American style houses inside. American-style house - great house designs, with luxurious design (125 photos of new products)

American-style houses are considered one of the most popular in Russia for the construction of suburban structures. This is because such houses have been seen more than once in the movies, in pictures, and, perhaps, with our own eyes. These houses, in addition to their visual appearance, are distinguished by a lot of interesting features that are most often ignored in our country.

In this article, using the example of a photo of an American-style house, we will talk about all its features, origin and construction.

Origin of American Style

The American style was finally formed in the 18th century and it is considered not only an element of the taste of the developers of that time, but also the comfort of the residents.

Americans feel much better in small private houses and believe that having their own personal independent territory is much better than being crowded in apartments of high-rise buildings. In the USA, people live in families and it is not very convenient to settle from five to ten people in one apartment.

Also, the appearance of the style is based on religious principles. In Russia, people profess a completely different Christianity and do not think much about the design of their house, which fits the design of the local church.

In the US, people are used to being distant from others, as everyone shares their views on religion, politics. This is a country of freedom of speech, so all people are different and you want to live separately from the annoying neighbors that you constantly have to see in the entrance. In their opinion, only poor people live in apartments.

Today, the American style has grown to the peak of its development. Gradually improving, under the influence of changes in the world of technology, American homes have become even more interesting, comfortable and in some cases even non-volatile.

It is also worth noting that this kind of houses were built initially because of their environmentally friendly features, as well as the ability to buy those materials that are not produced in the country. Today, this restriction has been lifted, but the inhabitants of the country still adhere to the classic version.

Key Features of American Style Homes

Before creating an American-style house project, everyone always thinks about what other advantages are there that are not yet known?

In fact, they are much more than just a beautiful appearance, interior, and landscape design. The main features of the American-style house include the following:

  • symmetry of the structure;
  • low-rise;
  • attached garage;
  • multiple inputs;
  • vast territory;
  • eco-friendly finish;
  • veranda, terrace or wide porch.

American houses are perfectly symmetrical, which means that there is one even whole structure, which most often resembles the shape of a cube. Americans prefer to build houses not in width, but in height to a greater extent, since they do not always have the opportunity to stretch the house over a large part of the site.

A competent ratio of the frame of the house to the site, as well as the proportional dimensions of the walls, are considered the most convenient option for housing today.

The main feature of the American house is its low-rise. In general, it is not at all necessary to build houses with three floors, and a Russian resident knows this. No one wants to build tall houses, and then heat those rooms in which no one lives.

As a rule, the style lies in a favorable layout, where on the ground floor there is a connection to all communications, as well as a kitchen, a dining room, a bathroom, a living room and offices for work, if necessary. On the second floor there are bedrooms, as well as rooms for personal purposes. One-story American-style houses have fewer rooms and are not equipped with offices.

As with any other residential lot, American Cottages are also equipped with a garage. The only thing is that they most often attach it to the main structure, but if there is no need for an additional room, then you can find houses with a built-in garage.

In our country, people are accustomed to metal gates, Americans, in turn, prefer roller shutters or doors that open remotely.

The layout of the American-style house is more complicated. In houses for large families, you can often find several bathrooms (on the first and second floors). It is simpler, more convenient, and if there is free space, you can use it for an additional bathroom.

Also, in such a house there can be two entrances - one front, and the second "service", which leads to the courtyard. Americans like to divide the site into several small areas so that there is somewhere to roam, even if the site itself is small.

As a rule, in Western states not much territory is allocated for personal needs for ordinary citizens. That is why for centuries people have been told that the territory needs to be zoned, which creates the effect of vastness.

On their plots, Americans prefer to do beautiful landscape design more than to plant a row of vegetable crops. This must be taken into account when building a house, since a properly planned site, even a small one, can look much more interesting.

A distinctive feature of the American house from the Russian one is also the environmental friendliness of the finish. Today, more and more often, Russian owners have begun to decorate their premises with environmentally friendly materials, as they have become more affordable both in price and in quantity. Americans love cleanliness and pleasant fresh air, so the environmental friendliness of their homes was noticed hundreds of years ago.

As for the area around the house, various playgrounds are most often built here, terraces, verandas are attached, and a wide porch is made.

As a rule, a beautiful alley leads to the house in front of the entrance to the territory, and the house itself closely borders on the neighboring plot, separating its premises from the neighboring one with a simple fence. American-style home design is all about simplicity without being overly elegant.

American style room decor

Most often, the interior of an American-style house is decorated in cream colors. For this, any suitable tile is selected, as well as other materials that allow you to recreate a classic style that gives some zest from the past.

In this business, Americans are conservative and much less often you can find a high-tech interior or in other versions. Often you can see various wooden structures that complement the interior well.

But the basis of the composition is lighting, which will bring the whole idea to life. Over the past decades, energy-saving light bulbs have been installed in houses in lamps, but ceiling lamps must always give yellow light to everything.

And yes, lamps are an important part of the decor. The more lamps and nightlights, the better. An American-style country house can be done without too much lighting.

Photos of American-style houses

The American style was formed later than most architectural trends. In the late 18th century, about 85% of the white population of the North American colonies came from Britain or Ireland; this became a determining factor in the appearance of dwellings. The American house could not help but borrow the characteristic features of English buildings of different styles - Tudor, Georgian, and later Victorian.

And, of course, the surrounding reality has made its own adjustments to the methods of construction and design of houses. The first colonists had more than enough land and built their farms to be as spacious and practical as possible. City houses could have features of English, German, and, to the south, Spanish styles; they were built of wood and brick. Buildings in the outback acquired the features of a style that is now called country (sometimes ranch style). The modern American-style home is enduringly popular; customers are attracted by the functional layout, bright personality and always appropriate interior.

A typical house for a large family Source

American style: design features

Americans are considered a practical nation; this property helped to make the houses simple in appearance and comfortable. American houses (projects and layouts) are easily recognizable:

    Form. Buildings, as a rule, have a symmetrical shape in plan, one (more economical) or two (more options for planning them) floors and a low foundation.

    Environment. The backyard is clearly zoned and well maintained; the owners allocate space for a children's playground, a barbecue area, garden furniture, a swimming pool. In front of the main facade, there is often a well-groomed lawn with the pride of the hostess - a flower bed.

    Project details. The house is decorated with a terrace, a veranda or a spacious porch. Projects of American-style houses certainly include an attached spacious garage.

Atypical option - two full and attic floors Source

    Exterior. Laconic, with a predominance of straight lines, made in light, soothing colors. The decoration uses natural materials (stone, brick, wood) or cover the facade walls with plaster, clapboard, vinyl siding.

    Window. Projects of American houses are characterized by a large number of windows. Often they have an arched shape - the influence of the Spanish style, and are equipped with shutters.

    Attic. A frequent detail of projects, especially in houses with a wooden facade. Often it is provided with a balcony or a panoramic window; additional windows are installed on the roof.

    Inputs. There are several of them: front and additional (one or more), through which you can get to the backyard terrace.

    Roof. Pitched, complex asymmetric shape.

Variety of style: austere on the outside, but comfortable on the inside Source


The layout of the American-style house has well-established canons. The main principle that they try to follow in the construction of housing is space and freedom for each family member. Therefore, in both one- and two-story houses, the premises are made as large as possible, and each has a separate room. The layout of American houses has the following features:

    First floor. There is an entrance hall, a large kitchen, which is often separated from the living room by a bar or partition, a dining room, a guest bedroom and a bathroom. Sometimes on the ground floor there is an adult bedroom, an office and a gym.

    Second floor. There are personal (sleeping) rooms of family members, dressing rooms, bathrooms.

    Garage. Typical American-style cottage projects necessarily contain a garage, often for two or more cars. It can adjoin the house (and have an internal, from the house, entrance) or be located separately and connected to the housing by a covered gallery. The garage has access to the boiler room and workshop (if provided by the project).

Viewed from the doorway first floor layout Source

    Terrace and veranda. The wide circular terrace on the first floor is an American classic; sometimes they make an exit from the master bedroom on it. Practical owners place here comfortable furniture for relaxation, hang a hammock, arrange a play area for children. Here you can put a barbecue or arrange a summer kitchen. They also try to make the veranda spacious, decorate it with wicker furniture and gather there for morning coffee or evening conversation.

Materials and design features of the facade

A variety of materials can be used to build American-style housing, from stone, brick and concrete blocks, to timber and logs. But, as you know, the favorite option for Americans are frame houses. This is due to several reasons:

    Cheap (not affecting reliability).

    Quick and easy assembly.

    Good thermal efficiency.

Modern project: three levels and combined facade decoration Source

Popular technologies are:

    Frame-panel (panel). Facade and interior walls are assembled from panels (blocks, panels) on a pre-mounted wooden frame. Plywood, OSB boards (which is poorly applicable in Russian conditions), thermal blocks and SIP panels (suitable for use in areas with long winters) are used as shields.

    Frame-modular. A more expensive option, when individual wall elements are assembled at the factory and delivered ready to the construction site. Each section has insulation, finishing and necessary communications.

Frame projects of American houses and cottages have no restrictions in the design of the facade. Exterior decoration is carried out using the following materials:

    facade plaster. Use different types of plaster in light colors. Mineral plaster can be covered with a protective layer of silicate or silicone paint with vapor permeable properties, or acrylic facade paint can be used.

Frame house with basement and wood facade Source

    Facade clinker brick. Such cladding will provide the facade with strength and durability. Thanks to the natural shades of the clinker, the home will have a beautiful appearance.

    facade panels. Panels are a modern material with a solid service life, which can significantly improve the appearance of the building. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of colors and textures of materials that imitate natural stone and brick.

    Siding. A popular (and economical) modern home decoration option. The material has good protective characteristics and a rich palette of colors.

    block house. Wood looks cozy and is great for decorating a traditional home. Wood flooring needs periodic treatment to protect against moisture, mold and insect pests.

Strict symmetry comes from England Source

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

American style in the interior

Making an American-style cottage requires compliance with several conditions:

    Consolidation of ground floor space. A common technique is that when you enter an American house, you do not find yourself in the hallway, but immediately in a spacious living room. The living room, in turn, is symbolically separated from the dining room and kitchen - by a bar counter, shelving or a sliding partition.

    Color selection. The original American retro style implies the predominance of discreet solid shades of green, gray, milky. Also in the palette there are always white, brown and beige colors. For bright accent colors, combinations would be appropriate: red with beige and brown, blue with white and sand, green with chocolate and cream. For country style, great brightness and variegation is acceptable, for example, floral wallpaper or patterned furniture upholstery.

Video description

About the exterior of the American house in the following video:

    Fireplace. A direct inheritance of the English style, it is considered an indispensable component of a real American interior. A traditional fireplace is a fairly large structure (to match the spacious living room) with a wide mantelpiece. It can be made from any material, but it is better to veneer with a light stone, natural or artificial.

    Floor and walls. For the floor, it is preferable to use natural materials that are pleasant to the feet - a sanded board or parquet, and a laminate is also allowed. Light-colored tiles are often laid on the kitchen floor. The walls are plastered or pasted over with wallpaper in pastel colors.

    Accessories. Uncomplicated and relevant to the life of the owners. These can be photographs and letters in simple frames (metal, wood or plastic) on the walls or a mantelpiece, commemorative trinkets and elegant figurines, flowers, fruits in baskets or vases.

Modern color accents in a traditional living room Source

    Furniture. To maintain the style, you need massive, solid, without pretentious decoration, furniture. Finishing, depending on the direction (classic or country), is chosen in monophonic, with a small pattern or leather.

    Textiles and carpets. All fabrics, from curtains and sofa upholstery to rugs and tablecloths, should be light in color. Carpets should not completely cover the floor: a small cream or beige carpet looks stylish on dark parquet.

    Lighting. Properly selected lighting fixtures will create the right atmosphere and help zone a large room. For the central part of the house, the living room, a large solemn chandelier and additional lamps, floor lamps and table lamps are suitable.

Video description

About the tour of the American home in the following video:

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Decorating rooms in an American cottage

When developing American-style house projects, architects and designers use ready-made style developments in the design of various premises:

    Living room. They try to place furniture in the recreation area by the fireplace and away from the walls to emphasize the volume of the room. Sofas and armchairs are selected comfortable; the atmosphere is well complemented by a low coffee table, a display cabinet with a glass front door or a bookcase. Usually in the living room there is a place for modern consumer electronics - a TV and an audio system.

The fireplace takes center stage in the living room. Source

    Kitchen. As part of the common space, the kitchen follows the style and color scheme of the living room. It is spacious, most often furnished with wooden furniture. An indispensable attribute is household appliances, from the hob to the latest model coffee maker. Since there is no partition between the kitchen and other rooms, a powerful hood and ventilation system are of great importance. The kitchen area can be decorated with a still life, a landscape or a decorative fruit basket.

American Recipe Source

    Bedroom. Bright, cozy with a high double bed, a chest of drawers and a dressing table. Blinds on the window protect in the morning from bright sunlight.

Traditional palette in the design of the bedroom Source

    Bathroom. In a spacious house, the bathroom is not cut in size. It is large enough to accommodate a bathtub, a shower stall, a sink (often two), many hanging shelves and large mirrors framed by lamps without interference. A characteristic feature of the American-style bathroom is a full-fledged window, equipped with blinds or roller blinds. The bathroom is decorated in bright colors. Often the area of ​​the house allows you to arrange a separate laundry room, usually next to the kitchen or in the basement.

The bathroom is subject to the requirements of functionality and comfort Source

    Children's. The only place in the classic American home where style violations are allowed. The color scheme can be anything - from delicate beige-pink shades for girls to rich reds and blues for boys. Furniture is placed along the walls, this frees up space for games. To maintain functionality, convenient shelving for toys and a spacious chest of drawers for clothes are selected for the nursery. The room is decorated with paintings drawn by its owner, posters, original chandeliers, bedside lamps and table lamps.

Colonial style in the design of the nursery Source

    Basement (ground floor). Although the foundation of a typical American dwelling is low, its basement is designed at a considerable depth. This area can be used as a place to store things, arrange a workshop, laundry or gym there.

There is enough space in the house for a separate laundry room. Source

American style cottage projects

Squat and spacious houses are best suited for large plots of land. Construction and design companies have extensive catalogs of American projects for houses and cottages, one- and two-story, as well as with an attic floor. If standard solutions are not suitable for the future owner, professional architects and design engineers are at his service, ready to modify the existing version or create a new one. In Russian conditions, such projects have some features:

    Construction quality. The frame technology was developed as energy efficient, so the house will be warm even in regions with prolonged frosts. The quality of housing will be provided by a reliable developer company with solid professional experience. When choosing a company, it is worth getting acquainted not only with its portfolio (which can be quite impressive), but also with the objects it has actually delivered and their happy owners.

Modern frame American house project Source

    Ground floor. Due to the characteristics of the soil and frost heaving, it is not possible to implement a project with a basement floor in all regions. A competent solution would be the organization of a residential attic.

Many recognizable features of the American style find a lively response from the Russian customer and are present in the projects:

    Free layout and spacious premises (including utility rooms).

    The presence of a wide porches, terraces or verandas with a variety of uses.

    Attached garage, which you can get to without leaving your home (especially valuable in winter).

    Attic. The original space for the owners' private rooms.

    Project Features. Exit on two sides, a basement floor for household needs, built-in wardrobes and closets increase the comfort and functionality of housing.

Project with an attic balcony and a small porch Source

Varieties of American house projects

In addition to the classic, there are other varieties of style:

    Ranch. Such houses are often one-story, have an asymmetrical facade, an attached garage and large panoramic windows (sometimes sliding glass doors leading from the living room to the garden). The ranch can be brick or frame, roofing with low slopes. To decorate the facade, shades of gray, blue and brown are used.

classic american ranch Source

    southwestern. A kind of ranch style that mixes cowboy and Native American traditions. Such buildings are characterized by a stone or plastered facade of a red or sandy color; the roof is always flat, tiled.

Ranch style with a modern twist Source

    Such buildings are common closer to the border with Mexico. In terms of area, they are inferior to classic American houses, finished with stucco (usually white, beige or ocher). The style is characterized by a flat or low roof under red tiles, arched windows and passageways. Carved wooden doors, forged lattices and tile ornaments serve as decoration.

The American interpretation left the Spanish colonial home virtually unchanged. Source

    Craftsman (craftsman's house). One of the most popular styles. Recognizable by its low pitched roof, the columns that support the roof over the porch, the stained-glass windows in the doors and windows, and the exterior stone chimneys. The interior is characterized by ceilings with exposed beams and an abundance of wood in the finishes, decor and furniture.

A popular rustic design style is the craftsman Source:

Construction of cottages in the American style on a turnkey basis

An American-style frame house is an economical, quick and practical way to get your own home. Many construction companies in Moscow and the Moscow region carry out the construction of a turnkey house, which means a full cycle of work, preparatory and construction. The company undertakes:

    Inspection of the land and drawing up a topographic plan.

    Finalization of the project or design from scratch.

    Budgeting and paperwork.

    Procurement and delivery of materials to the construction site.

    Carrying out construction work in compliance with all standards and quality control.

    Handing over the keys to the owner.

Project for a young family Source

The customer gets the opportunity:

    Make changes to a typical project.

    Study and evaluate preliminary estimate, and after its agreement conclude an agreement with the company.

    Get significant savings on building materials (as a rule, companies have permanent reliable suppliers).

    Oversee construction(visiting it in person or online).

    Pay for construction in stages or in installments.

    Get a guarantee on the work performed, and often on the materials.

    Celebrate housewarming in 5-7 months after the start of construction work.

Six months will pass from idea to implementation. Source


Generations of immigrants who left Europe and settled in the vast expanses of North America managed to create an original architectural style that has not lost its relevance to this day. Despite the qualitatively new directions in private housing construction that have emerged over the past 50 years, American cottage projects invariably attract the attention of future homeowners. They are a tempting option for many reasons, including functionality, thoughtful layout, and presentable looks. If you decide to become the owner of an American-style house, projects, photos of the future building can be viewed in different variations, but they will all be united by common features.

American style is to some extent a mixture of styles, because America is a multinational country. At the heart of the American style you will find the prim classics of England, which was rethought by the Americans in versatility and practicality.

American style can hardly be called historical, but it cannot be attributed to modern style either. It balances between modern and classic.

The following features are characteristic of the American interior:

  • Liberty;
  • ease;
  • relaxation;
  • restraint;
  • neutrality.

Most often in America, there are classic red brick houses for this country.

As well as cottages with a large veranda, reminiscent of farmhouses.

Living spaces are characterized by wide, high windows - they make the room truly bright and cozy.

Americans are characterized by openness and hospitality. The interior always reflects this trait of their character. Guests in such a house are always welcome.

Residents of this country use zoning and love large, massive furniture in the room. The country house is no exception.

The American country interior strives primarily for simplicity and practicality. Furniture, walls, discreet decor - everything emphasizes the naturalness and ease of style.

A characteristic feature of the American-style interior is simplicity and practicality.

Americans rarely put interior doors in their homes. And the entrance hall, guest room, kitchen are combined into one spacious room.

In American country houses, it is not uncommon to see floors of varying levels and textures. Such a floor copes well with the task of zoning a spacious but multifunctional home.

Lighting in such houses is also zoned.

You will probably see a large common chandelier only in the living room. In other rooms, a combination of light is often used due to different light sources - floor lamps, sconces, various lamps.

An American-style country house is inconceivable without a wooden plank floor with a preserved wood texture and large plain carpets on it.

On a note! Ethnic looks good in an American country interior.

Country house living room

The design of the living room in the American interior is neutral. Calm colors of decoration, decorative wooden elements, simple furniture - emphasize the practicality of the interior.

On a note! Americans love spacious rooms. They prefer to combine the kitchen and living room.

The colors that are most often found in the living room of a country house are natural - green, beige, brown, terracotta, sometimes you can find accents in the form of burgundy shades.

Items and interior elements that are most often found in American homes:

  1. Americans are very fond of wood. In the interior, it is often found in decoration.
  2. A large, soft and spacious sofa is placed in the center of such a living room. It will fit all the guests of a country house. Next to it is a coffee table.
  3. Rocking chair and fireplace.
  4. Bookshelves together with indoor plants create a special mood in the living room.
  5. There are few accessories and they are usually functional.
  6. Framed photographs often decorate an American's home - living room, bedroom, nursery, because they are very kind to the family, proud of its achievements and place letters and awards of family members in a conspicuous place.

The living room is the largest room in the house. It is usually located on the first floor. It is there that the life and energy of the entire room is concentrated.

Country house kitchen

The kitchen in such houses is always spacious, bright, with a large window. It is usually located directly opposite the sink, overlooking the beautiful territory of the house.

Here you will find a bar counter that divides the space into a working and dining area and is an island area in the kitchen.

The colors of the kitchen are likely to be contrasting, but at the same time neutral, not bright.

The kitchen set is most often light, but it can be dark and contrast with light wall decoration, textiles.

It is customary to place the working area along the wall, but if the kitchen space allows, it is placed in the center. Above the surface - spotlights.

The kitchen is always decorated with curtains, flowerpots, flowers, textile decor. The floor is usually wood or tile. Often the textures are combined in the same space.

To embody such an interior in your country house, you will not need large budgets. You can replace natural materials with artificial ones. American style allows it.


The bedroom in an American country house is usually restrained in mood, but cozy. It can combine a modern interior and elements of antiquity, antiques. But at the same time, Americans never overload the space.

The color of the room is usually calm, but contrasting - dark furniture, light walls, or vice versa.

American country style is characterized by:

  • refinement;
  • discreet luxury;
  • harmony in the details.

The bedroom will definitely have a lot of textiles - pillows, curtains, carpet.

Americans love massive, functional furniture. Therefore, the bed in such a house is always large, high and wide. On the sides there will be roomy cabinets. Perhaps there will be a chest of drawers in the room. As a rule, each bedroom is equipped with a dressing room.


On the floor - tiles, on the walls - tiles or textured plaster. The preferred color is white. American bathrooms are spacious and bright. An important element is a large mirror above the washbasin. Often there is decorative wood trim. Often in the bathroom you can find a window with curtains.

Children's room

The nursery is a bright spot in the balanced interior of the American home. Here you will find a wide variety of colors and textures. A prerequisite is zoning. The nursery is divided into recreation, games and study areas. Furniture and textiles are made from natural materials.

Good lighting, a large window are typical for the children's interior of an American country house.


The entrance hall is one unit with the kitchen and living room. A staircase in a country house is not only a necessity, but also an integral element of the interior.

Usually it is located in the kitchen. It has a simple design, contrasting steps. Sometimes there is a finish in gold, silver, forged black elements are found. An ethnic carpet fits well into the hallway of a country house.

The difference between the American interior and the Russian

America and Russia are two different cultures. Their way of life and way of life are very different. Consider the differences between American and Russian residential interiors.

Table of differences between American and Russian residential interiors.

Countries/Differences in the interiorUSARussia
WallsIn America, you rarely see wallpaper in a residential area. Usually the walls are finished with plaster or painted with special paint.There are wallpapers on the walls. It's business as usual
WardrobeIn the US, the presence of a dressing room is a ubiquitous phenomenon.In Russia, this is rarely seen in an average ordinary house. In the layout of Russian houses, a place for a separate dressing room is not intended.
TextileAmericans rarely use duvet covers. They wash the blanketsDuvet cover - an essential attribute of bedding
KitchenIn America, the kitchen is combined with the living room. The space is zoned. A huge ceramic sink in the kitchen is in every country houseThe kitchen in Russia is always a separate room. Sink in the kitchen of the usual size


The versatility and practicality of the American country style is expressed not only in the layout and restrained interior, but also in its relevance for any country. The style easily fits into the interior of any home in any country.

The American country style of the interior always reflects the special way of life of the inhabitants of this country - stable, practical, respectable. That is why this style is very popular.

Video - 6 ideas from American interiors

Video - modern American classic - style in the interior

It so happened historically that America has become a place where different cultural traditions, mentalities and aesthetic preferences are mixed. In just some three hundred years, the continent was filled with people from almost all countries who went overseas in search of a new better life. They brought here their own understanding of what a home should be like. As a result, all these views of a cozy and comfortable home are closely intertwined, resulting in an American style in interior design.

So, what should be the traditional home of a modern American?

American style: the road to space!

Compared to what we, the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space, are accustomed to, American dwellings are impressive in size. And at the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what it is about: a stately mansion, a cozy cottage in the suburbs or a city apartment in Manhattan - they all need to be spacious.

To visually expand the scope of the room, the dwelling often has practically no partitions. If the dimensions do not allow you to roam and spend valuable square meters on the hallway (this applies, first of all, to apartments), they simply do not do it. That is, by opening front door, guests immediately enter the living room, and it, in turn, smoothly flows into the kitchen or dining area.

Projects of houses and cottages in the American style are houses characterized by a spacious layout, versatility and convenience. Such projects are mainly designed for, since almost every building is complemented by terraces and asymmetric facades. It is also worth noting the roofs, which, due to their decorative effect, give the house an unusual and original look. Very often you can have a sharp shape, with large angles of inclination.

Modern private frame-panel American country house with a shed roof

The frame American house assumes, first of all, the presence of large areas. This style, which appeared back in the colonial era, first spread in states where people were engaged in farming.

Despite the fact that large areas make it easy to implement many of the most incredible design solutions, Americans still prefer to build houses in the construction of which convenience and comfort come first.

American style one-story house project

The layout of the house in America is mostly horizontal, "in breadth." Such buildings have several wings, in which in each subsequent wing the ceiling height is lower than in the previous one. At the same time, each wing has its own, often strongly sloping, roof. The upper floor, in most cases, is an attic, designed for bedrooms.

The project of a two-story American house with an attic floor and a garage

Often in American homes you can meet, which smoothly pass into the local area. The boundary between the house and the surrounding landscape is even more "blurred" due to the large number of doors and windows, which are an indispensable attribute of housing. In cottages where there is little light, windows and doors, Americans usually feel extremely uncomfortable.

Residents of America pay a lot of attention to the design of backyards adjacent to kitchens and terraces. A recreation area is traditionally located here, etc.

The layout of the American-style house is carried out according to certain rules, taking into account some features. Zoning of the interior takes place in such a way that the guest lingers in the hallway, passing by the gaze of the inner chambers of the owners of the house. For this reason, a guest area is often arranged next to it, where you can safely drink tea at the table, sitting on a comfortable sofa or chairs.

Read also

Typical house projects

If the layout of the house does not allow making a grand place, then guests are sent to a common room, which includes a kitchen, dining room and recreation area. In parallel with this, the common room acts as a room for family gatherings. Typically, family meals take place either at the dining table or as close to the kitchen as possible. Guests, in turn, are taken at a separate table designed for dinner parties.

Typical layout of a one-story house

When dividing zones, various types of partitions are often used (with the exception of the walls themselves), or pieces of furniture placed in the most suitable way for these purposes. In the kitchen areas there are kitchen islands with built-in washers or stoves. American style is, first of all, simple, but massive furniture of clear forms, with a predominance of one or two light shades.

American style kitchen

The recreation area in the common room includes a home theater and. Ceilings are often equipped with additional light sources. In one-story houses, prefabricated lighting predominates, allowing the rafters to be left open. Americans rarely use stretch ceilings, giving more preference to natural materials. Homes in the US are lit with table and wall lights that are turned on at the same time. Ceiling lights are usually used only in the common room, and even then rarely.

American style interior

The front part of the house is not complete without the use of floor tiles and parquet boards. At the same time, in some parts of the house, these materials are joined with carpet, which allows you to significantly save your money on interior decoration. Under the bedroom, the owners allocate the largest room in the house, which is often equipped with its own bathroom and access to the terrace. Children have smaller rooms, the bathroom of which adjoins immediately to all children's rooms.

In this video you can see the layout of a typical private house, which is located in the US state of Texas.