Sweet peas - growing from seed when planting. Perennial sweet peas: growing from seeds, planting and care, photo

Sweet pea, as the sweet pea is often called, is grown on garden plots for vertical gardening, for decorating summer arbors and terraces and just for fun. What rules should be followed when planning to start growing a flower is discussed in this article.

Description of a flower with a photo

For the first time, it was in 1696 in Italy, sweet peas were discovered by the botanist Kupani. From there, it was brought to England, and over 300 years of breeding, specialists managed to bring out more than 1000 varieties of fragrant chin.

A special feature of peas is that its strong shoots can reach two or more meters. Deftly clinging to the supports with their antennae, the stems stretch upwards, creating a picturesque vertical carpet. Pea flowers are collected in inflorescences that bloom one after another, and this makes flowering permanent.

The flower itself is very similar to a sailing boat with oars. By the way, individually parts of the flower are called exactly that: sail, oars, boat.

However, the liana-like plant has dwarf forms, the height of which is about 30 cm. Such a flower does not need support.

Sweet peas bloom two months after germination and continue to delight the gardener with the brightness of the inflorescences throughout the warm season.

After the petals wither, a fruit is formed, which is a bivalve bean. It contains up to 10 peas of beige or dark brown color. If you leave the first pods on the plant, they will have time to mature, and this will make it possible to get their own seeds.

In horticultural culture, sweet peas are represented by two types, it can be grown in an annual crop, and there are perennial varieties. Both species are grown from seed and produce strong, ribbed shoots. The ability to cling to everything that comes in the way requires mandatory support. Therefore, planting a flower should be done:

  • next to walls that you want to give a decorative look.
  • along the fences, which will look like a hedge.
  • high shoots of fragrant ranks will hide an open arbor from the hot rays of the sun.

Perennial sweet peas are not rich in colors. Most often it is pink or purple flowers collected in a brush. Many strong lashes reach up to two meters and require a strong mesh support so that the plant can grow and develop freely.

The annual rank has a much more interesting color palette. The flowers of this species can be white and blue, pink red, burgundy and blue. Annuals exude a more delicate aroma compared to perennials.

Sweet peas bloom from June until the onset of cold weather. Prefers open sunny places with fertile soil and neutral reaction to acidity.

Stems should not be allowed to lodging - this leads to their defeat by diseases and decay.

Group of varieties "Spencer"

Variety "Sir Charles"

All types of fragrant ranks are divided, in turn, into groups. Among the tall varieties, the Spencer group can be distinguished. This is a multi-stalked plant with a shoot length close to 2.5 m. Peduncles are strong and consist of 3-5 flowers. The petal itself, or as it is called - the sail, has a wavy upper edge.

  • Variety "Aristocrat" has a deep sweetish aroma, which exude charming white and pink flowers
  • "Sir Arthur" will decorate the garden with pale lilac sails
  • "Sir Charles" - scarlet.


Varieties included in the Kazberston group are multi-flowered. There are up to 8 of them in a brush. The stems of the plant are long, which makes it popular in garden design. In addition, it looks amazing in the cut.

On a note. It should be remembered that bouquets of sweet peas are best formed after the blooming of all the buds in the brush. This is due to the property of the flower "do not open the sails" in the cut.


The Royal group consists of varieties of early flowering. They have large flowers, and the color of the upper petal can be delicate (white, pink) or saturated (bright red, lavender blue).

Low-growing varieties, they are also dwarf, are also divided into groups.

Group "Bijou"


"Bijou". Plants of this group are distinguished by large flowers and bright colors. The height of the bush is about 30 cm, flowering is plentiful.

Group "Pink Cupid"

"Pink Cupid"

Peas from the Pink Cupid group are characterized by a wavy edge of the upper petal. Its coloration may be white or delicate pastel colors, blue-lilac or pale blue, pink or red. The height of the flower does not exceed 30 cm.

Flowers of both groups described above can be used for flower beds, borders and cut flowers.


"Fantasy" is a group of varieties that have a miniature height. Growing no more than 20 cm, they serve as an ideal border border, and are used as a ground cover.

Low flowers create bright multi-colored rugs on the site and fill the air with a delicate aroma of beauty.

The fragrant chin is grown by sowing seeds in open ground or seedling method.
For open ground, both spring sowing and winter sowing are applicable. Due to their cold resistance, the seeds winter safely in the ground, and with the onset of heat, they begin to germinate.

Sowing before winter

Podzimny sowing has a number of advantages compared to growing a flower through seedlings. First of all, this lies in their resilience:

  • seedlings from autumn crops not afraid of spring temperature changes
  • they are more adapted to transplant stress
  • bloom profusely throughout the growing season

Autumn sowing is carried out with the onset of frost, but the soil must be ready at least 2 weeks before. It is well loosened, weed roots are selected and leveled. Grooves up to 5 cm deep are cut on the finished bed. Seeds are laid out in them at a distance of 3-5 cm, covered with dry earth and well compacted. In spring, shoots will appear with the onset of steady heat.

At the same time, seeds sown in the ground in late April or early May will germinate. The principle of sowing is the same, only the depth of seeding is reduced (up to 2-3 cm).

However spring crops require more attention: it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and in no case allow it to dry out. It is best to cover the bed with a film, this will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface and create a greenhouse effect.

Soil moisture and temperature within 20 ° C are the main components of the friendly germination of sweet pea seeds.


To obtain early flowers of the fragrant rank, many summer residents resort to the seedling method of growing. The difficulty lies in the fact that the plant has a long taproot and does not really like being disturbed.

Therefore, it is preferable to sow in cups, whether peat or plastic. Then transplanting into open ground will take place with less trauma to the root system.

In the first case, the plant will practically not feel the moment of transplantation. And from plastic containers a bush of sweet peas is transferred into the hole along with a lump of native soil.

Before sowing, the seeds must go through a processing stage. First they are calibrated and the damaged ones are removed.

To determine the fullness of the seeds are immersed in saline. It is prepared from 1 liter of water and 30 g of salt. The part that was on the surface is removed, and the settled ones will be used for sowing. But first they must be washed from salt and soaked. Soaking is done in hot water and lasts for days. This helps to soften the dense shell of the grain.

Further, to obtain a result of 100%, the seeds are germinated by wrapping in soft tissue. It should always be kept moist and in a warm place. At this stage, it is important not to miss the emergence of sprouts.

The hatched peas are distributed in cups and covered with a film. After waiting for the shoots, the container is moved to a bright window sill. Sufficient sunlight will keep seedlings from stretching. For greater bushiness, the sprouts are pinched over 3-5 leaves.

All activities described above apply to perennial varieties fragrant ranks.

We plant sweet peas: video

On the 20th of May, the grown bushes of the rank can be fragrantly transferred to the site. If the weather is hot, then plantings should be shaded - this will protect the delicate leaves of the flower from burns.

When preparing the beds for sweet peas, mineral fertilizers are applied and embedded in the soil. The earth should be loose and moisture-permeable, as the root system of the flower goes deep into the depths for a long distance. It requires abundant but infrequent watering.

The location of the fragrant rank is chosen taking into account the illumination and protection from the wind.

  1. The light-loving plant does not tolerate drafts, but can grow in light partial shade.
  2. When choosing a site, you should consider the possibility of installing supports for tall varieties.
  3. As the stems grow, they should be directed in the right direction to create the intended composition.

Loosening and hilling are also among the necessary measures in the care of flowers. Hilling stimulates the growth of adventitious roots. This leads to the appearance of new shoots, and therefore to more lush flowering.

Timely removal of wilted flowers will help to achieve continuous blooming of buds. Otherwise, the fruit will be tied in the form of a pod, and the plant will switch to seed ripening. If there are many such fruits, then the plant will stop the tying of new buds. In this case, flowering will end within one month.

But if the gardener needs to get his seeds, then a few pods should be left. During this period, it must be remembered that only 5-10 peas are formed in the valves. Therefore, based on your needs, it is easy to calculate required amount seed material.

The seed pod is formed at the junction of the flower with the stem. This happens after the withering of the flower and shedding of the petals. At the initial stage, it looks almost flat and has a green color. As the peas inside the valves increase, the pod will thicken and change color. At first it will turn yellow-green, and by the time of ripening - light brown.

This is the best time to collect seeds. The pods are broken off or cut from the plant and left to dry for several days in a dry place with sufficient air. Then they are carefully opened and the contents are poured onto a dish with sides. In this form, they should stand for another 2-3 days.

Ready seed material is packed in paper bags and stored in a dry place. Pea seeds are able to remain viable for 7-8 years.

Among plant diseases, powdery mildew (downy and real), black leg and brown spot are most common.

To destroy the signs of damage by powdery mildew, the drug "Topaz" is used. 4 ml of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water and used for 8 m2 before and after flowering.

Black leg and brown spotting are treated with Hom (10 l of water + 40 g of the product).

Crop rotation, maintenance of cleanliness in the area with flowers, removal and destruction plant residues play an important role in disease prevention and control. You can return the flower to its original place no earlier than after 3-4 years.

In case of damage by pests (aphids and nodule weevil), the Fitoverm preparation is used. 2 ml of the product is added to a liter of water and the sweet pea plantings are sprayed. This amount should be enough for 10 m2.

With the onset of cold weather, planting perennial peas should be put in order. The stems are removed from the supports and cut at ground level. The earth is mulched with sawdust or humus. The cold-resistant plant easily tolerates the winter period, and in the spring it begins to germinate as soon as the soil thaws.

Undoubtedly, the fragrant rank requires attention and care. But when it blooms and fills the air with a delicate aroma, all the chores seem insignificant. And the gardener, admiring his creativity, determines the places for planting flowers in the next summer season.

​Related Articles​

Growing sweet peas from seeds: preparation

Sweet peas are loved and revered in Latvia. Since ancient times, almost every farm in the summer was decorated with a motley, strongly smelling bed of these climbing plants, and with a bouquet delicate flowers went to visit. With the advent of the newest varieties of large-flowered, multi-color spencers, sweet peas quickly conquered the flower market and became one of the most common products of local flower growers.​

However, strong healthy plants and large graceful flowers can only be obtained with proper care and in suitable conditions.

Sweet peas: planting and care

The next summer brought a new twist in the history of sweet peas - flowers with wavy petals appeared. This news was immediately used in breeding, and the development of the current pleated sweet pea began. In the middle of the last century, several different groups this pea, but, unfortunately, the selection of such previously known groups as

​(LATHYRUS)​ If you remove flowering inflorescences in time, then by doing this you will extend the flowering period of sweet peas almost until the end of September.

Name and History:


Sweet peas - cultivation and care.

Low varieties of sweet peas can be grown in ampelous form, that is, without support, and for high ones, you can fix a special net or just pull the ropes. You can plant plants on the balcony in early May. And, of course, make sure that the soil does not dry out in any case. At a tender age, it can even kill plants.

Location and soil

Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) - climbing annual plant genus China of the legume family. In the presence of a support reaches a height of 2 meters. The leaves end in tendrils, with which he clings to other plants or to an artificial support. The flowers are bright with a strong fragrant aroma, thanks to which peas got their name.

Sweet peas are grown in fertile, acid-neutral soil with deep cultivation. Another requirement for soil is air permeability. Sweet peas do not grow well in waterlogged areas or in close proximity. ground water. The soil for planting this plant should be prepared in advance, not forgetting to add compost, potash and phosphate fertilizers. Fresh manure is not applied, as it can cause Fusarium wilt of the plant. nitrogen fertilizer also do not contribute - the plant fixes nitrogen from the air.

Planting and caring for sweet peas

Sweet pea is an annual plant revered by many gardeners for its unusual and bright flowering, delicate aroma. In addition, buds on sweet peas appear almost all summer, and therefore the lawn will delight the eye during all three warm months. Yes, and the flowers of the plant have a great variety of shades, and therefore, among the varieties of the fragrant town, everyone can choose to their taste. In addition, the advantages of the plant include relative frost resistance (up to - 5⁰ C). Regarding how to grow sweet peas, the most the best option seed planting is considered. This is exactly what will be discussed.

​Together with my colleague Valdis Dubovskis, we have been working on this wonderful culture for almost 30 years. Our farm can be proud of the largest collection of sweet peas in the Baltic countries, and we have done a lot to popularize and distribute it in our country. Working with the Royal Sweet Pea Society of Great Britain keeps us up to date with the latest varieties that we evaluate and test in our climate. Every year we publish a catalog in which we offer Latvian flower growers seeds of more than 100 varieties - new and already recognized English ones, as well as almost twenty varieties of our selection.​

Sweet peas grow best in a warm, sunny spot. The soil should be loose, rich in humus, nutritious and calcareous. In this case, the soil should be prepared to a depth of at least two shovels, since these plants form a deep root system, allowing for one season to form a profusely flowering two-meter bush. It is better to prepare the beds in the fall - in the spring it remains only to loosen the surface.


called the king

Reproduction of sweet peas

sem. Legumes

If everything worked out and growing sweet pea as an ornamental fragrant plant was to your liking, then next year try to plant it in a new place. If that doesn't work, then at least replace upper layer soil at the planting site and do not forget about regular top dressing.


Sweet pea

Sweet peas in Latin sound like "Lathyrus odoratus" (Lathyrus odomtus). The word "latyrus" was first used by Theophrastus and comes from the ancient Greek name, consisting of "la" - very and "thoures" - attractive. The plant was noticed more than 300 years ago by the Sicilian monk Francisco Cupani, who, walking in the evening near the walls of his monastery, located on the Mediterranean coast, caught an unusually strong aroma of this flower. Hence the second half of the name - fragrant ("odoratus"). The monk collected the seeds and sent them to England in 1699, to his friend Robert Uvedahl, a schoolteacher from the county of Middlesex. This is the main version of the history of the origin of this flower culture.

There are a great many varieties of sweet peas, from dwarf ones - about 20 cm high, which can even be used as ground cover plants, to tall climbers, reaching a height of three meters. Between them, the varieties are medium-sized with a stem length of 1-1.5 m. And there is also a group of beardless varieties. The palette of shades in which pea flowers are painted is unusually diverse: from soft, delicate, pastel tones to extremely bright and cheerful.

You can grow sweet peas both by direct sowing in open ground, and through seedlings - for earlier flowering.

How and when to sow sweet peas?

In early spring, sweet pea seeds are sown in holes of 2 - 3 seeds, keeping a distance of about 20 - 25 cm. However, such plants will bloom only by the end of July. If you want to get earlier flowering, then you should grow sweet peas in seedlings, seedlings are planted in mid-May.

Preparing seeds for sowing.

Do the preparation seed need already in the spring: at the end of March - at the beginning of April. Since the peel of the seeds is quite dense, they should first be placed in a glass, pour hot water temperature is about 50-60 degrees and leave it for a day. Floating seeds must be removed immediately. After that, before planting sweet peas, the seeds must be washed with room temperature water and placed in a moist environment for germination. It can be a handkerchief, sawdust or sand, which should always be wet.


Do you want to tinker with seedlings? .. Please!

You can sow sweet peas directly into the ground, but this method does not always provide good germination, while flowering begins much later. It is better to grow this crop seedlings. Seeds are sown 4-6 weeks before planting. For sowing, it is better to use a special peat substrate or prepare a sterile mixture in advance of 2-3 parts of good and clean garden soil, 1 part of peat and 1 part of coarse sand (improves breathability and drainage). Desirable sowing depth is 1.5-2 cm. - it blows to protect from mice, as they eat seeds, as well as young sprouts.

Landing site, preference and care.

Sweet pea. Nine Rules for Successful Growing

Growing on a balcony.


Another plant for vertical gardening.

By the way, about varieties.

Whichever option you choose, for best germination, it is advisable to prepare the seeds. Fill them with hot water, 40-50C degrees and leave for 12 hours, for a maximum of a day. After that, the dark shell on the seeds can be pierced with a needle, since some of them, although they look completely healthy, sometimes do not sprout for a long time or do not sprout at all. Seeds with a light shell usually do not need such a procedure. You can sow immediately after soaking, or wait until they peck by placing them in a damp cloth, sand or sawdust. In no case should the bent seeds be dried, they must be sown immediately.


SWEET PEA. Growing from seed

Sweet peas do not like transplanting, so the seedlings should be carefully removed from the pots without destroying the soil lump. A plant grown through seedlings blooms by mid-June and blooms for 2 to 3 months.
When the seed germinates, it should be planted in a separate container. It can be small pots or paper cups, where good nutrient soil is first placed. Seeds need to be deepened by only two to three centimeters. You can plant one or several pieces. To successfully grow sweet peas from seeds, seed containers should be placed in a well-lit, warm place and systematically, remembering to water gently. The first shoots can be expected in 1.5 - 2 weeks. We recommend pinching the top to stimulate the growth of side shoots when the seedlings have their first three leaves.​
Until germination, the crops are kept warm (optimum germination temperature is 18-20 * C), and later the temperature is gradually reduced to 10-12 * C, making sure that the seedlings are compact and healthy. Since in Spencers, flowers are formed only on shoots of the second order, in order to speed up bushing, the shoots can be pinched after the second or third pair of leaves. Before planting, young plants need to be hardened off.
m summer flowers


​In middle lane Russian sweet peas are grown through seedlings, for which the seeds are soaked overnight in hot water (60-80 ° C) in mid-March. Then the swollen seeds are sown in 2-3 pieces in peat pots filled with an earthen mixture consisting of soddy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.5. Shoots appear in 4-7 days. In the phase of two or three true leaves, the seedlings are pinched, removing the growth point, as a result of which a large number of side shoots are formed and the plant blooms more profusely.

Sweet peas, or sweet peas, belong to the genus Chin (Lathyrus), the legume family (Fabaceae). Botanical characteristics This species was first given by the famous Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus in 1753. The root system of sweet peas is pivotal, highly branched, penetrating the soil to a depth of one and a half meters. Gee, there was a verse :)

Of course, the easiest way is to sow sweet peas immediately on permanent place. This can be done early enough, as soon as the soil warms up a little, without fear of return frosts, as the seedlings can withstand temperatures as low as -5⁰С. We place the seeds in holes of 2-3 pieces, to a depth of 2 cm, leave a distance between the holes of about 25 cm. Our plants will bloom closer to mid-July. Sweet peas need support. In order for the plant to bloom profusely and for a long time, regular watering is necessary in hot and dry weather, timely weeding and fertilizing with organic fertilizer solutions, but not more than three times per season.

Planting sweet pea seedlings in open ground can be carried out as early as May. It is advisable to harden the seedlings before planting, taking them out to outdoor balcony first for one hour, and then gradually increase the residence time.​

  • As you know, before germination, the seed must swell so that the absorbed water awakens the embryo. You can speed up the swelling of sweet pea seeds if they are poured with warm water (50-60 "C) and left for 12-18 hours. Even in this case, not all seeds swell. Like most bloodworms, sweet peas have a very dense seed coat , which prevents the absorption of water and delays germination. different varieties also differs, and the hardest peel is usually very dark color. Therefore, in order to facilitate the absorption of water, it is recommended to damage the seed coat with a sharp knife, sandpaper or in another way (of course, avoiding damage to the embryo).
  • . However
  • One can only wonder what changes have taken place in three centuries with this climbing plant with small, dark brown and strong-smelling flowers. During this time, thousands of varieties of these delicate, romantic flowers have been created, and in England

I plant it every year. Grows well.

To get flowering plants much earlier, you will have to use the seedling method of growing. You can start sowing in late March - early April. But if you want to sow even earlier, then arm yourself with a backlight from simple fluorescent lamps. Hour 3 for additional highlighting of the peas will be enough.

With timely pruning of inflorescences on which small green beans are tied, sweet peas will bloom until autumn frosts. If you want to keep the variety and collect the seeds, then such a plant should be grown through seedlings and leave 5-10 peduncles with pods on the "seed" plants, removing the rest of the flowers. It happens that the seeds of the plant are not tied. The reason may be a sharp temperature difference in the daytime and at night.​
Sweet peas grow well in places where there are no drafts, open to sunlight. However, a little shading tolerates quite calmly. The soil for the plant is neutral, fertile, with good drainage properties. The plants are planted together with an earthen clod at a distance of 25 cm from each other. When sweet peas reach 20 cm in height, they need to be tied to a support. This is necessary so that the climbing stems do not spread along the ground and are not confused with each other. With the help of a support, the plants will curl up and further form a beautiful hedge. However, for dwarf varieties sweet peas that grow up to 30 cm are not necessary.


It is quite difficult to process a large number of seeds in this way, so the seeds are first soaked and then only those that have not yet swollen are processed. They are soaked again and sown only when all the seeds are swollen. Seeds not treated in this way germinate very poorly, and it happens that the emergence of seedlings stretches even up to 30 days.


in terms of growing
sweet pea
Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in mid-May at a distance of 20-25 cm. For tall varieties, it is necessary to install supports. Remember that sweet peas can be grown in one place for only a year and returned to their original place only after 4-5 years. When planting seedlings, you can not make fresh organic fertilizers(manure), as plants can die from fungal diseases.

Because of the dense shell, it is better to soak pea seeds before planting for a couple of hours in hot water, and then germinate in a damp cloth in a warm place. However, some varieties of sweet peas have a particularly light shade of cream or white, they need to be planted in open ground in a dry form, since they usually die when soaked.

I collected seeds from him, my beloved, but they became my peas with some kind of little color and therefore I bought seeds again.

We grow sweet peas - Herald of the grower

Growing sweet peas

Also, for growing seedlings, we will definitely need separate pots! Sweet peas do not tolerate transplanting very well, therefore, even after growing seedlings in separate containers, one must be very careful when transplanting so as not to damage the earthen clod and not disturb the root system. We will plant plants in a permanent place around mid-May, and we will begin to enjoy the aroma of flowers in mid-June. Sweet peas are very different rapid growth. Because a plant needs a lot of nutrients, its strongly branching taproot penetrates the soil to a great depth. It is very useful to hill and add a fertile substrate or compost to the base of the sweet pea stem to a height of 5-7 cm, thus stimulating the growth of adventitious roots. For sweet peas, timely and sufficient watering is necessary, since the lack of moisture in the soil leads to the dropping of buds and flowers by the plant, and the duration of flowering is also reduced. In general, growing sweet peas cannot be called simple. and Most salmon and orange varieties have light brown seeds with a soft, fragile skin that can crack when swollen, opening the way for infection. If harmful microorganisms are present in the substrate, then such seeds may die before germination, or then young shoots will gradually die. These varieties are recommended to be sown without pre-soaking in a particularly sterile substrate.​ ​,​ this plant for​VIDIO​ Choose the sunniest places for planting peas. Planted in the shade, sweet peas will bloom, but much later and flowering will not be as plentiful as in the open sun. Here are my seeds in the picture on the right. We choose a place for planting sweet peas sunny and, if possible, protected from strong winds. Groundwater should not be too close, although he is a lover of moisture, he does not tolerate stagnant water. Sweet peas are propagated by sowing seeds: directly into open ground, or through seedlings. Street sowing of plant seeds is carried out in May. When cultivating sweet peas in seedlings, it is necessary to pre-soak for a day in warm water sow seeds 3 peas in each pot. Shoots appear after about a week. Seedlings of sweet peas are planted at the end of May, and the seedlings are able to tolerate small frosts down to minus 5 degrees by the process. The plant requires careful care and attention. It is important to systematically and in sufficient volume to water the flower - every 1.5-2 weeks. Otherwise, with a lack of moisture, the buds become smaller or are dropped altogether, and flowering stops. Sweet peas need top dressing with liquid fertilizers twice - in mid-June and in mid-July. oner

Sweet peas are a very profitable crop for growing in greenhouses for cutting, - relatively early harvest can be obtained from minimal cost for heating and these colors do not have serious competition among imported flowers. Greenhouses should be tall, well ventilated and shaded on hot, sunny days, as good quality flowers and a constant harvest can only be obtained with a uniform and moderate microclimate.

Galaxy very democratic splendor Ganichkina advises :) Land for planting needs fertile, moderately moist, non-acidic (pH up to 7.5). They probably smell really good. Unfortunately, after my illness, I have a problem with my sense of smell. I believe the word of guests, girlfriends and children that it smells wonderful.​ The soil should be deeply cultivated, sufficiently loose and breathable, with a reaction closer to neutral. acidic soils needs to be notified. When planting, it is advisable to add well-rotted manure (by no means fresh) or compost, plus phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. You should know that sweet peas are returned to their original landing site only after 4 - 5 years. For a long and abundant flowering of sweet peas, experienced gardeners use some tricks. Firstly, you need to pinch, and secondly, cut off faded branches, leaving a few pods with seeds. Under these conditions, sweet peas please with flowering until frost.

Efforts to increase the yield of flowers by thickening plantings may be erroneous. In cramped conditions, sweet peas do not grow well, bushes develop poorly, and diseases often start, as a result of which the yield of plants and the quality of flowers are significantly reduced. Both in the garden and in greenhouses, Spencers should have at least 20 cm between plants.​

Outdoor cultivation

, did not continue further, and in our time some of their varieties have degraded or almost disappeared. Only in the Spencer group, selection has been continuously going on for more than a hundred years. Great changes have taken place with sweet peas thanks to the enthusiasm of breeders and fanciers in the UK. And not only in terms of the size of the inflorescences, but also the curly style of the petals, their spectacular arrangement and richness of shades.



Start gartering as early as possible, this will accelerate the intensity of growth. Remember to set the polka dots in the right direction so that your wattle, fence or trellis braids evenly, use twine or netting if necessary.​

Well, now the theory.

Growing in greenhouses

Caring for sweet peas consists of weeding, fertilizing and, most importantly, timely watering. From drought, the plant sheds color, so the soil should always remain in a moderately moist state. Peas respond very well to adding to the roots and hilling with humus or compost, top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer with low nitrogen content.​

Growing from sweet pea seeds is perhaps one of the easiest. Even schoolchildren are recommended to plant it in botany lessons. However, it is often possible to make mistakes when growing this beautiful and pleasant-smelling plant, and not wait for flowering. Let's deal with the rules of his agricultural technology, go over the popular types and varieties, and focus on the use of sweet peas in landscape design.

Charming sweet pea: growing from seed

Peas were first heard in antiquity (Theophrastus), but real recognition began in the 19th century. Scottish breeder Henry Eckford began to develop new varieties, and very quickly the unpretentious plant gained enviable popularity. The gardener was awarded the highest Royal award.

Bright sweet peas, or sweet peas (Lathyrus odomtus) are a magnificent decoration of the garden. This annual plant of the legume family is used for landscaping flower beds and terraces. Unusual shape flowers and a variety of colors win the hearts of gardeners.

Description, types and varieties

The plant has a very developed root system, but it does not tolerate transplants well. The climbing stems cling well to the support with their tendrils, and the flowers can be compared to the wings of a moth. The flowering period of the annual is quite long.

Increasingly, you can meet this climbing plant when landscaping vertical terraces. Many types of peas reach a height of about 2 meters. Today, breeders have bred popular dwarf varieties that do not exceed 30 cm.

For landscaping walls, arbors, arches and balconies, tall varieties of sweet peas are used. The most suitable would be:

  • King Lavender;
  • Blue Danube;
  • Cream Gigantic;
  • Cremona;
  • Alice.

For cutting and bouquets, you can grow some varieties with a strong peduncle and large bright flowers. The flowering period of such plants is rather short, which makes it difficult for further reproduction of the flower.

  • Royal Wedding
  • Colin Unwin
  • Rosalind
  • Brian Clough

The most popular are low-growing varieties of sweet peas. Such plants can be used as a border, when creating a flower bed or as a pot specimen. Some of the common varieties:

  • Lady Dee;
  • Lucien;
  • Florida.

The collection of plants includes more than 1000 varieties of various colors. There are white, pink, red, purple and blue shades in the flowers.

Growing from seed

Location and soil

A place for planting an annual should be chosen protected from the winds, but sunny. Peas grow well in light partial shade. The soil for planting should be fertile and neutral in acidity. Before planting, compost and sand are added to dense soil, which increases its breathability. Fresh manure is not recommended. The flower grows poorly in areas with high groundwater and marshy soils.

When planting in the garden, sunny areas should be preferred, but peas are reconciled with light partial shade.

Planting and plant care

Sweet peas are quite unpretentious in their care, and growing this crop is not laborious, even a novice gardener can do it.

It is better to plant your favorite flower immediately in the garden, since the seedling method for the plant is not very acceptable. Young seedlings are very tender, and the tap root system does not tolerate transplants well. Most suitable way for planting - sowing seeds in the ground.

Pea seeds are very hard and need to be pre-soaked before sowing. To do this, just put them in a damp cloth for 1.5 hours to swell. The seeds prepared in this way are sown in early spring in furrows to a depth of 2-3 cm. With proper care, the first flowering occurs at the end of July.

Sweet peas grow very quickly and need support. For long flowering, you need to remove faded flowers in a timely manner and provide the plant with necessary care. In dry and dry summers, it is necessary to maintain the level of soil moisture by regularly watering the annual. Watering and weeding is the main care for peas.

The flower responds well to top dressing, which must be carried out several times a season. For these purposes, it is better to use organic fertilizers, but nitrogen should not be used. This is due to the peculiarity of peas to absorb nitrogen from the air.

In the conditions of a short summer, a seedling method is used (without picking). Then peas are grown from seeds in peat-muck cups, and the grown plants are planted in the ground right in the cups - this significantly increases the flowering time of the plant. By the way, pinching the shoots at the moment when the plant has risen by 10-15 cm will also extend the growing season and the bush will become more magnificent, but the plant will bloom a week later.

Annual reproduction

To preserve the variety and further grow peas in your area, you need to collect seeds. To do this, choose the largest and healthiest specimens, on which flower stalks and pods are left for further seed formation. They retain their germination capacity for 8 years. Planting material should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar. Sometimes the plant does not set seeds or drops flower stalks, the reason for this may be a sharp temperature drop or insufficient watering.

Diseases and pests

Sweet peas are affected by pests and fungal diseases. The most frequent of them are:

  • powdery mildew;
  • gray mold;
  • root rot;
  • blackleg;
  • ascochitosis;
  • mosaic viruses.

Upon detection of the first signs of disease, the plant is immediately treated with biofungicides, and from powdery mildew farmiod or biosoda helps well. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to carry out preliminary treatments with drugs, and select only healthy seeds.

Aphids and nodule weevil cause great harm to the plant. These pests infect the leaves of the plant, which inhibits the growth and development of the annual, spoils its decorative effect. You can get rid of pests by spraying the peas with a tobacco-garlic mixture. Slugs in the rainy season are also greedy for peas, as well as for all plants of the legume family.

sweet peas in landscape design

Sweet pea is a climbing plant that forms many tendrils, blooms for a long time and has a pleasant aroma. These properties make it possible to widely use the annual in the design of the garden and plot.

Tall climbing varieties well suited for decorating arches, verandas, fences. With the help of artificial supports and plantings of peas, unsightly areas of the garden can be masked. Looks great in the background of the flower garden.

Low varieties can be grown in balcony boxes, on the edge of a flower bed or border. Peas go well with other annuals and pleasantly coexist with perennials. In the ecology of the garden, it brings tangible benefits - it enriches the soil with nitrogen, gives nectar to beneficial insects.

As you can see, if you provide this fragrant annual good drainage and timely watering, it will delight you with its flowering for a long time. Feel free to plant sweet peas in your area, growing from seeds is easy to do both in open ground and on balconies and terraces.

My task for the spring was planting climbing plant, which completely decorates an inconspicuous building. After some hesitation, the choice fell on sweet peas. Despite all the fears, the seeds quickly hatched, and I managed to plant young plants on my site.

The care and cultivation of this plant is not too easy, but I will not call it heavy either. The main condition is attention to the flower and competent care, in accordance with all the rules.

This climbing flower will quickly braid any support that comes across, forming a weightless carpet, the aroma of which will spread to the entire territory of the site. A variety of shades of inflorescences gives a great choice for creating a beautiful flower garden.

Sweet peas gained their popularity thanks to their delicate, one might even say fragile flowers and beautiful weaving. In many private houses you can find this particular plant in the gazebos, it is not surprising, because the liana has a number of advantages.

This plant is so unpretentious that it is quite possible to grow it on the balcony, and the flower will trail even along the loggia. If you observe normal watering, then a decent plant can grow in ordinary boxes with earth. If speak about positive qualities sweet peas, it is worth noting the following:

  • Excellent decorative properties, the liana can create an amazing screen on your site and make a magnificent facade out of a nondescript wall;
  • With the help of a creeper, you can make a good shadow in the place you need on your site;
  • If you have chosen a low-growing sweet pea variety, then it can be planted in a flower bed without resorting to support;
  • This plant has a faster growth rate than other vines and vines;
  • You can admire the flowering for a long period;
  • Growing is possible not only in the garden, but also on the balcony;
  • After cutting, the plant is stored for a long time, bouquets stand in vases for a long time.

Growing conditions

This culture normally tolerates almost all climatic zones, therefore it is grown in all corners of our country. Choose a site for planting sweet peas with good lighting, it’s not scary if there is partial shade on it, the main thing is that the winds do not injure the delicate flowers.

Well suited soil is moist, easily permeable and light. Heavy clay soils the plant will not tolerate, as well as the close occurrence of groundwater, and a strong accumulation of moisture. With a sharp fluctuation in temperature, sweet peas usually drop all foliage, and in some cases die altogether.

Before planting, the soil must be prepared without fail. Normal conditions must be maintained for the root system of sweet peas. When digging, add potash and phosphate fertilizers to the soil, compost to a depth of 30 cm.

Remember that this crop does not tolerate fertilizer in the form of fresh manure or nitrogen. The soil for the vine must be fertile and have a neutral acidity.

From gardeners you can hear the opinion that sweet pea is a capricious plant and its cultivation is not an easy task. In reality, dealing with planting and growing this plant is not so difficult.

So that growing sweet peas does not bring you great difficulties, you need to take into account some features, namely:

  1. Growing a vine with seedlings is more difficult than just sowing its seeds in open ground. Do not forget that the seedlings of this plant are very capricious and absolutely cannot tolerate cold. The root system goes deep into the soil, so it is sure to be injured during transplantation, and thin stems are also not easy to break. For these reasons, sweet pea seedlings are planted in the ground along with containers;
  2. Sweet pea seeds have a dense skin, which is why they germinate with difficulty and not at the same time. Experienced gardeners know a lot of tricks to speed up the germination process. Usually the seeds are pre-soaked, cut or rubbed with sandpaper;
  3. Young plants stretch very quickly in growth, so you need to tie them to a support as early as possible;
  4. Liana needs to be watered regularly and plentifully, as its root system lies deep and absorbs moisture in large volumes.

More details about this plant culture in the video:

Planting sweet peas

Sowing seeds should be carried out in March. Remember to prepare the seeds before planting, as they are hard to germinate. After any of the preparations, the seeds can be placed in damp gauze, sawdust or sand, where they will germinate. In this state, the seeds will stay for about 3 days at a temperature of 20 to 24 degrees Celsius.

When you notice that the seeds have begun to hatch, they must immediately be planted in the ground. Better to use ready mix soil rose. Regardless of the choice of soil, any of them must be disinfected with a strong solution of manganese.

For sowing seeds, a cup or small pots are usually used. Sowing occurs only in moist soil. In one container you need to place several seeds to a depth of about 3 cm.

If the seeds will be germinated in a common container, then between them you need to keep 8 cm of free space. After planting and watering the seeds, they must be covered with polyethylene or glass. Put the finished pots in a warm, well-lit place.

Decorating your garden with a delicately blooming and fragrant flower is not difficult. Sweet peas will look great in any corner of your garden, braiding the supports with a weightless veil and filling the air with a delicate aroma.

Growing from seed natural way breeding sweet pea. There are two options here:

  • seedling cultivation
  • planting seeds in open ground

The first method is rather laborious. Experts say that it is undesirable to grow pea seedlings.

Firstly, there is little light on the windowsill and young shoots will stretch a lot. Secondly, there will be difficulties with planting seedlings in the ground. The fact is that sweet peas have a powerful root system and when transplanting, you need to try not to break the earthen clod. Otherwise roots may be damaged. and the plant will die.

It should also be noted that the stems of young plants are very fragile. You run the risk of breaking it during transplantation.

The second method also has its own nuances. flower seeds have good resilience. At the same time, their shell is too strong. Germination takes a long time, and they sprout unevenly.

Many flower growers resort to various tricks: soaking the seeds, cutting the shell, rubbing with sandpaper.

Landing dates

When to plant annual sweet peas depends on the climatic conditions in your area, as well as the plant variety. Different types have different frost resistance.

The very moment of disembarkation should not be postponed. The growing season for this flower is long - about two to three months. Therefore, the sooner you plant sweet peas, the sooner it will please you. abundant flowering and unique aroma.

In conditions mild subtropical climate you can plant the plant in the ground in November. AT moderate In climates, it is best to plant sweet peas in early spring.

In conditions harsh Russian winters planting dates are shifted to February. Only you need to plant not in open ground, but in the form of seedlings. After the snow melts, seedlings should be planted in a permanent place. In open ground, seeds are sown in late April-early May.

How to plant

Soil preparation

If you decide to grow sweet peas from seedlings, you will need to prepare the soil in advance for planting. To do this, even in the fall you need prepare garden soil.

It is best to do this before the first frost. Store the excavated earth on the balcony or in another cold place throughout the winter.

A week before the intended landing, the earth must be brought into a warm room, it can be placed next to the battery so that it warms up.

Before planting seeds, mix it with peat soil for seedlings. After that, it remains to fill the boxes or cups with the resulting soil, pour abundantly and put on a warm windowsill. You can start preparing the seeds.

Seed preparation

Experienced gardeners prefer to prepare seeds in several ways:

  • seeds carefully rubbed between layers of sandpaper to weaken their natural shell
  • incised with small scissors the surface of the seed to facilitate its germination
  • soaked them before boarding

To soak the seeds, each sweet pea variety is placed in a separate container, after which they are poured with hot water. The water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees.

Before soaking, pay attention to the color of the seeds. Light brown seeds may die when soaked! They are best planted dry.

After a day, the water is drained, the seeds are covered from above with a damp cloth or cotton pad. With regular moistening of the napkin, seedlings appear after 5-10 days. Now the seeds can be planted.


Depending on the method of planting the plant, either seedlings or germinated seeds should be planted in the ground.

The advantage of planting pea seedlings is its early flowering.

When favorable weather is established without frost, sweet pea seedlings can be planted in the ground by transshipment. So that the earth does not crumble from the roots of the plant, the seedlings are watered abundantly and the walls of the cup are cut in order to successfully extract the root system along with the earthy clod.

At the landing site, recesses are made at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Seedlings are placed in these recesses, falling asleep with earth and compacting the surface.

For young plants, it is better to immediately put the supports, as the stems are very fragile. Perhaps at first you will need shading from the bright sun.

When planting sweet pea seeds directly into the ground, they act as follows. After the snow melts, if the earth is warm enough, the seeds sown 2-3 pieces at once in the ground.

In the ground, deepenings are made 2-3 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Cooked germinated plant seeds are planted in them.

Rules for caring for a plant after planting

For intensive growth and lush flowering after planting the plant in the ground, it is necessary to provide it with proper care.

First of all, it concerns watering. Sweet pea loves water, but does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water. Watering is recommended to be plentiful, but not too frequent. Enough 1-2 times a week.

Usually three top dressings are made for this flower.

  1. After the appearance of the first shoots, complex mineral fertilizer.
  2. At the beginning of budding, top dressing is necessary, for example, Agricola.
  3. During flowering fertilizer for flowering plants.

To adapt seedlings when planting seedlings, young plants should be shaded for several days. Then provide access to sunlight for at least 5-6 hours a day.

When planting sweet peas in a shaded area, flowering should be expected later and less plentiful.

young shoots need a garter. As a support, it is recommended to use twine or a net. With a garter, you can control the direction of plant growth and direct it in the right direction.

Does it need to be cut

This plant does not require pruning, as it is a climbing plant with flexible stems that lend themselves to the direction of growth. But for lush flowering, it is necessary to remove faded buds in time. This will provide more long flowering until late autumn.

At the end of flowering, before winter, the plant cut at the root and covered with sawdust for insulation.
Growing sweet peas is not as laborious as it might seem at first glance. A little care and maintenance is enough for the abundant and fragrant flowering of this plant.