Paths made of plastic bottles are a budget option for arranging a summer house. How to make a garden path out of plastic covers? Step-by-step instructions with a photo Paths from traffic jams

Bottle caps are a great material for crafts and decor. In the country, they can find a variety of uses. You can decorate an old basin, a bucket, a fence, a flower container or a mulch structure, an unsightly corner of the house, a table top, a rug for a summer shower, and instead of the usual plate with a house number, make an inscription from traffic jams.

The most painstaking and complex, although at first glance it does not seem so, is the garden path. Definitely, such an element of decor in a summer cottage will be original and exclusive. The main problem will be the number of caps, it will take a lot of time to collect them, even if all relatives, friends and neighbors help in this. Let's leave the idea of ​​​​realizing a garden path from covers for a "snack", but for now you need to learn how to make simple patterns from them.

Yes, you can attach caps from plastic bottles in different ways, the main thing is to learn how to work with them and you need to start with soaking to wash off all the inscriptions or use a solvent.

How to create simple patterns from plastic bottle caps

Before starting work, all caps must be sorted by color, draw a pattern on the selected surface with chalk. If you didn’t succeed with drawing, then print the drawing in full scale, it is more convenient to compose it from several sheets, glue it, cut it out along the contour of the drawing and circle it with chalk on the site.

Plastic corks are laid out in rows, glued to the surface or nailed, 1 nail per cap is enough.

How to make a garden path out of lids

For its manufacture, select high-density lids, given that the load here will be considerable. The layout can be done with an ornament, a picture or randomly randomly, any method looks spectacular, bright and fun, especially if the covers are multi-colored.

If you do not plan to make a path of covers for a long time, then it is enough to level the ground and press the covers. Keep in mind that such a “carpet” in haste is very short-lived, the grass will begin to sprout in the space between the lids and the lids themselves will gradually fly out or be pressed deep into the ground.

For a solid garden path from plastic bottle caps, you first need to make a base: remove the top layer of soil, dig a trench 10 cm deep, drive stakes around the edges and make formwork. Lay a drainage layer of broken brick, crushed stone or gravel on the bottom, then knead the cement mortar (4 parts of cement, 1 part of sand, 1 part of glue), pour on the drainage layer, lay the covers, pressing into the solution almost to the edge of the surface. When the cement dries and you see excess on the surface, take a stiff brush and clean it. In summer, cement sets quickly, so they don’t do a big batch right away, do the work in parts.

Advantages and disadvantages of lids

The advantage of the track from the covers will be durability, brightness, resistance to temperature extremes, ease of repair and budget.

The disadvantage of a continuous garden path or a platform in front of a house made of covers will be their slipperiness after rain or snow. But this can be compensated by a partial laying out of the mosaic in the central part.

For an approximate calculation: there are about 1100-1200 corks from 1-2 liter bottles per 1 sq.m.

Caps from plastic bottles can be combined with metal ones, as well as with broken ceramic tiles or paving. Along with plastic, wine corks are also popular.

One of the indicators of the well-being of any cottage is the presence of paths. They connect garden buildings, lead to a recreation area, separate beds.

To make such a path, you will need plastic bottle caps, cement, sand, boards and tile adhesive.

Country paths, in addition to their direct purpose, ease of movement in any weather, play a very important decorative role.

Such paths become the main element of the surrounding landscape.

Absolutely any material is chosen for their manufacture, but in order for the path in the country to become truly unique and original, it can be made from the most ordinary traffic jams. This is an easy and very interesting task, which even a child will be able to cope with. But before you make country paths from traffic jams yourself, you need to draw rough sketches on paper. The house, the fence, the flower garden, the rest of the decor - everything should be in harmony with each other. The dacha should become a single entity. Next, you need to decide whether the paths will be monochrome or not, whether to make a pattern or ornament on them, whether they need a small fence. If it is decided to make an image or lay out an inscription, then this must first be depicted on paper, calculating how many traffic jams will be in each row. You also need to collect a sufficient amount of material used and only then get to work.

Construction of paths from traffic jams in the country

Before you start laying the plugs, you need to level the area and fill it with liquid from weeds, and after laying, tamp it down with a mallet.

Required tools:

  1. Shovel.
  2. Cord.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Watering can.

Step by step work:

  1. Wash the corks well and dry.
  2. Make markup. To do this, you need to decide on the place of the track, drive pegs around the perimeter and pull the cord along them. If the path in the country house is with a bend, then on the turns the stakes are driven in at a small distance from each other so as not to disturb the smoothness of the line. Measure the width of the tracks with a tape measure. If the path is intended simply for walking, then its minimum width is 50 cm, if a wheelbarrow will pass through it or it will be used for other household needs, then it will be 80 cm.
  3. Sod is removed along the marked area, stones and plant roots are removed. Dig a small trench with a shovel and tamp the soil.
  4. If the path has a fence, then it can also be made using plastic bottles. Their necks down should be placed next to each other at the edges. A decorative fence can be made from any other improvised materials.
  5. Pour rubble into the trench. Smooth it out.
  6. Pour sand on top, tamp and lightly pour water.
  7. Covers bottoms up to be pressed into the sand. As the sand dries, it must be moistened.

Thus, you can lay out the usual straight path in the country house, enclose a flower bed, make a labyrinth, or simply lay out a small area on which flowers in pots will then stand.

If it is necessary to make a more durable coating, then it is better to lay the corks on a concrete solution. The technology is the same, but the sand is replaced by cement. You need to make such a path quickly, and it is better to spread the cement in small portions. When mixing the solution, special dyes can be added to it, then bright colors will be visible between the covers, and not a dull gray color. In addition to plastic corks, metal ones can also be used. They are also well suited for laying and decorating a summer cottage.

To ennoble the backyard territory, it will take a lot of financial, time and labor costs. But skillful owners figured out how to get functional products from unnecessary things.

Here is a garden path made from bottles of water or carbonated drinks - one of these inventions.

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Pros and cons of using thin plastic

This material has many advantages:

  • does not rot;
  • moisture resistant;
  • durable;
  • this is a cheap coverage option;
  • with a choice of different colors;
  • the technology of its installation is simple;
  • dense laying of elements will eliminate the growth of weeds.

When building a path, children can be involved in work by entrusting them with simple tasks.

And if you lay out a path of plastic covers with the edges up, you get an excellent foot massager.

The disadvantages of the material, although few, but they are significant:

  • the coating is deformed with sudden changes in temperature;
  • a large amount of raw materials is required;
  • plastic slippery after rain or frost;
  • does not withstand serious loads, so it is only suitable for decorating a pedestrian zone.

But these disadvantages are easy to eliminate by coming up with an interesting combination of different materials.

Ways to lay paths with your own hands

Masters have learned how to create garden paths from plastic bottles, using both the whole container and its individual parts.

Necessary tools and materials

Before construction begins, it is necessary to prepare:

  • sand;
  • boards (for formwork);
  • crushed stone;
  • broken brick;
  • geotextile;
  • shovel;
  • scissors (for cutting eggplants);
  • rule.

Bottles should be washed in advance, remove the labels from them, and dry in the sun.

Whole bottle path

The order of work is as follows:

  1. They dig a trench with a depth of no more than 40 cm. The bottom is rammed.
  2. On the sides, formwork is constructed from boards.
  3. The bottom is covered with a thin layer of buta or broken bricks.
  4. From above it is covered with soil. Lay geotextiles.
  5. Fall asleep with a pillow of sand and gravel.
  6. Bottles are filled with sand or soil. This is necessary so that the path does not deform when walking along it.
  7. Laying is carried out horizontally or vertically so that the neck of the container is turned towards the edge of the track.
  8. For uniform compaction of the material, oppression is placed on top.
  9. The gaps between the bottles are filled with sand, dry cement.
  10. They tamp down again.
  11. Fill with water so that the cement mortar hardens and the path becomes strong.

If you want a bright pedestrian area in your summer cottage, each row of bottles can be painted in contrasting colors or you can use multi-colored plastic.

We lay out the garden path from the bottoms

The path laid from the bottom of the containers looks beautiful. In addition, it is also a good foot massager.

The bottoms are cut off the same size, sorted by color. Preparatory work is similar to the first option. But the laying of the master is recommended to be done in sand moistened with water or in wet cement mortar. In the latter case, the track will be stronger. As soon as the mixture sets, the formwork is removed.

To maintain the integrity of the structure, borders of glass bottles, bricks, and stones are erected on the sides.

Creation of ornaments from plastic covers

If the owners want to get an inexpensive, but original coating, you can use bottle caps. A variety of colors in the skillful hands of the author allows you to lay out entire compositions. But you need to understand that even for the smallest drawing per 1 m 2 of the path, more than 1000 covers will be required.

All construction processes are the same as when laying whole containers. However, it is advised to form a path of corks on a thin layer of cement mortar.

If you want to make an interesting picture or mosaic out of the covers, then it is better to assemble the individual parts in advance by connecting the small elements with an awl with a fishing line.

You can make an outdoor foot massager by turning the corks upside down. But such a path is not suitable for constant walking, but only for medicinal purposes.

Combined variant

It consists in alternating bottoms and lids of containers. This reduces the consumption of material, and the path turns out to be similar to a flower meadow. The upper part of the bottles is used instead of curbs, laying them in place of the removed formwork. Glass containers, which are also installed upside down, are also suitable for these purposes.

Decor for a summer residence - photos of finished examples

Armed with imagination, in addition to interesting plastic garden paths, you can make a good site fence.

If you buy glue and fix the lids together in the shape of a circle, then an unusual table for tea drinking will come out.

Thematic material:

Mosaic lovers can be patient and try to create a whole picture that will delight the eyes of others for more than one year.

A simpler, but no less interesting option is to use whole bottles turned upside down as a fence for a flower bed.

Having picked up corks in color and shape, you can make wall compositions. They will become an interesting decoration of the fence, walls of outbuildings, gazebos, baths, houses.

This is how original decorative elements are obtained from unnecessary things, which are easy to make yourself. And if you invite children to help, ennoblement of the site will turn into an exciting creative process for the whole family.

Usually there is no time to bring beauty to the site - the forces are leaving. But the owners, sparing no time, make their site beautiful and comfortable. They can become a decor option, because when going to the dacha, they take a lot of containers with water, with juice, and accumulate a lot of it over the summer. You should not collect everything in coolies and take it to a landfill - this is a great material with which you decorate the site, unusual and beautiful things are made.

An example of the original path to the house from corks from plastic bottles

Just turn on your fantasy and imagination. Below are step-by-step instructions, using which it is easy to create an unusual art object on the site. You will need a little:

  • free time;
  • diligence;
  • patience.

Some people think that there is nothing difficult in arranging a path from corks from plastic containers, since it is easy to work with waste material - this is not so. If you want to surprise your neighbors and please your loved ones with the beauty of your work, then you need to follow the basic rules in the arrangement. And they concern in most cases, and preparation for work.

Bottle cap path in the garden

It is worth noting that plastic is an ideal material for walkways, as well, since its decomposition time is 100 years. The color range of the plugs is very large. In addition, they do not lose their external data for a long time, but even if traffic jams fade in the sun, it is enough just to paint them in the desired color.

Required material to create a track:

  1. Multi-colored, different-sized bottle caps.
  2. Juice pack lids.
  3. Metal caps from bottles.
  4. Lids from jars and eggplants.
  5. Wine corks.

The requirement for the material when arranging the track, there should be a lot of it, you need to lay it tightly. The biggest load falls on the tracks. Without laying the material tightly, it will quickly fail, and it will be a pity for the wasted effort.

A variant of the construction of a track made of concrete plugs
  • we measure the diameter of the cork - for two-liter bottles this value is three centimeters;
  • per 1 meter, there are 33.5 pcs. traffic jams;
  • 1122.5 corks need to be stocked per square meter;
  • multiply the area of ​​the track by this figure and get the amount of material.

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Children's country houses from pallets

It turns out a very large figure, which no family can overpower the collection, even if you use a lot of liquid. Where to get material:

  • tell your neighbors, relative, acquaintances about the idea to create beauty on the site;
  • advertise on the Internet;
  • walk through cafes and canteens, arrange with the staff to collect traffic jams in a separate bag.

There are inscriptions on the corks, they are completely unnecessary - the corks are soaked and washed thoroughly. Inscriptions that are not washed off with water must be removed with a solvent.

Cork path on the playground

How to do

There are several options for laying corks:

  1. To obtain a flat and smooth surface - plugs up.
  2. For a ribbed, massage path - up the ribs.
  3. For good texture - inside up.

The latter option is applicable in closed places, when precipitation occurs in traffic jams, water and dirt accumulate. Yes, and it is very difficult to care for such a coating.

How to lay plugs

From this moment, creativity begins. Before you pave the path, you need to decide on the pattern that you lay out on it. You can make a scatter of colors by laying out corks in rows, the result will be a colored spotted path of plastic corks - which will attract attention with its multi-colored highlights. If you are an extraordinary person, then you can create your own ornament. You can use any patterns for embroidery.

Laying a track from plastic corks

A traffic jam track with even geometric shapes will look good - this option is easy to perform, it is enough to make the markup correctly. There are areas where summer residents created real works of art with their own hands. You can safely experiment, and with the involvement of all family members. You will do several useful things:

  • create a beautiful and unusual track;
  • get untold pleasure from the process;
  • establish creative communication with children.

Often, during such a fun game with children, real masterpieces are obtained.

Materials and tools

This stage must be approached with all responsibility, despite the fact that the material is inexpensive. The process requires a lot of patience, so you need to make sure that the traffic jam path has served you for many years. Plastic corks as a garden path

Important! It is worth thinking about making a garden path in the country, as it will decorate the site.

Many people prefer to make garden paths out of plastic corks, but it is worth noting that these paths become slippery in winter. I would like to give advice, do not use this material for the paths that you walk on in the winter. Use them only for paths between beds where you do not walk in winter.

There is always little time left for restoring beauty in a summer cottage - all the forces take a garden with a garden. But recently, many people spare no time and effort to make their site beautiful and unique. Take plastic bottles, for example. With each trip to the country, summer residents carry drinks in such bottles with them, and a lot of this container accumulates over the whole summer. Of course, you can collect them in bags, take them away and just burn them. But it's bad for the environment. We offer another option and now we will tell you how a path is made from corks of plastic bottles. By the way, the bottles themselves can not be thrown away, but many useful things can be made from them.


- cheapness. There are a lot of plastic bottles everywhere, you can ask neighbors and acquaintances for corks from them, or simply remove them from those bottles that are ownerless in the bushes;

- quite simple to manufacture;

- look elegant, beautiful and fun;

- long service life.

1. First of all, select the type of future track. Think about what ornament you will lay out. Then prepare a place for the path. If necessary, dig a trench for one and a half spade bayonet under the garbage.

2. It is best to use cement mortar in proportions of one part cement and four parts sand. Some people, before laying the cork mosaic, level the ground, moisten it a little with water, and begin laying out the cork carpet. But for a long time it will not last, after a while the plugs will begin to fall out one after another. Therefore, use cement mortar.

3. Make a base from small gravel and tamp it down. Then put about five centimeters of the solution, place a metal mesh on it with a cell of 3-4. Then comes another layer of mortar about five centimeters. A strongly liquid solution is not needed, otherwise everything will float.

4. Start pressing the lid into the solution. Press them onto the fresh mortar until it sets. They can be laid out in the form of a selected pattern or simply in random order. It will be easier to work if you do not pave the entire path at once, but do it in parts, in sections of fifty centimeters. It is better to take multi-colored caps, the pattern of them will look very beautiful.

5. The covers pressed into the solution must be leveled with a sheet of plywood, on which lightly tap with a rubber mallet. To prevent the covers from being squeezed back, put the same plywood and press it on top with bricks around the perimeter and put one in the center. Then the load distribution will be uniform. The process, of course, is long, but it turns out indescribable beauty!

1. Make paths from caps and bottoms of plastic bottles. You can involve children in this, let them cut off the bottoms of the bottles with scissors, and then help you make the path itself.

2. Prepare a place for the path and install the box formwork there. On a well-packed earth, pour a layer of sand into the formwork. Level and water.

3. Now start pressing the lids and bottoms into the wet sand. You can lay out a flower meadow from the bottoms, and lay out any pattern or picture according to the cross-stitch pattern with lids. Take your time and such original paths will bring beauty to your site and joy to all family members.