Eggplant "diamond": reviews. Eggplant varieties for open ground

Eggplants are affectionately called “blue” among the people, which generally reflects their color and helps to navigate the variety of vegetables. However, eggplant varieties abound in colors, halftones, shades, and intricate patterns. That is, the definition of “little blue” no longer corresponds to reality. Topic of the article: the best eggplant varieties suitable for growing in Russia, their types and description.

The greatest variety of varieties falls on the purple color of eggplant. Moreover, not only shades of purple differ, but also the shape, ripening rate, and climatic conditions. Basically, eggplant, having purple fruit, feel great in the climate of central Russia.

In the forefront is “Albatross”, which is distinguished by a high yield of vegetables, 350-400 g each. It is a mid-season vegetable with short, pear-shaped fruits. Bitterness is not characteristic of it, and the flesh is pale white in color. It is characterized by high keeping quality and easy transportation.

Late-ripening "Arap" grows up to 90 cm in height. Its fruits often reach 25 cm in length, they are cylindrical, without an admixture of bitterness.

Among the early ripening eggplants “Bagheera” should be distinguished. This is a hybrid vigorous vegetable with oval fruits weighing up to 300 g. It is famous not only for its productivity and resistance to most fungal diseases, but also for its soft snow-white filling without bitterness.

Among early species you should also pay attention to the eggplant varieties “Long purple”. Firstly, it is a very compact variety - it rarely grows above 50 cm. Secondly, it has beautiful inflorescences and ovaries with a glossy skin, weighing up to 300 g.

The early ripe species suitable for the middle lane also includes Don Quixote. It is a hybrid medium-sized vegetable that grows well in greenhouses. In length, the fruits reach 45 cm, and the weight fluctuates between 300-400 g.

The hybrid mid-season subspecies "Lolita" will give a rich harvest when grown in a greenhouse. The bush is tall, often reaches 2.5 m. The shape of the vegetables is elongated, maximum length they are 25 cm long and weigh 300 g. The flesh is snow-white, compacted, practically does not contain eggplant seeds.

By planting vegetables of the “Maria” variety, you will be among the first to receive a crop of elongated cylindrical eggplants.

Another mid-season variety "Nautilus" refers to hybrids for greenhouses. Bushes tend to grow, saber-shaped fruits up to 30 cm in length, weighing up to 500 g.

A galaxy of purple eggplants is complemented by "Diamond". It is a mid-season, compact vegetable with cylindrical fruits. The size of the fruit rarely exceeds 20 cm, and the weight is 170 g. Its flesh is green, compacted, without characteristic bitterness.

Video “The best varietal eggplants”

A detailed overview of eggplant varieties is given in this video.


The best varieties white eggplants are few in number, but at the same time their seedlings will undoubtedly decorate any garden bed or greenhouse, causing many questions: “What kind of vegetable is this?”. It often happens that white eggplant seeds turn yellow at the end of the season - these are selection errors that scientists are trying to level out.

One of the most famous types, of course, is “Ping-Pong”. Its ovaries are small, light, their weight rarely exceeds 70 g. The bush is medium high, during fruiting it really seems that it was hung with ping-pong balls. Feels great both in greenhouses and in the open field.

Varieties of white eggplants also include mid-season "Swan". It grows well both in greenhouses and outdoors, growing up to 70 cm in height. The fruits are cylindrical, up to 22 cm long, the weight rarely exceeds 255 g. Most of the ovaries are white, but sometimes yellow ones also come across. The main attraction is the white, soft flesh and high density of the crop on square meter landings.

Another hybrid subspecies worth paying attention to is the Pelican. Its bushes are tall, up to 1 meter high, vegetables grow up to 18-20 cm, but at the same time they cannot boast of high weight - the mass fluctuates within 200-250 g. The mid-season Pelican variety is mainly grown in greenhouses.

"White Night" will please you with oval snow-white fruits that ripen by the middle of the season. The bush grows small, up to 70 cm, decorated with many fruits, weighing up to 300 g each.

"Baby White F1" has funny spherical fruits, which are among the first to ripen. Bushes "Baby White F1" are low, abundantly covered with greenery, rarely reach 50 cm, numerous small fruits rarely weigh more than 300 g. The flesh is white, without characteristic bitterness.

The hybrid subspecies “Tenderest F1” will surprise you and your guests with oblong, cylindrical ovaries weighing 300-400 g. The bushes are medium-sized, sprawling, and the fruits with white pulp without a hint of bitterness. They survive dry periods very well, without requiring special care.


Types of lilac eggplant are also numerous. It is quite possible to call them “blue ones”, since they did not go far from their purple counterparts. Having absorbed the best of white and purple varieties, lilac varieties, even while green (no matter how strange it may sound), please with a wealth of patterns and shapes.

One of the leaders in popularity, the Lilac variety, has an average ripening period. Its bush rarely grows above 60-65 cm, the seedlings are often elongated, cylindrical, weighing up to 200 g. The flesh is white, compacted, without bitterness in taste.

Round eggplants of the “Balagur” variety will delight you with bunches of vegetables that are located on the brushes. This is an early maturing variety, with bushes of medium height, the leaves of which are rich green. The weight of one eggplant fluctuates around 150-180 g.

Varieties with an average duration of ripening also include “Pink Flamingo”. The height of the Pink Flamingo bushes reaches 180-190 cm, the fruits grow in clusters of 4-6 pieces, their average weight is 300-400 g. Eggplant pulp is without bitterness, pure white.

If you choose lilac eggplants, then you can’t get around the Bumbo variety. Rounded fruits weigh 600-700 g, white-lilac color. Bushes grow spreading, powerful, so they will serve great decoration for both greenhouse and open ground.

One of the most resistant unstable conditions and fungal diseases variety - "Robin Hood". The average height of the bush reaches 90-100 cm, it is spreading, it bears fruit well with small ovaries weighing about 300-320 g. The pulp is without bitterness, white, elastic.

Another bright representative lilac variety of eggplant - "Rotonda Bianca" will delight not only with mid-ripening and an abundance of ovaries. Its leaves are rich green, wonderfully fitting into any landscape. Fruits are oval, with white pulp without bitterness.

If you are chasing not only productivity, but also the original appearance of vegetables in the beds, then pay attention to the Matrosik eggplant. Vegetables of this species are oval, have a striped color with a bizarre pattern, weighing up to 200 g.

It should be noted that the above types of eggplant are mostly hybrids. This means that already at the stage of selection, their immunity, protective characteristics and taste are much higher than those of ordinary plants. Thus, they are less likely to be exposed to fungal diseases ( powdery mildew, anthracnose, brown spot, copperhead), which greatly facilitates their cultivation.

A nice bonus of such vegetables is that most of them grow easily both in greenhouses and greenhouses, and in the open air, pleasing the eye with a bizarre shape and color.

Video “Varieties of eggplant”

About which eggplants give 100% yield is described in the video.

Today there are many varieties of eggplant. It is extremely important to choose the right eggplant variety that will grow well in certain natural conditions. Initially, eggplant is a southern heat-loving plant. Breeders have bred more cold-resistant varieties. Varieties intended for cultivation in the southern zone of Russia will not grow in the Middle zone. Each region has its own varieties and hybrids. You can also choose a variety that will grow in a greenhouse or in open ground.

good varieties eggplant should be high-yielding, resistant to pests and diseases, their fruits should be of good taste, and the flesh should be free from bitterness, the fruits should have a high solids content and few seeds.

According to the duration of the growing season, eggplants are very early, when less than 100 days pass from germination to technical ripeness, early (101-115 days), medium-early (116-130 days), late (131-150 days), very late (over 150 days). days). The beginning of fruiting can shift in one direction or another for 20 days, it depends on the region and growing conditions.

Late varieties have a very long growing season, about six months, their maturation occurs only in long summer conditions. For this reason, varieties with an early ripening period are most often cultivated in central Russia.

Early varieties of eggplant


The period from the emergence of shoots to the onset of ripeness takes 90-100 days. The fruit is smooth, glossy, cylindrical. The skin color is dark purple. The length of the fruit is 15-18 cm, weight 100-190 g. The fruits have a dense white pulp and a pleasant taste. From 1 m 2 you can collect 8-10 kg. The variety is disease resistant.

Behemoth F1

The period from germination to maturity takes an average of 101 days. The shape of the fruit is pear-shaped, the color of the peel is dark purple, the length of the fruit is 18-22 cm, weight - 320-340 g. The fruit has a medium-dense pulp of a greenish-white color. Taste characteristics are excellent. From 1 m2 you can collect an average of 17.3 kg.

Bibo F1

On one bush, an average of 15 fruits can ripen. The fruits are approximately the same in size, their weight is 400-500 g. The surface of the fruits is shiny, smooth, the skin color is snow-white. The fruits have a dense white pulp, have excellent taste characteristics. The variety is characterized by early ripeness, high yield and disease resistance.

Valentine F1

Fruit ripening occurs on the 90-95th day after the appearance of full shoots. Smooth shiny fruits have a cylindrical shape. Their length is 25-26 cm, weight - 200-270 g. The pulp of the fruit is dense, greenish-white in color. From 1 m2 you can get up to 10 kg. The variety is disease resistant.


Fruit ripening occurs on the 107-122nd day after the appearance of full shoots. The shape of the fruit is shortened pear-shaped, the color is matte, green-violet. The length of the fruit is 11-14 cm, weight 100-120 g. The fruit has a pulp of medium density, white-green in color with a large number of seeds. Taste characteristics are good. From 1 m 2 you can get 8.2-12.6 kg.

King of the North

Early variety. It has good cold resistance. The period from germination to maturity is 95-100 days. The shape of the fruit is elongated-cylindrical, the skin color is dark purple. The fruits reach a length of 25-30 cm. 12-15 kg can be harvested from 1 m2.

Maksik F1

The period from germination to maturity is 90-100 days. Smooth shiny fruits have an elongated cylindrical shape. The skin color is dark purple. The length of the fruit is 25 cm, weight - 180-250 g. The fruits have a dense greenish-white pulp. Taste characteristics are excellent. From 1 m 2 you can get over 10 kg.

Nancy F1

The period from germination to maturity is 75-85 days. Brilliant fruits have an elongated ovoid shape, the peel is dark purple in color. The mass of fruits is 60-80 g. The fruits have dense greenish-white flesh. The taste is pleasant. From 1 m2 you can get 3.5-5 kg.

Purple Haze

The period from germination to maturity is 102 days on average. Glossy fruits have a cylindrical shape, the skin color is from light lilac to lilac. The length of the fruit is 15-18 cm, weight - 150-196 g. The fruits have a delicate skin and whitish flesh. From 1 m 2 you can collect up to 10 kg.


Designed for growing in film shelters and open ground. The period from germination to maturity is 112-118 days. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical and elongated pear-shaped, the surface is glossy, dark purple in color. The mass of fruits is on average 215 g. From 1 m 2 you can get 5.5-8.5 kg.

Purple Wonder F1

The period from germination to maturity takes 95-100 days. Smooth shiny fruits have a cylindrical shape, slightly curved. The skin color is dark purple. The mass of fruits is 100-350 g. The fruits have a greenish-white flesh, the taste is pleasant. From 1 m2 you can get up to 5 kg.

Black handsome

The plant reaches a height of 50-60 cm. Very early-ripening variety, from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness, an average of 78 days passes. Solid beautiful fruits have the correct cylindrical shape. The mass of fruits is 200-250 g.

Nutcracker F1

The bush reaches a height of 150-180 cm, the fruits are formed evenly and regularly. The period from germination to maturity is 95-105 days. Fruit shape is oval. The weight is 240-350 g, the length of the fruit is 12-14 cm. From 1 m2 you can get 12.5-19.5 kg. The grade differs in early ripeness, excellent tastes, a good trade dress and high productivity.

Mid-season varieties of eggplant


The compact bush reaches a height of 50-60 cm. It is recommended for growing in film greenhouses and shelters. The period from germination to maturity takes 109-149 days. Glossy fruits have a cylindrical shape, the skin color is dark purple. The length of the fruit is 14.5-17.5 cm, weight - 100-164 g. The fruits have a dense flesh of a greenish-white color, without bitterness. The grade differs in high flavoring characteristics, high productivity. From one bush you can get 3-6.5 kg.


The compact bush reaches a height of 40-60 cm. The period from germination to ripeness takes 115-130 days. The shape of the fruit is shortened pear-shaped, with technical ripeness the color of the peel is blue-violet, with biological ripeness it is brown-brown. The mass of fruits is 300-450 g. The fruits have a dense pulp, without bitterness, white. The variety has good transportability and keeping quality.

Bagheera F1

Suitable for growing in film greenhouses and shelters. The period from germination to maturity takes 100-110 days. The fruits have a glossy surface and an oval shape. Fruit color is dark purple. The length of the fruit is 12-20 cm, weight - 250-300 g. The fruits have a pulp of medium density, greenish-white, without bitterness. The variety has a delicate taste and unpretentiousness. From one plant you can collect 2.5-3 kg.

Baikal F1

Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. The period from germination to fruiting is 100-110 days. Glossy fruits are pear-shaped. The skin color is dark purple. The length of the fruit is 14-18 cm, weight - 320-370 g. The fruits have a pulp of medium density, without bitterness, greenish-white in color. From one plant you can get 2.8-3.2 kg.

Baron F1

Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. The period from germination to fruiting is an average of 100 days. The bush reaches a height of 70-80 cm. The surface of the fruit is glossy, the color is dark purple. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical. The length of the fruit is 16-22 cm, the average weight is 300-350 g. The fruits have a pulp of medium density, without bitterness, yellowish-white in color. From one plant you can collect 2.8-3.1 kg.

Behemoth F1

A tall bush reaches a height of 70-150 cm in film shelters and 250 cm in glazed ones. Recommended for growing in film and glass greenhouses. The period from germination to fruiting takes 100-110 days. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the surface is glossy, dark purple in color. The length of the fruit is 14-18 cm, weight - 250-350 g. The fruits have a pulp of medium density, without bitterness, yellowish-white in color. Depending on weather and growing conditions, from 1.8-2.5 kg to 6 kg can be harvested from one plant.

Bernard F1

A semi-spreading bush reaches a height of 60-70 cm. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses and shelters. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the surface is glossy, dark purple in color. The length of the fruit is 15-20 cm, the average weight is 380 g. The fruits have a dense pulp, without bitterness, white. Taste characteristics are high. From 1 m 2 you can collect an average of 5 kg. The variety is suitable for all types of culinary processing and freezing.


A tall variety, the bush reaches a height of 120 cm. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses and shelters. The shape of the fruit is oval, the surface is glossy, dark purple in color. The length of the fruit is 12-20 cm, weight - 250-300 g. The fruits have a very tender and tasty pulp. The variety is suitable for preparing various side dishes, stewing, as well as for canning. From 1 m 2 you can get 2.5-3 kg.


Low compact bush reaches a height of 50-60 cm. It is recommended for growing in film greenhouses and shelters. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the surface is glossy, dark purple. The length of the fruit is 14-18 cm, weight - 110-170 g. The fruits have a dense pulp without bitterness of a greenish-white color. Taste is high. The variety is suitable for all types of culinary processing, freezing and canning.


Compact bush, reaches a height of 75-90 cm. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness is 118-125 days. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the peel is dark purple in color. The length of the fruit is 20-22 cm, weight - 125-170 g. The fruits have a dense pulp without white bitterness. From 1 m 2 you can collect an average of 6 kg.


The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of fruit ripeness is 100-130 days. The fruits are cylindrical, white. The length of the fruit is 18-22 cm, weight - 128-330 g. The fruits have a very delicate pulp of snow-white color. From 1 m 2 you can get 203 kg.

Lolita F1

Medium-sized variety, reaches a height of 70-80 cm. The period from germination to fruiting is 105-115 days. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the color of the peel is dark purple with a cherry tint. The length of the fruit is 14-18 cm, weight - 200-250 g. The fruits are light green in color with dense pulp without bitterness. Depending on weather and growing conditions, from 1.5-2 kg to 5 kg can be obtained from one plant.


Fruit ripening occurs on the 104-110th day after germination. The shape of the fruit is oval, the surface is glossy, with white and lilac stripes. The weight of the fruit is on average 143 g. The fruit has a pulp of medium density, white. From 1 m 2 you can get up to 5 kg.

Nautilus mid-early

Vigorous variety, recommended for growing in glasshouses. The period from germination to maturity takes 120-130 days. The shape of the fruit is saber-shaped, the color is deep purple. The length of the fruit is 21-28 cm, weight - 300-500 g.

Delicate F1

The period from germination to maturity is 100-110 days. The color of the fruit is pearly white. The length is 18-20 cm. The fruits have a delicate pulp of an unusual taste. From 1 m 2 you can collect 12-14 kg.

Pelican F1

Medium-sized variety, reaches a height of 100-120 cm. Recommended for growing in film shelters and open ground. The period from germination to fruiting is 115-120 days. The shape of the fruit is saber-shaped, the color of the peel is matte, milky white. The length of the fruit is 15-18 cm, weight - 200-250 g. The fruits have a tender pulp of medium density without white bitterness. From one plant you can collect 1.5-2 kg. The variety has good transportability and keeping quality.

Ping Pong F1

Weak variety, reaches a height of 60-70 cm. Recommended for growing in film greenhouses and open ground. The period from germination to fruiting is 110-117 days. The shape of the fruit is spherical, the surface color is white, matte. The length of the fruit is 5-6 cm, weight - 50-60 g. The fruits have a pulp of medium density, greenish-white in color, spicy in taste. From one plant you can collect 1-1.2 kg.


Medium-sized semi-spreading variety. Recommended for growing in film greenhouses and shelters. The period from germination to fruiting is an average of 115 days. The shape of the fruit is pear-shaped, the surface is glossy, purple, with white and pink strokes. The average fruit weight is 225 g. The pulp is white with a delicate taste. From 1 m 2 you can get an average of 5.5 kg.


Medium-sized semi-spreading variety, recommended for film shelters and greenhouses. The period from germination to fruiting is an average of 108 days. The shape of the fruit is spherical, the surface is glossy, light purple in color. The mass of fruits is 300-320 g. The fruits have a delicate white pulp. The variety has high taste characteristics. From 1 m 2 you can get an average of 5.3 kg.


A variety with a low compact stem bush. The period from germination to maturity is 112-139 days. The shape of the fruit is elongated pear-shaped. The mass of the fruit is on average 130 g. The fruit has a pulp of medium density without bitterness of white color. From 1 m 2 it is possible to collect 4-6 kg.


Fruit ripening occurs on average on the 116th day after germination. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the surface is glossy, dark purple in color. The length of the fruit is 20-22 cm, weight - 300-400 g. The fruits have a greenish-cream pulp with a small amount of seeds. Taste characteristics are excellent. From 1 m2 you can get 4.1-4.3 kg.

Gisele F1

The height of the bush is 170-190 cm. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of fruit ripeness is 100-110 days. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the surface is glossy, purple in color. The length of the fruit is 25-30 cm, weight - 310-400 g. The fruits have a dense pulp without white bitterness. From 1 m 2 you can get 11.6-17.6 kg. The grade differs in high productivity, good keeping quality and high palatability.

Late varieties of eggplant

bull forehead

A late maturing variety with a high yield. The bush is undersized, sprawling. The period from the emergence of shoots to the onset of fruit ripeness is 140-150 days. The fruits are pear-shaped, black-violet in color. The length of the fruit is 16-19 cm, weight - up to 1 kg. Fruits have dense pulp without bitterness of white color. The variety is ideal for long-term storage and freezing.


Semi-stem semi-spreading bush. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of ripeness of the fruit is 120 days. Fruits are cylindrical matte. Length 17-18 cm, weight - 250-300 g. The flesh is greenish, without bitterness. From 1 m 2 you can get 7-8 kg.

Growing a crop is not ubiquitous, but still most summer residents grow a vegetable on the site. How to choose eggplant varieties that are suitable for planting in the region of residence. Differences and features of species from each other. The correct selection of types of culture is half the battle.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which manufacturer's seeds are the best. The main thing when choosing is to take into account those signs that are necessary for growing in a particular region:

  • cold resistance;
  • fruiting in conditions of changeable weather;
  • high immunity;
  • productivity and other important characteristics.

Many eggplants are grown everywhere, and the manufacturer guarantees that they will have 100% germination. The acquisition of any type of culture will be successful if all the subtleties of care are observed during planting.

The most successful varieties of eggplant for open beds

Planting a crop in open ground is not a problem. You should thoroughly approach the selection of the variety or hybrid that will be grown. The summer resident pays attention to species that are popular among vegetable growers. It is better to choose from early varieties or mid-season, as late ones may not ripen. The only way to get a crop from plants is to plant seedlings.

A short description of the types of crops for open ground will help you choose early, tasty and unpretentious plant species.


The variety ranks first among eggplants adapted for outdoor cultivation. A feature of the species is that plants can tolerate sudden temperature changes, are picky and independently fight pathogens.


  • bushes 70 cm;
  • highly branched;
  • ripen in 115-125 days;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • purple;
  • fruit weight 150 g;
  • the pulp is dense, tender, there is no characteristic bitterness;
  • crop volume 9 kg per 1 m².

Growing the Alekseevsky variety will not cause trouble even for a beginner. And the resulting crop will satisfy the need for this vegetable.


Great for growing in the field. The only negative is that the abundance of fruits breaks the branches of plants, so it is recommended to tie it up. The bushes do not have thorns.


  • bushes grow up to 1.5 m;
  • ripen on the 100th day;
  • elliptical shape;
  • dark purple color;
  • pulp without voids, dense, does not have characteristic bitterness;
  • maximum weight 400 g;
  • crop volume from 1 m² 9-12 kg.

A distinctive feature of the variety is the uniform ripening of vegetables. Therefore, Vakula is often grown on an industrial scale.


The name of the vegetable was due to the resemblance to the fruit. The variety bears fruit amicably, does not require special care. It grows on almost any soil, is not picky.


  • bushes low up to 60 cm;
  • short stem;
  • pubescence is weak;
  • the shape is cylindrical, sometimes curved;
  • deep purple color;
  • the pulp is light, not bitter;
  • eggplant weight 150-160 g;
  • crop volume from 1 m² 4 kg.

The vegetable is easily transported, lies for a long time without losing commercial qualities. Taste characteristics allow you to use the vegetable for harvesting for the winter and any dishes.

The peculiarity of the fruits of this variety is that eggplants grow red. In addition, the plant is suitable for decorating the site. The skillful arrangement of the bushes will help decorate any corner.


  • the size of an adult plant is 70 cm;
  • flowers are large, white;
  • ripen within 110 days;
  • round shape;
  • bright orange color;
  • yellowish pulp, without characteristic bitterness;
  • weight 180 g;
  • yield 3 kg from 1 plant.

Crop appearance Chinese lantern fell in love with many summer residents. Growing plants is no different.

Emerald F1

The hybrid is unpretentious, has immunity to diseases. Unusual green hue fruits are the hallmark of plants.


  • grows up to 100 cm;
  • spreading;
  • matures on the 105-110th day;
  • elongated cylindrical shape;
  • weight up to 400 g;
  • the pulp is dense, beige, without bitterness;
  • crop volume 4-5 kg ​​per 1 m².

Requires preventive treatment against insect attacks. use chemicals or folk remedies.

It is better to use proven methods from the people's piggy bank. These methods will not harm the human body.


For planting in open ground, it is required to select varieties that bear fruit, regardless of weather changes and other related factors. An example good looking The crop for the plot is the Negus eggplant. The variety has a very early ripening period, ready for use much earlier than its counterparts.


  • plant size 50-60 cm;
  • the shape is rounded, barrel-shaped;
  • dark purple skin;
  • vegetable weight 150-300 g;
  • the pulp is light, tender, without characteristic bitterness;
  • crop volume 4.5 m 2 .

This species has several features. In addition to early ripening, it differs in that, with timely harvesting, it prolongs the growing season. With a relatively small weight of one eggplant, their number on one bush is 15-25 pieces. Suitable for any way of use, eating.


It has a high immunity to diseases. It ripens early, so it is often grown outdoors. For reproduction, seeds should not be collected on their own, the culture in the second year will not repeat parental properties.


  • height 80-95 cm;
  • upright;
  • semi-spreading;
  • vigorous;
  • trunk pubescent;
  • ripens on the 90th day;
  • drop-shaped, elongated;
  • 5 cm in diameter;
  • length 26 cm;
  • weight 200-250 g;
  • the pulp is beige, without characteristic bitterness;
  • crop volume 3 kg per 1 m 2.

A small number of seeds in a vegetable is a characteristic feature of the variety. In addition, Valentina is valued for maintaining its presentation and taste characteristics after 30 days of storage in a cool room.


A hybrid requiring attention during cultivation. The yield is high, stable, ripens gradually over 1.5 months. Most appreciated by summer residents for the unusual appearance and rich color. Some fruits on plants grow large, up to 1 kg.


  • height 1.6 m;
  • not branched;
  • not sprawling;
  • practically without thorns;
  • slightly pubescent;
  • ripen within 100-115 days;
  • spherical shape;
  • purple;
  • in diameter 13 cm;
  • a vegetable weighs an average of 330 g;
  • crop volume 4.7 kg per 1 m 2.

In addition to these characteristics, gardeners note the taste of the vegetable. The undemanding and disease resistance inherent in Bourgeois eggplant is also welcomed by vegetable growers.


The formation of carpal ovaries is regarded as a feature of this variety. About 100 fruits are formed on one plant. The size of eggplant is different, the ovaries do not fall off.


  • the size of an adult plant is 1.3 m;
  • strongly branched;
  • matures in 85-100 days;
  • the shape of the vegetable is elliptical;
  • color lilac or bright pink;
  • length 17 cm;
  • diameter 6 cm;
  • the pulp is compacted, light, without a characteristic bitter taste and voids;
  • yield 6-8 kg per 1 m 2.

Many people plant the crop for sale because it tolerates transportation over long distances remarkably. Balagur keeps its presentation well.


Especially for regions with risky farming, eggplants of the Drakosha variety were bred. A feature of Drakosha eggplant is the ability to grow in soils with poor fertility.


  • the size of the bushes is 1 m;
  • medium leafy;
  • medium branched;
  • slightly pubescent;
  • matures on the 100-120th day;
  • pear-shaped;
  • the skin is smooth and shiny, purple hue;
  • weight 300 g;
  • length 21 cm;
  • crop volume 5 kg per 1 m 2.

Drakosha has excellent field health and undemanding care, for these reasons it is the choice of many gardeners.

The hybrid grows in the most adverse conditions. Does not require a garter and formation, the plant can withstand the weight of vegetables. The harvest is stable and high. A hybrid was bred specifically for regions with risky farming.


  • powerful bush;
  • in height 55-60 cm;
  • stems and veins on leaves purple;
  • without spikes;
  • oblong shape;
  • dark purple;
  • length 20-30 cm;
  • diameter 6-7 cm;
  • the pulp is tasty, tender, light in color, without streaks and characteristic bitterness;
  • yield up to 4.2 kg per plant.

The cold resistance of plants allows them to be grown in regions where weather conditions are unstable. Productivity and long shelf life allows you to grow the fruit on an industrial scale. Another plus of this variety is that it has high immunity. Since the fruits do not have bitterness, they are used for cooking and preparations for the winter. The disadvantages are that the King of the North cannot stand the heat, and it is impossible to collect seed material from him.


The development of breeders, the type of culture Premier, perfectly tolerates small frosts and drought. Has high immunity. When grown in regions with a warm climate, direct planting in the beds is provided.


  • bush height 60 cm;
  • highly branched;
  • highly leafy;
  • upright;
  • ready for use on the 115th day;
  • pear shape;
  • deep purple color;
  • dense pulp of white color, without characteristic bitterness;
  • crop volume 3.5 kg per 1 m 2.

Excellent taste, long shelf life and preservation of commercial properties make it possible to grow fruits on an industrial scale.

An unpretentious plant grows in any conditions, while giving record yields, subject to the rules of agricultural technology. There is nothing special about the growing process.


  • height of bushes 60-80 cm.
  • semi-spreading;
  • stems and leaves of a dark shade;
  • plant with thorns;
  • matures on the 90-110th day;
  • pear-shaped or cylindrical;
  • the skin is glossy, rich purple hue;
  • a vegetable weighs an average of 200 g;
  • length 18-20 cm;
  • the flesh is pale yellow, very tender;
  • few seeds;
  • there is no bitterness, it is completely absent;
  • crop volume from 3 to 6 kg per 1 m 2.

It is grown by any method, it constantly forms ovaries. It has a high immunity, independently struggling with pathogens. Of the minuses important point is that the culture of the Black Prince variety categorically does not tolerate the shadow.

A good option for outdoor cultivation, which does not require much care and attention. Its cultivation has no features. It is enough to follow the usual methods.


  • plant height 0.8-1.2 m;
  • semi-spreading;
  • loose;
  • vigorous;
  • fruits for 2-7 pcs. on the plant, they are located in a beam or ray-like;
  • ready for use in 125-135 days;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • length 18 cm;
  • diameter 5 cm;
  • pink skin;
  • weight 200-450 g;
  • yield 7.6 kg per 1 m 2.

Eggplant Pink Flamingo is not at all difficult to grow on the site. They have a high immunity to crop diseases. They are stored for a long time, retaining their presentation and taste properties.


The vegetable is suitable for any method of consumption, it is used for cooking second courses and twists for the winter. Plants are undemanding to the composition of the soil and picky in care.


  • reach 1 m in height;
  • sprawling;
  • matures on the 110th day;
  • drop-shaped or pear-shaped;
  • the skin is glossy, purple hue;
  • weight 350 g;
  • P ri proper cultivation ,compliance with all care standards, the weight of one vegetable reaches 800 g;
  • length 12 cm;
  • the pulp is light, without characteristic bitterness;
  • crop volume 5 kg per 1 m 2.

During long storage the vegetable does not lose its presentation. The hybrid is not suitable for self-collection of seeds. Requires the purchase of planting material in a special store.

The best mid-season eggplant varieties for open ground

Another name for the fruit is blue. The variety of options from various manufacturers amazes the imagination of even the most sophisticated gourmets. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the region of residence and the necessary properties that are necessary to meet family needs.


A variety of crop that has been on the market for a long period of time. Summer residents trust the variety due to good germination. Diamond is a species that almost always produces a rich harvest.


  • plant size 70 cm;
  • highly branched;
  • compact;
  • many stepchildren are formed;
  • ready for use after 150 days;
  • shape is cylindrical;
  • dark purple skin;
  • average weight 160 g;
  • length 18 cm;
  • diameter 6 cm;
  • flesh of a greenish tint, with a small amount of seeds;
  • maximum yield from 1 m 2 7.5 kg.

Almaz is an eggplant variety that has been proven over the years. Inexperienced summer residents consider him the most unpretentious and undemanding to care for.


A productive crop variety that has high immunity. Shoots appear together, the bushes grow rapidly if the rules of agricultural technology are followed.


  • grows up to 70 cm;
  • the bush is compact, closed;
  • ready for use on the 135th day;
  • pear shape;
  • skin color dark purple;
  • average weight 200 g;
  • length 20 cm;
  • diameter 4-6 cm;
  • pulp without characteristic bitterness;
  • the yield volume from 1 m 2 is 7-8 kg.

In addition to these characteristics, plants are resistant to temperature changes. The cultivation of the variety does not differ in any features. planting material collect on their own. Eggplant Albatross is undemanding to fertilization, develops and bears fruit in any soil mixture.

A popular crop variety, the cultivation of which will not only benefit the body, but also please the eye. There are no special care for plants. Grow in the same way as other varieties.


  • grows up to 60-75 cm;
  • compact bushes;
  • medium height;
  • medium branched;
  • ripen on the 120-135th day after landing on permanent place;
  • shape is round or oval;
  • Orange color;
  • diameter up to 8 cm;
  • the pulp is tasty, yellow, without characteristic bitterness;
  • yield 2-3 kg per 1 m 2.

The fruits that are slightly reddish are eaten. The more intense the shade of the vegetable, the higher the percentage of bitterness of the vegetable. The Brazilian orange variety of eggplant is not very popular with summer residents. Gourmets and exotic lovers are engaged in its cultivation.


Plants of this variety are unpretentious, do not require special care.


  • grows up to 0.75 m;
  • medium height;
  • ripen within 145 days;
  • oblong shape;
  • skin color dark purple;
  • taste without characteristic bitterness;
  • the pulp is light;
  • average weight 250 g;
  • crop volume 7 kg per 1 m 2.

If the plants are properly looked after and comply with all the requirements of agricultural technology, they get the maximum yield.


A variety with high immunity, bears fruit in hot weather, up to severe frosts.


  • grows up to 65-75 cm;
  • ramified;
  • there are many fruits on the bushes;
  • pear shape;
  • skin color dark purple;
  • creamy pulp is very dense, without characteristic bitterness and without seeds;
  • average weight 300 g;
  • length 18 cm;
  • diameter 8 cm;
  • crop volume 3-4 kg per 1 m 2.

Planting a variety of Marzipan culture will not cause trouble for either an experienced summer resident or a beginner. Exactly following the advice of experienced vegetable growers will help you get a record harvest.


Unusual fruit appearance business card of this variety. Fruit small size with excellent taste characteristics. Used to prepare hot dishes and cold snacks.


  • grows up to 50-65 cm;
  • highly branched;
  • leafy;
  • round shape;
  • weight 80-100 g;
  • yellow-green color.

Used to decorate the site. But experienced housewives find their use on the table.


A productive hybrid with enviable characteristics, high immunity and undemanding care.


  • reaches 145 cm;
  • moderately pubescent;
  • matures in 100-115 days;
  • pear shape;
  • color purple;
  • glossy skin;
  • weight 200-300 g;
  • length 14-16 cm;
  • diameter 7 cm;
  • yield up to 6 kg from 1 bush.

High yields have made the variety a favorite among many gardeners.


The hybrid is large-fruited and high-yielding.


  • grows up to 1 m;
  • matures within 120 days;
  • oval fruits;
  • dark blue;
  • the pulp is white, without bitterness;
  • length 25 cm;
  • diameter 10 cm;
  • weight reaches 1.5 kg;
  • productivity from 1 m 2 6 kg.

The Dutch hybrid has high immunity and is stress-resistant, does not respond to lower temperatures.


A variety of hybrid culture, which has a number of positive properties, for which it is valued and chosen by summer residents.


  • grows up to 2 m;
  • matures within 80 days after planting in a permanent place;
  • shape elongated pear-shaped;
  • dark purple color;
  • the skin is smooth, glossy;
  • the pulp is light, without bitterness;
  • length 22 cm;
  • diameter 8-10 cm;
  • weight up to 250 g;
  • yield 5 kg per 1 m 2.

The harvested crop keeps well. And the plants themselves are resistant to diseases.

The peculiarity of the variety is that the plants are able to bear fruit under adverse conditions.


  • matures within 140 days;
  • elliptical fruits;
  • dark purple;
  • the peel is glossy;
  • length 15 cm;
  • diameter 10;
  • the pulp is beige, without characteristic bitterness;
  • yield 12 kg per 1 m 2.

The fruits are used for any kind of cooking, from stews to winter preparations.

An excellent variety for outdoor cultivation. Its fruits are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes.


  • grows up to 1.5 meters;
  • matures in 120 days;
  • color black-violet;
  • spherical shape;
  • diameter 15 cm;
  • weight up to 700 g;
  • yield 3-4 kg per 1 m 2.

Eggplant Sancho Panza is resistant to diseases characteristic of the culture. Requires no effort to grow.


The fruits of this variety are an unusual white color. Summer residents appreciate eggplant for its excellent taste and lack of bitterness.


  • grows up to 50-70 cm;
  • matures in 115-120 days;
  • the shape of the fruit is elongated-cylindrical;
  • weight 250 g;
  • length 20 cm;
  • diameter 7 cm;
  • the pulp is white;
  • yield 18 kg per 1 m 2.

The swan variety of eggplant is valued for its positive properties, including a long shelf life, preservation of the presentation and taste characteristics. The plant has immunity to diseases and is unpretentious in care.


It deserves the attention of summer residents due to its features: unpretentiousness and undemanding care. The variety got its name because of the striped color.


  • grows up to 1 m;
  • forms many side shoots;
  • pear shape;
  • length 17 cm;
  • diameter 5-8 cm;
  • weight up to 400 g, following all the methods, fruits weighing up to 1 kg are obtained;
  • yield up to 8 kg per 1 m 2.

No less exotic fruit of unusual color. Suitable for those summer residents who dream of decorating the site with useful plants.


  • tall bushes of sprawling type 70 cm;
  • ripen on the 115th day;
  • oblong shape;
  • color: the surface is divided into strips of various shades: from pink to lilac;
  • weight 250 g;
  • diameter 10 cm;
  • length 17 cm;
  • the pulp is light, without bitterness;
  • yield up to 6 kg per 1 m 2.

Growing this vegetable will help decorate any area. And the benefits of using it for cooking have not diminished at all.

Late-ripening varieties

Any late variety for open ground grown through seedlings. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the first autumn frosts will ruin the entire future crop. The choice of variety remains with the summer resident. It is important to take into account all the necessary signs and conditions for successful cultivation.

Summer residents choose this variety because of the high yield. In addition, the fruits of the Black Beauty are used for any method of preparation.


  • plant height 70 cm;
  • moderately spreading;
  • stalk pubescent;
  • matures within 135 days;
  • pear shape;
  • fruit weight 300-400 g;
  • length 15-17 cm;
  • the flesh is yellow, without bitterness and with a small amount of seeds;
  • the skin is thin, glossy;
  • yield 6-9 kg per 1 m 2.

A stable harvest and high resistance to diseases makes the variety popular among summer residents. But apart from positive sides, there are also negative ones. Black handsome does not tolerate temperature drops and is picky about the composition of the soil.


Relatively new variety of eggplant. Differs in high resistance to diseases and excellent harvest.


  • grows up to 1.5 m;
  • matures in 145 days;
  • pear shape;
  • dark purple color;
  • length 30 cm;
  • weight 800 g;
  • the pulp is light, without bitterness;
  • yield 5-7 kg per 1 m 2.

The peculiarity of the type of eggplant Sofya is that they are stored for 3 months without loss of taste and presentation. Forms ovaries even under adverse weather conditions.


A variety of eggplant that is capable of producing a large crop. It is popular among summer residents because it is picky and unpretentious in care.


  • reaches 80-90 cm;
  • medium leafy;
  • medium branched;
  • ripen on the 145th day;
  • the shape is round, sometimes pear-shaped;
  • almost black color
  • weight 250 g;
  • length 13-16 cm;
  • diameter 8-10 cm;
  • the pulp is light without characteristic bitterness;
  • the yield is 5 kg per 1 m 2.

A unique feature of this variety of plants is the simultaneous formation of several ovaries from one brush. The variety has excellent field health and is able to form ovaries, regardless of the climatic features of the growing region.

The best eggplant varieties for central Russia

It is not difficult to choose the types of culture, it is enough to take into account the fact that plants have different characteristics. Select varieties that bear fruit in this climate zone. In addition to choosing a species, they strictly observe the features of planting and caring for eggplant. In return, the plants will be rewarded with the declared yield indicators. The short summer of the middle zone is predominantly cold. When choosing a variety for cultivation, it is necessary to look for suitable plants.

Hybrids must be resistant to temperature changes. Be able to form ovaries in conditions of limited daylight hours.

An abundance of varieties from different manufacturers strikes the imagination. The vegetable grower only needs to choose the right one and start growing.

Cold-resistant types:

  • Purple Haze;
  • King of the North;
  • Valentine F1;
  • Long purple;
  • Siberian early;
  • Dwarf early.
  • Czech early;
  • Diamond;
  • northern blues;
  • Alenka;
  • fluff;
  • Amethyst;
  • Kirovsky.

It is advisable to grow eggplant seedlings. So they grow much faster than sown directly in the garden. The variety of varietal assortment helps the summer resident to choose a plant that fully meets expectations.

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Boris Andreev 07/15/2015 | 7047

Eggplant - a representative of the Solanaceae genus, belongs to the southern heat-loving plants. Represented by many varieties, it conquers with taste, attractive appearance, and a variety of useful components.

Given the thermophilicity of the vegetable, not all gardeners decide to grow a southern crop. However, there are many varieties suitable for growing in the middle lane. With a short growing season, they will allow you to get good harvest even in the cold temperate zone.

Early ripening allows you to get fruits even in regions with a cool climate. Early ripening varieties diversify the diet with the healthy pulp of meaty eggplants.

Eggplants in the middle lane: the nuances of growing

A competent choice of early ripening varieties will allow you to get a good harvest, pleasing the amateur gardener. For sowing, varietal and hybrid (F1) seeds are used. The fruits of the most early varieties will appear 78-100 days after the seedlings have "pecked". Agronomists recommend using the seedling method for growing. In mid-March, seeds are sown in prepared cassettes so that in the future, when picking, they do not injure the roots. In conditions of humidity (under the film), at a temperature of 24 ° C, seedlings will appear in a week.

Strong seedlings with a branched root system are planted under a film shelter or in open ground. Well-lit, sun-warmed, open space the best way for landing. the first feeding eggplant complete mineral fertilizer is carried out in a week, the second - during the flowering period, the third - at the time of fruit ripening.

Eggplant: the best early ripening varieties

There are many varieties designed for successful cultivation in the middle lane. Many of them have a cylindrical elongated shape; there are instances of an oval or spherical configuration. Early varieties form ovaries in a fairly short time: among them there are practically no fruits with bitterness.

For the eastern group of early ripe eggplants ( Delicacy, Oriental, Dwarf early) is characterized by a black-violet color of the skin. They are often grown under film.

Dwarf early- compact early maturing variety. Represented by small eggplant original pear shape. The plant forms a low strong branched bush, giving a lot of fruit.

- refers to early ripe hybrids. A high-yielding bush (up to 8 kilograms per square meter) gives neat, beautiful oblong-shaped fruits with a smooth surface. The hybrid is characterized by a slightly pronounced calyx spine. Light green pulp has a delicate taste, without an admixture of bitterness.

Delicacy-163- an excellent variety with medium-sized fruits. Forms a low bush (35 cm). Brilliant purple fruits conquer with tasty pulp, almost without bitterness.

Robin the Hood- pleases with very early fruits of a rich lilac shade of a pear-shaped shape. Reaching a mass of 250 g, they are suitable for cooking, salting. Robin Hood is distinguished by increased adaptive properties.

Czech early− wonderful early ripe variety. Compact powerful plant pleases high yield(up to 5 kg per sq.m). The variety produces original ovoid fruits with shiny surface. Juicy pulp of a delicate light green shade is an excellent option for cooking.

− excellent early ripe variety. A compact, actively growing plant 45 cm high. Elongated glossy fruits reach a weight of 300 g. The variety has excellent taste.

ultra early variety yielding a large number of fruits. Forms tall bushes.

Snowy− unusual early ripe variety with small neat white fruits. Characterized by a slight spininess of the calyx. Dense flesh with few seeds is perfect for culinary improvisations. The mass of fruits reaches 200 g.

Growing eggplant in the middle lane is a painstaking and difficult task. Therefore, if you decide to do it, then you should follow all the recommendations for cultivating the crop and select seeds that are designed for the climate of the middle lane.

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Eggplants are used to being called "blue ones". However, now you can choose pink, striped, white, yellow and green fruits, round or icicle-shaped. I’ll tell you about the most popular and early eggplants according to the experience and reviews of summer residents, about those that I tried and was satisfied with. Through the efforts of domestic and foreign breeders, many different varieties and hybrids have been bred.

How to choose the right eggplant variety?

Eggplant is a capricious culture that requires almost reverent attitude towards itself. Its cultivation is laborious, but the end result is worth the effort. So Special attention should be given to the selection of suitable varieties.

  • Eggplants are low-calorie, because. are 90% water.
  • Unfortunately, they are not distinguished by the richness of vitamins, with the exception of B6 and C.
  • However, rich in fibers, manganese, folic acid contain antioxidants.

Eggplant dishes - a great variety. However, one property connects all of them - you can taste a vegetable only after thermal cooking.

The most popular varieties of eggplant

The most popular on the Russian ridges are the classic representatives of this culture - with purple or "blue" fruits - Black handsome and Diamond . The dates of receipt of the crop are counted from the appearance of full shoots.

  1. When choosing the timing of sowing, it is necessary to add another 7 to 15 days for seed germination.
  2. Given the recommended planting time for a permanent place, it is possible to determine the sowing time for each individual variety.
  3. They belong to the group of ultra-early and early terms of return of the crop.

Photo: varieties Diamond and Black handsome (from left to right)

The most popular and well-known variety.

  • Forms low compact bushes up to 55 cm.
  • Tying mainly occurs in a beam type in the lower part of the bush, almost near the ground.
  • The fruits are devoid of bitterness, middle length(about 16-18 cm) glossy, weighing up to 150 g.

Video review of eggplant varieties: Diamond, Black handsome and others

The earliest varieties of eggplant

It is possible to please yourself with the first harvest already 70-85 days after full germination.


Considered the most productive early ripe sort. It resembles the famous Almaz, since it is in some way its “relative”.

  • Differs in low (about half a meter), sprawling bushes.
  • Forms fruits up to 15 cm long, weighing 150-200 g.
  • A distinctive feature is the absence of bitterness.
  • Needs to advanced care: timely watering, creating favorable elevated air and soil temperatures.

It is characterized by excellent commercial properties: high yield, excellent appearance, thin-skinned with a glossy sheen, the composition of the pulp is tender, fleshy. It is transported over long distances without changing quality indicators.

  • It is distinguished by beautiful large eggplants 20x10 cm of lilac color.
  • Differs in refined look and good taste.
  • Needs additional care: regular watering, warm conditions.

Adapted to harvest in fairly adverse weather conditions.

  • Unpretentious.
  • It has large classic fruits from 300 g to 1 kg.

It got its name due to the similar color of its fruits. A very interesting variety.

  • It is characterized by low (up to 60 cm) plants, in which the shoots and stem are strongly pubescent.
  • The leaves, in addition, have a bright green color with smooth edges.
  • The fruits are medium in size, do not exceed 250 g.

It can be grown in any conditions in Russia, even with relative cooling, unlike its other counterparts.

One of the most cold-resistant hybrids, which makes it possible to transfer its seedlings to the ground already in the second half of spring, including in the middle part of our country.

  • The fruits ripen in 85-90 days from germination.
  • The fruits are unusually long (30 cm) and thin. To
  • the mouth is literally strewn with ovaries, this allows the hybrid to give a large harvest, up to 15 kg from 1 meter.

  • Compact bushes.
  • Form a big harvest.
  • Pear-shaped fruits weighing up to 450 g.

Suitable for both open beds and greenhouses.

  • It is characterized by a semi-spreading bush, up to 70 cm high.
  • Forms elongated club-shaped eggplants weighing up to 250 g.
  • The fruits grow up to 20 cm long and 5-6 cm in diameter.
  • No bitterness.

Not damaged spider mite and Colorado potato beetle. Distinguished by its resistance to various types wilting.

Photo: the earliest eggplants yield crops in 70-80 days

Round varieties of eggplant

Round-fruited eggplants are gaining more and more popularity. Convenient for cooking all kinds of dishes: for frying, stuffing, stewing.

  • These round eggplants weighing up to 300 g are in great demand in our country.
  • Perfectly succeed both in open and protected ground.
  • It is very productive.

Far Eastern round eggplants

  1. They are perfectly adapted to the difficult conditions of the zone of risky farming. I think that they will be good in less extreme areas.
  2. All of them are distinguished by early ripeness, good commercial qualities of the fruit crop, resistance to waterlogging and low temperatures.

It is characterized by the earliest return of the crop.

  • It reaches technical maturity as early as 105-110 days after germination.
  • Fruits of a short pear-shaped form and weighing up to 120 g are formed on the bushes.

Used in frying, stewing, canning.

Forms a crop later than the others, 135-145 days after germination.

  • Cylindrical and oval eggplants with a smooth surface are tied on the plant.
  • When they reach technical ripeness, they turn brown-violet.
  • Weight from 100 to 200 g.

This is a variety of Siberian selection, known since 2009, widely distributed in all regions

  • Super-yielding, mid-early, undersized and compact variety
  • Works well in open ground and under temporary film shelters.
  • Eggplants in the shape of a ball, classic purple color.
  • The average weight is 200-300 g, but some specimens grow up to 900 g.
  • The flesh is white, tender, without bitterness, pleasant to the taste.

It is well stored, resists diseases, is slightly affected by spider mites, resistant to temperature extremes.

White varieties of eggplant

White-fruited eggplants are not the know-how of modern breeding, as is commonly believed. It turns out that plants with albino fruits were known for about 200 years. ago and were considered the owners healing properties. Long time used in the treatment of toothache and headache.

  1. White eggplants are famous for their delicate white pulp and a small amount of seeds.
  2. They are distinguished by a high content of potassium, calcium, iron salts.
  3. There is no bitterness, and according to taste sensations, according to gourmets, they often resemble mushrooms or chicken.

Mid-season harvest time. Got its name from the taste sensations, because. when fried, it has a mushroom flavor.

  • Fruit weight can reach 200 g and above.
  • Long retain their commercial quality.
  • Indispensable as a side dish for barbecue.
  • The pulp is milky white.

It grows well in any beds: open, greenhouse and greenhouses.

Mid-early ripening, not earlier than 110-115 days.

  • The name corresponds to the shape of the ripe fruit.
  • Wonderful taste without bitterness.
  • Universal use.

  • Mid-season, medium-sized hybrid.
  • Saber-shaped fruits have yellow-white flesh.

Medium maturity.

  • The fruits are oval, medium-sized (50-80 g).
  • Has a somewhat spicy taste.

This variety is very sensitive to over-ripening. Late-harvested fruits turn yellow and have a bitter taste.

Colored varieties of eggplant

They differ in color uncharacteristic for the culture.

Forms a large harvest in the early stages (110-120 days)

  • The fruits are long, curved, pink-purple in color.
  • By weight, they can delight with fruits up to 500 g.
  • Fruiting is friendly, long.
  • Undemanding in care.

Differs in huge semi-spreading plants up to 1.5 m in protected ground conditions.

Regarding early maturation.

  • Differs in cold resistance.
  • Pleases with large, up to 400 g, cylindrical fruits of emerald color.
  • Do not upset the taste with a complete lack of bitterness.

It works equally well both in open places and with film shelter.

Eggplants of yellow-gold color are still very rare.

  • Most of these are creations of the Dutch selection.
  • Although there are no special differences with other "relatives", except for the pulp enriched with carotene, which becomes bitter with age.

  • Small-fruited Chinese variety.
  • With technical maturation, it changes its color to bright yellow.

I have grown many times various varieties eggplant and our and foreign selection. There were a lot of interesting ones. One of them is Falina from the Netherlands. I haven't come across this type yet.

  • Its peculiarity lies in the dense placement of rather long, hard, sharp spikes on the leaves and stem.
  • It should be handled with care.
  • Unexpected guests - rodents, pets, as well as thieves who hunt at night - will not be greeted.