingredients: red currant berry - 800 g; green apples - 500 g; sugar - 1.5 kg, water - 100 ml.

Go through the berries, wash and dry. Peel the apples off and remove the cores. Put the pan on the stove, pour water into it, wait for it to boil. Now we send apples and berries there. Stir the contents constantly. After 5 minutes, a lot of juice is formed, and the skin of the berries will burst and become soft. Turn off the heat and send the mass to the sieve. Our task is to separate the pulp from unnecessary components - currant seeds and skins. Put the mashed berry-fruit mass on the fire, add sugar, boil. Cooking time on low heat - 30 minutes.

Constant stirring will contribute to faster digestion of the product, it will thicken better. In the meantime, sterilize the container with lids. To determine doneness, simply take a small amount of food and drip onto a plate. Does the treat not spread? This means that it has already boiled down enough, it can be poured into containers and sealed. After twisting the container, turn it over and leave it in this position to cool. It is recommended to wrap the jars with a blanket from above.

Any housewife can cook jam from black or red currant berries, it's simple. The main thing is to bring it to a thick state. This is possible in two ways - by long boiling or three short boiling times followed by cooling. By the way, you can combine two types of currants at once - red and black, you get an excellent mix. Experiment, but stick to the basic principles of making jam, that's the whole secret.