Expired tile adhesive. Composition of tile adhesive: GOST for tiles, expiration date, specifications, what the moment consists of

Ceramic tile practical, reliable and durable finishing material only if you choose the right quality glue for its installation. Quality adhesive mixture depends on the components included in its composition and the period intended for its use.

The manufacturer always indicates the expiration date of the adhesive on the packaging, thus guaranteeing the preservation of its original properties throughout the entire declared period. For example, dry cement-sand mixture with the addition of polymers has a shelf life of 6 to 12 months provided that it is stored in proper conditions, without access to moisture. After this date, the adhesive begins to gradually lose its quality characteristics, which may not affect in the best way on the quality of the repair.

Tile adhesive (release date).

Although, it would seem, what can spoil so quickly in a powder mixture? Sand does not lose its properties over time, polymer additives also. Cement is exposed to moisture and over time, absorbing it even from the air, forms lumps in the mixture, and then a dense monolithic piece, which is absolutely unsuitable for use.

Cooked shelf life cement-sand mortar does not exceed 4 hours, after which it seizes and hardens.

Tile adhesive, sold in ready-made form, can be used for finishing works within two months from the date of opening the bank. After that, it hardens strongly and becomes unsuitable for laying cladding.

The expiration date of the adhesive for each type is set by the manufacturer separately and you need to carefully follow the instructions on the package. When conducting repair work it is better not to buy such a perishable building material for future use, purchase it as needed. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that repair is a rather long and troublesome process. If you choose the right glue, then loft style tiles will last a long time on your floor.

The second Monopole Decape collection mentioned in the article can be found more closely on the series page.

Terms and conditions of storage of glue (wallpaper, tile, PVA)

Subject: Tile adhesive expired

There are five bags of tile adhesive for about a year already bought for repair, but the repair dragged on and we won’t reach the tile in any way. On the bag it says that the expiration date is half a year from the date of manufacture. If you still use this "expired" bathroom glue, what do you say? well what can we say? It's overdue!!! Although I did such experiments with Eunice at home, the tile has not yet fallen off. But I still won’t advise anything, you know, anything happens 🙂
And yet I believe that if everything was stored in a dry room, then nothing should happen 2 apartment For 3 years, the "forgotten" bag of 5 kg of Vetonit's KL FIX lay in the pantry - it clumped into a gray mass that was hard to crush with your fingers.
Typical composition of cement slabs. adhesives - cement, sand, polymer additives. There will be nothing for the sand, cement "caking" from time to time, loses activity by 5% per month, which happens to polymers - it's hard to say. In such a case, I simply bought the same fresh glue and mixed the old with the new. There is UNIX PLUS tile adhesive, date of manufacture 04/30/2009. Warranty period of storage 6 months, stored in room conditions, the bags were not opened, the mixture was slightly caked, but after shaking the bag it loosened up.

Now it's a pity to throw it away, but I'm afraid to use it. It is necessary to check the adhesion (penetration-setting strength of the adhesive). Dilute a little in the right proportion and connect two pieces / pebbles of expanded clay, wait until it dries and check for rupture. ******
Basically, when proper storage glue is stored and 1 year. However, if moisture gets in, it won’t even last a week.

but in general I will repeat the classics - nothing lasts forever. Somewhere I thought so, make a trial batch, lay a tile on it, wait a week, and then according to the results. There was experience with Eunice +, which was stored in a dry, heated room for a year and a half. It even seemed to me that it became easier to knead. You may also need a sieve so that the caked pieces of the batch do not spoil. Your words are like a balm for the soul. Will the tile fall off over time? You understand that I can’t promise anything - I hope not. I’ve been lying for almost a year now - everything is fine. The main basis is to properly prepare and lay according to technology. 2bardak Eunice and so glue quality is below average, and even overdue. Your pallet is not intact, probably 3 bags.
****** No, not a pallet, but a toad presses, especially since the tile is already on new glue it’s supposed to, for another half a year the bags will lie down and then you can throw them away. The situation is not hopeless.
1. Buy latex additive IDROKOL X20 (LITOKOL), at the rate of 2.5 kg of IDROKOL X20 per 25 kg of dry adhesive mixture.
2. Mix 2.5 kg of IDROKOL X20 with 4.5-5 liters of water.
3. Mix 25 kg of dry adhesive mixture (expired) with the resulting liquid.
4. Lay tiles.
5. The result is SUPER! according to GOST cement adhesives are stored for 6 months (such requirements), if produced (and produced) according to TU, then they set 12 months. there are changes, but not fatal, Eunice + not quite junk (from Eunice), additives are normal there.

Knauf - forum - dry mixes - what is the real shelf life of flesenklib tile adhesive ...

What is the actual shelf life of Flezenkliber tile adhesive?
I bought this bath glue, hired a car, because many bags are needed.
And only at home I noticed that the release date is 04.05, i.e. this glue more than a year, and the shelf life is 6 months :(
If the glue is crumbly, i.e. it feels like it is not petrified there, can you use it? Or should it be returned to the seller?

Frost resistant adhesive.

Adhesive for outdoor use. Used for gluing tiles various formats on the basement of the building, calculations flights of stairs, terraces and other external elements of the building. The second purpose of such glue is the interior decoration of walls in unheated buildings. For example, walls in summer kitchen or country soul. The main requirement for such a composition is resistance to multiple freeze-thaw cycles.
In addition to the listed types of glue, there are a number of narrow-profile compositions that serve to solve rare and challenging tasks, but these are already particulars that the average consumer, most likely, will not encounter in life.
Now consider the selection process itself. Below is a brief summary of all the aspects that you need to pay attention to when choosing an adhesive. In descending order, the importance of each thesis is indicated: starting from the most important and ending with the less significant.

  1. Storage conditions for dry tile adhesive in the distribution network. Be sure to pay attention to this. If the room where the pallets with glue are located is humid or the temperature is below 0 degrees, it does not matter at all what kind of glue you choose - with a high probability, when you remove the package, you will find "seized" cement stone. This item is especially important for those who are used to buying building materials in the open areas of construction markets.
  2. Glue production date - it should not be more than six months ago. Since any cement and cement mixture has the property of caking and subsequent petrification, it makes sense to choose the most “young” adhesive composition.
  3. Manufacturing firm. There is an opinion that buying expensive adhesives does not make sense, because in this case, the consumer pays for the brand written on the package. This is not true. A complete recipe for a mixture of tile adhesive can fit on an A4 sheet in small handwriting, if you try, of course. Obviously, the full compositions are not disclosed by the manufacturers, since they are their intellectual property. Notable Manufacturers adhesives with decades of history and formulation research experience, of course, offer their customers more reliable and high-quality solutions for tile bonding. Moreover, the difference in the price of a standard 25 kg bag of tile adhesive rarely exceeds 30-40 rubles between the cheapest and most expensive product in a single store. And if so, then the savings from replacing high-quality glue with a cheap one is unlikely to be more than 500 rubles, since repairs in standard apartment, involves sticking a small amount of tiles 10-30 m2, i.e. no more than 8-10 bags of tile adhesive are consumed. This is a completely insignificant benefit compared to the cost of the tile itself, the price of 1 m2 of which is much more expensive than the entire amount “saved” on glue.
  4. Adhesive Type - Always choose a profile adhesive. For example, you should not buy the same adhesive for walls and floors, as they withstand different load. Remember that dust and dirt in an apartment or house is much more expensive than a small surcharge for reinforced tile adhesive.

Especially for stranamasterov.net Filiptsov Mikhail

Shelf life of tile adhesive

1. Jorik, so you have with such a thickness, one square meter 1.5-2 bags of glue will go away. Isn't it expensive?

expired tile adhesive

It can be cheaper to make a cement screed sand mixture, and then put under the comb? Calculate the cost of the entire area of ​​the garage! 2. It is better not to experiment with imported adhesives! If 2-6mm is written on it, then it is not necessary to make it thicker, otherwise, the residual deformations that occur in tile adhesives for 2-3 weeks will simply cause the tile to peel off (a thick layer dries longer, and, accordingly, the operation of synthetic additives, mineral and the main component of the adhesive - cement, occurs not at a certain, calculated time, but with a delay.For example: the response time of additives is 3 hours, and the cement will begin to harden due to the large thickness not after 3 hours, but after 4-5 hours. it turns out that both cement and additives should have worked at the same time and increase strength, but they worked at different times and interfered with each other.) Well, I said the response hours offhand to make it clear. And what exactly are the response times and how they are calculated, so this is the secret of the manufacturer. I had one like this personal experience in the 90s. Then I worked mainly with Atlas and Bolex adhesives (at that time we were just starting to bring all these adhesives and few people knew how to work with them, because instructions were not printed in Russian). Due to inexperience, I tried to increase the thickness of the layer, I tried to add cement to save money (when the layer is thick, it takes a lot and the client asks to save money) In general, all the experiments came out sideways .. Now I act clearly according to the instructions. I didn't come up with this glue, it's not for me to break it! Although with Russian adhesives UnisXXI and Prospectors, this option passes

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Tile adhesive is the second most important material, the quality and properties of which determine the final result when tiling surfaces. The range of adhesives offered by modern manufacturers is wide, therefore, without knowledge of specific characteristics various kinds adhesives and comparing them with the requirements of GOST, it is difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular material.

In order for the tile adhesive to hold the cladding securely, it is important to maintain specifications mixtures according to GOST

To choose the right mixture, consider the following questions:

  • general requirements for adhesive mixtures;
  • groups of tile adhesives;
  • properties and applications.

General requirements for tile adhesive

All types of adhesive mixtures for laying tiles must have a certain set of necessary technical characteristics, which, depending on the type of adhesive, may differ in value. Let's list these properties.

During operation (before the solution hardens):

  • ease of preparation;
  • elasticity (should fit well on the surfaces to be glued);
  • sufficient life (the ability to work out the prepared amount of the mixture, correct the displaced tile before the glue hardens);
  • high adhesion (adhesion of the solution to the surfaces of the material and base);
  • low flow and slip resistance (holding tiles in place on a vertical surface).

First of all, the adhesive should have an increased rate of water and frost resistance.

After the tile adhesive has cured:

  • compressive and shear strength;
  • water resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • elasticity (the ability to take on the stresses of the cladding material arising from temperature changes).

Groups of tile adhesives

According to the material of the components, all adhesive mixtures for ceramics are divided into 3 groups:

  • cement-based compositions;
  • water-dispersion solutions;
  • polyurethane adhesives;
  • adhesives based on epoxy reactive resins.

Consider these groups and their subgroups.

Cement based formulations

Cement-based adhesives are a dry mixture of cement, sand and certain chemicals, which may vary. The requirements for the technical characteristics of cement adhesive mixtures are set out in GOST 31357-2007 “Dry building mixes based on cement binder. General specifications”, GOST 31358-2007 “Dry construction floor mixes on cement binder. Specifications"and GOST 4.233-86" Construction mortars. Nomenclature of indicators.

Tile cement adhesive refers to dry solutions


These adhesives, depending on the variety, are designed for finishing exterior and interior surfaces with tiles made of natural and artificial materials. The standard packaging of the mixture is 25 kg bags.

The specific gravity of the dry material is on average 1.3 g/cm3, the density of the ready-to-use solution is 1.8 g/cm3.

The compressive strength of a fully cured adhesive, according to GOST, must be more than 10 MPa for universal formulations and not less than 15 MPa for materials marked "Elastic", "With increased fixation" and "For the floor".

The composition of the tile adhesive is mixed with water according to the instructions available on the package and is used in two ways - applying to ceramics and laying on the surface of the base. Cement in the composition of the solution is used gray or white (for glass tiles and mosaics of smalt) flowers.

Adhesive solutions based on cement retain water in the process of solidification, after a day they allow grouting, while the full set of adhesive strength occurs in up to 2-3 weeks.

Shelf life

When buying such mixtures, you should pay attention to the release date of the material, since after the expiration date, due to hygroscopicity, lumps form in the composition. The shelf life of such mixtures in the manufacturer's packaging is from 6 to 9 months, therefore, when buying, it must be taken into account that this period must expire before the end of the repair - each overdue month deprives cement of 5% of activity, and polymer components may generally lose their properties.

Cement adhesive mixtures, in turn, are divided into 2 subgroups:

  • thick-layer (leveling);
  • thin-layer.

Thick cement adhesive mixtures

These mixtures are used to level the base under the tile, if the differences in surface levels are 1-3 cm. The use of such compounds allows you to do without plastering the base and reduce the repair time.

To ensure a long service life, it is important to choose the right adhesive composition.

The composition of the leveling adhesive, which includes cement, sand of various fractions and a set of polymers, ensures the strength of laying tiles from any material. The material of the brand "reinforced" is used even for the installation of cladding made of natural stone and porcelain stoneware, the specific gravity of which, due to the high density, is one and a half to two times higher than the weight of conventional ceramics. There are also varieties of thick-layer adhesive for outdoor and internal works, for rooms with high humidity and high temperature air.

The compressive strength index of thick-layer adhesives after complete drying should be at least 10 MPa.

The disadvantage of leveling compounds is their strong shrinkage, which makes it difficult to calculate the need for material and does not make this method of leveling surfaces economical.

Thin-layer cement-based adhesives

Thin-layer cement-based adhesives are used for laying tiles on a surface whose level differences do not exceed 1 cm.

The adhesive layer applied to back side ceramics, must be at least 5 mm. As in leveling compounds, special additives are used in thin-layer compositions that increase the individual characteristics of the material necessary for its use in specific conditions, but the specific gravity of the adhesive from this changes slightly. Varieties of such adhesives with enhanced adhesion and strength for laying heavy tiles also exist.

The compressive strength of thin-layer compositions after drying should not be lower than 10 MPa.

The advantages of thin-layer mixtures are low consumption (1-1.5 kg per 1 square meter) and shorter drying times than thick-layer ones.

The disadvantage is low moisture resistance in the absence of the “moisture resistant” marking, which forces the use of only moisture-resistant mixtures.

Water-dispersion (polymer) adhesives are one-component aqueous solutions polymer particles based on acrylic, latex or polyvinyl acetate (PVA). Used for cladding ceramic tiles leveled concrete, plaster and plasterboard bases, forming a waterproof shell. Available in plastic sealed containers different volume. The specific gravity of the ready-to-use solution is approximately equal to the weight of the cement-based adhesive and is 1.3 g/cm3, the same value is taken as the density.

The technical characteristics of such adhesives are regulated by the requirements of GOST 28780-2004 “Polymer adhesives. Specifications” and GOST 12172-74 “Phenol-polyvinyl acetal adhesives. Specifications".

Dispersion adhesive is a composition of tile adhesive on water based, which includes acrylic or cellulose glycolic acid and special additives - chalk, latex

These materials are produced in the form of thick white, colored solutions and pastes. Adhesive particles suspended in water, when water evaporates or goes into the base, are connected to each other and form an adhesive film.

Instructions for use, as a rule, are presented in an accessible form on the container.


  • ease of preparation for use;
  • ease of application;
  • connection strength;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • low consumption;
  • the absence of combustible components in the composition of the material;
  • long shelf life in sealed containers;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • inability to use for leveling surfaces;
  • high price compared to cement adhesives.

Water-dispersion adhesive is the most common on the market

Polyurethane adhesives

Polyurethane-based adhesives are one- or two-component formulations. The technical characteristics of these adhesives must meet the requirements of GOST 30535-97 “Polymer adhesives. Nomenclature of indicators.

Curing of one-component compositions occurs due to moisture environment that reacts with the components of the solution. Two-component substances harden when the components are mixed in a certain ratio.

Please note that some polyurethane adhesives expand during curing and are therefore unsuitable for laying tiles.

The material has high strength, sufficient elasticity and resistance to impact. chemical substances. Effectively bonds surfaces together dissimilar materials(metal - glass, stone - wood), has almost zero moisture absorption, is insensitive to large temperature differences (from -50 to +120 degrees Celsius) and pressure. The composition, in addition to a strong connection of materials in a short time, provides waterproofing of the base.

Industrially produced one-component and two-component polyurethane adhesive

The adhesive solution is applied with a brush or roller not on the tile, but on the base. Necessary condition the strength of the polymer adhesive during use is the thorough mixing of the solution and the exact observance of the proportions of the components in a two-component version.

Material advantages:

  • strength and durability of the connection;
  • high adhesion to any surfaces;
  • moisture and heat resistance (suitability for underfloor heating);
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • quick set of strength (possibility of repair in a short time);
  • the ability to choose a type of glue for specific conditions without overpaying for versatility;
  • low consumption and no shrinkage;
  • environmental friendliness after solidification.


  • The need for skills to use this glue;
  • The presence of a pungent odor in some varieties;
  • Relatively high price.

Work with polyurethane adhesive should be carried out with protective gloves, and if the solution gets on the skin, wash it off in a short time warm water with soap.

Epoxy adhesives are divided into two- and multi-component. Solvent-free epoxy adhesive consists of resin (primary binder) and hardener (liquid or powder activator). Binder mixed in a certain proportion with a hardener, after which the mixture is applied to the degreased surfaces of the tile or base, and the product is glued in place.

A mixture of synthetic resin, mineral fillers and organic additives, cured by a chemical reaction

The setting time of the adhesive is approximately 20 minutes, and full curing occurs after a few hours. The surfaces to be bonded must not be porous. In difficult cases, to increase the strength of the epoxy adhesive is reinforced with dry powdered glass fiber.

These adhesives have high technical characteristics, in connection with which they are used in critical places and in industries with aggressive finishing operating conditions.

The value of the compressive strength of compositions based on reactive resins must be at least 15 MPa.


  • high strength with undemanding to the thickness of the adhesive layer;
  • elasticity and high adhesion;
  • water resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • long shelf life;
  • low specific gravity (1300-1500 kg/m3);
  • no shrinkage.


  • combustibility;
  • high price.


Having decided which type of glue to use during repairs, it is advisable to write out from GOST the characteristics that this material should have, and when buying, compare them with the data, albeit incomplete, indicated on the package. In this case, the expiration date should be calculated from the moment of production of the material, and not from the date of purchase.

Glue Plitonit B+ is overdue for 9 months, primer AQUASTOP CLASSIC for 1.5 years.
Stored in a dry non-residential apartment.
Should I use them, or is it better to throw them away?
Of course, it’s a pity to throw away the material with a margin.

Thank you.

in glue, the cement that is part of the composition most likely lost its brand. How would then such savings not go sideways ...
No responsible work. Expired glue can be added to any cement mortars(for screed, plaster). At the same time, it’s still not worth mixing them with cement just like that - the solution will turn out to be too loose and soft after drying. The primer should be opened and smelled. If there is no distinct rotten smell, it can be used for anything strange, which is usually a pity for primers - between layers of putty or under wallpaper. Overdue gypsum plaster can be given to electricians. There is no way to use it instead of gypsum. Even if you apply all sorts of ancient tricks, such as dilution with glue. Freezes slowly, yes. But it’s hard to work and the result is suspicious - she’s baying, as if she didn’t stick at all.
Thanks everyone.
d_redkin this film is the one under plastic lid be?

According to your criteria, the primer seems to be normal, although there are a few small lumps.
Can you strain it?

According to the instructions, the primer is diluted 1 to 5, what ratio can you recommend

  1. for applying to the wall plastered with DSP by puttying
  2. For the second layer of putty?
  3. Before wallpapering?
Lumps are rubbed.
Thanks for the extended answer.

Expired shelf life of glue


One more photo

Installation prices

2kvartirant Year 3 "forgotten" sack of 5 kg of Vetonit KL FIX lay in the pantry - it was caked in a gray mass that was hardly crushed by fingers.
Typical composition of cement slabs. adhesives - cement, sand, polymer additives. There will be nothing for sand, cement from time to time ""cakes"", loses activity by 5% per month, what happens to polymers is hard to say.

In such a case, I simply bought the same fresh glue and mixed the old with the new.

Expired shelf life of tile adhesive
There is UNIX PLUS glue, production date 04/30/2009. The guaranteed shelf life is 6 months, it was stored at room conditions, the bags were not opened, the mixture was slightly caked, but loosened after shaking the bag.
Now it's a pity to throw it away, but I'm afraid to use it.

It is necessary to check the adhesion (penetration-setting strength of the adhesive). Dilute a little in the right proportion and connect two pieces / pebbles of expanded clay, wait until it dries and check for rupture. ******
In principle, with proper storage, the adhesive is stored for 1 year. However, if moisture gets in, it won't even last a week.
But in general, I will repeat the classics - nothing lasts forever.

Somewhere I thought so, make a trial batch, lay a tile on it, wait a week, and then according to the results.

There was experience with Eunice +, which was stored in a dry, heated room for a year and a half. It even seemed to me that it became easier to knead
You may also need a sieve so that the caked pieces do not spoil the batch.
Learn, learn, learn!

Your words are like a balm for the soul. Will the tile fall off over time?

You understand that I can not promise anything - I hope not
I've had it for almost a year now and everything is fine. The main basis is to properly prepare and lay according to technology.
Learn, learn, learn!

Guaranteed shelf life 6 months, stored at room conditions, the bags have not been opened
everything should be fine, since it seems to be 6 months for outdoor storage, but you have it in a dry room.
Sincerely, Evgenievich.

2bardak and so the glue is below average, and even expired. Your pallet is not intact, probably 3 bags.
Floor screed. Good luck to all!

No, not a pallet, but a toad presses, especially since the tiles have already been laid on new glue, for another half a year the bags will lie down and then you can throw them away.

half a year the bags will lie down
If you still keep it, then throw it away, or donate it.
Hang up a sign in your driveway. At least drink a beer and you don’t need to carry it. Do not store perishable goods.
Everything has already been thought out, not everything has been thought out yet.

Eunice and so adhesive quality is below average
Well, he's not that bad. Ordinary glue from the category of ""nothing special"". There are better, but they are appropriate.
but the toad presses
So you were going to sell it ... I thought to use it for myself. Well then, really, the price should be symbolic or beer | juice
I just don’t understand why then all sorts of trial batches are no longer your headache.
Learn, learn, learn!

So you were going to sell it
No, it makes no sense to sell three bags, although I like beer. Especially the bath
already put the specialist using fresh glue, but my hands itch
try it yourself.

The situation is not hopeless.
1. Buy latex additive IDROKOL X20 (LITOKOL), at the rate of 2.5 kg of IDROKOL X20 per 25 kg of dry adhesive mixture.
2. Mix 2.5 kg of IDROKOL X20 with 4.5-5 liters of water.
3. Mix 25 kg of dry adhesive mixture (expired) with the resulting liquid.
4. Lay tiles.
5. The result is SUPER!

Well, he's not that bad. Ordinary glue from the category of ""nothing special"".
Throw it to the damned grandmother! Tiles cost a lot more! I myself fought the toad on the expensive / scarce FLEXKleber glue - it was overdue for half a year, glued the mosaic on the loggia (2 squares) - cursed everything - it was normal, but when the mosaic was washed (even the next day) 10 percent simply fell off, as with sand.

glued the mosaic
Topikstarter did not say anything about the mosaic - neither did I. Maybe he wants to glue porcelain tiles to the ceiling, I don’t know
There are other adhesives for mosaics, as well as for porcelain stoneware. And so it is understood that the author is going to glue ordinary tiles in non-extreme conditions. On "overdue" Eunice - why not?
Learn, learn, learn!

according to GOST cement adhesives are stored for 6 months (such requirements), if produced (and produced) according to TU, then they set 12 months. there are changes, but not fatal, Eunice + not quite junk (from Eunice), additives are normal there.
the author is going to glue ordinary tiles in non-extreme conditions. On "overdue" Eunice - why not?
but in general to try (carry out a trial gluing!), you can, as already written, glue the tile and wait 3 days, then try to tear it off.

and my hands are itchy
try it yourself.

Shelf life of tile adhesive - tile forum. marble. granite - vashdom.ru

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shelf life of tile adhesive (closed topic)

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Tile adhesive cm 11 (ceresite cm 11): for outdoor and on roof-n-roll.ru

Ceresit CM 11 (Ceresit CM 11)

For interior and exterior use
Package: 25 kg, 5 kg - paper bag;
Best before date: 12 months;
Minimum consumption: 1.7 kg/m2;
Average consumption: 2.95 kg/m2;
Max Flow: 4.2 kg/m2.
resistant to sliding tiles;
suitable for fixing porcelain tiles on non-heated floors inside buildings;
suitable for indoor and outdoor use;
environmentally safe.
Application area - :
Tile adhesive Ceresit CM 11 designed for fixing ceramic and stone tiles with water absorption greater than or equal to 3% and up to 30x30 cm in size on non-deformable bases, on walls and floors, inside and outside buildings, in civil and industrial construction.
Tile adhesive Ceresit CM 11 Suitable for use in continuous and intermittent exposure to water.
Applicable tile adhesive Ceresit CM 11 for fastening tiles with water absorption less than 3% (ceramic granite, clinker, stone, etc.) only inside buildings on floors without heating that meet the requirements of 2.03.13-88 (mainly in residential and administrative premises).
In the case of deformable heated screed bases and other difficult bases, it is recommended to use highly elastic adhesive CM 17 or adhesive CM 11 prepared with liquid elasticizer CC 83.
Tile adhesive Ceresit CM 11 with the addition of CC83 elasticizer should apply:
for fastening tiles with water absorption less than 3% (ceramic granite, clinker, stone, etc.) on floors during outdoor work and walls;
on screeds with heating;
on plinths, parapets, external stairs, entrance groups, floors of balconies, terraces, exploited roofs;
in open, as well as in sufficiently large indoor tanks and pools;
on deformable bases (chipboard, plasterboard, OSB, etc. boards);
on ceramic (including glazed) facings during external and internal works;
on durable paint coatings with good adhesion;
on gypsum and anhydrite coatings with good adhesion;
on gypsum and anhydride bases;
on light, cellular and "young" ("age" less than a month) concrete.
For laying tiles made of marble and light translucent stone, as well as for glass mosaics, it is recommended to use ceresit stone cm115">white stone adhesive Ceresit CM 115.
For laying large-format tiles on floors, it is recommended to use tile adhesive Ceresit CM 12.

Foundation preparation:
The base must meet the requirements of SNiP 3.04.01-87 and have sufficient bearing capacity. The base must be dedusted and cleaned of substances that reduce adhesive adhesion (efflorescence, fats, bitumen, etc.). Weak crumbling areas must be removed.
Walls are recommended to be leveled first repair plaster Ceresit CT 29 at least 3 days before fixing the tiles, and the floors - leveling compound Ceresit group CN. Irregularities up to 5 mm are allowed to be leveled with CM9 at least 1 day before fixing the tiles.
Typical grounds ( adhesive Ceresit CM 11)
Cement-sand and cement-lime plasters, cement-sand screeds(age more than 28 days, humidity less than 4%), it is recommended to treat primer Ceresit CT 17 and dry for at least 4 hours. Dense, clean, solid foundations may not be primed.
NOT Typical Grounds ( glue Ceresit CM 11 + СС83)
Gypsum plasters (moisture content less than 0.5%), wood chipboard, cement chipboard, gypsum board and other boards (over 22 mm thick), light, cellular or "young" (about 1 month old, moisture content less than 4%), cement- Heated sand screeds should be primed with CN 94 or CT 17 and dried completely ( OSB boards primer CN 94).
stone and ceramic claddings, water-dispersion paint coatings with good adhesion to the substrate, cast asphalt screeds must be primed with CN 94 primer and dried for at least 2 hours.
Execution of works:
For cooking mortar mix take the exact amount pure water(from +5 to +20 degrees) or CC 83 softener diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1. The dry mixture is gradually added to the liquid with stirring, achieving a homogeneous mass without lumps. Mixing is carried out using a mixer or a drill with a nozzle for viscous mixtures at a rotation speed of 400-800 rpm. Then maintain a technological pause of 5 minutes for the maturation of the mortar mixture and mix again. The mortar mixture must be used up within approximately 2 hours (with CC 83 elasticizer in 1.5 hours) from the moment of preparation.
The adhesive is applied to the substrate with the smooth side of a notched grater or a smooth trowel and spread over the surface with the notched side of a grater or a notched trowel. The teeth should be square in shape, and their size is chosen depending on the format of the tiles (see table below). At correct selection the consistency of the mortar mixture and the size of the trowel teeth, the adhesive, after pressing the tiles, must cover at least 65% of the glued surface on the walls and 80% on the floors.
Attention! Tiles must not be pre-soaked!
The tiles can be fixed within 15 minutes ("open time") after applying the adhesive to the substrate (with an elasticizer 20 minutes). The tile is laid on the adhesive layer and pressed to the base. The position of the tiles can be corrected within 20 minutes after laying (with an elasticizer - 25 minutes).
Attention! You can not lay tiles in a joint!
The width of the joint is set depending on the tile format and operating conditions. The high fixing power of the adhesive eliminates the need for spacers between the tiles to ensure the same width of the joint.
For outdoor work and stone cladding, to increase the reliability of fixing tiles, it is recommended to use a combined laying method: the glue is additionally applied to the mounting surface of the tiles with a smooth spatula in an even layer 1 mm thick. glue at the same time increases by 0.5 kg / m2.
Joints are recommended to be filled with appropriate grouts. Ceresit CE group not earlier than 24 hours after laying the tiles. When using glue with the addition of an elasticizer, it is recommended to fill the joints with CE 40 elastic grout no earlier than 72 hours after laying the tiles.
Fresh adhesive residues can be removed with water, dried - only mechanically.

Works should be carried out in dry conditions, at an air and base temperature of +5 to +20 degrees and a relative humidity of less than 80%. All performance data and recommendations given in the technical description are valid for ambient temperature and relative air humidity up to 60%. In other conditions, it is possible to change the time of consumption, adjustment and open time of the adhesive, as well as the time for the lining to be ready for grouting.
In cases not mentioned in this technical description, it is recommended to use other adhesives Ceresit CM or CU groups. Tile adhesive Ceresit CM 11 contains cement, and when interacting with water gives alkaline reaction Therefore, when working with it, it is necessary to protect the eyes and skin. When the mixture enters tile adhesive Ceresit CM 9 in the eyes, rinse them with water and seek medical attention.
In addition to this technical description, when working with glue, you should be guided by SNiP 3.04.01-87.
The manufacturer is not responsible for non-compliance with the technology when working with the material, as well as for its use in conditions not provided for in this technical description.
If in doubt about the applicability of the material, you should test it yourself or consult the manufacturer.
The present technical description, as well as recommendations not confirmed in writing, cannot serve as a basis for the unconditional liability of the manufacturer.
Storage conditions:
In dry conditions, on pallets, in original undamaged packaging - no more than 12 months from the date of manufacture.
Tile adhesive Ceresit CM 11 Supplied in paper bags of 5 and 25 kg.


Shelf life of tile adhesive

1. Jorik, so with such a thickness, 1.5-2 bags of glue will go per square meter. Isn't it expensive? Can it be cheaper to make a screed from a cement-sand mixture, and then put it under a comb? Calculate the cost of the entire area of ​​the garage!
2. It is better not to experiment with imported adhesives! If 2-6mm is written on it, then it is not necessary to make it thicker, otherwise, the residual deformations that occur in tile adhesives for 2-3 weeks will simply cause the tile to peel off (a thick layer dries longer, and, accordingly, the operation of additives, mineral and the main component of the adhesive - cement, occurs not at a certain, calculated time, but with a delay.For example: the response time of the additives is 3 hours, and the cement will begin to harden due to the large thickness not after 3 hours, but after 4-5 hours. that both cement and additives were supposed to work at the same time and increase strength, but they worked at different times and interfered with each other.) Well, I said this offhand to make it clear. And what exactly are the response times and how they are calculated, so this is the secret of the manufacturer. I had such a personal experience in the 90s. Then I worked mainly with Atlas and Bolex adhesives (at that time we were just starting to bring all these adhesives and few people knew how to work with them, because instructions were not printed in Russian). Due to inexperience, I tried to increase the thickness of the layer, I tried to add cement to save money (when the layer is thick, it takes a lot and the client asks to save money) In general, all the experiments came out sideways .. Now I act clearly according to the instructions. I didn't come up with this glue, it's not for me to break it! Although with Russian adhesives UnisXXI and Prospectors, this option passes

In the process of construction and repair work, glue is necessarily used. With its help, certain materials are laid, finishing is carried out. For example, for laying tiles, a tile adhesive specially designed for this purpose is used. Tile adhesives on the market building materials quite a lot - from different companies, different brands, different characteristics and qualities. Therefore, the choice of one or another option is sometimes very difficult.

Among such a wide variety tile adhesives Eunice Plus glue should be highlighted. This is a glue that appeared on the building materials market back in 1994 and quickly began to enjoy the trust of professionals in this field. To date, Eunice Plus tile adhesive is sold throughout Russia and the CIS countries, and is also supplied to leading construction companies in the country. Speaking about the volumes of production and sales of adhesives of this brand, it should be noted that they occupy about 27% of the market, which in itself is an indicator of their popularity.

Such a high demand for Eunice Plus tile adhesives is explained quite simply - they have many positive qualities and characteristics that bring them to the fore among analogues.

The main characteristics of tile adhesive "Eunice Plus"

Choosing a particular material, experts pay attention to its characteristics and basic properties. Tile adhesive "Eunice Plus" has numerous qualities that cannot but be liked professional builder who conscientiously performs his work. It:

  • increased adhesion ability;

  • moisture resistance;

  • frost resistance;

  • resistance to atmospheric phenomena;

  • ease of use;

  • elasticity

  • excellent strength properties

  • environmental friendliness and safety

  • the optimal weight of the Eunice Plus glue package is 25 kg.
All these characteristics indicate the high quality of Eunice Plus glue, which is a guarantee of reliable and durable construction.

Ease of use

One of the most important properties that Eunice Plus (25kg) tile adhesive has is that it can be used on difficult and old surfaces. It could be old tiles, a layer of the old adhesive and other surfaces - in all cases, reliable and durable adhesion of the adhesive will be guaranteed. This provides additional convenience for working with this material, as it saves time on cleaning surfaces and preparing them for laying a new tile. In addition, the excellent adhesion characteristics allow the tiles to be laid from top to bottom, without the risk of uneven and poor quality laying. Eunice Plus tile adhesive can be used with any surface - brick, plaster, cement, concrete and others, which is also its huge advantage. Adhesives of this brand can also be used when installing a warm floor - when heated, it does not lose its adhesive qualities.

Surface preparation

In order for the tile to hold for a long time and reliably, surface preparation should be carried out before applying the Eunice Plus adhesive. Debris and any dirt, dust, moisture, oil stains should be eliminated - all this prevents reliable adhesion of the adhesive to the base.

To achieve even greater adhesion and durability of the laid tiles, before applying the adhesive to the surface, level it with the help of tools specially designed for this from the same manufacturer. In this case, not only excellent adhesive adhesion is guaranteed, but also perfectly even laying of tiles on the surface.

Tile adhesive "Eunice Plus" - price

When choosing one or another material, the question arises not only about its characteristics and properties, but also about the price. After all, it is very important that the cost of the material is fully justified by its qualities. Speaking of a material such as Eunice Plus glue, the price in this case not only corresponds to its qualities and advantages, but it can also be said that it is low in comparison with the advantages that this material has. Therefore, choosing tile adhesive "Eunice Plus", the price of which is very acceptable, each builder remains in profit both from a material point of view and from the side of choice as much as possible. quality material.

Thus, when choosing an adhesive for laying tiles, you should carefully consider a brand such as Eunice Plus. Throughout its existence, this company has produced exceptionally high-quality products, and tile adhesive is no exception. It is not for nothing that the leading construction companies, for the most part, use adhesives of this brand in the process of construction and repair work related to laying tiles. We advise you to give preference to the exceptional quality that is inherent in the entire line of building materials of this manufacturer.