Photo-gallery of stretch ceilings in the hall. Photos of beautiful stretch ceilings for the hall

Hello dear readers! Having started another renovation in the house, each person is faced with a choice that must be made in favor of one or another finishing material. This also happens with the finishing of the ceiling area, someone decides to make plasterboard multilevel ceilings, but others give their preference to stretch fabrics. Today, the site "Comfort in the House" invites its readers to study specifically - stretch ceilings for the hall.

Stretch ceilings for the living room are fresh and modern.

It is no secret that all modern interiors are designed around similar materials that are relevant for our century, if we consider in particular the ceiling, then for its decoration the most recent material from the point of view of innovation is a stretch canvas. So, stretch ceilings are divided into several basic types: made of PVC films, made of fabric.

  • Made of PVC film. These canvases can be safely called the most popular, and at the same time in demand. Firstly, they are quite affordable, secondly, they differ in the versatility of shades (from black to acid fuchsia), thirdly, the variety of textures pleases - they can be matte, glossy, and fourthly, such ceilings do an excellent job with temperature changes and do not let water through (which is very important in apartments with neighbors above).
  • Tissue. They are very durable, not afraid of temperature extremes, and look impressive. In addition, thanks to the large dimensions of the canvases (up to 5 m wide), it is possible to create a seamless ceiling covering even in large halls. I would also like to note the ecological aspect of fabric canvases, they are completely clean. Their only serious drawback is their rather high cost.

As for the varieties of the type of mounting of the canvases, then you should know that there are the following types of fasteners: cam, harpoon and wedge.

Stretch ceiling options: we decide on the choice.

Of course, when choosing a stretch fabric, you need to understand that the choice will depend on correct presentation the entire interior as a whole. One has only to miss with a tint, as from the once expected chic interior indistinct simplicity can turn out. If you listen to the designers, then it is better to choose ceilings in neutral tones, so that in the end the room does not seem too busy with details and obtrusive color.

Mirrored ceiling. Choosing a mirror sheet for the ceiling, you can be sure that the ceilings will not lose height, but, on the contrary, will seem even higher. Moreover, such glossy surfaces look really impressive. In fact, such a solution is ideal for small living rooms; this style technique will allow her to significantly expand her boundaries. If you like perfect reflective surfaces, then we recommend purchasing ceilings from Belgian, French, Italian and German manufacturers, they, unlike Chinese ones, perfectly reflect surfaces, and in general are considered stronger.

Glossy ceiling. This type of ceiling sheet also reflects surfaces, but at the same time they look somewhat blurry, while this fact does not spoil the impression at all. But unlike mirror canvases gloss is more affordable at a cost, while no less successfully copes with the issue of visual expansion of the boundaries of the hall or living room.

Choosing black glossy ceiling it is important to understand that given color will not allow you to visually raise its level, it will look luxurious, but at the same time mundane.

Matt ceiling. If we talk about visual perception, then such a canvas seems to be a perfectly flat surface, looking at which you cannot say that it is a stretch canvas. Such a ceiling can perfectly fit into laconic interiors with a bias towards the classics.

Ceiling with. Thanks to modern methods, specialists can make a ceiling with absolutely any image, from the starry sky to graffiti. Such a spectacular ceiling can become the main decoration of the living room.

Two-level stretch ceiling. Stretch ceilings in the hall may well be two-level, especially since such a structure looks more than positive, even somewhat exclusive. But it is important to understand that such structures can visually reduce the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room, therefore they should not be used in small rooms.

Fabric ceiling. This ceiling is a fabric impregnated with polyurethane agents. Such a ceiling looks incredibly beautiful, especially if there is some kind of print on its surface.

  1. If you want to visually raise the ceiling area, choose light and glossy canvases.
  2. With the help of a black ceiling against the background of snow-white walls, you can visually expand the room.
  3. It is important to understand that a black ceiling will give the impression of a low ceiling surface.
  4. If the living room is on the sunny side, then avoid glossy ceilings, otherwise the surface will glare.
  5. The gap in the baguette can be hidden behind moldings or a special thin border.
  6. If you are afraid that you will be flooded by the neighbors from the apartment from above, install PVC film stretch ceilings at home, they will be able to withstand a rather serious volume of incoming fluid.

Stretch ceilings in the hall, photo.

Stretch ceiling 3D (video):

If earlier stretch ceilings in the hall were considered a luxury, and they could only be seen in the apartments of wealthy people, nowadays they have become commonplace and quite in an accessible way decorating the ceiling in city apartments and country houses.

Stretch ceilings for the hall differ in color, shape, complexity of arrangement, but they all perform a similar decorative function.

You can arrange the ceiling in the living room yourself, or use the services of a professional master. Consider the varieties stretch ceilings, features of their creation, positive and negative characteristics of such structures.

Ceiling options

Modern suspended ceiling in the living room - perfect solution for fast and high quality decorative design ceiling surface.

Currently, tissue is isolated tension structures and PVC ceilings.

Advice! In order to choose the right modern ceilings for the hall, it is better to turn to professionals.

Interesting samples of stretch ceilings for the hall, photo, design, useful tips can be found in the video snippet

Stretch fabric ceilings in the living room are highly resistant to temperature extremes. Such designs are distinguished by their reliability and long operating period. They have an average width of about five meters, so you can carry out seamless installation of ceiling structures.

Attention! Stretch ceilings in the hall must be installed by professionals, otherwise you will not receive desired result.

Among positive characteristics stretch ceilings, their relevance in the interior of the living room, interior professionals mention environmental safety and aesthetics. Such tension structures can be installed even in children's rooms without fear for the health of your child.

A budget option for a stretch ceiling in a living room is a canvas made of PVC film. The photo shows stretch ceiling samples suitable for a small apartment.

PVC films are considered practical, besides, they have a much lower cost than fabric counterparts. If you wish, you can pick up matte, glossy, satin, suede tension structures for the living room that can withstand high humidity, temperature drops.

Advice! PVC stretch the ceilings are suitable for the living room, but it is better to select fabric canvases for the children's room.

Film ceilings are relevant in cases where neighbors from the upper floors periodically flood your apartment. In order to remove the water, you need to carefully remove part of the film, drain the water, and return the canvas to its original place. There will be no negative consequences for the aesthetic perception of the film, it will retain its original appearance.

Installation features

Different types of stretch ceilings for a hall suggest some differences in installation. For example, when choosing PVC films for your living room, you should be prepared for the room's height to decrease by 10-15 centimeters. First, along the entire perimeter, they are attached to the walls and ceiling metal constructions, only after that, with the help of a heat gun, the polymer film is carefully pulled over the prepared frame.

Mirrored ceiling

Considering samples of polymer ceilings, many property owners planning redecorating living room, admiring glances stop at the mirrored stretch ceiling.

It allows you to achieve a visual expansion of the space in the living room, it looks harmonious and original. Owners of small urban real estate are trying to equip exactly a mirrored stretch or suspended ceiling in their apartments.

The mirrored ceiling adds lightness and volume to the living room, making the room deeper and more airy.

Advice! Depending on the quality of the mirrored stretch ceiling, you can get clear or blurred reflections. For the living room, interior professionals recommend choosing clear options for such coatings.

The photo shows a version of a stretch mirrored ceiling for a modern living room.

Among the disadvantages that are distinguished in such ceiling coverings, we note the complexity of leaving. Stretch mirrored ceilings require careful and gentle maintenance. Use soft rags and soapy water instead of abrasive materials.

In terms of the duration of the operating period, stretch ceiling coverings have no competitors.

Despite the fact that mirrored ceilings have a sophisticated look, psychologists do not recommend using such coatings for people prone to depression.

Advice! Interior experts advise purchasing canvases of Belgian and German production, since they are highly environmentally friendly, durable, and aesthetically pleasing from their Chinese counterparts.

Among the latter fashion trends of interest are colored multi-level tension structures.

For example, a two-level ceiling, decorated in red and white, looks harmonious.

Glossy ceilings also make the room appear more spacious, but they blur the picture, so they are more appropriate in home interior... Such a stretch ceiling is ideal for small rooms with poor-quality lighting.

Attention! Dark ceilings are not suitable for small living rooms; they will narrow the room and create an uncomfortable feeling for the inhabitants of the hall.

V recent times more and more often you can see real works of design art on the ceilings of city living rooms. Thanks to modern technologies, for example, large-format photo printing, lovers of an unusual interior, can enjoy landscapes, family photographs, printed on polymer film.

The original look has a ceiling film, which depicts a map of the starry sky. With additional lighting, a unique atmosphere will be created in the living room, filled with harmony and cosmic energy.

When choosing a multi-level stretch ceiling design, interior experts advise using additional built-in LED lighting.

Matte canvases are preferred by supporters of classic and traditional options decorating ceilings. Such canvases resemble painted or whitewashed surfaces, therefore, in the design world, they are considered a practical and beautiful solution.

The advantages of such PVC film are that the coating does not distract from other decorative elements. Matte finish does not give glare, does not irritate the psyche.

Currently, stretch ceilings different types millions of fans. This option for decorating the ceiling is considered the most practical and beautiful solution.

With insignificant one-time material costs, you become the happy owner of a ceiling, the appearance of which will not change over a long period of time.

Matte canvases fill the hall with atmosphere home comfort, bring harmony to the room. It doesn't have to be white... Among the fashionable interior trends, rainbow films are in the lead, as well as canvases with modern photo printing.


When selecting finishing materials for the living room, Special attention should be given to decorating the ceiling surface. It is he who is considered the "mirror" of the room. When thinking over the finishing option, it is necessary to take into account the general interior direction chosen for the apartment. The stretch ceiling is the best option decoration of halls, suitable for any direction of interior art.

Many houses of the Soviet era were built according to the same type of project, in which the size of the living room did not exceed 15-18 square meters. m. Therefore, our citizens, who are accustomed to such dimensions of personal space, find it easier to navigate and come up with a design in a small living room than to puzzle over the organization of space in a huge hall. The stretch ceiling will allow you to make the design of the living room modern and stylish without a radical rearrangement and large investments in the furnishings.

What material to choose

From an aesthetic point of view, the stretch ceiling is a universal material. Possessing a distinctive texture, it gets along in any interior, as it does not compete with other materials. Bottom part the premises are a collection of many objects, rich in nuances. The ceiling determines the character of the perception of the interior of the room as a whole.

Therefore, if the hall in the house performs the traditional function of a guest room, then when decorating the ceiling space, you should adhere to the golden mean: do not make it too simple and do not allow an excess of decor and vulgar pomp.

Polyester or vinyl

In tension structures, two types of canvases are used: vinyl and polyester. These materials are different in both aesthetics and performance... Vinyls are glossy and bright, polyester has a velvet texture and muted light reflection. According to these indicators fabric ceilings more appropriate in the living room. Polyester is often dyed white, which can also be considered the golden mean. At the same time, glossy canvases are able to visually increase the space.

The photo below shows vinyl, fabric ceilings and their combinations.

Due to the reflective effect, the fabric does not look trivial, and the absence of excess shine gives the atmosphere of the hall solidity and tranquility.

At the same time, the fabric mutes the abundance of light, if, as in the photo, the owner overdid it with the number of lamps.

When choosing a material, much depends on what purpose the owner pursues, in what style the rest of the interior is designed. Classic or country requires a soft texture; fabric canvases are suitable for them. Matte film in pastel shades is suitable for vinyl. Techno or modern, on the contrary, love shine and cool tones.

Combination with drywall

As a rule, vinyl canvases are used in combination with multi-level drywall structures. All the solutions described below are in one way or another related to the use of multilevel structures. Such ceilings will allow you to get maximum effect from the use of hidden or recessed lighting. By combining the type and intensity of the light source, you can emphasize the contour lines of the protruding elements.

Important! In the living room, there are no more than two full levels on the ceilings. In low rooms, sometimes a simple imitation of a step in the form of a strip of drywall glued to the first tier is sufficient.

In an ordinary hall of 18 sq. m the ceiling is low, therefore, the step of the box is made small.

The backlight is mounted in the frame box. This simple technique effectively highlights the central part of the PVC film.

Complex shapes with curved lines are used in bedrooms, in the kitchen, and in the living room, steps with straight contours look better.

Design solutions

To keep the design interesting by designing ceiling structure and when choosing the type of canvas for it, it is important to take into account many factors.


Several functional areas are concentrated in the living room. This is both a recreation area and work zone, and a place for tea. If they are visually separated by a ceiling structure, then the interior, with all its richness, will become clearer and calmer.

Two steps highlight the window area and the seating area, and the central glossy part, combined with laconic furnishings, contributes to the visual expansion of the space.

This design makes the environment both compact and not cramped.

A harmonious combination of a two-level structure made of plasterboard and glossy canvas, which follows the contours of the soft corner.

The lack of saturation of the interior is more than compensated for by the play of contrasts, textured surfaces and multi-level construction.

Important! Unlike other areas of the apartment, central lighting is often left in the hall, even when using local spotlights.

Competent zoning of the space is also able to subjectively enlarge the room.

Color solutions

You don't have to experiment with color. You can create a harmonious design by adhering to simple rules combinations.

But the yellow canvas itself would hardly arouse the interest of the buyer.

Important! Bright colors are not used to create the background. An excess of intense shades is tiring, does not allow you to relax.

So that the hot yellow palette of walls does not irritate, the stretch ceiling of the living room is of a less pronounced shade and, as it were, absorbs excess energy.

Restraint in colors and moderation in filling the living room interior with details and decorative elements are just rules that require exceptions

Nobody forbids taking advantage of all the possibilities of photo printing and creating a unique design in your living room.

Correction of space perception

If the owner wants to push the boundaries of a small living room, then this can also be done using stretch canvases. The competent arrangement of the steps of multi-level structures visually changes the proportions of the room. In narrow and elongated rooms, transverse lines on the ceiling structure will expand the room.

Perforation on the canvas enhances the illusion of a high ceiling.

The stretch canvas reflects a linear surface, increasing the height of the room.

Due to this, the ceiling and the window in the hall seem to be one. This design visually increases the length of the room.

The original stretch ceiling in the hall with or without a bay window creates the effect of a curved space.

Slideshow with other options:

As you can see from the presented photos, there are many options for decorating the ceiling space in the living room. Everyone can become a designer during the renovation and try to implement their own ideas.

Stretch ceilings are the most in a modern way finishing the apartment. There are many design options and it is useful to take a close look at a lot of photos before deciding on anything in particular. To arrange the living room, it is necessary to choose exactly those stretch ceilings for the hall, with which the interior of the apartment, as well as the furnishings of the room, will be combined.

Which ceiling to choose

When choosing a stretch fabric texture, be sure to look at the examples from the photo and decide which option you like. Relate the photo to your living room, paying attention to its interior and dimensions, as well as the decoration design. There are three main types of stretch ceilings on the building materials market:

  • Matte stretch ceilings the most popular option for any room, including a hall. Done in white or otherwise light color, such a canvas looks like traditional plaster, however, it has incomparable best performance... This option should be chosen if you do not want to draw attention to the ceiling in the house, but rather focus on furniture, furnishings or accessories. For example, a matte canvas is ideal for a classical-style hall;
  • Glossy stretch ceiling highly reflective. The hall is one of the few rooms in the apartment where the gloss looks actual and expressive. Glossy canvas optimal solution for a small room, since the reflection is able to visually expand the space. Thanks to the gloss, the room will look not only more spacious, but also much lighter;
  • Satin ceiling combines the advantages of both options. The canvas is so named due to the fact that its surface imitates weaving of fabric. This design looks noble, expensive and elegant. It slightly reflects the rays of light, which allows them to gently diffuse and create a unique atmosphere in the room. This is the most expensive type of ceiling available.

A matte canvas will suit absolutely any style. Gloss is good at modern interior, the design of which is made in the rules of modernity, minimalism, hi-tech. A satin ceiling is suitable for a more discreet style.

Two-level ceiling
Ceiling to match the walls
Chandelier in the center
Traditional white ceiling
Round design

Color selection

When choosing the color of the ceiling, photos will again help. Classic version, a white canvas, will be relevant absolutely for any hall, no matter what its style and design. But if the walls in the living room are also finished in white or light color, there may be a feeling of "sterility" or a hospital room.

If you want to make the ceiling a decoration of the living room, then you can "paint" it with a different color, transforming the interior, while you need to follow some rules:

  1. The lower the room, the lighter the ceiling color should be.... Conversely, if the ceilings are too high, use dark colors in order to make the size of the room more proportional;
  2. If the windows of the hall are on the sunny side, it is preferable to use cold shades in the design of the ceiling. This will keep your living room cool, even on the hottest day. Conversely, if the hall is on the shadow side, the advantage should be given warm colors tension cloth. This design will keep the room warm and cozy;
  3. Walls and ceiling in one colors registration is not recommended. But if you decide to do just that, then let the matte surfaces of the walls contrast with the gloss of the ceilings. Another option: to make the ceiling structure embossed;

V small apartments the hall also often serves as a bedroom. Then you should not experiment with bright and unusual shades, but rather stay with calm classic options.

Starry sky
Canvas to match the furniture
Reflection of luminaires
Pompous design
Illumination with diode tape

In an apartment where the hall is additionally a bedroom, matte ceilings must be stretched.

Original lighting

An important role in the creation unusual design stretch ceiling lighting plays. The interior will be transformed beyond recognition if you replace the traditional chandelier with LED lights... With their help, you can arrange the original "night sky" or make the zoning of the hall space. This is especially true for small apartments, where the hall serves as an office, nursery, as well as a living room for receiving guests.

Ceiling lighting behind the cornice will turn the hall into a cozy and mysterious place with a mysterious atmosphere. You can successfully combine a classic chandelier with small recessed lights, including both as needed. Individual project can be compiled by choosing the option you like from the photo.

Combined lighting
Center chandelier and spotlights
LED Strip Light
Combination of central and peripheral lighting

Curvilinear structures

Curved structures will help to create an extraordinary effect of waves or arches. If you need really unusual stretch ceilings for the hall, then you will not find a better option. In nature, you rarely find perfectly even shapes and precise proportions, which is why natural asymmetrical species subconsciously like people more. And such ceilings look really amazing, completely transforming the interior.

There are several types of curved structures:

  • One-level with a combination of several colors;
  • Multilevel;
  • Arches;
  • Dome-shaped structures;
  • Ceilings with 3D elements.

Do curved ceiling can be from different materials, but PVC is the most convenient: it is flexible and can take a variety of shapes. To decorate the hall, you can use a dark blue glossy canvas, which is placed on the ceiling in the form of waves. This is one of the most common options. To embody the atmosphere of the Renaissance are used arched structures that smooth the transition between wall and ceiling. Volumetric figures on the ceiling, made of PVC film, will attract the attention of guests and hold it for a long time.

Curvilinear structures are not suitable for every hall. Do not think about this option if you have low ceilings or a cramped room. Take a look at photos of living rooms about the same size as yours before making your final choice.

Intricate design
Curved configuration
Multilevel ceiling of complex geometry
Multicolored canvases
Curved elements

Printed ceilings

The hall is the place where you can allow yourself to show wild imagination in the design of the room. Stretch ceilings with photo printing will help to make the interior unusual. In the arsenal of modern manufacturers, there are many opportunities to bring your ideas to life. Any image can be printed on the ceiling, including a photograph.

Distinctive features of PVC film with photo printing:

  • Exclusive design- you can choose a unique image that will decorate your interior accordingly;
  • The ability to apply to any texture... The drawing can be printed on matte, glossy, satin fabrics;
  • 3d printing- the effect of additional volume will impress your guests.

Particularly relevant is the installation of ceilings with photo printing in halls made in the style of art deco, loft, pop art, modern, kitsch, futurism. It is in these areas of design that the creator's imagination knows no boundaries and is not content with standard solutions, which can be seen in the photo.

The most popular photo printing options are any image of the sky. It can be a dark starry sky with backlighting, or it can be blue with white clouds floating on it. A view of the sky overhead will create a sense of spaciousness and freedom. After reviewing the corresponding photos, you can make a choice in favor of one or another option.

Floral ornament
the Rose

Combination with drywall

Along with photo printing and curved structures, multi-level ceilings, which are made of stretch fabric and drywall, are popular. Multilevel structures are only suitable for a hall with high ceilings. There are several common design options:

  1. A rectangular plasterboard box is created along the perimeter of the ceiling, in the center of which a PVC film is stretched. The originality of the design gives individual design lighting. With the help of a chandelier and spotlights, you can create beautiful and stylish compositions;
  2. Option similar to the first, but plasterboard box made in the form of an oval. However, this design should be used with caution, since visually the volume of the hall will greatly decrease due to the smoothing of the corners;
  3. A plasterboard circle together with a chandelier is installed in the center of the room, and the PVC film is stretched over the rest of the ceiling area.

There are also more complex options, the implementation of which requires the appropriate skill and professionalism on the part of the installers. These are various figures from drywall: bends, paths, ovals and others, between which a stretch canvas is laid.

During the creative rethinking of the space in the apartment, the use of stretch ceilings, photographs for the hall of which were found in thematic catalogs, everyone seeks to find their own "chip". Designers recommend that beginners do not pursue the aesthetic component, but pay more attention to the functional. This means that the right finish will create coziness and make the room unique.

Classic stretch ceilings for the hall in white began their triumphant march about 10 years ago. In those years, they were used to emphasize the severity of the forms of the classic interior. One decade later, this design tool received more momentum in its development. Now the buyer has the opportunity to choose Various types textures and colors.

From a practical point of view, the placement of stretch ceilings in an apartment of any size has several tangible benefits for the end user:

  1. Durability - subject to all operating rules, the product is guaranteed to last about 10-12 years.
  2. Wear resistance - as mentioned above, stretch ceilings must be selected correctly, taking into account the specifics of the room. First of all, attention is paid to the level of humidity and temperature background. In second place are the planned decorative elements... For example, if you plan to make a stretch ceiling using lamps, then in this case you need to give preference to a glossy film. This is done due to the greater ability of the material to withstand spot heating.
  3. Attractive appearance - material with the required parameters can be purchased with a photo print of the required sample. Thanks to this, even a compact "Khrushchev" can be miraculously transformed.
  4. Practicality - installation of tension structures eliminates the need to whitewash the ceiling.

Types of stretch ceilings: photo for the hall

In view of the fact that a wide range of stretch ceilings is presented in the retail network, the consumer needs to make an informed choice in all respects. The durability of the product largely depends on the correctness of the assessment of the actual situation in the room. Experienced builders say that the design of such a ceiling is not difficult to choose, regardless of its type.

The main task of the consumer is to consider existing species products by choosing the most suitable option... It happens that it is difficult for the buyer to independently determine which options will look best in the interior. In this case, it is necessary to visit the corresponding stores where samples are presented. finished products... Here, on the basis of the wishes expressed by the clients, the managers will help to make sketches.

Depending on the specifics of the design project, an appropriate stretch ceiling is selected.

Each of its varieties has certain advantages:

  1. Glossy are attractive options in every respect for those who prefer to live a luxurious life. Depending on the type of texture selected, beautiful spatial transitions and visual accents are created in the room.
  2. PVC-film - differ in greater functionality and lower cost of one square meter. Depending on the needs of the client, matte, suede or satin surfaces can be installed. The material is resistant to significant changes in humidity levels, which is especially important in cases where the neighbors from above often flood.
  3. Fabric - durable material that can withstand frequent changes in temperature and humidity levels. Depending on the type of fabric, the width of the product ranges from 3 to 6 meters. Thanks to this, it is easy to fit even into non-standard interior seamless ceiling of any size.

In most cases, the installation process is quite simple. Even a person who does not have significant experience in this matter can cope with the task.

Non-standard stretch ceilings

In a private house or city apartment, there is often a lack of "zest" that creates the necessary atmosphere. Fans of daring experiments try different options that do not always allow you to achieve the desired result. Designers in this case recommend thinking about the fact that the location of the lighting system may be different than in standard apartment. It is about stretch ceilings with built-in bulbs or neon tubes. The latter option is considered the most creative design experiment.

Depending on the features of the interior and the prevailing colors, you can choose one of the following options:

  1. A universal option is considered to be a white stretch ceiling with built-in diffused light.
  2. Combined version - the structure has built-in lamps located above the main functional areas. Adjustment of the degree of their illumination occurs separately.
  3. Neon tubes - thanks to their flexible shape, they take any shape. If desired, you can connect several separate multi-colored modules.
  4. The classic version involves the use of a medium-sized chandelier.
  5. "Starry sky" - a lot of spotlights are mounted on a matte surface. The lighting of the room is controlled by the control panel.

Choosing chandeliers for a stretch ceiling for a hall

V classic interior it is appropriate to use chandeliers that are harmoniously combined with PVC film. It is recommended to refuse the use of glossy surfaces. Even from a light bulb of low power, a sufficient amount of heat is generated.

As a result of prolonged exposure to a glossy surface, characteristic black marks are formed on it.

From a practical point of view, the selection of a lighting fixture for a living room is based on the following criteria:

  • It is better to refuse using 4-5 bulbs in a chandelier if you plan to print on the ceiling;
  • It would be wise to establish lighting fixture implying a point direction of the emitted light;
  • A prerequisite is the installation of shades, regardless of the type of chandelier used.

Features of two-level stretch ceilings for the hall

In the past few years, the photo gallery of many design agencies has been replenished with samples of non-standard projects. Stylish bunk ceilings fit into spacious rooms, while placing visual accents. In addition to size, there is an aesthetic requirement to keep in mind.

  1. Minimum required amount fixation points of a 2-level structure - 14.
  2. It is recommended to abandon the idea of ​​applying a pattern that is too complex.
  3. Correctly selected two-level designs imply a harmonious combination with curtains or curtains.
  4. Classic black multi-level ceilings look stylish, but it is better to diversify them with white blotches.
  5. It is fair to say that a presence of more than 3 different colors on such a ceiling would be inappropriate.

Rules for installing a stretch ceiling in a hall in a private house: photo

In a private house, the shape of the ceiling is often far from ideal, not to mention cracks. That is why it is necessary to install tension structures that allow minimum cost time and money to hide many defects. Depending on the wishes of customers, ceilings are purchased that imply the ability to apply a picture or a single-color version.

It is important to remember that in private households they are mounted exclusively single-level structures... This is dictated by the peculiarities of the layout.

In addition, attention should be paid to the following recommendations:

  • More advantageous in terms of durability and fire safety is a stretch ceiling based on PVC film;
  • More expensive combined options it is advisable to use it in rooms with difficult planning conditions;
  • Despite the fact that the process of installing the ceiling takes several hours, 3-4 people will cope with the work;
  • If you plan to use photographs as a texture, then they should be in harmony with the general style of the room.

Rules for the operation of stretch ceilings in the apartment hall: photos and tips

Stretch ceilings with or without a pattern need constant maintenance. In this case, we can say long-term operation. V to a greater extent needs this glossy surface, which by virtue of its physical characteristics actively accumulates dust.

For those who are not very fond of cleaning, the advice to purchase PVC film would be a good recommendation. First, its color does not fade as the dust settles. Secondly, the cleaning process does not take much time.

Generally speaking, tensioning structures have the following recommendations regarding the rules for their operation:

  • Regardless of the type of ceiling, it is imperative to make sure that environmentally friendly materials are used in its manufacture;
  • When installing tension structures with internal lighting, it is necessary to provide for the close location of the outlet;
  • When using the structures described above, it will not be superfluous to use durable and energy-saving light bulbs;
  • If children or animals live in the house, then it is better to give preference to ceilings, which can be quickly cleaned during wet cleaning.

The choice of a stretch ceiling for the hall (video)

The use of stretch ceilings in the interiors of residential premises has become not just a tribute to fashion, but a functional solution in all respects. Leakage protection, durability, durability and good looks are just a few of their benefits. In order to fully enjoy these, it is necessary to choose the right tensioning structures. The area of ​​the room, the prevailing style and the desired end result are taken into account.