Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RGUTIS) Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University of Tourism and Service". Russian State University Tourism

In all educational organizations, the atmosphere in which learning takes place plays an important role. The fact is that it is in it that personalities develop, the formation of specialists takes place. tourism and service (address: Moscow region, Pushkinsky district, Cherkizovo village, Main street, 99) boasts an excellent atmosphere. A large team of qualified teachers, a modern classroom environment - all this contributes to obtaining a quality education.

The educational process at the university is organized by institutes and faculties. They are engaged in educational and scientific activities, carry out educational work. The university operates 2 services (the city of Lyubertsy) and service technologies (the city of Podolsk). Russian tourism and service has five directions. The faculties are associated with various areas of modern life:

  • tourism and hospitality;
  • jurisprudence, management and economics;
  • service;
  • artistic and technological sphere;
  • training of highly qualified personnel.

Institute of Tourism and Service

In the city of Lyubertsy, one of the structural divisions of the university is located - the Institute of Tourism and Service. His educational activity is to train specialists in:

  • service;
  • municipal and state administration;
  • hotel business.

The main focus of the institute is on study, but besides it, creativity and science also play an important role. Periodically organizes creative festivals, competitions, scientific conferences, master classes for students of the higher educational institution RSUTiS. Reviews also indicate that quite often students go on excursions, thanks to which they expand their horizons, learn a lot of new information from the tourism sector.

Service Technology Institute

The Institute of Service Technologies is located in the city of Podolsk. The employees of this structural unit see their mission in the training of highly qualified personnel who can quickly and effectively eliminate problems and solve problems related to their specialty.

  • economy;
  • municipal and state administration;
  • tourism;
  • service.

Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality

Tourism is a very important branch of the economy. This has been known for a long time. That is why the Russian State University of Tourism and Service in 2009 organized the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality and began to train personnel for this area. Currently, the structural unit offers applicants 3 areas of training - tourism, management, hotel business.

Faculty students study both general and specialized disciplines in full. Trainees go out to practice several times. They take place in various travel agencies, hotels, health-improving, sanatorium-resort complexes, museum-reserves and other similar organizations.

Faculty of Law, Management and Economics

The emergence of the Faculty of Law, Management and Economics is preceded by a rather long history:

  • they began to train specialists in managerial and economic profiles in 1955 after opening the faculty;
  • in 1991, the Faculty of Humanities began to operate;
  • Since 1995, the university has been training lawyers at the Faculty of Law.

In 2014, all of the above structural divisions were merged into the Russian State University of Technology and Technology (Moscow). On their basis, the Faculty of Law, Management and Economics appeared. Students study on it in such areas as jurisprudence, municipal and state administration, economics. Educational information in the classroom is given by highly qualified teachers - candidates and doctors of science, renowned experts. They also attract students to participate in research work (in scientific circles, conferences, round tables).

Service Faculty

This unit at the university prepares students in the following undergraduate areas:

  • service;
  • product technology and organization of public catering;
  • information technology and systems;
  • technological equipment and machines.

RGUTiS (Moscow) is the best option for those applicants who want to get a high-quality higher education in the service sector. It attracts highly qualified personnel who help students to go through training programs in depth, to master the chosen specializations.

Faculty of Art and Technology

Since 1956, the Russian State University of Tourism and Service has been training artists-designers. From the very moment of its foundation, the University of Arts and Technology has provided students with comprehensive and deep knowledge, promotes the disclosure of talents and abilities. The proposed direction of training at the Faculty of Art and Technology is design. It allows students to choose a more closely related type of activity in the future. For example, after receiving a diploma, some graduates are engaged in art work (decorate interiors, come up with the design of any objects and goods), while others choose pedagogical activity (begin to teach art disciplines).

Faculty of training highly qualified personnel

The Russian State University of Tourism and Service invites people with higher education to enter the faculty of training highly qualified personnel. This structural unit organizes master's studies. Students who enroll here deepen their knowledge in a field familiar to them. New career prospects and opportunities are opening up for them.

At the faculty of training highly qualified personnel, in addition to the magistracy, postgraduate studies are offered. This is the next step in education. It is necessary for those people who see themselves as scientists, dream of a scientific career, strive to engage in various research and are always in search of new knowledge.

Passing scores and tuition fees

In order to apply to the university in 2017 and become eligible to participate in the competition, you must pass the exam or entrance examinations. RGUTiS sets the following passing scores:

The cost of training has already been approved for the 2017-2018 academic year. RGUTiS receives reviews in this regard mostly positive. Official data indicate that full-time education will have to pay 122,100 rubles. An exception is the design direction at the Faculty of Art and Technology. Applicants who enter there will need to pay 194,520 rubles for the first year of study. At the correspondence department in all directions, the cost is 69,600 rubles. The full-time correspondence department has only one direction - this is jurisprudence. The cost of one academic year will be 90,000 rubles.


Founded in 1952 under the name "Higher School of Industrial Cooperation", in 1960 it was renamed the Higher School of Local Industry. Since the year institute, academy since 1999, university since 1999. Until September, the name was the Moscow State University of Service (MGUS), this name was given in the year, since 2007 - the Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RGUTiS).

University development history:
1952 - [Graduate school] of industrial cooperation(VSHPK).

1960 - Graduate School of Local Industry(GSHMP).

1961 - Moscow Technological Institute(MIT).

1993 year - State Academy of the sphere of everyday life and services(GASBU).

1999 year - Moscow State University of Service(MGUS).

2007 - Russian State University of Tourism and Service(RGUTiS).

  • On August 13, 1952, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the creation of the Higher School of Industrial Cooperation (VSHPK), which was opened on the territory of the Pushkin District of the Moscow Region in the village of Cherkizovo. Artemenko Ivan Ivanovich, one of the founders of training and retraining of personnel for the post-war economy of the USSR, became the first head of the VSHPK. I. I. Artemenko for a long time headed the Department of Political Economy and after leaving the post of director until the end of the 1970s. worked as an assistant professor.
  • 155 people were enrolled in the first year of the Higher School of Industrial Cooperation from all the union and autonomous republics of the USSR.
  • In the context of the increasing influence of the state on the service sector, the leadership of the VSHPK was required to move from training workers in industrial cooperation to the reproduction of personnel in the state technological system. This task was to be solved by Nikolai Vasilyevich Bodunkov, who headed the Higher School of Industrial Engineering from 1958 to 1975.
  • At this time, 13 departments, 15 laboratories and 6 classrooms were functioning at the Higher School of Industrial Cooperation, which were part of two faculties: technological and engineering-economic. In 1958, the largest graduation of specialists in the fifties took place - 274 people. In 1959, the specialties "Technology of mechanical engineering", "Dry cleaning" and "Artist-technologist" were opened. Over the seven years of its existence, the VSHPK has grown into the leading university in the system of consumer services in the USSR.
  • In October 1960, the university became subordinate to the State Committee for Local Industry and Arts and Crafts under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. In connection with the new status, the educational institution was renamed the Higher School of Local Industry (HSMP). By the end of the second semester, from May 1, 1961, the university received a new status and a new name - Moscow Technological Institute of Local Industry. The transition was made from a three-year (four-year for correspondence students) to the traditional five-year (six-year - on-the-job) training cycle. In 1961, 2,813 people studied at the three faculties of the institute (technological, engineering and economic, and artistic and technological), of which 502 were full-time students and 2,181 were part-time students.
  • In 1963, the university was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate of Consumer Services under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR and renamed the Moscow Technological Institute (MTI) of the Main Directorate of Consumer Services under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR.
  • In 1976, Evgeny Alekseevich Panfilov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, was appointed rector of MIT. By the early 1980s. more than 10 thousand graduates of MIT worked in the consumer services system of the RSFSR. 11 thousand students and postgraduates were trained in six faculties of the institute. The educational process was provided by 30 professors and doctors of sciences, more than 225 associate professors and candidates of sciences.
  • The first steps of a market economy in the second half of the 1980s stimulated the demand for specialists in new areas of consumer services. The service sector began to go beyond the public sector, the industry was fundamentally changing.
  • The solution of the set of tasks put forward by the socio-economic transformations was assumed by the new leadership of the institute, headed by Yuri Pavlovich Sviridenko, who headed MIT in April 1988.
  • Since 1988, on the basis of MIT, an Educational and Methodological Association (UMO) has been organized in the specialties of consumer services for the population, renamed into an Educational and Methodological Association of Universities in the Field of Service (currently, UMO for Education in the Field of Service and Tourism), which included 16 higher educational institutions of the country. The function of the UMO was to consider issues related to the identification of promising areas of training for the industry and the improvement of higher education.
  • In 1989, the radio engineering faculty was organized, the specialties "Economics and management in public services", "Economics and management in the social and cultural sphere", "Economic informatics", "Accounting, control and audit", "Finance and credit", " Organization of production (management) ".
  • Economic model of the 1990s contributed to the growth of the importance of the sphere of everyday life and services as a sector of the economy, regulating employment of the population and designed to increase the degree of comfort of its living conditions. There has been a change in priorities. In 1991 the specialty "Social work" was opened.
  • By 1992, 14 thousand students studied at MIT in 17 specialties. The educational process was provided by 800 teachers. In October 1992, by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Institute of Technology was awarded the status of the State Academy of the Sphere of Household and Services (GASBU) as the country's main university for methodological guidance and scientific and practical training for the service sector.
  • In 1995, more than 20 thousand students studied at the State Academy of the sphere of everyday life and services. The educational process was carried out in four basic institutes, more than 10 educational and consulting centers, one college. The training of specialists was carried out in 31 specialties with 73 specializations.
  • The next stage in the development of the university is associated with the renaming of the academy into a university. In 1999, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, GASBU was renamed into Moscow State University of Service (MGUS). The status of the university was consolidated by a wide range of available specialties and specializations, and the word "service" in the name of the university most accurately reflected the educational policy of the university. Without exaggeration, the transformation of GASBU into a University of Service has become a landmark event for the entire system of Russian education.
  • In August 2003, the university was headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Ivan Pavlovich Sokolov. During the reorganization of the Higher School, I.P.Sokolov was the chairman of the Academic Council of the University in the field of technology, the chairman of the scientific and methodological commission of the UMO in the field of service.
  • In the rating of universities of the Federal Agency for Education, since 2003, MGUS has been included in the list of "100 best universities in Russia" and firmly takes first place in the group of service universities. In 2004 and 2005, the university became a laureate of the International Competition "Gold Medal" European Quality "in the nomination" 100 Best Russian Universities "and a laureate of the" Crystal Boat "award in the nomination" Leaders-partners in ensuring the activities of hotel enterprises in Moscow. "
  • Since January 2006, the rector of MGUS is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Fedulin Alexander Alekseevich - full member of the Academy of Tourism of the Russian Federation, the International Tourism Society "The Tourism Society", the Administrative Council of Eurodip "Advanced Hotel Schools of Europe", the Committee on Tourism and Small Business Development. the Industrial Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Coordination Council for Tourism Development under the Moscow Government, the Interdepartmental Commission for the Development of Educational Standards in the Field of Tourism.
  • On October 10, 2006, in order to bring the name of the university into line with its mission and role in the education system in the field of service and tourism, the Conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of educational support personnel, employees and students of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "MGUS" Federation on renaming the university into the Federal State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State University of Tourism and Service".
  • By the beginning of 2007, 51 786 students were receiving professional training at the university (including 9 785 full-time students at the head university, 1 147 part-time students, 17 870 part-time students). The total number of participants in SPE programs has reached 2,668 people. The total number of students within the university system of continuing education has also grown. For the period from January to October 2006 alone, this indicator amounted to 1,342 people (from among managers and specialists). On the basis of the structural divisions of the university, more than 130 programs of continuing education are currently being implemented.
  • On September 12, 2007, on the territory of the university, a church in the name of the holy blessed prince Alexander Nevsky was solemnly consecrated and opened for visiting. This event became a kind of symbol of the beginning of a new stage not only in the life of our university, but also of the whole country, which has embarked on the path of reviving the traditional culture of the great multinational Russia.