What is the best way to fix the house block. Blockhouse installation work algorithm

Block house is a popular material used to decorate the walls and facades of various buildings. Internal and exterior decoration has no significant differences. Traditionally, a block house is made of wood, but there are also more budgetary counterparts from other materials. However, if you have an affordable budget, it is recommended to give preference to wood panels - they are environmentally friendly, durable and the most beautiful. You can handle the installation of a block house without any problems with your own hands.

Before starting work, you have to buy a block house. When choosing a material, carefully study its external state. Planks are usually packed in polyethylene at the factory. If possible, such packaging should be opened.

Boards with such defects will not suit you:

  • rotten knots;
  • cracks;
  • plaque of rot and mold;
  • bluish spots.

The size of the pitching should not exceed 8 mm in width and 2-3 mm in depth.

Be sure to pay attention to the peculiarities of the placement of annual rings. It is better that they adjoin each other as tightly as possible - this arrangement indicates a high density and in general good quality wood.

What do you need to work?

House block assembly does not require any highly specialized accessories. In most cases, self-tapping screws are used to fix the panels. An irreplaceable assistant in this case, there will be an electric drill.

Also, clamps are often used for fastening a block house. For the manufacture of these products, galvanized iron is used, which makes the fasteners as resistant to corrosion as possible. The kleimer looks like a flat plate with a tongue and pre-prepared cuts for mounting screws. The tongue will hold the panel to the house block. The height of this fastening element must be at least 6-7 mm.

All other things being equal, preference should be given to clays rather than self-tapping screws. Clips allow fixing the panels without the risk of cracks, deformations and other defects. In addition, the use of cleats allows for installation with almost invisible joints, which makes the appearance of the cladding much more aesthetic.

For 10 m2 of cladding, about 200 clamps will be needed. Such an expense should not alarm you - fasteners are sold at a completely democratic cost. In addition, the use of clips instead of self-tapping screws will allow you to significantly reduce the time spent on installation work.

In the process of cladding, it is often necessary to cut the panels into smaller pieces. An electric saw will help you with this. If the amount of work to be done is small, you can do without a saw, using an ordinary hacksaw with small teeth to cut the trim elements.

It is permissible to use and circular saw, however, in this case, the cutting blade should not have hard-alloy soldering that can disturb the evenness and cleanliness of the cut.

Purchase insulation in advance. Mineral wool and other heaters based on it are characterized by good heat and sound insulation and properties.

You should refrain from using foam, if possible - this material is very poorly combined with wood due to its low vapor permeability and, among other things, supports combustion.

Select the timber for assembling the lathing taking into account the dimensions of the insulation plates.

Buy vapor and waterproofing materials. The vapor barrier will protect the insulation from condensation, and the waterproofing will protect the external atmospheric moisture. For vapor barrier, you can use a membrane material, perforated film or ordinary glassine. With the solution of issues of waterproofing walls, plastic wrap does an excellent job.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, all wooden elements need to be impregnated with a quality antiseptic. It is also recommended to treat the materials with a flame retardant. Thanks to such processing, the wood will become much more resistant to mold and fire.

In the case of using budget imitations, a house block made of plastic, vinyl or metal, perform a preliminary protective treatment not necessary.

First step. Attach the vapor barrier of your choice to the walls. Fasten with a 10-15 cm overlap, horizontally. For fixing, it is most convenient to use a construction stapler and staples.

Second step. Attach battens on top of the waterproofing. It is recommended to make the lathing horizontal. For fixing the timber to wooden base you can use nails or screws. If the wall is made of bricks or blocks, fix the bars using frame dowels. In this case, you will have to pre-drill holes in the wall to accommodate the fasteners.

Choose the step of fastening the timber according to the width of the insulation plates.

Third step. Place the thermal insulation material in the crates of the battens.

Fourth step. Lay a waterproofing film over the insulation and attach it to the battens with construction stapler with brackets.

Fifth step. Attach another layer of the crate to the main frame, already vertical. To it you will attach the house block panels. Mount the second crate with a mandatory level check.

Panel mounting

Proceed to sheathing the surface with a block house on a pre-installed crate.

Begin assembling the panels from the bottom corner. The house block can be mounted exclusively horizontally. Some do-it-yourselfers choose the vertical way of placing panels, but it has many disadvantages.

Fix the panels with clamps. Attach the cleats to the batten with self-tapping screws and insert the first panel of the casing into the tabs of the fasteners, positioning it with the groove down.

Slip the groove of the next panel onto the spike below installed element plating. Continue working in the same way until you have coated the entire wall.

If you decide to give preference to self-tapping screws and abandon clamps, start installation with preliminary preparation recesses for placing screws at the bottom and top of the board. Place the fasteners in increments of a little more than 40 cm. Screw the self-tapping screw into the spike at an angle of about 45 degrees.

After fixing the main part of the cladding, you will need to mask the screws to make the finish look as beautiful and attractive as possible.

You can hide the metal heads of the self-tapping screws in one of the following ways:

  • with the help of the remnants of the block house panels. Make corks from the cuttings to the size of the holes and fix the plugs in the grooves using ordinary PVA glue. Sand the irregularities with sandpaper;
  • using ready-made plugs. Sold in specialized stores. You can easily match the caps to the color of the base coat without any problems. Use PVA glue to fix the plugs;
  • using wooden "paste". For its manufacture, use PVA glue and sawdust. You need to get a thick enough composition. Fill the holes with the ready-made compound, let the compound dry, and then sand the surface. The method is simple and the least expensive, however, the attachment points may not match the color of the main wood somewhat.

How do I shape the corners?

Finishing the corners when cladding with a block house causes the greatest difficulties for beginners. To complete this stage of work, you can buy "boats" for registration inner corners and special elements for finishing outside corners.

The finished skirting board will fit snugly to the block house only at the top point, as a result of which large open gaps will remain in the cladding, which is a huge drawback and generally unacceptable.

It is much more expedient and easier to use a planed beam with a section of 5x5 cm for finishing corners. It should be fixed before sheathing. As a result, you will be able to attach the house block boards to the timber, and the finish will look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. The method is suitable for finishing outside and inside corners. If you wish, you can round the outside of the bar to an oval shape.

Installing cashing

Also, novice craftsmen have difficulties when framing door and window openings... To decorate these building elements, they are used special boards known as platbands.

The main task of the platbands is to hide the cracks and block the path of the cold street air, precipitation and various debris.

If you wish, you can buy decorative platbands with various carved patterns and ornaments - in this moment, be guided by your own preferences. Platbands can have semicircular, curly and regular flat shapes. Choose according to your taste.

In accordance with the method of installation, cashing elements are classified into telescopic and overhead products. Have telescopic platbands there are special protrusions that must be inserted into the slots of the window or door frame.

The overhead cashing is simply attached to the surface with nails and self-tapping screws.

In general, when choosing platbands, be guided by your personal preferences, design features of the house and the entire site.

Thus, the installation of a house block is done by hand without any problems. Having understood the main features of the work, you will cope with the finishing no worse than a professional master and, at the same time, you will be able to save significant cash... Follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

Happy work!

Video - DIY block house installation

The modern construction industry offers a ton of options exterior decoration at home. it different kinds siding, tiles, artificial stone, sandwich panels and so on. V recent times finishing with such material as block house is becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages.

In this article, the site will tell you what kind of material it is and how to properly fix a house block.

Varieties of block house

House block is a type of facing material that imitates a tree felling. He might be:

  • wooden;
  • vinyl;
  • metal.

Wooden - eco-friendly and natural material... The disadvantage is the fact that it is prone to rotting and fungal attack. However, this problem is solved by processing with special means.

Vinyl is durable. It looks aesthetically pleasing, easy to care for, and virtually indistinguishable from wood.

Metallic is made of galvanized steel, which is coated with a polymer composition. Its advantage is its relatively low cost.

Installation procedure

In order for the cladding of the house to last as long as possible, you must first carefully prepare the walls. Here are a few important tips that need to be considered during preparatory work:

  • If the walls are wooden, then you need to treat them with an antiseptic solution to protect them from fungus and mold;
  • Take care of waterproofing. For this, a special film is fixed on the walls. Special attention pay to the seams, because moisture can get through them. It is advisable to glue them with tape;
  • A crate is nailed onto this base. She may be from wooden beam or a metal profile;
  • Building insulation. For this purpose, they usually use mineral wool... A windproof film is attached on top of it, which will additionally protect the building;
  • Directly cladding the house with panels.

Before installing the panels, you need to select the fasteners for the house block. There are three ways to attach this material:

  • fastening with a cleaimer;
  • fastening with a self-tapping screw;
  • fastening with a galvanized nail.

Let's consider each of these options:

  • Kleimer for block house is a special metal plate coated with chrome. This makes it resistant to humid environments. This plate must be inserted into the groove, after which it is connected to the crate with a self-tapping screw. At correct execution this operation, the connection becomes almost invisible. This method is best suited for securing timber cladding.
  • Fastening with a self-tapping screw is somewhat more difficult. In order for the panel spike, into which the self-tapping screw will be screwed, not to crack, it must be pre-drilled. And then get into this hole with a self-tapping screw. This makes this mounting method difficult, especially for a non-professional.
  • To secure the house block with a nail, it is driven into the panel spike at an angle of 45 degrees. As mentioned above, the spike can crack, so you need to drill a hole in it. It is better to drown the nail head a little.

The choice of the method of fastening the block huasa depends on the material from which the cladding is made. After you decide on the type of siding, you can think about what to attach the house block to.

We mount a wooden block house

You need to start the installation of such material from the bottom. In this case, the thorn is directed upward. This will keep it dry. If not only the facade is finished, but the whole house, then the installation must be done on all walls at the same time. After the end of the sheathing, they are attached additional elements- plinths, corners.

For exterior wall decoration, it is better to choose more wide panels... The choice of wood will depend on taste and budget. Available as budget block house made of pine, as well as the more expensive valuable wood species.

After installing the wooden panels, you need to let the structure stand for a while in order to finally accept the desired shape... Only after that is it worth covering the walls with varnish or stain. If you do this immediately after installation, then unpainted stripes may appear on the walls, since over time the material will shrink.

Wall covering protective compounds will have to be repeated periodically, because wood is a capricious material. In case you choose vinyl or metal siding, this procedure can be avoided.

We mount vinyl and metal block house

For fastening vinyl or metal cladding, use galvanized nails or self-tapping screws. Holes are drilled in advance for fasteners. It is only necessary to fix such material perpendicularly, otherwise it will affect the quality of the sheathing. During installation, it is necessary to leave a small distance between the screw head and the panel, since this type of house block expands or contracts depending on the ambient temperature.

Despite the seeming simplicity and ease of installation, PaneliGid advises you to turn to professionals. They will tell you what kind of cladding material will be the best in your case, tell you how the house block is fastened and install it with high quality in the shortest possible time.

House block installation video

The house block can be fixed correctly the first time. To do this, check out the video.

Modern construction technologies moving forward with great speed. By special methods processing regular board turn into a modern block house, how to properly fix which we will analyze in this article.

What is a block house - material characteristics

What kind of new "beast" appeared on construction market? This is a material that is made from wood, outwardly very similar to a log, cut in half lengthwise and carefully cleaned. This product has a semicircular shape on the front side, and is equipped with tongue-grooves on the sides, which facilitates the connection process. In the manufacture of a block house, various tree species are used, and high-quality processing increases the durability and prevents drying out, which makes it possible to maintain an excellent look for a long time.

Most often, coniferous wood is used in production, of course, but it is not uncommon for a block house made of larch to be found for interior cladding of premises.

This type of finish looks like a clapboard with a convex outside, which, when facing, creates an imitation of a log frame. Plating them even from the most seedy house will make a fabulous wooden hut. The block house, in addition to aesthetic appeal, has a large number of other advantages. Considering that panels are made of wood the best varieties, you can be sure of the high environmental friendliness of the material. To this should be added the excellent microclimate created in the house, which was decorated with these products. The material has thermal insulation properties, and also you can easily replace the damaged place if necessary.

The disadvantages include the fact that during the warming up of the cooled room, moisture may appear on the inside of the casing. This can be avoided by covering the wall with some kind of vapor-insulating material during the installation phase. This will already make the plating process not as easy as we would like, but will save you from most problems, from dampness to fungi. It can also be noted that non-varnished material can easily be scratched or stained. To reduce soiling, it is important to renew the coating every year.

Varieties of block house - choose an affordable option

Considering the materials for the manufacture and the type of processing, it can be divided into certain classes.

  • Class "E" or "Extra". The product has an ideal outer surface, in which the presence of knots or mechanical damage is unacceptable. The selection of wood and its sorting for the production of panels of this class is carried out manually.
  • Class "A". The panel has an excellent outer surface, but in this case, the presence of knots of various colors is permissible and all kinds of damage are categorically unacceptable.
  • Class "B" represents products with a normally stitched face, they may well have minor damage and fallen out knots.
  • Class "C" is determined by a tolerably planed surface, knots are often found here. different colors and holes. In such games, it is quite acceptable mechanical damage small size and cracks in the planks, residues of bark and dark spots on the wood may be present.

Naturally, the price of the material depends on its class. Elite panels are used in the cladding of the respective houses. Such mansions are hardly affordable for the average resident, in fact, and it makes no sense to spend money on a block house of category "E". Class "A" is most often used for interior decoration summer houses, gazebos and verandas. Its cost is much lower than that of the elite. But the block house, belonging to an even lower category, does not have such an attractive appearance, but its price is also quite acceptable, and the house faced with it from the outside still has a rather spectacular appearance.

How to fix a block house - step by step without assistance

Installation work on cladding with panels is not difficult. Fastening the block house to the wall does not require any professional knowledge and skills. By performing all the actions correctly, you can quickly change the appearance of the house from the outside and, accordingly, inside. And since the material does not imply specific styles, fasten it, following your own imagination.

How to fix a block house - step by step diagram

Step 1: choosing a block house

First of all, you need to decide what kind of panels you need. For facing the house outside, you need to choose a material that has a large width. If you decide to sheathe the walls with a block house inside, it is more suitable for this narrow version. Before starting work on cladding with such a clapboard, it is necessary to withstand it for some time in the room in which it will be installed.

Step 2: surface preparation

To prevent the accumulation of moisture, as we noted above, waterproofing must be carried out before installing the panels. For this work, you can apply any of the available materials, for example, penetrating mixtures or special roll film... Without this block house even best class may not withstand the high accumulation of moisture, and after a while you will notice that the work done has gone down the drain, everything will have to be redone.

Step 5: assembly of the block house

Considering that the panels are made of natural wood, they retain all the qualities inherent in it. Thanks to the humidity control they create, the indoor climate of the room is regulated and the building "breathes". This effect is partially reduced, of course, by waterproofing, but your right to refuse it. Before proceeding to the installation, you need to figure out how to fix the block house on the crate. To fix the panels, you can use ordinary screws, for which holes are drilled with a drill to facilitate the fastening procedure. Also, for fastening a block house, you can completely use clamps or ordinary nails, which, for sure, are available in your home workshop.

Step 6: painting

Despite the fact that such a finish does not need any additional processing, to create more uniqueness and effect, you can cover the block house with a transparent varnish. This will help emphasize the beauty of the material and extend the service life. To give more originality to the building, you can paint over the panels, even creating a certain pattern. By by and large, it is not obligatory, the house, sheathed with such panels, is already unique in itself. If you are used to carrying out repairs yourself, you can carry out the wall cladding with a block house without much difficulty.

Hello. Studied the market building materials for cladding load-bearing walls and the facade of the building. Stumbled upon stuff like wooden block-house. In principle, this coating suits me perfectly for the price, and the appearance is quite attractive. Confused only by the fact that I had no business with him before, respectively, I can not imagine how best to trim the house. Could you tell us about what a block house is, how to work with it, how to attach it to the wall? And isn't it better to purchase a time-tested siding?

Good afternoon. Your question is clear, but I would like to know for the finishing of which building you would like to purchase a block house. What is it built from and whether there has been any previous decoration.

Since this is unknown, I will try to answer your question in a more generalized way, without touching on particular cases. If some points are missed, then duplicate your question with a note about typical sizes buildings.

General characteristics and properties of the material

Typical dimensions and appearance of the material

Block house is facing material in the form of a board or canvas, made of wood. On the front side it has a smooth, polished semicircular surface.

On the lateral or front sides there are special “tongue-and-groove” connecting elements. WITH back side longitudinally spaced cuts or grooves that play a role ventilation ducts and reduce the stress arising in the material after its installation.

Often, a block house is compared to clapboard, since both materials have similar structural elements, with the only difference that the first imitates log cabin and more attractive appearance.

Among the advantageous features of a block house as a finishing coating, the following points can be highlighted:

  • speed and ease of installation - carrying out facing works occurs in the shortest possible time due to the simple joining and fastening of the canvases;
  • durability and environmental friendliness - subject to the installation and finishing technology, the period of use of the material exceeds 25-30 years;
  • versatility and attractiveness - the block house can be used as for decoration external walls buildings, and for cladding of internal areas and the ceiling.

Among the disadvantages, one can note such points as the need for a vapor barrier layer, especially in buildings without an autonomous central heating... When warming up cold rooms in cold seasons, as a rule, on outside drops of moisture settle.

Vapor barrier helps to partially or completely eliminate this negative effect, thereby extending the life of the coating, while significantly reducing the risk of the formation of harmful microorganisms and fungi.

The main types of block house

Block house grade A with a thorn-groove fixation system

It is believed that the most optimal wood species for making a block house is pine and larch that has been processed, dried, selected by the number of knots and other flaws.

The number of knots and small defects directly affects the quality of the surface after installation. It is not uncommon for a poor quality board with big amount knots deteriorate faster, rots, etc.

Block house classification is carried out into four main groups:

  • grade “C” - a board with a satisfactory planed face with a moderate number of knots, holes and spots. Possible areas with remnants of bark, wormholes, small chips, minor flaws and darkening;
  • grade “B” - a relatively well-planed board with a small number of knot holes, with minor flaws, minor damages and cracks on the front side;
  • grade “A” - carefully planed front side with minimal inclusions dark spots and knots light color... The presence of damage, cracks and chips is completely absent;
  • grade “E” - a perfectly planed surface without knots, damage and other wood flaws. This grade is made only from wood that has been manually selected and graded.

For cladding private and suburban buildings, it is advisable to use a class A block house. The use of extra-class material is irrational, since this will entail unjustified costs for the purchase of the material.

Often they use for cladding, which, in terms of their technological qualities and appearance resembles classic siding. This material can be distinguished into a separate subtype, since synthetic components are used for its production.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the compliance with GOST under the number 2140-81. Compliance provides full assurance that this coating meets all applicable and stated standards.

In addition to the class of the product, when purchasing it is important to know for what purposes the material will be used. If executed inner lining, then it is most preferable to use narrow Grade A canvases up to 2.5 cm thick, 8-10 cm wide and up to 3 m long.

For outdoor work, even a B-type block house with a thickness of up to 4.5 cm, a width of 14-23 cm and a length of up to 6 m is suitable.

Features and mounting methods

Fixing with clamps and self-tapping screws at an acute angle

The block house is fastened with nails, self-tapping screws or special clamps. During installation, it is possible to combine different options but basically the way of fixing is dictated by the size of the panel.

Among the many fixation options, the most popular are:

  1. With the help of a cleaimer, a metal strip will act as a fixing element, which is inserted into the groove of the panel and attached to the crate with self-tapping screws. The only drawback of this approach is the possible formation of a gap between the material webs.
  2. Fastening into the “thorn” of the panel - the self-tapping screw is screwed into lower part“Thorns” on the panel. If the fasteners are inaccurately tightened, chipping or cracking of the connecting element is possible.
  3. Fixation in the “tenon” at 45 ° - the same previous version, with the only difference that nails or self-tapping screws are driven at an angle of 45 °. It is considered the most rational method of fastening, but in the absence of experience in such work, there is a risk of damage to the material.
  4. With preliminary “countersinking” - a hole for fasteners should be prepared in the front part of the panel. Upon completion of installation, the screw / nail head is rubbed with special glue and sanded. This option is quite laborious, but it is distinguished by the reliability and durability of the fastening.

The above fixing methods can be used both for interior decoration of premises and for facing external walls and facades. The length of the fasteners used to fix the wooden block house should be 2-2.5 times the thickness of the board.

Installation technology

The technology of cladding the facade of a house using a block house is not particularly challenging task, but will require sufficient preparation and execution time. The cladding process can be divided into three large groups - surface preparation, installation of the supporting frame and fastening of the block house.

If you plan to do the installation yourself, then it is advisable to divide these works into several stages, since it is quite problematic to perform such a volume of work without interruption. Optimal time the year for finishing is spring or summer.

At the stage of preparing the surface of the facade and walls, they are cleaned from contamination. Further, they are treated with special antiseptic compounds and protective impregnations.

For houses from a bar, you will need to caulk and seal all the cracks. Before installing the lathing, you should complete all the activities for laying the electrical wiring and fix the vapor barrier membrane on the surface of the facade.

Device carrier lathing made from small section timber

Further work on the construction of the lathing and fixing the panels of the block house will consist of the following actions:

Before starting work, it is recommended to leave the material in the fresh air for 2-3 days in a place protected from precipitation and moisture. This will allow the tree to acquire natural moisture, that to exclude damage and “shiping” of the board after its installation.

Average cost and cost of finishing

Protection and decoration of the front side is carried out using special antiseptics, paints and varnishes

The cost of a block house depends on the type of product and the wood from which the material was made. In general, for various suppliers and stores, the price can vary from 50 to 300 rubles / m2.

The main costs of cladding a house, in addition to the finishing material, will be made up of the cost of the timber under the crate, heat and vapor barrier, fasteners, antiseptic and protective varnish. Below in the table we have given the average prices for materials that will be required in the course of the work.

Recently, it has become popular to build houses from natural materials. But what if your house was built a long time ago and it has brick or concrete walls? Do not demolish it because of the fashion trends. If you want to be in trend, check out how to fix a house block.

House block is a material for decorating a house, which creates an imitation of the execution of walls from log cabins. In a house lined with such material, you can spend many warm winter evenings.

Any outer cladding requires preliminary facing work. In our case, this is the treatment of walls with protective mixtures, the elimination of too large irregularities with putty or the sealing of the crowns for a log house.

If you have chosen a house block made of plastic, metal or vinyl for finishing, it does not need to be processed, but wooden panels must be additionally dried and treated with an antiseptic.

Installation of lathing

A frame installed primarily to level the walls and to allow the building to be insulated. Fastening the block house to the wall can only be made on a vertical crate. First, mark the surface using a level and plumb lines. To do this, you need to stretch the line at the bottom and top of the building.

Tip: Start with the long wall at the top, aligning the bottom line with it to avoid overwhelming the wall.

If the lathing is made of wood

Such a crate is an assembled frame made of slats measuring 2 by 5 cm or beams 3 by 3 cm or 4 by 4 cm.

The frame components are fixed to the wall with nails / screws. For this you need:

  • fix the starting bar parallel to the line;
  • fix the following at a distance of 40-60 cm, using a level.

Tip: Use spacers to align the frame planks along their entire length.

Wood lathing is popular due to the fact that parts of the frame are easy to align by sawing in the right places, it has a high bearing capacity, it is much easier to mount than a metal block.

Attention: ensure good load-bearing capacity by making a counter-lattice - installation of the beams perpendicular to the rails.

Metal lathing

You can make a crate for a house block like this:

  • attach a U-shaped profile with spacers from the outside to the facade of the house, bending the spacers in the form of the letter "p" in the right places;
  • align the crate using a level and bending the spacers;
  • done with self-tapping screws with a pitch of 35-50 cm.

Attention: metal profile lathing is mainly made for siding and iron panels.

Plastic lathing

The most modern lathing is plastic, for installation it requires perfectly flat walls.

The house block is fastened with self-tapping screws, it is identical to the previous version.

House block assembly

There are several ways of attaching a block house to the lathing or directly to the facade of the house. The installation method is determined by the type of material. In any case, the installation will be carried out from bottom to top and horizontally.

If you prefer a wooden block house

The most expensive type of block house, made of natural material for a log or timber.

Used for decoration wooden houses, but also mounted on block or brick building... There are many types of mounts, consider the most affordable.

  • To firmly connect the panels to each other according to the “tongue-and-groove” system, you will need strips for installing samples on the crate - cleats. It must be installed in the groove of the panel and attached with screws or nails to the guides. When fastening with clamps, air spaces to be removed with a wood-colored paste.

Attention: a self-tapping screw or a nail is driven into a "thorn", a chipping of which will render the panel unusable.

  • In another version, a self-tapping screw or a nail is driven in at an angle of 45 ° - this way you reduce the risk of damaging the panel to a minimum.
  • You can also make holes in the panel with a drill, and then embed the cap in the glue mass and hide it with a wood cork. When, after drying, it is sanded, it will look like a knot. This method takes a long time, but it is reliable.

Tip: you need self-tapping screws at least twice as long as the panel thickness.

  • If you purchased panels without a fixing system, you can use liquid nails or glue.

A house fixing block made of this material will not be cheap, especially considering the costs of subsequent processing or the purchase of additional panels if any of the main ones were damaged during installation.

Despite these difficulties, such a finish looks gorgeous, does not lose its attractiveness and in itself serves as a sound insulator and insulation.

If you prefer a metal block house

With a low, relative to the previous type, the panels of this house block better resist external influence... For installation, it is enough to fix them with self-tapping screws through the holes of the mounting plate.

Before properly fixing the house block, in order to exclude the penetration of moisture and wind, they are laid on the frame special film... To insulate the structure, a heater is placed under the film: foam or mineral wool.

Attention! This finish will last you 25 to 50 years. Unfortunately, after this period, you will have to completely change it, since it is impossible to paint or varnish the damage. And in summer it will be especially hot, due to the strong heating of the metal.

If you prefer plastic, siding or vinyl

All panels made of artificial materials could be collected in this category. They are inexpensive and presented in a wide range of products. Thanks to this, you can combine several styles in the cladding of your home.

Home decoration with vinyl siding.

Installation takes place using threaded screws. The panels do not fit tightly due to expansion during heating, it is customary to leave a gap of 0.1–0.2 cm between them. The screw must also be fixed at a distance of 0.1 cm of the head from the panel. Thanks to such actions, the panels will not lose their appearance from cracking during temperature extremes.

Attention! So that the level of thermal insulation does not fall, you need to tightly mount it on a plastic crate, which expands and contracts with the block house.

Finishing touches

Each type of block house has nuances that you can meet in the process of working:

  1. Block house made of wood. The most difficult moment is finishing the corners. If you have experience in woodworking, you can easily make grooves in the corners. wooden house, and place the panels there. Another option is easier - just purchase special corners and fix them liquid nails on the corner rails of the frame. Alternatively, sawed off parts of the panels so that they can be folded at a 90 ° angle. For the slopes of doors and windows, a variety of platbands have been developed that complement general form building.
  2. House block made of metal. Difficulties in finishing are correct selection additional materials: plinths, corners and others.
  3. Block house from artificial material- also requires the purchase of a large number of elements, but thanks to this, it allows you to recreate the designer's idea in full at low cost.

A detailed video on how to decorate a house with a block house


House block installation is quick and easy. If the panels are lightweight, you can wall the house yourself. Get support to install a thick wood block of house. Completed finishing will create a pleasant atmosphere in your yard. You will never regret the decision to decorate the block with a house.