Outdoor decoration of the country house. Than to strip the house outside - specialist advice beautifully separate the house outside

To any owner of a wooden house sooner or later, it is necessary to think about the construction of the structure outside. A tree is a natural material, subject to rotting, which means it is best to hide under reliable and durable trim. Which, besides, can perform the role of an additional heat and sound insulator, and externally make the house with neat and elegant. Modern building production offers many options for watches for wooden buildings: they all have their own pros and cons. In the article, we will tell about them in more detail, and find out - what material is best to shelter outside wooden house.

Facade of the facade for a wooden house

Someone may say - why do you like to sow a wooden house, let it stand? However, you can argue with this statement: outdoor sheaving The wooden house has several essential functions. This is especially necessary for old log houses, on which the external environmental impact has affected noticeably much.

We list them in order.

First, the wooden house is a fire-hazardous structure. The presence of the skin increases the stability of the building to the fire. In addition, the resistance of the house to the effects of various microorganisms, fungus, mold, insects increases. Thanks to the trim, the externally house becomes much more presentable.

All information about facing tiles for the facade, you can read.

Overview of materials for a log house

Let's give the characteristics the most common trim materials that are used for wooden buildings. The review contains materials that are capable not only to bind, but also insulate the building.


This is the most beloved owners of the houses outdoor. Siding appeared with us not so long ago, but in a short time it managed to leave all other types of trim in a short time. Siding is able to do even from the old shapper wooden house Completely presentable structure. In order to carry out installation this product The facade of your home needs to be installed.

Siding is two types: metal and vinyl. Metallic is inconvenient in that the sun heats up, and in the cold heavily cools. In addition, it is subject to corrosion, and is afraid of mechanical exposure: dents and scratches are easily left on it. The vinyl option is not so durable, however, it is easier, and is not affected by rust. In addition plastic siding Makes the building with modern, and gives him a "European" raid. Vinyl panels do not have to paint or process with any solutions.

Big plus siding is that it has many options color solving And different width of the planks. Such a wealth of choice allows you to arrange a house in any color, harmoniously by entering it into the surrounding space.

Siding is durable, and throughout the operation it does not get worse. In addition, this durable material is not terrible temperature differences: it will be safely in frost, and in the heat, and thanks to his special fasteners - And in the wind.

Plus, it is not necessary to cover with top of the siding: it does not require an anti-corrosion, nor antibacterial impregnation, no moisture-repellent composition. Siding is good also the fact that work on its installation can be carried out with any weather, except for too strong heat.

You can also familiarize yourself with the information about the clinker panels for the facade.

Installation of material requires pre-installation of the crate.

The price of the material is quite accessible, which makes siding one of the most attractive price / quality of the trim.

The disadvantage of this sheath also has: it is low resistance to mechanical damage. But if you are sure that no one will try to your new siding: scratch it and leave dents, then this option is the most attractive today.


This is also one of the varieties of siding, which can be used to cover wooden buildings. Planken is different from ordinary siding because it is able to imitate various materials and textures: marble, brick, stone, etc.

The material is checked, but very beautiful and extremely presentable. Care does not require, quite environmental and safe.

Block house

It is quite expensive material, but also the most beautiful and presentable. Externally, it seems that the house is built from a log circle. Therefore, if you do not want to sow a wooden house with plastic panels, and you wish to keep the "spirit" and the originality of the wooden structure, pay attention to the trim from block house. This material is perfectly calibrated (selected in color and size) small railway rails. The house-covered house looks like a real fabulous terram. Externally, the skin looks very aesthetic. Neat logs stuck with rows, look great and smart.

The advantage of block house and is that it is not afraid of high temperatures, so they can be seed and a wooden bath. As a result, placing all the buildings on the site with the same material, you can get a single style of the entire "manor".

The material is very durable and durable, which increases its attractiveness for the buyer. In addition, to cope with a block house, to independently hesitate their house will be able to even a novice finish, as well as a person far from construction work.


This material is also called metal photographs: both names can meet in stores. Material, as an option for the trim, uses steady demand among wooden (and brick) household owners. The advantages of professional flooring is that at low cost, it is very durable: able to serve 50 years without losing its performance. This material is not afraid of mechanical damage, resistantly opposes moisture, very quickly, in days, mounted.

To cover the outside of the wooden structure, professional flooring with marking C - means "wall". In addition, it is quite realistic to see the home independently by metal products and without the attraction of the hired labor: installation is simply carried out, as it is very different.

To the cons of the professional flooring, some referred to him too presentable appearance. Therefore, the most part of this material is crushed by summer cottages, taking, utility structures. For solid buildings, professional flooring is not chosen as an outdoor skin, because it, if neither twist, the look heshes.

The condensation on metal sheets can also be attributed to the minuses, which over time can lead to the destruction of the trim. With thermal insulation coating, this type of trim coating also won't call - it will not protect from frosts.


All famous materialwhich is used in our country for a long time. But if earlier the lining was only one species, now you can choose from wooden and plastic varieties.


This material is able to preserve the environmental friendliness and naturalness of the wooden dwelling. It should be known that the wallboard of wood is excellent additional heat and Soundproofing. Therefore, for the northern regions, this option will be more appropriate.

The jar, bitch and other defects reduce the quality of the lining, and worsen as a result the appearance of the building.

Material is usually manufactured from coniferous trees: larch or pine, as well as oak. After the house is triggered by the house, it should be treated with refractory mortar, then paint, and to cover with varnish. That's then the material will last for a long time, and will not lose its important characteristics.

By the cons of this material include the need to periodically paint it, and process with antiseptic solutions.


If the choice fell on plastic option, it is necessary to know that in this case there will be no significant thermal insulation, but it does not rot, it is not afraid of moisture, durable. And also the plastic lining is very easy to clean and wash: the house will always be elegant and shining.

Installation technology of the ventilated facade from metal cassettes is described.

Stone and facade brick

There is also such an option to cover wooden buildings. In this case, an externally, the house will look brick or stone - guess that a wooden "filling" is hidden under the trim, an ordinary person is impossible.

Immediately note: this is not the most popular option of the wooden house facadeSince the stone and brick weight on the foundation significantly increases what is undesirable. However, if the foundation is quite powerful, then such a trim can make the house very warm. In addition, the walls will become more refractory.

Immediately after construction, it is impossible to use such a trim: it is necessary that at least a year passed until the house "falls" finally. Performing work, it is necessary between stone / brick and wooden wall Houses leave a gap of 5 cm.

How to choose facing materials for house facades will prompt.

The design of the cottage inside is also important as the appearance of the building. Cottage is traditionally considered a place of rest and unity with nature. It is absolutely no matter where the capital house or country houses from the container block is absolutely located on the plot, the main thing is to provide comfort and comfort, without which high-quality country rest is unthinkable.

In this article we tried to make an overview of the most acceptable interface options.

Preparatory work

Deciding than to separate inside the cottage, it should be remembered that the specificity of the country house does not provide regular heating in winter ().

Moreover, if you plan to visit the area in winter, the dacha finish inside must withstand sharp temperature drops when attaching.

  • Conditioning or repair of cottages within the finishing works and must be performed after the installation is completed all the plumbing communications and wiring.
  • All work should be started with a distant room if the house is two-story, then from the top floor, gradually moving towards the exit.
  • In the case when there is a chance to swing the already lined surface, for example, when plastering, it is better to cover it with a polyethylene film.
  • Plastering, as well as whitewashed or painting, are performed from top to bottom.
  • Naturally, all the necessary tools and materials should be prepared in advance.

Finishing options

Before separating the walls on the dacha inside, think about how often you are going to change the interior. For dynamic nature, not tolerant monotony, it is better to shock or bind the surface with plasterboard. If the country's country interior is done at once and for many years, it is possible to use clapboard, laminate or plastic panels.

Facing the ceiling

  • The most common option for finishing the ceiling is traditionally considered to be whitewashed or painting. This cladding can make absolutely any healthy person. Its price, compared with the rest of the options, the most acceptable, painting instructions are also familiar from childhood to almost everyone.

Tip: The fastest option is to use the spray gun running from the domestic vacuum cleaner, but with such painting, all other surfaces need to be closed with a film.

  • The suspended ceiling can be made of drywall or use stretch ceilings, but in any case, do not forget to leave several holes around the perimeter to ensure normal ventilation, they are easily decorated with special traffic jams. In the plasterboard ceilings, the ventilation question is solved using embedded lamps.
  • Evregated the ceiling is now very popular. Thanks to the mounting brackets and the special form of the board, the ceiling is sutured, without visible gaps. Nails are used only for mounting the mounting brackets and close the board.
  • For environmental style or style, Country will appropriate to use unedged board. Her coarse forms will attach the area of \u200b\u200bthe forest hut. Only in this case, the board needs to be sewed into two layers to hide the natural gaps between the planks.
  • Dacha design with their own hands inside can be performed using the so-called breathable beams. If such beach beams On the ceiling, the design is not provided, then the uluage is made and decorated with a natural tree. Especially beautiful they will look like a monsard on a broken ceiling.

Decorating walls

  1. In brick houses, cottage arrangement inside can be performed by plastering. Such a coating will be universal and durable. The plastered walls can be painted or saked by wallpaper, but the process itself requires serious professional skills and will cost such a cladding.
  2. If a periodic decoration change is envisaged, then the optimal solution will be the use of drywall.

This material is two types.

  • GLK - a drywall sheet consists of alabaster caught with both sides with cardboard, the material does not differ in high strength and is used more for installation ceiling structures. Plus GLC is afraid of moisture, so it does not fit for the walls of the country house.

  • GVL is a gypsum fiber sheet, the filler here is an alabaster here, but its composition includes firing fibers for internal reinforcement. Plus, instead of ordinary cardboard, a moisture-resistant coating of cellulose is used. In such walls, you can safely nail and the main thing they are not afraid of dampness.
  1. Decoration of walls on the dacha inside with a clap one of the easiest and available options. Material is environmentally friendly. Initially, horizontal rail guides are stuffed onto the walls with a step of 50 to 70 cm, the strips are attached to the mounting brackets. The tree should be previously treated with an antiseptic, depending on the style of the interior, the lining can be covered with more lacquer.
  2. In the same way, you can see the walls with laminate, but as in the case of plasterboard, the material you need to take moisture resistant.
  3. One of the most popular materials currently are plastic panels. Mounting technology here is almost the same as the laminate or lining. But there is a lot more decor options, plus plastic on this moment It is considered one of the most durable and unpretentious materials.

Tip: It is possible to use wallpaper in the country, but the likelihood is that they will donate due to temperature drops. Therefore, if you do not plan each spring to cross the wallpaper, it is better to make the walls of acrylic paint.

What to shop floor

Initially, it is better to make a rigid mate of mixtures based on porous materials, such as clay. On this basis, you can lay a gender, laminate or linoleum.

The sex board is better to take the tipped, since after wintering it can be a story. As mentioned earlier, the laminate is taken only by waterproof. But the most practical and easy to install, linoleum is considered right.

Tip: on a beautifully decorated dacha nicely not only to relax in the summer, but also to celebrate the winter holidays. To make a holiday not overwhelmed by the sudden disconnection of the light better to purchase a generator or use such a useful service as a rental of a generator diesel for giving.

On video, this article shows some points of arrangement.

Entering almost every garden house, you can see a copy of the urban apartment. Sades drag into a garden house all the furniture that he talked his age in the house. This is exactly the offensive thing, since about the giving country of the individual appearance, the habitat itself is reading. Sometimes so I want to create a habitat, absolutely opposed to the style and spirit of urban. And in order to achieve this effect, it is worth competently consider the procedure for finishing a garden house.

Exterior finish of facades

The outer side of the garden house requires special attentionImprovement and decoration gives the construction of an individual appearance. The finishing of the facade part from the technical position is necessary for maintaining heat inside the house. The simplest I. inexpensive way Finishes is painting. Also before painting facades you need to cover all the protruding parts (belts, window plums, sandriks). The humidity of plastered surfaces before painting should not be more than 8%, wooden - 12%.

If the level of humidity of the surfaces is greater, it is necessary to use for painting facades only lime paint. If the humidity is within the normal range, the paint of different compositions can be used to finish the garden house - oil, lacquer, synthetic, lime, cement.

The outer surface of the building is pre-dry, purified from contaminants, dust, drows and splashes of solution, heights and fat spots, smooth the surface of the plaster, and small cracks are expanding and putty. Then the surface needs to be refined and then you can safely apply the paint twice. If you chose lime or cement composition, It is not necessary to primrate the surface, you should simply be watched by water.

The wooden surface is recommended to dry in front of the color, otherwise the paint will begin to peel. Sharing the bitch and shocks, the cracks, embroidered and cut off places close the putty, eliminate the burstles and the seasons. If the facades of the garden house were painted earlier, clean them from the old coloring composition and putty. Paint accepted to apply on wooden surface In 2 layers, the second layer must be done only after the first dry.

Metal surfaces, if any on the facade of the garden house, can also be painted. Before coloring, clean from scale, spots of mineral oils and peeling rust. False and ridges of steel roofs necessarily wake with a suryonic smear, especially carefully - in gutters and rash. Staining metal fences 2 times with enamel and oil paints.

If you are looking for than to shelter a garden house, you can use various means: porcelain panels, clinker and glazed tiles. Currently, cottage facades can be separated by thermal panels by placing them on the outer walls. Today in stores building materials you can choose the thermal panels on the wallet and your taste.

Floor finish and arrangement of stairs

The floor in garden houses make most often board or from linoleum. However, it is better to give preference to the board, as it is more attractive. Boiled floor should not paint oil paint, It is better to impregnate it 3 times with hot oil and keep the natural color of wood. Moody floors are laid out only after all carpentry, clearing underground from garbage.

To avoid cracks in seams of cracked floors, it is recommended to use high-quality dry lumber, which has a small width - 90-150 millimeters, and protect it from possible moistening when working. For board facilities, you can take boards from the wood of soft rocks (spruce, pine) with a thickness of about 25-45 millimeters. Adjacent boards connect tightly with each other or can be in a quarter, to the spool or on the rails.

Start laying the floors are necessary from the walls. The first board is adjacent to nails to the beams. After that, put another 3-4 boards, without punching with nails. Then with wedges and iron brackets that clogged in the beams are tightly pressed the boards one to the other, they are clogged by nails, remove the brackets and continue to work in such a sequence. Flooring the floors must be performed after their complete drying (usually make it one year after the flooring), so they nourish the beams at the primary setting of no more than one fourth part of the boards.

You can install board floors and from short boards. To do this, you will select first on the beams and along the walls long boards, and then place the short in the spool on the planned pattern between them, the frieze floors are obtained. Among other things, board floors can be made of pre-stailed shields, which have 1 to 1 meter dimensions and shot down from 2 rows of rails.

The upper row is made of about 100 millimeters wide, 20 millimeters thick, less high-quality rails that are perpendicular to the top can be used for the bottom row. Stuff the rails with such a calculation to work out on all 4 parties to a quarter shield. Plinths are equipped after the end of the walls of the walls and the location of the door cylinders.

For garden houses, you can create parquet floors that are made of shields and rivets from disassembled buildings. Typically, ready-made shields have 140 centimeters sizes. Parquet floors must be stitched with whole shields together with parts that are called dogs.

You can make shields directly on the most construction site using the foundation boards and parquet riveting. Wide campus must be manufactured so that the shield is able to cut in half. If the shield width corresponds to the distance between the beams, they are mounted without crate.

The base for parquet flooring of individual rivets can serve as solid flooring, created from the boards with a thickness of close to 35-40 millimeters, no more than 12 centimeters width. Between the boards it is customary to leave a gap to 10 millimeters. Between the parquet and flooring, pave paper or a thin construction cardboard. After the flooring, spend a solid ease and squirrel, during the procedure, wet the parquet with water.

Linoleum is needed to put on a solid boardwalk. The material before the stickers are cut into pieces, which correspond to the size of the room, with a slight point of 5-10 centimeters. Sliced \u200b\u200bbillets unail freely for 5-6 days, after that you can stick to special glue and mastic.

In the utility premises, make floors from asphalt, colored concrete, ceramic tiles, brick or polymer material. In the manufacture of asphalt or colored concrete floor, they put lighthouses for which the horizontal surface of the floor is rich.

If you built a two-storey garden house for a message between floors, you need to equip the staircase. Dachas usually establish a single or two-hours staircase. In addition, it is customary to use the staircase of a special design - a screw, with overtook steps. One or two beams are based on the most part of the march stage.

The marches of stationary stairs are most often performed by 2 growths from the boards, which have a thickness of at least 700 millimeters. They do the grooves in a depth of 2.5-3 centimeters, in which the stage and risers made made of five-point meters are inserted. The staircase fence is made of wood. A wooden balustrade is sometimes used as a fence.

Stairs should be safe and comfortable. Therefore, the height of the stage should be at least 15 and no more than 18 centimeters. In one march, refer to at least 5 steps, and the height of the platforms and marches is not lower than 90 centimeters. Steps and platforms Make a 1-1.5% slope to ensure water drain during cleaning. To preserve the integrity of the edges of the steps a little increasing wooden sticky or remove the chamfer from them in 5 millimeters.

If you need a staircase on the attic of a garden house, which you will use infrequently, give preference to the withdrawal wooden staircase. Such stairs consist of 2 bars who are lagging behind one of the other by about 40-60 centimeters. Through the gaps of 40 centimeters in them, they are chopped into them or cut across, which will serve steps.

In exceptional cases, they are equipped in garden house Deck stairs, which consist of two steep the tents, to which are cut or nourished through vertical intervals of 30 centimeters board steps. Screw stairs Made from standard wooden elements. However, such designs are not very comfortable, although they occupy a small space.

Wall finish and pasting

The walls in garden houses are often covered with wallpaper or painted with paints and covered with bronze rolled. All this is very economical, but you need to take into account certain features of these premises. The main difference of such buildings from permanent residence is sharp moisture and temperature drops. Similar interior trim of a garden house, if it is not heated in winter, it is quickly spoiled, it is often able to redo it, the wallpaper is quickly sprung with high humidity.

Given this circumstance, the inner cover is prepared under painting with waterproofing compositions. Only in this case can be done by finishing a garden house wallpaper. For residential premises should use ordinary paper wallpaper. The utility premises (kitchen, corridor) are sealed with a polymer-based wallpaper. The permissible moisture content of the surface is not more than 12% for wood and 8% for other materials.
A wooden surface in front of the wallpaper sticker is accepted to breathe a cardboard and be sure to smoke the joints with paper.

Surfaces that are plastered or lined with dry-fiber or wood fiber sheets, it is necessary to dry, clean, cry with a hubber and salary paper. Surfaces that are lined with sheets gypsum plaster, you need to go with a hubble. Defective places and seams between sheets are pre-wrapped and covered with paper.

For pasting, it is recommended to use a hubble. Phenol (up to 0.02%) is injected into the solution as an antiseptics, as an insecticide - a technical boor (up to 0.2%). Pointers when pasting the peak begin to place from the window so that the upper cloth has discarded the shadow. Ends are launched for platbands and plinths. The gaps between them are shaded.

However, much more practical and more beautiful to identify natural constructive material walls. If the lodge is a log, there is no need to plaster the walls, bold or flicker, because the tree looks so great. But remember that the walls of the logs need an appropriate decorative solving the interior of a garden house, which involves the presence of simplified furniture, products from textiles, made on folk motifs, bright dishes, elements from forged metal, bright dishes.

You can also perform the walls of a garde house of facial bricks with a batch of seams or from natural stone. If the walls I. interior partitions Made from wood waste, ancient boxes, they will have to plaster them with high-quality material.

One of the most practical types of wall decorations in a garden house is a cladding of the board, which gives the premises of the coat and is functionally justified, because protects the walls from pollution and damage. Wested finishing material is a lining, block cham, timber simulator. In this case, the house will always be dry and favorable atmosphere, as the tree breathes, removing the harmful elements and excess moisture.

The cuisine is recommended not to those absorbing pairs and smells of materials, for example, HBL gypsumous sheets. Do not confuse it with plasterboard. Hypus fiber sheets are good because they are strong enough. They can be painted, they are often glued to the tile. They constantly withstand moisture drops and temperatures, have a low thermal conductivity, improving the thermal properties of the cottage. And what is very important, the price of GVL is a little more hundred rubles per square meter.

Sometimes to cover the garden house from the inside use Paneur. It is best to take a thin - 4-6 millimeters. The use of thicker material is economically unprofitable, because it becomes more expensive than gypsum fiber sheets. And the cheapest facing material for the design of a garden house is MDF in sheets - extruded paper fiber, which has a gray-brown color. It can be left in its original form or paint. Bright wall cladding will be well combined with light wood furniture.

Ceiling trim in garden house

In most cases, the garden house is wooden design, whose ceiling is present beam overlap and discovering sites. Depending on the interior design, such a ceiling can be left as it is, simply by treating the surface with a special paintwork. In the end you will get relief ceilingwhich looks natural, in the country style.

The ceiling in the garden house can be stuck. The plaster is applied on a brickwork, a grid or duranka is applied with 2 layers, on a metal grid - 3. The surface on which you will apply a plaster solution (except for a masonry), you need to gather a girlfriend in 2 directions or coat with a metal mesh with cells that have Dimensions are 10 millimeters.

According to the first one, until he has gripped, in two directions, furrows are carried out for better adhesion of it with the second layer. The composition of the conventional cement mortar for plaster is: 1 part of cement, 3-5 parts of sainted sand in volume, 0.25 pieces of lime test from lime. Instead of sand, you can use in the same volume a small fraction of perlite (0.5 cm) or marble. Also the budget option is to whiten the ceiling, but it, nevertheless, in durability and decorativeness is inferior to previous options.

In addition, you can separate the ceiling in the garden house with clapboard. In this way, it turns out to split the ceiling in the construction of several functional zones. If different sections of spreading vertically, you can make multi-level ceiling. After determining the design, it is necessary to mark the ceiling on the ceiling with a marker or color chalk, and you can even use a sharp chip of the red brick.

Use the same lining as boards for a frame. Sore after purchase and separate possible products with defects - obtance, cracks, irregular and blue. If you bought high-quality lining, you can use cheaper boards. But necessarily planed and dried. Frame boards are recommended to be treated with antiseptic. The direction of the carcass should be perpendicular to the sheathing plates.

After pre-painting, start the finish with your own hands of a garden house and its ceiling with clapboard. Making the installation, constantly checking the parallelism of the rows. By perimeter, leave a gap of 15-20 millimeters between the carpet "carpet" and the wall. Direct the ridge wall, clog the nail into the spool at an angle. Next, insert a new board crest in the tongue, nails also score into the spool. After installing the lining, you need to navigate the plinth, fix the false beams and other decor elements.

In the garden house you can also make a stretch ceiling. Its advantages are that they are able to withstand negative temperatures And under the action of moisture does not change their properties. This is the most successful option for houses that are not heated in winter. You can also separate the ceiling with plastic panelsHowever, remember that plastic is a bad breathable material under which mold may form. Also, the ceiling in the country can be attached by plasterboard.

Functional zoning of a garden house

After construction, the cottage immediately arises the question of how to issue a garden house. When forming the interior of such buildings, dackets are trying to rationally use it and so small area, while maintaining comfortable living conditions and satisfy an aesthetic request. It is all achievable with a reasonable division of cottages and the functional zones.

common room

Even a small garden house in itself includes the premises that are necessary for the life of the family, the maintenance of a nursery and household. This is a glazed veranda, residential Rooms and utility rooms. At the cottage, residential premises are presented with a bedroom and a common room. The common room is considered the main and has, as a rule, the largest area. It is usually placed on the first floor or in the attic and is intended for recreation and communication of family members, receiving guests, and in the cold season there is a dining room.

In the common room, often have a sleeping place. It is best for this purpose to recreate alcoves, which is located in the side and the depths of the room. It is recommended to highlight it with straight light. One bed at the depth of Alkova is at least 1.2 meters, two - 2.1 meters. In this room you need to highlight the place under dinner table. Through this room, you can make an exit to the adjacent premises, but it is better to separate it sliding partitionTo be able to use together or separately.


Bedrooms in garden houses usually have compact dimensions, they are placed on the first floors or both in the attic, if it is a two-room house. These rooms are usually elongated, but their depth should not be greater than double width. When arranged on the extended wall, the entrance door can be conveniently put in beds and the window has a place for a working table.

The device of embedded wardrobes, cabinets for bedrooms is of particular importance. However, when the cabinet doors will open in the room, it will be difficult to separate the furniture in it. Therefore, they are more convenient to display gateways bordering with rooms, as in the photo of the interiors of garden houses.

Other premises

The function of the residential room is often performing a glazed veranda, which is adapted for recreation, meals and work. In rainy or hot, it also becomes common. On its square, it is customary to highlight a place for the dining table.

In garden houses, additional premises can be rationally. In the aisle areas, make shallow racks, shelves along the walls that are suspended to the ceiling or strengthened above the growth of a person. Such devices are capable of applying expressiveness and plasticity.

In the garden house there is an area of \u200b\u200buncomfortable for use, for example, space under the staircase, the place of the ceiling adjoining to the floor in the attic. But these meters can be adapted for work purposes, equipping a mini workshop for different crafts, a place for needlework, reading and sewing, a storage room, a small summer garden with perennial plants Or bouquets of colors.

Furniture and lighting

All rooms of the garden house built by typical project, It is possible to furnish with traditional furniture. But relatively small squares of the rooms, the seasonality of their use causes some inconveniences in the use of headsets. Here it is advisable to establish transforming and built-in furniture, as well as interior partitions.

When arranging a garden house great value It has thoughtful lighting of the premises. Unwanted is insufficient or redundant lighting. In garden houses, it is advisable to use portable and dotted lamps, the backlight of the main elements of the interior, which demonstrates their peculiar appearance and allows economically to spend electricity. When the electrical displacement device in the garden house, you must install special protection devices on a branch from the air network.

Working out a project of a private building, it is necessary to immediately decide what to see the house outside. After all, it is proper finish The facade will make the house not only presentable, but also warm, so you need to choose the materials for its insulation and decorative design. Without a good finish, the house will look ugly and inactively, and will not be protected from destructive external influences, such as moisture, active solar radiation, wind, thermal differences, etc.

On modern construction market A very large range of insulation and decorative materials, from which you can choose suitable for every taste and financial capabilities.

Requirements for facing facade materials

So that dampness does not appear in the house, it was comfortable and warm, and outside the house looked aesthetic, materials for the trim should meet certain requirements.

Relying on them, and it is worth choosing the desired option. So, the cladding must have the following qualities:

  • Have low thermal conductivity to maintain heat inside the house.
  • Have vapor permeability - Condensate should not be formed inside the insulation layers.
  • Fur in the moisture resistance - not absorb and not keep moisture inside the material.
  • To have an absolute or increased heat resistance - the casing must withstand high temperatures, they are not deformed and not to ignite them.
  • Put inertia to chemical impacts - do not change its characteristics when such substances get into it.
  • Being protected from the influence of microorganisms is not a nutrient medium for insects and rodents.
  • Do not decompose and not lose physical qualities under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

So that the skin has been effective in all matters, it is necessary not just to securely attach to the walls decorative material, and by following technology, cover them with a whole system of layers, each of which will perform their role.

There are two main system insulation systems at home, and the choice will depend on which material is planned to be used for decorative finish and from the used insulation. In one of their systems, the insulation is attached directly to the wall with the help of glue, in the other - according to the crew created.

Covering Houses for Stucco

When using insulating plates with a sufficiently high density, such as foam, fibroter or a tightly compressed glass gamble in mats, which will be covered in the future on top of the plaster, do not need the walls.

Most often, this principle is applicable on smooth bricks or reinforced concrete walls. In this case, the trim is made as follows:

  • On the wall of the house, at a height on which The insulation will be installed, the metal profile holder is fixed, chosen according to the thickness of the selected warming plates. The profile is displayed in terms of perfectly flat horizontal.
  • The walls are cleaned of dust, and, before applying glue, wetted with water for better adhesion.
  • Further by plates of insulation Divided special glue is applied.

  • The first row of plates is installed on the metal profile and fastened tightly to the wall.
  • The next row is installed on the first on the brickwork system - into the dressing.
  • Fixing two or three rows of plates on glue, each of them additionally fasten up fungi-dowels.
  • Further, the work continues along the same system to the very top. Then the insulation is also installed on other walls.
  • When the glue layer under the insulation dries, it is necessary to cry all the corners of the building, window and door slopes with the reinforcing grid. They are fixed on the same glue, its excess is removed by the spatula.

  • After drying out the corners, the reinforcing grid-sickle must be fixed on the entire insulated surface.
  • The surface on which the sickle canvas will be glued with a thin layer of glue. The reinforcing mesh is fixed on top, the spatula is closed, and the glue is also removed.
  • When the surface is good, it needs to be covered polymer plaster, 2-3 mm layer.
  • The final stage will be overlay decorative plasterselected in the appropriate building design style.

Casing at home using the crate

The insulation facade system using the crate can be installed in one or two layers. The position of the frame barcas will depend on how it is planned to install decorative trim.

  • To install the crate to install correctly, it is better to first mark the wall markup. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the width of insulating mats.
  • Then bars or metal profiles are mounted on the surface of the walls.
  • If the wooden wall is squeezed, then before laying the insulation, the vapor barrier film should be fixed on the entire surface of the walls.
  • Next, the insulation mats are placed between the bars of the crates. If there is a need, they are fixed to the wall with fungi anchors.

  • Installing insulating layer, on top of it stretch superdiffusion membrane, fixing it on the brushes of clamps of construction brackets stapler.
  • Next, you can install decorative casing material.

Another option to install the crates make several differently.

  • There is also a markup on the wall and on it at a distance from each other in 40- 60 cm fasten the suspensions. Their edges holders must perform from the wall on the thickness of the insulation and wooden bars, which will be fixed.

  • These elements will be fasteners not only for bars, but also for the insulation installed.
  • The insulation mats are placed and cut off, in those places where they will wear on metal elements.
  • Then the insulation is mounted on the wall, and the diffuse membrane is stretched from above and the diffuse membrane is fixed.
  • Next in the suspensions install bars wooden crate , tightly pressed by the insulation to the wall and fix them in metal holders with self-draws.
  • From above of this system, the decorative material of the object is also installed using the installed bars of the crates as guides.

Types of decorative sheaturing

Modern materials allow you to do on wooden wall imitation of brick masonry or vice versa - brick house Transform into a wooden log house. To do this, use such cladding as siding made from different materials, Wooden lining, block house, thermopanel, ceramic or stone tiles and others. You need to know in advance how each of the trim is attached and as in the end it looks like - this will largely depend on what warning system for it is to choose.

Clinker thermopanels

Clinker thermopanels are one of the modern materials for insulation and design of facades.

They recently appeared in the construction market, and have already managed to win wide popularity. It is not surprising, as they have a lot of positive qualities.

  • One of the main advantages - this material immediately performs two functions: it is insulation and decorative trim.
  • Panels perfectly imitate brick masonry, and produced in different colors, so they can be selected for any style and taste.
  • They give the surface absolute accuracy and aesthetics.
  • This type of plating is characterized by the convenience and relative simplicity of wall mounting.
  • Thermopannels can be used to cover any - wooden or brick surface.
  • The small weight of the panels makes it possible to do without additional strengthening the foundation of the old building.
  • Since the materials have a low percentage of water absorption, the facade can be washed from the glue by water under high pressure.
  • The connection density of the panels on the wall does not allow the cold air to penetrate the wall of the house.

Thermopanels have a polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam basis on which clinker tiles are pressed. Warm substrate increases thermal insulation qualities of two - four times, and creates optimal parpural Microclimate for walls, which allows you to maintain the material from which the house was erected for a longer period.

Structure of panels - layer of insulation and decorative tile "under the brick"

  • Clinker tile protects the insulating basis from exposure external factors, such as wind, precipitation, direct sunny ultraviolet rays.
  • Clinker panels are very securely attached to the wall and are able to serve without repair work 45-60 years, without losing the initial species.
  • The panels are assembled into a single plane using existing lock connections (ridges and grooves), which provides a dense clutch.

  • Straight, wall thermopanels and angular elements to them, which facilitate the task of designing the corners of the building, making them absolutely neat, not different from general view walls.

  • Thermopanels are strengthened by plastic guides that do not allow strain and mechanical stresses facing material.

Installation of thermopanels

  • Before starting the installation of panels on the wall, it is necessary to carry out its audit on the subject of various convexities, significant recesses and chips that can greatly place fast mount. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the surface of the walls in the perfectly level state.

  • When installing panels on the surfaces that have big irregularities, such as walls breed SirubaThey are satisfied with a doomlet of a wooden bar.

  • In this case, it is very important to correctly calculate the location of the clad elements to secure the panels successfully. For each of the fixed panels, there should be at least three brush of the crates to create the necessary stuffing stiffness.

The scheme is clearly visible to the places of fasteners to the wall or the crate and the size of the panel itself and protruding castle crests.

  • After full sheathing of the surface of the walls of the seams between the individual tiles is filled with a special grout. This finally isolates the insulation from external influences, gives the design of the walls of natural brick masonry.

Video: House cladding with clinker thermopanels

Conditioning house siding

Another fairly popular way to transform the facade is it produced in various kinds, imitating wood and stone coating walls.

Produce it from different materials using two technological processes - monoecastrusions or coextrusion. The first of these is the formation of siding panels from homogeneous mass, and second - manufacture Two-layer elements. Upper layer The material is protective against external influences, and the lower - the basis of the panel.

True qualitative siding has a whole range of advantages:

  • It is distinguished by resistance to mechanical stress, such as strikes and scratches, at the same time having good elasticity.
  • The material is safe in fire ratio, racks to thermal drops. High performance Material make it possible to use it in various climatic conditions.
  • Siding is not subject to the formation of colonies of microorganisms, damage to insects.
  • On the qualitative material Ultraviolet rays do not have a serious impact, so it does not lose its initial species for many years. Siding service life is about dozen years.
  • Panels provide reliable protection for walls of the building from wind and precipitation.
  • The material does not require much care and is well referred to as a strengthening water under strong pressure. By itself, the surface does not absorb dirt.
  • Siding SP feature to give any facade aesthetic appearance. Numerous shades and the possibility of their combination open great opportunities for designer solutions.
  • The material is not toxic, and therefore harmless to human health.
  • In addition, compared to other materials, siding is easy enough to install and is available at a price.

Types of facade siding

Sidy nG For me, the objects of the facades are made of vinyl, aluminum, fine steel, cement-cellulose mass and based on wood raw materials.

  • Aluminum siding and steel is mainly used on industrial facilities, but applies to finishing private houses. The material is made in a variety of colors, so you will greatly decorate any facade of the house.

  • Facing material from wood fibers and their binders of their components is manufactured by pressing raw materials under high pressureand then covered with protective paints. This siding is also well suited for lining facades of private houses.

Fibro-cement siding - Great for sodium cladding

  • The cement-cellulose version of the facing material is most often used to clamp the ground sections of the building.

The most common - vinyl Siding

  • The most popular and affordable is vinyl siding. It is used everywhere to finish private structures, and it justifies itself to the long-term operational period and others. positive qualities. Since this material is purchased and used more often than others, it should be considered more.

Vinyl Siding

This type of siding is made in the form of a type-panel bands having a perforated edge through which they are attached with nails or self-tapping screws. In addition, there is a lock-latch in the stripes to pair the adjacent panels among themselves.

The material is produced in the form of one, two or three "boards", which simplifies and speeds the mounting of the siding on the wall.

Siding drawing can also be different. Often it is a familiar "lining", but other types, such as the "shipboard" or "Christmas tree", are rapidly gaining popularity. The surface of the material can mimic the texture and color gamut Different materials. The panels in a horizontal and vertical position can be attached, but so that everything goes well, you need to foresee the location of the crate bars.

Vinyl siding at the production stage is often covered with paint, which has in its composition titanium dioxide that Saves the surface in the initial state for many years and gives any color pastel softness. At the same time you need to know that bright shades The material speaks of the absence of this component, so such coatings are much faster losing their original color.

Installation of saidding panels

Installation work of the installation of siding horizontally start from the bottom of the house. Neighboring panels are superimposed on each other on each other and snapped on the castle. The panel is fixed to the trint of nails along the top, through special holes.

When installing, it should strive to minimize the number of vertical joints. If the wall dimensions do not allow this (longer than standard panel sizes), use a special connecting profile, installing it strictly vertically from the bottom to the top of the wall.

During the installation of siding on the walls, installation and additional decorative set elements are carried out, which will give the facade the completeness - external and internal angles, sofits, sings, window and windows and door slopes etc .

Video: Facing Siding Facing Montage

Block house

A block house is made of natural wood and is a blackboard with a semicircular surface. The house, covered with this material, simulates a log cabin.

On a flat side of the Block Board, there are two longitudinal grooves, which are designed to remove the voltage from the load and improve ventilation. In addition, for convenient installation on the lower edge of the panel there is a groove, and on the top - spike.

Block-house panels are available in several standard sizes - from 3 to 6 m in length, from 20 to 45 mm in thickness and from 99 to 220 mm wide.

For the manufacture of this casing material used mainly coniferous rocks, such as pine, spruce, larch. With proper processing and qualities, raw materials, this wood will serve for many years as a cover of the facade. Wood from nature is endowed with excellent qualities that skillfully began to use a person to build and design housing.

What are the main advantages of this facade material:

- environmental purity inherent in natural wood;

- lightness and strength;

- Resistance to high and low temperatures;

- convenience in montage;

- the ability to "breathe" - it creates a special comfort microclimate in the house;

- availability in price compared to a solid log.

The material is easily attached to the insulating system crate and perfectly suitable for finishing not only facades, but also the walls of the interior.

Installation of block house

  • The first thing to do is to adapt the wood to the conditions in which it will be fixed to the facade. For this panel, block houses are laid out on the prepared basis, for example, unqualified polyethylene, and leave for a day.
  • Then each panel must completely be covered with the first layer of the antiseptic.
  • After its burhiness, as a rule, all the flaws are manifested, such as roughness and irregularities. They must be removed using sandpaper.
  • On the aligned surface you need to apply a second layer of an antiseptic agent. This funds are available on sale, which already have coloring substances - they will help protect the wood from the effects of ultraviolet rays. If such a material treatment is applied, it does not need further painting or varnish coating.
  • A block house is attached to the crate, starting from the bottom of the wall at home. The first panel is stacked by a spike - this is done so that water does not fall into the panel groove during precipitation.

  • In places where you have to screw the board through, the screws must be recessed and disguised. As a makeup to make such holes, you can use carbon black, mixed with small sawdust. You can close the hole with the impression, whose increment to align and toned in the color of the panel.
  • Installation continues through the "groove spike" system throughout the entire wall plane. Material is fixed with self-draws to the crate.

  • At the corners of the panels are joined through the installed angular boards or through a cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • If it is necessary to lengthen the panel, the two segments are connected by BROs the same width as the boards themselves. It is fixed on the reverse side, and then close the joints with a mixture of glue and sawdust.

Video: Facade Plumber Block House

It should be noted that it is carried out, in addition, a metallic and vinyl block house, which mimics the form, texture and color natural tree. Its cost is usually lower than that of panels made from natural high-quality wood. Artificial material will last long time and also will decorate the facade well, but he will not replace the warmth and beauty of the texture of natural wood.

There are other materials for facing the walls of the private house - on the scale of one article, it is simply impossible to tell about all. Follow the publications of our portal - each of the types facade finish Be sure to pay separate attention.

Walls in the country can be separated different ways. It all depends on your desires and financial opportunities.

Painting walls. Choose paint

The simplest solution for the dacha finish is to paint the walls. To do this, you can use one of the following materials:

  1. Water-emulsion paint. This method is the most acceptable. Painting the walls of such paint can absolutely any person. Advantages of applying for staining of the walls of the country house water-emulsion paint It is its good solubility in water, no unpleasant odor and rapid drying time. It is completely safe for health. In addition, it can be given any shade.
  2. Acrylic paint. For this material use acrylic resins. Such paint dry quickly. On the surface forms a film. Paint has no unpleasant odors and has excellent performance. Paints the walls of acrylic paint, you will give them a perfect view. If necessary, paint can be coloring in the desired color.
  3. Decorative paints that allow you to simulate and perfectly copy such surfaces like silk, sand or stone. This material is environmentally safe. For wall decoration, you can use stencils. If you wish, you can paint the walls, giving them a magnificent effect of glaze.
  4. Ecological paints. They do not have harmful components for our health. This is an excellent option for those families in which there are allergies.


A good solution is the finish of the country house with help. For these purposes you can use venetian plaster or boiled plaster.

Venetian plaster creates imitation of materials of natural origin. Watching walls are incredibly durable. Such a finish can serve until 18 years. It is resistant to moisture and permeable to air. The only disadvantage of this finishing option is the high cost.

Plaster-Coroed allows you to get a texture resembling a tree, damaged by the beetle-tree. Actually, hence the name of this finishing material. This option pleases the simplicity of application and bright designWhat can be seen in the photo presented below.

Finishing plasterboard

If you want to change the scenery from time to time, you can use plasterboard sheets.
In fact, the sheets of plasterboard (GKC) are an alabaster that is covered with both sides by cardboard. This material is not very durable. He is afraid of moisture, so it is not always appropriate for the walls of the country house.

A decent alternative to GLC are GVL Plates. As a filler, alabaster also applies here, but with strengthening fibers. The cardboard is replaced with a moisture-resistant coating of durable cellulose. In the walls, covered with this material, you can not be afraid to nail even nails. In addition, GVL moisture resistant.

Finishing clap

Another good option is the interior decoration of the country house with lining. The material is completely natural and environmentally friendly. The design of his peculiar and at the same time the most practical. Wooden lining Does not rot, it does not appear fungus and mold. The thing is that in the manufacture of it impregnate with special compositions. The finishing material Durable and durable. He will serve at least 15 years.

Clapping cladding - the best option for finishing the country house

Texture of wood looks very beautiful. You can choose a preferred hue and pattern. Wooden lining suitable for all rooms.

Wallow the walls are very simple. This option is the most affordable. First, you should fill the rails of the guide character every 50 cm. On them with the help of mounting brackets fix strips. Next, the lining can be treated with a special antiseptic and to cover with varnish. It all depends on the selected room design.


If you want to decorate the walls in the country, you can use wallpaper for their finishing. Today there is a huge number of species of this material, but there is no need to choose expensive options.

It is worth remembering that the coating for the walls of the country house should be durable and durable.

It will take a literally a few days. Each can cope with adhesion technique. With the help of wobbies, you can change any room. Excellent solution - a combination of two-colors wallpaper.

Choosing a wallpaper for the collapse of the cottage, it is better to stay on an inexpensive, but practical version

The most affordable and popular material for decoration - paper wallpaper. However, before proceeding with their labeling, you need to carefully prepare the walls. It is better to take two-layer species, because they are much stronger.

Stick such wallpaper is very simple. In addition, they will serve 5 years. This option is inexpensive, so at any time you can change to other wallpapers for giving.

There are duplex types covered with impregnation. They are resistant to moisture and are not afraid of light. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper for cottages, many prefer them.

Really noble will look vinyl wallpapers. This material is universal. The range also pleases its diversity: there is vinyl foamed type, silk-screen printing, solid vinyl. They are very durable and do not burn out. When finishing, you can not cook the walls so carefully, and when dirty you need to wipe them with a damp soft cloth.

Vinyl wallpaper is well suited for an entrance hall and bathroom. Today, options are issued with special micropores that allow the walls to "breathe".

There are also bamboo, textile, fliesline, cork, liquid wallpaper. But these types for dacha finishing are not so often used.

Bamboo wallpaper although it is not used as often as other species, but inside the country house look very natural and stylish

Other finish options

Laminate can be used to finish the walls of the country house. No matter how unusual for us did not sound, but the laminate is not only an excellent flooring, but also walls. However, you should give preference to moisture-resistant options.

Many today prefer special plastic panels. Such a coating is inexpensive and practical, has many different colors and textures. In addition, plastic is the most durable material that is unpretentious during operation. Installation is performed almost the same as lining.

Choose the material is quite difficult. It all depends on your preferences and desired design.

Flooring for dacha

Most often at the cottage use the boarded floor (flooring from the tree). And it is not surprising. Flooring from wood always attracts owners with its aesthetics and durability. In addition, wood is an environmentally friendly material, and therefore the floor will be most secure for human health.

Before starting to install wooden flooring, you need to make a tough screed. It uses mixtures created on the basis of porous type materials. A bright example is a ceramzite. On the this basis The floor board is stacked, better tipped. Such a flooring can be easily done independently.

Next, the boardwalk can be painted or covered with linoleum. For staining, you can use oil, alkyd, acrylic, polyurethane or perchlorvinyl paints, as well as acrylic and oil impregnations and varnishes. They will not only improve the appearance of the floor, but also protect it from external factors.

By the way, the flooring from the boards was widely used not only inside the country house, but also in the very plot. In this case, the flooring stacked directly to Earth.

But before proceeding to interior decoration Dacha at home, you need to think about high quality insulation. Answer many questions related to insulation will help our article, where information about how to choose is set out.