Transparent partition between rooms. Interior partitions for zoning: design features and unusual design options

Sliding partitions are widely used for interior decoration of residential buildings. This is primarily due to the practicality, high functionality and aesthetic appeal of these elements. The main function of the sliding partition is the zoning of the space in the room. However, the cost of such models is quite high, so it is much cheaper to make partitions with your own hands. We will learn how to do this further.

DIY sliding partitions - application features and types

Sliding partitions are a fairly popular way of interior zoning. With the help of such an element, it is easily possible to divide one room into several functional zones, while you do not need to build a wall and spend a lot of money on its construction and decoration. It is enough to install a partition, which can be easily removed at any time and does not clutter up the space.

There are a large number of sliding partitions, both in the principle of their construction and in the material from which they are made. Glass partitions are a rather expensive option, which is particularly attractive. In addition, such partitions have additional light transmission capabilities. The possibility of combining several types of glass and mirrors, matte and glossy surfaces allow you to create a unique composition that will decorate any room.

However, glass interior partitions have certain disadvantages. First of all, they are distinguished by their heavy weight and not resistant to mechanical damage. The glass partition can be broken quite easily, unless, of course, it is made of tempered glass. In addition, glass partitions are easily dirty and require frequent periodic maintenance. Therefore, it is not recommended to install such products in a house where there are children. Glass partitions are more suitable for connoisseurs of hi-tech or modern style trends in interior design.

Interior partitions made of wood are quite popular. Such products are, first of all, environmentally friendly and, to some extent, beneficial to human health. After all, natural wood is a natural regulator of indoor humidity and maintains a healthy microclimate in it.

Wooden partitions are decorated with various glass inserts, carvings, etc. Wooden partitions are characterized by high strength, versatility, light weight, which allows them to be mounted in various parts of the room and dismantled if necessary. In addition, the affordable cost of these partitions is due to the cheapness of the material for their manufacture. Wooden partitions are quite simple to make with your own hands.

Also, partitions for the room are made of plastic. This material does not need additional care, it is able to imitate various textures, including wood. Plastic partitions differ in style, affordable cost, ease of installation. However, they are unstable against high mechanical stress. It is impossible to make such partitions on your own at home.

In addition to the above types of partitions, a combination of materials such as glass, wood, metal, plastic, leather inserts, etc. is possible. First of all, the type of partition should be determined by the individual characteristics of the room in which it will be installed.

In relation to the design features of partitions, they are:

  • sliding,
  • tear-off, etc.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options for sliding models. This version of the partitions has the form of a wide canvas, which has fillings depending on the material from which it is made. The decorative strip provides the strength of the mechanism, and the partition panel contains elements in the form of additional fittings. In relation to the number of guide strips, sliding-type partitions are:

  • single-rail,
  • double-rail,
  • three rails, etc.

The baffle segments move in either one or two directions, depending on individual needs. In relation to the shape of the partitions, they are straight and semicircular. The second option has a very smooth surface, since each segment of the partition must be closely connected to each other.

In relation to the type of canvases used in the manufacture of partitions, they are:

  • all-glass;
  • wireframe.

The first option of partitions is able to easily support its weight, since they do not have a frame. Especially important for glass partitions. Frame versions of partitions consist of a frame structure, inside of which there is an additional filling with any material or a combination of several materials.

In the configuration, various fittings are installed on the partitions, they increase the level of ease of use of partitions. Most often, handles are installed directly on the canvas or embedded within it. Some partitions are distinguished by the presence of a lock for closing them, synchronizers and door closers.

Do-it-yourself sliding partition photo:

In relation to the design of sliding-type partitions, they are divided into:

  • rail partitions - they are similar in appearance to a sliding wardrobe, are quite convenient to use, save space well;
  • non-threshold type partitions - they are fixed only on the upper guide, which allows them to be opened, they are distinguished by the absence of a threshold, which makes the use of these partitions safe in everyday life and in a house with small children;
  • do-it-yourself sliding accordion partition - it has an unusual appearance, it saves space well.

Among the advantages of using sliding-type partitions, we note:

  • the ability to save space in the room, the thickness of the partition does not exceed 10 cm, while building the same wall requires a lot of time, material resources and the thickness will be greater;
  • high-quality designs are highly reliable and durable;
  • the possibility of decorating partitions and constructing them with your own hands allows you to arrange a partition in a style suitable for the interior of the room.

Do-it-yourself sliding partition for zoning a room

The process of manufacturing interior partitions should begin with drawing up drawings in which the type of partition and the material from which it will be built are clearly defined. In addition, you should measure the opening in which the partition will be mounted, if there are frames, you also need to take care of their arrangement. If necessary, partitions are erected in the premises, both completely covering the opening and covering only half of the opening. If it is not possible to equip secret pockets, then we recommend staying on the accordion partition, which perfectly saves space and time spent on the construction of pockets.

When making a partition that is hidden inside the wall, take into account the fact that the depth of the pockets should be equal to the width of the partition. Otherwise, it will not be possible to completely hide the partition. Please note that the width of the partition should be approximately 50 mm wider than the opening. Thus, it will be possible to prevent the formation of cracks when closing the structure.

In order for the process of constructing a sliding partition in a room with your own hands to go quickly and successfully, first of all, stock up on previously drawn up drawings and the right materials for work. The easiest way, the installation of frame structures is carried out, therefore, for a beginner, this particular version of the partition is best suited.

Particular attention is paid to the mass of the structure, it depends on the material from which the partition will be built. For these purposes, wood, drywall, polystyrene, plastic, PVC, chipboard, MDF, etc. are used. When choosing MDF or chipboard, we recommend ordering the panels in advance, according to the measurements specified in the drawing.

After preparing the material and tools for work, the guides of the frame structure are installed. When installing rail structures, it is necessary to make sure that the floor is strong and even. Otherwise, the baffle will look asymmetrical.

Suspended partitions, which are fixed only to the ceiling, must be installed on a reliable floor in the form of a concrete slab or wooden beams. Please note that such structures must not be installed on a suspended ceiling.

Do-it-yourself sliding interior partitions photo:

For the manufacture of the partition frame, use a tree or steel profile. To close the frame, use any sheet materials in the form of wood, chipboard and even laminate.

Particular attention should be paid to the installation of fittings, guides and sliding mechanisms. The duration and ease of use of the partition will depend on their quality and correct installation. You can buy fittings in specialized stores that sell furniture spare parts.

For the construction of a partition with sliding doors with rail-type hands, you will need such accessories as:

  • roller mechanisms;
  • upper and lower clamps;
  • rails with additional stops;
  • corners;
  • individual elements, the type of which depends on the way the door is opened.

How to make a sliding partition with your own hands

Before starting work on the partition, you should measure the opening, which implies free space, for opening each sash. When choosing a material for installing a partition, take into account such factors as the type of floor, the evenness of the floor, the total weight of the structural elements, the parallelism between the floor and the ceiling.

If there are brick or concrete walls in the house, they do not need additional reinforcement. Otherwise, an additional metal-profile frame should be installed before fixing the partition. To form it, use metal corners, beams, and profiles made of at least three millimeter steel.

Suspended structures are installed on these systems. The rail system must be mounted on a previously equipped screed, the minimum thickness of which is 400 mm.

After completing the installation work, the fittings, locks and handles installed in the recesses are installed. To avoid damage to the walls, limiters are installed on the extreme parts of the partition.

When making do-it-yourself sliding interior partitions, follow the instructions:

1. Measure the opening where the partition will be installed.

2. Select materials for its manufacture, make a drawing, according to the measurements taken earlier.

3. Install the guide profile systems. Install gears.

4. Assemble the frame part of the partition, fill it with the previously selected material. Fix all elements to the frame structure.

5. Decorate a room partition, for example, a photo collage or a beautiful image can be installed on a frame structure. The main thing is that the image is combined with the general set style of the interior.

If the budget for the manufacture of an interior partition is limited, then in this case, we recommend staying on budget options, such as chipboard or MDF. Purchase guides and hardware mechanisms in advance in a special store, try to choose elements from one manufacturer, since their incompatibility with each other is possible. The internal mechanisms are less visible than the external ones, they make the appearance of the partition attractive.

In the process of assembling the frame structure, use special clamps, wood glue and previously developed drawings. We recommend that you focus on the installation of steel rollers on rails, they have a longer service life than rubber ones.

In order to improve the appearance of the structure, decorate it with a variety of elements that will suit the overall style of interior decoration.

DIY sliding partitions video:

Interior partitions do not perform load-bearing functions. Their main purpose is to form the interior space of the apartment (dividing it into separate rooms and other premises). In addition, partitions serve as sound and heat insulation.

Types of interior partitions

Depending on the design features, all partitions can be divided into two types:

Solid partitions;
... frame-type partitions.

Solid interior partitions

One-piece interior partitions can be built from gypsum concrete slabs and blocks, as well as laid out of bricks (the width of such an interior partition is half a brick) or made of wooden lumber. In the construction of frame-type interior partitions, there is a frame, the internal space in which is filled with some material (filler).

Frame-type interior partitions

The construction of frame-type interior partitions begins with the installation of the frame. As materials for the construction of the frame of such a partition, a steel or aluminum profile, a profile made of polymeric materials (in particular, PVC), and a wooden bar are used. Plasterboard or polymer sheets are used to fill the frame space. Plywood sheets, ordinary or euro lining, as well as other materials available on the market can also be used as filler.

The choice of materials for the construction of interior partitions

Gypsum concrete and brick interior partitions have significant strength, which allows you to further fix hinged furniture or other heavy objects on such a partition. However, their construction and subsequent finishing require significant labor costs. If the partition is planned to separate a room with high humidity (for example, a bathroom or shower room), then the use of materials that do not have a sufficient degree of moisture resistance is impractical. So, in this case, it is undesirable to use drywall. The highest environmental requirements are met by wooden interior partitions. The tree is easy to process and has sufficient strength, and after finishing the whole room takes on a very attractive appearance. However, its disadvantage is its low fire resistance.

Which partition is suitable: transparent or not

Partitions are divided into two types: impervious to light and transparent. The transparent partitions are mainly made of glass. Wood, plywood, aluminum, fiberboard, MDF and PVC are used as materials that do not transmit light, opaque partitions.

Most of all, of course, stationary partitions are popular: frame, frameless and modular. Transformable ones are also used: sliding or folding. There are also furniture and mobile ones (for example, screens). When deciding to install a stationary partition, especially a frameless one, you should think carefully about everything. Since, during installation, and, subsequently, during its dismantling, it will be necessary to violate the integrity of the coatings on the floor, walls and on the ceiling. A frame partition, provides for the manufacture of a structure in the form of a frame, on which the material of the partition itself, for example, drywall, will be mounted.

Such large-scale and serious decisions will not be forced to make - transformable room space dividers. As mentioned, they can be foldable or sliding. Their convenience is that such a partition can be pushed or folded if not needed.

Furniture items can also serve as zoning space in the room. It can be a closet or a shelving unit. And it is not necessary that this furniture be from floor to ceiling. Well, and, probably, the most convenient is a mobile partition. It can be both pieces of furniture (racks on wheels) and other items adapted to this purpose.

Partition for zoning a room - a screen

The simplest and most commonly used type of partitions is a screen. In construction, the screen is used as a mobile partition.

Office at home using a partition

Partitions for an office can be both opaque and translucent, installed not up to the ceiling. They can be made of a frame made of aluminum or plastic. The filler material is mounted in the frame - glass, solid wood or aluminum sheets.

For zoning an office space or creating separate workplaces, blind partitions are installed up to the ceiling. They are made with increased sound insulation.

Materials for the installation of interior partitions

The main advantages of interior partitions are quick and easy installation, they can be done even in one day. Alternatively, you can order a ready-made partition and hire specialists who will quickly and efficiently install it. You can install the finished product yourself.

Brick partitions

The traditional and most common material, as it always remains a popular and high-quality type of building material. In the interior of a small room, a brick partition will create the appearance of a heavy, oppressive curtain wall, so they are usually mounted in large and spacious rooms.

Glass partitions for room zoning

Natural and irreplaceable type of material, which is equipped with high quality and aesthetic properties.

Room partitions made of wood or plasterboard

This type of material is suitable for any interior, and will create a special appeal of the room. The partitions separating the rooms are made in the form of solid structures made of wood or plasterboard. Such structures are very lightweight, they can be installed anywhere. In addition, sliding doors in the form of a sliding wardrobe can be mounted in such partitions. It is also possible to make sliding partitions themselves.

3d ceramic tiles for zoning

Wrought iron partitions for rooms

Metal products for partitions are made in the form of forging, solid decorative sheets or in the form of brick cladding of partitions. But a canvas made of metal is more like a screen and serves as a decoration element in the interior.

When choosing this method of dividing the space of a room, it is difficult to determine the place of installation of such a partition. If there are two windows in the living room, then you can get by by installing a small jumper between them so that the light correctly illuminates the fenced off space. And for a room with one window, you can install a partition that could be bypassed from both sides. And the light from the window would be distributed equally to the enclosed space and to the rest of the room.

The frame of such a partition can be made of a wooden bar or a special metal profile. Reliable fastening of the frame to the floor, ceiling and, if necessary, to the wall is important. Since drywall is a fragile material, the frame must have horizontal and vertical crossbars. And if you approach work creatively, making niches and lighting in the partition, then such a partition will create additional convenience.

Room zoning - wardrobe, shelving

Undoubtedly, many have a closet that does not quite fit in the place allotted to it in the room, or even stands completely uncomfortable. So he can become that very partition in the living room. It just needs to be rearranged as needed. And the best option in this case would be a pass-through rack without a back wall. By installing it as a partition, it will be possible not to disturb the illumination of the room as a whole. And the installation of a partition from a modular rack, which can, from time to time, be rebuilt into the desired shape, will be an interesting and creative solution.

Partitions for zoning a room - photo

It would seem that dividing a room so as to highlight separate zones in it and at the same time maintain a sense of spaciousness is impossible. But decorative partitions help to easily crank and not such a trick. After all, they not only fulfill the assigned task, but also make the interior more original, comfortable and interesting. After all, a room with an openwork or transparent partition cannot be called boring.

Where and in which room do you need a partition

The partition is a solid or openwork structure that separates adjacent rooms or parts of one space. Unlike a wall, a partition is an unloaded element, that is, it does not take on the load of the ceiling... The partition can have a height from 50 cm to the maximum possible for a given room, its width varies in the same way, and the shape is set not so much by the geometry of the room as by the functionality.

Redevelopment of premises is a complex process, not only in terms of work, but also in terms of official documentation. Partitions allow you to take advantage of all the delights of redevelopment and not waste time obtaining permits. An exception is made only for stationary partitions made of bricks or foam blocks, which create an additional load on the floor slabs.

Even a low partition can provide visual zoning for a small space.


Most often, partitions are found in one-room apartments with a separate kitchen and studios (when the space is fully open), which is caused by the natural need to hide some areas from the eyes of guests. Hiding a double bed behind such a structure is a completely rational and feasible solution, especially for those who are uncomfortable sleeping on the sofa or find it difficult to transform it. In this case, the bottom of the partition is made opaque, and the top - openwork or translucent.

The through furniture partition successfully sets the logic of the layout of the room

The easiest way to do this is by installing a partition-rack with closed lower sections or by installing a ceiling cornice for dense curtains. If, in addition to visual fencing, sound insulation is required, various types of glass panels come to the rescue.

The partition in this case gives a feeling of coziness and isolation in the sleeping area, provides the necessary privacy for a couple with a child, and allows the hostess not to blush when guests come unexpectedly. After all, now many people make the bed in the American manner, when the bed linen remains open, and this option is clearly not for strangers. The partition also allows you to install a sofa in the adjacent area and thus receive relatives with an overnight stay, which is impossible when the owners themselves use the sofa.

Transparent squares separate the living areas at the same time and maintain an overall sense of spaciousness

An equally popular option for zoning a one-room apartment is the allocation of a hallway zone with wardrobes or partitions. This is not only convenient, but also removes the feeling of a walk-through room and makes the atmosphere more comfortable.


In studios, sliding partitions also often appear next to the kitchen area, since for those who like to cook an open version it often turns out to be impractical. But since the cooking space is small, it would be inappropriate to divide the room with a main wall.

It is worth closing the glass panels - and no one will interfere with the hostess to create

In a similar way, a large kitchen-living room is divided, since in large spaces it is possible to equip separate full-fledged rooms.

A glass partition with a metal frame fits perfectly into a room with a classic touch


Another traditional area for installing partitions is a bathroom or a combined bathroom. In the first, a shower stall is built at the expense of partitions, which is then closed with a curtain or glass door. When the bathroom is small, part of it is closed with a partition next to the attachment of the shower head and thus an analogue of the usual curtain is obtained. This solution is very practical and now interior designers in 99% of cases prefer it to the usual ready-made hydrobox with a pallet.

The glass block shower area looks luxurious and unusual

I have a partition in the bathroom that half-covers the bathtub. Up to a height of about 1 meter, it is made of a foam block and lined with tiles, and above the transparent glass is fixed on pelican clamps. If you wish, you can lie down in the bathtub and hide from the whole world, this corner is cozy, but thanks to the glass, it is not at all dark. During shower procedures, it protects perfectly, without it, part of the water would definitely fall into the sink, which is located immediately behind the partition. And due to the difference in the thickness of the foam block from the bottom and the glass from the top, we got a convenient shelf on which I keep bottles with shampoo, balm and shower gel. I can say for sure that this is a practical solution, including for families with children. At 2–3 years old, my little ones were afraid to stay behind an ordinary curtain and always splashed when the bathroom was open, but the transparent glass did not frighten them at all. The partition is now three years old, and despite all the life blows it has endured, it looks new.

Brutal metal makes an excellent contrast to the light setting

In a combined bathroom, a similar design often appears next to the toilet. The partition helps to isolate this space and close the unsightly object from the one who is relaxing in the bathroom. By the way, psychologists have confirmed that a person, when performing the ritual of intimate hygiene, feels more protected and comfortable in a small space.


To solve work at home, do home bookkeeping or just surf the net, you also need a cozy space, but it is not always possible to allocate a separate room for the office and even simply equip it on the balcony / loggia. And the desktop located in the bedroom or living room does not interfere with the distraction of the worker at home. Anyone who has tried working in the same room with children or with the TV turned on will confirm the need for a separate corner. The needlewoman can say the same: neither drawing nor sewing is possible in the thick of things.

A very successful combination of wooden panels on the bottom and frosted glass on the top made it easier to arrange furniture

In such cases, partitions are also saved. If you have to work often and the occupation is responsible, it is worth making a stationary structure of drywall with sound insulation. When it is important to simply hide and not be distracted by flickering pictures, you can get by with a sliding blind or a screen on legs.


Often, parents do not have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for each child, and children, even those of different sexes, have to live in the same room. When the kids are separated by several years or a boy and a girl live next to each other, there must be at least a screen in the room so that one of them can retire if necessary.

Unobtrusive room zoning helped separate the toddler's area from the teen's corner

Stationary partitions made of wood or drywall should be as narrow as possible so as not to block the path of movement of the playing kids, and strong enough to withstand attempts to climb them. Of the movable ones, the curtain will be the safest: a curtain, a roller shutter fixed to the ceiling or blinds, which will definitely not harm the kids. If the room is quite large and with two windows, a stationary partition can generally divide the nursery into two separate worlds with a small common vestibule at the entrance.

It is better to divide the nursery of same-sex babies with a partition into sleeping and play areas

But if your children are already over fourteen years old, by agreement with them, you can use any type of partitions, even brutal metal structures (for boys) and forged products (for girls).


In the bedroom, it is sometimes necessary to separate a dressing room or a make-up area. Of course, a young couple is usually not shy of each other, so she does not need a secluded area for changing clothes, but the appearance of children changes everything. One-year-old babies and two-year-olds are already very actively interested in others, so hiding from them behind a screen is by no means superfluous.

Doing makeup behind an openwork white partition is much more pleasant

In addition, kids are big fans of gutting wardrobes, dressers and makeup tables, so being able to close one door and keep all their belongings in this way is extremely important for young parents. For such cases, you can make a stationary partition with a height of 1–1.2 m, so that the mother has the opportunity to observe the baby while she is applying makeup, ironing or other things.

Even a symbolic hint of dividing space works to create coziness.

By the way, the ability of partitions to create coziness is actively used in the arrangement of cafes and restaurants, when the large hall is divided into separate secluded corners. And in huge offices, low partitions are used to create work boxes, where each employee can create his own comfortable atmosphere.

What partitions are suitable for zoning

If you have planned to divide the room, you need to carefully consider the operation of the resulting functional areas. The bedroom is usually separated by a fixed partition, as it is difficult to imagine that you will ever need to open this part of the apartment to guests. On the other hand, the separation of the kitchen and the living / dining room is preferably mobile, so that smells do not spread during cooking, and when the table is set, you can freely move from the workspace to the area with treats.

In addition, the partition can be:

  • monolithic - all-glass or brick;

    Leaving part of the brick wall or imitating it with a partition with clinker tiles is a popular way of finishing

  • frame sheathing made of plasterboard (frame made of metal profiles, sheathed with plasterboard);

    The original shape of the plasterboard partition evokes memories of a tropical rainstorm

  • frame-filling in the form of a wooden screen, sheathed with fabric, or metal profiles with glass filling;

    A light screen filled with rice paper will instantly add an oriental touch to the interior

  • louvered, that is, consisting of parallel and almost not fastened together elements.

    The accordion louver looks very impressive in a dark color

When classifying partitions, it is extremely important to take into account the material, since the properties of the finished structure depend on it. For example, a plasterboard wall will provide complete privacy, but it will not work to make it mobile. The blinds are lightweight, they are simply installed with their own hands and are even easier to use, but there is no need to expect sound insulation from them.

Glass partitions

Glass partitions are fashionable, beautiful and practical. In loft, minimalism, hi-tech and contemporary styles, they look so aesthetically pleasing that they are often used solely for decorative effect. In addition, in a low-light room, glass is perhaps the only option for zoning.

Transparent glass in a black frame will be a good option for a partition for true connoisseurs of a loft

The main disadvantages of glass are the ability to break it into sharp fragments and the need to regularly wipe visible surfaces. In the first case, I can paraphrase the well-known phrase: be afraid of glass - do not put windows. Have you often broken windows in your apartment? You can be sure that the glass partition will not be more fragile. But in the second one you have to confirm - yes, it gets dirty. My see-through bathroom divider only looks clean if I wipe it down after every (really every) shower. For me, this transparency was extremely important in terms of design, so I went for it deliberately. But if practicality is more important to you, take frosted glass, an option with a pattern or droplets. But in other rooms, glass can be cleaned no more often than cabinet facades and doors. By the way, I noticed that fingerprints and dust collect only in the lower third, and at eye level, the partition seems to be clean for a long time.

If you do not like transparent glass as I love it, then one of the most important advantages of a glass partition for you will be the ability to decorate it in a variety of ways. Of those that almost every company offers:

  • sandblasting or film matting. Of course, the trendy boom in matte patterns has already passed, but geometry and unobtrusive floral patterns remain relevant. In addition, you can always use a fully frosted glass;

    To emphasize luxury, diamonds are not always needed, sometimes skillfully frosted glass is enough

  • lacobel or colored film is a great option when the partition is designed not only to fence off the place, but also to bring in an accent color. If the shade is bright, there is a reason to take film toning, which can then be removed and even replaced at minimal cost;

    Black glass will never go out of style

  • jellied, film, fusing or ultraviolet stained glass is a risky design option (difficult to fit into the interior), but always very effective. When there is a risk that the drawing will quickly get bored, take a film one - if you wish, you can redo it with your own hands;
  • decoration with faceted elements (when a pattern of pieces of glass with a beveled edge is glued to the glass) and engraving are the noblest ways of decoration that can be entered into any interior. Such a partition resembles a huge iridescent crystal, but at the same time it does not stand out for its flashy beauty.

    Faceted decorative elements can be small and intricate.

In addition to beauty and durability, glass partitions are also distinguished by the possibility of quick installation (4–6 hours for large sizes) and good sound insulation performance. Transparent glass, if necessary, is supplemented with curtains, filament curtains or window blinds (as in offices).

The average service life of a glass partition is 50–80 years, so it can survive more than one cosmetic repair. And if you get tired of it, you can take it off and sell it, there are such offers on ad sites and buyers are found pretty quickly.

Venetian blind partitions made of wood

Wood is convenient because it is both a frame and a finishing material. In addition, it is easy to fit into any interior style, it is always safe and looks good. The cost of the structure varies depending on its complexity and the materials used. For a rack made of oak with hand carving, you will have to pay a tidy sum, but a frame sheathed with pine clapboard will cost quite cheap and after painting it will look also stylish and noble.

Wood slats add a winning touch to any room

Among the advantages of wooden structures are also moderate weight and the possibility of installation after wallpapering. This means that to add such a partition, it is not necessary to start a large-scale repair. By the way, on the basis of wood, you can make both stationary and sliding models, as well as mobile screens and racks. But most often, blinds are formed from wooden slats from vertical or horizontal slats. This option allows you to simultaneously use the strength of the tree and ensure the transparency of the structure.

Among the shortcomings, only sensitivity to moisture can be called, but products from larch and heat-treated ash or oak are installed even in bathrooms. It is also not worthwhile to lay electrical wiring inside a wooden partition; if necessary, it is better to make it external and hide it in a corrugation or a decorative copper tube.

Plasterboard partitions

Plasterboard partitions are already considered an anti-trend, but with proper use they can become a stylish highlight. The main advantage of such structures is the ability to disguise themselves as a wall, they can be painted, pasted over with wallpaper, covered with plaster, tiles, etc. corner. When you need to avoid the feeling of foreignness, ideally withstand the size, divide the room without loading the floors, and get along with minimal costs, drywall is the thing.

Possessing good taste, you can profitably fit even the most irrelevant elements into the interior.

But, on the other hand, you can add or remove a drywall partition only during repairs. If a brilliant idea of ​​a new layout came to you after gluing the wallpaper, it is better to postpone its implementation or get by with a rack. In addition, the plasterboard partition cannot be thin, and this is already a noticeable disadvantage in a small bathroom, where you have to save every centimeter.

A simple plasterboard partition allowed for a better positioning of the cabinet

The recipe for the correct drywall partition is simple shapes plus wall / furniture disguise plus functional justification. If you give free rein to imagination, you get what modern designers consider bad taste and the consequences of the nineties.

Video: installation of a plasterboard partition

Wrought iron partitions for rooms

Metal in partitions is used in two versions - for the frame of glass products and in the form of forged elements. The former are suitable for modern styles, the latter are perfectly combined with the classics, romantic, palace, baroque, glamor. But the ideal space for a wrought-iron partition is an Art Nouveau room.

Laconic curls of a tree look gentle and unobtrusive

You will receive a forged partition ready-made and it will be impossible to correct its shape and dimensions at home. Therefore, be very careful when designing this structure. A great way for beginners is to make a cardboard model and place it in the desired location. This way you will not only appreciate how the product will look and what shadows it casts, but also make sure that no one will catch the curl with their shoulder or get tangled in the partition with hair.

Among the undoubted advantages of forged partitions are originality and attractiveness, because each product is created using manual labor. There is always an opportunity to change the model for yourself, order a non-standard painting or come up with your own drawing. Such decor is very durable, it can be repainted several times, and when you get bored - generally apply on the balcony or make a trellis for curly flowers in the country.

Among the disadvantages are a rather large weight (complicates delivery and installation) and inconvenience in cleaning due to the large number of curved lines.

The combination of forging and stained glass can create a fabulous atmosphere in the house.

Despite the fact that forged elements seem incredibly delicate and fragile, they still remain metallic. Once I was seduced by a beautiful wrought-iron bedside table and happily used it for several weeks. But one morning I tried to turn off the alarm, and the phone fell from the table down. After a single blow to the curl on the leg, the shock-resistant Japanese smartphone had to say goodbye. Therefore, if you really decide to install forged products at home, let them be on top or located in places with a minimum opportunity for impact, especially when a hyperactive tomboy of any gender is running around the house.

Video: forged partition with stained glass in the interior

Chipboard modular and furniture partitions

Zoning a room with furniture is one of the simplest techniques to make the most of the space. You can make a redevelopment without any repairs at all, and assemble the desired cabinet or rack with your own hands. Among the finished furniture, it also makes sense to try to find a suitable option, it can be a narrow bookcase, a console table, or just 2-3 dressers placed in a row.

Transforming a large modular partition can be fun

Modular racks are very convenient to use as partitions, because they can always be modified to suit your needs. For example, at first the bed had to be perpendicular to the window with its headboard, and the partition had to reach the wall itself. Then the bed was moved with the headboard opposite the window and it turned out to be more convenient to place the partition in the center with aisles on both sides. With a drywall construction, this cannot be done, and the modular one will be transformed in a few minutes.

Video: installation of a stationary modular partition

Openwork partitions from MDF

With the advent of CNC machines, it became possible to turn MDF sheets into elegant openwork canvases. Such partitions in the Moroccan style always look very elegant, and many companies give the opportunity to cut a pattern according to their own drawing. Therefore, when you need to give the interior an exclusive touch, designers give preference to MDF partitions.

Exclusive room decoration in the form of openwork MDF partitions will immediately transform a boring interior

They are completely safe, can last for decades, can be painted in any color and take any shape. Among the shortcomings - the inability to repair with your own hands and the presence of a frame that holds the entire structure (in openwork forged partitions, the frame is optional).

Thanks to the plasterboard frame, the openwork partition looks like a painting

You can also find plastic partitions on sale, which usually copy the design of more expensive materials. There are imitations of glass products with plexiglass, openwork under MDF, smooth monochromatic canvases. Their undoubted advantages are low weight and price, but one must remember that they serve several times less and are not always safe for health.

Video: installation of a floating partition

Perhaps, the described types of partitions will be quite enough for an ordinary man in the street, but designers often prefer to create something exclusive. Since some of them can be repeated with your own hand, it is worth asking for ideas from the pros.

Photo gallery: design interior partitions

One of the exclusive design techniques is the combination of an openwork partition and a console table. A movable partition wall cabinet will become a rather expensive but effective way of zoning.
The metal mesh as a partition will suit the most daring connoisseurs of beauty and functionality An individual landscape stained glass window will be an excellent choice if you want to arrange a custom partition When the matrimonial bedroom has a separate bathroom, the partition between the rooms can be transparent. Only a designer can combine such different partitions in one interior. When using end cuts, a very original interior is obtained

Making and installing a partition for zoning a room with your own hands

If you do not have fun with welding metal at your leisure and do not hide a CNC machine in the garage, you will not be able to make openwork partitions. The manufacture of plasterboard structures requires construction skills and several days of work in non-residential premises. Therefore, we will consider the manufacture of a simpler partition that can be mounted independently and without damaging the interior.

Do-it-yourself wooden lattice panel is easy to make

To make such a partition made of wood, you will need:

  • 4 bars for vertical supports with a cross section of at least 5x5 cm. Their length should be equal to the selected height of the partition. If the width of the partition is more than 2 m, it is better to take more bars on the basis that the distance between them will be from 0.6 to 1 m;
  • 3 strapping bars designed to frame the future grille. The section is also from 5x5 cm;
  • set of horizontal slats. The length should correspond to the width of the partition or be slightly larger. The number depends on the height of the partition, the width of the plank and the size of the gap between adjacent horizontals;
  • self-tapping screws for wood of medium length (specify based on the thickness of the timber and lamellas);
  • wood stain, paint or wax.

Required tools:

  • jigsaw for cutting wood;
  • screwdriver with a bit for screwing self-tapping screws;
  • square to control the correctness of the cut;
  • building level;
  • roulette.

Let's get to work.

  1. If necessary, sand the wood and saturate it with the stain or a preservative of your choice.

    You can make several trial colors or combine several shades in one partition

  2. Cut the lumber to the desired size and lay the grate on the floor as you plan to install it. If there are no flaws, you can fasten the structure of horizontal and vertical strips with self-tapping screws or decorative nails.

    If you wish, you can experiment with the direction of the planks.

  3. Fasten the bars to the wall, floor and ceiling (if the structure is planned to be up to the ceiling) in the place where the partition will be installed. Use long dowels to keep the guides firmly in place. Install the prepared grill by screwing it onto the self-tapping screws to the guide bars. If necessary, attach the upper horizontal strap to the vertical bars.

    When you need to screw in a self-tapping screw at an angle, it is worth pre-drilling a hole of a smaller diameter

  4. Clean the structure and paint it, cover it with varnish or stain. If the wood was decorated in advance, it is enough to eliminate the defects that arose during the installation process. Self-tapping screws can be hidden under putty or special stickers, or they can be left in plain sight as a brutal decor.

    The color of the putty should be matched to the stain

By changing the width of the bars, the size of the gaps, the direction of the planks and the colors, completely different partitions can be created according to this principle.

Video: do-it-yourself lattice made of slats

If you still doubt the practicality or attractiveness of the partition, make the simplest screen for your home. Surely soon you will see that the ability to zone the space at will is very convenient and entertaining.

If the apartment has a large room, then it is better to divide its space into zones with a specific purpose. Partitions for space zoning will help in solving such a problem. , who put in room. Lightweight and comfortable design is the best alternative to large-scale redevelopment of the space. The versatility of these products has been appreciated by owners of spacious dwellings and owners of one-room apartments. With the help of a simple design, you can significantly change the look of your home in a short time.

The partition can be equal to the height of the room, be higher than the height of a person, there are no restrictions on the choice of design and materials. Convenient design will protect the corner from hot sunlight, create a cozy refuge in a huge room. Screens and partitions were previously used for changing clothes, and today they are often installed in personal apartments.

Features of room zoning

A partition in a large room should be installed so that at least one window remains in each of the parts of the room. If this condition cannot be met, install a frosted or colored glass partition. This will allow light to penetrate into both zones, isolating them. Designers successfully divide the room with shelving. This will add functionality to the room. Books, photographs, souvenirs, etc. are placed on the rack. An interesting design of the structure will smooth the border between the zones.

Advice! Small rooms should not be separated, as this will make them uncomfortable, similar to technical rooms. Installing the product in a studio apartment will deprive it of its charm, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. Therefore, before making such a decision, you should carefully think over all the little things, take into account the features of the room.

Designers use such dividing elements to organize the usable space in an apartment for the following purposes:

  • You can easily divide the space into parts that perform different functions.
  • Creation of a private area.
  • Optical space correction.
  • Transform the decor of the room depending on the time of day.

To give new characteristics to the space, you should adhere to certain zoning rules that were created by the designers:

  • It is not necessary to split the rectangular space along, this will lead to the creation of two long non-functional parts.
  • Solid structures that run from floor to ceiling are not placed in a low room.
  • Do not divide the window with a partition.
  • It is not recommended to place unnecessary decor items in a small room.
  • There is a minimum of architectural details in the interior.

Varieties of partitions

To allocate space in the room for a certain occupation, you do not need to erect blank walls. Benefit from a lightweight and practical design that can be easily removed at the right time. An actual option is the installation of a sliding door, which will separate the living room and bedroom, kitchen and dining room, etc. Create a light and weightless partition by ordering cascade curtains. They will bring chic and luxury to the room, they are easy to move to another place. Another option is a screen. Designers offer many interesting solutions using this item.

The most popular are stationary options, which are divided into the following types:

  • frame;
  • frameless;
  • modular.

Stationary partitions during installation require violation of the integrity of the floor covering.

Transformable structures are also used in interiors:

  • sliding;
  • folding.

Convertible dividers do not require large-scale changes, they are easy to slide in or out if necessary. Such interior elements consist of one or more parts, they do not have a doorway, they are not attached to the walls. Zoning a space is easy with furniture.

Materials (edit)

In the manufacture of partitions, various materials are used. Wooden products are lattice and solid. They are made of timber, MDF, bamboo, etc. The structures of pear, cherry, ebony have excellent qualities. They are durable, environmentally friendly and reliable. Drywall is a good option for an interior that allows you to transform a room with a minimum of cost. It is lightweight, does not put a lot of stress on the floor, and lends itself well to processing. Plasterboard products are easy to install, vapor-proof, not afraid of fire. The disadvantages of this material include fragility.

Metal products, designed in accordance with the style of the room, fit perfectly into the interior. They are suitable for such styles: classic, baroque, modern, country. To give the design a luxurious look, artistic forging is complemented with other decorative elements. Home owners will be able to easily divide the premises into zones, install the necessary additional objects. Glass is a beautiful decor option. Partitions made of this material are matte, transparent, decorated with mysterious patterns. They are beautiful, let in the rays of the sun, and are durable.

A brick partition will be heavy for a small room, so this option is used mainly for spacious rooms. A product on an aluminum frame will allow you to completely delimit the space, but it will not be difficult to remove them. The customer can independently select the design, choose the material. A good option would be a plastic laminate partition or an option with a photo picture. The decor will give the room an unusual look, make it more comfortable.

Structural advantages

Within the dwelling, no walls with powerful sound insulation are required; lightweight structures are required to visually divide the space. The main advantage of interior partitions is their quick and easy installation. You can invite specialists to install the product, or you can install it yourself.


  • No need to build a capital wall.
  • Lots of materials to achieve the desired effect.
  • The problem is solved in a short time.
  • No need to demolish walls and floors.
  • The unity of style is preserved in the room.
  • The mobile option allows you to change the configuration of the room in a matter of minutes.
  • Combination of several design solutions in one room.

The durability of products depends on the type and quality of the material used for their manufacture. They have a practical and decorative function. Competently selected products will become a stylish addition to the interior. The space will visually increase with proper zoning. Correct room imperfections by highlighting functional areas.

Children's zoning

If the family has two children living in the same room, then use zoning to create several zones with different functional purposes. This technique can also be used when there is one tenant in the room. By correctly dividing the room into certain zones, it is easy to achieve your goals. The rest area involves limiting the bed with a partition. In the working area, it is important to correctly think over the installation of lighting, correctly place all things and objects. With the help of modern means, it is easy to equip a small study for a child, which will help organize it and ensure the convenience of classes.

The room must have a play area for the kid's active games. It is freed from unnecessary items, if there is free space, a sports corner is equipped. The space set aside for work will help the child to concentrate. Zoning will allow you to develop discipline, teach you order, create comfortable conditions for two children, defining a personal space for each.

Which partition should you prefer?

Before ordering a product, decide on its functionality. In order not to reduce the size of the room, buy a screen. Having selected the desired size of the product, it will be possible to close the second part of the room, but due to the free space under the ceiling, it will look solid. Aluminum products are practical and lightweight, but not resistant to mechanical damage. Accidental impact will deform the surface. They are not suitable for rooms where guests often gather, noisy children's companies. This is an acceptable option for a small apartment.

Important! Pay attention to the quality of the fittings, it must be durable, reliable and ensure the failure-free operation of the structure.

Accordion partitions and screens are considered universal models; metal, wood, glass, plastic are used in their design. Therefore, they fit harmoniously into any interior. Plastic products take up a minimum of space and are suitable for small spaces. When choosing this method of dividing a room, determine the place of installation of the partition, think over its design. This will allow you to achieve a perfect match of the product to the style of the room.

Before the practical implementation of zoning work, a drawing is made. For these purposes, special computer programs are used today. Contact the designer for advice, who will solve the problem in the shortest possible time. Creation of a sketch by a professional will avoid possible mistakes, simplify the task and save time. Each apartment owner tries to functionally organize a space for spending time together, create a personal space in the home. In this case, the tastes of family members, their wishes for design and construction should be taken into account.

Partitions for zoning space in the room 43 photos:

Using a partition is a common design technique. This solution allows you to organize even in a small room. Currently, different options for partitions are used. They differ in size, shape, design.

Zoning is most in demand in one-room apartments. Here there is an urgent need in the room to equip the living room, bedroom and study at the same time. Also, ideas using a partition are relevant in studio apartments. This is mainly due to the desire for unlimited space, but with individual zones.

Partitions can be made by hand, and you can also purchase ready-made options. Fortunately, there is no limit to their varieties at present. They are made from different materials: wood, metal, fabric, drywall, etc.

In this article, we will get acquainted with the most common methods of zoning living space.

Types of partitions

Before you start dividing a room into zones, you need to know that partitions are of two types:

  1. Stationary. They are directly attached to the ceiling and floor, so it is impossible to move them to another location without repair work. As a rule, these are plasterboard partitions, arches, columns, podiums, and more. The peculiarity of this type is that some structures are solid, and this can be reflected in the natural lighting of the zone. Therefore, designers recommend combining materials, for example, drywall with glass or mirror inserts.
  2. have more advantages over stationary ones. If necessary, they can be easily moved or completely removed. And this, in turn, will allow you to change the design of the room and the location of certain zones.

Designer zoning a room using a partition

Real photos of the rooms divided into zones can be found in the article.

In order to properly use partitions to divide a room into zones, it is necessary to take into account not only their size and design, but also functionality and purpose. This is best done by specialists.

We use furniture for zoning

This method is considered the least expensive. Only narrow furniture is suitable for zoning. These can be shelves, wardrobes, bookcases, and sometimes even upholstered furniture. The wardrobe most demanded for this role. Due to its high height, it is capable of performing the functions of a solid partition, while serving as a storage space. Do-it-yourself zoning of a room with a partition is very easy: the cabinet is installed in any convenient place. In order for this design to have a presentable appearance on both sides, you can discuss this issue with the manufacturer in advance (with an individual order, this is not a problem). For small rooms, it is recommended to purchase models with mirror-coated doors.

Book shelves, unlike wardrobes, form a discontinuous partition. Thanks to such structures, light can easily penetrate into the back of the room. A model with a blind pedestal at the bottom is perfect. She will give the necessary privacy without burdening the common space.

Versatility of textiles

Zoning a room with a fabric partition is the easiest way. This design is perfect for both classic interiors and modern ones. In the latter versions, it is recommended to use dense fabrics with rectangular weights. This will allow you to shape it or, conversely, straighten it. Installing this type of partition yourself is not a problem. It is enough just to attach the cornice to the ceiling.

In some styles such as classicism, Provence, country, you can use graceful styles with grabs, fringes, ruffles, tassels. Lambrequin will be useful.

Zoning a room with a partition (see the photo here) has many advantages:

  • mobility;
  • ease of installation;
  • rich abundance of color solutions;
  • the ability to quickly dismantle;
  • small size.

Partitions from curtains will fit perfectly into small rooms, for example, harmoniously separating the sleeping area. They will not only hide the space from prying eyes, but also make the interior more comfortable and warm.

Decorative screens

The indisputable advantage of decorative screens is mobility. It can be moved to another place or even folded and removed. Many people mistakenly think that this type of zoning is only suitable for classic interiors. Currently, a wide variety of models are produced that fit perfectly into any style. Zoning a room with a screen partition with oriental motives will be an excellent solution for an ethnic trend. For hi-tech, metal structures with glass or mirror inserts are suitable.

Another advantage of screens is functionality. When making yourself, you can come up with different devices, for example, pockets, stands, shelves. This solution will allow you to place many small items. This can be a TV remote control, a hairbrush, a telephone, and more.

The only task for those who choose this zoning method is to choose the right design design, thanks to which the screen will become a beautiful addition to the overall interior.

Columns and arches

Spacious rooms need large elements, so it is recommended to use the original zoning method - columns. This type refers to stationary separation, so you need to think carefully about everything before proceeding with their installation. In small rooms, such a design is not recommended, since the power and grandeur of their appearance can hide an already small space.

Zoning a room with a column partition has advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at them.


  • this design is quite stable;
  • the ability to carry out additional lighting;
  • the versatility of the material allows you to significantly diversify the finish.


  • the massive appearance of the columns is not suitable for all interiors;
  • you can change the design of a room only with the help of repair work;
  • impressive weight of the structure.

As for the arches, everything is much simpler here. They can be used in both small and large rooms. The shape and design are selected individually, which radically changes the external perception of space.

Sliding doors - a stylish solution

Sliding doors will be an alternative replacement for the interior partition. With their help, if necessary, you can completely hide a certain area. As a rule, for a clear distinction, just such a zoning of a room using a partition is suitable (real photos below).

Doors can be selected with deaf or with glass. If three or more leaves are to be installed, then it is recommended to use different models. For example, the width of the opening allows you to install four doors, then two (at the edges) are deaf, and the rest (central) are with decorative inserts. In order to prevent objects from showing through in the glass, you can choose products with special processing: matte, figured, colored or with engraved ones.

The advantage of sliding doors:

  • individual sizes;
  • a wide range of designs;
  • easy to open and close.


  • When making doors, manufacturers do not recommend making a height more than 2.5 meters, as this can lead to deformation of the canvas.
  • It is necessary to construct an additional ceiling structure.
  • Low level of sound insulation.
  • With sudden movements or strong impacts, the sash can jump out of the guides.
  • Roller mechanisms need systematic care: cleaning, lubrication, etc.

Fireplace - decorative partition

Zoning a room with the help most often performs a conditional role. Using this method, they try to achieve visual separation, and not clearly set boundaries. One of the most common delimiters is the fireplace. The time of massive models, which require a chimney and additional strengthening of the foundation, is over. They were replaced by compact fireplaces that serve as decor rather than central heating.

In order to divide the room into zones using a fireplace, it is necessary to choose the right model. For this purpose, bezels or electrical appliances are suitable. They believably imitate a live fire, so outwardly they practically do not differ from full-fledged fireplaces. Their only drawback is the lack of smell and sound of firewood crackling.

Built-in models are suitable for zoning. They are mounted in a pre-built structure, usually made of plasterboard. And after that they decorate with the appropriate materials.

Drywall versatility

Currently, brick interior partitions have practically ceased to be used in residential premises. Their functions are perfectly replaced by drywall. At the same time, it has a huge number of advantages in comparison with other building materials.

  1. Zoning a room with a plasterboard partition significantly saves space, its thickness is about 7 cm.
  2. Due to the flexibility of the material, structures can be shaped into different shapes.
  3. Exact adherence to technologies during installation guarantees a long service life.
  4. The surface of drywall can be painted, pasted over with wallpaper, finished with stone, tiles, plaster and other materials.
  5. The hollow structure perfectly hides communications, electrical wiring and other inconveniences.

However, speaking of such partitions, one cannot remain silent about the shortcomings. There are very few of them:

  1. For the construction of a drywall structure, you must have special knowledge and skills in work.
  2. The installation of such a partition is a full-fledged repair, in which you need to be prepared for dust and construction dirt.
  3. The surface of the drywall must be putty before finishing.

Modern glass partitions

Sometimes the area of ​​the room is so small that by separating a certain area, you can visually overload the space. How then to be in such cases? The designers have found a way out of this situation and offer an alternative zoning of the room using a partition. Glass, in this case, will be the only correct solution. It transmits light perfectly, and the room will seem much more spacious. The design of such a partition can be different: sliding, stationary, rotating. As a rule, only tempered glass is used during manufacture. It has good technical characteristics, and this minimizes the risk of accidental damage.

Partitions made of wood

Zoning a room with a slat partition is the most common option in country houses, especially if wood dominates the interior. For apartments, this method is also relevant. In order to build such a partition, you will need to install guides on the ceiling and floor. After that, the surface is assembled in a type-setting way. The advantage of such a partition is the inexpensive price and naturalness of the finishing material.

Wood in the interior is a classic. This decoration can be used in all stylistic directions. It is very easy to care for the surface of the partition, just wipe it with a damp cloth. If over time the appearance loses its attractiveness, then you can update it with the help of paints and varnishes.

Live partition

In the modern world, such quality as naturalness has become very much appreciated. Therefore, many people prefer zoning a room with a partition of fresh flowers. It should be noted right away that its appearance is incomparable with any other options. However, such a partition is very finicky. Lack of light and improper care can completely ruin it. Fresh flowers require increased attention and take a lot of time, but the originality of the interior makes up for the spent energy with interest.