Wiring diagrams for heating radiators in a private house - installation rules and regulations. Diagrams for connecting heating radiators in a private house: features and principle of functioning of different options Methods for connecting heating radiators

The supply of pipes to the radiator from below is one of the best solutions in plumbing, providing a high level of aesthetics of heating devices. There are, however, a number of rules, the observance of which will ensure the correct operation of the entire hydraulic system and facilitate the connection process.

What radiators are designed for bottom connection

It is not without reason that the diagonal connection diagram of radiators is considered the most effective. This is how the maximum heat removal, uniform distribution of the coolant and an optimal temperature gradient, contributing to intense convection, are ensured. Even with the lower supply of pipes to the radiator, one of the mandatory requirements is to ensure the flow of water diagonally from the upper edge to the lower opposite. But not all radiators have a device that allows you to achieve such a distribution of the coolant.

Panel radiator design with bottom connection

The most common type of heating devices, in which the required conditions are provided for by the design, are steel panel radiators. Another type can be called sectional radiators with bottom connection, although only the first two sections have fundamental differences in their design, all the rest are the most common ones. Both of these types of heaters have a pair of nozzles located in the bottom, that is, oriented towards the floor. In both cases, the specificity of the device is such that the supply pipe is connected directly to the channel through which the coolant is directed to the upper part of the labyrinth.

Sectional radiator with bottom connection

It is also possible to retrofit conventional sectional radiators in order to connect them with a lower lateral inlet. For this, special fittings are used, due to which the configuration of the circulation channels is changed. The bottom connection can be double-sided, in this case, instead of the case, a valve is screwed in from the supply side, which rests with its butt against the nipple of the first section and muffles it, while the outlet is directed straight up.

A one-way connection is also possible, for which it is necessary to install a valve with a tubular probe designed for the outflow of the cooled heat carrier.

The described range of fittings can be used for most models of sectional bimetallic and aluminum radiators. In the category of exceptions, there are perhaps such exotic representatives of the world of heating devices as Rifar Monolit, which do not have nipples, although there are modifications for the bottom pipe supply in their model range. In plumbing practice, there are also examples of lower connection of cast iron radiators, although the possibility of such an installation is always determined individually, depending on the model.

In which heating systems is the bottom inlet practiced

It is obvious that the supply of the coolant from the bottom up is unnatural, because it is directed against the action of gravity. For this reason, the bottom connection of radiators cannot be carried out in open heating systems with natural circulation. But this is far from the only limitation.

Even with a two-way bottom connection, where the connection of the return pipe is carried out according to the standard scheme, a special valve is installed on the supply. Its throughput is lower than that of a conventional case with a screwed-in fitting, therefore, the coefficient of local resistance of the radiator in this case will be at least twice the nominal value. This forces the use of circulation pumps with a more intense pressure and radically revise the procedure for hydraulic calculation.

With a one-way bottom connection, even more difficulties arise. Firstly, the local hydrodynamic resistance of the radiator increases even more, because now two opposite channels with a fairly small nominal bore pass through one outlet. In addition, there are difficulties with the installation of shut-off and control valves. High-quality lower connection units for radiators with a built-in thermostatic head are a rarity in the domestic market. Most of the assortment is represented by Chinese-made products, which do not provide sufficient flexibility and adjustment accuracy. Another nuance lies in the method of regulating the flow rate of the coolant: instead of a stem limiting the throughput, most injection units have a built-in bypass, which radically changes the balancing technique. At the same time, the installation of an injection unit with a free-standing choke and thermostatic head is often unacceptable due to lack of free space, and if such a configuration is still possible, it will be extremely cumbersome and inconvenient to operate.

We can say that two-pipe systems with a passing movement of the coolant or radial junctions are best suited for lower connection of radiators. Due to the significant reduction in radiator throughput, there is no obvious reason to skip the thin PEX tubing with compression fittings that look much sleeker than other power systems. It is not a good idea to use the bottom connection for single-pipe circuits; in this case, it is quite difficult to balance the system and ensure its stable operation.

Radiator piping

Of course, the use of cross-linked polyethylene in the heating junction is not at all necessary, although it is preferable for reasons of reliability and aesthetics. The use of steel pipes should definitely be abandoned. The reason for this is simple: traditionally, with the lower connection, the pipes go into the floor and run either under the cover or along the ceiling of the lower floor. If the heating pipe passes through a ceiling, a casing of the passage is required, which does not have the best effect on the appearance of the floor covering. Otherwise, the choice of material for decoupling the system is completely free; polypropylene, the mentioned PEX, and even copper can be used.

Separately, it is worth touching on the topic of using pipe insulation. There are three positions on this issue:

At the time of installation of the wiring, the installation position of the radiators must be precisely known. Height may vary, but horizontal offset is generally unacceptable. This is due to the fact that the swivel fitting is not on the surface, that is, only a straight section protrudes above the coating, which is connected to the radiator outlet. You can deviate from this rule only if the nodes of the lower side connection are used, in which case the pipe leads are located at a distance of about 100-120 mm from the end of the radiator box.

Fittings and consumables

The installation of radiators with a bottom connection itself does not imply any particular difficulty, but for this it is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary fittings, fittings and packaging means. Depending on the type of radiators, the list may differ.

For radiators, the bottom connection of which is provided for by the design, a set of adapters corresponding to the pipe material is required. As a rule, these are straight press fittings or sleeves for soldering; when using polypropylene, it is recommended to install threaded “American” fittings. In such cases, control valves are rarely installed directly under the radiator; their optimal location is on the distribution manifold. The situation is exactly the same in the case of the installation of injection units.

With lateral bottom piping, it is possible to install a thermostatic and regulating valve on the radiator. In this case, all fittings are installed on the "metal" part, that is, they are packed on threaded connections with fittings or threaded fittings for bottom connection valves. In any case, each radiator is equipped with two shut-off ball valves for the possibility of removing the radiator without stopping the system. You will also need one or two radiator plugs and a Mayevsky crane. Sealing of threaded connections is traditionally performed with tow and Unipak sealing paste.

Installation rules

Before connecting the radiator to the system, it is assembled in a lying state with the installation of all the fittings. Ultimately, there should only be two straight press fittings or swivel nut connections: on the supply and return lines.

The bottom connection valve replaces the radiator sleeve. It is sealed in a standard way for this unit - using an O-ring. It is advisable to mark the position of the through hole on the shank on the valve nut so that after tightening it is located strictly vertically. To correct the position, you can use seals of different thicknesses and adjust the degree of tightening.

The injector unit is connected in a similar way, but quite often it does not have a nut that replaces the sleeve. With a one-sided lower connection, the outlet on the reverse side is muffled with a plug, like one of the upper ones, a Mayevsky crane is installed in the remaining one. The further assembly scheme is simple: all the necessary shut-off and control equipment is packed onto the threaded fittings of the valve, injection unit or lower outlets on tow with a sealing paste. Ultimately, the radiator is installed in place as an assembly and fixed using a wall or floor mounting method, then it is connected to the system.

Incorrect switching on of heating radiators - the factor that most often causes problems during operation.

Errors in the installation of other components and the wrong choice of the type of system also have a negative impact on the use of heating devices.

How to properly connect batteries in an apartment of an apartment building

The connection options depend on the number of pipes used to connect the boiler to the radiators. There are two methods:

  • One pipe comes out of the boiler, makes a circle around the harness, simultaneously entering the batteries, and returns to the starting point. This installation method is easy to implement.
  • The first half of the system exits the heater, visits all radiators, connecting with them only once. In the extreme, most distant, it stops and the second part begins. The latter also goes through all the batteries, connecting on the other side. Its end point is the cauldron.

The choice will depend on the budget as both options have advantages over the other... One-pipe is easier to install and cheaper, which is why it is used in apartment buildings. Two-pipe is more complicated and more expensive, but more reliable, therefore it is recommended for private buildings.

Diagrams of the correct connection of radiators to the heating system

Pipes lead to radiators in three ways:

  1. Diagonal option implies connecting the supply to the upper axis at one side of the battery, and the return connection to the lower axis at the other. This type is characterized by high efficiency and fast heating of sections, regardless of their number and distance from the boiler.

Photo 1. Diagonal connection diagram of a heating radiator. The supply circuit is from the top left, the return circuit is from the bottom right.

  1. Lower the connection is performed along one axis. To do this, the supply is cut from one edge of the radiator, and the return line is cut from the other. This method is used less often than others due to poor work efficiency.

Photo 2. Diagram of the bottom connection of the batteries with a one-pipe system (left) and with a two-pipe system (right).

  1. Lateral also known as one-way. The pipes are fed from one side in a vertical plane. This method is in great demand in small rooms and apartments.

Each connection type can be used as they independent of the heating system... But in the work of different combinations there are nuances that it is advisable to observe.

Reference. Single-pipe routing matches better with bottom and side connections, and two-pipe - with a diagonal.

Wrong connection methods

Radiators are usually installed without problems, but the same cannot be said for some system components.

Thermostat head

Errors during installation of the device lead to a drop in work efficiency. The most common problems are caused by:

  • Vertical head placement make sure that it does not stick out to the side, interfering with walking or cleaning. This leads to heating of the bellows, as the heating medium rises upward from the valve. To fix it, it is necessary to stop operation, dismantle the device, then reinstall it, placing it horizontally.

Photo 3. Incorrect vertical connection of the thermal head to the battery (left), correct horizontal placement (right).

  • Placement of the thermal head in a niche or similar confined space. This leads to a decrease in convection: heat settles in a closed volume, accumulates and is incorrectly reflected from the surrounding walls. This reduces the heating efficiency.
  • Installing curtains so that they cover the thermal head. This factor leads to an incorrect determination of the room temperature by the device. The bellows stops responding when needed. The solution to this problem removal of the sensor to a wall not covered with unnecessary objects. Most thermal heads are allowed to be mounted at a distance of up to two meters from the pipes.
  • The high-quality setting of the device also plays an important role. It is recommended to invite a specialist who will check the correctness of the work and, if necessary, change the characteristics.

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Problems with the device usually arise when the radiators are replaced by an unqualified person. This is especially true in cases in which cast iron is changed to another material.

There are two most common mistakes:

  • Mounting on the bypass supply pipe of a ball valve designed to start water into the system. The entire coolant should not pass through the device: only a small part, which is enough for operation.
  • The bypass is connected to the piping through a mixer with a three-way valve. Theoretically, this allows you to regulate the heat transfer of the boiler, but in practice it leads to damage to the device.

Both errors can be easily corrected by changing the principle of connecting the bypass. There are also a few rules to note:

  1. It is forbidden to put a bypass on a free pipe in apartment buildings.
  2. Is prohibited installation of valves and fittings.
  3. Allowed reduction of pipes by one typical size.
  4. In a nonvolatile gravity system pump needed, and it is connected exclusively to the bypass.

Attention! The named problems relate exclusively to apartment buildings in which they lead to imbalance of the entire system... The consequence of such errors is a decrease in the amount of heat that the neighbors receive along the highway.

Without a high-quality heating system, no house will be as comfortable and cozy as possible. Especially if it is located in Russia - after all, our country does not have a mild climate. When planning the heating system in our own house and what will be the system for connecting heating radiators, we try to make sure that it heats the house or apartment well, is of high quality and works without failures.

But many owners add one more requirement, which, it should be noted, is quite logical. The heating system must also be economical. That is, its purchase, and installation, and further operation, and which connection of heating radiators is better, should not cost the owner a pretty penny, as they say.

One of the most common ways to save money on a heating system is to purchase and install it without the involvement of specialists.

And it should be noted that even those who have never dealt with heating systems before do an excellent job of this task. Of course, in order to do everything right, you need to familiarize yourself with some information, including the connection diagrams for heating radiators. Let's consider how to connect heating radiators and how best to connect a heating radiator for you.

The principle of connecting radiators

Heating devices can be connected to the system in different ways. Let's consider examples of connecting heating radiators. In many ways, the choice of the type of radiator depends on its size and location relative to other radiators in the system, as well as the type of the system itself.

There are such methods of connecting heating radiators: lateral, diagonal, heating radiators with a lower connection, serial connection of heating radiators and parallel.

The most common ones are side connections and radiators with bottom connections. Let's take a closer look at these types:

  • side connection. This method is characterized by the connection of the supply pipe to the upper branch pipe, and the outlet pipe to the lower one. That is, both pipes - both the supply and the outflow of the coolant - are located on one side of the radiator. This method is quite common for the reason that it allows you to achieve maximum heating of the radiator, and, accordingly, maximum heat transfer. However, radiators with side connection should not be used for a large number of sections - in this case, the latter may not be warmed up enough. However, if there is no other way of connecting, then to eliminate the problem, you should use an extension of the water flow.
  • radiators with bottom connection. This option is used if the heating batteries with lower wiring pass under the baseboards or the floor. The bottom connection is called the most beautiful - heating batteries with a bottom connection and supply of coolant and its outflow are hidden under the floor and are connected to the radiator using nozzles directed to the floor.

Types of heating systems

Today there are a fairly large number of types of heating systems. Each of them has its own characteristics for connecting radiators. Undoubtedly, if you decide to involve a master to install the batteries, he knows all this. But if you plan to install radiators yourself, then you need to distinguish between the types of connection of heating radiators - after all, you need to know which system will function in your home.

One pipe system

This type of heating is common in multi-storey buildings. The ease of planning and installation, as well as the minimum amount of materials used, make it very profitable.

But the one-pipe connection of heating radiators has a significant drawback - there is no possibility of adjusting the heat supply (the degree of heating of the batteries). And in some cases, this is a significant disadvantage.

In this case, the heat transfer of the system is calculated even when creating a heating project, and in the future it fully corresponds to the specified parameter.

The principle of operation of this heating system is simple - a heated coolant is supplied to the battery through one circuit. And the outflow of the cooled coolant is carried out along a different circuit. All heating devices in the system are connected in parallel. A significant advantage of a two-pipe heating system is that it is possible to control and, if necessary, adjust the heating level. For this, special valves are placed on the two-pipe connection of heating radiators - on a separate radiator. It is important to remember that when connecting radiators, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules specified in SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Where is the best place to install a radiator?

Heating radiators installed in any room, in addition to the heating function, have one more, no less important - protective one. That is, the flow of warm air coming from the heater creates a kind of shield that protects the room from the penetration of cold air. And, in this case, it does not matter how the radiators are connected - parallel connection of heating radiators or this is a series connection of heating radiators.

It is the creation of such a barrier from the cold that makes us install radiators where cold air can seep through - in the niche under the windows.

Therefore - parallel or series connection of heating batteries will be in this case - does not matter.

In order for the room to be maximally protected from the cold, before proceeding directly with the installation of radiators, it is necessary to correctly determine the places where they will be located. This is not an unnecessary precaution - after all, there will be no possibility to change anything in the future.

Another important feature is that you should not only know exactly where to place the batteries, but also how to do it correctly, and in the future, what will be the connection diagram for heating radiators.

In particular, there are several rules regarding how far from surfaces the heater should be installed:

  • from the bottom point of the window sill to the top point of the radiator must be at least 10 cm;
  • from the floor surface to the lowest point of the radiator must be at least 12 cm;
  • from the rear wall of the radiator to the wall must be at least 2 cm.

Types of coolant circulation and connection options

The coolant, which in most cases is water, can circulate in the heating system in two ways - forcibly and naturally. Forced circulation implies the presence of a special pump in the heating system, through which the coolant is moved. The pump can be an element of the heating boiler (that is, it is built inside), or it can be installed directly in front of the heating boiler - on the return pipe. When developing, the diagram for connecting the heating batteries must correctly determine the place for the pump in advance.

A natural circulation system is the perfect solution for those homes that experience frequent power outages. The movement of the coolant is based on the elementary laws of physics. In such a system, the boiler is non-volatile.

In many ways, the types of connection of heating radiators depend not only on the type of coolant circulation. In addition, it is also necessary to take into account the duration of the pipes of the system and the peculiarity of their location.

This type of radiator connection assumes that both the hot coolant supply pipe and the return pipe will be connected to the same side of the battery. The use of such a connection principle is the most rational for one-story houses. It is especially suitable if you plan to connect long enough radiators - up to 14-15 sections. However, if the number of sections is more than 15, the heating efficiency may decrease - that is, the last sections of the radiator will be colder than those closer to the pipes. Therefore, in this case, you should choose other options for connecting heating radiators.

Saddle and bottom connection

This connection is suitable for systems with pipes installed under the floor surface. In this case, there will be only a small piece of pipe above the surface, which is fed to the lower branch pipe. In this case, the inlet pipe is mounted on one side of the radiator, and the outlet pipe on the other. The disadvantage of this connection method is a significant (up to 15%) heat loss. In the upper part, the radiator may not completely warm up.

Diagonal connection of heating radiators is most rational to use for radiators with a large number of sections. The design of the radiator allows the coolant to be distributed within the sections as evenly as possible - this makes it possible to obtain maximum heat transfer. The essence of the connection is simple - a heated coolant supply pipe is connected to the upper branch pipe. And a return pipe is supplied to the lower branch pipe on the other side of the radiator. The advantage of this type of connection is the minimum heat loss - it is only 2%.

The quality of heating the room will depend on how correctly you determine the methods of connecting the heating batteries to your heating system. The proposed options for connecting heating batteries are extremely simple and of the highest quality.


The heating system is created in order to provide heat to everyone who lives or is in a residential building, apartment or building, while the connection of heating radiators must be done correctly. The air temperature in the room in the range from 18 ° С to 25 ° С is considered to be comfortable. The power of the heating devices must be such that it compensates for heat losses through the walls, doors, windows and other protective structures facing the street.

The scheme that determines the connection of heating radiators in your own house is selected at the design stage of the building before the start of construction work. True, measures for the improvement or repair of the heating structure can be carried out even during the use of the premises.

Of course, if there is a central heating main in the settlement, the best solution to the issue of heat supply is to connect to it. In the absence of centralized heating, the arrangement of an autonomous heating system becomes relevant.

Factors affecting heating efficiency

The efficiency of the heating structure depends on several factors:
  1. Layout of heating system elements... The degree and uniformity of heating the room depends on the correctness of this work, and, accordingly, the amount of money spent on heating a house or apartment.
  2. Selection of heating equipment... Everything that is needed to create a heating system is acquired on the basis of a professionally performed calculation of technical and financial indicators. The fact is that the decision on how to properly connect heating radiators and the choice of the appropriate equipment contributes to the achievement of maximum heat transfer with minimum fuel consumption. Read also: "".
  3. Mounting method main pipelines, heating boiler, circulation pump, connection of heating batteries, regulating and shut-off elements. Incorrectly executed installation of any of the links of the heating structure can result in the failure of the entire system.
  4. Availability of special knowledge and skills carrying out work related to the design and installation of heat supply structures. Professionals in the field of heating technology should carry out calculations and determine the heating scheme of a house, including the option of how to connect heating radiators in a particular case. Despite the fact that the involvement of specialists will lead to an increase in the cost of arranging heating, you should not save on this. Read also: "".

Choosing a connection diagram for heating batteries

When the choice of the type of heating boiler is completed, the connection diagram of the heating batteries in the house is determined. It can be one-pipe or two-pipe.

The very connection of the radiators is done in one of three ways:

  • bottom;
  • lateral;
  • diagonal.

If, when deciding how to connect a heating battery, a one-way piping was planned, then the number of sections on one device should not exceed 12 for gravitational heating networks and 24 for systems equipped with a circulation pump.

If it is necessary to install a larger number of sections, it is necessary to use a versatile piping to the heating radiators. When installing heating devices, one should not forget about the throughput of the straight pipe and return pipe, which depends on their diameter and roughness coefficient.

Effective heat transfer can be achieved under the condition of optimal placement of the batteries, or rather, observing the installation distance of the devices in relation to the walls, flooring, window and window sill.

Installation instructions and how to properly connect a heating radiator provide for the following standards:

  • the device should be at a distance of 10 - 12 centimeters from the floor;
  • it should be installed no closer than 8-10 centimeters to the windowsill;
  • the back panel should not be placed closer than 2 centimeters from the wall;
  • when installing batteries, it is necessary to provide for the regulation of the degree of their heating, both in manual and automatic modes. For this, special thermostats are purchased (for more details: "");
  • for the purpose of repairing or replacing the radiator, valves, valves and manual taps should be provided. They will allow you to disconnect the product from the heating system;
  • on the devices you need to put Mayevsky taps, such as in the photo. With their help, air trapped in the system is removed.
Installation of steel or other types of radiators is performed in a specific sequence:
  • carry out preliminary marking for placement of brackets that are attached to the wall;
  • Mayevsky's taps are mounted on devices;
  • install various shut-off and other elements - valves, plugs, taps and regulators;
  • before connecting the heating radiator, it is placed on the brackets and aligned horizontally;
  • the device is connected to the pipeline using transitional shims;
  • pressurize and test water run.

Series connection of heating radiators

With this method, the batteries are connected using one pipe. Most often, if a series connection of heating radiators is required, then in order to increase the power of the heating devices and ensure a sufficient degree of heating of the room, it is necessary to increase the number of sections towards the end of the line.

The series connection method is characterized by an uneven distribution of heat output. As a result, the first of the radiators heats up much more than the subsequent ones, and the device that is the last in the circuit will be barely warm.

Despite a number of inconveniences, this method is in demand due to its simplicity, and the required degree of heat transfer is adjusted by building up several sections of batteries in different places of the heating structure. Read also: "".

Examples of connecting heating radiators in the video:

Any modern batteries, whether aluminum, cast iron or bimetallic, are supplied with four open pipes for connecting to the heating main. In accordance with the design features of the wiring, a scheme for connecting the radiators with the supplied pipes is selected, and the remaining holes are closed with plugs or air vent valves.

In this article, we will explore the possible options for installing batteries and tell you which circuit is better in terms of heat transfer efficiency.

It is believed that the best results for your radiator can be obtained using a diagonal connection. In order to correctly implement this method, you need to connect the inlet pipe to one of the upper inputs, and the return pipe to the lower one from the opposite edge. Then the coolant will circulate along the optimal route, capturing the largest part of the surface of the heater.

This combination is especially effective if the radiator consists of a large number (more than 10) sections. All other types of connections will lose noticeably in this case.

Therefore, the diagonal connection is considered a reference, and all manufacturers indicate the parameters of their equipment with respect to this version of the heating device.

The disadvantages of this method include:

  • high consumption of pipes in the system;
  • the inability to hide communications in a wall or in a box;
  • complex layout geometry;
  • inconvenient installation.

A diagonal scheme is used in cases where the main requirement is maximum heat transfer, and considerations of aesthetics and design fade into the background. Due to the inefficiency and complexity of the wiring, this method of installing radiators is practically not used in multi-storey buildings.

Bottom connection

In contrast to the diagonal, the lower way of connecting the batteries does not allow optimizing the heating system in terms of performance, but it makes it possible to make the radiator almost invisible.

Such a connection (it is sometimes called Leningrad), due to the peculiarities of the passage of the coolant between the inlet and outlet collectors, reduces the efficiency in the system by 10-15%. Moreover, these losses become so tangible only in apartment buildings with a long highway.

If you plan to install a radiator in your own house (especially a one-story one), the lower connection diagram will be an excellent option.

The upper part of the battery warms up worse than the lower one, this becomes especially noticeable when the internal cavities are clogged or airy. In these cases, cleaning and air removal are required using Mayevsky taps.

Side scheme

Most often, the radiators of the heating system, especially in apartment buildings, are mounted in a side pattern. Its essence lies in the fact that both lines approach the battery from one side.

Side connection advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • convenient installation;
  • savings on pipes;
  • the possibility of organizing a bypass between the lines for the installation of control valves.

If we compare diagonal and side wiring, the advantage should be given to the latter, since the difference in efficiency is only a few percent, and the benefits of side connection are obvious.

The diagonal scheme starts to win if you need to connect a radiator with a large number of sections or arrange a series of several powerful batteries. A correct understanding of these features will help to optimally distribute the radiators in the system.

Radiator location

The radiator is best placed under a window. This well-known rule is explained very simply: it is there that the heating battery will create the best conditions that prevent cold air from entering the room.

In a city apartment, windows and doors are the main sources of heat loss. In private houses, as we have already noted, a roof and a floor are added to them. The battery under the windowsill will create a curtain of warm air, which, as you know, tends upward when heated, and will not let the cold inside.

If there are several windows in the room, it is better to distribute the radiators between them and connect them in series. Also, experts recommend installing several heating points in corner rooms.

The following tips will help you to position the radiator correctly:

  • The distance of the battery to the floor and the window sill should be at least 10 cm. Otherwise, its efficiency will decrease, and it will be inconvenient to clean under it;
  • It is not necessary to deepen the radiator much towards the wall, it is better to leave a gap of about 5 cm;
  • When decorative protective screens are used, the efficiency of radiators is reduced by 10-15%.
  • From the point of view of heat transfer, aluminum radiators have an advantage, but in city apartments it is better to install bimetallic products.

And one more important point: it is forbidden to independently change the connection diagram of radiators, their connection to each other, or to install shut-off valves in the absence of bypasses in apartment buildings. All alterations in the heating system must be coordinated with the Management Company.

Installing radiators

Self-installation of radiators will not cause problems in the heating system in the future, if you correctly fulfill all the requirements for such work and ensure the tightness of all connections. In addition, some types of batteries require careful handling: aluminum and bimetallic radiators have a rather soft outer casing that can be easily wrinkled upon impact.

The installation process is carried out in the following order:

  1. Removing the old radiator(if necessary). Naturally, the heating line must be closed at the same time;
  2. We mark the installation site... Radiators are usually hung on a special bracket that is attached to the wall. The included fasteners are most often designed for concrete or brick walls. If you want to hang the radiator on a soft wall such as plasterboard, you need to use special wall plugs. Aluminum and bimetallic batteries will not create dangerous loads for such a wall, but it is better not to use the cast iron version here. The bracket must be installed so that the radiator is positioned according to the requirements described in the previous section;
  3. Now you need collect battery... To do this, we screw the adapters included in the kit into all four mounting holes. Usually two of them are left-handed and two are right-handed, so care must be taken. Further, depending on the connection diagram, we plug the unused collectors, one with a Mayevsky tap, and the other with a special locking cap. All joints are carefully sealed;
  4. To prevent water leakage in the joints we lay sanitary flax... It is better not to use fum tape here. Flax needs to be wound correctly: clockwise for right-hand threads, and in the opposite direction for left-hand threads. In this case, when screwing on the threads of the connected elements, the flax will not be knocked out from under them. For reliability, the connection can be additionally sealed with special means, for example, Unipak paste;
  5. We fasten ball valves to the places where the main pipes are supplied... They will allow you to later remove the radiator for cleaning and maintenance, without stopping the operation of the entire system;
  6. Now only hang the radiator on the bracket and connect the supply pipes to it. The joints are sealed according to the above algorithm.

So, we have considered all possible types of connections for heating batteries. If you are just planning the structure of the system for your own home, then you can choose the most suitable scheme. If you live in a city apartment, you do not have such freedom. In any case, understanding the principles and features of connecting radiators will allow you to independently service and install heating devices in your home.