Quicklime for soil deoxidation. Soil deoxidation with lime, when and why is it done

After the harvest of vegetables and fruits has been harvested, you need to take care of the condition of the soil in your summer cottage or land plot. Competent gardening increases fertility, helps fight a variety of diseases, weeds and pests. The lack of calcareous substances in acidic soil leads to a decrease in the amount of useful chemical elements, and also impairs their absorption by plants and trees. Liming with the use of special lime fertilizers allows not only to improve the quality of the nutrient medium, but also makes plants immune to pathogens and insects.

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    What is the process?

    Soil liming is the reclamation of acidic arable layers, which is necessary for the absorption of fertilizers by plants, soil formation and fertility. The following mineral elements are used as fertilizers:

    • limestone;
    • dolomite;
    • calcite;
    • slaked lime;
    • waste from sugar production.

    The liming procedure involves the replacement of hydrogen and aluminum ions in the absorbing soil complex (AUC) with the chemical compounds of magnesium or calcium that make up the fertilizer.

    What kind of land requires lime application?

    Before proceeding with liming the soil on the site, you should determine the level of its acidity. Indeed, to achieve the desired result, a correct calculation of the ratio of fertilizer to the volume of the cultivated soil complex is required. It is best if the need is identified in the course of special agrochemical analyzes, on the basis of which it will be possible to establish accurate indicators of soil acidity and the presence of humus in it.

    Most of all, the following types of soil need processing:

    • forest gray;
    • red earth;
    • bog peat;
    • sod-podzolic.

    Acidic soils have a characteristic whitish tint. During digging, it will be noticeable not only on the surface of the earth, but also on the inner layers. It should be borne in mind that the soil can be acidic only in certain places, and not throughout the entire area. If plants such as horsetail, mint, heather, sorrel, plantain grow on the backyard weave, then most likely the soil will be acidic.

    Determination of acidity level

    Elevated soil pH levels are easily identified using test papers sold in seed and fertilizer shops. The set includes filter paper in the form of strips impregnated with a specific mixture. For a more accurate result, samples are taken at different depths and in several places.

    You need to take some earth, put it in the middle of clean gauze. The ends of the gauze are tied tightly and dipped in distilled water. The ratio of water and soil is 1 teaspoon of soil to 5 teaspoons of water. After 5 minutes, the test strip is immersed in the resulting solution for 3 seconds. You can just drop the dark liquid onto the paper. Further, the obtained color is compared with the scale indicated on the back of the package. Soil pH indicators:

    • 3-4 - strongly acidic;
    • 4-5 - sour;
    • 5–6 - slightly acidic;
    • 7 - neutral;
    • 8-9 - strongly alkaline.

    Based on the result of the check, they use ameliorants - agents that improve the fertility of acidic soils. The main purpose of liming is to reduce the acidity of the arable layer, thus creating optimal conditions for the normal growth of green spaces.

    Features of fertilizing the soil complex

    The amount of lime fertilizer intended for the treatment of acidic soil is calculated in accordance with several factors:

    1. 1. Acidification of the soil and its composition.
    2. 2. The period between the previous and subsequent fertilization.
    3. 3. Varieties of mineral dressings and the depth of their introduction.

    The most common chemical fertilizer is ground limestone. Fluff lime, ground dolomite, lake lime, dolomite flour have similar properties. Usually, the earth is lime to a depth of 20 cm. However, the introduction of an insufficient volume provides for a decrease in this value to 4-6 cm.

    It is advisable to carry out the liming procedure no more than 1 time in 5 years. The best period for increasing the fertility of the arable layer is autumn with spring. The applied fertilizer changes the structure and level of acidity of the soil, however, after 5–6 years, all parameters come to the original result. For this reason, liming is carried out with a certain regularity.

    Calcareous soils and fertilizer complexes with different combinations of useful components have a beneficial effect on the development of plants and trees. Since strongly acidic soils contain a small amount of magnesium, it is better to use fertilizing for the procedure, which includes this element.

    The effect of fertilization will be more pronounced if you combine it with organic and chemical compounds such as manure, potash fertilizers, boron complexes, superphosphates.

    Basic rules in autumn

    Autumn liming requires preliminary lime preparation. To lower the acidity of the substrate, fluff lime, marl, slaked lime are suitable. The optimal period for the introduction of useful elements is considered the end of summer or early autumn. At this time, work is underway to prepare the site for the winter cold.

    In addition, the cultivation of the topsoil in the fall has a number of advantages. Firstly, the indicators of the physical and chemical composition of the soil in the personal plot improve. Secondly, it allows the soil to absorb the nutrient mixture more actively. In addition, liming the soil in early autumn improves the biological properties of the substrate.

    Before adding nutrients to the site, you need to find out how rich the earth is in lime deposits. If the pH level is below 4-5, then the site needs liming. An indicator in the range of 5–6 assumes moderate fertilization. A reading above this level indicates an alkaline environment and therefore does not need to be fertilized.

    The use of fluff lime in the garden protects plants from diseases and pests. In addition, the fluff is used as a top dressing. The product contains chalk, recycled limestone, carbonate elements. It looks like a white powdery substance that dissolves well in water. For humans, lime fluff is completely safe, since it belongs to organic substances.

    You can also make a fluff at home. This requires lime powder and cold water. The components are mixed in the proportions indicated on the package, and then left to stand for a few minutes. At this time, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which lime begins to melt and transform into a state that is safe for plants and trees.

    Then the slaked mixture is mixed with earth. Fertilizer is evenly distributed over the entire site, loosened and carefully dug up the ground, embedding the mixture 20 cm deep. In this case, one should adhere to the established norms and rules:

    1. 1. For clay and heavy substrates, 500-750 g / m2 will be required.
    2. 2. Alumina, light soil, loam - 400-600 g / m2.
    3. 3. Light soil with a high sand content - 250–450 g / m2.

    An overdose of nutrients has a detrimental effect on plants. The alkaline environment does not allow them to fully assimilate all macronutrients and trace elements, including calcium.

    Spring procedure

    In order to harvest a rich harvest, it is important to improve the nutritional quality of the soil in a timely manner, for which the soil is liming. This procedure is usually performed in the fall. However, if for some reason it was not possible to do this, you can fertilize the soil in the spring, but no later than 3-4 weeks before the start of sowing work.

    Spring liming involves the application of a moderate amount of fertilizer. At the same time, the calculation should be such that the nutrients are sufficient for several years in advance. Such deoxidation is considered more effective, therefore it is often used by experienced gardeners. In this case, the depth to which it is required to apply lime intended for the garden should not exceed 4–6 cm.

    The calculation of the amount of fertilizer is based on the mechanical composition of the soil, the level of its acidity and the depth of the application of lime dressing. For a slightly acidic environment, 300 grams per square meter is quite enough. meter. More acidic soil implies an increase in this indicator.

    Since lime slowly dissolves in the ground, it is added before the first loosening of the arable layer and before the introduction of organic matter with chemical fertilizers. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable in 2-3 years.

    Conclusion on the topic

    During the main liming of the soil, full doses of the active ingredients are used to raise the pH level to normal. Re-lime treatment helps to maintain an optimal response rate of the environment on the site and prevent the destruction of the fertile layer. The frequency of each subsequent application depends on the crop rotation and on the initial liming dose. The introduction of half doses, as well as the frequent use of mineral complexes, increase the acidity of the soil.

    Timely liming will allow you to collect a generous and environmentally friendly harvest of agricultural crops. The information is discussed in more detail in the book by Viktor Barsukov "Soils - their types, properties, classification, improvement, liming".

Soil liming is a common method of chemical reclamation on acidic soils and consists in the application of lime fertilizers, most often represented by calcite, dolomite or limestone. Periodic liming of the soil is carried out in order to equalize the acid-base balance and eliminate the causes that inhibit plant growth.

What is the purpose of liming

Acidic soils, with rare exceptions, require proper and timely liming. Such soil treatment in the garden and vegetable garden is very necessary for several reasons:

  • the acidic environment of the soil disrupts the processes of activity of phosphorus and nitrogen, as well as such an important trace element for the growth and development of plants as molybdenum;
  • a significant amount of fertilizer has to be applied to acidic soil, which is due to a decrease in the effectiveness of beneficial microorganisms and an increase in the number of pathogenic microflora and bacteria that have a negative effect on plants;
  • fertilizers in sufficient quantities do not reach the root system, and as a result, growth, development and vegetation are severely disturbed.

To neutralize acid in soils, they are deoxidized. As a rule, liming is performed for deoxidation, as a result of which there is a substitution for calcium and magnesium. Lime causes the acid to break down into salt, and carbon dioxide is the catalyst for this reaction.

However, it must be remembered that it is very dangerous to pour lime fertilizers in an uncontrolled manner. This can provoke an excess of calcium in the soil and make it difficult for the root system to grow. Among other things, for the cultivation of some vegetables and fruit trees, liming the land is absolutely unnecessary. A slightly acidic medium with a pH of 6-7 is required for the following crops:

  • beans;
  • Dill;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • corn;
  • melon;
  • zucchini;
  • squash;
  • horseradish;
  • spinach;
  • rhubarb;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • kale;
  • radish;
  • chicory;
  • watermelon;

Moderately acidic soil with a pH of 5.0-6.5 is necessary for the following crops:

  • potato
  • pepper;
  • beans;
  • sorrel;
  • parsnip;
  • pumpkin.

Strongly acidic soil with a pH of less than 5 is essential for crops such as blueberries, cranberries, mountain ash, blueberries, lingonberries and junipers.

How to recognize acidic soils: proven methods

To know which deoxidizers need to be added to the soil and how much, it is necessary to determine the acidity level. For this purpose, the following methods are used:

  • litmus strips, treated with a special reagent, and changing color depending on the acidity of the soil;
  • Alyamovsky's device, represented by a set of reagents designed for the analysis of water and salt extraction of soil;
  • soil meter, which is a multifunctional device that allows you to determine the reaction of the soil, its moisture content, temperature indicators and the level of illumination.

The most accurate and costly method for determining acidity in a specialized laboratory. Less effective methods are folk methods using acetic acid, currant or cherry leaves, as well as grape juice or chalk. Experienced gardeners and gardeners are able to determine acidity by means of weeds on the site. Weeds of acidic soils include field horsetail, plantain, heather, horse sorrel, nettle, whitewort, oxalis, buttercup and popovnik.

In what form and how much lime should be applied

The best option for agricultural activity is weakly acidic soils, but on the territory of our country, lands with high acidity prevail. Such properties are typical for sod-podzolic, many peat-bog soils, gray forest lands, red soils and part of leached chernozems. Deacidification is most often done with quicklime, but agents such as slaked lime or lime water are also allowed. The rate of lime application per one hundred square meters varies depending on the type of soil and acidity indicators:

  • pH = 4 and lower on clay and loamy soils requires deoxidation with ground limestone in an amount of 500-600 g per square meter;
  • pH = 4 and below on sandy and sandy loam soils requires deoxidation with ground limestone in the amount of 300-400 g per square meter;
  • pH = 4.1-4.5 on clay and loamy soils requires deoxidation with ground limestone in an amount of 400-500 g per square meter;
  • pH = 4.1-4.5 on sandy and sandy loam soils requires deoxidation with ground limestone in the amount of 250-300 g per square meter;
  • pH = 4.6-5.0 on clay and loamy soils requires deoxidation with ground limestone in an amount of 300-400 g per square meter;
  • pH = 4.6-5.0 on sandy and sandy loam soils requires deoxidation with ground limestone in an amount of 200-300 g per square meter;
  • pH = 5.1-5.5 on clay and loamy soils requires deoxidation with ground limestone in an amount of 250-300 g per square meter.

The full dose should be applied at a depth of 20 cm, and partial deoxidation is carried out at a depth of 4-6 cm.

How is liming of the soil carried out in autumn

Deacidification of the land in the fall helps to effectively solve a number of very serious problems in a personal or garden plot:

  • activation of the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms, including nodule bacteria;
  • enrichment of the soil with basic nutrients in the form most accessible to garden and garden plants;
  • improving the physical properties of the earth, including water permeability and structural features;
  • increasing the efficiency of fertilizers of mineral and organic origin by 30-40%;
  • a decrease in the amount of the most toxic, harmful elements in the cultivated garden and vegetable products.

In the autumn, experienced gardeners and gardeners recommend using an affordable deoxidizer in the form of ordinary wood ash, which contains about 30-35% calcium. This option is popular due to the rather high content of phosphorus, potassium and other trace elements in wood ash, which have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of garden plants.

Spring lime treatment technology

  • it is better to plan the event about three weeks before sowing or planting vegetable garden crops;
  • for liming, it is optimal to use powdery and well-distributed agents on the soil layers;
  • a good result is given by the introduction of lime in early spring, immediately before the first loosening of the soil, adding deoxidizers in small portions.

Important to remember, that any fertilizers, as well as basic biologically active additives, are introduced into the soil only after liming. As practice shows, adding a couple of kilograms of pure lime mixed with high-quality humus is more effective than ten kilograms of lime flour simply scattered over the garden area.

Features of primary and re-liming

The best and most effective way of liming the soil is liming at the initial stage of developing a personal plot or when laying out the territory of garden plantings. If for some reason liming has not been performed earlier, it is allowed to carry out high-quality deoxidation in areas that are already occupied by fruit and berry crops or garden and flowering plants.

A significant part of the plants grown under the conditions of home gardening and horticulture tolerates liming quite easily, regardless of the season. Garden strawberries are the only exception. The beds intended for the cultivation of such a berry crop can be limed about a year and a half before planting. On ridges with already planted garden strawberries, deoxidation is performed no earlier than a couple of months after planting.

Re-liming of the soil is carried out in full doses once every ten years. Small doses of deoxidizers can be added more frequently. Very important correctly determine the need for re-liming in accordance with the characteristics of the soil and the peculiarities of its care. With the frequent use of fertilizing with manure, re-liming can be neglected, and the frequent use of mineral fertilizers makes deoxidation a necessary measure.

The most effective liming of soils is maximally uniform; therefore, it is recommended to introduce deoxidizers, represented by powdery compositions, into the ground, and it is also imperative to accompany such events by digging with uniform mixing.

Acidified soils are one of the common problems faced by summer residents. On such a soil, it is not possible to obtain the optimal amount of harvest, and some crops cannot take root at all. Deacidify the earth with the help of various substances; one of the most popular is lime. At the same time, it is important to know which soils require processing and how much reagent needs to be applied to obtain the greatest effect.

Lime is a common and inexpensive top dressing that is applied to acidic soil in certain quantities and with a certain frequency (usually every 5-6 years). Usually it is applied only in cases where the acidity of the soil is quite high.

Soils with increased acidification include:

  • sod-podzolic;
  • peat bog;
  • red earth;
  • gray forest.

Important! The study of acidity is carried out using special agrochemical analyzes. However, it is quite possible to determine it yourself. One of the obvious indicators is the whiteness of the layers, which is found during excavation. This clearly indicates an excess of acids. More accurate techniques available for home use are outlined below.

Working with lime must be thoughtful, since not every soil requires such an additive. In addition, the dose is determined individually, depending on the acidity index of a particular area. Finally, it is important to understand that overestimated acidity on one side of the site does not necessarily mean that there is the same problem on the other.

Lime is a common and inexpensive top dressing that is applied to acidic soil in specific quantities and with a specific frequency.

Therefore, before you start liming the soil, it is important to do a few things:

  1. Determine the acidity of the soil on the site (if it is large enough, then evenly over its area).
  2. Find out for which plants such an indicator is acceptable and even necessary, and for which it is not.
  3. Calculate the required amount of lime.
  4. Determine the timing and technology of its introduction into the land.

Important! Not all lime is suitable for feeding. As you know, there are two types of lime - slaked and quicklime. Next, it will be considered which variety should be introduced into the soil, and how to calculate the required amount.

How to measure soil acidity (video)

Determination of soil acidity

Soil acidity is a quantitative indicator of the acid content in it. Determine it in mg of these substances per 100 g of dry earth. Acidity is one of the most important indicators of the soil, on which the quality and quantity of the crop largely depends.

Plants of acidic soils

One of the simplest and at the same time reliable signs that the soil is too acidic is the successful growth of plants that just love acidic soil. There are many types of such plants:

  • different types of mosses;
  • sorrel;
  • meadow mariannik and forest mariannik;
  • the scalp is hairy (in appearance it is similar to sedge).

Such plants like to grow in highly acidic soils, where the acid content is highest.

One of the simple and at the same time reliable signs that the soil is too acidic is the successful growth of plants that just love acidic soil.

Plants that settle on moderately acidic soils are as follows:

  • different types of violets;
  • garden buttercups;
  • cornflowers;
  • bloodroot;
  • bearberry;
  • wild rosemary;
  • berries: blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries;
  • undersized herbs: wintergreen, mine, oxalis, week.

As for plants that grow well on moderately acidic (slightly acidic) soils, the list is much more. Therefore, they will not help to determine acidity - on soils with a low acid content, with proper fertilization, many crops grow quite successfully, including those that are demanding on keeping conditions.

Garden buttercups settle on moderately acidic soils

Indicator paper strips

In the above description, the soils were divided into 3 categories based on the degree of acidification. This parameter is assessed not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively. Scientifically, it is called pH (read "pH") and is, respectively:

  • for highly acidic soils from 2 to 4 units;
  • for medium 4-5;
  • for the weak from 5 to 6 (values ​​around 7 +/- 1 are considered normal).

The quantitative determination of the indicator is carried out using special indicator paper, which can be purchased at shops for summer residents. The degree of acidity is determined by the color scale, which is attached in the instructions: rich red tones mean high concentrations, oranges and yellows - weaker.

The degree of acidity is determined using a special indicator paper

The method for determining the indicator is simple - you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Take 4-5 or more soil samples (preferably at the same depth) and mix them with clean water. The amount of soil should be equal in each sample.
  2. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and settled for an hour.
  3. Next, strips of paper are immersed in each solution.
  4. The paper becomes the correct color. by which the indicator is judged:
  • red: pH less than 4 - strong acidity;
  • orange pH 4-5 - average;
  • yellow 5-6 - weak;
  • green 6-7 is the norm.

This is a simple and obvious way for everyone. The main thing is to try to make the correct sampling. To do this, you need to take as many samples as possible and ensure the cleanliness of all vessels for the reliability of the result.

How to deoxidize the soil (video)

PH meter

The scientific, more accurate method of measurement used by agronomists is based on the use of a special device called a pH meter. If it is possible to apply it in practice, you can conduct research with its help. The technique is also simple:

  1. Samples are taken as described above.
  2. Dissolve in water in clean containers - each in its own.
  3. The device is immersed in each vessel and shows the exact (up to hundredths) pH value, which is used to judge the acidity of the soil.

Important! If in your area the soils are acidic, and constant monitoring of this indicator is required, it is better to purchase such a device in order to always be able to obtain accurate data. It is also necessary to have a special buffer solution by which the pH meter is adjusted (calibrated). This is necessary for the instrument to function correctly.

The pH meter is a more accurate measurement method used by agronomists

Folk ways

If the described tools were not at hand, there are simpler (albeit less accurate) measurement options. There are several ways to determine the indicator in a domestic environment:

  1. Take soil samples, dissolve them in water and add finely crushed chalk there (all parts are taken in equal amounts).
  2. Stir all ingredients quickly and thoroughly.
  3. After stirring, immediately put a pre-prepared balloon or rubber glove on the neck of the bottle.
  4. Next, you need to shake the bottle well and see the reaction. If the ball swells, even if it just acquired an elastic shape, the acidity of the soil is clearly overestimated. It is because of the reaction of acid and chalk that carbon dioxide is formed, which inflates it.

With the help of black currant leaves, you can determine the acidity of the soil

Another method is based on the use of black currant foliage. The technique is as follows:

  1. We brew a teaspoon of carefully chopped, dried leaves with 1 full glass of boiling water (250 ml).
  2. We insist the broth in a warm place for several hours.
  3. Next, we pour it onto a piece of land and observe the reaction.
  4. If red spots appear, then the indicator is normal. If green - the soil is highly acidic, blue - weakly.

Soil liming technology

Before you start liming the soil, you need to decide on the doses, methods and timing of adding the reagent. Lime is often applied together with mineral or organic fertilizers. This is the right measure to save time and effort.

The lime application technique is simple:

  1. If there are a lot of lumps in the lime, they must first be thoroughly crushed until smooth.
  2. Further, the material is scattered in a small, translucent layer over the surface of the earth (in an amount based on the calculated rate).
  3. Next, you need to dig up the entire area, but not very deep: the substance should fall to a depth of 20 cm.

Lime is often applied together with mineral or organic fertilizers.

Peculiarities of liming in autumn and spring

After the preparatory stage (calculation of the dose and slaking of lime, if necessary), you should proceed directly to the introduction of the material. This is done either before planting (in spring) or after harvesting (in autumn).

Reclamation and maintenance liming

Depending on the mode, the liming procedure is divided into two types:

  1. Reclamation- it is also called the main one. This is the initial procedure, which is carried out 1 time for acidified soils. Lime dissolves easily in water and is strongly washed out by groundwater and rainwater. Accordingly, a single procedure will always be insufficient.
  2. Maintenance liming in fact, it is repeated treatments that are carried out at a certain interval (every 3, 4 or 5 years, depending on the specific soil).

Which lime to use, slaked or quicklime?

There are two types of lime - slaked and quicklime. They differ in chemical composition. Quicklime is calcium oxide, and slaked is its hydroxide. That is, slaking lime is adding water to it. The reaction proceeds violently, with a great release of heat. For liming the soil, you need to pour only the slaked form, because:

  • it is slaked lime that neutralizes acids in the soil;
  • slaked lime does not lump and is easily distributed over the entire thickness of the earth.

Important! To extinguish lime, you need to observe the following proportion: for 100 g of reagent 4-5 10-liter buckets of water.

Calculation and exact adherence to the lime application rate is the main requirement for liming

Lime application rates per one hundred square meters

Calculation and exact adherence to the lime application rate is a basic requirement for liming. They directly depend on the pH of the soil, the type of soil, as well as the depth of application. The approximate norms of slaked lime (in kilograms) that need to be applied per one hundred square meters (100 square meters of surface) of soil to a depth of 20 cm are presented in the table.

soil acidity (pH)

clayey and loamy

sandy and sandy loam

extremely strong (less than 4)

strong (4-4.7)

medium (4.8-5.2)

Everyone knows about the need to apply fertilizers to the beds and fields, but not everyone thinks about how cultivated plants will assimilate nutrients. The availability of nitrogen and phosphorus for the roots largely depends on the acidity of the environment. To bring it to the normative indicators, they use such an agrotechnical method as liming the soil. This procedure seems not entirely clear to many, so it is worth justifying it.

Acids and alkalis in soil

The difference between these two classes of compounds is the presence of hydrogen or a hydroxyl group. H⁺ ions form acids, and OH⁻ - alkalis. The elements that are closer to the right side of the periodic table are more prone to the formation of the former, and metals that are pressed to the left edge of the periodic table gravitate to the latter. Those elements that lie between them are called amphoteric. They can form both acids and alkalis.

Among the acids are the well-known sulfuric H₂SO₄, nitric HNO₃, hydrochloric HCl, acetic CH₃COOH, hydrocyanic HCN and others. Alkalis - KOH, NaOH, Ca (OH) ₂. Aluminum can participate in the creation of alkali Al (OH) ₃, but salts are widely used in industry, where this metal is in the composition of the acid residue. They are called aluminates. For example, sodium aluminate has the formula NaAlO₂.

Hydrogen exponent

After adding additives to the ground, it must be dug up. During the winter, lime will react with the acids contained in the earth, and the reaction of the calcareous soil will become neutral or very slightly acidic. When applied in spring, you can burn the roots with alkali. If the deadline is missed, it is better to use dolomite or chalk - they are less aggressive. They are more appropriate in sandy environments. Lime is useful with an abundance of clays and loams. Liming the soil with quicklime or magnesium oxide requires quenching with water prior to application. This is an exothermic process. It is not necessary to carry out it immediately before planting vegetables.

The frequency of liming depends on the nature of the soil in the region and on the site. For example, in wetlands, in the place of peat bogs, this is done every three years, and on heavy soils, the next cultivation can be carried out every 7 years. With a large amount of precipitation, this interval decreases.

Often at a summer cottage, a procedure such as liming the soil is necessary. This is true when an acidic environment is increased in it. The introduction of lime reduces the acidity of the soil, making it looser and more permeable to water. In this article, we will consider the features of this process.

Why apply lime fertilizers to the soil?

Due to the excessively acidic environment in the soil, processes are disrupted activity of phosphorus, nitrogen and a trace element such as molybdenum. In the soil, where acidic environment prevails, microorganisms useful for different crops cannot function normally. And against this background, high acidity creates conditions for the development of bacteria that negatively affect plants.

As a result, many fertilizers do not fully reach the roots and the development, vegetation, plants are disturbed, which leads to their weakening. Most horticultural crops are comfortable in soils with medium to low pH levels. To neutralize the acid in the soil, liming of the soil is also necessary.

How does the pH drop occur? Any acid is based on hydrogen, and when lime is added, it is replaced by calcium and magnesium. The acid breaks down to form a salt, and the catalyst for the reaction is carbon dioxide. Due to this, acidity decreases, the plant receives more nutrients, and builds up the root system.

However, everything is fine in moderation and too frequent application of lime fertilizers can lead to excess calcium in the soil... This, in turn, makes root growth difficult, especially if the plant has a weak root system. It is worth considering that calcium is not washed out with rains, so excessive liming is also not useful. In addition, there is a group of vegetable crops, fruit trees, which prefer acidic soil.

How to determine soil pH

Before liming the soil, it is necessary to determine whether it is really necessary. There is a type of soil with a high acidic environment:

  • Sod-podzolic soils;
  • Red earth soil;
  • Gray forest soils;
  • Peat and bog soils.

But, of course, there are ways for more accurate pH determination... For example, a special device, a pH meter, can be used to determine acidity in different parts of the garden. It is also possible to take soil samples to an agrochemical laboratory to accurately determine its acidity. There are also special paper indicators with which to determine the level of soil acidification.

To what extent the soil needs deoxidation, external manifestations also show. The seemingly acidic soil has a whitish tint on the surface, the same is found in layers when digging the earth. By the way, it can be located unevenly, but in sections.

There are plants that are especially sensitive to the acidic soil environment, among them wheat clover beets. It is the inhibition of their growth that indicates an increased pH. Against this background, abundant growth of weeds and plants can be observed, which, on the contrary, need an increased acidic environment. This is sorrel, heather, wild rosemary.

Another method will help you independently determine the composition of the soil without resorting to complex studies. It's pretty straightforward.

  1. 2 tablespoons of soil are placed in a glass of plain water, shaken and left for a while;
  2. When the water becomes transparent and the soil settles, several layers form on the bottom in the water;
  3. A sandy layer below, above a clay layer and on top of parts of plants and humus. After some time, they, having absorbed water, will also settle to the bottom;
  4. To find out the acidity level, you just need to see which of these layers took up the largest volume.

Accordingly, with a predominance of sand, the soil is presumably sandy, and the clay is clayey. In the case when the ratio of sand and clay is approximately the same, it is sandy loam or loamy soil. Based on this, you can calculate how much lime you need to add to the soil. Although this method, of course, does not give such accuracy as laboratory analyzes.

pH has the following meanings:

  • 3-4 - acidic soil;
  • 5-6 - slightly acidic;
  • 6-7 - neutral;
  • 7-8 alkaline;
  • 8-9- strongly alkaline.

What to use for liming the soil?

Substances of natural origin are applicable here: limestone, dolomite or marl. And also shale ash, belite sludge is technological waste... However, it is possible to use ready-made lime fertilizers. They already have a balanced composition, which includes magnesium and calcium. In this combination, these components have a good effect on the yield of many crops.

Often gardeners also use wood ash. It contains up to 35% calcium and other substances that have a good effect on plants, such as potassium, phosphorus. It is not recommended to add gypsum to the soil. It is used only on soils with salt deposits.

Nevertheless, ordinary lime is quite an acceptable option, it is an environmentally friendly material that is affordable. In any case, the main thing is to correctly calculate the dose of the introduced substance. Usually, in each case, they are calculated based on the composition of the soil.

How to calculate the correct dosage of lime fertilizers

It takes into account: the composition and acidity of the soil, what kind of fertilizer is used. The embedment depth is also taken into account. Most often used for soil deoxidation limestone, ground into flour... Here are the calculations of the norms of lime for different soils per 1 sq. m:

  1. 0.5 kg of limestone per 1 sq. m at high acidity on loamy and clayey soil;
  2. 0.3 kg per 1 sq. m also at high pH on sandy soil;
  3. 0.3 kg per 1 sq. m with medium acidity on loams and clayey soils;
  4. 0.2 kg on sandy soil at medium pH.

When using lime analogues, it is important to know the percentage calcium content in them:

  • Peat ash-10-50%
  • Dolomite - 75-108%;
  • Calcareous tuff -75-96%;
  • Lake lime -70-96%;
  • Dolomite flour - 95-108%;
  • Mergel - 25-75%;
  • Shale ash 65-80%;
  • Carbide lime - 140%;
  • Slaked lime 135%.

To calculate the amount of a substance that is used, the rate for ground limestone is multiplied by 100 and divided by the percentage of lime contained in the substance.

The nuances of adding lime

First, the lime must be ground into powder, then it is moistened with water (quenched), this refers to quicklime. This lime flour is called fluff. After that, the composition is introduced into the soil layer, usually by 20 cm.When re-applying in incomplete doses embedment depth less than 4-6 cm... For 100 kg of lime, 3-4 liters of water are needed. The results of the procedure do not appear immediately, sometimes after several years. So liming is not worth doing annually.

There are some subtleties, for example, if formulations with a high ammonia content are used as fertilizers, then lime should be applied regularly. In the case when the soil is fertilized with manure, on the contrary, it is not always recommended to re-liming the soil.

What results does liming give:

  1. Due to this procedure, organic fertilizers are more active;
  2. The structure and properties of the soil become better;
  3. The level of toxins in plants grown on such soils is reduced.

There are a number of crops that need an acidic environment - these are potatoes, cherry lupines, plums. But most vegetables, legumes, currants, fruit trees, gooseberries, and raspberries only do well in pH neutral soil.

When is the best time to lime

The first time these activities are carried out during the preparation of the site in front of the plantings. Limestone fertilizers applied in spring or autumn... Usually before digging up the ground on the site.

In the spring, it is better to plan an event about 3 weeks before sowing vegetables. When the first seedlings appeared in plants, liming is undesirable. Saplings can simply die.

Liming is also quite possible in winter, if the thickness of the snow on the soil is small and the relief of the site is relatively flat. In this case, dolomite flour is scattered directly over its surface.

In the fall, lime or compositions based on it are introduced when they carry out preparatory work for winter. It is the autumn liming that makes it possible to establish a combination of biological and chemical properties for a fairly long time.

Another condition for the procedure is dry weather... It is not necessary to combine liming with the introduction of other, especially nitrogen, ammonia and organic fertilizers.

When the type of soil is determined and its need for liming, you can start the process itself. The material that they decided to use is distributed over the site. The soil is loosened and dug up, then covered by 20 cm. The rains will then distribute lime evenly in the ground. For liming, it is optimal to use a powdery agent. Usually, this procedure provides plants with all the necessary substances for an average of 10 years.

Another option is to apply lime in early spring, before the first loosening of the soil... In this case, the fertilizer is introduced in small portions. It is also advisable to apply all fertilizers and biological additives to the soil after liming. Because lime increases the absorbing properties of the soil and all nutrients are absorbed faster.

Lime changes the ratio of calcium to potassium in the soil. Moreover, the second becomes smaller, therefore, fertilizing plantings in the future, it is desirable to increase the number of compounds with potassium.

How often should the soil be deoxidized?

It is usually recommended to carry out the procedure on the site every 8-9 years. During this time, the acidic reaction of the soil can return to its original level. In the case of basic or ameliorative liming of soil with suspended acidity, add full doses of essential substances... Repeated or maintenance procedures maintain the optimum pH in the earth and here the doses administered can be reduced.

Liming gradually evens out the acid-base balance of the soil. This is one of the most effective ways to increase the fertility of the land and get a high yield.