Bedroom decoration - design nuances and design options for modern rooms (95 photos). Accent wall in the bedroom, various finishes How to decorate the wall above the bed with your own hands

The bedroom is the place where people are accustomed not only to sleep, but also to relax, reading books, or just fantasize and dream.

Therefore, more and more people began to think about the properly designed design of their bedroom. After all, this room should help to relax and pacify.

To achieve this goal, you need to choose the right furniture, wall color, and bedding. Bedroom decor should reflect your personality.

We decorate the walls

Here, everything will depend on the mood of its owner. To decorate the walls in the bedroom, the same methods are suitable as in the living room. You can use wallpaper or various pictures.

It is best to avoid bulky furniture, as empty walls will be better to help you relax.

Choosing colors for the walls

As you know, the color of the walls in the bedroom largely affects the mood of a person. Bright colors can excite the psyche, while calmer tones can have a calming effect.

In decorating a bedroom, the issue of wall color is in the first place. And it is better not to experiment with them, and give preference to softer tones, but which one depends on the personal preferences of its owner.

Instead of traditional wallpaper, you can paint the walls. Light colors are suitable for people who prefer calmness. Various stickers and photos on the walls in the bedroom will give the room a fresh look.

Many people can decorate the bedroom in unusual colors. Neutral and white shades can be replaced with red or yellow ones.

Combinations of colors, curtains, walls in combination with bedding will look great.

When decorating the walls in the bedroom, you can use many shades of the same color, using their smooth transition. It will also be interesting to look at the drawings on the walls in the bedroom, various patterns, or abstraction.

In many ways, bedroom lighting already tells the designer what style to finish it in. So, for example, if the room is not on the sunny side, has dim lighting, color shades in warm colors will suit it.

Then her interior will become more lively. On the contrary, if the bedroom is on the sunny side, then its color tones may be colder.

The dimensions of the room can also help determine its color scheme. If the room is small, its color tones can be light, they will help to visually expand the space.

Simplicity in design

White color has a good contrast with black. Perfectly combined with each other, there are a lot of options for their design.

Black patterns, white shelves with black objects, and photo frames will look very attractive.

Many people wonder what wall color to choose in the bedroom? The wall is white, has the property of a blank canvas, on which you can freely express your artistic skills.

Do not try to hide them by using color drawings. It is better to use shades of gray, then the design of the walls in the bedroom will look warmer. On such a wall, you can draw a huge fresco with a natural landscape.

To give a special charm, use wallpaper, the pattern of which you think is original. But pasting the entire bedroom with wallpaper can visually reduce it.

Local lighting can emphasize the pattern of the wallpaper, it will add a little elegance to the room.

And how to decorate the wall above the bed in the bedroom, because it is the most important? It should be emphasized with excellent wallpaper from other walls.

The same result can be obtained with the help of fabric, remember at least decorating the walls with carpets.

The interior of the walls in the bedroom can be very different. For example, when installing shelves, you should not force them with various DVDs, books, and various items.

It is better to put a lamp on them, and a few scented candles.

Ease of decoration

A unique bedroom can be made with simple decorating techniques. Using simple notches or grooves on the walls that repeat after a certain distance will perfectly decorate the room.

Decorative plaster, will help decorate the walls in the bedroom. With it, it is possible to create the illusion of marble, or old plaster.

The main feature in decorating a bedroom will be the character of its owner. Looking at other photos of the walls in the bedroom, you can also make your choice in design.

Photo of wall decoration in the bedroom

We continue to study classic techniques and new trends in interior design. The use of accents is not just a fashion trend, but one of the most effective ways to emphasize the pluses of the situation and distract from the minuses (of course, forced and, of course, temporary).

However, as they say, before using any weapon, you must first learn how to use it. So, in order not to turn the room into bad taste, you should know the main canons and be sure to observe the measure! So, first things first.

Accent wall in the bedroom, or how to get rid of boredom

Such a method as creating an accent wall has long established itself as the main favorite of designers when working on decorating a room. An advantageous combination of neutral colors and a modern energetic pattern is the optimal solution for decorating vertical surfaces.

It is the bedroom, as a rule, that becomes the starting point, from where creative searches and all kinds of experiments begin. The intimacy and privacy of this room completely untie the hands, which means that they provide the freedom to choose any, even the most daring style, playful pattern and spicy shades.

Let's take a look at some fabulous projects that can be a powerful source of inspiration. Plain walls look rather dull and monotonous, so we offer you several options for color contrasts that go beyond the usual idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwall decoration in a room.

Add some color!

The design technique that we are talking about now is resorted to in cases where it is necessary to bring a little color into the interior, as well as some additional textures, shapes and lines. Just one accent surface can make a calm bedroom, made in pastel colors, more spectacular and attractive.

And if you add it with several pillows or a bedspread of a similar design, you will have an integral composition. The advantages of such a wall are most obvious in small bedrooms. With its help, you can create a so-called focal point in order to draw attention to a certain area of ​​the room.

In 2014, the discreet gray-lilac gamma is still relevant and trendy. Despite the fact that gray is traditionally associated with a neutral background, modern designers are increasingly choosing warmer and bolder shades for an accent wall, while the main decoration of the room is white and plain.

This gives the space a certain sophistication and style that is difficult to achieve with other colors. And sparkling purple confidently retains its leadership position and the status of “the color of luxury”.

Taunting textures and chic patterns

You can highlight a particular surface not only with color, but also with texture, as well as with a pattern. An indelible impression is made by a wall with a contrasting texture, which, moreover, has the effect of a three-dimensional 3D image. An additional dimension seems to enliven the room.

It is impossible not to notice how this changes the atmosphere and sensations in the room. And for more cautious people who are not prone to design adventures, we can offer elegant and proven alternatives, such as brickwork or wallpaper with amazing paisley patterns (aka “Indian cucumber”).

In this article we are discussing the interiors of bedrooms, so let's look at examples of accent walls that are especially appropriate in these rooms. The whole wall or its separate fragment with various bulges and irregularities exudes luxury and gives a feeling of incredible comfort.

And the huge headboard, repeating the pattern on the wall, will certainly appeal to fans of the “Old Hollywood” (Hollywood Regency) style, the characteristic features of which are chic and entourage.

Unleash the full potential of accent wallpaper

You decided to diversify the room with the help of an accent wall, but you are not sure that the paint will cope with this responsible task? In this case, you should pay attention to both. They come in a fantastic variety of colors as well as floral and patterned prints.

This excellent, affordable option opens up just a huge scope for creativity, allows you to implement any idea in a short time.

Accent wallpaper in the bedroom is often used to enhance the impression of some designer chips in the bed area. And again, pillows and a bedspread with a similar pattern will help complete the composition. As a result, the bedroom is transformed and takes on a more organized look.

And do not forget the main rule: if you choose wallpaper with a bold and complex pattern, make sure that the design of the rest of the walls is as simple and calm as possible. Otherwise, the room will look untidy, overloaded and cause discomfort.

Accent wall made of wood - this is cosiness and comfort in the room

What do we associate wood texture with? The majority, probably, with firewood, which crackle measuredly in the stove or fireplace and, embraced by the heat of the fire, help people warm up on cold winter evenings. The stunning wood surface of the accent wall has its own unique charm.

Of course, creating such magnificence will take more time and effort than traditional painting, but believe me, it's worth it! If you're the proud owner of a modern or minimalist home built predominantly of concrete, glass, and stone, then a wood-paneled accent wall is just the thing for you.

It will give the atmosphere softness, tenderness and make it more inviting.

Discover the magic of stripes!

Stripes have a truly amazing property: they are able to transform even the most ridiculous environment, set a certain rhythm for it, and also bring some organization. In addition, designers resort to this decorative technique in order to create an optical illusion and visually expand the space, that is, enlarge the room.

When using stripes on an accent wall in a bedroom, it is customary to use a darker shade of the same color as the rest of the walls.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating an accent wall. But try not to focus solely on color, and then a whole world of new possibilities will open up for you. So, what will be the accent wall in your bedroom?


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The bedroom is a private space where guests are not taken. But this does not mean that inexpensive repairs can be done in this room, and bedroom decor is not at all necessary. On the contrary, all the best should be concentrated here, especially when it is the total area of ​​the spouses. Eminent designers have developed many interesting proposals for decorating the bedroom with their own hands. It is important to choose a style and some kind of concept, then the choice of finishes and accessories will be subject to a tempting idea.

Such a panel will become the main highlight of the bedroom interior.

The design of the bedroom is made in dark colors.

Pictures on the wall are a great addition to the decor of the room.

Which bedroom decor option to choose?

The faceless one-type decoration of the bedroom is a thing of the past, no one is interested in simply re-gluing the wallpaper when there is an opportunity to do something special. If you dream a little, it is easy to realize the most daring dreams in your personal space.

Think about what you like best:

  • a bohemian boho needlework workshop with a luxurious bed;
  • a quiet cozy corner in the style of French Provence;
  • luxurious apartments with white furniture;
  • a palace interior with a suite on elegant gilded legs;
  • metropolitan loft with a city panorama and a bed "transformer";
  • a Japanese geisha's room with a "rock garden" landscape behind a bamboo curtain;
  • chambers of an oriental dancer or concubine of the Sultan;
  • creative laboratory in high-tech style;
  • the glamorous bedroom of a socialite;
  • futuristic setting of a guest from the future.

How to decorate a bedroom if each bedroom decoration option is good in its own way? You need to rely only on your taste and sense of proportion. Do not rush from one extreme to another. "Decor" is related to the word "decoration", they are made from inexpensive materials. But in a theater or a cinema pavilion, it looks like a cabin of a spaceship or real royal chambers. How and how to decorate the bedroom with your own hands depends on the choice of style.

Additional lighting can be installed on the ceiling

The design of the bedroom is made in the style of Provence

Golden rule: All decoration and accessories should emphasize the choice of a single recognizable style. Don't miss out on "a little bit of everything" - as a rule, this is a big, but unjustified expense for lush decor in the bedroom. An eclectic interior is rarely possible, especially when there is no experience. A design that has little decor, but all of it is masterfully and tastefully done, will make your bedroom unique and elegant.

All components work for the overall design concept:

  • decorating the walls and ceiling in the bedroom, finishing the floor;
  • carpentry material (windows, doors, other wood in the finish);
  • choice of furniture (how to update it);
  • textiles (bed linen, bedspread, curtains, tulle, rug);
  • accessories and decorative elements.

If the finish is made with neutral materials, the style is easier to vary. You can partially change the appearance of the room for the new season and the upcoming holiday, or even just according to your mood. A radical stylistic transformation is done during repairs (major or cosmetic), but it is much more expensive than the original do-it-yourself bedroom decor.

Wallpaper with flowers will look great in the bedroom

The design of the bedroom is made in bright colors.

Lamps above the bed will perfectly complement the interior of the bedroom

Decorate walls and ceiling

A stylish bedroom is unthinkable without modern design solutions, including high-tech finishes. The ceiling decor of the bedroom is difficult to do with your own hands, but some elements are quite affordable:

  • the effect of the night sky with painted stars, where luminous paint is used;
  • original lighting from a perforated ceiling (openwork pattern on a smooth ceiling);
  • stained glass inserts illuminated from the inside give the illusion of skylights;
  • finishing with unusual materials or adding new inclusions to traditional mixtures;
  • zoning of the bedroom with color differentiation along the ceiling;
  • suspended structures, decorative beams and modern lamps mounted on a rod near the upper plane;
  • handmade stucco molding based on gypsum is the embodiment of any idea.

It is even better to embody ideas on the walls. On 4 vertical planes there is more area, more opportunities, it is easier to draw and fix decor fragments at the head of the bedroom or at the window. When they want to do something quickly and inexpensively for the holiday, they use vinyl stickers or a volumetric paper application for walls or a hanging inscription made of large letters.

In the room you can put a large mirror

Above the bed, you can attach a panel with patterns and lighting

The easiest way is to put interesting images in frames and place them in the most appropriate place. Paintings, printouts of optical illusions, photos from a good angle, author's experience in fine arts are suitable. Wall paintings are often used as decor for the bedroom. It seems that it is difficult, but there are simple and beautiful sketches that you want to consider for a long time. They are easy to transfer to a free wall - at the head of the bed or opposite the bed.

Tip: If there are no artistic skills, a stencil is used or the contours are transferred over the cells, enlarging the pattern. A good example is the “Look” drawing at the headboard, suitable for the bedroom, transferred with an increase in scale.

Stencils can be used repeatedly - flowers, leaves, fruits, birds, butterflies. When applied to the wall, the gap is painted over with a roller or a wide brush. The contours are outlined with a thin brush or marker, the background is created by spraying paint.

Bedroom design in white

Dark bedroom design

The backlight of the bed makes it feel like it is hanging in the air

The easiest way to use photo wallpaper in the bedroom is to decorate. The selected landscape will please the eye all year round. The only drawback is that the principle of seasonality is violated. Summer in the image cannot be changed to another season without daring to re-paste the wallpaper. But you can choose the cityscape - New York, London or Paris on the wall will not embarrass those who admire their architecture in any weather.

When the plans do not include a frequent change in the decor of the bedroom, they prefer a thorough finish with expensive textured plaster, frescoes or drawings on flexible stone. Such work is entrusted to specialists, but it is better to prepare the wall and select the image yourself. Unusual wall painting or original author's decor on the wall in the bedroom can look very extravagant. You can vary the pigment added to liquid wallpaper and decorative plaster to get something original.

The combination of colors in the bedroom looks very beautiful

Above the bed you can hang a large picture and make a backlight

How to decorate furniture in the bedroom?

Decorating a bedroom with your own hands involves updating furniture if it was purchased a long time ago.

  1. It is not necessary to change the cabinet furniture, which suits the functionality. It is enough to change the facade, which will emphasize the style. Sliding mirrors are a universal option, veneer or natural wood of a noble texture is a classic. Drawing on frosted or sandblasted glass can be matched to any ethnic style. Stained glass - gothic or modern.
  2. Artificial aging of furniture fronts is a popular do-it-yourself bedroom decor trend. It can be done in any available technique - coating with patina or varnish with cracks, perform exclusive decoupage with eggshells and napkins. Such furniture is very much in demand in the Provencal and vintage bedroom, retro or country style.
  3. Combining several pieces of furniture into a single bedroom set will help repainting in a common color, replacing old legs and moldings. The more elegant these additions, the more luxurious your “new” white furniture will be for shabby chic, grunge, chateau or romantic bedroom decor.
  4. When you want to update the look of the bed, which is quite comfortable with a comfortable sleeping plane, you can replace only the headboard or the entire base. The bedroom for Japanese minimalism does not imply a bed - a low wooden podium with a comfortable mattress and a luxurious bed is enough. I like the English classics - it is recommended to upholster the high headboard with eco-leather in the form of a carriage pick.
  5. A hi-tech bedroom involves glass shelves and corners on chrome anchors to match the bed with metal legs.
  6. The East is a “delicate matter”, but what is needed here is not so much a special bed as a lot of stylized pillows with luxurious embroidery and other decor.
  7. Some styles suggest a canopy over the bed, which will create a special atmosphere. A great idea for those who have not decided how to decorate the bedroom with fabric. Beautiful materials are also suitable for a screen and room divider, layered curtains or other window decor in the bedroom. Upholstered furniture with new upholstery is also appropriate if someone prefers a sofa bed.

Bedroom design with large panoramic windows

You can put flowers near the bed

Flowers in the room will make the interior more alive

Important rules for decorating a bedroom

The bedroom is a special room, and it is highly undesirable for other rooms to be combined in it. For lack of free space, the accountant's office, the dressmaker's workshop are transferred here, where clothes are like decor in the bedroom. There may be a computer desk, an aquarium incubator, a dressing room and a library. Well, if not all at once, but many mothers also have a baby's crib next to them.

There are 2 solutions:

  1. Unload the functionality of the bedroom and emphasize with decor that this is a place to relax.
  2. Rethink the space as much as possible in terms of zoning.

Maximum relaxation and rest is the main idea for decorating a bedroom, no matter what style it is decorated in.

Pictures can be hung on the wall

A bright room will give only positive emotions

A place to sleep is the basis of the bedroom, regardless of what the owners sleep on. Everything must "revolve" around it. It is very convenient when the most necessary things are at arm's length, and the secondary wall decor in the bedroom, made by oneself, is conveniently viewed from the opposite side.

You should not overload your mind with bright elements, in this room there should not be anything to excite the imagination, with the exception of pictures of erotic content or other "hints". The priority is your favorite color, but calm shades, even if it is red or purple. An important role is given to textiles and decor, which visually expands the dimensions of a small bedroom. If the room is very large, it is important to correctly delimit the space so that it does not look empty and inhospitable.

In the room you can make a panel with backlight

The combination of black and white colors in the interior of the bedroom

You can put colorful pillows on the bed

The main types of decorating a modern bedroom

Wall decor with imitation of a rough surface

Brickwork, concrete-look stucco, stone-look cladding and clapboard

Natural wood and texture imitation

Eco-veneer, laminated chipboard and fiberboard, plywood, furniture board, etc.

wall painting

Interior enamels (interior only)

Wallpaper (all types)

Liquid wallpaper, fiberglass, vinyl, photo wallpaper, luminous wallpaper

Drapery and fabric trim

Upholstery of the wall with a carriage pick, decorative panels, screens, curtains

wall painting

Frescoes, collages, applications, stencil drawings

Decorative plaster

"Venetian", "bark beetle", textured, "fleece"

3D panel near the bed will perfectly complement the interior of the bedroom

You can hang pictures on the wall in the bedroom

Obviously, there is no shortage of things to decorate the wall in the bedroom or make an original decor with your own hands. It all depends on the scale of the transformation and the preferred method of decoration. More interesting design ideas - in our photo gallery.

Video: Bedroom decor

Properly selected decor can transform the interior. The range of beautiful and original details today is greater than ever. You can choose the right decorative additions for any room, whether it be a living room, a nursery, a kitchen or a bedroom. The design of the latter is worth analyzing in more detail.


With the help of well-chosen decor, you can revive even the most boring room, made in gloomy colors. There are an incredible number of options for decorating residential premises. These can be beautiful wall paintings of different sizes and subjects, decorative vases or plates, original photo frames of non-standard shapes, multi-colored panels and other attractive items.

You can decorate the bedroom not only with such original elements, but also with high-quality textiles. For example, if you choose spectacular and luxurious curtains, aristocratic bedding and an elegant canopy, you will get a chic and rich interior in an ordinary average apartment. So, with the help of seemingly simple components that are present in every bedroom, you can give the atmosphere a special chic and brilliance.

It should also be noted that interior decoration is provided in all stylistic directions, from classic to hi-tech. Without the right decorations, a room can feel unfinished and even dull.


wall decor

There are many ways to decorate the walls in the bedroom. Consider the most interesting and attractive options.

  • Many owners turn to the original decoration of empty walls with frescoes. For a beautiful and harmonious ensemble, you need to choose a picture that would fit the main style of the bedroom interior. This method will require additional preparatory work. Before applying the fresco, the wall must be puttied and coated with a primer. It will take a lot of time, cost and effort, but the end result is worth it! With the help of a beautiful fresco, you can give the room a slight touch of sophistication and originality.
  • You can apply a stencil pattern to one of the walls in the bedroom. But it is necessary to apply such images only on a previously prepared and well-dried surface. Such decor should have a contrasting color that will stand out against the general background. A stencil pattern, the shade of which resembles a wall finish, will dissolve against the general background and there will be no sense in it.
  • You can add an accent wall to the interior. As a rule, such elements of the room are painted in contrasting colors. For example, one of the walls in a white bedroom can be decorated with soft purple paint and placed near the wall with a double bed. Often, with the help of such a simple technique, zoning of space is carried out. So, using a contrasting wall, you can highlight the recreation area or workspace in the bedroom. The accent wall can be finished with beautiful wallpaper with patterned prints. This design solution looks very stylish and fresh.

  • You can update the interior of the bedroom with decorative plaster. Using such a finishing material, you can trim a niche above the bed. Work with decorative plaster should be entrusted to an experienced master. The services of specialists are not cheap, but the end result will surely please you and will not make you regret the extra expenses.
  • To decorate the walls, you can turn to the relief panels. Such things are made of different materials, but the most common are panels made of reinforced gypsum and plastic. Slightly less common are eco-friendly plant-based options. Such materials are installed with glue. Their surface can be painted in any color.
  • In interiors in a modern style, decorative brickwork looks spectacular. Most often, the owners of loft-style bedrooms turn to such decoration options. Experts recommend decorating only one of the walls in this way.
  • One of the walls can be decorated not only with brickwork, but also with decorative stone or panels made of various types of wood. Such design techniques look very attractive and modern. Often, the installation of such materials can be done by hand, without much effort.


Curtains not only protect the space from noise, dust and aggressive sunlight and provide comfort, but also perform a decorative function. These details can match the shade of the wall or furniture. Often curtains play the role of bright accents in the interior of the bedroom and have a rich contrasting color. Details such as pelmets, heavy tassels, elegant ties and laces look attractive in the bedroom. With the help of such details, you can create an aristocratic and solid image of the room.

You can draw attention to large and high windows using luxurious curtains to the floor. Such decorative elements can visually stretch the room and make it more spacious. Long curtains can be decorated with a flirty curly assembly or playful braid. Dark curtains against the background of light walls will look most attractive and bright, and vice versa. It is worth choosing the right products based on your own taste preferences, as well as the style and color design of the interior.


Other design elements

There are many more ways to decorate a bedroom.

The most popular decorative elements are wall paintings. Images on them can be made in neutral or catchy colors. Today in stores you can find a huge variety of paintings with a variety of subjects.


Images of flowers will look harmonious and attractive in the bedroom. You should be careful with pictures in which predators are present. If you still decide to decorate the room with such details, then it is recommended to choose options with calmer plots. For example, it can be wolves against the backdrop of a winter landscape, or dormant lions.

It is worth abandoning paintings with images of unpleasant insects, as such interior items can cause negative emotions. Refuse paintings with sad and gloomy images. This also applies to paintings depicting natural disasters and disasters. Such decoration options will have a negative impact on the emotional state of the owners of the home.

Wall and table photos will harmoniously look in the bedroom. It is recommended to insert such things into frames, the color of which would match the furniture in the room. So, the decor and interior elements will overlap with each other, creating an organic ensemble.

You can decorate the bedroom with vases. Today, such items are made from different materials. The most inexpensive and lightest are plastic vases. However, such things look too simple and cheap. If you want to complement the interior with more attractive and sophisticated options, then you should turn to vases made of ceramics, painted glass, clay or porcelain. You can place real or artificial flowers, branches of unusual shapes and other similar items in a vase.

The main decorative elements of the bedroom are pillows and bedding. With these details you can dilute any interior.

For example, against the background of a peach accent wall in a pale pink bedroom, you can place a light double bed with a bright purple blanket. Such a rich detail will dilute calm tones and become a bright accent of a delicate interior.

And you can dilute the peach walls, white floor and white bed with dark chocolate linens and pillows, complemented by contrasting patterns.

The bedroom should have details that soften the interior. For example, it can be a cozy rug with a high pile. The color of these things should also be calm and gentle.

  • DIY bedroom decor should be aimed at creating a friendly and comfortable atmosphere. Do not decorate such a room with aggressive and sharp details.
  • Don't overload the space lots of decor.
  • If you decide to decorate the room with wall paintings, then it is recommended to take one of the walls under them. It is best to choose canvases whose plot is in harmony with each other.
  • Most often, paintings are hung over the head of the bed.. It is desirable to have one large picture in such areas, rather than several small ones. A large number of paintings above the bed will look strange and ridiculous.

  • A good way to decorate are mobile partitions.. With the help of these items, you can not only decorate the interior, but also carry out zoning in the bedroom. However, it is not recommended to resort to partitions and screens if the room is small in size.
  • Try to stick to soft textures. They should be traced not only in furniture, but also in decorations. So, in the conditions of a bedroom, a fluffy floor carpet and accessories such as plump soft pillows will look harmonious.
  • Decorative items can be made from improvised materials. When creating interesting and attractive things, it is necessary to take into account the basic style of the bedroom interior and not go beyond it.

Beautiful examples of bedroom design

If you like bright colors, then you will like the following bedroom design:

  • Decorate one of the walls in the white room with accent red and decorate it with a white stencil image of a sakura branch. Opposite the red wall, you can place a red bed with a high beige headboard and linens made in scarlet and white. Complete the bed with cream bedside tables with yellow lamps. If the room has windows, then they can be decorated with simple straight white curtains with contrasting burgundy colors.

The design of the walls can be varied and depends on the imagination and preferences. It can be a decoration of delicate colors that promote relaxation, or vice versa, an emphasis on bright colors and eclectic ornaments, there are many options for wall decor in the bedroom and they all depend on the type of decoration and color.

Bedroom wall options

Wall decoration in the bedroom should first of all be made of environmentally friendly materials, it can be paint, wallpaper, fabric, laminate or plaster.


Despite the obvious simplicity of painting, this is not the cheapest option, as it requires a perfectly prepared surface. A huge palette of colors makes it possible to choose a bedroom suitable for a particular interior, niches and arches can be easily finished with paint.

Painted walls look great with pictures and frames, and the color of the bedroom can be changed depending on the change in bedroom design. Acrylic, latex, silicone and silicate types of paints are suitable for wall decoration.


Wallpaper for the wall in the bedroom is used most often as the most affordable material, representing a large assortment. It can be plain wallpaper, with the texture of wood or wild stone, with a pattern, with different characteristics of density and water resistance.

  • Paper wallpapers are hygroscopic, harmless, affordable. Suitable for a non-sunny bedroom, otherwise the color and pattern will fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
  • Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper easy to stick, hide the defect of uneven walls, stronger than paper and suitable for a sunny bedroom.
  • Glass fiber can be repainted several times, they are more resistant to mechanical damage.

The photo shows paper wallpaper "in a cage". A room between classic style and minimalism, an example of how shades of the same color complement each other. Dark gray curtains and a plaid, a gray and white accent wall and white furniture create a laconic style.

Wall mural

In the bedroom, wall murals look more advantageous than in any other room. They will visually enlarge a small bedroom and decorate the head of the bed. They are applied as a whole canvas or in separate parts, depending on the size and material (fabric photo wallpapers are made whole, and non-woven and paper wallpapers are made in elements).

In the photo, the accent wall is pasted over with photo wallpapers, it is in harmony with the elements of textiles and decor.


Laminate on the wall in the bedroom is used more and more today, easy installation, durability and a large selection of wood textures make this type of finish attractive.


Painting in the bedroom can decorate the interior of any style. This is a fresh take on decorating walls and emphasizing uniqueness. Apply the drawing with an airbrush, acrylic paint. It can be painting, graphics, pattern, graffiti, gradient effect, photo portrait.

Accent wall in the bedroom as a manifestation of individuality

The wall in the bedroom above the bed can be a manifestation of creativity and fantasy, it is tiled, sheathed with wood, textiles, paintings, false windows, frames, photo panels.

An eye-catching decorative wall can create a bright accent in the bedroom, which will differ from the rest and harmoniously complement them at the same time. An accent wall brings individual texture, shape and color to the overall design of a room. The focal point can be complemented with accessories, such as a bra, forged construction, flowers.

Niche in the wall

A niche in the bedroom is most often constructed from drywall at the head of the bed, this is a great option for updating the look of the room. It can be deep and become a sleeping area (with full immersion of the bed), as well as decorative with additional spotlights. A decorative niche performs only an aesthetic function; when decorating it, fabric, photo wallpapers, plaster, and mirrors are used.

The photo shows a bedroom with decorative niches covered with brown wallpaper. The headboard of soft leather panels creates a cosiness, combined with curtains and furniture.

This type of finish is becoming more and more a trend and replaces ordinary photo wallpapers. A three-dimensional image can be single and look like a picture in a frame, it can be applied to the entire wall, which is considered the standard option. The 3D picture can be with neon illumination, and the 3D LED photo wallpaper can change the image.

For the bedroom, it is best to choose neutral images, not portraits. This technique will help to avoid psychological discomfort from the "views" from the picture. There is no need to put a wardrobe and other furniture near the 3D wall, otherwise the effect of the picture will disappear.

An ideal solution for a corner room or when choosing a bed without a headboard. The wall can be finished with various forms of upholstery, leatherette or fabric (suede, velor, silk).

Of the fillers, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer are suitable, which will improve sound insulation. Of the finishing options, one can distinguish drapery, close-fitting, and the creation of soft tiles. Today it is fashionable to decorate the wall with soft panels of any shape with or without a pattern. The color of the soft wall can be combined with the color of the furniture or be different and be a bright accent of the bedroom.

Brick wall in the bedroom

A brick wall will fit into the loft style, it can be both a symbol of brutality and creativity, romance. These effects are achieved through the textures and colors of the bricks.

  • The brick wall can be of the same tone with the furniture, then the interior of the room will be in tune.
  • When choosing a contrasting accent wall, you need to choose appropriate furniture, for example, red brick is combined with pastel colors of furniture, and white brick contrasts with brown and black furniture.

In the photo, a wooden pallet bed and a white brick wall create a trendy loft style. Table lamps attached to the wall are a creative and unusual solution.

This option is suitable for creating an eco-style. The wall is made of boards, wooden panels, easy to mount, does not require alignment, hides wires and is easy to clean. Looks best at the head of the bed in addition to wall sculptures or paintings.

mirror wall

The mirror visually enlarges the space and raises the ceiling, making it brighter by reflecting light, emphasizing the style of the room. When choosing a mirror wall, remember that it requires constant cleaning from dust and splashes, this is a fragile material. For the bedroom, a mirror mosaic is best suited with the highlighting of each individual mirror. They emphasize the edges with moldings, slats, frames made of wood or plastic.

In the photo, the recreation area is separated by a two-level ceiling, the wall at the head is decorated with a solid mirror and a mosaic.

3D panels

3D panels are very light, but they look massive and solid. They are able to close any uneven wall surfaces; in this finishing option, the leveling step can be skipped.

Choosing the color of the walls for the bedroom

The color of the interior is created by furniture, floors and walls, which should be combined or overlap with each other.

  • The color of the walls should match the furniture.
  • When choosing a bedroom color, remember that the furniture should be darker than the walls and lighter than the floor, and that up to 5 colors can be combined in one room.

The photo shows a bedroom in orange with white furniture. The appliqué at the headboard dims the brightness of the walls and blends with the design of the room.

  • White walls in the bedroom are suitable for both light and dark furniture. Requires an emphasis on details in a contrasting color, goes well with any style, expands the bedroom.

  • Beige bedroom walls are very popular in bedroom interiors for their color versatility and creating a base for other colors. It is combined with all shades of beige, gray, brown, blue, turquoise and purple.

  • brown walls in the bedroom they are suitable for light furniture, they look original and do not require additional decoration. Of the accessories, a bright picture in white and gold tones would be appropriate.

In the photo, luxurious brown and white do not need a third color, this is a classic of royal bedrooms. Mirrored panels visually enlarge the room.

  • Gray walls in the bedroom can be combined with gray patterns on the carpet, white furniture, you do not need to overload the bedroom of this color.

In the photo, a minimalist bedroom with 3D wallpaper decoration, a mirror cabinet opposite the window fills the room with additional light.

  • Green walls in the bedroom are suitable for solving sleep problems. In this case, soft shades are suitable: pistachio, olive. Bright green can be used as an accent, nothing more. It is combined with white furniture, gray, brown, beige colors.

  • Blue walls in the bedroom are suitable for dark and light furniture, evokes positive emotions, relaxes and soothes. Suitable for sunny rooms, as in low light it causes fatigue and weakness.

    • Dark walls in the bedroom create a strong energy and a bold look. Suitable for large bedrooms with two windows. An accent over a dressing table or bed is appropriate with good lighting from pendant and wall lamps.

    Walls in the bedroom: photo design examples

    The photos below show examples of the use of various wall decoration options in the bedroom interior.