Plastic paving slabs - an easy method to lay out paths? We make tiles together from plastic bottles. DIY paving slabs from plastic bottles Slabs from plastic bottles

Today all over the world, the number of companies that use advanced technologies for the manufacture of products by recycling secondary raw materials is beginning to increase. This process testifies that not only the thinking of the producers themselves is changing, but also their attitude towards making profits. The ongoing global changes are also transforming an ordinary resource-based economy into a high-tech one, which makes it possible to rationally use available resources and at the same time do not pollute our environment.

Of course, such production also requires financial investments, but believe me, they all return quickly after starting work. Now, thanks to the examples below, you will be convinced that the recycling of secondary raw materials, in large and small volumes, is a combination of pleasant and useful, personal benefits and respect for the nature around us.

Manufacturing technology of polymer-sand tiles and paving slabs

For industrial or private production of polymer-sand tiles and or paving slabs, it is necessary to have ordinary sand, dye (preferably from Bayer) and used polymer material.

The ratio of the required components for polymer-sand tiles is as follows:

75 parts of sand,
24 parts of polymer waste,
1 part dye.

For the manufacture of paving slabs:

94 pieces of sand,
1 part dye
5 parts of polymeric waste.

Where to get recyclable materials? Polymer waste can be purchased very cheaply at recycling centers or any landfill. It is absolutely not necessary to clean and sort them (from paper and food waste), because all this will burn and in the future will not have any effect on the quality of the finished product.

What polymeric materials can be used?- any. At the same time, you should be guided by the fact that used bags and old plastic film are called soft polymers, and any plastic bottles, polystyrene, polypropylene are called hard polymers. It is desirable if the ratio of soft and hard polymers are equal, that is, fifty to fifty. In Russia, the cost of one ton of polymer waste is approximately 3 thousand rubles.

Sand... The moisture content of this component should not exceed 10%, the content of impurities (for example, clay) should not exceed 20%. The cost of sand is 300 - 350 rubles per ton.

Dye... It is inexpensive - about 90 rubles per kilogram. Of course, you can do without it, but then the resulting tile will turn out gray and will not have a presentation.

The production line consists of:

melting and heating unit,
molding press.

Required working area (for installing equipment, in a well-ventilated area) - 150 sq. meters.

Processing and manufacturing of products

In the extruder, polymer materials are heated, then mixed and crushed into very small homogeneous particles (up to 10 mm).

Further, the prepared polymer material + sand + dye are mixed and this mass is poured into the melting and heating unit. There, the process of polymer melting takes place, and with the help of rotating blades, uniform and high-quality mixing of all the listed components.

The resulting homogeneous mass (like a tight dough) is placed in a molding press, in special molds, where it is then slowly cooled. To give the polymer-sand tiles shine, in the mold the upper part is cooled more slowly than the lower one.

The equipment and products themselves do not require any certificates or licenses. More detailed information about the equipment for the production of polymer-sand products can be obtained by e-mail: [email protected]

We produce ... oil!

Another interesting technology was invented by American scientists. Its essence is to return plastic bottles to their original state, that is, oil.

For example, the Envion company (Washington) has developed a method for processing plastic and polyethylene into oil. For this, the EnvionOilGeneratorTM has been created with a production capacity of 50,000 bar. oil from 10 thousand tons of used material per year.

The cost of producing one ton of oil, thanks to this technology, is $ 17. The generator is easy to install and operate, highly efficient, absolutely harmless to the environment. The technological process is based on the extraction of hydrocarbons from used plastic. Without the use of catalysts, by cooling the raw materials (plastic and polyethylene), thermal cracking in a vacuum.

Conclusions. Today, in Russia, the production of plastic and polyethylene processing has not yet been seriously debugged. Therefore, the commercial potential of this idea (the production of polymer-sand tiles, paving slabs and oil from plastic waste) is very large.

And further. Starting to produce the above products or raw materials, you can not only create new jobs, earn decent money, but also help solve the problem of recycling plastic and polyethylene waste and improve our environment.

Plastic containers are used as containers for many drinks. In European countries, such waste has been recycled on an industrial scale for a long time, but in the territory of the Russian Federation this area is still being developed. However, trash can be used to make good plastic paving slabs. Moreover, the raw materials for such production are inexpensive and extremely affordable.

Characteristics of plastic tiles

Plastic paving slabs are reliable and durable. In terms of many operational properties, it is not even inferior to concrete products.

Plastic tile products prevent the formation of ice and are characterized by an excellent anti-slip effect, which is achieved due to the presence of sand in the composition of the material. The smooth and even coating of such products has effective adhesion to the materials from which the sole of the shoe is made.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of plastic bottle paving stones is their affordable cost, due to the low prices for raw materials for its production. The entire technology for the manufacture of such products involves the use of additives, coloring pigments and plastic containers.

Advantages of polymer paving stones:

  • does not crack when exposed to negative temperatures;
  • polymer products are comparable in strength to concrete;
  • it is easy to clean snow from plastic tracks;
  • ice does not form on the polymer coating;
  • excellent adhesion to the shoe sole, which minimizes the risk of injury due to falls;
  • the surface of the polymer tile is highly resistant to abrasion;
  • plastic is characterized by a high level of moisture resistance;
  • plastic is lightweight, so it is easy to install;
  • the material is not afraid of exposure to chemicals;
  • polymer tiles can withstand negative temperatures for a long time;
  • PVC tiles can have different textures and colors.

This type of paving stone has only one drawback - when exposed to high temperatures, its size increases. To prevent damage to the material under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, during the installation process, it is necessary to maintain a 3-5 mm interval between the tiles.

Components of the material

For the production of PVC paving stones, not only plastic bottles can be used, but also other polymers. You will also need dye and sand. Ordinary containers are suitable as raw materials, which do not even have to be cleaned of product residues and stickers. Excess components burn themselves out during processing. In this case, the raw materials do not need to be sorted.

Plastic tile technicians can also use parts of plastic jerry cans, crates, films and bags. Moreover, it is recommended to use polyethylene parts in order to give shine to the finished product.

Soft types of polymers can increase the ductility of the finished tile product. If they are not added during production, then the products are more fragile. Manufacturers adhere to the following proportions:

  • solid polymer compounds - 60%;
  • soft plastic - 40%.

Taking these proportions into account allows you to achieve the optimum degree of hardness of the paving stone. The use of this technology makes it possible to fully utilize plastic waste. It is forbidden to add rubber, fluoroplastic and polycarbonate to the tiles, because these components destroy the homogeneity of the material.

The sand used for the manufacture of polymer paving stones is thoroughly cleaned of excess inclusions. At the same time, the production time of the product depends on the dryness of the sandy component. Product quality depends on the uniformity of mixing plastic with sand. Ingredients are taken in the following proportions:

  • coloring matter - 1%;
  • polymer elements - 9%;
  • sand - not less than 90%.

High-quality polymer paving stones are made with the addition of inorganic dyes.

Scope of application

This material is very popular among both construction companies and private homeowners.

On the site near the house, using this paving stone, you can equip paths that lead to a garden or home. It is possible with the use of such a coating to create an area for children's games or recreation near the pool.

Plastic tile products can often be seen at car washes, gas stations, car parks, service stations.

Polymer tiles can be used to decorate front gardens and flower beds. Municipal institutions often use this material in the construction of squares, parks and playgrounds.

Tile making technology at home

Plastic paving stones are made using the following equipment:

  • crushing device designed for crushing polymer raw materials;
  • press for forming finished products;
  • extrusion equipment designed to melt and mix components and squeeze out the working composition.

The production technology for such products is relatively safe, but the equipment must be installed in a well-ventilated area. In addition, when working, you must use protective gloves and respirators.

The production of this type of paving stone involves the following stages:

  1. Plastic raw materials are crushed thoroughly.
  2. When the components enter the extrusion device, the molten plastic substance envelops the added sand and mixes to a doughy mass. At this stage, dye must be added to the working composition.
  3. After that, the extrusion device squeezes out the working solution in the optimal amount and in a uniform layer, which is immediately laid out in the molds.
  4. The finished look is given to the tiles using a special press. At the same time, the products are cooled.

A simpler production option involves the use of a melting unit and a molding press. In this case, the polymers melt immediately, without grinding, after which the resulting mass is thoroughly mixed with the pigment and the sandy component.

After that, the composition is placed in molds and sent to the press. In the absence of a press, you can simply wait for the tile layer to cool naturally. This requires at least 1-2 days, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment.

The result is a flat and smooth tile. If necessary, the products can be given any texture, color and size.

Installation of plastic tiles

The process of laying plastic paving stones is simple, so you can handle it yourself. This requires the following materials and devices:

  • cement mixture (PC400);
  • coarse sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • plastic tiles;
  • border elements.

Installation of polymer products is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • markup;
  • extraction of 25-30 cm of the upper soil layer;
  • installation of curb elements;
  • arrangement of geotextiles at the bottom of a dug trench;
  • crushed stone drainage device;
  • laying geotextile fabric for drainage;
  • dusting and compaction of the sand layer;
  • polymer paving stones are laid on the sand.

To lay thin polymer tiles in the sand, you need to add cement.

At the final stage, the joints must be filled with clean, dry sand.

The production of plastic tiles is not complete without melting molds. They can be made of rubber, fiberglass or plastic.

Rubber-type molds are rarely used, because they are massive, expensive and have a short lifespan. For the production of large-sized products, fiberglass is best suited. In this case, a special lubricant is applied to the mold, which prevents the solidified raw materials from sticking to the structure.

Most often, molds made of special heat-resistant plastic are used for the production of this coating. In some cases, combined technologies are used.

During the production of material, defects may appear in the form of scraps of various shapes. They need to be crushed again in a crusher and used as raw materials for the manufacture of new products.

The moisture content of the sand during production should be about 10%. If dye is not added to the product, it will turn out to be a dirty gray. Such paving stones will perfectly fit into the design of the garden area.

When making tiles from plastic waste at home, the melting molds must be lubricated each time with a special preparation that prevents the mortar from sticking to their walls. You can buy such a mixture on the Internet or at a home improvement store.

The well-kept courtyard is the face of the owners. The modern market provides many materials that will help create comfort on a suburban area. For the design of paths and parking spaces, plastic paving slabs are increasingly used. It has a high quality and varied color palette that can be a decoration for any yard.

Sidewalk plastic tiles

A paving material or paving slab is a building element that is used to create hard pedestrian or road surfaces. It is made from three main components:

Plastic paving slabs

  • sand is the basis and occupies 75% of the total composition of the tile. Particularly strict requirements are imposed on it, it must be well washed, calcined, and the particles must be of medium size;
  • crushed polymer is a binder and occupies 24% of the total volume (polystyrene, polypropylene or LDPE are used);
  • various inorganic dyes 1%.

Typically, tiles are hot pressed. This method allows you to create a durable building material. It is distinguished by high physical and chemical properties, which reduces porosity.

Plastic tiles are manufactured in many factories and have already won the trust of consumers. The production process is quite simple. To begin with, all components are thoroughly mixed so that the pigment spreads throughout the mixture and qualitatively dyes the entire material. After that, the resulting solution is placed in an extruder, where additional impurities are added and thoroughly mixed again. The resulting mass is sent under the press, where the tiles and patterns are formed. At this stage, the production of the plastic material ends.

Manufacturers make products in the form of lattice tiles and just ordinary paving stones. The lattice tiles are in the shape of a square, measuring 50 × 50 or 30 × 30. Its thickness is no more than 2 cm, and its weight is about 1.5 kg. All elements have through cuts, on the sides of the tiles there are grooves that hold the structure together. Tiles in the form of paving stones are smaller, but their weight is greater. Available in rich colors.

Advantages and disadvantages of building material

Paving slabs made of plastic are superior to other types of tiles on the construction market. The advantages of the plastic design of the tracks include:

Before purchasing a plastic building material, you need to familiarize yourself with its shortcomings and weigh the pros and cons.

The negative aspects of the material include:

  • of course, plastic tiles are made of durable material, but it falls short of the strength of a stone;
  • plastic wears off faster than stone paving;
  • it expands slightly under the influence of high temperatures, therefore a small gap of 3-5 mm must be left during installation.

Polymer-sand paving slabs

Plastic tile laying technology

The material is easy to lay, so you can do it yourself. You can mount the tiles on a different base: sand or crushed stone. If you lay tiles on sand or a cement-sand mixture, then you need to adhere to certain simple rules.

Laying plastic tiles
  1. The place where the tiles will be laid must be cleaned and about 20 cm of soil removed. After that, the surface must be leveled and tamped with high quality.
  2. Along the edge of the surface, you need to make small grooves where the curb will be installed. Sand (5 cm) is poured into the groove and poured with water, after which it is compacted. The curb line is marked and pegs are driven in at the edges, and then the rope is pulled. A small amount of cement mortar is poured into the bottom of the groove, and the curb stones are mounted.
  3. A geotextile layer is applied to the compacted soil surface, its edges must be fastened with construction tape. A layer of sand is poured over the material, poured over with water and compacted.
  4. Tiles can be laid on the compacted sandy surface. Installation is carried out with a rubber mallet at a distance of up to 5 mm from each other.
  5. After finishing the installation, sand is poured onto the surface of the site, which effectively fills the joints. At the end of the work, the tiles are washed with water to remove the remains of the cement-sand mixture.

As already mentioned, plastic tiles can also be mounted on crushed stone. The sequence of work is slightly different from the previous one, therefore it requires consideration of some nuances. Adhering to simple installation rules, the sidewalk path will last a long time.

  1. As in the first case, it is immediately necessary to remove the topsoil, level the site and carefully tamp the surface. Then it is necessary to make grooves for the curb and install it, following the sequence described above.
  2. The rammed area must be covered with crushed stone (20–40 mm) and the resulting layer must be carefully compacted. After that, the surface must be poured with concrete (layer about 100 mm). It is important to fill it with a slight slope so that the water can drain off.
  3. The concrete surface should be covered with a sand-cement mixture (2-3 cm) and the tiles should be installed on it using a rubber hammer. Paving slabs can also be laid on tile adhesive.
  4. It is necessary to pour sand onto the finished site, and wipe the seams with a stiff brush. After that, the finished paved area must be washed with water to wash off the remnants of the cement-sand mixture.

You can use a new beautiful path or playground only after 2 days. During this time, the solution will solidify qualitatively, and the tile will be motionless.

Video: Polymer sand paving slabs

The production of paving slabs from plastic bottles is a solution to a number of problems. First, recycling. Previously, it accumulated in huge quantities and occupied kilometers of free area, but now it is beneficial. Secondly, this is the production of budget finishing materials: there is no shortage of plastic, the rest of the components are inexpensive. Thirdly, the technology allows you to create products of any shape and size - new opportunities for landscape design open up (sand-plastic paving slabs are outdoor). What attracts consumers to it, details of industrial and private production, features of paving slabs - that's what interests potential buyers.

Material advantages

Plastic tiles for a private house, landscaping near an office building or finishing a public area are not just a fashionable trend. The reuse of raw materials is a current trend.

But she has a number of other advantages, which favorably distinguish this particular product among concrete and ceramic analogs:

  • Availability. It will not be difficult to find it on sale and, recall, the cost of this building material is quite acceptable.
  • Wear resistance. The polymer, which is the basis of the product, perfectly withstands temperature extremes and heavy precipitation - it is resistant to moisture, and if liquid gets into the cracks between the plates, it does not wash out the track. Plastic paving slabs are perfect for outdoor furnishings and private properties and public areas.
  • Long-term. It is able to maintain its attractive appearance and durability for 50 years.
  • Ease of repair. Damaged single products can be easily replaced with new ones if necessary.
  • Ease of use. It seems that the surface of the tile is perfectly flat (the consistency of the polymer contributes to this), but it does not slip: sand particles (abrasive) prevent this, making it completely safe.

This is a good solution for a playground too. Injuries on it are not uncommon, and anti-slip coating will help to significantly reduce their number.

Features of production

Unlike other floor finishing materials, plastic paving slabs are made both at industrial enterprises and at home. This is very convenient if the plastic container has accumulated over several years and needs to be disposed of. It is also a great option for those who like to do a lot with their own hands. To organize home production, you need only a small but well-ventilated room, raw materials and a few equipment for the production of plastic paving slabs:

  • extrusion (melting) machine;
  • molding press;
  • forms.

As for materials, it is recommended to use hard polymers (those same plastic bottles) and soft polymers (plastic bags). The ratio of hard to soft plastic should be approximately 3: 2 - this will achieve the best characteristics of the finished product. To this mixture is added pure river sand and a coloring pigment (preferably inorganic). It is not recommended to add rubber or polycarbonate to the mixture for paving slabs - this will not make it stronger or more elastic, but it will break the homogeneous structure.

Next, the mixture is prepared in an extrusion machine and poured into pre-prepared forms. After a few days, in natural conditions, the plastic paving slabs for summer cottages dry up and are ready for use.

You don't have to buy ready-made forms, but make them yourself. The result will be more interesting if you use different dyes and combine tiles of different colors.

Making molds yourself

It only seems difficult because plastic is rarely used in everyday life as a raw material. In fact, it takes several hours to make the mold.

Materials required:

  • wooden boards;
  • screwdriver;
  • saw (jigsaw);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • plastic;
  • oil (machine oil can be used);
  • oil brush.

Then - the template. They make it on paper, draw it on the ground. Or they don't do it at all - when asymmetric shapes are needed, and you want to spend a minimum of time on production. The manufacture of plastic molds for paving slabs is as follows: a frame is assembled from wooden elements, the inside of which is coated with oil (so that the form lags more easily). Plastic is poured into it in a uniform, not very thick layer. In the warm season, 50-80 minutes are enough for the mold to dry. The same framework can be used several times, but if you make more than one framework, the tile-making process will go faster.

The technology of manufacturing paving slabs from plastic bottles is environmentally friendly. However, it is recommended to use a respiratory protection mask and gloves when working.

Laying technology

How to make paving slabs from plastic bottles correctly is not of interest to everyone: many find it easier to buy ready-made products. But almost everyone is interested in how to properly lay such material. If the correct technology is followed, the coating will be stable and durable.

If paving slabs from plastic bottles are laid with their own hands, they do it in different ways - the correct technique is determined by the conditions of further operation. The top layer of soil (15-20 cm thick) is removed from the surface of the site where the tiles are planned. Then they make a "pillow" - its composition depends on the intended use of the territory.

Tiles are laid on the "pillow" in the selected order, the cracks are covered with fine river sand, poured from a watering can - this is how the sand is compacted and its excess is removed from the surface of the tile. If the laying of plastic paving slabs (it does not matter, with your own hands or with the hands of a specialist) involves the use of sides, a deep concrete "pillow" is required for the sides so that the "ribs" are firmly entrenched in the ground.

Plastic paving slabs are a modern, beautiful and comfortable material. It has excellent performance properties. It is made and laid on their own, or they turn to the masters - and they just enjoy the excellent result.

DIY paving slabs from plastic bottles

Used plastic bottles are garbage, making up a third of the planet's waste. In such containers, they sell water, juices, beer and liquid preparations of household chemicals. The container is considered disposable, therefore, after use, it is useless for the original purpose.

But today plastic bottles are processed into flex - plastic chips, which are later used to make polymer fibers and various products used in everyday life and in production.

Paving slabs from bottles in our country it is considered an innovation, although in the west this technology has been used for a long time. Therefore, the production of paving slabs from waste plastic is a profitable business with little competition.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, tile from plastic bottles attracts buyers with its low price, which due to the cheapness of raw materials, going for manufacture. All that is required is plastic containers, sand, dye and additives. But such sidewalk pavement has a large number of good performance characteristics, that is, the consumer pays little, but receives high-quality material.

The main advantages of polymer sidewalk:

· in terms of strength, polymer tiles can compete with concrete pavements;

· does not crack in the cold;

· it is easy to remove snow from such paths;

· no ice crust forms on the coating;

· good adhesion to the sole of the shoe ensures the safety of pedestrians;

· the surface is resistant to abrasion;

· has high moisture resistance;

· the material is lightweight and easy to install;

· not afraid of chemical influences;

· withstands very low temperatures;

· produced in different colors and textures.

Flaw paving slabs from plastic bottles have only one - at high temperatures it slightly increases in size. To avoid deformation of the coating under the influence of sunlight, a distance of several millimeters is observed between the tiles when laying.

Scope of application

The material is in demand among homeowners, construction organizations, owners of summer cottages.

· On the backyard, paving slabs from plastic bottles can be used to lay out paths leading to the house and to the garden, arrange an area for a patio, a playground or an area adjacent to the pool.

· The coating is used in car washes, service stations, gas stations, parking lots.

· The tile can be a decorative addition when decorating flower beds and flower beds.

· Municipal organizations use these products to create public playgrounds and park paths.

Polymer sand tile production

The manufacture of polymer sand tiles is a special technological process, having mastered which anyone can start a profitable business. The polymer material contains three components.

1. Crushed waste of plastic bottles, which is a connecting link and occupies ¼ of the total volume of the mixture.

2. ¾ volume is occupied by sand - this is the main filler.

3. Inorganic dyes.

Since sand is the main element here, high demands are placed on its quality. Good sand has an average grain size, there are no impurities in it, since the fraction is carefully sieved, then washed and calcined.

The bottles themselves do not require cleaning and sorting. Small addition of waste from polyethylene, plastic boxes is allowed. But these components should not exceed 1/3 of the composition.

The production of polymer sand tiles can be carried out by several technologies.

· Vibration casting with the addition of plasticizers to the mixture.

· Vibrocompression of dry substance.

· Hot pressing.

The first two methods make it possible to produce paving slabs with low porosity. If plasticizers are added to the mixture during hot pressing, the tiles are of very high quality.

The price of paving slabs from plastic bottles depends on the technology used by the manufacturer.

Manufacturing steps

  1. Plastic bottles are crushed into crumbs.
  2. The raw material is mixed with sand, dyes and plasticizers.
  3. The resulting composite is heat treated at a temperature of 250 ℃.
  4. The softened substance is placed in molds and pressed.
  5. After hardening, the finished tiles are packed in bundles and sent to the point of sale.

Necessary equipment

The first thing that will be required to establish the production of paving slabs from plastic bottles is an extruder for shredding recyclable materials. You also need to purchase a melting unit and a forming press.

The molten polymer envelops the sand, making the mass homogeneous and viscous. The extruder extrudes it, and the operator cuts the required size and places it in the mold. Small production does not involve a large number of workers who have to pay wages.

The biggest expense is the purchase of equipment. However, this field of activity is directly related to environmental protection (plastic bottles are garbage that pollutes everything around), so a novice businessman may well get a profitable loan to buy all the necessary equipment. The state supports such ideas.

The production of polymer tiles from plastic bottles on an industrial scale will require more powerful and expensive equipment.