The meaning of the rune Eyvaz for work. The value of the multifaceted rune Eyvaz in layouts

The meaning of the rune Eyvaz (not to be confused with the rune Evaz, which has a different statutory mark and, accordingly, a different meaning) comes down to the image of a warrior, but by no means a knight. Today, in many works on runology, one can find just such “knightly” analogies, but this is fundamentally wrong, because you need to understand that the Scandinavian hirdman was fundamentally different from the medieval knight.

Runa Eyvaz is protection (support), one who clearly sees his goal and goes towards it, no matter what. This is the rune of struggle, which hides in itself one of the most controversial images in all runic practice. It is both death and rebirth, it is pain and happiness, it is the dualistic principle of life as a constant battle. Eyvaz is a series of fights, and the main one of them relentlessly flows inside each of us.

  • The meaning of the rune Eyvaz: warrior, fight, weapon, intuition
  • Rune transliteration: E-Y (I-E)
  • The Old Norse name for the rune Eyvaz: Ihwar
  • Traditional Norwegian variant: Eo
  • Anglo-Saxon name: Yr or Eoh
  • Germanic and Gothic variant: Ihwaz (or Eihwaz)

The meaning of the Eyvaz rune is often reduced to overcoming obstacles, difficulties of various kinds. This is an indication of a natural organic process, which probably starts with something internal, hidden, and then goes outward. Runa Eyvaz sometimes points to overcoming oneself, and the result of such overcoming is the solution of "external" life problems.

The meaning of the rune Eyvaz in the upright position

Runa Eyvaz (photo of the charter mark - above) indicates purposefulness (perhaps in the context of perseverance), this is development and potential good. Probably, we are talking about the fact that you will receive (or have already received) protection from adverse circumstances. In the role of this protection can be both your own actions, and well-established circumstances or someone's purposeful help.

The image of "help from the outside" is very important when interpreting the Eyvaz rune. The fact is that this rune embodies the connection of times and often northern shamans understood it as a connection of generations, the unity of a person with their ancestors. That is why, if the Eyvaz rune appeared in the layout, then you should probably trust your intuition. Perhaps now you will not understand everything, but the situation will be resolved in the form you need and in the near future.

Eyvaz in a relationship may indicate patronage or a strong emotional (perhaps even inexplicable) connection.

Do not bother yourself with unnecessary problems, if you are right - you will achieve victory. If your motives are dishonest, the advice of the Eyvaz rune is obvious - change yourself, then the world around will change.

The meaning of the rune Eyvaz in an inverted position

The inverted Eyvaz most often indicates not the current situation (although it may be so), but events that will occur in the near future. It is probably about the obstacles that you will face, and you will have to muster all your will, all your courage and determination to go forward.

But in no case do not take the situation "with hostility." The meaning of the Eyvaz rune in an inverted position always comes down to a situation that is objectively surmountable. In a certain sense, this can be regarded as a kind of test, designed to give you important experience and make you stronger.

Runa Eyvaz (photo in an inverted position - above) says that if you retreat, if you decide that you are not strong enough and take a step back, then a crushing defeat awaits you. And most importantly, when you encounter the same problem in the future (and you are guaranteed to encounter it), you will not have the experience to overcome it. So you will stumble upon the same rake over and over again.

The advice of the Eyvaz rune in an inverted position is simple - fight, go forward, but not thoughtlessly, but by analyzing the situation, getting the most out of it. A negative result is also a result, but now it is only true in an aspect, because you are guaranteed to achieve what you want, it will just be harder than you expected.

An inverted Eyvaz in a relationship suggests that you need to be decisive and not forget that in “matters of the heart” intuition is often the only true guide.

The use of the Eyvaz rune in rituals

The meaning of the Evaz rune allows it to be used in a protective context - to create amulets with powerful protective properties for unified situations. In meditative practices, Eyvaz is used to eliminate / overcome obstacles, increase one's own strength and capabilities.

Eyvaz gives excellent protection against the evil eye and corruption (no worse, and possibly better than Algiz), helps fight your own demons and defeat them. This is a strong rune of internal and external development, a rune of harmonious and decisive movement forward, which will help mobilize resources to achieve the goal.

The use of the Eyvaz rune in runescripts

In runescripts, Eyvaz is used in the same context as in ritualistic practices - protection (in combination with Algiz), removal of obstacles (together with Soulu), increase in strength and stimulation of spiritual growth (together with Ansuz). In combination with Gebo, Eyvaz helps to compensate for various character traits, making the personality more holistic, and if such a runic record is supplemented with the Turisaz rune, then we get a permanent gain to overcome the accentuated difficulties.

Interpretation of the Eyvaz rune outside the applied context

The meaning of the Eyvaz rune is closely related to the concept of continuity, the plastic flow of one into another; in contexts, this can be a change of states or forms. Shamans strongly associated Eyvaz with the world of plants, in particular - with yew (there is such a mention in one of the Anglo-Saxon poems).

Some aspects of the meaning of Eyvaz are not in vain associated with the Algiz rune, the statutory mark of which also resembles a tree. But the image of Eyvaz is more stylized and at the same time more universal, here the lower “bend” symbolizes the roots, and the upper one symbolizes the crown. We are talking about durability, the unification of differently directed principles, which, however, are still (and have always been) part of a single whole.

This is exactly the same above-mentioned principle of "universal struggle", where the death of one is the birth (or rebirth) of another, and someone's birth (including in the spiritual sense) entails the death of another. But this is not existentialism, the image of the Eyvaz rune is devoid of stereotypical attributes, there is no dialectics and the notorious unity of opposites here. Rather, it is a force, a core on which all layers (time-space) of the cosmos are held.

Some runologists (for example, K. Meadows) see a stylized spine in the statutory outline of the Eyvaz rune (photo - above). This image is not without meaning, since it is also a kind of basic element, the main frame component, on which the rest of the human body is “strung”. It is also fair to note that there are 24 vertebrae in the human spine (seven cervical, twelve thoracic and five lumbar, not counting the sacral and coccygeal regions). The same number of runes in the all-German runic series.

Eyvaz is death and immortality, this is the world of flesh and the world of the spirit, existing in one "here and now", constantly changing, constantly fighting, but not with each other, but with external barriers, which, ultimately, serve only one purpose - achieving perfection.

  • Eyvaz rune potential: continuity, succession, metamorphoses
  • Basic esoteric qualities: support, endurance, longevity
  • Practical aspect: the rune gives hope even in the most difficult situation, helps to rise again, take up arms and take a step forward
  • Eyvaz Rune Summon: if you are ready - act without delay, if in doubt - get rid of doubts and prepare

The meaning of the Eyvaz rune and the image hidden in it relieve fear, help to overcome oneself and win. This rune makes us stronger, helps to establish a strong connection with other levels of being (primarily with the memory of generations). This is a difficult meditative image that teaches you to work with your own reserves.

Rune Eyvaz(Latin transcription eihwaz) is one of the most mysterious and difficult to understand Futhark runes. The meaning of the rune in the Northumbrian runic system is "yew tree". If you look at the photo of Eyvaz, you can see that the image of the rune resembles a tree trunk or spine - the support of the whole body. The main interpretation of the rune is directly related to protection, patronage, help in overcoming difficulties and troubles of various kinds.

The qualities attributed to Eyvaz are associated with the symbolism of the evergreen and poisonous yew tree. Among the Germans, the yew personified Yggdrasil - the World Tree, to which the god Odin nailed himself for 9 days and nights, having undergone initiation by death, losing an eye and knowing the Runes. Therefore, Eyvaz is usually interpreted as a sign of connection with the Lower World, a symbol of spiritual rebirth.

The meaning of the straight rune

The meaning of the Eyvaz rune is generally positive. The goal is chosen correctly, it is achievable, there are enough resources, the person is protected from external negative circumstances, but some more work will be required to achieve it. There is no haste here. It will take courage and a rational approach to business, an accurate calculation that will not allow you to miss your luck.

If Eyvaz is in one of the significant positions in the layout, the remaining runes are interpreted only as clarifying aspects, indicating what additional attention should be paid to achieve complete success.

The meaning of the inverted rune

Eyvaz is one of the irreversible runes, that is, she does not have an inverted position. However, in divinatory practice, the additional meaning of the rune is used in the reverse position. Its interpretation in this case is reduced to the appearance of insurmountable obstacles. The methods of achieving the desired are chosen incorrectly, there is no support and protection of higher powers. There is a risk of failure if you do not stop and reconsider your views. Surrounded by positive runes - just an indication of a temporary delay in the implementation of plans, a recommendation to be patient, gain strength for a future breakthrough.

An analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

There is no exact match for Eyvaz in Slavic culture. In part, its energy corresponds to the rune Rock, personifying the entry into the Game of forces that a simple person is not able to resist. Indicates the awakening of the human spirit, the transition to a qualitatively new level of consciousness, the transformation of personality under the influence of fateful events. It is believed that the use of the runic symbol Rock contributes to success, subject to the freedom of the mind from anxiety, fuss, submission to the will of the Higher powers.

The use of the Eyvaz rune in magic

The magical use of the rune requires special care, since the forces that are invoked with its help are very powerful and difficult to control. Main areas of use:

  • Getting help from people and support from the Higher powers;
  • Remedy provided that other methods have been ineffective;
  • Increasing spiritual stamina and willpower, an increase in personal strength;
  • Establishing connections and uniting disharmonious elements with a common goal;
  • initiation ritual;
  • Comprehension of the mystery of life and death, obtaining memories of lives, getting rid of the fear of death.

Eyvaz allows you to protect yourself from damage to death, ancestral curses, the settlement of entities, the undead souls of the dead, and obsession. The rune restores order, leaving the living alive and the dead dead. It is worth emphasizing that the strength of Eyvaz is not in defense as such, but in resistance. When working with a rune, it is easy to notice that the problem is not completely eliminated, but is broken down into smaller ones that a person is able to solve. For those who avoid any difficulties in principle, not realizing their benefits for personal development, the defensive functions of the rune will seem insufficient.

The power of Eyvaz makes it possible to preserve the memory and striving for a goal even after death and the relocation of the soul to another body, allows you to call on the strength and wisdom of previous incarnations. At the household level, it is used to increase concentration, win sports competitions, overcome psychological problems, fears.

However, it would be a mistake to attribute an exclusively positive effect to Eyvaz. Its power is successfully used in spells, as it helps to accelerate the transformation of all the elements necessary for success. To defeat the enemy, the rune is used as a blocker of his actions, thereby providing himself with complete freedom of action.

The appearance of a rune in the layout indicates a difficult choice that needs to be made in the near future so as not to lose one's position.

For love and relationships

In the layouts for relationships, Eyvaz speaks of some kind of stagnation, a situation of suspension, uncertainty in relationships. It is high time for one of the partners to take the next step, but for some reason it is not being taken. For example, a woman has conflicting feelings for a man or cannot choose one of several husband candidates. Eyvaz falling out in a layout is often a sign of a love triangle, when a man is torn between his family and his mistress and cannot decide with whom he will end up staying.

Eyvaz indicates the need to stop wasting energy on internal doubts and throwing from side to side. It's time to make the final choice. For those who have been in a relationship for a long time - formalize them. Disconnect long-term relationships.

Of great importance in love and relationships when Eyvaz falls out is the presence of a common goal that unites partners. For example, eliminating a strong competitor in business, raising children. When the rune falls on the question of marital compatibility, it is assumed that people are more than suitable for each other as partners. However, it will take some time to build rapport. In an inverted position, Eyvaz indicates marriage not for love, but because it is accepted in society.


  1. Isa- problems in relationships due to cooling of feelings, inattention to a partner;
  2. Inguz- what now seems like a love defeat will eventually turn into great happiness;
  3. Hagalaz- unhappy love, breakup.

For business and work

When divining for work, falling out in the Eyvaz layout predicts events that will unfold according to one of the following scenarios:

  • There will be new opportunities and options for business development, but in order to achieve success, it is necessary to focus on only one thing, the most important;
  • Career growth is possible only through hard work, including internal work;
  • Money will be earned at the cost of great labor and sacrifices, which ones - the neighboring runes will tell you.

In general, the appearance of Eyvaz in the layout indicates that no matter how difficult the situation may seem, the difficulties will be temporary and all the efforts of a person will pay off. An inverted position indicates that it is required to abandon competition and start looking for a strong ally, enlist the support of the team.


  1. Isa- a temporary delay in business, which will allow you to relax, gather your thoughts and plan further actions;
  2. Hyères- despite the difficulties that exist in the present, a great success awaits a person ahead;
  3. Kenaz- it is necessary to moderate requests, and start working more, otherwise luck will bypass you.

To health

As a rule, Eyvaz indicates diseases of the eyes and the musculoskeletal system. When asked about a possible improvement in the patient's condition, Eyvaz calls on all efforts to focus on recovery. This area of ​​\u200b\u200blife should be a priority, otherwise the consequences can be fatal. In an inverted position, Eyvaz speaks of the chronic nature of the disease, which cannot be cured at once.


  1. Vunyo- you can hope for a speedy and complete recovery;
  2. Ansuz- the disease may have a psychosomatic origin; advice to consult a psychologist;
  3. Hagalaz- total destruction of human health, danger of death.

Why do you need an amulet with the rune Eyvaz

An amulet with Eyvaz is made for the following purposes:

  • Protection from external negative influences and strengthening the psyche;
  • Achieving internal balance, overcoming conflict situations;
  • Personal transformation;
  • Travel between worlds;
  • Strengthening intuition and analytical abilities.

An amulet with the Eyvaz rune helps those who, due to the nature of their activities, often find themselves in extreme situations: rescuers, firefighters, stuntmen, athletes, operatives. You can wear a talisman for career success. It will protect you from the intrigues of competitors and help you make the right decisions. The amulet is also useful for women who are forced to walk in the dark.

Should I get a tattoo with the rune Eyvaz

Any protective artifact works on the principle of a filter, absorbing all the negative energy directed at its wearer. Upon reaching the critical mass of the charge of negative information that the amulet or amulet is able to withstand, it is disposed of - broken or lost. In the case of tattooing on the body, the person himself may suffer - a local disease occurs in the area on which the image of the rune is applied, and sometimes the body is completely destroyed. Therefore, the image of Eyvaz can be applied to the body only for a short period of time with an easily washed off agent, for example, henna.

If Eyvaz falls out as a rune of the day, this is an indication of the onset of time for a leisurely analysis and making a fateful decision.Warning: high probability of mental overstrain, nervous breakdown.

Tip: to make the right decision, you will need to call on all your determination. There may be a need to give up something that seems very expensive now. But it is worth understanding that this is a sacrifice in the name of something larger and more valuable.

Eihwaz can be called a very interesting and important rune. Its graphic image and semantic meaning correspond to the world tree Yggdrasil, which connects the earth and sky, penetrating into any space and time areas.

The appearance of the Eyvaz rune in the layout on any of the defining positions, when interpreting the future or identifying the essence of the problem, means a positive result. Moreover, the situation improves regardless of which runes Eyvaz is surrounded by.

The direct meaning of the rune Eyvaz

In the view of the ancient peoples, Eihwaz is associated with the yew, an evergreen tree that was often planted in cemeteries to protect the dead from attacks by demonological entities.

The description of the Rune Eyvaz suggests a purposeful development, in which it is worth paying attention not to the speed of the ongoing changes, but to their stability and quality. You can also note a number of its useful properties:

  1. the emergence of new ideas that contribute to changing life for the better;
  2. establishing contacts with others;
  3. striving for development and improvement.

The rune shows the feelings of people, their relationships and spiritual closeness.

Love and relationships

The dropped rune Eyvaz indicates the need to reassess personal relationships. And it doesn't always have a negative meaning. Perhaps you just need to go through a period of rapprochement, allowing you to get to know your loved ones much better. It is necessary to allocate time to adapt, to get used to the fact that it is easier to go further in life together than to be alone.

If in the process of divination the question was raised about the compatibility of people or about the compliance of a loved one with dreams and aspirations, then the Eyvaz rune directly indicates that the partners are completely suitable for each other, and the initial difficulties will be easily overcome.

Work and career

In layouts for various types of labor activity, including those related to business, the Eyvaz rune most often gives a favorable forecast. True, success, in this case, is always associated with some costs or expenses. Small financial or material expenses, health problems are possible. However, there will be no serious losses or disturbances in the functioning of the body. Sometimes they even come in handy.

For example, a person, due to frequent diseases that have fallen upon him, can begin to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up alcohol and not expose himself to various alcohol-related troubles. If with the rune Eyvaz the rune Isa falls out, symbolizing stagnation in business, procrastination, then in this scenario this implies an opportunity to think about the current situation, rest before solving fundamental problems, which will allow you to make the right choice in the future. The accompanying rune Yer leads to a favorable end to protracted problems.

The meaning of the inverted rune Eyvaz

The main meaning of the rune that fell out in this form indicates the presence of a certain obstacle in the path of a person. To overcome it, you need to show perseverance and patience. A successfully passed test tempers character, teaches concentration and the correct distribution of forces. Despite the time spent, the delay will only increase the speed of achieving the chosen goal.

The inverted rune is interpreted as the emergence of an internal rejection of one's own actions and condemnation of the lifestyle that is currently characteristic of this person. This provokes the emergence of difficult and difficult life situations, which can only be overcome by carefully considering all the pros and cons.

In no case should you rush what is happening, since little depends on the person. Requires the so-called "revaluation of values", awareness. It is necessary to refrain from hasty decisions and, if everything is done correctly, the vector of events will turn for the better.

Inverted Eyvaz for love and relationships

In an inverted form, the Eyvaz rune also does not promise anything catastrophic to loving people. Just a call to action. Sometimes you need to be determined and at the right time, well prepared for a responsible step, make a long-awaited proposal to your beloved. This is especially significant for the combination with the Ansuz rune. If the feelings have long faded away and the situation that has arisen weighs on at least one of the parties, then it is better to consider the option of parting that is acceptable to both.

Married people should “revive” relationships, remember their beginning, the time of falling in love. To do this, you can diversify everyday life with a romantic candlelit dinner, new sexual games, joint travels that are of interest to both. If a married couple is already ready, both morally and financially, to become parents, then this decision will also strengthen their union.

Inverted rune for work and career

Eyvaz, which fell out in a similar scenario, indicates the need for global change. Do not take half measures - there will be no result. You need to radically change the scope of your abilities. Leave farming and open a beauty salon, or leave the construction industry and start a travel company.

If the received warning is not followed by any appropriate action, there will be no prospect of work. Moreover, such an inverted rune indicates that a mistake was made in choosing a field of activity, a person does not correspond to his occupation or profession, a crisis will come very soon.

Feel protected. Eyvaz does not protect against problems, however, their negative consequences will always be minimal and even, in some cases, will lead to a noticeable improvement in the current situation. But it is impossible to lie on the couch, expecting that the troubles will somehow be able to “dissolve” themselves. We need to act. And not spontaneously, on emotions, but deliberately and without haste.

The use of Eyvaz in magic

Working with this rune is quite difficult. The main thing in its magical properties can be called invaluable help in overcoming a variety of obstacles and resolving difficult situations. Moreover, they can be characterized as the beginning of a new stage in a person's life, reaching a higher level.

For all this to happen, it is necessary to show restraint, activate mental abilities and begin to act at the most appropriate time. The magical effect of the rune can be described in one word - delay. The use of the thirteenth character of the elder Fluthark is recommended in the following cases:

  • elimination of unresolved problems and obstacles on the path of life;
  • overcoming fears, phobias, excessive uncertainty;
  • assistance in work, successful resolution of issues related to business activities;
  • activation of the possibility of transition between the subtle worlds;
  • as a defense against possible attacks;
  • to achieve high performance in sports.

Rune in charms and amulets

Advise is used not only in runic divination, but also in the manufacture of amulets that are worn all the time. Its sign can be mentally projected onto selected objects, drawn on the ground, on a tree. In ancient times, it was even preferred to lay it out of stones.

Amulets can be made from any natural materials suitable for this purpose, both for yourself and for other people. In the manufacturing process, the rune is saturated with the energy of the master, so you need to concentrate only on good and bright thoughts. At the end of the work, the product can be considered ready, not requiring additional settings for its normal functioning.

The combination of Soulu runes - Eyvaz is often used in a runic stav. This is one of the variants of the so-called "Solar Shield", which mirrors all evil thoughts from the protected person. The shield activates after being filled with the energy of its owner. It must be worn discreetly.

The meaning of the rune Eyvaz as a tattoo

Rune tattoos should be applied very carefully to the body. Many masters warn their clients about this, referring to the fact that in ancient times priests, warriors, people who owned certain sacred knowledge covered themselves with them. A tattoo in the form of a rune has a constant influence on the fate of a person, strengthens the worthy and helps to cope with the influence of dark forces. Eyvaz rune tattoo can contribute to the following:

  • the disappearance of fear in the face of death;
  • the appearance of power and assertiveness, the ability to conduct defensive actions of any type;
  • the ability to analyze and make the best decision.

This rune is not only a symbol of new beginnings, but also the emergence of new difficulties, in overcoming which you need to act persistently and move on to active actions in time.

Formulas with the rune Eyvaz

The clause in the formulas is performed in different ways. Sometimes each rune is negotiated separately, at the time of drawing. But the possibility of slandering the entire stav is allowed. Eyvaz can be seen in the most important runic formulas that allow you to improve a person's life in several areas:

  1. Eyvaz - Hagalar - Tyr. Increases personal and civic responsibility, a person can sacrifice everything for the sake of duty.
  2. Eyvaz - Urus - Kano - Gebo - Tours. Refers to love magic. The formula used on another will cause in him admiration for the sexual attractiveness of the one who activated the formula. You can bet on yourself. In this case, the circle of fans will expand significantly.
  3. Uruz - Dagaz - Hyera - Eyvaz - Vunyo. formula for laziness. It acts in stages, according to the list of runes used for this. The first rune gives a kind of points to move forward, there is a strong desire to change yourself and your lifestyle. Then there is the destruction of established bad habits. For example, many hours of lying on the couch in front of the TV will stop. Then gradually there will be a replacement of bad habits with the desire to do business, to work hard and fruitfully. And in the end - the long-awaited joy from the personal changes that have occurred.
  4. Eyvaz - Evaz. A journey that only real shamans can go on.
  5. Evaz - Eyvaz. The ability to penetrate into the Underworld.
  6. Turisaz - Evaz - Teyvaz. Effective protection against hostile forces.
  7. Eyvaz - Isa. A lapel for unwanted people who are struggling to get close to a person who does not want this.
  8. Rado - Eyvaz - Hagalaz. Reassessment of what has been done. Choosing a new direction or continuing to move in the same direction.
  9. Raido - Eyvaz - Loguz. Safety on the chosen path. The journey will not be overshadowed by any obstacles. Any problems that arise will be converted into benefits.
  10. Laguz - Gebo - Feu - Eyvaz - Kano. Formula for accelerating career advancement, improving partnerships.

The active work of formulas, changes in life do not occur spontaneously or independently of a person's consciousness. To achieve what you want, you need to start thinking more positively, mentally supporting the runes, not having a negative impact on them. Working with runes is beyond doubt. It is necessary to remove the blocks that impede the impact, and changes will certainly begin to occur.

Eyvaz is a rune that gives protection, and its use in divination will bring balance and stability. The magic sign promises changes in life, makes it possible to sort out business and personal life.

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Description of the rune Eyvaz

The name Eyvaz (EIHWAZ, EOH, YO or YR) can mean:

  • protection (Goth.);
  • yew - a tree from which bows were made (English);
  • pine (Scand.).

Characteristics of the sign:

  • rune stone - opal, black agate;
  • green color;
  • planet - Venus;
  • plant - mandrake;
  • patrons - Odin, Ull and Skadi;
  • the number in the futhark is 13.

The rune symbol is similar to the Latin letter "Z", with "tails" slightly tilted inward. The fallen Eyvaz sign indicates that there are problems, but only the person himself can cope with them, without help. It is necessary to analyze the situation, set priorities correctly and direct energy in the right direction.

Description of the rune Eyvaz:

  • usually the rune is tied to Yggdrassil, the world tree, which holds all life on itself;
  • considered a rune of transition through the boundaries of consciousness;
  • this sign is protection from the effects of negative influences;
  • balancing the situation, balancing between two opposites;
  • impulsiveness, presence of instincts, inability to restrain emotions;
  • symbolizes the desire for certainty;
  • indicates internal, energy stability.

Images of the magic sign:

  • a soft-spoken person begins to speak loudly without turning into a cry;
  • the cook adds salt to the food, but does not overdo it;
  • drying wet clothes to comfortable heat;
  • the seller balances the scales;
  • a thin person gains weight, but not to the point of obesity;
  • a frozen person warms up to a comfortable state;
  • The man nearly fell, but held his ground.

The meaning of the rune Eyvaz in magic

Determines the direct connection of Eyvaz with the deity Vril. This means that all human forces (both negative and positive) revolve around one axis. Such a movement over time forms a whirlpool of events in which you need to choose the best for yourself and implement it in life. Vril can connect dissimilar phenomena and objects - physical and mental. For example, by combining a word with electricity, you can get a spell that can affect the light flux.

In addition, magicians consider Eyvaz - a rune that can connect a person with cosmic forces. To understand Eyvaz, it is worth turning to the beginning of the creation of the world and separating the dark forces from the light ones. This sign symbolizes the purity of the human spirit, which resists evil and strives for the divine principle.

In magic, Eyvaz means:

  • change of consciousness, changes in life, actions;
  • Eyvaz, who comprehends the magic of runes, will fall out in the event of a transition from an ordinary person to a magician;
  • the rune supports the novice sorcerer and gives him a magical shield, helps to bypass adversity and not notice obstacles.

Runa Eyvaz favors athletes, leaders and strong-willed people. Strengthens the energy field and allows all chakras to act as a single mechanism.

The discovery in the energy flow of magic Eyvaz is described in the video. Photographed by Lada Vedana.

The interpretation of the rune Eyvaz in divination

Eyvaz's meaning in magic is always ambiguous. It is connected to a deep, hidden layer of sorcery and calls to action.

The runic sign has the same meaning in direct and inverted form.

The rune should be interpreted in any position as follows:

  • innuendo and resentment with loved ones;
  • it is necessary to change the trajectory of relations;
  • change of activity, sphere of work, hobby;
  • you should endure adversity, suffer losses, and in the end everything will change for the better;
  • the need for rest;
  • things are coming to an end;
  • a call not to stir up the past, it is left behind;
  • danger warning;
  • uncontrollability of life situations;
  • Eyvaz requires to gain strength and wait out the negative moments, you can’t give up, it’s worth fighting for happiness.

One thing unites interpretations - the rune encourages something to change. Protects not from the trouble itself, but from its negative consequences.

The relationship of Eyvaz in rune divination with other signs:

  • Uruz - decisive action;
  • Lagus - act as your intuition tells you;
  • Ansuz - a serious conversation or a fateful proposal awaits;
  • Isa - need a break, rest;
  • Hagalaz - hopelessness;
  • Turisaz - success in spiritual development;
  • Inguz - an increase in money;
  • Manaz - the events dragged on;
  • Evaz - success in the field of digital technology, obtaining new knowledge;
  • Berkana - mistakes, misrepresentation;
  • Teyvaz - the punishment of the innocent;
  • Algiz - health problems in the oral cavity;
  • Soulu - nervous breakdown;
  • Perth is a new stage of development;
  • Yera - the implementation of the plan;
  • Nautiz - problems with the lungs, bronchi;
  • Vunyo - victory, gain;
  • Gebo - triumph;
  • Kanyo - obedience, modesty;
  • Raido - non-standard relationships;
  • Dagaz - long problems;
  • Otal - life from scratch;
  • Wyrd - strong desire;
  • Feu is a strong patron.

Divination for love

In the layout of love and relationships, the rune Eyvaz plays a key role.

In love affairs, the rune means:

  • there are no troubles in your personal life, next to you is a serious and faithful partner;
  • the intention of one of the partners to lead the other;
  • call for marriage;
  • fateful meeting;
  • unfinished business with a partner in a past life, the rune calls for solving problems with a soul mate in this world;
  • a love triangle, one of the participants is rushing about and does not know with whom to stay;
  • not the rapid fading of love;
  • lull in the relationship, which will lead to parting;
  • the relationship with the partner is broken, the internal thrust weakens.

Guessing the situation

The meaning of the Eyvaz sign when divining the situation:

  • financial rise;
  • the planned plans will come true;
  • no hidden diseases;
  • motivation to action;
  • protection from negative vibrations;
  • a call to visit the older generation of the family;
  • the situation is getting out of control;
  • not strong enough to fight.

Very often, the drop-down rune Eyvaz means ill-wishers or competitors who can intrigue. The advice of the rune in this case is this: you should not take any action - the enemies will manifest themselves. Calmness and wisdom will help a person eliminate evil people from his life path. The main thing is to be patient and wait for the right moment to move forward.

Divination by Opportunities

In fortune-telling with runes on the possibility of Eyvaz means:

  1. The potential is not fully disclosed, something is preventing it. Take a closer look at the surroundings, the little things. It won't be hard to solve the problem.
  2. Skills are fully disclosed, there is no point in learning new things in this area, there is enough experience. We need to move to the next level of development.
  3. It is too early to reveal opportunities and abilities, the situation is unfavorable for this.
  4. Interference - bugs that hinder development should be corrected.

Tips to follow:

  1. Show tolerance. In the heat of the moment, you can do terrible things that will bring negativity.
  2. Keep a sober mind. Act carefully and prudently.
  3. Be honest not only with yourself, but with the situation as a whole.
  4. The prediction will not be accurate if the fortuneteller is distracted by something. Witchcraft requires concentration.

Runa Eyvaz is fair. Not following the rules and shrugging off advice can bring trouble on yourself.

Runa Eyvaz is the personification of magical power, a symbol of knowledge, the disclosure of secrets and secrets. She also promises travel, trips. It may mean that you are one step away from knowing something important. This is a very powerful sign, which is important to use correctly so as not to harm yourself.

Rune photo:

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The energy of the rune Eyvaz is able to help a person realize his goals, quickly get the desired result.

Before you begin to use the energy of the runic symbol for your own purposes, you should decide on the Intent. Ask yourself clear questions: “What do I want to achieve”, “What will the desired result look like”, “What benefits will the intended business bring”.

You must be focused on the end goal, clearly present the desired result. Only then will the rune help you achieve everything you want.

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Meaning in divination

If you use runes for divination, they can fall out in a direct, positive position and in an inverted, negative position.


  • Moving, changing housing conditions to more favorable ones
  • Luck and success in all endeavors, fate constantly provides opportunities for development
  • Progress and development - you do not stand still, constantly improve yourself and the environment around you
  • Successful and mutually beneficial cooperation in any kind of relationship
  • Harmonious and pleasant relationship with a loved one, which will lead to a strong marriage

Also, the Eyvaz rune may indicate that you need internal changes if you want to change your life for the better. It is when you become the best version of yourself that positive changes will begin to occur in the reality around you.

Upside down

  • New beginnings that you implement will not lead to success
  • Changes that will radically change life for the worse
  • Difficulties, troubles, problems, delay in solving current affairs

If the Eyvaz rune fell out in a negative sense, then you should avoid conflicts and quarrels. Also refrain from taking risks - you can lose a lot if you bet anything. You need to wait until the situation “ripens” and only then proceed to solve it.

The meaning and application of Eyvaz in magical rituals

This runic symbol is often used in magical practices for:

  • Manipulation of friendships and love relationships. Helps influence the actions and attitudes of other people towards you
  • Protection of the traveler from adverse events
  • It is used to spur any process in life that is in a state of stagnation.
  • Used to step back from problems and redefine life goals
  • Treatment of depression, getting rid of complexes and fears, phobias

Often the rune is used in combination with other runic symbols.

Runic formulas

The meaning of the Eyvaz rune can be used in runic formulas that help achieve the desired result in life. The combination of runic symbols is a powerful weapon that can affect various areas of life.

For example:

  1. + + Eyvaz is a powerful tool for performing various magical rituals
  2. Eyvaz +