Hanging photos on the wall. Designer tips on how to hang photos beautifully

At first glance, the placement and design of photographs does not imply anything complicated.

In fact, by simply pinning them to the wall in any order, you can get a not entirely expected effect and be considered a tasteless designer. It is also worth considering that any interior design looks truly impressive if it is individual. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with several rules for posting and designing photographs, which will insure against mistakes, but otherwise trust your imagination and feelings.

Found on AliExpress / Photo Frames

Family photo: features of placement in the interior

The main task is to combine several images of different shape, size and genre. Of course, you can buy absolutely identical frames, print several photos of the same size and hang them on the wall in a synchronized order, but they will look boring and are unlikely to delight anyone. A creative approach and dynamics in the interior are the key to success.

You can decorate any room in your house or apartment with photographs. The main thing is that the chosen principle and style correspond to the general spirit of the room and echo it in color and mood. If you don't want to fuss with shapes and sizes, you can actually buy identical frames. But in this case there must be a lot of them in order to cover the entire wall with them, like tiles. This is how you can decorate your hallway or office.

Photos can serve as the main decoration of the interior. We recommend placing several blocks of framed photographs throughout your home. Despite the age of color digital photography, black and white photographs never go out of style. Even modern photographs in monochrome have their own special charm. They focus attention on the image itself.

Photos placed in ascending order by size look very ugly. One of the strongest techniques is considered placing one large photo on one wall.

The most beloved and dear family photos should always be in the spotlight. Framework– these are not just photo frames. They can become the main accent in the interior, so you need to choose them very carefully, taking into account what function you plan to assign to them.

Handmade frames look very impressive. You need to place a photo on the wall so that the fictional the center line of the entire composition was at eye level person in a standing position. If you hang the pictures below, you can look at them on the sofa, but if you hang them higher, it will turn out to be very inconvenient for viewing.

Found on AliExpress / Photo Frames

How to make a photo frame with your own hands

When placing two photographs of different sizes side by side, the one What is larger should be placed slightly above eye level, so that smaller photos are easier to look at.

Before hanging on the wall, you need to lay out the pictures in the intended order on the floor. Step back a couple of steps and evaluate the intended placement, and if necessary, rearrange, move or replace some photos. If there is little basic lighting in the room, it can be used for photography additional lighting.

Found on AliExpress / Photo Frames

Lifehacks for decorating a wall with photographs

Lifehack No. 1. When posting photographs of a child, you can use bright frames different sizes. Color and black and white photos combined with children's color drawings framed in different colors create an amazing effect.

Lifehack No. 2. Fans of creative designs can complement their interior by placing photos in a simple but original way. Having secured the improvised clothesline in the room and attaching a photo to it using clothespins, you will surely surprise your guests. In addition, the pictures can be changed periodically, thereby updating your interior.

Lifehack No. 3. Having created memory wall in your living room, you can place photos of different generations here, constantly adding more and more new ones. The accent can be one large frame with a photo of the youngest, oldest in your family, or a family portrait, around which smaller cards of different sizes will be placed.

Lifehack #4. Modern interior styles, for example, high-tech, allow you to use photo without frames. They look like large posters or canvas paintings, randomly placed on the wall.

Lifehack #5. Why not put many, many small photos in one huge frame? This approach to placing photographs will make them a kind of addition and an integral decor in the interior. Thematic collage of photos has always been popular.

Lifehack #6. Take a photo from the album of your grandmother or mother in your youth, or even your interesting situational card from childhood and turn it into photo wallpaper. This approach will not go unnoticed.

Lifehack No. 7. Fans of antiquity prefer the same old photos. And if you place photographs in different sizes, they will become a real highlight of the interior.

Lifehack #8. Split one photo in several parts and arrange the photographs in such a way that they create a single harmonious picture.

Lifehack #9. Interior items with photographs printed on them are very popular. Transfer portraits of family and friends to dishes, watches, etc.

Digital technologies have been surrounding us in everything for a long time. But sometimes it’s so nice to have paper photographs in the house. It is not at all necessary to simply store them in a photo album, which will rarely be taken out for viewing. Photos can be hung throughout the house in different places to remind you of the most pleasant moments. If you have the desire to make a beautiful wall gallery, then it will not be difficult at all.

Decorating a wall with photographs is by no means an echo of the past. There are many interesting interior solutions for this. After all, you can hang not just framed photos, but also large posters or collages.

Selecting a location

Old ideas about design said that photos should be placed above the fireplace, in the living room, near the stairs or in the bedroom. Modern houses and apartments with their improved layouts have great potential for decorating spaces with photographs.

It is not at all necessary to follow traditions in our time. For example, you could create a collage of photos in the dining area for your family or guests to enjoy while dining. Also, pictures are placed in the hallway, corridors, kitchen and bathroom.

First you need to decide what kind of photographs you want to decorate the wall. Landscapes, portraits or maybe general photos? In any case, you need to choose a place with enough space.


To give photographs on the wall special expressiveness and originality, it is necessary to choose the right lighting. The ideal option is LED lamps. You can also use small wall sconces, the light from which will be directed towards the photo.

The shade of lighting should not be bright so as not to interrupt the impression of the images themselves. If there is enough light in the room or you do not want to highlight the photo separately, then this is not at all necessary.

Methods for posting photos

Many people wonder: how exactly to hang photographs so that the collage looks appropriate and attractive? The photo can be hung without a frame, with a frame, or you can create a composition with your own hands.

A good option would be a ready-made composition of several frames. Will save time and avoid unnecessary holes in the wall.

To create a composition with your own hands, you need to think it through carefully. Don't forget about symmetry. It will not allow the order in the room to be disturbed. And the asymmetrical composition will add originality to the interior.

With large images, it's worth remembering to center. In the case of collages, the photo must be placed in the center, and if it comes to a single image, you should start from the furnishings of the room and place such an image in combination with a sofa, fireplace or other large interior elements.

To create a composition of beautiful photographs on the wall yourself, there is an original idea with the arrangement of different types of images: photos, posters and, for example, postcards.

Style selection

A composition in the form of a family tree will help create a cozy homely atmosphere. A frame in the shape of a large romantic heart will suit a young family.

A frame in the shape of famous cartoon characters or a child’s favorite toy will look interesting in a child’s room. The more individual the approach to the design of a photo gallery, the more unique it will look.

To correctly compose a collage, it is recommended to first draw it on paper. There are many interesting gallery templates, but you can follow the call of creativity and draw a unique design. In the case of collage, you should remember the rule of contrast.

Using Contrast in Gallery Design

  • Large photos are contrasted with small ones.
  • Use centering rules and place large frames in the center and small ones on the sides.
  • If there is a large frame in the collage, then it should not dominate.
  • Black and white photographs will look great with captions.
  • If the gallery is large and consists only of photographs, it may look boring.

Using a photo without frames

Garlands - lining up several photographs in a row. This is great if you have photos from Polaroid or Instagram. They should be small and the same size. You can arrange photos on a string vertically or horizontally. The photos are attached with glue or clothespins.

Cork board. This option has been quite popular lately. The main advantage is that photos can be changed. The ideal place would be a children's room or kitchen. A cork board can be used in an interesting way in the interior of a room.

Drawing frames on the wall. The drawn frames must be in contrast to the wall. It is better to use one color scheme. This choice of gallery design gives you an unlimited number of ideas. You can also write interesting sayings or quotes from your own life on the wall.

Photos in frames

Using photo frames in your gallery design will ensure it is visible and has a clear outline. This method can also be used in different ways in the interior and make it not boring by using unusual frame shapes.


Another great collage design option. A multi-frame consists of frames of different shapes and sizes. Such options should be selected based on the interior of the room. Remember that a gallery of photographs is a separate element in the interior and requires special attention in design.

The photo gallery should fit perfectly into the interior, so that guests and loved ones do not have the idea that the collage is superfluous.

It's not a good idea to have a lot of photo frames on the wall. This will make the interior heavier and ruin the pleasant atmosphere that photos with memories create.

The option with a photo on a string - the so-called garland - was described above. In the case of frames, this method is also relevant, but do not get carried away with the number of photos and remember that the frames must be the same size.

A unique option would be frames made by yourself. An individual approach, taking into account the features of the interior and the image itself, will help you create an unusual piece of furniture.

Clock with photos

Another interesting idea that also has a useful function. Ideal for decorating a living room or kitchen. You can purchase them, as well as invent them yourself, because it’s not at all difficult.

An interesting gallery format is a frame in the shape of a house. A simple silhouette, understandable even for a child, will help create an interesting collage with family photos, which would be appropriate to hang in the living room or hallway.

As you can see, there are dozens of ways to decorate your home with photographs. When choosing, be sure to think carefully about whether this option will fit into the interior of the room, whether it will look inappropriate, bulky or tasteless.

Rely on your taste, consult with your family and create your own unique gallery that will remind you of the best moments in life.

Photos of photographs on the wall

Photos. Moments of life captured by a camera lens. Vintage and modern photos stored in albums and interactive cloud of computer systems. For some, there is no greater pleasure than rearranging yellowed photographs on the pages of photo albums, carefully storing old photographs and Polaroid tapes. And some enjoy scrolling through the pages of social networks, looking at digital photographs.

Photographs, regardless of the date of shooting, have an amazing property, acting as a unique composite material. Photographs from the beginning of the last century enjoy a special status. They, like museum exhibits, should appear before the eyes of others. Family history should be passed on as a precious heritage.

Decorating a wall with photographs is considered the most emotional form of design art. Hiding emotions in albums, flash drives and disks, and not sharing them with loved ones, relatives, friends, is equivalent to a crime,

says designer of the Moscow studio A-Design, decorative artist Elena Vorobyova.

According to the artist, picture frames play a big role in interior decoration with photographs. Photo frames are not only a beautiful photo design, but also a protective packaging of the photo from the influence of the external environment. Direct sunlight leads to fading, humidity - to cracking, dry air - to the fragility of not only ancient photographs, but also modern photographs.

Photo frames are selected for each photo individually, depending on the style of the interior being created. When placing photo frames on the wall, keep the shapes and sizes consistent.

Frames are available in various colors. Depending on the style orientation, a palette of frames is selected.

Event photo notes

A simple but popular interior design solution is to place several photographs in frames on a table or on specially equipped wall shelves. The rigor of the classical framework is acceptable in the office. Solid voluminous photo frames decorate the interior of the living room. Delicate and romantic frames are appropriate in the bedroom or boudoir. Passe-partouts are created for small but very important event photographs.

The basis for choosing a place on the wall for a photo is the principle of direct visual perception of the original composition. In the bedroom, photographs are placed at the head of the bed. In the living room or hall, the most visible and easily visible place on the wall should be chosen for photos.

The most fertile room for placing pictures is the children's room. Photos of the baby from birth, coupled with photographs showing the child's growth and development, will create a magnificent collage.

Photos, dressed in classic frames of strict forms, can be arranged randomly or in a certain sequence. Photos for a nursery can be decorated, for example, in a nautical style for a boy, or a fruity style for a girl. It is advisable that all frames for the target design be created from the same material. Regular double-sided tape will help secure frames with pictures on the wall.

Design of wall photos

Photo frames play a primary role in interior design. The richness and variety of the assortment allows you to vary and combine all kinds of frames, creating charming compositions, regardless of the style orientation of any room.

Color selection

The range of shades of the frames and mats for photos is colossal. Designers advise using two directions when decorating rooms. Either select the color scheme of the photo frames to match the color of the interior, or frame the pictures with frames that contrast with the wall covering.

Do not allow glass frames to be adjacent to wooden frames in the exhibition - this is vulgar. Different sizes and shapes are acceptable, but made in the same style.

Photos enclosed in a passe-partout and inserted into a frame look harmonious on the wall. The color scheme of the design can be done in one of three options:

  • color mats for color photographs, dressed in colored frames;
  • classic black and white design of a series of “antique” or vintage photographs;
  • color frames or color mats for simple frames in the design of black and white photographs.

Frame sizes

wall decoration with photographs - photo

Large baguette frames are good to use for a collage of all kinds of pictures. On the wall, such a handmade work of art looks both stylish and like an artistic painting.

Photo frame shape

Any frames for one exposure can be selected. They can be oval, rectangular, square or round in various sizes. The main thing is that the shapes of the frames are combined with each other, and harmony reigns in the exhibition.

A fashionable trend in modern interiors has become the design of photographs with puzzle-style frames.

Fastening system

In addition to double-sided tape - the most primitive method of attaching photo frames to the wall, you can use a little imagination. Share your experience on Sdelay.tv about how to beautifully hang a photo on the wall.

The most creative option is to place photos pinned with original holders or ordinary clothespins on a rope or wire stretched along the wall. This option is inherent in the design of a room in the avant-garde style.

Style direction

For a classic interior and a room decorated in Provence or country style, wooden frames made of light or dark wood are appropriate.

Art Nouveau, high-tech or eclectic styles prefer metal or plastic to frame photographs.

The handmade style dictates the creation of photo frames that are unique in their originality. For example, hand-knitted.

Accommodation options

The symmetrical arrangement of the frames requires great care and depends entirely on the interior. This option is inappropriate for a child's room. For a teenager’s room, the reception is quite possible if the photos in the exhibition are arranged in ascending order of size using additional decor.

The popular solution of building a family tree from a photo with a drawn tree can be implemented in a child’s room or family room. Hand-drawn designs work well with simple oval frames.

There are a huge number of room decorating ideas for children's rooms. In the boy’s bedroom, decorated in a nautical style, photographs on the wall in round frames resemble the portholes of a painted liner.

For little princesses, picture frames adorn wall shelves or serve as the windows of painted carriages. Any fantasy can come true in children's or playrooms.

You can decorate the space along the spiral staircase with randomly placed and different-sized photo frames.

The classic design option for staircases is to place photos in identical frames above each step at the same distance from the floor.

The compositional collage “Clocks” will add originality to the room. Where frames with pictures are placed around the dial in any order, or in accordance with the age category of family members.

For a richly decorated living room in a classic or modern style, baguette photo frames that imitate artistic canvases are appropriate.

Frames in the interior of rooms

Diptychs and triptychs should be united by photo frames of the same style. Such works look great in the interior of living rooms or kitchens.

In the bedroom, framed photographs are placed on bedside tables or placed above the head of the bed.

In the corridor, as the most boring room of a house or apartment, you can arrange an art gallery that keeps family secrets and legends.

photo frames in the interior – photo

Girls' apartments are decorated with openwork lace photo frames.

Strictly designed pictures on the wall decorate halls, living rooms or offices.

For original placement of photo frames with pictures, a straight wall is not always required. From two frames, after removing one of the sides, you can build a corner frame.

Photo ideas for interior design using photographs in original frames:

There are many different moments in life that you want to remember every day. Bright and not very bright. Some brought joy and fun. Others made us who we are. Time passes, and details of the past fade from memory, and with them pleasant memories. We forget about our children's and teenage albums languishing on the top shelves of cabinets. They remain imprints of the emotions that we experienced in our early years. But what's stopping you from refreshing them? Do you live in an apartment? Hang photos from your old photo album on the wall of your living room or hallway. Are you the owner of a spacious country house? Then decorate the interior of your cottage with warm memories of long-gone moments in your family's life. Treat yourself to the warmth and comfort of home.

Any interior can be made cozy and original with the help of photographs on the wall.

Don't know where to start? Wondering how to decorate your wall with photos from your home photo album? We will tell you how to properly decorate the interior of your home with photographs. Interesting options lie in the simplest solutions, you just have to pay attention to them.

Properly designed photos in decorative frames, or in a special way, can not only harmoniously fit into a certain interior style of the room, but also greatly improve its visual effects. Just like when arranging the interior decoration of a room, decorating with photographs has its own nuances and features.

A variety of photographs are suitable for wall decoration

Before you determine the format of the photo composition, as well as choose this or that style, you need to decide on the location of the photos. In this case, you need to be guided by some principles:

  1. The dynamism of the photo should correspond to the type of room. For example, wedding or dating photos of a married couple would be appropriate to place in the bedroom, but pictures of the whole family spending time on a picnic would be more successful to hang in the hallway of your home.
  2. Lighting plays a big role in the interior of a room with a photo wall. Light and sunny photographs should be placed on a well-lit side of the wall, while evening and more romantic ones can be placed in a dark corner of your apartment.
  3. The family tree and portraits of your ancestors are best placed in the hallway or on the wall of the staircase.

Favorite pictures on the wall in the kitchen dining area

In addition to those listed above, there are many more rules for arranging photographs with or without frames, taking into account the style of the interior, the color scheme of the room and lighting.

Features of photo placement

As has already become clear, there are certain requirements for posting photographs. Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

Bright composition lifts your spirits

Important. Depending on the interior style of the room, the style of photographs and the choice of frames will vary greatly.

An interesting idea for decorating a watch with family photos

Manner is the dynamics, the mood of the person (people) captured in the photo. Also the clothes the character is wearing, his occupation, etc.


For a classic style in the interior, more strict photos of events are selected. People in such photos should be dressed in formal suits. The design of the wall in this case should also be in compliance with strict lines and shapes. Impressiveness and smoothness are inappropriate here. The colors of the frames can be different: white, black, gray and all shades of natural wood are suitable. The passe-partout is selected depending on the chosen frame.

Photos framed like paintings look good in a classic style.

Photos in gilded frames in a classic-style living room


Photos taken in nature, in fields or meadows, in the forest are suitable for French Provence. On the wall, such a composition is best placed within a dark shape, since Provence implies soft tones. This will create a clear accent. The photo collage can be diluted with various still lifes depicting fruits or flowers. In relation to Provence, blue-pink-violet lavender is perfect for decorating a wall with family photographs.

You can place a small mirror in the center of the composition

Favorite pictures framed in different sizes on the bedroom wall

A family tree can be successfully placed on a soft pink wall. This is done in the form of a pattern connecting the hung photographs. To give a special charm to the collage, it is decorated with additional decorative elements or, in our case, completed with drawings. These can be fluttering butterflies, birds, or simply lines depicted in bizarre convolutions and shapes.


The loft style is characterized by a rough interior and simplicity of finishing, or rather the lack thereof. On a wall made of red polished brick, a good option would be to arrange photo cards without frames on a stretched rope. The photo format should be in Polaroid style.

String and clothespins are perhaps the easiest way to effectively display photos.

In the lower or upper part of the wall (niche), you can make lighting with a soft white glow. This way your photos will look against the backdrop of the illuminated aura behind them.

Collage of photographs from different years on a brick wall in a bedroom

The order of the photo cards can be of any shape. The main feature is the relationship between the chosen style and the events reflected in the photo.

Photo placement options

The most common option for arranging photos on the wall is to enclose each photo in a separate frame. But now there are a lot of exclusive and extraordinary ways of arranging family props to match the home interior.

Photos without frames on the wall of the stairwell

Symmetrical composition above the sofa in the living room

Random order

In this case, the photo is hung without frames. The mutual placement of such a collage can be of different shapes. It all depends on the event and the design of the surrounding interior. For example, a love story is shaped like a heart. But photo cards that remind you of the arrival of a small child in your family are placed on the wall with additional attributes in keeping with the theme of the event (decorative elements in the form of wooden patterns on the wall of various shapes).

Pictures without frames in the shape of a heart on the wall of a children's room

This composition can be changed at least every day

Mounting method

It can be as simple as using double-sided tape or a nail on a dowel. Or maybe an original combined one.

Why not use shelves to display photos?

Framed photographs do not need to be mounted on the wall, but simply placed on the floor.

Collage layout location

This is usually a straight wall. But besides an ordinary wall, it can be a corner of the room, decorated with photographs on both sides; a wardrobe that is part of the overall composition or completes the photo story with a large print on the entire door facade. Flowing background from floor to wall, or from wall to ceiling.

Beautiful and useful corner

A combination of different ways to frame photo cards

From the usual photo frame in the interior, with a mat around the perimeter, to designer carved wooden frames, decorated with precious materials. In modern styles, frames made of metal, glass and plastic have become very popular.

Use different frames and try different combinations

Contrast of large and small photos

This effect creates a certain charm that has a beneficial effect on a person’s worldview. At the same time, a large collage format should be made for portraits and close-up photos. Small photos complement the overall picture. In order not to overcrowd the wall with events, diluting images and details are used. This role is played by flower arrangements, wooden shelves matching the color of the interior, on which, along with candles and vases, your photos are installed.

It is convenient to look at photographs if the composition is located at eye level

Photos on the pendant

For hanging, make a large frame. A cork sheet is placed inside. A collage of small photographs is secured with stationery pins. If you additionally tighten the rope or fishing line, the photo is attached to clothespins (stationery, clothespins). This design is well suited to loft and minimalist styles.

Photos in frames, suspended on laces and push pins

Photos in retro frames hanging on clothespins

Photos are attached to the wall in different ways. Attach the frame by twisting it thoroughly, and attach the photographs themselves to the frame without the risk of damaging them.

Photo frames

When arranging a collage with ordinary frames, you need to additionally use a passe-partout. This is ordinary colored cardboard with no middle part. The photograph is placed in it.

Black frames convey rigor and graphics, white frames convey sophistication and grace.

In addition, the use of picture frames is interesting. In this case, the photos get a volumetric effect. This is achieved by the absence of borders around the perimeter, that is, the image flows onto the wall. This frame format is often used for composite photographs, the image of which is divided into several frames.

The wooden frame and the photograph hang separately, but form an overall composition

The most remarkable and memorable wall designs are created thanks to the people in the frame, and a little due to the skill of the photographer. Seasoning such collages with decorative elements, hand-carved patterns, and painted walls are the main components of a successful solution. Accents are appropriate here. Decorative clocks, in harmony with a cascade of photographs, wooden shelves with flower vases, and other unusual items of interior decoration of your apartment - all this can be very successfully played with material from your family album.

Live life to the fullest, create moments by capturing them on camera film; and then, on one of the warm winter evenings, remember those moments of happiness experienced together with your family over a cup of hot chocolate. Create with us!

When decorating a wall, you can “go outside the box”

Video on how to decorate a wall with frameless photographs with your own hands

A home photo gallery is an original idea that you can implement with your own hands. You just need to have the right idea about how best to arrange photo frames in your interior. In general, people prefer to create something similar to a family tree from photographs. Photos are a part of our lives, reminding us of the moments spent with our loved ones.
Each of us takes pictures, but only a few print them out to keep them as souvenirs.

Take your precious photos and memories out of your albums and hang them on your walls so you can enjoy them every day. Your collection of photographs will remind you of past events, will become an important element of decor, and even your favorite place in the house.

Place three large photo frames of the same size in the center to create a focal point. And around the central photo frames, hang smaller frames to create a gallery effect. Make sure all elements are aligned and form a geometric shape.

Above the stairs
It is best to place photo frames above the stairs in “steps”. First hang large photo frames - the main elements, and then arrange smaller frames.

On shelves
Arrange photo frames of several sizes on hanging shelves so that some of them slightly overlap each other

— Photo galleries above the stairs are the best idea, because... going up or down, you can admire the pictures every time

— A photo gallery can be placed above the sofa in the living room. But only the photo composition should hang on the wall and nothing else.

— The combination of photo frames of large and small sizes looks especially advantageous. When we look at photographs, we enjoy and cherish the memories captured in the photograph.

Another great idea for your own photo gallery is to place photo frames on a colored wall, so your composition will look even more original and beautiful. You can also create collages and place them in one large frame. There are many home photo gallery design ideas, take a look at these examples.