Noise insulation for stretch ceilings. Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a stretch ceiling: how to properly equip soundproofing

How are soundproofed stretch ceilings made? Reviews from the owners of these coatings. In what situations is it impossible to do without sound insulation of a stretch ceiling covering? Pros and cons of acoustic stretch ceilings. Advantages and disadvantages of soundproofing a base ceiling.

Before making stretch ceilings with sound insulation, study the reviews of the owners of such coatings. This will make it easier for you to choose the right way sound insulation and material suitable for this purpose.

When is soundproofing required?

So that you can understand whether you need to perform soundproofing of a stretch ceiling, let's consider the most common situations when such a procedure is necessary:

  • Apartments located on top floor, do not require increased sound insulation, but they need additional insulation, since a lot of heat from the room is lost through cold ceilings. As you know, heat and sound insulation of premises is performed using the same materials.
  • Although stretch ceilings themselves provide some level of sound insulation, in the case of noisy neighbors from above it is not enough. That is why tensioners are used in such apartments. ceiling coverings soundproofed. And if we talk about modern new buildings, where the laying of the front layer of the floor is carried out immediately along the floor slabs, then an increased noise level is observed in all rooms, because even quiet sounds are transmitted through the slabs.
  • In private houses with attic floor and roofing from metal tiles it is required to perform additional sound insulation living quarters on the top floor. The fact is that in the rain, a roof with metal tiles is a serious source of noise. You must admit that it is much cheaper to soundproof the ceiling than to buy and renovate a new roof covering.
  • Some owners of stretch ceilings noticed that an echo appeared in the rooms with installed stretch ceilings. The reason for this was the ability of stretch products to resonate with sound. If such a problem is observed in pvc coatings with a harpoon fixation mechanism, then it can be solved even after installing the ceiling. To do this, it is enough to dismantle the coating and perform soundproofing of the base ceiling, after which pvc ceiling is installed in place.

How to perform soundproofing?

To understand which sound insulation is right for your stretch ceiling, you need to study the reviews on the network. So, today several methods of sound insulation of a stretch ceiling covering can be used:

  1. The use of special soundproof stretch ceilings (acoustic or perforated).
  2. Soundproofing the base ceiling with modern building materials. This procedure is done before installing the stretch ceiling covering.

Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail to make it easier for you to make a choice.

Pros and cons of using acoustic stretch ceilings

As you already understood, today you can buy two types of soundproof stretch ceilings:

  • Perforated single layer fabric backed coverings
  • Multi-layer smooth acoustic ceilings

The first material is characterized by the presence of microperforation. Its sound-absorbing properties are based on the principle of reducing the amplitude of a sound wave as it passes through microscopic holes. The basis of the material is a fabric mesh treated with liquid polyurethane. Please note that the durability of the fabric cover becomes weaker with the presence of a large number holes, therefore, for these purposes, the already fragile film ceilings are not used. Such coatings are produced by the well-known European companies Clipso and Cerutti.

The same manufacturers also make smooth acoustic multi-layer ceiling coverings. This material is also produced on a woven backing. The fabric base is protected from leaks and moisture on both sides polymer coating. Face layer Is varnish decorative coating, which gives additional protection to the material. WITH back side there is a layer of foamed soundproof polymer. The price of such material is much higher than the cost of conventional stretch ceilings.

Advantages of acoustic ceilings:

  • High degree of heat and sound insulation
  • Excellent decorative qualities
  • Fast installation
  • Practicality
  • Durability
  • Environmental friendliness of the material

Disadvantages of these products:

  • High price

Advantages and disadvantages of base ceiling soundproofing

In most cases, soundproofed stretch ceilings are made using conventional thermal insulation materials. Reviews of such coatings are mostly positive. To perform this kind of isolation, modern construction material attached to concrete ceiling at the stage of its preparation, only after that the stretch ceiling is installed. However, if you have installed pvc coverings with a harpoon fixation mechanism in the baguette, then sound insulation can be done by removing the cover and reinstalling it after all the work has been done. Main condition: between the stretch ceiling and the surface thermal insulation material should be at least 2 cm. This is the only way you can be sure that the tension piece will not work as a resonator.

The advantages of this method:

  • Acceptable price
  • Large selection of available building materials
  • Possibility of use with already installed pvc ceiling
  • Good level of sound and heat insulation of the room
  • The ability to use conventional stretch ceilings

Cons of using soundproofing concrete ceiling:

  • Long-term installation
  • Possibility of sagging and caking of materials
  • Short service life of some materials
  • Toxicity of individual thermal insulation products

Typically, the following building materials are used to soundproof the base ceiling:

  1. Mineral wool. Very hygroscopic.
  2. Expanded polystyrene. Effective and durable.
  3. Basalt slabs. Strong and durable material.

To make soundproofing of a stretch ceiling at home, please contact us. We will give you advice on the choice of material and carry out the installation as soon as possible.

How to make soundproofing right?

Types of noise

To understand which design will be effective, you first need to understand the types of household noise. If we classify them by the nature of their distribution, then they are divided into two types.

Basic principles soundproofing under the stretch ceiling in the apartment

In acoustics, there is a concept of the law of doubling of mass. It follows from it that when the thickness of a homogeneous wall is doubled, the sound insulation coefficient will change by only 6 dB. You can deceive him by installing a structure consisting of dissimilar materials... For it to be effective, strict compliance with the following requirements is necessary:

  1. The presence of sound-absorbing materials.
    For this, composite fibrous materials are used, which are located between the wall and the outer skin. Diverse multidirectional fibers scatter a sound wave, converting its energy into heat.
  2. The presence of massive materials, which will perform the function of sound reflection. These materials consist of outer cladding... It is the massiveness that is important here, and not the thickness, since the reflection coefficient of sound directly depends on the mass.
  3. Vibration isolation of the structure from the wall, those. sound vibrations are full, should not be transmitted to sound-insulating and sound-absorbing materials. This is very important condition which is often not respected by ordinary repairmen. As a result, up to 50% of the sound-insulating properties of the structure are lost.
  4. Sealing - this measure is necessary to cut off all channels of airborne noise penetration. To do this, it is necessary to seal up all the cracks and cracks both on the very surface of the floor, and all the seams during the installation of the soundproof structure.

What materials are used?

For the device of an effective frame structure, we need the following components. Here is an exhaustive list of variations of various brands that really work; other materials may not be as effective or not useful at all.

  1. Soft fiber board
  2. Basalt wool slabs
  3. Acoustic GVL
  4. Acoustic gypsum board
  5. Ceiling profiles
  6. Vibration damping suspension
  7. Acoustic gypsum board
  8. Damper tape
Materials for soundproofing the ceiling under a stretch ceiling
Basalt wool slabs
The soundproofing properties of this material directly depend on its density, the higher it is, the better they are.
Optimal in terms of characteristics and cost are:
  • Rockwool Acoustic BATTS (45 kg / m³);
  • Rockwool Acoustic Ultrathin.
The same characteristics, but more expensive:
  • Shumanet (47 kg / m3);
  • Maxforte (45 kg / m³).
Cheaper but less dense materials:
  • Acousticsknauf (25 kg / m³);
  • TechnoNIKOL (25 kg / m³);
  • Isover (20 kg / m³);
  • Ursa (23 kg / m³).
Soft fiber board
A denser material used to filter out low-frequency noise such as bass in loud music.
  • Isoplaat (230-270 kg / m³)
  • Steico (220-260 kg / m³)
  • Softboard (200-240 kg / m³)
Acoustic sealant
Required to seal all seams so that there are no channels for sound.
  • Vibrosil;
  • Titebond Acoustical Sealant;
  • TichFix.
Acoustic gypsum board
Used as outer cladding for finishing. Sheets of increased thickness are taken.
Knauf-list (GSP-A) - GOST 32614-2012 (EN 520: 2009)
Gypsum building board, also designed for soundproofing interior partitions and soundproofing.
Acoustic GVL
It is used as the first sound-reflecting layer. It has a higher massiveness than GCR.
Knauf superlist (GVL) - GOST R 51829-2001
Panels made of a composite mixture of gypsum and cellulose fibers.
Acoustic triplex
Heavy material, has a high sound-reflecting coefficient due to its significant massiveness.
Represents two layers of glued moisture-resistant gypsum sheets GVLV in accordance with GOST R 51829-2001
Damper tape
Designed for vibration isolation of various layers of the structure between themselves and from the floor surface.
  • Rockwool;
  • Valtec;
  • Vibrotek;
  • Knauf.
Vibration-isolated suspension
Suspensions with rubber washer to reduce the transmission of vibrations to the structure.
Models that can be replaced with conventional hangers attached via a damper tape and save money. Plus 2dB to Rw:
  • Knauf.
Vibration damping suspension
A feature of these suspensions is that there is no rigid connection between the holder and the mount. The fixation is made through a rubber gasket.
Models with excellent vibration isolation can significantly increase the vibration isolation of the structure.
  • Vibroflex.
Guide profiles
Fixing element of the frame structure, which is located along the perimeter.

Ceiling profiles
Sound-absorbing material is laid on it and sound-reflecting sheathing is attached.

Because it is a load-bearing element, it is important to use reliable solutions from trusted manufacturers. Knauf profiles are among the best on the market.
The only working option for today are ZIPS panels. Has the following nuances:
  • As a rule, it is installed during repairs, because requires wet work (plastering the wall before and after installation).
  • There is no full-fledged vibration isolation, so the real characteristics are lower than the passport values.
There are several models of ZIPS panels. The effectiveness depends on the type of materials used and their layer thickness:
  • ZIPS Vector (ΔRw = 9 - 11 dB; 53 mm);
  • ZIPS III Ultra (ΔRw = 11-13 dB; 40 mm);
  • ZIPS Module (ΔRw = 12-14 dB; 83 mm);
  • ZIPS Cinema (ΔRw = 16-18 dB; 133 mm).

Frame noise insulation installation technology

To get a decent result, in addition to correct selection materials, the technology must be observed. What are the stages and nuances in the installation of a sandwich-type frame solution?

Surface preparation

Before starting to mount the frame, you need to check the quality of the floor surface:

  • Are there any cracks, crevices or technical holes in it that can serve as channels for sound penetration in the room?
  • Are there any gaps between the floor slab and the wall partitions?

If defects are found, it is necessary to eliminate them by carefully sealing the voids.

To do this, apply polyurethane foam... At large crevices additional filling may be required.

Mounting fasteners

The next step is the installation of the frame, on which the sound-absorbing materials will lie and the sound-reflecting sheathing will be attached. The most important point, which is often omitted when self-assembly, or when attracting ordinary repair workers, this is vibration isolation. This is a special fastening technology that minimizes the transmission of vibrations from the floor to the soundproofing structure and the canvas. There are several ways to solve this problem:

Assembling the frame

The next step is to assemble the frame directly from the steel profiles.

  1. A frame made of guide profiles is mounted along the perimeter in a vibration-insulated manner.
  2. Next, a hinged steel frame is assembled ceiling profiles Knauf. They are mounted on standard suspensions, which are vibration-insulated with a damper tape from the ceiling, or on vibration-damping mounts. The latter option turns out to be much more expensive, the difference in the result will be about 2 dB.
  3. When installing especially heavy and massive insulation, a reinforced frame is assembled in the form of a mesh. In addition to additional costs for profiles, there is also a need to use more fasteners.

Preparing profiles

Soundproofing is precisely a set of measures, and the nuances matter. It is not enough to simply assemble and attach something. Here are the moments that are often overlooked, but in vain.

Failure to comply with these requirements can reduce the effectiveness of noise insulation by half!

  1. If you plan to make a subtle solution, and place the slabs between the profiles, and not on top, it is necessary to fill the profiles before installing the frame mineral wool... There should be no hollow structures between the plates of the sound absorber, otherwise the sound will quietly seep through them further.
  2. To ensure high vibration isolation, before making the cladding, a damper tape must be glued to the profiles so that the sheets of gypsum fiber or drywall do not come into direct contact with the profile surface.

Installation of a sound-absorbing layer

After the frame is assembled, we proceed with the installation of noise-absorbing materials. It is It is about stacking, rigidly fastening to the wall would be a critical mistake. It is also important to ensure that there are no gaps or gaps between the mat layers.

Careless installation of the sound absorber makes it easy for sound to find its way through joints and crevices.

In order to minimize the transmission of vibration to the structure of the noise insulation under the stretch ceiling, it is not recommended to glue or put on the “fungus” type dowels. The optimal sound absorber in terms of performance and installation quality is stone wool pressed into plates:

  1. Due to its higher density, it diffuses the sound wave better.
  2. Unlike ordinary cotton wool, it reliably holds its shape, and does not creep during installation and in the future under the influence of gravity.

Sheathing with sound-reflecting materials

After laying the sound-absorbing materials, they proceed to the sheathing with a sound-reflecting layer. How to use one of the following materials or a combination of both.

  1. Plasterboard - convenient for finishing.
  2. Gypsum board - a more massive panel, provides better sound reflection.
  3. Acoustically, triplex is the most massive of the listed options, it has the best sound reflection coefficient.

GKL and GVL sheets are screwed to the frame profiles with a pitch of 15 cm. When installing the panels, it is necessary to overlap them, through special edges. It is necessary to ensure a tight connection without gaps.

Sealing seams and joints

The final stage is the sealing of the sheathing. All seams between panels, as well as at the junction with the wall, are treated with a special acoustic sealant. The seams between the panels can also be simply patched off.

This leaves no channels for airborne sound leaks. On this, the installation of sound insulation can be considered complete.

Stretch ceiling installation

As a rule, if you order the installation of a stretch ceiling separately from noise insulation, during its installation, the height of the room will decrease by another 4-5 cm. Our installers, using a special guide, stretch the canvas so that 10 times less height is required.

Only 4 mm is added!

An additional advantage this method is that the mount goes not to the wall, which is the transmitter of indirect noise, but to the vibration-insulated frame. Thus, a completely soundproof and vibration-free suspended ceiling is obtained.

Frameless soundproofing installation technology

Today, there are many materials on the market that are positioned as frameless options, but of the whole variety, perhaps only ZIPS panels can give some effect. Nevertheless, due to the peculiarities of installation and design, due to low vibration isolation, even its final sound insulation indicator will be lower than that of a frame solution.

Surface preparation

An important requirement that this decision what worked effectively is leveling the surface. It will not be possible to mount the panels tightly on an unleveled, not previously plastered surface, so that there are no gaps between them. As a result, taking into account the cost of plaster and additional work, this solution is more labor-intensive and more expensive.

Also, so that mold does not start under the ZIPS panels, the surface must dry completely after plastering.

Thus, the soundproofing process can take several weeks. Due to the need to perform wet works, ZIPS panels are usually mounted simultaneously with repairs in the apartment.

Fastening of ZIPS panels and vibration isolation

A common mistake not professional installers is not performing technical requirements for vibration isolation. If these conditions are not met, the effectiveness of sound insulation will greatly decrease:

  1. The joints between the ceiling and the walls must be glued with damping tape.
  2. Fastening to self-tapping screws must be carried out only through vibrating assemblies. Because the vibro unit uses soft material, the self-tapping screw is screwed through the conical washer. The head of the self-tapping screw must be drowned by 1-2 mm, but no more.
  3. The panels are joined through tongue-and-groove joints; there should be no gaps or gaps. At the joints, it is necessary to perform additional fixation with self-tapping screws (3x25 mm) in increments of 15 cm.
  4. The joints are additionally sealed with acoustic sealant.

Even with the observance of these rules, one must be aware that the vibration isolation of the ZIPS panels is still lower than that of the frame implementation.

Due to this factor, the loss of the Rw coefficient can be up to 5 dB.

GKL sheathing

Despite the presence in the panel of a layer that is responsible for sound reflection, the manufacturer in the technological recommendations indicates the need for additional sheathing with 12.5 mm thick drywall sheets. This will further enhance the sound-reflecting properties of the structure. At this stage, it is necessary to observe the following requirements:

  1. The places where the gypsum board sheets adjoin to the ZIPS panels must be laid with a damper tape.
  2. For fastening, you will need self-tapping screws 3.9x41 mm with a pitch of 20 cm in one direction, and 40 cm in another direction.
  3. When screwing in the self-tapping screws, you need to make sure that they do not violate the integrity of the vibrating assemblies.

The device of the tension cloth over the sound insulation

After sheathing the gypsum board, we get a closed structure. As with frame option, it is better to mount the tensioning web at the same time in order to reduce the loss in height. The best option for this there will be not a film, but a fabric version. By choosing an "acoustic" stretch ceiling with a specially perforated surface, you can improve the acoustic performance of the room by reducing the propagation of echoes from internal sounds.

What types of noise are there?

As a rule, neighbors from above bother you not only with loud speech, music or TV work, but also with sounds of a different nature. Footsteps, pounding, clattering from pets' claws, hitting the floor with a ball and other similar noises are percussion noises. Unlike air, they have a different distribution pattern.

  • Air - collides with a wall or floor as if it were an alien environment, which significantly absorbs it.
  • The impact arises directly on the surface, and spreads along the concrete further along all adjacent walls.

This type of sound wave propagation is called structural. Due to the different nature of the percussion and air types, the methods of dealing with them are different. What is effective for eliminating one type of noise does not work so well for another.

Why do I hear everything that happens in the neighbors?

Today, when designing and subsequent construction of houses, a certain sound insulation index has already been laid down, which is determined by the massiveness of the floors. For example, the widely used void-free 140 mm reinforced concrete slab airborne sound insulation index Rw = 50 dB. In this case, it is assumed that an additional leveling screed will be made. With an added thickness of 4-6 cm, another Rw = 2 dB is added.

As a result, we obtain the final index recommended by SNiP in Rw = 52 dB, indicated in the current edition of the “Code of rules for noise protection” (SP 51-13330-2011). This is quite enough not to hear the conversation in the usual tone, the volume of which is 40-45 dB. But in order to completely drown out loud conversations (70 dB), laughter and screams (75 dB), loud music or home theater(from 70 to 90 dB) - this is clearly not enough. It turns out that for acoustic comfort the initial Rw index of the structure should be increased by 15-20 dB.

There is also a percussion type noise. Unfortunately, SNiP does not necessarily imply a device for neighbors on the floor of a floating screed. Therefore, we hear how they walk above us in heels, children run or pets clatter their claws.

Problems are solved by installing sound insulation in your apartment, which provides a total Rw index in the range from 65 to 72 dB.

How to make soundproofing from upstairs neighbors?

The most popular complaint from residents of high-rise buildings is loud noises from neighbors upstairs. There are 2 ways to solve this problem: by making insulation inside your room or from the side of the neighbor on top. The second option will be much more effective, since with the correct implementation of the floating floor technology, it allows you to get rid of both impact and airborne noise.

If it is not possible to agree on the installation of a floating floor in the room from above, then soundproofing the ceiling from neighbors may be sufficient to eliminate airborne noise. It is worth using suspended ceilings with sound insulation on a separate frame, acoustic canvases themselves are ineffective. They are designed to reduce echoes within your room.

To combat airborne noise, thinner systems are sufficient, which practically do not reduce the height of the room. We present them as "Thin" and "Optima".

Floating floor for neighbors

Frame construction in your apartment

If you are concerned about the noise of impact origin, which is more characteristic of the indirect transmission of sound along adjacent ceilings and walls, you will need to understand the channels of its propagation. It will be especially problematic when the upper tenants have tiles or laminate on the floor without a floating screed and even without a backing. In this case, the walls are an additional conductor of extraneous sounds. Therefore, in the apartment, in addition to soundproofing the ceiling, it is likely that several walls will also need to be soundproofed.

The nature of the indirect transmission of a sound wave for different premises is different. It depends on the types of enclosing structures, what materials are made of, and how they are connected to each other. You can independently determine on which walls the transmission of sounds from neighbors is strongest. To do this, with especially loud sounds from neighbors on top, put your ear in turn to all the walls. Those walls from which you can especially clearly hear what is happening above you also need to be isolated.

(thickness 4-5 cm)

The basic version of ceiling sound insulation is frameless systems in which the sound insulation layer is placed either under stretch ceilings or under Armstrong-type panel ceilings. Efficiency is achieved due to the increased absorption of sound in the room: the noise transmitted from the neighbors fades out faster, since the sound insulation layer on the ceiling does not allow the sound wave to make multiple reflections (as a result of which it would be amplified), on the contrary, leading to a rapid attenuation of the latter. As a sound-absorbing layer can be used slabs MaxForte-EcoAcoustic, EKOplita (3 and 5 cm thick) or roll material MaxForte-SoundPRO. The ceiling is closed with sound insulation throughout the entire area, and the materials are fastened to the ceiling with plastic dowels with mushrooms or with MaxForte-SoundFLEX foam. Simple and quick installation will allow you to perform soundproofing by a regular team working at the facility. Ideal for new buildings and offices (including call centers).

(thickness 4-5 cm)

The thinnest version of ceiling sound insulation using plasterboard and profiles. Ideal for apartments with low ceilings where every centimeter counts. The scheme is based on the KNAUF profile 60/27 mm, which allows you to immediately get a flat ceiling surface. For sound insulation, rolls of MaxForte-SoundPRO ( composite material new generation, only 12 mm thick), which are fixed to the ceiling using conventional dowels. At the points where the frame is attached to the concrete, SoundPRO is compressed and acts as a damper to reduce vibration. Over the rest of the ceiling area, the material works to attenuate the sound wave due to its fibrous structure. The increased flexibility of SoundPRO allows you to soundproof ceilings, even with difficult terrain (with pipes, wiring or height differences). Reduction of noise from above by 3-4 times (12-14 dB).

(thickness 4-5 cm)

The second option is thin ceiling soundproofing. In this version impact noise is isolated by VibroStop Standart vibration suspensions, and sound is absorbed by MaxForte-EKOplita 80 kg / m³ (thin plates 3 cm). The scheme is based on the KNAUF profile 60/27 mm, which allows you to get a flat ceiling surface. After installation, the ceiling is ready for finishing, no additional alignment is required. The circuit is designed for complete isolation of household noise in apartment building(voices, TV, footsteps and stomps). Reduction of noise up to 14 dB.

(thickness 7-8 cm)

The most proven soundproofing option used in apartments. For vibration isolation, special vibration suspension MaksForte of the PRO series is used. Sound absorption is carried out by sound-absorbing plates MaksForte-EKOplita or EkoAkustik. The soundproofing of the ceiling is carried out according to the standard KNAUF schemes, so any workers involved in repairs will cope with the installation. Both air and shock noises(noise reduction up to 20 dB)!

Soundproofed stretch ceilings - The best way achieve silence in the apartment

In modern apartment floors and ceilings are so thin that extraneous noises, conversations of neighbors and stomping are heard. After a hard day at work, I really want to come home and relax so that no one interferes. When requests to be quieter do not give the expected result, you should set soundproofed stretch ceilings... Stopsound will resolve this issue in an adequate price and in a short time.

All you need to do is call us. We work without weekends and holidays, so a professional engineer will come for measurements at any time convenient for you. The service is provided free of charge, as well as consultations, specialists will answer questions about soundproofing of all ceilings in the apartment under tension canvas and indicate the price.

Basic ceiling soundproofing options Standard Optimum Premium
Soundproofing thickness 75-80 mm 95-100 mm 90-100 mm
The thickness of the soundproofing structure with a stretch ceiling plus 3-4 mm plus 3-4 mm plus 3-4 mm
Measurement and consultation on site is free is free is free
No prepayment. Payment after installation. Yes Yes Yes
Turnkey stretch ceiling cost for sound insulation (per square meter) 1200 rub. 1200 rub. 1200 rub.

Modern technologies guard the silence

Stopsound only uses quality materials, namely - products from the proven company Descor. Tension the ceiling is installed not only in apartment, but also in music studios, cafes, especially if they are located on the ground floor of a residential building. The design simultaneously performs two functions - decorative and soundproof.

Stretch canvases differ in quality and structure from PVC films, so they are more convenient and practical. Installation will make the room comfortable and cozy, as well as get rid of the echo in the room. At the same time, the ceiling height does not decrease much, but in apartment no extraneous sounds will be heard.

This is achieved thanks to the micro-perforation of the web and additional acoustic materials. Stopsound has partnered with reliable suppliers and sets soundproofed stretch ceilings turnkey in one day. Price is calculated individually for each client, depending on the volume and complexity of the work.

If you yourself are not averse to playing on musical instrument, then think about installing such stretch ceilings with high-quality sound insulation. You can order the service in Moscow by phone, and you will also receive all the answers to questions about the material used.

Installation of soundproofed stretch ceilings has the following advantages:

  • durability;
  • durability;
  • security.

The canvases are resistant to fire and temperature extremes, and are easy to clean. Mount soundproofed stretch ceiling is possible not only in residential apartments, but also in public areas, because price our service is lower than that of competitors. You will be able to keep within the planned budget.

What do we offer?

The main advantage of the company is that price after all calculations, it does not increase either during work or after its end. Want to know how much it will cost stretch ceilings Descor with sound insulation? The consultant will name price with installation after measuring and choosing a design.

We use only those materials for which there are certificates of quality and safety. Works in Moscow are performed strictly in accordance with the rules, which allows you to achieve good results.

Installation of noise insulation under stretch ceilings is very popular. It has a number undoubted advantages:

- A minimum gap is made between the soundproofing and the stretch ceiling, thanks to which the ceiling height does not greatly decrease

- The client gets perfectly flat and beautiful ceiling Turnkey in one day

Our company is engaged in the installation of fabric stretch ceilings for sound insulation. We work with durable sheets of German production Descor. Stretch ceilings made of fabric are much stronger than those of PVC film (15 times). An important advantage is also that the width of the fabric can be up to 5 meters - this is suitable for installation in large rooms... The installation of the ceiling structure is carried out using a seamless technology. Security guarantee - when installing fabric stretch ceilings, thermal gas cannons do not apply. Fabric ceilings do not catch fire, have anti-allergenic properties and "breathe" due to microperforation.
The final cost depends on the chosen ceiling soundproofing design.

German Descor canvases are used for all types of wall and ceiling surfaces. Irreproachable appearance, absolute safety, innovative production technologies - all this allows Descor to be called a new generation of stretch ceilings.
When installing a stretch ceiling, they are not used heating devices(gas and electric guns, or gas cylinders).
The Descor canvas has all the necessary certificates of quality and safety, it is recommended for use not only in residential premises, but also in public and children's institutions, as well as medical institutions.
Descor can withstand severe external stress and mechanical stress.
Descor is highly resistant to moisture and is not subject to fire.
The stretch ceiling material is hypoallergenic and not prone to dust accumulation.

Consultation on soundproofing and a specialist departure for measurement free of charge.