Diseases of indoor hibiscus with photographs. Optimal temperature conditions

Hibiscus is a pretty hardy plant and can forgive some maintenance mistakes. But, despite this, agricultural technology when growing "Chinese rose" is very important and non-compliance leads to pest infestation and disease development.

Chlorosis - This is a disease in which the green parts of a plant change their color to yellow, lemon or whitish due to a decrease in the amount of chrolophyll. This disease is non-infectious and infectious.

  • Non-infectious chlorosis appears in case of disturbances in plant nutrition: lack or excess of nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, iron. Potassium and magnesium are competing in nature. An overabundance of one leads to a lack of the second. Potassium is needed flowering plant... With its lack, the plant does not bloom, or the flowers are weakly colored, and the branches are thin. Lack of magnesium leads to chlorosis. Iron deficiency also causes yellowing and leaf fall. In order to prevent this, the water for watering the plant must be defended and iron chelate must be added to it.
  • Infectious chlorosis caused by viruses, fungal microorganisms and pests. Dust removal, timely fertilization, transplantation and treatment from pests will help to avoid these diseases.

Sunburn... Direct sunlight, falling on a plant that has not yet adapted, partially destroys chloroform in them, as a result of which the leaves become covered with white spots of burns. This is a temporary phenomenon if the flower is moved from a greenhouse or a place with a lack of consecration to the bright sun. The hibiscus quickly adapts to changes in lighting and new leaves will grow back to normal. To avoid the loss of decorativeness and not to injure the plant, it must be taught to change by taking it out in the sun for an hour a day, gradually increasing the duration of stay.

Pest diseases

Greenhouse and tobacco whitefly. When a plant is damaged, its leaves turn yellow and become covered with sticky secretions. Pale yellow larvae or adult white-winged insects can be seen on the underside of the leaves. To fight and prevent the disease, the plant is treated with solutions of potassium soap or preparations Biotlin, Fufanon, Aktara, etc.

Spider mite (spider web on hibiscus). In the affected plant, the leaves fade and become covered with yellowish specks. Subsequently, extensive dry areas appear on them. The underside of the leaves is covered with cobwebs in which the pest lives. To combat and prevent the disease, it is necessary to wash the leaves with soap or mineral oil, and also treat them with Lightning, Fitoverm, Akarin, etc.

Aphid. Aphids are attracted to the young leaves and buds of the plant. When damaged, they deform and become sticky. For the prevention and control of the disease, the plant is treated with soapy water, tobacco dust, Biotlin, Akarin, Decis, etc.

Scorms. White waxy discharge appears on the petioles and in the axils of the leaves. To fight the disease, the plant is sprayed with Aktofit or treated with mineral oils.

Shields and false shields. Brownish or pale brown tubercles appear on the stems of the plant. With a small damage to the plant, pests are removed mechanically, and the affected areas of the plant are wiped with kerosene or mineral oil. In case of severe damage, it is better to treat the plant with an insecticide.

Bacterial spotting. The leaf edges of the affected plant are covered with rotting yellow spots. For the prevention and treatment of the disease, the plant is systematically examined and treated with Fundazol, Cumulus, Euparen, etc.

Brown rot. Most often it affects young plants and seedlings. In the affected plant, the stems turn brown and thinner at the very base. To prevent the disease, cuttings and seedlings are treated with Rovral. Seedlings should be planted shallowly, sprinkling thoroughly after planting.

Vascular wilting. Caused by fungi. The branches and trunk of the affected plant are rapidly drying out, sometimes without having time to lose foliage. To treat the disease in the affected plant, the damaged parts are cut out and treated with an antifungal drug.

Gall midge. In affected plants, the buds turn yellow and fall off without even blooming. Gall midge lays eggs in tiny hibiscus buds, therefore for the prevention of the disease, yellowed buds are collected, preventing them from falling, and the soil under the flower is treated with a preparation against soil pests.

Symptoms of diseases

Hibiscus leaves turn yellow. The most likely causes of the disease are pests (aphids, spider mites), diseases of the root system, insufficient air humidity or chlorosis of the leaves. Chlorosis is caused by an excess of chlorine and calcium in irrigation water with a lack of nitrogen and iron. Water for watering the plant should be defended and iron chelate added.

Hibiscus leaves fall. Stress, lack of moisture. It is necessary to create rest for the plant and spray.

Indoor hibiscus - leaves turn yellow and fall. Stress, insufficient moisture, draft, waterlogged roots in winter time... It is necessary to create rest for the plant, spray, making sure that the bud does not turn into a liquid mush.

Why do hibiscus leaves curl?... The plant is affected by aphids. It is necessary to treat pests.

Hibiscus leaves wither. Flaw nutrients... It is necessary to feed the plant with nitrogen and phosphorus preparations.

The hibiscus withers. The plant is too hot. It is necessary to reduce the room temperature, shade, spray.

Why does hibiscus shed its buds? The plant is too hot. The soil lacks potash fertilizers... The buds are affected by the gall midge.

What if he dies?

If your Chinese rose ill, do not despair, it may be possible to resuscitate him. Hibiscus is unpretentious and can be treated at home.

On the this moment many drugs have been developed for pest control, they can be purchased in specialized stores or you can use folk methods by treating the plant with a solution of soap, tincture of tobacco or pepper.

Folk remedies for controlling hibiscus pests

Tincture of pepper (from aphids, ticks) - Dry pepper is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and boiled for an hour, then insisted and filtered. To spray a plant, 10 g of the drug is diluted in one liter of water and soap. Soap needs to be taken about 5g per liter.

Tincture of tobacco (from aphids, thrips, ticks) - 1 kg of tobacco dust or tobacco is boiled in 10 liters of water for two hours. Insist for two days and filter. Before use, the concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water with 50 g of soap.
Soap solution. To prepare the drug, 200 g of potassium soap is diluted in 10 liters of water.
Mustard tincture (for ticks, aphids) - 50g of mustard is boiled in a liter of water and infused. Before use, the concentrate is diluted in 20 liters of water.

Agricultural technology is of great importance in keeping hibiscus: soil acidity, heat and light conditions, humidity of air and soil. Create comfort for the flower: do not move, treat pests, loosen the soil and water once a week and gradually the hibiscus will grow new leaves.


For more photos on the topic, see below:


The Chinese rose, also known as hibiscus, is quite unpretentious, but it also has its enemies in the face of various pests and diseases that annoy it. Knowing about the causes of the defeat of any ailments, you can completely prevent the disease of this plant. And if a similar attack befell the Chinese rose, then you need to know about the ways to deal with it.

Most of the diseases of the Chinese rose are associated with improper care of it. And in second place in terms of the number of diseases and the frequency of their manifestation are cases of infection with fungi and pathogenic viruses. But, by the way, the defeat of the rose by most of these ailments also depends on the correctness of its cultivation. After all, when a plant is not properly cared for, it becomes weakened and, as a result, more susceptible to infection by fungi and viruses.

Chinese rose

Hibiscus is resistant to adversity - it is not very dependent on how it is grown. It means that even serious flaws in caring for it cannot cause significant harm to a Chinese rose. However, this plant "forgives" such negligence only if they are allowed in a single quantity. A systematic violation of any requirements of agricultural technology will certainly provoke certain troubles and diseases. At first, the hibiscus will begin to feel bad (weaken), and then it will wither and hurt.

So, all currently known diseases of the Chinese rose can affect it due to the following mistakes in care:

  • placing a plant in a draft, in the wind or in direct sunlight;
  • excessive watering, resulting in root rot;
  • placement in a dry or hot room;
  • pollution and dustiness of the plant, especially its leaves;
  • lack of spraying or when they are extremely rare, especially in summer;
  • watering with poor quality water (containing many harmful impurities or not settled);
  • poor lighting, and sometimes the flower's reverse side to the sun;
  • Overfeeding with fertilizers;
  • lack of fertilizing with fertilizers and transplants;
  • allowing contact with already diseased plants, as a result of which hibiscus is affected by diseases and pests.

All these violations in care, provided they are systematically influenced by the Chinese rose, provoke various diseases in it. If this plant is provided with favorable conditions, or at least not injured by a careless attitude, then it grows for quite a long time and always pleases with its flowering every year from April to October, or even longer.

In most cases, the first signs of a deterioration in well-being or a disease of a Chinese rose are any changes in the condition of its leaves, as well as some of the other symptoms listed below. In each case, the plant can be unhealthy, usually for one of several reasons. The following are the main symptoms and the most likely causes of their occurrence.

Yellowed hibiscus leaves

If the hibiscus has leaves:

  1. Turned yellow - the plant is infected with pests (spider mites or aphids), its roots turn white, leaf chlorosis or it is not enough indoors wet air.
  2. Turned yellow and fall off - stress (occurs when unfavorable factors or a sharp change in conditions of detention occur), drafts or insufficiently humid air in the room, and in winter also from overmoistening of the roots.
  3. Fall off - there is not enough humid air in the room, stress, a sharp change in the intensity of lighting or drafts.
  4. Wither at the tips - the plant lacks phosphorus and nitrogen, as well as, most likely, some other nutrients.
  5. Curled up into a tube - pest damage, most likely aphids.
  6. They fall together with the flower buds - it is too hot in the room, the plant does not have enough potassium, or it is affected by a pest (gall midge).
  7. Wither along with the entire plant - the room is too hot or the humidity is below the critical levels for a Chinese rose.

What exactly is the reason for the appearance of most of these symptoms should begin to be clarified by identifying possible deficiencies in care. That is, we determine whether the temperature and humidity in the room, the frequency and amount of watering, as well as spraying and fertilizing with fertilizers required for hibiscus, correspond. Then, by the method of elimination, we determine the possible, and, most often, the real reasons. If they consist in improper care, then we eliminate the mistakes made. And how to deal with other reasons will be discussed later.

The most common hibiscus diseases will be described below. Most of them are manifested in a change appearance leaves. Let's start with these ailments in order of their prevalence. Leaf diseases in the vast majority of cases are provoked by chlorosis. This is a disease in which the process of chlorophyll formation is disrupted in a plant and the activity of photosynthesis decreases. The main characteristic features of this disease in hibiscus are yellowing and / or falling leaves. Chlorosis is of two types - non-infectious and infectious.

Non-infectious rose chlorosis

Most often, the Chinese rose is affected by non-infectious chlorosis. The reasons for its occurrence lie in a malnutrition: insufficient or excessive supply of nitrogen, potassium, iron and magnesium. Moreover, it should be noted that magnesium and potassium, by their nature, are competing elements. That is, an overabundance of one causes a lack of the second. The symptoms of non-infectious chlorosis in Hibiscus are as follows. With a lack of iron, the leaves turn yellow and then fall off. If there is a thinning of the branches, the plant does not bloom at the right time, or its flowers have a pale color (not bright enough), then this indicates a potassium deficiency. When a rose lacks magnesium or nitrogen, the leaves become stained: yellow, whitish or lemon-colored.

Infectious chlorosis, as its name suggests, affects hibiscus as a result of infection. The causative agents of this are fungal microorganisms, viruses and even pests. The symptoms of infectious chlorosis are as follows: yellowing and subsequent leaf fall, as well as general weakness and lack of flowering of the plant. Perhaps the next most common disease is sunburn. Signs of this ailment are the appearance of white spots on the leaves, as in the photo. They result from the partial destruction of chloroform in green tissues in direct sunlight. This usually happens with plants for which the intensity of the illumination has been abruptly changed - transferred from a less illuminated place or from a greenhouse to a bright sun.

Vascular wilting is the result of infection of hibiscus with fungi of the genus Verticillus or Fusarium. With verticillium, the leaves of the plant begin to curl from the bottom of the trunk and turn yellow. This process then moves up the stem. A heavily affected rose will have only the very top of the green. If the room is hot, then the leaves wither very quickly, without having time to curl, with the result that the plant looks as if it was scalded. Fusarium is manifested in the slow wilting and subsequent dying off of leaves without changing their color, that is, they remain green at the same time. On the upper leaves, the edges may become watery, and some areas may acquire a pale green or light yellow tint. In both cases, after the defeat of all leaves, the trunk dries quickly and the plant dies.

Bacterial spot

Bacterial spotting is a disease, the manifestations of which can be observed not only on the leaves, but also on the shoots. Basically, this ailment in Hibiscus is caused by bacteria such as Xanthomonas. This disease most often affects young shoots and leaves. Depending on the specific type of pathogen, the symptoms of the disease may differ slightly. The most characteristic and common pattern is when small watery yellow spots first appear on the stems and leaves (seen in the photograph), which gradually turn black. The shape of the spots is most often irregularly angular, and along their contour, a light green or yellow border is visible. The spots gradually increase in size and then merge. As a result, the entire sheet turns black. So the disease progresses throughout the plant and eventually dies.

Another variant of bacterial mottling is fire blight. It is caused by other bacteria belonging to the genus Pseudomonas. Most often, a fire blight begins with young shoots, leaves and flowers. Its symptoms are as follows. On the plant, not spots are formed, but immediately rather extensive shapeless areas of blackening (as in the photo), which soon dry out. Outwardly, such areas on the sheet look as if it was burnt in this place. The progression of a bacterial burn causes first the death of individual parts of the plant, and then its death. Under favorable conditions, this disease develops very quickly.

When affected by brown rot, the stems of the hibiscus turn brown and thinner at the very base. The rose is greatly weakened and may die. Most often, this disease affects young seedlings and plants.

Most of the problems that have arisen with hibiscus are solved by bringing the conditions of its maintenance back to normal and eliminating errors in care. Since the purpose of this article is not to consider exactly how to care for a Chinese rose, all these points will be omitted. We will dwell only on the elimination of a number of specific omissions in the care indicated above in the chapter on the main symptoms of a deterioration in the condition of the plant. In case of insufficient humidity in the room, the plant should be sprayed more often - not once, but several times a day. At the same time, waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed - so that after such a "shower" the water is already in the pot. If the hibiscus is hot, then you should try to lower the temperature in the room with it, and you should also shade and spray it.

Fertilizers for Chinese rose

When a plant lacks some nutrients, then, of course, it is necessary to feed it with appropriate preparations, including precisely the missing elements. If the roots become waterlogged in winter, then watering should be temporarily reduced in quantity and volume, and the plant itself should be sprayed instead, making sure, again, that less water gets into the soil and it does not turn into a liquid slurry. What to do in the event of drafts is clear and so - you need to eliminate the cause of their occurrence or move the Chinese rose to another, quieter place.

Now about the treatment of diseases. Non-infectious chlorosis can not only be defeated, but also prevented by regular feeding of Hibiscus with fertilizers. If, nevertheless, this misfortune happened, the emphasis should be placed on those dressings that contain the missing elements. It should also be noted that the symptoms of iron deficiency (yellowing of leaves) appear against the background of a lack of nitrogen and an increased content of chlorine and calcium in the water used for irrigation. Therefore, before watering, the water must be defended, and then added to it such a microfertilizer as iron chelate. The latter should be done if there is indeed an iron deficiency. And it is necessary to monitor the sufficiency of the amount of fertilizing containing nitrogen.

Infectious chlorosis is best prevented. To do this, the contact of the Chinese rose with diseased plants should not be allowed, it is necessary to make timely transplantation and fertilization for it, and it is also necessary to regularly clean it of dust and dirt. The latter is best done with my hibiscus in the shower. At the same time, cover the soil in the pot with cellophane. And yet, all new plants brought home must undergo a temporary quarantine procedure. That is, they need to be placed separately for several weeks and away from the existing flowers. In the case of a hibiscus disease, use the appropriate drugs (designed to combat identified diseases and pests) for its treatment.

To prevent sunburn, Chinese roses grown in greenhouses and grown in a darkened room must be accustomed to changing lighting gradually, putting them out in the sun, first for an hour and a half a day. Then we gradually increase the duration of the plants' stay in bright light and only after full adaptation to it we change their "place of residence". If, after all, the hibiscus got burns, it's okay. He quickly gets used to changing lighting, and the leaves that have received burn spots simply fall off, giving way to the soon growing new normal ones.

Zircon for rose treatment

Vascular wilting is very difficult to treat and it is not always possible to heal hibiscus from it. Often, he quickly dies and at the same time it happens that his leaves did not even have time to fall. You should fight this disease like this:

  1. We cut off all the affected (dried) fragments of the plant, while capturing its healthy parts a little.
  2. We treat the whole rose with special antifungal compounds: Fundazol, Topsin, Desavid, Alirin-R or others. You can also use the drug Rovral, the solution of which must be poured at the root. There is also a folk remedy - spraying the plant with a solution Trichopolis(for 1 liter of water 2 tablets).
  3. Additionally, you can stimulate the protective mechanisms of the rose by treating it with preparations Epin, Zircon, Domotsvet... Just before that, you need to make sure that the selected composition can be used in combination with the antifungal agent used.

If at the initial stage it was not possible to cure vascular wilting, and the hibiscus continues to hurt and wither, it will have to be destroyed. Bacterial spotting is remarkably cured by spraying the plant itself while watering the soil in a pot with a solution Trichopolis(1 tablet for 2 liters of water). Also effective are such well-known copper-containing preparations as copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture. Not only for treatment, but also for prevention, you can still use Fundazol, Euparen... To prevent damage from brown rot, cuttings and seedlings of hibiscus must be treated with a product Rovral. In addition, seedlings should be planted shallow, and after planting, thoroughly sprayed with the same preparation.

When a plant is stressed, the first step is to try to figure out what caused it. If the reason is the onset of a strong deviation of the conditions of detention from those necessary for the hibiscus, then it must be eliminated. The plant is unlikely to adapt to this, especially if the changes that have come are, in principle, unacceptable for its life. Stress can also occur due to the fact that the rose is greatly disturbed, for example, it often changes its "place of residence" (constantly transplanted or transferred from one place to another, which usually happens during repairs and moving) or does not monitor the behavior of children and pets that are overly curious about houseplants.

Signs of stress in hibiscus

Such effects on the plant must also be stopped immediately. In the first case, the hibiscus should, at least for a while, be left alone until it cope with stress (stop transplanting or choose the most suitable place for it, from which it is relatively long time will not need to be transferred). In the second - to forever protect the plant from domestic "robbers", that is, for example, to find a place inaccessible to them.

Stress can also be caused by minor changes in the conditions of detention, when their main parameters are within acceptable values ​​(associated with: transfer from one room to another or from a greenhouse to permanent place habitat; with slight deviations from the previous care), seasonal changes in environment(for example, a decrease in the level and duration of lighting in winter), any damage, transplantation or flowering (also a stress load for young and weakened plants). In this case, no drastic measures will have to be taken.

Well, and with the stress itself, the Chinese rose, as a rule, is able to cope on its own. In the first two cases, this will happen after the elimination of the reasons that provoked it, and in the last - due to adaptation to new conditions. But in order for the plant to successfully and quickly cope with stress, it is necessary for it to provide rest, spray more often and more closely monitor compliance with the schedule and norms of watering and feeding, as well as the quality of water and fertilizers used for this.

In addition, hibiscus can be helped to stimulate the adaptive processes in it with the help of anti-stress drugs, especially if the stress state does not go away for a long time and the plant is severely weakened. These include: Zircon, Fitosporin, Planriz, Epin-Extra, Planriz, Kresacin... Such drugs have an immunostimulating and anti-stress effect on plants. It is necessary to choose and use the necessary "drug" in accordance with the instructions for it.

The most common pests and their control

Pests start on a plant in two cases: when they are transplanted into infected soil, or as a result of contact with already diseased flowers. Hibiscus is most commonly affected by the following pests.

Aphid. This small insect settles primarily on young leaves and shoots, as well as on the buds of the plant. It multiplies very quickly, creating whole colonies. It is able to completely destroy unopened flowers and young leaves, which at the initial stage of the lesion become sticky and deformed. Fight aphids by treating the plant with drugs Akarin, Fitoverm, Biotlin, Intra-Vir, Decis... Also helps a lot Nicotine sulfate and Tobacco dust. In the early stages and in cases of a single partial lesion of the leaves, it is sufficient to limit the treatment with ordinary soapy water.

Spider mite. You cannot see this pest without a magnifying glass, especially since it settles on the bottom of the leaves. The latter, when affected by a tick, first fade and become covered with small yellow specks, which is clearly visible in the photograph. The pest envelops the underside of the leaves with a dense web, in which it lives. Subsequently, if measures are not taken immediately, extensive dried areas form on the leaves. The fight against mites includes washing the leaves with soapy water or mineral oil and then treating the plant with drugs. Akarin, Lightning, Vertimek, Fitoverm.

Whiteflies. They usually hide on the underside of the leaves, where you can find their adults and pale yellow larvae (shown in the photo). A characteristic sign of whitefly damage to a plant is the appearance of a shiny sticky coating on the upper side of the leaves. This is the discharge of the pest. After a while, sooty fungi develop in them, due to which the surface of the leaves becomes first white and then black. It is these fungi that can cause severe harm to the plant, and not the whiteflies themselves. In addition, this pest is a carrier of various viral infections. The symptoms of whitefly-borne diseases can be very different. This is chlorosis, and the leaves can turn yellow, deform, curl.

It is necessary to fight this pest by treating the plant with a solution of potash soap or with Aktara, Admiral, Biotlin, Bankol, Iskra, Apploud, Fufanon, Tanrek preparations.

Scorms. Signs of their damage to the plant: waxy lumps and powdery bloom appear in the axils of the leaves and on the cuttings white as in the photo. Ways of struggle: treatment with the same drugs as for whitefly.

Shields and false shields. Signs of damage: pale brown or brownish rounded scales (tubercles) appear on the stems and leaves of the rose, which can hardly be separated from the plant. These are already adult pests. In case of mild damage, we clean the scales with a cloth or a toothbrush soaked in soap or alcohol solution. A kerosene-soap emulsion also helps well. In case of severe damage, we use one of the above insecticides.

Gall midge. Signs of damage: leaves and still unblown buds turn yellow and fall off. It is imperative to examine the buds and identify all affected. Small eggs of the pest will be visible in them. All these and yellowed buds must be cut off. You can't let them fall to the ground. Then we cultivate the land with one of the above insecticides.

Hibiscus often decorates not only our homes, but also offices, shops, and service premises. This plant is, in principle, unpretentious, but it has small enemies: pests and diseases, which sometimes seriously annoy the Chinese rose. Knowing what the diseases of hibiscus are, analyzing their causes, you can prevent diseases, avoid problems by caring for the plant correctly. If troubles could not be avoided, urgent action must be taken.

Hibiscus diseases: some causes

The most common mistakes in caring for a Chinese rose that beginner growers sometimes make are as follows:

  • Excessive watering, which caused partial root rot;
  • Hibiscus stands in the wind, in a draft, or in an area of ​​direct sunlight;
  • The plant is in a hot room, while the air is dry;
  • The hibiscus was not transplanted on time;
  • Hibiscus leaves are covered with dust;
  • Complete or partial lack of spraying (especially in summer);
  • Water for irrigation is of poor quality, not settled and with impurities;
  • Weak lighting, the plant is in a dark place;
  • Excessive feeding;
  • Lack of feeding.

In addition to the above, you need to take into account that you cannot put hibiscus next to diseased plants, such contact will lead to damage by pests, to various diseases.

Hibiscus leaves: why they get sick

If the leaves of a Chinese rose are affected, then this is mainly due to the appearance of chlorosis.

This disease occurs due to the fact that the production of chlorophyll in the green parts of the plant is reduced. The leaves lose their natural color, become pale, sometimes almost yellow.

Timely prevent further development chlorosis can be helped by a timely transplant, lack of contact with already sick pets, regular cleaning of layers of dust, as well as regular application of suitable fertilizers. Sometimes the plant must be bathed under an indirect shower stream, carefully covering the ground with a piece of polyethylene. The new plant needs to be quarantined.

Iron deficiency

Hibiscus sometimes completely sheds its leaves. This phenomenon is a sign of iron deficiency. Most affordable way help the plant if the hibiscus is completely fallen - spray it with an iron chelate preparation. The cause of the disease may also be that the fertilizer for the pet was chosen incorrectly: there are few or no hibiscus necessary nutrients and trace elements.


As a rule, all hibiscus perfectly tolerate the direct rays of the sun, however, if the Chinese rose lived for a long time in a shady place, and then it was very abruptly placed on a sunny windowsill (without an adaptation period), then sunburn may occur on the leaves. Outwardly, it looks like slightly yellowish or even dryish red spots. All burnt leaves will have to be removed, and the plant should be taught to the bright sun not so sharply.

Sometimes it happens that the leaves are accidentally pressed against the surface of the glass, in which case a burn may also appear. Sunburn is the main reason hibiscus leaves curl. In order to prevent this phenomenon, all plants that are grown in greenhouses should be taken out in the daytime sun for a couple of hours daily. If at home the hibiscus stood in the shade, then you must also put it in the sun, on a short time, and then clean up. Gradually, instead of burnt leaves, new ones will grow, already completely healthy.

Adverse symptoms

  • If hibiscus leaves fall, then most likely the room is too dry, and spraying is either not carried out, or they are clearly not enough. Also, the cause may be drafts, replacement of lighting (sharp), other stress.
  • A sharp yellowing of a large number of leaves can mean both infection with some pests, and diseases of the root system, chlorosis, or insufficient humidity in the room.
  • If the tips of the leaves wither or dry, then there is a lack of trace elements (for example, nitrogen or phosphorus), other nutrients, and insufficient feeding of hibiscus.
  • When the leaves become very lethargic, this means that the temperature allowed for the maintenance of the plant is exceeded, which is clearly higher than the norm.
  • A sharp yellowing in combination with regularly falling leaves can often mean excessive moisture in the roots in winter period or vice versa, a low level of humidity in the room.
  • The so-called vascular wilt of hibiscus also deserves close attention. The rapidity of the development of the disease sometimes does not make it possible to take the necessary measures in time and save the plant. It is necessary to cut off the diseased parts of the hibiscus very quickly (partially capturing healthy branches), then treat the whole plant with any antifungal drugs.

Lack of micronutrients

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the lack of nutrients, poor plant nutrition. So, what if the hibiscus clearly lacks potassium or magnesium, zinc? When yellow spots appear on the hibiscus, you just need to replace the soil or apply special preparations that will compensate for the lack of minerals. For example, if the plant lacks zinc, the leaves become too small, and small specks soon appear on the leaves.

If the hibiscus lacks sulfur, then the edges of the leaf look brown, and if there is not enough magnesium, then chlorosis may appear on this plant, which occurs between the veins. The leaf becomes, as it were, marbled, partially white, in some places it can appear dark spots... The lack of potassium is most clearly expressed in the partial or complete dying off of the edges of the leaf, this phenomenon is outwardly very similar to the burn mentioned above.

Aphids, gall midges and other pests on hibiscus

Some inexperienced growers do not know why hibiscus leaves curl. Often this phenomenon means that the plant is damaged by aphids or some other pests dangerous for the plant. For this reason, it is extremely important not to wait for their appearance, but to periodically carry out preventive measures, it is especially important to do this before taking a pet to warm time years on the balcony or on the street, and before the introduction of plants into the room in the fall.

If aphids appear on the hibiscus, which are attracted by young and juicy shoots, then this will be immediately noticeable, since the leaves become a little sticky, then they begin to curl, or bend. In this case, first remove all insects with the usual mechanical method(using a tampon and laundry soap). After this procedure, the hibiscus must be carefully treated with special aphid preparations that are commercially available. You can also remember about folk methods but they are not always reliable and effective.

If the usual means and prevention of diseases that were caused by pests were ineffective, while the hibiscus leaf is curled or affected in another way, additional methods of its treatment should be carried out. For example, in case of aphid infestation, you can spray with insecticides (for example, Actellik). After two treatments, carried out at intervals of a couple of weeks, the plant usually bounces back.

Other hibiscus pests include:

  • Gall midge, which causes partial dropping, a sharp yellowing of leaves and buds in indoor hibiscus, sometimes they do not even have time to fully bloom. With a careful examination of the plant, in the buds you can see the smallest eggs of this midge, from which worms will appear later, which eat the bud inside.
  • If the plant is affected by a whitefly, the leaves turn yellow, become sticky and gooey, and the insects themselves can be found on the underside of the leaves. Whitefly is excreted using potassium soap, as well as special preparations (Aktara or Karbofos, as well as Iskra and Tanrek).
  • If a tea rose has a waxy white discharge (on cuttings, on leaves), then the plant is affected by a worm, the leaves can be treated with mineral oil. During the procedures, the plant should stand in a shady place.
  • If brownish bumps are noticeable on the leaves, then this may be a scale insect.

It is good to remember the folk remedies with which our grandmothers washed the leaves of domestic plants from pests, aphids and scale insects. For example, red pepper (dry) is poured with water in a ratio of one to two, boiled for an hour and filtered. Ten grams of solution is diluted in one liter of water with laundry soap, with which the whole plant is treated. Also, in one liter of water, you can boil fifty grams of dry mustard for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is diluted in 20 liters of water and sprayed on the affected plant.

More about pests: spider mites on hibiscus

If the air in the room is dry, and spraying is not carried out regularly, then good conditions for the development of mites on hibiscus, their colonies multiply rapidly, feeding on the juice from the leaves. The appearance of a spider mite can very quickly completely destroy the plant, so you need to know the characteristic signs of its presence. First of all, these are spots on the leaves, they can be brown or black, in fact, they represent the excrement of the pest.

The upper parts of the leaves are completely covered with small yellowish specks, the affected leaf loses its natural color, then becomes covered with a web of cobwebs, then falls off. Mites migrate along the cobweb and destroy the entire plant.

For prevention, you need to monitor the humidity in the room, spray the hibiscus regularly, avoiding dryness.

So, if you carefully observe all the necessary conditions for growing healthy plant, it is unlikely that diseases and pests will bother your hibiscus so much. Correct care- this is the key to an attractive appearance, rich flowering, as well as strong immunity, which will help the plant to cope independently even with the invasion of pests.

Chinese rose - Hibiscus, or it is also called - Chinese rose in a pot, can be like room rose and grow at home and enjoy growing in your garden.

Indoor hibiscus

A Chinese rose at home begins its life with small plant, which is in a pot, but even then she annually pleases with her flowers with unusual huge stamens that have grown into a tube around the pistil. Indoor Chinese rose prefers a light, preferably southeastern window sill and responds very gratefully to caring care.

How to care for a room rose

Caring for a Chinese rose at home. is as follows - every spring the flower should be transferred (along with a lump of earth) into a pot of a larger size than the previous one.

The substrate for hibiscus consists of humus, turf, peat and sand in a ratio (1: 2: 1: 1). The soil should be kept constantly moist, water the hibiscus daily in summer, and in extreme heat, 2 times a day.

Air humidity is also important. In summer, the plant must be sprayed daily and periodically shower (in winter, no more than 2 times a week). The leaves should be periodically wiped with a damp cloth or sponge.

In winter, watering should be done only after the topsoil has completely dried out (2 - 3 times a week).

Top dressing of a room rose

Fertilizers are applied every 2 weeks during the growing season, especially after the buds appear. You can feed indoor hibiscus with a special fertilizer for roses, or as well.

Pruning and propagating hibiscus

At good care behind a rose hibiscus in a pot, it grows well and over time can begin to take up quite a lot of space. So, if you do not have a goal of having a large tub tree at home, then it is worthwhile to periodically prune your hibiscus.

When pruning, the stem is shortened by half, and the cut itself is made directly above the leaf, the bud of which is directed outward, and not in the middle of the crown. It is best to prune hibiscus after transplanting - in the spring. After pruning, the hibiscus takes on a more compact and neat shape.

The cut shoots are easily rooted in water, and as soon as white tubercles appear on the trunk - harbingers of future roots, the cuttings can already be transplanted into the ground.

To make them take root faster, cover them with a glass jar or a cut plastic bottle... The first time after transplanting, the cuttings should be sprayed with water and periodically ventilated. The cover can be removed later. Disease prevention in indoor hibiscus is the same as in garden hibiscus.

At 6 years of age, hibiscus is transplanted into a mixture of turf, rotten leaves and humus (2: 1: 1), with a little sand added.

Immediately after transplanting, the branches are pruned by 1/3 of the length. In order for the plant to fit in the pot in which it grew before transplanting, you can prune the roots.

To do this, we remove the plant from the flowerpot, clean the roots and wash off the soil with them. With a sharp knife, we cut off part of the roots so that there is enough space to fill up the soil, the sections can be treated with ash or activated carbon powder. We plant in new soil, compact and water abundantly.

Garden hibiscus

Hibiscus comes from the Malvaceae genus and came from tropical Asia and southern China. Therefore, maintaining the moisture content of the soil and air is very important in the appropriate period of the year. Otherwise, flower buds may fall off without opening.

In warm countries, Chinese roses are often grown as a hedge and on the shoots that have grown after a shearing, many huge flowers of different colors bloom every morning, and this is a delightful sight!

However, even in our mid-latitudes, hibiscus can be transplanted for the summer in open ground... It should be planted in a sunny place, in a hole larger than the size of the pot in which it grew.

At the bottom of the pit, a net with large cells should be spread, as in a net from under a potato, so that the edges of the net come out. In the fall, this will help transplant the plant back into the pot with minimal damage to the root system.

Pour a layer of nutritious soil for roses on the mesh and place the plant with a clod of earth. We fall asleep with the same soil for roses. During the summer, we water and fertilize as usual. In the garden, it will be very convenient to feed the plant with ash (up to 5 times a season), roses are very fond of this.

In the garden, indoor hibiscus is gaining strength, growing lush foliage and producing large flowers in large quantities... If the rose is still young and not large, then in the summer in the garden you can try to conduct an experiment on dyeing flowers and grow it.

Chinese rose photo

At the end of September, the hibiscus should be dug out, gently prying a lump of earth with a shovel and holding it by the edges of the net into a pot of a suitable size. With careful handling of this situation, the rose practically does not get stress and blooms perfectly in the apartment almost until the very new year, releasing several buds.

In December, due to a lack of light, flowering stops, and in February it is already possible to prune hibiscus, stimulating the regrowth of new shoots, on which new buds will appear with an increase in daylight hours.

Prevention of hibiscus diseases

The hibiscus plant, like all roses, reacts very quickly to inappropriate living conditions. So, when the temperature rises above normal (18 - 22 C in summer and 16 C in winter) and dry air, hibiscus leaves droop and fade. Drying out of the soil, as well as waterlogging can cause their dropping.

Pests of roses bring even more harm, they are the same as - aphids, mealybugs, spider mite... When damaged by aphids, the leaves of the hibiscus deform and become sticky.

The drug "Peretrum" and "Aktofit" will help in the treatment. Plants are processed according to the instructions once a week until final cleansing.

The appearance of a mealybug on the plant will be indicated by white fibrous formations in the leaf axils. Spray "Aktofit" every two weeks and peel the leaf until the signs of infection disappear completely.

Faded leaves and the cobweb under them means that a red spider mite has settled on asthenia. Remove the cobwebs with a damp sponge and spray "Aktofit" on the lower surface of the leaf every 2 weeks (while protecting the flowers from poison)

If after such procedures your hibiscus has shed its leaves, do not rush to throw it away. continue watering once a week and loosen upper layer soil. By moving away from stress, the plant will give new leaves and continue to grow.

Thus. with correct and caring care your Chinese rose in a pot will give you its unique flowers for a long time and gratefully.

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus petals have truly miraculous properties. The power of the miraculous tea called "the drink of the pharaohs" has long been appreciated by gourmets. Nowadays, hibiscus tea is known to us under the name "Hibiscus".

This ruby ​​tea tastes like cranberry juice. And not only to taste - healing properties hibiscus and cranberry are almost equal in strength.

The brilliant scarlet flowers of the plant contain a large amount of organic acids - citric, malic, ascorbic. They are immunity helpers and protectors of our blood vessels.

How to make Hibiscus tea

Pour 1 - 2 tablespoons of dry hibiscus petals in a teapot with two glasses of boiling water and leave for 20 - 25 minutes, filter. For aroma, you can add a pinch of oregano, mint or lemon balm flowers.

  • Hot tea made from hibiscus petals will restore order to the nervous system,
  • cleanses the liver and kidneys from salts,
  • it has antispasmodic,
  • antibacterial,
  • choleretic
  • anthelmintic action,
  • significantly reduces the risk of oncology,
  • has a tonic effect.

The cold drink of the pharaohs refreshes in the heat, and the hot one will help to cope with colds in winter. If you drink it regularly before bedtime, insomnia will recede.

Tea is good for allergy sufferers. as it effectively removes toxins, in addition, it promotes the renewal of liver cells.

For chronic gastrointestinal disease, try the following recipe:


  • 1 tbsp chopped hibiscus flowers
  • 1 tbsp of leaves


Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 3 hours, drain. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of honey in the infusion and add 100 g of aloe juice. Take an infusion of 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

site Ideas for giving

One of the reasons why indoor plant leaves begin to curl - these are pests. For example, a flower affected by a whitefly (whiteflies are one of the most dangerous pests), has yellow leaves covered sticky drops over their entire surface. In addition to whitefly, the plant is threatened by other pests of hibiscus: aphids, gall midges and spider mites.

Spider mite

Aphids are another attack familiar to people who are fond of floriculture. Aphids are usually attracted to the fleshy shoots of the plant, so they quickly attack it and drink juices from it. One of characteristic features the appearance of this pest is that the plant rolls the leaves, and subsequently sticky droplets quickly appear on the leaves.

To combat aphids, the following methods are used: first, they should be removed from the leaf and stem using a cotton pad, and then treated with soapy water or special preparations (Aktara, Iskra).


Another reason why the leaf blade twists and falls off is the gall midge, which poses a threat to both the leaves and the root system of the plant. Usually, the eggs of the pest can be found in the buds of the plant - it is there that worms hatch from the eggs, gnaw the buds, and then fall into the soil, closer to the roots of the plant.

Diseases and their causes

In addition to insect infestations, your flowers can be exposed to diseases. Diseases of hibiscus, if left to chance, can cause the death of the plant. Rotten roots, leaves starting to dry out are all clear signs that the hibiscus needs help. It's not about different types rot, when the plant has rotted or its roots have dried up, but about diseases that affect the state of the foliage of the flower. So let's take a look at the main leaf diseases and their treatments.


Chlorosis is nothing more than the loss of color by the leaves. The diseased leaves rapidly lose their color and become very pale, even slightly yellowish. The disease is most dangerous because the leaves can not only lose their color, but over time they can begin to fall off. Thus, if you do not take any measures, your hibiscus may soon be completely naked.


Another attack that poses a significant danger, but in essence is not a disease, is a sunburn. Everything is simple here: sunburn occurs as a result of a breach of conditions of detention. Hibiscus, like the vast majority of plants, cannot stand direct sunlight. Therefore, if you forget about it and place him in a place where he will be under their direct influence, be prepared to accept the consequences in the form sunburn.

Also, this attack may appear if you kept your plant in the shade for a long time, and then sharply put it in a bright place. In this case, it is not even necessary that direct sunlight falls on it - a simple change of scenery will be enough. In addition, sunburn can occur even if the leaf seems to stick to the glass.

A sunburn looks like a small reddish or yellowish dry spot on the surface of the leaf plate. It is better to take measures to save hibiscus immediately, because the longer you delay, the more rehabilitation the flower will then need.

Treatment and prevention

In order to eliminate the problems, it will be necessary to cure the plant, saving it either from the invasion of insects or from diseases. If, in the case of insects, it will be enough to apply any effective insecticide or acaricide (and for those who like to use folk remedies- soap solution), then with diseases you need to act a little differently.

In case of chlorosis, it is necessary to treat the hibiscus with iron chelate and apply the necessary fertilizers (since the disease itself is often caused by a lack of nutrients). Except for improving the living conditions, you will not help the plant in anything.

In order to eliminate the effects of sunburn, you need to remove all damaged hibiscus leaves, as well as optimize the conditions of detention - for example, put in a darker place.