How to clean gaps between tiles. How to remove dirt, grease, grout and tile adhesives from tile joints

If you neglect to clean the walls and floors after each bath, sooner or later, repulsive dirt and mold will appear on the walls and floors. Water, lime and dust accumulate at the joints between the tiles, which is an excellent breeding ground for the growth of fungus.


Tile - excellent finishing material, which belongs to the category of durable and easy to care for. However, rarely does anyone manage to avoid darkening, against which the usual wet cleaning... The messy look of tile joints that were recently white will upset any hostess.

Before we move on to studying how to clean the seams, let's figure out why the tile joints darken. The level of contamination depends on the purpose of the room in which the tiles were laid. Often, in the corridor and in the kitchen, the coating quickly loses its appearance, because these rooms are more polluted than others. The tiles themselves are washed regularly, but it is much more difficult to clean the seams, so this space is not often cleaned. The way to combat darkening must be selected depending on the type of pollution. Residues of food and detergents, dust, street dirt lead to them.

Unfortunately, grout loses its original appearance very quickly, since it has a rough surface in which dirt can easily get stuck. Therefore, when thinking over the repair and design of the room, it is important to take care of practicality and choose a darker grout, otherwise the snow-white seams will delight you with whiteness for a very short time.

We cleanse from dirt

Even after holding general cleansing tile joints can have a sloppy appearance. But there are still ways to return the seams to their original state, and there are a lot of them.

The choice of method depends on the color of the grout and the type of tile itself. The key differences between these methods are the use of household chemicals or home remedies. Both are quite effective.

Soda and vinegar

It is necessary to make a mixture of water and baking soda in a ratio of 3 to 1. You should get a thick paste, which is suitable for cleaning colored joints, but can harm natural materials from limestone and marble. The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. The paste is applied to the joint with fingers in rubber gloves, so as not to cause micro-trauma to the skin of the hands;
  2. A solution of water and vinegar is made in a ratio of 1 to 1. The solution is poured into a container with a spray bottle;
  3. The product is sprayed onto the applied paste. The mass begins to bubble, therefore, the process of a chemical reaction has begun;
  4. Wait for bubbling to stop;
  5. Scrub the joints with a stiff brush;
  6. Perform wet mopping several times to wash off any remaining solution.

Oxidized bleach

  1. Oxidized bleach in the amount of 2 tablespoons is dissolved in 2 glasses of water;
  2. It is necessary to test the liquid in an inconspicuous place before applying it to the entire tile surface. In some cases, the color of the joints will change, so make sure that you do not ruin the grout;
  3. Water the seams with a solution.
  4. We clean in small areas so that puddles of liquid do not collect on the floor;
  5. We rub the solution into the joint with a brush. Especially carefully you need to walk around the corners and edges;
  6. Finally, rinse the floor well.

Hydrogen peroxide, soda, and dishwashing liquid

Make a paste with 3/4 cup baking soda, 1/4 peroxide, and 1 tablespoon of dish soap. This method is very effective due to its components:

  1. Soda works like an abrasive;
  2. Peroxide reacts with baking soda, thereby providing a whitening effect;
  3. Dish detergent easily removes grease.

Apply the paste evenly with a brush to the joints and leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash the seams with warm water several times.

Steam cleaner

Steam cleaners perfectly clean and disinfect spaces between tiles without the use of chemicals. This household appliance does not have to be purchased; you will surely find offers for renting it. A steam cleaner is suitable for you, which includes a hose and a brush attachment.

Clean with a steam cleaner according to the instructions. After switching on, wait until the device reaches the required temperature. The instructions will indicate how long you need to wait. The steam method is effective not only for removing dust and dirt, but also mold.

Summing up, it becomes clear that it is easier to maintain constant cleanliness between the tiles than then to fight an unequal battle with old dirt and try to scrub off the colonies of the fungus. To prevent running stains again, apply to the joints protective agent to prevent dirt and mildew from entering the grout.

Removing mold

Another enemy that is extremely difficult to overcome is black mold. Her disgusting growths on the walls and floor between the tiles able to cross out even the most expensive and sophisticated bathroom renovations.

There are several methods that can get rid of this blackness. Let's start with homemade recipes, because many housewives do not welcome the use of chemicals in everyday life, for fear of harm to health. In addition, home methods are much more economical than buying expensive detergents.

The most effective recipes for killing mold:

  • A paste of soda and chlorine powder. Whiteness or any other cleaning powder containing chlorine will do. The resulting mixture of soda and whiteness effectively brightens and disinfects the surface. But as mentioned above, bleach-containing blends are not suitable for colored seams. Wear gloves and a face shield when handling aggressive chemicals such as chlorine. The mass is applied with a spatula on problem areas until dry. Then all this is washed off with water.
  • Citric acid, soda, and vinegar. Another working household method for dealing with mold is a solution of water, vinegar, citric acid, and baking soda. If the moldiness is insignificant, then you can treat the lesions with vinegar without dilution, then rinse.
  • Ammonia. Dissolve two tablespoons of ammonia in two liters of water. Then spray the solution onto the affected area. After a quarter of an hour, walk with a damp cloth and wipe dry. The antimicrobial effect of ammonia will help get rid of black plaque.
  • Steam. The steam generator will help to cope not only with dirt, but also with mold. The device delivers hot steam under pressure, which softens and pushes dirt out of the tile joints, and the high temperature destroys mold and mildew.

This method is by far the most enjoyable and convenient. When cleaning, you do not have to breathe corrosive chemicals and dilute the dampness in the room. However, there is a risk of getting burned, so work carefully.

Household chemicals

It is not always possible to get rid of blackness with home methods, and then it is worth turning to specialized means aimed at fighting mold. Household chemicals do not always give the desired results, and there is little pleasant in the smell of vinegar and bleach. Today, you can buy many effective products that will get rid of mold and protect against its appearance in the future. The most popular remedies include:

  1. "Atlas Dolphin"- it is a protective emulsion, it does not clean, but creates a film that prevents the deposition of dirt and bacteria. It is applied immediately after grouting or after cleaning the seams. This protection will help keep your bathtub clean.
  2. "Bozo"- a concentrate that removes lime and rust, disinfects and removes odors. It is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 4, but the fungus is directly processed with a pure concentrate.
  3. Mellerud - an excellent product for the maintenance of bathroom tiles. Quickly removes soap and lime stains while refreshing grout and tile color. For routine cleaning, it is recommended to dilute 125 g of the product in a bucket of water. For stubborn soiling, use without dilution.
  4. "Snowball"- a special pencil that whitens the seams and kills the fungus. The remedy is effective for shallow lesions.
  5. Melamine sponge Is not an absorbent cleaning item, as you might think, but a detergent. It is a kind of eraser that erases dirt and erases itself. It is enough to wet the sponge and try to clean off the dirt with it.

All these substances are much stronger and more concentrated than home components, and this is certainly a plus, and a minus is their high toxicity, so it is better to work in a respirator, providing ventilation of the room.

In advanced cases, more serious measures are needed, since the fungus managed to settle deep in the grout. The best thing, of course, would be to remove the old tile, clean and disinfect the surface, and put in a new one. If overhaul is not included in the plans, then you will have to deeply clean the seams.

In no case should mold be left unattended. Fungal spores are extremely hazardous to health, which is known to be the most expensive.

Grouting is tedious and hard work, but worth it... The work can be carried out with a spatula, but it is better to use a drill with a half-disk nozzle, this will somewhat simplify the task. Before work, the tile joints must be moistened with water and vinegar so that the grout becomes more pliable. After that, the joints need to be washed, dried and treated with antifungal agents, and then wiped again.

Sooner or later, the owners of the house are looking for a way to effectively clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, because with prolonged use of the room, the joints become so dirty that even the most expensive repairs become unattractive. However, any hostess can restore the former beauty to the room.

Why does the grout turn black?

To understand how to clean the joints between tiles, you need to understand the causes of the pollution. Blackness between tiles appears due to:

  • accumulation of dust and dirt;
  • the development of fungus and mold.

The first reason is a natural process that cannot be completely avoided, but its consequences can be reduced. The grout crumbles under the influence of an aggressive environment, dirt and dust are clogged into the gaps. The reasons for this are:

  • high humidity in the bathroom;
  • household chemicals for bathing;
  • household chemicals for cleaning premises.

Initial contamination promotes the development of mold and mildew. These microorganisms are harmful to human health, and it is much more difficult to fight them.

The choice of cleaning agents and the method of cleaning depend on the cause of darkening in the joints.

Methods for cleaning seams

Hosts who are wondering how they can clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom at home can use special household chemicals or folk remedies. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Traditional methods

The easiest way to easily remove plaque and dirt from the seams between the bathroom tiles is to clean with baking soda. This requires a pack of baking soda and an old, stiff-bristled toothbrush. You need to do the following:

  • moisten the grout with water;
  • apply baking soda to the seams and wait until it gets wet;
  • apply powder to the brush head;
  • after the crystals get wet, walk with bristles along the joints of the tile;
  • moisten a large brush and apply baking soda to it;
  • clean all tiles from plaque;
  • wash the tiles with water.

Blackened areas should be treated with special care. Since baking soda is an antiseptic, it cleans up the fungus in the bathroom.

How quickly can mold be removed? Vinegar copes well with this task. You can use a 9% solution or essence. When working, you should use personal protective equipment:

The acid not only effectively removes mold, but also promotes the elimination of mold in the bathroom. Procedure:

  • mix baking soda and vinegar in equal proportions;
  • apply the solution to the joints between the tiles;
  • leave on the surface for 5-10 minutes;
  • brush the joints;
  • wash off with water.

The baking soda prevents the vinegar from draining off the tiles right away. It is absorbed into the grout and kills microorganisms. Be sure to wash the seams thoroughly so that the acid does not spoil the tiles.

Many owners have grout in the bathroom. white, but not everyone knows how to bleach the seams between tiles. A mixture of baking soda, fresh lemon juice and vinegar will help clean and bleach them. The composition is as follows:

  • 6 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. citric acid;
  • half a glass of vinegar 9%;
  • 1 glass of water.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied with a brush or a thin stiff brush to the joints of the tiles. The mixture is left for 15-20 minutes. If the product remains, it is necessary to re-treat the surface to remove deep dirt. This mixture should be thoroughly washed off so that the acids do not corrode the grout between the tiles.

This cleaning helps to whiten yellowed seams and helps to get rid of harmful microorganisms. These products can only be used for white grouting. Grout in a different color will lose its color.

Ready funds

Since it is not enough to clean the tile joints in the bathroom with abrasive products or a metal brush, it is necessary to use special tile care products. Any cleaning agent with a high chlorine content can be used for bleaching and disinfection. Simple bleach or products such as:

  • Domestos;
  • "Sanita";
  • "Seth";
  • "Comet" and others.

If the grout has darkened, it is best to use thick funds... They stay on a vertical surface longer and penetrate deeper inside. For cleaning it is necessary:

  • wet tile seams;
  • apply bleach with a toothbrush;
  • leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • wipe the joints again with a brush;
  • at the end, wash the joints between the tiles with water.

Effective cleaning of the tile from the fungus helps to carry out a special pencil for stripping the tile. Inside it is a water-resistant solution that paints the surface, penetrates deeply and kills germs. It is odorless and dries quickly. It is impossible to achieve similar results with simple detergents.

A melamine sponge can also effectively clean the tiles. It wipes off any dirt, rust, limescale. However, the sponge can only perform mechanical cleaning. Without the use of household chemicals, it is unable to eliminate any fungus or mold.

Specialty compounds such as oxygen bleach can kill microorganisms and freshen up the color of the white grout. The product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, applied with a sponge on the tiles and joints, left for 1-1.5 hours. The residues can be removed with a stiff brush and washed off with water.

Preventive treatment of seams

Since dampness is the main reason for the development of microorganisms, the bathroom must be ventilated. A fan should be installed in the ventilation hole as a hood.

To protect against fungi, the joints of the tiles are treated with special solutions. They seal micropores and prevent microorganisms from penetrating deep into the grout and multiplying. To prevent the formation of fungus, you need to treat the inter-tile space with soda 1-2 times a month.

Bathroom mold remover should be applied to darkened areas as soon as they are found. Don't wait for the bacteria to multiply. To prevent their appearance, you need to wipe the tiles with a dry towel after taking a bath, and carry out wet cleaning with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. ammonia or vinegar 9%.

Other tips:

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Bathroom renovations are not cheap and can make a big dent in your family budget. But if it comes about tiles, it is not at all necessary to completely dismantle old finish and install new tiles. Often, it is enough to simply update the seams between the tiles, and the bathroom will immediately take on a completely different look. There are several ways to do this, ranging from simple and cheap to laborious, but more aesthetic and reliable.

If the grout between the tiles has changed color and for this reason has lost its attractive appearance, you can try to clean it from dirt. The advantage of this method is that it is quite fast and cheap, the disadvantages include fragility - the seams will darken after two to three months, and fungus or mold can germinate again after a few weeks. For the procedure, you can choose different methods: household chemicals, folk remedies, or try to remove dirt mechanically.

Household cleaning

Household chemicals for removing dirt from the seams between tiles are chosen depending on the degree of pollution. If the surface is simply covered with soap and grease, you can take conventional products, and for stubborn dirt, mildew and mold, you will have to use special powders or other compounds based on acids or chlorine.

  1. For cleaning surfaces from simple dirt, CIF, Pemolux, Fairy, Cilit and other similar products are suitable.
  2. If you need to use a potent product, it is recommended to choose special compounds for tiles and tile joints: BOZO, KiiltoClean or Ultra-Stripper. Do not forget that they are strong concentrates, so you need to be very careful when working, wear gloves and ventilate the room well.
  3. Chlorine-containing products (Whiteness, Domestos) fight well against mold and mildew.


It is quite easy to use the above-described tile joint cleaning products. You need to apply them to dirty places with a sponge or soft brush, rub well, leave to act for 5-10 minutes, then rinse. If strong concentrated agents are used to remove dirt, you should first read the manufacturer's instructions.

Important: you should not choose ordinary soap to clean the tiles, since the alkali contained in it creates a favorable atmosphere for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

One of the most effective and safest ways to remove dirt from tile joints is to use a steam cleaner. This is a device that removes dirt outside by means of high temperature and pressure, after which it remains to simply wipe it off the surface of the tile. The steam cleaner is very easy to operate, and in addition to cleaning the seams, it also destroys pathogenic microorganisms and fungal spores.

Cleaning with folk remedies

Folk recipes can also effectively clean the seams of the bathroom cladding, returning them fresh and aesthetic appearance... For this, soda, citric acid and juice, vinegar, ammonia, ammonia.

  1. Take a third of a glass of lemon juice, half a glass of soda, 1/4 cup of vinegar, dilute in 7 glasses of water. Apply the resulting mixture to the seams, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse. This product is strong enough that the same precautions should be taken when using it as when working with chemical means.
  2. Pour 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide into plastic dishes (the proportions can be increased, but the ratio should be the same - four parts of baking soda and three peroxides). Additionally, you can use a regular household dish detergent that removes grease well. Apply a mixture of soda and peroxide to the contaminated areas, leave for 2 hours, then clean the surfaces well with a brush and rinse off the product.
  3. Mix equal parts lemon juice, soda, mustard powder and toothpaste, you can dilute the composition with a small amount of ammonia. Lubricate the seams with the resulting mixture, brush with a stiff brush (you can leave it to act for 10-15 minutes).
  4. If mold or mildew appears between the tiles, you can prepare the following remedy. Take a tablespoon of ammonia and vinegar, a teaspoon of any fabric softener, 2/3 cup of water, mix, apply as described above.

Important: do not use products containing ammonia, vinegar and other acids for colored grout, otherwise it may eventually change its color.

When choosing a composition for cleaning tile joints between tiles, one should take into account not only its cost and other characteristics, but also the features of the tile.

  1. If the tile has a glazed surface, do not use acidic agents to combat dirt, as the surface of the cladding may tarnish.

    "EZh" acid gel

  2. Glass tiles and mosaics are resistant to aggressive substances, but do not "like" compounds with a high content of alkali and acid.
  3. Products with abrasive particles are not recommended in any case, because they leave minor scratches on any tile.

Mechanical cleaning

The mechanical method of whitening tile joints is more effective than household products, as it involves removing the top layer of grout along with the dirt. The disadvantage is that this process is quite laborious, and after it you will need to do a general cleaning in the bathroom.

It is most convenient to clean the seams between the tiles with a hard kitchen scraper, sandpaper or spatula - they should go well along all the seams, giving Special attention places with mold and mildew. Metal brushes can be used, but they leave noticeable streaks. Another option is to make something like a chisel from a thin tube, the edge of which should be sharpened with a grinder.

Attention: do not use a perforator to remove the top layer of grout - the work will go faster, but there is a high probability of damaging the tiles.

Video - How to clean the seams between tiles

Method number 2. Painting seams

Painting the seams between tiles - more reliable way renovate bathroom surfaces (they will stay clean and fresh for about six months). Seams can be treated with ordinary lime, water-based paint or choose a special composition in the store that is intended for these purposes.

How to choose a paint for seams?

To renew the grout, you can choose a color similar to the old grout, or experiment with the palette. Light paint hides the flaws of the tiles and harmonizes with any shades of tiles, and dark paint gives the room original view... Some of the most well-known manufacturers that produce dyes for seams include Edding 8200, Pufas Frische Fuge, Fuga Fresca.

Attention: when choosing a marker for painting seams, you should pay attention to the thickness of the line - if it is wider than the seams themselves, it will be inconvenient to work with the marker.

It should be noted that when paint is applied to the surface, the color may differ significantly from the one declared by the manufacturer - especially if the shade of the new composition is much lighter than the shade of the old grout.

When choosing a coloring composition, you should carefully read the instructions on the packaging - most products are not used for epoxy joints, as well as those filled with silicone or polyurethane sealants.

Step-by-step instructions for applying paint to seams

In order for the paint to evenly lay on the surface, and the result of the work to please the eye for a long time, you need to adhere to a few simple rules.

Step 1. It is good to clean the surface between the tiles (you can use the methods described above). If the dirt is heavily ingrained, a mechanical cleaning method should be used, and if there is mold and mildew, additionally treat them with an antiseptic.

Step 2. Wait until it dries completely (it is impossible to apply paint on a wet surface, as the result of the work will be unsatisfactory).

Step 3. The paint is applied with a thin brush, as carefully as possible, and special attention should be paid to the vertical seams, where the composition can flow down.

The paint that has got on the tile should be wiped off immediately, without waiting for it to dry, with a soft cloth, since it will be impossible to remove it later.

Wipe off excess paint with a rag

Step 4. Wait 24 hours until the composition is completely dry, then evaluate the result and, if necessary, apply one or more layers of paint.

After painting the joints, it is advisable to protect them with a special sealant compound, which will extend the service life of the compound.

Video - Change the color of the grout on the tiles

Method number 3. Replacing grout

Replacing old grout is the most time consuming but effective and reliable way to renew your bathroom interior. To do this, you will have to remove the old grout, and then cover the seams with a fresh compound. This is a simple, but rather laborious process, which consists of several stages.

Note: if the seams are slightly "recessed" (that is, there is a gap of at least half a millimeter between their surface and the tile), and old mortar holds tight enough, you can do without removing it and apply a thin layer of grout on top.

Stage one. Removing old grout

Old grout must be removed mechanically - for this it is most convenient to use special tool called a seam opener. You can take an ordinary spatula or other tool, but you should work very carefully so as not to damage the edges of the tile. If the tile has a textured surface, it is best to protect the surface with masking tape.

Most often, old grout can be removed easily, but in some cases (especially if a cement-based composition was used), you will have to use a special acidic cleaner: for example, PUFAS CEMENT-EX or LITOCLEAN PLUS. It is applied with a thin brush to the seams, after which the composition is allowed to dry, and the softened grout is removed very easily.

For your reference, don't worry about getting acidic cleaner onto the tile surface. For tiles, it is absolutely harmless, but for the body it can be dangerous, so you need to take care of protecting the skin and mucous membranes.

So that there are no small debris and crumbs left in the depths of the seams, you should walk over the surfaces with an ordinary vacuum cleaner. After that, rinse the seams with an ordinary detergent (non-aggressive) and leave to dry.

Video - How to clean grout joints

Stage two. Mix selection

Tile grout is a paste or powder that is mixed with liquid to the desired consistency. The performance characteristics of formulations depend on the basis on which they are made: cement or resin.

Mixture typeCompoundAdvantagesFlaws
CementCement (Portland cement) with the addition of sand, polymers, etc.The cheapest option for renovating seams. The mixture is easy to work with, does not freeze for a long time and can be easily removed if replacement is necessary.Cement grout tends to crack over time, which is why dirt and dust gets into the cracks. In addition, it easily absorbs water and does not tolerate contact with aggressive agents.
Resin basedEpoxy or furan resin with hardenersMoisture resistance, resistance to aggressive chemicals, temperature extremes, long service lifeRelatively high cost, difficulty in work - when preparing the mixture, it is necessary to accurately observe the proportions and lay the solution quickly enough, otherwise it will harden

Another important criterion choice of composition - the width of the seam between the tiles. In stores there are compounds for grouting tiles with a seam width from 1 to 15, from 3 to 6 mm, etc. The most popular brands of such products include Ceresit, Litokol, Mapei.

Important: the amount of mortar depends on the size of the tiles, the width and depth of the joints: a bag of dry mix weighing 25 kg is enough to process 50-100 square meters of a surface lined with tiles standard size(33x33 cm).

If necessary, the mixture for renewing the seams can be prepared with your own hands, but it specifications will be worse than the factory one. If the seam between the tiles is not too wide (less than 1.5 mm), you can mix Portland cement with special plasticizers, which are sold in specialized stores, and for joints more than 1.5 mm wide, a Portland cement mortar with sand (1 to 1 ratio) is suitable.

How to choose the shade of grout?

In order for the interior of the bathroom to be harmonious and attractive, the following points should be taken into account when choosing a shade of grout:

  • compositions of light shades allow you to create a coherent surface, visually enlarge the room and hide the flaws of the cladding;
  • dark grout is ideal for highlighting individual areas and creating original compositions;
  • for flooring that is most exposed to dirt, it is recommended to use black or brown compounds;
  • it is best to choose a colored grout so that it is in harmony with the darkest or lightest shade that is present in the interior;
  • bright compositions that stand out strongly against the general background can only be used on perfectly flat surfaces, as they emphasize all the defects of the cladding.

We prepare everything for work

The mixture is most often diluted with water, sometimes with liquid latex (this is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions). Before doing the work, the room should be well ventilated in order to reduce the humidity to a minimum, and the process of grouting itself is as follows.

Important: if the joints are well cleaned of the old grout and are deep enough, you can immediately start applying the new composition. Otherwise, it is recommended to pre-treat the seams with a special primer (eg Ceresit CT 99).

Step 4. Gather some grout on a spatula (hold the tool at an angle of 30 degrees to the tile) and apply it first across the seam, pressing the mixture into the depth, and then along. It is not worth saving the solution - its surplus can be removed with sandpaper.

Step 5. Go over the finished joint with a trowel, leveling and distributing the mixture. The mixture that has got on the surface of the tile should be removed immediately, until it is completely dry - for this it is enough to wipe the tile with a damp cloth.

After the solution has slightly seized, you can join - take a piece of cable, press it a little into the seam, run it along the entire length and remove the excess. Upon completion of the work, you should wait until the grout has completely hardened (this will take from 24 to 48 hours) and treat the surface with a fine sandpaper.

Video - Correct grouting of tiles

Stage four. Application of protective impregnation

In order for fresh joints to retain an attractive appearance for as long as possible, it is necessary not only to choose and install the grout correctly, but also to protect it from negative factors. For this, they are used with special compounds, which are of several types.

It is recommended to apply a protective impregnation not earlier than a week after laying a new grout. The surface must be completely dry, therefore, you must first ventilate the bathroom well. The impregnation is applied with a thin brush, exactly along the seam - if the composition gets on the tile, it may lose its aesthetic appearance. The best option is to protect the tiles with masking tape. The solution should be applied in two layers (the first is completely absorbed into the seams) at intervals of at least 24 hours.

In order for the tile grout to retain its attractive appearance as long as possible, it is important proper care behind the tiled surface. About once a month, the seams should be well cleaned of grease, soap and limescale, and ensure good ventilation premises and regularly check communications for leaks.

How to clean the joints between tiles? How to bleach the seams between tiles? Every second housewife asks herself these questions, because in almost every apartment there is a room where tiles are laid on the floor. Accordingly, sooner or later everyone thinks about cleaning the seams between tiles, as they tend to darken over time, this is especially visible on white grout. This can be limescale, ingrained dust and dirt, mold. How to whiten seams between tiles that have darkened over time, what means can help with this? Let's figure out how you can bleach the seams between the tiles.

Water and sponge

Most of the tiles are laid on the floor in the bathroom. In this room, there is naturally a frequent formation of steam, which binds the dust that has settled on the floor surface, and thereby "sticks" it even more to tiles and seams. When we wash the floor, we usually pay attention directly to the tiles, from the smooth surface of which dust can be easily removed with a wet rag, sponge, etc., while driving the dust into the tile joints. Therefore, if you notice darkening of the grout, before applying aggressive products to its surface, try simply rubbing with a damp brush first. If the dirt has not yet eaten into the grout, the dust simply rolls off, and you can easily remove it with a damp sponge. In the case when you removed the dust, and the result did not suit you, the seams are still not white enough, as you would like, proceed to whitening them.

Folk remedies

How to clean the seams between the tiles with improvised means? In order to independently prepare a solution that will produce a whitening effect, you will need water, soda, vinegar, lemon juice, protective gloves, and a brush. To clean the joints between the tiles, you must wear rubber gloves and gently mix 100 g of baking soda, 1/3 cup lemon juice, 1/4 cup vinegar 9% and 1.5 liters of warm water. The mixture of baking soda and acetic acid will react violently and produce gas, so be careful. To mix the components of the solution, take a large container so that the foam does not start pouring over the edges of the container. With a convenient brush, while the reaction is taking place, apply the solution, you will see the result immediately, but for the best result, leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rub and rinse with water.

You can bleach the seams between the tiles in another simpler folk way: a citric acid washing solution. Proportion: 1 sachet of acid in 1 glass of water. Apply for 15 minutes, then rinse seams with water.

Melamine sponge

A sponge made of 100% melamine will help clean the tile joints. This sponge has the ability to remove dirt from the surface without the use of additional chemicals. It is white in color, has no foreign smell, and is made using a special technology, due to which, while remaining soft, it acquires almost the hardness of glass. The ingress of melamine into the human body is not desirable, therefore, you should not wash dishes and other surfaces intended for food with a sponge (refrigerator shelves, countertops, etc.), and it is ideal for cleaning tile joints on the floor.

When using a sponge, it is erased like an eraser, so it is better to start cleansing with the corner of the sponge, and not with the entire surface, so its service life will be much longer. Before using the sponge, be sure to wet and squeeze out gently. Practice has shown that the melamine sponge cannot cope with deeply moldy seams, but simply a soiled tile seam will wash well.

Chemical detergents

Of course, you can find a special joint cleaner in the store, but every home has a variety of different cleaning and detergents that will do the job just as well. Experiments have shown that they are almost equally good at cleaning the inter-tile gaps, they clean the joint between the bathroom and the tiles, and the means for removing limescale, and cleaning agents for toilets, and various universal cleaning agents for the bathroom and kitchen, when destroying the fungus - chlorine-containing products. Therefore, before you go in search of a special solution, you should try to clean the existing seams.

Always use gloves when handling chemicals. Provide good ventilation. In an inconspicuous place, try to apply a cleaning solution to the tile to test its resistance to aggressive environments, if the tile is glossy, then it may lose its shine due to a long exposure to the cleaning agent. You should also check the reaction of the colored grout, as some of the products can whiten the pigment.

Steam cleaner

Another option for cleaning the joints between tiles is steam. Many manufacturers and sellers of steam cleaners recommend them as a way to clean the joints between tiles. Hot steam helps fight mold and mildew. When buying a steam cleaner, it is better to focus on customer reviews, because not all models of this type of equipment can cope with this task.

Replacing grout

There are especially neglected cases when none of the means will save and there is no point in washing the seams. This is especially true of surfaces affected by fungus, mold, which chlorine-containing solutions cannot even cope with. In this case, a complete replacement of the grout is required.

If you decide to do this without the help of specialists, then be patient, because you will have to completely get rid of the old grout, that is, pick it out. To do this, you will need some kind of scraper, from the available tools - it can be a screwdriver. After you have removed all grout, apply a primer, wait until it is completely dry and apply fresh grout. Remove the excess until it is dry, then it will be problematic to do.

Clean tile joints more often in a gentle way, then you do not have to resort to the use of aggressive solutions. It may not be worth using white grout on the floor, then you will minimize your efforts and costs for cleaning the tile joints.

How to clean the seams between floor tiles

Method 3: Using oxygen bleach Using chlorine bleach and baking soda Using a steam cleaner

Few people enjoy cleaning the joints between floor tiles, especially when they are heavily soiled with stains that are difficult to remove. By following the tips below, the seams between the tiles in your apartment will look just as clean and beautiful as soon as they are renovated.


Method 1 of 3: Using oxygen bleach

Oxygen bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that consists of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. The remedy takes effect when it is mixed with warm water. The oxygen ions in the bleach break down the dirt molecules, breaking them down into small particles that can be removed very easily.

Method 2 of 3: Using chlorine bleach and baking soda

If oxygen bleach is ineffective, use chlorine bleach. However, this solution should only be used for white joints, as the bleach will ruin the colored grout.

Method 3 of 3: Using a steam cleaner

The steam cleaner is an effective device when neither oxygen nor chlorine bleach can cope with cleaning seams.

  • Try to remove stains while they are fresh for the best results.
  • Apply sealant to clean floor. The sealant will help prevent future contamination.
  • To keep your floor looking clean, add oxygen bleach to the water when you wash the floor. Leave the solution on for 30 minutes. Then rinse the floor clean water.
  • Choose nylon or brass brushes for your steam cleaner, depending on the strength of your tile.


  • Only work with chlorine bleach in well-ventilated areas.
  • Cracked tiles should not be cleaned with a steam cleaner.
  • Always use rubber gloves when handling oxygen or chlorine bleach. Also, wear old clothing as the bleach may splash onto the fabric.
  • Always read the manufacturer's instructions when using a steam cleaner or any other appliance.

What do you need

  • Bucket
  • Oxygen bleach
  • Pure water
  • Nylon bristle brush
  • Mop
  • Baking soda
  • Chlorine bleach
  • Stick for stirring paint
  • Toothbrush
  • Steam cleaner

How to clean the seams between floor tiles

Tile is an excellent material for protecting surfaces from dirt. In addition, she is not demanding in care. However, sooner or later the question arises of how to clean the seams between the tiles, since ordinary wet cleaning does not cope, and darkening at the joints makes the floor sloppy.

Why do the seams darken quickly?

To clean the joints between floor tiles, you need to know why they get dirty so quickly. It all depends on the room in which the tiles were used on the floor. Usually in the kitchen, in pantries and utility rooms, it quickly loses its attractive appearance, due to constant contact with dust, dirt and other substances. And if the tile itself is washed quickly, then in order to clean the joints you need to spend a lot of time.

You need to choose a method depending on the type of pollution.

Often, the seams between the tiles darken, due to getting there:

  • Leftover food.
  • Dust.
  • Contaminated liquid.
  • Detergent.
  • Construction dust.
  • Street dirt

The grout, with which the seams are processed, quickly becomes not aesthetic, since various particles adhere well to its rough surface. Therefore, even during renovation works try to choose a practical dark shade, especially in the kitchen or if the room will be walk-through.

Materials for cleaning seams

Clean the joints between floor tiles without using additional tools and detergents will not work. Therefore, you should take care of this in advance and prepare everything.

You should have at hand:

  • Stiff brush (old used toothbrush will do).
  • Cleaner with aggressive abrasive ingredients.
  • Latex gloves.
  • Warm water or at least room temperature.
  • A sponge or rag.
  • Soda, vinegar, lemon, and peroxide.
  • Putty knife.

When everything is ready, you can start cleaning the joints. There are several proven ways to eliminate dirt, it is enough to choose the most optimal and not time-consuming.

Proven techniques for tackling dirty joints on floor tiles

Many, wondering how to clean the seams between the tiles on the floor, rush to the store for expensive detergents... However, if there are children in the house, or people prone to manifestations of an allergic reaction, then you should not use chemical agents to deal with dirt at the joints. In this case, it is better to resort to folk recipes.

You will need to take 3 parts of baking soda for 1 part of water to end up with a thick paste. This composition can easily bleach almost any seam. During the process, hands should be protected using rubber gloves.

You will need to apply a thin layer of baking soda to the seams. Spray vinegar over it. As soon as the chemical reaction has begun, begin to remove the foam, along with the contamination, with a rag. This method, unlike the previous one, cannot be called universal, since it is not safe for marble tiles, and can spoil the lime grout.

Dissolve two cups of any whiteness in a container with water. Apply to seams immediately after preparation and wait a little. However, you should be careful with colored joints, this method will lighten them and the shade will most likely be damaged. You can use a brush to work the mortar into the joint. Particular attention is paid to corners where dirt accumulates.

Another great technique allows you to get rid of even very stubborn dirt. It is enough to take a glass of baking soda and dilute it in one quarter of a 3% peroxide solution. Can be added to make the detergent more effective. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the seams, and with the help of a brush, remove grease and dirt from the joints of the tiles. You should be careful, as the composition will bleach the seams, therefore it is not recommended to use it for colored tiles.

There is also a mechanical way to quickly cope with the contamination of the joints on the tiles, a steam cleaner, if there is one at home, will help. It is enough to let him reach the desired temperature regime and carry out the usual cleaning. You should use a special nozzle in your work, which will allow you to completely direct the jet of steam to the dirty seam. If there is no such device, then you can remove dirt from the seams with a spatula or scraper, but this technique will take much longer.

What to do if a fungus appears

If between the tiles not only darkening from dirt and dust has appeared, but mold and fungal spores have begun to grow, then, most likely, an ordinary detergent will not cope with the problem. You can, of course, try to remove it using the methods described above, but if the problem returns, you will need to resort to more radical methods.

  • You will need to take a scraper or spatula and remove the affected areas.
  • Walk along the joints with an anti-fungal impregnation.
  • After the solution has dried, you can start grouting.

Such a renewal of the joints will solve the problem and prevent the spread of the fungus. A complete renovation of the joints is recommended from time to time, since the material still gradually deteriorates and loses its attractive appearance. Poor grouting is also the cause of the destruction of the cladding, the accumulation of moisture under the tiles, and the development of mold.

How to clean tiles after renovation work

Often times, the problem with cleaning tiles becomes immediately after they have been laid. Particles of grout remain on the tile, and construction dust, paint, primer are poorly washed. It will not work here with soapy water alone. In this case, you will need to use:

  • Solvent.
  • Kerosene.
  • Ammonia.

They cannot be used undiluted, only as a component in a solution. They are able to soften and wash off almost any kind of contamination. However, before applying such a solution, you need to be sure that the tile can easily withstand such an impact. Some inexpensive tiles, after such cleaning, irrevocably lose their original attractive appearance. Use a blade or scraper in your work carefully, trying not to hook the decorative component of the tile.

Video instruction

How and how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom?

Tiled bathroom finishes will last a long time. But if you do not wipe the surfaces after each water procedure, then over time the seams between the tiles will lose their original appearance and become dirty. They settle on lime deposits, dust, moisture, and sometimes mold and mildew. How to clean the joints between floor and wall tiles? You will find the answer to this question in our article.

Reasons for contamination of seams

High humidity in the bathroom and the use of household chemicals for bathing are the main causes of seam contamination. This process cannot be completely prevented, but you can cope with its consequences.

Seams between tiles on the floor and walls can become dirty if used improperly and installation techniques during repairs:

  1. Surface care is performed out of time.
  2. There is no heating in the bathroom.
  3. There is no ventilation in a humid room.
  4. The seams were not free of glue.
  5. Grout without protective coating.
  6. During the renovation, the base was not coated with a mildew and mildew resistant primer.

Dirty seams can ruin the appearance of even the most expensive tiles. If dirt is not dealt with in time, mold or mildew may develop in the gaps. It is much more difficult to cope with them.

How to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom - folk ways

Thrifty housewives can use improvised and safe means for health. Their choice depends on the degree of contamination of the tile gaps and the absence or presence of fungus.

You can restore the appearance of the tile and clean it of limescale with the help of ammonia. To do this, prepare a solution:

After such treatment, ceramic tiles will shine like new. In addition, ammonia has antimicrobial properties and is able to protect the material from mold for some time.

The easiest method is to use baking soda, which is almost always found in every home. You don't need to do anything complicated with it. It is enough just to dilute to the state of a paste with water, apply to dirty seams and clean them with a toothbrush.

Tile gaps on the bathroom floor are simply sprinkled with soda, which is moistened with a spray bottle. After that, an old toothbrush is also used. Soda from the cleaned joints is washed off 15 minutes after processing. This antiseptic can be used to prevent fungus in the bathroom.

Vinegar, soda and lemon juice

Not only dirt, but also fungus, you can clean the gaps between the tiles with a mixture of soda, vinegar and lemon juice. The tool is prepared from three tablespoons of soda, to which a solution is added, consisting of the following components:

  • water - ½ glass;
  • lemon juice - ½ tbsp. l;
  • table vinegar 9% ¼ cup.

The solution must be poured into the soda gradually, since there will be a strong reaction. In terms of effectiveness, the resulting mixture can be compared with the best industrial cleaning agents.

The composition is applied to the seams with a brush. After 10 minutes, when the mixture is dry, you will need to apply a new layer of the composition. After 15 minutes, the walls and floors are thoroughly rinsed with water. You can wash dirty gaps with one vinegar, which is applied to problem areas with a spray bottle. After 10 minutes, the product is washed off with a sponge.

Soda with whiteness

Adding whiteness or liquid chlorine bleach to baking soda can create a blend that will remove dirt, mildew, and tile gaps in bathrooms and kitchens. If the seams on the walls and floor are colored, then this tool will not work.

Whiteness or bleach must be added to the baking soda in such an amount that a pasty mixture is obtained. It is applied to ceramics with a spatula and kept until completely dry. The agent is washed off from the surface with the hard side of a dish sponge or a brush.

How to clean the seams between floor and wall tiles - mechanical methods

It is possible to cope with the contamination of the gaps without solutions, using only mechanical methods for this:

  1. If your home has a steam cleaner, you can use hot steam, which under high pressure will soften and remove any dirt. At the same time, the material is processed with high temperatures, which will help get rid of mold and mildew. After using the steam cleaner, you only need to rinse off the plaque with a rag. It is an eco-friendly cleaning method that doesn’t have to breathe. harmful substances... You just have to be careful with hot steam.
  2. You can use a chisel used by wood carvers to remove dirt between tiles. It should have a very small rounding diameter and a semicircular surface. If you can't find a chisel, then it can be made from a metal pipe. You just need to cut it lengthwise and sharpen the edges.
  3. Newly formed plaque can be wiped off with an abrasive sponge. It is not recommended to lather it, since the soapy environment does not possess disinfecting properties, but it can aggravate the situation. Fresh dirt will be easily peeled off under the influence of abrasives.
  4. If the plaque on the seams between the plates is superficial, then you can walk over it with bent sandpaper. It should be used carefully, as it can scratch the ceramics. The grout sanded with sandpaper is washed with warm water. After removing the top dirty layer, the seams will be smooth and neat.

See also: What to do if a mercury thermometer breaks in an apartment

How to wash the seams between tiles - chemicals

When choosing a tool for cleaning tile gaps in the bathroom, you should pay attention to the composition. Bleach preparations are not suitable for colored seams. Using them can change the color, making it uneven and faded.

The most popular and effective remedies are:

See also: Cleaning your fish tank at home

Using the described methods, recipes and remedies, you can return the tiles and joints to a clean and attractive surface, which was immediately after the repair. But in order not to waste time cleaning old dirt and fighting mold and mildew, you should keep the walls and floor clean.

Attention, only TODAY!

Cleaning of tile joints: how and with what to clean?

Ceramic tiles do not require specific maintenance during operation, but the seams between the tiles quickly become dirty and difficult to clean. This problem can occur in a bathroom or kitchen.

Important! Before cleaning, you need to wipe the surface of the tile with a damp cloth without the use of chemicals.

Cleaning of tile joints can be carried out using special chemicals. Popular methods of cleaning dirt at the junction of tiles are actively used. For efficiency, several methods are used simultaneously, sequentially.

The most popular and effective are:

Means Cleaning method Peculiarities
Soda + vinegar Mix half a glass of baking soda with 80 grams of lemon juice and 60 grams of vinegar. 2.5 liters of warm water are added.

Apply the mixture to the seams and keep for half an hour. Then wash off the product from the seam.

Work only with gloves, as the mixture is acidic. Whitens inter-tile mixture.
Ammonia Combine 7 glasses of warm water, half a glass of soda, 50 grams of vinegar and 30 grams of ammonia.

The principle of use is the same as in the first case.

In addition to gloves, a gauze bandage on the nose is additionally used. Disinfects and whitens seams.
Oxygen bleach Mix oxygen bleach in equal proportions with water at room temperature.

Apply to seams and wait 1 hour. Wash off with water.

Non-toxic cleaning method. Effective for deep dirt.
White Apply the product to the seams and wait until it dries completely. Subsequently, the product must be thoroughly washed off. warm water. For a long time, a pungent smell remains, the room requires careful ventilation.
Special cleaning agent In accordance with the preferences of the hostess, you can purchase a chemical in different directions. Individual characteristics use.
Steam cleaners Special devices which use hot steam to remove deep dirt in the gaps between the tiles. An expensive but effective reusable device.

Features of cleaning between tiles and bathroom

The bathroom is a specific room where high humidity, tiles constantly interact with water. The junction of the tile and the bathroom is very problematic, since there is a constant interaction with water.

Before work, you should assess the degree of contamination of the seams, namely the presence of fungus or mold. They are the reason for the need for a deep impact on the affected areas.

You can clean the seams between the tiles and the bathroom in the following way:

  • With a light degree of contamination, the seams can be treated with the above means. Due to the acidic environment, dirt quickly falls off the tile surface.
  • Old stains can only be removed with products that contain chlorine. A steam cleaner is effective, which removes old and deep dirt spots, but not ingrained fungus, mold.
  • It is possible to clean the seam from mold or mildew only with the help of mechanical action. Remove the affected grout with a screwdriver. Places of removal of the grout are treated with vinegar. Then it is washed with warm water. When the moisture dries, a fresh grout is applied to the surface.

The last method is the most effective, but long-term. If necessary, it is also used in the kitchen. So that the fungus, mold is not disturbed for a long time you can treat the grout with an anti-fungal primer applied with a thin brush.

Cleaning floor tiles

It is difficult to clean the seams between the tiles on the floor. There are many reasons for pollution and each of them requires a special approach. Depending on the degree of contamination, different ways cleaning: superficial, mechanical, cosmetic.

Note! The consequences of the repair can be removed using aggressive methods of exposure: solvents, kerosene, gasoline. Using a blade, you can get rid of the glue.

Features of surface treatment:

  1. Simple stains can be easily removed with baking soda and an old toothbrush. If the effect is not justified, then you can additionally use vinegar or ammonia. For high-quality cleaning, the products are kept on the surface for several minutes, and then they are cleaned with a toothbrush.

    It is impossible to act with metal brushes and ruffs on the surface of tiles, tiles. Thus, it can be damaged protective layer ceramic product.

  2. When removing mold and mildew, only mechanical action is used. The affected areas are removed, and a new grout is applied in their place.

    The grout itself is coated with an anti-fungal primer. Removal can be complete or partial. In the process of work, it is advisable to use an antifungal agent at each stage.

  3. For the purpose of restoration, mechanical action is also carried out, when there was a partial or complete washout, knocking out of the grouting material between the tiles. If the case is not running, then you can use available funds... Periodically, you should whiten the tile surface and the seams between them. Hydrogen peroxide is applied to the grout with a cotton swab or brush, which should be kept for several minutes.

    You can achieve white seams with fat deposits using the following mixture: dishwashing detergent, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. You should get a soft gruel, which is applied to the joints and aged for several hours. Then the product is removed with warm water.

The floor covering is undergoing the most active impact. If we carry out constant work in the direction of maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of the grout, then each cleaning will proceed much faster and easier. It is important to study the composition of auxiliary chemicals.

The grout gives the ceramic a complete finish. Contrasting, white or matching the tiles, it makes the surface neat and protects the adhesive solution from moisture. But over time, this capricious material tends to darken, fade and become covered with ugly spots. TilePol magazine will tell you how to clean the joints between tiles in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway and prevent their re-contamination.

photo from the site

Targeted control: types of pollution

Tile joints are the weakest point in the cladding. The ceramics washes well, but the grout is less resistant to both dirt and wiping. Therefore, experienced tilers prefer to use large format tiles, which reduce the number of joints. Nevertheless, it will not be possible to do without seams at all, which means that the need to clean the seams between the tiles will surely arise sooner or later. The nature of pollution and methods of dealing with them differ depending on the premises:

  • In the kitchen, problems are caused by greasy stains and splashes on the surface during cooking. Therefore, in order to clean the seams between the tiles in the kitchen, you will have to take funds with surfactants that destroy the structure of the fat film.
  • Bathrooms, baths, swimming pool rooms and other places with high humidity are susceptible to the development of mold. Colonies of these microorganisms penetrate into the deep layers of the coating and are resistant to common cleaning agents. To effectively clean the seams on the tiles in the bathroom, you will have to use deep penetrating substances with antifungal effect.
  • In the hallway, corridor and other rooms with high traffic, pollution is represented by dust, dirt and sand particles brought from the street. Conventional detergents combined with physical effort work well with them.

Regardless of the nature of the problem, it will be easier to fix it at the initial manifestations. Over time, surface contamination not only becomes more pronounced, but also penetrates deeper. Regular cleaning gives better results than general cleaning a couple of times a year.

How to clean tiles between seams with folk remedies

Improvised means do a good job with pollution, even of a fungal nature, as they change the pH of the environment, destroying the cell membrane of microorganisms. By using chemical reactions wisely, you can push dirt particles to the surface, after which they can be easily removed. It is easiest to clean the seams on the tiles on the floor, as the horizontal surfaces it is easier to apply solutions and let them work. On the walls you will have to try, but nothing is possible.

Baking soda

photo from the site

To alkaline environment worked effectively, it is necessary to create conditions for its deep penetration. To do this, you need regular baking soda, an old toothbrush, and water.

  • Soak a brush in cold water, dip it in baking soda and treat the stains, being careful to keep as much powder as possible on the surface.
  • If you need to clean the seams on the tiles on the floor, simply cover them with powder and moisten them with water.
  • Leave the lye on for 10 minutes, then brush again thoroughly.
  • From a spray bottle, spray a strong citric acid solution (2 tablespoons per 100 ml of water) or vinegar onto the baking soda.
  • The chemical reaction will be accompanied by the release of bubbles carbon dioxide that pushes dirt to the surface. When the hissing stops, spray the surface with acid again.

After that, it remains to rinse the tiles with a sponge and plenty of water. Such events help to clean the seams on the tiles from fungus and ordinary dirt, so they should be carried out in the bathroom or for floor coverings.

Hydrogen peroxide

photo from the site

It copes well with dirt thanks to a chemical reaction with the release of oxygen, which mechanically removes all dirt, even deeply ingrained ones.

  • Buy a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution from your pharmacy. Keep in mind that the product is quite corrosive and will cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin, so protect your hands with gloves when handling.
  • To clean the joints between the tiles on the floor, simply pour the liquid on them, and for the walls, use a spray bottle by spraying it on vertical surfaces.
  • Leave for 10 minutes for the reaction to take place, then wipe the seams with a damp cloth or sponge. Repeat the manipulations if necessary.

If the cause of the stains is a fungus, the peroxide will only mechanically remove the visible part, but the spores of the microorganism in the grout structure will remain. In this case, clean seams must be treated with special compounds, which we will focus on below.

Soda + bleach

photo from the site

Thanks to its antifungal properties, such a recipe copes well with mold, and solves the problem of how to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathtub.

  • Pour 5 tablespoons into a small container. baking soda.
  • Add a little bleach, stirring until a paste is obtained.
  • Cover the seams with a thick layer of the resulting paste and let it dry completely.
  • Brush off the compound with a stiff bristled brush.
  • Wipe the surface with water using a sponge.

Think about color

This product is only suitable for white grout, as it destroys pigments and, when used on colored materials, will lead to a change in shade.

How to clean the joints between tiles with chemical compounds

photo from the site

You can look for products that can remove dirt from the grout both in hardware stores and in the household chemicals section of supermarkets. It is quite possible that some of them are available on your farm, you don't even have to go shopping.

  • Chlorine solutions. A great way to clean the joints between bathroom tiles, as they effectively kill mold. It is impractical to use them in the kitchen or in other rooms. Chlorine bleaches like Whiteness or toilet bowl cleaners like Domestos can help. Apply them to the seams, leave for 10-15 minutes to act, then mechanically remove the dirt. For colored grout, test on an inconspicuous area to avoid discoloration.
  • Surfactants. Perfect for cleaning kitchen tiles where grease is present on the tiles. Use a dishwashing detergent or stove cleaner such as Fairy, MrMuscle, Silit or similar. Do not forget to allow time for exposure after application, and only then proceed with cleaning, armed with the hard part of a dishwashing sponge.
  • Oxygenated bleaches. Suitable products are available from many trade marks: Vanish, ACE, Persol, Bos-plus, Snow White. Such means are careful with colored grout, but they are absolutely powerless against fungus, so their use is justified in order to clean the joints between the tiles on the floor. In the bathroom, they will help remove stains, but to combat mold, you will have to additional processing antifungal solutions.
  • Special means. For these compositions, you will have to go to the hardware store, but you will put much less effort in washing out. Consultants will help you choose the best option in order to clean the joints between tiles, but BOZO and Ultra-Stripper can be called tested and well-proven.

Don't forget about protection

Aggressive chemicals can cause severe burns if they come into contact with the skin or if the vapors are inhaled. Take care of your safety by protecting exposed areas of the body with clothing and heavy gloves, and the respiratory tract with a respirator. It will not be superfluous to turn on ventilation or open windows. If contact cannot be avoided, rinse with copious amounts of cool water.

For stubborn stains, you can buy a special marker to match the grout that will paint over the stains. But you need to use it only after a full antiseptic treatment.

Last resort: mechanical removal

photo from the site

Long-term contamination is not always possible to remove even special means... They effectively kill mold, and it stops growing, but ugly dark spots remain on the surface. In this case, mechanical methods of influence will help to clean the seams on the tiles in the bathroom:

  • Steam generator. If you have such a device on your farm, feel free to use it. A jet of hot steam kills fungal spores and flushes stains out of the grout structure. Treat the seams with a steam generator, staying in each area for at least 3 minutes, then wipe off the dirt with a sponge or cloth.
  • Sandpaper. This is a rougher method, removing the top layers of grout in which dirt is firmly embedded. Fold a strip of sandpaper, and with the resulting fold, go over the seams, cleaning off the stains. In order not to spread the spores of the fungus into the deeper layers, pre-treat the surface with antifungal impregnations. After received desired result, soak the material again with antifungal agents for prophylactic purposes.
  • Expander for seams. The most radical method, which is used only when others have shown their failure. But sometimes there is no other way out, since cleaning the seams in the tiles in the bathroom, if they are affected by the fungus to the full depth, otherwise it will not work. A screwdriver can replace the expander, but it will be less convenient to work. Remove all grout from the joints, treat them with antifungal impregnations, and, after drying, rub again.

photo from the site

Mechanical cleaning is a rather laborious and troublesome method, but at the same time the most effective. Remember that removing the grout will not solve the problem of the fungus, and in order for the result to be preserved for a long time, it is necessary to prevent the reappearance of contamination.

Preventive actions

Today in the arsenal of construction chemistry there are many tools that are able to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of ceramic coatings. The simplest, but rather expensive way is to use an epoxy-based grout, which is absolutely moisture-proof, so that the penetration of dirt and the development of fungus in its structure becomes impossible. If an epoxy base is used, it will not be more difficult to clean the joints between tiles on the floor or walls than the tile itself - it will be enough to wipe them with a damp sponge.

photo from the site

If you are not ready to pay for such convenience, immediately after grouting and during operation in rooms with high humidity, it is worth treating the joints with antifungal impregnations. The following types of such formulations are presented on the market:

  • Sanatex Universal;
  • Ceresit CT 99;
  • Nortex Doctor;
  • Capatox.

Re-processing should be carried out at a frequency of 1 every 6 months, so that the question of how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom has lost its relevance. In addition, manufacturers propose to apply hydrophobic compounds to the grout, which eliminate the porosity of the material, making its surface smooth. This is a great prophylaxis for all rooms, so buy one of the following solutions:

  • Ceresit CT 10;
  • Bolars Penguin;
  • Atlas Dolphin.

And the main rule is not to postpone your battle for purity. Regular cleaning, wiping dry surfaces and cleaning up dirt at the first manifestation will ensure constant cleanliness. The savvy and modern industry are constantly proposing new techniques, so if you have any proven advice, share your ways to clean tile seams in the comments and your experience will be useful to many users.

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How to quickly clean the joints between tiles

Tired of thinking about how to clean the joints between tiles?

Grout renewal

Caring for tiles in the kitchen, bathroom and other areas of the house gives the owners a lot of trouble. After repair, the tile joints look fresh and neat, but over time, dirt accumulates in them, and when high humidity fungus may be added to it. To restore cleanliness between tiles, you can use proven methods and freshen the joints without renewing the grout. After assessing the degree of pollution, you can choose optimal way how to clean the joints between tiles: - mechanically; - using household chemicals; - home formulations; - with the help of chlorine-containing products; - using a steam generator.

Fat in the kitchen, soapy deposits in the bathroom, street dirt on the floor in the corridor - all these dirt gradually accumulate, and without proper care the seams lose their aesthetic appearance, which is especially noticeable on grouting light shades. On the floor, it is advisable to use dark colors on which dirt is less noticeable.

Mechanical cleaning of seams

For shallow contamination, you can do without chemicals and limit yourself to mechanical cleaning of tile joints. You need to take a fine-grained sanding paper (sandpaper) and manually clean the grout lines, being careful not to leave scratches on the tile itself. It is enough to wash off the formed dust with water. This method gives good results in case of surface contamination, but it is often not recommended to use it, since with each procedure a thin layer of grout is removed along with the dirt.

Use of chemicals

Household chemicals

The easiest option is to use a special cleanser such as Pemolux or Domestos. The cleaning powder or gel should be applied to the joints moistened with water, rubbed lightly and left for 10-15 minutes, then remove the dirt with a stiff brush, you can use an unnecessary toothbrush. The remaining cleaning agent must be thoroughly washed off with water. The procedure can be repeated if, after the first attempt, the contamination is preserved.

Home remedies

A good whitening effect is provided by a home remedy, for the preparation of which you need to mix 1 glass of water, 3 tablespoons of soda, 2 tablespoons of citric acid and vinegar. The room in which this composition is prepared and used must be well ventilated; be sure to wear rubber gloves. When processing the bathroom, you must keep the door open and, if possible, forcibly turn on the hood. The resulting mixture is immediately applied to the tile joints and left for about 10 minutes, then the dirt is scrubbed off with a brush and the remaining dirt and cleaning mixture are thoroughly washed off with water. This product must not be used for colored grouting.

For white grout, bleach and baking soda, mixed in equal proportions, will also work. The resulting pasty mass is applied to the seam lines, left to dry, and then washed off with a brush with plenty of water.

You can use hydrogen peroxide diluted with water as a cleaning agent (half a glass of peroxide per glass of water). This compound is also not suitable for grout with colored pigments, as peroxide can discolor it.

Household cleaners are best not used on the floor, as floor tiles traditionally use darker trowels that cannot be bleached. And for the bathroom, where it is most often used bright hues grouting, these tools, on the contrary, will be very useful.

Steam cleaning

Stubborn surface contamination can be removed with a steam generator. Steam cleaning requires a slow stream of hot steam along the seam lines, after which the dirt can be easily washed off with water. The high temperature also helps to eliminate the fungus.

Removing fungus from joints between tiles

In areas with high humidity, most often in the bathroom, mold often appears in the joints between the tiles, which manifests itself as dark spots on and around the grout lines. The fungus not only spoils the appearance of the bathroom or kitchen, but also harms the health of people, causing respiratory diseases and provoking allergies. In order to prevent the formation of fungal plaque, the seams can be protected by treating them with special fungicidal agents, or initially using a grout with antifungal components, and it is also necessary to ensure sufficient ventilation in the bathroom and in the kitchen. It is possible to eliminate the fungus that has appeared with the help of antiseptics, for example, chlorine-containing agents, by treating the surface affected by the fungus with them according to the instructions and repeating the procedure several times. If the grout has a stable fungal plaque, attempts to clean the tile joints may be unsuccessful. In this case, only the complete removal of the grout and the application of a new grout will help.

Grout renewal

It is very difficult to remove old, heavily ingrained dirt from the grouting joints, especially on the floor, and in advanced cases you cannot do without a complete renovation of the grout. To remove grout between tiles, you can use a special knife, scraper, grinder or other available methods. The gaps between the tiles must be primed and treated with fungicidal agents to prevent the formation of fungus, then you need to carefully fill the joints with a grout and remove excess from the tile surface.

When replacing the grout, the question of how to clean the seams between the tiles will temporarily disappear by itself. If, after repairs, you systematically clean the grout lines with a brush and warm water, you can avoid the use of aggressive chemicals and keep fresh look tiles. Tile joints are easier to keep clean if they are cared for regularly.

Laying the tiles is completed by grouting the joints, which have an attractive appearance and complete the entire surface. But, alas, after a while, dirt begins to accumulate between the joints of the tiles, and with constant exposure to moisture, mold also multiplies. To avoid this problem, you should periodically clean the joints of the tiles, we will consider how to wash the joints between the tiles later.

Seams between tiles - grout options

Before moving on to the direct issue of cleaning the joints between tiles, first of all, you should study the materials that are used in the process of grouting.

All compounds that are used during grouting are divided into two main types:

1. Mixtures with a cement base.

They appear in the form of a powdery filler, which is diluted with water or latex. Inexperienced specialists work with mixtures containing Portland cement substances. This grout is quite flexible and easy to work with. In addition, it fills the narrowest seams with ease.

A respirator and safety glasses are used to dilute this kind of mixture. Since there is a risk of contact with the mixture in the eyes or the appearance of allergies.

There are cement-based mixtures in a ready-to-use form. This material is also convenient for work, only its cost is much higher. Therefore, it is practically not common in the construction industry.

When mixing the mixture yourself, it is recommended that all instructions indicated by the manufacturer be followed exactly. If this is not done, then the solution is too liquid, after drying it will spread and form cracks. The use of too thick a solution is fraught with the fact that the mass is not able to fill all the joint areas, therefore, the tightness is broken between the tiles.

2. Grout based on the use of epoxy resin.

This mixture has the highest strength and adhesive properties, in addition, the percentage of its moisture absorption is practically zero. It is used in the process of grouting the joints between tiles installed on the surface of the pool, in the bathroom, baths, on the front sections of the building, in rooms with high performance characteristics.

The use of such a grout requires special care and scrupulousness from the person performing the work. Since it will take special efforts to remove excess material, there is a risk of damage to the tile itself.

The grout contains epoxy resin and a special hardener, which fixes it to the surface. It is sold in different packaging and mixed with the main formulations before starting work. The finished mass is not intended for long-term storage.

Seams between tiles in the bathroom - cleaning with chemicals

Before proceeding to the consideration of the means by which the tile is cleaned, a few words should be said about the rules for caring for it. If you do not adhere to them, then the tile will serve its owners for a short period of time and will lose its appearance.

Despite the fact that ceramic tiles are highly durable and resistant to various kinds of influences, there are a number of rules for its operation:

  • abrasive cleaners or a metal brush are not suitable for cleaning tiles with a glossy surface, even with minor scratches, the original gloss is lost;
  • chemical compounds based on the use of acid can easily damage the seams between the tiles on the floor;
  • to improve the strength of the joints, it is recommended to use an epoxy-based paint, it allows you to improve their resistance in front of a humid environment;

  • in the process of cleaning tiles, you should rely solely on specialized products that are designed for cleaning ceramic tiles, the use of other types of products is unacceptable;
  • do not use cleaning agents that contain pumice, sand, grease solvents in the form of soap;
  • if there is a need to remove various kinds of dirt, then for these purposes use a brush with soft bristles, which is not able to remove the coating on the tiles;
  • for cleaning matte tiles, use specially designed emulsions, after washing, it is covered with wax mastic, which makes its color more expressive.

To buy a tool with which it will be possible to clean the seams between the tiles, it is enough to contact any household store. There are a wide variety of cleaning products available for cleaning tiles and the joints between tiles.

Chemicals are characterized by the following advantages:

  • the ability to remove deposits of a mineral nature;
  • effective fight against unpleasant odor;
  • protection against harmful microorganisms, bacteria and microbes;
  • the use of aromatic additives fills the room with a pleasant smell.

Please note that each type of tile has its own characteristics, which determine the type of cleaning agent used in the process of washing it. Before using this or that composition, you should carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer.

For example, if you use a solution in which chalk is present to wash ceramic tiles, stains will appear on the surface, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Do not use chemicals right away. First try to get rid of the dirt with a soft brush and water. If the desired effect is not achieved, then resort to more radical methods.

An excellent tool in this matter is the "Pemolux" powder mixture. To apply it, use the same brush, which is moistened first in water and then in powder. In this case, it is better to wear rubber gloves. After applying the composition, it is recommended to wait about ten minutes, and then all seams are cleaned with a brush.

The use of this method is relevant if the tile has slight contamination.

How to clean the seams between tiles with folk remedies

  • moisten the tile surfaces;
  • apply baking soda with a sponge;
  • wipe the tile surface to get rid of dirt;
  • do not press too hard on the surface, as there is a risk of damage to the tiles.

Bleach helps to make tiles and the joints between them snow white and shiny:

  • dilute lime with water to obtain a liquid mass;
  • using a spray bottle, apply the solution to the surface;
  • after seven minutes, wipe the tile with a damp cloth.

Tip: use a mask when performing this cleaning method, as there is a risk of unpleasant odors. Although the positive aspect of such cleaning is the fact that all mold and pathogenic bacteria are destroyed between the seams.

The use of acetic acid will help to deal with stubborn dirt between the tile joints. To clean the joint between tiles, follow the instructions:

  • apply vinegar essence using a spray bottle;
  • using a brush, spread the vinegar over the seam surface;
  • after 7 minutes, wash off the vinegar with a damp cloth.

Please note that acetic acid is not used in its pure form. It is diluted in a ratio of 1.5 tablespoons to 500 ml of water. It is recommended to use this method first before applying bleach, as cleaning with vinegar is more gentle and harmless to both the tile and the person's hand.

Another folk method cleaning the joints between tiles - citric acid. To do this, follow these steps:

  • take a sponge and wet it with water;
  • squeeze a sponge lightly and dip it in citric acid;
  • after 3 minutes, rinse the solution off the surface.

The width of the joints between the tiles does not in any way affect the use of one or another processing method. In addition, one should take into account the fact that after applying any of the above cleaning methods, it is imperative to rinse off the solution and wipe the tiles dry.

Another popular way to clean tiles involves a combination of the above methods. To prepare the solution, you will need to mix in a metal container:

  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 0.25 cups of soda;
  • 0.15 vinegar essence;
  • 0.15 citric acid.

Always wear gloves when handling the cleaner. This substance is quite aggressive, so you need to work with it quickly. Use a toothbrush or sponge to cleanse.

Apply the compound to all seams and wait ten minutes. Rinse off the surface with clean water. It is preferable to do the procedure at least twice. Even the most difficult dirt can be easily removed with this solution.

How to clean the seams between tiles in a bathroom mechanical method

To use this cleaning method, you do not need to go to the store for chemicals or prepare mixtures based on folk recipes.

It is enough to have sandpaper at home. It is with its help that the seams are cleaned. Only special attention should be paid to the tile, it is unacceptable to scratch it with paper, as there is a risk of damage to the appearance of the coating. This option is fast and easy to implement.

After cleaning all the joints, they are treated with water, and then the tiles are wiped dry.

In addition to sandpaper, a toothbrush, a sponge, and a scraper for dishes are used. This option is suitable for small types of dirt. In addition, as an addition to this method, it is recommended to apply detergent to the tiles.

In answer to the question of how to clean the seams between the tiles without using chemical and folk remedies the most the best option will be the use of a sponge based on melamine foam. This material is durable, but at the same time soft. It easily penetrates into any pores, removes all stains and dirt without the use of chemicals.

To apply a melamine sponge, only water is required, and the less effort is applied to wash, the higher the effectiveness of the process. This sponge helps to wash not only the seams between tiles, but also does an excellent job of cleaning plumbing fixtures, sinks, bathtubs, mirrors, etc.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with good advice To help make cleaning easier and safer:

  • when washing the joints between tiles, be sure to use gloves;
  • an excellent cleaning agent for the joint between tiles and for cleaning the tiles themselves is Chemical substance used to wash glasses or mirrors;
  • the washing process always starts from the bottom, and the procedure for cleaning and wiping the tiles from the top;
  • to whiten the seams between tiles, the use of hydrogen peroxide is perfect, which is applied directly to their surface without further rinsing;
  • when the polished tile is cleaned, it is required to apply a special mastic to its surface, and a vinegar solution is used to improve the gloss of the glossy tile.

Removing grout from tile joints

If all of the above methods of cleaning the surface between the seams tile did not help, then you should resort to more radical methods. If after a while after cleaning the grout still darkens, then mushroom-like bacteria have settled on its surface. Their main feature is the presence of characteristic dark spots on the surface of the seams.

To paint over these places, a special opaque felt-tip pen is used. It is with his help that problem areas are hidden.

In addition, there are a number of funds available for the renewal of seams. To buy them, you should contact a specialized store. In the presence of a more serious kind of contamination that leads to crumbling of the grout during washing, you should resort to opening this material.

Tip: Before starting work, furniture and other objects should be removed from the room, since a large amount of dust will be released during the opening process.

The procedure is carried out with great care in order to avoid damage to the tiles themselves. After the first pass, all joints are wiped with a damp cloth, and then the procedure is repeated again. If the emery wheel failed to remove certain areas, then you should use sandpaper. Next, the seams are treated with a solvent and primer. A new grout is applied to the surface.

In specialized stores there are products that are designed to protect the joints between the tiles. To carry out the procedure for their application, it takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, these funds are used very rarely. After all the seams are dry, they are treated with protective composition... A small brush is used for these purposes. It is not recommended to apply the solution to the tiles, as it destroys its integrity. If the mixture gets in, immediately wipe it off with a rag.

In order not to completely remove the grout, proper maintenance of the tiles should be ensured. Once a month, the seams should be wiped down with a stiff brush and warm water. Thus, it will be possible to preserve the pristine appearance of their appearance for many years.