Living sculptures in the garden, or a few tips on how to make curly pruning. Secrets of curly cutting of trees and shrubs Artistic cutting of bushes and trees

Topiary, or topiary (Topiary) is one of the oldest areas of landscape gardening art, which consists in the long-term formation of decorative forms from plants by growing trees, shrubs and semi-shrubs in a certain way and subsequent regular shearing to maintain the desired appearance. Creations can be very diverse - geometric, abstract, architectural or depict animals and people.

The word "topiary" has Latin and ancient Greek roots. From the Latin "topiarius" is translated as "gardener", "topiaria" means "horticultural art", and the Latin "topia" is a fresco depicting a landscape (miniature landscape). Ancient Greek origin is associated with the word "τόπος" - "place". The belonging of the roots of the name to such ancient civilizations makes it clear how ancient the art of decorative tree cutting itself is.

The founder of topiary art is considered to be a friend of Julius Caesar and Emperor Augustus, a gardener Knei Matii, who lived in the 1st century BC. BC. and for the first time presenting this art form to the public. The first written descriptions of topiary plants have their roots in ancient Rome. The Roman consul Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History, compiled in about 77 AD. e., and the poet Mark Valery Martial in their epigrams described the unusual trimmed green forms seen in local gardens. In the letters of Pliny the Younger (61-113 AD) there were descriptions of complex figures of animals and birds, inscriptions, initials of the owners or masters who created living splendor, obelisks, hedges that adorned the gardens of his Tuscan villa.

Despite written evidence, many historians believe that the fashion for topiary came to Ancient Rome from Persia and Ancient Egypt, where people preferred a harmonious combination of functionality and external form and actively applied this principle in architecture and landscape. Then geometric gardens with fountains, straight paths, decorative borders and neatly trimmed hedges and bushes became widespread.

Together with the Roman conquerors, topiary art also conquers the expanses of Europe, mastering new green landscapes. However, the harsh medieval times allowed the masters of artistic shearing of plants to practice their craft only in those territories that surrounded the gardens of monasteries and castles of feudal lords.

Some time later, in the Renaissance, the topiary receives a new round in its development. Then luxurious gardens began to appear in Europe with neatly trimmed borders framing flower beds and paths, bizarre plant labyrinths and entire green rooms formed by high walls of trees. Also popular were plants made in the form of a ball, cube, pyramid, cone, spiral, depicting people, animals and other intricate figures. In Italy in those days, every self-respecting wealthy owner considered it his duty to have an exquisite garden, where ordinary shrubs turned into green chapels, colonnades, and even cardinals created from foliage.

By the 17th century, the art of topiary was developing more and more and gaining strength - that century became golden for ornamental gardening. During this period, one of the first formal gardens was created by order of King Louis XIV - the garden of the Palace of Versailles, near Paris, which was created by the architect Andre le Notre. Despite the fact that the topiary at Versailles was very simple: low hedges trimmed in the form of a ball of tree crowns, obelisks, etc., they had many imitators, and their style was an example for many European monarchs for many years. In Holland, more complex designs were popular. It was this Franco-Dutch horticultural style, involving the creation of real masterpieces of topiary art, that after 1660 spread to the territory of England, where this trend was strongly developed.

The 8th century was not the most prosperous topiary for gardening art - sharp protests were directed at it, Pope Alexander ridiculed and harshly criticized it. Then there was a rapid return to natural garden landscapes. The art of curly haircut was persecuted, many gardens in England were even destroyed and burned. For many years, luxurious boxwood figures and hedges were forgotten and depreciated, and only in the 19th century slowly began to penetrate the gardens and landscape parks of Europeans. And, as it turned out, two completely dissimilar styles - topiary curly haircut and natural landscape landscape get along very well together, forming unique garden and park compositions. The end of the 19th century was the impetus for the revival of primordially English old gardens with topiary shrubs, yew hedges and neatly trimmed lawns. Thus was born a style that is now considered exclusively British.

A new impetus to topiary art was given by the introduction of the American compact style, which proposed the use of wire frames to create green sculptures. It was first used at Disneyland around 1962. Walt Disney used it to recreate cartoon characters throughout the theme park. This style of topiary is based on creating a certain shape from a wire frame, with which the plants get the desired look. This technique allows craftsmen to bring the most daring ideas to life, and provides an excellent opportunity for amateur gardeners to practice topiary art on their own. The frame topiary quickly gained a large number of fans and was regularly shown at various art exhibitions, festivals and other events on this topic.

Today, interest in the art of topiary has not faded at all, moreover, it has grown significantly and enjoys incredible popularity. Over the past decades, examples of curly cuttings of plants have been obligatory guests of international exhibitions dedicated to landscape art.

Gardeners distinguish two types of topiary art - traditional and American (frame topiary). The first involves growing a plant and then giving it the desired shape. The American species requires the use of a frame at the initial stage of planting. This technique works in three directions. The first is the use of a frame divided into its component parts, which makes it possible to fill its internal volume with sphagnum moss, which gradually hides the metal base. The result is a green sculpture that is attractive to the eye and touch. It needs to be trimmed periodically. In the second direction, peat is also added to the moss, which will be an excellent basis for growing other plants (climbing, flowering, etc.). The third direction is even easier. In this case, climbing plants are planted next to the wire frame, braiding the stems proposed by him. Filled figures need to be watered and fertilized regularly.

The classical process of creating green sculptures and figured forms is laborious and painstaking, requiring many years of tireless work. It is necessary to grow future topiary masterpieces from childhood, directing their branches year after year and gradually forming a crown, and then maintain the achieved result by regularly trimming extra branches and leaves. The shortest period for which you can grow a small animal-themed topiary is 6-7 years. The creation of a future masterpiece begins with planting and fertilizing the plant with stimulating top dressings that activate growth. In the second year, you can begin to form skeletal branches, and only after five years will the silhouette of the future topiary begin to take shape. The optimal period for pruning is the second half of February-March, until sap flow begins. A small haircut can be carried out during the growth of the shoots. Creating clear forms requires combining pruning with pinching fast-growing shoots, as well as removing buds that interfere with proper development.

The plants most commonly used in topiary art are evergreen shrubs and trees with small leaves or needles, producing dense foliage and characterized by the capacity for compact or columnar (e.g. conical) growth. The main types traditionally used for curly haircuts include evergreen boxwood, thuja, noble laurel, holly, members of the myrtle family, yew and privet.

Although wire frames are used to create many figures today, with the help of which the desired shape is formed faster, the traditional art form of topiary is considered the most revered, because it requires patience and a steady hand of the master. So using rich centuries-old experience and various modern technologies, you can create an unsurpassed original garden design.

The art of artistic cutting of bushes and trees is called topiary. The roots of this skill go back to the ancient world, but this technique gained popularity in the middle of the 15th century. Now not only professionals in the field of landscape design dream of mastering the techniques of this work. Ordinary amateur gardeners also try themselves in this matter. I became interested in topiary bushes and trees when I saw how well-groomed and original the garden with green statues was becoming.

What plants are suitable for topiary?

Almost every plant is suitable for cutting. But there are a number of shrubs that are widespread among topiary professionals. These include:

  1. Boxwood. The plant is poisonous, be careful. Requires trimming at least twice a year.
  2. Yew. Levels in spring and autumn.
  3. Holly. Due to the thorniness of the plant, it is perfect for creating a hedge or fence.
  4. Cotoneaster. It is pliable, but requires frequent haircuts.
  5. Privet. The most convenient option, you need to cut it once a year, in warm weather.

Before starting work, take care of buying and sharpening the tool that you may need. Among it:

  1. Secateurs. Your main tool will be needed for pruning branches. Choose a long-handled pruner, as you will have to do some of the work at a distance from you.
  2. Garden knife. Use it to trim plant shoots.
  3. Brush cutter. Needed to form a crown.
  4. Lopper. It will help with remote pruning of branches.
  5. Saw. Needed for thick branches and trunks.
  6. Metal frame of the desired shape.

There is a lot of controversy regarding the last point. Professionals work exclusively with scissors. But, despite this, cutting trees with a frame is now becoming more popular. Masters of their craft are advised to start easy. Practice the art of topiary on simple shapes (circle, oval, cone) before tackling more intricate shapes.

And do not forget that craftsmanship does not tolerate haste, the cultivation of each figure will take several years. Be patient.

Decorative cutting of bushes and trees includes several stages:

  1. Create a layout plan of the desired shape in order to understand the size and shape of the future shrub.
  2. Put the wire frame of the desired shape on the plant, fix it in the ground.
  3. When the plant grows and the branches go beyond the frame, trim the "extra" part. It is important to remember that you need to cut each branch that has come out separately. An example of using the frame is visible in the photo.
  4. For a year or two, regularly inspect the plant and align the branches along the frame.
  5. When the plant fills the entire volume of the frame, trim the last time and remove the frame.
  6. Next, you just have to regularly maintain the shape of the bush, cutting off the growing leaves.

To achieve the desired result, there are haircut techniques that have been successfully used by professionals. So deciduous trees grow 5-10 cm of branches per year, cut them in the spring, before the buds swell. At the same time, shrubs require frequent care, shearing is carried out 2-3 times a year. Conifers also have features, cutting bushes should always taper towards the top. Otherwise, you risk being left without needles on the lower branches.

And do not forget about safety, read in detail about the type of plant that you are going to cut. The resin of coniferous trees does not wash off clothes, and some types of thuja and juniper are poisonous. Any plant (coniferous or deciduous) is cut from the bottom up. After shearing, the shrub needs plenty of water and nourishment with minerals.

Mowing bushes is a job that requires attention and patience. It will take several years to create an original garden, labyrinth or hedge. But the result will exceed expectations. Your figures will be admired by the neighbors. And the realization that you made these creations with your own hands will add pride and warmth.

Curly haircut of bushes and trees allows you to add colorful accents to the landscape design that will attract admiring glances from visitors. Sheared figures from vegetation can act as independent objects or serve as an excellent addition to garden and park design.

For this, plants with a dense and lush crown are used. During the trimming process, it is possible to avoid through sections that will spoil the finished result. Most often, columnar arborvitae, evergreen boxwood or Thunberg barberry are used here.

On average, the age of the plant reaches from 2 to 5 years from the moment of planting. At this time, thick foliage is noted, which will act as a decorative figure.

How are plant figures created?

There are several techniques for giving a certain shape to the shrub. Here special garden shears are used for cutting bushes. They have a sharp base and tight clamps thanks to which they manage to control the force of pressure on the wood base.

What forms can be obtained in the process of cutting? There are several basic forms and models of green art. These include:

Ball. Two ways of cutting with garden shears for bushes have been developed here. The first is to give a spherical shape using a visually drawn horizontal line. After that, the side parts that are not included in the overall composition are removed. The second is based on the formation of a rounded shape and the removal of excess branches along the side lines.

cube. The technology of such a haircut takes place in several steps. To do this, use scissors for cutting bushes and grass. The tool has a sharp and thin base, which quickly cuts off all unnecessary.

Pyramid. Wooden guides are also used here, which are fixed at the base of the ornamental plant. When connected to each other, they should form a kind of cone or pyramid with a sharp top.

Cylinder. In the process of cutting, it is important to correctly observe the proportion of the volume and the guide line. A metal frame made of thick wire will help to facilitate the task. It is attached along the entire length of the bush. Extra elements come over the edges of the metal structure.

Spiral. This haircut technique is designed to create unusual shapes and compositions. It is designed for tall plant species. A wooden stick is fixed next to the stem. After that, the young plant is wound in a spiral. So, continue along the entire length of this base.

Each turn of the bush is fixed with twine. After that, a decorative haircut is carried out. The wooden base remains until the plant takes on a spiral shape.

What is the difference between pruning and shearing?

Pruning of trunks and branches is intended to update the external state of the decorative breed. Here, each movement is performed in random order.

The meaning of the haircut is to give a beautiful shape, which in the future will decorate the garden area. It uses special equipment and tools.

For example, to create a hedge, it is necessary to mold the plant base. It represents the vertical movement of the scissors along the entire growth line of the bushes. The result is a smooth green wall, which is used for zoning the garden area.

Decorative haircut includes several types:

  • topiary. Here they cut out the figures of animals or any three-dimensional objects;
  • trapezoidal. It is considered the most difficult. For beginner gardeners, it is recommended to make a wooden frame that will facilitate the task;
  • rounded. It is also distinguished by its complexity and beauty. The finished figure has smooth and streamlined lines. These figures are used for front gardens in a regular style. The haircut photo shows the best options for decorative garden decoration.

Before proceeding with a decorative haircut, it is recommended to carefully examine the condition of the leaf plates and the direction of the shoots. These criteria are the key to an ideal result.

Photo cutting bushes

Let's start with some theory...

Do you want to turn your summer cottages into a kind of aristocratic villa and impress your guests? Just plant trees and bushes in the garden, skillfully trimmed in a variety of geometric shapes.

Topiary is a formative pruning, with the help of which trees and shrubs are given the intended shape, ranging from simple geometric shapes (ball, cube, pyramid) to the most complex silhouettes of animals, people and fairy-tale characters. Spirals, letters and numbers are also popular.

Curly haircut requires a lot of patience. Before such a "living sculpture" appears in your garden, young shoots will have to be cut off for several years.

What to practice with a curly haircut?

To understand how much you will like hairdressing, you can first practice on broom kochia, an annual herbaceous plant up to 120 cm high. They tolerate the haircut of the Green Forest, Sultan, Summer Cyprus, Trichophylla varieties well. Working with kochia is a real pleasure. Closer to autumn, the bush will turn red and take on a very decorative look. At the end of the season, you can simply pull it out and send it to the compost in order to grow a new figure in this place next year.

Another great option for training is the small-leaved elm. The tree grows very quickly after pruning, so that all the flaws in your work will not be visible. This is also the main disadvantage of elm: the plant quickly sprouts new shoots, and if the form is successful, then in the future it will have to be maintained with frequent haircuts.

Conditions and care

Formed plants do not tolerate drought and frost. For most plants, it is better to choose a place protected from wind and bright sun. In autumn, the root ball and the base of the trunk are covered with an additional layer of earth or sawdust.

"Living sculptures" of complex shape should be completely covered with a cloth, because damaged shoots will be very difficult to replenish. In general, it should be remembered that shearing depletes trees and shrubs, so proper care, feeding and adherence to agricultural practices are so important for them.

Immediately after shearing, it is advisable to support the plants with stimulants. To speed up root formation, you can use zircon, and spray epin on the crown.

Do not forget to water and sprinkle the crown of conifers.

Expert advice

Fir and spruce form beautiful cone-shaped figures, but they retain their density only if they grow in the sun. In the shade, the crown will be quite loose. To obtain a dense form, pinch off growths annually, leaving 1-2 young needles. The easiest way to do this is at the moment when regrowth has just begun.

How to cut your hair

Simple figures with a good sense of shape can be cut without any eye tools. The plant is grown to the desired size, and then give it the desired shape, cutting off all the excess. Usually, this is how they give a spherical shape to various shrubs - barberries, derain and spirea.

If you cannot boast of a good eye, you will need a template made of bamboo sticks or slats connected with duct tape to work. The template is applied to the plant and all shoots protruding beyond the form are cut off.

If you plan a particularly complex figure, the creation of which will take more than one year, you can use a stationary template, which is a wire frame. It is carefully dug in at the planting site, trying not to damage the roots. The plant itself is placed inside the frame, and everything that is outside is cut off. The metal walls of the frame serve as clear guides for cutting. With their help, interesting figures are created from arborvitae and juniper.

On a note

There are ways to create green figures that do not involve haircuts at all. All that is needed for this is a frame modeling the figure. Just plant creepers around it, such as parthenocissus or ivy, and sprout along the wire. Soon the vine will braid the frame exactly in shape.

We cut on time

You can start creating a topiary form when the plant reaches the age of 5 years and its root system develops sufficiently.

The haircut is carried out during the period of shoot growth, removing no more than one third of the green mass at a time, otherwise the plant will start to hurt.

When using the frame, the shoots growing through the mesh are pinched, leaving 3-4 buds on the branch. Thanks to this, the plant begins to branch more actively, the foliage will gradually become thicker.

For cutting plants, you can use not only special scissors (mechanical or battery), but also an ordinary garden pruner. You just need to make sure that its blades are well sharpened and do not “chew” the cuts.

We cut a cone using the example of a shrub (boxwood)

All you need to create stunning effects is four bamboo sticks as a guide and a battery-operated hedge trimmer with high-quality, precision-ground blades.

1. Four bamboo sticks determine the shape of the topiary figure - just tie the top ends together with string.

2. The shape of the bush can be created faster using a battery powered brush cutter. This hedge trimmer has an anti-blocking feature that prevents the blades from locking up during operation if thick branches are encountered. Just cut off the branches sticking out between the bamboo sticks.

3. Now the sticks can be removed and the resulting boxwood pyramid can be corrected. It is very important to use a brush cutter with sharply sharpened knives to create such a figure, otherwise the leaves will break and brown spots may appear on the edges.

4. If the bush is under the bright rays of the sun after pruning, it should be protected with a special film so that the pruning site is not covered with brown spots.

We form a cone on a plant - photo

An interesting video - do-it-yourself thuja haircut after losing shape

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Boxwood, barberry, thuja and other conifers are plants that are grateful for a haircut, allowing you to create unique masterpieces of garden and park sculpture.

Sheared forms of shrubs set both an independent style of the site, and are perfectly combined with other styles - for example, with the landscape form of a country garden.

Technique for creating simple shapes

When starting to cut bushes, they first determine whether an existing plant will be used in the composition, or whether young seedlings will need to be planted. Mature shrubs need rejuvenating pruning before shaping.

Young growth before cutting should be well rooted. Therefore, they begin to work with garden shears only the next season after the preparatory work.

Beginning designers should first of all master the technique of creating geometric shapes.


This popular figure is not the simplest. It takes patience to create a spherical shape. It is better to start with shrubs that initially have a round crown. Bush cutting technique:

A simple solution is to form a cube and then trim the sharp corners.

Mowing bushes according to a pattern is convenient for those who form a spherical shape for the first time. The template is a pin to which a wire or a piece of plastic (plywood) is attached in the form of a semicircle of the required radius. Working Method:

Important! If it is planned that the ball will touch the ground only at the base point - during the preparatory period, only one central shoot is left on this bush. With a larger number of shoots, balls are formed with varying degrees of elevation above the ground.


The size of the cube depends on the number of plants that form it. For small figures, 1-2 bushes are enough, for large ones - 5-9 pieces. As they grow, the seedlings should look like a single bush, so they are planted around the perimeter of the future structure. For example, for 5 bushes, the landing pattern will be as follows:

Cube Cutting Technique:

    determine the area of ​​the base;

    vertically install slats in the corners, which will play the role of templates for the edges of the figure;

    at the desired height, connect the vertical ribs with horizontal crossbars;

    cut from top to bottom, stepping back 2 cm from the frame.

Roughing of the crown is carried out with trellis scissors, small stumps and twigs are removed with secateurs.

pyramid and cone

Formation is similar to the previous technique.

Rib guides are fastened at the top in the center of the future figure. Haircut start along the ribs from the bottom up. All faces are processed in turn at the same height, then rise higher. This technique allows you to correct haircut errors in time.

column or cylinder

The base of the cylinder is a circle, so the guides are placed around the bush parallel to each other. From above they are connected with a wire so that the diameter of the upper and lower planes are equal. They cut the plant from top to bottom, periodically examining the figure from the side in order to correct the length of the branches in time.


Those who have already mastered the topiary technique can proceed to more complex figures. The design looks spectacular in the form of a spiral - one- or two-sided.