How to glue wallpaper yourself, step by step instructions and preparation rules. How to stick wallpaper evenly, efficiently and quickly Sticking wallpaper on the wall with your hands

Greetings, dear readers of our blog "Do with us with your own hands."

Continuing the theme overhaul apartments today I want to describe in detail the process of how to glue wallpaper on the walls with your own hands. What do you need to start with? What are the nuances and features to consider in the work? What issues should you pay special attention to? It would seem that the question is not very complicated, but how many misunderstandings, disputes and disagreements arise when we start the process itself.

Wall preparation

First, let me congratulate you! How about what? With the fact that if you are interested in the issue of wallpapering, then the dirtiest, hardest work in the repair has already been completed. And you made it!!! Hundreds of kilometers wound up in shopping trips, in search of wallpaper, are already behind us. And here they are, the most beautiful in the world, wound in tight rolls, lying neatly against the wall!

But do not rush, you are all set, and someone only needs to re-paste the wallpaper without affecting everything else. Therefore, we begin the process by removing all the old wallpaper. To do this, carefully tear them off the wall, if the glue on which they stick is weak, the work will go like clockwork, but if the wallpaper is glued well, you will have to work hard.

Correct wallpapering - scheme

If old ordinary paper wallpapers are poorly removed, then we wet them with water, simply rolling them with a wet roller or brush. Leave for 10-15 minutes and then carefully remove. Well, the most Hard case when the wallpaper is covered with a waterproof film on top, the so-called "washable" wallpaper. Only a mechanical method of removal will help here - with a spatula. We remove them by prying with a spatula, trying to touch the wall as little as possible.

The wallpaper is removed, it is necessary to remove all the plaster, which does not hold well and practically falls out by itself, to cut cracked and falling out seams. All the places of depressions, depressions and irregularities that have appeared must be puttied and subsequently primed after stripping.

If you decide to level your walls, then after applying the finish layer, do not forget to prime it. It is very important! Otherwise, when wallpapering, the walls will dust and crumble, which will lead to poor adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall. A worse than that, when applying glue to the wall, the plaster may begin to roll. Use for this special mixtures sold in stores. And if you want to save money, you can use simple PVA glue, 2 cups of glue per bucket of water (from personal experience, excellent primer).

The whole point of preparation is to make the walls as smooth and even as possible. Don't be lazy, check your walls. Remove all adhering motes and other small debris, as after wallpapering they will appear and will be ugly. You should be especially careful in this regard when sticking thin wallpapers.

Walls must be strong, clean and dry.

We dilute the glue in accordance with the instructions located on the package. I used Quelyd "Special Vinyl" glue for vinyl and textile wallpapers.

It is diluted: 1 pack per 4-4.5 liters of water and is designed for 6 rolls. For breeding, we use a suitable container, measure into it required amount liquid and stirring constantly, we introduce dry glue.

We give it a little disperse, for 15 minutes, then mix it well again and you can glue the wallpaper.

Beautifully stick wallpaperalong a straight wall in any room of the apartment

Step 1. Close all windows and doors to prevent drafts.

Step 2. We calculate how many vertical stripes we can fit on one wall. To do this, measure the length of the wall and divide the resulting size by the width of the wallpaper.

My wall length was 3.7 m. (3700 mm.), And the width of the wallpaper was 0.54 m. (540 mm.) Total 3700/540 = 6.85. Thus, 6 whole strips and one with an undercut went crazy on my wall.

We cut 7 strips according to the height of the room plus 50 mm. cut at the top and bottom.

Similar calculations can be made for the other three walls and cut the wallpaper for the whole room at once.

Step 3. We mark the line of verticality for the correct orientation of the first strip.

We retreat from the edge of the wall (I walked from the aisle, you may have from the corner) 500 mm (the distance is slightly less than the width of the strip, so that later, if the corner of the room is a little “littered”, you can correct it by trimming the first strip) and put a mark. To mark the line of verticality of the strip sticker, we use a plumb line (you can use just a thread with a load tied to it) or a building level.

We apply a plumb line to the wall and combine it with our mark made earlier. We mark a vertical line and connect the points with a straight line. Thus, we got a line from which we will begin to glue the second strip. We do not touch the first strip (at the aisles or in the corners), we leave the extreme strips of one wall for last. I used the same markup technology with .

Step 4. We apply glue on the wall to the width of the strip and on the strip of wallpaper, evenly distributing it over the surface with a brush or roller.

Step 5. We paste 1 strip (or rather, from the edge of the wall or corner, we will have the second one, but we do not glue the first one yet). To do this, starting from the top, carefully apply the strip to the wall. We combine the edge of the strip with the drawn line of verticality and, using a wide roller, gently roll the strip against the wall, squeezing out the air that has fallen between the wall and the strip.

Step 6. We note the extra length of the strip.

We tear off a strip from the wall a little and carefully cut off the excess.

This operation can be done without tearing off the strip, but using a clerical knife, cut off the excess. In the end, we get this picture.

In the future, the joint between the wall and the floor will be closed with a plinth. How to install plastic plinth you can read in detail with your own hands.

Step 7. We repeat all the procedures for applying glue to the wallpaper and the wall, and glue the second strip. Only now we join the edge of the strip to the already glued first strip.

Sometimes there are situations that the ceiling is not displayed perfectly evenly, you have to cut the top of the strip a little. To do this, we release the adhesive strip slightly up, creating an overlap on the ceiling.

With the help of a roller, we roll the strip, and with the help of a clerical knife or scissors we cut off the excess wallpaper so that the upper edge of the strip exactly hits the corner.

We cut off the excess at the bottom, finally roll the glued strip, rolling it with a wide roller from top to bottom and towards the edge of the strip, as if drawing a Christmas tree with a trunk in the middle of the strip. With the help of a narrow roller, we roll the seam between the strips and the upper and lower part strips adjacent to the ceiling and floor.

We get this picture.

Step 8. Similarly, we glue all the whole strips to the end of the wall.

Step by step instructions for correct work with wallpaper

Video: how to stick vinyl wallpaper yourself

Thanks to everyone who read the article to the end. I draw your attention to the fact that here I have fully described the whole process of how to paste wallpaper with my own hands in accordance with my experience and ideas this process. Surely there are people who have dedicated to this large quantity time, have vast experience and professional skills. Please write about your little tricks, secrets and features on how to glue wallpaper correctly in the comments. Help people who want to gain knowledge in this matter. After all, as they say, the more you give in this life, the more you get in return.

Sincerely, Ponomarev Vladislav.

one of critical roles at design of any room playing compilation wallpaper . This approach makes it possible to significantly change interior . If necessary, correct the shortcomings of the layout is carried out two types of wallpaper . For example, with different texture, color, pattern. Options there can be a lot, but it is always necessary to take into account a whole list of conditions.

Creation of a practical, functional and beautiful interior is a priority issue.

Combining and sticking wallpaper of two types does not do without observing a number of rules, which are given in the table.

The design of the walls of the room largely forms the whole image of the room, its character, mood.

rule Description Advice
Accounting for ceiling heights Ceiling height largely determines the requirements for pattern on the wallpaper and their texture. vertical stripes increase the height. stripes can only be distributed over one or two walls.

If the height of the walls less than 2.5 meters, it is recommended to choose light wallpaper . They can be both monophonic and with small drawings.

Interior with ceilings over 3 meters require a different approach to design . Great solution will wallpaper with a large pattern stretched horizontally. Allowed horizontal zoning walls.

Room area Space dimensions also play an important role in the selection. For spacious rooms you can choose bright, saturated colors. This way will visually reduce the area, make room more comfortable. It will look good combination of two types of wallpaper : one-color and with an ornament. Horizontal lines or other patterns are not recommended.

For small spaces on the contrary, light walls . Small discreet allowed drawing.

Geometry Wall ratio should also be taken into account. Fix long narrow room can fix two types of wallpaper . For example, for smaller walls glue light monophonic wallpaper . At the same time, in the corners they should go long. The rest of the space is filled wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern.
Texture When sticking wallpaper of two types be sure to maintain the integrity of the invoice. When combining, you must use wallpaper different thickness. If used yet different type of wall covering, you should carefully select the adhesive.
sunlight Choice color combinations affected by the number of people in room sun rays. wallpaper in a very bright room should not be monotonously light. They can be diluted with ornamental coatings or some kind of image on a long light wall.

Combination methods

There are also several ways to combine material such as wallpaper . The most important thing in choosing is to clearly imagine the end result. design.

Choice of modern finishing materials incredibly wide, the spread in cost is also large - it’s time to get confused in a modern store.

So, let's look at effective methods.

  • stripes placed relatively rarely, but at all the walls of the room at the same interval
  • Various stripes in color and pattern also allowed, but care must be taken to avoid absurdity design (must take all from the same collection)
  • It is possible to combine wallpaper of three types from one series at once;
  • If wallpaper with stripes go to the ceiling, then this will also help do it is visually higher;
  • Two types of wallpaper from one collection is a win-win option, such an interior will always look good.

You can select one or another functional area, decorate the walls.

Find suitable option a homeowner with any wallet size can.

  • horizontal stripe around the perimeter, located at the level of the windowsill;
  • In the corridor, the line can be placed at the level of the eyes of an adult, while the divided areas may differ in color;
  • lower third of the wall can cover striped wallpaper , and the remaining area - monophonic or with small pattern.

Finishing should create a single, harmonious image of the room.

Wall decoration by combining plain wallpaperactual way design.

  • If possible, the different area can be highlighted with a frame;
  • You can highlight a niche with a pattern;
  • The niche can be pasted over with a contrast color.

Where, if not in the living room, you can afford a touch of luxury.

Even in laconic modern interiors such a design accent wall able to create a special mood.

  1. Designers often use creation method color accents. Here, there are two approaches:
  • Distraction from the part premises with unsightly elements;
  • Drawing attention to something interior

This design is able to increase the degree of originality and elegance of the image of the room.

In case of uncertainty, it is better to entrust the combination to a professional.

He will definitely be able to choose the most suitable options for room design . But a beginner in this business can choose ridiculous combinations.

Combination basics

It is important to consider that when combined, the coating with a pattern in the base must contain the same shades , which is monophonic wallpaper. Drawing there may be several species : based on geometric elements, classic patterns or floral motifs.

Any of these options will look good with plain surfaces.

Particularly noteworthy are textured wallpaper which are becoming more and more famous in modern design . It is a good alternative to liquid wallpaper.

Invoice can manifest itself in the following elements: stripes , swirls, abstraction, plant elements. This type of wallpaper easy to glue, they can be painted. They are also great for decorating ceilings.

Significant Dignity such a choice– durability and the ability to repaint surfaces.

Proper lighting

light in the room always plays a major role. It must be taken into account when choosing wall coverings. If the light is in room little then about the dark colors in these situations can be forgotten.

You will have to choose from beige, cream, light gray shades.

Light can be distributed zonal. For example, where wallpaper lighter it will be less saturated, in dark areas it will be brighter.With a horizontal split walls additional light can be put on the perimeter of the dark part: along the floor or ceiling.

Wallpaper selection

Pledge of quality interior - this is a competent choice of finishing materials.

For complete or partial wall decoration, all types of wallpaper can be used in terms of classification according to technological characteristics.

Manufacturers offer several types of wallpaper , each of which has a number of its own characteristics.

  1. Paper excellent match with wallpaper all types due to its flexibility. They lie evenly in the most difficult and hard-to-reach places.
  2. Vinyl is high density and durable. This perfect choice For walls prone to mechanical damage. For example, for a corridor. It is better to combine them with paper wallpaper.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper all designers appreciate texture. They are able to hide any flaws on the surfaces. walls . At the same time, they are great match with wallpaper any quality. The main thing is to carefully make pasting.
  4. Textiles are quite expensive. This a good choice for bedroom or living room. It is worth noting that they can only be combined with non-woven or paper coatings.
  5. Liquid at first glance resemble decorative plaster. Such solution suitable for premises for any purpose. Can be combined with non-woven wallpaper.

For living rooms, this type of finish can be used for accent surfaces.

Textile wallpapers look luxurious, have high ecological properties able to "breathe".

To wallpaper were glued with high quality, it is necessary to perform the following steps during the repair process:

  • Prepare walls , which consists of cleaning from old coatings, puttying and priming;
  • Prepare glue purchased specifically for the selected type wallpaper;
  • Apply glue to wallpaper or walls (do as directed in the instructions);
  • Glue the main wallpaper (those that take large area);
  • When measuring, be sure to leave allowances for the seams, as when drying wallpaper able to slightly decrease in size, which threatens the appearance of a void between stripes;
  • Start gluing from the ceiling, leveling the surface with a special roller;
  • Glue wallpaper to combine;
  • Cut off unnecessary areas of the coating, stick on borders and tapes if necessary.

following simple rules will provide excellent results.

Designers are always guided by several principles when combination wall coverings. Following the tips below will allow you to choose win-win wallpaper options for this or that premises.

Tasteful wallpaper will give your home beauty and comfort.

  • Stylish harmonious design can be obtained at combined light wallpapercoatings of the same collection, but with a bright saturated pattern.
  • Make a room brighter, you can select with wallpaper only one wall.
  • With horizontal zoning, it is imperative to select borders or dividing tapes. Without them design will be unfinished.
  • For children, patchwork is acceptable combination . Well, if the baby will choose for himself wallpaper.
  • Juicy shades are best combined with pastel colors.
  • Plant elements in some cases overload room.
  • upholstery upholstered furniture, curtains, carpets should be selected taking into account the finish walls. This will allow the interior look stylish and complete.
  • Wallpaper , decorating elements and glue are best purchased in one store.
  • Corner wrapping rooms with contrasting colors allows you to visually align the proportions rooms.
  • When designing, it is unacceptable to use more than 5 colors.
  • For small rooms can't choose wallpaper with large drawings.

To design your home should always be approached with the utmost responsibility, no matter what part of the house or apartment it is. Before starting any work, you need to clearly define the goals that you want to achieve with the help of wallpaper combinations.

You need to imagine the final result.

Wall coverings must be chosen carefully, as a rule, attention is paid not only bloom but also quality. It is on this that the accuracy of implementation depends. ideas . When choosing contrasting combinations, it is recommended to think carefully colors , they should be combined, not be heavy for the look. For the bedroom, contrasting solutions are not recommended.

In any case, this is an interesting, exciting activity that, with a serious approach, will provide an excellent result.

VIDEO: Options for combining wallpaper for walls.

Before you start cardinal changes in the house, you need to develop a plan, decide on the interior, choose suitable wallpaper to carry out preparatory work. And, most importantly, be patient!

Where to start sticking wallpaper with your own hands?

Naturally, it is worth starting work with wall decoration, or rather, with their preparation. The main problem before pasting the room with wallpaper is the alignment of the walls. There are two fundamentally different ways.

Leveling walls with cement, putty and plaster

With this type of decoration, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will decrease slightly. To level the walls with cement, it is necessary to prepare a screed and cement mixture. After completing the preparations, you can get to work.

To begin with, the walls are moistened with water. Apply cement with a large spatula and gradually level with a level. The number of layers depends on the curvature of the wall. From the moment the rough work is completed to the start of the finishing work, at least ten days must pass.

To level the walls with plaster, you will need the plaster itself and the soil mixture. Before leveling, it is necessary to clean the walls of any dirt and unnecessary parts (nails, dowels). Then priming is carried out with a roller or a large brush in two or three layers.

After the wall dries, plaster is applied with a spatula. The last step is repeated three times. Each layer is allowed to dry and coated with a primer.

Leveling with putty is used for minor irregularities before painting or wallpapering. The thickness should not be more than 2 mm. After the putty has dried, the walls are sanded to perfect smoothness.

Plasterboard leveling

This is the easiest way to make walls even. To do this, you will need the sheets themselves, self-tapping screws, metal profiles and suspensions, putty, reinforcement material, sandpaper.

Work begins with attaching guide profiles to the floor and ceiling at a distance of 5 cm. Then hangers are attached at a distance of no more than 50 cm. After completion preparatory work, you can start fixing drywall. Fix it with nails at a distance of 20 cm.

After fixing the sheets, the seams formed at the junction of the sheets are primed. After the primer dries, a sickle is glued, and putty is applied on top of it with a thin layer. Work is ready!

What wallpaper to choose?

An important role in the interior of the room is played by the color, texture and pattern of the wallpaper. They can visually reduce or enlarge the room. The modern market offers many types of wallpapers with different patterns, textures, properties, etc.

Wallpaper types:

Paper wallpapers - varied in color scheme and texture, there are washing, moisture resistant, heavy and light. They are recommended to be glued in bedrooms due to increased breathability.

Non-woven wallpaper - do not tear, stretch well, soundproof. When sticking them, it is not required to apply glue to the wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper - do not gather dust, do not fade. Apply to any material with a flat spatula.

Vinyl wallpaper - two-layer, have a relief surface, you can for a long time do not change them. In rooms with such wallpaper, there must be ventilation.

How to calculate the required number of wallpapers? To do this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room must be divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roll.

Sticking wallpaper, algorithm of actions

After completing preparatory and finishing works, definitions with the material, you can start wallpapering the walls.

To do this, you need to take several steps:

  • Cut the wallpaper into strips according to the width and height of the walls.
  • Mark the vertical line of the wall for even gluing with a plumb line.
  • Treat the wall and a strip of wallpaper (depending on their type) with glue.
  • Attach the wallpaper to the wall and smooth it with a roller or soft cloth to force out the air trapped between them.
  • Cut off excess wallpaper near the floor and ceiling, forming a smooth and beautiful edge.
  • Sockets and switches must be removed and de-energized in advance. You need to paste the wallpaper directly on them, forming a hole in the already glued wallpaper. It is best to use a clerical knife for this, and not scissors, because. the edge of wet wallpaper can be severely torn. During pasting of walls it is necessary to avoid the through movement of air.

Using this simple algorithm, one can make redecorating in a house or apartment on your own, significantly saving family budget. And if you involve family members in this process, then there will be an opportunity to spend time together and become closer to each other. After all, working together brings people together.

Photo sticking wallpaper with your own hands

For many, repairs are primarily associated with wallpapering. Many mistakenly believe that there are no tricks in this matter and that it is enough just to stick it more or less evenly and that will be enough. The basis of a good mood in the future is not peeling wallpaper. In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to prepare the walls for gluing.

Preparing the wall for pasting

How to remove old wallpaper from walls?

Wallpapering old wallpaper is the biggest mistake that can be made in the renovation process. If for some reason you have pasted new wallpapers on old ones, then be prepared that soon this whole structure will collapse soon. Therefore, first of all, you need to remove the old wallpaper. Wallpaper labels usually indicate lung method removal, but if the label is not preserved, then it's okay, you can use the following methods to various types wallpaper:

- Vinyl wallpapers. To remove vinyl wallpaper, make cuts on the surface, then moisten the wallpaper with water. After the water is absorbed, a horizontal incision is made at the top of the wallpaper and the wallpaper is removed in whole pieces;

- Non-woven wallpaper. In such wallpaper, it is necessary to make cuts and holes, after which, using a sprayer, apply water to the surface. After 20 minutes, the wallpaper itself will begin to peel off the wall;

— Washable wallpaper. This is a two-layer wallpaper, the first layer is wetted quite easily: notches are made on the wallpaper, the surface is wetted. Then upper layer comes off easily enough. The second layer is best removed with a steam generator, you can use a regular steam iron.

- Ordinary paper wallpaper. With this wallpaper, the problems are the least, it is enough to moisten the wallpaper and after a few minutes start removing it with a spatula. In this way, you can even remove multilayer wallpaper designs.

Wall putty

After removing the old layer of wallpaper, you need to prepare the wall. The first stage is the alignment of the wall with putty. High-quality wall putty takes place in three stages:

1) Covering the wall with a primer. This is done to improve the adhesion of putty to the wall. It is best to apply the primer composition with a roller - this ensures uniform distribution soil composition over the entire surface of the wall;

2) Starting putty. After the primer is completely dry, you can begin to putty the wall, this is done to level the walls. Layer starting putty should not exceed one and a half centimeters. If the wall level differences are greater, then it is necessary to apply putty in several layers, for this a paint grid is used, while it is necessary to let the first layer of putty dry, let it dry and apply a primer solution on it.

It is worth paying attention that the packaging of the putty should indicate that this is exactly the starting putty.

Layers of putty are applied with a spatula in small, uniform portions. To avoid the occurrence of bumps and irregularities, it is necessary to apply putty diagonally overlapping. For puttying corners, you must use a special corner spatula. If your walls are even on their own or high-quality putty was made during the last repair, then you can safely skip this stage. Starting putty is needed only for leveling the walls;

3) Finishing putty. After the starting putty has dried, the finishing layer of putty is applied. It removes all small cracks and bumps, making the wall perfectly smooth. The composition that is produced this operation, has a similar name finishing putty. Layer finishing putty should not exceed two millimeters. If you did not level the walls with the starting putty, then the finishing putty is applied immediately to the primer after drying;

Wall primer

The final stage of wall preparation is the priming of the walls. Priming the walls is a mandatory step, but many people skip it, which is not recommended. The main purpose of wall priming is to improve the adhesion of wallpaper to the wall, but in addition to this, wall priming is necessary for the following:

  1. Removal of dust and small debris from the walls;
  2. Improving the moisture resistance of the wall;
  3. Reduced glue consumption.

The priming process is quite simple and does not carry any tricks in itself. The primer is best done with a roller - this ensures an even distribution of the layer over the surface. The primer must be applied in two layers, the second layer is applied after the first has dried.

Where to start wallpapering?

The first strip of wallpaper is the most important, everything will depend on how well it is pasted. It is necessary to glue the first strip strictly perpendicularly, you should not focus on the corners of the room - often far from the value of 90 degrees, and in this case, the drawing will be crooked and the result will disappoint you. It is necessary to focus either on a window or on a doorway. They are always strictly perpendicular to the floor, and in this case there will be no problems with gluing. It is worth remembering that when sticking the strips, you must move strictly in one direction.

Features of gluing different types of wallpaper


The technology of pasting paper wallpaper is quite simple, and is divided into the following steps:

1) The roll is cut into canvases equal to the height of the wall. But it is necessary to leave a small margin of 10-15 centimeters, depending on the pattern. If the pattern is solid, then it is necessary to pre-fit the strips to each other. On some wallpaper there is an edge on one or both sides - it needs to be cut off;

2) Applying glue. The glue is applied with a brush in a thin layer. If the wallpaper is made using duplex technology, then the glue is applied in two layers. After applying the first, the surface will become wavy. The second layer of glue smoothes the surface;

3) The process of pasting tricks does not carry. Better wallpaper glue together, holding the strip on both sides. Thus, you can safely stick the strips strictly vertically. You should not rush, and the first page should be given a lot of attention, because the final result depends on it. When pasting corners, it is necessary to make a small overlap;

4) It is necessary to smooth the wallpaper soft cloth from the middle to the edges. Thus, air bubbles will not form on the surface of the wallpaper. To smooth light wallpaper under the fabric, you need to put a sheet of white paper;

5) Glue must be removed carefully with a damp sponge. Do not forget that paper wallpapers can be easily damaged.

If there are sockets and switches on the wall, then you must first de-energize them, then the cases are removed. The wallpaper is glued over the sockets, after which a cross-shaped incision is made with a sharp knife, then a hole is cut out.


Vinyl is known for its durability and the gluing technology differs from paper:

1) The roll is cut into strips along the height of the wall. The stripes are adjusted to each other according to the pattern. Vinyl wallpapers are thick and they are glued exclusively end-to-end. It is necessary to leave a small margin, the room may have height differences;

2) Be sure to read the instructions. Usually the glue is only applied to the wall, but some vinyl wallpapers require the application of glue to the strip;

3) The sticker process is quite simple. The strip is applied to the wall, after which it is smoothed out from the center to the edges with a special rubber roller, the glue can be removed with a damp sponge or cloth. Special attention it is necessary to give the joint, if necessary, glue it with a brush. Pasting the corners, you definitely need allowances of 3-4 cm. The excess is cut off with a sharp clerical knife.

When sticking vinyl wallpaper, it is necessary that all rolls are from the same batch. The batches may vary in small thickness and color tones. This will not be noticeable on rolls, but on the wall the difference will be striking.


Non-woven wallpaper is very specific in the sticker process, if you decide to paste over the walls with this type of wallpaper, then here's what you need to know:

1) Before marking the roll and cutting it into strips, a film must be laid on the floor surface. You need to cut the non-woven wallpaper with a very sharp knife. After cutting off the strip, it is rolled up into a roll with the front side inward, starting from the bottom side. It is also necessary to mark the wall for each strip;

2) Glue must be applied to the wall in sufficient quantity. The strip should slide freely on the surface of the wall, but at the same time it is necessary to prevent the formation of smudges;

3) Each strip is rolled from top to bottom, according to the markings. After that, the strip is gently smoothed from the center to the edges;

4) Excess glue is removed with a damp sponge, allowances are cut off with a sharp clerical knife.

  1. Cutting wallpaper is best kitchen knife, it is much easier to manage it, and to cut it off is clerical;
  2. Trim wallpaper on windows and door slopes much easier the next day when the wallpaper dries;
  3. It happens that the eyes get tired and the look is “blurred” and air bubbles can be missed. To prevent this from happening. Just run your fingers along the strip, a characteristic rustling sound will immediately give out the location of the bubbles;
  4. If there is not enough wallpaper. You can use cropping, but with composite drawings it is quite difficult to do this;
  5. Draft is the enemy of fresh wallpaper, therefore it is impossible to arrange a draft in the room immediately after pasting the walls;
  6. In order for the glue to be uniform and without lumps, it can be stirred with a drill with a mixer type nozzle.
  7. Non-woven vinyl wallpapers are glued in the same way as non-woven ones.

So, the room is free from furniture, pictures and photographs are removed from the walls and cleaned in a dry, clean place, children and pets are sent for a short vacation to their relatives. We begin the process. If you are gluing for the first time, call someone for help, it is more convenient to do it together. But even without outside help DIY wallpapering for the first time in life can turn out almost perfect if you follow our advice.

We stock up on tools and materials

Before you start moving and taking out furniture, you need to stock up on tools and materials. Here is the first "short" list of what you need:
  1. Actually wallpaper and glue
  2. Wide and narrow spatulas for wallpaper stripping and puttying
  3. Containers for water or a special liquid for removing wallpaper: old wallpaper from the walls can be easily removed if it is properly wetted beforehand
  4. Container for diluting glue
  5. A special mixture or putty for leveling walls. Sometimes old wallpapers come off with small pieces of plaster, cracks and bumps are found under them - these holes must be repaired and leveled
  6. Sandpaper to finalize the wall
  7. Primer or primer (special solution for treating walls before gluing)
  8. Screwdriver, hammer, pliers for dismantling sockets, skirting boards and other things
  9. Scissors, and preferably a sharp wallpaper or clerical knife for trimming the edges of the wallpaper
  10. Tape measure to measure the desired length of the canvases
  11. Level or thread with a weight at the end (plumb) to align the wallpaper vertically
  12. Large wide brush or foam roller for applying glue and a couple of smaller brushes. With a wide brush or roller it is convenient to apply glue on the wallpaper and walls, and with a small one - to coat hard-to-reach places: corners, ledges, places behind radiators of radiators, etc.
  13. Soft plastic spatula
  14. Soft rags. Large dry rag - for smoothing the wallpaper. Wet clean cloth - to remove excess glue
  15. Stepladder or trestles
If everything from this list is there, you can begin the preparatory phase.

We count the number of wallpapers and glue

How much to take? Let's count rolls. Most often, rolls with a width of 53 and 106 cm are on sale. They are also called "half-meter" and "meter". European manufacturers also produce wallpapers with a width of 68 cm. The length of the canvas in a roll is 10.05 m. It is most common. Vinyl wallpapers with a width of 53 cm are sometimes sold in rolls of 15 m each, and non-woven wallpaper for painting with a meter width is also supplied in 25-meter rolls. We recall the school geometry course, pick up a tape measure, measure the room and calculate the perimeter, summing up the length of all walls. For example, for a room measuring 3x4 m, the perimeter will be 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 \u003d 12 m. We multiply the perimeter by the height of the ceilings. Subtract the area of ​​windows and doors from this and get the total area of ​​the walls. S = (a * b) - ( (c * d) + (e * f)). S - the required area of ​​​​the walls of the room, a - the perimeter of the room, b - the height of the ceiling, c - the width of the window, d - the height of the window, e - the height of the doorway, f - the width of the doorway. We calculate the number of strips as follows: divide the perimeter of the room by the width of the roll . For example, our 12 m perimeter is divided by the roll width of 0.53 m. We get 22.6. We round up and get 23 stripes. For wallpapers with a large ornament or pattern that needs to be combined, designers recommend multiplying the perimeter by a factor of 1.18 when calculating. We count further. The length of one roll is most often 10 m. The height of our room is 2.50 m. For convenience, another 10 cm must be added to the ceiling height. Thus, we get a strip height of 2.65 m. If we divide the length of the roll (10 m) by this number (2.65 m), then we will get 3 full strips from one roll of wallpaper. Do not worry about the rest: they can perfectly paste over the space above and below the window or above the door.
Be sure to take one or two rolls for a spare. Even a super professional can easily ruin one or two wallpapers. It happens. If they do not come in handy, then whole unpacked rolls can be returned to the store within three weeks after purchase (if, of course, you have kept the receipt and labels). The amount of glue is also determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. For different types wallpaper applied different types glue. For paper, any universal one is suitable; for non-woven or vinyl, you need glue designed only for this type of wallpaper. Any box of glue is supplied with instructions, where it is written how to dilute the mass, in what proportion, and for what area it will be enough.

Preparing the walls

So, the materials are purchased, the tool is prepared. Now you can get to work. We start by preparing the walls.

1. Remove the old coating

If wallpaper was pasted on the walls, remove them. So that the old wallpaper can be easily removed, they need to be properly wetted. We take a rag or sponge in our hands and wet the wallpaper abundantly. You can use a special water sprayer - the one you spray houseplants or dampen the laundry while ironing. Washable wallpapers need to be cut a little so that moisture gets into the bottom layer. Attention: before removing old wallpaper with water, be sure to turn off the power so that moisture does not get into working sockets and switches. After the wallpaper gets wet, carefully remove the old panels. Paper wallpaper five minutes is enough to exfoliate, vinyl and interlining - a little more. If the wallpaper does not lend itself, we scrape it off with a spatula, being careful not to damage the wall. If the wall has been painted water-based paint or whitened lime mortar- Wash off with mild soapy water. oil paint can be removed with special removal solutions old paint. They are sold in any building supermarket. You can use large sandpaper and just peel off her paint. If the paint does not come off, peel it off with a spatula.

2. Align and prepare the wall

Even if you very carefully remove paint or wallpaper, the wall will have to be leveled and processed. Therefore, the cracked plaster is removed with a spatula. After that, we treat the wall with a primer solution and level it with putty or a special leveling mixture. Primer - useful thing. It not only contributes to better adhesion of the leveling mixture to the wall, but also performs an antibacterial function: it usually contains substances that prevent the formation of mold and mildew. If the damage to the wall is significant, it makes sense to re-plaster it - it's cheaper than leveling with putty. After puttying or new plaster dry, we process the wall again with a primer or primer (a special solution based on PVA glue). We apply it on the wall with a roller or a wide brush, without sparing. On such a treated wall, the wallpaper will hold much stronger.

Gluing wallpaper

First of all, prepare a place where you will measure, cut and smear wallpaper with glue. It can be a clean area of ​​the floor or a piece of oilcloth spread on the floor. Prepare your tools so they are always at hand. Dilute the glue according to the instructions. Set up a ladder. And start.
  • Unwind the roll and measure the web to the desired length. Cut it off with sharp scissors or a special sharp knife. Cut the wallpaper strictly horizontally, use a metal ruler for this. In order not to damage the floor, place a large cutting board under the wallpaper at the cut point.
  • Carefully read the instructions that come with each roll. Some wallpapers require glue to be applied to the canvas, some to the surface of the wall, some to both the wall and the canvas. Spread the canvas on the floor or oilcloth and apply glue to it (if you are gluing paper or vinyl wallpaper)

  • Let the wallpaper absorb some of the glue. Five to seven minutes will be enough. After that, carefully lift the wallpaper by the upper edge and proceed to sticking
  • Start gluing from the window. A window or other opening will be a great vertical reference. To align the wallpaper vertically, use a level. It is enough to level the first canvas, and glue the next ones, focusing on it

All types of wallpaper are always glued with closed windows and doors. The room should be warm, around 20°C. Draft is the first enemy of fresh wallpaper. Glue in a draft dries very quickly, and in some places the wallpaper simply does not have time to stick.

  • Gently lift the canvas to the ceiling and stick to the wall, pressing well. Gently bring each next canvas to the previous one (end-to-end or with a slight overlap, if the type of wallpaper allows it) and smooth it. For smoothing, take a soft spatula or a large dry cloth. Smooth from the middle of the canvas to its edges

  • If air bubbles appear under the wallpaper, they need to be smoothed out by squeezing the air over the edges of the canvas. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the wallpaper. If the air bubble is not squeezed out or there is a risk of tearing the wallpaper, pierce it with a needle and gently squeeze out the air
  • Paste the corners with two canvases, connecting them slightly overlapping. If you paste over the corner with one sheet, then with a high degree of probability folds form in this corner or the wallpaper will completely lag behind the corner after drying
  • How to deal with sockets and switches? First, turn off the electricity. Remove covers from all sockets and switches. After the canvas is pasted, carefully make a cruciform incision in the wallpaper in place of the rosette. Bend the resulting corners and cut off the excess with sharp scissors.

After you have dealt with the sticking, close the room and try not to use it for at least a day. In no case do not open windows, do not create drafts, otherwise later a short time your new wallpaper will peel off the wall with a nasty crunch.

When choosing wallpaper, consider the type of room and the condition of the walls. For the living room, bedroom, corridor and other rooms where the walls are dry and smooth, any kind of wallpaper will do. For rooms with high humidity: kitchen, bathroom and toilet - choose washable vinyl wallpaper. Flaws uneven walls hide embossed wallpaper, as well as wallpaper with a large cell or a dense pattern.

To trim the edges above the baseboard and below the ceiling evenly, do this before the glue dries. Use a spatula as a stopper, and keep the cutter horizontally, otherwise the paper may accidentally tear. Useful life hack: in order not to scrape hardened glue from the knife, rinse it with hot water before trimming the edges.

For beginners, wallpapering is scary in principle, and when they see a battery that cannot be removed, this is a real reason to panic. In fact, everything is not so scary: cut the wallpaper at the places where the pipes are connected and the battery is attached, stick the wallpaper according to the instructions above, and smooth out the bumps with a mop wrapped in a clean rag, remove traces of glue. Done, you are amazing!

That's all. As you can see, wallpapering is not such a terrible process as it seems at first. Only those who don't try don't succeed. We wish you everything went well and easily!