How to make a beautiful bottle feeder. DIY bird feeder: a selection of ideas

Bird feeders in winter help to save birds from hunger. However, this is not the only reason why you should start making them.

By themselves, beautiful and original feeders can become a unique decoration for your garden.

And the process of their creation instills in the younger generation a sense of responsibility and concern for weak creatures.

In addition, this is an invaluable time that allows parents to spend time with their children with interest and benefit.

Wooden bird feeders

There are several types of feeders that can be made from wood. Firstly, these are feeders that look like a base made of plywood or other similar material with sides around the edges that prevent treats for birds from crumbling.

Most often, such a design is suspended from a tree branch on thick ropes.

But such a feeder has a number of disadvantages. The most obvious is that such a design does not protect the feed poured into it from precipitation and bad weather. It is also quite light and can move or roll over with the wind.

The second version of wooden feeders is more like a house and has a roof. In such feeders, the food is reliably protected from the weather. The base of the structure looks the same as in the first version, only there are supports on it that support the roof.

The roof can be either straight or pitched. Any child can make a straight roof, because in fact it is a rectangular piece of plywood, only slightly larger than the base.

A pitched roof has a slightly more complex design, but it is better because, unlike a straight roof, snow does not accumulate on it and it does not have to be periodically cleaned.

There are also original options for feeders made of wood. For example, a feeder can be made from an ordinary log. To do this, you will need a chainsaw, a chisel and a hammer, as well as a chain and rings for hanging.

To begin with, you need to saw off two round logs from the log on both sides of the future feeder. Then a wedge is cut along the entire log, and longitudinal and transverse cuts are made, not reaching the bark of about 5 centimeters.

This is necessary in order to subsequently make it easier to extract the middle from the workpiece with a chisel. After all the work is done, the previously cut rounds are nailed on both sides of the feeder.

It remains only to screw the rings and attach the chain on which you can hang the feeder.

Plastic bottle feeders

For bird feeding, plastic bottles are also used as feeders. It can be both containers of 5-6 liters, and small 1.5-2 liter bottles.

Most often, a plastic bottle is turned into a feeder by cutting out several windows in the body.

Then such feeders are hung horizontally or vertically, depending on the design. For the convenience of birds, cross perches are installed near the bottom of the feeder.

But sometimes you can find quite original feeders, which provide for the automatic addition of feed. These are the so-called bunker feeders.

Such a feeder can be two wooden spoons inserted at an angle into the through holes in the bottle. Thus, the food from the bottle will gradually spill onto the spoon.

A bunker feeder can be made from a 2-liter bottle. To do this, it is enough to cut the bottle in half, make round holes in the lower part, and turn the top upside down and put the neck down. The top can be covered with a lid or a disposable plate. In such a feeder for a long time it will not be necessary to add food.

Improvised materials in the creation of bird feeders

The simplest feeder you can think of is a garland of rowan, cone or berries. A treat for birds strung on a rope will decorate young trees in the garden. The only disadvantage of such a feeder is that as the feed is eaten, the garland loses its appearance.

An interesting solution would be to make a feeder in the form of lumps with grain or seeds. Such decorations can be placed on benches, tables, or simply hung on trees in nets, in which tangerines are usually sold in a store.

They are based on fat or gelatin. The lard is melted and the main food is added to it. Then the finished substance is poured into molds (it can be baking molds or an ordinary balloon) and placed in a cold place to solidify.

They also do it with dissolved gelatin mixed with grain.

If you have a coconut shell lying around, then it can also be used to make a feeder.

As a result, such a design will be invisible on the tree. Juice or milk boxes are also suitable for making feeders. Their very design will not differ much from simple feeders made from plastic bottles.

Photo of bird feeder ideas

Birds in a private garden are a pleasant chirping and lively fluttering along the branches. In autumn, when the garden is "bare" and empty, little birds give it a new sound.

Birds play an aesthetic and sanitary role. They are indispensable helpers in the fight against harmful insects. Feeders will help attract and keep orderlies in the garden. You can make beautiful bird feeders with your own hands from improvised materials, for example, from plastic bottles.

With a cold snap and the first snow, forest birds experience an acute shortage of food. It is advisable to hang feeders in the garden at the beginning of autumn and replenish stocks as they become empty. Don't put too much food in at once. Over time, mold and mildew develop, turning the grain into unsuitable food.

When choosing a design, they are guided by the following:

  • keeping the feed dry even when it rains;
  • unhindered access of birds to feed;
  • the presence of perches is desirable;
  • the presence of two or more holes, while they must be through, so that the bird does not perceive the feeder as a trap;
  • slices are glued with adhesive tape or tape;
  • the height of the sides is 7-10 cm.

You need to fix the finished feeder with the calculation of the convenience of replenishment, but this takes into account the inaccessibility for cats. Material suitable for the feeder is resistant to moisture and the sun, light, wear-resistant and safe for birds. Plastic meets these criteria, and plastic bottles will serve as an excellent base.

Good ideas with short instructions

The design of bird feeders from 1.5-liter or 5-liter plastic bottles has 2 types: free access to feed and bunker system. In the first type, windows are cut out in the bottle through which the bird takes food poured to the bottom. In the second case, the feed is poured with a margin into the “bunker”, from where it “by gravity” enters a special tray or at the bottom of the feeder as it is eaten by birds. The second design is convenient in that it is not possible to replenish the “dining room” every day, and the remainder is clearly visible through the transparent plastic.

The orientation of the feeders can be vertical (it is more convenient to attach the twine through the lid) or horizontal (more birds can feed at the same time).

Consider original ideas that will inspire craftsmen to create a real decorative element with a useful function.

A simple and quick way to make a feeder: take a container of 5 liters, cut out a small window (preferably two) at the bottom, stepping back from the bottom 7 cm, and hang it vertically on a branch by the handle. In the lid, make a hole for the wire, for which you can hang a piece of unsalted lard.

If a 1.5-liter container is available, then we make one hole, but large enough. Having processed the edges with colored material, we get both a safe and bright feeder. To fix it on a tree, it is enough to tie it by the neck with a strong tape to the branch.

A bird-friendly option with perches that pierce the bottle through just below the holes made. Perches serve as a kind of weighting agent and empty containers will not “fly” in the wind. To protect from rain and snow, visors are left. At the bottom, holes are made with a heated nail to drain condensate. A good place for a feeder is not only on a tree, but also under a porch canopy. At the same time, it is protected from winds and rain.

From a plastic bottle of 1.5 or 2 liters, you can make a simple bunker feeder. To do this, prepare two wooden "spoons" with a long handle, make holes in the bottle of the appropriate diameter and push the handle through. A small hole is made above the “spoon” tray so that a flying bird can take the grains. Waking up grains will remain on the tray, and not fall to the ground.

The bottle is filled with grain completely. You should not make holes too high, as they will quickly turn out to be unclaimed, although the container will still be half full. You can make two trays at the bottom and one at the top. To protect the trays from snow, a roof is installed from a 5-liter bottle.

You can fix the bunker feeders by tying a strong belt or twine around the neck or by passing a metal pin with a loop on top through the lid (it’s even easier to make a loop from a piece of wire or wire and hang it on a branch).

If you glue a plate to the bottom of a liter plastic bottle (an old children's bowl made of thick plastic will do), you get a comfortable dining room with a bunker system. You can fix the plate with liquid nails or other fastening compounds that are designed for outdoor use and are not afraid of moisture. Below, stepping back 5 cm from the bottom, 3-4 holes are made to extract food. The plate performs the function of both the tray and the perch at the same time.

In addition to plastic water or drink bottles, plastic 5-liter canisters from liquid soap, fabric softener or construction primer are used. First you need to rinse and dry them well, then cut the required number of holes. If the container has a handle, then there will be no problems with hanging.

Otherwise, we proceed similarly to the previous examples and thread the cord or wire through the holes in the lid.

A 5 liter canister and a 1.5 liter bottle will make a good feeder with a hopper. It is enough to cut a large window on one side of the canister, and cut off the bottom of a 1.5-liter bottle and tie it upside down inside the canister so that grain can be poured through the canister lid. The result is a food base for birds protected from wind and rain.

If you show a little imagination and involve children's imagination in the process, then a homemade plastic bottle feeder will become an unusual decor for the garden. The most practical solution is to wrap the container with twine. To fix the rope, it is moistened with an adhesive base.

Spruce twigs and cones, decorative birds and flowers are used for decoration. The main thing is not to overdo it with the decor, the excess of which will scare the birds. If you make only one small hole, you get a warm and cozy birdhouse.

Master class: convenient bunker-type feeder

For manufacturing, you will need two plastic water bottles, one juice or tea bottle (with stiffer walls) and any plastic container cap of a suitable diameter and with high sides.

Manufacturing process with step by step photos:

  • cut off the neck of 2 bottles;

  • cut off the excess plastic from the obtained "dispenser" blanks to make a small funnel, as shown in the photo;

  • we take another bottle and mark on it on both sides with a marker a hole for the “dispenser” along the lid;

  • using a clerical knife and scissors in the marked circle, we make a “skirt” for better fixation and protection from moisture;

  • using a drill, make a hole in the form of a wide slot in the covers of the prepared “dispensers” (grain from the bunker will flow through it), insert the finished “dispensers” into the holes;

  • with a drill we make two holes below the “dispensers” for the passage of a wooden stick (we select the diameter of the drill in accordance with the diameter of the stick), we pass the stick through two holes at once; its length should be enough for the formation of 10 cm perches on both sides;

  • we fix the plastic cap to the bottom of the bottle, we get a practical and convenient feeder, spending 15 - 20 minutes.

A very easy feeder is made step by step from a large 5 liter plastic bottle or canister and twine. The craft will not take much time, but it will be useful not only for sparrows and tits - you will be surprised how many different birds, sometimes completely unfamiliar to us, will flock to treat.

In the process of making bird feeders, absolutely any materials can be used. It can be wood, cardboard, foam and plywood. But the easiest way to make a bird feeder is from a plastic bottle. Such a simple, but original design can be entrusted to make even children. They will cope with this task without any doubt.

In the process of making bird feeders, absolutely any materials can be used.

The process of creating a feeder is not at all complicated and fast. This requires the minimum of materials and time. The design takes on a very unusual look and will ideally look both in the garden and in the school yard. It can be made from both a liter and a larger bottle.

What is necessary:

  • plastic bottle;
  • tassel;
  • acrylic paints;
  • scissors;
  • strong rope or wire.


  1. Cut a hole of the required size approximately in the center of the bottle.
  2. Paint the future feeder with paints, inventing your own patterns and combining colors.
  3. Leave the product for a short time so that the paints dry.

In the upper part, fix the wire or rope, with which the structure will be attached to the tree.

Gallery: bird feeder from a plastic bottle (25 photos)

How to make the best bird feeder from a plastic bottle (video)

Bird feeder from a 5 liter plastic bottle

It would seem that it could be more primitive than an ordinary five-liter plastic bottle, but you can also create a real masterpiece from it. The finished product looks so perfect and original that it is not immediately possible to guess what it was actually made of.

What is necessary:

  • 5 liter bottle;
  • white facade paint;
  • stationery leather;
  • twine;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • brown spray paint;
  • varnish (colorless);
  • sponge;
  • gouache paints;
  • hot glue;
  • fir branches;
  • beads.

It would seem that it can be more primitive than an ordinary five-liter plastic bottle, but you can also create a real masterpiece from it.


  1. Using a felt-tip pen, mark future arched holes on several sides of the eggplant.
  2. Carefully cut out these holes along the contour.
  3. Using a sponge, apply white paint to the outside of the workpiece and wait until it dries.
  4. Apply a second coat of paint and wait about an hour.
  5. From the pieces of plastic left from the eggplant, cut out details similar to tiles and paint them first with white paint, and then tint with brown.
  6. Glue the bottom row of tiles in the upper part of the workpiece.
  7. Place the next blanks exactly above the joints of the previous ones.
  8. Use twine to decorate the lid and handle.
  9. Glue a string around the bottom of the structure.
  10. Use spray paint to give the top a more perfect look.
  11. Shade the edges with white paint.

Additionally, decorate the feeder with spruce twigs and beads, and then varnish everything.

Beautiful bird feeder

To make such a feeder, you will need several bottles of different sizes at once. Yes, and the process of its manufacture is not so simple. But the result is a really beautiful, unusual design that can become the main decoration of any suburban area.

What is necessary:

  • bottles of 1.5 and 2 liters;
  • soldering iron;
  • scissors;
  • paints (aerosol);
  • hot glue;
  • wire;
  • glue "Moment";
  • furniture stapler.

What needs to be done:

  1. Cut off the bottoms from three two-liter eggplants and burn their edges with a soldering iron so that they become curly.
  2. Make small holes in the center of each part, then assemble all the elements on the wire.
  3. Cut off the top of the 1.5 liter container and use it as the topmost structural element.
  4. Connect all these parts with wire and fix in several places with hot glue.
  5. Cover the entire structure with paint.
  6. Blend white paint around the edges.
  7. Cut a small hole in the bottom of a 1.5 liter container and also singe it with a soldering iron.
  8. Paint this part with spray paint, and shade the white around the perimeter of the hole.
  9. Connect all elements with a stapler.

Cut out thin strips of green plastic and glue them with Moment glue, creating a semblance of grass.

Feeder with stands: step by step instructions

Just a few simple details make this design special and most convenient for birds. They do not have to fly into the feeder at all, thanks to stands made of wooden spoons.

What is necessary:

  • eggplant of any size;
  • wire;
  • ruler;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • a couple of wooden spoons.

Just a few simple details make this design special and very bird-friendly.


  1. using a ruler, measure fifteen centimeters from the bottom of the eggplant and at this height make a through hole into which the spoon will be installed.
  2. Slightly higher, but at a different angle, make another hole for another spoon.
  3. Insert the spoons into the prepared holes.
  4. On the wide side of the spoon, make the hole a little wider so that the grains spill out and it is convenient for the birds to peck them.

Tie the neck with wire and immediately fasten it to a tree branch.

Ice bird feeder

To make this feeder, you will also need an eggplant, but at the same time, in the end result, it will not be needed. At sub-zero temperatures, such a design will be a godsend for feathered friends. For a warm period, you will need a more reliable product.

What is necessary:

  • five-liter eggplant;
  • liter bottle;
  • branches of coniferous trees;
  • seeds and berries;
  • water.

At sub-zero temperatures, such a design will be a godsend for feathered friends.


  1. Cut off the bottom of the eggplant.
  2. Pour water into a larger bottom, put twigs, seeds and berries.
  3. Place a smaller bottom in the center of the future feeder so that the product eventually takes the form of a ring.
  4. Place the load in a smaller container so that it does not float.
  5. Also place the ends of the rope in the water, which will be used for the subsequent fixation of the structure.

Place the workpiece in the freezer for at least twelve hours, then remove the plastic parts.

Bird house feeder

To create an incredibly beautiful house that acts as a feeder, you will need the simplest and most affordable materials. With their help, it is possible to make an unusual and colorful decoration of the backyard.

What is necessary:

  • eggplant with a volume of 5 liters;
  • wooden stick;
  • gray fabric;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • whitewash brush;
  • figurines for decoration.


  1. Cut a hole on one of the walls of the container.
  2. Just below this hole, make another one, but already through and smaller in diameter.
  3. Stretch a stick through the through hole so that the birds have something to sit on.
  4. Glue the entire eggplant with a cloth, leaving the hole open.
  5. Fix the brush on top, thereby forming the roof of the house.

Additionally, decorate the design with figures.

Do-it-yourself bunker bird feeder in 10 minutes (video)

Incredibly beautiful bird feeders can be made from the most ordinary plastic bottle. This material is affordable and easy to use, due to which it began to be used as a decor for summer cottages so widely. A little imagination and a minimum of expenses are necessary in order for a new and unusual feeder to appear in the yard.

(1 ratings, average: 3,00 out of 5)

Winter time is a serious test for birds. Every day it becomes more and more difficult to find food. Take care of the birds - hang a feeder made with your own hands from the simplest materials at hand, which we usually throw in a landfill. We have selected photos and original ideas for making feeders that do not require special skills and complex drawings.

By accustoming the birds to the feeder, you can observe the entertaining turmoil of birds and the secret life of birds.

Some of them defend their rights in a fight with relatives, others enter into competition with other species, but without exception, all carefully look around so as not to miss the attack of a small hawk, which is very interested in the visitors of the feeder.

A simple bird feeder will bring great benefits to birds

Materials for the manufacture of feeders can be very diverse, but there are some general design rules:

  • the feeder should be, first of all, convenient for the birds, there should not be any difficulties when extracting food;
  • the roof and sides will help protect the food from snow, rain and wind. From exposure to moisture, food can deteriorate and become moldy, which means it will turn into poison for birds;
  • it is desirable that the material from which the feeder will be made is resistant to moisture, otherwise this design will not last long and a new one will need to be made;

The feeder should be safe: not have sharp sides and be located high enough above the ground
  • walls and corners should not be sharp and prickly;
  • feeders for small birds are made small so that larger and more aggressive species do not encroach on their food;
  • it is better to place feeders on the branches of trees or attach them to the walls of outbuildings at a height of about one and a half meters so that cats do not offend the birds, and it is convenient to add food to feathered friends.

Advice. Birds get used to a permanent feeding place and are ready to travel many kilometers to the feeder. Therefore, feeding must be constant, otherwise the birds may die.

Plywood bird feeder

You can buy a feeder in a hypermarket, or you can make it yourself in a few hours. A plywood feeder can be made open, with a flat or gable roof, a bunker compartment can be provided if you cannot constantly monitor the amount of feed in the feeder. Of course, you will need drawings, fortunately, there are plenty of them on the Internet with ready-made sizes of parts for cutting. Choose the design that you like, the drawing will facilitate the work and ensure that the end result is exactly what is shown in the photo.

Lightweight and durable plywood feeder

When choosing a drawing for a future feeder, consider the bird population in your region. Jays, pigeons and magpies can eat all the food, leaving little titmouses hungry. To prevent this from happening, make the size of the openings of the feeder so that large birds cannot reach the feed.

So, you will need a hammer, an electric jigsaw, nails of a suitable length, water-based glue, sandpaper, plywood, 20 x 20 mm timber. Consider the simplest feeder.

Wooden bird feeder ideas and drawings

Wooden feeders are attractive because they will last a long time, keep their shape well - this is due to the properties and reliability of wood. To make such a feeder, you will need at least minimal skills in working with tools and a drawing. The board for manufacturing should be 18 - 20 mm thick. Consider the option of making a feeder, which you can do yourself or take a photo as a basis for a drawing. We will need a 4.5 x 2 cm timber for the racks, a 25 x 25 cm square of plywood for the bottom, two pieces of 35 x 22 cm for the roof, nails, self-tapping screws and glue.

Feeding trough made of wooden beams

Such a feeder can be installed permanently on a dug-in pole or drill two holes in the ridge, screw in a screw with a hook and hang it on a wire. Several birds can fly up to the feeder at the same time, the food is protected from the wind by the sides and the roof, the feathered friends of the garden will like such a cozy dining room.

Finished wood feeder

If there is a gazebo on your site, hang a simple feeder without a roof there. It is enough to make a side and a bottom. If you want to paint the feeder or open it with varnish, then use water-based compounds so as not to harm the birds.

Advice. To prevent the tree from splitting, the tip of the carnation must be made blunt, and a hole must be drilled under the self-tapping screw before screwing in.

Making a cardboard feeder (suitable for children)

One of the simplest feeders. The cardboard option is interesting in that it can be made in a place with children and at the same time have a great time with them. This would be a great craft for kindergarten or elementary school. There is a lot of room for creativity here. Cardboard is a great option, it is only afraid of straight water. But if you want to play it safe and make the feeder more resistant to moisture, then you can glue the outer elements of the feeder with wide adhesive tape, especially its upper and lower parts. In the forest or in the park, such a feeder can easily last all winter and part of spring.

Cardboard feeder collage. Photo

The set of tools and materials is minimal, and if you don’t have something from this list, you can always find a replacement for it. So we need these materials and tools:

  • A pair of cardboard sheets, (A4 format or more) ;
  • Ruler;
  • Adhesive tape (for structural reliability);
  • Stationery knife;
  • A tourniquet or a piece of nylon rope to hang the feeder;
  • Pencil or felt-tip pen;
  • Glue for cardboard or glue gun;
  • Hole puncher.

If such a feeder is going to take the prize as the best craft in your kindergarten, then you will have to work a little in terms of external design. Here our cardboard will give odds to any Tetra-Pak (this is a milk or juice bag), you can draw beautifully on it and decorate it in every possible way. Undoubtedly, the prize from kindergarten will be yours!

pumpkin feeder

But here, as they say, words are superfluous - everything can be seen in the photo collage. I would like to add that such a feeder looks very attractive and unusual and will be a real decoration of your garden, this is due to the shape of the feeder and its color, which looks great against the background of white snow.

This option is also suitable for making with children. And such a beautiful, bright craft in kindergarten will definitely not go unnoticed.

Bird feeder out of the box Tetra pak) from juice or milk

You can make a feeder from a milk bag or a tetra pack from under the juice, like this. This is even for a child. For this you will need:

  • a clean juice bag;
  • a piece of nylon rope or wire to hang the feeder;
  • adhesive plaster;
  • marker;
  • scissors or utility knife.

Bird feeder from a milk bag

First of all, we mark and cut holes on opposite sides of the tetra pack. To make it convenient for the birds to take food and fly out. We glue the window on the underside with adhesive tape for the convenience and safety of the birds. We pierce a hole under the holes with scissors and insert the cardboard folded into a tube, which remains from cutting the holes above. In the bent corners we make small holes for the wire or rope. And tie to a branch.

The feeder can be attached to a tree trunk. Such a feeder will not sway in the wind. For this, feeding slots are made not on opposite sides of the package, but on adjacent ones. On the opposite side, we fix the wire in the slot and fasten it to the tree.

Tetro pack horizontal feeder

You can make a feeder out of two juice bags. We cut the first package along the narrow sidewalls, leaving the top not cut. We cut off the third part from the second tetra pack and cut a hole on the front side of the package - this will be the stern board or the bottom of the feeder. We combine the bottom with the first package so that we get a triangle. Parts can be connected with glue, wrapped with tape or pierced at the bottom of the sidewalls to insert tubes for cocktails.

Bird feeder from plastic bottles 1.5 - 2 liters

Consider some variations of the execution of the feeder with your own hands from plastic containers.

Option number 1. The simplest feeder

Symmetrically, on both sides of the bottle we cut out two holes: round, square, rectangular or in the form of an arch. Jumpers should remain between the holes. If you make a slot in the form of an inverted letter "P" and bend the plate up, you get a visor from the rain. You can stick a band-aid or fabric tape on the bottom edge of the hole - the edges will not be pointed and the birds will sit comfortably. We make symmetrical holes in the lower part and insert the stick - the result is a feeder with a perch.

A simple plastic bottle feeder

You can attach such a dining room for birds on a tree by wrapping a jumper with tape, rope or other suitable material, as seen in the photo. If you make a hole in the cap of the bottle and insert the ends of the twine, and then tie them into a knot, you get a loop that can be thrown over the branches of garden trees.

Be sure to make the edges of the plastic feeder safe - seal the cuts with electrical tape

Option number 2. Bunker feeder.

This design is rational in use in that the feed can be poured with a margin for several days. The feed, as it is eaten by the birds, will automatically fill up on the feeding ground itself.

Bunker feeder made of plastic bottles

You will need two bottles of the same volume. We mark one bottle with a marker before cutting. We make holes at the bottom, as in feeder No. 1, and remove the upper third of the bottle. We make two symmetrical holes at the top - a ribbon or twine will later be attached to them for hanging the feeder. In the second bottle, we cut several holes at the narrowest part - food will spill out of them. Do not immediately make large holes, it is better to expand them later. We fill the bottle with food, tighten the cork and insert the bottle into the first bottle cut off by a third.

Option number 3. Feeder with spoon

We make a hole in the cork and insert the twine for hanging. Then we symmetrically make two holes the size of a spoon. Above the bowl-shaped deep part of the spoon, we cut a hole in the bottle, slightly expanding it so that the birds can take food. We fill the feeder and hang it up.

Feeder with spoon

Advice. With a red-hot needle or small nail, make several holes in the bottom of the feeder to remove moisture that has got inside.

Bird feeder from a plastic bottle 5 liters

Probably, in every house there is an empty plastic five-liter water bottle. It is very simple to make a feeder in one evening for feeding birds in the winter from this material. Such a container will hold much more food than a smaller plastic bottle, as can be seen in the photo. Several holes will allow you to comfortably feed several birds at once.

Feeder from a five-liter plastic bottle

This is a very simple and quick option, invite your children or other family members to take part in the manufacturing process: find a ribbon or wire to tie the finished feeder to a tree branch, prepare a treat for the birds. Prepare a clean bottle, a sharp knife, secateurs or a clerical knife.

We cut the hole based on how we plan to fix the container on the tree:

  • horizontally - cut a wide hole from the side of the bottom of the bottle and the same from the side of the neck;
  • vertically - at a height of 5-7 cm from the bottom of the container, we cut several square holes or three rectangular ones.

Materials needed to make a feeder

It is convenient to tie a bottle by the neck to a branch with wire or twine. If the feeder is made in a horizontal version, then make two holes on the wall with a knife, through which pass the twine for tying. To prevent the feeder from swaying in the wind, put a quarter of a weight brick on the bottom, and load a treat on top.

From a five-liter bottle, you can also build a bunker feeder. To do this, you will need a five-liter bottle and two 1.5-liter bottles, a marker, a stationery knife and a rope.

You can place the feeder under the roof to make the birds more comfortable

With a little ingenuity, you can create unusual canteens for birds from the simplest plastic bottles that will decorate your site.

Shoe box bird feeder

Everything is simple here. We take a dense shoe box with a lid. We make a round hole in the lid. The hole needs to be shifted slightly from the center to the bottom edge of the box (a little different in the photo), this is necessary so that the birds can get to the food that will lie at the bottom of the box.

We make a small hole in the upper part of the box and insert a tourniquet or rope into it. Tie an old pencil or stick to the end of this rope. We will then tie the other end of the rope to the branch of the tree on which we plan to hang the feeder. Then you can wrap the box with wrapping paper, but this is for the aesthetic component, you can not do this.

We make a roof from ordinary cardboard and put it on glue. Next, we glue the lid to the box itself with tape, as in Figure 3, 4, and also thread the rope through the lid.

At the moment when we hang the finished feeder on a tree, the roof may peel off from the box, but this is not scary, it cannot go anywhere, because. rope will hold it.

And in the picture below is an even simpler version of the shoe box feeder. But there is no need to explain anything, everything can be seen in the photo. The whole box is simply rewound with tape, which, by the way, is very practical. And in our opinion it turned out - original and unusual.

Cardboard box bird feeder

To make a bird dining room with your own hands, the simplest material will do, which is stored in abundance on the balconies of most families: boxes for electrical goods, cardboard packaging for food. Choose thicker cardboard with a laminated coating, the laminate will slightly increase the life of the feeder. Although, as written above, wide tape can be used for these purposes. The advantage of this design is that there is already a bottom, walls and roof of the future feeder, which needs to be slightly modified by cutting square or rectangular holes on the sides.

Even a schoolboy can make a cozy feeder from a mailbox

You will need a nylon cord, scissors or a clerical knife and adhesive tape. Since cardboard is a very short-lived material and is afraid of moisture, the finished feeder wrapped with tape will last until the next season. Having cut through the side holes and fastening the cord, you can hang the feeder and fill it with treats for birds that will not take long to wait. Put sand or some pebbles on the bottom so that the structure does not shake much with the wind.

If you cover the cardboard feeder with paints, then it will last longer.

You can do it a little differently. We glue the lid of the box perpendicularly so that the lid serves as a stern stand, and the second part of the box is a side and a roof. We glue the structure with adhesive tape. We make two hooks from the wire: we bend a piece of wire in half and pierce the “ceiling” of the feeder with the ends, twist and bend from the inside. By connecting the hooks, you can hang the feeder on a branch. As you can see in the photo. Now pour the food and wait for the guests.

Bird feeder on the window (with suction cups)

Such feeders are a very interesting option for the overall development of children, and adults too :). The feeder is attached to the window, or rather to the glass, with the help of suction cups. Usually such feeders are also made transparent in order to fully enjoy watching the birds. If you have suction cups, you can make such a feeder yourself, for example, from the same plastic bottle, but you must admit that it will still not be as aesthetically pleasing as the finished version from the store. Children will probably start taking pictures of it all, and photos with yellowed, cloudy bottles will, to put it mildly, not so hot. Purchased options look very nice.

Do you remember how, in childhood, educators, and then teachers, diligently instilled in us love for our smaller brothers? We willingly made bird feeders at labor lessons and were not too lazy to fill them regularly, taking care of the birds in the cold season. Years passed and high technologies came into our lives, but progress did not touch the colorful flocks of birds. In winter, they still need support, which now costs almost nothing. The simplest bird feeder from a plastic bottle, hanging outside a window or in the yard, is made in just a couple of minutes, and it costs almost nothing to maintain. Can we make bird feeders out of plastic bottles right now? Yeah why not!

But before we start the tutorial on how to make a plastic bottle feeder, we'll just touch on the value of this craft. The primary benefit is obvious - it is a practical help to birds suffering from nutritional deficiencies in the cold. It is for this reason that birds fly to cities in winter, closer to people. But in the pedagogical aspect, the manufacture of this craft has value. Involving a child or teenager in the process, we form a full-fledged personality - we lay in the consciousness of a future member of society the concepts of virtue, responsibility, love for wildlife. And making do-it-yourself bird canteens from plastic bottles is much more interesting than playing empty virtual games.

Materials and components

Remember, earlier bird houses were made from plywood, wooden blocks, milk bags and other food at hand? This is all because then we simply did not have PET soda bottles and other liquids. The appearance of soft plastic containers will only simplify our task. Let's make a bird canteen out of bottles on our own, using step-by-step methodical schemes. Along with the kids, of course. The kids will definitely enjoy this activity.

In addition to PET containers from 1.5 liters or more, we will also need: disposable plastic spoons and wooden skewers (twigs), strong ropes and scraps of nylon cord. Take acrylic paints (for plastic) or self-adhesive film to decorate the feeder if you wish. From the tool enough awl, scissors and a clerical knife. Use foil, rustling candy wrappers and “crisp” cellophane to a minimum - an excess of such decor can scare away small birds.

Feeder-teremok from a regular PET bottle

The first step-by-step diagram shows a beautiful bird dining-teremok. Everyone can make one of plastic bottles with their simple tools. In winter, it will be a feeding place for forest titmouse, and in the summer heat, a drinking bowl for birds from stuffy city blocks.

Let's get to work? So:

  • Trim the top of the bottle with your cutting tools: scissors, utility knife, whatever you are more comfortable with. This is the future roof of our tower;
  • The height of the remaining bottom must be reduced by about a third, and then a hole of the required size must be cut in the body of the “house”. The small size of the hole gives access inside only to small birds - bullfinches, tits, etc .;
  • When cutting out the window, do not rush to cut off the extra “tongue” of plastic. It can be bent outward, forming a convenient bridge for landing;
  • Treat the details of the future feeder with decorative materials (paints, beautiful stickers, film, etc.). 1 will help you with design ideas.

The tit feeder from a plastic bottle is almost ready. It remains only to hang the lower part of the house on the braid, making 2 holes in the workpiece with an awl. Then stretch the ribbon from the inside through the top of the bottle, having previously made a hole in its cork. Rice. 1 will help guide you. Hang your designer birdhouse from a plastic bottle on a tree branch in the park and fill it with food. Guests will not keep themselves waiting too long!

Original bunker feeder for bullfinches

The second drawing will introduce you to an even simpler idea. The peculiarity of this feeder made of plastic parts is that it does not require too frequent filling due to the bunker feed tank. And it’s nowhere easier to make such a bird feeder from plastic containers - you don’t even have to cut the bottle. But what should be paid special attention to in Fig. 2, so this is the width of the neck of the future bird dining room. The looser it is, the more convenient it will be for you to add food. So:

  • Take any plastic bottle with a wide neck (for example, a liter milk bottle) and pierce it through with wooden skewers along the holes marked with an awl. The skewers should stick out on both sides - these are landing perches for arriving birds;
  • Make several such punctures at different heights so that the birds do not interfere with each other if, upon arrival, they sit on all the perches at once;
  • It remains to make holes through which the bullfinches will pull loose feed from the feeder. A diameter of 0.5-1 cm will be enough (if grain and cereals are poured into the bunker). Holes can be burned over the perches with a hot nail or carefully cut out with nail scissors.

This is interesting! See how the bunker feeder skewers are successfully replaced with wooden spoons in fig. 3. The principle of manufacturing the structure remains the same, however, the size of the aft window can be increased, and the landing of birds will become much more convenient. Wooden spoons can be replaced with disposable plastic ones. And do not be afraid that a lot of food will wake up on the ground. It is enough to lightly trample the snow under the feeder so that the birds peck at all the falling food.

The original bird feeder is ready for uninterrupted service for the benefit of our feathered friends. It remains to be noted that a transparent PET bottle, taken as a basis, allows you to see the percentage of filling of the hopper with feed from a distance. But the opaque feeder will have to be checked manually each time.

Large bird feeder and birdhouses

In general, a plastic bottle feeder can feed a whole flock of hungry titmouse at once, if you make it from a five-liter canister for bottled water. This is no longer just a bird canteen, this is a real restaurant for birds. The more interesting it will be to watch the birds that come here to feed in winter. On fig. 4 shows the options for such a product:

  • You can hang the canister vertically by cutting through the stern windows with visors on all sides;
  • And you can fix a five-liter bottle horizontally by cutting out a bird pavilion with a roof from it;
  • Or just cut off the top of the bottle and make a windproof tunnel feeder in a horizontal position.

However, you may have your own original ideas for execution. But from an ordinary PET bottle you can make not only a bird's canteen. You can make an excellent birdhouse out of a plastic bottle if you use an opaque container (see Fig. 5). In winter, it can also be used as a feeder.

And in the spring it is likely to get serious guests. The main thing is to have time to hang a birdhouse from a plastic bottle higher for the arrival of starlings.

What to serve to visitors?

In winter, birds are picky. They are happy to eat any cereals and seeds, oat and wheat grains, bread crumbs, dry millet and millet. Wet food should not be used - in the cold they quickly freeze and become inaccessible. But loose food is optimal for winter feeding of bullfinches and tits, if you decide to make a feeder for small birds like a bunker. You can use pieces of lard, but they are usually hung on a string or put on tree branches.

Make some birdhouses for birds and be sure to tell the children about how important it is!. It will also be interesting for novice naturalists to watch tits and other forest birds flying to the feeder. Do the kids know all of them, or do they need to be told about someone else? It is possible that not every visitor will be familiar to you. The more interesting and informative your trips to the bird feeder with your child will become. Most importantly, do not forget to regularly replenish food supplies, since you have taken up this matter. The birds will get used to and will wait for you every day. And in the summer they will certainly thank you for your care with loud trills in a different way. In the park and square, by the river and on forest paths. Good luck!

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