How to make a house out of foam. How to make a house out of foam: building technology Houses from foam blocks

For some people, the expression "foam house" may seem frivolous and implies some kind of allegory. In part, this expression is correct, since the house is built precisely from foam plastic - yes, it is subsequently reinforced with concrete, but initially it is a foam construction, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the website, we will deal with the advantages of such buildings and consider the technology, thanks to which you can independently build a house from foam.

Styrofoam house walls photo

Styrofoam house: what are its advantages

By by and large, this is the only technology that allows you to make strong and durable quickly and without help professional builders- this is precisely the main feature of buildings erected by means of fixed formwork from or polystyrene. But this is not all the advantages of such buildings. By and large, there are a lot of them, and it is from their study that you need to start acquaintance with foam plastic buildings.

  1. Most importantly, it is very warm house. It turns out that the insulation (in this case, it is a fixed formwork) envelops the reinforced concrete frame of the house from all sides - it is located not only on both sides of the walls, but even inside them.
  2. Such a house perfectly keeps the temperature inside - it is not only warm in winter, but also cool in summer.
  3. The design provides another advantage. These are not the usual shields that need to be strengthened and exposed - in fact, these are foam blocks with cavities inside. In some way, they can be compared with - in appearance they are completely identical. In the process of building a house from them, you simply fill their cavities with concrete, pre-installing rebar frames in them.
  4. Don't want to mess around with small styrofoam blocks? Then you can use it in the form of full-fledged panels or plates. The principle is the same - install, reinforce the cavities and fill them. In general, non-removable foam formwork can have three different varieties - these are the blocks mentioned above, as well as the standard version of the panel formwork, fastened together with special jumpers. The last option is the cheapest - it is not so easy to work with it. The best option for self construction you can call blocks similar to cinder block.

    Styrofoam house photo

A house made of foam and concrete is not without drawbacks. The most important of them is the so-called thermos effect. There is only one way to deal with it - through a quality system, which initially makes a seemingly cheap project more expensive. Another not very pleasant factor is the environmental component of such buildings - despite the fact that the foam is subsequently clogged, yet this material is by no means environmentally friendly. The flammability of this material should also not be overlooked - the toxins released during its combustion are so serious that they make a person die in convulsions. In general, not everything is as good as it seems at first glance.

How to make a foam house: construction technology

By and large, all houses, including foam ones, are built in almost the same way - first they build, then they build walls, which, in turn, are covered. The difference in the construction of a warm foam house is observed only at the stage of building walls - we will get acquainted with it. You can read about everything else in other articles on our site. So, the technology of building walls from foam blocks can be represented as the following sequence of work.

  1. As in all cases of building houses from blocks, the first row of non-removable foam formwork fits well - in most cases, the formwork is laid in two rows in thickness.

    Building a house from foam plastic photo

  2. Immediately installed in blocks at the base reinforcing cages- they do not need to be installed in all cavities. It is necessary to reinforce the corners with high quality (here the reinforcement is laid in three adjacent cavities on both sides of the corner) and further with an interval of 3-4 cavities. Reinforcement can not be done immediately to the entire height of the walls - it is not very convenient to put blocks on it. Subsequently, as the walls rise up, reinforcing cages can be added and built up, connecting it from parts.

    How to make a foam house photo

  3. Nobody canceled the dressing of blocks here - everything is exactly the same as with. The blocks are stacked with a shift, and every second row of them lies with a poke (across all the others). Such dressing does not add strength, but the quality of insulation improves from this point on.
  4. At the top of the wall, it is mandatory to pour out a height of at least 200 mm - a non-removable shield formwork is used for it. In principle, you can go the standard way by making the formwork of the armored belt from the boards. The wall reinforcement must be connected to the belt reinforcement.

    Foam and concrete house photo

By and large, these are almost all the subtleties or features of the construction of walls from fixed formwork. The only thing that can be added here is to say that the cavities must be filled with concrete with high quality - it must be seated with a vibration machine or, alternatively, acting in the old fashioned way, pierce the concrete with a trowel or stick. Better, of course, are the vibrations that can be created even by the usual putty used for stripping. By the way, there is a fixed formwork for overlapping. One could even say more - separate view of this material allocate fixed formwork for the foundation.

Building a house from polystyrene foam: wall finishing technology

Kicking out the walls with foam blocks is only half the battle, if not a quarter of it. After the concrete has hardened, the walls still need to be plastered. The technology of plastering in this situation is not so simple and it looks like this.

Alternatively, other technologies can be used to finish a foam house - for example,. Here you can use almost any panel, including. Some types of wall facade panels can be installed without frame technology and glued directly to the wall.

And in conclusion of the topic, I will say a few words about another technology for the construction of such houses - from foam. Building it with your own hands is even easier than using the method described above. By and large, this is common frame structure, inside the walls of which foam plastic is simply installed as a heater, and not traditional. Such a heater is cheaper, and houses of a similar design cost less - you should not, however, forget about the environmental component of buildings insulated with foam.

Basically, everything. There is nothing more to add about the foam house. On the one hand, like good technology, but when you think about a thermos, you immediately lose the desire to live in such a house. But, as they say, there are no comrades for taste and color - maybe for someone a house made of foam will seem best solution. I will not dissuade - it is up to you to decide here.

There are people to whom the expression "styrofoam house" seems silly and not everyone is able to take it seriously. In some way, this phrase is correct, because it is foam blocks that are used to build a house, which are further reinforced with concrete.

We build a house from foam

Today, a Japanese company offers the consumer kits for building a foam house with their own hands. Such Japanese houses, in their opinion, have a lot of advantages, one of which is resistance to earthquakes. This manufacturing company has loudly called its Japanese homes "housing of the 21st century".

The technical features of this unique material are given in the table.

Further in the article, we will talk with you in more detail about foam structures, and tell you what positive qualities such a sheathing can boast of. We will also reveal the secret of the technology for performing work, after which you will be able to build housing from foam plastic with your own hands.

Advantages of a foam house

We build a house from foam

To tell you about foam plastic buildings, it is worth highlighting a number of advantages that a building made of foam blocks can boast of:

  • Foam blocks help build a very warm structure

Such a heater, as it were, envelops reinforced concrete profiles on each side.

  • A house made of foam blocks is able to perform the function of a "thermos"

Such a building can adequately hold warm air not only in the cold season, but also to keep cool on hot days.

  • Available formwork

Formwork is not familiar to everyone shields that need to be strengthened and exposed. At their core, these are blocks of foam, in the middle of which there is a cavity. According to some characteristics, such a material is very similar to cinder block, and outwardly you cannot distinguish them from each other at all. When constructing a building from block foam, you fill its insides with a concrete mass, having installed reinforcement there in advance.

  • Possibility to use fixed formwork

This formwork is presented as a complete material. Technology installation work the same: install blocks, mount reinforcement and pour concrete mortar into it. In principle, such formwork can be presented in 3 varieties: as slabs, blocks or standard panel formwork, which is fixed to each other with specialized jumpers. The use of panel formwork is the most affordable option from a financial point of view, but working according to such a scheme is not as easy as we would like.

The most suitable exit self-fulfillment construction works- the use of blocks that are so reminiscent of a long-familiar cinder block.

Also, the foam and concrete structure has some negative aspects, the most significant of which is the "thermos" effect. You can overcome it only by installing a high-quality system in the house. forced ventilation, which makes the work performed more expensive.

Another, no less unpleasant moment is the environmental friendliness of the structure, which, even with dense clogging with plaster, is out of the question. It is also worth noting the possibility of ignition of the material, after which, during combustion, toxic substances that can even kill a person.

As you can see, not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance.

We build a house from foam

Do-it-yourself foam house

Basically, all buildings, no matter what material, are built using a single technology:

  • the foundation is being laid;
  • walls are being built;
  • structure is roofed.

The only difference can be seen only when building walls, which we will talk about in more detail a little later.

Well, the technology for performing work is carried out in the following order:

  • The base layer of foam formwork is laid on a carefully prepared foundation, which is previously isolated from moisture.
  • Immediately, reinforcement is mounted on the foam blocks, which is not mounted in every cavity. Better reinforcement will be required in the corners.
  • There can be no question of canceling the bandaging of blocks, so you will have to act in the same way as if you were laying a brick. The foam will need to be laid with a slight shift, and every second tier should be laid perpendicular to the previous one. Such a bond will not differ in additional strength, but insulating features structures will increase exponentially.
  • In the upper part of the structure, it is imperative to pour out the armored belt, the height of which should be at least 200mm. For these purposes, most often used panel fixed formwork.

It seems that everything, these are all the nuances and features that you need to know about when erecting surfaces from fixed formwork. Most important point, which I want to mention is that the cavity of the blocks must be thoroughly filled with concrete, without leaving the slightest gap.

wall decoration

We build the walls of the house from polystyrene foam ourselves

Building ceilings from foam blocks with your own hands is only half the battle. When the concrete hardens, the walls will have to be covered plaster mass. The plastering technology is slightly different from the usual work and looks like this:

  1. On the surface of the walls stretched metal plaster mesh(for which it is worth choosing durable materials), which is nailed to concrete. This process is very laborious, so quality work with your own hands you will have to work a little.
  2. At the next stage, the mesh is glued with special glue to the foam blocks. Such work has similarities with the process of throwing on a fur coat. The glue is applied by throws to the surface of the wall, after which the excess is removed with a spatula.
  3. Then beacons are installed, which are glued along the vertical level.
  4. After the work done, you can use plaster from a mixture of sand and cement. It is allowed to apply it, both with your own hands and with a specialized machine.

Note that some types of wall facade panel can be installed not on the frame, but glued immediately to the surface of the walls.

In conclusion, I would also like to mention such a method of building buildings from foam, as the construction frame house. According to this principle, it is much easier to build a building with your own hands than according to the above. At its core, this is a familiar building based on a solid frame, in which the role insulation material took over the styrofoam.

That's all I wanted to talk about. On the one hand, to build housing from polystyrene foam with your own hands - good decision, but as soon as you remember the “thermos” effect, you don’t really want to move to such a building.

But, we all have our own opinion on this matter, and it is likely that for someone such buildings will become the only and ideal solution. In no case will we dissuade you, the choice, as always, is yours.

The Japanese company International Dome House makes houses out of Styrofoam. The house does not rot, does not grow moldy, does not burn well, is well insulated, termites do not eat it, it is relatively cheap and easy to build even in Africa, even in Alaska. The cost of a house manufactured by a Japanese company starts at $30,000 per dome. Domes can be combined into complexes by transitions.
A certain American Hoot Haddock builds houses from foam panels in the USA. He marks them good thermal insulation(one of the houses he built in Alaska), earthquake resistance and others positive traits.
* * *
Victor Papanek in "Design for the Real World" describes how to build a house out of Styrofoam.

Dow Chemicals' "self-generating" foam dome is another example of a fundamentally new approach to construction methods. The foundation of a building may be a circular retaining wall twelve inches high. Attached to its base is a strip of foam four inches wide and high, serving as the base for the spiral dome. On the ground, in the center, the motor rotates the boom with the working and thermal welding unit. The arrow moves in a circle, like a compass needle, and rises in a spiral about three feet per minute. Gradually, it shortens, approaching the center. The person in the seat feeds an "endless" foam tape four by four inches into welding machine, which welds this tape to the already hand-attached foam.

As the feed mechanism rises and moves in a circle with an ever-decreasing diameter, a dome is created during the spiral movement. Finally, a hole thirty-six inches in diameter is left at the top, through which a worker, a mast, and a moving boom can be taken out. The hole is then covered with a clear plastic bubble or turned into air vent. At this stage, the entire structure is translucent soft, without windows and doors. Then windows and doors are cut through with minimal effort; the structure is still so soft that holes can be made with a finger); then latex-modified concrete is sprayed onto the structure from the outside and from the inside. The ultra-light canopy is strong enough, it is not afraid of any strong wind and snow drifts, no insect pests, in addition, it has a low cost. Several of these domes, fifty-four feet in diameter, can easily be assembled into a complex.
Today such houses are a reality. At least in Japan. International Dome House makes houses out of Styrofoam on stream (only they pre-make panels).

(photo from here)

Sources: ,

And in September 2005, they wrote about slightly different houses from approximately the same material:

Styrofoam house

The world is on the eve of an energy crisis, the price of a barrel of oil has reached an unprecedented high level. The search for new energy carriers is underway. One Alabama resident may have found a way, at least in part, to solve a problem facing the world: he claims that the "styrofoam houses" he builds will reduce electricity consumption by 75%.
This is what a house made of miracle material looks like

It looks like ordinary house in a typical American neighborhood. In fact, this is a completely unusual building. It consists of panels made of polystyrene foam: this is what polystyrene foam is commonly called. The architect Ed Bondurant and his wife, who live in such a house, enjoy coolness in summer and warmth in winter. Ed built this house using the virtues of new technology.

“Many people say: “styrofoam house”. But it is more correct to say that it is built from prefabricated building insulation panels. They are delivered to the construction site, and the house is assembled according to the principle children's constructor. These panels, or blocks, provide thermal insulation,” says Ed.

We are all well aware of the heat-insulating properties of foam coffee cups: a 4 mm thick foam layer allows us to hold a cup of coffee heated to 80 degrees Celsius in our hands. Imagine now what are the thermal insulation properties of the same foam wall, only 15 centimeters thick!

Styrofoam panels For years, scientists around the world have been trying to find inexpensive and easy construction material which would save energy. Hoot Haddock, who just graduated from high school in Alabama, ended this search by offering to make panels out of Styrofoam. Huth's "sandwich" idea is brilliant, says Federation of American Scientists President Henry Kelly: "The manufacturing process is extremely simple: you take commercially available industrial blocks of 4x8 extruded polystyrene foam and glue them inside and out with cement boards."

Today, Hut inspects the church he built five years ago. The height of the building is 12 meters. But he started much more modestly - with the construction in Alaska in 1984 of a house for his daughter. According to him, natural conditions Alaska was a good laboratory for testing the structural properties of his panels: "Alaska has the strongest winds, the most powerful earthquakes, the most heavy snowfalls, and the house performed admirably."

To further check the qualities of their panels, which must meet state standards, Huth built one of his houses on a seismic laboratory shaker in Cincinnati, Ohio. It reproduces the tremors that occur during earthquakes.

“Our recorded seismic ball did not exceed four, and during the test we brought it to seven, and we did this five times, and this did not cause any harm to the house. True, as a result, the vibration stand failed.

Hoot Haddock Most of all, however, Huth Haddock wanted his daughter's house in Alaska to be warm. For this, he invented polystyrene panels. The thermal insulation qualities of the material turned out to be amazing. In addition to saving energy, you can reduce the power of air conditioners and heaters. Thus, for the conditioning of a library with an area of ​​400 square meters Previously, an 8-ton refrigeration unit would have been needed, but now only a two-ton unit provides coolness to readers.

The savings come not only from installation costs, but also from electricity bills, says Huth Haddock. He assures that you can save up to 75%. And the manufacture of foam does not cause damage environment. The panel skin is made from a mixture of cement and recycled newsprint. Although Haddock and other builders sometimes panel with wood, most often this paneling is made of wood waste sawmills.

People who live and work in Styrofoam houses claim that they live quieter and breathe easier. Huth adds that foam panels won't break down with termites, mold, burn, or rot.

But can these houses save lives in countries prone to hurricanes and earthquakes? Huth Haddock thinks they can. He had to build houses in Mexico, Russia, Turkey and many other countries. If its current success stands the test of time, Styrofoam houses could play important role in solving the energy problems of mankind and providing secure housing for the poor around the world.

Do-it-yourself foam house

Recently, more and more often you can hear talk about the so-called thermal house. It may seem like a made-up term from some science fiction novel, but the reality is much simpler. A thermal house is a house built from polystyrene foam. This construction technology is also called fixed formwork.

foam blocks

These blocks are hollow boxes. Their dimensions are standard (95x25x25 cm), but for construction internal walls products of a slightly smaller width are used - 95x13x25 cm.

Note! Expanded polystyrene blocks are produced using the technology of industrial conveyor production. During a work shift, the production line produces about one hundred and twenty blocks.

Styrofoam characteristics

The advantages of building materials include:

  • ease of processing and installation;
  • resistance to permanent moisture;
  • light weight;
  • excellent soundproofing characteristics;
  • high-quality thermal insulation due to the multilayer structure;
  • resistance to decay and fungus.

It is also worth noting that the foam refers to "breathable" materials, that is, to those that allow air to pass through.

foam blocks

But there are also disadvantages that must be taken into account even before construction begins.

  1. Foam blocks do not withstand temperatures above 90 ° C.
  2. The strength of the foam is just an illusion, in fact, it can easily be pierced with a finger. In this regard, the walls will have to be puttied.
  3. The material is highly flammable.

The cost of one such block is approximately 300 rubles. which is relatively inexpensive. Consider the cost of building a polystyrene foam house in comparison with a brick one. So, a thermal house is a structure that is already ready for final finishing, which can be covered with both plaster or paint, and siding. In the same time brick house needs puttying and thermal insulation (with the same foam), which, of course, increases construction costs.

In a word, a thermal house is an inexpensive pleasure, because it already includes both finishing and insulation. Moreover, according to GOST, the height of such a house can reach 15 m, which is equivalent to 5-6 floors.

Styrofoam blocks

About the environmental friendliness of the material

Most people are sure that polystyrene, like any other "chemistry", is unsafe or even harmful to health. So far, this fact has not been confirmed, but not refuted either. It should be noted that there are a number of requirements, in particular sanitary and GOST, which the manufactured products fully comply with.

But some people are difficult to convince even of obvious things, which is most likely due to a psychological factor. And even the fact that polystyrene is widely used in insulation and interior decoration, as well as in the manufacture of disposable tableware, for some reason is not a weighty argument in this case.

Foam house: building instructions

Dealing with the strong and weaknesses material, you can proceed with the installation. But first you need to prepare everything you need.

Stage 1. Tools, materials

The work will require:

  • foam blocks;
  • finishing material;
  • sand;
  • wires, pipes;
  • metal fittings? 12 mm;
  • steel wire for bonding;
  • cement of the "six hundredth" brand;
  • water;
  • crushed stone;
  • concrete mixer.

Stage 2. Foundation


Building a house starts with the foundation. The best option- ordinary strip foundation, although it all depends on the characteristics of the soil in the selected region.

After pouring, the base is supplemented with a support. For this wooden blocks 50x60 mm in size are laid along the entire perimeter of the foundation. The entire remaining area must be laid with boards of the same thickness.

Stage 3. Assembly of the structure

The erection of a thermal house is similar to the assembly of a designer - the blocks are joined groove to groove, shifted with reinforcement and assembled into walls.

Styrofoam blocks, assembly

Step 1. The foam blocks are prepared for installation: they are cleaned, leveled and dried thoroughly.

Step 3 A concrete solution is being prepared. To do this, cement, crushed stone and sand are poured into a concrete mixer in a ratio of 1: 3: 3 and poured with such an amount of water that a liquid mixture is obtained as a result.

Step 4. After driving five rows, a solution is poured into the voids between the layers of blocks. When pouring, it is advisable to tap on the side surface of each block - so the shrinkage of the concrete will be more dense.

Step 5. A part of the wall is assembled from the next five rows of blocks and again filled with mortar. The procedure is repeated until the completion of construction.

Step 6 Sewerage, wiring and other communications are laid directly into the walls of the house, after which it is covered with a roof and the final finishing of the walls is carried out. It is characteristic that the pipeline is recommended to be laid in still hollow walls, while the electrical wiring is supplied through pre-made strobes (there should be no problems with strobe foam).


In choise roofing material also there are no restrictions. In fact, a foam house - monolithic construction, able to withstand any load, so even natural tiles can be used for coating.

Note! It is better to start building a thermal house in warm time year at a temperature not lower than -10?

Foam blocks retain their original properties for a long time. There is even an opinion that a house built from these blocks, under appropriate conditions, can last up to 100 years.

Styrofoam house

Stage 4. Finishing

As already mentioned, there are practically no restrictions on the internal / external decoration of the walls of a thermal house. Financially it is more profitable to use decorative plaster or regular paint, and from the inside to make plasterboard sheathing.

Arched foam house

The thermal house may look different. The following is an instruction for the construction of an arched building standard sizes: the height of the walls is 3 m, the total area is about 10 m². Of course, such a structure cannot be used as permanent housing.

dome house

What will be required in the work

Before starting construction, you need to take care of everything you need. Below is a list of materials:

  • foam blocks;
  • building level;
  • concrete mortar;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • dowels, self-tapping screws;
  • ruler;
  • marker.

Construction technology

Step 1. First, the foundation is being built. In this case, no difference from previous version no.

Fixed formwork made of expanded polystyrene for the foundation

Step 2. A beam of 50x60 mm is laid along the entire perimeter of the base, fastening is done by means of anchors. In this case, the design is periodically checked by the level.

Note! To optimize the fastening, you can use any mounting foam, except for the extra class. This is explained simply: this type of foam expands greatly.

Step 3. The side walls of the base, protruding above the ground, are finished decorative stone. The stone is laid on an ordinary concrete mortar and lightly beaten with a hammer.

Step 4. The foundation is covered with a waterproofing layer (suitable polyethylene film). A brick can be placed on top of the film to increase the strength of the foundation and protect against subsidence.

Step 5. Next, the foam blocks are prepared. They are cut and glued in accordance with the previously taken measurements. For the frame of the arch, you need to use only curly blocks, and you can take ordinary thick sheets to fill the walls. Mounting foam is used for gluing.

Note! For fixing, you can also use special glue for polystyrene, but mounting foam is spent more economically. The only drawback of the foam is that its expansion must be constantly monitored, otherwise the tightness of the frame may be compromised.

Step 6 Finished foam arches are attached to the base with self-tapping screws and dowels. To do this, holes are made around the entire perimeter of the foundation (with equal pitch), into which high self-tapping screws are installed. Then, holes are made in the lower part of each arch in the appropriate places, after which the arches are mounted on self-tapping screws.

Arched house details

Note! For ease of assembly, dowels can be inserted into the holes in the arches in advance.

Step 7 Arches are additionally fixed. If mounting foam is used, then it fills the gap between the frame and the base with a thin tube. If glue is used, then all work surfaces are lubricated with it even before the arches are mounted.

Step 8. It remains only to close the cracks between the blocks concrete mortar and plaster the walls of the house. For further finishing, as already mentioned, you can use any material - it all depends on financial capabilities and personal preferences.

As you can see, building a foam house is not such a complicated procedure. The main thing is to correctly calculate the consumption of building materials and securely fix the blocks on the foundation. By the way, not only blocks can be used in construction.

Based on site materials:

Appearance: very dense plates of finely porous insulation of red (rarely blue) color, with black inscriptions (Stirofoam, Penoplex, thermite, etc.).

Possible problems with using XPS on a façade:

1. Detachment of tiles together with glue, at the junction of plates. Steam cannot pass through the XPS and finds an outlet only at the seams of the insulation.

The amount of moisture in these places is excessive, when freezing, this water expands and the lining layer collapses.

2. Deformation of the insulation plate with temperature fluctuations. Like any hard plastic, extruded polystyrene has a significant linear expansion when heated.

On the sunny side of the façade, the slabs can bulge.

3. Lagging from the surface of the insulation of any glue along with the facade finish. In the production of extruded polystyrene, its surface is covered with a release agent so that it does not stick to the equipment. So nothing sticks to it.

Before installing DEKA Flexible Stone on an XPS surface, it must be properly prepared.

1. The insulation plate to the wall must be securely glued to a special glue for extruded polystyrene foam and, after the glue has dried, additionally fixed with dowels.

The length of the dowel is selected so that it enters the base at least to the depth recommended by the dowel manufacturer for a particular wall material (more for aerated concrete than for reinforced concrete). The consumption of dowels is 5-7 pieces per m2.

2. Clean the surface of the insulation with coarse sandpaper and prime with an adhesive primer.

3. Apply the mixture for the base plaster layer, then “freeze” the reinforced fiberglass mesh into it and rub it with a trowel.

4. After the base plaster layer has dried, it is recommended to prime it with a penetrating primer.

As an alternative option for preparing a wall insulated with XPS, can fiber cement sheets (flat slate), DSP, OSB be installed?

DIY foam house

directly on the surface of the extruded polystyrene foam on the dowels of the required length and glue the DEKA stone directly on them, after using a universal penetrating primer.

Before gluing, the roll with a stone cloth must be unwound and allowed to straighten out for 5 minutes at a temperature of 18-20 0C.

Pasting with a flexible stone "DECA" is better to start from any of the upper corners.

Glue from 2 to 5 mm thick and 500 mm * 1000 mm in size is applied to the prepared surface with a spatula. The fragment separated from the canvas is transferred to the wall with glue applied and pressed into the mass of glue with the fingers until the glue protrudes slightly along the edges of the fragment.

Further, the procedure is repeated with the following separated fragments, taking into account the width of the jointing seams, to the place where the surface with glue ends. Next, glue is applied to the next area, and the procedure is repeated.

It must be taken into account that the adhesive and jointing composition does not get on the front part of the Flexible stone "DEKA".

When using glue as jointing, it is recommended to carefully level the glue that has come out from the edges along the jointing seam within an hour, so that the end of the flexible DEKA stone is covered with glue (this will give a more aesthetic appearance).

The size of the seam can be any, at your discretion.

When embroidering seams with other compounds, it is desirable to minimize the release of glue to the edge, and remove the excess immediately. The easiest way to achieve this is to reduce the adhesive layer, but not less than 1 mm over the entire surface.

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Do-it-yourself wall insulation with foam plastic

One of the most commonly used methods of insulation is the cladding of the facade with foam plastic.

do-it-yourself foam house video

This is due to the low cost of the material and the simplicity of its installation technology. So you can insulate any walls. However, wooden - with a caveat, as discussed below.

The benefits of foam

  • Inexpensive
  • Light
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Does not absorb moisture
  • Does not deform, does not change size over time
  • When reinforced with fiberglass, it creates a rather rigid base for plaster
  • Easy mount technology


  • Flammable, emits toxic smoke when burned
  • Easily damaged by small rodents

Bonded thermal insulation method

Insulation of the outer surface of the walls with foam plastic is usually carried out by the method of bonded thermal insulation.

  1. Insulation plates are fixed on the wall with glue with additional fixation with plate-shaped dowels
  2. The foam layer is reinforced with fiberglass

What foam to use

There are the following sizes of foam for wall insulation: 1.0x0.5m and 1x1m.

A slab with dimensions of 1.0x0.5m is much more convenient to use than a 1x1m slab.

External insulation is made using foam plastic having a density of 25 kg / m3.

A material with a lower density has better thermal insulation properties, but has weak rigidity and can easily be damaged during work.

Special facade foam which has fairly good breathability. The thickness of the foam for wall insulation may depend on the climatic features of the region in which the building is located, the material of the object and its size.

Usually it is from 3 to 12 cm.


Most often, a special adhesive is used for polystyrene boards, which is a cement-based dry mix.

If the wall surface is even, the difference is not more than 5 mm, then you can apply a continuous layer of glue with a notched trowel.

If there are more irregularities, glue is applied around the perimeter in the form of a strip 3-4 cm wide.

In the middle part of the slab, several beacons with a diameter of about 10 cm are made.

After pressing to the base, the adhesive must cover at least 40% of the plane of the sheet.

There is another option - polyurethane adhesive in an aerosol can. It does not require additional preparation. The cylinder is inserted into the mounting gun, then a strip of glue is applied around the perimeter of the sheet 2-4 cm from the edge. A zigzag strip is applied inside the resulting rectangle. Such glue allows you to install foam sheets much faster.

Work order

The following text describes the procedure for successfully insulating walls with foam, both outside and inside.

Surface preparation

  1. Remove protruding objects from the wall: ventilation grilles, lighting fixtures, etc.
  2. Level the surface.

    The size of the protrusions and depressions should not be more than 1-2 cm. If necessary, prime the wall and level with plaster

  3. Apply an exterior primer that matches the wall material

Insulation preparation

Penoplex (extruded polystyrene) has a smooth surface.

You can make it rough to ensure adhesion with glue in the following ways:

  • Roll with a special roller with a needle surface
  • Make notches with a utility knife

Conventional foam has a fairly rough surface and does not require preparation.

Plinth profile installation

A plinth profile is fixed along the bottom of the wall.

It serves as the basis for the sheets of the first row, and also protects the insulation from rodents. Its size should correspond to the width of the insulation.

It is necessary to leave a distance of 2-5 mm between the profiles in order to compensate for the thermal expansion of the material.

  1. At one of the corners, the bottom point of the insulation layer is marked
  2. This mark is transferred to the remaining corners, for which you can use the hydraulic level
  3. A cord is stretched between the marks along the wall, a profile is installed along it.

    It is fastened with dowels after 30 cm

Attaching foam to glue

Sheets are installed in the corners, aligned in the vertical and horizontal plane. Level and rule are used for alignment.

A cord is stretched along the upper edge of the sheets. It determines the position of the top edge of the insulation when filling the current row.

Once the sheet is in place, it must not be moved.

If it is really necessary, the sheet should be removed, cleaned of glue and the whole gluing procedure should be carried out again.

The sheet is applied to the wall with a slight offset from the final position. With the help of a rule or a long trowel, it is pressed into the plane of neighboring plates. Checked for level. So the whole row is pasted over.

At the corners, a jagged connection of sheets is made - sheets of adjacent rows are alternately wedged into the plane of the adjacent surface by the thickness of the insulation or a little further.

After the corner is completely closed, the foam must be trimmed.

The vertical seams of adjacent rows must be at least 20 cm apart, that is, there must be a dressing of the seams.

A pause is made in the work so that the glue seizes securely. Usually it's three days.

Fixing with dowels

Sheets are additionally fixed with dowels-umbrellas, usually 5 per sheet.

Their length should provide a penetration into the wall of at least 5 cm. Recesses for fasteners are drilled with a perforator.

The dowel is hammered in with a rubber mallet or screwed in with a screwdriver.

The first dowel is hammered into the center of the sheet, the rest - in the corners, in the seam. The cap should be flush with the foam, the allowable protrusion is no more than 1 mm.

Completion of the gluing stage

The joints of the sheets are rubbed with glue.

If there are gaps wider than 5 mm, they are foamed with mounting foam or sealed with foam strips.

If irregularities are visible, they are leveled with a foam grater.

When laying two layers of insulation, the second one is fastened with vertical and horizontal overlapping of the seams of the first layer.

In this case, the seams of the first layer can not be foamed.

Fixing the reinforcing mesh

A reinforcing fiberglass mesh is fixed on top of the foam with glue.

First the corners of the house, and also outside corners window and door slopes on the ground floor they are reinforced with a perforated corner, plastic or aluminum.

This is done to protect against accidental damage.

If there are no corners, you can stick a strip reinforcing mesh with an approach to each side of the corner by 20 cm.

Then the rest of the wall is reinforced:

  1. The mesh is cut into strips of the same length.
  2. A 2 mm layer of glue is applied to the wall section according to the size of the strip.

    Strips are glued horizontally

  3. The mesh is sunk into the adhesive layer with a wide spatula
  4. Another layer of glue is applied on top
  5. The stripes should overlap by 10 centimeters.
  6. The next day the surface is polished. If necessary, align
  7. After 3 days, the walls will dry completely. They should be primed with a mixture of quartz sand. This ensures high adhesion for the following coat layers.

Usually this structural plaster. But you can also paint with facade paint.

If the walls are made of wood

Some experts are of the opinion that wooden walls it is impossible to insulate the outside with foam using the bonded thermal insulation method, because the vapor permeability of this insulation is insufficient.

Such insulation can lead to dampness and deterioration thermal insulation properties walls.

They propose to make a hinged ventilated facade.

Insulation of walls from the inside with foam

When using a material such as foam to insulate the walls inside, it must be taken into account that there is a danger of not getting a good result.

The dew point can move closer to the inner surface of the walls, then their freezing will increase.

It is necessary to make preliminary thermal calculations.

The technology of wall insulation with foam plastic of the inner surface has some features:

  • Glue covers the entire plane of the sheet. This prevents the formation of air voids. Moisture can condense in them.
  • To level the walls, you can not use ordinary cement mortar.

    We use special moisture-proof mixtures designed for finishing in bathrooms.

  • Anchor fastenings are not used in order to avoid breaking the tightness of the layer. It is possible to strengthen the fastening by installing between sheets of T-profiles

As can be seen from the above, there are no particular difficulties in the technology of foam insulation.

But the work must be done carefully. It is necessary that the insulation layer be strong and without cracks, resulting in a continuous and uniform heat-insulating shell.

Video about wall insulation from the outside with foam

The technology of warming the house outside with polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene is a material that is often used for effective insulation facades. As a result of its application, it is possible to achieve savings in heat resources spent on heating the house. But this material has installation features. How to insulate a house with polystyrene foam to protect the walls from the penetration of cold? After reading this article, you will be able to install the heat insulator yourself.

Do-it-yourself insulation of facades with expanded polystyrene: the use and choice of a heat insulator

Before you get to know detailed instruction for the installation of polystyrene foam heat insulator, you need to know that:

  1. Expanded polystyrene should be chosen for the insulation of brick, reinforced concrete, cinder block houses, as well as buildings made of shell rock.
  2. Installation work should be carried out in warm, dry weather. It is advisable to carry them out in the last months of spring or early autumn.

    Rain and the scorching sun adversely affect polystyrene foam, as a result of which its thermal insulation index deteriorates.

  3. On sale there is more often material in slabs. But you can also find a sprayed version. The latter is not recommended to choose if you plan to do the work yourself, because it requires the participation of specialists.

High-quality insulation of facades with expanded polystyrene depends on right choice its thickness.

  • In 1 brick - 50 mm;
  • In 1.5 bricks - 38-40 mm;
  • In 2 bricks - 32 mm;
  • In 2.5 bricks - 29 mm

Materials and tools

To work with insulation, you need to prepare:

  1. Drill and hammer;
  2. Construction knife;
  3. Spatulas with different lengths;
  4. Level, plumb.

To insulate the house with polystyrene foam, you will need the heat insulator itself, as well as fasteners in the form of building "fungi".

You need to purchase a special adhesive composition. As a rule, in such cases, polyurethane adhesive is used. To seal the gaps between the plates, you will need mounting foam. To prepare the facade for finishing, you need to buy reinforced mesh. For facade works suitable material with a density of 150 g/m2. IMPORTANT! The degree of evenness of the surface of the facade depends on the density of the mesh.

Preparing for installation

Before installing polystyrene boards exterior walls should be prepared.

It is necessary to remove all parts, structures that can interfere with the process of laying insulation. The walls are cleared of old plaster, paint. It is advisable to check the evenness of the walls. If there are significant indentations, it is better to level them using plaster. Although expanded polystyrene can be mounted on uneven walls, but moisture will accumulate in the existing recesses, which can cause unpleasant phenomena.

If the wall decoration is loose, then you additionally need to walk on their surface with a primer.

The material itself does not require preparation. But when using an extruded variety (foam), you need to roughen its smooth surface.

To do this, you can use the same construction knife, with which shallow notches are applied to the material.

The tides should be equal to the thickness of the polystyrene foam, plaster layer + play of a few centimeters. Be sure to carry out the insulation of slopes in places window openings. For this, a similar heat insulator with a thickness of 2 cm or more is suitable.

We insulate the house from the outside with polystyrene foam: step by step instructions

  1. A starting profile is installed at the bottom of the walls, which will not allow the insulating material to move.
  2. Glue is applied to the wall, as well as along the edges and in the middle of the polystyrene foam board.
  3. The heat insulator with an adhesive layer is tightly pressed against the wall.

    It can be moved horizontally.

  4. It takes some time for the adhesive to adhere to the wall. How much exactly? As a rule, information about this is available on the packaging of the adhesive. After that, the insulation boards are additionally fixed with the help of building "fungi". The latter should enter the wall by about 5 cm. "Fungi" are located at the junction of the heat insulator plates, as well as in the middle of each of them.
  5. With the formation of gaps of approximately 0.5 cm, mounting foam is used.

    After hardening, its excess is removed when using a construction knife.

  6. Caps of "fungi" are cleaned and puttied.

Reinforcing mesh work

After the facades are insulated with polystyrene foam with their own hands, the facade is covered with a reinforcing mesh attached to the perforated corners. Mounting adhesive is used to fasten the mesh material.

Corners, slopes are covered with mesh strips 30 cm wide. Small canvases are attached to the facade surface, while the mounting mixture is applied in a layer of 0.3 cm.

IMPORTANT! The mesh is overlapped by 10 cm.

After fixing the mesh, the walls are passed with a rubberized spatula. In order for the reinforcing material to be evenly covered with glue, you can add it in the required amount.

As soon as the layer with the mesh dries, it must be passed with sandpaper.

Do-it-yourself wall insulation with polystyrene foam from the outside: advantages and disadvantages

Expanded polystyrene insulation is a good solution if you plan to independently insulate the facade of your house, because it:

  1. It is produced in plates that are light in weight.

    Even 1 person can pick them up and easily move them to the right place. He doesn't need help for this.

  2. Features an easy processing process.

    How to build a styrofoam house

    Styrofoam is easy to cut.

  3. It just attaches. To carry out work on its installation under the power of 1 person.

It is worth choosing expanded polystyrene, because it perfectly retains heat in your home. This material will not be exposed to moisture, it is absolutely not terrible for him. Residents of the house will not need to worry about the environmental safety of the material. Today, such a heat insulator is produced using technologies that exclude that it will emit any harmful substances.

For the same reason, you will not need to use special equipment when working with it.

If we insulate the house from the outside with polystyrene foam, then we need to know about the disadvantage of such a heat insulator. This material loses to the same mineral wool in terms of its fire safety properties. It is known that it contains special additives that slow down the ignition process. But their effect is short-lived. If you follow the rules fire safety during the construction and further operation of the building, it is possible not to pay special attention the indicated deficiency.

Insulation of facades with expanded polystyrene: conclusions

So, we told you about how to choose polystyrene foam. You learned about the features of the work on fixing this insulation, and also received information about its advantages and disadvantages. If you have not yet decided on the choice of a heat insulator, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the technology of working with mineral wool, which is also an excellent option for facade insulation.

Our other articles will help you complete home decoration work, in particular, with the use of decorative facade plaster, which allows you to give buildings a unique look.