Daylily varieties: classifications according to different parameters. Daylilies: the best varieties with photos and names Varieties and types of daylilies: with photos and names

The daylily is an excellent representative of the perennial ornamental plant, combining the sophistication of colors and an abundance of green mass. The choice of daylily flowers is very wide and varied. Many varieties are still quite “young”, but have already gained popularity among garden plant lovers. Due to the variety of species and forms, the daylily is used in any garden. His presence decorates the lawn, flower bed, he fits into any landscape style. Due to the unpretentious disposition, many growers prefer these amazing wonderful flowers.

The herbaceous perennial plant belongs to the Ksantorreev family and the Liliaceae subfamily. In their natural environment, wild daylilies have survived in the southern regions of Europe, China, Mongolia, the Far East, Western and Eastern Siberia.

The rhizome is fibrous, thickened, on the sides of which filamentous roots grow. The leaves are long, sword-like, green or dark green, narrow, with smooth edges, arcuate, curved or straight, with a central longitudinal groove. They grow from a root outlet.

The flowers are large, in most cases, funnel-shaped, six-partite, with a small tube. The color scheme is varied - yellow, red, orange, pink, beige and other shades. Formed on the top of tall, strong peduncles in groups of 2-10, in some varieties the number of daylily buds on peduncles can reach 20 inflorescences, sometimes even more. 1-3 flowers bloom at the same time, their lifespan is short, only 1-2 days. Since the flowers do not bloom at the same time, it gives the impression of a long flowering. On average, the plant blooms for 1-2.5 months. The fruit is a rounded triangular capsule with a small amount of dark, smooth seeds.

Peduncles are strong, smooth, “arrows” grow up to 1 m, towering above the foliage. One plant can produce 5-10 peduncles per season. In culture, daylilies can be of different heights: from 30 to 100 cm.

In one place, a bush can live for 5-10 years. Daylily flowers are combined with many garden flowers, and look great in single plantings.

Types and varieties

These amazing flowers are so popular that many varieties of daylilies can be found literally all over the world, with the exception, of course, in the coldest regions. There are about 70 thousand hybrid varieties of daylily; at present, many breeders continue to work on developing new garden forms.

Daylily is able to grow, striking with a variety of shapes and colors. Hybrid daylilies can be large and miniature varieties, the palette of colors is very wide. Hybrids are obtained through selection based on plant species. All bright garden daylilies are hybrid, differ from the “mother” species in a more varied, rich color, duration of flowering, and a variety of flower forms.

The classification of hybrid daylilies is carried out according to different criteria:

I. Genetic ploidy:

  • diploid: the number of chromosomes 22. It has flowers of an unusual shape, with delicate shades. Forms a large number of fruits and seeds (daylily varieties: Ed Murray, Little Missy, Fine Touch);
  • tetraploploid: the number of chromosomes 44. The flowers are large in size, the colors are the most diverse and rich. It is characterized by the best opportunity for vegetative reproduction (daylily varieties: black, blackberry candy, excellence, device choice).

It is worth noting that even in the same species of daylily, varieties can be representatives of double genetic ploidy.

II. Vegetation period

Daylilies are divided into evergreen, semi-evergreen and dormant. In regions with severe cold winters, dormant or semi-evergreen varieties should be preferred for planting so that the plant has time to rest and does not waste energy on maintaining life in cold period of the year.

I II. The beginning and duration of flowering

Many varieties and species have different flowering times - early, mid-early, medium, mid-late, late, very late. Hybrid varieties, in most cases, are re-flowering (remontant).

IV. Flowering type

Depending on how long the flower is open and at what time of day, there are:

  • nighttime: open in the late afternoon and do not close at night;
  • daytime: in most cases, ephemeral - bloom from morning to evening;
  • long-flowering: flowers are open, regardless of the time of day, for 15-18 hours (for example, daylily varieties, double river wye, blackberry candy).

V. Smell

Many types of daylilies, like any flowering ornamental plants, have their own scent. However, many varieties are odorless or very weak.

Vi. Flower size

The following groups are distinguished:

  • miniature, with a diameter of not more than 7.5 cm (daylily cosmopolitan);
  • small-flowered, with a flower diameter of 0.7-11.5 cm (daylily elegant candy, stroberry candy);
  • large-flowered, flower diameter over 11.5 cm (daylily final touch, epricot ruffle, anita darla, patrol canadian border, cape breton).

Vii. Peduncle

By the height of the peduncle, daylilies are divided into:

  • low, less than 30 cm (mini pearl daylily);
  • medium height, not less than 30 cm and not higher than 60 cm (daylily lallebay baby, lacey dolly);
  • semi-tall, from 60 to 90 cm (daylily fornication tiger; aftenun olweiss);
    very tall above 90 cm (yellow variety).

Peduncles are also divided by the number of buds. The maximum is fixed - about 40 on one peduncle.

VIII. Flower shape

The most popular are simple and double forms, however, the flowers of the daylily may differ in others:

  • simple: consists of 6 petals, upper and lower, more precisely 3 petals and 3 sepals, one pistil and 6 stamens. Flowers can be round, flat, informal, curved, stellate, triangular and tubular;
  • terry: has a large number of petals (daylily firecracker, Pritchard Susan Petit, Schnickel Fritz).

Terry varieties are divided in shape into:

  • peony look: daylilies have additional petals due to the degeneration of the stamens;
    multi-level view: created by several types of petals, it turns out “a flower in a flower”.
  • arachnids (spanders): large in size, narrow petals, a variety of colors, good acclimatization (heavenly daylily);
  • unusual shape: pleases flower growers with “exotic” types of flowers, the petals of which can take on ornate forms - twisted, curved, cascading;
  • polymeric: not the most common form, however, the flowers are unusually beautiful, have four petals and the same number of sepals;
  • multi-shape: combines a pair or more flower shapes.

IX. By color

From the variety of color shades in one group, daylilies with a similar color range are combined:

This group includes varieties with different shades of petals from pale pink to deep pink, pink-red (double pompom varieties, touch faynal, little missy, double classic siloam).

Outstanding representatives of the group (photo below the description):

  • Janice Brown: hybrid perennial variety, bush height up to 60 cm, width up to 80 cm. Leaves are numerous, basal, green, linearly curved. Tall, smooth, strong peduncles form a group of buds at the top. Funnel-shaped flowers, up to 9-11 cm in diameter. The petals crimped along the edges are distinguished by a delicate milky color, with a bright pink eye and a greenish lemon throat. Flowering begins at the end of July. Prefers sunny, light areas, with moderately moist fertile, well-drained soil;
  • Cherry Valentine: A perennial evergreen cultivar with narrow, long, xiphoid basal leaves. Plant height from 60 cm to 1 m. Repeated flowering period, from July to August. Flowers with a diameter of 10-15 cm, the petals are embossed, along the edges have openwork wavy folds with a scarlet edging. The delicate pink petals, closer to the center, have a crimson-scarlet spot, shaped like the upper part of a heart, the throat of the flower is yellow-green. Winter-hardy sun-loving variety;
  • Venetian Fringe: perennial rhizome herbaceous large-flowered variety, 30 to 100 cm high. Leaves are long, linear, green, basal. At the tops of the peduncles, many buds are formed, several pieces bloom at a time. Flowers are about 16-19 cm in diameter, double, serrated, delicate pink-crimson color with a lavender tint and a pale yellow corrugated border, the throat is green-yellow. Flowering period July-August.
  • Diva's Choice: Semi-evergreen perennial, hybrid cultivar. Height of an adult plant is 60-80 cm. Winter-hardy, light-loving, drought-resistant flower. A fairly young variety, bred in 2012. The flowers are fragrant, coral pink in color, with a yellow corrugated edge of the petals and a yellow-green throat. The flowers are very large, up to 17 cm in diameter, begin to bloom in July, flowering lasts 1.5 - 2 months, possibly re-flowering in late autumn;
  • Hall's Pink: The height of a perennial herbaceous plant is 60 cm to 1 m. Ribbon-like narrow leaves grow densely from the root rosette. Peduncles up to 55 cm high, dense, strong, smooth, a group of up to 10 fragrant flowers 14-16 cm in diameter bloom at their top. Petals are large, pale pink milky, with a lighter longitudinal vein and a yellow base. Abundant flowering can be achieved by planting a bush in a brightly lit place. The plant is extremely unpretentious, good care and periodic abundant watering responds with bright long flowering;
  • You are an angel: a miniature hybrid cultivar up to 30-40 cm high. The flower is 7-10 cm in diameter, double, pink-cream, with a red-orange center. The foliage is narrow, long, basal, favorably emphasizes the miniature flowers on straight, strong peduncles.
  • Get Jiggy: Expressive, unusually colored flowers distinguish this hybrid variety from other daylilies. The flower is up to 13-15 cm in diameter, pink-cream, with a kaleidoscopic eye, a corrugated raspberry-purple edge, a yellow-green throat. The height of an adult bush is up to 1 m. The flowering period is July and August;
  • Big Smile: Hybrid, lush blooming cultivar. An adult plant reaches a height of 60-70 cm. The flowers are up to 13-15 cm in diameter, in shape they resemble lily inflorescences. The petals are creamy, with pink frills along the edge, a yellow-orange center and a green-yellow throat. The flower consists of six petals - three internal and three external. Duration of flowering is 1.5-2 months, the beginning falls on the end of July, repeated flowering is possible.
  • Children Festival: miniature hybrid variety, no more than 50 cm high, 30 cm wide. Lily-like flowers no more than 12-15 cm in diameter. The petals are delicate, salmon pink, the throat of the flower is yellow. Blooms in June-July for 1.5-2 months;
  • Little Anna Rosa: a miniature variety, no more than 40-50 cm in height. Flowers with a slight aroma, up to 8-10 cm in diameter, pale pink in color, with a wavy creamy edge. Terry petals with characteristic red-burgundy veins, the throat is yellow-green. Flowering period July - August.

The group includes varieties with various shades of scarlet, carmine, burgundy, wine red, black and red (varieties berilish, jordan, sammy russell).

The most famous and popular varieties:

  • Night Embers: Perennial hybrid, flowering variety. The leaves are elongated, curved, pointed, forming a dense bush. Plant height 60-75 cm. Flowers are fragrant, funnel-shaped, six-partite, with a small tube, grow in a group of 2-10 inflorescences on top of a straight, strong peduncle. The life cycle of one flower is one day, but due to the large number of buds, the impression of a long flowering is created. Flowering begins at the end of July, duration 25-35 days. The flowers are large, up to 10-13 cm in diameter, double, with a corrugated edge of the inner petals. Depending on the lighting, the color of the flower takes on different shades. So, in sunny bright weather, the shade is bronze-brown with a golden bloom, in cloudy weather - a dark crimson color with a purple tint. Unpretentious, winter-hardy, drought-resistant, viable variety.
  • Fire And Fog: A beautifully flowering perennial hybrid. The height of an adult plant is 65 cm. The flowers are up to 13-15 cm in diameter, the petals are bright red, with a thin openwork golden corrugated border and a yellow-green throat. Flowering from July to August, the variety is characterized by repeated flowering. It can germinate in partial shade, but for lush flowering, it is necessary to select well-lit areas with fertilized soil.
  • Pardon Me: miniature compact perennial. It grows no higher than 45 cm, takes 45 cm wide. Small red funnel-shaped flowers with a green-yellow throat cover the bush with bright spots. The diameter of the flower is not more than 7 cm. The flowering period is July - August.
  • Highland Lord: perennial hybrid cultivar up to 60 cm in height and width. Leaves are green, narrow, lily, arcuate, basal. Terry flower, up to 13 cm in diameter, bright, deep wine-red, yellow throat. The flowering period is August - September. Photophilous, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, moisture-loving variety. Prefers fertile, moderately moist, drained soils.
  • Red Rum: undersized perennial hybrid variety, no more than 40 cm high. Flowering begins in mid-July, lasts 1.5-2 months. Flowers up to 7-10 cm in diameter, deep red petals with a light central longitudinal stripe, yellow-green throat, slightly corrugated edge. The bush blooms profusely in the light areas of the garden, the flowers are completely odorless.
  • Berrylicious: compact, flavorful perennial. An adult plant grows up to 60 cm in height, 50 cm in width. Flowering time July-August, re-flowering is possible. The flowers are very beautiful, up to 15 cm in diameter, dark cherry and red in color, with a purple spot. The corrugated edges of the petals are dark purple, the throat is yellow.
  • Black Stocking: height of a herbaceous, hybrid, abundantly flowering, aromatic, perennial variety 50-60 cm. The foliage is dark green, basal, long, xiphoid. Frost-resistant variety, no shelter required for the winter. The flower is up to 15 cm in diameter, maroon color with a corrugated edge of the petals and a yellow-green throat. Flowering begins in July. The cultivar is unusual due to its very dark flowers, almost black;
  • Black Prince: blooms in late July and early August, flowering duration 2.5 months. The variety belongs to spiders. The flowers reach 15 cm in diameter, the petals are dark cherry and burgundy, with a bright yellow longitudinal central stripe running from the throat to the end of the petals. The throat is yellow. A very expressive, spectacular bush reaches a height of 90-100 cm.
  • Night Beacon: a hybrid cultivar with velvety flowers up to 10-12 cm in diameter. The height of an adult plant is up to 70 cm. The flowers are very expressive, burgundy-purple in color with a bright yellow center, the throat is green-yellow. Abundant flowering in July-August.
  • Burgundy Love: A very showy, lush blooming hybrid cultivar, up to 45-60 cm in height. A double flower about 14 cm in diameter, with a bright, intense tart wine aroma. The petals are deep red-wine color, with a yellow-green throat. The first flowers appear at the end of July, flowering ends at the end of August.
  • Anzac: An odorless variety. Large red, lily-like flowers, about 15-18 cm in diameter, with a narrow longitudinal light stripe in the center of each petal. The throat is yellow-green. An adult plant reaches a height of 60-70 cm. From mid-June, for 25-35 days, blooms profusely, possibly re-blooming in autumn.
  • Crimson Pirate: belongs to the arachnid varieties. The height of an adult plant is 60-80 cm, width is 60-90 cm. The flowering period is July-August. Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, resemble a lily in shape. The petals are narrow, deep red in color, with dark red strokes along the entire length of the petals, a cherry halo around the yellow throat. The leaves are green, narrow, long, pointed, after the first frost they lose their decorative effect, as the foliage turns yellow and dies off.

Rosy Rhino: hybrid large-flowered, lush blooming variety, up to 60-70 cm high. Flowers about 15-17 cm in diameter, ruby-colored petals with a light stripe, corrugated edge, yellow-green throat. Flowering time July-August. One of the most popular varieties.

Purple daylilies

The group includes varieties from lavender and lavender to deep purple (entrapment variety).

The most popular members of the group:

  • Daria: perennial herb up to 55-60 cm in height. On tall green smooth straight peduncles up to 20 buds are formed. Green long leaves of a xiphoid shape. Flowers up to 15-17 cm in diameter, with purple-crimson petals, dark veins, yellow-green lush openwork ruffles along the edge of the petals. The throat is green-yellow. Flowering time from early July to late August. An unpretentious variety, grows well in partial shade, however, it blooms luxuriantly and abundantly in open sunny areas. Winter-hardy variety, does not require shelter for the winter.
  • Little Missy: A short, compact, semi-evergreen perennial cultivar that grows up to 40 cm in height. Medium early, abundant, long flowering from late July. The flowers are miniature, about 7-10 cm in diameter, dark purple in color, with a light, slightly wavy edge, a yellow-green throat. Peduncle up to 45 cm, straight, strong, rises above dense foliage. Abundant flowering from the plant can only be achieved in bright open areas. High winter hardiness, drought-resistant and moisture-loving variety.
  • Bestseller: hybrid, compact, flowering variety. An adult plant reaches 65 cm in height. The buds bloom in July, the last flowering occurs at the end of August, re-flowering is possible. Flowering type is daytime. The diameter of the flower is 14 cm. The petals are light purple, with a strongly corrugated lemon border. The throat is green-yellow.
  • Border Music: neat shrubs up to 65 cm high, up to 90 cm wide, with dark green, narrow, long, curved leaves that appear in early spring and stand until frost. On tall, strong peduncles, a group of flowers of 10-15 buds is formed, which bloom alternately in 2-3 flowers. Flowering is repeated, abundant, begins in late July and lasts 1-1.5 months. Flower up to 15 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped, creamy white, with a dark purple terry border and the same eye color, yellow-green throat.
  • Moussaka: hybrid large-flowered cultivar. The height of an adult plant is 55-60 cm, width is 45-60 cm. The leaves are green, gently sloping, long, narrow, basal. Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, creamy white, with a large violet eye and a double wide border of the same color on the inner petals, the core is yellow. In July, the first buds bloom and delight with their appearance until the end of August.
  • Summer Wine is a perennial hybrid 60-70 cm high, up to 50 cm wide. Leaves are green, wide, linear, long, basal, flat. Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped, large, bright lilac and crimson color with a prominent yellow throat. The petals are corrugated, wide, ribbed. You can observe the lush bloom from July to August. Frost-resistant species. Prefers brightly lit areas with fertile, moderately moist soil.
  • David Kirchhoff: Rhizome herbaceous perennial up to 65 cm in height. Leaves are long, green, basal, narrow. Flowers up to 14 cm in diameter, bright crimson-pink petals can change shade from light to dark, depending on climatic conditions. The pale yellow heart and the double corrugated border of golden color give the flower a spectacular, sophisticated decorative look. Blooms profusely from July to August. During the season, an adult plant can form 20-30 peduncles, each with 10-20 or more buds.
  • Catherine Woodbery: bush height up to 80 cm. Dense foliage gives the impression of a neat plant. Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, light lilac, with a wide corrugated edge. The throat is yellow-green. The flowers are very fragrant, which has gained popularity among flower growers. Flowering is medium late, the first flowers bloom at the end of July.
  • Lavender TuTu: the height of the hybrid perennial reaches 65 cm, the width is 45-60 cm. The flowers are up to 15 cm in diameter, they are distinguished by a delicate pink-lilac shade, with a wide dense corrugated yellow-green border on the inner petals, a wide yellow-green throat. Flowering begins at the end of July, possibly re-flowering in autumn.
  • Voodoo Dancer: the height of a flowering hybrid variety is about 40-55 cm, the diameter of the flower is 12-14 cm. A double flower of dark purple color, with a yellow center and throat. Abundant flowering begins in July and lasts 1.5-2 months. Re-flowering is possible under favorable circumstances. A very unusual showy flower.
  • Silent Sentry: A very showy semi-evergreen hybrid with bright purple flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, a corrugated edge, a rich yellow-green center that merges into the throat. The height of an adult plant is 40-60 cm. Flowering begins in June, re-flowering is possible in autumn.

Creamy pink daylilies

The large group includes varieties with shades from pale cream to apricot-melon, beige and white (blueberry honeycomb, moonlight masquerade).

Outstanding representatives of the group:

Pandora's Box: A lush blooming perennial cultivar. The height of an adult plant is 45-50 cm. The beginning of flowering is mid-July, duration is up to 45 days. The flowers are fragrant, 8-10 cm in diameter. The petals are white-cream with a bright crimson eye and a green throat, the edges of the petals are slightly wavy. A distinctive feature of the variety is that in cloudy weather the flowers remain on the bushes for up to 5-6 days, in contrast to sunny days, when they live only one day.

Blizzard Bay: Hybrid, profusely flowering, semi-evergreen perennial cultivar about 70-80 cm tall. Long, narrow, xiphoid green leaves grow densely from the root rosette, forming a neat bush. Peduncles are straight, strong, grow in a group, rise above dense greenery. Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, with white-cream petals, yellow-green throat, strongly corrugated yellow edge. Blooms profusely from July to August, possibly re-blooming in September.

Destined to See: A perennial evergreen hybrid cultivar. The height of an adult plant is 50-60 cm. The flowers are very fragrant, up to 13-15 cm in diameter. The petals are pale cream color, turning into an arrow-shaped lilac eye. The throat is yellow-green, on the inner petals there is a corrugated edge with a lilac edging. The variety is propagated by dividing the bush.

Sabine Baur: It has a very unusual expressive colors. Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, white-pink-cream, with a large maroon spot and the same color with a narrow corrugated strip along the very edge of the petals, the throat is yellow-green. The height of an adult plant is 50-60 cm, the flowering time lasts from July to August.

Arctic Snow: large-flowered herbaceous perennial, up to 50-60 cm in height and width. Leaves are dark green, dense, flat, long, basal, up to 50 cm in length. Peduncles are long and strong, growing flush with leaves or slightly higher. Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, with a milky white color and a yellow center, slightly corrugated edge. Flowering continues throughout the second half of the summer. The bush is compact, keeps its shape well. Unpretentious frost-resistant, drought-resistant and moisture-loving variety.

Gentle Shepherd: A semi-evergreen perennial cultivar. An adult plant grows up to 80 cm in height. The dense foliage is long, narrow, bright green. A flower up to 15 cm in diameter, with bright, snow-white petals, satin sheen and a slightly wavy edge, a green-yellow core. From July begins profuse flowering which ends by early September. The variety is distinguished by its snow-white flowers, without the creamy shade that is present in other white daylily varieties.

Cool It: semi-evergreen hybrid perennial, profusely flowering, herbaceous variety that reaches a height of 60-80 cm. The foliage is narrow, xiphoid, dark green, dense, basal. The first flowers bloom at the end of July, flowering duration is about 30-35 days. It can bloom again. The flowers are fragrant, up to 15 cm in diameter, white-cream in color with a yellow tint. The petals are wide, corrugated, the throat is yellow-green. Unpretentious photophilous, frost-resistant, moisture-loving and drought-resistant variety.

Ageless Beauty is a perennial hybrid, lush blooming variety. The height of an adult bush is 40-50 cm, the diameter of the flower is 10-13 cm. The petals have a wavy corrugated edge, pale pink or cream in color, with a red-crimson center. The throat is yellow-green. Duration of flowering from July to August, possible re-flowering in early autumn.

Ageless Beauty

Double Dream: double flowers up to 10-12 cm in diameter, delicate beige-apricot color with a dark orange throat. The semi-evergreen plant grows up to 60 cm in height. Retains its decorative effect throughout the entire period.

Matryoshka: herbaceous hybrid perennial variety up to 60 cm in height. Flowers up to 10-15 cm in diameter, crimson-pink with a bright light yellow longitudinal stripe, green-yellow throat and wavy edge of the petals. Petals with a strong compression effect. Throughout the summer, the plant is covered with numerous flowers.


Yellow daylilies

They combine varieties with shades from pale lemon to bright yellow, from golden to orange (Finders Keepers variety, ah it is America).

The group includes varieties:

Longfields Pearl: a hybrid perennial, grows up to 50 cm in height. Peduncles rise above dense foliage, reaching 60-65 cm in height. The flowers are about 9-11 cm in diameter, pale yellow or creamy white with a green-yellow eye and green throat. Medium early flowering period, rather long. Light open areas are required for abundant flowering. Landing in partial shade is allowed. Moisture-loving variety, winter-hardy. Landing time for middle lane Russia - May or August.

Longfields pearl

Bertie Ferris: miniature hybrid compact cultivar up to 50 cm high. The foliage is dark green, narrow, long, growing from a root rosette. The flowers are very fragrant, funnel-shaped, monotonous apricot-orange in color, with a corrugated border along the edge of the petals. From July to August, the bush is covered with lush flowers. Prefers loose, fertile, moderately moist soil.

Mauna Loa: hybrid perennial 65-80 cm high. Leaves are long, xiphoid, narrow, arcuate. At the top of a tall, dense, strong peduncle, buds are formed, which open several pieces at a time. Solid, intense fiery orange flower with a small pale yellow throat and darker veins. The narrow edges of the petals have a slightly wavy appearance. Flower diameter 10-13 cm, flowering period June-July, can bloom again. Abundant flowering is observed only in brightly lit areas.

Bonanza: a flowering hybrid cultivar, the height of an adult plant is 60 cm. The petals are bright yellow with cherry red strokes in the central part, turning into a yellow throat. Flowers with a diameter of 13-15 cm begin to bloom massively from late June or early July. Under favorable conditions, re-flowering in the fall is possible.

Frans Hals: a characteristic feature of the hybrid perennial variety in the two-tone color of the flower - the inner petals are bright red with a bright yellow central longitudinal stripe, the lower petals are golden-orange. The diameter of the flower is 10-12 cm. The height of an adult plant is 55-65 cm. In late summer - early autumn, abundant flowering begins. Widespread among florists. It is winter-hardy, but shelter will not hurt in the cold season.

Frans Hals

Orange: is an evergreen species. On high peduncles exceeding the growth of the bush, 2-10 spreading inflorescences are formed, while 1-3 flowers bloom at the same time. Some views are not closed at night.


Yellow: a beautifully flowering perennial cultivar. Another name: krasodnev, yellow lily. Height up to 1 meter. Leaves are green, narrow, long, up to 75 cm. Flowering period from mid-July to late August. Fragrant funnel-shaped flowers consist of 5-6 large petals. The flowers of the yellow daylily are yellow, golden, orange and even red.

Calico Jack: the height of an evergreen bush is 65-70 cm. The plant is decorative throughout the year. A flower up to 15 cm in diameter, bright yellow with a burgundy eye and a wavy edge of the same color. Very fragrant with a rich aroma. Duration of flowering up to 45 days, starting in July. 20-25 buds are formed on one peduncle. Dissolving 2-4 pieces at a time, it gives the impression of continuous profuse flowering.

Apricot Beauty: compact, very neat bush up to 60-80 cm in height. Numerous double flowers up to 10-13 cm in diameter, arranged in groups on tall, straight peduncles. The petals are orange-apricot, with characteristic red longitudinal strokes and strokes in the center, the edge of the petals is slightly corrugated. The first flowers appear at the beginning of summer and fill the garden with bright flowers for 1.5 months. Re-flowering is possible in mid-September.

Mini Stella: miniature hybrid cultivar, reaches a height and width of no more than 30 cm. Flowering period July-September. Small funnel-shaped fragrant flowers no more than 3 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is pale yellow, smoothly passing to an orange-yellow eye. The throat is yellow-green. They are used mainly for decorating borders, planted in flower beds in the foreground, in group plantings on alpine hills.

Mary Brown: A perennial hybrid. An adult plant reaches 50-60 cm in height. Double flower up to 12-14 cm in diameter, petals of soft pink, red and orange shades, medium degree of corrugation along the edge. The central spot is brick red, the throat is yellow-green. The flowering period is late July - early August.

Happy Hooligan: hybrid, flowering miniature terry variety. An adult plant reaches a height of 45-60 cm. Flowers up to 10-13 cm in diameter, red-brown, yellow-cream shades, with slightly wavy edges of the petals. The flowering period occurs in May-August, under favorable conditions, repeated flowering in autumn is possible. Has a delicate aroma.

Plant care

The plant is extremely unpretentious, however, in order to obtain a good bright flowering, care for daylilies should include: watering, loosening, weeding, feeding, preparing in the fall for winter. Many gardeners cannot agree on whether the daylily needs pruning in the fall or not. Many people grow daylilies as a weed plant, since it is completely undemanding. Many people call the daylily a plant for lazy people. Florists, out of love for a bright flower, create the most comfortable conditions for the full disclosure of the plant's potential.

The soil

Daylilies are grown on any soil, however, for better growth and development, they are planted in open ground with neutral and slightly acidic soil. The flower will grow well on alkaline and highly acidic soils. Lime is added to the soil to lower the acidity of the soil.

It is preferable to choose fertile, loose soil. Clay soils are not suitable, because of the high probability of stagnant water, leading to decay of roots in plants. Sandy soil is also not suitable, as it is poor in nutrients.


With the right choice of a planting site in the open field, care for the daylily will be minimal. The main criterion for choosing a location is a large sunny area. In a bright, spacious place, the bushes give out the maximum number of peduncles and buds, however, with light shading, although there will be a little less flowers, they will be more saturated in color (this rule applies to flowers with bright colors).


A moisture-loving plant that actively responds to watering. Experienced gardeners recommend watering it in the evening and only under a bush, otherwise unwanted spots on the buds may appear. Water it 1-2 times a week with a little water, so that the moisture reaches the deepest roots. For timely and abundant watering, the plant will thank you with a lush bright flowering.

Top dressing

The question of fertilization depends on the fertility of the soil of the site. Daylilies are not at all capricious plants, they steadily tolerate the absence of any fertilizers. They respond with gratitude to various kinds of feeding. To obtain a healthy strong bush, fertilize daylilies twice a year.

The first time - before the start of active growth, in the middle of spring. This will help the bush grow green mass and build up the strength for a lush bloom. A dry complex mineral dressing is introduced, after which the soil is well shed. Care must be taken not to get dry granules on the sheet plates.

Fertilize the second time 20-30 days after flowering. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are suitable for this purpose, which stimulate the formation of flower buds and the formation of a large number of shoots for the next year. It should be remembered that an overdose of nitrogen-containing fertilizers can provoke an increase in green mass to the detriment of flowering. You need to be very careful with nitrogen fertilizing or refuse them altogether.


To reduce soil moisture loss, suppress weed growth, prevent soil overheating, and simply as design move, the soil around and under the bush is mulched.

With fertile soil and an excess of nitrogen in the soil, the bark of trees (pine, larch) is used, since decomposing, it draws out excess nitrogen from the soil. Mulch also river sand, laying it in a layer of 3-5 cm. With poor soil, you can lay compost. If mulching is not carried out, then the soil around the bush must be periodically loosened, weeds removed.

When fertilizing, the mulch is pushed aside, and after the procedure is placed in place. In the spring, it is worth waiting with the laying of the mulch, it is necessary to allow the sun to warm the soil and by the middle to the end of May, the mulch is returned to the ground.


Many gardeners disagree on whether to prune daylilies in the fall or spring, and whether or not to prune at all. There is no definite answer to this question. Daylilies are quite adapted plants, they are able to winter quietly without shelter and pruning.

Many consider pruning the daylily not only as preparation for winter, but also as prevention of fungal diseases. Striped leaves are one of the ailments of the plant, since many pests hibernate on dried leaves and at the base of the bush. If you do not remove the infected parts of the plant in the fall, then there is a high probability of infection of the daylily in the spring.

In order not to harm the bush, pruning is carried out at least 10-15 cm from ground level. Do not prune too early, otherwise you can provoke the growth of new leaves, which is completely undesirable on the eve of winter. Pruned at the end of October, after the first frost, when the cold weather has already established. If it is decided to prune in the spring, then at least the dried peduncle and old dry, diseased leaves should be removed in the fall.

Post-flowering care

Depending on the type of variety, daylilies require different care after flowering. So, dormant varieties go into dormancy in the fall, the leaves turn yellow and die off, it is better to cut the plants before winter and cover them. Semi-evergreen varieties, depending on climatic conditions, behave differently - in warm regions, like evergreens, in cool climates, like dormant, deciduous ones. Their leaves turn yellow, but growth does not stop completely. It is better to wrap up faded daylilies in warm regions with little snowy winters. Be sure to cover young plants, the main thing is not to forget to remove the shelter in early spring, since the plants wake up early.

Why the daylily does not bloom

Many inexperienced gardeners complain that having planted a bush on the site, they cannot achieve its flowering. There are several reasons why the daylily does not bloom. Perhaps the young bush was "strangled" by the weeds. In the first year, you should rid the area around the daylily of unwanted plants. Over time, an adult bush, growing, itself will not give a chance for weeds to breed.

Due to the poor soil, the daylily does not have enough strength to put out flower stalks. The daylily should be fed with potassium and phosphorus in the spring, and organic matter in the fall. When the plant is “overfed” with nitrogen fertilizers, daylilies grow, increasing the green mass to the detriment of flowering. Pruning for flowering daylilies is essential because old leaves make it difficult for new ones to grow.
The reason for the lack of flowering may be a not very well chosen place where the plant does not have enough sunlight. This also applies to improper planting, including when the bush is dug too deep. Also, the daylily will not bloom if the variety is not suitable for the climatic zone.

Diseases and pests

Although the daylily is relatively hardy, resistant to weather changes and external factors, the bush, however, can also be attacked by insect pests and affected by a number of diseases. Withering of plants, tissue necrosis, decay, burns, growths - all this indicates the problem of the care and maintenance of the flower.

Bacterial or viral disease sharply worsens the condition of the bush for several days. In this case, the affected plants are dug up and destroyed.

Noncommunicable diseases flow more slowly. They arise due to unfavorable environmental conditions. In general, the daylily has natural endurance. The disease occurs due to a decrease in immunity against a background of stress caused by negative growing conditions, for example, with a lack or excess of moisture and fertilizers, unsuitable temperature (low or too high), excess or lack of insolation, with air pollution, drafts and strong winds, exposure chemicals, winter injuries, incorrect and untimely transplant, too close planting.

Fungal diseases cause spotting of leaves, peduncles, seed bolls. The first sign of fungal disease is the presence of a fluffy felt plaque, or the formation of spots.

Striped leaves manifests itself as yellow blotches or stripes along the central vein, which eventually turn red or brown. Only the decorative appearance of the plant suffers.

Rust appears on the leaf blades and buds in the form of pustules with a yellow-orange powder. The plant slows down in development, leaves fly around, a new peduncle does not form.

Fusarium is a fungal disease that manifests itself in the form of wilting of the stems, darkening of the root collar and yellowing of the leaves.

Treatment for fungi is carried out at the initial stages of the disease using fungicides. Prevention and proper care will help avoid infection.

Viral diseases arise from getting into wounds and sections of microorganisms, viruses. There are a lot of symptoms of a viral disease, many confuse them with fungal and bacterial diseases. The plant can be infected by the tobacco ring spot virus, which is transmitted through inventory during division, or by insects, pollen, seeds. The disease manifests itself in the form of strokes on the leaf blades. The same spots can arise from insect pests, with a lack of nutrients in the soil, fertilizer burns. Viral diseases are not easy to identify.

Root collar rot occurs due to infection, rare loosening, dense soil, improper deep planting, winter injuries. At the same time, the leaves of the bush die off and turn yellow, the root collar becomes soft, an unpleasant odor appears. Prevention of rot - a moderate amount of nitrogen fertilizers, a good drainage layer, excluding stagnation of water, dry the roots of plants well when planting. When a disease is detected, the plant is dug up, washed from rot, the plant is kept for 15-20 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, before planting, the roots are dried in a dark, dry room.

Of the pests, the plant is attacked daylily mosquito that lays eggs in flower buds in early summer. At the same time, the buds wither, slow down in development, small larvae appear in them - white worms. The buds with larvae fall to the ground, where the worms pupate and stay underground until next spring. Using chemicals to control pests is useless in this case, since the mosquitoes hide inside the bud. The best remedy is to collect manually damaged, deformed buds and then destroy them.

Small insects thrips can cause discoloration of leaves, the appearance of streaks, and dropping of buds. They multiply well in the axils of the leaves and between the petals in dry weather. The best prevention is regular watering.

Also, plants are attacked by aphids and slugs. Some pests can be controlled with insecticides.

Planting and breeding

Planting and caring for a daylily is a completely simple matter, even a novice gardener can handle it.

Daylilies reproduce by seed and vegetative methods (by layering, dividing the bush). The seed method is only suitable for species as the traits are preserved mother plant... This method is used mainly by breeders, since the process is very long and painstaking. Daylily seeds are not suitable for long-term storage, they require long-term stratification. Seeds are planted in late autumn to a depth of 2 cm. by seed method, comes in 2-3 years. Hybrid varieties are propagated by layering and dividing the bush.

Planting a daylily in the ground should not cause any difficulties. It is carried out in early May. The division of the bush is carried out in the spring, as soon as the snow melted, the first green leaves appeared. If you resort to the procedure at a later period, the bush will suffer and may not bloom due to stress. Daylilies should be planted in autumn no later than 4-6 weeks before the first frost.

Divide the bushes at the age of 4-5 years. When dividing a bush over 7-10 years old, only plots from the periphery of the bush take root well, since they have many young roots. Parts taken from the middle of the bush require preliminary processing before planting (old roots are removed, shortened). For better survival, the plots are grown on seed beds for 1-2 years, after rooting they are transplanted to a permanent place.

After flowering, small rosettes are formed in the axils of the leaves on the flower stem - these are layering, they are also called airy. For reproduction in this way, it is necessary to leave the peduncle on the bush for as long as possible, almost until it dries. At the same time, the rosette grows better, accumulates vitality, and gives roots. Cut off the outlet 4-5 cm above and below the node. If there are no roots at the outlet, the layers are dipped in a glass of water until they are formed. If the roots are formed, then the cutting is immediately planted in the ground or in a pot so that the roots of the outlet are completely covered with a layer of earth. If there is still 2-2.5 months before the first frost, the layers are planted immediately in the ground and looked after like an adult bush.

When planting in a permanent place in open ground, the site is pre-dug up, loosened, a hole is dug up to a depth of 30 cm, in width several times the size of the root system of the seedlings. In the middle of the hole, a small dense cone-like hill is created, and a young bush is placed on it. The roots should be gently spread downward, as if framing the hill. Fertilizers are applied to the hole, the roots are carefully buried, and compacted in the area of ​​the root socket. It is necessary to ensure that the root collar is dug no more than 3 cm. After planting, the bush is moderately watered.

When to replant daylilies in autumn

Daylilies are transplanted to another place when it is necessary to divide the bush, or it has become stingy with flower stalks, has lost its decorative appearance. The time when to replant daylilies in the fall should be chosen accurately enough, no later than 4-6 weeks before frost, so that the planted daylilies have time to adapt and take root. You should start transplanting only after the flowering period. Planting is best done in warm, sunny, dry weather. The bush is dug up, divided, planted in a new place at a distance of 50-70 cm from each other. If done correctly, the plant will bloom in the coming season.

Daylily transplant in spring

The best time for spring planting is April or May, when young shoots of the branch are 8-10 cm. The bush must be dug along the outer border of the root system, taking care not to damage the roots. After that, the rhizome is washed out with a strong stream of water, the bush is carefully pulled out, supporting the roots and dividing them into plots. If the plant is adult and manual separation is impossible, then a knife is used, while the cut site must be immediately treated with a fungicide. Transplanting a daylily in spring allows the plant to propagate with the least stress.

Daylily seedlings can easily tolerate the absence of soil for up to two weeks. This ability can come in handy when it is impossible to plant seedlings immediately, as well as when buying seedlings in a specialized flower shop... It is enough to provide the seedlings with a cool place or dig in with sand, then the plant will not have time to grow. Before planting, the seedlings are placed in water for a couple of hours. With a successful planting of the daylily in spring, flowering can be expected in the same summer.

Application in landscape design

Daylily is a very popular and demanded flower. He will enrich and decorate any garden with his lush green mass, rich in color palette. This versatile plant will find a place in any garden landscape design. The daylily hybrid, because of the bright various colors, looks harmonious in any flower garden, both as borders along the border of the site and near water bodies, and in any corner of the garden.

The choice of location for the daylily depends on several factors. When drawing up a large flower garden of daylilies, the first rows are given to undersized and medium-sized varieties, since they can simply get lost in the background and among high varieties. Tall varieties are planted in the background. You should combine varieties with a close flowering period. Plants with dark flowers are placed in the foreground, light ones in the background.

When decorating mixborders with daylilies, flowers such as roses, dahlias, loosestrife are combined, as well as veronica long-leaved, agapanthus, geranium, cuff and others. Compact, low-growing varieties in the company with wormwood and nettse are well suited for creating ridges. Bulbous flowers (tulips, hyacinth, crocuses, irises) look good next to them. They are planted around lush bushes daylilies, which will not only emphasize the beauty of the flower garden, but also fill the garden with a fragrant, pleasant aroma.

The genus of daylilies has been popular with gardeners for several centuries.

From the original 15 species found in the East and Central Europe, thanks to breeding work, more than 35 thousand hybrids have been obtained.

No other plant can match it in the variety of shapes, colors, sizes and heights of flowers.

Daylily or krasodnev is a perennial flower that forms a dense accumulation of herbal foliage with vertical stems, on which tubular or bell-shaped flowers are located in groups.

Individually, they are short-lived, but each plant produces multiple peduncles that give the impression of continuous flowering throughout the month. And if you plant several varieties with different blooming times, then they will delight with graceful flowers from May to August.

Caring for him is easy, and the daylily itself is hardy. Sometimes it seems that it grows by itself.

Using flowers in landscape design

In landscape design, daylilies are one of the most demanded plants.

Preference is given to varieties of daylilies, which are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, the ability to grow both in the open sun and in partial shade, and disease resistance.

They will take their rightful place in the curbs, the area near the paths and facades of houses. However, it should be borne in mind that varieties with purple hues in the bright sun change color, and spots appear on the leaves.

The flower looks amazing in single and group plantings. When drawing up a flower bed, its height must be taken into account.

Dwarf and low varieties are planted in the foreground. Terry, dark-colored or patterned flowers look especially interesting. Everyone will certainly want to admire such beauty.

The most popular varieties and types of plants

Do not forget about colors and shapes, they must be harmonious. Despite the huge variety of hybrids, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Monochromatic... The petals are of the same color.
  2. Multicolor... The flower has at least three different colors.
  3. Two-tone... The outer and inner petals differ in color saturation.
  4. Bicolor... External and internal petals have different colors.
  5. Contrasting daylilies... The flower, in addition to the main color, has a pattern in the form of a hoop, an eye, a halo or a watermark.

In shape, flowers are:

  1. Rounded... The flower has wide petals that go over each other.
  2. Triangular... The outer pointed petals are strongly bent.
  3. Star-shaped... Pointed petals go slightly behind each other or touch slightly. This form is typical for natural species.
  4. Terry... The flower has more than 6 petals.
  5. Arachnids and orchids... The petals are narrow and long.

It is no coincidence that the daylily is the basic element of a flower garden. In addition to a huge selection of hybrids, it is resistant to various diseases, rarely suffering from pest attacks. Suppresses weeds. Grows in one place up to 15 years.

Today there are about 80,000 varieties of daylily and several species... In order not to get lost in the variety when buying, you need to build on the climatic conditions and the growing season.

In the photo selection you can see all the variety of daylily varieties.

Flowers have different dormancy periods. Dormant or deciduous varieties of daylilies are best suited for temperate climate... They overwinter well under the snow.

At the end of the season, their leaves die off, and in the spring they wake up with the first warm rays. Semi-evergreens adapt to different climatic conditions; both dormant and evergreen flowers can behave.

Evergreen varieties do not lose their foliage. They are grown in areas with mild climates.

In regions with frosty winters, flowers do not always bloom, grow poorly and often die.

Often on the packaging with rhizomes you can find the characteristic "ploidy" - the number of sets of chromosomes in a flower. It has 22 chromosomes - diploid type or 44 - tetraploid. This parameter is important for breeders who are developing new varieties.

But even a simple grower should pay attention to ploidy, since it affects the price of the same variety. Tetraploid plants are more expensive than diploid plants. If you are not going to develop new varieties, then there is no point in overpaying.

Gardeners use both old proven species and new hybrids.

Traditional natural species are characterized by: a limited palette (mostly yellow shades), small flowers with narrow petals. They have very high peduncles, much higher than the foliage, are undemanding to care for, and reproduce easily.

The most common and famous species in the temperate zone is the brown-yellow daylily... It forms a dense, tall shrub up to 1 m. It blooms in June - July. Shade-tolerant, takes root well and reproduces.

In the photo there is a brown-yellow daylily

A large number of terry varieties of this species have been bred. Of particular interest is the Kwanzo Variegata variety, which has white-edged foliage.

Daylily Kwanzo Variegata

New hybrids have a wide range of colors (only pure blue and blue daylilies do not exist), different size flowers from miniature to huge. They are characterized by continuous blooming for several weeks, and the decorative foliage remains the whole season.

By the timing of flowering, daylily varieties are early, blooming from June to mid-July. Mediums make up most of the variety.

They will decorate a garden or flower bed from the second half of July to mid-August. Blooming from the second half of August to September are late varieties.

Will decorate any garden plot behind the plant, as well as its reproduction. More details in the article.

Proper home care for cyclamen is the key to a long and beautiful flowering of the plant. about the care and reproduction of a flower.

Combination with other plants

Daylily is a friendly neighbor. He shares a place beautifully with different colors, trees, shrubs and cereals. Daylilies are planted in the ground in the spring between daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths.

By the time these flowers fade, the foliage of the daylily will grow and cover the fading leaves of the latter.

In summer, a cuff, catnip, rudbeckia, lupine, volzhanka, dicentra look good with him. Hosta varieties grown in open sunny places perfectly complement daylilies.

Panicled phlox next to it looks advantageous, since the foliage of the latter will cover the leafless bottom of the phlox.

Lilies, veronica, chamomile, some types of astilba are successfully combined with these flowers. From annuals - begonias, marigolds, petunias, ageratum.

Growing a flower on the site

Would you like to grow a plant on your site? Then we find a place for him where he will settle for several years.

The daylily is undemanding to the place of planting and leaving, but it develops poorly in acidic soil. It will be happy to grow in loose, permeable soil.

Planting is carried out in spring, autumn and during the summer. If the plant was planted in the fall, then flowering will be only after a year.

Before planting, be sure to inspect the rhizome, if there is any damage, it is better to treat it with a fungicide. Dry or sluggish roots are soaked in water with the addition of fertilizer.

Plants are planted in a small hole, the roots are straightened. The root collar is deepened by a maximum of 2-3 cm and watered abundantly with water.

Basically, all the care of daylily bushes is feeding. The choice of fertilizer depends on the soil on the site. If you feed the plants with nitrogen fertilizers, then it will delight you with its thick, bright green foliage, and there will be little bloom.

In the season, complex flower fertilizers are applied 3 times - after the snow has melted, when leaves appear and during the period of bud formation.

In autumn, it is watered with an ash solution, which contains a large amount of potassium, so that the plant will form flower buds.

Sometimes they are faced with such a situation that the daylily does not bloom.

There are several reasons for this:

  • when planting, the root collar was deeply deepened;
  • overfed with nitrogen fertilizers;
  • excess moisture;
  • shadow.

The error can be corrected by transferring to a new location.

The video clearly shows how daylilies are planted and further care for the plant.

Flower transplant and reproduction

A transplant is a reason to propagate a flower, this is the most convenient way.

Having dug a bush, they shake it off the ground and rinse the roots in water. Then they are broken apart. The place of the break is powdered with ash or treated with a fungicide.

The roots are left to dry for 1-2 days, and then planted. In this case, the plant is deepened 3 cm below the root collar.

Also propagated by stepchildren, which are formed on the plant. After the buds have faded, they take the peduncle with the formed rosette and plant it in a new place, securing it with a wire. By the end of the season, the rosette takes root, and the next year it blooms.

Natural species of daylilies reproduce by seeds, but not hybrids, since they do not retain their varietal characteristics.

Daylilies are not very popular in our country. And in vain. This is the optimal plant for creating flower beds, especially if you use natural species that practically do not need care.

With a little effort and choosing varieties with favorable growth conditions for them, your flower garden from a distance resembles a garden of rare butterflies. Summer riot of colors against the background of elegant leaves will amaze any artist and give a holiday to the soul.

Daylily is an ideal variant of a perennial ornamental plant that attracts flower growers all over the world with the beauty of the flower, unpretentiousness and variety of varieties.

The top photo shows the proven and popular ‘Strawberry Candy’. It is prized for its abundant flowering and rare strawberry color.

Variety groups and current classification

A winter-hardy plant, blooming almost all summer, has gained popularity and is among the leaders in both beauty and many varieties. Today, more than 70 thousand varieties of hybrid daylily have been registered and every year the species is replenished with new ones. Breeders of America and Australia have managed to breed many varieties of this amazingly beautiful and unpretentious flower with proper care.

Each variety is widely used for the formation of landscape design of any style. Depending on the species, modern daylilies are used to decorate rockeries and alpine slides. Low-growing varieties of daylilies are suitable as a hedge. Also bred varieties with an extraordinary aroma.

Daylily flowers of various shapes and shades will not find equal among many decorative cultures. Officially, it is customary to distinguish them by the shape of the flower. It is on this basis that they are divided into the following groups:

  • simple (SINGLE);
  • terry (DOUBLE);
  • arachnids (SPIDERS);
  • unusual shape (UFO);
  • polymers (POLYMEROUS);
  • multiforms (MULTIFORM).

The American Daylily Society, the world's official variety registrar, has developed a daylily classification that reflects all the properties and capabilities of the flower. It is she who will help the novice florist make the right choice and understand the variety of varieties. Today the classification includes the following criteria:

  1. Genetic ploidy, characterizes the daylily by the number of chromosomes, which are 22 in diploids (DIP), and 44 in tetraploploids (TET). The latter have a larger flower, with a variety of shades, as well as a developed vegetative system and increasing selection possibilities. At the same time, diploids boast delicate flowers of exquisite shape and high degree reproduction due to the large number of seeds. The same plant variety can be diploid or tetraploid, but the latter will cost more due to the time and cost involved in converting daylilies.
  2. Types of vegetation, which are subdivided into evergreen, semi-evergreen and dormant... For regions with cold winters, semi-evergreen or dormant varieties are suitable, which can adapt to variable temperatures and come alive in spring.
  3. Flowering time... Each subspecies has its own flowering period, starting in mid-June and continuing until the end of August. Most modern hybrid varieties are remontant, that is, they have the ability to bloom several times throughout the season.

It's important to know that, in accordance with the international system, it is customary to designate the flowering time with the following abbreviation:

  • early (E);
  • medium early (EM);
  • medium (M);
  • medium late (ML);
  • late (L);
  • very late (VL).
  1. Flowering type:
  • night (Nocturnal) - bloom mainly in the second half of the day and remain open all night;
  • daytime (Diurnal ) - bloom in the morning and bloom until evening, one-day;
  • long-flowering (Extended flowering) - after opening, the flower pleases the eye for 15-16 hours, regardless of the time of day.
  1. Aroma. Any flowering plant has a scent and daylily is no exception. And yet there are varieties that have absolutely no aroma or those in which it is weakly expressed, but the gardener's dream is those that, in addition to beauty, enchant and captivate with aroma.
  2. The size of the flower, depending on which varieties of daylilies are divided into three groups:
  • miniature (Miniature), where the flower diameter does not exceed 7.5 centimeters;
  • small-flowered (Small), with a flower diameter from 7.5 to 11.5 cm centimeters;
  • large-flowered (Large) - a flower with a diameter of 11.5 centimeters.
  1. The height and ramification of the peduncle, where dwarfs and giants are not complete. Depending on the height, daylilies are divided into four types:
  • low - not reaching 30 cm;
  • medium-sized - with a height of 30 to 60 cm;
  • semi-high - where the peduncle has a height of 60 to 90 cm;
  • very high - from 90 cm and above.

Of no small importance for the beauty of the shrub is the branching of the peduncle, in which the total number of buds can reach 40. With the simultaneous disclosure of several flowers, the bush will delight with abundant and long flowering.

  1. The color of the daylily brings bright colors to the flower garden, especially in cloudy weather, where they appear most clearly. All kinds of colors, shades and spraying do not leave indifferent lovers of this type of plant and inspire breeders to develop all new varieties.

Most popular and popular groups

Let's go back to the daylily groups and, having highlighted the most popular ones, we will study their advantages and consider the photos, there we will help to choose the best varieties for the season. The most popular and numerous are groups with simple and double flowers.

A simple flower has three petals, three sepals, six stamens and one pistil.

This group is usually distinguished by the shape of the flower:

  • round;
  • flat;
  • informal;
  • reverse curved;
  • star-shaped (star-shaped);
  • triangular;
  • tubular (rupernaya, lily).

Group of double flowers differs in an increased number of petals, subdivided into two types:

  • peony, in which the stamens are reborn into petals;
  • flower in flower, with multiple levels of petals.

And here daylilies spander, with a spider-like flower shape, have proven themselves well in not very warm climates. They bring colors to everyday life, delighting with long flowering even in rainy weather. Flowers of enormous size, unusual in shape and brightness, create unique bright spots on the flower garden or in the garden.

A group of plants with an unusual flower shape does not lag behind in popularity. This is a real exotic, because the petals can be twisted, twisted, cascading or spatula.

It is worth mentioning about the less popular, but still attractive polymer group daylilies. In plants of this species, the structure of the flower is distinguished by an increased number of petals and sepals up to four pieces.

And a group of daylilies combining two or more officially recognized forms in one flower is usually called Multiform.

Variety multiform ‘Fashion Leader’

Pink daylilies

A very common category of daylilies is the pink variety. The many shades range in tonality from white-pink to red-violet. In the descriptions of varieties, shades such as peach, coral, watermelon, flamingo, purple, salmon, raspberry and many others are often found.

Night Beacon- a hybrid daylily with chic velvet petals of a deep burgundy color. It gained wide popularity for its colors, as well as unpretentiousness, excellent growth force and the ability to transplant by dividing the bush even in summer. Frost and drought-resistant, with a peduncle height of 60-70 cm and a flower diameter of 10-12 cm, it blooms luxuriantly and continuously (3-4 weeks) from mid-July, repeated in September. Reviews about the variety are the most flattering, and the price is budgetary.

Daylily Mildred Mitchell- a perennial hybrid with large pink-lilac, up to 16 cm in diameter, and fragrant flowers. The evergreen tetraploid begins to bloom in late July and repeats in September. Peduncle of medium height, frost-resistant, suitable for bouquets. Owners original flower share their positive impressions of growing garden favorites.

Bestseller Hybrid (Bestseller)- a real masterpiece of selector art. The semi-evergreen tetraploid has incredibly beautiful lilac flowers with a corrugated yellow border. The diameter of each is 14 cm. It blooms for a long time, starting in June, releases a flower a day. Disease resistant, has excellent growth power. It is these advantages that are distinguished by flower growers who recommend this variety of daylily.

Daylily hybrid Night Embers- bright cherry blossom with good frost resistance and unpretentious character. In the photo of Night Ambers, you can see all the beauty of a double flower, reaching a diameter of 13 cm. The height of the peduncle is average, up to 75 cm. The ability of asthenia to winter in frost conditions without additional shelter attracts flower growers.

Day-lily Lacy Doily- The coral terry bicolor is at the peak of popularity thanks to its strong root system that can survive in drought. It is frost-resistant, can reach a height of 60 to 90 cm. Propagated by dividing the bush.

Hybrid Janice Brown- a small corrugated light pink flower. It is a semi-evergreen variety with a high degree of frost resistance. Blooms in July, blooms for a long time. The height of the peduncle reaches 45 cm, the diameter of the flower is about 11 cm. It is liked by flower growers for its brightness and expressiveness.

Daylily hybrid Divas Choice- delicate coral pink flowers up to 17 cm in diameter delight with flowering for a month and a half. Semi-evergreen tetraploid is frost-hardy and unpretentious. Suitable for regions with harsh winters.

Hybrid Double Dream- double daylily with repeated and abundant flowering. The most delicate peach shade and flower diameter (15 cm) attracts with its beauty and early flowering. Frost resistance, drought resistance and ease of maintenance are the main advantages of the plant.

Day-lily Darla Anita- mid-early variety with mauve petals and a corrugated border. Evergreen, perennial tetraploid, frost-resistant. The cultivar requires warm weather and moderate rainfall. Bright colors and an amazing shape of the flower pleases with a long, medium-early flowering.

Hybrid Burgundy Love- a sleeping tetraploid with repeated abundant flowering pleases the eye with a bright wine flower. Reaching a diameter of 15 cm. Flower growers are pleased with the early maturity of the variety, its high winter and drought resistance.

Final Touch Is a delightful pink-lavender hybrid with a yellow-green throat and curved petals. Fragrant, wintering well, sleeping, diploid. I fell in love with flower growers for their beauty and unpretentiousness.

Day-lily Elegant Candy- a semi-evergreen fragrant hybrid with large salmon-pink flowers. Multicolor, with a peduncle height of up to 60 cm, perfectly tolerates frost and copes with drought. Blooms profusely from mid-July to August. Attracts flower growers with a yellow-green throat and unpretentiousness.

Pardon Me (sorry mi)- a miniature, bright red hybrid with a corrugated edge and abundant long flowering. Fragrant, undemanding, it creates a wonderful composition in the bouquet. Not whimsical.

Mini Pearl- ornamental perennial with creamy pink small flowers. The bush up to 50 cm in height has a long flowering, starting in July. Unpretentious, but does not tolerate excess moisture. Disease resistant.

Daylily hybrid Charles Johnston (Charles Jones)- pale red large fragrant flower with a yellow throat. Unpretentious, prefers lighted areas and watering in drought. Tolerates frost. Peduncle height up to 60 cm. Popular due to repeated abundant flowering.

Siloam Double Classic- the most delicate pink hybrid with a pedicel height of about 40 cm and a flower diameter of up to 12 cm. Sleeping, diploid, blooms early and for a long time. Winters well. The most delicate double and fragrant flowers delight lovers of daylilies.

White daylilies

In addition to white, this group of daylilies includes varieties with shades of cream, pink, lilac flowers, ivory. It also includes flowers with yellow corrugation along the edge of the petals. Delicate combination flowers attracts the attention of flower growers with their elegance and nobility.

Pandora's Box- a perennial plant with dense bushes and large, almost white funnel-shaped flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The long flowering period of 30-45 days begins in mid-July. If in sunny weather the flower lives for one day, then in cloudy weather it can please with flowering up to six days. The height of the peduncle is up to 50 cm. It has proven itself among lovers of fragrant, unpretentious and elegant perennials.

Day-lily Blizzard Bay- a very beautiful creamy white flower with a green throat and a corrugated leaf edge, reaching a height of 60-90 cm and a flower diameter of up to 15 cm. It blooms profusely from July and again in early September. With high frost resistance and drought resistance, it won the love of plant connoisseurs.

Destined to See- creamy daylily with lavender center and yellow throat. A flower up to 15 cm has a delicate corrugated border and a pleasant aroma. Plant of medium early flowering, winter-hardy, evergreen. By dividing the bush, reproduction occurs. Florists are happy with the variety as single or group plantings.

Day-lily Sabine Baur- unpretentious flowering variety with delicate colors. Drought and winter-hardy plant has a great aroma and reaches 60 cm in height. The flower is white, with a maroon center and an eyelet that will decorate any flower bed. Drought tolerance increases the demand for the plant.

Hybrid Arctic Snow- a large-flowered daylily of an unusual shape, up to 15 cm in diameter with chic corrugated petals. A robust bush blooms from July to August. Has established itself as a frost-resistant and ideal plant for borders.

Finders Keepers- a great option for a huge hybrid handsome with a corrugated edge. Creamy petals delight with tenderness and abundant long flowering. Feels good in the sun or partial shade, does not require painstaking care, for which it received wide popularity.

Day-lily Happy Happy- gorgeous creamy white flower with cherry eye and green throat. It has a dark cherry edging with a creamy white border. Up to 28 buds are formed on the pedicel. A perennial medium-sized variety is not whimsical and frost-resistant, for which it gained popularity, despite the high price.

Day-lily Canadian Border Patrol- an unusually beautiful, tricolor hybrid. Creamy beige petals with a crinkled purple border and a yellow throat are eye-catching. This smartly handsome man begins to bloom in early July and again in September. The height of the bush is 40-60 cm, the diameter of the flower is 15 cm. Moderate growth and good wintering have become the reason for the popularity of the variety.

Yellow daylilies

Hybrid Bonanza- long-term sleeping handsome diploid with bright flowers... Resistant to frost and feels good in dry summers. Flowers up to 14 cm in diameter open on peduncles 55-65 cm high. Medium late variety with long and abundant flowering. Any garden soil with the addition of humus is suitable. Gardeners all over the world admire this unpretentious and very bright variety.

Stella d'Oro- the record holder among yellow daylilies for the duration of flowering. This sunny flower not whimsical, frost-hardy, not very high (up to 45 cm), rarely exposed to disease. Perfectly recommended itself as decoration for lawns and flower beds.

Eye On America- the most beautiful yellow-cream double flower with a purple eye. Blooms in late July and blooms for 25 days, repeating in September. Peduncle height up to 65 cm, flower diameter about 13 cm. Recommended for planting in open areas.

Day-lily Middendorf (Middendorfii)- one of the earliest flowering brethren. Blooming in May and pleases with its bright yellow flowers up to 10 cm in diameter until September. The aroma is not peculiar to this plant, but appearance decorates many flower beds.

Bright lemon hybrid Double River Wye- a favorite of flower growers. Saturated double flowers up to 13 cm in diameter bloom at the end of July and bloom for a long time. They winter well and do not require any difficulty in care.

Daylily spiders

The spider-like forms of the flower are gaining more and more popularity in the world. Look great in landscaping near a pond or other body of water.

Spider Applique- tetraploid arachnid daylily. Perennial, reaches a height of 70-80 cm, with a huge flower in diameter (20-27 cm). It has an early and long flowering period. Propagated by dividing bushes in early spring or autumn.

Day-lily Crimson Pirate- the bright red spider is a dormant diploid. This hybrid won the love of flower growers due to the size of the flower (up to 15 cm), excellent winter hardiness and duration of flowering. With its help, beautiful compositions are created on flower beds.

Free Wheelin- a huge arachnid daylily. An evergreen, tetraploid cultivar with a large creamy yellow flower with a burgundy star-shaped cent and an emerald green throat. Loves open lit areas, suitable for cutting. Gained popularity for long flowering.

Orange daylilies

Inflorescences of orange daylilies are very original and bright spots on flower beds and in flower beds. Unpretentious, with a strong character and endurance, they delight many gardeners.

Frans Hals- a winter-hardy hybrid variety that has a bright two-color color of the petals. It blooms luxuriantly from the end of July. Large flower, 15 cm in diameter, practically odorless. Each peduncle has up to 20 flower buds. A medium-sized variety reaches 65 cm in height and the same in diameter, a perennial. The plant develops quickly, for which it gained popularity.

Green and other daylilies

Breeders all over the world are working hard and painstakingly to develop new varieties. Green daylilies are not an exception, but a dream that will come true in the near future.

Also, among the popular varieties, there are daylilies with a blue color. These include a hybrid Catherine Woodbery with a pleasant aroma, a large flower with long flowering and high winter hardiness.

Day-lily Entrapment- a hybrid with large (up to 15 cm) bluish-purple flowers brings colors to the flower garden. This rhizome perennial is frost and drought resistant. It blooms for a long time and profusely, while it is not difficult to care for.

Voodoo Dancer- a very rare, unpretentious, but slow-growing variety. According to the description of the photo, you can see a beautiful, almost black flower with a bright yellow throat. The velor look of the petals mesmerizes the eyes of flower growers.

New for 2017

Selection does not stand still, and every season new items of the best varieties of daylilies are offered. The updated catalogs contain the names of varieties: Michael Bennet, Through A Glass Darkly, Defying Serenity, Rattlesnake Rake, Pinewood Lily Pad. The latter will interest gardeners looking for green daylilies. Its outer petals are green and the inner ones with red tips.

Also new varieties include Awesome Memories, Emerald Dream, Buzzing About, Iridescent Splendor, Smiling Cobra, Wild Wanda. The newest variety registered in 2017 is Bei Mir Bist Du Schön.

Any selected variety of beautiful flowers will fascinate with the view, delight with abundant and long flowering and delight in unpretentiousness.

From the collection of Larisa Kudelina

The video below shows a part of this collection, which is notable for being one of the largest in Russia - more than 400 varieties.

I never liked lilies, although as a novice florist I tried to plant all the flowers I knew, including a lily, on my site.

The first white lilies lived with me on the site for 2 years, but there were many problems with them: either the mice gnaw the bulbs, then the bear is in charge of the flower bed, or the spider mite will start.

At the same time, the orange wild lily, which grew by itself far from the flower bed, did not have any problems (it remained from the former owners of the estate). It turned out that this is not a lily, but a daylily, popularly called the "red-headed intake".

Conquered by his unpretentiousness, I began to look for possible cultivated varieties of the flower. There were several tens of thousands of them, including hybrids, and they were all of fabulous beauty. Of course, a daylily is growing on my site now.

This is the daylily Stella de Oro, otherwise it is simply called yellow, the most unpretentious, blooms all summer and has a wonderful aroma.

The article will describe the most interesting and unusual varieties of a flower and give their characteristics.

Lilies and daylilies are different representatives of the same class. It is very important not to confuse these 2 plants. It is quite easy to distinguish between them:

Daylilies are otherwise called "krasnodny", as their flowers "live" only one day. They can open their buds early in the morning or in the evening, therefore they are divided into day and night.

Flower shapes can be very diverse:

  • Round;
  • Curved;
  • Lace;
  • Terry;
  • Flat;
  • Triangular;
  • Star-shaped;
  • Tubular.

Daylilies can be simple, double and spider (arachnid flower shape).

The color of the petals also differ in many variations: from simple monochromatic to multi-colored with edging and stripes, with specks, dusting and tints.

Daylilies are distinguished by the color of their petals into the following groups:

  • White or close to him;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange;
  • Pink;
  • Red;
  • Lilac;
  • Purple, close to black.

The flower is unpretentious, perfectly tolerates the sun and partial shade, dry periods and rain, tolerates poor soils and is practically not affected by pests, can grow in one place for a long time without transplanting, experts do not even advise fertilizing it. For these qualities he is called "intelligent lazy."

The daylily has been known since ancient times, in China it was considered a flower from longing and sadness, and in many countries it was used in culinary dishes. In addition, daylily decoctions were used as a medicine for heart disease. For these purposes, it is still used today.

Varietal variety of daylilies

The names of varieties will be given in the English version as in the catalogs, with a translation into Russian.

Daylilies are white

There are not so many pure white varieties, most have cream, pastel, yellowish, pinkish shades.

Alpine Ruffles

One of the best varieties, the growth of the plant is 70-75 cm, the flower is rounded, up to 15 cm in diameter, has a fringe at the ends of the petals, gathered in folds. Each stem produces 45-50 flowers, so flowering continues throughout the summer. The stamens are raised high up.

Cool It

One of the most unpretentious of the white varieties, but it is advisable to plant it in full sun. The growth of the plant reaches 75-80 cm, the flower is no more than 13-15 cm, the edges are corrugated, gathered in a wavy scar, the core is green-yellow. It blooms for a long time and profusely, has a pleasant aroma.

Daylilies yellow

Variations in the yellow color of these varieties are diverse: from lemon to dark sand and canary.

Mike Longo (Mike Longo)

Known among amateurs, the variety is famous for its original melon color of petals, which varies in more than ten shades. The petal is bordered by ruffles, collected in serrated seals, decorated with longitudinal stripes - veins. Up to 50 flowers bloom on one peduncle per season.

Golden Desire

New variety, launched in 2012. Peduncles are high, up to 90 cm, straight. The flower is large, the color of an egg yolk, voluminous, its size is up to 22 cm.

There are longitudinal stripes on the petals, and the ends are gathered in a wavy assembly. 40-45 buds can bloom on the stem. Very bright, eye-catching, fully justifies its name.

Daylilies orange

The colors of these varieties create an upbeat mood in the garden, and range from tender salmon to vibrant orange.

Double Dream

An exquisite look of a terry plant with delicate petals of a light carrot color. The petals are arranged in 3 rows, pointed at the tips and slightly bent down, the flower is large, up to 15-18 cm. It grows well in the sun, is not afraid of low temperatures, and is drought-resistant. One of the best for landscaping.


A large flower, up to 65 cm high, with 6 bright pointed petals similar to tongues of flame, which are located in 2 rows, along the edges there is a slight corrugation. Blooms late, 2-3 flowers can bloom simultaneously on one peduncle at once, has a strong aroma.

Daylilies pink

A very large number of varieties of pink daylilies have been bred, this is due to the fact that when crossed, a rich pink color dominates over light yellow and purple colors.


Peduncles stretch up to 59-60 cm. Leaves are bright green, narrow. The flower is large, up to 17 cm in diameter, simple, with petals of an unusual lavender color.

The edges of the petals are rounded, with a golden frill. The core of the flower is yellowish, around which there is a burgundy rim.

Lacy Doily (Lace Doily)

The flower differs in that it has the smell of linden honey and is very decorative outwardly. Height can be from 55 cm to 90 cm.

Terry flower, bright crimson with corrugated edges The color of the petals is heterogeneous, there are strokes of pinkish, cherry color. Grows well adult plant can "throw" about 500 flowers during the summer.

Daylilies are red

Cherry Lace

The leaves form a tall bush, the width of which is up to 60 cm. Peduncles rise above it to a height of up to one meter. On them, in inflorescences, up to 14-18 luxurious crimson flowers with a diameter of 15-16 cm bloom.

They have wavy edges, light corrugation and a white stripe in the center of the petal. The aroma is weak.

Burgundy Love

The flower is dark burgundy, in diameter it reaches only 12-13 cm, the height of the peduncles is 50 cm. A rare shade of color, it is associated with the color of Burgundy wine, it is because of this that the variety got its name.

The advantage of this species is its high resistance to diseases and pests, constant sunlight is necessary.

Daylilies lilac

The color of lilac and lilac daylilies is not always advantageous, but there are interesting varieties.

Hemerocallis Bestseller (Bestseller)

One of the most beautiful daylilies of this color. The bush reaches a height of 70 cm, the corolla of flowers is 15 cm. The flower itself is of an extraordinary juicy light purple color, consists of 6 petals arranged in 2 rows. Twisted frill around the edges of the petals light color... Can be a decoration for the garden.

Daylilies violet - black

Black Stockings

The variety is original in form and color scheme, differs lush bloom all summer. Reaches a height of 65 cm, the flower is compact, with petals bent down, bordered at the edges with a wavy frill. It is advisable to plant it as a single plant to create an unusual spot in the landscape.

Voodoo Dancer

A rare variety of daylily, moreover, it grows very slowly. The type of flower is very unusual, the color of the petals is dark purple, almost black, the core is yellowish. Velvet petals, terry, with wavy edging. It blooms profusely, but has no scent.

Daylilies with 2-3 colors on the petals are distinguished as a separate group. The most popular is the Frans Hals variety, named after the famous Dutch portrait painter.

It grows up to one meter, has a wide lush curtain. The three lower petals are solid yellow, the top three are red with a yellow stripe in the middle. It blooms very luxuriantly, brightly. Hardy, blooms all summer.

Today they are favorites again. They are distinguished by narrow, long, spider-like petals. They have a number of advantages: they open even in rainy weather, the buds do not rot, they have bright colors and a light shape.

Velvet Ribbons

It is distinguished by its high growth, up to 115 cm, the spread of petals - up to 30 cm, 35 - 45 flowers bloom on each peduncle. The inflorescence consists of flowers, on the petals of which the purple color smoothly turns into sand.

The petals are curved inward. This gives the impression of ribbons fluttering in the wind. Blooms profusely.

In the height of summer, no matter what park you enter, what country garden if you don't, you will find daylilies (Hemerocallis) everywhere. It is a rhizome herb belonging to the Xantoreide family, perennial. Simple yellowish or the best refined varieties of the latest selection of daylilies are what will make the garden bright and colorful. A real daylily boom! Even varieties with variegated leaves have appeared. And yet, most people value daylilies precisely for their large and variably colored flowers.

They tolerate windy weather well due to their flexible peduncles, so they are often planted in flower beds in coastal areas. But even on a personal plot, such a plant looks very organic.

What a daylily looks like: photos, names, descriptions of species and the best varieties

Daylily is unpretentious in planting and caring for it is often called the plant of a lazy gardener, but this statement can only be attributed to old varieties. Breeders from Australia and America have developed new hybrid species that are more capricious, but their incredible beauty during the flowering period deserves it. See how some types of daylily look in the photo, this plant can decorate any garden or personal plot:

Each flower stays on the plant for only 24 hours, for which the plant received the popular name "krasodnev". But the abundance of flowers on an overgrown bush more than makes up for this shortcoming, because new ones appear every day. Modern varieties are capable of blooming for a long time, and the species daylily (N. minor) "gushes" from the beginning of June until frost.

The selection of new species and varieties of daylilies is moving forward in many directions. They try to get flowers in shape big size, terry, with a strongly corrugated border, wide or, conversely, narrow petals. They work on the color, achieving a strong contrast in the color of different zones of the flower. Also, breeders are trying to bring out plants that are unusual in shades - blue and snow-white (daylilies do not really have blue color, at least a drop of purple is always mixed in). It is noteworthy that many varieties have aroma.

But daylilies are also very undemanding to conditions! They tolerate both short-term flooding and drought, and can grow on any soil. Of course, a daylily with proper care and growing stages is more powerful than a neglected one, blooms better, but a forgotten bush can delight from year to year.

Probably everyone has seen this plant at least once, which is distinguished by cereal-like green leaves and flowers in the form of lilies. These are its main characteristics, but what the color of the daylily looks like depends largely on its variety.

Natural species of daylilies are the least whimsical and are often used in gardening. They are resistant to diseases and pests, they are not afraid of sudden changes in temperature indicators. Consider some varieties of daylilies with official names and features of their appearance:

  • orange - differs in dark green hard foliage with peduncles up to 1 m and asymmetric buds, bright orange color;
  • Dumortier - is a compact bush with rather long leaves and a yellow-orange color up to 5 cm in diameter;
  • lemon yellow - its shape resembles a white lily, distinctive feature- This is the opening of the bud at night.

Look at the daylilies of such varieties in the photo in the garden compositions, despite their outward simplicity, they look very organic:

Hybrid varieties are numerous; today there are more than 60 thousand of them. They are distinguished by their larger color, various shades and shapes. Breeders have created numerous types and varieties of this flower, differing in terms of flowering, strength of aroma. If we talk about shades, then there are a large number of them and, rather, there is no such color that would not be reflected in one of the many varieties of this plant.

Look at the daylilies of hybrid varieties in the photo: the names of some of them indicate their characteristics.

The Double view is distinguished by additional petals located near the flower garden. They look terry, smell good and are incredibly beautiful.

The most popular varieties are distinguished: Cutie, Dream, Red Royal .

The species Spiders or Arachnids are distinguished by flower petals that are longer than their width and visually similar to the legs of spiders.

Famous varieties: Helix, Free Healing.

The aromatic species are characterized by a variety of shapes and colors of buds. But the main feature of this daylily when describing most varieties is their wonderful aroma.

Varieties: Apple Spring, Stele to Oro.

The type White does not mean that all daylilies only of a white shade belong here. Many of the varieties have buds with the addition of some other flower.

For example, the Blossom White variety is characterized by a white-yellow tint, and Granny Smith has a greenish border at the core of the petals.

All the beauty and features of these species cannot be expressed in words, just look at the daylily in the photo:

Luxurious flowers of such a delicate, bright and unusual shape can decorate any landscape.

It is interesting to note that today there is no plant with an absolutely white color, there are always notes of a different shade in it. During this period, breeders are pondering how to grow a daylily with increased doubleness, working to increase the diameter of the bud.

How to plant a daylily in spring and how to grow it

Plants such as daylilies require planting and proper maintenance in open ground. In the literature, there are diametrically opposite opinions on the requirements of daylilies for light. If you look at the habitat of a wild plant, then most often they can be found at the edge of forests, in the thickets of bushes. It would seem that garden species of daylilies should love partial shade, but not everything is so simple. Specific daylilies grow everywhere. But imported beauties for the most part are bred in a warmer climate and do not get heat in partial shade. Develop well only on open to the sun spaces.

Before planting a daylily on the site, you need to choose an appropriate place for it in your garden. If you live in hot regions, then partial shade for the plant is necessary. But in the regions more northern cultivation daylilies in an open field garden requires choosing a more open spot in the front garden to allow sufficient sunlight to enter. Lack of this factor can lead to color crumbling.

You can also determine the amount of light required for a plant based on its color of flowers. It is believed that varieties with buds of yellow, white, pink, and other pastel shades are more in need of the sun, so it is appropriate to plant them in areas with sufficient lighting.

When planting a daylily flower in the ground, you should not particularly select the soil for it - it is not particularly whimsical to this factor in growing. But if you still want to grow a beautiful flower, then take the trouble to prepare for his roots what he loves, namely:

  • if the soil is clay, add some compost and sand;
  • turf soil requires compost;
  • if sand predominates, add clay.

Loam with drainage is considered ideal for planting a daylily flower, but the acidity is best neutral. If it is impossible to create drainage, then you can get by with raising the ridges where the plant will be planted. Such a formation helps to protect the plant from stagnant water during the period of melting snow or heavy rains. The flower tolerates excess moisture for a short time very well, but only if its root collar is not immersed in water. Therefore, landing on raised ridges saves the situation.

Form them when planting a plant in regions with high humidity and frequent precipitation. For hotter parts of the country with dry summers, the ridges can make growing and caring for the flower more difficult, as more frequent watering will be required to avoid drying out the root system.

If you decide to plant a daylily flower on your site, then further care for it should include mulching the soil. This helps to avoid the compaction of an earthen coma over the root necks of the daylily: look at the photo of the steps of care:

  • the center of the bush is mulched with sand, in bulk up to 3 cm;
  • the space between the bushes - peat or compost.

Compost, humus, peat chips can also be used as mulch. All these natural materials in the process of being on the ground will gradually give their beneficial properties to the soil and, accordingly, to the plant.

Daylily flowers, when planting and further care in rich soils, require mulching with bark and needles. This helps to protect the root system from possible temperature extremes, retains moisture and prevents weeds from appearing.

Daylilies are very good at fertilizing and all kinds of fertilizing. After receiving the necessary substances, they begin to grow rapidly and give an abundant color. But what kind of fertilizer will be relevant for your soil, it is impossible to say unequivocally. Recommended fertilizers will not always give the desired effect, if you do not take into account the characteristics of the soil. Therefore, it is recommended to understand and study which microelements are not enough for good growth plants and make exactly them. It is advisable to add top dressing from early spring after the snow has melted and until the end of the flowering period.

Look at the photo of the daylily flowers - when planting in accordance with the tips and with proper care in the future, the plant will thank you for your efforts:

How to transplant a daylily in spring and how to propagate a plant

For a flower such as daylily, the breeding time is in early spring or early autumn. It is necessary to select the optimal period for disembarkation or transplantation, taking into account the climatic features:

  • in regions with early frosts, it is better to transfer planting to spring, since if you transplant the daylily into autumn time, he simply may not have time to take root;
  • in spring, wait until the soil is completely warmed up, and if there is a threat of night frosts, cover the plant.

You can simply cut off the cut of the desired size with a shovel from the bush. Before replanting your daylily in the spring, pour compost into the formed hole - the bush will receive additional nutrition.

Daylily seeds are propagated only by breeders.

Another advantage is that the planting material of the daylily for reproduction and further planting is stored for a long time. Buy the best and rarest varieties from early spring without fear.

Transfer seedlings that have not yet sprouted with sphagnum or slightly damp peat, pack them in bags and place them in the zero chamber of the refrigerator or in the basement with the same temperature. Delenki can be planted as soon as the snow melts.

Before planting a sprouted daylily in the spring, you will have to tinker a little with it. Plant it in pots with regular commercial potting soil. Of course, it is better to keep them cool, but if there is no glazed loggia, you can grow them on the windowsill - they will stand. True, they thrive right in the apartment, since they can only be released "at will" at the beginning of June.

To get a gorgeous bush, daylilies must be planted as expected. Dig a hole 50 × 50, fill it with a nutritious substrate (earth mixed with compost and sand if the site is clayey, or clay if sandy or peaty). It would be nice to add half a glass of ash and a handful of superphosphate.

Daylily flowers before planting should be prepared and planting material:

  • soak it a few hours before planting in water or mineral fertilizer;
  • inspect revived roots and carefully remove dead or affected areas;
  • cut the remaining roots to a length of 20-30 cm.

Place the roots loosely in the hole, the root collar at ground level. After watering, mulch. The plant can grow in one place for a long time. True, at the same time they must be fed in a timely manner.

For the features and main stages of the reproduction of daylilies and their planting, see the video:

How to care for daylilies: disease and pest control

As for diseases and pests, daylilies, like all plants, have them. True, daylilies rarely get sick and most often when they were planted incorrectly. Therefore, before you propagate the daylily yourself, you need to be well acquainted with the simple rules of caring for the plant. This will minimize the possibility of disease or pests. How to care for a daylily is described above, but the question of how to deal with problems that arise during the growth of a plant requires special attention.

Usually diseases and pests do not cause significant damage to plants. Among the insects that like to dwell on a flower, one can distinguish the following:

Thrips, which feed on the sap of the plant, reducing the vital activity of the daylily, spoil its appearance. Unfortunately, if affected by this insect, the bush should be removed from the front garden and burned. Since thrips live in the ground, the place should be treated with insecticides.

The daylilies shown in the photo should be treated with these substances from time to time before planting and during further care.

The lily mosquito lays the larvae in the heart-shaped buds. Growing up, the pest begins to feed on the sap of the plant, while deforming the bud.

Slugs grow in fairly damp soils and cause colossal damage to the plant. The only fight against them is picking up and removing them from the site.

Another problem is water voles - rodents, which quite often feed not only on the root system of fruit trees, but also bulbous plants, as well as the rhizome of the daylily.

Among the diseases are root rot and rust. Many of them appear as a result of improper plant care, when bacteria begin to multiply in the wrong neighborhood or as a result of strong waterlogging. So, rust affects the daylily only if the flower is planted nearby patinia, and Fusarium (fungal disease) appears with excessive moisture and its stagnation in the soil. For the treatment of such diseases, spraying with fungicides is carried out. It is worth noting that after the plant has had a fungal disease, mulch should be removed from its root system for the winter period.

Root rot most often affects the root system, becomes noticeable in spring and is manifested by a stop in the growth of young leaves. In the future, they turn yellow and easily separate from the bush. Treatment is carried out by digging up the plant and removing the affected areas in the roots. Further, the rhizome is treated with potassium permanganate and fungicides, dried and only then transplanted to a new place. The rescued plant will not give color for the next 2 years.

If you want to get lush greenery and abundant flowering of your daylily - then devote a little time to it, follow the rules for caring for the plant, and it will certainly delight you, decorate your garden plot.

Daylilies in garden landscape design: group compositions

Even the simplest daylilies in combination with hosts, astilbe, cuffs greatly decorate the garden. Grass-like leaves expressively contrast with the rounded and split leaves of the regulars of Central Russian gardens. A large single bush is a luxury, a bright accent.

Daylilies are used in landscape design in different compositions. But its beauty depends on how correctly the neighborhood with other inhabitants of your front garden will be selected for the flower. Often times, landscape designers use the plant as a solitary plant. But the cultivation of daylilies is also possible in group compositions in combination with shrubs.

See how beautiful daylilies look in the garden design, in the photo - with the right neighborhood, you can achieve the uniqueness of the site:

You should not plant a plant near large trees, the root system of which will take away the nutrients necessary for the development of the flower.

Daylilies are with leaves dying off for the winter, evergreen and semi-evergreen. It is believed that only the former can tolerate the harsh Russian climate normally.

Do not forget that some varieties begin to lose their decorative effect after the flowering period. Therefore, when thinking over the planting of daylilies in the design of your garden, it is appropriate to choose neighbors for them who can hide the yellowed leaves of the plant. These can be ornamental cereals, yarrow and loosestrife. Daylilies are often combined with bamboo in garden landscaping, which will also effectively hide a dying plant.

If you take varieties that grow in dense bushes, then they can easily be used as the formation of small curbs or green fences. Look at the daylilies in the photo - this planting is very often used when forming landscapes on the site:

Cut flowers also retain their freshness for a long time, so they are often used in bouquets.