Fiber cement panels for exterior home decoration production. Fiber cement panels for exterior home decoration

Everyone has long known that the facade of a house is the face of its owner. Therefore, everyone strives to make the appearance of their home flawless. I am one of those. Having not only private house, but also the dacha, I wanted to equip each of them in my own way. Of course, the facades had to be different. Therefore, going through the options, I decided that I would use fiber cement facade slabs. And below I will write why I stopped at this option for finishing the facade.

Facade finishing with fiber cement plates

What is the material famous for

Fiber cement boards are environmentally friendly safe material, and their composition contains up to 90% of cement. Thanks to this, they began to decorate not only high-rise buildings, but also private houses with cottages. Such panels are distinguished by their high strength, which is achieved thanks to reinforcing fibers and mineral fillers. In addition, the combination of sand, cement and reinforcing fibers makes fiber cement panels not only strong, but also durable, but resistant to corrosion and decay. And the fire resistance makes them even more reliable. I want to say that among all the other facing materials for the home, it was fiber cement products that won my attention, thanks to the huge number of positive properties and characteristics.

Fiber cement facade

Fiber cement facade slabs have the following properties:

  1. Fire resistance - in addition to the fact that the panels will not ignite under the influence of fire, they will serve as an insurmountable barrier for it
  2. Due to the excellent tolerance of low and high temperatures, called heat-resistant
  3. Resistant to chemical and biological effects of cement panels
  4. Not afraid of aggressive environment and mechanical stress

In addition, I liked that fiber cement products are not afraid of open sunlight, and ultraviolet does not affect them in any way. Facing slabs have a weight half as much as porcelain stoneware, which means that the load on the house will be much less, and the reliability and insulation will not suffer from this.

Fiber cement board textures

Important! A distinctive characteristic is the ability of the plates to self-clean. Dirt when it gets on fiber cement products is destroyed and then washed off by rain or snow.

With a large number of options for the facade, you can imitate a granite or stone finish, because specifications maximally convey the colors and textures of the materials that they imitate. Of course, the installation of slabs is very simple, with little experience and some skills, you can finish the facades yourself. However, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to leave all the work to professionals, they will definitely not spoil the appearance of the house.

Fiber cement panels for facades

Together with its properties, fiber cement material has a number of advantages that I highlighted when arranging my facade:

  • In the manufacture of tiles, autoclaving is carried out, and this serves as an obstacle to the formation of limescale.
  • No special preparation of the walls and their adjustment is required. Such a facade cladding will hide all irregularities and cracks, along with stains and remnants of old paint.
  • Fiber cement products are economical and at the same time their quality is not worse than other materials for the facade
  • Installation work can be performed at any time of the year
  • This finish protects the facade from various adverse weather conditions. The material is not afraid of UV rays, sudden changes in temperature and exposure to microorganisms
  • Any projects and design solutions can be done using fiber cement panels. There is a huge selection of textures and colors.

Using fiber cement for OSB panels

Very often OSB plates are used for facades. It would be more correct to call them OSB, but using the OSB transliteration, with in English, everyone is used to calling them exactly OSB panels. The use of such materials is possible for various purposes, not only for the facade, but also for the floor or walls. indoor space Houses. This is a very light, but at the same time solid foundation, which has recently become applicable for the construction frame houses... However, in any case of OSB you need to cover with something and depending on the scope of application, the coating can be different.

Fiber cement panels - facade finishing

If we talk about the production of furniture or, for example, about flooring in a house, then you can definitely paint the surface. But if it comes about painting OSB, which is located in the open air, for example, if it is a frame house, then it is better to use another coating that will firmly adhere to the plate and protect it from adverse conditions.
For exterior decoration frame house fiber cement panels can be used from OSB. By the way, very often OSB panels are used to level the walls of the house and of course after that they need to be covered. Simply put, for a surface covered with OSB panels, you can use materials that are suitable for wooden board... Thanks to the production technology, OSB boards are quite strong and even.

Fiber cement boards for exterior home decoration

Installation technology

Regardless of what type of fiber cement boards you choose, the installation technology will be quite simple and straightforward.

I will write the main stages of facade cladding with fiber cement elements:

  • The very first step is the preparatory work. I cleaned the walls from the old coating and revealed irregularities
  • After that, you need to dismantle all window sills and protruding objects, and the damage must be removed
  • Next, I placed marks in those places where the brackets will be located. The pitch should be 60 centimeters vertically and 100 centimeters horizontally.

Fiber cement slabs installation diagram

  • Then we install the subsystem. I used metal profiles because I don't trust wooden ones. But it's a matter of your desire
  • Before installing fiber cement products, it is necessary to install thermal insulation. You can use fiberglass and fix it using dowels with wide heads
  • Then I fixed the fiber plates with staples, but nails can also be used - it all depends on the thickness of the material. Do not forget that stoves need to be bought with a margin. During cutting, up to 7% of the material used can be removed
  • Between the plates, you need to fix the strips that will separate them, then you get smooth joints. Later they need to be sealed with a sealant.

Fiber cement slabs will improve the facade of the house

The cladding of the building performs not only aesthetic functions, it also contributes to additional insulation of the walls and their protection from negative effects. environment... Many builders now use fiber cement for such purposes. facade panels foreign and Russian production.

What it is

The uniqueness of this building material lies in the fact that it combines the most important qualities of facade coatings: strength, lightness and durability. This composite panel, which consists of cement, cellulose and natural insulating fillers.

Thanks to this design, fiber cement coating tolerates well high humidity and temperature drops. They are used for installing ventilated facades, covering buildings directly on the wall with glue and installing over plaster on a frame.

Photo - fiber cement panel

Depending on what kind of fiber cement facade panels you want to buy, their technical characteristics will change. Always look out for impurities in cement mortar, this information is indicated on the packaging of the building material. Some types contain quartz, which greatly enhances performance. Mica and even limestone are often added to the solution (for areas with high humidity).

Advantages of fiber cement panels for house facades:

  1. Despite the fact that the material contains cement, the boards are very light. This perfect solution for cladding houses with strip or pillar foundations;
  2. Installation is easy with your own hands;
  3. Now on the market there is a huge number of different facade panels. You can buy brick, stone and siding coverings;
  4. Durability. The average service life of fiber cement facade slabs is 30 years. At the same time, they are not susceptible to the influence of fungi and mold due to the large amount of natural absorbents in the composition and the special manufacturing technology;
  5. Low cost. Compared to other facing materials, fiber cement is one of the most affordable. Its sale is carried out in almost every store. building materials, as well as on trade Internet portals.

But the cover has its own limitations... Firstly, it does not look presentable on the facade of the building. If you are looking for material for finishing a summer cottage or utility rooms, then the front panels are ideal, but for a cottage in the city this is not the most the best solution... Secondly, unlike stone finishes and others natural materials, fiber cement must not be washed. Exposing him to cleaning products can be detrimental to him.

Photo - Japanese facade fiber cement sheets

Panel production

The manufacturing technology of fiber cement slabs is rather complicated; a special automatic line is used for this. The main material is cement and cellulose, therefore, their choice and composition are approached with special responsibility. These components are pressed on a rolling table. To obtain such a consistency, it is necessary to apply a pressure of at least 600 MPa to the raw material. Thanks to it, a rather dense slab is formed with a very fine structure, almost homogeneous.

This is the basis for future façade panels. Re-pressing is carried out for the constituent natural materials that form the inner layer of the coating. They are also skipped over the rolling table. The third stage involves combining the two finished coatings and obtaining a homogeneous board.

Photo - fiber cement sheets under a stone

After that, the material is treated with mixtures that will prevent its destruction due to water or wind. Also, the panels are given a certain appearance. The fiber cement sheets are then painted or varnished and packaged for further sale.

Video: Layout of fiber cement facade panels


As we have already said, such plates can be installed both on a pre-prepared frame and on the wall of a building. Depending on your needs and capabilities, you can choose any option, the life of the facade will not decrease from this. But the frame is now more in demand, since it can be used to organize a ventilated facade.

Photo - finished facade

Step-by-step instruction How to install fiber cement panels:

Some masters recommend after graduation facade works paint the joints with exterior paint to protect the fasteners from corrosion. We recommend that you inspect the facade several times a year in order to carry out repairs on time if necessary. Pay particular attention to sheet joints and corners.

Price overview

You can buy facade fiber cement panels in the stores of authorized dealers (for example, Japanese Kmew DT-Stone or Chinese Nichikha) or at factories of manufacturers, say, Rospan. Naturally, the products of the companies Nichiha and Asahi Tostem (Asahi) are also sold in online stores, but in this case, you will not be able to check the condition of the plates and their appearance.

It should be noted that the cost of imported coatings is slightly higher than the price for domestic counterparts. We offer to consider the prices for fiber cement facade panels Latonit P 1500x1200x6, rubles per m 2:

Many manufacturers provide custom cutting and coating design services. This is very convenient for finishing buildings with non-standard layouts.

Today's construction market offers many options for facade materials. One of them is fiber cement panels, which give the building a respectable look. In addition to their attractive appearance and the ability to mimic wood or stone surfaces, fiber cement panels offer impressive performance characteristics.

What it is?

Fiber cement panels are composite material for exterior decoration of buildings. They are based on fiber cement - a mixture of cement (80% of the composition), as well as reinforcing fibers, sand and water (20%). Due to the similar composition and characteristics technological process fiber cement panels are highly durable and durable. Another name is fiber-reinforced concrete panels.

Fiber cement appeared in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and replaced wooden buildings... The strength, fire resistance of the material determined its instant popularity. However, after a while, it was discovered that asbestos, which is part of the product, negatively affects human health. After that, the search for a safer recipe began, which was crowned with success. Today, fiber cement-based siding is an environmentally friendly, reliable, and in addition, a massively affordable finishing option.

It replaced plaster, which was previously used for facing houses and other buildings. In contrast to plastered surfaces, facades clad with fiber cement are distinguished by greater strength and resistance to weathering, better thermal insulation, ease of installation and a variety of available designs.

For the first time, the material was manufactured industrially in Japan, so it is not surprising that today this country is a leading leader in the production of fiber cement profiles. The quality of the product primarily depends on adherence to the recipe and technological features production. The raw material consists of cement, refined cellulose, sand, and special components. First of all, dry ingredients are thoroughly mixed and only after that water is added. Further, the raw materials are fed to the machines, where the texture of the future product is given by a special shaft.

After that, the raw material is pressed under high pressure to obtain a flat look. The next stage is heat treatment, during which calcium hydrosilicate is formed, the presence of which determines the strength and wear resistance of the panels. Finally, the finished panels are coated with compounds that ensure their moisture resistance, frost resistance. If we are talking about imitating a particular surface, then it is at this stage that painting and other types of panel decoration are carried out.


Facade fiber cement panels from different manufacturers may differ slightly in their characteristics, but in general they are the same. Fire safety is one of the brightest characteristics of the panels. Cement is not flammable, therefore, facade cladding guarantees complete protection against fire or melting.

The panels are moisture resistant (moisture absorption within 7-20%), and the presence of a special coating protects the material from the appearance of traces of corrosion on its surface. Fiber cement is characterized by frost resistance, without loss of properties can withstand up to 100 freezing cycles (approximately this number of cycles is calculated for 40-50 years). At the same time, it provides high thermal efficiency. The use of plates based on fiber cement can significantly reduce the consumption of insulation, and hence the costs, which is important when facing a private house.

Features of the composition and the presence of cellulose fiber in it, in addition to high thermal insulation performance, guarantee good sound insulation... Impact and mechanical damage allows you to clad with panels not only private houses, but also public institutions, to be used as a basement material.

The specified properties ensure the durability of the material.- its service life is on average 20 years. At the same time, even after several years of operation, the material retains its visual appeal. This is due to the resistance of the panels to UV rays, as well as the ability to self-clean.

As for the design, it is diverse. Colored panels are distinguished, as well as options that imitate stone, metal, brick and wood surfaces. At the same time, the imitation is so high-quality, the texture and shades of the simulated surface are so precisely repeated, so that it is possible to distinguish "forgery" only from a distance of half a meter.

Unlike plastic or metal panels, fiber cement counterparts are heavier. On average, it is 10-14 kg / m2, and for thicker and denser panels 15-24 kg / m2 (for comparison - vinyl siding has a weight of 3-5 kg ​​/ m2). This leads to the complexity of installation in the sense that it is impossible to cope with the installation alone. In addition, the large weight of the panels means an increased load on the load-bearing elements of the building, which means that it is only suitable for solid foundations.

Like all panels, these products are mounted on the lathing, which makes it possible to reduce the requirements for the evenness of the walls.

It is worth noting the wide scope of application of the material. In addition to finishing the facade, it is used as a windproof and heat-insulating material for main walls. It is used for operational finishing of frame and pre-fabricated structures, for arranging ventilated facades.


Fiber cement surfaces can imitate a variety of textures. The most popular are wood, stone and brick products. In addition, there are color options. The latter are usually presented in deep pastel shades.

Imitating brick and masonry the panels are usually made in shades of red, terracotta, beige, gray and yellow.

Special attention deserve panels, the outer part of which is covered with stone chips. They not only have an excellent appearance, but also increase the strength and frost resistance of the product. Such panels are a 3-layer cake, the basis of which is a fiber cement base, backside it is represented by a water repelling coating, the front one is a composition based on polyester resins and stone chips.

Dimensions (edit)

There is no single standard governing the size of fiber cement panels. Each manufacturer sets their own standards for material dimensions. In general, their thickness varies between 6-35 mm. If we compare the sizes of Japanese and Russian brands, then the former are usually shorter, but sometimes turn out to be 2 times wider.

For Japanese slabs standard dimensions are 455 × 1818, 455 × 3030 and 910 × 3030 mm. For domestic - 3600 × 1500, 3000 × 1500, 1200 × 2400 and 1200 × 1500 mm. European models usually have an even wider size range - from 1200 × 770 to 3600 × 1500 mm.

Due to the fact that each manufacturer produces panels in its own size, it is recommended to purchase the entire batch of one brand. This will avoid slab mismatch.

Manufacturers overview

As already mentioned, among the best fiber cement panels are products from Japanese brands. They are represented by 2 leading companies - Kmew and Nichiha members of the Panasonic group. Quality original products of these brands is beyond doubt, the wide model line allows you to find panels of the required design. The only disadvantage is the high cost of production.

Products Nichiha provides high-quality insulation, has a multi-layer coating and almost does not fade. Corner plates and metal corners, like other accessories, greatly simplify the installation process.

Slabs Kmew also consist of several layers. Upper - necessarily paint, as well as ceramic spraying. The task of the latter is to provide high-quality protection of the material from UV rays.

Attention deserves the Belgian trademark Eternit... The produced panels are externally similar to painted boards. The manufacturer also resorts to multi-layer coating of products. Upper layer- this is a colorful decorative (the catalogs contain 32 basic shades of material), the back is a waterproof coating that prevents moisture from penetrating into the thickness of the panel.

Russian-made products are trusted by buyers "Rospan", which has been manufacturing fiber cement panels for about 20 years. The material is characterized by increased strength and weather resistance due to a three-layer coating. The front side is covered first facade paint on the acrylic base and then a transparent silicone compound. Imitation of stone and wooden surface, which is achieved by 3-4 mm depth of the relief pattern. Due to this, it is possible to achieve closeness with the texture natural stone or wood.

Since the manufacturer focuses on compatriot buyers, Rospan boards are optimal for use in the Russian climate, including the northern regions.

Another domestic brand, LTM, has carefully differentiated its products, so finding suitable panels is not difficult. So, for cladding facades in regions with high humidity, panels of the "Aqua" series are provided. If you need to purchase panels of increased reliability and durability, models from the collections will become a worthy option. Cemstone, Cemboard HD, Natura.

Windproof slabs are characterized by an average density and are optimal for cladding high-rise buildings, as well as in coastal regions. Low density are heat-resistant products used for finishing buildings with increased requirements for fire safety... In addition, LTM boards have a wide range of dimensions. For facades large area larger panels are used. The service life of some of them reaches 100 years.

Feature of the company "Kraspan"(Russia) is unique elements subsystems required to install panels. The combined use of subsystems and panels allows you to achieve the ideal geometry of the facade, hide defects and irregularities, speed up and simplify preparatory work. In the collection of the manufacturer there are quite bright shades of panels, although calm pastels prevail.

Another relatively young domestic brand, Latonit, also receives a lot of positive customer reviews.

In their line you can find the following types of panels:

  • pressed painted plates (suitable for indoor and outdoor use);
  • unpainted pressed products (intended only for external cladding, require further staining);

  • unpressed unpainted panels (used for interior decoration, imply the subsequent application of paints and varnishes);
  • fiber cement siding (common siding profiles based on fiber cement).

In the collections, you can find many panels in bright colors, there are also pastel shades. In addition, the buyer can order the painting of suitable panels in the selected shade according to the RAL catalog.

In the next video, you will see an overview of fiber cement facade slabs of the A-TRADING company.

How to choose?

When choosing panels, give preference to those that come with additional elements and fittings. Such kits will cost more, but there is no doubt that the components and accessories will be compatible. It is important to accurately calculate the required quantity. facing material and do not forget about a small margin for scrap and pruning. As a rule, for buildings with a simple structure, it is enough to add 7-10% to the stock, for buildings with a complex configuration - 15%.

The weight of fiber cement panels is quite significant, therefore, a reliable and high-quality lathing is needed. Many manufacturers produce profiles for the assembly of lathing, which are designed for panels from specific panels of the same brand.

Many users consider it optimal when a set of panels, in addition to fiber cement plates, includes additional elements and accessories, profiles for creating purlins, acrylic paint for processing sections, as well as assembly instructions. Suspended fiber cement material necessarily includes decorative panels and metal profiles.

It has already been said that fiber cement panels are sometimes called fiber concrete. Such an ambiguity in the name should not confuse the buyer, it is one and the same material. It's just that some manufacturers prefer to call fiber cement slabs.

Japanese panels quite often have a glass-ceramic layer that provides improved weather protection. In this regard, products from Japan are more expensive. In addition, transportation costs are included in the price of products. Do not forget about this when buying - quality product can't be cheap.

On average, the cost of the material ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles per m2. The cost depends on the size and thickness of the panels, the features of the front side decoration, performance indicators, and the brand.

The installation technology of fiber cement panels is not difficult, but a number of specific recommendations must be followed. First of all, you should decide on the type of installation: directly to the walls on self-tapping screws or on the crate. In any case, you will need clamps, through which self-tapping screws are screwed. Cleamers serve to improve the fixing of the panels, as well as to hide the horizontal seams between them.

In most cases, lathing is used, thanks to which it is possible to maintain air gap, use insulation and do not strive for perfect alignment of the walls. For the lathing is used wooden bar or metal panels... The latter do not require special training, in contrast to the wooden counterpart.

Fiber cement panels for exterior home decoration are very common today. They are used for furnishing. These products have unique functional properties that make them so widespread and popular among consumers.

Positive features

Among the main advantages of the described products are environmental friendliness, which is expressed in their safety for human health. Among other things, these panels are durable and are characterized by high strength properties. It is the outstanding technical characteristics that make this material the most suitable for facades. For private buildings, such a solution is also the most acceptable for the reason that fiber cement does not burn and does not ignite. This indicates that from a fire safety point of view, this façade panel meets the most stringent requirements.

Fiber cement panels for exterior home decoration are versatile material... These products can be used in thermal insulation and decorative purposes... Quite often, fiber cement is used in the arrangement of internal partitions, if you have to work in industrial or residential buildings. Home craftsmen note another positive feature: the installation of fiber cement panels is very simple.

Installation instructions for ventilated facades using this material do not imply preliminary work on the preparation of the wall base. It should be noted that the cost is quite acceptable. The price is combined with decent performance characteristics, allows you to get panels that are suitable for the consumer who appreciates the properties of the material and knows how to count money.

Disadvantages of fiber cement panels

If you decide to use it for, then it is worth considering that this material has one significant drawback, it is not sufficiently presentable appearance products. Indeed, in a number of cases, the facade, which was finished with these panels, significantly loses in terms of external indicators to the walls faced with facade tiles, stone or decorative bricks.

However, experts note that this disadvantage is very subjective, because in the overwhelming majority of cases, finishing with fiber cement panels is optimal both from a practical and ethical point of view.

Characteristics of Nichiha Fiber Cement Products

Nichiha are manufactured in Japan. They have the ability to cleanse themselves. In their production, wood fiber, mica, as well as cement and quartz are used. They can be used for external and interior decoration... The surface of the panels is covered with six layers acrylic paint, as well as protective compound, which is distinguished by its water-repellent characteristics.

Japanese fiber cement panels of this brand can be purchased from different parameters... The thickness of the products varies from 14 to 35 millimeters, while the length can be selected from the two presented parameters, namely 1818 and 3030 mm. The width can be equivalent to 455 or 910 millimeters.

It will be very simple to work with canvases, because one sheet, the size of which is 455 x 3030 x 14 cm, has a mass equal to twenty two kilograms. The panels are able to withstand up to 300 freeze and thaw cycles, while the products will not lose their quality and performance characteristics.

Expansion and anti-static

Thermal expansion is not very small, therefore, with temperature fluctuations around 100 degrees, expansion occurs within one millimeter per one millimeter. running meter... These fiber cement facade panels are antistatic, which makes them self-cleaning. During the installation process, you can use nails that will allow you to attach the products to the wooden surface.

If you have to work with metal or then you can use self-tapping screws for fixing. If you have purchased panels with a thickness of 16 millimeters, then you must ensure additional mount hidden clamps. By installing these products, you can completely eliminate the problem of water ingress on the surface of the facade and the elements of the lathing. This extends the life of the materials and the entire building.

Features of panels "Latonite"

Are you interested in the Latonit brand? Fiber cement panels from this manufacturer also have high quality characteristics. They can be used not only for arranging ventilated systems, but also for installation ventilation shafts, balcony screens and boxes of sanitary cabins. On sale you can find all sorts of shades and factors that allow you to emphasize the individuality of the building. The products have good insulating properties and are also resistant to microorganisms and chemical substances... By changing the thickness of the lathing elements, you can restore absolutely any geometry of the building. You will be able to eliminate irregularities without first preparing the surface.

If you are interested in the Latonit brand, fiber cement panels from this manufacturer can be installed all year round, which will reduce heating costs by up to 30%. The products are resistant to ultraviolet as well as magnetic radiation. If we compare the frost-resistant qualities of fiber cement with those of bricks, then they will be three times higher. This allows you to provide an optimal microclimate for residential buildings, even in the coldest climatic zones.

Facade maintenance will be very easy. It has a smooth surface and is weather resistant. If water gets on the surface, it is distributed over the surface, leaving no dirty streaks. If there is a need, you can purchase panels of non-standard sizes.

Characteristics of Kmew brand panels

Kmew fiber cement panels are Japanese products. Such products are excellent for use in the harsh Russian climate. The manufacturer guarantees that the material will serve for more than 35 years without requiring any repairs. In the production process, not asbestos is used in the role of reinforcing fibers, but cellulose, which is completely safe for health. The products have a multi-layer photoceramic coating, which is the fruit of the diligent work of the technologists. If the sun's rays fall on the surface, then the base begins to destroy harmful organic matter and chemical compounds, excluding the occurrence of bacteria.

Features of fiber cement products "Rospan"

Fiber cement panels "Rospan" are manufactured in Russia. They are of excellent quality and are made exclusively from environmentally friendly components, including cement, marble chips, wood chips, liquid glass as well as antibacterial additives. The cost of such products depends on the complexity of the process.

The material is resistant to cracking. In order to achieve such indicators, dispersed fibers are added during the production process, which can reduce the quality of brittleness. Among the positive features, one can single out all the characteristics that are inherent in the above-described panels. Without changing the quality characteristics, the slabs can be frozen and thawed up to 50 times. The manufacturer gives a 50-year guarantee. On sale you can find products, the texture of which imitates brick, wood or marble.

Such fiber cement panels for exterior decoration of the house are also very easy to install, in addition, they have anti-corrosion characteristics. The canvases can be installed both vertically and horizontally.

Negative reviews about Rospan panels

Those consumers who purchased the described slabs note that the finish is capable of absorbing up to 10% moisture. However, this can be dealt with by installing waterproofing. Home craftsmen emphasize that the panels begin to deform when moisture gets in. However, here we can highlight the advantage, which is expressed in the fact that this does not destroy the material. You should work with such products carefully, as they have low impact resistance. However, it should be remembered that the facades of private houses are subject to little or no strong impacts.


If you decide to use fiber cement panels for the facade for home renovation, then it is important to take into account all the positive and negative sides material. This will help you do right choice, as well as prefer products of the brand that will last longer than others. This is the only way to get a facade that looks attractive and does not require repair throughout the entire period of operation. This should be taken into account by every master even before visiting the store.