How to plant a grass fence. green hedge

Before purchasing trees or shrubs for a hedge, you should decide what it is intended for. This type of planting can perform an exclusively decorative role or serve as a full-fledged fence. It depends on which plants and in what quantity you need to plant to create a green stripe. In the article we will tell you how a hedge is formed in the country, which plants are suitable for planting, depending on the region.

Features of the selection of plants for hedges

Fences in height are different:

  • Up to 50 cm - curb;
  • 50 cm - 1 m - low;
  • 1 - 1, 5 - medium;
  • 1.5 - 2 m - high;
  • Above 2 m - green walls.

High green walls serve as a fence. In plantations up to 1.5 m tall, shrubs are used; trees are chosen for large-scale living fences. High planting density is achieved by planting in a continuous trench in one or more rows. The layout of plants is chess.

Hedges are divided into:

  • sheared (or molded);
  • free growing (not molded).

Approximate assortment of hardwood, taking into account the purpose

After the decision on the appointment and decoration is made, you can proceed to the choice of plants.

plant name biological feature Type of hedge (w / s)
Height By type of formation
Boxwood evergreen bush curb, low rail Sheared or free growing
lavender angustifolia shrub border Loose or sheared after flowering.
cherry plum tree border, low, medium, high. Molded (shorn)
Barberry Thunberg bush 1 – 1.5 m Sheared and free growing
Derain white (or red) bush low, medium, high.
Bubbly cherry bush 1 - 1.5 m
common hornbeam Tree 1 - 2 m Molded
Linden small-leaved Tree 1 - 4 m Sheared

Step-by-step instructions for creating a hedge

Step 1. Mark the landing site with pegs and twine. If the fence is placed along a fence or wall, retreat 30–50 cm to the edge of the ditch. The same distance must be observed for curbs and low w / and along the paths.

Tip #1. Note! If you do not maintain the interval, the hedge grows and interferes with walking.

Step 2. When digging a ditch, part of the soil is laid on one side of the shovel bayonet, the deeper one on the other. The width of the trench depends on the type of fence. For a single-row border, 20 cm is enough, for large w / and - 30 cm in each row.

Step 3. The soil excavated from a deep layer is optimized. To do this, add humus, about ½ bucket per 1 m 2 for deciduous plants. When planting conifers, organic fertilizers are not applied.

Step 4. Plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern at equal distances. The interval depends on the size of the planting material. For example, between the centers of bushes with a diameter of 30 cm (at the time of planting), there should be at least 0.5 m. The resulting gap is filled with plants of the second row.

Step 5. Bushes (or trees) when planting are covered with soil after the next one is installed. Since most hedges are planted with an open root system, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added to the soil for plant survival, at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per 1m 2.

Step 6. After planting, a strip is formed for watering and fertilizing the hedge.

Hedge care, list of fertilizers and dressings

A hedge planted in autumn is fertilized after a spring revision, when the leaves bloom. Bushes that have not taken root are dug up and replaced with new ones. If survival is successful, you can make nitrogen fertilizers, but not before 2 - 3 young leaves grow. Often use ammonium nitrate 200 g per 1 m 2 or humus - 3 kg per 1 m 2. Top dressing is applied after watering.

In the first and subsequent years, the hedge is cut after the growth of shoots. current year. These are thin flexible stems. They are noticeably different from last year's branches.

  1. At the beginning and at the end of the fence, pegs are installed on the sides, the height of which is greater than the size of the bushes (or trees).
  2. A twine is stretched between the stakes, this is a mark below which it is impossible to fall when cutting.
  3. To form high w / and twine, they are placed in several rows. Cutting tools are topiary scissors or modern brush cutters. They are designed for cutting flexible, non-lignified shoots.

Tip #2 Topiary shears are best used for cutting low hedges of short length.

The next haircut is needed in the fall in October to remove the branches that have grown over the summer. Modern drugs can not only accelerate plant growth, but also slow it down. This is true for hedges to reduce the number of haircuts per season. Natural substances produced by plants are abscisic, cinnamic and salicylic acids, which are produced naturally at the end of summer to prepare from "hibernation".

Artificially synthesized substances are called inhibitors and are applied in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season. These include growth stimulants, an overdose of which leads to the opposite result, that is, inhibition of development.

  • Acetylsalicynic acid (otherwise Aspirin);
  • "Epin - extra";
  • "Alfa-Nano-Grow Extra"
  • "Pennant".

Assortment of shade hedge plants

Often there are hedges with bald spots at the bottom. This is due to lack of lighting and improper haircuts. Where there is little sun, such shrubs and trees are planted:

plant name biological feature
Barberry ordinary Deciduous shrub
Derain white
Derain red
Common privet
Spirea Vangutta
common hornbeam Deciduous tree
Prickly spruce coniferous tree
Thuja western

Requirements for plantings at the playground

The most important criterion for choosing plants for decorating playgrounds is safety.. That is why poisonous, thorny, foul-smelling and allergenic plants should be avoided. Do not plant trees and shrubs that attract wasps and bees. List of dangerous plants:

plant name Danger
Yew ordinary All parts of the tree are poisonous
Yew berry
Juniper Cossack (in free-growing hedges) The toxin is found in the shoots
Daphne (or Deadly wolfberry) High toxicity
Barberry Thunberg prickly
cherry plum
Prickly spruce
Alpine currant
common hawthorn Honey plants that attract bees and wasps.
Bubbly cherry
Caragana treelike
Linden small-leaved

Around the playground it is better to place hedges from such plants:

  • Derain is white;
  • Derain red;
  • Cotoneaster brilliant;
  • European Forsythia,
  • Potentilla shrub "Kuril tea";
  • Tuyu western.

Hedges at the pond and with high groundwater

In order to clean the pond from fallen leaves as rarely as possible, it is better to place coniferous and evergreen plants near the reservoir. Look spectacular near the water, free-growing hedges from:

  • Junipers - ordinary, Cossack, virgin, medium.
  • Yew ordinary and berry;
  • Tui western;
  • Boxwood evergreen.

Flowering will decorate the pond:

  • Forsythia european;
  • Spirea - Vangutta, Japanese, Bumalda, gray, and other species;
  • Henomeles (Japanese quince);
  • Common lilac;
  • Lavender angustifolia;
  • Potentilla "Kuril tea".

The listed shrubs are planted in single-row hedges. When planting hedges, gardeners often lose sight of the problem of high planting. ground water. The insidiousness of this phenomenon is that flooding, even for a short time, can destroy plants. Moreover, this happens with adults, formed by plantations, which have grown by roots to the deep layers. "High water" refers to the level at a depth of 2 m from the surface of the earth.

You can deal with this phenomenon with drainage system Location on. But the building complex design not available to everyone. There is a technological way out of this situation. When planting, the depth of the landing trench is increased by 15 cm, the bottom is filled with a drainage mixture of sand and crushed stone or crushed brick. Only after that the ditch is filled with soil. Even with such preparation, it is better to plant woody plants with a shallow root system in a hedge:

  • Barberry Thunberg,
  • Alpine currant,
  • European Forsythia,
  • Spirea Vangutta;
  • common privet,
  • Kalina ordinary.

Most the best way- create an additional living fence of plants

Tip #3 It is worth refraining from forming a hedge from trees - common hornbeam, small-leaved linden, western thuja, common beech, yew berry.

What to plant in a hedge to protect against wind dust and exhaust gases

To protect against adverse factors, multi-tiered free-growing hedges of trees and shrubs are formed.

  • From the wind it is better to pick up plants with an openwork crown. They not only resist the flow of air, but scatter it, as if through a sieve. Especially unpleasant are the cold masses that move along the bottom. This is why it is important that the plantings are placed evenly from top to bottom.
  • From dust and exhaust gases, plants are used that retain substances harmful to humans, but do not suffer. For example, heavy substances from automobile exhausts remain on low-growing bushes, which are located closer to the road. As you get closer to the fence, the height of the plants increases. Planted near the fence largest trees or shrubs. Each subsequent row overlaps the previous one.

Protective hedges are formed from such trees and shrubs:

  • High - from common hornbeam, cherry plum, western arborvitae.
  • Medium - from common hawthorn, Thunberg barberry, Vangutta spirea, white and red turf;
  • Low - from alpine currant, Cossack juniper, white snowberry, cinquefoil "Kuril tea".
  • It is worth remembering that even the most resistant plants will not survive in strong winds and in conditions of excessive gas contamination.

Rubric "Questions and answers"

Question number 1. I'm thinking about getting a hedge, tell me what are the advantages and disadvantages?

But do not plant a hedge for someone who does not have enough time to care for it. It cannot be planted and forgotten. In the spring, you need to revise the overwintered plants:

  • remove all dry and damaged branches;
  • remove dry plant remains and dig strips along the hedge on both sides with a width of 30 - 40 cm;
  • apply fertilizer;
  • mulch.

Trim the hedge in summer. In autumn, select all dry leaves from the bushes and remove self-sowing weeds and woody plants. For example, winged seeds of maples, locust (white acacia), and ash love to settle in hedges. Before winter, the hedge is dug up again and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied. For busy gardeners, there may not be enough time for such work.

Question #2. What to plant near a neighbor's plot without a fence?

The best option is thuja western.

  1. Firstly, it is a fast-growing coniferous tree, which gives an increase of 30 - 50 cm per year.
  2. Secondly, it can be formed in height from 50 cm to 2 m.
  3. Thirdly, this useful plant, it releases phytoncides.
  4. Fourth, the western thuja is decorative at any time of the year.

Thuja occidentalis is one of the most popular plants for hedges in terms of decorativeness, growth rate and unpretentiousness.

Question #3. What shrubs to plant in a hedge to cover an ugly wall?

If the wall faces the south, southeast or southwest side, then it is better to plant flowering shrubs in one row:

  • forsythia,
  • spirea Vangutta (popularly called: "The Bride"),
  • japanese quince,
  • common lilac.

At the northern, northwestern and northeastern sides, form w / and from shade-tolerant plants, privet, turf, barberry, caragana.

Serious mistakes gardeners make when creating a hedge in the country

  1. The most common mistake is over-planting hedges. Summer residents want young plantations to look like adults and well-formed. As a result, bushes (or trees) have nowhere to grow, they crowd out each other and die. Initially, when landing, you must observe the recommended distances.
  2. Many gardeners immediately after planting conifers in the hedge, cut them off. Most often, after this, the plant suffers and dies. Pruning of conifers can be carried out only after full survival. Deciduous species after planting are shortened by 1/3, regardless of the size of the bushes (or trees). The first haircut is carried out after the final rooting of the plants.
  3. Often hedges are planted too close to the fence. From the vertical edge of the plantations, at least 30 cm of soil should be left in each direction. This strip is needed for water retention during irrigation, fertilization, loosening.

To protect your territory, it is not at all necessary to delve into the features of construction. Great alternative for many it has become a hedge, which can not only hide the property of the owners from prying eyes, but also complement landscape design. In addition, with the help of evergreen perennials, all zones can be distributed. It is quite simple to create a fast-growing perennial hedge in the country. If you take care of it regularly, then it will not lose its decorative qualities for several decades.

To form a living fence, you can choose almost any plant, but not all of them will grow quickly. Some require a lot of attention, constant feeding, frequent watering and certain climatic conditions. In addition, their annual growth rate is quite small, so the “live” fence will grow for many years. You can go the other way - pick up fast-growing plants that develop quickly enough and you can simply form a fence of any shape and height from them.

Some of the benefits of hedges include:

  • climbing plants quickly braid walls and supports;
  • if necessary, they will hide the shortcomings of the structure;
  • even with a modest landscape design, you can transform the entire territory for little money;
  • can be planted even in narrow places;
  • the formation of shape and height as the plants grow;
  • the minimum amount of space.

There are flaws in almost everything, so the hedge is no exception. These include regular maintenance. If climbing plants were chosen for the fence, then in winter the fence will be translucent, as the leaves fall off in the fall.

When growing a green fence, it is worth remembering that it can be in the form of:

  • curb (up to 1 m);
  • hedge (1-3 m);
  • living wall (3-6 m).

The successful formation of a perennial hedge depends on correct selection plants, planting and care.

As you know, with the help of flowers, you can create flower beds and break alpine slides. But if you need to perform zoning or grow a high hedge, then you need to use other types:

  • climbing plants;
  • shrubs;
  • decorative trees.

Shrubs are especially popular, from which amateurs and professionals create whole compositions:

  • fences;
  • borders;
  • geometric figures;
  • animals.

Another option for decorating the site is willow. In this case, you can choose not only ordinary varieties. If you have children, then with the help of a hedge you can protect the children's area and calmly go about your business. At the same time, parents will be completely calm for their kids, since they will not be able to escape anywhere. Through dense thickets Small child won't be able to get through.

The use of simple shrubs will allow you to realize absolutely any idea. In addition, there is no need to resort to the help of designers, just read the tips and thematic articles that are available on our website.

Considering all options, you need to plan and present your hedge. To narrow the circle of choice, you need to use some criteria:

  1. Height.
  2. Width.
  3. Sheared or molded shape.
  4. Free growing.
  5. care requirements.
  6. Climatic conditions.

Thanks to this, you can quickly determine which plants are suitable for forming a hedge. Undoubtedly, among the benefits of deciduous plants are flowers. Many of them can bloom for quite a long period of time, be honey plants, be used for traditional medicine, and also bear fruit.

These include:

  • acacia;
  • black chokeberry;
  • elder;
  • sod;
  • honeysuckle;
  • viburnum;
  • jasmine mock orange;
  • currant;
  • lilac;
  • maple and others.

If you choose plants in favor of hardwoods, then you need to consider one important point. Hedge should unfold in early spring and drop leaves in late autumn.

When choosing a single-tier height, you can significantly save on the required area for the formation of a hedge. In this case, it is worth giving preference to those types of trees in which branches can grow from the base of the trunk: linden, poplar and maple. If the area allows, then it is better to make a multi-tiered green fence. He will not only be able to become a fence, but also cover a large piece of land from the winds.

  1. For a hedge up to 3 m high, you can choose - ligature, poplar, linden, willow, mountain ash.
  2. For hedges with a height of 1.5 to 2.5 m, they most often choose cotoneaster, barberry, golden currant, alpine honeysuckle.
  3. For hedges from 70 cm to 1.5 m suitable - mock orange, Bessey's cherry, steppe almond, Japanese spirea.
  4. For borders, it is necessary to choose dwarf plants of the above varieties.

If you choose the right trees and shrubs, you can create an original multi-tiered green fence. They will not close each other, but at the same time beautiful combination flowers and the order of flowering will constantly delight you.

Shrubs have many benefits. They grow fast enough, have a dense crown, and are easy to care for. It should be noted that their main advantage is susceptibility to formation. In addition, a wide variety of species allows you to solve several problems at once. If you need to further protect your property, choose specimens with thorns. They need to be planted outside live fence. You can also consider fruiting options, the fruits of which can be used for food.

Among the simplest and most affordable shrubs, there are 3 most common:

  1. Dogwood. An unpretentious shrub that can be planted even in the shade. For the formation of an external hedge - this is an excellent option. Besides beautiful leaves, dogwood bears fruit. Its fruits can be eaten or used in traditional medicine. Dogwood can be planted both in spring and autumn, but not less than a month before frost.
  2. Barberry. Grows in absolutely any soil. Thanks to the thorns, it will serve as additional protection for the fence. There are both undersized and tall varieties, which allows you to form both borders and high fences. Blooms beautifully. As in the case of dogwood, the fruits are suitable for homemade preparations.
  3. Turn. Does not require special care and careful pruning. The impenetrable dense crown will not let a single person through. Fruits can be plucked even after frost and used for harvesting. The hedge has an unusual beautiful view spring, during flowering. A pleasant almond scent will spread throughout the site.

Some specimens do not tolerate the removal of tops. This should be taken into account if the hedge will be trimmed and shaped.

A significant advantage of conifers is the green crown all year round. Undoubtedly, this is an ideal option for forming the main fence. Also, tall trees can be used for the main part, and shrubs can give protection and decorative properties in the foreground. Today, when planning landscape design, the following options are used:

  1. Thuja western. The most common and unpretentious plant, which is suitable for almost any climate in our country. Minimal maintenance and the absence of annual shearing can also be attributed to the list of advantages.
  2. Spruce ordinary. Most often chosen to form a free-growing hedge. Professionals prefer to form various shapes and forms from it.
  3. Juniper. The plant has needles of a bluish tint, which is pleasant to the touch. In order for the fence to be strong, it is important to use seedlings of at least 5 years of age.

To grow a fence, especially a high one, from conifers, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. In most cases, they are chosen in combination with other, fast-growing options.

Among a fairly large assortment of shrubs and trees, there are those that should not be included in the list of "favorites". So, some breeds will not be able to form a dense crown, which is very important for hedges. These include varietal lilac. Its lower part will be exposed every year. Despite the fact that viburnum is one of the suitable options, it can die very quickly due to improper care. Therefore, it is not suitable for giving.

Quite often, rose hips are chosen to form a hedge. Only experienced gardeners know that his root system will grow in different sides. Because of this, in a few years the entire area will be filled with root offspring. Another erroneous option would be a weigela shrub. It is not suitable for every climate, so you should familiarize yourself with its features.

These options should not be completely ruled out. They can be an excellent option for forming a multi-tiered hedge.

A carefully thought out and designed hedge layout is a guarantee of beauty for many years to come. Next, markup is done. For precision use:

  • roulette;
  • cord;
  • pegs.

The depth of the grooves should be at least 40 cm. It is also worth considering the number of rows: when forming one row, an area of ​​​​up to 60 cm is involved, for two rows - 1 m. No less important is the width between the bushes, which should be about 25 cm.

Although many plants grow rapidly, optimum time 4 years is considered to form a hedge. Plants need to be shaped only in summer, thanks to this the fence will not go bald from below. With the right combination of plants, cutting can be completely abandoned. In this case, there will be a "creative mess".

If you plan to grow a hedge in several rows, you must use the square-nested method with an offset.

Planning and forming a fast-growing perennial hedge in your country house is quite simple. To do this, you need to choose the right plants. In order for the hedge to be beautiful, it is necessary to take special care of it in the first 2 years. It is during this period that the root system is fixed.


From the videos provided, you can learn how to make hedges with your own hands:

Ugly fences spoil the countryside. Planting a hedge in the country will help both mark the boundaries of the site and not disturb the natural harmony. It's nice to relax, admiring not rotten boards or concrete plates, but on a flowering shrub. Creating such a fence is even easier than building a main wall, and it will perform its function perfectly for many years.

What are live fences?

Depending on the purpose and tastes of the owners, the hedges are different types. If you need a fence to protect the area from livestock, people who want to go directly through your territory, you need a tall, preferably thorny shrub with strong tall trunks. For decorative screens, dividing the area into different zones, other herbaceous plants are also suitable.

Vegetative fences can be divided into categories according to different criteria:

  • high, medium and low;
  • evergreen and deciduous;
  • formalized and free-growing;
  • solid and translucent;
  • single-tier and cascade;
  • homogeneous and mixed.

Depending on which view you like best, you need to decide what to plant in order to get a living fence in the country. As low borders, you can use not only shrubs, but also herbaceous perennials: peonies, phloxes,. Such borders will perfectly frame the paths, divide the flower garden into several parts.

On the playground, a labyrinth will be useful. For kids, you do not need to plant tall bushes so that the children do not get scared if they get lost on the paths. Teenagers can arrange a more serious puzzle with various branches and walls of tall plants. If you leave an empty area in the center, you can have small picnics there, install a barbecue and relax with the whole family.

Where to begin?

You have received a new lot. Where to start learning it? Of course, from the fence. The fence should be high enough, solid and strong. Immediately discard plants with unusual beautiful flowers and delicious fruits if you don't want every passer-by to take a piece of the fence with them.

For the design of the boundaries of the territory are suitable:

  • juniper;

On the borders of the site, it is better to plant plants that do not require pruning and can grow freely. At the same time, you need to remember that your plantations should not obscure the territory of your neighbor, it is advisable not to acquire rocks whose height is more than 2 m. If you make a solid wall of fluffy Christmas trees on your northern border, in a few years they will grow into huge trees and cover from the southern sun half of the neighboring area. In a conflict situation, you may be forced to cut down trees.

Perhaps the neighbors in the country have already installed ugly concrete structures and you feel like you are in a prison yard on your site. The situation is easy to fix. In the first year, plant climbing plants along existing structures that will quickly create a green screen:

  • bindweed;
  • decorative beans;
  • wild grapes;

In autumn, you can replace annuals with long-lived shrubs. In this case, you no longer need to be afraid of garden thieves and you can plant roses and other attractive crops.

Dividing the site into zones

You have fenced off the territory, now you need to decide which zones you want to separate on your site. If the area is small, you can arrange living fences that act as a screen and at the same time supply you with a crop.

Around the playground and recreation area you can plant:

  • grape;
  • currant;
  • raspberries;

On spacious plots, you can arrange a fancy cascading hedge. The back row consists of free-growing shrubs, the remaining tiers are formed at the request of the owners. Fences from plants of the same species look stylish, but with different colors of leaves and flowers. You can cut the rows evenly to get a clear step, or you can give them the shape of waves or teeth.

Huge scope for imagination is given by low curbs. Their task is not to close or protect the territory, they simply emphasize the boundaries. Neither density nor strength is required from such a fence. Small bushes trimmed in the form of balls, cones or animal figures will look spectacular. Corners and edges can be marked with blue Christmas trees or other trees with unusual foliage colors.

Sometimes a fence is needed not for many years, but only for a couple of seasons - for example, to close the site on which you are building something. A rope stretched at a height of 2 m and curly annuals will help you solve this problem: decorative beans. Bricks, pits and other unsightly pictures are not visible behind the green wall, and when the work is over, it will not be a pity to destroy the fence.

Live grids

A trellis fence resembling decorative grille. To make it, take a shrub with not very thin trunks: hawthorn, willow. Plant plants at a minimum distance from each other. Prepare trellises in advance or wooden structures on which the shoots will be attached.

The first year, let the bushes grow freely, and in the fall, cut off all the shoots, leaving stumps no higher than 12 cm. After a year, leave strong shoots and intertwine them with each other at an angle of 45⁰. At the junction of the branches, cut off the bark and firmly fix the shoots. The result should be a grid of rhombuses.

The decorated hedge is attached to the trellis or trellis frame. In the future, remove all shoots that do not grow in the plane of the screen, and cut the tops in a straight line. The fence turns out to be narrow, takes up little space, and in terms of decorativeness it can compete with a magnificent multi-tiered structure. The living grid will help to hide and concrete fence, and an ugly structure.

tree fence

A hedge in the country can be made not only from shrubs, but also from trees. Such a wall will grow for a long time, but beauty and strength will justify the expectation. Immediately after planting, the main trunk must be cut off, leaving about 15 cm in height. After that, side branches will begin to develop intensively. In a few years, neither man nor animals will be able to get through a thick fence.

For planting, you need to choose trees that tolerate pruning well: maple, hornbeam. Poplar grows quickly, perfectly protects from dust and noise, it can be cut, but this plant has very fragile branches. At strong wind a huge piece of wood can break off and damage plantings or injure people. The second reason why it is undesirable to plant poplars on the site is a huge amount of fluff.

The fence made of coniferous trees is very beautiful, only over time it will reach too high a height, and it is impossible to shorten the tops of the Christmas trees. Such a wall can be arranged on the north side of the site, if it borders on a river or forest and the shadow will not bother anyone. If over the years the lower branches begin to dry and die off, a solid wall of shrubs can be grown between the trunks.

Purchase of seedlings

For hedges, it is better to use plants that originally lived in your area and have adapted to the climate. If you arrange a fence in the country from capricious exotic bushes, they can develop unevenly, some specimens will get sick or die, and a solid beautiful fence will not work. An unpretentious willow, lilac or hawthorn is much more reliable.

For small areas, seedlings can be grown from cuttings. This option is suitable for low borders; the very next year after planting, the plant will reach desired height. Grow your own planting material for a high fence in the country is possible only if you agree to wait a few years.

If you need to fence the perimeter, you need a lot of seedlings, and they must be large enough. Choose bushes no older than 6 years. When buying, pay attention to the roots, make sure they are moist and healthy. The crown should be developed evenly in all directions.

Dig a trench 0.5 m deep and 0.5 m wide. If you want to make a cascading fence, increase the width by half a meter for each tier. Fill the bottom with sand for drainage. When digging, lay the upper fertile layer separately, it will go to backfill the roots.

Plant trees at a distance of 1 m from each other, tall bushes can be placed after 0.7 m. The lower the plants, the denser the planting should be. Spill the trenches well with water and throw fertile soil mixed with organic fertilizer and hydrogel to the bottom. If you purchased seedlings in containers, plant them with a clod of earth. It is desirable to treat the open root system with a growth stimulator. Cut off all dry, damaged and diseased shoots, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and plant the bushes in a trench.

For tall plants, install pegs so that the wind does not sway them during the rooting period. Bury the trenches with earth, lightly compact and water with water so that there are no air voids. Mulch upper layer mowed grass, compost or peat.

Decorative sand and pebbles can be purchased as mulch. different colors. With their help, you can lay out various ornaments along the plantings.

Green hedge care

In order for your green fence in the country to always please the eye, it needs good care. First of all, provide enough moisture so as not to spoil your mood with the sight of fallen leaves and withered inflorescences. If the ground is not covered with a layer of mulch, loosen the top layer in both directions to a distance of at least 50 cm. large quantity water so that it is saturated with moisture to a depth of about 40 cm.

Top dressing depends on the type of plants and on whether you will eat fruits. In the spring, apply organic fertilizers - 5 kg per m 2. In the summer, feed with potash and phosphate fertilizers. In autumn, prepare a composition of 50 g of ammonium sulfate, 30 g of potassium salt and 50 g of superphosphate.

Particular attention should be paid to pruning a living fence. You need to do this work regularly, otherwise the decorative hedge will turn into dense jungle. In young plants, the first 2 years, pruning is done several times a season to stimulate the development of new shoots. Mature trees and shrubs are cut in spring and autumn. At the same time, all diseased, damaged and dry shoots are removed, as well as branches that grow in the wrong direction or thicken the crown too much. After that, shoots are removed and shortened, which give the fence an untidy look.


A green fence in the country does not require large material costs, but the plants need careful care. Weigh all the pros and cons: can you constantly water and cut a lot of shrubs, or is it better to install finished structure and forget about her? In corners where dust and dirt do not reach, you can make a fence from fruit crops that will supply you with vitamin supplies.

For planting a live fence, you need to choose plants that tolerate pruning well and look beautiful all season. Coniferous and evergreen crops, as well as shrubs with variegated leaves, look great. You can choose varieties of the same species, but with different terms flowering, then the fence will delight you with bright colors all summer long.

So that the hedge does not look sloppy, you need to learn how to properly trim the shrubs. If the wall is too long, you can not draw it all the way to the same height, but make teeth, elevations, balls. A green fence will protect your territory and fill it with beauty and wonderful aroma. flowering plants.

Living fence in the country - perfect solution for those who want to elegantly and beautifully decorate the fence of the site, divide their garden into several parts using original means of demarcation and decorate the territory decoratively. For decoration, you can use a variety of types of plants from tall evergreen conifers to flowering bushes.

An example of a hedge growing on a border of natural stone

Features of the formation of a hedge with your own hands

It looks like a hedge of various shrubs

By alternating undersized, medium and tall plant varieties, you can create a multi-stage hedge. V small garden to delimit the site, it is better to plant one type of plant, and on a large area - many different varieties of trees and shrubs.

Types of hedges

To create a green fence of plantations use the most various varieties plants.

Scheme of the device and installation of the fence hedge

So, the following types of hedges are distinguished:

  • Green hedge using climbing plants;
  • evergreen hedge from coniferous plants;
  • and deciduous trees;
  • Border hedge of undersized plants.

Also, hedges are distinguished by height: high (more than two meters in height), medium (from one to two meters), low (up to 120 cm) and border (from half a meter). You can plant a hedge in one, two or more rows. By the speed of formation, fast-growing or long-growing hedges are distinguished. The first category includes natural fences, which can be formed in two years.

Hedges are also soft and prickly. Soft hedges are used to divide the site into sectors, and thorny ones are often planted along the perimeter of the territory. If the plants do not require constant cutting and shaping, the hedge is called free-growing. Otherwise, the hedge must be molded.

Willow hedge example

There are rectangular, square, trellis, triangular, round and other forms of haircuts.

Curly hedges

Curly hedges are used for various purposes:

  • Disguises of the unsightly wall of the old barn;
  • Artistic design of the fence, terraces, gazebos;
  • Braiding tree trunks or poles;
  • Decor of long-growing perennial vines, for which I use fast-growing climbing annuals.

Climbing plants are widely used in design, and with proper care, they perfectly perform their decorative function. Perennial varieties can be planted both in autumn and early spring in open ground. From annual varieties first, seedlings are grown, which are subsequently planted in a permanent place after the threat of frost has disappeared. The ridge is located at a distance of at least half a meter from the fence or wall.

Curly hedge option

Climbing and climbing plants need a support to climb up in order to grow better.

perennial varieties

Perennial varieties of climbing plants grow in the same place for several years in a row, delighting the owner of the site from year to year. Among them, tree-like or grassy vines are distinguished. Wild grapes are widely used in decor. It is possible to plant a greenery with its help in a fairly short time and with the least expenditure of effort, time and money. The length of the vines can reach 20 meters. When planting, they maintain a distance of half a meter between plants and plant grapes in holes 30 cm deep.

In one season, lashes up to two meters long can already be obtained from seedlings, and by the end of the second year of life, the lashes completely cover the surface of the area allocated for them.

Wild grapes have good frost resistance, grow well both in the sun and in the shade.

It looks like a hedge of wild grapes

An unpretentious climbing plant that received wide use for the design of the site, became and evergreen ivy. The cuttings of the plant are planted at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, and the vines rise up with the help of sucker roots. In autumn, shoots require pruning. Frost-resistant varieties ivy is covered for the winter, and more tender and heat-loving plants are transplanted and kept in a bright, cool room, periodically watering.

A very beautiful and widespread plant in the design is a climbing rose. Roses bloom profusely and brightly, smell wonderfully and create a festive mood. For normal growth, roses require top dressing, pruning and watering. Also need good protection from pests, for which in preventive and medicinal purposes chemicals are used. They plant a climbing rose in the fall in a sunny place, and cover it for the winter. spruce branches and film.

annual climbing plants

An example of a hedge from various annual bushes

From one-year-olds, nasturtium, thunbergia, morning glory, sweet pea, kobe, ornamental beans and pumpkin are often used.
Sweet pea has flowers interesting shape and various colors. In order for the plant to bloom well and for a long time, the resulting beans should be removed in time. Sweet peas prefer neutral soil without an abundance of fertilizers, and, otherwise, bloom poorly, giving strength to leaf growth. Ipomoea - climbing plant with funnel-shaped flowers of blue, pink or purple. This plant blooms from July until late autumn and can spread up to five meters wide, so it does not require planting frequency.

Heat-loving nasturtiums are very unpretentious. Planting them is done both by seeds in the ground and by seedlings. The foliage of the plant has a pale green hue, and during flowering, the green carpet is covered with bright flowers of orange, yellow, dark or bright red.

evergreen pine hedge

Evergreen conifers are often used to create an impenetrable hedge on the site. At the same time, such a green fence will not have to be looked after a lot, and it will not cost much. The only negative when forming a hedge from conifers is the duration of the process. It will take at least three years to grow a coniferous hedge.

Another feature of the hedge is an attractive appearance in any season. coniferous plants do not have flowers, only occasionally shed obsolete needles.

If you want to add color, you can plant flower beds and flower beds next to the hedge.

Thuja hedge

A great way to isolate yourself from the outside world and decorate your site. Thuja will serve reliable barrier, will protect from unwanted guests and from external noise.

This is what a thuja hedge looks like

At good care thuja does not fall off and does not fade, it is easily molded and sheared. Seedlings are placed in one row with an interval of 40–80 cm. Four-year-old seedlings are best suited for planting: they are well accepted and grow quite quickly.

Varieties Brabant, Holmstrup and Smaragd are widely used. Brabant grows up to four meters in height and requires pruning twice a year. Thuja Holmstrup hedge can rise up to a maximum of 2.5 meters and grows slowly. Care for her is only watering. Thuya Smaragd - a plant up to six meters in height. It has a narrow cone-shaped crown, which is why it is loved by many designers.

spruce hedge

If the owner of the site has enough time and patience, you can land around the perimeter. For this, varieties such as prickly, gray, purple and oriental spruce are used. Due to the density of the crown, the spruces close the view well and make the hedge impenetrable.
Seedlings are best accepted when planting in the fall. Warm dry weather is suitable for planting. Each seedling is planted in holes at least half a meter deep, made in well-moistened soil at a distance of at least a meter. When planting in two rows in a checkerboard pattern, the distance between the fir trees is maintained at least 80 cm. The fir fence looks fresh at any time of the year.

juniper fence

Juniper belongs to the evergreen shrubs. Juniper needles may have a greenish or bluish tint. Virginian juniper is isolated from fast-growing varieties, while other species of this plant can grow for a very long time, up to several centuries.

Chinese and scaly varieties are also very popular. These frost-resistant species are branchy and tolerate dry climates well. Juniper hedge is unpretentious and can serve for many years.

Juniper hedge example

So that there are no openings between its rows, the plants are planted in several rows in a checkerboard pattern.

Many words were devoted various types fences - wooden, stone, metal ... However, there is another one that is no less attractive and decorative - this is a hedge.

Despite the complexity of its creation, it has become widespread among homeowners. The history of its appearance is as ancient as that of the fence.

And today the hedge is a fashionable element of landscape design. In addition to the functions of the fence, it has numerous features that you can appreciate by building it on your site.

We will try to tell you what is better to make a hedge, what determines the choice of plants and how to plant them on the site.

An assortment of plants from which you can make a living fence in the country

The choice of a particular plant depends on several factors, the main of which is- type of hedge. It is also important to take into account the climatic conditions of the area, in a sunny or shady place there will be a living wall, its purpose.

Hedges are sheared and free-growing. In the first case, you need to choose species that tolerate the process well. curly haircut keep their shape. Such plants should have a dense crown, good foliage. If the shape is rectangular, then only shade-tolerant species (hornbeam, yew) will do.

The optimal is a trapezoid (a bevel of at least 10˚) and a triangle (the sides have a slope of 70-80˚). You can also make a rounded shape, which is more consistent natural growth many species, but it is difficult to cut it.


It is very beautiful to create a sheared hedge by mixing different species - yew, hawthorn.

If the first type has a compact outline and is suitable for small areas, then creating a free-growing hedge will require a lot of space, because its width can reach 3 m or more.

For these purposes, beautifully flowering species (, mock orange, action), plants with compact crown forms (Canadian spruce, common juniper) are suitable. The advantage of such a hedge is that there is no need for a haircut to maintain shape.

There is also a division by height:

1. Borders up to 1 m. Plants should be compact, slow-growing, small-leaved. Japanese euonymus and shiny honeysuckle, for example, are suitable for sheared borders. For freely growing - Japanese quince, mahonia, heather, Japanese spirea.

2. Medium height (1-3m). Not only shrubs, but also small trees are suitable. Such a hedge can be made from thuja western and its forms, a vesicle, common privet, hawthorn, barberry, mock orange will do.

3. Living walls over 3m high. Designed to protect from wind, dust, noise, serve as protection of the boundaries of the site. Trees that tolerate a haircut well are suitable - common hornbeam, spruce, linden, white willow (spherical shape), thuja.

A hedge looks very beautiful in combination with metal, wooden and stone fences. In such cases, the fence should not be very thick. Suitable creepers (hydrangea curly, ivy), flowering shrubs(lilac, wild rose, spirea, roses).

Fast-growing species are of little use for sheared hedges, but if you need to quickly create a living wall, then such plants are indispensable.

How to plant a hedge?

The first step in creating a green wall is soil preparation.. All weeds must be removed from the proposed planting site. This can be done by digging and loosening, followed by removal of above-ground and underground parts weed plants. Another method is chemical, using herbicides (for example, roundup).

If the soil is clayey, heavy, then sand should be added to it, and if it is represented by sandy loam, then loam is added. To reduce acidity, add lime, and peat in alkaline soil. The soil also needs to be fertilized. If you are not constrained in funds, then you can buy ready-made soil in the store and use it.

Next, we make markings for planting plants by pulling the rope. Depending on the amount of material to be planted, it is necessary to dig a trench (manually or with the use of machinery) or separate planting holes for each plant. So, for a single-row hedge, it is enough to dig a trench 50 cm wide, for a two-row hedge - up to 90 cm. Depth - at least 50-60 cm.

Planting material must be High Quality , so purchase it from nurseries or specialized garden centers and stores.

Planting dates - autumn or early spring (before the leaves bloom). Frost and precipitation are important indicators that you should pay attention to. Therefore, in the southern regions it is better to plant in the fall, and in the northern regions in the spring. Moreover, if the plant was sold in a container, it can be planted at any time during the growing season.

If the root system is open, then planting should be done as soon as possible, otherwise the roots will dry out and the plant will not take root. Putting the roots in a plastic bag with moistened sawdust will help save the roots for a while.

Slow growing species, shade tolerant, with a narrow crown should be planted more densely than light-loving, fast-growing with a spreading wide crown. They are also planted more densely when creating molded living walls. Thus, when planting, the distance between plants should be 0.4-0.6 m for sheared and 0.8-1.0 m for a free-growing hedge of medium height. Between the rows, respectively, there should be 0.6-0.8 m and 1.0-1.5 m. For borders and living walls, these figures should be reduced or increased by about 2 times.

When the plants are planted, the soil is compacted, watered, mulched with peat, sawdust or crushed bark. If the fence is provided as a wind protection, then it is planted perpendicular to the prevailing direction.

Do not forget to take care of your green fence and soon you will get a beautiful and functional decoration for your site.