How window sills are installed on plastic windows. How to install a PVC window sill? The preparatory stage and its features

The final stage of window installation is the installation of a window sill. The process is ridiculously simple, but it's easy enough to make a mistake. In our instructions, we will show with examples how to properly organize the adjoining of the window sill to the window frame, carry out the sealing and prevent freezing of the lower zone.

Choosing the type and size of the window sill

Despite the fact that the products of most manufacturers of additional components for PVC windows are well unified, there are several varieties of plastic window sills. However, perhaps you will like window sills from natural wood, artificial stone or veneered countertops? We will also consider such options, but remember that often the choice of a particular type of product is dictated not by a whim, but by a clear need.

For example, consider two types of plastic window sills - with and without an edge in the back. On the one hand, a window sill without an edge allows you to freely vary its depth and even tolerates oblique cuts, which can correct window installation flaws. However, in this case, it may be necessary to mount it from the outside through the stand profile, but not all windows have it, and it is not always convenient to dismantle the outer tide for mounting. Otherwise, plastic window sills are almost identical except for one feature - thickness. The larger it is, the higher the strength of the window sill is, respectively, and its more significant protrusion above the wall plane is allowed.

Plastic window sills are usually sufficient to meet most needs, but the benefits of other materials are also worth considering. Basically, laminated chipboard and artificial stone slabs are used where you need to add a special flavor to the color. “Non-plastic” window sills have no other advantages - they are afraid of moisture, dirt and ultraviolet radiation. However, one nuance still remains: if it is necessary to equip a single window sill for several windows, as is the case with a bay window glazing, a continuous curvilinear contour can be created only with the help of a countertop window sill.

As for the sizes, everything is simple and obvious with them. The length of the profile must be at least 6 cm longer than the distance between the slopes in the widest part. The depth should provide a protrusion above the wall plane of at least 30 mm, and if a radiator is located under the window, “cover” it with a margin of 5-10 mm.

Preparing the installation site

The opening must be prepared in a certain way for the installation of a window sill, and for each individual installation method, the preparation will have some differences. Let's start with what is the same in all options: we apply to uprights square, exposing the edge along the lower edge of the frame profile, and draw two horizontal lines on the slopes that limit the hem. Along the lines, you need to make undercuts with the help of an angle grinder and diamond disc to a depth of about 10-15 mm, if there is a plaster corner at the corner of the slope, it should be cut completely. Next, with a chisel or an old chisel in the slopes, pockets with a depth of about 30-50 mm are selected. More is possible, but less than 30 mm is not worth it, otherwise the adjoining of the side plugs with the slope angle will be incorrect. If the slopes will be sheathed with panels, the protrusion of the window sill beyond the slope should correspond to the width of the closing corner profile.

If instead of easy plastic profile a heavy countertop will be installed, you need to prepare the lower plane window opening. First, under the side of the frame, close to the base profile, a plaster beacon is installed on the tubercles of the cement mortar. The distance between the edge of the beacon and the window frame must exactly match the thickness of the window sill-countertop. A smooth horizontal edge of the opening is drawn along the lighthouse with cement mortar, on which the window sill will rest, inner corner it is desirable to strengthen the plaster corner.

Do not be surprised, but it also happens that the window is installed without a support profile. If in this case a window sill with a thickness of 18 mm or more is installed without a trailing edge, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the lower foam joint to at least the middle of the thickness of the window sill profile used. Also, in the lower part of the slope, a series of vertical notches are made in the wall with a width of 30 mm, a depth of 20 mm and a height of about 120-150 mm. Notches must be made with a step not exceeding 80 cm and at least two pieces per window sill.

window sill fixing

Unlike common practice, the window sill does not need to be fixed through the frame profile with self-tapping screws. In some cases, this will only bring harm: metal rods serve as excellent cold bridges.

Most correct scheme installation is ridiculously simple: the window sill rests against the support profile, after which incompressible linings are installed under it, for example, mounting wedges, stepping back 2/3 of the total depth from the front edge. A small protrusion of the frame above the stand profile allows you to adjust the window sill extension above the wall plane if the window frame turns out to be deployed for some reason. With this method of installation, the mounting foam firmly connects the window sill with the opening, while densely filling the entire space from below.

The window sill is fastened without a support profile by means of the rear edge, which fits snugly into the mounting groove at the bottom of the frame. It is only important to clear the foam seam a little and cut off the side on the sides, otherwise you will have to perform a deeper cut of the slopes. Window sills of increased thickness without an installation rim have a longitudinal groove of the type dovetail. Lightweight mounting plates are inserted into this groove, which are used to pre-align the windows. For the correct installation of the window sill under its rear part, the supports are paved with wedges, then the window sill is put in place, the plates are bent and fixed deep into the notches in the wall, which ensures that the end of the profile is firmly pressed against the frame.

Termination of the lower zone

The main trick when installing a window sill is correct formation foam seam underneath. The only exceptions are countertop window sills, which are attached to the prepared opening plane with liquid nails.

In general, for a correct installation, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. The lower shelf of the opening is cut down with a slight bevel towards itself, dust-free and moistened with water.
  2. Incompressible pads are laid under the window sill; when you press the front edge of the profile, it is tightly pressed to the bottom of the frame and maintains a strictly horizontal position.
  3. From above, the window sill is preloaded with a weight of about 20 kg per meter, the oppression is distributed along the entire length using a board.
  4. On the sides, the sill rests with its upper plane against the notches on the slopes.

Further, everything happens very simply. The mounting foam of the corresponding climatic regime fills the entire space between the window sill and the opening shelf, with the exception of areas located behind the slope line. You need to blow the foam under low pressure, using the extension tube to fill the narrowest areas in the back near the frame. After blowing the foam, the window sill should remain loaded until the foam polymerization is completed - about 1-1.5 hours.

Sealing gaps in walls and slopes

After the foam has completely hardened, its excess must be cut off. If the foam is squeezed out into the area behind the slope line, it must be dug out to a depth of at least 20 mm. Under the window, the foam is selected with a chisel or staple to a depth of about 10 mm. All formed cavities are wetted from the spray gun with strengthening soil.

The voids must be filled with cement mortar, in which alabaster is added in small portions to speed up setting. After the solution dries, the embedding areas are rubbed against common plane walls with an abrasive mesh. The gaps between the window sill and the slope must be sealed, this is the main way for cold air to enter. If later it is planned to finish the slope with plastic panels, the sealing of the cracks can not be leveled, in this case sealing can be carried out using mounting foam.

If the trimming was done correctly along a single line without chipping, on the slopes you need to complete finishing, paint them, and then fill the gaps with white acrylic sealant. If the edge of the hem is uneven, the sealant is pumped deep into the gap, not reaching the surface by 5-7 mm. The remaining gap is sealed with finishing putty.

How to prevent condensation

A typical consequence of installation errors is the formation of condensate. It can appear both on the windowsill itself and on the glass. Each case has its own reason.

The hypothermia of the window sill occurs due to a violation of the foam joint in the lower zone. The best thing to do in this case is to dismantle the ebb with outside and scrape the remaining foam from under the frame. After cleaning, the bottom seam is filled with foam again.

Condensation on the glass appears mainly when using single-chamber double-glazed windows with high thermal conductivity. Such windows require a continuous thermal curtain from radiators during the cold season. If the window sill protrudes too much, it will block the flow of hot air and the glass will not warm up properly. The problem can be solved by inserting 2-3 convection sleeves into the window sill, which are also used to pull cables through the walls of cabinet furniture.

When replacing old window structures, you must immediately install new window sills from modern materials. Today at the top of the popularity of plastic products. The width of the PVC panel is 60 cm, which makes it possible to install them with almost any wall thickness. How to install a plastic window sill qualitatively and reliably, read on.

  1. Preparatory work
  2. Exception - installation of wooden structures

Preparatory work

The preparatory stage includes the measurement and selection of the design, the selection of tools, the purchase of building materials. If the double-glazed windows have not been replaced, the old window sill will need to be dismantled. When replacing a window, the old window structure is completely removed. Installation of a new double-glazed window is carried out by the manufacturer's specialists. Installation plastic window sill can be carried out also by specialists or independently by the customer.

Installation of a plastic window sill is carried out only after installing the window frame and double-glazed window.

When replacing only the panel, you must first make the correct measurement:

  1. Measure the width of the window opening. Throw another 10 cm and get overall length designs.
  2. The width of the panel is equal to the distance from installed window to the corner of the wall plus 5 cm per ledge. It is not advisable to make the base of the window wider, since air circulation is disturbed, which leads to fogging of the glasses.

Tools and materials

To install a plastic window sill with your own hands, you will need a set of tools:

  • carpenter level;
  • electric jigsaw or grinder;
  • carpentry knife and hacksaw;
  • ax and hammer;
  • square;
  • marker and masking tape.

From the materials should be prepared:

  • sealant;
  • gun and mounting foam;
  • window sill panel;
  • three sets of plastic or wood substrates of different widths;
  • two end caps.

Preparing the installation site for the PVC window sill

With a hacksaw, electric jigsaw, the ax is removed old design and window frame. Along the edges wooden product removed cement strainer. The opening is cleaned of broken building material, insulation.

Specialists install a new PVC window so that between the base of the window opening and bottom of the frame, a distance of at least 5 cm has been preserved. The left opening will serve as a support for the new structure.

If you plan to install a PVC window sill with your own hands longer than the window opening, grooves are sampled on the sides at the base. To do this, you need a hammer and grinder. First, they cut the wall, and then gently knock it out with a hammer construction material. The height of the groove is such that new panel entered easily. The length of one groove is more than 5 cm.

The distance between the base of the window opening and the frame is foamed with mounting foam or laid with insulation. After the foam has completely solidified, the excess is cut off with a carpenter's knife. When installing plastic panel the size of a window opening mark the attachment points of the brackets at a distance of no more than 80 cm.

Before installing the PVC product, it is necessary to once again clean the base from debris and dust. Be sure to wet the brick with water to ensure adhesion.

Installing a plastic window sill

All materials are purchased and tools are ready to go. Start installing the window sill.

  1. Determine the width of the structure. It can be the same as the width of the old base. When replacing windows and installing a new PVC product, its new width is calculated. Ideally, the edge of the panel is in the same plane as the middle of the battery heating system. When mounting a panel, the edge of which protrudes beyond the battery, is equipped in the panel itself ventilation holes. Such holes are also made in the casing in front of the battery. They are needed for good air ventilation in front of the window, which protects the window structure from condensation.
  2. Select the length of the plastic base. When two windows are located side by side, one holistic design is preferred. When installing PVC window sills in size equal to the window opening, the length of the panel is made shorter by 10 mm.

According to the selected panel sizes, they make an order at a hardware store. Shop masters immediately carry out trimming according to given parameters. Sometimes they buy a blank, and trimming is done at home on their own.

  1. The support for mounting plastic window sills is made from substrates purchased in advance. The width of the bar must be at least 50 mm, and the length must not exceed the width of the product. The shortest underlay should be 100mm less than the width of the panel. Particular attention is paid to the thickness of the substrate. After installing the bar, the panel should enter the window sill space between the lower window frame and the substrate.
  2. Before installing the substrate bars, the surface of the base is leveled with cement mortar. At least three substrates are required per design. The optimal distance between the bars is 40–50 cm.
  3. The supports are aligned strictly horizontally and the correct installation is checked using a level in all planes. Make a control installation of the plastic panel. result correct fastening the substrate is a dense entry of the structure into the gap between the edge of the window and the support.
  4. Do-it-yourself installation of plastic window sills begins with the removal of the protective film from the side adjacent to the window. Install plugs on the ends of the panel. Carefully insert the structure onto the fixed supports.
  5. The panel is firmly in place. Align the product with light tapping in relation to the window frame. Carry out a control measurement of the level in two directions.
  6. Left and right leave gaps of 5 mm, which makes it possible to protect the panel from deformation. At the end of the installation, the gaps are sealed with sealant.
  7. Carefully foam the space under the plastic window sill with mounting foam. If the panel is poorly fixed, it will skew from the increase in foam in volume.
  8. Spacers are installed along the edges and in the center of the window opening. They are made independently or bought transforming spacers in the store. They do not allow the mounting foam to lift the installed base of the window opening. When the foam hardens well, the spacers are dismantled and the excess foam is cut off.
  9. After the slopes are installed, they begin to seal the gaps. Masking tape is glued along the edges. Fill the gap silicone sealant. Remove excess and remove masking tape.
  10. The protective film is removed after completion of work.

Exception - installation of wooden window sills

Window sills made of oak, pine, beech, ash or cherry wood make the interior of the house warmer and more comfortable. giving preference natural materials, many owners of apartments and houses instead of artificial plastic choose natural wooden bases. Sold in stores wooden panels, covered with varnishes of different shades with different surface textures. Having made your choice, proceed to the installation wooden window sill with your own hands.

Wall preparation

The base is cleaned of dust and litter. The surface is wetted with water to ensure good adhesion. If there is a niche under the window, metal or wooden supports are laid horizontally on top so that the panel does not hang in the air. The wooden structure in this case is dressed in a metal frame.

Window sill alignment

Pre-expose the window sill with wedges, achieving its slope into the room by only 2 degrees. Along the window, the board is located strictly horizontally. When all the necessary indicators are achieved, the wedges are strengthened with a small amount of mortar by removing the workpiece.

Fixing a wooden window sill

A layer of mortar is laid on the base, covering the wedges by 5 mm. Mainly used cement mortar, but you can apply putty or gypsum. Install the window sill in place and firmly press it against the wedges until it stops. The excess that comes out is removed with a spatula.

Advice! For safety net, an insulating film is first laid on top of the solution to protect the tree from direct contact with the aqueous solution.

Sealing and reinforcement

For more reliable fixation from the side of the facade, long self-tapping screws are driven into the end of the wooden window sill through the window frame. After the fastening of the structure is completed, small cracks are sealed with liquid acrylic.

A plastic window sill is installed at the final stage of installing a PVC window. Usually these works are included in the range of services of the organization that was engaged in the manufacture of the window unit with its further installation. But, given the relatively simple process of installing the window sill, it is quite possible to install it yourself. To do this correctly, it is recommended to follow the appropriate instructions.

Taking measurements

It is possible to install a plastic window sill only if its dimensions have been determined in accordance with the characteristics of the window unit, opening and slopes. Its width is determined by the thickness of the bearing wall from the window. In addition to this, the margin along the edge (the protruding part of the window sill above the radiator) is taken into account, as well as the area located under window block(1-2 cm).

For this, the manufacturer of double-glazed windows provides a special profile. Optimal Release there will be about 7-8 cm along the edge. A plastic window sill of this width will not interfere with the outflow of heat from the radiator.

The length will correspond to the width of the window, only about 10 cm is added to this size (5 cm on each side). To properly fix the window sill, an additional 5 cm of the surface must go into the slopes. The amount of work depends on the state of the load-bearing wall in the window opening (whether there are slopes, whether they are plastered, etc.).

Preparing for installation

If you plan to install the window sill yourself, you need to take into account that the edges of the PVC profile of the cut product must go into the slopes. To do this, you will have to break the section along the lower edge of the slopes.

In a situation where the surface finish of the window opening has not yet been completed, in load-bearing walls at the appropriate level, grooves must be made by chasing. Their depth should correspond to the size of the stock left on each side (5 cm). These works do not need to be performed if it is planned to install drywall slopes.

Necessary tool for the job

To properly install the window sill, you will need a set of tools: a jigsaw / circular saw, building level, foam gun, pencil, tape measure, puncher and chisel (required for chasing).

If desired, trimming the profile is done by hand, but you can order the manufacture of a window sill according to the given dimensions. The section of the window opening where it is planned to be installed is cleared of construction rubbish. Dust can be removed with a cloth dampened with water.

Stages of work

Regardless of who took the measurements and cut the window sill with the desired parameters, additional fitting of the product may be required. This is usually done in areas where plastic block does not fit through the window. For self-cutting, a grinder / jigsaw is used.

Window sill installation scheme

Now you can install the window sill: at the bottom of the window there is a special profile where it is inserted. The workpiece should enter the groove at a distance of up to 2 cm. At this stage, it is necessary to organize a slope of no more than 1 cm towards the living quarters.

It is customary to fasten the window sill with wooden wedges. They are installed on rough coating window opening under the workpiece at a distance of up to 40 cm from each other. This allows you to correctly install the PVC profile, and, in addition, contributes to the tight contact of the block with the frame.

Checking for the absence of distortions and the accuracy of the location of the workpiece is carried out using a building profile. If irregularities are found, additional chips must be selected. They are recommended to be placed under the wedges from the bottom of the window sill, which is already brought into the window.

The final stage of work is fixing the structure. This is done using mounting foam and a special gun. Depending on which filling compound is used, a sufficient load weight is determined.

Errors and recommendations of installation work

If ordinary foam is used, then in order to avoid deformation of the profile, it is desirable to load its entire surface. This can be done with water bottles. Filling voids with mounting foam is carried out as carefully as possible, since the reliability of the window sill will depend on this.

Then the structure must dry completely, which takes 24 hours. After that, the excess foam is cut off.

What do you need to know?

When installing, you should consider some features:

  • when wedges are installed under the windows, they must be slightly recessed, otherwise they will have to be cut;
  • before fixing the workpiece, you need to remove the protective film from the profile, but not over the entire surface, but only where the window sill will go into the groove under the window;
  • when applying foam, it is desirable not to leave voids, but it is also not necessary to be zealous with its quantity, since when it dries, it can squeeze out even the load installed on the windowsill;
  • while working with mounting foam, it is recommended to keep a special cleaner on hand if something suddenly gets dirty;
  • if there is little experience in such work, you can use spacers instead of a load (bottles of water): wooden bars to the full are installed on horizontally oriented boards, which, in turn, are laid on the windowsill.

Thus, the installation process itself is quite simple, but if some features were missed, then as a result the window sill will have to be laid again. To properly install the workpiece, a building level is used.

A sufficient level of load on the window sill is determined based on which composition of the mounting foam is used: two-component or conventional. The second of these options requires the use of a significant load.

Do-it-yourself installation of a new or replacement of an old window sill is one of the highlights when installing a window opening. Even the most beautiful and modern window design will not look complete without this element. In addition to a beautiful appearance, the window sill protects the window opening from mechanical stress, and also helps to keep the heat in the room. This is what determines the features of its installation.


The installation of the window sill, as a rule, completes the installation of the window, and it is done after the slopes are installed. This easy-to-make design, consisting of a small flat piece of board or PVC, performs several functions at once.

  • Protective. Right installed window sill acts as a barrier to cold outdoor air, and also does not allow heat to seep into the cracks under the window. Of course, a window frame correctly installed by craftsmen does a good job of this function even without it, so the owners are most often interested in the following function.

  • Decorative. Window sills made from a variety of natural and artificial materials, can serve as a real decoration of the room. They connect walls, windows and radiators into a single ensemble, and various decorations and fresh flowers installed on it delight the eyes of all guests. In addition, on the windowsill you can organize a small workspace, dining area and even arrange a small corner for a pet.

  • Heat redistribution function indoors. Part of the window sill surface, protruding beyond the wall, serves as a kind of "springboard" for hot air rising from the battery. Starting from it, the heat flow is directed into the room, and does not rise strictly vertically to the ceiling surface.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the width of the window sill, otherwise window glass heat will not enter at all, which can lead to condensation. It is enough to equip a protrusion of 5-6 centimeters.

Technical requirements

When choosing the dimensions, material and design of the window sill structure, it should be remembered that it must meet certain requirements. To date, a separate GOST for the installation of window sills does not exist. However, the basic requirements for heat transfer, sound insulation and joint stability can be found in the 30971-2002 standard.

Summarizing everything listed in it, it can be noted that this window element must have the following characteristics:

  • strength. Since the window sill should easily withstand the load of a person sitting on it or household items;
  • moisture resistance. This characteristic is especially important for products installed in rooms with high humidity(baths, saunas and pools);
  • resistance to environmental influences. The surface of the material must not be damaged by detergents or fade and shrink in direct sunlight.

Many window manufacturers offer in their services the manufacture and installation of a window sill suitable for the entire window structure. And most often they have the necessary characteristics. The main questions begin to arise when the height of the window sill surface above the floor level is selected. Since there are no standards for this, each owner relies on his own preferences. However, there are a number of recommendations in order to make this parameter optimal.

When determining the height of the window sill, the height of the people living in the room and the placement of radiators should be taken into account.

When buying a new building or renovating a second home, it is advisable to take into account the future location of the furniture. The height of the structure located in the living room often depends on the view from the window. If you have a beautiful landscape or a picture of the city, it makes sense to lower the level to 25–40 cm. If you want to hide an unaesthetic courtyard, then the level can be raised to 80 cm.

The windows in the bedroom are usually not too big size to keep warm, and are almost always covered with curtains, so appearance window sills do not play a special role. Usually it is raised to a level of 90 cm from the floor in an adult bedroom and 70 cm in a nursery, since children need as much natural sunlight as possible.

For the kitchen, the width of the window sill plays an important role, which can be used for utilitarian purposes. Its height is best compared to the height of a kitchen worktop.

In the office, room lighting comes first. The lower the product is installed, the longer the room will be lit by a natural source. The average height is 60–65 cm.


The best option is to make window frame and a window sill from one material. Such an ensemble looks thoughtful and complete. But, despite the popularity of this option, the structure under the window can be made from almost any material. The main thing is that it should be of high quality, beautiful and affordable for the customer.


The most popular material in modern construction market is polyvinyl chloride. The hollow core construction with stiff internal ribs is one of the warmest and quite durable. With their low cost, PVC products can be of almost any color and with any pattern. They are not afraid of cold and moisture, and will last as long as windows made of this material, so you do not have to dismantle and change them separately.

You should not save money by buying very cheap plastic, as it will quickly burn out and deform under direct sunlight.

Acrylic based plastic

Installing such window sills in a house or apartment will be more expensive than PVC window sills, approximately 3-4 times. Nevertheless, such a price is fully justified due to the fact that acrylic is not at all afraid of high temperatures unlike regular plastic. By installing such a product in the kitchen, you can safely put hot pots and pans on it without fear of spoiling the beautiful glossy surface. acrylic surface allows you to choose from a large number of colors and will last several times longer.


The installation of a wooden window sill is most often carried out in conjunction with the installation wooden frame. Budget option may be pine or linden. Tree species are impregnated with special protective equipment and varnished. Elite species of yew or golden oak, mounted in chic country mansions, are distinguished by a high price. The combination of a plastic window with a wooden window sill will look especially good if the frame itself is laminated to match the type of wood that the window sill consists of.

Chipboard and MDF

Such window sills will look great in combination with furniture made of the same material. MDF, unlike chipboard, is more expensive, but has greater resistance to moisture. Experts recommend using this material to replace old wooden or plastic window sills, which will not hit your wallet hard and is easy to do with your own hands.

Natural and artificial stone

Of course, a stone window sill made of real marble or granite in modern design looks amazing. In addition to its high cost and complexity of installation, this material is quite fragile and unpredictable. On a light stone, traces of dishes and scratches from cleaning products easily remain.

A solid slab can be broken by a light blow that accidentally hits a point of critical stress. An excellent alternative can be a product made of artificial stone. It is not only cheaper, but also more resistant to mechanical and chemical influences. Such a window sill is more likely to be replaced because something new is wanted, and not because it will deteriorate, since the service life, for example, of porcelain stoneware starts from 50–70 years.

How to install?

All types of window sill structures are mounted according to general principle. Because plastic windows with plastic window sills are the most popular option, then the work algorithm is based on their example.

Measurements, purchase and dismantling

The first thing to do is to correctly measure all the necessary values. To determine the length of the window sill, you need to measure the width of the window opening itself in the place closest to the space of the room. To this value is added 1–2 cm on both sides to hide the raw edges with slopes. Then the width of the wall to the window is measured and a few centimeters are added to the value in order to deepen the product into a special window groove.

The resulting value is the width for installation flush with the wall. In the event that the window sill bulges out, it is necessary to add another 6–8 cm to the resulting value, and the length of the eyes is added to the resulting length.

In accordance with the measurements, the material is bought and the window sill board is made by hand or ordered ready-made version at the master.

Old window sill before measurements, it is dismantled, the surface is leveled and cleaned of debris and dust.


Before starting installation, it is necessary to try on the future window sill and, if necessary, make a final adjustment. You can cut MDF, chipboard and wood with an ordinary electric jigsaw, and for plastic and stone you need a grinder.

With the help of a perforator, small grooves are made in the walls, where the edges of the window sill will go. After working with a perforator, fine dust may remain on the surface, so it must again be cleaned and dried.

Removed from the purchased window sill polyethylene films in places of contact with slopes and a window, he himself is inserted into the groove of the window profile and the resulting grooves in the walls.

Wooden wedges are laid under the installed window board, starting from the edges and moving towards the middle. Such substrates should not protrude beyond the edge of the wall, the distance between adjacent wedges should not exceed 40 cm.

Ideally, the board should have a slight (0.2 cm) slope towards the room. This will avoid the accumulation of moisture near the frame and the appearance of fungus and mold on the windowsill.

A large (about 20 kg) load is placed on the leveled product so that the angle of inclination is not disturbed by accidental contact, and the space between the wedges is filled with professional mounting foam from a special gun. Additionally fix the board to window profile You can use ordinary self-tapping screws.

Mounting foam that has fallen on the walls or the front surface of the window sill must be immediately removed with a damp cloth, as hardened foam can only be removed with a special solvent, which can also damage the surface of the product. After a day, after waiting for the foam to dry completely, you can remove the load and trim its excess. At the ends of the window sill, decorative protective linings are installed, protective film is completely removed.

The walls and slopes return to a neat appearance with the help of plaster, after which they are decorated with any decorative coating.

To install a wooden window sill, you must additionally purchase thick felt and treat it with an antiseptic. It is attached with the help of a drani to inside window board. Before installation, the ends of window sills made of natural and artificial stone are protected with the same felt. These are all the differences in the algorithm for working with window sills from different materials.

To date, the market has a fairly large number of different window sills, which are made of plastic, wood and other materials. Installation of such structures by specialists will be expensive, because many people want to know how to properly install a window sill with their own hands.

How is a plastic window sill installed?

The plastic profile is an environmentally friendly material, and all structures that are made from it undergo careful control.

Such window sills have many advantages:

  1. The structures are light in weight.
  2. They are easy enough to install.
  3. Such designs do not need to be painted.
  4. Plastic products are impact resistant.
  5. Resistant to heat and light.
  6. Do not rot.
  7. Products practically do not ignite.

Such structures can be installed even by a person who does not have the appropriate work experience, while there will be no need special tools. Plastic window sill can be installed on any window in the room or on the balcony.

To properly mount such a window sill with your own hands, you need to know the sequence of actions.

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Existing methods of installing a window sill

For installation plastic construction you need to measure the parameters of the window.

There are several options for installing such structures. In the first case, the window sill is fixed special composition. This method is outdated and rarely used today, as other, more modern and convenient ways installation.

In order to be able to quickly, self-tapping screws should be used. In this case, it will be necessary to drill a hole in the frame into which the fasteners are installed. The joint should be treated with a silicone-based sealant. The extreme part of the window sill starts under the frame and is attracted by self-tapping screws. The rigidity of the structure can be given with special linings. The place under the window sill must be treated with mounting foam.

In the process of mounting such structures, metal spring clips can also be used. They should be screwed to the profile with self-tapping screws. The product is installed in the groove that is formed between the frame and the fastener.

The latter method will not use any extras such as self-tapping screws or staples. This method is labor-intensive, but the most reliable. The principle of installation is that special linings are installed under the structure so that its edge fits snugly under the window frame.

The last 3 methods are used quite often. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, it is impossible to fasten a plastic window sill to self-tapping screws if the sash opens. All methods differ only in the way PVC window sills are inserted into the frame, all other stages of work are identical.

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How to do preparatory work?

The first step is to buy everything necessary tools and materials. The quality of the work performed will depend on the quality of the tools used.

Items you will need:

  1. PVC profiles.
  2. Self-tapping screws.
  3. Silicone sealant.
  4. Mounting foam.
  5. Spring clips made of metal.
  6. Linings.
  7. Simple pencil.
  8. Building level.
  9. Saw or electric jigsaw.
  10. Metal strips.
  11. Masking tape.
  12. Polyurethane foam.
  13. Nails.
  14. Screws.

In order to correctly install the structure for PVC windows, measurements should be taken. Strength and how well the structure will cope with its functions depend on the measurements. If measurements are not taken correctly, the design will not have the best appearance.

You should know that it will not work to fix the installed window sill made of plastic or wood in case of incorrect measurements. In this case, all installation work will need to be done again.

In the process of measurements, it is necessary to take into account the properties and characteristics of the plastic, as well as a number of some other parameters. These parameters include the height of the batteries located under the windows. If the distance between the two structures is small, then the air circulation will be disturbed, as a result, the microclimate will deteriorate greatly.

When measuring the window sill to be installed, it is necessary to take into account the fact that its length should be several centimeters longer than the width of the window. The width of the structure can be chosen based on your own preferences, but the distance between the wall and the window sill should not be more than 8 cm. If the window sill is wide, this may affect the functions of the radiators. In the process of determining the dimensions of the structure, it is necessary to check the air circulation that forms in this area.

The products are installed close to the plastic window, therefore a special profile must be fixed on them, which will be used to fix the ebb.

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How to trim a window sill?

The design can be purchased from ready-made or cut it out of plastic yourself. If the window sill is cut out of PVC, then the profile must be purchased with a margin of about 5 cm.

The first step is to check the product for defects, as they can spoil the appearance. In some cases, it may be necessary to cut the structure to fit the size of the opening. To do this, first of all, you need to correctly mark the window sill. You can do this with a simple pencil.

The maximum length of the plastic structure is 3 m. The width of the product varies between 25-70 cm. If the width of the structure is too large, then the excess can be cut off from the part with which it is attached to the wall. Cut lines need to be given Special attention. It should pass 0.5-1 cm behind the stiffeners, which are located inside the product. In this case, the window sill will be able to fit snugly into the window frame. The rear part of the structure should go under the window and be tightly supported by wedges and construction foam. If the extreme part of the product loses the stiffening ribs, then the inner base will not be able to maintain the necessary shape at the junction, as a result of which it will bend inward.

The window sill can be cut with a saw or an electric jigsaw. You can also use a hacksaw for plastic. You need to cut carefully, do not press hard on the tool so that scratches or other defects do not appear on the structure. Small pieces of plastic can get into your eyes. To avoid this, you should know the safety rules. You need to cut the plastic in goggles and work gloves.

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How to lay the lining?

To install the lining, bars should be used. They will take the load from the windowsill. If there are potholes or cracks, then you should use mounting foam. At this stage, it is important to check the fit of the product to the frame, as this indicator will guarantee the strength and reliability of the structure.

Slopes are installed. Their lower part must be cut down to the wall, after which the installation site must be cleaned of debris. The bars on which the window sill will be held should not go beyond the wall. Blades are best fixed immediately. Thus, it will be possible to form a groove into which the window structure will be installed. The window sill should be adjacent to the window frame. The gap between the structure and the walls should be less than 4 mm.

The part of the window sill that protrudes beyond the slopes should adjoin the wall tightly, since gaps are not allowed.

To prevent the structure from deforming, metal strips must be mounted under it. These products must fit into the bottom plug of the product.